; . r ^-, ; p ^ . . •.,;•. >; 1 ;. - - - . . 5. ? * - I V STERDAM EVENING RECORDER, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1919. PAGE ELEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS TO RENT—FLATS. -m RENT—Upper and lower tenements; « I'.rookside avenue. Inquire » Wll- ONE CENT A WORD ONE CENT A WORD *0*0»j*^^0^0*0*^0*4*0*0*0*0t0^ street. 99d2 Iiaro* «rT~REST—Desirable lower apartment, improvement. 356 Guy Park. 99d2 TO RENT—Upper and lower flats. Mrs. Rsdy. r'e-rt Johnson. 9Jd3 TO" RENT—Ixjwer flat, with barn. Falr- * irount avenue, up Caroline street. Rent a?aV P 9tMsn&Sat2t East USJD street J8MonWed8at-tf TO RENT—Flat. 104 E!o->a K n l t t l n j Co. TO RENT—Upper flat, 73 Brooksldo. In- auirt J. W. Dickson. Morris Mills office. w p37Thurs8atMon3t TO RENT-»Flat, 3d floor, over Becxer'a druR store. 8 rooms, steam heat, jras, .uciruitv. May 1st. N. C. Becker. " SJeodGt f floor? TC RENT— Florida flats, Nos. 1, 2 S and ' Modern, gas. electricity, hard wood bath, stationery tubjj. N. C. Bock- eT 89cod5t TO RENT—Flat. 67 Union street. J8dJ TO RENT—Lower flat. 8 Evelyn street: all modern improvements. First class condition. Rent. $19. Thone 575-J.. re 97d3 TO RENT—HOUSES. TO RBNT—House. 24 Wall itisstj house. 13J Division street; house. II ?.iu ,l i? et - ^ n 1 u 't» J « - R- Snell. T Mo- ris**. Place. 7JSat-tf TO RENT—COTTAGE. TO RENT-<*,tUte at Fort Johnson, electric lifhts and cistern. $1.00 per month. Telephone Kelly-Green Com- pany. 4ltf TO RENT—GARAGES. TO KENT—Carafe, ISO East Main street. 97tf TO RENT—Furnished Room*. TO ,, RENT —Furnished rooms. 14 Mohawk Place. S g d3 ^ALE HELP WANTED. WANTED—Boy. Shaul's. Apply Holsheimer k. dl WANTED—^ounc men with talent for lettering to learn show card writing, sign painting. Pleasant work. Opportun- ity for travel. International Correspond - cnce Schools. Scranton. Pa. p«8d- W ANTED— Experienced clerk for fish de- partment; also clerk for butter and egg department. The Mohican Co. 98tf . WANTED—Boss knitter for out of town, for Tompkins knitting machine, on fleece and flat work. Apply Box 'B." Re- corder Office. J ,r »8d4 nlttl CLASSIFIED ADS TODAY IN WALL STREET. His Preference. DRESSMAKING. LADIES—Do your own dressmaking un- eTfr Mrs. Starkweather's instruction at the dressmaking exchange. 21 Guv Park avenue.' lJWcd&Sat-tf USED TRUCKS. Sauf-r truck chassis, meclianically perfect, three new Vies. 1 fait Price. $750 WANTED—Boy to T work Kresge's 5 & 10c Store. after school. 9ld3 TO RENT—Good flat. 32 Thone 1690. Glen avenue. 95tf TO RENT—Lower flat, west end. Ad- dress Box 15. Recorder Ofllce. 9Jtf LEGAL NOTICES TO RENT—Large furnished front room. 7 Guy Park avenue. p98d3 TO RENT—Furnished room,'with all con- veniences. 28 Pearl street. 98d3 TO RENT. TO RENT—Small office, with heat and light. Market street. P. O. Box 491. dl TO RENT—Mill building, with heatinjr equipment, at 162 West Main street. Charles Hubbs. telephone 16«-J. 81SatMonThurs-tf TO RENT—Large room, clothes room, all modern conveniences., downtown, pri- vate family. 'Phone 332-R. 98tf TO RENT—Cottage and flats with gar- dens, electric lights, good water. Fort Johnson. Inquire McCaffrey Bros. p9$d» TO RENT—Six largo rooms, second floor. 28 Garden street. 91tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT—in .room two- family house. Fort Johnson; easy terms. Small cash payment. »>alnnco like rent. Away from nolsA, healthful location, near trolley and school, small garden, chicken coops, low taxes, electric lights. If rent. $8.50 a month each floor. Inquire Meed, 49 .Bayard street. 99SatMon\VedSal4t FOR SALE. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. I'urauant to the provisions of-Section 2 0 ( Article XII of the constitution of the SUto of New York, there has been trans- mit:! <1 to me by the clerk of the senate of Me' state of New York, "a certified copy of the bill hereinafter described, and not.<e is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Section 31 of the general t it\ law of the Stato of New York, con- stituting Chapter 21 "of the Consolidated IJIWS that a public hearing will be given *r.fi had lief ore the mayor and common rouni'il of the City of Amsterdam, N. Y.. at tli>> common council chambers in the 5«rfonl Homestead Building, No. 1 Mar- ket street, in said city, on Tuesday, the 15th day of April. 1919. at eight o'clock In the afternoon upon said bill relating to and affecting the City of Amsterdam, described as follows, namely: An act to amend chapter two hundred FOR SALE—9x12 A .minster RUg. four and forty-two of the laws of nineteen) dining chairs. 'Phone 1051-M. 99d hundred and eleven, entitled. "An act to j— •— amend, consolidate and revise the sev- FOR SALE—Two slightly used drop head eral acts relative to the City of Amster- Singer Sewing Machines. $51.50 cash. dam." generally. I Same guarantee as new one! Singer Sew- Said bill has been passed by both i Ing Machine C o . 142 B. Main street, dl branches of the legislature and trans- — — ' rnittfd to the mayor and common coun-|FOR SALE—Household furniture. In- cll for the purpose of having a "public; quire 20 Jewott street. p98d3 hearing thereon, pursuant to the pro- | visions of Section 2 of Article XII of the FOR SALE—"Acorn" Cabinet Gas Range, "constitution of said state, for the purpose | In excellent condition, almost new. of determining whether said bill shall be (Cost J48; will sell to quick cash buye»- for accepted or not, and In order to give our! $15. 137 East >Ialn street. 9Id3 citizens an opportunity to express them- > '• eflvee either for or against the accept-IFOR SALE—Willow baby carriage. In- •ance of said proposed law. I quire 81 Prospect street. p97d3 The bill provides. In substance, that the I —— salarv of the assessors shall be fixed by j FOR SALE—National Cash Register. the common council at a sum not to ex- Penny keys suitable for any line of WANTED—Good baker. Address Box 99. Recorder Office. p9"d3 WANTED—Broom winders. Seneca Broom Company. Inc.. Geneva. N. Y. p97dlO WANTED—Man with IJ50 to $500 to take charge of business In Montgomery and Fulton counties. Man with automobile preferred. Address Box 87, Recorder Office. p97d3. WANTED—Man with $150 to manage business. Address Box 88, Recorder Office. p97d3 WANTED—Farm Call In person, tonvllle, N. Y. hand, by the month. Monk & Bradley. Ful- p95d5 WANTED—Men to qualify for brakemen. firemen. J150-J200 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway Association, care of Recorder Office. p93SatMon!t i i. i - * WANTED—Men. aged 17 to 55. Experi- ence unnecessary. Travel, make secret Investigations, reports. Salaries, ex- penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 503. St. Louis. pdl BARGAINS For Sale—One 4-ton illy One 1913* '4-ton S«tuer truck platform body, mechanically perfect, tirts fair. Price. $1,500. One 1918 Fierce-Arrow 5-ton truck. combination platform and 4-yard dump body, steel lined; driven only 4.J00 miles; guaranteed as new. Price. $5,000. 191S 11-ton Stewart truck, stake rack body, cab, Presto headlight, mechanically r erfect, tires practically 'new. Price. 1.500. 1815 U-ton Bevel Gear Garford; open express body, pneumatic tires front, solids rear, condition A-l. Price. $1,300. 191« U-ton JefTery- Back body and cabr electric lights and starter, only run six months—condition perfect. Price. $1,750. 1913 31-ton Tackard. Chain drive, plat- form body and cab. Tires new. Mechani- cally perfect- Price, $1,500. 1917 2-ton Selden. Open express body and cab; mechanically perfect; tires good; paint A-l. Price. $1,300. 1918 2-ton Selden; open express body and cab; meclianically perfect; tires good; paint A-l. Price. $2,100. Above can be bought for rash or on monthly payments. Kelley-Dcnnin Co., •phone Albany Main 634>7, or Pox 11, Re- corder Oftice. $7Mch:9-31April2-4-7-9-12 New York." April 12.—Wall Street —10:30 a. m.