OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

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Page 1: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4






Page 2: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

Table of Contents

Pil p,U

System Chart of Modular Units ·················2

II Standard Equipment ··············· ················4

III Speci fica t ions ······ ····· ··· ·······5

IV Pr incipal Compo nent s ······6

V Identification and Funct ion of Various Component s · ··6

\ 1 Asse mbly ············ ······· ······ ········9

In Opera tion ···· ··· ···················· ··· 11

A. Changi ng t he Light Path , ·· , 11

B. Focusing , ····· ···· ···· ····· ·.. ········ 1?

C, Format Ind icat ion ···· .. · .. · .. ·· 1.1

D. Loading t he Film , 13

E. Pho tographing Procedure ··· ···· 14

F. Use of Exposure Meter ···· ··· ··· ····· ···· ··· ···· ····· ·· ···· ··· ···· ·· ·I !J

G. 35mm Camera Back ( C·35DA) ········ ·· ···· ··· ····· ··· ····· ···· ··· ·· ····· ·.. · 1t.

H. Lange Format Came ra Backs-.. ··· ··· ···· ················ .. ··············· .. ·· .. ·· 1(I

\ lR Optional Accessory ········ ····· ·········· 111

IX Photography with Large Format Came ra Backs ··· ··· 1 I

A. 3 1/ 4 " X 41/4 11 Pola roi d'S Camera Back ( PM·CP·W) :10

B. Int ermedi at e Adapt er for 4 " X5" Holders (PM·C4X5·W) :1.1

® Polaro id is a trade mark regist ered by t he Polaroi d Corporn t ton,

Cambridge, Massachusetts., U. S. A.

Page 3: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

System Chart of Modular UnitsThe photomicrographic camera system listed below is based on a modular concept of interchangeableaccessories for a wide range of applications.Tile entire camera system is called PM·lO.The model PM-10-M features manual film advance facilities and can be furnished with the standardcomponents, linked by solid lines, as well as with optional accessories linked by dotted lines, asoutlined in the chart below.


PM CP W (3 1.'4 ;<4 l.i4 l\ll<1l'oid J3acki


C 35DA(~lan\l<l1 FilmAdvance CamelHackl

FT-- 361Focusing :Ilagnifier,'


Focusing: Telescope i


Turret Mask Focusing




iPM PBM W' ~lanunl Expn1

I 1;,1

G PM· ADFi F.,Y€PiC.'C Adapter fOJ.. jl! (Nl"K) Eyepicc


3·3X 5X 6';X ' I

I( I [J Il=J IFK( 0iFK) (Photographic eyepieces) ill,



Page 4: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

PM -C 4 X5 - W(I ntermediate Adapter for r xs· Holders ]

PM- DL - W( Adapter for Large

Format Camera Backs )

PM- ADP ( Eyepiece Adapter for . P" Eyepieces)

P Eyepieces(I X. lOX. ISX )

-3 -

Page 5: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

IT Standard Equipment

Before assembly, please check your standard equipment PM-10- M, which comprises the

foll owing items :

I PM· 1OQ' l y 3 5M I LlM:~I-'L"2~M-Component

Manual Exposure Body PM·PBM·W 1 0 0 0

Focusing Telescope PM·VS 1 0 0 0

Adapter for 35mm Camera Back

with Manual Film Advance PM·D35 1 0

Adapte r for large format camera PM·DL·W 1 0 0

35mm Camera Back with Manual Film Advance C·35DA 1 0

Data Insert 10 0

4 x 5 Intermedia te Adapter PM·C4 x 5·W 1 0

3 1/ 4 x 4 1/4 Polar oid Camera Back PM·CP·W 1 0

Focusing Magnif ier FT·36 1 0 0 0

Eyepiece Adapter for FK ( NFF) Eyepieces PM·ADF 1 0 0 0

Eyepiece Adapter for P Eyepieces PM·ADP 1 0 0 0

Cable Release SR·2 1 0 0 0

Optiona l Accessory .

Turret Mask Focusing Telescope PM·VTM

-4 -

Page 6: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

ill SpecificationsManual Exposure Body:

A sliding prism incorporated into the Manual Exposure Body PM-PBM

permi ts select ive deviat ion of the light to :

CD the focusing telescope ( 20%) and the f ilm plane (80%),

@ the focusing telescope only ( 10 0%) , and

@ the light measuring port only ( 100%).

Shut ter speeds :

B, I , 1/ 2 . 1/ 4 , i / a , 1/15. 1/30, 1(60. 1/1 25 , 1( 250. wi t h anti -vibrat ion device

incorporate d.

3 5mm Camera Back with Manual Film Advance :

Mount ing : Bayonet type, self -opera t ing light excluding shutter, sc u .rcse t t tng

counter, large f ilm advance knob.

