Old to New Design Guide Salvaged Building Materials in New Construction 2007 pages 1

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Prepared by

Paul Kernan, MAIBC

Under contract to:

Greater Vancouver Regional District Policy & Planning Department

3rd Edition January 2002

For more information please call the GVRD at 604-451-6575 or e-mail: [email protected]

� Copyright. This document is the intellectual property of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), Policy & Planning Department. Duplication or distribution without the express written consent of the GVRD is strictly prohibited.

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The following individuals and companies have contributed in various ways to the preparation of this guide. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged: Robert Brown, Stefan Brunhoff, Cedric Burgers, Robert Burgers, Peter Clark, Cameron Desautels, David Desrochers, Paul Fast, Jeanette Frost, Corrine Fulton, Glen Gordon, John Guenther, Dave Jackson, Hugh Ker, Ken King, Richard Klopp, Leo Levasseur, Eva Matsuzaki, Mike McColl, Thomas Mueller, Dave Orsetti, Freda Pagani, Duane Palibroda, Ron Pearson, Jonathan Rider, Hank Roos, Karl Simmerling. A & P New & Used, All Around Demolition Ltd., Bent Nail New & Used, Chilliwack New & Used, D. Litchfield & Co. Ltd., Mike's New & Used, P & B Used Building Materials, Pacific Heritage Woodworks Inc., Surrey New & Used, Tham Demolition Ltd., The Glass Station, Vancouver Timber

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DESIGN GUIDE Salvaged Building Material in New Construction


Table of Contents PREFACE………………………………………………………………………………..3

THE LOCAL CONTEXT…………………………………………………………………………….4

1.0 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….6

1.1 DESIGNING WITH SALVAGED MATERIALS…………………………………………..6 1.2 THE GUIDE………………………………………………………………………………….6

2.0 CASE STUDIES…………………………………………………………………..8 CITY OF VANCOUVER MATERIALS TESTING LAB………………………………………….9 C.K. CHOI, INSTITUTE FOR ASIAN RESEARCH, UBC……………………………………..12 RAILSPUR STUDIOS……………………………………………………………………………..14 ARDENCRAIG……………………………………………………………………………………..16 PORT MOODY SAIL & PADDLE CENTRE…………………………………………………….18 LIU CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL ISSUES, UBC……………………………….20 MAXEM HOLDINGS BUILDING…………………………………………………………………22 CRANBERRY COMMONS CO-HOUSING……………………………………………………..24 PAN-HELLENIC HOUSE, UBC………………………………………………………………….26 1127 – 1141 RICHARDS STREET, VANCOUVER……………………………………………29

3.0 TYPICAL PROJECT……………………………………………………………31

3.1 PREDESIGN……………………………………………………………………………….31 3.2 SCHEMATIC DESIGN………………………………………………………………….…34 3.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………………………….….40 3.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS…………………………………………………….….41 3.5 TENDER / CONTRACT AWARD………………………………………………………..44 3.6 CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION……………………….…..47 3.7 TYPICAL PROJECT SUMMARY…………………………………………………….….51

4.0 SALVAGED MATERIALS……………………………………………………...52

4.1 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE………………………………………………………………...52 4.2 NATURE OF SALVAGED MATERIAL…………………………………………….……56 4.3 COST………………………………………………………………………………………..59 4.4 SALVAGED MATERIAL AVAILABILITY AND SOURCES…………………………..70 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK…………………………………………………………………………70 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE………………………………………………………………………..71 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY………………………………………………………………….………71 DIVISION 5 - STEEL………………………………………………………………………………73 DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS………………………………………………………….74


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DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS………………………………………………………...79 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES………………………………………………………………….……….82 DIVISIONS 10, 11, 12 - SPECIALTIES, EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS…………….………83 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL….………………………………………………………….….….83 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL………………………………………………………………….…85

5.0 DESIGN FOR DISASSEMBLY………………………………………………..86 5.1 SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR DISASSEMBLY……………………….………..87 5.2 DETAIL DESIGN FOR DISASSEMBLY……………………………………….……….92



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Sustainability has emerged as a widely held and necessary notion to guide all future human

endeavors. It has environmental, social and economic dimensions, embraces all facets of

human activity, and spans local actions through to redressing the major inequities that exist

between developed and developing nations. Environmental sustainability will require gaining

greater utility from all resources before returning them to nature.

Simply improving the performance of new buildings - making them more resource efficient and

with increased potential for recyclability and reusability - will be insufficient to realign the built

environment towards a sustainable future. Attention must be directed at the use and upgrading

of existing buildings. Discussions related to the rehabilitation and reuse of buildings has been

largely within the domain of historical preservation. Changing attitudes toward resource use and

environmental limits to growth will require us to rethink the environmental value of existing

buildings and their constituent materials. Indeed, along with developing new skills, knowledge,

and attitudes on environmental issues, architects will have to learn to be more “curators” of the

built environment rather than ”creators.” 1

Each generation of buildings over the past 100 years or so has its own materials palette and

construction techniques – varying in quality, quantity and accessibility. Existing buildings that are

refurbished or decommissioned represent a vast source of future building material. Although the

majority of buildings were created without a view for re-use or recycling of their constituent

materials, components and systems, a large portion will be salvaged and re-made into “new”

building. Indeed, whereas the construction industry has historically considered the harvesting of

natural resources, the future will see increasing harvesting of resources from the built


Although the wider use of salvaged material will depend on the development of a used materials

“infrastructure” for identifying, locating, accessing and reprocessing quality used materials, the

key will be for architects and builders to engage the opportunity. Architects will be required to

look creatively at re-using existing buildings, materials and components in conjunction with a

host of new materials that will become available as the building industry examines innovative

ways of turning wastes into useful resources.

1 Levinson, N., “Renovation Scoreboard.” Architectural Record. Vol. 181. January 1993. p. 70.

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Acknowledging that salvaged materials will become a major part of design, learning how to

create a coherent architectural work from this disparate collection of elements as well as

designing buildings to more readily facilitate this process in the future are the primary objectives

of this manual. It provides an important addition to the growing body of knowledge on

environmental responsible building design. Written by architects for architects, the manual

structures and elaborates on the essential issues associated with reusing building materials and

components and offers constructive strategic and practical guidance on the way that materials

are sourced and specified.

Dr Raymond J Cole

School of Architecture, UBC

THE LOCAL CONTEXT Increasingly industrial, commercial and residential buildings in the Lower Mainland are being

deconstructed rather than demolished. However, only the most marketable and easily

salvageable materials (i.e. heavy timber, large dimensional lumber, architectural antiques) are

currently being removed at deconstruction projects. The majority of salvaged structural wood is

exported to the U.S. where British Columbia’ s first growth Douglas Fir heavy timbers and large

dimension lumber are valued as building materials. The non-salvageable components are either

recycled (reprocessed) or disposed of in local landfill sites. A significant number of buildings are

still simply demolished. In 1998, an estimated 1,100 houses were demolished in the Lower

Mainland, with little or salvage of materials.

A poor understanding of the benefits of deconstruction and a negative perception of salvaged

building materials among building industry professionals, are two reasons why salvaged materials

are not being used more widely in the Lower Mainland. Developers, driven by tight development

schedules and financing considerations, have little interest in giving more time to building

deconstruction. Architects, engineers, specification writers and contractors often perceive

salvaged building materials to be of inferior quality. They lack information on how to procure and

incorporate used building materials in new construction projects or how to address warranty and

material appearance issues with their clients.

These are real concerns which must be addressed before salvaged building materials can be

used on a larger scale in new construction projects. A few local architects and contractors have

incorporated salvaged materials in their building projects. The C.K. Choi building and the Liu

Centre at UBC, the City of Vancouver Asphalt Materials Testing Facility and the Railspur Studios

on Granville Island (under construction) are some of the better known local examples where

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salvaged building materials have successfully been used to produce well-designed and attractive

buildings. The project architects were motivated by the environmental benefits, the “historical

element” and the exceptional quality salvaged building materials can offer to designers and their


The development of this guide was first discussed at a symposium organized by the

Deconstruction/Demolition Planning Committee (D2PC) in May 1999. The D2PC is a multi-

stakeholder, provincial committee responsible for developing a deconstruction strategy for B.C..

At the symposium, architects, engineers, specification writers and builders indicated that they

need practical guidance on how to design and incorporate salvaged building materials in new

construction projects.

The Design Guide provides just that: practical, relevant, up-to-date information on designing with

salvaged building materials. It draws on the experience of local architects, project managers and

general contractors who have been “through the process.” It also provides detailed information on

the availability, quality and cost of used building materials in the Lower Mainland. The Guide

represents a overview of our current knowledge of designing with salvaged building materials, it is

a “living document” which will grow with our expanding knowledge in this area.

Thomas Mueller

GVRD Policy & Planning Department

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1.1 DESIGNING WITH SALVAGED MATERIALS Using salvaged building materials in place of new materials can be an effective means of

conserving natural resources, and reducing embodied energy, as well as having tangible

economic benefits. The use of salvaged materials is not as easily incorporated into conventional

building practices as other green design strategies. Once a decision has been made to build in

an environmentally responsible manner most of the challenges are technical in nature. While

there are technical issues to be addressed in using salvaged materials, the most significant

differences relate to the processes of specifying, locating, and acquiring the materials.

1.2 THE GUIDE The purpose of this design guide is to provide architects with practical information to encourage

and facilitate the use of salvaged building materials in typical new construction projects. Two

recent symposia provided the initial impetus for the guide. In particular a workshop on "Using

Salvaged Building Materials in New Construction", at the symposium in May of 19991, identified a

high level of interest amongst architects in the topic. It is hoped that increasing interest in using

salvaged materials will act as a catalyst to both improve, and expand, the supply of salvaged

building materials, and to simplify the process of obtaining these materials for use in new

construction projects. The guide focuses on three specific topics:

1. Case Studies

Three local buildings that have been designed and constructed using salvage materials are

presented. The principal salvaged materials used, and the sources of the materials, are listed.

Key milestone s during design and construction are identified.

2. Typical Project

Section 3 is structured around a typical design and construction project, viewed from the

perspective of the architect. Salvaged materials have traditionally been used in small-scale

1 Symposium sponsored by GVRD, Capital Regional District, Fraser Valley Regional District, BCHMC, BC Buildings Corporation, Recycling Council of BC, and BC Environment.

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residential construction and renovation projects, typically not involving architects. This section

focuses on projects larger in size and assumes design professionals will be involved.

Although considerable creativity must sometimes be applied in finding new uses for salvaged

materials, once minimum quality standards are met, there are relatively few technical problems

related to the substitution of salvaged materials for new product. However, there are major

differences in the methods of obtaining salvaged materials, and creative contractual and

procedural solutions are required to deal with issues related to the variability of the supply of

these materials. The experiences of the architects of the case study buildings are drawn on to

demonstrate contrasting approaches to the challenge of integrating salvaged materials use into

conventional architectural projects.

3. Salvaged Materials

The need to provide detailed information to architects on the range, availability, and sources of

recycled materials in the Lower Mainland of BC was identified at the May Symposium. It appears

unlikely that a comprehensive web-based database of salvaged materials will be developed in the

near future. The alternative approach of architects researching the use of salvaged materials

without basic information, is time consuming, and difficult to make cost effective within the

parameters of typical professional fee structures.

To provide a first step in designing for salvaged materials use, a list of construction materials and

components available from salvaged sources is provided in Section 4. Based on the 16-division

Masterformat, it provides information on the characteristics, cost, availability, selection, and

quality of salvaged material in each building material or component category. Appendix A

provides lists of local sources of salvaged materials, and other contacts and resources. The

potential for construction cost savings is also explored through the analysis of a study building

designed in schematic form and priced on the basis of both new ands salvaged material. A

detailed comparison of new and salvaged material costs is provided in section 4, and individual

material and component prices are listed in Appendix B.

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2.0 CASE STUDIES Significant and ingenious architectural design often emerges out of constraint rather than

freedom and from conviction rather than routine practice. Buildings which are designed

to be conserving of resources, well adapted to their locale, which work in concert with

climate and natural systems and which are responsive and comprehensible to their users

will be potentially richer human experiences - and sustainable.1

Much of the information in this guide is based on the experiences of the architects, owners, and

contractors, of local buildings which have been constructed using salvaged materials. Three

such buildings are featured as case studies, the City of Vancouver's Materials Testing Lab and,

the C.K. Choi and Liu Centre buildings at UBC. These buildings demonstrate not only that high

levels of salvaged materials use is possible, but that it can be achieved without sacrificing

conventional architectural goals.

1 Raymond J. Cole, Design for the Next Millennium, The C.K. Choi Building for the Institute of Asian Research.

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City of Vancouver Materials Testing Lab. 900 East Kent Avenue South, Vancouver, BC Encouraged by the architects, Busby and

Associates, and with salvaged structural material

available from recently demolished warehouse

buildings on site, the City of Vancouver decided to

make the new Materials Testing Lab a

demonstration project. Although other

environmental strategies are employed, the

primary focus has been to maximize the use of

salvaged materials. Approximately three-quarters

of the building's structure and fabric are

constructed using salvaged and recycled

materials. Even custom components specifically

made for the building are fabricated from reused

materials. For example, glazing throughout the

building consists of sealed glazing units fabricated

from salvaged glass, in frames milled on site from

old wood decking material. Cost savings of

approximately $50,000 have been attributed to the

use of salvaged materials, although these savings

must be offset against some increased

construction management fees and labour costs.

Project Team Owner City of Vancouver Architect Busby and Associates Structural Engineer Fast and Epp Mechanical Engineer Keen Engineering Electrical Engineer Reid Crowther Landscape Consultant City Staff Construction Manager K. Edgar King & Associates Building Type

Building Description Laboratory Building Building Floor Area 4,284 Sq.ft. Construction Cost $630,000 ($129 / Sq. ft.) Construction time 9 months Completion Date September 1999 Contract Type CCDC-5 Construction Management

Sub-trade contracts - Short form CCDC-2

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Principal Salvaged Materials Material Source Structure Wood trusses, wood beams, glulam beams,

wood decking. City of Vancouver Litchfield Tham Demolition

Secondary structure

Roof decking - 2nd floor - glulam beams on edge

P & B New and Used

Exterior walls Wood framed using salvaged 2"x8"decking material (t&g decking remilled as 2"x6"studs) Rigid polystyrene insulation Plywood sheathing

From on-site building Litchfield Signs and hoarding

Interior partitions Wood framed using salvaged 2"x8"decking material (t&g decking remilled as 2"x6"studs)

From on-site building

Cladding Siding (60% salvaged) Litchfield Doors Interior doors

(In addition to salvaged doors a number of damaged doors which had been returned to the manufacturer were also used)


Windows Wood frames and sashes - fabricated on site Insulating glass units fabricated from salvaged sealed units

The Glass Station

Mechanical HVAC unit Fans Plumbing fixtures

Demolition site unit located by construction manager

Electrical Light fixtures

Mike's New and Used

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Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

Decision to use salvaged materials Salvaged materials

purchased by project manager during construction stage

Construction manager hired

Structural salvaged materials available Some structural materials

stolen, others damaged in fire

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C.K. Choi, Institute for Asian Research, UBC 1855 West Mall, Vancouver, BC An extensive and articulated environmental

agenda, including the use of salvaged

materials, was part of the building program

from the earliest stages of the project. Design

of the building coincided with the planned

demolition of the Armories building on an

adjoining site, providing an opportunity to

salvage and reuse the large span timber

trusses from the old building. Disassembling

the trusses and using the individual timber

components allowed a more appropriate

structural system to be developed to suit the

needs of the mostly small program spaces. All

of the salvaged materials for the project were

located by the architects, and purchased by the

owner, prior to tendering the project. Although

estimation, and measurement, of total salvaged

materials is difficult, the design team feels

confident that the target of 50% salvaged and

recycled material content has been met.

Project Team

Owner University of British Columbia Architect Matsuzaki Wright Structural Engineer Read Jones Christoffersen Mechanical Engineer Keen Engineering Electrical Engineer Robert Freundlich & Assoc. Landscape Consultant Cornelia Hahn Oberlander Construction Manager UBC Staff General Contractor Country West Construction Building Type Building Description Academic offices and meeting rooms Building Floor Area 30,000 sq. ft. Construction Cost $4,500,000 ($150 / Sq. ft.) Construction Type Heavy timber / Combustible Completion Date February 1996 Contract Type CCDC-2 Stipulated Price Contract

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Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source Primary Structure Heavy timber columns and beams UBC / Litchfield Secondary Structure Some wood framing material Exterior Enclosure Brick cladding Interior Doors and frames, some wood framing,

Steel stair, guard rails Washroom accessories and toilet partitions


Mechanical / Electrical Unit Heaters, Electrical conduit Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

Decision to use salvaged materials

Schematic design A Concrete structure

Schematic design B Heavy Timber structure

All salvaged material identified in tender documents

Bidders inspect salvaged materials

Armories timbers become available

Architects locate other non-structural salvaged materials

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Railspur Studios, Local Artisans Studios & Gallery 1420 Old Bridge Road, Granville Island BC The project involved the renovation of an

existing industrial building, to provide studio

and gallery space for local artisans. Architects

Hugh Kerr and Stefan Brunhoff introduced the

idea of salvaged building materials at an early

stage in the project. The principal salvaged

materials used, dimension lumber, were

obtained by the materials consultant, from two

local suppliers. Sizes and quantities were

listed in the project specifications, and much of

the material was made available for inspection

during the tendering period. Additional

materials were obtained during the course of

construction. Formwork plywood and lumber

from the project were salvaged and have been

sold to a salvaged materials supplier for future

re-use. In addition to dimension lumber,

interior doors, and batt insulation, obtained

from a movie set, will be used in the project.