— Oils. .*-teels. motor sq>e- claltles and several of the popular food issues featured the movement to higher levels at the openinp of to- day's stock market, gaining 1 to 1 1-:' points while shippings and tobaccos represented the uncertain or Irregu- lar shares. Buying of Bethlehem Steel. Sinclair Oil and Corn Products Indicated . urgent short' covering. United States Steel recorded J\ nom- inal advance, but coppers eased slight- ly. The one distinctly heavy stock was Sumatra Tobacco, which declined almost 5 points. Stocks.opened tlrm to strong today, but prices soon hesitated under further selling of steels, shippings, motors and tobaccos at extreme reactions of 1 to 6 points. Ridding up of active oils, motor accessories and food issues proved only a partial offset, standard shares, including rails, showing no change from their recent uncertain movements. Trading lapsed as the market declined, the total being the smallest of any recent week-end. The Closing was heavy. Final prices for Liberty bonds were: 34's. 99.12: ilrst 4's. 95.60: second 4's. 93.64: tirst 4 V s t 95.60; second 4»„'s. 93.64; third 4 Vs. 9556; fourth 4's, 93.- 62. (Quotations Furnished by Foster & Adams. Schenectady. Members New York Stock Exchange). FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED—Girl to assist In housework; family of two. Call 313 E. Main street. p98d3 WANTED—EXPERIENCED WO- MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF CORSET DEPARTMENT AT WALD.MAN BROTHERS, AL- BANY. N. Y. 98d3 WANTED—Stenographer and general office girl. Address Box 25. Recorder Office. 98d2 WANTED—At once, experienced cloak saleslady. Only those wlth~references need apply. A. Mark'B Sons. SStf WANTED—Girl for general housework. 157 Market street. 'Phone 1551. 89tf WANTED—Girl for kitchen work. 34 Pearl street. Apply 86tf HELP WANTED. LOST. LOST—White fox terrier- with drooped ears ami black markings. Person hav- ing dog is, known. Return to 70 Pros- pect street and save trouble. p}9d2 i ADVERTISE FOUND ARTICLES. THE LAW. "A person who rinds lost property un- der circumstances which givo him knowl- edge or means of inquiring as to the true owner, mil who appropriates such prop- erty to his own use or to the use of.an- other person who Is not entitled thereto, without having first made every reason- able effort to And the owner and restore the property to him. is guilty of lar- i ceny."—Section 1309, N e w York Stat* Baldwin Loco Penal Law. Allis Chalmers American Be.et Sugar. American Can com. .. American Car & Ftly. . Amor. International .. Amor. Linseed American Loco Am. Smelters com . . . . Am. Steel Foundry .... Amor. Sugar Kef American Tel. iv Tel. . American Tobacco ... American Woolen .... Anaconda Copper .... Atchison com WANTED—Assistant to help in the care of children. Apply Day Nursery. 99tf WANTED—Cook. American Hotel. JohnB town. N. Y. 98d3 cred nine hundred ($900) dollars, per an-j business nuni and that the common council may'Office appoint, upon the nomination of the city t Address Box A, Recorder j>97d3 clerk, a deputy city clerk and fix his compensation and that the maximum 'amount of the annual city tax levy be In- creased from two hundred and twenty- f.ve thousand ($225,000) dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000) dol- lars. Dated. Amsterdam. N. T.. April 10. 1919. SEELY CONOVER. Mayor. I hereby fix and appoint a public hear- ing, upon the above described bill at the time and place specified In such notice pefore the mayor and common council of the City of Amsterdam. N. Y.. and I here- by direct and require that the foregoing notice be published for three successive days, commencing on the 10th day of April. 1919. In the Amsterdam Evening Recorder and Dally Democrat. 1 further * direct and require that a copy of such notice be served upon each member of the legislative body of the City of Am- sterdam, N. Y.. either personally or by mtll at least two days before the day fixfd for such public hearing. Bated, Amsterdam, N. Y.. April 10. 1919. "SEELY CONOVER. Mayor. Amsterdam. N. Y.. April 10. 1919. Notice to County Claimants. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons fcsving claims or accounts against the County of Montgomery, to file the same villi the county clerk at his office In Fonda, on or before the first day of May. 1S19. for audit at the quarterly session of the Board of Supervisors. All bills must be Itemized and accompanied by an affi- davit as to\ their correctness. All claim- ants are required to attach order signed bv the official ordering the supplies. Charges relating to different oommit- te-s or class of work must be made out In separate bills, otherwise they will he re- turned to the claimants for such correc- tion and will not be considered at this session. . ,,_ . . All coroners' bills must be certified h> the .coroner under whom the services > pre performed. ., _, In preparing bills use but one side of the paper. . A ... _„, Rills filed after the above date will not b» audited until the next session or the ' ' ROBERT B. BRUMAGIM. Clerk of Board of Supervisors. FOR SALE—Household furniture. Apply mornings or evenings. Mrs. Chaa. D. Dean, 15 Phillips street, or 'phone 498-J. 97d3 FOR SALE—Top—buggy. Inquire 13$ Market street. 'Phone 328. 95tf FOR SALE—Rabbits. street. Inquire 38 John p93dl2 FOR SALE—Automobile*. FOR SALE^—Five passenger 1914 model, at a big bargain. 1155-W. ' Hudson. 'Phone p97d3 WANTED. WANTED—Upper flat, heated preferred ^F. M. Kenyon, telephone 965-R. 99d3 WANTED—To rent by May 1st, modern i house or flat. Must be In desirable lo- | cation. Address Box A, Recorder Office p97d3 WANTED—By young lady employed, room and meals in private family. Will pay liberally for same. Must be centrally j located. Address Box 27, Recorder Office. 97tf FOR SALE—Two used Ford delivery cars, mechanically perfect, 4 W. Mala street. Sltf FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALF.—Farm, near Amsterdam, or to rent, 25 acres for $2,900. Easy terms. Box 493. Amsterdam. 97eod3t HORSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good work horse; weight 1.100 lbs. 22 Corey street. p97eod6t FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALF.—Lot on Lincoln avenue, west of Glen. Write Mrs. Gifford. 307 Colum- bus avenue. Syracuse. X. Y. p99d2 FOR SALE—Owing to party leaving town, will sell at a sacrifice, eight room cot- tage, barn, chicken coop, located at While Spring. For further particulars. Inquire Max L. Otto. 62 Market street. 93eod4t ELECTRIC MOTORS. WANTED—To lease Imperial Springs at \ Crancsville, N.-Y. 'Phone 129-F12. 95d6 j WANTED—Pair of heavy wrough. Iron I Andirons, in good condition, with i Shovel and tongs. Address Box 61. Re- corder Office. ^Hf Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel com. . Optn. . 37«, . 75', . 50'i . »3 . R2 . 514 . 66 \ . 71 . SI .128 4 . . 104-\ , .20T\ ,. :.su , . 61", .. 02 .. *9l »i . 47-, .. 76*4 WANTED—Will buy second hand stovei and furniture, paying best prices. Johnson. 183 East Main street. 'PhonM l«Tl-W. 4Jt« WANTED—TO RENT MODERN UP-TO-DATE COTTAGE OR LARGE FLAT. WILL PAY RENT UP TO $30.00 PER MONTH. 51 ARNOLD AVENUE. 99d2 WANTED—Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address Box 22. Recorder Office. ' p98d2 WANTED—Comfortable room In small adult family, central section, by man of middle age, quiet, sober and respect- able. Address Box 33, Recorder Office. WE BUT AND SELL all kinds of electric motors. We, can supply your require- ments. Anderson Bros.. Electric Co.. 48 A Market street. 'Phone 1X21. 7«tf MISCELLANEOUS. • Action for Dlvorc*. STATE OF NEW YORK—Supreme Court. Montgomery County. Mirgaret A. Plaster, . Plaintiff. —vs— Herman A. Plaster. ' Defendant. To the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the plajntlfT a attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of tnc day of service; and. In case of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will he taken against you by defau t for the re- lief demanded In the complaint. Trial desired In Montgomery count). Dated. March 18th. 1919. _ .JOHNSON P.