Film size : 24mm X 36mm

Magnif ication at the film Plane :

With FK ( NFK) eyepiece: Object ive X FK ( NFK) eyepiece.

With P eyepiece : Object ive X P eyepie ce X approximat ely 0 .5

From the foregoing, the magnificat ions as tabulated below may be obtained by co m bi r ungthe object ives and eyepieces available

~FK (NFK) F K (NF K) FK (NFK ) F K (NFK ) P7X PIOX P 15X

Oblec t ve 2.5X 3.3 X 5 X 6.7 X

1.3X 3.3 X 4.3 X 6.5X 8 .7X 4 .6 X 6.5 X 9.8 X

Bio- 2X 5 X 6.6X lOX 13 .4X 7X lOX 15X

logica l 4X l OX l3.2X 20X 27X l4X 20X 30 X

Appli- lOX 25X 33X 50 X 67X 35 X 50X 75 X

cati ons 20 X 50 X 66X 100X 134 X 70X 100X 150X

40 X 100X 132 X 200X 270X l 40X 200X 300 X

100X 250X 330 X 500X 670X 350X 500X 750X

1.3X 3.3 X 4 .3 X 6.5 X 8 .7 X 4 .6 X 6.5X 9.BX

2.5X 6.3X

I8 .3X 12.5X 16 .8X B.BX 12.5 X IB .8 X

Met allo- 5X l2.5X l6.5X 25X 33 .5X 17.5X 25X 37 .5X

graphical 6X 15X 20X 30X 40X 2lX 30 X 45X

Appli- lOX 25 X 33X 50 X 67X 35X 50X 75 X

cat ions 20X 50X 66X 100X 135X 70X 100X 150X

40 X 100X 132X 200X 270X l 40X 200X 300 X

50 X 125X 165X 250X 335X l75X 2 50 X 37 5X

100X 250X 330X 500X 670X 350 X 500X 75 0 X

- 5 -

Page 7: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

. ,!::i~~_~ Path Selector,.t<:0.Cl.!?_

Clamping Screw for

_____._~ __ .. .St~:p_i~.?:_~.?_~~~!!.

FIElrl_g~ f,?f ,q(lITI.er<J._. A~iJ:pt_e_~-----Th:.· fr,;-;g" ~e<t·;;;-s iT", ;;;fap!,';:'· fo,,'manu,,1 fil", adY","',o 35m", "amet-n bad.


Locating Groove for


- 6 -

Locating Groove forCamera Adapters-';i:-;'-;::~w---';;"-;'~ciF-p;;;;;(i';;;-l-bca,["Pt-';i:~on the m,mual '-'I'"",ro IN,ly.

Shutter Speed Indication..',Iy',i_r:~()_v.:_ ..._... . .~~

Flange for Focusing ~



Eyepiece Adapter ..-~

Focusing 'retesccpe

A. Manual Exposure Body (PM·PBM·W)

V Identification and Function of Various Components

IV Principal Components

Page 8: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

Camera Loca t inp, P in

Camera Att ac hmentRe leas e Le ve r

Knur led Cla mping Rinv.

The ring pe r mil "roe us i "li: on t he rr am.'

r eti e-les and t he .1",,101 .,c ross f t ne.

Dio p t er Ad just me ntR i ng .

I' r . .. ,a. l he In.. nusn I~' "'<~iu " ..• 0 ."hoI and p" .,ts .......1 ~/ I ~~

co. ... I> k.

Shut ter S peed_ _ ___ __S=e"',li~n g.!_eve r

lii"'oliid. Ligh t Mea su r ing Por t

- 7 -

.' fr~~"..~#-A/I~~l


L o c a t i ng P in

Thl! r inK cla mps t het eleseope t o t heex posu re body .

T he loeat inll' pin is a lig ned wit h theloca t inlt Itr .....-e on the bod y.

P in

Bayone t

L o c a t io n P inTo prop..ly pos, ._ •• • •dapl" 01 lhe.....1 ••,...... '-Il.

Knurled Cla mping Ring

Index Dot

Red Arrow

A. " .....colly open. , ~. h~~. ud.d,.~

S ~. ll " ,• •he 35•• co.... ~.d.

To be . h~ . <d .. ,, 10 dOl 00 Ihe 35.... co"'...I>••k pri or ' 0 CO m... b...k ra gage"" . ,"

l . d,co l n I ~' d,r'OIioa of ro ' a. ;o" '0ra~a ~. I h 35... co.......d.

Threa ded Hole f or.Ca.ble Release

C. Adapter for 35mm Camera Back

with Manual Film Advance ( PM·D3 5)

B. Focusing Telescope ( PM·VS)

Page 9: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4


Rewind knob

Slid!' the insertinto 0)<.' slit.