Project Team Owner CMHC – Granville Island Architect Hugh Ker & Stefan Brunhoff Associated

Architects Structural Engineer Equilibrium Consultants Mechanical Engineer Keen Engineering Electrical Engineer Robert Freundlich & Assoc. General Contractor Makam Construction Ltd. Materials Consultant K. Edgar King Building Type

Building Description Artisan Studios and Gallery Building Floor Area 16 600 sq. ft. Construction Cost $ 1,500,000 ($90 / Sq. ft.) Construction Type Combustible / Heavy timber Completion Date November, 2000 (Expected Date) Contract Type CCDC-2 Stipulated Price Contract

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DESIGN GUIDE Salvaged Building Material in New Construction

Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source

Primary Structure Dimension Lumber Litchfield & Co. Ltd. Vancouver Timber

Secondary Structure Roof Decking: 2” x 6” tongue and groove, 1” x 8” shiplap

Litchfield & Co. Ltd. Vancouver Timber

Miscellaneous Interior Doors Batt Insulation Formwork lumber and plywood

Paraline Ventures

Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

Decision to use salvaged materials

Inspect existing site and determine the types of structural lumber required

Materials Consultant hired

Additional salvaged materials purchased by materials consultant during construction

List of salvaged materials to be made available to contractor identified in tender documents

Materials consultant begins searching for additional salvaged materials


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Ardencraig 353 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Ardencraig comprises four townhomes

designed within the framework of an existing

heritage home and garage. The use of

salvaged materials is just one of a number of

environmental strategies employed in the

building and associated site work. Ardencraig

is an excellent example of the rehabilitative

reuse of an existing structure; over 90% of the

wood in the original structure is retained.

Additional salvaged materials, obtained from

deconstruction of an existing garage, were

used to construct a coach house behind the

main structure. Salvaged framing members

were also used to strengthen the roof trusses

and increase the space available for insulation.

Other salvaged materials include granite from

the existing foundation walls, and stained glass

used in feature windows.

The developer reports that the green design

aspect of the project was a positive benefit in

marketing units to potential purchasers.

Project Team Owner Chesterman Property

Group Inc. Architect Allan Diamond Architect Structural Engineer Jeff Allester Construction Manager Armin Gottschling Landscape Consultant Claire Kennedy Design

Building Type

Building Description VBBL Group C Building Floor Area 4700 sq. ft. Construction Cost $520,000 Construction Type Combustible Completion Date August, 2000 Contract Type Construction Managed, Fixed


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Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Demolition Construction

Coach house – framed with salvaged materials

Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source

Primary Structure Dimension lumber and studs Roof truss strengthening members

Existing building and salvaged materials suppliers

Secondary Structure Studs Salvaged material suppliers Landscaping Cobblestones

Granite rocks Private purchase Existing house foundation

Miscellaneous Stained glass Stained glass artist

Investigation and acquisition of salvaged materials during construction phase

Researching and planning environmental strategies

Decision to use salvaged materials

Removal of material from existing house and deconstruction of garage

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Port Moody Sail & Paddle Centre Rocky Point Park, Port Moody, BC The building, which is currently in design stage,

will provide storage and repair space for rowing

shells and small sailboats. Second floor

accommodation will include offices, and a grand

room to be used for community functions. The

principal salvaged materials will be heavy timber

roof trusses forming the main roof of the building.

The trusses were obtained from deconstruction of

a building at the Flavelle Cedar Mill site in Port

Moody. The original mill building was built in the

early part of the last century. The timber trusses,

which will be exposed on the interior, will

determine the character of the building and in

particular of the grand room. The architects are

investigating the possibility of using other heavy

timber salvaged material from the Flavelle Mill in

the new center.

One of the difficulties designers face in working

with salvaged structural materials is

accommodating existing member sizes. In the

case of the Port Moody Sail Centre, schematic

design of the building was completed before

detailed measurement of the existing trusses was

possible. In the final design the architects were

able to accommodate slightly different truss

dimensions than were originally anticipated by

varying the size of a covered outdoor space

along one side of the building.

Project Team Building Type Owner City of Port Moody Building Description Sail centre Architect Robert Burgers Architect Building Floor Area 9,000 sq. ft. Structural Engineer Fast and Epp Construction Cost $750,000 Mechanical Engineer NDL Consultants Ltd. Construction Type Combustible / Heavy

Timber Electrical Engineer Mahanti Chu Engineering

Ltd. Completion Date Fall 2001

Contract Type CCDC 2

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Structural Design

The trusses were generally in sound condition. Some repair work was necessary to address

joints between truss members that had opened as a result of movement during removal form the

original building, and relocation of the trusses. Localized areas of rot were repaired by removing

deteriorated wood, and replacing with sound material. Additional wood for this purpose was

obtained from a stockpile removed from the original building at the same time as the trusses.

Modifications were also necessary in order upgrade the trusses to meet current code standards.

Steel plates were used to improve the seismic integrity of joints, and steel bracing was added to

accommodate unbalanced snow load requirements.

The trusses will be refinished by sandblasting wood and steel members, and repainting the

steelwork. Checks in the wood and disused bolt holes will be filled.

Trusses after removal from the Flavelle Cedar Mill

Heritage survey drawing of trusses

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Liu Centre, for the Study of Global Issues - UBC Northwest Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC The Liu Centre, as a successor to the C K Choi

building, continues UBC's commitment to

'green' design. The use of salvaged materials

responds to a number of sustainable goals

identified by project stakeholders at the

beginning of the design process. Many of the

glulam beams and most of the cedar decking

was obtained from the deconstruction of the

Pan Hellenic House on the same site as the

new Centre. (Other material from this building

was used at the City of Vancouver, Materials

Testing Lab.). In keeping with efforts to reduce

finish materials, the salvaged beams and

decking, which form the roof structure, have

been sandblasted and will remain exposed. All

surplus glulams and decking have been sold

for reuse.

All Liu Centre photographs courtesy of Architectura

Project Team Owner University of British Columbia Architect Architectura, in collaboration with Arthur

Erickson Structural Engineer Bush Bohlman & Partners Mechanical Engineer Keen Engineering Electrical Engineer Robert Freundlich & Assoc. Landscape Consultant Cornelia Hahn Oberlander General Contractor Haebler Construction Ltd. Building Type

Building Description Research And Conference Facility Building Floor Area 19,000 sq. ft. Construction Cost $3,000,000 ($158 / Sq. ft.) Construction Type Heavy timber / Non Combustible Completion Date March 2000 - 10 month construction schedule Contract Type CCDC-2 Stipulated Price Contract

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Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source

Primary Structure Glulam beams and columns Deconstruction of Pan Hellenic and Forintek buildings at UBC

Secondary Structure Roof decking (2" and 3" t & g decking) Rough carpentry (plywood, studs)

Litchfield & Dubreuil Architectural Salvage Reused formwork

Mechanical Radiators, copper pipe, valves Surplus, UBC Forest Science Centre Landscaping Concrete pavers Residential renovations Miscellaneous Grab bars, exterior furnishings Surplus, UBC Forest Science Centre Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

Suitable structural members identified in Pan Hellenic and Foritek Buildings, UBC

Decision to use salvaged materials

Bidders inspect structural materials

Structural design to maximize use of available glulams

Salvaged radiators and janitor's sink stolen

Pan Hellenic building deconstructed, glulams and decking inventoried

Additional materials sourced by architect Salvaged pavers sourced by Landscape architect and Architect


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Maxem Holdings Building 758 Harbour Side Drive, North Vancouver, BC The recently completed warehouse and office

building provides office and warehouse

accommodation for Suntech Optics, a

manufacturer and distributor of sunglasses.

The use of salvaged materials was just one

component in a larger green design strategy

that included the use of fly ash concrete,

natural ventilation, low VOC finishes and

external solar shading devices. Salvaged

glulam beams were obtained directly form the

deconstruction of an existing building, the

Eatons warehouse on Renfrew Street in

Vancouver. Bunting Coady Architects, the

architects for both the Maxem Holdings

building, and the Renfrew Street project,

identified the potential for reuse of the beams

and were able to design the Maxem Holdings

Building to accommodate the material. The

involvement of the architects in both projects,

and the parallel project timelines was key to the

efficient use of salvaged material.

Project Team Owner Maxem Holdings Architect Bunting Coady Architects Structural Engineer Fast & Epp Mechanical Engineer VEL Engineering Electrical Engineer Nemetz & Associates Construction Manager Norson Construction Landscape Architect Vaughan Landscape Planning

and Design

Building Type

Building Description Office and warehouse Building Floor Area 27,000 sq. ft. Construction Cost $2.0 million Construction Type Non-combustible Completion Date Sept. 2001 Contract Type Modified CCDC-2

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Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source

Primary Structure Glulam beams 9” x 36” x 37’-0” 7” x 36” x 37’-0”

Deconstruction of Eaton Warehouse

Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

The salvaged glulams were used as floor and roof beams in the

Originally designed for a different structural application, the beams w

structural spans at the Maxem Holdings Building. To avoid an ineff

would have resulted from a conventional structural design, the

sideways resulting in a 9” deep 36” wide member. On the upper f

beams have been braced with steel tension members to create trus

on site by sandblasting and sealing.

Decision to use salvaged materials

Construction documents identify specific salvaged materials

Contractor purchases salvaged material and installs







Contractor negotiates purchase price for specific salvaged material identified in contract documents

Building structural system is designed based on identified salvaged materials

Suitable beams identified atexisting building to be demolished


ce portion of the building.

too deep for the required

nt space requirement that

ams have been installed

where the span is larger

. Beams were refinished

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Cranberry Commons Co-housing 4272 Albert Street, Burnaby, BC Cranberry Commons, a 22 unit, 24,000 sq. ft.

apartment and townhouse co-housing project

was completed in the fall of 2001. The Cranberry

Commons’ sustainability committee worked with

the consultants and contractors to integrate a

number of energy efficient and environmentally

responsible features into the design. Salvaged

materials were used in an effort to increase

resource use efficiency.

The principal salvaged material used was wood

framing. Approximately 30% studs, and 90% of

floor joists were obtained from salvaged sources.

(Exact figures on quantities of material used are

not available, however in wood framed residential

buildings, floor joists would typically represent 25

to 30% of the total framing lumber.) In addition to

framing, salvaged wood floors were also used in

a number of suites.

Project Team Building Type Owner Cranberry Commons

Cohousing Community Building Description Cohousing apartments

and community centre Architect Birmingham Wood Building Floor Area 24,400 sq. ft. Structural Engineer Chiu Sandys Wunsch

Engineering Construction Cost $

Cohousing Consultants

Community Dream Creators

Construction Type Combustible

Project Manager Artian Construction Completion Date Fall 2001 Contractor Artian Construction Contract Type CCDC Project


Principal Salvaged Materials Component Salvaged Material Source

Primary Structure Dimension Lumber 2 x 10 Joists 2 x 6 Wood studs 2 x 4 Wood studs

D. Litchfield Inc.

Finishes Hardwood flooring D. Litchfield Inc.

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The project was undertaken using a standard construction management contract. Joists and

studs were obtained by the contractor / construction manager, from a single salvaged materials

supplier, during construction. This contractual method has the disadvantage that the use of

salvaged materials is dependent on appropriate materials being available when required. With

certain categories of salvaged material this would present problems, however the wood framing

used at Cranberry Commons is generally readily available from salvaged suppliers. An emphasis

on wood framing resulted in a relatively high salvaged materials content for the project with

minimal effort required for acquisition. Denailing, carried out on site by the contractor, was a time

consuming process and as a result the use of salvaged material did not generate cost savings.

Purchasing previously denailed material from a salvaged materials supplier may have been a

more cost effective approach.

Many of the salvaged wood joists had previously been graded, and grade stamps were visible.

Where wood was not stamped, the structural engineer visually reviewed material at the suppliers

yard to confirm acceptable quality. No major difficulties were reported in using the salvaged

wood. A difference in joist depth makes mixing of new and salvaged joists difficult, however as

the majority of joists were from salvaged sources this was not a significant issue.

Project Timeline

Predesign Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Tendering Construction

Salvaged material can

be seen at rim joist locations

Owner decision to use salvaged materials

Wood obtained from supplier and stored in underground parkade

Wood joists and framing material reviewed by structural engineer

Wood denailed during earlystage of construction


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Deconstruction Case Study Pan-Hellenic House – UBC

Building Description The 6,600 square foot Pan Hellenic house

at the University of British Columbia was a

sorority house constructed in 1959 / 1960.

The building was located on the site of the

new Liu Centre for the Study of Global

Issues. During the early stages of the

development of the Liu Centre, and as an

extension of that building’s sustainability

agenda, it was decided to deconstruct the

Pan-Hellenic House and to recycle and

reuse as many materials as possible.

Type of Construction The two-storey building was constructed

using a combination of wood framing

materials. Wood stud walls and built-up

posts supported floor and roof assembly

of glulam beams and t & g cedar decking.

This form of construction was popular in

non-residential and some residential

buildings from the late 1940s to the

1960s. The use of solid decking, capable

of spanning greater distances than

plywood sheathing, allowed for greater

spacing of support members requiring

larger glulams rather than dimension

lumber joists. These materials have

greater salvage value than the wood joists

and plywood used in more contemporary

wood framed buildings.

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Material Recovered for Reuse A total of 22,200 board feet of wood was recovered, approximately 3.25 board feet per square

foot of floor area of the original building. Glulam beams and cedar decking material were reused

at the Liu Centre. This 19,000 square foot building (approximately 3 times the size of the Pan-

Hellenic House) is primarily of non-combustible construction but with some areas of heavy timber

construction. Sufficient material was obtained from the Pan-Hellenic House deconstruction to

provide all of the required heavy timbers for the Liu Centre.

In addition to the glulam beams, approximately 13,000 board feet of dimension lumber and cedar

decking were also removed for reuse. As a comparison a new 2,200 square foot single-family

dwelling contains approximately 19,000 board feet of framing material (studs, joists and trusses).

Summary of Salvaged Lumber

Component Size Length Linear feet Board feet

Glulam beam 14.5” x 5” 48’-0” 1,248 7,490

Glulam beam 17” x 8” 56’-0” 112 1,270

Cedar decking 2” x 6” 6’ to 20’ 8,265 8,270

Cedar decking 3” x 6” 6’ to 18’ 1,824 2,740

Wood studs 2” x 4” 2,930 1,930

Cedar siding 1” x 8” 200 130

Cedar siding 1” x 4” 1,158 390

Total 22,220

Other non-wood materials

salvaged for reuse include, doors,

roof insulation and gravel.

Materials removed for recycling

include, wood, steel (primarily

rebar), gypsum board and

concrete. In total over 90% of

material was either recycled or


Material diverted by volume

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Deconstruction Process Deconstruction Timeline Wks Activity Person

days 1 Interior finishes and gypsum plaster

removed 45

2 Gypsum board, doors and windows, floor sheathing and wall insulation removed


3 Roof gravel and insulation removed, interior stucco removed


4 Cedar decking removed from roof, glulam beams removed


5 2nd floor walls removed, cedar decking removed, 1st floor walls removed


6 Concrete slab and footings excavated, rebar removed, site graded


7 Final clean up and inspection 2

Deconstruction of the Pan Hellenic

House was carried out over a 7-week

period and required approximately 156

person days of labour. Of this total

approximately 16 person days was

required for asbestos removal.

Deconstruction requires more time than

demolition, however many of the

activities are common to both processes.

Time requirements are the same for the

removal of gypsum board, asbestos and

concrete footings. Conventional

demolition of the Pan-Hellenic House

without material salvage would have

taken less time with lower labour costs.

The higher costs for the deconstruction

were offset by revenue from salvaged

materials, savings from avoided disposal

costs and material cost savings in the

construction of Liu Centre.

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Deconstruction Case Study 1127 – 1141 Richards Street, Vancouver Building Description The 3,872 sq. ft. building at 1127

Richards Street was originally built in

the 1940s. Prior to deconstruction it

housed a sheet metal shop.

Demolition of the existing project was

tendered competitively with no specific

requirement that materials be salvaged

or recycled. This demonstrates that

building deconstruction for salvage

and recycling of materials can be as

cost effective as conventional


Type of Construction The two-storey building was

constructed with a combination of

poured in place concrete, and concrete

block walls. These load-bearing walls

supported wood floor and roof joists

spanning approximately 25 feet.

Wood decking spanned the joists, but

it was not feasible to salvage this


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Material Recovered for Reuse

A total of over 15,000 board feet of Douglas fir joists were

salvaged, approximately 4 board feet per square foot of

floor area. Almost all of the joists were 3” x 14” in lengths

of 15 to 26 feet. These members are considerably larger

than the typical joists used in contemporary construction.

In new applications they will most likely not be used as

joists but rather as beams, either individually or built up.

Most of the timber removed was sold to a dealer in

Washington State.

Comparison of 3” x 14” joist with 2” x 12” joist

Over 323 tonnes of material were

removed from the building

(excluding the foundations, which

have yet to be taken out).

Approximately 15% (by weight) of

the building materials were not

salvageable or recyclable and

sent to disposal, principally

roofing materials, insulation and

miscellaneous interior materials

Material diverted by volume

Deconstruction Process

Timber was removed by

hand, cleaned, denailed

on site and stacked for

transportation. The

concrete and masonry

components were taken

down and the material

is crushed with a back

hoe. Reinforcing steel

is removed by hand.

