,. f ' ' 1t - ..... . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation of-Its People. ·" : WHITE OAKS,. LINCOLN COl!NTY, N. JUNE 5, 18S4.· 26. \,.OL .. 4. - LlVEBY STABLE. PAUL MAYER'S , ' Livery, Sale and Feed S - t- hi A S S A V E R a 8 AND Ana.lytica,l Che.mist. \VUlT£. 0.-\1\.S. :NE'V' MEXICO. Jf/,ite Oaks .Al'erme. JY"IIITB 0J1KS, NEJY .JlEXlGO. a-Sa.Ule lleues anol cood rigL to be had al I A..C1&1S- atl•imei. Ua:r and. craiil a! ways h&lld sud .for Gnl•l and S1lnr tort •·•· llir ·rerma re:uoll:.bli:. FFor •t'sooo 1 ,.f!'f' .. .For l.ud - - R.E..J.L ES'l'-4.7'.8 ABENTS. ED. R. For eol!per - 2.r.o Analytie&l Te•t - • - S.OO .-lline! Enmine and Rc(iorted upon. Cor- NI!K!ull•aee solicitell. PP.OFEBSlON.-tL CARDS. CAMP and COUNTY.- F&·ed quite 5ict. . we bud reachetlthP "Ituliau Attention .Democrats. \V'nlters an•l family are We traveled ILJl (lay on the · - Amos EakPs·a took 'rhm·aday'il stage ·on fie Ilon<lo. . · tion, not meeting a Fur the pm·pose of nominating dcl- fot• Las V t"gns. ·t- C.luwley Bufot••l mul wife will live in three Indiaus that were hundng ex cg;Ut•S to the Dt>mot<l"lltic 'fetTitoriul At·thnr Borulnml wife retnrnell from ·the l\l<·Pilc 1 ·aon pa·operry. petlition. The comtUou sal1hatinu Vuuvtmtiou, to lle held at .Albuquerque, · "how" was exchanl!ett. n .. i_ tttJ'fttl on the 2L.t tiay of uoxt, a the Jicarillas Sunday. :Ut·. Ri,.."!!"' II". !il bc"'tl l:t.J'- 1 "II - D . - "- •· u .. of w:Lt<·t· ut it·:euular emoct·atic CuulltY williJu .. Jake still keeps the best that's for !'orne time with a·heum"ti' .;nt. - 1 !·' t I · 1 3 t "l 1 '" fine gt'IISS fllld f'ra!!l'lllll fl •W"''JS' lC U a .s!IICOIII Oil t 11: l't '"' U!ll ay lit going. J:lke let's "lickm·." Tl - ae mail tla'Lt left het·c fm· the mil- the monotony of a lonestlmcl rlay. July, p&·uximo, I he 2bt day of Geo. '1'. Dcall nnd family ha'l"e gone &·oacll\I Ollllllr, t•otm·netl \V cdne;;!ltty. Late in the aftel'lloon, a g•'nu inc !mnnn· sai•l month. As the imporwnt mad to the Penasco to lh£'h• mnch. n •ml &_ Stewn, l't- tV I'll. ,,,nre I'<•e f, .. t . t 1 IIIVlllCIIIll:ol ljUestk•ll of th·awiu« party " . "' . !lUI 1':1111 S 01'10, accompanlCII Will lill(lS the of county "'po!itltd Col. Heman will ot;:CIIJl:t' the t•oom sale from nvw on tlu·ough the sum· s!Pet, u\'ct· took With wtll lm cow;idc 1 ·atio11 t·ccently vacatetl by )lt•.llelphiugstiul', me1·. g:u·anents, wet blanl;:et.", mntltlyl ro:Lrls of }H'cciuGt delcii{;Lt<·i!, it i:; n;;.:m cfficP. of wool darlmcs 5 almost u•lOit 0111 hop d rhat a tull :•_ttewhuec bu huu, L W tl '1 d tln·ongh he•·e 'l'tt"'·'a'- ., tl t tllf.)u-1 t- • . , 1 b' 1 ;' an'i that each p:·ccmct atten1l went to lC l'at roa ...,,u,; vii le way o . IS 'I' etC t nug lit I• i•• twrscu. if P-l·cciact <·um· •rue!l<lar nnd will be .b:1ck the lat.tea· ·yegat::. ltke tile tramp, we "felt su we mittit•l!:i see th:-.t Juectiugll lliU't of the· week. ,, n.,.II.'lliil'l tht•ough the Oal,;s knew not whei'e sleetl." dxi we ue h• hi at I he i>l'lllJI:l' time iu each a chilly wbeu< \Vllito. tl) \Vetlnesduy Wl':ot at n snails p'1C•', it seemed! until lH'ecinct tu ddegtii{!S. 'in per:;ml, O:tks peot>le \Von't tnrn ,mt t\l a fit'ilt mot·uin!!!. the c:heerfnl blaze of a c·im•> fil,. was l uy l!l'uxy, m!ly amh.·nnclt;d 1 . 0 the - ·. ' 1 . · cr)UUIV couvcnnon. .F.tlloWlu!.! lS tho c!nss cntet·taiument. The county met 011 Ill the IVIuch !JJ'oted to uumh f ut' dcleg:tws allultc•l to eacb .l\l1•. James Dolnn nml family, of Monday lai<t at Lincoln, to 1 ·qnalize beth" camp of :t Mexican precinct: _ 8 Real Estate & HiDing Agent. I · 1 t S · 1 'tl' -.I d tl e t · WJth om·limitetl knowle•l"e di S•mn- Prffdm:t No. 1, .. mco !t, speu unua:r \Vl 1 r. an 1 nxes. ._ 1 . t 1 "' ! tlo d•) •J 4 . Delegates, dl) do wu.Lt.lllB.CmLnas. lbll'I"U:B.Fsam::ssoN. 'I•·• Doltotl of (':t•· \u II II . !s 1, our '"an s wemlll'h e kuow-,'•, and ·l •lo 1 l' , " " J ,y. mf<•t'm!i 11'1 that he 1 k' 1 1 1 . ' « o h, I'll ins like that of 1\[oullas bad thirlee•J nH·n employed en the t u: 'lm Jeartel .!\Iexlc:m blt<l' 1 u;. do do 4, 4 d., - - 1(. M. A.. II Surveyor & Land Agent, llo:J\VSLL, Mntoo. CUAP.LE3 llETCALFE. Baal Estat9 And Mlalng Exchange, BOYITO CITY, N. ll, ll. A. UPSOY, laad and. Claim Agent, Conveyancer Notary Public, NEW MEXICO- atteution zinn tct tho e<>lleetion of tbinu •1•iu1t the Uuit••l Sr.atu for de··reda:ious w I .. lia.as. au•l tbaloca:ioa au.i secariu: to ...,erameat ta .. df. . ST..:-f GE- Cf IJJI• .ANr. SOUTHWESTERN STAGE BP.:TWE.£;1{ Sa.n Antonio, CHILDERS & weli:ome. Ft·om hi,; scant of do 5 3 du will mak., the gt·:Bs ftu:l a; the most t•auch last WCC'k, making a ditch. 1 <1-• 6', 9 · we partook, with a! 1·e!ish < o v .-.. d., n·t LaW, cuuhl wi.;h ftll'. ·chnrh•y Smith came in f,)t' 1 ! do do 7 5 ci11 - tunger ou!y know<:. AfL"'t' !lurpcr we (],) i Chnt·ley Kcllf, the great b':H' man of lumbt•t• to timbea· tho. wt'll the boys :uc t·ol!etl up in out· wet uml dfl do i Attorneys rhe .\Vhite mmmtnin;; came i:a to sec digging be}Onfl the mal pai;;. He finaily \Ycnt to sleep. What cjmnges lh 1& 2 _ d.l- lhe boys 1\Londny afternoon late. ;;aitlthey sunk 35 feet the fil'st thl'cc a t:cw homs may bring; 0110 i:t do do 11, 'I" 'fhe fon111l:ttion fot· a gr:maa·r, at Ft. ditys. au elc·gnnt fm·uisllNI ll.Jnu·tmeht, tht' tl•' do 12, 2 t!o · ' dt) 13 1 <la Stnuton, is completed. The b11ihling 0. D. Billy q'Bl'icn, John next, mothe1· earth foa· a betl, ailtl the rl{' do 14: do will be ll0x:30 feet; capacity 500.000 Woo,llmul, aml James Colp, retumed clouds o'er head a brigl1t J.\.S. J. Dor.Ax, JN'o. \V. pounds. to day (\Ve<lnesday) ft•om ' Hudgens and early we bade om· host Secretary, Chairm;m. D ... nu(•.kttnJ• 1 C Bros.' much whct·e rc.v hare been at ''.tdios." After th·ivinl!' 212 we --·-- , for 'arU111!!e - ' RT"' RUlDO"'O J ne I ALBUQUERQUF-, - N. :u. .Gfr Will ia J.iacoln Co:mt:r. "li:1> Law and Land Office of A. C. ROGERS.- ·· \Vot·I.:. al'J'lve.l nt the slot·e of llat . .F. U_-•·Ur'·, • • "' •• u L (, N Sntur<l:lr, to l1e g-'>ne some ten d:q•s J - ,osWEELL, tNcoJ.N' .o ' ... EW EXlCO. He will probably \'i;it Socot·ro befot•c W. Il. Wee() St'nt a courier to over· a of W llitc; Oaks. Go.l,len Era: Practieeia all Corresp,,u- he take nu ox: ltlt\m Iontletl w!th wool for We WCl'll hl'attily welcomed ?'he new· church en Ruitlosc) will hu donee aoticitc1l. to ttlke :\ !ettet· fot• him. llem-r. IIi" stf•re is l.>catctl the l!ompletcd eal'ly this fall, ntul 11. joUJ·- The pc&·formance 111 the ha!l l•'rhlay u l\It·. Wecll snrs the Jettm· will !!f:t " ppcr Pcn:lcsco,'' and Le neyman I•l'.:nnhe&· or bib.e masbet' cau G EO. B. BAHBEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UNCOLN, - - N. M. 3 LUTHEU. ].(. ATTORNE)' AT LA\V, LI NCOL'S', Ns:w :MEx:tco. Y. HEWITT. evening was fn h·ly 'veil nttetuletl, a!Hl · - Was tile b nst thl'OII!!h SOOilet• than it ,vou!d to !.._'0 b.\' I Ill ·a Pl'QSpCl'OltS c::mdition, Only !!Ct :t permaucutsitualiou. . ,.. euter!aiumcut cvct• gh·eu - - war of San Antonio. troublt', he iufot·mcd w•, \Vas hs 1 "- ina- Ca 1 ·peuter.;; ha\'u a.boi.tt the in 1 he Oal>s. 1 l\h·. Wilson, an ol<l t•esident one uil,ily t:l kPe!_J a stock of goods the wot k on V{m. Slanc'5 uew rc>'idencc, ,V, C. came in f1·om the t l\I J 1 'I' 1'1 1 • ' d I of the pt•esl.'nt eonuty commi;;sinnct'!il, sore. -" 1'.. ',( war< s 11:-.r com- nud it wil1 pass into the han s of t 1e lowea· counh·y Satul'tlay , where he laa:o been s,u·veying fm· \V'. 'r. llolt fot· the p11st week or tm 1'orn Wallace, the goo<1n:1tlll·etl, goOll·lmmot·ctl, honest, Jollr, 'l'om, \Vho has been slopping at Y em, Ct'U7., was in town 'fuesclay. Tom wns. 1'lm bills for :30:),000 of cam for lt't, Stanton, W'<'l'C Tuesday )aRt. \Ve not lenmcll who gol the ccmtmct. infot·ms us that the llulians 011 . the bu tldmg a sto:·e roo:n !oppo paintm· aml caldn:iuPl' f,li' final touclw•. l'Cscrvation are \'et·y much dissatisfied. stte .\Jr. Tlcnry's. Betwcett thmp they W hl.tc Oaks bachclor3 wonl•l dn ., 11 account of not hn\'in;I: mough to will pr.>ba.blr be ablu to ilnpplS· that wl'll t l ll"Y a to this pn1·t of the eat. He »peal.;" ia the term;; seeti:m ot' C.Jtlllh'\' with goa!ls.i Quu· cou:11y, as families from Texas aN ot' In<lian Agt·nt f_,lewcl!yu and 8 , 1 ys sidcrable f!ll'ming i5 done nn thql"cu· daily niTiving aml a fait· proportio111 of that it is 110 f':lult of his. }.11-, J,>IJn l\lahill amlj Jnlm them are marringeab1e young lttille;.;. at·e th!; A l\I•·xicmt wu.l' arresteil 1wre a few Scmebo<1y poisoned Capt. Kempton's Tlif>y in forme,} us i.;u\t all of tla,,·s a.!!•l fm· shoi'Liug a dog belonging dog Satul'lluy night. The dog !'elllom - I f S!llftll gt•rtin allll vcgetalJle3 were rai:Ocd, to I... H.lle. He before e t. hom<', ntHl was VI:I'Y watchfu I b th•: yield eing enormonll. cattle chief J'm•tice Jushna ll>tl(', antl we un• O\'et· 1: is little son Cody. It i;, well l mcu :n·J nil smilc!l, and wdl th(ll' nny dct-stand, w:ts sentenced to bn hung 1•U waugh to 11oisml of the wortll· · ' !Jl'. for t is one of the finest caune dis- June lOth, Ullli:S3 he is reprieved by the Sam !•lcl'hcr:;or. aml Conget• cm·s that run nrou111l town, bn t ; u·iets iu Lineolu cc-uuty, a poor c9w be· !NVCrn H", n;; tlu•_.rc is n:} a:_:>pnal frum fo&· their ranch, in the lowc1· wh.;n lhca·e is a frt.ithfnl, watcJ,ful dog, ' - iug an unnamm"u siglat. E. \V. !Keeuu th<J S(IJll'eme court of tlu• Ruidoso. <"otmh·,·. Sunclrl\'. ,Ta!les. '!'alinfct'l'O ac- it won't tln. Kempton olfct'i! arc· ' · · · is one ot' I he prommcut cattle f 1 o,lisel';;, G:tme iq very· _Jll!'litiful. hel'c. Five ATTORNEV AT LAW companying them ns far a:; Liucoln. war•l of fol' the [J"H'ty tint diu the " I - a ' He. tnkes the wol'l<l ea;:;y, ful' thti sim lw:\J's have llceu killetl on Eagle Cl'eek. " C. '1'. Clal'l• e!lmc in fa·om lhc Galli- poisoning. I pie t•ca,;on that he can affo•··l it. 1 .All 1 ·ec••ntlr. Capt. John Slane, on a visit Thm·;!la_, .• al'tea· a lon.tl of lmu bet·. (T ·ozn111ae c'rne tl''' to 1 f · "' · '' ;.ay 1' 0111 ani welcome tmrle1· his Not'. here from Colorado, hns kille<l almost ·-'Ti!> no fun ritling fol'IY miie:'l ou the \Vlthe 0Hks with ;;ix1v-f..>m· ounces of ' aoltl bullion._ the tilillJ"ttli f•··.llll tl'." At:J. G-. \Vhilc's we met aU th(' -ereek tnrkies. nmuing gears of :. wagon,'' ,;:ay;; Clarl.: · L ' -.. c c = 'NE\\" l\1Exrco. Sulln.il't} fllhlt! of that fl•u.n·i,IJiu!! mc;u, .:.ur. lll'tlS and apt. are also \·ery and l!ilfet:ent Billy Hobson, the 11ourbhin!! mrwh-j c:unp.-Gazelte. - anloag tho nn•nhm·. 1\!r·. W hit4 has a our.s of our cit'z 'll'l have fol'Ce(l WmTE0A.Ls, IIEXhY D. Vlhite Oaks , AHD -: un :- Ft. Stanton. L • AND GENERAL hP.I ::Ncthing likchn\'ing a gold mine. totakel'{;f•t"Cintrces an-l remain all cnmc.; to town. 'v 011, nmr j.- a rattlin!! NflU'll' <wery bor that \'isi!S the mil· ext:eut. Otl the hea.d waters of tht ••Up-l ni .. ht. -"' nice fellow nna sbouhl <ll'h-e a t·oatl town,, has a fh·e gohl pea; I>eu11scn," J. I>. 1(. i_'hc Hm i;; r,s and tbc sky n.s AGENT. t<:nm. cf (;;) Ol' 70 Alii hey have to He has a fin<} ranch, and says \·e ex- blue :v; when );011 ln.st ltcanl frqm me. do is to gQ up to their 11 ino :m.l g_"t:t peets to llie in that countr,•. lid, [see 111 011 i•sne of the Le<uleJ' that l\J r;:. W E"lls and dangl'ftm·, -o- r _..TIIDO Table 1 ... AW AliTO!UO. Office nt Cruce•. 1•1·ompt ntlt•nti•m to bn;;inesi before tbe Land omce.-Coa•t•espomleuce SO• John Foto;;ythe, arc makin!! q•iite out as much a& tl.br think thf'\' w111 much interested in White 0 :k8, City the home of Col. llcu. • . N uccti: Nothing like it! aml llsl.:etl a unmhel' of qn Il".ttr_,., 8e11 ,'tl•l' Ma.vhill antl other n. Yl$tt at • ueccs- Canon, Texa;;. ' \Veils aud :Forsythe arc Lieut. Cavrwmgh inf<ll':ns u;; that no \Ve soon "twigge1l racket,'' g 1 ·ent and illustdous men, l1as taken a. keeping bachelors' qnnt·tet·.s in thelr bids weru a·ccd\•ed for coal, uoticeq of fm•med him that she wei solid boom. \Vp are not jt·a:ous of absence. which were poo:tcd in \Vhite pa!•sed one night with BJ!> sudden bouml to fame anti ll::lfl m. Iictif'a. 42- 7 a.m. _, A.rri1'e from Sa a A ntouio Depllrt Cor " AniYe (rom Pt. Slantou lte,art.(wr " 4 a. m. 2:lO p.m. 2:3\1 J>. Ill. -l a.m. 7 p.m. Sa. m. -o- R. H. DILLg, Snp't. BLAOKSJil7'IL SHOP. DOEKGES' scve:·al ago to om· kuo\\' ledge. He seems greatly iutN·ested h all prominence, but pride ct'mpcls us to The fellow that canned Charley Hull's The '.!On!l·act calls fol·1,QOO ton,, w be the new aml "\Vhy l•n<'utioti our own Uuidoso City. It, <log, Jt·fT, 1\r('nday, WM nshametl of delivered at Ft. Stanton. It certainly mtirc youug ladies don't Our like f:tir sistu of the Peua;;co, ltas ATTORNEY AT LAW, himself, we lmmv. Jeff didn't nm one seems st;·ange to II:!, that ownet•a of last night -in beautiful was its mo.lcst littb boom. It hoa;;ts of a bit', bnt wulke<lltlisure!y a.lon:r until it coal mines in this \'icmity wonlll let nt the twel;•e mile s;1 w mill, :11ill,post office, black- fonncl its mastrr, then lJclibet·atelv such ll.tl opportunity pass wlthout mak- H. ·walde in_ n smith uud wagon maker shoj?s, a large turuc<l :u·mm<l l.o ha\'C it cut off. ing- an ell"ot·L at le<LSt, tv socut·e it. It sh•angel·, he made U" feel anJ eom!noditlus cm•ral'and feed a"'Prmcticc in all tho Coarts iu the Territory Smart dog, Jdf. not lllCIIIll money in youa·pockets, The following night we ble, aml a good hote1. A ·six 1mmh·etl \V'. T. Thomt"n bought the Joint btit the development of yom· miues. Ca1lt. Bmzil's rauch, on Eagle crer.!;:. horse powet· dii!tilery, with :. eapachy noolll rlllleb "- "11" Cl 'n 't 1 'I The Ca(Jtnia ha" a bef'1tt.1'ful an 1•1 of mt.t. htlmlred galt.Jns per hour, · -.ct.., ... Jh1lll o-wn e 'fbe Rev. Samhmuo met •• GEO. T. BEAU ••• Ju., LtNCOLN, - N. 1\I. \V. F. llLANCllAilD, On t t • t tl 1 1 is constant!•• adtlill!! im \Vtmhl fill a long_ felt aml deeply prcas- reccn rtp o lC OWf'l'COttn l'f. with 1t vm·y sct·i•lUS accident ou Su111lay, J - h!'.! want in em· midst. and a company Blacksmith,. Wagon and U.S. MINERAl OEPTY SUBVEYOR. ranch is neross the divitle, south \Vltile lll'iviug ft•om I..incohi to the 1 ·es· Aftcs· leaving Alt·. Brazil''"• wo been oro-auized with a $60,000 cup· of tlte Penasco. Sam autf Ed licPher· illence of Cundelarh Griego. Has Mt•. Nat ft)t' Hal, to one tight--away. · A r' . son will mal•c that their hP.adqunrtel'S horses J'aU away thi'CW hirn out and he found Uncle Nat. somewhat in !leWi}lal:lel' \Vill be S!UI'lC•1 here WHtTE OAKS, NEW 1\fExico. 1 tl bu.t u.,ovd natured ns rt:;ual. on the first uf July. 'fhill'u only. ( unng te sum met·. bccomiu.,•r eutam!led iu the harness, 1 d d •·- 1 ft o -- T. n. Gt·el!g, who i-s iu the u!Jout seventeen 11111 &'C i•J= .e u 'fhe wnlli of Whiteman';; new E!lot·e dmgged :mtl cut ami injured about the ruairt $tl'ed, and tlnly half t·oom \Vill he completed this wee!;, nnd 1 heild and lJet':iOU in a vet·y serious and of the S<Jutll \Vestet•n of. them at'll. lotjl. ,..-mo· t 1 k r 'I k" l d W. C. lioLONALD, · l 1 I Bl!lck & \Va•·alc, \vbo have a have ah·cady b<.wn let to' gmrle the - ..., 11'! -c asi!J wor - o 11. ·m< & one m t te course of o1· twe. ve l1t1ys t 1e dangerous way. He lies 1ww m al'i nn· J .,_ l' R) ttl 1 t t' US MINERAL DE U in.the llll'l'caolile litN. About 5 rot'd bl'tl of the {U.. -• .., ' a te es. no let>. . 1 1 1 p TY SURVEYOR, builcling will be tmdet• •·oof. \Vben con us condition nt the re;:idence of I:>' ... - -' •r b• - n from \VC reached \V'hite uud ""ugn :mu um .e. :u .• ., - WHITJl OAKS, •• - •.• N . .M r.omplcted, he \Viii hnvc a watm·, dust, 1\la·. Griego, sm·rmmdecl by his t'am- thi;nloint to Qa.pt. Brazil';;,, at Eagle fit·e notl hlll·glnt• pt·oof room, worthy ily and t'l'iends. DL·. .<\.tkins ii· iu at· as ,lively as eVel·. bt•imch. road w.lll soon of auy town in the tel'l'itot·y. · tcn<lau.:e upon him. built as far as Wm. Slane's ra;;iden<'e. Cattle Branas. c.n saure cret'k. : 'rhese roads arc heing 1\[!·. Gco. Drake of tho N icola!l Al·agon, who con\'icted - built to accommodate the'JfutuaZ Ad· ·-:AND:- Established 186!. made usn pleasant eallln!lt weel;:. He of h·)l'i!e stealing ami senteuGell to th:! Two new bmnds tl}lpeai- ou: sec· f;oclely, which is f:l.i't NEW l\Inwc •·cpoa·ts the Albuquerque pai·ties satis· penitentiary fot• four years, made his Qn.d page of this week's pa·pet. ground in thi!> vicinitr. - A delegation · of tl1c most iuftuenti:i.l Apilcho>s, cJn- . lied \Vitlt their 1·eeent trip to that camp 1 . escape frvm om· county j1lil on the lllldgt•nil BI'o?;, with theb· · sistili.,. of· Stick-in- No Patent No Pay •. . a--- PATENTS WHITE OAKS, - Obtaine<l tor lfecbnuical Devicet. .:'ll1Dpol1ud!l, Deeigu11 nod Labels. All preliminary examinations at1 tc pt.lllntabilitr or ioventione, Fl·eo. Olli 'Guido to Obtaining Patents," is sen· free enrrwbere. Address, LOUIS BAGGER & CO . Soliciton or Patnets, .Tohn A. Helphingstine, ::Z::... a ""QV :v e :r., bOCORRO, N. -()- Practice a Sliecinlh·• and says they mean bu.siness. 111- •. evening of 28th, De1Jt. Sherriff Hn ·and po;;t otlice &fltln•$ nt W:n\k·in-tbe-water and Dmke is confident ns to the ricbneos, Lea had the pa·isoners in the jail yard; Oaks, a•·e Wt:ll kuown in k1ts-kn.-dood-le,.are:nol'v in -crnsuUa.tiou of the Jic,u·illas, and thinks a great At:itgon asked pe&·mlssion to go to the ty. Our 1·eaders musn't · that with the city iu.reg:\l'U to mov· f k 'II b d h - h d · . ·j · the \V.a'-!lliugtc.n ttJ this denIo \VOr wa e one t e p1'CSPnt water closet, which was gt•antcd. Mr. theit• l'lln is a sample ·of. stock tllC fnttn•e Lineqlu season. Lea. waited not longer thau thtoee on' titeit· range. All uattle on _. "l'he city Mil is The waters of the Rio Grande are mi.uutes. he says, wheulle called to the .Bt·os.' rauge-are class ·:and Col. · IogorsoJl :nnd on the Wll£ path yet. and the mails are pl'isoner, receiving no ··eply, he won't bn:ve auj•. other kind, · · h;!f 1 re:! still.vet·y inegutn 1 •• 1\h•. It H. Hills, (liately locked up tlu: rest of I he pris- Jobu S. ChisniD neclls no as the WAS!UlfG'l'OY, D. c. 0 EWilfGPA.'!'rDSON, MINING ENGINEER. in a. letter to thiil llat>er a fe\V days oners and in llut·suit. 'flte tio11; as ·lie is knowb f;(r nitd tbere wm ago ft•om San Antonio, bas this to say: p•isonct• was shackled, but bad the ad· brJu}d; for both' .boro.es and A "lhe trains are t•unoing ver)' il'l'egular vantage of approaching darkness. on: left sho•llder. U will . eompal!Y .·"' J •• 4. ...,'""'TT l Patters9n & Watson, . .,.. •· " 8 YY r Surveyors, U. S Mineral Deputr Surveyor, · lfew Mexi(!Q aqd · Mining .Brokers -AND-- ' · : United States sm-vcyoi·, Real Estate Agents. . ·: · Luu.Wiana. SPRCIALITY.-E.nminatioo of miuiog · 1 _ • -mnmtalrolll!ei'sment.worlr :liiiNdG AND QI\"'IL !done for non-r.,sRen •· ·- 1 . - Ot"llac,:coroer ftn<J Phila:lclJ•hia Rts. - . -. - , J,o:o;. Th1rtce"· , W'JI&:rE · OA:K:S. AVESU"t. ; WMtTI Ous,, " · NEll' J(r.xlco ' ::Ji; :;;J.., • • ' : ... ". null onlv by daylight io the Rio Weli.!ft on the night .of the whet·ever U r.oo it, and agree Gt'l\nde ,·alley. 'fhe bridge .hrre is in 2nd inst., and Amgon was still at sbot}.ld vis(t the· half.-. a vei'Y danl(erous condilipu uow, Ia•·ge. h'Y. it it . · (101' · tt,\\11 getting \Vorsc everr :<lny. Some of· 'fuc!!llar mommg 201.11, we left :bead. l. X,. · the piles are gone and track aitd- ties White Oaks for ''tbe lip pet• Ptluasco.'' :Aa both of these ymitiee .bciPitJt have sagged down to the water. 'l'wo We reached Dow_lin's. · mill tho fi1·st the Lincoln Cotinty Sl!>ck. of the rails have h!oken;, nud: nil that t d'!-r; .• 'lb .. !l,t·an t. L:·snpt, #oidtl a.dvi'c .tlt.ieves. · bohls now arc two rAUs an!J ltomP, and r(ltniLmcd o\·er tugl•l With olt_!flrof them,. or- "n): rising_ rapidly. n.t noon. was_l him. moi.·ning we l'l:lsuanetl t'o1! that as hi_;h as it was lnsl week aud higbtet 1 jotnney; after ta·i\,•eUng a . .-ton:t,.tising tt. kunm 'tuilcs, bo:nJ int';:,nnlid u:; tl!tlt will; P91': !'' '' . " . -. ".,' .:·· . ·-· j :, ' " ... :. ..