Index dot

Filmadvance knob

The ,.",1 a,...",,'"j",I;,:"I .., II", d,I'('('[;""

"r fil", ,1<1--,,,,,,,.

To b,' .1!igll<'d w;lh doton 35mm camera ha"k

'I<l<.pt<>'- 1"-;0'- to ~am"ra

h.,,,k "ngagcm"nl.


Back Cover Locking Lever

Pull this 1('\'(>1" to snap open

the hinged (',0\'('1".


- 8 -

CIampi ng Screw


~- 60mm 1 Put in informationI here (4X24.5mm)I r:::


Data Insert


Film indicator

S~I',Il';lt" ASA 5cal~"

i» .. BiI: \I' ami colorriltn~.

Filrr. counter

J 'r(',si"l~ II", 1,,,ltO:=1"'n"LlS 111" f,lm to,Hh',,,,,-,, 0"" f ..a",,·,

FiJrr. advancerclea"e button

Light excludings hu t te r-------.--_.Op"n, aU(On);L!; r~ll;-

wit"" il,,, ".'mHi< bo(k

is {'''1:31:<'<I ~nd "I"s('swh"n the t1,m('r~ backis r~mo,·"d.

D, 35mm Camera Back with Manual Film Advance (C·35DA)

E. Eyepiece Adapters (PM·ADF & PM·ADP)

Page 10: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

and rotating the camera back in the direction of the red arrow until the camera

and clamp with the knurled ring. This procedure applies also for the turret mask

a1-:.."_(Fig.! )

Mounting Ring

/ Fits Oil the frontlens portion of thcfocusing telescope,

J IH flOllt ]PIlS PO) 1HlIl"ll "of tl\( {'j( lI'-'I'lg l' ~ ::;~"llllgntfH'l (.\11 !J( 0dlsp)l(,d Llt<l<llh 10 \~ J/

]J() nut {O('lISlIlg on

tl\(, fr'umc rc ticlr- ofthe {o("\I;;ing tcles copo.

Focusing Front LensAssembly


automatically closes to prevent light from

at the back of the adapter. The camera back can

to the red arrow while pressing the release lever

Rotate the camera back in the direction opposite


shutter in the camera back automatically opens.

locating pin engages with an audible click. At the same time the light excluding

be removed when the two index dots are aligned.

Attach by first aligning the index dots on both camera back and camera adapter,

focusing telescope and the Screen viewer.

Attach to the manual exposure body by aligning locating pin with locating groove,

This procedure applies also for the adapter for large format backs.

and clamping the adapter with the knurled clamping ring.

Attach to the manual exposure body by aligning locating pin with locating groove,

Prior to removal, the light excluding shutter

reaching the film.

the instruction manual.

For further instructions on how to use the focusing magnifier, please consult page 12 of

1. Attaching the Focusing Telescope

2. Attaching the Adapter for 35mm Camera Back

3. Mounting the 35mm Camera Back with Manual Film Advance

o Removing the Camera Back

F. Focusing Magnifier (FT.36)

VI Assembly

Page 11: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

( Fig .4 )

(Fig .6)




- 10 -

There are t wo ways t o mount th e PM·PBM-W, according to the desig n of t he obser­

va ti on tubes ; one is to moun t directly on the photo tube of t he m icroscope such as

in the VANOX or BH·2 ser ies without any adapter, and the othe r is to moun t by

me ans of an adap ter such as the PM-ADF or PM-ADP.

To replace the eyepiece. remove only the manual exp osure body by loosen ing the

clamping screw and lift ing the body. The adapter need not be detached .

2) Slide the ent ire camera uni t over th e photo tube of t he mi croscope and clamp.

1) Place the PM·ADF adapt er ove r the straight photo tu be o f the mi cr oscope and cla mp

it wi t h the red inde x dot fac ing towards you. ( Fig.2)

2) Insert t he FK or NFK eyepiece into th e adapter (Fig ·3) , place t he exposure body on

t he eyepiece adapter with its index do t in li ne wi th the dot on the eyep iece adapter .

and clamp. ( Fig .4 )

o The P eyep iece adapter ( PM-ADP) is used in combination with the P photographic


1) Inser t a P eyep iece (g) ( Fig.5) of your cho ice into the eyepiece adapter Q) and clamp

the assembly on t he manual exposure bod y @ . (Fig.G)

4 . Mounting the Manual Exposure Bod y PM·PBM·W on t he Microscope.

Page 12: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

(Fig .9)

<%> CD "] :f 0-Oi.-, .I


- 11 -

(Fig.B)( Fig.7)

5 . Attaching the Cable Release

Screw the cable relea se into the threaded hole prov ided

on the manual exposure body.