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Client's Decision to Use Salvaged Materials

Architects have a key role to play in the initial decision to use salvaged materials and in helping

clients make this decision. Initial reaction of owners, and future building users, is often negative;

the image of "building with garbage" often comes to mind. The architects of the case study

buildings were influential in advocating the use of salvaged materials and persuading their clients

that successful high quality buildings could be achieved. The completed buildings, and high

levels of user satisfaction reported, bear out their initial conviction. In many respects the

buildings are seen as providing superior work environments to comparable conventional


Environmental Concerns

In the context of growing public

awareness of environmental problems,

the demand for higher environmental

standards and sustainable building can

only increase. Already more enlightened

owners, such as UBC and the City of

Vancouver, are responding to the

challenge, and environmentally

responsible design is a key component of

design briefs for new facilities.

In the case of the C.K. Choi Building, the

owners' decision to use salvaged

materials was part of a larger

environmental agenda that included

energy efficiency, use of natural light and

ventilation, and water use reduction. The

fortuitous availability of large timbers

from a building on an adjoining site, scheduled for demolition, resulted in the use of larger

quantities of salvaged materials than might otherwise have been possible.

Reasons for building owner to consider use of salvage materials • Demonstrates leadership and innovation.

• The quality of salvaged materials, especially lumber, is often better, resulting in a better building.

• Cost benefits; salvaged materials may be cheaper, definitely won’t cost more.

• May result in unique buildings, and increased employee satisfaction

• Green buildings as marketing tools. Public opinion and awareness about environmental issues is evolving.

• Building can incorporate historical associations.

• Performance equal to that of conventional building can be achieved

From Demolition / Deconstruction Seminar 1999

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Many commercial organizations are also developing environmental agendas, and seeking to

incorporate environmental principals into their business practices and the buildings they occupy.

REI, a Seattle coop company selling outdoor equipment, is recognized as a leader in protecting

the outdoors for recreation. In response to members’ expectations that their operations be

consistent with the company’s conservation ethic, new stores in Seattle and Denver have

incorporated many green design strategies including the use of salvaged materials.

Photos courtesy of Mithun Architects

REI Store, Seattle, Mithun Architects

Most clients however, are unlikely to have highly developed environmental agendas for their

projects, and in many cases the idea of using salvaged materials, or of incorporating other green

strategies, may come from the architect initially. It is important to have the full support of the

client, particularly if significant quantities of salvaged materials are to be used. Depending on

how, and at what stage, salvaged materials are obtained additional design or construction time

may be required. It is also likely that a greater level of professional service, and associated fees

will be required, although these may be offset against savings in construction costs. Architects

should consider the need to negotiate increased fees with the owner, or agree some method of

sharing savings in construction costs.

Potential Cost Savings

The issue of the potential cost savings resulting from the use of salvaged materials is discussed

in more detail in Section 4. Clearly, with certain projects there are opportunities to reduce

construction costs, and this is obviously an attractive prospect for owners. Cost savings of

approximately $50,000 (7.5% of construction cost) were achieved at the Materials Testing Lab as

a result of salvaged materials use. However, reusing construction materials does not

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automatically result in savings, and architects are cautioned against over-estimating the potential,

or letting this be the sole driving force behind a decision to use salvaged materials.

Whatever the motivation, it is vitally important that owners are fully supportive of the decision to

use salvaged materials, and be aware of, and willing to share any associated risks.

Setting Goals

It is common practice in designing green buildings to establish goals for environmental

performance. Building environmental impacts are measured by comparison with conventional

buildings, or as a percentage of existing standards such as the National Energy Code or

ASHRAE 90.1 standard for energy consumption. It is relatively easy to set similar goals for the

use of use of salvaged building materials. (Percentage of salvaged material use is most easily

measured in terms of cost of equivalent new material.) The examples of the case study buildings

demonstrate that, with particular building types, considerable substitution for new material can

occur. The CK Choi building and Materials Testing Lab have salvaged and recycled materials

content of 50% and 70% respectively.

Not all architects and owners will want to set such ambitious goals without previous experience of

salvaged materials use. The decision as to what level of use of salvaged material should be

determined based on some or all of the following criteria:

• The size of the proposed building. Because of the nature of the supply of salvage

materials and the different acquisition process involved salvaged materials are most

easily, and cost effectively, obtained in relatively small volumes. Greater and more

efficient use can therefore be achieved in smaller buildings.

• Previous experience of the design team and contractor, with the use of salvage materials.

Knowing how and where to located and acquire salvage materials can improve the

efficiency and cost effectiveness of the process.

• Time available during both design and / or construction phases, to locate and acquire

salvaged materials

• Type of construction of the building. Wood and wood products represent the largest

category of salvaged materials; buildings permitted by code to be of combustible, or

heavy timber construction, offer the best opportunities for salvaged materials use.

• The level of implementation of other environmental strategies.

On small to medium sized projects using combustible construction, up to 25% use of salvaged

materials can be easily achieved. Achieving higher percentages will require more effort and time,

although goals of 50 or 75% are realistic.

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Contractual Arrangements

While technically the use of salvaged materials is similar to construction using new product, the

process of obtaining salvaged materials differs significantly from normal industry practice. For

this reason the conventional contractual relationships may not be the most suitable. This is the

appropriate time to discuss these arrangements with the owner and decide on the most

appropriate contractual approach. Some key considerations are:

• The level of salvaged material use proposed

• The type of materials to be acquired from salvaged sources

• The time available to research and obtain materials both during design and construction

• Whether the owner already possesses significant quantities of salvaged materials. For

example from existing buildings on site.

• The stage at which materials are to be acquired and the party responsible for locating

and acquiring them.

The case study buildings demonstrate different contractual approaches, the C K Choi and Liu

Centre, stipulated price contracts, and the Materials Testing Lab a construction management

contract. Many other factors unrelated to the use of salvage material will also determine the

choice of construction contract.

Case Study Building Construction Contracts Building Construction Contract Salvaged Materials Materials Testing

Lab CCDC - 5 Construction management contract

Provided by owner or located and purchased by construction manager during construction

C.K. Choi Building CCDC - 2 Stipulated price contract

Provided by owner or located by architect prior to tender and purchased by owner

Liu Centre CCDC - 2 Stipulated price contract

Provided by owner or located by architect and purchased by owner

Once the decision has been made to use salvaged materials, and goals have been established,

the areas in which these materials are to be used should be studied. At this stage it is useful to

draw up a preliminary list of materials and components that may be acquired from salvaged

sources. The table on the following lists the main areas of salvaged materials use in the case

study buildings and can be used as a starting point in developing a list.

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Principal Salvaged Materials in Case Study Buildings System Material / Component Best Source Structural wood

components Heavy timber columns and beams, Glulam beams

Specialty Suppliers, Demolition Contractors Salvaged building materials suppliers

Non-structural wood components

Wood studs, t&g sheathing, Salvaged building materials suppliers Specialty Suppliers

Cladding Brick Wood siding

Demolition Contractors Salvaged building materials suppliers Specialty Suppliers

Interior Doors and frames, Prefabricated stair

Salvaged building materials suppliers

Mechanical Plumbing fixtures Washroom accessories

Salvaged building materials suppliers Demolition Contractors, Salvaged Materials Suppliers

Electrical Light fixtures, conduit Salvaged building materials suppliers Finishes Wood flooring Salvaged building materials suppliers

Specialty Suppliers Site work /

Landscaping Pavers Salvaged building materials suppliers

Masonry Suppliers


There is potential for salvaged materials substitution in all building systems. All consultants

should be aware of the owner's decision to use salvaged materials and be requested to identify

opportunities within the material and components they specify.

As structural components represent one of the largest groups of salvaged materials, it is essential

that the structural engineer be supportive of the decision to use salvaged materials.

Considerable ingenuity may be required in developing solutions with a limited palette of materials.

Each of the case study buildings used salvaged materials for main structural systems although

the methods used were different.

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At this stage in the design, basic layout of spaces and column grids and spans are being

determined. An understanding of the range of wood columns and beams typically available from

salvaged sources will be of benefit. As the building layout is developed in schematic form, the

size of program spaces will determine the structural grid, and the size of beam spans. For

buildings of combustible or heavy timber construction, this is an appropriate time to discuss the

range of sizes typically available in glulam or timber beams. If glulam beams are generally

available in lengths up to 7 metres it would be unwise to design 7.2 metre spans and hope to find

the right beams during the construction phase. A better approach would be to design to span 6

metres and if necessary trim 7 metre beams to size. Keeping structural spans as short as

possible will make the acquisition of beams easier. It is also worth remembering that if wood

structural members, have suffered deterioration it is most likely to be at the ends, trimming may

be required reducing the length of members.

The benefits of selecting appropriate structural spans

In all case study buildings salvaged structural materials were available during the early design

stages. The structure of each building was designed based on actual timber components already

available, although the approaches were different.

C. K. Choi Building

Unsuccessful attempts were made to utilize the trusses from the old Armories building in two

recently designed, but at that time, unbuilt buildings. In the case of the new Student Recreation

Building, the Armories trusses were found to be two feet too short for the designed spans. It may

have been possible to use the trusses intact in this building if they had been available at a time

when the design could have been adapted to suit the truss sizes. However, although the trusses

had to be disassembled for use in the CK Choi building, this did allow greater design flexibility

and a structure more suitable to the relatively small program spaces.

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Deconstruction of Armories building - removal of roof trusses

Materials Testing Lab

The two main trusses at the Materials Testing Lab are used in their original configuration, with

some modifications, but were disassembled and refabricated with new connections. In part this

was necessary to allow for pressure treatment of the components which had previously been

located in an interior environment. It is important to ensure that new locations of structural

timbers are compatible with previous uses or that measures are taken to protect the wood if

interior members are used outside.

Structural details, Liu Centre, above, Materials Testing Lab right.

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Liu Centre

Glulam beams from the Pan Hellenic House building were identified and measured prior to

deconstruction of the building. Design of the heavy timber portions of the Liu Centre was based

on these measured sizes. Generally this process worked well although in one case an existing

glulam was damaged during removal and did not fit the new structural span. It is important to

ensure the salvage contractor is aware of which materials are to be reused, and also in what form

they will be used prior to deconstruction. Care must also be taken in deconstructing buildings

that materials to be reused are not damaged. Salvage contractors have developed special tools

and techniques to carefully remove material.

Adhesion testing was carried out to confirm the strength of the glue used in the original beams.

Sources of Salvaged materials

Once a preliminary list of salvaged materials has been developed, consideration should be given

to where they may be obtained. Salvaged materials may be obtained from a number of sources:

• A suitable existing building on site, or on an adjoining site. This is perhaps the best way

to obtain salvage materials. Particularly if the building can be identified and materials

measured and an inventory taken prior to design of the new building. Obtaining materials

in this way from a single source also results in greater consistency of material quality and


• An existing building off-site. Many of the advantages of an on-site building. If demolition

and salvage contractors can be made aware of the project's material requirements they

may be able to assist in identifying a suitable building.

• A salvaged building materials supply yard

• Demolition / Deconstruction contractors - on-site sale

• Specialty salvaged materials suppliers / brokers. Particularly for heavy timbers or glulam


More information on the sources of specific materials is provided in Section 4, and local suppliers

are listed in Appendix A.

The successful use of salvaged structural materials in the case study buildings resulted, in part,

from the availability of suitable structural components at an early stage in the design process.

The ability to design the Materials Testing Lab building around the large trusses, and to

disassemble the armories trusses to provide smaller components, which could be integrated into

a design that was still somewhat fluid, were key factors in their success. Designing a building

based on a fixed set of structural materials, may appear to be constraining, however in terms of

salvaged materials use it is much easier that designing without reference to availability of

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materials and attempting to locate specific materials later. For larger buildings it is almost

essential to have the bulk of structural materials available prior to detailed design of the building.

For smaller buildings it may be possible to find suitable structural materials in sufficient quantities

at a single salvage materials yard or from a broker in the case of heavy timbers or glulam beams.

For larger buildings this is likely to be more difficult unless an entire building scheduled to be

demolished, and containing the needed materials, can be identified. However if the larger part of

structural materials can be obtained from a single source it is feasible to obtain smaller quantities

form suppliers.

Acquisition of Salvaged Materials

When specifying new material, architects and designers are used to choosing from a wide

product range, and generally need have little concern about variations in quality and availability.

Selection of appropriate materials can be made based on previous experience with a particular

material, or on the basis a review of product catalogues, technical literature and sample material.

Initially architects may find the process involved in identifying and acquiring salvaged materials a

little cumbersome and limiting. However, those who have used salvaged materials, have not

identified any significant difficulties with the process provided sufficient time is allowed and

appropriate procedures are implemented. The case study buildings demonstrate that differences

in the nature and acquisition process of salvaged materials need not effect the quality of the final


Comparison of Materials Acquisition Processes

New Materials Salvaged Materials

Specify material Specify material

Store material

Identify source Identify source(s)

• Confirm availability Transport to fabrication shop

Purchase material • Confirm required quantities are available

• Confirm quality of material

Refinish or refabricate material or component if required (on-site or off-site)

Transport to site

Purchase material Install Material

Install material

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3.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT During the design development stage of the project, more detail can be added to the list of

potential salvaged materials to be used. Sizes and outline specifications of materials and

components can be developed. If possible, size ranges, rather than fixed dimensions, should be

specified initially. For example, although there may be an ideal size, for overhead doors, the

design may be flexible enough to accommodate slightly wider or narrower units.

A further example, from the Materials Testing Lab, is the use of salvaged interior doors. Although

a good supply of flush wood interiors doors is readily available from salvaged material suppliers, it

is not always possible to acquire large numbers of doors of exactly the same height and width.

Consistency of dimensions is clearly an objective in terms of visual appearance, however this

does not necessarily have to extend to all doors in the building or even to all doors of a particular

type. All doors within particular continuous areas were required to be the same height but

variations were permitted between separate areas and from floor to floor.

Flexibility may also be needed in specifying exterior cladding. During the design development

stage, the drawings of the Materials Testing Lab indicated cladding without specifying the

material. Both metal cladding, and the wood siding that was eventually used, were considered to

be acceptable. The final choice was based on availability of material at the time of construction.

The need for this level of flexibility, and if possible the range of likely cladding materials, should

be discussed with the planning department if design approvals are required.

Design for Future Reuse

To facilitate future reuse of materials, care should be taken to ensure that both salvaged and new

materials, are detailed, and installed, in such a way that they can be readily removed at some

future date. In the same way that we place high value on old materials, it is likely that in the

future, the same regard will be paid to many of the better quality new and used materials we use

today. Even more so when the materials have a history that goes back beyond their current use.

As materials and components are incorporated into buildings during construction, they must be

physically attached, or held in place. In some cases the weight of the material itself is sufficient,

but usually some form of mechanical fastener of chemical bond is required. Attachment with

adhesives or other chemical bonds is often irreversible and means the material cannot easily be

disassembled to allow reuse. In some cases adhesives are the only realistic choice, but where

possible mechanical fasteners should be used. Unfortunately it is almost impossible to salvage

bricks from recent masonry construction because of the use of cementitious mortar. Older bricks

held together with lime mortar are much easier to disassemble.

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Environmental Criteria

Designers should be aware that there are other environmental criteria, beyond those addressed

directly by the use of salvaged materials, that should be considered in choosing to use salvaged

rather than new materials. In a number of instances the benefits of using salvaged materials

must be weighed against the advantages of using new materials, which may be more energy or

resource efficient. This is particularly the case with reuse of mechanical and electrical equipment.

Even in cases where newer more efficient components are available from salvaged sources, the

selection may be limited, and it may not be possible to efficiently match the size of unit to the

particular application requirements. Although savings in embodied energy may be achieved by

using a salvaged component, the loss of operating energy efficiency, as a result of over-sizing,

would be much more significant over the full service life of the component. However in many

cases it may be possible to refurbish old equipment and improve its energy efficiency by

replacing motors, fans etc.

Similar arguments apply to electrical light fixtures. In many cases older fluorescent or

incandescent lights, removed from existing buildings as part of energy upgrades, find their way

into the salvaged materials market. It is possible to retrofit the original fixtures with new ballasts

and to accommodate more energy efficient lamps. Many of the light fixtures at the Materials

Testing Lab were from salvaged sources.

A common green building strategy is to reduce water consumption in buildings. Low flow

plumbing fixtures are available, and in some cases are now mandatory. It is feasible to reuse

plumbing fixtures such as sinks and bathtubs, and to retrofit them with low flow accessories.

However adapting old toilets to meet current standards represents some difficulties. Simply

reducing the capacity of the tank to comply with low flow requirements may result in inadequate

performance of the fixture.


Building Permit

The BC Building Code, or Building By-law in the City of Vancouver, plays a significant role in

determining the types and quality of materials that are permitted in construction. In addition, the

Code and By-law reference numerous standards that also define quality of materials and

components. Both the BC Building Code and City of Vancouver Building By-law, deal explicitly

with the use of salvaged materials. The code refers to "used materials" but the intent is clear:

Unless otherwise specified, used materials, appliances and equipment are permitted to

be reused when they meet the requirements of this Code for new materials and are

satisfactory for the intended use (BC Building Code 1))

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Although the general principle of permitting salvaged materials is clear, the question as to

whether particular materials or components meet the specific requirements of the code, or

referenced standards, or are satisfactory for the intended use, may be more difficult to establish.

Architects have generally received a favourable response from municipal regulators when

proposing to specify and use salvaged materials. In part as a result of the success of the

Materials Testing Lab, the City of Vancouver is on record as "encouraging contractors to use

recycled / salvaged building materials where the materials meet Building Code requirements". In

all cases the municipal building department should be made aware of the intention to use

salvaged materials at an early stage. In order to ensure acceptance and avoid misunderstandings

there should be ongoing communication and information exchange. Salvaged materials should be

identified and noted on permit drawings.