,.OL .. 4. M.~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...f ' '~.: ' 1t ~ -..... ·~ . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation

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Page 1: ,.OL .. 4. M.~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...f ' '~.: ' 1t ~ -..... ·~ . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation




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Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation of-Its People. ·"


WHITE OAKS,. LINCOLN COl!NTY, N. M.~ JUNE 5, 18S4.· ~~d. 26. \,.OL .. 4.



' Livery, Sale and Feed S

-t- hi A S S A V E R a 8 AND

Ana.lytica,l Che.mist. \VUlT£. 0.-\1\.S. :NE'V' MEXICO. Jf/,ite Oaks .Al'erme.


a-Sa.Ule lleues anol cood rigL to be had al I A..C1&1S- • atl•imei. Ua:r and. craiil a! ways e~o h&lld sud .for Gnl•l and S1lnr • ~53 tort •·•· llir ·rerma re:uoll:.bli:. FFor S9lo~·l • •t'sooo

or~ 1 ,.f!'f' .. • • .For l.ud - - l.~l

R.E..J.L ES'l'-4.7'.8 ABENTS.


For eol!per - 2.r.o Analytie&l Te•t - • - S.OO

.-lline! Enmine and Rc(iorted upon. Cor­NI!K!ull•aee solicitell.


CAMP and COUNTY.- F&·ed ~i~ quite 5ict. . we bud reachetlthP "Ituliau R··~el'Ve." Attention .Democrats. ~· \V'nlters an•l family are vi~iting We traveled ILJl (lay on the s·~st'rva- · -

Amos EakPs·a took 'rhm·aday'il stage ·on fie Ilon<lo. . · tion, not meeting a Uviugthing,[~xcept Fur the pm·pose of nominating dcl-fot• Las V t"gns. ·t- C.luwley Bufot••l mul wife will live in three Indiaus that were on~ hundng ex cg;Ut•S to the Dt>mot<l"lltic 'fetTitoriul

At·thnr Borulnml wife retnrnell from ·the l\l<·Pilc1·aon pa·operry. petlition. The comtUou sal1hatinu Vuuvtmtiou, to lle held at .Albuquerque, · "how" was exchanl!ett. n .. i_ tttJ'fttl on the 2L.t tiay of .A.ugu~'t, uoxt, a the Jicarillas Sunday. :Ut·. Jo~r:Jlh Ri,.."!!"' II". !il bc"'tl l:t.J'-1 "II ~ - D . - "- •· u .. ~l)J'ings of w:Lt<·t· ut it·:euular i.ltkrval~, emoct·atic CuulltY Ctlll\'..:ut~un williJu ..

Jake ~Iiller still keeps the best that's for !'orne time with a·heum"ti' .;nt. - • 1 !·' t I · • 1 3 t "l 1 • '" fine gt'IISS fllld f'ra!!l'lllll fl •W"''JS' .lo\.~-~"lll'!l lC U a .s!IICOIII Oil t 11: • l't '"' U!ll ay lit going. J:lke let's "lickm·." Tl - ~· ~-.. ae mail tla'Lt left het·c fm· the mil- the monotony of a lonestlmcl rlay. July, p&·uximo, b~iug- I he 2bt day of

Geo. '1'. Dcall nnd family ha'l"e gone &·oacll\I Ollllllr, t•otm·netl \V cdne;;!ltty. Late in the aftel'lloon, a g•'nu inc !mnnn· sai•l month. As the imporwnt mad to the Penasco to vi~it lh£'h• mnch. n •ml &_ Stewn, l't- tV I'll. ,,,nre I'<•e f, .. t . • t • ~ 1 IIIVlllCIIIll:ol ljUestk•ll of th·awiu« party

" . "' . • !lUI 1':1111 S 01'10, accompanlCII Will lill(lS ~II the llll~lll•l' of county "'po!itltd Col. Heman will ot;:CIIJl:t' the t•oom sale from nvw on tlu·ough the sum· s!Pet, u\'ct· took u~. With rh~Jllling wtll lm ~ubmiLtmltu th~· cow;idc 1·atio11

t·ccently vacatetl by )lt•.llelphiugstiul', me1·. g:u·anents, wet blanl;:et.", mntltlyl ro:Lrls of }H'cciuGt delcii{;Lt<·i!, it i:; cHI'ne~tlv-n;;.:m cfficP. Sevet~ll lo·a·l~ of wool pas~e;1 au~ darlmcs5 almost u•lOit ~~~ 0111• hop d rhat a tull :•_ttewhuec bu huu,

L W ~ tl '1 d tln·ongh he•·e 'l'tt"'·'a'- ., tl t tllf.)u-1 t- • . , 1 • b' 1;' .· an'i that each p:·ccmct dd~g·ue atten1l • • ~tewarL went to lC l'at roa • ...,,u,; vii le way o . IS I~ 'I' etC an~ t nug lit I• ~a~nnt' i•• twrscu. if l"·s~ible. P-l·cciact <·um·

•rue!l<lar nnd will be .b:1ck the lat.tea· ·yegat::. ltke tile tramp, we "felt su hun~ry we mittit•l!:i wi!li•Ic!~5c see th:-.t Juectiugll lliU't of the· week. ,, n.,.II.'lliil'l ptt!'~etl tht•ough the Oal,;s knew not whei'e t» sleetl." dxi we ue h• hi at I he i>l'lllJI:l' time iu each

~Tis a ''~t·y chilly ll>t~·· wbeu< \Vllito. ·r..~~1iw ~vay. tl) ~tanto11, \Vetlnesduy Wl':ot at n snails p'1C•', it seemed! until lH'ecinct tu scu~l- ddegtii{!S. 'in per:;ml, O:tks peot>le \Von't tnrn ,mt t\l a fit'ilt mot·uin!!!. the c:heerfnl blaze of a c·im•> fil,. was l •JI~ uy l!l'uxy, m!ly amh.·nnclt;d 1.0 the - • • ·. ' 1 . · cr)UUIV couvcnnon. .F.tlloWlu!.! lS tho c!nss cntet·taiument. The county ~onuni~sioue1·s met 011 sc~1 Ill the d1~tance, IVIuch !JJ'oted to uumh f ut' dcleg:tws allultc•l to eacb .l\l1•. James Dolnn nml family, of Monday lai<t at Lincoln, to 1·qnalize beth" camp of :t Mexican ft•ci~htct·. precinct: _8

Real Estate & HiDing Agent.

I · 1 t S ·1 'tl' -.I d tl e t · WJth om·limitetl knowle•l"e di S•mn- Prffdm:t No. 1, .. mco !t, speu unua:r \Vl 1 .~. r. an 1 nxes. ._1 . t 1 "' ! • tlo d•) •J 4 . Delegates,


do wu.Lt.lllB.CmLnas. lbll'I"U:B.Fsam::ssoN. 'I•·• Doltotl of tltl'~ (':t•· \u II II . !s 1, our '"an s wemlll'h e kuow-,'•, and ·l •lo ~· 1 l' ·~· , " " J • ,y. • mlg<'n"~ mf<•t'm!i 11'1 that he 1 k' 1 1 1 . ' « o h, ~I:my I'll ins like that of l:t~;t 1\[oullas bad thirlee•J nH·n employed en the t u: 'lm Jeartel .!\Iexlc:m blt<l'1 u;. do do 4, 4 d.,

- - • 1(. M.


