I AMUSEMENTS THE NEW YORK SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1943. AMUSEMENTS Vaudeville at Broadway f and Neighborhood Theaters. sons! appearance engagement. Others on the btll are the Three Imagina- tive, novelty mimics, and the Kings, acro-trlo. Capitol Theater. Phil Spitalny and the Hour of Charm, all-girl orchestra, head the •tage show for a second week at the Capitol, starting tomorrow. Featured •with Mr. Spitalny's group is Evelyn and her magic violin, the voices of Vivian and Maxene, Viola and her seventeen drums, K&thryn and her trumpet, the ail-American Glee Club, June Lorraine, mimic; the Blair Sis- ters and Miss Patsy Brewster. Loew's State. Tito Guixar, singing star of radio and motion pictures, heads the stage show starting tomorrow at Loew's State. Others on the bUl include Van Alexander and his band, featur- ing Betty Carr; Mildred Bailey, song- stress; Joe Phillips and Marion Col- by, comics, and Beverly Allen and Billy Revel, comic dancers. Paramount. The Andrews Sisters, Maxene, Patty and Laverne, head the stage show at the Paramount Theater, starting today. Others on the pro- gram are Mitchell Ayres and his orchestra, with Dick Dyer, Ruth Mc- Cullogh and Johnny Bond; Tim Herbert, comedian, and the Carr Brothers. Radio City Music Hall OB the stage of the Radio City Muaic Hall, the Don Cossack Chorus, one of the world's noted singing en- sembles, under the direction of Serge Jaroff, will continue for a second weak. They appear in a production titled "Man About Town," produced by Leon Leonidoff, in six scenes, with settings by Bruno Maine. In this production the Music Hall Corps de Ballet dances the four-part ballet from Gounod's "Faust," with Muriel JBray, Nicholas Daks and Louise For- \iaca as soloists. Florence Rogge has designed the choreography for this ballet. The Rockettes are themselves in "Rockettes in a Row," with Albert Gifford, tenor, as vocalist. Carlton Emmy and his pets provide some good-humored moments. For the overture, ulrno Rapee and the Sym- phony Orchestra- play "Orpheus," by Offenbach, with David Novales and Laurence Steinhardt alternating as violin soloists. Rosy Theater. The Roxy's new stage show re- mains for a third week starting to- day. Featured in the new presenta- tion are Enric Madriguera and his music. Jack Durant, Patricia Gil- more, Bobby Whaling and Tvette, Consuelo Moreno, the Gae Foster Roxyettes, and as an extra attrac- tion, Carmen Amaya with her troupe, including Lenor Amaya, Antonia Amaya, Paco Amaya, Jose Amaya, Geronimo Villarino and Sabicas. Strand Theater. The Strand Theater's new stage show starting Friday will be headed by the Three Stooge*. Hal Mclntyre and his orchestra and George Tobias, Warner film player, making a per- R.-K.-O. Theaters Buddy Clark and Jerry Wayne, singing favorites of the air waves, headline the vaudeville programs at R.-K.-0.** Proctor's Yonkers and Keith's White Plains this evening. With Buddy Clark at Proctor's will be Pat Hill and Joan, Crane and Carver, two other acts and Ruby Gold's orchestra. At Keith's White Plains the singing star of "Your Hit Parade," Jerry Wayne, will be ac- companied by Al Verdi, wop comic; Dick Kane, popular funster; Bill Al- len and his orchestra and others. Both vaudeville performances will be presented in addition to double feature screen programs. STAGE NOTES Jane Proman will be starred in "Artists and Models," the revue which Monte Proser and Lou Walters will place in rehears- al on August 25. "Artists and Models" will be seen in New York in late September without out-of- town showings. The book is by Gene Towne, based on an idea by Mr. Walters. Howard Bay is designing the sets for the Billy Rose produc- tion of "Carmen Jones," the mod- ern Negro version of Bizet's opera, "Carmen," with libretto and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2d. Hassard Short will stage the Don't Marry," by D. Davis, as the second production of the Worcester Drama i a.Uval season at the Play- house In Worcester, Mass., starting Tuesday evening. Eugene Van Grona, who staged the danens for the musical, "Let 'Em Eat Cake," and who was also re- ap, isible for bringing the modern dance to Broadway theaters, frill produce an all-Negro ballet at a Broadway theater early in the fall. The Cape Theater, Cape May, will present Mabel Taliaferro In "Dan- gerous Corner" Tuesday through Saturday, next week, with a Satur- day matinee . . . . Jeanette Chinley (her last Broadway appearance was la "Journey to Jerusalem), Marcel Journet and Harlan Stone have been Blgned for the Newport Casino The- ater. The first two will be in "With- out Love," the Philip Barry com- edy which opens on July 12, and to date signified their intentions to man, remembered for his work young Stone, the son, in "Watch on Over 8«o jivers and hep-cats have I production and Charles Fried cash in on their talents by entering R -K-O.'s $1,600 jitterbug dance con- test to be held in Manhattan, Bronx and Westchester neighborhood houses Thursday, Friday and Monday nights, July 8, ft and 12, and one week later in Brooklyn and Queens (July 15, 16 and 19). Before the bell rings for the first elimination!! the number of en- tries is expected to more than double the present total. Loew's Neighborhood Theaters. Loew's Orpheum, Pitkin, Oriental. Boulevard and Melba theaters will present vaudeville shows this eve ning, in addition to their screen attractions. The Loew's Orpheum will show Ruth and Billy Ambrose, Caryl Gould, BUI Ames and the Harlem Maniacs, while at the Loew's Pit- kin, the entertainment will be In the hands of Emile Boreo, Joe Mar- tin, Harris and Allen and June North * Co. Jack Morrison, Jackie Vincent, Joe Phillips and Marion Colby and Fitz and Carol take over at the Loew's Oriental, while the Loew's Boulevard will show the Two Olympics, Grace Doro, Georges and Mann and Bill Ames. The Loew's Melba will offer Danny Evans, Alan Reno, Three i>yrne Sis- ters and Al De Lago and Shirley. Tomorrow evening the Hillside will show Grace Doro, Walter Donahue, Darp and Corda and Charles (Pea- nuts) Bohn and Vinton. On Friday evening, July 2, the Loew's Boro Park will present Don Zelaya, Mona Windell and the. Two Olympics in "Pins and Needles" and "Sing Out the News," will direct the libretto. Guy Palmerton offers "Angels the Rhine. Uncle Sam needs your money; give till It hurts—the Axis. asA., ROMERO /^g nfamTT^ Goto*. Ilk' ^? loac**"^** 1 ncNwcoioi -at***?