-VANJD LINDA, Plaintiffs Attorney. ..... Oftice and Post Office Address. 20 Market Street. Amsterdam. N. Y. To Herman.A. Plaster, defendant: The foregoing summons Is ser\ed upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Henry V. Borst. Justice of the *upreroe court of the state of Ne*; ^ork. dated the 2»th day of March 191». and AIM with the complaint In the office of the clerk of Montgomery county, at r T>afed^"ATfisterdam. N. Y.. March 31. 1M *' JOHNSON P. VAN OLINDA. Plaintiffs Attorney. Office and Post Office Address, 20 Market Street. Amsterdam. N. T.. HUNDREDS U. S. government Joba now open. Men-women, 18 or over, $1,000- $1,100 first year. Write Immediately for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2620, Rochester, N. Y. pApr5-i:-19-2« ATTENTION FARMERS—We sell Wis- consin Oats and Barley for seed; also' Canada Field Peas and Spring Wheat, all of beat quality. Arthur Hill & Co. . 97eod6t LADIE8—Earn blr money, introducing our Quality Toilet Preparations; repeat orders continually; exclusive territory; 60 per cent, commission; our representatives take orders every time. Particulars free. Dame Naturo Co., 2!0 West 42d street, New York city. P«l WANTED—At once. 1.000 men. women and children to buy Goodyear glovo, first quality Rubbers for next winters wear at lower prices than you can get them later on. Men's $1.25 grade. 98c: women's 90c grade. 75c; girls sizes i5c grade, 59c. Conrad's Shoe Store. 98d3 WANTED—Beginners on piano, reason- able. 186 Locust avenue. 9SU3 WANTED—Air comprcsser outfit, chain hoist and bench vise. 'Phone 284-R. pS7u3 Writs far Bales Prer-jK SKAT CO- HartferJl. C- FORDS RUN 34 miles per gallon with our 1919 Carburetors. Use cheapest gaso- line or half kerosene. 8tart easy any weather. Increased power. Styles for all motors. Runs slow high gear. Attach yourself. Big profits for agents. Money back guarantee; 30 days' trial. Alr- Frlctlon Carburetor Co., 1115 Madison street, Ray ton. O. P<H BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUTOMOBILES OF EVERY MAKE Fully proteotsd by ths Fidelity and Casualty Company o< N e w TortC^Aifdre-ir 0. Grelg, local a«enL Call up 773»U for rates. Cheap Insurance is not good— Oood Insurance la not cheap—Get tho Best. , ' —Fishing Tackle THAT'S FIT FOR FISHING SEE ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY IN OUR NORTH WINDOW. Fish Lines from 1c to $2.00. Fish Poles, 20c. 30c, 35c. Reels, $1.75 Up. Steel Rods, $1.25 to $12.50, Fish Hooks. Fish Baskets. Bait Boxes. Sinkers. Bobs, Etc- John E. Larrabee Co. Brooklyn Rapid Trans. ... 21 ^ 4 Canadian Pacific 159 Central Leather com 7f>t 7 CriTO de Pasco 42 Chandler Motors 141 Chesapeake & Ohio 5S*i C. M. & St. Paul com 37 C. K. J. & P 23'-i Chino Copper 37. Col. Fuel and Iron .... Columbia Gas ......... Cons. Gas Corn Prods, com Crucible Steel Erie com Erie 1: t pfd Gaston W. & W G>"nera. Motor.-' Gnat Northern pfd. .. Croat Northern Ore 41 ^ [Industrial Alcohol 153^ Inspiration Copper 49^4 | Kennecott Copper 32 ] Lackawanna Steel 70*4 'Lehigh Valley 54H I Marine com 31 Vi 42 4 454 934 60 , 67 4 164 , 27 , 30 .1764 . 92 . INCORPORATED Hardware, Tools, Stoves Mill Supplies and 3 A 5 MARKET STREET A B G PLASTERS BECKER'S SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRANK C. CURTIS (MOSHER & CURTIS) Coumelor-at-Lsw and 8ollcitoe of PATENTS, TROY, N. Y, •• Marino pfd. 1144 Mexican Pot 183 Mo. Pac 23 4 Nevada Con. Copper 164 New York Central 73 4 N. Y.. i\. H. & H 29 Norfolk & Western 104 4 Northern Pacific Pennsylvania R. It Pressed St'ool Car.com. Railway Steel Springs. Ray Con. Copper ..... ". Readinp com Repub. Iron it Steel ... Royal Dutch .• Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Southern Ry. com Studcbaker Texas Co . ... -, Tobacco Products .... Union Pacific United Cigar Stores... U. S. C. I. P. & F U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel com V. S. Stool pfd Utah"Copper Va. Car. Cliem Westlnghouse Willys-Overland Wilson & Co 92 41 71 79 4 21 84 4 824 924 50 4 1034 .27 4 664 '-'134 91 128 4 134 4 22 4 »6 4 1124 9S4 1164 74 4 604 46 4 30 84 4 Close. St>4 74 4 494 92 4 774 52 6* 704 814- 127 4 104 4 207 4 5S4 614 914 904| 474 1 76 j 214 I 159 75 4 414 139 4 584 37 23 4 42 45 4 95 594 67 4 164 27 294 176 92 41 1524 . 49 4 314 694 54 30 4 1124 1814 23 4 164 73% 2S-N 104 4 92 •14 704 79 4 21 834 82 4 014 49 4 1034 27 4 66 214 4 89 4 129 4 131 22 4 86 1124 97 4 II64 734 604 46% 294 84 sylvania and nearby hennery white. ordinary to prime 46ii5u, do brown 46fr47; do gathered brown and mixed colors 42(17 46. Cheese—Steady, receipts IS 10. State whole milk Hats current make spe- cials 32® 334. Cotton Market. (Quotations fui nislicd by Foster •& Adams, Schenectady, member's Ncv York Stock Exchange). New York. April 12.—Cotton futures closed today- a.s follows: May . . . July October Old. 21.80 23.75 22.03 New'. 2^.45 24.40 22.70 Weekly Bank Statement. New York, April 12.—The actual con- dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $43,017,270 reserve in excess of le- Kal requirement*. This is a decrease of $7,935,320 from last week. The statement follows: Actual condition: Loans, discounts, etc., increase. J16S,- 010.000. Cash in own vaults, members federal reserve banUs, increase, $2,290,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve bank of member luinks, decrease, $18,330,000. Reserve in own vaults state banks and trust companies, increase, $285,- 000. Reserve in depositaries, stato banks and trust companies, decrease, $629,000. Net demand deposits, decrease, $SS,- 136.000. Net time deposits, decrease. 5411,000. Circulation, increase, $225,000. AKKreKate reserve, $5(14.300,000. Summary of state banks and trust companies included in clearing house statement: Loans, discounts, < tc, increase, $336,- 200. Gold, increase. $121,200. Currency and bank notes, increase, $471,400. Deposit.-; with Federal Reserve bank. New York, decrease, $3,764,700. Total deposits, decrease. $1.19.".,200. Ranks: Cash in vaults. $19,134,400. Trust companies: ' Cash in vault, $65,17S,600. Veteran of Company H to Tell of His Experiences The men's class of the Second Pre** hyterian church will bo-addressed by Robert (licit) Harrison at its meeting tomorrow. Mr. Harrison is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert llarrisoi-, residing at 332 I.ocii.tt avenue, lie served with Company 11 throughout the war. liin experiences were very strenuous, a.s ho went over the top more than a dozen lims. serving ehictly as a runner, one of the most, if not the most, dangerous services for 'which he could volunteer. He was hit several times with spent I raiments of shrapnel, had many hair- breadth escapes and had the luck to come through without a wound. The members of the class are looking for- ward with interest to the recital of sonrn of his experiences. Mr. Harrison has recently become a member of the New York State Troopers. In order to con- tinue his life in the open air. His ex- periences on the other side make con- finement at an indoor occupation very distasteful to him. Joseph A. Wartinger, Furniture repairing, upholstering and reflnishlng. Auto trimming a specially. N *P. r> !\ r ' ll >'. P/yk avenue. 'Phone 1888-W. THE CHOICE OF A SCHOOL largely determines the success of the stu> dent. If you select the ALBANY BUSINESS COLLEGE your expectations will be fully realised. We provide- for our students the belt of everything In business education and so truin them that they are qualified to fill the best positions and earn tho high- est salaries. For new catalogue, address CARNELL & HOIT, Albany. N. T. - Phoni our office "868" and we will wire your house. When you think of electric things think of Edison Electric Light and Powsr Com- pany. New York Dairy Market. New York. April 12.