Surveyor & Land Agent,

llo:J\VSLL, ~EW Mntoo.


Baal Estat9 And Mlalng Exchange, BOYITO CITY, N. ll,

ll. A. UPSOY,

laad and. Claim Agent, Conveyancer

Notary Public, •



'ParUt~a!ar atteution zinn tct tho e<>lleetion of tbinu •1•iu1t the Uuit••l Sr.atu for de··reda:ious w I .. lia.as. au•l tbaloca:ioa au.i secariu: ti~lc to ...,erameat ta .. df. .

ST..:-f GE- Cf IJJI• .ANr.



Sa.n Antonio,

CHILDERS & FimGUSSO~, weli:ome. Ft·om hi,; scant su:~_ply of do d~ 5 3 du will mak., the gt·:Bs a>~ ftu:l a; the most t•auch last WCC'k, making a ditch. 1 <1-• 6', 9 · lll'CVi~i~l!~, we partook, with a! 1·e!ish < o v .-.. d.,

n·t LaW, fast~dion~ cuuhl wi.;h ftll'. ·chnrh•y Smith came in Tuc~rla'· f,)t' 1 ! do do 7 5 ci11 - tunger ou!y know<:. AfL"'t' !lurpcr we (],) i Chnt·ley Kcllf, the great b':H' man of lumbt•t• to timbea· tho. wt'll the boys :uc t·ol!etl up in out· wet blunk<!t~, uml dfl do i ~:: Attorneys

rhe .\Vhite mmmtnin;; came i:a to sec digging be}Onfl the mal pai;;. He finaily \Ycnt to sleep. What cjmnges lh ~~ 1& 2 _ d.l-lhe boys 1\Londny afternoon late. ;;aitlthey sunk 35 feet the fil'st thl'cc a t:cw homs may bring; 0110 ni~ht i:t do do 11, ~ 'I"

'fhe fon111l:ttion fot· a gr:maa·r, at Ft. ditys. au elc·gnnt fm·uisllNI ll.Jnu·tmeht, tht' tl•' do 12, 2 t!o · ' dt) 11~· 13 1 <la Stnuton, is completed. The b11ihling 0. D. lid~cy, Billy q'Bl'icn, John next, mothe1· earth foa· a betl, ailtl the rl{' do 14: ~ do will be ll0x:30 feet; capacity 500.000 Woo,llmul, aml James Colp, retumed clouds o'er head a cove~·ing. brigl1t J.\.S. J. Dor.Ax, JN'o. \V. Po~t, pounds. to day (\Ve<lnesday) ft•om ' Hudgens and early we bade om· 1\Iexica~ host Secretary, Chairm;m.

D ... nu(•.kttnJ• 1 C Bros.' much whct·e t~ rc.v hare been at ''.tdios." After th·ivinl!' 212 m~Jc;, we --·--• , ~ta1·te( for 'arU111!!e - ' RT"' RUlDO"'O J ne I

ALBUQUERQUF-, - N. :u. .Gfr Will Pr:J.e~i~c ia J.iacoln Co:mt:r. "li:1>

Law and Land Office of

A. C. ROGERS.-·· \Vot·I.:. al'J'lve.l nt the slot·e of llat . .F. U_-•·Ur'·, ~~ • • "' •• u •

I~ L (, N ~[ Sntur<l:lr, to l1e g-'>ne some ten d:q•s J -

,osWEELL, tNcoJ.N' .o ' ... EW • EXlCO. He will probably \'i;it Socot·ro befot•c W. Il. Wee() St'nt a courier to over· a r~)t'tnel' re~itl~:nt of W llitc; Oaks. Go.l,len Era: Practieeia all ·r~:ri;odalCo:~rt~. Corresp,,u- he rrtm·n~. take nu ox: ltlt\m Iontletl w!th wool for We WCl'll hl'attily welcomed ~y ~Ir. ?'he new· church en Ruitlosc) will hu

donee aoticitc1l. J.a~ Vl•ga~, to ttlke :\ !ettet· fot• him. llem-r. IIi" stf•re is l.>catctl ~·U the l!ompletcd eal'ly this fall, ntul 11. joUJ·-The pc&·formance 111 the ha!l l•'rhlay u • l\It·. Wecll snrs the Jettm· will !!f:t " ppcr Pcn:lcsco,'' and Le ~ec:nv ~·)be neyman I•l'.:nnhe&· or bib.e masbet' cau



UNCOLN, - • - N. M. 3


ATTORNE)' AT LA\V, LI NCOL'S', Ns:w :MEx:tco.


evening was fn h·ly 'veil nttetuletl, a!Hl ~ · -Was tile b

nst thl'OII!!h SOOilet• than it ,vou!d to !.._'0 b.\' I Ill ·a Pl'QSpCl'OltS c::mdition, hi~.· Only !!Ct :t permaucutsitualiou. . ,.. euter!aiumcut cvct• gh·eu - -war of San Antonio. troublt', he iufot·mcd w•, \Vas hs1"- ina- Ca1·peuter.;; ha\'u a.boi.tt fini~hed the

in 1 he Oal>s. 1 l\h·. Wilson, an ol<l t•esident :~nd one uil,ily t:l kPe!_J a stock of goods ~u the wot k on V{m. Slanc'5 uew rc>'idencc, ,V, C. ~IcDouahl came in f1·om the t l\I J 1 'I' 1'1 1 • ' d I of the pt•esl.'nt eonuty commi;;sinnct'!il, sore. -" 1'.. ~Ill • ',( war< s 11:-.r com- nud it wil1 pass into the han s of t 1e

lowea· counh·y Satul'tlay , where he laa:o been s,u·veying fm· \V'. 'r. llolt fot· the p11st week or tm daro~.

1'orn Wallace, the goo<1n:1tlll·etl, goOll·lmmot·ctl, honest, Jollr, 'l'om, \Vho has been slopping at Y em, Ct'U7., was in town 'fuesclay. Tom wns.

1'lm bills for fnmi~hing :30:),000 potmo.l~ of cam for lt't, Stanton, W'<'l'C

.~p~n::tl Tuesday )aRt. \Ve h~n·e not lenmcll who gol the ccmtmct.

infot·ms us that the llulians 011 . the t~enced bu tldmg a sto:·e roo:n !oppo paintm· aml caldn:iuPl' f,li' final touclw•. l'Cscrvation are \'et·y much dissatisfied. stte .\Jr. Tlcnry's. Betwcett thmp they W hl.tc Oaks bachclor3 wonl•l dn .,11 account of not hn\'in;I: mough to will pr.>ba.blr be ablu to ilnpplS· that wl'll t l ll"Y a vi~it to this pn1·t of the eat. He »peal.;" ia the higlw~t term;; seeti:m ot' C.Jtlllh'\' with goa!ls.i Quu· cou:11y, as families from Texas aN ot' In<lian Agt·nt f_,lewcl!yu and 8,1 ys sidcrable f!ll'ming i5 done nn thql"cu· daily niTiving aml a fait· proportio111 of that it is 110 f':lult of his. :t~!10. }.11-, J,>IJn l\lahill amlj Jnlm them are marringeab1e young lttille;.;.

J:~::.es at·e an~cm~ th!; pt·incipa~ 'Yite~. A l\I•·xicmt wu.l' arresteil 1wre a few Scmebo<1y poisoned Capt. Kempton's Tlif>y in forme,} us i.;u\t all kil~<ls of tla,,·s a.!!•l fm· shoi'Liug a dog belonging

dog Satul'lluy night. The dog !'elllom • -I f S!llftll gt•rtin allll vcgetalJle3 were rai:Ocd, to I... H.lle. He \Vtl.~ t:tla~n before e t. hom<', ntHl was VI:I'Y watchfu I b th•: yield eing enormonll. Thl~ cattle chief J'm•tice Jushna ll>tl(', antl we un•

O\'et· 1: is little son Cody. It i;, well l mcu :n·J nil smilc!l, and wdl th(ll' nny dct-stand, w:ts sentenced to bn hung 1•U waugh to 11oisml ~01110 of the wortll· · ' !Jl'. for t IIi~ is one of the finest caune dis- June lOth, Ullli:S3 he is reprieved by the

Sam !•lcl'hcr:;or. aml ~,r,\nk Conget• les~ cm·s that run nrou111l town, bn t ; u·iets iu Lineolu cc-uuty, a poor c9w be· !NVCrn H", n;; tlu•_.rc is n:} a:_:>pnal frum ~>tnrtcil fo&· their ranch, in the lowc1· wh.;n lhca·e is a frt.ithfnl, watcJ,ful dog, ' -iug an unnamm"u siglat. E. \V. !Keeuu th<J S(IJll'eme court of tlu• Ruidoso. <"otmh·,·. Sunclrl\'. ,Ta!les. '!'alinfct'l'O ac- it won't tln. ~f1·. Kempton olfct'i! arc· ' · · · is one ot' I he prommcut cattle f1o,lisel';;, G:tme iq very· _Jll!'litiful. hel'c. Five