**' tan William H. Burke, executive di- rector for the Sonja Henie-Arthur M. Wilts "Stars on Ice" at the Center Theater, announced yesterday that Mr. Wirt* was planning to produce three plays during the coming season. All that is holding him up, accord- ing to Mr. Burke, are the manu- scripts. A comedy by a Hollywood writer, "Red Tape," is under consid- eration and other scripts will be con- sidered. . . . Tonight will be Cole Porter night at Roseland Ballroom Inaugurating a new Wednesday night event at which composers will be featured. JERRY AND HIS WALD ORCHESTRA Plus THE COLORFUL, FAST-MOVING ICE SHOW* BOB RUSSELL, M. C. HOTEL NEW YORKER Ice Show and dancing daily at luncheo.n dinner and supper. Cafe Life in New York Proprietors of Chateaubriand Are Experts in Appealing to Tastes of Gourmets. By VIRGINIA FORBES. At the Chateaubriand, 148 East 56th street, the elaborate menu states the philosophy of the owners, Roger Parizot, § 1 Maurice Chapuis and Alex Hounie, in these words: "The joys of the table belong equally to all ages, conditions, countries and times; they mix with all other pleasures and remain the last to console us for their loss." This smartly informal restau-lSchiaparelli, Jo Davidson and rant is named for the famous Beardsley Ruml. Chateaubriand steak, the recipe The Chateaubriand is pleasant for which was created in 1822, with a quiet decor, air condition- ftew^BELMOHT SINATRA SKIRTS but that luxurious dish is not al- ways the piece de resistance with the gourmets who make up the larger part of the patronage here. Among the specialties of the Chateaubriand are rognon de veau flambe—veal kidney baked slowly with brandy poured over it and lighted when served; hom- ard l'Amoricaine—lobster cooked in a sauce of white wine and brandy, with tomatoes and tarra- gon, and crepes fourrees sur- prises au gratin. Pate maison here is really "de maison" and has an exclusive taste from the herbs used in its seasoning. Fish and chicken dishes are beautifully done with great imag- ination and in variety, while sal- ads are crisp and simply treated with a dressing that is made in strict accordance with the pa- tron's specifications. They are really serious about this. ALL SORTS OF WINE. One of the best testimonials to the sure taste of Mr. Chapuis, the Chateaubriand wine purchas- er. Is to be found in the frieze of empty bottles which encircles the room. All sorts of wine from every part of the world are repre- sented in this array, and most of the bottles bear the autographs of those who enjoyed the con- tents, a custom that has collected some famous signatures. The European background of the owners, and also that of Pierre Sacco, head waiter, en- ables them to please the smart' clientele that usually summers abroad. The parents of each of them were in the hotel or whole- sale wine business. Their com- bined talents have attracted steady patrons, such as Lily Pons, Hildegarde, Barbara Hut- ton, Dorothy Thompson, Mme. THRUSH" fL^ti IRVING CONN I _^~^* MUSIC ing, and prices that seem very reasonable — luncheon beginning at $1.25, dinner from $2. There is a chic, separate little cocktail lounge, where drinks are listed from 45c. HERE AND THERE. Linton Weil's, Riobamba in East 57th street, which started the revived craze for crooners with Frank Sinatra, offers another tonight in the person of young Billy Usher, formerly vo- calist with Shep Fields. The Rio- bamba management believes that the club has a winner in Usher, and this appearance is the result of much quiet angling. Arthur Blake, popular Impersonator, has been meeting with approval, and stays on in the comedy spot of the revue, and Dean and Blair, dance team, also remain. The air-conditioned Le Veau d'Or, intimate little French res- taurant in East 60th street, re- opens for the season after a tem- porary suspension of its activi- ties in order to refurnish and re- furbish. Celeste Holm, comedienne star of "Oklahoma!" makes her de- but at La Vie Parlsienne tonight. Her scheduled appearance last 54000 »r» BROADWAY RUSSIAN BEAR ROARS , m Stirring *».**» «t •**»!** tfr—ttli Aftw 1 ymn_.*L*K^...>;»'~*», »**».—, I T A I V » * * OIOVANN1 CRTS TASTE BOMBS OVER TALY or AM ERICAH BOMBING AIR POWER A8AIHST AXIS INCREASES DAILY m IT a ——i }:*S-S*t-7:M A ICM C "S2nd ST on LEXINGTON AVE, \Tf SSI* ST. on TODAY It I2-J«-4».7:U-»JM . . ! • * * ** I**-* 5 * "HANGMEN ALSO DIE" I H.V*%. ""/• M I A N OOWLEVY. j j t W f LOCKHAWT J ^ gtj WOtEST °H THESE ESTABLISHMENTS COOPERATE FULLY WITH ALL THEIR INGENUITY STILL ENABLES THEM TO OFFER GOOD WAR FOOD REGULATIONS AND SERVICE AMERICAN Abbey Hotel Hn w . Slat «». Circle 8-W00 Lunch «0c. Dinner SOe. BAT A Cocktail taangc noBuan BANQUET FACILITIES. hnrUnw BRA F < M " > '"•* w, «» •< Cgrn.fi* Mill—MA FOOD SYMPHONIES, tactual** rMltllU. 2neW.5?8t. * * trathnwel Lan«hMn; Dlnnw; Wine*. Liauon. 0**n Bandar*. Anfknnu'c ** 7 l^ntlngton An rnony s Bet. B3rd A e«h Sto. Fine wine* sod liquor*. Chem. < htche* Open Sunday*. Barbour L W. 52ND ST. •t SIh Ave. LUNCHEON 45e-9S«. DINNER 7Ie. »I.I0, SI,». SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN BAR. OUTDOOR 6ARDEN. "Better'Ole t» • E. 47th St. Famout tor Fine Food. Lunch from «fte (alto* Itearta). OlnnerSSe EL. 5-9699 t* S2.50.. Dtllahttul tumntw etrdrn. Oprn Hun. Cloteit Sit. AMERICAN-Continued Stevens Steak House dal LEX. AVE. ATlftatT. *F». Nit*. The Skipper 10S E. ttth Bt. Cocktail* Luncheon All After****, 85c j Dinner, tl-Al.tS. Sunday Home-Cooked Dinner from 1 F. M.. $1.88- Town Talk 104 W . 