—Dutter—Easy; receipts 12,385 tubs. Creamery, high- er than extras 64 4 f: 65 4'; extra. 92 score, 64 4<fi64 4; firsts 63^ 64; pack- ing stock, current make No. 2. 343. Eggs—Easy; receipts 46.494 cases; fresh gathered extras 454©46; fresh gathered northern section first, 41 ff 434; do southern 4Hr43: stato, Penn- sylvania and nearby western hennery white, flno to fancy, 52; state. Penn- TRIBES HILL. April 12.—At the Tribes Hill Pres- byterian church tomorrow the services will be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. S. G. Parent. The theme of the morning sermon will be "Ultimate Vic- tory." Sunday school will be held at 11:45. Evening service at 7:30: ser- mon topic. 'Cod's Row in the Cloud" Everybody is invited to these services. Mrs. F. X. Pettit arrived at her sum- mer home here a few days ago-from New York "vily, where she spent the winter. J..E. Wyman of Fonda, a former res- ident of this place, was in town a few days ago on business. James May returned home today, af- ter spending a few days with friends in Johnstown. * Friday afternoon during the heavy rain and wind storm, which swjmt over this place, ipiite a number of poles belonging to the Glen Telephone com- pany were broken off at the ground and some were blown down entirely. Line- men were busy today .resetting pole. I Edwin L Wilson i! FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant Automobile Equipment Telephone 1870. FUNERAL PARLORS: 35 CHURCH ST. DIRECTORY MOTOR CARS LIBERTY BONDS—$50.00 and $100.00 de- nomination nought and sold for cash. At present prices, certain Issues yield over 41 per cent. Mall orders solicited. B. Lodge & Co., Licensed Brokers. $1 N. Pearl street, Albany. N. Y. pMdlO Notice to Contractors. Proposals for 'repair*. Improvements »nd betterments to the HUte Armory at Amsterdam, N. Y.. consisting of wo divisions of work, (A) Masonry and < ar- pentry, and (B) Painting. Sheet mcut work and Roofing, embracing alteration repair and pointing of retaining malls, srproach and enclojlng walls, cons Mic- tion of vaults, draining for reUlnln; walla, rspslr of roofings, and exterior and Interior painting, will be received fcy the •tats board of armory oommlssion#rs. 1H »ute street, Albany. N. V, t «rnU«;J o'clock p. m.. of Wednesday. April If Mil, end thefo and then opened and an- ( nounced publicly.' > , Proposal* may be submitted for the en- tire work or for either of Its two divisions, rroposal* must be prepared on the. forms urn] enclosed In the envelopes, both of which are provided by the state; tho en- velopee to be sealed nnd endorsed as di- rected In the proporal forms. '• Proposals, forms-end envelopes may be j obtained anrficoples of the drawings and ; epecincatlons' consulted at the above ftamed board ofllce or armory. The ileht is reserved hereby to reject *ny or all proposals. State Board of Armory Commissioners CAPT. JOHN A. COFFEY . becrctary. AUTO TRUCKING. FOR MOVlNOand general auto trucking, call »19 or 1314. Johnson. pi,A3 THOS. B. 'MURPHY—General auto trucking. Furniture and piano moving. Call 1115. Reasonable prices. lilt TRUCK OWNERS We will press your Tires On snd Off sny week-day. flights snd Sundays by sppolntmsnt. 'Phono 8*70. ARER'S GARAGE '• sot •rsndywlna Avenue. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. V. ELLIS, auto trucking. Local and long distance, 1» Guy. 'Phone "«7-W. p7ldTS Automobile Accessories. FOR SALE—Tires. J«x4». used; 3«x5. new; . *5x5. new. New fenders for Urge car. 113 Stewart street. dl Situation Wanted—Male. W A -Sr T E D—Experienced bookkeeper, young married man desires office work with local Arm. Can operate typewriter. Beat of j-eferencea. Address Box 42. Re. cordtr Oftice. '- IW" . DISCHARGED SAH.OR desires position as chauffeur, either private or truck. Six yeArs' experience. Can furwleh refer- ences. Herman C. VolghL II Putman street, Amsterdam, N. Y. ISU WANTED—Position as truck driver by •oldler honorably discharged. Experi- enced. Telephone 7Z1-M. 7ltf ) /. ---(7 I FRANK A. DWYER, Consulting Engineer. Designer: Healing. Ventilating, Power . and Herniary Systems. Defective systems corrected. Plans and specifications furnished. 447 GUY PARK AVE. AMSTERDAM. THE FUNERAL HOUSE 11 MOHAWK PLACE. Funeral, Cemetery, Cremation and Transfer Arrangements. Chapel, Extensive Sales Rooms, City •nd Out-of-Town 8ervice, Carriage and Motor Equipment. BUICK Fred Van De Mark, Prop, Claude G. Sidney, Mgr. 4 West Main Street. 'Phono 542. FORD Universal Motor Sales Co., 13-15 Walnut Street. 'Phones 600 and 700. K0EHLEF Wc o te T. 8o fl . r «. ce Age r n c « , : oy - It Ton Truck. 261 Division Street. •Phone 611. L. MALES, Buyinjc and Selling. Second-hand Furniture L, Malts Steves 187 Feather ) Phone Beds, Etc. ( I4M-W. 'Phone or Mall Postal—I Will Call. » — . • • • . p . . —II "!»•• • m i, I. Pay Hifih Cash Price*. LAOY ATTENDANT. PHONE 110. JOHNSON & LINDSAY Oldsmoblle Sales Co.. Also Case Farm Tractors. Thone 1307-R 106 East Main Street. OLDSMOB1LE W. C. T. U. Devotional Meeting at Elderly Women's Home The regular monthly devotional mcetinp of the City W. C. T. l,\ will bo held :»t the Home for Klderly Wo- men Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The R<n\ J. ('. Grenzcbach will have charge of^the devotional exercises, as- sisted by a <iuartet composed of Miss Gertrude Armltage. foprano; Miss Clara Walrath. contralto; Alvln Young, tenor, and r'rod Lee, bass. All mem- bers of the W. C. T. "U. and their friends arc" Invited to be present. Tho regular monthly business meeting will be held at the (lood Will club Monday afternoon, April 14, at 3 o'clock. All members aro urged to bo present. PACKARD \ . -THE- JNO. H. COLLINS BOILER WORKS Let ua store your parlor ateve for the Summer. Will pack yaur china and glassware for storage or ship- ment. Warehouse is free from moisture. Furniture crated. COLONIAL, 17 LIBERTY 8T. Phone 1223. C. C. DOAK, Mgr. Now prepared to estimate and submit figures for tho manufacture of all kinds of slesm hollars, tanks, smoke stacks, etc. Repslrlng prompt- ly attended to. Office and works, foot of Walnut street Gasoline storage tanks for private garages made to or- der. Telephone 628. L. It. Mack, Amsterdam Corp. Telephone ItO. ^•>e^s»» swe.ee seease^SjfrSj+OjSjiSjSjfjSj Foster & Adams Members of the j New York Stock Exchange Business Establlahed 18S0. 127 Wall 8L, Schenectady, N. Y. J. E. Waller, Mgr Amsterdam Phone 180. fcM >»V%4»e J »e>%»ejeje J %e J e J »e J e J »»»Sj%\»»v»» < VIM Delivery Trucks Amsterdam Auto Supply Co., - 4 West Main Ktrect. MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTORS. W. N. BRANDHUR8T, Cherry Street. Phones 1576—1215-W. MOTORCYCLES INDIAN ^^"stS?^ . , Telephone tat-J. Old and new cars for sale. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES WILLIAM V. LADO, /• Mlnavllle. Marlaville 'Phone 2F-33. INSURANCE " " • * Wormutb, AUTOMOBILE Telephone II. INSURANCE . »-ll Church St. VULCANIZING Merry sc Shelp. it West Main Street Telephone 1(14. ALBANY COUNTY SAVINGS BANK STATE AND SOUTH PEARL STS., ALBANY, N.Y. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS WITH US ONE DOLLAR WILL START AN ACCOUNT TOTAL ASSETS $11,000,000 DEPOSITS FROM $5.00 TO $3,000 DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH INTEREST COMPOUNDED. SEMI-ANNUALLY APRIL AND 0CT0SER 1ST. DEPOSITS TAX.EXEMPT W. N . S- SANDERS, Presides! CllAS. E. BYRON, Treasurer 4PERCENTINTEEST .#,* •SEND rOR BOQKLETrBANKING BY MAIL"- I f 1 31 •1 hSBS' ftkaflkMaasBMtsl 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY...DRESSMAKING. LADIES—Do your own dressmaking un-eTfr Mrs. Starkweather's instruction at the dressmaking exchange. 21 Guv Park avenue