@ This cab le release can be used in the fo llow ing

ways :

1) In normal use, the knur led r ing mis pushed all

t he way agai nst th e face of the holder ® and

the rele ase button @ ins ta ntly returns t o its

original position when pressed. (Diag. 1)

2 ) Sl ight count er -clo ckwise rot ation of the knurled

rin g CD blocks the retu rn of the release button,

i. e. the shutter rem ains open in shutter d ial

pos ition " 6 " . ( Diag.2)

3) After completion of the time exposure , slight

pressure on the knurled rin g will re lease the

button and termi nat e the exp osure. ( Diag .3)

4) To br ing back t o conditi on I ) , rot at e t he knurled ring clockwise wh i le pressing it downtoward t he holder .

The light path selector knob provides t hree steps of path change :

1. The knob is pushed in all th e way ( white band ) . ( Fig .?)

100% of t he light goes into the fo cusin g te lescop e. Used when focus ing on d im

spec imens, as in darkfield, polarized light or fl uorescent light .

When read y to photograph, the knob is pulled out one step and br ought to thegreen band .

2 . T he knob is pulled out one step (green band) . (Fig .8)

In this pos it ion the li ght comi ng from the photo eyep iece is divi ded t o the focusing

telescope and the film plane . Generall y , focus ing is done in this position . Also, the

shutter can be released whi le observing the spec imen.

3 . The knob is pulled out all the way ( yell ow band) . ( Fig .9)

100% of the light goes in to th e light measuri ng port . A Li ght measuring ce ll can be

insert ed in t his opening in order to obta in pr oper exposure of the f ilm used.

A. Chang ing the Light Path

VlI Operation

Page 13: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

- 12-

B. Focusin g



Double cross line out of focus.


Double cross l ine in focus.

Since t he f ocusing te lescope wi th the double cross li ne in focus, and th e fi lm plane are

in precise alignment, the ima ge f ocused through the focusing telescope and the image

on the film pla ne are in focus at the same time. Therefore , unless the ad justment just

descr ibed is per fect . blurred pictures will result no matter how well the specimen may

be brought in focus.

* The ret icles in t he f ield of view indicate t he different camera formats.

For det ail s, please refe r to t he next paragraph.

2 ) Use the coarse and fi ne adjust ment cont rols of the mi croscope t o br ing the specimen

in focus. Check again if both the double cr oss li ne and the spec imen are equall y

sharp in focus .

2. Focus ing w ith the Focusing Magn if ier ( FT·36)

More accurate specimen focus is achiev ed by using the FT·36 in conjunct ion w it h

t he focusing t elescopes.

In phot omi crograp hy , t he ab ili t y to bring t he specimen into sharp focus is an important

aspect of obt aining goo d photomi cro gr aphs .

Particul ar ly, when employing obj ect iv es 4X or lower , accurate focusing is f air ly difficult

because of t hei r considerable dept h of focus.

In such a case, use of th e focusing magn if ier (FT -36) is recomme nded, because it permits

sharp fo cusi ng w ith one simple operation.

1. Focusin g wi t h the Focusing Telescope ( PM·VS)

1) Turn the diopter ad justment r ing of the focusin g telescope in such a manne r that

the doub le cr oss lin e w ithin t he fiel d of v iew can be clear ly recognized as t wo lines.

Page 14: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

( f ig . I O)

120 Roll Film Ca meraBac k

3 1/4' x 4 1/4' Po la roid

=--__:::1J :::J35mm Camer a Bac k

- 13 -

4' x 5' Holde r

Loading t he camera back with a 35 mm cart ridge can

be done wi th t he back rem oved or attached to the

PM·10·M, w i thout outside light hi tting the film.

( f ig . lO)

1) Pull the back cov er opera ting lever mand open

the cove r (hinged cov er) .

2) Li ft up t he crank @ fol ded into t he rewin d knob /

® and pull t he knob al l t he way out . (Fig. Ll )

o Focus ing Procedure

1) At f irs t use t he diopter adju stment r ing of t he focus ing telescope t o f ocus on t he

doub le cross li ne. Then opera te t he co arse and f ine adjustment cont ro ls of t he

mi croscope t o bring t he specimen in focus .

2 ) Place t he FT over the focus ing te lescope and move t he f ront lens assembly o f the

FT in or out t o focus on t he double cross l ine in t he field of v iew.

3 ) Lastl y, use t he f ine adjustmen t cont ro l of the m icroscope t o again focus sharply

on t he spec imen. The specimen and the double cross line should be in focus at

th e same t ime.

Four frame ret icl es can be seen when look ing t hrough t he f ocusin g telescope or on th e

f rosted glass of t he screen vi ewer, These ret icles ind icat e th e f rame sizes for different

camera backs and represent app roxima tely 90% of t he actual picture area.