43 St. Jn*t off 41th Ave. LOngacre 3-97 IS Fiiroona foe Honey H*m. Chirk I* a-Ne*t Full Conrao Dinner tl.tS. luncheon SOe np. B*r. Cocktail* from 3*c—party f*< (litie*. pi RAUJI '* 7 t * 8,h *• A»o«t«ini 'ood r m r M In A**rlc*n n*naw.8*rv*d I* • m*»*l» at. Dllie D O W I ELdered* S-M4J ao**nw*Wtll-at*nn*d **naa-Clo**aSa*.«.*•»• Mto-WI* OI«.;M.|I.I» finfiin'e Cnrnnr 8*Jf*id 8<iu*ra Hotel, 116 W. 34th 8t.~Onpo*lte Mary's. Vapiain 5 Vomer «me Pound Steak* . tK.oble ThleA . Tender . Juicy . Hroiled to Perfection. Hee peraooalixed earirature« by Jolly Rill gtetnke. Clnoed i n * . aw-jstw WEST iirdi wt. '. '. ". AIR CONDITIONKDT MORF, THAN .W YKARS ,%T «AMF. ADDRESS. C!,n<<KD OX HI NDAYM. Cavanagh'; Cortile 37 W. 43rd ST., OPPOSITE STERN'S. AIR CONDITIONED. l.rNCHEON FROM 50c. DINNER FROM 75e. COCKTAIL BAR. Dairy Suggestion For Diners-Out (No. 442) Dinner at Entree Price apefr Reef Bouillon Buying War Bonds leta spend your money twice. you I0HN ST. I EST. ISM. Chireealkraltlnt*t**al»lty. Fimouttor H. 4.M7I Imuttoa ehopt. MMki A tMloed. Own to i J 0 » a Friday was postponed because of Qkk the Oysterman % " * ZZZZ'TifZU? ZSfiZlS illness. Miss Holm headlines a new show that includes Reva Reyes, continental guitarist- singer; Jack Lane and his Love Birds and Edo Lubich, Yugo- alavian troubador. Farrish's Chop House 4 w Fish & Chips (COOPER'S) 130 I f. St. We serve thin f»mou« dkh In a Heal English Man- ner. AIM* Seafood at It* he«t. Air Conditioned. Game Cock Hour Diana'. Super* Food EM«lHat Wlnt* tidaart. imteaota. Caektaii Oinelns to HorS Sreva'i eisokbirdm. Pert***) dirottioe laak mutx. White Turkey Town Houses B5*"S *SSr IZTZTrJK. drlnki alia torvad la tlr-eendltlentd natewa reataarant. Oae* Saidaya at aasn. Americana atmotahara. Dtantawn: I Unlvortlty Plat* at Wathln*t*a S*u«ra, Uttavn: 120 Madltaa Ava. at $7 St. Whyte's 148 lWlt*B St. COrt. 7-M33 L**A kaovra ky old raatanranta. a flat Complet- IMnoera tram tl.SS. i e uiae v.nop nouse lEst-iwoi mrr gHEU< C RABS * MAINE I^»BSTF.RS AMERICAN-HTTNOARIAN IA3 W. 4tttl St, BAST at B'way FROM Sl.tS Three IVttahif ol Ftaar SB*** NlgMly. Gypay A Dance Orehentraa. C*nt, M*atc and Dancing;. No cover ever. no mln., except Saturday. Air Cnad. LOnc, 1-011» Zimmerman's Hungarta 1 AMERICAN-ITALIAN Barbetta's SXI W. 4Mb St Weat ot Sth Av. Poptilar priced Italian •oNrtne. A la carr*. Horn* cook- ing. Win** A Uqnor*. E x t . 1S«S. I loaed Monday*. Marta WASHIN0T0N PLACi OPEN AIR GARDEN. LI NCH FROM 9nc. DINNER Ht Waah. *.«, A Sth Av*. FROM SLM ALSO A LA CARTE. Clotted Mondara JEWISH Ratner's IS* Daktaasy St. tftgatwlaa and dairy rutaaraiit. Th* klt«nt la Ihtt It**. OR. 4-*40A tk* a*hila th* ***t tin** ItOS. Oar tp*clatty M prtatU 1MB. t€SSIAN Russian Bear ESTABLISHED LN 1R08 S4S LFXINGTON AVE. tMtlt AT.). IVAN KALUHNV8 RUSSIAN-GYPSY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT—DANC- ING. LUNCH 6S6—DINNERS 11.25. ELdorads 5-M80. > SWEDISH f* .i Dine. Wino A Daat* at th* mott tokular S«*dlth Reotaurant. (SUMMER GAR- WaStienOlm DEN •*•«.) Famous for Smomjbord. {.nttrtainmrnt A Oancino. nlintty. 444 W.»/—CI./-M73 tl.M *ln. Cwktallt la th* Vlklnf Room. Pilm Retdlnd Cloud M**dl Cripsholm 324 t 57th EL. i-VJt % Kungsholm g.*..*?*. g j S j f ^ S . ™<* «»••»" g«g^g FINEST SWEDISH VMORGt^BORO LONCHEON ANf. DINNER. Luneh*on.01na«f4 ua«n Sunday. * Swedish Rathskeller 201 L 52nd BL. S-»IHk "A awall* el*** * « h foo» that »**'i •* **»t f -ModatnotMli*. LUNCHkUN *** OINNtf Three Crowns UB.MSt. PI. S-1S31 Open Sunday* Rev"4«tng amorsaabard World'* rait fame. Kmm* for Ertvote Partka* ' i v e i «S4 W . S4th. C I . 1-9A00 w I SMORGASBORD AT ITS BEST1 Complete Smnrgaahord Dinner*. 3 show* nltely: 8:45 - 10 - 12:30. Luncheon-, Matinee ahnw Saturday. SmorgaAhord «er»ed till .losing* *JS] SWISS George's jumble Shop (AS Broad St. open 24 bra.) Dinner »*r Medians*. Luncheon—Cwktall kuna*. 0U8, M Broad St. nur famont Bartandtr, ttlU a l l your favorRo drink. Drink*--Goo* Ptfkl*—Oo*d iarvie*- n w. sth ST MP. 7-2M0 Go*d Fond—Oaed What atsr* M th*ra •ha* the ariM * nthtt F»va-! IMttlllKHl I Rrnlled Hlet Mlgnon In BntteT. $t.M J I Tomato »t.iffed with Ereah I/obater J I Salad. «l 4* I Engllvh. Steak P*» Pie. tl.SS I Roact l*» of lamb. Mint Jelly. 81.23 I I Tun* FUh and Crabmeat Salad, Hl.SS I Sante Liter With Onion*, tnc W'elah Rarebit en Caaaerole. Sftc i 4*i -< Rolled New Potaloe* Southern Spoon Bread New String Bean* Creamed IHced Tiirnlpa Green Halad— ^pecl*l Dreaolaf l^mon Chlffott Pie Vanilla Blanc M*nge Fre*h Rhnbnrh T*rt Mark Ranpberry Ice Cream Coffee or Tea To raara wktr* tkit SMBI M> « « r * * d , , pan*. Tat New Y*f* Sll'l "Wrier* To I < D..." B.reaa *t WOrlW 2-2323 between J J 1 2 * • • * and *. M„ or vliil tld , • k i t m i* Tk* Saa gaiMint. 2 M *>•*-- * \ W*f. R«t*rvalio*i WttkMt *Wif»J«* , K m ^ l iL. C-« On 3rd Avenue MCIETY son I n g OT T D C J C 3 Ret. A3rd-Mth St*, hat lint arrived and wlthai !