ATTORNEV AT LAW companying them ns far a:; Liucoln. war•l of ~:!5 fol' the [J"H'ty tint diu the " I - a ' He. tnkes the wol'l<l ea;:;y, ful' thti sim lw:\J's have llceu killetl on Eagle Cl'eek. " C. '1'. Clal'l• e!lmc in fa·om lhc Galli- poisoning. I pie t•ca,;on that he can affo•··l it.1 .All 1·ec••ntlr. Capt. John Slane, on a visit

~~~~~. Thm·;!la_, .• al'tea· a lon.tl of lmu bet·. (T ·ozn111ae c'rne tl''' to 1 f · "' · '' ~ ;.ay 1'0111 ani welcome tmrle1· his huspitt<b~~~ Not'. here from Colorado, hns kille<l almost ·-'Ti!> no fun ritling fol'IY miie:'l ou the \Vlthe 0Hks with ;;ix1v-f..>m· ounces of ' aoltl bullion._ the la~t tilillJ"ttli f•··.llll tl'." At:J. G-. \Vhilc's we met severnl~Irntlc- aU th(' l~nn·Ic -ereek tnrkies. Ba~tvers nmuing gears of :. wagon,'' ,;:ay;; Clarl.: · • L ' -.. c • c ~ = 'NE\\" l\1Exrco. Sulln.il't} fllhlt! of that fl•u.n·i,IJiu!! mc;u, .:.ur. lll'tlS and apt. i~liit•lsm· are also \·ery I!Umerau~ and l!ilfet:ent

Billy Hobson, the 11ourbhin!! mrwh-j c:unp.-Gazelte. - anloag tho nn•nhm·. 1\!r·. W hit4 has a our.s of our cit'z 'll'l have be~n fol'Ce(l WmTE0A.Ls,


Vlhite Oaks , AHD -: un :- Ft. Stanton. L •


rn:IU,<''t·ivc~arnl.lliugfinett•amwhen hP.I ::Ncthing likchn\'ing a gold mine. nlc~hunchofcattll•,nrulfat·mst,Psome totakel'{;f•t"Cintrces an-l remain all cnmc.; to town. 'v 011, nmr j.- a rattlin!! NflU'll' <wery bor that \'isi!S the mil· ext:eut. Otl the hea.d waters of tht ••Up-l ni .. ht. -"' nice fellow nna sbouhl <ll'h-e a uic~ t·oatl town,, has a fh·e gohl ~pccimen pea; I>eu11scn," J. I>. E~tker ha~ 1(. ~ntcd. i_'hc Hm i;; r,s ~n·ight and tbc sky n.s

AGENT. t<:nm. cf (;;) Ol' 70 ounce~ Alii hey have to He has a fin<} ranch, and says \·e ex- blue :v; when );011 ln.st ltcanl frqm me. do is to gQ up to their 11 ino :m.l g_"t:t peets to llie in that countr,•. lid, seem~ [see •111 011 i•sne of the Le<uleJ' that

l\J r;:. ~amnel W E"lls and dangl'ftm·,

-o­r _..TIIDO Table 1 ...


Office nt I~~s Cruce•.

1•1·ompt ntlt•nti•m to bn;;inesi before tbe Land omce.-Coa•t•espomleuce SO•

~fa·s. John Foto;;ythe, arc makin!! q•iite out as much a& tl.br think thf'\' w111 ver~· much interested in White 0 :k8, Pena~co City the home of Col. llcu. • . N uccti: Nothing like it! aml llsl.:etl a unmhel' of qn Il".ttr_,., 8e11,'tl•l' Ma.vhill antl other

n. Yl$tt at • ueccs- Canon, Texa;;. ' • l\Ics~•·;;. \Veils aud :Forsythe arc Lieut. Cavrwmgh inf<ll':ns u;; that no \Ve soon "twigge1l hi~ racket,'' g1·ent and illustdous men, l1as taken a. keeping bachelors' qnnt·tet·.s in thelr bids weru a·ccd\•ed for coal, uoticeq of fm•med him that she wa~ wei solid boom. \Vp are not jt·a:ous of absence. which were poo:tcd in \Vhite Oa!;:~, pa!•sed one night with BJ!> Pena>;co~s sudden bouml to fame anti ll::lfl "· m. Iictif'a. 42-

7 a.m. _,

A.rri1'e from Sa a A ntouio Depllrt Cor " AniYe (rom Pt. Slantou lte,art.(wr "

4 a. m. 2:lO p.m. 2:3\1 J>. Ill.

-l a.m.

7 p.m. Sa. m.

-o-R. H. DILLg, Snp't.



scve:·al wecl•~ ago to om· kuo\\' ledge. He seems greatly iutN·ested h all prominence, but pride ct'mpcls us to The fellow that canned Charley Hull's The '.!On!l·act calls fol·1,QOO ton,, w be the new evmer~, aml "\Vhy l•n<'utioti our own Uuidoso City. It,

<log, Jt·fT, 1\r('nday, WM nshametl of delivered at Ft. Stanton. It certainly mtirc youug ladies don't Our like it~ f:tir sistu of the Peua;;co, ltas ATTORNEY AT LAW, himself, we lmmv. Jeff didn't nm one seems st;·ange to II:!, that ownet•a of last night -in thi~ beautiful was its mo.lcst littb boom. It hoa;;ts of a

bit', bnt wulke<lltlisure!y a.lon:r until it coal mines in this \'icmity wonlll let • p:t~scd nt the twel;•e mile s;1w mill, gl'i~t :11ill,post office, black-fonncl its mastrr, then lJclibet·atelv such ll.tl opportunity pass wlthout mak- H. ·walde in_ cha1·g~. n smith uud wagon maker shoj?s, a large turuc<l :u·mm<l l.o ha\'C it cut off. ing- an ell"ot·L at le<LSt, tv socut·e it. It sh•angel·, he made U" feel anJ eom!noditlus cm•ral'and feed ~w.~

a"'Prmcticc in all tho Coarts iu the Territory Smart dog, Jdf. not ou~y lllCIIIll money in youa·pockets, The following night we ~1t ble, aml a good hote1. A ·six 1mmh·etl \V'. T. Thomt"n bought the Joint btit the development of yom· miues. Ca1lt. Bmzil's rauch, on Eagle crer.!;:. horse powet· dii!tilery, with :. eapachy

noolll rlllleb "- "11" Cl 'n 't 1 'I The Ca(Jtnia ha" a bef'1tt.1'ful an1•1 of mt.t. htlmlred galt.Jns per hour, · -.ct.., ... Jh1lll o-wn e 'fbe Rev. Samhmuo 'l'aft~ya met ••

GEO. T. BEAU ••• Ju.,

LtNCOLN, - N. 1\I.

\V. F. llLANCllAilD, On ll ·~ t t • t tl 1 1 is constant!•• adtlill!! im \Vtmhl fill a long_ felt aml deeply prcas-t~ reccn rtp o lC OWf'l'COttn l'f. with 1t vm·y sct·i•lUS accident ou Su111lay, J - h!'.! want in em· midst. and a company

Blacksmith,. Wagon and U.S. MINERAl OEPTY SUBVEYOR. Th~ ranch is neross the divitle, south \Vltile lll'iviug ft•om I..incohi to the 1·es· Aftcs· leaving Alt·. Brazil''"• wo ha~ been oro-auized with a $60,000 cup· of tlte Penasco. Sam autf Ed licPher· illence of Cundelarh Griego. Has Mt•. Nat ~Ioo1·e•s, ft)t' Hal, to er~~t one tight--away. · A

Re~al. r' . S~o ~~ son will mal•c that their hP.adqunrtel'S horses J'aU away thi'CW hirn out and he found Uncle Nat. somewhat in weeki~ !leWi}lal:lel' \Vill be S!UI'lC•1 here WHtTE OAKS, • NEW 1\fExico. 1 • tl bu.t u.,ovd natured ns rt:;ual. on the first uf July. 'fhill'u at·~ only.

( unng te sum met·. bccomiu.,•r eutam!led iu the harness, wa~ 1 d d •·- ·~ 1 ft o -- m~t T. n. Gt·el!g, who i-s iu the u!Jout seventeen 11111 &'C • i•J= .e u 'fhe wnlli of Whiteman';; new E!lot·e dmgged :mtl cut ami injured about th~ • the ruairt busines~ $tl'ed, and tlnly half

t·oom \Vill he completed this wee!;, nnd 1 heild and lJet':iOU in a vet·y serious and of the S<Jutll \Vestet•n ~Stage of. them at'll. cot~ner lotjl. C1>ntract~ ,..-mo· t 1 k r 'I k" l d W. C. lioLONALD, · l 1 I Bl!lck & \Va•·alc, \vbo have a have ah·cady b<.wn let to' gmrle the - ..., 11'! -c asi!J wor - o 11. ·m< & one m t te course of t~n o1· twe. ve l1t1ys t 1e dangerous way. He lies 1ww m al'i nn· J .,_ l' 1~ R)

ttl 1 t ~ t' U S MINERAL DE U in.the llll'l'caolile litN. About 5 rot'd bl'tl of the {U.. -• .., ' ~ ~. • a te ~ 10~ es. no let>. .

1 1 1 p TY SURVEYOR, builcling will be tmdet• •·oof. \Vben con sci<;~ us condition nt the re;:idence of I:>' ... - -' •r b• - n ·1~ad from \VC reached \V'hite O.tk~, uud ""ugn :mu um .e. :u .• ., -WHITJl OAKS, •• - •.• N . .M r.omplcted, he \Viii hnvc a watm·, dust, 1\la·. Griego, sm·rmmdecl by his t'am- thi;nloint to Qa.pt. Brazil';;,, at Eagle

fit·e notl hlll·glnt• pt·oof room, worthy ily and t'l'iends. DL·. .<\.tkins ii· iu at· as ,lively as eVel·. ca·cck~ A· bt•imch. road w.lll soon b~ of auy town in the tel'l'itot·y. · tcn<lau.:e upon him. built as far as Wm. Slane's ra;;iden<'e.

Cattle Branas. c.n saure cret'k. : 'rhese roads arc heing 1\[!·. Gco. Drake of tho Jicarilln~, N icola!l Al·agon, who wa~ con\'icted - built to accommodate the'JfutuaZ Ad·

·-:AND:-Established 186!.

made usn pleasant eallln!lt weel;:. He of h·)l'i!e stealing ami senteuGell to th:! Two new bmnds tl}lpeai- ou: sec· tnlNttim~ f;oclely, which is f:l.i't gu.in~ug NEW l\Inwc •·cpoa·ts the Albuquerque pai·ties satis· penitentiary fot• four years, made his Qn.d page of this week's pa·pet. ground in thi!> vicinitr. - A delegation · of tl1c most iuftuenti:i.l Apilcho>s, cJn-

. lied \Vitlt their 1·eeent trip to that camp 1

. escape frvm om· county j1lil on the lllldgt•nil BI'o?;, with theb· · sistili.,. of· Go-li.s-you~pleMe/ Stick-in-

No Patent No Pay •. Nota~Publio . a---PATENTS WHITE OAKS, -

Obtaine<l tor lfecbnuical Devicet. .:'ll1Dpol1ud!l, Deeigu11 nod Labels.

All preliminary examinations at1 tc pt.lllntabilitr or ioventione, Fl·eo. Olli 'Guido to Obtaining Patents," is sen· free enrrwbere. Address, •

LOUIS BAGGER & CO . Soliciton or Patnets,

.Tohn A. Helphingstine,

::Z::... a ""QV :v e :r., bOCORRO, N. ~I.


&~Criminal Practice a Sliecinlh· • • •

and says they mean bu.siness. 111-•. evening of ~lay 28th, De1Jt. Sherriff Hn ·and po;;t otlice &fltln•$ nt the·n~nl, W:n\k·in-tbe-water and Ins~ Dmke is confident ns to the ricbneos, Lea had the pa·isoners in the jail yard; Oaks, a•·e Wt:ll kuown in k1ts-kn.-dood-le,.are:nol'v in -crnsuUa.tiou of the Jic,u·illas, and thinks a great At:itgon asked pe&·mlssion to go to the ty. Our 1·eaders musn't · that with the city f.athe~ iu.reg:\l'U to mov·

f k 'II b d h - h d · . ·j · the e~pito1.at \V.a'-!lliugtc.n ttJ this denIo \VOr wa e one t e p1'CSPnt water closet, which was gt•antcd. Mr. theit• l'lln is a sample ·of. stock tllC fnttn•e m~tt'opl'ilis -\~f Lineqlu season. Lea. waited not longer thau thtoee on' titeit· range. All uattle on • _. "l'he n~w city Mil is abo~b

The waters of the Rio Grande are mi.uutes. he says, wheulle called to the .Bt·os.' rauge-are fi&·~.t class ·:and Col. · IogorsoJl :nnd on the Wll£ path yet. and the mails are pl'isoner, receiving no ··eply, he itnme~ won't bn:ve auj•. other kind, · · h;!f1re:! still.vet·y inegutn1•• 1\h•. It H. Hills, (liately locked up tlu: rest of I he pris- Jobu S. ChisniD neclls no as the

WAS!UlfG'l'OY, D. c. -------------:.....--~· 0 EWilfGPA.'!'rDSON,


in a. letter to thiil llat>er a fe\V days oners and stat·~ed in llut·suit. 'flte tio11; as ·lie is knowb f;(r nitd tbere wm Wrur~a!;'y~.i'buc. ago ft•om San Antonio, bas this to say: p•isonct• was shackled, but bad the ad· brJu}d; for both' .boro.es and A

"lhe trains are t•unoing ver)' il'l'egular vantage of approaching darkness. on: left sho•llder. U will . eompal!Y

.·"' J •• 4. ...,'""'TT l Patters9n & Watson, . .,.. • •· ~· " 8 YY ~ r Surveyors,

U. S Mineral Deputr Surveyor, · lfew Mexi(!Q aqd Arizona~ ·

Mining .Brokers -AND--


· : United States ~put>· sm-vcyoi·, Real Estate Agents. . ·: · Luu.Wiana. A· SPRCIALITY.-E.nminatioo of miuiog · 1 _ • cb~ilan•ltitle> toa•m~t; -mnmtalrolll!ei'sment.worlr :liiiNdG AND QI\"'IL ENGI~EER !done for non-r.,sRen •· ·-

1 . • - • • Ot"llac,:coroer Ji~.a··~lln. ftn<J Phila:lclJ•hia Rts. - . -. - • , Ltoe~ J,o:o;. Th1rtce"·

, ':Oifti,.·~..,..;. W'JI&:rE · OA:K:S. AVESU"t. ; WMtTI Ous,, • " · ~ NEll' J(r.xlco ' ~ ,-~" ::Ji; ~ :;;J.., • • ' : • ~

• ... ".

null onlv by daylight io the Rio Weli.!ft Liuc~lu on the night .of the bl·~n·d whet·ever U r.oo it, and agree Gt'l\nde ,·alley. 'fhe bridge .hrre is in 2nd inst., and Amgon was still at sbot}.ld happen~. vis(t the· -on~-half.-. a vei'Y danl(erous condilipu uow, a~d. Ia•·ge. • h'Y. it wills~ it ~ . · (101' · tt,\\11 getting \Vorsc everr :<lny. Some of· 'fuc!!llar mommg Ma~ 201.11, we left tl~irty tl~OI,J!J!I.tul :bead. l. X,. P~K. · the piles are gone and track aitd- ties White Oaks for ''tbe lip pet• Ptluasco.'' :Aa both of these ymitiee .bciPitJt have sagged down to the water. 'l'wo • We reached Dow_lin's. · mill tho fi1·st the Lincoln Cotinty Sl!>ck. A$iio~ii•tli~it.1 of the rails have h!oken;, nud: nil that t d'!-r; .• ~ound 'lb .. !l,t·an t. L:·snpt, ~'.loti w~ #oidtl a.dvi'c t:o\,~- .tlt.ieves. · ,;b:!ll.i·"""~~~~~~tim~~~-~;....,.­bohls now arc two rAUs an!J :wat~t· ltomP, and r(ltniLmcd o\·er tugl•l With olt_!flrof them,. or- "n): ft_lenrable.r~:~t rising_ rapidly. ~J.:Q:tlar_ n.t noon. was_l him. \Yedn~eday moi.·ning we l'l:lsuanetl A~~i)eiatiQII: t'o1! that 'IJ.l'·~ 'tti~>\l.~i:iJt,f&6· as hi_;h as it was lnsl week aud higbtet 1 ~ur jotnney; after ta·i\,•eUng a . f~w .-ton:t,.tising tt. \V1)~l1ia:iif c)~1·~~t1~fitflicl-};]ft kunm (or-year&.'~ 'tuilcs, ~.sign bo:nJ int';:,nnlid u:; tl!tlt will; P91': !''


. " . -.


.:·· . ·-· j :, '

" ~ ... :. ;::~~- ..

Page 2: ,.OL .. 4. M.~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...f ' '~.: ' 1t ~ -..... ·~ . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation

' .

~-< •



··- .

. . , +

" -

~iiflt•fil~tei~EOo· E4&tor an.,.- Manager.

.:&. ,"'J"aliaf~rro, Publislters.

to wh idt they take all stct-r c!l.ttle O\"Cl"

Uao a::e c.f one )'Cl\1' old, antl either tlriv;: or ship them to their grazing field in tlae JIOI'lll nntl hothl Uaell• until fully_ matua•etl befurc they arc murk· t!lcd;. 'fhis sr11t•:m nol only gh·es them fat tel" eatltr, but gives theln int:l"cl\lletl weight from 1\Vo to four buudrcll pou11<1s to the animal m~et• om· local bi'l'(l, If ccr cattlc.-[Dotlgu City Globe. ·

stance just :auo,·c the carh·iil'gc· :_-~ro~ f~tter,. !lntl it!': look!! now ns thongh he 1~nces got•1l f.~ec!s. _AU !l'nngur or en:- won-ltl ha-ve tl) \Ynit nbou& 700 yen tang the fnac m tnmpmg tsBlsoa·ornt'vNl before he save~t fuel by toasting lai;; entirely t,y I he u~e of l,h,"tor or p:u·ls. '1hinF at·Uie low tlown ~rrale in th•1t -Dem:et• 'l'l'l'bune. tmr:or agai:•.-Btn'li11gloJ& Hatt·keye •.

\\"ilpjEOAS:S POor Ol'E.!CEGIJIDE.

AS'!IJlii!IIICU :U:o\IL, Tl1c Boss of the Ranchc.

J~eav~Aatoa'Chi~o-Tue~d:>li'U~•!l'ri·lny•o~Ga.m A fo1•eigncr wl~v~ut Weit A ~·eat• Leavc:WhiteOak$1{oJ!tlay••:tu•l rh!l.ra<la:;'•Ca.m ; • " •