Wood Grading

All wood commonly used in construction is classified according to species group, and is also

marked with a grade stamp, indicating the grading authority, the mill of manufacture, the moisture

content of the wood at the time of manufacture, and the grade of the wood. Grading is based on

size and location of knots, and slope of grain. The purpose of grading is to identify the quality of

wood intended for specific types of application. Dimension lumber is face stamped approximately

2 foot from the end of the each piece of wood. Grade stamps are applied at the point of

manufacture, and play a key role in determining the use or range of uses of the wood in structural

framing applications. The table below, from the BC Building Code indicates the permitted spans

for 2" x 10" floor joists at 16" on centre.

Part 9 BC Building Code- Residential loads Species Group Grade Allowable Span (m) Douglas Fir / Larch Select Structural 4.70 No. 1 and No. 2 4.51 No. 3 3.58 Construction 1.84 Standard 1.78 Hem-Fir Select Structural 4.64 No. 1 and No. 2 4.51 No. 3 4.37 Construction 1.84 Standard 1.78

Wood members from buildings older than the early 1960s are unlikely to have grade stamps.

However it is generally accepted that wood from older buildings is at least equal, and often better

in quality to comparable new wood. Older wood tends to be denser, and have fewer knots than

newer material of the same species. However lack of grade stamps can be a serious impediment

to the use of salvaged wood in load-bearing applications.

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A solution to the problem of lack of grade category is to assume the materials are of the lowest

grade. In the case of the 2 x 10 listed above the municipal inspections department might

reasonably accept a classification of No. 3 grade for reused joists. (Construction or standard

grades are not commonly used in construction.)

Salvaged lumber may also be re-graded. Lumber used at the Materials Testing Lab was visually

re-graded on site by a City employee who was also a certified wood grader. Pacific Heritage

Woodworks a local supplier of salvaged timbers and large dimension lumber will provide

regrading of all wood they supply.

Salvaged wood material may have bolt holes or notches, and there are, as yet, no protocols for

accounting for these defects when assigning grades. Recent experimental testing in the US has

considered bolt holes to be equivalent to knots for grading purposes, and it is likely that in the

future grading standards for salvaged wood will be developed.

It is also worth noting that many non-load-bearing uses of dimensioned lumber do not require

graded material, for example, blocking, strapping etc.

Right, 2" decking material remilled as studs. Above, non-structural uses of salvaged wood

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Alternative Construction Contracting Approaches

The importance of identifying the construction contracting approach to be used, at an early stage

in the project, has been previously discussed in the context of establishing goals for the overall

level of materials reuse, and in determining which materials should be acquired from salvaged

sources. The case study buildings employ different contracting approaches. The success of

each building suggests that either method is viable. Regardless of which contract type is used,

some changes to normal methods of materials selection, and acquisition are inevitable.

Stipulated Price Contract / General Contractor

Construction of the C.K. Choi building was based on a standard CCDC-2 Stipulated price

contract, The diagram on the following page illustrates the contractual arrangements between

architect, owner and contractor and the process involved in acquiring salvaged materials.

Salvaged materials were researched and located by the architects, and purchased by the owner,

during the pre-construction phases of the project. All of the salvaged materials for the project

were available for inspection by contractors at the time the project was tendered.

CK Choi Building Salvaged Materials Acquisition Process

CCAC 6 Architect / Client Agreement

CCDC- 2 Stipulated Price Contract

Architect Owner Contractor

Located salvaged

materials prior to tender

Provided salvaged structural materials

Pre-purchased and stored salvaged materials prior to tender

All bidders inspected salvaged materials prior to tender

Designed building based on previously acquired salvaged materials

Installed salvaged materials as owner supplied items according to contract documents

Contractors bidding the project were not required to investigate the unfamiliar processes of

salvaged materials acquisition, or to make assumptions about the availability of appropriate

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materials. The process therefore did not differ significantly from a conventional tender, and

bidders were not exposed to increased risks as a result of uncertainties relating to the use of

salvaged material. This method of acquisition required additional time during the pre-construction

stages to allow the architects to search for and locate appropriate salvaged materials. It was also

necessary for the owner to access construction funds at an earlier stage than would normally be

the case.

If the owner has pre-purchased and stored salvaged materials, contractors should be given the

opportunity to inspect the materials in order to understand the quality, need for refinishing etc. of

the materials they will be using.

The project specifications should also recognize the quality of the material and indicate the level

of additional work that is expected prior to installation. For example hollow metal doorframes may

be damaged during salvage operations, and may have dents or other defects that will be

apparent even after repainting. Contractors need to know if these will have to be repaired, or if

the frame can be installed "as is". Repair of minor damage can be expensive and contractors

need to have an understanding of the expectations of the owner and architect as far as quality of

finished product is concerned. To a certain extent the degree of repair necessary in this, and

other cases, will depend on the location within the building of the material or component. A

pristine finish may be required in major public spaces within the building, but may be less critical

in storage areas or other less frequently used spaces. Ideally in the case of doors and frames,

each would be examined prior to tendering and a schedule produced indicating location of each

door, and specifying a level of quality / repair required. Again this entails additional work for the

architect and highlights the need for additional fees.

Stipulated Price Contract and Use of Salvaged Materials

Advantages Disadvantages • Architect selects appropriate material

during pre-construction stages and has more control over quality and appropriateness for design

• Contractors may view the salvaged materials prior to bidding the project

• Once tenders close and contractor is selected, construction costs are known with the same level of certainty as in a typical construction project

• Additional construction time is not required (although use of salvage material may require different skills)

• Owner must pre-purchase materials incurring construction costs earlier in the project schedule

• Materials must be stored until the appropriate stage of construction. Security and / or additional insurance may be required

• Less flexibility for introducing salvaged materials later during the construction stage

• Additional design time and fees may be required to permit architects to located appropriate salvaged materials

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Stipulated Price Contract without Pre-purchase of Salvaged Materials

Experience has suggested that when contractors bidding a project are given the choice of

providing new or salvaged materials, they will invariably choose to bid on the basis of using new

material. The reluctance to choose salvaged materials is understandable and results from:

• Unfamiliarity with the acquisition process for salvaged materials

• Unfamiliarity with the use of salvaged materials

• Uncertainty about the availability of materials at the appropriate time during construction

• Uncertainty about the suitability of available salvaged materials

Construction Management

The materials acquisition process at the Materials Testing Lab and the various contractual

arrangements are illustrated below. Initially, the owners' intention was use a conventional

general contractor delivery method. Acquisition of non-structural salvaged materials was to be

the contractor's responsibility, and tender documents gave the contractors the option of using

salvaged or non-salvaged materials. Unfortunately for a number of reasons, including those

described above, most contractors decided not to bid on the basis of salvaged materials. When

the results of the bidding process were reviewed it was apparent that little salvaged material other

than the structural members provided by the owner would be used. An alternative, construction

management approach was therefore implemented.

Materials Testing Lab Salvaged Materials Acquisition Process

CCAC 6 Architect / Client Agreement

City of Vancouver Construction Management Contract

Architect Owner Construction Manager

Designed building based on previously acquired structural materials and known to be available non-structural materials

Provided (and stored) structural salvaged materials

The main structural materials were provided by the owner and were available early in the desig

stage. However, theft, and an unfortunate fire, resulted in the loss of some material. A tour o

local salvaged materials yards by the owners and architects during design stage suggested that

large and varied selection of salvaged materials were available. However, the inconsistency o

Construction manager locates and purchases additional salvaged materials during construction






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supply of certain materials was not immediately obvious. Design proceeded on the basis that

salvaged materials would be available at the appropriate time. However when the construction

manager attempted to locate and purchase materials during construction, many of the materials

that had been identified as being suitable were no longer available.

Construction Management Contract and Use of Salvaged Materials

Advantages Disadvantages

• Can allow for greater use of salvaged materials

• Final construction cost is not known until the project is complete

• Owner is not required to access construction funds during pre-construction stages of the project

• The construction manager can respond quickly to the opportune availability of salvaged materials during construction

• All salvaged materials are not available at the start of the construction stage. The design is completed without necessarily knowing which materials will be available from salvaged sources at the appropriate time

• Potential delay in construction schedule if salvaged materials are not available when needed



Although some salvaged materials may require more preparation and finishing than new material,

construction schedules should not need to be extended to accommodate the reuse of salvaged

material, provided all materials are available at the appropriate time during construction. This

requires that all materials be available at the start of construction, or alternatively, that the

contractor, or construction manager, know where, and how to obtain salvaged materials and that

sufficient time is allowed. Whether this is possible in practice will depend, to some extent, on the

level of salvaged material use and the particular materials required. Some delays were

experienced during construction of the Materials Testing Lab when salvaged materials were not

immediately available when required. In part the delays can be attributed to the firm commitment

of the project team, and owner, to use salvaged materials whenever possible.

All of the salvaged materials used in the C.K. Choi building were acquired prior to construction,

and where available to the contractor when required. Construction was not therefore delayed as

a result of the use of salvaged material.

Field Review

In reviewing construction using salvaged materials some allowance should be made when the

appearance of material is not of the quality that would generally be expected of new material.

Minimum standards must be set for quality and appearance of salvaged materials and

components, but to expect all salvaged materials to be indistinguishable from new material is

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unrealistic. In comparing salvaged components with minor defects with comparable new product

it should be remembered that once the building is occupied, all materials essentially become

used materials. In most normal service environments new materials will quickly exhibit signs of


To a certain extent the approach taken will depend on the contractual arrangements and the

methods used to procure the salvaged material. If the owner is supplying the material to the

contractor, it is difficult for the architect to deem it unacceptable on the grounds of appearance,

unless specific details of refinishing have been specified and not been complied with.

Letters of Assurance to be provided after completion of construction should not present any

unique problems with respect to salvaged materials.

Municipal Inspections

The building code position on the reuse of materials has been discussed previously, in Section

3.4. There have been reports of individual inspectors reacting unfavourably to the use of

salvaged materials and of some inconsistency in interpretation of code requirements. However if

the use of salvaged materials has previously been discussed with the municipality, and

particularly if specific salvaged material use has been identified on permit drawings there are

unlikely to be difficulties.

If additional salvaged materials, not identified on the permit drawings, are used it may be

appropriate to identify this material on the final set of record drawings.

Trades Resistance

Some initial contractor resistance to the use of salvaged materials is to be expected. Although

most construction workers will appreciate the qualities of old lumber and heavy timbers, the same

may not be the case with reused doors, or previously used plywood sheathing. In both case

study buildings, first reactions to the use of salvaged material made reference to building with


However, as the buildings took shape, attitudes of the workers, as well as the future building

users, changed and became strongly positive. Working with salvaged materials can provide

construction workers with opportunities to acquire new skills. Use of salvaged materials may also

foster more traditional construction skills of cutting and fabrication, rather than current common

practices of measurement, ordering, and installation of prefabricated components. For example

the windows for the Materials Testing Lab were milled and fabricated on site by the Construction

Manager's own forces. Within a broader context the shift from material costs to labour costs

resulting from the use of salvaged materials has significant benefits in terms of creating additional

construction industry jobs.

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On-site fabrication of window frames, Materials Testing Lab

Greater care needs to be exercised in working with salvaged materials. When using new

material, workers can usually assume that additional material can be quickly and easily obtained.

For example, if workers run out of dimension lumber as a result of poor planning or unnecessary

wastage, new material can be readily purchased at many lumber stores. This is not the case with

salvaged materials. Greater care needs to be taken. If a small piece of lumber is required, off-

cuts should first be checked for suitability before cutting a larger member.

Working with old lumber

As wood ages it becomes hard and more difficult to work. Cutting old wood will blunt saw blades

quicker than working new material. However more frequent replacement of blades is unlikely to

add significantly to overall project costs. The widespread use of nail guns makes the density and

hardness of the material less of a problem.

Older dimension lumber does not always conform to current sizes and standards of finishing. Old

lumber was originally rough-cut; for example joists were sawn, trimmed and edged, but not

planed, and saw marks are often visible on the surfaces. Later one or two edges of the rough-cut

material were planed in order to provide smoothness for attachment of decking, and to provide

uniformity of joist depth. Modern framing material is typically planed on all sides, S4S, and as a

result the finished dimensions may be 1/2" to 3/4" less than the original rough cut dimension.

Mixing salvaged and new dimension lumber in construction must take account of these size


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1. Old joist - rough cut

2. Old joist - S2E - planed two edges to allow more regular nailing of decking material

3. New Joist S4S - planed four sides

Comparison of Old and New Joists

One of the advantageous characteristics of old wood is its low moisture content. Moisture

content of heavy timbers and framing material, which has not been exposed to the exterior

environment, is likely to the same as or lower than new kiln dried material. This wood is

dimensionally stable and will not shrink in the same way that new wood will. Care must be taken

however to allow for differential movement to avoid cracking of finishes if salvaged material is

used alongside new material.

Quality and Appearance of Materials

Generally if materials have been selected prior to construction, quality should not be an issue.

Owners, architects and contractors will likely have inspected materials. In the case of some

salvaged materials such as wood products, the aged appearance is considered a desirable effect.

The patina of weathered surfaces is a much sought after quality and even rust stains and old

boltholes may be acceptable. Care needs to be taken if salvaged materials from different

sources are mixed. Additional finishing may be required to achieve a consistent appearance.

Problems may arise with non-structural materials or components obtained by the contractor or a

construction manager during construction. Some standards and quality control measures should

be established before material acquisition. The architect, and engineers if appropriate, should

review all salvaged material.

1. 2. 3.

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3.7 TYPICAL PROJECT SUMMARY The following summary lists some of the main considerations and activities associated with

salvaged materials through each of the typical project phases.

PREDESIGN PHASE • Discuss and agree use of salvaged materials with client

• Establish goals for salvaged materials use

• Review likely impact of salvaged materials on overall project costs

• Discuss the need for additional professional fees

• Prior to selecting consultants, consider previous experience with use of salvaged materials, or

willingness to accept concept.

SCHEMATIC DESIGN • Discuss alternative contractual arrangements with client, particularly if high levels of salvaged

material use are planned

• Begin to establish which materials and components will be from salvaged sources based on

established goals

• Investigate the potential of obtaining structural materials from an existing building.

• Visit local used building materials yards to establish general availability and quality of materials.

• Discuss scope of project and preliminary list of materials with demolition contractors and

salvaged materials suppliers.

• Discuss use of salvaged materials with other consultants, particularly the structural engineer

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT • Add more detail to list of salvaged materials. Allow for flexibility in choice of materials and

ranges of sizes.

• Discuss possible pre-purchase of high value materials with owners

• Discuss proposed use of salvaged materials with municipal building department

• Continue to discuss list of required materials with salvaged materials suppliers.

• Consider possibility of pre-purchase of suitable high value materials

CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS • Identify all salvaged materials on building permit drawings

• Continue to develop list of salvaged materials

• Consider pre-purchase of suitable material

• Establish procedures for grading salvaged wood

• Establish standard for salvaged materials to be obtained by contractor or construction manager

TENDER / NEGOTIATION • Arrange for contractors to inspect pre-purchased materials

CONSTRUCTION / CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION • Review quality of salvaged materials obtained by contractor or construction manager

• Review use of salvaged materials with municipal inspector

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4.1 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE The demolition and salvaged building materials industries are separate, but closely related

entities. The disassembly, removal, and disposal of buildings at the end of their useful service life

may be accomplished through either demolition or deconstruction. Demolition refers to the "rapid

destruction of a building with or without prior removal of hazardous materials" 1. Deconstruction

on the other hand involves "taking a building or structure apart in a manner that achieves safe

removal and disposal of hazardous materials and maximum salvage and recycling of materials".

Full, or partial, deconstruction of buildings provides the material for the salvaged building

materials industry. Increased construction industry demand for salvaged materials will encourage

more deconstruction and materials recovery.

Benefits of Deconstruction • Significant quantities (up to 90%) of demolition waste can be diverted from landfill

disposal. • Worker and public health and safety is protected through the correct removal,

handling, and disposal of a number of hazardous materials commonly found in older buildings.

• Deconstruction is a labour-intensive process and creates jobs, both in dismantling buildings, and in the salvaged building materials industry

• Deconstruction provides a supply of affordable, and in many cases, high quality used building materials.

• The use of salvaged materials conserves natural resources and protects the environment.

• The use of salvaged materials reduces embodied energy (i.e. the energy required to acquire raw materials, manufacture, and transport new construction materials)

From: Provincial Demolition Material Diversion Strategy - Discussion Paper

Building demolition is regulated by individual municipalities, typically through building and

development by-laws. Permits are required before any building may be demolished, and

increasingly, municipalities are concerned about the proper disposal of hazardous material.

Deconstruction of buildings takes considerably longer than demolition but does allow for the

correct removal and disposal of hazardous materials. Removal of useful building material is a

labour-intensive process, requiring special skills and tools if materials are to be removed without

damage. Deconstruction of a single-family residence may be accomplished in a week, with larger

1 Demolition Materials Diversion Symposium, Summary Report, Dovetail Consulting Inc. / Salasan Assoc. Inc. 1998

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buildings taking as long as 2 or 3 months.

Most demolition projects are tendered and awarded to demolition contractors on the basis of

competitive bidding. Owners of buildings to be demolished are in many cases involved in new

construction projects, and are usually anxious to proceed quickly with the new development.

They are not normally concerned with whether or not the building is deconstructed or demolished.

However the time needed to remove the existing building is often of concern. In cases in

municipalities where demolition permits cannot be issued until such time as a development permit

is also issued. The lack of time and the short interval between issuance of a demolition permit

and the start of construction, is a significant impediment to increasing the practice of

deconstruction. However it does offer an opportunity for inspection of the existing building and

identification and documentation of suitable salvage material.

A number of different types of contractor are involved in demolishing or deconstructing buildings

and supplying salvaged materials. Three categories are identified although it is important to

understand that boundaries are somewhat fluid, and activities practiced by contractors can vary

and change.