* The focusing t elescope and t he screen v iewe r are as il lustrat ed bel ow .

Select the reticle compat ible with t he camera back in use.

D. Loading the Film

c. Format Indication

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- 14 -

(Fig .12)

(Fig. ll)

( Fig .14)(Fig.13)

1) Focus on t he specimen and brin g t he area to be photographed int o t he f rame ret ic leof t he focusing telescope .

2) Determi ne an exposure time and set the dete rm ined shutter speed on the shutterdial wit h the shutter speed set ting knob . Fig.1 3 show s th e shutter speed is setat 1/2 second .

3 ) Cock the shutter wi th th e shutter coc king lever. ( Fig.14)* Once t he shutter is cocked. try t o avoid changing t he shutter speed as much aspossi ble t o prevent possible shutter damage.

4) Make sure tha t t he light path selector knob on t he body is positioned to th e greenband.

5) Press t he re lease button on the cable release with you r thumb while holding thecabl e rel ease between index finger and middle finger .

6 ) After t he exposure press the-fiIm~ance re lease button on the camera back andadvance t he film wi th the film advanc~~ until it aut omatically stops for t henext fr ame.* Make sure t o adv ance the f i 1m after each exposure.

3) Put t he car t ridge in t he film chamber and pushthe rew ind knob back into t he posi tion. If t herew ind kno b does not sli de home. it will entereasily if pushed in while ro ta ti ng i t t o t he righ tand left sligh tly.

4 ) Insert the f ilm end into a groove on t he take-upspoo l @ . (Fig .12 ) Any groove may be used.Because of the easy loading sys tem you onlyhave t o inser t the end portion of the film .

* If the f il m was loaded w it h the camera backdetached. at t ach t he camera back t o theadap ter at t hi s stage.

5 ) Wind t he film unti l the film perforat ions engaget he sprocket s on both sides. When the filmadvance knob stops while winding the f ilm presst he film adv ance release button to wind again.

6 ) Close the back cover secure ly .7) Win d t he film ( 2 t o 3 f rames) until t he number

1 appears on the film coun ter .8 ) Set the f i lm indicator ( ASA scal e) of the

came ra back to t he ASA rating of the film used.

E. Photographing Procedure

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- 15 -

( Fig ,15)

Other Points To Remember

1) When you im pr int da ta, i t is re commended to frame and tr im you r picture. so that

the data may be imprin t ed agains t the whi te or transparent back ground .

2) The insert can be used repeatedly after w iping off writ ten data with ether-xy lene mixture.

3) Do not leave in a bright room th e camera back w it h th e inse r t sli d e. in the slit for hours.

The camera back is pro vided with data imp r int ing

facilit ies .

1) To imprint in a picture simultaneously with

shut te r re lease, use an insert pr ovided, on

which necessar y info rmation is written w it h a'

soft -point pen.

2) Slide the inse r t into the sli t at the bo ttom i'tof the cam era back. with the written Informa -

t ion faci ng the film plan e.

3 ) Data Imp rinting Posit ion

Dat a may be impri nted in t he pic ture as illustrated bel ow .

Data imprint i ng a rea

The manual body (PM·PBM·W) is pro vi ded with a light measuring por t t o accept the

Olym pus Phot omic rographic Exposure Meters Mode l EMM-7 whi ch facilitate s the deterrni­

nati on of co rrect exposure t ime and co lor temperature.

1) Check t he specimen focus. ( Fig .15)

2) Remo ve t he dust cap cov er ing the light

measuring por t and insert the light detecting

uni t of t he exposure meter into place .

3 ) Pullout the l ight path selector knob al l the

way ( yel low band) , th en 10 0 % of the light

com ing from the photo eyepiece goes to t he

light measur ing por t .

4 ) After dete rm ima tion of t he proper exposur e

ti me push the light path selector knob back

to the green band for the phot ography .

G. 35mm Camera Back ( C·3 5DA)

F. Use of Exposure Meter

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- 16 -

The r ing d amps theada pt e r to the man ua lexposur e bod)'.

Yellow TabSlot

Wlule(Black)Tab Slot

Light Slide

Back Cover

Cover 10ckQilLatch


L oc a ting P inThe locating pinis alig ned withth e locat ingIi(fOO\ 'C on thema nulll exposurebod y.

Re la y L e n sT he ada pter is required(or a ll ty pes of large -fo rm a tca me r a bac k.

C la mping R ing .

Camera Back

2. 3 1/4 " X 4 1/4" Polaroid Camera Back ( PM·CP)

1. Adap te r f or Large Format Backs ( PM·OL·W)

H. Large Format Camera Backs

Page 18: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

3. Inte rmediat e Adapter for 4" X 5'1 Holders (PM·C4X5·W)

S ea t f or H o lder s

L oc k Button

- 17 -

C la mp ing D ev ic e

A lignmen tGroove

Cl ampin g Flange

Page 19: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

TI.. • r in l pu", its focus ingOil I he fram .. r r l ic! n and

the do"bl . crou line.