All•~"il;r~lo;MWJtlutiu•tte»oofor$o<lePftTt<ireo. :tgo; With mot·o IIIOhi'! th:\n Cltllel'li'!IICO, d:eciJtorc<llettor" auol p.w'kacell ahoulol be pre- I w h•'J is nnw l'Cluru iug a wi•er n.l~dt a

aoJ~t...Xone bou~:btlf~r• dea>adu~~ of mn.il. · t•ot>a·•Jr mnn, recerally rclutc:tl &o " Chi· •J8i1:1~~.opt!'A,~~ SnndaJ'• (rom o:OO to 111:01! a. lD t•Ut<l) l't>l.Mil'tt•r the llll)l"f' tt( his Vt•ulnrc

1la i """to- &•vv 1'• a. · ""' • • • ::.~ .l.I.DIILr.ox..-. P. Jr. in the Cll.llle l•n~inl'B... •• \Vhy ,'' he

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ Rllitl, in 'Ill king of a \Vh:ketl lJllriUtlr he ·--- hacl met in Dcunn-, "he begsu tfl lmll·

STOCK NEWS. tlQze me ft·,ml the l'Cry time we \Vent A Nlr.eful ClLiculator c~nlcml:;: ll1ll.t 75 iutQ I•artnt•rthi[l. We stna·(i•tl out ou

I'Cr cNtl_ of &.be Amct·lc:m c:&Ulu . ~1·c Lhn 1'1111~0 to eonnt.om•c:\ttlewe (\VO,!liHl lt"tlling btiL scmb~. took .,nly a clzukey cook \Vitb us. The

J.h·. ("luu·Jie \V•w•l bongbtl,!l();J heaa fi1·st night we cnmpc(l he }lr<'po!cd thllt of ycnrliu"s tbis \Ve•·l~ rr,1111 l\J.r. John we tlet:itlc trh~ sbouhl be lhe ho!l•, mul llcn·eu. 1;;ying $14.00 1,t•r hra•l.-- 11 sa.~ll nll ri~h~. Ue tl1:11 r.nllutl a [ \\"jc' itz& hcr:Litl. lllCCh1tg, COII~l~llllit of hllll!l~}f, the

,. , -11 1 ~· '•ft t! ., tllll'ker cook nnd me, to tU'tll:!r aml ...,:~u.e 11re 11t1 on t tc u1e l'll)"' '"' • . 1

I • I . d t r tl ., ll0111lllfl.b!ll me fur L hall'lllflll. was l:lzmc tnWU!l llll corrc&pon Cl& o I... 1 t ldl

1 1 • elected nm ~a on a sal r.. Sitluct' .1{1\j;., Cott:bou~ nm the luiril:S lu!;; • 1 1 tl 1 t • • . • ~<Then se move• 1nt we pa•ocec1 o P~r~u~a~u the bcln·~~: ~l•lWil m Uua the electiuuof a bus;. fur the lh'lll and n;mufy .or ye!l.r:t.-•• oc ·man. that the election 1m b)• b:Lll •• t. 'flu\cl

'.fhe r:titrmuls t·inming thl'ougll Col· motlOn wn.s cn.rri"d u11,\ he 1uuu1cd 0\"IUlO last 1t'llr killell thrt:C tliOIIII:UJtl aronnd hiA but, putting illll h;\!ltJ& for five bumlretl hc:Hl of c:\tllc. "rhcy also himself. I startetl to Vt•le 1\llllllcstol'l'"d killl•tl three lnuulred lii'IUl of bot'SCS ml', &ayi••~ that the chah·man t~oultlta'l nud t\VO lilOU!IIR.It•l bcatl uf sheet•·- vote unless thea·o '""s n tie. 'Yell, 1 [dtockJDtlll. tboughtl'c{ get 0. l"llllllCO lU YOtC llllf•

.J:\mes l\l:lillr, n well-J.:nown rngi11eea· way when the cook 1•ut in his bnllot, · Clll tile Atlantic k l'acifit•,, bns turn6'd but when Itoutt b!lru\ell l~im tho lu~t

r.mclun:'ln, null wlll here!lf•er hultl the nc~m said be eould11't \n·itn, nutl I t'orr h at his fllll'!h, north or Bh&e\Vlltea·. was left without RllY show Ill "II to g•~l Di.J; BrQ\VIl the t>·•p:da1· J>lll!!engr:r uvcn, &nil be was dected bo!!s. ll11 i" comluctor, quit the rmul eome week• lltiil.boll'>ing.-[Chica.go Drovca·:t Jo.mr• !\go lo attentl to J.is U«>ck iulcrc"ts on mal. t Ia~ Alamosa.-[R~view. ·

.J. C. L<'nry. t:cca·etl~l'f arul troa11uru· -A J.eader of ftten.

of the Northern New Mexico Stock· An oM RriLi:>h at·my JlCIMi,lller ro· Gt·owur:s' A.osoei:Ltitm, wss in onr city lntcit this story of General '' Jhiuesc" 1!:.>\"ernf tlays ll&&t \Yeclc in the iulere!il Gol·don : "Ou the fia·st tt"r ti rc \\''a!!

of hi!! nl!!<ocintion, which rellfl'il4'nt.. opcuPd llt Shebnstt,pol from the 000,000 ln•ad of c:&ttie, fl\llletlllt J9,(}Ji.),. l\1'tllt.f•'JllC gun battery the 911ll..l·bngs 000; U('Xt to the l:ugc!t in tho United fol'lniug one of the cmurMurc!l c>\ttgh~ S;ato~.-[K. C. I..ivo Stock Uecortl. n1•11 r1·um the flash of a too cluscly

'l'he {'h·and Ith·er I.nml an•l I .. h·e mountud gun. A: ccll"llomllmtla RltlJ· Stock company b"vc i~s•t<1d $10,000 per or thl' engineer! wcru tultl oft' to sh:n·cs of capit:\1 stock to Jub! B. Gcn- l'e[mil• the ~\a,mfl.g~. 'l·hc eoa·poa·al oa·· ll'Y & 0•. Th:tt ciltn[IR:t)• UIC1ins bust- tlel'etl&hc 1!1\{ll>Cl: to uwuut the em­ness; 'l'bc Gcuh-y'• are boss tine stock hra!lnri', nutl rrotloaetl to lumll n p the dealers ol .M isso:u·i. W c de not besi- fa'e;;h l;11gll lo him. •.rhcy wcro uml"r t11te co reconun•thl them to thoie who he!\\".f fi.t·e at the -.no, :md lhe S!tllPer, wisb to Improve their brced11 'lf c·1l· with some "'aut c:f diseipliar, cm·tain· ilo.-[Grl\ml Juucliou, Gulo>rado Dom· ly, tlenmrrc,{ to this nrrn.rcmcnt, null ucr:1l. sug~ttstetl tbM the corporul tdumhl get

Unt \"C~tcr.la\· a fr,lbl 1<):\tl or .::nltle ·up, nn<l that he (tlte 81ll'lJCr) "'Oilltl go al.s: daya out r;.olD Olti )fclikU, ClUne .;Jl \Vhh the ha.utling up bu~iuesK. into the lftoo;k yanls of Dt•nl'cr. One l'hca·e wns a bit of \\'1"1\uglc O\'el" it. week ago they we-re browsing uv•Jn Gordon, who was i)ll.ss:ng, inqub·ed the marsh lllllll& of Cbibtmlmn. Ea·c into the matter, sud quietly telling the nnothcr ~cck bas passed tltcy will be curtlorul, "Never order a mnn to tlc, three httutlrc<l milci n,utb of us, tmntf· what yon arc a.ft'llitl to do youa·aclt',' iug the brcli7.CS ou \Vyoming hills, ami got up o:t thu pile of bag!; him•elf nu<l crop;•ing the richest grass flt' the i!niJ: ."Cume up her~, bulb or you," worltl.-[Oolor:ul., Stock Ret.'Ortl. r.ud oi'tlercd the llll'll \Vho. wct·u wua·k·

Cow:meu nrc bueily engagetl iu iug the gun to haul) the babf!l Ult· 'l'llc rouutling up their bovin~ an•1 so far t.torm of bnllcts s\Vel't uYCl' Gf)t'tlnu us we ll&'fe llt~ard the increase ba!J bel'n allll the two meit, but his ~:hnrmctl life sa&i;,factory. Cattle, we are s•Jrry to seemed to l'rotect 'the h'l9. lie ftuii!h•~tl 1!11)"• (fi,lu.,t · tlo well thil wiuter not- his WOI'k, Rnd came duwu as eofl!ly a;; withstaufli:lg Ll:c open ~ason we ba•l. he hnd mouute.d, lm·t tho lesson w R!!

Souto eowmenascdbtl the ti1ct 'o ovea·- nave-a· rorgonou, mtd there's a flue ring 11tocklrig, while otbel"S blame it on about the wortls:, "~ever order a man fcucca nnd line ridiua. All of thc1e to do a thing ymt IUC nfa•aid to do eansl!9, we art! i11cliue•l to lhillk, lmtl n. younclf."-)f a'nehestel" E:rmni11er.

little to llO \V'iLil lt.-[San An,<·lo S~audard.

With a Cynic'& Eye. -Colonel Van Dyke bas bought lnrge Mr. Irviug, sa3 s Joe Howsa·d in the

l\lltlitiour.J bgdieftl or cattle, on ae~o!lllt Boston 11 erald, i'! nu Englir.hmau, w bo of HnA'iD, lle:ul k Uel\rst. From Ja,ek came ln:re t\Vcnty-acvcn weeks ago, Fleming he se.;urecll,600 heall or cat· bat·tlntl, and has gone away with $75,. tier anlll~t:ntr·six hol'!ICI'. Fram John OUO cl10:&1t cash in his br••eehcs llOck..,~s. A. Miller 200 beat! of cattle, and about Lit~tcn to thi3 gulib frvm n. mot'lling the same number fr()m JI. J. Hutch- p!ltler: ''You will suon be home ngnii1 11011. 'l'hii abont cleans up the smn.ll nml bappr,'' suggested .llr. . McCnl· bum:bcs or cattle \Yh[ch were ro1· 11r.le; loug'1• A momentary shatle of snll· in lhinecti(ln of tbceonntr, 11ml mukes nc!>il passed. over tllc fca:ures or llr, some 4,700 head which Col. Van l'lyke lr\'iug, aml his eyoA filled with teaa·s. Juw bllught up ira the past mouth.- "1 am going home," he &aid nrtcr a [Silver City Euterpri~e. pau:~e, "null I &ball be lu&llPY when I

The Decayed Mining Towns of Cali- · Tho St. Pimr. lfiilliCRp'.llis St M:mi:. foJrnia. 1 tob:l lL'lihvnr Cmnpnny ha'IJ been noli·

All Of• tl•e 1· 1 c •·r . . . ! fie•l by the Colfcct'lr of Customs at o c a. 1 orn ll\ m 111111" ,. • • • • • " 1 ,y mncpeg that no bog~ could no 1111'

town~ IU'C Ill 11 decayed or dcc:l\"lllg f t 1 f tl U • ~ ~ • cuntlitinn. C)omo of them, ;no~d llor ~~ rom le _&ntet. datCII Jnto fl . I . r 1849 t 18"'· 18~" llfarntoba foa· brt!CdlUg pnrpo,e!l; th&t oiUI!I mag rom o "'* or. ""' ; 1 • . . .

bl tt 1 f • 1 · d 1 '·1 U1c i npment of bogs mto Ma1utoha IS arc .u C( rorn t•XJ;; cnee an <•stt tl) , 1 • 11 1 • · 1 • 1• ' · •

1.or m c en except mu er t•rgnlat10n~ mcmn1·y, ~nve m t 1e Jmmet tate neigh- •1• f 1 • • 1• · h

b I 1 t I 1 N lll'OYII Ill g Of t tclr IIUIOCI tate 1111111 tr • 01" 1•01 \V ICfU I 11'\. OllCCll;lOOt • .1o: (!ILl'• . c

1 f ;1 1 • • iter; ancl thnt for hogc; enterrd amtler V eVt'l')' OnC' 0 • Je ll 3CC:l' Ill IIJIIJtl . • ; • 1 1 1 1 1"' j snch rl'glll:&tlfliiR n b.utu mn;;t be given

eount~tct·s lin~ tllo~uc fsu~t• rnc> nuep•o y I fllllllllledgc that the\' will be slangh· (111\Vl'l t·ll 11~ Ort!'R 0 I S t'lWU, l!t'•' t l · - ]" 1 • • · Cl'Cl 11\liDCl mte )'. laap'l J.l n.,rntlo, \Vhore the lia-st pla1cct•l wuA tli~covcretl, has tho mo;t. Iu lS:iO i ___ _ ______ ... _ .... ·-lhtre stoo<lan excecclingly livcl}' tuwu,' s I & B"ll" d Hall 011 a. stream kuol\'11 nit M~~o&h.:ua.'i Cl·r,~k,! a oon I lar a tnbnlnr}' of tho Con~umueil, \Yiucla . '•rortr·niucl·.s" clu·i•ti~uecl by tii,C pre· SE\TEN 1UVER$, N. 'M., teutions u1unc ot" Aumm City. 'l'he counh')' \\"n.s full of cities inthoilc ta1·1y Griffith & Finnessey, Proprietors. 1lay11. Th:shlas S:u:rmncnto Citr, the -:-cou:uy of SzlCra.a('ltl(> luatl a (llaco to- ' Fine~t Liquor$, Wh.oun<l c;g,.t".;. Fir•t-Class Wnrtl it4 eastern line calletl -P1·ufrie Cilliru.l :tu<ll'oo~l '1'nblos. o:!paci<Jas l>!l.IJli~ Hall

• • I au• I Comfortahh• Club lloJm '· C1ty, wl:rch h'stcd till about 1865, tht•nl ~------· --------v:mil!l•e•l ou' <lf liight, Mince then "out 1 SJ.'UUJ( IJR..-LYDS . of mcmol'Y• In IS;JiJ lhe 1•lncc k010\Vn ------·----------118 \lormon [!llanll, IInce miles oast or Ga·nuitl.", \VIl!' a lnt·ge town. .At prt.I!Cnt it is a mct·o llhatluw of what it \Vas, In 1851, Aurnm Vi~y eor;tu incd a }lOp•

ulatiou •f 1,200, aml that in tho~c day>~ im1•lictl 1,100 nc:tive wnrkcr~ in the mi111•5, at 1\ll 1\\'Cl'llge C!ll'lling or tell <lollnr~ to au fJIInce lll!r tlay to the \VOl kc1·. In 18"16 i\ urnm wns i•• the list<lf dccnrod tuwuil llll(lten re:u·,.; 1ntt>r it had "gouc giinunerina- umitl the dt·en.Jil of the things thatwcr.e.:, Even

$1,0.00 REWARD. -----A UTICI.II: XUI. '1'bea••o"intiouohnll P.tlva•ti•c to l'">' to any 1•craon who st:.all a>r<JCllrG the :&rrc.;t autlcouvict.iou uf auy t•cr:Mnt.lr 1•cr:~ous \Yho ~h~t.ll Yi•llate thcst.-ocl: Jaw:s of tbu territorJ' to ( l1~ th!lri­meutof litO' mcmborot thcr.ssociatioa the stuu ot UNY. Tlli!US&SD DOI.T.AHS ($},!!ill;), JlfO\'i•J•d that the as-<uoiatit)ll ~ball uot be rcs110n<ible for reward• for the arrc<t nwl coudeli"" of p~r~oas fordcJ>rc­,}o.tioLt.:o:(!,nnu~h t(~J n.~~•iu~t the stoeh of ~·lt~h t•t·rSt,us wh<l .;h:.ll uot have their m~rlt~:z.u•l br:&uJs rccor•l­e•lou the INok~ oi'thc a~aochuiun. auJ &hat~<o ""'e i<~. the pay of the sockt:;, nor nny member th11rcof will be entitleil to recu\"er"for :wuch !!ICrviees.

}'or further iuformatiou cou~eruiut: til is l'e\Yllr<l, :&•ltlrcMs W. K Aud~riKlll, t•r~,;ideut .Stock A~~·tein­tiou.ltn<well, :!J.ll., or Juhn W. l'oe, Yice·?ro,;. ideut J.iueolu, 'Y. l\1,

1 ho nnrnc of llntht'l:ftil Creek Is now cxtinc:t, s~vo in El {>orntlo cftunty, whrrc it eous&ituttl! nr. c:lcction lll'C· cincts, Ol' 11id a few yelU'! n go ; mul tho Coaumn111c~ i~ now the motlel'll ~ub­lltilute t"m· the nncicnt •· :\IaconF.unm" rh·cr. Nobo.ly, fr1.lll1 18·19 to 185.J, calle1l Placcrn'ille by r.ny ol hl'l.' n:1111e th:\11 ''ll:angtown," which it carne.l at the Jumds of :1 mob, nnll. by nnd by exchanged for it~ J!l'CScllt m•n·c cupho­ni.Jus llil.lll<>. As- 1':\rly Bl! &he !'all of 1848 {n·o;:pectiug hatl I'Xtcmlcll f1·om un lhu South fork of tho . .<\ lll•·t·ienn, <lVCl' to WonYt•a· cr~ck n.ntl noa·thwnr<l to the lli·ttlle :m.l N ortb fork~, 111111 ca~twnril hi \Vc:\\'el·town, and tho fOJI· l•1wing winter \li,) to Placuvillc and Kelsey's. Withi•• a l'!Hlivu~ of liflecn m ilcs from Coloma, th(•ru wm·e ex.i!iling iu the summer of 1850, not leilij th:m twenty town~, "cilie'l" au~l cAmp>, lh•• hugest bciug Il:mgtown, J)iam•·ml, Mml ~11ring", G!!orgctown, Uuiou· towu, Spani~l1 D1·y Digging", Uin!:golcl m1tl Wea\•or. ,.'\ll of the""• save throe or four, ha.ve gone out of l•xi;;tcuce : ·an<l tho thren ot• f01u· l':'llmiuiug IU'i.'

now cllinfly snppo1·tcd hy orchnrd:; :md vineya\'d.;.--Sfm Fnmc;sco Ula·unic-lc.

$1.000 I>E RECO~IPI~NSA. An.TtCt:LU VIH.-J,a A~ooinciou D•lbli~nrn )'

p:..g:u·ft :t C1t3l(taicr ll'!:'!oua qtle ~ro~u.-c ol.r.rt"\!St:• 'I cou\"i!·iun 11...lfJ cnalq.:•ier 1•erttnnn. o (J"..•rsonaf2: que \"i()lr.a Ia• lc)'e:! tle ~:ana•lo •ld l'erritnrio <lu X uc­V·l ~~c~ie.<l~ s1 tle:rimcnto d~ ennlt)"licr Jnicnabro ,Je 1:~ ,\s,ll"iMi<>:h Ia ~tUn!\ DK :O.hr. Pv.sns 1$l.IK·fl,) prO\'ci-lo qui! la A~~eiac!•ln no scm re~tK'n~able Jl'•T el nrr~stn )' eom·ieion qc )>ersUllll~ Jl<lr dcpre· d~ioues f"Ometi.:llls encoutra de ta.le:; JlCr::zoaa:! qu~ n•> lm.i~tRU ,,rotoet•lllflo Ill~ litarcas y fierro:; nu h.•d libro< dt' 111 "Asooi:h•inu y que nin!luuo bajo elpngu '.le Ia Atoncheioo, ni niuguumientb:-o de Ia Jlli.:'Jllfl, sera eutitula•f,, de recobrn• JIQr sa• SCI'bicio<. l'or r.1ti.M iaformnciou to;'":\ lite n l:l rN··•Htpcn""a tih·i.iauroe ~\ W' .. 1~ .. .Auders\l!l, Pru.;::i·l"!ntc Ue Ia ... -\$uCi~!ei<;:l, ltos .. !ell, N•u;,·o ~i.{e:xjco. o Joh.u , .. ,r. l'oc, \'icc­l'rc~a..!eute, L1ueoha, ~. lf.



Linco!u Co.,

New ~lt·xico

A Sheet Iron Hen.