• make yrar *e«u*lnt*n*a. Luchow's F«T»RI.I*HED ISS2 110-112 Raat 14th St. WORLD FAMOT'S FfIR FINE FOOD CTitNED ON MONDATS Manny Wolf's Chop House Oyster Bay 201 F. 4(TH ST. EL. 1-1240 AIRCONOITI0NED—Oawi fra* 5 no t> M, Dally. Clot*d Tu»*day. ISO L«xlngto* A*A V I S I T THIS PAMOI'S NEW oKAEOOD KMISE S*L S8 and S4 St. Special l-nncheoo ROc np. Speelal littwtet I linn, r tl.SS **• 33rd Street An Fating llace of Pecnllar F.vcellence. **'85$ <t*"» n * B*w*y Quality Lifinort—Two Dining Room*—Open 24 Honr*. R .a t I 1440 B'way (10th St.l I Fall conrtie dinner* from Mc. Popular priced Ulley S I Air Conditioned ' liinrhenn*. Cocktail liar. Good American cooking BRIGHT SPOTS AFTER DARK Arcadia Ballroom and Restaurant RROADWAT AT 63RD ST. MATINEE TODAY-t P. M. to « P. M. Alr-Cooled ALAN HOLMES—PAUL MARTELL ORCHESTRA DANCING NIGITTLV FROM 8 P. M. BAR SERVICE ON LCXHRIOCS ME7.7.ANIN*t . CHARMING DANCE PARTNERS . Bill Bertolotti 8S GR. T-3230. DON SYLVIO'S ORCHESTRA. WESt Roberto'* Rhnmh* Band. % Showa Nltetv: SsM, 11:00 Srd St 1:30 A. at. Dinner 82.00 t« 83.50. Open Sun. Alv C*» T. mm xr KoliV'a DINNER $1.50-*EVUE 9-12-2:15 A. M. jimiTiy iveiiy a ( si SULLIVAN ST. AIR-CONDITIONED AL. A.MU OPEN SUM. T\nw* TI*1*A' N OSItNWICH VILLAGE "latin American Atmosphere,** l*on • Rhumha inttl .11111(1 40 w 8 ST. Rand. 3 *how» nltely. Dinner fram 11.26. Air conditioned Eleanore's I2S I . 4?th St. IL. S-7M3 |„. !/;„„»« FRATERNITY Joe tvinjr; s HOI SE Mn«t Informal place In town. Southern Fried Chick- en 11.25. Continuous entertainment. Cloned Sunday. 17 MI * .;.. . . . reputation for iin^tcrlled food. 3rd Ave. Heart; llo*pltallty. Joe Ring boat. HARLEM O m -l| 0 l P-*.«el!aA «" ***• "••»• ' b, * w, •• •»" *•*• "*'•• « •«< M, *"i 8 » J* dmallS I afaOISe A ,„. Ra . n< oar D.K>r. Sth Ave. Hn. I block. NEW HKV1S ISMS 8L.7tlt Av*. AU. 8-8W7. "BALLTHOO OE 1043 " Jimmy Mordecal, M. C. % Show. 100% Fleapraot Ckw*r leaf Sar A *—m Nltely. Mln. Sat. A Hot. Eva. Mly. SLM. No Cav Peter's Backyard £ letk st Eti isoo I* It 80—l***h SOi V.'t MOdtt Itallaa eaad**v**a. Olaw I I* •art* ***t*r*d. Plan Sena Sa Villa nova ItM Wet* 4flth St. Internationally know* for fine Italian culalne. A la carte. Wine* and liquor*. 11 A. M. to 4 A. M. <1o*ed Monday. ENGLISH l('^ / ,_ V ENOL1NH CHOP HOESB [Veen S •,, WMt SSth Straet On* *f th* a w l fansaa af N*» Vark'a tln«t *attnt plteaa. ComtorUbly **ol ratrvat t*e Lanehaaa A Dlnnw. ENGLISH-AMERICAN King Arthur LONDON TERRACE 40S W . £-34 St. C H . t-«*M | Finest food* for dMrrimlnattng nolatea. I Lantbcan, Dinner A a la aart*. Maile nlihtly. FRENCH A nrle/t * frt " Mort •*• I Frof (••* A* VI* Blanc. Over SO varirtla* trf Impcried French FAnOre um ot City Mall I win*. Vintage tram 13 t* *34. f*Ud*r*a* »ricee. Ope* Bve*. BA W . IM St. Table d'hote lanch 15c ay.. Dinner 81.35. CI. T-8A4T SpeclalHen Reglonalea. Bar. Auberge De France Cafe Chambord SOS Sr* Av*. Bet. 4tth A SOtk fh* A*m* at Fraaak PravlaatM Calalna Cellar k>> C*nn*ta***n. R***r A. CAatrraraa. Maaatta* Oinatnr Cafe des Artistes l -Z"l L*nrh*on 7S*. Dlnnw tram tl.2t. Clotad Sunday* Mara* av N0WASO CHANDLER CHRI8TV Charles Bet. totb • IHb an 0th Av*. ONE OF NEW TORE'S FTNRMT SINCE Itld A-IA-4ARTE DINNER FROM St,**. BAR. Henri 15 Eaat 5td St. Eat. 1808 Finest food preaared In tit* true Freavh manner. I Cocktail*. Dinner ar d * la carte. AIR C4INDrTK»Np.|i Janet of France CO 4-4717 Wad FAMOUS ONION SOUP." Olaaw frata A P. M Lanth*** Thar*.. Sat. aaly. Saraaa Ma* OP**. Clotad Saa Maison A. DeWinter 88 W. aSth S t Natlnnatry kn**n Iw r**l Fr*nM **l*m*. Stmt evawilayel***. lan«*h*"7B*. Slanartra*)SI.3S. O*** Saa. Sar. FRENCH-AMERICAN New Rochelle House M t . 4IM St. htltndid **MI*a. Lanak fr»* SO*. Ola. freta 11.21 MU. 4-SI73 CatktaN leant* Orttl tar art* a*rtl**.8t*akt D*IBKI FUENCH-ETTNGARIAN Dubonnet • E. 48th St., *ff IRh Av*. Alr-C-ooled. Mnalc. Fnll Caaraa D4*n#v tram 81.10—tear SpeelnHlea and Chicken PaprikaM HTNDI7 Rajah SS8 W. 4Mb CObyrnawa aVAPv* rrlncclv Atahe* of India aerved In Oriental lav*Jine«a. Cool mmmrr gawlen. lanch Wc. Dinner 8125. Open Sun La Petite Suisse « Went 52nd, Jnat off 5th Ate. Encalnpe de »eau llnleolne—a cunningly <«ini*o*ed dlnh 4rT nam enwonced In the teal, flntorcd wllh Saian «l>ee*» f I* only one of our tamoua npeclaltle*. Wine*. HQimftJ. Moderate price*. New York'* foremost Swl»w rentantalWr^ Swiss Pavilion m PA P*S Baraw, awn*r-aianati*r. Luncheon fro* $l 2S_ 38 E. 50 Dlnnw from 82. Olrtlnaalthe't r*ataur*at ot World't Fakt E L . 0 SliAO F»m* Srrvln* T***tlnt Contli antal Saeclaltlw. Clowd VIENNESE-AMERICAN Ck«.L..Jl.'. r,i a f ^ r i M w i n n B S S l B l Vlenneae Hungarian Olahea I tbcrnaraT s i-are Vjrinzing | 1N Mn *ic a mm rt*i**ient rnt*iy IMMI 323 Eaal yptb *i*. He*, tat A tnd Ave*. Bela FlllanyL N* eovay at mln. RE. 4 STATEN ISI.AND—ST. t.EOHI.f Meurot "tatnoa* Pood." Uphill from ferry vt* Bti* "Bnnqaet* to 480.** I-oncheon from 85c. Dinner SI. 1*1 to St. Mark* C. Harry Thom* llo«f. NEWARE. NEW .1ERSF.V The Roost , 43 RKCTOR s COCRTAILS and Fine Food. A City Place IndedN hnntlrler Management. luncheon Dinner. Closed Sunday-* HOTELS AND RESTAURANT PICCADILLY CIRCUS BAR Hotel Piccadilly «™ STREET, W of I WAY. Air Ciniiiiml GEORGIAN ROOM For (iracloua Dining Entertainment Nightly by DINNER $1.25 f5 to P. M ) THE THREE SliNS KA fERRINS atrlng rnacmhla LUNCHEON «e D I N N E E SQo Nightly at Dinner COCRTAILS from 35* No Minimum *r Caver fhargo ? A Grand "Central" plAce to dlnt>, dance and be merry S a i. •***»»»<.« Tn * Brtslnal McNamara'a Rand . . . "The Pnnnle*t neilOn LOinCr Band in Americn" . . . playa dance n.u«lo and entertain* nightly (evcept Sunday! during dinner and sni.per. NO Islington Ava. at 4Mb St. COVER tlR MlNIMt'M t HECK tetrepf Satnrdav* »I.A* minimum). AIR CONDITIONED. Ulckeraham Coral Room Motal Oovurnor Clinton Tt* Ava. at Slat St. BERT STEVENS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dinner from 81,.*>0. Sunncy danring Satiirdat night NO COVER t 11*1(1.1 Minimum A2.M. Aaturda* Only Lnncheo* front AV, Roosevelt Grill Hotel K*a**v*tt, Madlkaa Aw* a* 4Stb St, Oav Laakardo • * * W* Uran**tr* E**ry twain* mrnyt Saaaaya. Far ScurVa *all MU. FOP Information about dining; apota poglatarad with Tha tun'a Whara To DIna Buraau, Main Lobby, >un Bldg., call In parson, OP talaohona WOrth 2-2323 batwoan noon and 6 P. ftf. 2 •a* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 18/New York NY Sun/New York … · Geronimo Villarino and Sabicas. Strand Theater. The Strand Theater's new stage show starting Friday will