Diopt er Adj us t mentRing

Ma sk S e lec t or Leve r

Ret ic lesfo r 3 1/ 4­

L£4 1/ 4' Pol aroid Back

1' __--__..

Th~ ley" . pu",i t s . f l to t l ,on o f Iheproptr ' n m. ret ide ill l (Co r dan .,..

..-;Ib th e U "' f fl ba c k ustd.


0" -,

( .:.J

, ~


!- ~5mm Ret ic leRet i cl e

Locat ing P mTh )Oe, tilll pll' ' s al i«ned . ith I he

loCaI ;nl! ,rooy c on th. body .

T he r inK d.mps thefocusi ng Ic ln cop. toIhe bod y.

- 18 -

Knur led Cla mpingRing

Turret Mask Focusing Telescope ( PM-VTM)

As i llust rat ed, movin g t he lever t o th e respe cti ve posit ions engraved on the focusin g

telescope rotates the corresponding ret icl es into horizontal posi ti on in the f ield of v iew.

not be rot at ed wi t h th e mas k selec tion lever .

Select the frame reti cle inside the fo cusing tel escope by means of the mask selector lever,

in accordance with th e camera back used, as per t he follow ing ill ust rat ion . Please note,

t hat t he ret ic le indicat ing t he 4" X 5" fr ame is fi xed in the focusing t elescop e and can

To inst all t he focus ing te lescop e, align its locating pin wi th t he locat ing groove on the

manua l exp osure bod y and tighten the c lampi ng r ing .

VIll Optional Accessory

Page 20: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

IX Photography with Large Format Camera Backs

You have only to remove the 35mm camera adapter, attach the large format adapter

instead and mount the large format camera back on it.

The picture size varies with the type of camera back used, but the magnification at the

fi lm plane remains the same for all , as fo llows :

o If an FK ( NFK) eyepie ce is used :

Magnificati on of object ive x magnifi cat ion of FK ( NFK) eyep iece x 3

o If a P eyep iece is used :

Magnif icat ion of obje ctive x magnifi cati on of P eyepie ce x approximately 1.5

From the foregoing, magnifi cat ions as tabulate d below may be obtained by combining

the obje cti ves and the eyepie ces availab le.

-----~I FK(NFK ) IFK( NFK) IFK(N FK) IFK(NFK ) I P7X I PI OX I Pl5XObject ive 2.5X 3.3X 5X 6.7X

1.3X 9.8X 12.9X 19.5X 26X 13.7X 19.5X 29X

Bio- 2X 15X 20X 30X 40X 2lX 30X 45X

logical 4X 30X 40X 60X 80X 42X 60X 90X

App li · lOX 75X lOOX 150X 200X I05X 150X 225X

catio ns 20X 150X 200X 300X 400X 210X 300X 450X40X 300X 400X 600X 800X 420X 600X 900X

lOOX 750X IOOOX 1500X 2000X I050X 1500X 2250X

1.3X 9.8X 12.9X 19.5X 26X 13.7X 19.5X 29X2.5X 18.8X 25X 37 .5X 50X 26X 37.5X 56X

Metallo- 5X 37.5X 50X 75X IOOX 52.5X 75X 112.5X

graphi ca l 6X 45X 60X 90X 120X 63X 90X 135X

App fi- lOX 75X IOOX 150X 200X I05X 150X 225X

cat ions 20X 150X 200X 300X 400X 2lOX 300X 45 0X40X 300X 400X 600X 800X 420X 600X 900X50X 375X 500X 750X IOOOX 525X 750X 1125X

I OOX 750X lOOOX 1500X 2000X lO50X 1500X 2250X

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( Fig . 17)

- 20 -

4) Next, hold ing t he f il m pack only by i t s edges,so t hat t he safe t y cover , bear ingt he SAFETY CQVER·.... ·THiS SIDE FACES LENS,faces in to t he camera, and insert the pack CDagainst t he spr ing beneath t he back cover .( Fig.t B)

5) Push t he pack into t he camera until i t comesto a stop . You will fe el i t snap into pl ace.

* Make sure t hat the wh ite t abs are not trappedbet ween t he pack and t he camera bod y. ( Fig . 18 )

6 ) Close th e cam era back cover by pr ess ing bo th sides of t he cov er tightly. Att his t ime, t he black tab of t he saf et y cover shou ld be emerging from t he sma llslot ; if not , open t he back co ver once aga in and make sure t he black t ab isst ick ing out.