Tho Intel' Oce!tn dcH;ribc!l· a tiO\"(!J h.\·cntion us fdllOWF. U was not· IIIII· entetl through tho Scicntijic ..tlmen'ccm Patrnt A~cucy :

J . .;1. LA.R. U .E.

v -~

._A: . '

Rnn!!·"'• nio F~ lix, Liuwla Co., N. l\l. P 0 Atllll"('M

Las V 1'![11"', N. )1.



Liocoln Co.,

New Mexico.

J. tl: J. S. RA YNULDS.

Hm·se bl'Rml J y y on left shoultlct·.

· if Oltl cnlrlc m VII· ' rious old mnrk~

;.;;;.~""11t... :md ba·aud~. A,

An ingenious fellow iu Ohio hn.11 cou~tl'Uctcll a !:lhrct iron hcu tba& prom· iscs to lay him a golden egg. It i~ finishc<lnp to lirt!', full siz•·, cackle!', clucks, amlloukR with On!! t•yo nt n time so naturally thllt it will deceive lhe olde&t lacn hawk iu the cotmLa-y. ll i~ so arrans:ctl that wlu:n a lu"tk. miuk or polecat pounces onto it, the b:wk ~pringa OtJcn aun the wings fly np and foa·ec tl.c ailsailaut ou to a 1'3VCn• ous buzz sa\v tlu1t makes 1,700 rc\"oln· lions pea· minute. After RI\IVing balf a minute the sn.\v stops, tho bm cloRts up, folds ite wings nud begins to caeklt• as thongh it hat! just laid an· er;g. OtiC winding up \Viii answer for three massacro11, pt·ovidetllhe tlclicatc ina­chiu01·y docs uot get clogged up too much with the blood, bones aml ti.·nth· et'i'l. lie set a frel'hly pa.iuted on& out in the sun to 1lry thu oLhcr day, which at1racle1l the attention of s fino old cAt belonging t<l a docto1· who bad blicn poking a gl't!at deall'f fun nt the fool thing. The ben ia tberr, but the cat ~ lumen.

A" J. Dargis, who bas 3 fine stock gtot there, bnt I ll.!rionaly doubt, my ranch w~st:oCLako Chr two milt.os, laat friend~, wbethrr the llappincss tbllt week llUreliased-of J. v. Uubinsoo & awa:its me will COIDllellllftte for the bit­Son of Belt.uu' Mo., a. thoroughbred ternt:SS or tbi~ hour o( parting." NOW' Polled-Angus bull, two rean old, of c.msideriug t.bat this tnm1'sliCe for fifty

ll .. h"'" beetl • Er 1 1 d wl A Too Willing Y.ounc Man.

B. Alhm, :Mnttll crer. P 0 Ad, = ' '

drcs:~ }l'o1·L Sumuca·, New Ale~ico.


the Gearr i:np!lrtfl.lion. 'J'his nnima~ O( ( .re:u.. '"' 111 1g a 1 , aere _ is BDpflOI!'ed to bP. ,011., of the bellt eve I' be hail reacllccl tho llinnac1o of celcbri· "i>l) you love me as dearly as meu brought into the couoty, and Mr. ty witl.tout mueJa 111006Y• that his hotuc have ever loved women ?''said }[ab~:l, Har:ia. ha1 reaeOD to be prllttd of his ~nd his Cami'y S&rt! there; an<l that. hill finding au easy anchorage f~·r her· protJer&y. He is& great belienr in the t'Y 1·ear's frientlship are there, and check about the latitudo of bis upper blllck hurule:os ()Rttle and he &11)'11 be is bllt be left bore only a few ctnb aml vellt pocket and the longitude of bill 11ati~tied they \Viii ~rove the nui.nnl J, urnalistic ~cqnaintancel, while be left sboulder. for 'tbia . r.ounh~y.-[Hedicino L>dae, took away fla,OOO, <lon't you think the "More," said George, with wnuing Jadrr. . .. ' :> , :: "pathos" in his face and tbo•e tears in eutlmsiasm, for this was about tlw

&me of our loc:llttoctrRiScn in .,},e biB. throat l:ue a trille e.s:aegerated, 214tll encore to which he had re· sontberq part of tiae ~lat8,, u, wei <lel;lr boy ?· spomlctl siucc 8 o'clock. "ltorr. fur

. - those- io the Neutral:· :Strip R.lhl Tampin~ With Pl:.tster of Pari•. IOClf(l dearly. Oh, ever 10 tnllcb more.'' ~ro adot,lint: a , - "\Vouhl you:' she went on, and there

~if_rf;·'o!~· ~:1\~~l'li~~ their lt>(!z\l ltltuter of paritJ makes a· verT l'ffi· was a ta·~mulous impre~sivenm ill bea• cieitC aod !lafe tamping. it• peculiar ad· yo ice th&t \Vnruc1l the youn:r man tbat

~tngnv,ersloc:h·f.l vaiaage being th~t . of the the ~tar was going .to lenvo bClr line-.micl']?fc:litec:l: t~h!l~.~'iJJl vc~ry·'st!iVCl'e bl~ping b:u~ nud dnn· antf spring something new Oil tbP

;s:;t...JilL.Nfiplili!HI:ilB ru.~nl~ing fr•)lll its honsl'; "wouhl .you bo willing to work

1~-~r;!t:JN:e~:;-~"~''· •rhc ptn..stl'r i!! mixetl to thoprot,cr nml wait form~,"" Rachel waited nt 11!1 consist~ncy with .a Ji&t!e elcon, da·y the well, I!CVOII long )'ears?''

sand ant\ potire<t iu~o tllh bole. With "Seven!'' ho crietl, in a burst or gen· (ll"OliCr n~tentiQn tho taruping will. set .nine tlevotiou. "Sevm.! Aye, glndl)'!

nllif!S.:tial a fe~ mien!t~~>._antllillle or no more! Yet..· nn~l moro I EYen until seyenty ,~~~~::~?~~~~r;:9tirne it\re~niret\ ~!Jan for ta1nping lit: tiJUei ROVeD! · Lot'; make it &eYcnty, ~ t11e U!!!J, .. Way. It is al119- found that .. anyhow, ami prove my elevation !"

· ,tllltl~lliill ~mtiy e&IIES tlie Itlncing _or an etas-: . Somehow nr o1ber he was alone ii~·cusbiotrdt scrnc co~•pre.sslblo sub· when be loft the parlor a f~'f Dl~ules

' . . . -· ~ ,,

. '

P. 0. Address

. "' .

Ft. Sumner,

San )figue~

COllDI)', N. M.

R. a . .ALLISON.··

ltcrsc brnntl P left <~lJouldcl··

.Addrc~11 · -lllack Rive•·,

. ' ~· !\..{.



{ i ~ .

'{ left shoultlr.i·, ; i . A left skle N leh

' 1~. 0: A1ldrcas ! · Seven Ui\"er!l,

' '

N. NL. '


AK nERSU.N G.A'1'1'LE UU.:

: P. 0. Ac1drc~A, :


J .. incoln Co.~ '

:N cw :\lex i~o. I

non le(tside nu:l iJ 11 Bconuectcd oulcrtpaip

uaark upper half qror• and under bit in tho ~eft

l nnrl erop in thn ri;:ht. i

~"I Ou left ~ide ll.n(\ !I'll on left bi;>. ~ar IIIUiilnutrk same as boo>tCIJ'bar eatt\e, ;

liTo'{; On left side nn•l.J li coaucetcd ouleft MJ>, IC:it~ilr ttllt)or ouc-balf cro1J iu left .. a.ud utidor

ouo-lmlt crt>:> in right. ;

• n'f::IO_a ~eft ~j,le nuol bip. ~a.r m~rk ero,~n•l ~ ht tlll.,ft nn<l unrler bat ru nght. ; m Onle!t si I~. Various cnr ~aru.

------------~~------~--EJIIL l<'Rll'Z.

P. 0. AtHrc;;~, J .. iuc<>ln, . Lincoln co;,


--~ ,_...... -·--- -----------~-SL1ITIEL WELLS.

.. ' IT Cll"so lu·aua !: 1~. 0 • .<\dch·H~:5 White O:~k•l

Lincoln c~~~. lij .,:\I.


]>,{1.' G,tJ1llE1'T.

-·· ·;t AlRo nil cnJ!tk " , with bar - tJutt • •

11 PAT ~ llrmHl. : " · P. 0. Atltlre~s

~~, . -~--'! l\ .Lmcoln ( ~-· - o~·'""'t ~ N •· 'AI.

' P. 0. A!lch·ess Irt. Stanl01>,.

Liucoln Co .. N.: ~I.

P. 0. Add1·e~s · Lincoln, '

Lincoln Co., _N,.; AI.


IIorscs urlln1lc.t SlllllC 1\i; COW$. 1

Address, ; Lincoln,. ' Lincoln Co.,




P. 0. Altda·ei-;, nu.doso, ;

Lincoln CQ., N.i.l\1.

j :·

' ' W. L. RYN .ERSON If CU.!


P. o. Allda-css lUo ll'c.:l iv

Lin colo

: ,T A .. VES R.A.IN BUT.T.

. '


. j

P. 0. Ad<lr~ 11'1. Stanton, i

Lincoln Cq., N'M •

11 .• J •. B ... t04.. ...

. B.B on Hot-aP.R lil,\llll.'


' ,: ' .. :+ ·. ,,.._:,/ 1 _·;_.~~;'·-

:J.'. B. pUJJ!BJ ... L~ All ov~r .. b\·o

)'t'UI'S oJd ll:Wo ~ 9 9 on sobo'tll<lH 9. h . . ~ f!'illc ··And · ll. 'n. Ilur~e lmuul s:w;c· ns cow bran(l.

~~!.:~'1bJ!.~' Uio Penasco, Liuco!o Co., N. M.

~1ILNE & B1JSH, -01'-



Pust OiBc;~ A(Mrcss: coln county, N. l\I.


Roswell, Lin·


·LIXCOLN COt'N"fi', • N. li.

:liiules branded ~_llmc liS !tones, RaueliiO mileS' southwest of 'Vh1te Oak•- In adtlibion to tl10 $1,000 re.ward offered by the Stoclt Assu'n I wiW pay ~000 ext~!' f?n the conviction <Jf n ny per~ou for sten!tfllt or kJllmg auy stock hclonllin!< to tlte un· derstgned, from ~ud.atler this date • .J.\!.1£8 A. A L-cocr;;:, C.a.mzozu R.a.liCJl, White Oaks, N ,.l\1. 9

POE d: GOODIN'S lJR.A.N ns ..





. ;;.•



Page 3: ,.OL .. 4. M.~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...f ' '~.: ' 1t ~ -..... ·~ . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation


•• /

r .. ,



·- .. ......,., -

Courting in Me¥ico. -IO!htll8~l"lptlon Unt~s.

f··ta~ C<~l'\', oat Y~>B r • • - • • - I 2.00 I - .. tirno;uths - -· .. - • ·• ~ l .. ~·s ·

10;. ~ •t.· 3 .• ., . - ... ~ ... - ~ . 'i5

f,o\"c·making in Chihuahua isn·t :111~ thing like the lovc•mal•iug of the II!H'th-!10 moruiight Walk!!, kisses in the dnt·k, nod l'lWiugin.r on the ft·o~t gate-but ill9teacl, now and then in the presence or the young ln.cly's ll!othel', ot· ntmt, und othct·;o, pm·lt:t.pR, with :m nctnsi'onal se:t·cmull.l. But the h\di<!a of Mexico a;·e z·omantil"., and ouce in n long while, ouc is enconntcrrtl who \Viii do the Rt>moo a:Hl Ju:ict balcony

:\'"1> .~ tb~eript.illllS taker. ••ulcsri Meum~nui'Jtl IJy loll u!i~!t. J.',.~tage prllp.'l.i•l by the l'ubli~her~.

~ .

Jlsato"r.Ait. Au,;~31 'per iuclt; por llnuth. l.iO!! \ r~ ... f!H"rt:s;s-.} tiue.; ti1r 5a cttd.- e4df in3orliou. b~, •. u. Nutt~~F:..:s~.:no each. . , N ,,.'t'Ia:!-! o:t-• l!"'-;"Jlt!-'~t-iUa~$l'J each.

X<~ticu of .l:•:>licatioa f•n· Patllllt to ~iacs, .:>S a ;;q'i:lre (r.cu [i,.c3J cttei:J. mine. : ~ !

:5:ii!'" Prorif llf p1r.bUealion in <m•1 case i u•i.U not be mc;.te until tl's nwnett tltcn~-

~net if ~nre not to btl detected. It's j ri~ky busines~, fo1• the ~>tilctto or t•cvol­Yt•r :lWtlits you if caught.

('!.11' is rcccice!l. •

~'r"h~t.e .J'•·hc-S. S. Tc;·rcll. I'r••'•"W Clerk-~. R. Corbot. · Siu::iJ'-J •. W. P11e.

fioh.Jol Comtni<~sioacra. Atuus Rtlke~·~. lo.r •. Ulrick •.

E. Kccuc. PltE.JI.C r .Nn. S-DIRRCYJ:V;ty.

j!lAtieu •t' the Per.ue-W. F. Ill~~oucharol.


.. \.t H:1Vil.lll\ thh·tccu clc:Ubs occurred fa·mu yelltnv fevc1·, dua·iug tho week cu,lcd ihturday.


A great deal of love-making is madu with the t·ye;:, as indeed, 1t is the witle wor!1l on:r ;]::n,] the !1lcx!cnn \Vomuu

TI-IE: lms fi!IC, exp1·cssion!lblo eyts, mul studies from childhood the art of ;.pmliihag with Lhl'ill. S•Jm~ of tho ~I ex i'o.:U!l cu~t.nus t'e!lpccl mg women will m i;.lc:ull.he Atnt>l'icau visit(lr. One

Ferdinsnd Ward, General Gr!!nt'a Unprincipled Partner. . -

A r.~w honr!l aftm· the !ltnpcnlliOII of that I know of i;; \"ll')' queer. Now the f!'l'~at !>farinc llnnk, or New Yorl.; fnsl dying (til, it \Vas in \'ogue the fil'IO of Ga·ant & \VaJ•d, or N<•. ~:I throughout tho Ciltirc H<'public fi\'e or \Vnll s>t1·cet. closed it11 tloo1·s antl ~ns- six: ye1u·~ ngta. l'll l'elate lhe expo· ll~ulied pa):m<'nt. Natioual· iufea·cst iu ricuce of uue A. W. GifiiH·d, of Sou tho J:ittcr fuilnre z·an to a hit:h pitch Antonio: when it became known tbnt Geuct·al "l hn.a been cugngt'll in selling n. Gmu t nu(l his entit·e fnmUy of thrl!e r:•nch for'' wealthy l\Iexican," l!aid hr, sou;; WN'c hopeb~slr involvr.d aml all "1UHl had 11\IIIHignt t.> engmtiatc my­their P•1!Ht!Ssions swept aw:~y tlll'<JLJgh self with hi:n. He im·itcd me to visit

f ~ .: . • •• ·:.,, \~~:~~~~--/:·:_r~*t:~~r~

''.! . :~-· ' ••

. I

-1Ull' TilE:--.

-THE_., Fi o heer Store., ' i

-~~.:::::::==~;... Keeps His Stock ==::=:==::___~ !

Up ·vvith The! Incteased Demand of the Country. '


-Vt.,-hi te Oal!i:s. ~

T A LilA FERRO $c ~~ . . ~~., ' . . .

Esta~e And Insurance Agents. f



LINCOLN COUNTY,. PROPERTY fN ALL PAitTS OF TliE CITY. ___j __________________________ __

-:And til(' Offidal :-

Houses to Rent, Collections ·r,vo pan;ocug1:r lt';lins collitled nt thn a·e~klt'ssness aml cupitlil}' of the I him nt his ~1omc, nn:: I accep~etl. At 8nvautmh, New Ym·k, Tucsrl:w l•illiug rnnJHt.gmg lliH'tnr••·, 'Vtoll'd. 'fhc fil'lit the end ol t!1c Nr.twual rallwar I dn·ce 1~1cn rmtl blltlly wounding livn ruruor'i st:lled that the linuilities of' founrln lrl\\'eling can·i:•gc, dmwu by otl.t.•ri. the lh·m \f'onlllt·cach nrlll'ly a million si:r.: hor,ccp, mttl r.cc·Jmp:uaiCil by unum·

Th<! oil fh•c nt l'hi!ac!elphi:& \V:U sti~l clo!hut', nnd this was comitlcz·e«l a IJer of wountcll ~>ct·ritor~, a wailing lnmiu~ ~~~t Stmdu.y night, but I he hc:r.vy fr.ilurc n·!Jen it wns Imown thn.t me. !uside Wl't·o rce('ptaclcs coat!liu­'l;lugi!a· \VIl.!t thought to be over. 'l'hc ·the capital ot' the fil'llt dill unt rcneh ing choiec wine~. i::c-:l. scarce cum­loss Is Ci!thnntell a\ lf,-10,000. O}"P.l' $;iUO,OOO. C:oustcm:uion reigned modi:r-tr.blcw:ue nml a vurieiJ of

Made And Taxes Paid · For Noq-.Residents. CATTLE ORGAN ... ,~ +· \~~u~antee Title to City fro~erty. -~·~~i~~

Jnlut DtlVis tm escapc•l convict, while snpt·cm~ when a casual iuvcstigr..Lion l'i:m:ls. Al'l'i\'ctl nt my host's bouse r<'>=isling !l!Tcst Satrml11y evening nt rcvenlc•l that tlw in•lclJtctluc-.s nf the he gi'Cl'Lctl mG most C•ll'liinlly, a~surcd Ne\V O•·lcci1!'l, was shot r.ntl killcll bv conct•rn approMhed the. cuormons sum me·ngain nnd ag~<iu of biii fricu.lshii,. Sp··cial Ofih;N' .l!'elilt ·vunr:id. • of H5,00vpoo! A pauh:ky fcc !lug tmtl C'JtJdnctetl to me :t ;~ch~lOl·room to

B h .1 , •. t n 1 brukc out 111 Wall sh-er·t. aitd the next sec hh duttgh!ct'!l. 'l'hcrc w<:re fin•, 1[ a Ol C( CX!·t~~lOil r. .,.., Jllqnft, fl ] ..., • • .

I • ~ '1 r . 1 ''I I llVC { :L\'S ll!lllnC18) Cl't\!!h tljlllll l'l'l\Sh lllllH'Ctty, the eltlctot lovuiJln. They O\Y:l ::satn rt ltY our men were -:11 ~· • • •

; 't : · 1• . ·' '· ., 1 • ren:!'heratc..J.<Iilts rum atnoug tlw !!tock l':l!tgcdiu nge f1·om 8 tol7rcnrs>. 'lhc)• one ... ~ta. \·,: aru a ntllnJJct• O& ot tcrs ,, .. f t~· t 1• • · . • . !•an. ::>.~rs o ue me t·npo IS. stood in a line, in ichool·girl fashion, mor\J or h~i!S: sct'l<lU~!y mJurcll. ., • , . · ' Anwl All tne \\'l'Cck!l I hat ,1f Ga·nnt !1.!! if llbout to 111n ke a. t•ccitatiou.

Ftvc thousaml two lmutlmll aml r. \V 1 t f • 1 · Blu~hcs suffn>c1i thcir conntennJt~c, .• . . · . 1 ~~ ll.rt s am 'l preemmeul y uotonom• '