1. Demolition Contractors

The main focus of these contractors is on demolition, although they may also carry out some

deconstruction, and sell the more valuable materials such as heavy timbers, to salvaged

contractors, or specialty sub-contractors. Unless they also have a salvaged building materials

yard, demolition contractors typically are not a major source of salvaged materials. However they

will often sell material on-site when deconstructing or demolishing buildings. The term

deconstruction is not widely understood, and most contractors use the term demolition, even

when large portions of their work may be classified as deconstruction.

Demolition / deconstruction Typical salvaged materials yard

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Most demolition contractors are now practicing some level of deconstruction on selected

buildings. However, as they are generally not properly equipped to remove materials without

damage, the level of material salvaged is currently low. In many cases demolition contractors will

sub-contract to salvage contractors or specialty sub-contractors for removal of specific

components or materials.

2. Salvage Contractors / Salvage Building Materials Suppliers

Purchase materials from demolition contractors and sell to the general public and building

contractors through a salvaged building materials yard. The terms salvage contractor and

salvage building materials supplier refer to the two aspects of acquiring and selling materials. In

some cases they may contract to selectively deconstruct portions of the building, and remove

particular materials themselves, but usually the demolition contractor removes the material from

the building. (One of the local salvage contractors also operates as a demolition contractor and

obtains salvaged material from their own demolition / deconstruction projects.)

Salvage building materials suppliers represent the basic resource for general-purpose salvage

materials. The larger yards have a good selection of structural and non-structural materials and

components. The main salvage contractors, with the best-organized yards are:

• Litchfield Demolition - Coquitlam, BC

• P & B New and Used - Surrey, BC

• All Around Demolition - Burnaby, BC

• Bent Nail New and Used - Abbotsford, BC

Unfortunately only the larger yards have inventory systems, but the more organized will have an

idea of what materials are in the yard on a day to day basis. Most yards are prepared to accept

"shopping lists" of materials from architects or contractors, and will attempt to acquire materials

over a period of time. If material is available, but not required immediately, suppliers will store the

material at their yard although they will generally expect to be paid in full.

As discussed previously much of the best material is not to be found in used salvaged building

materials yards, and they are not always the best place to begin a search. However architects

intending to use salvaged materials should visit local yards to gain an understanding of the range,

quality and selection of available materials. A list of Lower Mainland salvaged building materials

yards is provided in Appendix A.

Traditionally salvaged building materials yards have catered to a "cash-and-carry" market, mainly

supplying small quantities of materials, or single items, to small contractors or the home

renovation market. The recent success of some key local projects, have demonstrated the

potential of supplying higher volumes of materials to larger commercial / institutional projects.

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3. Specialty Suppliers / Brokers

Specialty suppliers, or brokers, who purchase specific salvaged materials, particularly those with

high value, such as heavy timbers. In many cases demolition contractors, and even salvage

contractors who have their own yards, will sell directly to these companies.

There are a number of local specialty suppliers of heavy timber, large dimension lumber, and

glulam beams, who also maintain yards. These suppliers frequently de-nail, clean, prepare, re-

grade and re-cut salvaged wood, providing a value-added product for export or local markets.

Pacific Heritage Woodworks' Yard,

Whonnock, BC

Specialty contractors represent one of the best sources of salvaged materials. They act as

intermediaries between demolition contractors and purchasers. Because they deal in a single

material only, they can generally provide a much wider selection than all but the largest salvaged

materials yards. Specialization also allows contractors to carry more inventory, although demand

for heavy timbers is high and much of the best material is exported to the US and overseas.

The services generally provided by each of the categories are listed below.

Services Provided by Contractors □ Service always provided

■ Service sometimes provided Demolish /

deconstruct buildings

Selective deconstruction

Sell to sub-contractors or brokers

Sell to the public / building industry

Demolition contractors

□ ■ ■

Salvage contractors / Salvaged building materials suppliers

□ □ ■ □

Specialty suppliers / brokers

■ □

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4.2 NATURE OF SALVAGED MATERIAL Salvaged building materials may be broadly classified in two categories, high value materials, and

high volume materials.

High Value Materials

Heavy timbers, large dimension lumber, and glulam beams represent the largest category of

high-value salvaged materials. These materials are primarily available through specialty

suppliers although the larger salvaged building materials suppliers will also have access to the

same materials. Heavy timbers are in high demand, and in the case of old growth Douglas fir

columns and beams, comparable new product may no longer be available. Other high value

materials include mechanical and electrical equipment, used office furniture and architectural


High Volume Materials

High-volume materials are generally available at all times from salvaged building materials yards

and in many cases are inexpensive when compared to the cost of new product. They are

relatively easy to obtain in small quantities, particularly if some flexibility in terms of material

specification is possible. Filling larger orders is more difficult, and if the materials have to be

located, and acquired from a number of sources, cost saving potential can be reduced. However,

large quantities do become available from time to time when commercial or institutional buildings

are deconstructed, and if demolition or salvage contractors are given enough notice they may be

able to provide larger numbers with significant cost savings.

Comparison of High Value and High Volume Salvaged Materials

High Value Materials High Volume Materials Examples Heavy timbers, heavy timber

wood trusses, large dimension lumber (>2" x 6"), architectural antiques, HVAC equipment

Dimension lumber, t & g wood decking, doors and frames, windows, brick mechanical and electrical components, etc.

Demand High demand from contractors and brokers. Often used in high quality timber framed residential projects.

High demand from small contractors and the general public. Typically used in small renovation projects, but also recently on some larger projects

Supply Good Good Source Mainly specialty suppliers and

brokers, also salvaged building materials supply yards

Salvaged building materials supply yards

Potential for Cost Savings

Heavy timber - relatively small HVAC equipment - large

Significant if obtained in large volume from a single source.

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In many cases the quality of salvaged materials is comparable to that of new materials,

particularly where some form of refinishing is carried out. With most materials and components,

minor imperfections are not significant, and may be expected within a short period of service life,

even if new materials are used. The pristine appearance of most new buildings on opening day

rarely lasts, even with ongoing maintenance and renewals. With materials such as brick it is

generally accepted that appearance improves with age.

Salvaged trusses at Vancouver Timber's yard in Burnaby

In the case of other materials, for example dimension lumber and heavy timbers, the functional

quality of salvaged material may be superior to comparable new product available today. Other

salvaged materials have historical associations providing a physical link to the past. The social

and cultural significance of these links should not be underestimated in an age where few

artifacts, including buildings, are designed to last for long periods of time. In this context,

imperfections in materials can be accepted and even welcomed.

Patina left by steel connectors on wood truss components.

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Quality and Cost of Wood Materials

One of the difficulties encountered in attempting to compare costs of new and salvaged wood

materials concerns the issue of quality. The quality of wood harvested in the past is generally

acknowledged to be better than the standard wood components typically used in construction

today. Salvaged wood typically has low moisture content and is dimensionally stable. A

comparable current product, although one not commonly used in framing applications in new

construction, would be kiln-dried material.

Most salvaged dimension lumber is Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir (a mixture of Hemlock and Douglas

Fir). Dimension lumber used for most residential construction framing today typically comes from

the SPF (spruce-pine-fir) group. This material is less expensive than Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir.

When used as joists or as other structural members Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir have greater

structural strength and can span greater distance than SPF wood.

When compared with currently used framing material such as the SPF species group, salvaged

material is more expensive. When compared with higher quality currently available material the

cost comparison is more favourable, although there is still little potential for cost savings. In most

cases when the additional costs associated with obtaining salvaged dimension lumber are

included, salvaged material will be more expensive.

Unit Cost Comparison Salvaged New New Hemlock or Douglas Fir

Denailed SPF (Spruce Pine Fir) Hem Fir � Kiln Dried

2 x 4 $0.35 $0.26 $0.34 2 x 6 $0.50 $0.47 $0.56

Salvaged wood must be denailed prior to reuse. Denailing is a labour intensive process, typically

costing $0.15 per linear foot. The cost is generally the same regardless of the cross sectional

area of the wood in question, and therefore represents a greater portion of the cost of small

dimension lumber. In the case of 2 x 4s, denailing represents over 40% of the cost of the

salvaged product. With larger dimension wood, for example a 2 x 10, denailing only increases

the cost of salvaged wood by 20%. For this reason the use of larger sized salvaged dimension

lumber offers greater potential for cost savings.

Unit Cost Comparison - Dimension Lumber (per lineal foot) Salvaged Hemlock or Douglas Fir New Material Cost Denailing

Cost Total Cost Hem Fir � Kiln Dried

2 x 4 $0.20 $0.15 $0.35 $0.34 2 x 10 $0.70 $0.15 $0.85 $1.00

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In the case of heavy timbers opportunities to reduce costs by substituting salvaged material are

even greater.

Unit Cost Comparison - Heavy Timbers (per lin. ft.)

Salvaged New De-nailed Hemlock or

Douglas Fir Douglas Fir

12 x 18 $8.70 $33.3 8 x 10 $3.95 $18.33 6 x 10 $2.80 $6.30

6 x 8 $2.70 $5.00


With the exception of dimension lumber, heavy timber, and other wood products, the selection of

salvaged materials available at any one time, is limited compared to new materials or products.

Given the wide range of products dealt, with suppliers are generally reluctant to keep large

inventory and tend to concentrate on materials that sell quickly. However if sufficient time is

allowed to acquire materials, a greater selection is available.

In terms of material selection and availability, a distinction can be made between generic type

materials, such as dimension lumber, and more specific components such as doors and frames,

or washroom accessories. Non-specific materials are relatively easy to acquire from salvaged

sources and selection is less of an issue. One wood stud is much the same as another, and

substituting a reused stud is relatively straightforward. In specifying specific components on the

other hand, architects are used to choosing from a greater range of products.

4.3 COST ANALYSIS The opportunity to reduce construction costs is often proposed as a benefit of using of salvaged

materials. Within certain limits there are real opportunities for significant savings. However, the

use of salvaged materials does not always necessarily result in savings. The salvaged building

materials industry, as it is presently structured, is primarily geared towards supplying small-scale

residential construction projects. The major difficulty associated with the use of salvaged

materials relates to acquiring materials from a single source in sufficiently large quantities. The

time needed to locate and purchase salvaged materials and components is critical to achieving

overall cost savings. If materials can be obtained from a single source, for example a single

existing building, and in sufficiently large quantities, savings can be realized.

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Cost Comparison of Representative Materials (Summer / Fall 1999)

New Material Salvaged Material

Glulam beam 3" x 12" x 10' $73 $23

Wood stud 2" x 4" x 8' $2.80 $2.72

Wood joist 2" x 10" x 13' $13.00 $11.05

T & G Wood decking 2" - per sq. ft. $1.55 $0.46

Bi-fold doors (pair) $43 $10

Hollow core interior door and frame $89 $40

1/2" Plywood - per sq. ft. $0.57 $0.28

Vinyl Window - double glazed $200 $100

2" EPS insulation - per sq. ft. $1.09 $0.14

6' Aluminum framed patio door - double glazed $420 $225

Cost Comparison

In addition to comparing the cost of specific new and salvaged materials it is useful to study the

potential for cost savings in the broader context of a typical building project. To establish a

framework for cost comparisons, a hypothetical test building was studied. The building was

designed in schematic form, using rules of thumb to determine dimensions of structural members.

Approximate areas and quantities were measures and a list of materials and components was

developed. The list is not a complete take-off of all materials in the building but instead

concentrates on those materials and components most commonly available from salvaged

sources. Overall, using the cost of new material as an indicator, the materials listed represent

approximately 48% of total building materials. The full list of materials compared is provided in

Appendix B.

These materials were then priced as new materials and compared with the price of comparable

salvaged materials.

New material prices were established using "Means Construction Cost Data, 1998", with

adjustments made for Canadian dollars and to reflect regional differences for Vancouver. The

costs of salvaged materials were determined by visiting three of the larger local salvaged

materials yards and interviewing suppliers. In many cases the materials in question were readily

available and sale prices were recorded. In other cases it was necessary to request prices for the

materials assuming they were available. Taxes are included in both sets of prices.

The test building consists of a small 2 storey, 3120 square foot, wood framed office building with

an attached 4 bay garage. The building is of a size and occupancy classification normally

permitted to be built of combustible construction, and offered many opportunities for salvaged

materials use. The relatively small size also increased the potential for obtaining required

materials from a small number of sources.

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Sketch perspective of test building

The overall construction cost of the building was estimated to be $394,000 ($126 / Sq. ft.). Of this

total, material costs were assumed at 42.5% (with labour assumed at 42.5% and general

requirements, overhead and profit at 15%).

Distribution of Construction Costs by Building System

Element Total Cost Material Cost Percent of Total

Foundations $15,735 $6,687 4

Substructure $9,945 $4,226 3

Superstructure $48,000 $20,400 12

Exterior enclosure $52,600 $22,355 13

Roofing $12,110 $5,147 3

Interior construction $85,149 $36,188 22

Mechanical systems $103,873 $44,146 26

Electrical systems $54,166 $23,021 14

Special Construction $12,503 $5,314 3

Total Building Cost $394,080 $167,484 100

Cost Comparison - Individual Materials and Components

The material used in this comparison are those most commonly available from salvaged building

materials suppliers and those that have been successfully used in construction. The full take-off

list of materials in Appendix B, and can be used for cost comparison of individual materials and

components. While all the materials listed are not always immediately available, provided

sufficient time is allowed, they should be obtainable in the quantities required for a relatively small


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Cost Comparison - Overall Building

For a number of reasons not every building material or component can be salvaged. Because of

they way they are formed or incorporated into buildings, certain materials may be difficult or

impossible to salvage without damage while it may be uneconomical to reuse others. However

there are opportunities for salvaged materials use in almost all areas with the exception of

foundations, substructure and membranes, which account for relatively small amounts of overall

costs. As mentioned previously, the comparison focused on materials commonly available from

salvaged sources, and omitted materials that are not normally available, or are impossible to


Overall savings of $39,374 were achieved as a result of substituting salvaged materials. This

figure represents approximately 50% of the cost of new materials in the categories compared.

When compared to the total cost of the building (labour, materials and overhead / profit) the use

of salvaged materials would result in a cost saving of approximately 10%.

Summary of Test Building Costs Building System Cost of New

Materials Cost of Salvaged

Materials Cost Saving

Superstruture $22,196 $10,559 $11,637

Exterior Enclosure $43,478 $25,689 $17.789

Roofing $6,272 $860 $5,412

Interior Construction $2,830 $1,460 $1,370

Mechanical $850 $484 $366

Electrical $4,000 $1,200 $2,800

Total $79,625 $40,251

Total Savings $39,374

In reviewing these figures some additional points should be considered:

• Additional costs may be incurred in locating and obtaining salvaged materials. As previously

discussed the degree of difficulty and associated costs will depend on the type and more

specifically the quantities of materials required.

• Additional professional fees may be required if the architect or construction manager is

required to locate and review salvaged materials.

• Additional cost savings can be achieved if the owner can provide salvaged materials.

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Cost Analysis Case Study 1 LIU CENTRE UBC, VANCOUVER, BC

Owner University of British Columbia Architects Architectura Contractor Haebler Construction Ltd.

Project Description

The Liu Centre is a research and conference facility at the University of British Columbia. The

decision to use salvaged materials was supported by all project stakeholders and was formalized

as one of 60 sustainable goals agreed upon at the start of the project.

Salvaged Materials

The principal salvaged materials used at the Liu Centre were Douglas fir glulam beams, and

cedar t & g decking material. Concrete pavers used in site landscaping were also obtained from

salvaged sources. The majority of salvaged glulam beams and cedar decking came from the

deconstruction of the Pan Hellenic House, an existing building on the Liu Centre site (Report

available from GVRD � Thomas Mueller T. 436 6818). Glulam beams were also obtained from

the deconstruction of the Forintek building at UBC. Materials from the UBC buildings were

provided by the owner. Additional cedar decking material was required, and was purchased from

two local salvaged materials suppliers, D. Litchfield & Co. Ltd., and Debreuil Architectural

Salvage. Materials from the existing buildings were inventoried by the architects at an early stage

in the design phase, and where available to the contractor when required. Additional materials

obtained during construction where located by the architect, and purchased by the contractor.

The architects provided assistance in locating suitable materials and were available to review and

approve the quality of salvaged materials.

Salvaged Cedar Decking Salvaged Glulam Beams

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Cost and Quality of Materials

The principal materials used at the Liu Centre, glulam beams and cedar decking, offer

considerable potential for cost savings. Deconstruction of older commercial, industrial, and

institutional buildings generates large volumes of both materials. Because of the relatively high

cost of comparable new material, prices for these salvaged materials are low, even when the cost

of testing and refinishing is included. The table below provides a comparison of typical new and

salvaged materials.

Unit Cost Comparison

Material Unit Salvaged New Douglas Fir Glulam Beam 9� X 27� Lin Ft $23.00 $51.00 3� x 6� Cedar Decking Lin Ft $1.00 $2.10

One of the difficulties in comparing costs is the difference in the nature of current building material

when compared with materials salvaged from earlier buildings. In many contemporary buildings

of non-combustible construction, steel decking material is used in floor and roof assemblies. At

the Liu Centre 3� x 6� salvaged cedar decking is used in place of steel. (Although wood is a

combustible material the building code permits wood members over a certain size to be used in

place of non-combustible material).

Typical roof assembly – Steel construction

• Roof membrane, insulation, vapour barrier • Gypsum board • Profiled metal decking • Open web steel joist

Liu Centre roof assembly

• Roof membrane, insulation, vapour barrier • 2” or 3” Cedar decking • Glulam beam

Salvaged cedar is less expensive than comparable new material, but the cost savings would be

less significant if compared to a more common contemporary material such as steel decking. In

comparing salvaged material costs, a decision must be made as to which type of new material or

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assembly should be priced. For the purpose of the analysis in this study new cedar decking is

used for comparison.