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 18/New York NY Sun/New York … · Geronimo Villarino and Sabicas. Strand Theater. The Strand Theater's new stage show starting Friday will


Vaudeville at Broadway f and Neighborhood


sons! appearance engagement. Others on the btll are the Three Imagina­tive, novelty mimics, and the Kings, acro-trlo.

Capitol Theater. Phil Spitalny and the Hour of

Charm, all-girl orchestra, head the • tage show for a second week at the Capitol, starting tomorrow. Featured •with Mr. Spitalny's group is Evelyn and her magic violin, the voices of Vivian and Maxene, Viola and her seventeen drums, K&thryn and her trumpet, the ail-American Glee Club, June Lorraine, mimic; the Blair Sis­ters and Miss Patsy Brewster.

Loew's State. Tito Guixar, singing star of radio

and motion pictures, heads the stage show starting tomorrow at Loew's State. Others on the bUl include Van Alexander and his band, featur­ing Betty Carr; Mildred Bailey, song­stress; Joe Phillips and Marion Col­by, comics, and Beverly Allen and Billy Revel, comic dancers.

Paramount. The Andrews Sisters, Maxene,

Pat ty and Laverne, head the stage show at the Paramount Theater, starting today. Others on the pro­gram are Mitchell Ayres and his orchestra, with Dick Dyer, Ruth Mc-Cullogh and Johnny Bond; Tim Herbert, comedian, and the Carr Brothers.

Radio City Music Hall O B the stage of the Radio City

Muaic Hall, the Don Cossack Chorus, one of the world's noted singing en­sembles, under the direction of Serge Jaroff, will continue for a second weak. They appear in a production titled "Man About Town," produced by Leon Leonidoff, in six scenes, with sett ings by Bruno Maine. In this production the Music Hall Corps de Ballet dances the four-part ballet from Gounod's "Faust," with Muriel

JBray, Nicholas Daks and Louise For-\ i a c a a s soloists. Florence Rogge has

designed the choreography for this ballet. The Rockettes are themselves in "Rockettes in a Row," with Albert Gifford, tenor, as vocalist. Carlton Emmy and his pets provide some good-humored moments. For the overture, ulrno Rapee and the Sym­phony Orchestra- play "Orpheus," by Offenbach, with David Novales and Laurence Steinhardt alternating as violin soloists.

Rosy Theater. The Roxy's new stage show re­

mains for a third week starting to­day. Featured in the new presenta­tion are Enric Madriguera and his music. Jack Durant, Patricia Gil-more, Bobby Whaling and Tvette, Consuelo Moreno, the Gae Foster Roxyettes, and as an extra attrac­tion, Carmen Amaya with her troupe, including Lenor Amaya, Antonia Amaya, Paco Amaya, Jose Amaya, Geronimo Villarino and Sabicas.

Strand Theater. The Strand Theater's new stage

show starting Friday will be headed by the Three Stooge*. Hal Mclntyre and his orchestra and George Tobias, Warner film player, making a per-

R.-K.-O. Theaters Buddy Clark and Jerry Wayne,

singing favorites of the air waves, headline the vaudeville programs at R.-K.-0.** Proctor's Yonkers and Keith's White Plains this evening. With Buddy Clark at Proctor's will be Pat Hill and Joan, Crane and Carver, two other acts and Ruby Gold's orchestra. At Keith's White Plains the singing star of "Your Hit Parade," Jerry Wayne, will be ac­companied by Al Verdi, wop comic; Dick Kane, popular funster; Bill Al­len and his orchestra and others.

Both vaudeville performances will be presented in addition to double feature screen programs.

STAGE NOTES Jane Proman will be starred

in "Artists and Models," the revue which Monte Proser and Lou Walters will place in rehears­al on August 25. "Artists and Models" will be seen in New York in late September without out-of-town showings. The book is by Gene Towne, based on an idea by Mr. Walters.

Howard Bay is designing the sets for the Billy Rose produc­tion of "Carmen Jones," the mod­ern Negro version of Bizet's opera, "Carmen," with libretto and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2d. Hassard Short will stage the

Don't Marry," by D. Davis, as the second production of the Worcester Drama i a.Uval season at the Play­house In Worcester, Mass., starting Tuesday evening.

Eugene Van Grona, who staged the danens for the musical, "Let 'Em Eat Cake," and who was also re­ap, isible for bringing the modern dance to Broadway theaters, frill produce an all-Negro ballet at a Broadway theater early in the fall.

The Cape Theater, Cape May, will present Mabel Taliaferro In "Dan­gerous Corner" Tuesday through Saturday, next week, with a Satur­day matinee. . . . Jeanette Chinley (her last Broadway appearance was la "Journey to Jerusalem), Marcel Journet and Harlan Stone have been Blgned for the Newport Casino The­ater. The first two will be in "With­out Love," the Philip Barry com­edy which opens on July 12, and

to date signified their intentions to m a n , r e m e m b e r e d for h i s work young Stone, the son, in "Watch on Over 8«o jivers and hep-cats have I production and Charles Fried

cash in on their talents by entering R -K-O.'s $1,600 jitterbug dance con­test to be held in Manhattan, Bronx and Westchester neighborhood houses Thursday, Friday and Monday nights, July 8, ft and 12, and one week later in Brooklyn and Queens (July 15, 16 and 19). Before the bell rings for the first elimination!! the number of en­tries is expected to more than double the present total.

Loew's Neighborhood Theaters. Loew's Orpheum, Pitkin, Oriental.

Boulevard and Melba theaters will present vaudeville shows this e v e ning, in addition to their screen attractions.

The Loew's Orpheum will show Ruth and Billy Ambrose, Caryl Gould, BUI Ames and the Harlem Maniacs, while at the Loew's Pit­kin, the entertainment will be In the hands of Emile Boreo, Joe Mar­tin, Harris and Allen and June North * Co.

Jack Morrison, Jackie Vincent, Joe Phillips and Marion Colby and Fitz and Carol take over at the Loew's Oriental, while the Loew's Boulevard will show the Two Olympics, Grace Doro, Georges and Mann and Bill Ames.

The Loew's Melba will offer Danny Evans, Alan Reno, Three i>yrne Sis­ters and Al De Lago and Shirley.

Tomorrow evening the Hillside will show Grace Doro, Walter Donahue, Darp and Corda and Charles (Pea­nuts) Bohn and Vinton.