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY...DRESSMAKING. LADIES—Do your own dressmaking un-eTfr Mrs. Starkweather's instruction at the dressmaking exchange. 21 Guv Park avenue

;. r ^ - , ; p ^ . . •.,;•. >;1;. - • • • • - - • . . •

5 . ? * - I • V



-m RENT—Upper and lower tenements; « I'.rookside avenue. Inquire » Wll-

ONE CENT A WORD ONE CENT A WORD *0*0»j*^^0^0*0*^0*4*0*0*0*0t0^

street. 99d2 Iiaro* «rT~REST—Desirable lower apartment,

improvement. 356 Guy Park. 99d2

TO RENT—Upper and lower flats. Mrs. Rsdy. r'e-rt Johnson. 9Jd3

TO" RENT—Ixjwer flat, with barn. Falr-* irount avenue, up Caroline street. Rent a?aV P9tMsn&Sat2t

East U S J D street J8MonWed8at-tf

TO RENT—Flat. 104 E!o->a Knlttlnj Co.

TO RENT—Upper flat, 73 Brooksldo. In-auirt J. W. Dickson. Morris Mills office. w p37Thurs8atMon3t

TO RENT-»Flat, 3d floor, over Becxer'a druR store. 8 rooms, steam heat, jras,

.uciruitv. May 1st. N. C. Becker. " SJeodGt

f floor?

TC RENT— Florida flats, Nos. 1, 2 S and ' Modern, gas. electricity, hard wood

bath, stationery tubjj. N. C. Bock-eT 89cod5t

TO RENT—Flat. 67 Union street. J8dJ

TO RENT—Lower flat. 8 Evelyn street: all modern improvements. First class

condition. Rent. $19. Thone 575-J.. re 97d3

TO RENT—HOUSES. TO RBNT—House. 24 Wall i t i s s t j

house. 13J Division street; house. II ? . i u , l i ? e t - ^n1u ' t» J « - R- Snell. T Mo­ris**. Place. 7JSat-tf

TO RENT—COTTAGE. TO R E N T - < * , t U t e at Fort Johnson,

electric l i fhts and cistern. $1.00 per month. Telephone Kelly-Green Com-pany. 4 l t f

TO RENT—GARAGES. TO KENT—Carafe, ISO East Main street.


TO RENT—Furnished Room*. T O , , R E N T — F u r n i s h e d rooms. 14 Mohawk

Place. S g d 3


Shaul's. Apply Holsheimer k. dl

WANTED— ̂ ounc men with talent for lettering to learn show card writing,

sign painting. Pleasant work. Opportun­ity for travel. International Correspond -cnce Schools. Scranton. Pa. p«8d-

W ANTED— Experienced clerk for fish de-partment; also clerk for butter and egg

department. The Mohican Co. 98tf .

WANTED—Boss knitter for out of town, for Tompkins knitting machine, on

fleece and flat work. Apply Box ' B . " Re­corder Office. J ,r»8d4



DRESSMAKING. LADIES—Do your own dressmaking un-

eTfr Mrs. Starkweather's instruction at the dressmaking exchange. 21 Guv Park avenue.' lJWcd&Sat-tf


Sauf-r truck chassis, meclianically perfect, three new Vies. 1 f a i t Price. $750

WANTED—Boy to Twork Kresge's 5 & 10c Store.

after school. 9ld3

TO RENT—Good flat. 32 Thone 1690.

Glen avenue. 95tf

TO RENT—Lower flat, west end. Ad­dress Box 15. Recorder Ofllce. 9Jtf


TO RENT—Large furnished front room. 7 Guy Park avenue. p98d3

TO RENT—Furnished room,'with all con­veniences. 28 Pearl street. 98d3

TO RENT. TO RENT—Small office, with heat and

light. Market street. P. O. Box 491. dl

TO RENT—Mill building, with heatinjr equipment, at 162 West Main street.

Charles Hubbs. telephone 16«-J. 81SatMonThurs-tf

TO RENT—Large room, clothes room, all modern conveniences., downtown, pri­

vate family. 'Phone 332-R. 98tf

TO RENT—Cottage and flats with gar­dens, electric lights, good water. Fort

Johnson. Inquire McCaffrey Bros. p9$d»

TO RENT—Six largo rooms, second floor. 28 Garden street. 91tf


family house. Fort Johnson; easy terms. Small cash payment. »>alnnco like rent. Away from nolsA, healthful location, near trolley and school, small garden, chicken coops, low taxes, electric lights. If rent. $8.50 a month each floor. Inquire Meed, 49 .Bayard street. 99SatMon\VedSal4t


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. I'urauant to the provisions of-Section 2

0( Article XII of the constitution of the SUto of New York, there has been trans­mit:! <1 to me by the clerk of the senate of Me' state of New York, "a certified copy of the bill hereinafter described, and not.<e is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Section 31 of the general tit\ law of the S ta to of New York, con­stituting Chapter 21 "of the Consolidated IJIWS that a public hearing will be given *r.fi had lief ore the mayor and common rouni'il of the City of Amsterdam, N. Y.. at tli>> common council chambers in the 5«rfonl Homestead Building, No. 1 Mar­ket street, in said city, on Tuesday, the 15th day of April. 1919. at eight o'clock In the afternoon upon said bill relating to and affecting the City of Amsterdam, described as follows, namely:

An act to amend chapter two hundred FOR SALE—9x12 A .minster RUg. four and forty-two of the laws of nineteen) dining chairs. 'Phone 1051-M. 99d hundred and eleven, entitled. "An act to j — •— amend, consolidate and revise the sev- FOR SALE—Two slightly used drop head eral acts relative to the City of Amster- Singer Sewing Machines. $51.50 cash. dam." generally. I Same guarantee as new one! Singer Sew-

Said bill has been passed by both i Ing Machine C o . 142 B. Main street, d l branches of the legislature and trans- — — ' rnittfd to the mayor and common coun- |FOR SALE—Household furniture. In-cll for the purpose of having a "public; quire 20 Jewott street. p98d3 hearing thereon, pursuant to the pro- | visions of Section 2 of Article XII of the FOR SALE—"Acorn" Cabinet Gas Range, "constitution of said state, for the purpose | In excellent condition, almost new. of determining whether said bill shall be (Cost J48; will sell to quick cash buye»- for accepted or not, and In order to give our! $15. 137 East >Ialn street. 9Id3 citizens an opportunity to express them- • > '• • • eflvee either for or against the accept-IFOR SALE—Willow baby carriage. In-•ance of said proposed law. I quire 81 Prospect street. p97d3

The bill provides. In substance, that the I —— salarv of the assessors shall be fixed by j FOR SALE—National Cash Register. the common council at a sum not to ex- Penny keys suitable for any line of

WANTED—Good baker. Address Box 99. Recorder Office. p9"d3

WANTED—Broom winders. Seneca Broom Company. Inc.. Geneva. N. Y. p97dlO

WANTED—Man with IJ50 to $500 to take charge of business In Montgomery and

Fulton counties. Man with automobile preferred. Address Box 87, Recorder Office. p97d3.

WANTED—Man with $150 to manage business. Address Box 88, Recorder

Office. p97d3

WANTED—Farm Call In person,

tonvllle, N. Y.

hand, by the month. Monk & Bradley. Ful-


WANTED—Men to qualify for brakemen. firemen. J150-J200 monthly; experience

unnecessary. Write Railway Association, care of Recorder Office. p93SatMon!t

i i. i • - *

WANTED—Men. aged 17 to 55. Experi­ence unnecessary. Travel, make secret

Investigations, reports. Salaries, ex­penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 503. St. Louis. pdl

BARGAINS For Sale—One 4-ton


One 1913* '4-ton S«tuer truck platform body, mechanically perfect, tirts fair. Price. $1,500.

One 1918 Fierce-Arrow 5-ton truck. combination platform and 4-yard dump body, steel lined; driven only 4.J00 miles; guaranteed as new. Price. $5,000.

191S 11-ton Stewart truck, stake rack body, cab, Presto headlight, mechanically rerfect, tires practically 'new. Price.

1.500. 1815 U-ton Bevel Gear Garford; open

express body, pneumatic tires front, solids rear, condition A- l . Price. $1,300.

191« U-ton JefTery- Back body and cabr electric lights and starter, only run six months—condition perfect. Price. $1,750.

1913 31-ton Tackard. Chain drive, plat­form body and cab. Tires new. Mechani­cally perfect- Price, $1,500.