In the cost comparison table below, the salvaged glulam beam are afforded a negative cost

value. This reflects the fact that these materials were owned by UBC, having come from

demolition of an existing campus building the Pan Hellenic House. The additional cost to provide

the materials for the Liu Centre project was the cost of removal from the original building and

temporary storage only, approximately $2,800. After completion of the Liu Centre, surplus

glulams were sold to a salvaged materials supplier at the market value for salvaged materials,

approximately $3,000, resulting in a credit to the project of $200. The monies received from the

sale of surplus beams were thus slightly more than the total cost of the original salvaged beams.

Similarly much of the salvaged cedar decking was also obtained from the Pan Hellenic House,

and was supplied by the owner at a cost that represented the cost of removal and storage of the

material only.

Cost Comparison of Salvaged and New Materials

Salvaged Materials

New Material Difference


Glulam Beams -$200 Testing* / certification / storage $1,750 Refinishing $4,500 Modification of beams and steel connectors $3,300Total $9,350 $24,500 $15,150

T & G wood decking $7,150 Refinishing $2,975 Freight / contractor o/h $2,350Total $12,475 $24,000 $11,525

Concrete Pavers $1,000 Shipping $400Total $1,400 $2,700 $1,300

Total Salvaged Material Cost $23,225Cost of Comparable New Material $51,200Cost Savings to Owner $27,975

Additional Consultant CostsArchitect $5,650

Total Project Savings $27,975* Testing for adhesive strength, by Levelton Engineering.

If the discounted costs of the owner provided salvaged materials is replaced with the cost of

purchasing these materials from local salvaged materials suppliers the overall cost savings are

somewhat reduced. Overall project savings resulting from the use of salvaged materials would

be reduced from $27,975 to $16,275. However it can be argued that the owner has already paid

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for the materials obtained from the Pan Hellenic House at the time of construction of that building.

It is fortuitous that the materials originally used were of a quality that permits and facilitates reuse.

Viewed from this perspective it is appropriate to account for the cost of these materials based on

the discounted costs. In a similar way, materials from the Liu Centre, new or salvaged, may be

salvaged at some time in the future, and used in another building. The appropriate unit of

measurement of utility is not the building, but rather building materials providing accommodation

for ongoing human activity.

Additional Consultant Costs

The architects did incur additional costs as a result of the use of salvaged materials. During the

construction phase of the project the architects assisted the contractor in obtaining additional

salvaged materials. As part of this process it was necessary for the project architect to visit

various salvaged materials suppliers to review stocks of material and assess quality. Some

additional site review, and administrative functions were also required. Relative to the overall

project fee additional costs were not significant, and the architects did initially negotiate some

additional fees to cover these costs. The contractor also incurred some additional costs in

obtaining and preparing additional salvaged materials. These costs were included in the contract

amount, and are reflected in the costs provided in the comparison Table.


• The principal salvaged materials used were glulam beams and cedar decking

• Overall cost savings resulting from the use of salvaged materials amounted to $27,975.

The total project construction cost was approximately $3 million

• Savings were achieved as a result of the owner owning much of the salvaged material

used. This situation can be considered to result from the original decision to use quality

materials in the original construction of the Pan Hellenic House. Easy access to the

existing Pan Hellenic building facilitated a pre-deconstruction audit of materials by the


• The relatively high cost of comparable new materials helps in making the cost savings


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Developer / Contractor Chesterman Property Group Architects Allan Diamond Architect

Project Description

The project comprises four townhomes designed within the framework of an existing heritage

home and garage. The use of salvaged materials is one of the many environmental strategies

employed in the building and associated site work.

Salvaged Materials

The existing buildings were of wood framed construction, and were originally built using balloon

framing. Over 90% of the wood in the original house is retained. Additional salvaged materials,

principally dimension lumber, were utilized to construct the in-fill coach house. Salvaged framing

members were also used to strengthen the roof trusses and increase the space available for

insulation. Other salvaged materials include granite, and stained glass used in feature windows.

The developer initiated most of the green design strategies, including the use of salvaged

materials, and was responsible for the acquisition of dimension lumber for the project.

Approximately 36,000 board feet of framing materials were obtained from Vancouver Timber a

local supplier of salvaged building materials. An additional 5,000 board feet of materials were

obtained from deconstruction of the existing garage building. Most of the salvaged wood was

used in construction of the new coach house and as new infill walls at the base of the main


Cost and Quality of Materials

Acquiring salvaged dimension lumber in a cost effective manner can be difficult. New framing

material, although not of the same quality as salvaged framing, is inexpensive. The cost of

denailing salvaged dimension lumber pushes the cost of small sized members, such as studs,

above the cost of the most commonly used new framing materials from the SPF (Spruce-Pine-Fir)

species group. However when compared to the cost of better quality new materials, such as kiln-

dried Hem-Fir, the comparison is more favourable. The table below provides a comparison of

these alternative material costs.

Unit Cost Comparison Salvaged New New Hemlock or Douglas

Fir Denailed

SPF (Spruce Pine Fir)

Hem Fir � Kiln Dried

2 x 4 $0.35 $0.26 $0.34 2 x 6 $0.50 $0.47 $0.56

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For the purpose of the cost comparison in this analysis the price of salvaged materials is

compared with new kiln dried Hem Fir. Although this material is not commonly used in new

residential construction, there are a number of reasons why it is appropriate for comparison in the

case of a renovation project such as Ardencraig. Framing material in existing buildings will have

dried to a relatively low moisture content. The shrinkage associated with this initial drying takes

place soon after the original construction of the building, and is uniform through most assemblies.

If new green wood is added to existing structures, shrinkage of the new components adjacent to

existing framing can create problems. For this reason a better practice is to use kiln dried wood

which will have a moisture content in the same range as the existing framing, and will therefore

not shrink to any significant extent. In addition the size of older dimension lumber is not always

the same as currently available sizes. Matching existing older construction is often easier if

salvaged material is used.

Joists prior to denailing Denailed joists

Cost Comparison of Salvaged and New Materials

Salvaged Materials

New Material Difference


Dimension Lumber Purchased 36 mbfm $17,969 $20,437 $2,468 From House 5 mbfm $1,125 $2,585 $1,460

Shiplap siding 800 sq ft $120 $680 $560

Granite stone $575.00 $1,400 $825

Total Salvaged Material Cost $19,789Cost of Comparable New Material $25,102Cost Savings $5,313

Salvaged Materials Sold -$825

Total Project Savings $6,138

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At Ardencraig modest cost savings were achieved as a result of using salvaged dimension

lumber. In part this may be attributable to the relatively small quantities of wood required. Local

suppliers of salvaged materials are more likely to be able to supply smaller quantities from stock.

Additional Consultant Costs

The majority of work with respect to research and acquisition of salvage materials was

undertaken by the developer. Associated costs were included with other project overhead costs.


• The principal salvaged materials used were dimension lumber

• Cost savings of approximately $6,000 were achieved as a result of using salvaged

materials. The overall project cost was $520,000.

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4.4 SALVAGED MATERIAL AVAILABILITY AND SOURCES The following sections provide information on specific salvaged materials listed according to the

Masterformat system. The supply of salvaged materials in some categories is necessarily limited.

Details of the availability and sources of salvaged materials are also provided. As with new

materials, the characteristics of salvaged materials differ significantly. The use of particular

salvaged materials should be carefully researched, and if necessary samples of the materials

should be tested to confirm suitability for the proposed application. A full discussion of salvaged

mechanical and electrical equipment is beyond the scope of this guide although some

information, based on the experiences of the case study buildings is provided.

DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Concrete paving slabs Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Limited range Interlocking concrete pavers

Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Masonry Suppliers

Limited range

Foundation drainage pipes Rarely Salvaged building materials suppliers Storm and sanitary drainage pipes

Rarely Salvaged building materials suppliers

Chain link fencing Rarely Salvaged building materials suppliers

Interlocking concrete pavers

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DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE Because of the monolithic nature of cast-in-place material, little opportunity exists for salvage and

reuse. Concrete from existing buildings and structures is commonly crushed and reused as

roadbase material in place of new gravel or rock. Reinforcing steel is removed and recycled. In

theory, precast concrete components, both structural and non-structural could be salvaged and

reused although the local supply of these materials is limited.

DIVISION 4 - MASONRY There is a long history of reuse of brick and masonry units, and the supply of salvaged bricks is

reasonably consistent and reliable. Demolition of old warehouse and commercial buildings

results in large quantities of brick, in some cases up to 10 bricks per square foot of floor area.

Reclaiming and cleaning salvaged bricks is a time consuming activity. Salvaged bricks typically

sell for $400 - $500 per thousand, compared with a cost of $800 - $1,000 for new bricks.

Salvaging bricks from a Vancouver warehouse. Mortar is removed on site and bricks are packaged on pallets of approx. 500 units. Broken and damaged bricks are recycled.

Salmon bricks used in the interior of a warehouse wall

Salvaged bricks vary considerably in quality. In part this is due to significant variation in the

quality of the original brick. Older methods of manufacturing bricks resulted in uneven firing

temperatures within kilns. Many of the resulting bricks were not fired at the correct temperature.

Over-burnt bricks were hard and durable, but others were soft and of low strength. These units

are referred to as salmon bricks. Bricks typically did not need to be sorted, as masons laying

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bricks were able to identify high quality bricks and to use them in the exposed areas of walls.

Salmon bricks were used for the interior portions of walls and other low exposure areas. In

deconstructing masonry buildings it is not economical to identify and sort bricks. Mortar and dust

also make correct identification difficult. Salvaged bricks are therefore a mixture of high quality

face bricks and poorer quality salmon bricks.

Caution must be exercised in reusing bricks. All salvaged bricks should be tested and be suitable

for the particular proposed application. For exterior applications, in addition to visual

examination, an absorption test and a freeze thaw cycle test may be appropriate. Generally

salvaged bricks and especially salmon bricks should only be used in interior location or in low

exposure exterior areas where wetting is unlikely. The bricks used at the C K Choi building were

originally paving bricks and are considerably harder than normal face bricks making them suitable

for an exterior cladding application.

It is difficult to salvage bricks, or concrete blocks, from recent buildings because of the strength of

the portland cement mortar bonding them. Prior to the 1940 bricks were laid with hydraulic lime

mortar. Lime mortar is soft, crumbles easily and is readily separated from the bricks making

cleaning relatively easy. Although use of lime mortar in new construction would allow future

reuse of bricks, it is difficult to obtain sufficient lateral strength in veneer construction without the

use of harder mortar.

Salvaged bricks available at a yard at any particular time are likely to come from a single source,

and there is therefore unlikely to be a range of colours or textures to choose from.

Division 4 - MASONRY

Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Brick Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Masonry suppliers

Range is limited but large quantities are often available

Concrete block Rarely Salvaged building materials suppliers Masonry suppliers

Difficult to remove portland cement mortar.

Glass unit masonry Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Masonry suppliers

Quantities are often limited

Exterior stonework Occasionally Specialty materials suppliers Architectural antiques suppliers

Individual stone components, usually granite are often salvaged from brick buildings

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DIVISION 5 - STEEL Although wood beams and trusses are more common, structural steel components occasionally

become available. However the existence of an established market for salvaged steel to supply

the recycling industry, coupled with the difficulty in disassembling steel structures, particularly

where welded connections are used, often results in steel structural components being sold for

their scrap value. Smaller steel components, which can be removed intact, are sometimes

available. A steel stair and guardrails, acquired from a demolished golf clubhouse, were used at

the C.K. Choi building.

Salvaged wide-

flange beams

Division 5 - STEEL

Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Structural steel Occasionally Demolition and salvage contractors Salvaged building materials suppliers

Will typically be dismantled to remove from original building

Steel joists and girders Occasionally Demolition and salvage contractors Salvaged building materials suppliers

Pipe and tube railings Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Prefabricated metal stairs

Occasionally Demolition and salvage contractors Salvaged building materials suppliers

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There is no doubt that the timber with which this coast is covered (and which in its size

and fine grain is nowhere to be excelled) would compose a valuable addition to our

trading, as the article carries a very advanced price in China and is always in demand


There is a consistent demand for salvaged heavy timbers, and in particular, a well-established

export market for old Douglas fir beams, columns and boards. Because of this demand many

salvage contractors, including those with their own salvaged materials yards, choose to sell all

heavy timbers to brokers from the US or overseas. As a result the available supply of heavy

timbers at any particular time may be limited.

The exporting of local wood products should not be a surprise. Since the first BC sawmill was

built in 1848 the largest part of local timber production has been sold abroad. The qualities of BC

Douglas fir were greatly appreciated then as now, and the first export shipments to San Francisco

and were paid for with gold dust.

7" x 29" Douglas Fir beams, Vancouver Timbers' yard, Burnaby

Wood has historically been the most common building material in British Columbia, and has been

used in structural and non-structural applications for over 100 years. It is the most commonly

reused building material.

1 James Strange, East India Company, 1786

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Deconstruction of buildings yields large quantities of wood of all sizes, much of it of high quality,

and in some cases superior to comparable new product. Much of the higher quality salvaged

wood is valued for its aesthetic values and historic associations as much as its purely utilitarian


US brokers compete with local specialty suppliers to purchase salvaged wood from demolition

contractors. However, there is a large enough supply of material to satisfy current and expanded

demand. Demolition of warehouses and older commercial buildings can generate between 1.5

and 15 board feet of wood per square foot of floor area. The table on the following page provides

a list of materials salvaged from a recently demolished building at the Pacific National Exhibition

site in Vancouver. The 68-year old Showmart building was a single storey structure post and

beam structure with wood framed walls.

Salvaged and Recycled Materials from PNE Showmart Deconstruction Project

Salvaged Material Quantity • Salvaged Lumber 1,804 cu. yds. (585,000 bd. ft.) • Plywood 105 cu yds. (45,000 sq. ft.) • Fir Flooring 140 cu. Yds. (11,600 sq. ft.) Recycled Material • Wood 2,190 cu. yds. (710,000 bd. ft.) • Other Material 1259 cu. yds Disposal 2,280 cu. yds Denailing and sorting salvaged

wood. Bent Nail salvaged materials yard, Abbotsford

Most salvaged materials suppliers will de-nail wood and specialty suppliers will also recut

dimension lumber and heavy timbers.

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Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Dimension lumber Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Specialty suppliers

Large range of products and sizes

Heavy Timbers Always Specialty suppliers Salvaged building materials suppliers

Large range of products and sizes

Glulams Always Specialty suppliers Salvaged building materials suppliers

Can be resawn and remilled as 1" t & g flooring

Wood trusses Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Demolition contractors, Specialty suppliers

T & G Boards Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Specialty suppliers

Large range of products and sizes

Siding and trim Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Plywood Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Quantities may be

limited as there is a consistent demand from home renovators

Wood mouldings Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Architectural antiques suppliers

Finish flooring Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

Large numbers of glulam beams are available from more recent buildings. There is a reluctance

to reuse these beams in structural applications because of concerns about the long-term

performance of the glues, and the original manufacturing process of some beams. However it is

possible to test the adhesive bond and confirm structural strength. If glulams are obtained from

an existing building and are likely to have been originally obtained from a single source, it may

only be necessary to test a small number of beams.

Glulam beams reused as floor structure at the Materials

Testing Lab

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One of the local specialty suppliers of salvaged wood components, Vancouver Timbers, has

recently been fabricating tongued and grooved boards from salvaged glulam beams. The

glulams are cut horizontally between the lamination lines (giving two different appearance options

per board) and the boards are seasoned and replaned to provide an economical flooring product.

Salvaged glulam beams remilled as new flooring

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DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Insulation material, both rigid and fibreglass batt, is easily reused and is available at many

salvaged materials yards. Large amounts of type 4 extruded polystyrene insulation boards are

salvaged from protected membrane roofs. In this application the material is held in place by

gravel ballast and is not damaged by fasteners.

The appearance of salvaged polystyrene roof insulation may be poor, with dusting of the outer

surface, but thermal performance is not significantly affected, although a reduction in R-value to

account for normal aging of the product should be made. Testing of salvaged insulation to

confirm R-value is possible.

Extruded polystyrene insulation at the Materials Testing Lab


Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Batt insulation Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

Rigid insulation - extruded polystyrene

Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

Allow for some reduction in R-value as a result of aging

Sheetmetal cladding occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers

Existing fastener holes in the material may present problems and may need to be filled

Sheet metal roofing occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers

Existing fastener holes in the material may present problems and may need to be filled

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Salvaged expanded polystyrene insulation

There is little potential for reusing most roofing and waterproofing membranes. These

components typically have relatively short service lives and their method of installation makes

removal difficult or impossible. Clay or concrete roofing tiles may be reused although the supply

is limited. Profiled metal roofing and cladding panels are sometimes available at salvaged

materials yards.



Large numbers of interior hollow core doors are available from salvaged materials suppliers.

Frames are usually sold with doors, and both rated and non-rated assemblies are available.

Architectural antique stores can provide older panel doors. Door hardware is also available.


Most salvaged materials supply yards have large numbers of residential quality aluminum framed

windows. Frames are typically non-thermally broken and are no longer permitted by building

codes. Vinyl frames are less common but are also available. Many yards also sell new windows,

which have been returned to the manufacturer because of some defect.

In many cases windows have been removed from buildings because of poor performance.

Although there may be some applications where these windows may be reused, for example for

interior use, or in non-heated buildings, they are not generally suitable for exterior reuse in new


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Glass from salvaged windows may be reused. Sealed units from salvaged windows will need to

be disassembled, and the salvaged glass cut to new sizes, and reassembled in new units.