On Friday evening, July 2, the Loew's Boro Park will present Don Zelaya, Mona Windell and the. Two Olympics

in "Pins and Needles" and "Sing Out the News," will direct the libretto.

Guy Palmerton offers "Angels

the Rhine.

Uncle Sam needs your money; give till It hurts—the Axis.

asA., ROMERO /^g nfamTT^

Goto*. Ilk' ̂ ? loac**"^**1

ncNwcoioi -at***?**' t a n

William H. Burke, executive di­rector for the Sonja Henie-Arthur M. Wil ts "Stars on Ice" at the Center Theater, announced yesterday that Mr. Wirt* was planning to produce three plays during the coming season. All that is holding him up, accord­ing to Mr. Burke, are the manu­scripts. A comedy by a Hollywood writer, "Red Tape," is under consid­eration and other scripts will be con­sidered. . . . Tonight will be Cole Porter night at Roseland Ballroom Inaugurating a new Wednesday night event at which composers will be featured.






NEW YORKER Ice S h o w a n d d a n c i n g d a i l y at luncheo.n

d i n n e r a n d supper.

Cafe Life in New York Proprietors of Chateaubriand Are Experts

in Appealing to Tastes of Gourmets.

By VIRGINIA FORBES. At the Chateaubriand, 148 East 56th street, the elaborate

menu states the philosophy of the owners, Roger Parizot, § 1 Maurice Chapuis and Alex Hounie, in these words: "The

joys of the table belong equally to all ages, conditions, countries and times; they mix with all other pleasures and remain the last to console us for their loss."

This smartly informal restau-lSchiaparelli, Jo Davidson and rant is named for the famous Beardsley Ruml. Chateaubriand steak, the recipe The Chateaubriand is pleasant for which was created in 1822, with a quiet decor, air condition-


but that luxurious dish is not al­ways the piece de resistance with the gourmets who make up the larger part of the patronage here. Among the specialties of the Chateaubriand are rognon de veau flambe—veal kidney baked slowly with brandy poured over it and lighted when served; hom-ard l'Amoricaine—lobster cooked in a sauce of white wine and brandy, with tomatoes and tarra­gon, and crepes fourrees sur­prises au gratin. Pate maison here is really "de maison" and has an exclusive taste from the herbs used in its seasoning.

Fish and chicken dishes are beautifully done with great imag­ination and in variety, while sal­ads are crisp and simply treated with a dressing that is made in strict accordance with the pa­tron's specifications. They are really serious about this.

ALL SORTS OF WINE. One of the best testimonials to

the sure taste of Mr. Chapuis, the Chateaubriand wine purchas­er. Is to be found in the frieze of empty bottles which encircles the room. All sorts of wine from every part of the world are repre­sented in this array, and most of the bottles bear the autographs of those who enjoyed the con­tents, a custom that has collected some famous signatures.

The European background of the owners, and also that of Pierre Sacco, head waiter, en­ables them to please the smart' clientele that usually summers abroad. The parents of each of them were in the hotel or whole­sale wine business. Their com­bined talents have attracted steady patrons, such as Lily Pons, Hildegarde, Barbara Hut-ton, Dorothy Thompson, Mme.




ing, and prices that seem very reasonable — luncheon beginning at $1.25, dinner from $2. There is a chic, separate little cocktail lounge, where drinks are listed from 45c.

HERE AND THERE. Linton Weil's, Riobamba in

East 57th street, which started the revived craze for crooners with Frank Sinatra, o f f e r s another tonight in the person of young Billy Usher, formerly vo­calist with Shep Fields. The Rio­bamba management believes that the club has a winner in Usher, and this appearance is the result of much quiet angling. Arthur Blake, popular Impersonator, has been meeting with approval, and stays on in the comedy spot of the revue, and Dean and Blair, dance team, also remain.

The air-conditioned Le Veau d'Or, intimate little French res­taurant in East 60th street, re­opens for the season after a tem­porary suspension of its activi­ties in order to refurnish and re­furbish.

Celeste Holm, comedienne star of "Oklahoma!" makes her de­but at La Vie Parlsienne tonight. Her scheduled appearance last



R U S S I A N BEAR ROARS , m Stirring *».**» «t • * * » ! * * tfr—ttli Aftw 1 ymn_.*L*K—

— ^ . . . > ; » ' ~ * » , »**».—, I T A I V » * * OIOVANN1 CRTS TASTE B O M B S OVER TALY o r AMERICAH BOMBING


m IT a ——i }:*S-S*t-7:M A I C M C

"S2nd ST on LEXINGTON AVE, \ T f S S I * ST. on

TODAY I t I 2 - J « - 4 » . 7 : U - » J M . . ! • * * ** I * * - * 5 *






Abbey Hotel Hn w . Slat «». Circle 8-W00

Lunch «0c. Dinner SOe. B A T A Cocktail taangc

n o B u a n BANQUET FACILITIES. hnrUnw B R A F < M " > '"•* w,«» •< Cgrn.fi* Mi l l—MA FOOD SYMPHONIES, tactual** r M l t l l U . 2 n e W . 5 ? 8 t . * * trathnwel Lan«hMn; Dlnnw; Wine*. Liauon. 0**n Bandar*.

A n f k n n u ' c **7 l̂ ntlngton

An rnony s Bet. B3rd A e«h Sto. Fine wine* sod liquor*. Chem. < htche* Open Sunday*.

Barbour L W . 52ND ST. • t SIh Ave.


"Better'Ole t» • E. 47th St. Famout tor Fine Food. Lunch from «fte (alto* Itearta). OlnnerSSe EL. 5-9699 t* S2.50.. Dtllahttul tumntw etrdrn. Oprn Hun. Cloteit Sit.


Stevens Steak House dal L E X . A V E . A T l f t a t T .

*F». Nit* .

The Skipper 10S E. ttth Bt. Cocktail*

Luncheon All After****, 85c j Dinner, tl-Al.tS. Sunday Home-Cooked Dinner from 1 F. M.. $1.88-

Town Talk 104 W . 43 St.

Jn*t off 41th Ave. LOngacre 3-97 IS

Fiiroona foe Honey H * m . Chirk I * a-Ne*t Ful l Conrao Dinner t l . t S . luncheon SOe np. B*r . Cocktai l* f rom 3*c—party f*< (litie*.

p i R A U J I ' * 7 t * 8 , h * • A»o«t«ini 'ood r m r M In A**rlc*n n*naw.8*rv*d I* • m*»*l» at. D l l i e D O W I ELdered* S-M4J ao**nw*Wtll-at*nn*d **naa-Clo**aSa*.«.*•»• Mto-WI* O I « . ; M . | I . I »

f i n f i i n ' e Cnrnnr 8*Jf*id 8<iu*ra Hotel, 116 W. 34th 8t.~Onpo*lte Mary's. V a p i a i n 5 V o m e r «me Pound Steak* . tK.oble ThleA . Tender . Juicy . Hroiled to Perfection. Hee peraooalixed earirature« by Jolly Rill gtetnke. Clnoed i n * .


C!,n<<KD OX HI NDAYM. Cavanagh';


Dairy Suggestion For Diners-Out (No. 442)

Dinner at Entree Price

apefr Reef Bouillon

Buying War Bonds leta spend your money twice.