. hn·nh··!'leV<•n nnnugrants nt·t·•v:e'l at t' t 11 . 1• 1 • 'TI fi l>ut the~· cm;t !\t me m:tn.v n co<1·nct•.isl1 " , . ~ or l S l'CVO 11! '' ( I~ IO!!Ci't\' • lC l'l!l J

Custlc G:u••ll'lt ::;ntnrtli~J". About U.rce- · 1 r6 G 1 (.; J rrlnnce. The father lookml nt them a • • IS compo~;c, o :-ut·rn •t·nnr, :nnea -tulll'ths t'f the :l.l'l'l\"&ls nrc lJoumlj D •~· 1 p ·1 t f tl 1 1 momm;t •n·otHU.'I" ,, anil lhl'll introduced • c 13 l, rr!Sll en 0 lC SUSi)CIH Ill L

\vc;;t. ..... • 0 n 1 u s G t J 1 tn(', aflct• whlt:h he :tsLountlctl mo lJy .u :~rm n:m '• • • l'!l.ll ' t r ., nuc. • c,~njamin J'aln;;::on. tho pal of Allrm .l<'rnlm:md '\'ard. 'Var<l was the e~- telling me I mt:;;t make a choice of

Ingalls in the brutal mtmlcr ot' the ecuti ve and ncth·e partner. ncit het· of one of his tlaughtC't'S for bcta·otlH<l to 'l'!trlor r:uni!y nt A,·onrlnlc, O},io, the fit·:•nt<> tnldng tm)• part in the con- lH't'. l thought he wns jokiug, and \VM Sattmlfl}" f>Juntl guilty of mur,fer duct of its affili~, tz·usting tho ~uth·e !nacl::> ~ome rcm:u·k iu plcnsautly, whm in t:hc- tir>lt rl<'grec. mangamcnt to tho man wli-i pr0 ,·ct1 he rcpc:~tcll his atntcmrul, aml lk•

Ucor;;c Andc1•son, a rarn•<'r 7a ycllr~' oltl H\·lug nc:.r- llowliu;: gre•·n, 1\:cu­ttwkr. wa« k illcd by hi.;; wife Snnc1nr

to be their Xemesi~. " ' mcn.ut.d himsdt' so gt·avcly the while

m"rn iug. She loc:Lt hi~ lwai:H out with a htlll v• en:: c. The womn.u is undu· :u·-• rest.

An e-xtcnd:HJ :u·ticle co:;l:l be wl'itteu thnt l was convinced he w:~s iu carue~t. ot' the a,otomuling tr:mcnct iou'J of I sc:ucelr lmow ho\v the s-.:cne tct·mi­W::nl. J!l lJI'icf, the m:umcl' in which nratctl, for I :wcame \Ct')' confused and he coulluc:le<l the iJusiue-s of GJ'tlollt & dhl a grcll.t tlcal of mmect•ssat·y taii>­\V' :ud wn;, to represent lu invcl!IOI'S ing, just 118 ll young man doc~, wheu th~t, th1·ough the pn·sun:t! inflUt·nce of p!lrtly iutoxicatcrl, he thinks of some:

8:Hn:-c1:\}' morning. in Barvic county (icnem! Gr~nl, the lirm Clllltrollctl ~·u· plnn f'<lr piensm·e that his better scu~c r:c~r 1\·~;u·kaun, Arkm.;;-:tl", a po11;;e t>:t· riou" gon~rnmcut coutmct~ w·hm·~:l;y hill~ him to fortJgo; bull think I iicd •'•lllllf .. re•l \Vt•nt Clayburn. It hnro:c thief 1 1 I l 1 t,) the !!entlcmnn loy tclliug l.:im I h::d t lc)· con ' ant wcm ma >i11g t'nurmous -who h~1l stoll'a ho1·~c~~ He r..th•mpt~ll pritit;o. ilea l"Y !onus Were tim~ S!"CIII'Ctl. ~ w ifc lllHL chihlrcu. t·• 1"!rMV' a \V'!'Ill'OII, Wll('IJ SC\'cral shot~ .l!'or· iu~l:mcc, a o:pccul•tt">r would. loan "The next tl:ly lHl infvrmcd me the Wt're firert i,;il)mg him ino;tantiy. the ihm iFlOO,OGO fot• six lliOn!hs npou butroth:ll "-'fis rm net •>f cou&·Ln:'ly to-

At C!ikago Aldcrmnn ~lidtncl a ccoutmct with them llmt $10,0'.}) \\"ns \V:n·tl nu ullm-faWI!I·etl gtwst, wns l'X·

G•ynor. who WI!.~ sltor uy R t~mgh . to be p!d•.l fut· the usc of the pa·incip:ll, tended to highly di;;tingui·du:~d pel'iiOil'> numctl .Tim D:H'er, in 11 snloon on ll1e at lhc cxpim!ion of that poriotl. \\T:u·d only M a rule, lllul siguilietlnothing uight or l1>\y 2.7, •lietl yeslert!:~r morn- \Vouid p:•r tlu~ illtcrest prnmptly out mortl than th:i:t the person so bon~' red iuJ!~ G'tynor bad ht'f'll R member of of the 111·iuciJ>nl, mul the specul!ttoi·, hlld I he fre<'d~nn of the house." 'fhc tlu' Cit~· Couacil for ~oar )"cr,rs. : h!·lie\·ing tbut he hn!l disco\'e&·ctla s:~fe gz·:mtiug of lhiij privilt"gc is iutlccd nu

At Norlh Amlovf'r, .M:t;;~nchn~ett~, uounnzn, in mo11t ca~cs \Vmrhl inca·cnse honor, fm· no t'UC but a ncar l"Cl:ttiYc

i.'bnothy J.i)w, went to the hoolle of hill lonn to the finn upon I he Sf1111(! to :L Mrxicnn woman may, una.ccom­•t'iulotlly Sullivnn 81~tnrday, nntl nt· tm·mR, nrul thus the 11wdwt opcr(uU cnu· jmuicd by a neat• relath·e, enter unr fackctlthe lttUer'8 two d;lnghtet·,., who tiuut"d until 1 he duy ot' rt!trihution (llll't of an ari~tocmt'!! t•csidcucc whcl'c were alone, killirag oue tUtti probably dawnc:d. Dc\'elup;m·nt" will l',wcr.ll the femn!c of the: hou,cllold rt:sort., f•1tally uljuring the othcl•. lie wa~ ar· wh11..t bec:une of tho millions thn.t gul· gnm the pnrlo!', lherefo1·c, is sac1·r.t1 rested. lible ~pcculnto1·s so c'Julid iugly t1lac~<1 Ct·om intt·usjon uttles~ one bo. accepted

At N'ew York 1Villiam Foster, agctl in tho hmitls or a l'fcklfl:>'> opr.rator. ou lhc iuthnato foJling accordetl one ~1 a llJcal politician, was fatally @bot Grr.et•at Grant nnd ~>un Me mo1·tifiod, betrothed, \Vho then bc:Jomos as a Suud'l.y night nonr, his home. John not. so much at the loss of tlwh· Rmall IH'•Jthet·.-C.[hicrtyo Times. Krn111::, !\ snloon-kenper, wa-~ shot in fortunes ao the conur·ction of thcil· ,... •. , .. '" ~~~~~~~~~~ the Jcg. E·lwarJ Kelly, who used the names \Vith the dii!rcputable acts ,,f J · -:YIS1T:--pi1toJ, e!ea[led. Fostel' interfered to 'he llUUl iu \Vhom they illncetl so inueh George Huber's

fi Co,fi(]"IICC I :Ul)~'ITO Cll'i:, N. ~1. stop 11. ght. " ~ • StorE

}(.A. Collie•·, a p1·omiDont Pittsbllrg Fel'ttinand Wnrll is in nppr-nmnce a man of nbm;t thilty-flve ycRrs of ngc.

attorney, clisappcnretl n \V!)Ck ago. Of G 1 l'J,'" h d 1 lin it!i the son of 11 llaptist ministm·, ~ne""~ jj j!'Jr" a,n 'll'le Sa.lllrtlay aftcmilOn tlle discovery was 1 r. G 1'-T ,.. b t v \to!.'"' •. iltv· II ol;;.i~ '

l ·1 ~ t~ QO • J • • RIH carne I Om enCl'leo, .._, • .1. ., ll Oil n1at c t 1n.t ..,,_,.J 10 tB po;;~es=non as • • d I! t' · . . . I c1••J1t ycnrs ll"O un •Ol' a nne was DRY GOODS. ass1guce of thB lJnnkr:JJlt 1ron turn of A ... 1 t ~ " 1' of tl N w y., 1 n G 1'.. Ul" , • • ~IS an .. e.~rc 1\rf IC e vr i C[(JARS,

eeR«", ro.u "" n OOll9 was Dl l!'U:I g· p d E l I' tl • 1 f • d" ro nee 'xc annge. •Y 1e llll o a

lie also left ttmneron8 pr1va.te ere 1• b tl \V d t bl. 1 1 .MISERS'



l'O 1er, rotmg o.r Wail es n IS 1e1 SUPPLIES. I SIIOES, BOOTS AND fOl'!!o . • lh b t. b • } •

111 e l'Oneragc liSliiCS;J ll.Jl{ OFICUSI·

:.James B. Neal," New Yot·k florist, bl:; made large sum~ or money, antl Grccories And was a,wakonod Saturday mornin~ by a \Vas reputed io 'Vall street to be a sa­burglar nttcmp~ing to enter his bed- gncious operatvl'. These rt!portcd room, nrrncd himaelf with a, revolver, clln.ractet·istic~ gained fo:- him his part· stepped into the bnll\vay and sllot ·the nm·ship with G<'ueral (;t·atlt upon tllc iu truder, probably fatally. 'fbc burg· t•~>commendntion cf Jaa. D. 'Fi;;h.

Family Supplies.

Jur g&ve hiii name · as Clarence 1\fdinrth:;. First Child Born at Cceur d'Alene. -. Bltr:i'lgton,. Iowa, M11Y 27.-:Tbe 'l'ho •'Kid's fnnd" was estnbli~hed by news of the d('ath or )ftos. Cunlctte, th9llioneers of Eagle City, 1\Ioutnnn, the wife of UobcrL J. Burtlcltt', the cdi· for the cildowment r.f the first nntlve tor of thcH a :vkeye, mul formc.rly J,lOSt· Crem· d' Alener. Tho furul had ju£1t master uf this cit}·, was received {aero reached the comfortable s:tm of $5,000 to•tlny. 1\lrs. llnrtlette died at. ~~·1.1- when it was nppr~printctl by nn entPr· more, Peon., whore she bas been ~~si- prising son of the soil, whose mother t:ng. · She """' IL f11ithfnl auc}. loymg ·had walked t~•irty·fi.,•e mites thrN1gh wire autl l1er ~os:~ is {1ectlly ·felt cve1·r· snow from three to ten feeL deep iu where. .Burdette alwnyiJ attributed ot•tlea• to give bb1h within ihe confines his success in liCe ti» his wife's cuct)tJr•. of F.aglc. The womnn wns Jiving agement nnd influence. with her husband-a. freigbt-hnn<l on

Two Arabian tramps were 'ltoppiug the N~1rtltern Pacific roiLd-in a. eabJu

J..~EGA t1 A])VER1'1SEMEN '18.


Land O!l1ee.. Lns Crucca, N.l\I., Apri129, 18S.1. N01iee is hereby gi-:on tlmt~lte.f•lllo":ing-uumed

~ettler bus lilcd notice of h1s tutcnt1on to make fiLI:tl proof in sn(>;>ort of' his claim. nud that said pro:1fwi'l bn .mailc b~fore the .l'robtLto Clcr~. of r.i'ocoln nt Lu1coln. New MexJco, on .June ,.It, 18t>t. vi~; .Justin U. Baird on •lcelatntor.v state· meat No. 11011, for the n!lrthwest qnnrtcr n()rt!l· cnst qna~tor, north lmlf northwest (Jll,'~rter, sec· tion \19 and 11orthea•t qllr.rter northe.~•· q!tarter, scctio~ 21, tO\'I'nship 9 ~outh, rnnge 10 ens~. Jlo names the following w1tnessc~s to. pro\'C Ins COt;a· tiu110ug rc~idencu U(l'JU, n.nd cu1thrntaou of, sat~ land, .vit: Eli B. Wlutakcr, !1· K. Allen, .John fJ• Root nnd A. Darnell, n ll ~f t,moolg oouuty 1 N • .M.

2:!·21l Jons R. Mer m. ltoJ,uster.


A PRIZE Sen<l six cents for Jl'IStngo, · and rer.eivc free, a costly b<Jlt

of goo<ld which will help you 1 to ll).Orli' money right away

than itnytbing else in tl!i.~ wo~ld. All, of eitlter •ex $Uooeed from lirst hour. The bron<l road to fort;ne OJ!Oils 1-eforo the \Yorlti>r3, ab•olatc.Jy s11re. At onee oodrcss Tan: .t CO., Auo:ustn., 1\latoe. 9

==. cs ····= ..

Of ~:10 I.incoln County


$2 .. -PER

It Will Iufol'm ~You Allo·lt

MiMES. And nmUNG,


TERRITJR'i I::J tli'.::'IIaur..

• ~· \'1-r, .. • . -. 1 .... L\.o .-


It will :;iTo :rou the new~. An•l1aur wife nnd babio~ :unmc.



iS CO?;I~LBT.E ·


lliLI. .. HEADS,


• CARDS, &c.

~· . "' • • fi'l d t . b b • t for pOo!llgtl, nnd \\"e Will m:ul YOIU'Ill':P! b,v tiJO roaclside ncar the vmaac of n~nr tho main line, Wllell she beard of GOLDfor t)JC worlting' el~~· SoJ.JillOcent!

Shreve-. C)bio last Suuda)' cvtomng. tho premmm o ere or a IC!I up a a royal. vahmble box of snm11le

0 . 1 ~,. •3{)•" 'atld tlio other stabbed Entrlc* nml dctermioo«l ltl. scetn•e'it. gooddtlu~t w~lp!t1tyoat.1iatl'.?wnyo: Call on or Address :

DC 1a~, "' Jo . . "' d d I! l h l making moro; money lil :> •OlY cays 11\!l Jo~ eve d , t II \VOUui'cd him took .thft Wht>n tlte husbn.n an .at terrene Ct thoa~:bt po..atblo,n.tnny busrnc$~. C~tpttal ts not an .a A r . ' ' I t d w·u .~ooo re(Juired \Vewdl start you. LO!l CD.!lWOrkull

mone• and fl •d The womuled mnu tbe camp 10 was lllCSCD C! l I ~· the time "or iu ~pn:re time only. The work is nni-'J' '· • II • dt · 1 D"""et.• with wllich he I venallY n•lapt.cd to both acxes, young 11nd oJil. cr&\VIetl to a farm heusc. e WAS on• ID us RJ!t. ...,., • · y011 con en~ily ea.rn from 50 cents to ~5 every

··} c . . 1'- E . ,. b· but be iudic:itcd went pr.qspeet!u~. aud, it illllitl, fltntck tl\'enin:;. That all w,ho 'van~ work lOllY test th!~ . au e 0 tn .... ~ng l'll , • • . • . ~ 'll r· b t ba•inoss. we malte tb~~ uopnrn1!clcll IJifer; toll · bv g tu-s··tbe ilh·cction bls a"'sallant

1. Jtrrch. Romance stJ · mgers a l.ltl

1. who ore not wcll~nt.J~!lcd \Ve lnll•en•l S\ to1pn!

"" Clli ~,. 1 • 1 B t IT ·t •s "Luck of r.,r tl1e trouble of wr1ti11rr u~. Full J>llrhcu liN, takcll Put·suit Will' m::ul,., tbc .the Uilll~ll,RUC . 1'(' •. nr e .. •lircclion~.eW.,!Ontfree. :FortttMBWillbcmacle . • . . . ; . ·r. d b • 11 1~ ' .· r c 1111' •• is wei lit i«h p:nalleied by those who;:ivc tltll!r whole, time t'l the work. JAIIJflilCJ~r Cllt)tnrcd, ulenfl ae J · 1': "0111 JJI~ 1 &! · . . ,. ':' , llrqat.5moen~~ at.;oint~-ly s;\l'c, ,11un't dclu:r •• ~tu';'-

. · · tbe lllOIIC)' found. · itJ ti.I~S·story of E:t~le C11; .-E;r.. P?''~'• ~·irtsl;tts;!o!l ~ Ct).1 .o.'ortta~<l1 Mru'lc, ·!

' ·' '· ' ,<

'· :'· ' 1'

"j[ .,


\VU~TF. f!AK8r · .. -., .. .,~ .... '"' .. '

.. •'

_;<:;; ~.;;

. . ~ ··.L



S..t-\.N .4-t\.N D RES, <)SCUBAS,





E A~ ':r ':EJ :fa ~~ N D T ..... 0 N :::eJ •

j'~'l'O ~s IS A r:o.;.ISio; RANCII. ncar lhe Tex•t;; line. Goml 1·ange m~ • " rlcnly of W:tthJ· for twelve to "fifteen hundi'Cll hcatl.

~-'o l!lj7 IS A SHEEP RANCII, in Gnndn.lupn mountains. W~Jll improvetl J.."i .W ample mngc :t!Hl Wutcr for 10,000 ht'ad of sheep.

No 32 J:fc 33

GOOfl flA:NGE; won protect~,); plenly of wntrT; cn.Lin and COl'l'lll. This; phtce will be solu Vel'y che:tp if taken soon.

IS DT 'L'll'E PENASCO COUNTRY; fiue range; p!mh• of water ; he we:!! log house. Price $800.00. -

't~11 ~ :3.1...,. COXSfSTS .9P TWO RA~CITE~. fi¥e m ilcs apnrt; c!tbh1 ott oil '-' Q> each rand~. t ue upper l'<tuch has tln·cc sprin:rs; the lower ouo ouo Sin·ing. lJlcuty of wa.tc1· fur a large stock or c;tttlc. Price $l,G00.0[).

"V'Vl""l.i te O~l~Oo;, i


. Ent!t•c •r:-:1ln~ l'Ull t!a·ou,sll \l"lthout cha11ge.

i -TH!:-

C)l,V:i:.aY 7-sli:N:m ru:! nhus1.'hr·cni;;1J Sh!cp~rs from

Itans:;3 ;:ity1 'l'o::;u>ki!, J.tchlsorl au~ St. Jos~ph to CHICJ_.;.t;o_, n;~ll .

rai;'!e8 llooUning Cha:h{Cars on all Trr.;h~.s~ Dny- mad ~ig1tt, ·

Tlli'Ot:g!l to Chic~~~o with4.ut chango.



Of General l£erchadisa, C.ROCERIES, DRY GOODS,

CI,OTIIING, CAltPE rs, noo:r.3, s1ro E5,



FARM Will tnka ::rn.in, lli<lel', pdts. wool auu ~ 11 kinds

of mlll'kct:thle n~o~luco ia excha.ur;o for gooc.L!, at th<l COUltT lliJUdH. LI:so~L"N, • • N. 1\f.



~ogal s·to:re.,.

WAYNE &. BLACK, Propriefors,

(Succc.ssorr: to Joshu:t T. War~.)

Groceries and Provisions.

famous C. B. & o. Cars, Liquors and Cigars.

AU Trains Run D!lily •. lay-over.

" --This L~ tl10 }>Opuinr linu

' _. . -·>:-- · ..

.. • N. 1\I •