The Glass Station, a local company, collects used IG units from demolition contractors,

disassembles the units, recuts the glass and fabricates new units. Although theoretically a wide

range of sizes are available, smaller sizes are more easy to fabricate given the glass comes

typically from residential windows which tend to have smaller lite sizes. A five-year warranty is

provided on all units. Although care is taken to discard damaged material, glass in these new

units may exhibit some minor defects and scratches. Most glazing contractors are also prepared

to fabricate sealed units from salvaged glass, but will not necessarily have the access to salvaged

glass, and may not be able to provide the new units as competitively. Care should be taken to

avoid the use of sealed units that have failed resulting in water collecting between the panes as

this may mark the glass.

Fabrication of new I G units from salvaged windows

1. 2. 3. 4. Existing windows disassembled

Sealed units removed, aluminum frame recycled

Sealed units disassembled, glass cut to new sizes

New sealed unit assembled

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Sealed unit fabricated from salvaged glass - Materials Testing Lab.


Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Steel doors and frames Always Salvaged building material suppliers Rated doors and frames are usually available

Flush wood doors Always Salvaged building material suppliers Panel wood doors Always Salvaged building material suppliers

Architectural antiques stores

Aluminum sliding glass doors

Always Salvaged building material suppliers

Overhead doors Occasionally Salvaged building material suppliers Aluminum storefront Occasionally Salvaged building material suppliers Aluminum windows Always Salvaged building material suppliers Wood windows Always Salvaged building material suppliers Usually single glazed,

residential type Vinyl windows Occasionally Salvaged Material suppliers Glass Always Salvaged building material suppliers Sealed glazing units Always Specialty suppliers The Glass Station Mirrors Always Salvaged building material suppliers

Architectural antiques stores

Door hardware Always Salvaged building material suppliers Architectural antiques stores

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DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Many finish materials, because of their method of installation or application, are difficult to remove

from existing buildings during deconstruction. Finishes that are not bonded to substrate material

and are not tightly fastened can sometimes be salvaged. Wood trim and paneling, particularly

from older buildings, is available as is wood flooring material. Maple flooring from a

deconstructed school gymnasium was reused at the Sweet Apple Antiques store in Coquitlam. A

number of salvaged materials yards also supply acoustic ceiling tiles, although t-bar suspension

systems are difficult to remove without damage and are not normally available.

Division 9 - FINISHES

Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Acoustic tile t-bar ceilings

Always Some salvaged building materials suppliers

t-bar suspension systems not normally available

Wood flooring Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Specialty wood suppliers

Wood paneling and trim Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Architectural antiques stores

Carpet Always


Office Furniture

Refurbished office systems furniture is available from a local company, Surplus Office Systems.

The quality of the material, desks, divider panels, filing cabinets, and storage bins, is high and

considerable savings can be achieved as a result of the high cost of comparable new products.

Architectural Antiques

Architectural antiques stores serve the residential renovation market, and also provide building

supplies for heritage building restoration. Recently the local movie industry has created a

demand for period furniture, paneling etc. In addition to furniture, panel doors, wood framed

windows, fireplace surrounds, wood paneling and trim are available. Occasionally dressed stone

pieces may also be found.

Although a wide range of equipment and furnishings are available the selection within most

categories of these specialized components is limited. There are however a number of

exceptions. Residential appliances are available from many salvaged materials suppliers

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Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Toilet compartments Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Louvers and vents Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Metal lockers Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Fire extinguishers and cabinets

Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers

Accordion folding partitions

Rarely Salvaged building materials suppliers

Washroom accessories (paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers etc.)

Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Limited selection compared to new.

Retail display equipment

Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

Library equipment Occasionally Residential appliances Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Food service equipment

Always Specialty suppliers

Laboratory fume hoods Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Office systems furniture

Always Specialty suppliers High quality refurbished systems furniture is available from Surplus Office Systems

Kitchen casework Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL A detailed review of salvaged mechanical and electrical equipment is beyond the scope of this

study. The market for salvaged equipment is not well developed and finding suitable items is

often a matter of luck.

The case study buildings indicate that there is some potential for the reuse of salvaged

equipment, particularly if it is relatively new. With high value items such as packaged HVAC

units, there is also considerable opportunity for cost savings. Where environmental issues form

part of the design brief in new construction, the focus of mechanical and electrical design is

typically on energy efficiency. Systems are designed to minimize energy use, and often

incorporate newer energy efficient technologies. Within this context there is less opportunity to

use salvaged materials.

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Salvaged plumbing fixtures, Materials Testing Lab

Salvaged plumbing fixtures are readily available, and were used in the Materials Testing Lab

building. While sinks and lavatories can be fitted with new low flow fittings it may be difficult to

successfully retrofit toilets to comply with water conservation by-laws. The benefits of using

salvaged materials must be weighed against the disadvantages of higher water consumption over

the life of the building. However as low flush toilets become more common and begin to enter the

salvaged materials stream this difficulty will be overcome. Piping and ducting have not been

reused to any significant extent in the case study buildings.

Division 15 - MECHANICAL

Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Plumbing fixtures (toilets, bath tubs etc.)

Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Most commonly of residential quality

Radiators Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Electric baseboard heaters Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Unit air Conditioners Always Salvaged building materials suppliers HVAC units Occasionally Salvaged building materials suppliers Hot water tanks Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Some suppliers will

provide warranties Furnaces Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

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DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Light fixtures are almost always available from salvaged materials suppliers. Both residential and

commercial fixtures can be found, often in relatively large quantities. Many of the light fixtures at

the Materials Testing Lab were from salvaged sources. In many cases at the time electrical

equipment is removed from buildings, power has been disconnected and it is not always possible

to confirm proper functioning of components.

Approximately 40% of the electrical conduit in the C.K. Choi building was reused. Internal

brushing was required prior to installation.

Division 16 - ELECTRICAL

Material / Component Availability Sources Notes

Fluorescent lighting Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Industrial lighting Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Pot lights Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Switches Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Fuse switches Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Panel boxes Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Smoke detectors Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Transformers Always Salvaged building materials suppliers Wiring / Cable / Conduit Always Salvaged building materials suppliers

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Reuse of Materials

This guide promotes the idea of improving resource use efficiency by salvaging and reusing

construction materials. A logical extension of this strategy is to ensure that the same salvaged

materials can be reused a second time, and also that new materials used in buildings can be

salvaged and reused in the future. Although some level of salvage and reuse will inevitably

occur, the amount of material that can potentially be reused in the future will be maximized if

specific steps are taken during the design of buildings. To permit and encourage future reuse,

buildings should be designed in a manner that permits materials to be easily and cost-effectively

removed without damage.

Recycling of Materials

In addition to facilitating removal of materials for reuse, design for

disassembly should also consider future recycling of materials.

Although reuse of materials is preferable, recycling also improves

resource use efficiency, and reduces environmental impacts. A wide

range of demolition materials are currently recycled, including;

concrete, steel and gypsum board. In many cases the major barriers

to material recycling are not technical but economic. This situation is

likely to change in the future with improved recycling infrastructure.

Designing for future recycling of materials involves many of the same

considerations as designing to facilitate reuse. Removal of the

material without damage is not usually critical, but facilitating material

separation for recycling, and avoiding contamination are important

considerations. Designing for future disassembly requires

consideration of two related factors:

1. The nature of the materials and components used and,

2. The method of application of materials into assemblies and

into the building

Assemblies and Components

Assembly An arrangement of more than one material or component to serve specific overall purposes. Examples of assemblies include the total building envelope or individual walls, roofs, or parapets. Component Any building unit. They may be manufactured, prefabricated, or built or formed onsite, and may be basic units such as nails, cladding anchors, reinforcing bars, and membranes or may be complex units such as cast reinforced concrete slabs or window and door units. From CSA S478-95 Guideline on Durability in Buildings

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5.1 SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR DISASSEMBLY In attempting to design for future deconstruction it is necessary to consider the nature of the

materials and components typically used in new construction. A distinction is often made

between residential construction, and industrial, commercial & institutional (ICI), buildings. This

categorization parallels, to a degree, the building code classification of combustible and non-

combustible construction. The majority of residential buildings, with the exception of high-rise

buildings, are of wood framed construction; typically constructed with dimension lumber, but often

also using engineered wood products. Wood-framed buildings will usually have greater volumes

of potentially salvageable material than non-combustible buildings.

Wood-framed buildings generally have more materials that are potentially salvageable.

Non-combustible buildings in the Lower Mainland are typically framed with concrete and tend to have fewer salvageable materials.

Larger non-combustible buildings are most commonly concrete framed, while smaller buildings

often use a combination of masonry, concrete, and steel structural elements. Although many of

the basic structural materials in these buildings are not salvageable, they are to a greater or

lesser degree recyclable. Structural steel framing is not as common as concrete framing, but has

the advantage that individual members can be disassembled and reused, particularly if

connections are bolted rather than welded.

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Deconstruction of reinforced concrete structures involves crushing to remove steel reinforcing. Reinforcing steel is recycled into new steel. Concrete is either crushed on site and used as fill or processed off site for use as road base material.

Typical Salvageable (and Recyclable) Materials and Components

Combustible construction Non-combustible construction Primary Structure Heavy Timbers

Wood framing

Engineered wood products

Concrete or steel frame (Recyclable)

Load-bearing masonry (Recyclable)

Steel beams and trusses

Secondary Structure Wood studs Steel studs (Recyclable)

Sheathing Plywood

Shiplap boards

Gypsum sheathing (Recyclable)

Envelope Fibreglass batt insulation



Rigid or semi rigid board insulation

Cladding material

Interiors Doors

Bathroom fixtures


Bathroom fixtures

Landscaping Concrete pavers Concrete pavers

Design Considerations

It is not easy to predict which materials and components may be salvaged in the future. Whether

or not particular materials will be considered worthwhile to salvage and reuse, will depend on a

number of economic and environmental issues. However, based on current practice it is possible

to make a number of assumptions about what materials are likely to be salvaged in the future.

The following are characteristics of materials that will tend to facilitate salvage and future reuse.

Selecting and specifying materials with these qualities for use in buildings will increase the

volume of material that can be salvaged for reuse.

Long Service Life Materials

Many of the materials and components used in construction have service lives shorter than the

life of the building they are used in. These materials will typically be replaced or repaired a

number of times before the end of the building's service life. Some of these materials may have

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some residual value when the building is being demolished. Generally however, the materials

and components that are suitable for reuse are those that have long service lives, equal or

greater than that of the building. Examples include structural materials that can be deconstructed,

and inert materials that do not degrade, including masonry, precast concrete etc. Some interior

materials and components that are not susceptible to wear or mechanical damage also have long

service lives, for example, millwork, plumbing fixtures, and doors.

Multifunctional Materials

Materials that can be used for a number of different purposes or applications are more likely to be

salvaged than materials with only one use. Wood materials tend to be multifunctional and

adaptable to numerous purposes different form their original application. Fir decking material has

been reused as framing material; glulam beams have been resawn to create finish flooring.

Adaptable Materials

Materials that are not specific to one particular application or condition have greater potential for

reuse and are more likely to be salvageable. Where materials and components are reused in

applications that are functionally similar to the original use, the ability to adapt to different

conditions in a new building is an advantage. Many wood and engineered wood beams can be

cut and adapted to new conditions. Trusses, whether wood or steel, or composite, are less easy

to adapt.

Solid lumber or engineered wood beams can be cut to new lengths to suit new span conditions.

Trusses designed for a particular span condition cannot be easily modified to suit different spans.

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Larger Components

A single large component, rather than a number of smaller components, is likely to be both more

valuable, and easier to salvage. Older forms of wood framed construction used t & g decking as

a sheathing material for floors and walls, the spanning capabilities of this material, 3 to 4 feet, in

turn determines the spacing and size of supporting members, which tended to be larger sized

beams. In more contemporary construction using plywood sheathing, supports have to be

spaced closer together and support smaller areas and loads. As a result supporting members

are usually smaller dimension lumber joists.

Larger beams with greater spanning capabilities are more likely to be salvaged.

Smaller joists, even thought they may be more numerous, are less valuable.

The chart compares cross sectional area (in square inches) of 2" x 8", 2" x 10" and 3" x 12" joists / beams and indicates the relative unit costs (cents / lin ft) of the structural members. As the size of the member increases from joists to heavy timber beams there is an even greater increase in the cost / value of the material. Smaller joists more closely spaced may contain more material but are still less valuable than larger members.







2 x 8 2 x 10 3 x 12

Cross Sectional Area


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There may be certain circumstance where a large number of small components are a better

choice than larger elements. This will be the case when the smaller size facilitates removal of

material. Concrete pavers are salvageable whereas concrete topping a monolithic material is not.

The monolithic nature of concrete topping prevents removal for reuse

Individual concrete pavers loose laid on pedestals can be easily salvaged

Single components rather than assemblies

Beams are commonly required in wood-framed residential construction. In older houses heavy

timbers are common, but more recent buildings are likely to use built-up assemblies of 2" x 10",

or 2" x 12" wood joists. Joist of this size are valuable and can be salvaged; however, when nailed

together to form a beam they are difficult to take apart. An alternative material for new

construction is an engineered wood member such as a microlam or glulam. In addition to other

environmental benefits associated with efficient use of wood, these materials have a higher

salvage value and are more easily removed in a condition that will permit reuse.

Built up beams are difficult to disassemble and individual components have relatively low value.

Single element beams require no disassembly, and because of their greater value are more likely to be salvaged.

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It should be recognized that applying this strategy may result in additional construction costs in

some smaller residential building types. Built-up beams are assembled on site from smaller off-

the-shelf and relatively inexpensive components. For any particular span condition a single

element beam will likely be more expensive. However if the future salvage and reuse value of the

material is taken into account, the cost equation changes. Taking this long-term view will not be

first choice of many building owners, however, when an owner deconstructs and replaces a

building, the benefits of appropriate material choices are realized. The Liu Centre for the Study of

Global Issues project at UBC, provides an example of an owner achieving savings in new

construction costs as a direct result of an ability to reuse materials salvaged during the

deconstruction from an existing building on the site, the Pan-Hellenic House.

5.2 DETAIL DESIGN FOR DISASSEMBLY Future salvage and reuse of building materials depends not just on the nature of the materials,

but also on their methods of application, and relationship with other materials and components in

assemblies. In order to salvage materials, it must be possible to access and remove the

materials relatively easily, cost-effectively, and without damage. The Strawberry Vale Elementary School, although not necessarily designed with a view to future salvage of materials, illustrates a number of design features that increase the potential for salvage. • Larger and adaptable

components (wood beams and solid wood decking)

• Multi-functional materials (wood beams and decking)

• Simple assemblies with minimal finishes

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Method of Application

Adhesives are becoming more and more common in construction. Unfortunately, in most cases

they make it impossible to salvage or recycle materials. Both the material and substrate are

difficult to separate which leads to damage during removal and results in contamination of

recyclable materials. Mechanical fasteners such as screws, bolts, clips, and nails, are preferable

to materials such as adhesives. These points are illustrated in exterior insulation wall assemblies

used in many commercial and institutional buildings. Insulation must be located on the outside of

the sheathing, and cladding must be separated for the insulation by a cavity. Different insulation

materials require different methods of application; both adhesives and mechanical fasteners are

commonly used.

Semi rigid insulation adhered using stick pins will be more easily removed in the future. An alternative for rigid insulation is to retain boards with continuous horizontal sub girts. These elements can also be used to attach cladding.

Rigid insulation can be attached with mechanical fasteners or adhesive. The use of adhesive will prevent future removal without damage to the boards.

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Mechanical Fasteners

Screws and bolts are generally preferable to nails or staples. However, if screws and bolts rust

they may be more difficult than nails to remove. Corroded bolts, on trusses salvaged from the

UBC Armories building, could not be easily disassembled, and as a result many of the heavy

timber members were cut at joints. In this case the individual wood components were sufficiently

valuable to make this worthwhile, however this may not always be true. If components are

designed with screws or bolted connections, with a view to future disassembly, it is important to

ensure that the fasteners are sufficiently durable, or are protected from exposure to moisture.

In the deconstruction of wood framed buildings, nails have traditionally been removed with hand

tools, a time consuming process that can add significantly to the cost of small dimension

salvaged lumber. New pneumatic power tools speed up the process considerably without

causing significant damage to the wood. The type and number of nails used play also a role,

spiral nails are difficult to remove and result in damage to the lumber. Excessive numbers of

number of nails can also be a problem.

Contamination of Materials

Potentially salvageable materials can sometimes be rendered unusable as a result of

contamination by other materials. The use of self-adhesive bituminous membranes is becoming

more common in both non-combustible and combustible construction. Membranes are typically

applied over sheathing in wall assemblies.

In wood framed construction, peel & stick membranes are typically confined to small areas, but will not be removable in the future, and will prevent reuse of plywood sheathing and framing components.

In non-combustible construction, membranes are typically applied to larger areas of sheathing. Gypsum sheathing is not reusable, but can be recycled. Recycling of gypsum board involves removal of paper or fibreglass facing. Fibreglass facing with an adhered membrane will not prevent recycling of the gypsum, but the fibreglass will not be recyclable

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Sprayed urethane insulation can also contaminate materials and prevent, or make recycling difficult. Nor can the insulation itself be reused.

In some instances a finish material, or base material for a finish, may have little potential for

future reuse, but its method of application may damage substrate materials that would otherwise

have been salvageable. Even if substrate materials do not suffer major damage, careless use of

finish material fasteners may result in high preparation and refinishing costs, and render the

reuse uneconomical. The use of fasteners such as staples that can be quickly applied in large

quantities should be avoided. Renovation, during the 1960s and 70s, of many older heavy timber

framed buildings, involved application of gypsum board and other finishes to wood columns.

Large numbers of closely spaced screws used to attach the gypsum board are difficult to remove

without damaging the wood, and make remilling difficult.

Location of Material Within an Assembly

Most roofing membranes typically have a service life that is shorter than that of the building itself.