1917 2-ton Selden. Open express body and cab; mechanically perfect; tires good; paint A- l . Price. $1,300.

1918 2-ton Selden; open express body and cab; meclianically perfect; tires good; paint A- l . Price. $2,100.

Above can be bought for rash or on monthly payments. Kelley-Dcnnin Co., •phone Albany Main 634>7, or Pox 11, Re­corder Oftice.


N e w York." April 12.—Wall Street —10:30 a. m.— Oils. .*-teels. motor sq>e-c la l t les and several of the popular food i s sues featured the movement to higher levels at the openinp of to­day's stock market, gaining 1 to 1 1-:' points while shippings and tobaccos represented the uncertain or Irregu­lar shares. Buying of Bethlehem Steel . Sinclair Oil and Corn Products Indicated . urgent s h o r t ' covering. United States Steel recorded J\ nom­inal advance, but coppers eased s l ight­ly. The one distinctly heavy stock w a s Sumatra Tobacco, which declined almost 5 points.

S tocks .opened tlrm to strong today, but prices soon hesitated under further sel l ing of steels, shippings, motors and tobaccos at extreme reactions of 1 to 6 points. Ridding up of act ive oils, motor accessories and food i ssues proved only a partial offset, standard shares , including rails, showing no change from their recent uncertain movements . Trading lapsed as the market declined, the total being the smallest of any recent week-end. The Closing was heavy.

Final prices for Liberty bonds were: 3 4 ' s . 99.12: ilrst 4's. 95.60: second 4's. 93.64: tirst 4 V s t 95.60; second 4»„'s. 93.64; third 4 V s . 9556; fourth 4's, 93.-62.

(Quotations Furnished by Foster & Adams. Schenectady. Members New York Stock Exchange) .

FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED—Girl to assist In housework;

family of two. Call 313 E. Main street. p98d3



WANTED—Stenographer and general office girl. Address Box 25. Recorder

Office. 98d2

WANTED—At once, experienced cloak saleslady. Only those wlth~references

need apply. A. Mark'B Sons. SStf

WANTED—Girl for general housework. 157 Market street. 'Phone 1551. 89tf

WANTED—Girl for kitchen work. 34 Pearl street.

Apply 86tf


LOST. LOST—White fox terrier- with drooped

ears ami black markings. Person hav­ing dog is, known. Return to 70 Pros­pect street and save trouble. p}9d2



"A person who rinds lost property un­der circumstances which givo him knowl­edge or means of inquiring as to the true owner, m i l who appropriates such prop­erty to his own use or to the use of .an­other person who Is not entitled thereto, without having first made every reason­able effort to And the owner and restore the property to him. is guilty of lar- i ceny."—Section 1309, New York Stat* Baldwin Loco Penal Law.

Allis Chalmers American Be.et Sugar . American Can com. . . American Car & Ftly. . Amor. International . . Amor. Linseed American Loco Am. Smelters com. . . . Am. Steel F o u n d r y . . . . Amor. Sugar Kef American Tel. iv Tel. . American Tobacco . . . American Woolen . . . . Anaconda Copper . . . . Atchison com

WANTED—Assistant to help in the care of children. Apply Day Nursery. 99tf

WANTED—Cook. American Hotel. JohnB town. N. Y. 98d3

cred nine hundred ($900) dollars, per an- j business nuni and that the common council may'Office appoint, upon the nomination of the city t

Address Box A, Recorder j>97d3

clerk, a deputy city clerk and fix his compensation and that the maximum 'amount of the annual city tax levy be In­creased from two hundred and twenty-f.ve thousand ($225,000) dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000) dol­lars.

Dated. Amsterdam. N. T.. April 10. 1919. SEELY CONOVER.

Mayor. I hereby fix and appoint a public hear­

ing, upon the above described bill at the time and place specified In such notice pefore the mayor and common council of the City of Amsterdam. N. Y.. and I here­by direct and require that the foregoing notice be published for three successive days, commencing on the 10th day of April. 1919. In the Amsterdam Evening Recorder and Dally Democrat. 1 further

* direct and require that a copy of such notice be served upon each member of the legislative body of the City of Am­sterdam, N. Y.. either personally or by mtll at least two days before the day fixfd for such public hearing.

Bated, Amsterdam, N. Y.. April 10. 1919. "SEELY CONOVER.


Amsterdam. N. Y.. April 10. 1919.

Notice to County Claimants. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons

fcsving claims or accounts against the County of Montgomery, to file the same villi the county clerk at his office In Fonda, on or before the first day of May. 1S19. for audit at the quarterly session of the Board of Supervisors. All bills must be Itemized and accompanied by an affi­davit as to\ their correctness. All claim­ants are required to attach order signed bv the official ordering the supplies.

Charges relating to different oommit-te-s or class of work must be made out In separate bills, otherwise they will he re­turned to the claimants for such correc­tion and will not be considered at this session. . ,,_ . .

All coroners' bills must be certified h> the .coroner under whom the services > pre performed. . , _,

In preparing bills use but one side of the paper. . A ... _„ ,

Rills filed after the above date will not b» audited until the next session or the ' ' ROBERT B. BRUMAGIM.

Clerk of Board of Supervisors.

FOR SALE—Household furniture. Apply mornings or evenings. Mrs. Chaa. D.

Dean, 15 Phillips street, or 'phone 498-J. 97d3

FOR SALE—Top—buggy. Inquire 13$ Market street. 'Phone 328. 95tf

FOR SALE—Rabbits. street.

Inquire 38 John p93dl2

FOR SALE—Automobile*. FOR SALE^—Five passenger

1914 model, at a big bargain. 1155-W. '

Hudson. 'Phone


WANTED. WANTED—Upper flat, heated preferred ^ F . M. Kenyon, telephone 965-R. 99d3

WANTED—To rent by May 1st, modern i house or flat. Must be In desirable lo- |

cation. Address Box A, Recorder Office p97d3

WANTED—By young lady employed, room and meals in private family. Will

pay liberally for same. Must be centrally j located. Address Box 27, Recorder Office.


FOR SALE—Two used Ford delivery cars, mechanically perfect, 4 W. Mala

street. Sltf

FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALF.—Farm, near Amsterdam, or

to rent, 25 acres for $2,900. Easy terms. Box 493. Amsterdam. 97eod3t

HORSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good work horse; weight

1.100 lbs. 22 Corey street. p97eod6t

FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALF.—Lot on Lincoln avenue, west

of Glen. Write Mrs. Gifford. 307 Colum­bus avenue. Syracuse. X. Y. p99d2

FOR SALE—Owing to party leaving town, will sell at a sacrifice, eight room cot­

tage, barn, chicken coop, located at While Spring. For further particulars. Inquire Max L. Otto. 62 Market street. 93eod4t


WANTED—To lease Imperial Springs at \ Crancsville, N.-Y. 'Phone 129-F12.

95d6 j

WANTED—Pair of heavy wrough. Iron I Andirons, in good condition, with i

Shovel and tongs. Address Box 61. Re­corder Office. ^Hf

Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel com. .

Optn. . 37«, . 75 ' , . 50 ' i . »3 . R2 . 514 . 66 \ . 71 . SI .128 4

. . 104-\ , . 2 0 T \ ,. :.su , . 61", . . 02 . . *9l »i . 47 - ,

. . 76*4

WANTED—Will buy second hand stovei and furniture, paying best prices.

Johnson. 183 East Main street. 'PhonM l«Tl-W. 4Jt«



WANTED—Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address Box 22.

Recorder Office. ' p98d2

WANTED—Comfortable room In small adult family, central section, by man

of middle age, quiet, sober and respect­able. Address Box 33, Recorder Office.

WE BUT AND SELL all kinds of electric motors. W e , can supply your require­

ments. Anderson Bros.. Electric Co.. 48 A Market street. 'Phone 1X21. 7«tf


• Action for Dlvorc*. STATE OF NEW YORK—Supreme Court.

Montgomery County. Mirgaret A. Plaster, .

Plaintiff. —vs—

Herman A. Plaster. ' Defendant.

To the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer

the complaint In this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the plajntlfT a attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of tnc day of service; and. In case of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will he taken against you by defau t for the re­lief demanded In the complaint.

Trial desired In Montgomery count) . Dated. March 18th. 1919.

_ .JOHNSON P.-VANJD LINDA, Plaintiffs Attorney. . . . . .

Oftice and Post Office Address. 20 Market Street.