I0HN ST. I EST. ISM. Chireealkraltlnt*t**al»lty. Fimouttor H. 4.M7I Imuttoa ehopt. MMki A tMloed. Own to i J 0 » a

Friday was postponed because of Q k k the Oysterman % " * ZZZZ'TifZU? ZSfiZlS illness. Miss Holm headlines a new show that includes Reva Reyes, continental g u i t a r i s t -singer; Jack Lane and his Love Birds and Edo Lubich, Yugo-alavian troubador.

Farrish's Chop House 4w

Fish & Chips (COOPER'S) 130 I f. St.

We serve thin f»mou« dkh In a Heal English Man­ner. AIM* Seafood at It* he«t. Air Conditioned.

Game Cock Hour Diana'. Super* Food EM«lHat Wlnt* tidaart. imteaota. Caektaii

Oinelns to HorS Sreva'i eisokbirdm. Pert***) dirottioe laak mutx.

White Turkey Town Houses B 5 * " S *SSr IZTZTrJK. drlnki alia torvad la tlr-eendltlentd natewa reataarant. Oae* Saidaya at aasn. Americana atmotahara. Dtantawn: I Unlvortlty Plat* at Wathln*t*a S*u«ra, Uttavn: 120 Madltaa Ava. at $7 St.

Whyte's 148 lWlt*B St. COrt. 7-M33

L**A kaovra ky old raatanranta.

a flat Complet- IMnoera t ram tl.SS.

i e uiae v.nop nouse lEst-iwoi mrr gHEU< CRABS * MAINE I^»BSTF.RS


IA3 W . 4tttl St, BAST a t B'way

FROM Sl.tS Three IVttahif ol Ftaar SB*** NlgMly. Gypay A Dance Orehentraa. C*nt, M*atc and Dancing;. No cover ever. no mln., except Saturday. Air Cnad. LOnc, 1-011»

Zimmerman's Hungarta1


Barbetta's SXI W. 4Mb St Weat ot Sth Av.

Poptilar priced I ta l ian •oNrtne. A la carr* . Horn* cook­ing. W i n * * A Uqnor* . Ext . 1S«S. I loaed Monday*.



Ratner's IS* Daktaasy St. tftgatwlaa and dairy rutaaraiit. Th* klt«nt la Ihtt It**.

OR. 4-*40A tk* a*hila th* ***t tin** ItOS. Oar tp*clatty M prtatU 1MB.

t € S S I A N

Russian Bear ESTABLISHED LN 1R08



f* . i Dine. Wino A Daat* at th* mott tokular S«*dlth Reotaurant. (SUMMER GAR-W a S t i e n O l m DEN •*•«.) Famous for Smomjbord. {.nttrtainmrnt A Oancino. nlintty. 444 W.»/—CI./-M73 t l . M * l n . Cwktallt la th* Vlklnf Room. Pilm Retdlnd Cloud M**dl

Cripsholm 324 t 57th EL. i-VJt


Kungsholm g.*..*?*. g j S j f ^S . ™<* «»••»" g « g ^ g


Luneh*on.01na«f4 ua«n Sunday. *

Swedish Rathskeller 201 L 52nd B L . S-»IHk

"A awall* el*** * « h foo» that »**'i • * **»t f -ModatnotMl i * . LUNCHkUN * * * O I N N t f

Three Crowns U B . M S t . P I . S-1S31

Open Sunday*

Rev"4«tng amorsaabard World'* r a i t fame. K m m * for Ertvote Partka* '

i v e i S« «S4 W . S4th. C I . 1-9A00 w I

SMORGASBORD AT ITS BEST1 Complete Smnrgaahord Dinner*. 3 show* nltely: 8:45 - 10 - 12:30. Luncheon-, Matinee ahnw Saturday. SmorgaAhord «er»ed till .losing*

• *JS]



jumble Shop

(AS Broad St. open 24 bra.) Dinner »*r Medians*. Luncheon—Cwktall kuna*. 0U8, M Broad St. nur famont Bartandtr, ttlU a l l your favorRo drink.

Drink*--Goo* Ptfkl*—Oo*d iarvie*-n w. sth ST MP. 7-2M0

Go*d Fond—Oaed What atsr* M th*ra •ha* the ariM * nthtt

F » v a - ! I M t t l l l K H l

I Rrnlled Hlet Mlgnon In BntteT. $t.M J I Tomato »t.iffed wi th Ereah I/obater J I Salad. «l 4* I Engllvh. Steak P*» Pie. t l .SS I Roact l *» of l a m b . Mint Jelly. 81.23 I I Tun* FUh and Crabmeat Salad, Hl.SS I

Sante L i ter Wi th Onion*, tnc W'elah Rarebit en Caaaerole. Sftc

i 4*i -<

Rolled New Potaloe* Southern Spoon Bread

New String Bean* Creamed IHced Tiirnlpa

Green Halad— ̂ pecl*l Dreaolaf l^mon Chlffott Pie

Vanilla Blanc M*nge Fre*h Rhnbnrh T * r t

Mark Ranpberry Ice Cream

Coffee or Tea

To raara w k t r * tki t S M B I M> ««r**d, , p a n * . T a t New Y * f * S l l ' l "Wrier* To I

< D . . . " B.reaa * t WOrlW 2 - 2 3 2 3 between J J 12 * • • * and • * . M „ or vl i i l t ld , • k i t m i* Tk* Saa ga iMin t . 2 M * > • * - - * \ W * f . R«t*rval io* i Wt tkMt * W i f » J « * ,

K m ^ l i L . C - « On 3rd Avenue M C I E T Y s o n I n g O T T D C J C 3 Ret. A3rd-Mth St*, hat lint arrived and wlthai !• make yrar *e«u*lnt*n*a.

Luchow's F « T » R I . I * H E D ISS2 110-112 Raat 14th St.



Manny Wolf's Chop House

Oyster Bay

201 F. 4(TH ST. EL. 1-1240

AIRCONOITI0NED—Oawi fra* 5 no t> M, Dally. Clot*d Tu»*day.

ISO L«xlngto* A*A V IS IT T H I S PAMOI 'S N E W oKAEOOD K M I S E S*L S8 and S4 St. Special l-nncheoo ROc np. Speelal littwtet I l inn, r tl.SS

**• 33rd Street An Fating l lace of Pecnllar F.vcellence. * * ' 8 5 $ <t*"» n* B*w*y Quality Lifinort—Two Dining Room*—Open 24 Honr*.

R . a t I 1440 B'way (10th St. l I Fa l l conrtie dinner* from M c . Popular priced

U l l e y S I Air Conditioned ' liinrhenn*. Cocktail l iar . Good American cooking


Arcadia Ballroom and Restaurant





Bill Bertolotti 8S GR. T-3230. DON SYLVIO'S ORCHESTRA.

WESt Roberto'* Rhnmh* Band. % Showa Nltetv: SsM, 11:00 Srd St 1:30 A. at. Dinner 82.00 t« 83.50. Open Sun. Alv C*»

T . m m x r Ko l iV 'a DINNER $1.50-*EVUE 9-12-2:15 A. M. j i m i T i y ive i iy a (si SULLIVAN ST. AIR-CONDITIONED AL. A.MU OPEN SUM. T\nw* T I * 1 * A ' N OSI tNWICH VILLAGE " l a t i n American Atmosphere,** l *on • Rhumha inttl .11111(1 40 w 8 ST. Rand. 3 *how» nltely. Dinner fram 11.26. Air conditioned

Eleanore's I2S I . 4?th St. I L . S-7M3

| „ . ! / ; „ „ » « FRATERNITY Joe tvinjr; s HOI SE

Mn«t Informal place In town. Southern Fried Chick­en 11.25. Continuous entertainment. Cloned Sunday.