Membranes suffer ultraviolet degradation, damage from water etc. and are replaced one or more

times during the life of the building. The membranes themselves cannot be reused (although

recycling may be possible in the future), however there are other components in the roof

assembly that could be reused if the membrane can be removed without causing damage.

Torch applied membranes are difficult to remove without damage to substrate materials.

Loose laid membranes can be removed and replaced without damage to insulation or other substrate materials.

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Assemblies typically have a number of materials that can be applied in different ways. Different

types of membranes require different application methods. EPDM, TPO, and PVC membranes

can be adhered, or loose laid. In loose laid applications, the membrane can be removed and

replaced without damaging other materials (although ballast will have to be temporarily removed).

Bituminous membranes are either torch-applied, or hot mopped. Both methods contaminate

substrates and underlying materials, and removal of the membrane will also necessitate

replacement of substrates. However bituminous membranes can also be applied in assemblies

in a location that will not result in damage to other materials when replacement is required. For

example a protected membrane roof assembly where the membrane is applied directly to a

concrete substrate. The use of loose laid insulation in this type of assembly also facilitates

removal and reuse.


In designing for future deconstruction it is important to also consider other environmental criteria,

and to use good judgement in balancing competing requirements. Selecting materials that can

be reused may not always be the highest priority. Other sections of this guide identify limits to the

concept of salvaged materials use, and identify factors that should be considered in determining if

reuse of materials is appropriate. It is recommended that salvaged materials not be used in

applications where new materials would provide better energy efficiency, or lower water

consumption. A similar level of consideration should be applied in designing for disassembly.

Where possible material selection and design should facilitate future reuse and recycling, but not

at the expense of the performance characteristics of the building or its components.

Recommended Design Strategies

There are two principal components to designing for disassembly; selecting materials and

components that are suitable for reuse, and applying those materials and components in

assemblies that will permit future removal without damage.

Materials Selection

Assembly Design

Select • Durable, long-life materials • Multifunctional material • Adaptable materials and components • Larger rather than smaller components • Single components rather then


• Design assemblies, and locate materials, so that materials and components can be easily removed without damage

• Use mechanical fasteners rather than adhesives

• Avoid materials that will contaminate other potentially salvageable or recyclable materials

• Design assemblies to prevent damage during renewal and replacement activities

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Designing buildings to facilitate removal and reuse of material provides a legacy for the future.

Designers and building owners benefit today from design decisions and material selections made

by earlier builders. In the future, at a time when materials may be scarcer and more expensive

than today, an ability to salvage and reuse materials, whether they are high quality expensive

elements such as heavy timbers, or more prosaic materials such as board insulation, will be


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Name Address

Tel. / Fax. Description

A & J Massullo Excavating Ltd.

7742 Aubrey Street, North Burnaby

T. 298-3410 F. 298-3409

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

A & P New and Used Building Materials Ltd.

17565 64 Avenue, Surrey, BC

T. 574-3977 F. 574-3977

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

Adriatic Demolition Services

7387 Elwell Street, Burnaby, BC

T. 727-2222 F. 525-6146

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

All Around Demolition Co. Ltd.

(Jack's New and Used Building Materials)

4912 Still Creek Avenue, Burnaby, BC

T. 299-2967 F. 299-1383

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

Bent Nail New and Used Building Supplies

1- 31255 Wheel Ave. Abbotsford, BC

T. 1-877-850-2691 F. 850-3337

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

Chilliwack New and Used Building Materials Inc.

44720 Yale Road West, Chilliwack, BC

T. 1-800-546-8733 F. 793-2277

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

D. Litchfield & Company Ltd.

3046 Westwood Street, Port Coquitlam, BC

T. 464-7525 F. 944-1674

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier http://www.dlitchfield.com

Mike's New & Used 3871 River Road W, Delta, BC

T. 946-9747 F. 940-9747

Salvaged building materials supplier

P & B Used Building Materials (1994) Ltd.

11947 Tannery Road Surrey, BC

T. 588-1311 F. 588-1499

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

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Name Address Tel. / Fax.


Surrey New and Used Building Materials Inc.

17861 64 Avenue, Surrey, BC

T. 576-8488 F. 576-8489

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

Tony’s New & Used Building Materials

823 – 12th Street New Westminster, BC

T. 522-9127 F. 321-4256

Salvage Contractor Salvaged building materials supplier

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Name Address

Tel. / Fax. Description

3R Demolition Corp. 6921 Frederick Avenue, Burnaby, BC

T. 435-2555 F. 432-1019

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

A & J Massullo Excavating Ltd.

7742 Aubrey Street, North Burnaby

T. 298-3410 F. 298-3409

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Adriatic Demolition Services

7387 Elwell Street, Burnaby, BC

T. 727-2222 F. 525-6146

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

B & L Contracting (a division of Roald Enterprises (1986) Ltd.)

313 Decaire Street, Coquitlam, BC

T. 936-8682 F. 936-8682

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Bent Nail New and Used Building Supplies

1- 31255 Wheel Ave. Abbotsford, BC

T. 1-877-850-2691 F. 850-3337

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

C & C Demolition Ltd. 1 - 37 Wellingdon Street, New Westminster, BC

T. 515-1418 F. 515-1420

Demolition Contractor

Ceda Reactor Ltd. 1590 Booth Avenue, Coquitlam, BC

T. 540-4100 F. 540-4200

Demolition Contractor

D. Litchfield & Company Ltd.

3046 Westwood Street, Port Coquitlam, BC

T. 464-7525 F. 944-1674

Demolition / Deconstruction Contractor Used building materials yard http://www.dlitchfield.com

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Demco Disposal Service Ltd.

7987 Gilley Avenue, Burnaby, BC T. 433-5387 F. 433-7400

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Destruction Demolition Ltd.

6331 Caulwynd Place, Burnaby, BC

T. 435-3111

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Dewar Pacific Projects Ltd.

11580 Mitchell Road, Richmond

T. 327-2525 F. 327-3440

Demolition Contractor

Douglas Anthony Demolition

7 - 8075 Enterprise Street, Burnaby, BC

T. 444-3123 F. 444-3122

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Drysdale Demoltion 3385 Senkler Belcarra

T. 936-1000 F. 936-1014

Demolition Contractor

Fairway Disposal 7017 Elwell Street, Burnaby, BC

T. 515-9706 F. 515-0652

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Fraser Trucking & Tractor Ltd.

9425 127 A Street, Surrey, BC

T. 650-9029 F. 930-8375

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Hands On Demolition 3026 St. George Street, Port Moody, BC T. 908-0327

Demolition Contractor

Inner City Demolition Ltd.

11640 Twigg Place, Richmond, BC

T. 327-0957 F. 327-2755

Demolition Contractor

Johnston & McKinnon Demolitions (1981) Ltd.

6038 Trapp Avenue Burnaby

T. 526-0787 F.526-6363

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

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Jones Bros Cartage Ltd.

619 East 11th Street, North Vancouver, BC

T. 987-3000 F. 988-4215

Demolition Contractor

K & F Demo Services 10036 - 127A Street, Surrey, BC

T. 581-6785 F. 587-2801

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

K-Lor Contractors Services

#7 - 2350 Beta Avenue, Burnaby, BC

T. 320-0533 F. 320-0599

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Lake City Demolition Co. Ltd.

4050 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC

T. 415-0110 F. 415-0804

Demolition Contractor

McColman & Sons Demolition Ltd.

Vancouver, BC


Demolition Contractor

P & B Used Building Materials (1994) Ltd.

11947 Tannery Road Surrey, BC

T. 588-1311 F. 588-1499

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Pacific Blasting 3183 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC

T. 291-1255 F. 291-2813

Demolition Contractor

Pacific Labour 5057 Irmin Street, Burnaby, BC

T. 430-1652 F. 434-3740

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

Quality Demolition & Excavation Ltd.

2034 Bradner Road, Abbotsford, BC T. 857-1711 F. 856-8377

Demolition Contractor

Steward Management 11110 - 284th Street, Maple Ridge, BC

T. 462-8845 F. 462-1483

Salvage Contractor Demolition Contractor

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Team Ltd. #205 - 329 North Road, Coquitlam, BC

T. 830-1081 F. 420-5464

Demolition Contractor

Thomas Environmental

5870 - 146th Street, Surrey, BC

T. 591-7072 F. 591-7096

Demolition Contractor

Van-Burn Construction Ltd.

811 Cliff Avenue, Burnaby, BC T. 291-2077 F. 291-6036

Demolition Contractor

Vancouver Architectural Antiques Ltd.

2403 Main Street, Vancouver, BC

T. 872-3131 F. 872-7981

Salvage Contractor

Walker Bulldozing 11860 Trunk Road, R.R.#3, Delta, BC

T. 596-1791 F. 596-9494

Demolition Contractor

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Name Address

Tel. / Fax. Description

Divided Spaces Inc. 955 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC

T. 970-3698 F. 879-2508

Manufactures end grain wood flooring tiles and flat and edge grain plank flooring from recycled wood

The Glass Station 1161 Kingsway Ave. Port Coquitlam, BC

T. 552-3738 F. 552-3778

Window Glass Recyclers. Supply insulating glass units fabricated from salvaged windows. A 5 year warranty is provided

Vancouver Timber 2350 Beta Avenue Burnaby, BC

T. 202-1032 F. 925-4597

Supplier of recycled heavy timbers, flooring, and other wood components

Furniture manufactured using salvaged wood

Pacific Heritage Woodworks Inc.

26324 River Road Maple Ridge, BC

T. 462 1510 F. 462 1520

Supplier of heavy timbers, Sawing, milling and planing, Flooring

Surplus Office Systems

1570 Rand Avenue Vancouver, BC

T. 261 4481 F. 261 4990 www.surplusoffice.com

Supplier of refurbished office furniture systems, including, panels, work surfaces, filing cabinets and storage bins

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Name Address

Tel. / Fax. Description

Architectura Inc. 500-1500 W. Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6 T. 662-8000 F. 331-8098

Architect – Liu Centre for Study of Global Issues

Busby and Associates Architects

1050 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2W9 T. 684 5446 F. 684 5447

Architect – City of Vancouver Materials Testing Lab

Matsuzaki Wright Architects Inc.

2410 – 1177 W. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC T. 685 3117 F. 685 3180

Architect – CK Choi Building

Fast + Epp Structural Engineers

201 – 1672 West 1st Ave Vancouver, BC T. 731 7412 F. 731 7620

Structural Engineers – Materials Testing Lab & Port Moody Sailing Centre

Hugh Ker Architect 231 Carrall Street Vancouver, BC T. 688-7370 F. 687-1310

Architect – Railspur Studios

Stefan Brunhoff Architect

204-1807 Maritime Mews Vancouver, BC T. 228-1247 F. 228-1242

Architect – Railspur Studios

Robert Burgers Architect

107-657 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC T. 926-6058 F. 926-9141

Architect – Port Moody Sail & Paddle Centre

Read Jones Christoffersen

210 West Broadway Vancouver, BC T. 738 0048

Structural Engineer - CK Choi Building

K Edgar King & Associates

5 - 1151 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC T. 737 7652 F. 737 3659

Construction Manager - Materials Testing Lab.

Country West Construction Ltd.

33241 Walsh Ave Abbotsford, BC T. 852 6868 F. 852 4644

Contractors for CK Choi Building

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Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd.

300 - 4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC T. 473 8514 F. 294 8597

Structural Engineers - C.K. Choi Building & Materials Testing Lab,

Keen Engineering 116 - 930 West 1st Street North Vancouver, BC T. 986 5336 F. 980 3747

Mechanical Engineers - C.K. Choi Building, Liu Centre, Materials Testing Lab & Railspur Studios

Allan Diamond Architect

1807 Fir Street Vancouver, BC T.738-8842

Architect -- Ardencraig

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Title Author / Publisher “Increasing the Volume of Used Building Materials in Canadian Construction”

A Report to Assist Homeowners, Contractors, Building Officials and Operators of Used Building Materials Centres in Canada

Bob Sawatsky, Jennifer Corson

CMHC 1998

On Using Old Bricks in new Buildings

Canadian Building Digest No. 138

T. Ritchie

Division of Building Research, National Research Council, 1971

Salvaged Brick

Technical Notes on Brick Construction

Brick Institute of America, 1988

“Efficient Wood Use in Residential Construction,”

A Practical Guide to Saving Wood, Money and Forests

Natural Resources Defense Council, 1998

“Evaluation of Lumber Recycled from an Industrial Military Building”

Robert H. Falk, David Green, Scott Lantz

Forest Products Journal, Vol. 49, No.5

“Engineering Evaluation of 55-year old Timber Columns Recycled from an Industrial Military Building”

Robert H. Falk, David Green, Douglas Rammer, Scott Lantz

Forest Products Journal, Vol. 50, No.4

“Effect of Damage on the Grade Yield of Recycled Lumber” Robert H. Falk, Don DeVisser, Standen Cook, Dale Stansbury

Forest Products Journal, Vol. 49, No.7/8


“Demolition & Salvage: A Guide for Developers and Renovators,” “Project Waste Management Master Specification,” “Building Deconstruction Master Specification,” “Directory of Salvage Contractors,” Greater Vancouver Regional District.

http:// www.gvrd.bc.ca - keywords: ‘garbage & recycling’ and ‘job site recycling’

“Recycling and Reuse of Building Materials” by Kurt Rathman, University of Michigan, National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, Compendium on Sustainable Architecture.


“Building for the Future: Strategies to Reduce Construction and Demolition Waste in Municipal Projects,” by Bette Fishbein, INFORM Inc., New York City.


“Deconstruction: Building Disassembly and Material Salvage - The Riverdale Case Study,” contains a detailed analysis of feasibility, cost-effectiveness, labour requirements, hazmat management and salvage values of deconstruction projects. Other case studies are also listed.


Case Study: “Presidio of San Francisco - Building 901,” California Integrated Waste Management Board.


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Used Building Materials Association (UBMA), located in Halifax, represents non-profit and for-profit salvage contractors and used building materials yards. Offers a number of interesting publications.


“C&D Waste Web” - information for Canadian construction and demolition waste management and 3Rs options. Contains case studies and reference documents.


“Overview of the Market for Reclaimed Lumber in the San Francisco Bay Area,” Materials for the Future Foundation.


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Test Building Materials Take-off and Cost Comparison

Salvaged New System Total

Material Size Unit No. Unit Cost Total CostUnit Cost

Total Cost Salv. New

Cost Saving

$10,559 $22,196 $11,637

BeamsGlulams 5" x 18" x 12' No. 24 $95.76 $2,298 $221.50 $5,316

2nd Floor BeamsGlulams 3" x 12" x 13' No. 40 $29.64 $1,186 $94.38 $3,775Glulams 3" x 12" x 10' No. 40 $22.80 $912 $72.60 $2,904

2nd Floor Deck3" Decking 3" x 6" Sq. ft. 864 $0.57 $492 $2.30 $1,987

Roof JoistsDim. lumber 2" x 10" x 13' No. 80 $10.86 $869 $16.48 $1,318Dim. lumber 2" x 10" x 10' No. 80 $8.36 $669 $10.38 $830

Roof Deck2" Decking 2" x 6" t & g Sq. ft. 1104 $0.46 $508 $1.55 $1,711

Garage StructureGlulams 4" x 18" x 10' No. 8 $57.00 $456 $184.59 $1,477Trusses 24' span No. 28 $44.07 $1,234Glulams 24' span No. 14 $191.52 $2,681

Roof Deck2" Decking 2" x 6" t & g Sq. ft. 1060 $0.46 $488 $1.55 $1,643

EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE $25,689 $43,478 $17,789

Exterior Wall FramingWood studs 2" x 6" lin. ft. 5800 $0.46 $2,668 $0.55 $3,190

Exterior Wall SheathingPlywood (2) 1/2" Sq. ft. 2900 $0.28 $812 $0.57 $1,653

Exterior Wall CladdingCladding A Sq. ft. 1300 $1.28 $1,664 $2.14 $2,782Cladding B Sq. ft. 1600 $1.28 $2,048 $2.14 $3,424

Exterior Wall GlazingSealed Units Sq. ft. 1210 $5.27 $6,377 $6.35 $7,684Framing Lin. ft. 1370 $7.50 $10,275 $15.00 $20,550

Exterior Wall InsulationBatt insulation Sq. ft. 2900 $0.05 $145 $0.33 $957

Exterior DoorsGarage Doors 10' x 10' No. 4 $250.00 $1,000 $575.00 $2,300Steel doors 3' x 7' No. 4 $175.00 $700 $234.50 $938

ROOFING $860 $6,272 $5,412

Roof Insulation2" EPS Insulation Sq. ft. 5000 $0.14 $700 $1.09 $5,450



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Salvaged New System Total

Material Size Unit No. Unit Cost Total CostUnit Cost

Total Cost Salv. New

Cost SavingSystem

SkylightsPlastic dome skylights3' x 3' No. 4 $40.00 $160 $205.44 $822

INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION $1,460 $2,830 $1,370

Interior Partitions Wood studs 2" x 4" lin. ft. 3600 $0.25 $900 $0.44 $1,584

Interior DoorsHollow core 3' x 7' No. 14 $40.00 $560 $89.00 $1,246

MECHANICAL $484 $850 $366

Plumbing FixturesWC No. 3 $67.00 $201 $100.00 $300urinal No. 1 $123.00 $123 $150.00 $150Sink No. 2 $57.00 $114 $100.00 $200Kitchen sink No. 1 $45.60 $46 $200.00 $200

ELECTRICAL$1,200 $4,000 $2,800

Light FixturesPL Lamp Fixtures No. 40 $30.00 $1,200 $100.00 $4,000


Total Cost of Salvaged Materials $40,251

Total Costof New Materials $79,625

Total Savings $39,374