Amsterdam. N. Y. To Herman.A. Plaster, defendant:

The foregoing summons Is ser\ed upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Henry V. Borst. Justice of the *upreroe court of the state of Ne*; ^ork. dated the 2»th day of March 191». and AIM with the complaint In the office of the clerk of Montgomery county, at rT>afed^"ATfisterdam. N. Y.. March 31. 1 M*' JOHNSON P. VAN OLINDA.

Plaintiffs Attorney. Office and Post Office Address,

20 Market Street. Amsterdam. N. T..

HUNDREDS U. S. government Joba now open. Men-women, 18 or over, $1,000-

$1,100 first year. Write Immediately for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2620, Rochester, N. Y.


ATTENTION FARMERS—We sell Wis­consin Oats and Barley for seed; also'

Canada Field Peas and Spring Wheat, all of beat quality. Arthur Hill & Co. .


LADIE8—Earn blr money, introducing our Quality Toilet Preparations; repeat

orders continually; exclusive territory; 60 per cent, commission; our representatives take orders every time. Particulars free. Dame Naturo Co., 2!0 West 42d street, New York city. P«l

WANTED—At once. 1.000 men. women and children to buy Goodyear glovo,

first quality Rubbers for next winters wear at lower prices than you can get them later on. Men's $1.25 grade. 98c: women's 90c grade. 75c; girls sizes i5c grade, 59c. Conrad's Shoe Store. 98d3

WANTED—Beginners on piano, reason­able. 186 Locust avenue. 9SU3

WANTED—Air comprcsser outfit, chain hoist and bench vise. 'Phone 284-R.


Writs far Bales Prer-jK SKAT CO- HartferJl. C-

FORDS RUN 34 miles per gallon with our 1919 Carburetors. Use cheapest gaso­

line or half kerosene. 8tart easy any weather. Increased power. Styles for all motors. Runs slow high gear. Attach yourself. Big profits for agents. Money back guarantee; 30 days' trial. Alr-Frlctlon Carburetor Co., 1115 Madison street, Ray ton. O. P<H


AUTOMOBILES OF EVERY MAKE Fully proteotsd by ths Fidelity and Casualty Company o< N e w TortC^Aifdre-ir 0 . Grelg, local a«enL Call up 773»U for rates. Cheap Insurance is not good— Oood Insurance la not cheap—Get tho Best. , '

—Fishing Tackle THAT'S FIT FOR


Fish Lines from 1c to $2.00. Fish Poles, 20c. 30c, 35c.

Reels, $1.75 Up. Steel Rods, $1.25 to $12.50,

Fish Hooks. Fish Baskets .

Bait Boxes . Sinkers.

Bobs, Etc-

John E. Larrabee Co.

Brooklyn Rapid Trans. . . . 21 ^4

Canadian Pacific 159 Central Leather com 7f>t7

CriTO de Pasco 42 Chandler Motors 141 Chesapeake & Ohio 5S*i C . M. & St. Paul com 37 C. K. J. & P 23'-i Chino Copper 3 7 . Col. Fuel and Iron . . . . Columbia Gas . . . . . . . . . Cons. Gas Corn Prods, com Crucible Steel Erie com Erie 1: t pfd Gaston W. & W G>"nera. Motor.-' G n a t Northern pfd. . .

C r o a t Northern Ore 41 ^ [Industrial Alcohol 1 5 3 ^ Inspiration Copper 49^4

| Kennecott Copper 32 ] Lackawanna Steel 70*4 'Lehigh Valley 54H I Marine com 31 Vi

42 4 4 5 4 9 3 4 60

, 67 4 1 6 4

, 27 , 30 . 1 7 6 4 . 92


Hardware, Tools, Stoves Mill Supplies


3 A 5 M A R K E T S T R E E T




Coumelor-at -Lsw and 8ol lc i toe of

P A T E N T S , TROY, N. Y ,

•• Marino pfd. 1 1 4 4 Mexican Pot 183 Mo. Pac 23 4 Nevada Con. Copper 1 6 4 New York Central 73 4 N. Y.. i \ . H. & H 29 Norfolk & Western 104 4 Northern Pacific Pennsy lvania R. It Pressed St'ool Car.com. Rai lway Steel Springs . Ray Con. Copper . . . . ." . Readinp com Repub. Iron it Steel . . . Royal Dutch .• Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Southern Ry. com Studcbaker T e x a s Co. . . . - , Tobacco Products . . . . Union Pacific United Cigar S t o r e s . . . U. S. C. I. P. & F U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel com V. S. Stool pfd Utah"Copper Va. Car. Cliem West lnghouse Wil lys-Overland Wilson & Co

92 41 71 79 4 21 84 4 8 2 4 9 2 4 50 4

1 0 3 4 .27 4

6 6 4 '-'134

91 128 4 134 4 22 4 »6 4

1 1 2 4 9 S 4

1164 74 4 6 0 4 46 4 30 84 4

Close. St>4 74 4 4 9 4 92 4 7 7 4 52 6* 7 0 4 814-

127 4 104 4 207 4

5 S 4 6 1 4 9 1 4 9 0 4 | 4 7 4 1 76 j 214 I

159 75 4 4 1 4

139 4 5 8 4 37 23 4

42 45 4 95 5 9 4 67 4 1 6 4 27 2 9 4

176 92 41

1 5 2 4 . 49 4

3 1 4 6 9 4 54 30 4

1 1 2 4 1 8 1 4

23 4 1 6 4 73% 2S-N

104 4 92 •14 7 0 4 79 4 21 8 3 4 82 4

• 0 1 4 49 4

1 0 3 4 27 4 66

214 4 89 4

129 4 131

22 4 86

1 1 2 4 97 4

I I 6 4 734 604 46% 2 9 4 84

sylvania and nearby hennery white . ordinary to prime 46 i i5u , do brown 46fr47; do gathered brown and mixed colors 42(17 46.

Cheese—Steady , receipts IS 10. State whole milk Hats current make spe­cials 32® 3 3 4 .

Cotton Market.

(Quotat ions fui nislicd by Foster •& Adams, Schenectady, member's N c v York Stock Exchange) .

New York. April 12.—Cotton futures closed today- a.s follows:

May . . . July October

Old. 21.80 23.75 22.03

New'. 2^.45 24.40 22.70

Weekly Bank Statement . N e w York, April 12.—The actual c o n ­

dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week s h o w s that they hold $43,017,270 reserve in exces s of le-

Kal requirement*. This is a decrease of $7,935,320 from last week.

The s tatement fol lows: Actual condition: Loans, discounts, etc., increase. J16S,-

010.000. Cash in own vaults , members federal

reserve banUs, increase, $2,290,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve bank of

member luinks, decrease, $18,330,000. Reserve in own vaults s tate banks

and trust companies , increase, $285,-000.

Reserve in depositaries, s tato banks and trust companies , decrease, $629,000.

Net demand deposits, decrease, $SS,-136.000.

Net time deposits , decrease. 5411,000. Circulation, increase, $225,000. AKKreKate reserve, $5(14.300,000. Summary of s tate banks and trust

companies included in clearing house s tatement:

Loans, discounts , < t c , increase, $336,-200.

Gold, increase. $121,200. Currency and bank notes, increase,

$471,400. Deposit.-; with Federal Reserve bank.

New York, decrease, $3,764,700. Total deposits, decrease. $1.19.".,200. Ranks: Cash in vaults . $19,134,400. Trust companies: ' Cash in vault ,


Veteran of Company H to Tell of His Experiences

The men's c lass of the Second Pre** hyterian church will bo-addressed by Robert ( l i c i t ) Harrison at its meet ing tomorrow. Mr. Harrison is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert llarrisoi-, residing at 332 I.ocii.tt avenue, l i e served with Company 11 throughout the war. l i in experiences were very strenuous, a.s ho went over the top more than a dozen l ims. serving ehictly as a runner, one of the most, if not the most, dangerous services for 'which he could volunteer. He was hit several t imes wi th spent I r a i m e n t s of shrapnel , had many hair­breadth escapes and had the luck to come through without a wound. T h e members of the c lass are looking for­ward with interest to the recital of sonrn of his experiences. Mr. Harrison h a s recently become a member of the N e w York State Troopers. In order to c o n ­tinue his life in the open air. His e x ­periences on the other side make c o n ­finement at an indoor occupation very distasteful to him.

Joseph A. Wart inger , Furniture repairing, upholstering and

reflnishlng. Auto tr imming a spec ia l ly . N*P. r>!\r'll>'. P /yk avenue. 'Phone 1888-W.