17 MI * .;.. . . . reputation for iin^tcrlled food. 3rd Ave. Hear t ; l lo*pltal lty. Joe Ring boat.


O m - l | 0 l P - * . « e l ! a A « " * * * • "••»• ' b , * w , • • • » " * • * • "* ' • • « •«<M,*"i 8 » • J * d m a l l S I a f a O I S e A , „ . R a . n< oar D.K>r. Sth Ave. Hn . I block. N E W H K V 1 S ISMS 8L.7tlt Av*. AU. 8-8W7. " B A L L T H O O OE 1043 " Jimmy Mordecal, M. C. % Show. 100% Fleapraot Ckw*r leaf Sar A *—m Nltely. Mln. Sat. A Hot. Eva. M l y . S L M . No Cav

Peter's Backyard £ letk st Eti isoo I* I t 80—l***h SOi

V.'t MOdtt Itallaa eaad**v**a. Olaw I I* •art* ***t*r*d. Plan Sena Sa

Villa nova ItM Wet* 4flth St.

Internationally know* for fine I ta l ian culalne. A la carte. Wine* and liquor*. 11 A. M. to 4 A . M. <1o*ed Monday.


l ( ' ^ / , _ V ENOL1NH CHOP HOESB [ V e e n S •,, W M t SSth Straet

On* *f th* a w l fansaa af N*» Vark'a tln«t *attnt plteaa. ComtorUbly **ol ratrvat t*e Lanehaaa A Dlnnw.


King Arthur LONDON T E R R A C E 40S W . £-34 St. C H . t - « * M

| Finest food* for dMrrimlnattng nolatea. I Lantbcan, Dinner A a la aart*. Maile nlihtly.


A n r l e / t * frt"Mort •*• I Frof ( • • * A * V I * Blanc. Over SO var i r t la* trf Impcried French F A n O r e um ot City Mall I win* . Vintage t ram 1 3 t * *34. f*Ud*r*a* »ricee. Ope* Bve*.

BA W . IM St. Table d'hote l a n c h 15c ay.. Dinner 81.35. C I . T-8A4T SpeclalHen Reglonalea. Bar. Auberge De France

Cafe Chambord SOS Sr* Av*. Bet. 4tth A SOtk

fh* A*m* at Fraaak PravlaatM Calalna Cellar k>> C*nn*ta***n. R***r A. CAatrraraa. Maaatta* Oinatnr

Cafe des Artistes l-Z"l L*nrh*on 7S*. Dlnnw tram t l .2t . Clotad Sunday* Mara* av N0WASO CHANDLER CHRI8TV

Charles Bet. totb • I H b an 0th Av*.


Henri 15 Eaat 5td St. Eat. 1808

Finest food preaared In t i t* true Freavh manner. I Cocktail*. Dinner ar d * la carte. A IR C4INDrTK»Np.|i

Janet of France CO 4-4717 Wad FAMOUS ONION SOUP." Olaaw frata A P. M Lanth***

Thar*.. Sat. aaly. Saraaa Ma* OP**. Clotad Saa

Maison A. DeWinter 88 W. aSth S t Natlnnatry kn**n Iw r**l Fr*nM **l*m*. Stmt evawi layel*** . lan«*h*"7B*. Slanartra*)SI.3S. O*** Saa. Sar.


New Rochelle House M t . 4IM St. htltndid **MI*a. Lanak f r»* SO*. Ola. freta 11.21 MU. 4-SI73 CatktaN leant* Orttl tar art* a*rtl**.8t*akt D*IBKI


Dubonnet • E . 48th St., * f f IRh Av* . Alr-C-ooled. Mnalc.

Fnll Caaraa D4*n#v t ram 81.10—tear SpeelnHlea and Chicken Papr ikaM


Rajah SS8 W. 4Mb CObyrnawa aVAPv*

rrlncclv Atahe* of India aerved In Oriental lav*Jine«a. Cool mmmrr gawlen. lanch Wc. Dinner 8125. Open Sun

La Petite Suisse « Went 52nd,

Jnat off 5th Ate.

Encalnpe de »eau llnleolne—a cunningly <«ini*o*ed dlnh 4rT nam enwonced In the teal, flntorcd wllh Saian «l>ee*»f I* only one of our tamoua npeclaltle*. Wine*. HQimftJ. Moderate price*. New York'* foremost Swl»w rentantalWr^

Swiss Pavilion m P A P*S Baraw, awn*r-aianati*r. Luncheon fro* $l 2S_

38 E. 5 0 Dlnnw from 82. Olrtlnaalthe't r*ataur*at ot World't Fakt E L . 0 SliAO F»m* Srrvln* T***t lnt Contli antal Saeclaltlw. Clowd


C k « . L . . J l . ' . r , i a f ^ r i M w i n n BSSlBl Vlenneae Hungarian Olahea I

tbcrnaraT s i-are Vjrinzing | 1 N Mn*ic a mm rt*i**ient rnt*iy IMMI 323 Eaal yptb *i*. He*, tat A tnd Ave*. Bela FlllanyL N* eovay at mln. RE. 4


Meurot " t a t n o a * Pood." Uphill from ferry vt* Bti* "Bnnqaet* to 480.** I-oncheon from 85c. Dinner SI .

1*1 to St. Mark* C. Harry Thom* llo«f.


The Roost ,43 RKCTOR s COCRTAILS and Fine Food. A City Place IndedN hnntlrler Management. luncheon Dinner. Closed Sunday-*


PICCADILLY CIRCUS BAR H o t e l P i c c a d i l l y «™ STREET, W of I WAY. Air Ciniiiiml

GEORGIAN ROOM For (iracloua Dining

Entertainment Nightly by D I N N E R $ 1 . 2 5 f 5 to • P. M ) THE THREE SliNS „ K A fERRINS atrlng rnacmhla

LUNCHEON « e DINNEE SQo Nightly a t Dinner COCRTAILS from 35* No Minimum *r Caver fhargo


A Grand "Central" plAce to dlnt>, dance and be merry

S a i . • * * * » » » < . « T n * Brtslnal McNamara'a Rand . . . "The Pnnnle*t

n e i l O n L O i n C r Band in Americn" . . . playa dance n.u«lo and entertain* nightly (evcept Sunday! during dinner and sni.per. NO

Islington Ava. at 4Mb St. COVER tlR MlNIMt'M t HECK tetrepf Satnrdav* »I.A* minimum). AIR CONDITIONED. Ulckeraham

Coral Room Motal Oovurnor Clinton

Tt* Ava. at Slat St.

BERT STEVENS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dinner from 81,.*>0. Sunncy danring Satiirdat night

NO COVER t 11*1(1.1 Minimum A2.M. Aaturda* Only

Lnncheo* front AV,

Roosevelt Grill Hotel K*a**v*tt, Madlkaa Aw* a* 4Stb St, Oav Laakardo • * * W* Uran**tr* E**ry twain* mrnyt Saaaaya. Far ScurVa *all MU.

FOP Information about dining; apota poglatarad with Tha tun'a Whara To DIna Buraau, Main Lobby, >un Bldg., call In parson, OP talaohona WOrth 2-2323 batwoan noon and 6 P. ftf.



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