7) Hold the black cover rem oved , th e wh it e tab should come out fram e th e slot.Do not yet pull out this whi t e t ab .

It is essent ia l t o keep the roller clean, f or a dirtyro ller will produce irre gular it ies on the pic ture.

1) To clean the ro ll er, lift the r oller unit CD up­wards and remove . c. Fig . 17)

2) Wipe the roller fi rst wi th a wet clo th andt hen w ith a d ry cloth.

3) After cleaning , place t he roller unit in it sor igi nal pos it ion.

A . 3 1/ 4 " X 4 1/ 4 " Polaroid Camera Back(PM-CP-W)

1) Open the film case and t ake out the film pack .2 ) Push the Cover Lock ing Latch (j) upward s

w it h both hands . (Fig. 16 )3 ) Open t he camera back cover all th e way .

( Handle with care not to break the cover.)

( Fig. 16 )

Picture size: 3 1/ 4" X 4 1/4" (83mm X l 08mm)

Film used: Polaroid Type 108 (color , ASA 75)Polaroid Type 107 (B&W, ASA 3000)

1. Att aching the Camera Back* Attach the adapter for large format camera backs (PM·DL·W) to the top of the

exposure body by aligning the locating pin of the adapter with the locating grooveon the exposure body and clamping the adapter with its clamping ring.Pull the clamping device on the large forma t adapter towards you all the way.Slide the 3 1/ 4" X 4 1/ 4" Polaroid back with the cover locking latch facing you,onto the seat of the adapter, from right to left . Push back the clamping deviceuntil it firm ly clamps the Polaroid back.

2. Loading the Camera Back with Polaroid Film* Read the instructio ns insert ed in the film pack first and then take the following steps:

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Fig. 19


.. ..,


Fr a me retic le fo r 3 1/4" X 4 1/4'Pola ro id fi lm

3. Focusin g

1) Use the f ocusing telescope to focus accurately,in the same manner as w it h the 35m m camera.

2) For f raming, refer t o t he polaroid reticl e in thefocus ing te lescope. Move t he specimen deta i lt o be photogr aphed into this area.

5 . Film DevelopmentDevelop t he f ilm in t he follow in g m anner:

( 1) Hold the whit e t ab emerging fr om the came ra wi th t he t humb and index f inger ofthe r ight hand and pull it out complet ely in one mot ion.

( 2) Afte r the whi t e tab is pu lled out, a yellow tab emerges.If t he yellow t ab does not come out afte r the whi t e t ab is pu lle d ou t , do as mentionedon t he next page; do not pull out another wh ite tab.* If the yellow t ab is in sigh t , do not pull th e wh i te t ab.

Pulling ou t t he wh i te tab does not mean commencement of development ;it is a preparatory step for pull ing the yellow t ab.

( 3) Hold th e center of t he yellow t ab and pull i t out f rom the came ra bac k qui ckly inone motion.This is the beginni ng of development , it sta r t s fr om t he point where t he yell ow tabhas been pulled ou t all the way .The speed of pulli ng out is about equal to t he t ime of say ing, " pull out" .If countl ess white spots appear in t he pict ure, pull out a li ttle more slowly ­

( 4 ) The f i lm can be devel oped in t he foll owing lengths of time .(St rict compli ance with t hese ti me limits is recommended. )

This concludes t he preparation for pho tography .@If the whi te tab is not v isible;

If the white t ab does not come out when the safety cover is pulled out , darken t heroom as mu ch as possible and proceed as follow s:

1) Open the camera back cov er just slightl y andt ake the end of t he whi te t abs outside w ithoutmo ving t he film pack. (Fig. 19 )

2) Wi th t he whi te t ab emerg ing trorn the slo t ,close t he back cov er by pressing i t tight ly onboth sides.

4 . Photogr aphy

1) Determi ne a shutter speed and set it wi t h th eshut t er dial on t he manual exposure body .

2) Cock t he shutter wi t h t he shutter coc king lever .

3) Check the specimen focus again.

4) Make sure t hat t he l ight path selector knob on the exposure body is in t he greenband posit io n.

5) Pull out th e light sl ide of t he camera back slow ly all t he way.If not pull ed out complet ely , par t of the pic ture may be obs cured.

6) Release t he shu tter w it h t he cabl e release.

7) When t he expos ure is fi nished, push t he ligh t slide into the camera back.

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(Fig.2 1)

Type 107 Type 108

Devel op ment is available Temperature Time

in 10 ........ 15 sec . Suitab le t ime

for development is 13........ 15 sec. 27 cC ........32°C 55.......4 5 se c.

when ambient t emperat ure 2 JOC-2rC 55-55 sec .is low, and abou t 30 sec. wh en 15 'C-2JOC 90-70 sec .it is below 10 deg . C.