T H E CHOICE OF A SCHOOL largely determines the success of the stu> dent. If you select the


your expectations will be fully realised. We provide- for our students the be l t

of everything In business education and so truin them that they are qualified to fill the best positions and earn tho high­est salaries. For new catalogue, address

CARNELL & HOIT, Albany. N. T.

- P h o n i our office "868" and we will

wire your house. When you think

of electric things think of Edison

Electric Light and Powsr Com­


New York Dairy Market. N e w York. April 12.—Dutter—Easy;

receipts 12,385 tubs. Creamery, h i g h ­er than ex tras 64 4 f: 65 4'; extra. 92 score, 64 4<fi64 4 ; firsts 6 3 ^ 64; pack­ing stock, current make No. 2. 343.

E g g s — E a s y ; receipts 46.494 case s ; fresh gathered extras 4 5 4 © 4 6 ; fresh gathered northern section first, 41 ff 4 3 4 ; do southern 4Hr43: stato, Penn­sy lvan ia and nearby western hennery whi te , flno to fancy, 52; state . P e n n -


April 12.—At the Tribes Hill P r e s ­byterian church tomorrow the services will be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. S. G. Parent. T h e theme of the morning sermon will be "Ult imate Vic­tory." Sunday school will be held at 11:45. Evening service at 7:30: ser­mon topic. 'Cod's Row in the Cloud" Everybody is invited to these services .

Mrs. F. X. Pettit arrived at her s u m ­mer home here a few days a g o - f r o m N e w York "vily, where she spent the winter.

J . .E. Wyman of Fonda, a former res ­ident of this place, was in town a few days ago on business.

J a m e s May returned home today, af­ter spending a few days with friends in Johnstown. *

Friday afternoon during the heavy rain and wind storm, which swjmt over this place, ipiite a number of poles belonging to the Glen Telephone c o m ­pany were broken off at the ground and some were blown down entirely. Line­men were busy today .resett ing pole.


Lady Assistant Automobile Equipment

Telephone 1870.

F U N E R A L P A R L O R S :



LIBERTY BONDS—$50.00 and $100.00 de­nomination nought and sold for cash.

At present prices, certain Issues yield over 41 per cent. Mall orders solicited. B. Lodge & Co., Licensed Brokers. $1 N. Pearl street, Albany. N. Y. pMdlO

Notice to Contractors. Proposals for 'repair*. Improvements

»nd betterments to the HUte Armory at Amsterdam, N. Y.. consisting of wo divisions of work, (A) Masonry and < ar-pentry, and (B) Painting. Sheet mcut work and Roofing, embracing alteration repair and pointing of retaining malls, srproach and enclojlng walls, cons Mic­tion of vaults, draining for reUlnln; walla, rspslr of roofings, and exterior and Interior painting, will be received fcy the •tats board of armory oommlssion#rs. 1H » u t e street, Albany. N. V , t«rnU«;J o'clock p. m.. of Wednesday. April I f Mil , end thefo and then opened and an-

( nounced publicly.' > ,

Proposal* may be submitted for the en­tire work or for either of Its two divisions, rroposal* must be prepared on the. forms urn] enclosed In the envelopes, both of which are provided by the state; tho en-velopee to be sealed nnd endorsed as di­rected In the proporal forms. '•

Proposals, forms-end envelopes may be j obtained anrficoples of the drawings and ; epecincatlons' consulted at the above

ftamed board ofllce or armory. The i l eht is reserved hereby to reject

*ny or all proposals. State Board of Armory Commissioners

CAPT. JOHN A. COFFEY . becrctary.

AUTO TRUCKING. FOR MOVlNOand general auto trucking,

call »19 or 1314. Johnson. pi,A3

THOS. B. 'MURPHY—General auto trucking. Furniture and piano moving.

Call 1115. Reasonable prices. lilt

TRUCK OWNERS We will press your Tires On snd Off

sny week-day. flights snd Sundays by sppolntmsnt. 'Phono 8*70.

ARER'S GARAGE '• sot •rsndywlna Avenue.


V. ELLIS, auto trucking. Local and long distance, 1» Guy. 'Phone "«7-W.


Automobile Accessories. FOR SALE—Tires. J«x4». used; 3«x5. new; . *5x5. new. New fenders for Urge car. 113 Stewart street. dl

Situation Wanted—Male. W A -Sr T E D—Experienced bookkeeper,

young married man desires office work with local Arm. Can operate typewriter. Beat of j-eferencea. Address Box 42. Re . cordtr Oftice. '- IW" .

DISCHARGED SAH.OR desires position a s chauffeur, either private or truck.

Six yeArs' experience. Can furwleh refer­ences. Herman C. VolghL II Putman street, Amsterdam, N. Y. ISU

WANTED—Position as truck driver by •oldler honorably discharged. Experi­

enced. Telephone 7Z1-M. 7ltf


/ . ---(7 I

FRANK A. DWYER, Consulting Engineer.

Designer: Healing. Ventilating, Power . and Herniary Systems.

Defective systems corrected. Plans and specifications furnished.



Funeral, Cemetery, Cremation and Transfer Arrangements .

Chapel , Extensive Sales Rooms, City • n d Out-of -Town 8ervice , Carriage

and Motor Equipment.

BUICK Fred Van De Mark, Prop, Claude G. Sidney, Mgr.

4 West Main Street. 'Phono 542.

FORD Universal Motor Sales Co., 13-15 Walnut Street. 'Phones 600 and 700.


teT. 8ofl.r«.ceAgernc«,:oy-

It Ton Truck. 261 Division Street. •Phone 611.

L. MALES, Buyinjc and Selling.

Second-hand Furniture L, Malts

Steves 187

Feather ) Phone Beds, Etc. ( I4M-W.

'Phone or Mall Postal—I Will Call. » — . • • • . p . . — I I "!»•• • m i ,

I. Pay






Oldsmoblle Sales Co..

Also Case Farm Tractors. Thone 1307-R 106 East Main Street.


W. C. T. U. Devotional Meeting at Elderly Women's Home

The regular monthly devotional mcet inp of the City W. C. T. l,\ wil l bo held :»t the Home for Klderly W o ­men Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The R<n\ J. ('. Grenzcbach will have charge of^the devotional exerc i ses , a s ­s isted by a <iuartet composed of Miss Gertrude Armltage. foprano; Miss Clara Walrath. contralto; Alvln Young, tenor, and r'rod Lee, bass. All m e m ­bers of the W. C. T. "U. and their friends arc" Invited to be present . Tho regular monthly business m e e t i n g will be held at the (lood Will c lub Monday afternoon, April 14, at 3 o'clock. All members aro urged to bo present .


\ . -THE-


Let ua store your parlor ateve for the Summer. Will pack yaur china and g lassware for storage or sh ip­ment . Warehouse is free from moisture. Furniture crated.

COLONIAL, 17 LIBERTY 8T. Phone 1223. C. C. DOAK, Mgr.

Now prepared to es t imate and submit figures for tho manufacture of all k inds of s l e s m hollars, tanks , smoke s tacks , e tc . Repslr lng prompt­l y attended to . Office and works , foot of Walnut s t r e e t

Gasoline storage t a n k s for private garages made to or­der. Te lephone 628.

L. It. Mack, Amsterdam Corp.

Telephone ItO.

^ • > e ^ s » » swe.ee seease^SjfrSj+OjSjiSjSjfjSj

Foster & Adams —

Members of the

j New York Stock Exchange Business Establlahed 18S0.

127 Wall 8L, Schenectady, N. Y.

J. E. Waller, Mgr Amsterdam Phone 180.

fcM >»V%4»eJ»e>%»ejejeJ%eJeJ»eJeJ»»»Sj%\»»v»»<

VIM Delivery Trucks Amsterdam Auto Supply Co.,

- 4 West Main Ktrect.


W. N. BRANDHUR8T, Cherry Street.

Phones 1576—1215-W.


. , Telephone tat-J. Old and new cars for sale. HARLEY-DAVIDSON


/• Mlnavllle. Marlaville 'Phone 2 F - 3 3 .

I N S U R A N C E " " • * Wormutb, AUTOMOBILE Telephone II.

INSURANCE . »- l l Church St.

VULCANIZING Merry sc Shelp. i t West Main Street

Telephone 1(14.




TOTAL ASSETS $11,000,000 DEPOSITS FROM $ 5 . 0 0 TO $ 3 , 0 0 0 DRAW INTEREST


DEPOSITS TAX.EXEMPT W . N . S- SANDERS, Presides! CllAS. E. BYRON, Treasurer


I f

• •

1 3 1


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