Longer ti me t ends t o produce Shor te r t ime gi ves reddish and

strong con t rast. long time bluish color .

( 5) At t he end of the spec if ied devel opm ent t ime, str ip the pic tu re fr om the br own paper .

start ing the corner nearest th e letters " PULL" .

Avoid touching t he surface of the color picture for several minutes. and after drying ,

pas te t he picture on a color print mount .

Also avoid touching the surfac e of t he black and whi te picture. and app ly a coa t er

t o prevent f ading and other changes.

(Refer to the nex t section.)

( 6) Trea tment after development

1) In the case of blac k and white pictures, be sure to app ly a coat er t o all pri nts ,

wi thin 2 hours if possible. The picture beg ins t o f ade with in a few hours unless the

coa te r is appl ied .

Hold one co rner of the print , turn the surface up , put on a f la t plac e, and give

6 .......8 coa t s ev enly all ov er the picture .

* Be carefu l not t o damage t he pic tu re with t he coater edge .

Also avoid stacking pr ints which were just coa ted . They will stick toge t her.

2) Do not app ly a coa te r to co lor pic tures . Instead, when surface has dried, moun t t he

prints on the mounts supplied.

@ If yel low tab does not appear when whit e tab

is pull ed out, t ake the fo ll owing ste ps:

1) Darke n the room as much as possib le, open

t he cam era back cover just w ide enough to

receive a f inge r, and hol d down t he f il m pack

with the finge rtip . ( Fig .20)

2) Whi le ho lding down the fi lm pack, open t he

back cover f ull y and pull out the top yellow (Fig.20)

tab . (Fig.2 1)

Pulling that one tab, d iscard it . It is no use

try ing t o save it . Whi le th e back cover is

open, chec k whether the roll er is d ir t y .

3) After making sure the next wh it e t ab is out

from t he slot , close t he camera back cover.

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(Fig.2 2)

(See page 20 .)

(Fig.24)( Fig.23)

- 23-

2. Attaching t he Fi lm Ho lder

1) Sli de t he lock but t ons ( bot h sides) of t he int ermediat e adapter in t he direct ion

opposi t e t o locking.

At th e end of their t rave l press th e buttons . The c lamping devi ce w i ll li ft up . ( Fig, 22)

( Fig . 23 f or t he Polaroid Fi lm Hol der and Fig.

24 for t he Graphmat ic Fil m Holde r)

2) Insert t he film hol der all t he way . This wi ll

engage a pro ject ion on the f i lm ho lder with a

mat ing groove on t he int ermed iat e adapt er .

3) Clamp th e f i lm holder down w it h the lo ck

but to ns.

@ To det ach the ho lder:

1) Slide t he lock buttons on both sides in t he

direction opposi t e t o lock ing. (Fig.25)

2) Pull the ho lder out wh i le li f t ing i t slight ly . This way , it will slide out easily.

(Fig.2 5)

1. Attachi ng the Large Format Adapter

Attach in the same manner as the 3 1/ 4 " X 4 1/ 4 '1 Polaro id back .

Use of t his unit permi ts phot ography wi t h 4 '/ X 5'/ film holders.

Fi lm holde rs availab le are :

Polaroid Fil m Holder, Graphmatic Fil m Holder , Graph ic

Pack Adapter , Graphic Fil m Hold er "Rit e Way", and

Li nhof Film Holder. These film holders are not

Oly mpus products . They can be ob ta ined eith er

fr om our authorized dist r ibutors or f rom reputab le

camera deale rs .

Picture size : 4 " X 5'1

B. Intermediate Adaper for 4" X 5" Holders (PM·C4X5·W)

Page 25: OLYMPUS PHOTOM ICROGRAPHIC SYSTEM … CAMERA MODEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL n=====-OLYMPUS Table of Contents Pil p,U System Chart of Modular Units 2 II Standard Equipment 4

3. Focusing

1) Use t he focusing telescope t o focus the

specim en accura tel y . in the same manner as

with t he 35mm camera.

2) For framing, refer t o the 4" X 5" fr ame ret icle

in t he focusing t elescope. Move the specimen

detail int o t his area .

4" X 5wRet i cl e

4 . Photography

1) Determine a shutter speed and set i t wi t h the shutter dial on the manual exposure

body .

2) Charge the shut t er with t he shut ter cocki ng lever.

3) Check t he specimen focus aga in.

4) Make sure t hat t he li ght path sele ct or knob on th e exposure body is in the green

band posi ti on.

5) Afte r pulli ng out t he l ight slide (or i t s equ iva lent) .of t he f il m holder . re lease the

shutter w ith t he cable release.

* For inst ruct ions perta ining to the use of th e different fi lm holders , please refer to

t he literature supp l ied by t he individual manufact urers.

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