T.he :fiunnat G~E is ~ sued March and Scpt.1 each

21!3 pages, S!xll;}­t in•~hcs, wlth ovct: 8,309 illu5tr'J.tion:r-a whol<l pie­ture-g:tllmy. GiYc.ndiOla-­

s:deprices dir-1dtu C!lntualda on all goods "for pmsonal or·fl!niD.Y.t!Sc. TdllltoW' to order; and gi;~ C.'tact co!'t of e\"N·y~ tliin• TOll In•e, e;>t, <lsi,nl~, •rem". or }ut¥0' iuil ~fitit. Tlicre im·:.~hl:aJ:;:~ Lt!Ql>:l e~w tain infol'rontion. gl$nml'1 :ft·onl tho luat­keis of tli~ M.1:I.l. We w~ll m~ii:.t ool~

· Free to any dili;ess npon re=pt of t..t-a p~e;--'feel!ti. -~et us het\1' :fio.l.l1.y!)U.

•. . . . ; .... ~ecuuUy1 · , ·.





Page 4: ,.OL .. 4. M.~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...f ' '~.: ' 1t ~ -..... ·~ . ,! •· s Ne\V Mexico as a State; The Development of ds BesoUl'ces, and the Elevation

-- .~ ..

.M ISOELLA N EOUS. NEW ADVER1'ISEM·ENT."l. . E' ra· . . I ktmW of nn ex member Qf thu Wi•mon-. ·. • sin legislature, uo\V a. doo•·kt>eper ond

;:::;:::::::=:;::s:::::::::=======· =·== tnc'IIStugt'r of one of tho Senate com­T•llillet:'r~ Ed1tor and Manacer. mittees; another, also a cloo\'kccre•·,

;;.,;:(Y'"Jfi~rea who not.lon~e ago wnsa bnnk president :r~ &. Jl, S. Taliaferro, Publishers. .

Nouce to Debtors. Goodall & Oza.nne, -lilnccesaora to C. M. ""illiams.]

:.=:;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==========·:::- in Virgiuil\ allll occupied some reRpou-; ; · · WRITE OAI\:S P081: OFi'IC.It: GUIDE. siblc posoftioue in hi'J state ; sLill

Gordon Droll., Seven ltiven, N. 111., de~ ire to &ettle nil out~tuudi.tll a.-eo.u.tts immedi;at.,ly, as they aue cl•loiiiK oa~. Debtor~ awl creditor• aro reo111e~ted tu re11•ler bill! au•! :;ettlc i!ldeb;colueu I wiohottt delaty a.d t>reVcllt tne lleees.ttY of "cu.ll \Ubolasala f~om 3 collector. 21·:!111 n And Retail Druggists,

anotber who is the son of rm ex:-Uuite(l ~--

&,\!l'l'£8!1 JutL.. Stntes Seontor, ntld as such \'cry likely DON C~RlOS! 310 Railroad Ave:. Near Depot,

A ~i\·es.dail!. "' • · ~0:0 o'el!'.~t, a.ro., imbibed tl1e taste for holcliua public 'DcJllott.l• , • 2.00 p. m. . • . . . . "' .

, . . I'ORTtn'.t.X'IoJJ w.m.. 1 offict', wluch be no\V gl'alifies by fill· A HORSE AS NEAR PERFECTON,



LA~ VF.GAS, N. lf. -o--

Ar iY~,dalb' • • • 2:00o'~=loek, P· m incr a positiou of a tlooa·keeper ; and I Uoparbl ... • - • 6•30 •• a m ' "'

· . ' .t.K'IOJJClltcox .. u • .' · i.could ro on citing an intlcfinit~ num· Lean Aatoa Cbieo Tue~day's and Fridar'll ,a. m be1• of cast:' to !:ll})port my l'l'OPO~ition 'LeanWbiteOIIkdlonday'araudThuradar'aGa.m if space Jlermillcd me to do Sll.

'Allmail•e101e31J Dlilll!-teS beforlldep&rtnre. I It will tloubllcs;, be iutercstin g·to a.

Or.Jers by Mail reneh·e prompt aad eare£-tl at­tention. LMY prieea cuara~&tnol. :ro-ar pGtr~ uao:e ~olicited.

Tbt~ Pcrvieesofthe ,a,dJieatu•l barue~s STAJ.LIO:f, ----------------­DoN CARLOS, are olfer.:,l to l\ limite•luumber of · l\hKM tbi; ~eii!On. at any ''ltoek\Yall" ha·uch, 18 miles ~outhwe!t of WhiLe Oak•, uuol 7 mileo~ ~oath ·ttucutored. I etten auol packllces abould be pre~: . d l

1~.dedou,e bo!lr befote departure of mail. llnrgc numbe~ of y~ur l'C3 el'S to earn <Jllieeopea Oil Suaolar• rroua 7:00 to 111:00 a. m that the tleOSltllt lull llil t•cporlt>d yes-

ol' Carri&o'o ltaueh. OUR CLUB LIST. -:o:-aa ll:OOw ':t.'Op. •· tr l'clny from the ~en ate pension com·

M. II. lJU.t.OKT, P, M. ruittcl', Jll'OVitles fot• the rea11propl'it\• tion of the m•~xpctulecl balance of the

OUR AGENTS. ap(•ropriations for i:lyalid pcni!ionc; for -- d"1• autbon··cd the curreoi. ycnr (m;timaled at ~66,000,-

DoN CARLOS w. igl1s 1,000 JlOUDds, ia 15 hand• high, eowp:<ctly b.1i1t, ;t bloml bay with block. bcavy"matue a11cl ta\il, S~\·e,, years o1ol, very J<iu<l au,cl q.tiet,Jet "spil'itc,J mo••er. 1le goe,; ALl. TltR IJA11S un•lcr the ~ad\lle, mo\"'ill': very grncef,allr Anrl ea;ily. In harne3ol he wm·ks ~iuglc or d•mble, pulliug like an &x when nece!;ary, or trotLbg a mile iu four mi11ute~ to a bU!iiY when required. Ht: IS A l'llRl'RGT UUR>II. .

Terms : $10 for the sca~on, ensb ia alvance.

Belmv w~ ch·c 11 pllrU:tl liot or p:.pors tb&t we elOJb with. 'fo nil new subscribers, auJ. to tbOJe of our oH •nbooribers \Yb<l are not in arr~ar~. we will gi\"'o the :\tlvam;e of this libera.i '>!for, a.ad will promiae to do our utmo~t to make 'fmi Eu

The fotllnwj.q: po"ons are • # •

ace..s..for'l'uaoioLDI!:ll .l:la.t.: R 1 000) and fo1• lhe nppa·o)lriadon of an AJlply to E ·sLit! I \" J. • • ..-1 , 1 !lite Oak~. P. 0. a rclinblo aud nows)' paper. Their sub. S.ab. Price

with lioLDE" Ea.\ A U Roans - os•tn:r.L. . 1' • ol!20 000 000 I SJiiTB Lll.s., ' - LttlvOJ.!<. ad( IltOUlll 'I' , , fOI' t 1e llllftnl'lll

J. w. Pu~r, B_;~~~T~~~~~: !I of peosion"; $~.000.000 f.>r fcc of exam· J. C. I)JIL.\ST, CBt..,._fiB Mncun, • 11?1"~"· iniua SUJ'UCOIIS; $336,200 fOl' tbe }lll.,. )hi'S lt.t.GGtK Taoii~O!I', - ·- RI!D \JLoli D. I "' e · •

·Peter Mackel .. ! Mauu!acturer aud Do:~ler in

· &.i~ !Nt~u:.uro auth"?rised. to r<~~~eiYe lllDncy on . 111111 all owau ;:es of pens ion a gents, and lllbiliDPHDilS aad reeet»t for·sawe. I $10,000 for the contingent expenses, of BOOTS & SHOES, · _... ~ <lattb. Post Ollieeat White Oak• penaiou ngt~IH·ics. :fhe Cl'lllmiltce hns

._ o~~eoo.l cr'-MaJer. stricken from the bill all tbt: legislation

1'bc Bcnue.tt~llackcy Atlantic calale tand~tl the shore flld or tb.i3 sido at Jlockporf Mass., 011 tho 2211.1.


nttachcd to it b}· the bou~e. Ueceut e\·cnt;; ecem to ba\'e demnn·

slrated that conside1·iug its size, tlw1-e iii mot·e ~;:peeulation going ou Lere !it the

. uatioua! capit:a 1, thnu in nuy· other city Tbe laws of New lfcxico, e"laeted in the Puited States. Tl1is i;;e<~tleci:llly

by the: XXVII b. lt'gislature, an ll a•·· trne of speculnliflu in a s~nll way. ranged by Cbas W •. GreenP, Editm·, is Among tb~ thuusauds of .govcl'llmcut 011 ourtab1e iu the shape of a pamphlet employe~. l't.'ceiv.iugon au a\'cragef•·om of 53 t . .i 61} P'' ges. :f900 to $2,000 a ~·fin, there are vcrr few.

At'ter the r:nndidatcs sri! nomimtted for Pre.<titient, rbe man wlro kucw -vho \\'ould get the 1ao.niuation, and th;lt. So k ·sq would not bav~a ghostofaslaow, wilf (Je.Jarotmll asn~ual~

I venttwe to sa)·, who ba,·e not at one time m· ao~ther, taken a "Jlyer'' Ol' stocl>~' or tlabble'l in \Vhellt. 'fbc oppol'ttiui· tics fo1· duinte so are many. 'fhe temp· tnt ion to increase their liitle income by some lucky hit is not ~always witbstoo1l

The L'l.kc Vallc·y N.euJ E'm l1na nutl tho victi•ns wbo.at·e ••bitten" nt an duuigedhnnd!l, Bert E. Nye& Co. nCJ\V earl)' liltnge of the game, do not alway;: nmnirag it. ll ii full of local news and 1 benefit by the lesson taught them. The baq many new adYertisements. 'Ve spia·it of gambling cx:t~rud;;; to the arm}· wish yuu &ucce.o;s, gl'otlemcn. .aml navy, nod cveu some of the foa·eign

A goo<l msnr small bet~ wea'o) made llonday on who wouhl bP. the Ut•pnb· lic.u• cnndi1late fm· l'resitlent. It's a good deal like betting on a hm"Jn •·ae~, the best man does11"t alwaJS win.

lliplomn.tc, !lUnches: pa·incipally, wbo~e wn.y c..f eking out a liviug i11 ns mm·b a 11roblem to them pN·haps ns to otlJCl'!l, have cnught the fm·e•· and n1·e seer1 at times ttt make tllt:h• wny i11 o "bucbt shq1s'' and kindred in~titu·

llnl'ry M.d .. ean 111111 Jo~n Ilognn, tions. 'fbe latte1•, in certain qnat·tcr~, l1oth t••·intCl'S of E! P11so, h:td som•1 I :u·e plentiful; some of them nJ·e hi~hly frottblc io tlte Yat.ioual Theatre of· l'C'S}lecta. ble looking concern;:. You that place. Fl'id:Jy night, whm llogau wouldn't sullpcct them of tl.,in:.r rmr· l!!abbcd ~lcL~>ntl. McLt:nn cUed f1·om thing but a legitimate banking busi· the ,.ff\:lcts of tho wc.,uud Sunday. ness. Others cat'JY on theh· tmdc-1 llogau. had a prclcmiuary ex:amina· might aJ~o l!a)• profeB!!ion-\Vithout lion aucl was dischat·ged. the least attempt to conceal it. 't'lam·

ing signs nnn~mui!C to the fJil!ISr:r·by that So & So Ill'~ l'Cildl' to tal,e m·tlcrs for stocks on a margin of 1 per ceat. In whulows ron will Sl•c sca·cru; which inform the public that private wit·cs ll·il'ord special facllit if•s for the ll'tlUS<lC·

lion of busiuess. No wontlf!J·, then, that with such temptation~ th1·own into their \VII)', women and clt•t·gnroen

1'he Atchison; Topeka & ~uma. Fe 1

£'Vcn, wan.· into n.e3ll(!S out of \~hich roatli•l'OIIOscs to make a goolll·eput:~.· they cannot hope to fiucl their way tion in the transportation of stock to without hefng ruined in rcpntatio·•, 01~ market. 'l'he stocck trains which l1ave bringit.g (Usgt•ace upon thcmscl \'es passed through irec-.mtly llavc made and others. Some Vf'I'Y eul·iou~ skclc· nhoost a.<; fast time as the pa!l!'cngu· ton1 mig bt be l!a·onght tt'l light it yon ta·a.ius. No (lelu:ysare all<•wed to occur coultl bllllll'el' '!.•to ~he r.lo!lt'ts of somr

. . of the people hagh m the employ of only to waterand f"erd.-MestllaNetvs.

11he gove111 ment. Hil\V manv of them, [ wontler, mannge hl keep up the st.,·lc

~"I'Ctl Grant, the General's cbce1~ful of li\'ing the~· do on the 11alal'f they '•·e· son, is not di!!posed to be over Uumkful ceivt', ns they were not •'ich wilPn tlwy for the generosity of coll"'fe"s towards en!e•·etl offico. 'fheh· wives ~ill not

• b • ., bnng th.-m ·band~<ome dt'lwnes. •ro Ius father, ut aays that 1f the gov1·rn· lllliiJlect thch· inte(}'•·ity wnnl d ],e flo· o

. l . ~

Wll I1'E U~U{S, N. M.

Boois aml Sltoes ~lf ale to Otdt:1' ancl a ./!'it Gum·anteecl.

11fir Depah·bi!J Jlromz;tly Dolle. ~ I ba .. e the l:ar~est :an<l best stock of fl':J.d1111Rde

Boot~. ISboe~ llml81ipl'"r~ b the dty, attheiOIYO~t prices; abo a fnll liue of ~l•uer&' lln~::t aud Shoes

W. A. Fairfield's ASSAY OFFICE,


I•rlces t'or Labo~·atoa•y "'\VorlE:.

-o-Ai!S.tY or M!!r.tLs.

Got.l an<l ~il ~er Bullion Silyer B:tllinn Sil\"er Chl~l'ialllion •

A~SA Y OP 0KI'.S, Gold Sl 5') C••PP~r - -Sil.,er 1 M Cnpll<lr an;! Silver tlnJ.l an•l Sih•er 2 00 Lettl - . Platinum · 5 OJ J,e:vl anti Silver ~\rltimoo:r 5 UO Lime '1'in • • 5 Otl l\fn:mesia Ziu~ 5 00 (~ob:t!t Bimmth 5 IJO N iekcl Iron 1 fi'l :i!ili~a -Mercury - 5 CO Silica au;llron -Golol, Silver :all'll,ead

$1 50 3 00 1M !l 00 5ml 5 uo 500 5 00 300 -t on 35ft

Ten per cent. •lheount made ouall bil15 amount· iug to Sl5, at the abo\'l" nn.mo<lr>riees, in any one month, twentJ per cent. on bills of i~5, in n.~ one month, awl twel!ty-five per ceut. ou bills of $50, ln auy oac month.

Partlci! ba\'iug work dotJC in my office, will c.,nfer a fl\vor upon me b1 re.<erviur& &Jn.rt of the rt:r.\'~II!Zt:D s&mple, nud if it <loei not ngree, 1vithin n. fraction wi~h n.uy reli,.I.Jlo 1\S>oyer's work iu tho United 5t:.tcs, thll lllOll<tY \'fill be ref .1n\leol •.



Tw3ive Quart Tickets For SI.OO. ---'l---

Fre;h Milk Deli\""el'Cl at You~ Dnors Dl'cry llo;ui,111.-1'erm1 Ca..•h.

John Forsythe, ' ' ' l \VIllTE OAJiS, ; •

' i • ' •

• N. )f.

J. l'. llr . .~oc~t.

BLACl[! Bao.'s . Sta:r Saloon.

I ' O;>posite thO Post Offic~.

\VUITE 0A.KS, ' .. ' ·--ro-



!'rice. $~ 00 Amodcan Reo;ister ~ Ot; .Arknn~t•< Tra\"'elcr :l 00 Autnnr'8 Home i\fn:.;., Pbila. 4 00 .-\th•ntic !\Iontbly 1 00 Blade, 'l'olcclo, 2 o:) nt)(HUeruug, Ln.Tamic, Wyn .. 1 5·J Courier·.Jourual, Lollis~illc :1 00 Christioa Union 2, 00 Chr{)ni!"le, 8:Lu .Frn'ncit'-"'O 1 50 Dr~,·er~s .TouruQ,\, llhi~ago 1 15· BLlqairer, fJiueia~un.ti 2 50 Frank J.e~1ic'> l'op·~l:J,r ~loathly 2 51l •• " Sau,Jay l\laglll-ue 1 uo Free Pre>s, DctNit 1 25 Ha•ctte, Ciueiunati 1 'kl Olobe lJcmocrat, St. J,oui~ 2 00 (lo,lcy's J.:uly'llllaok

• 4 00 Harper'd llazn.r

1 25 1 00 1 53 1 50 200 2 00 200 1 Oll 2 5f) 300

•· Weekly Iatcr-Oce'!.u• llhi~a~o Juarual, Kau,asllitt .Jonruul, Hahreston, 'fe~n.~ Live StoP.k [n<lic:~wr. Kauo:\5 City ~liuidg Itcvii}W', Chieago New~. D<~ubary Peck's San Jle,.ubliean. St. Loah Te-.sJ\5 Siftiuga Texas Li\'o .Sto~k Jo,.rua.l


~:1 00 3 65 s-ill 5 3il 2 95 =~ u5 3 2~ 4 50 325 =~ :l2 :~ 'r~ ·1 tQ 4 lO 2 95 :1 00 ~ 95 :l 5:t

Ad·lre!o :-GOI.DF.!il Eu, Whi:e Oak•, N. ~f.


PURE WHISKY. Tlae ll.lb~e;·ibor ba! ens;l\ge<l itl tl>e retail whi.;l;y

ba;i11cs•.aa<l. will cu<le:tvor to ~ell tho p•1rc o.rtiele

!>S ~hipp~ul b!rn hy the

Eagle Distilling Co.,

Of Owensb~ro, Ky., than "bicl• there i~ none

b~tter mn.tc or Jrault. All who haY"e partaken of

T. J. ato.&O_ECh .. s _hnn.d-.IJlmle 50'-lr tnash w1tis1iy,

neerl no e:rlorsement to try it a~:niu, an•l I sell

none otl>Pr.

Snmp]e roomon Whita Oak; Avc~·1e, jushvest

of the Pust Office. All aro comli>LIIy iu.-ite•l to

<h''lP in. Keep_i a full line of Ci\taNI, anrl the no.hral

l~af smoldn~t llu•l ehc<riu:: tobl\ecn.




A:S D CLUB R0011S,

Corn or Placer 3trqet and \l'hi:e Oa:~s A ve.a:te.

A!l Kinds of Drinks in Saason.




b• ld 'II' ' II ~ m.,. DOUR30Sj \VIUSlUES, -o-

... ,,· ... ·. ·· .. ·.· .. : . ·? -~~·":~~~0· . •. . -,

. ·-/

- i•:





-------DEAtER IN GE~ERAL----

' '

·~erohandise. 1 .. . .




' FA~CY N-onoxs,



~hite Oaks, ..

The Eoss Store! -----






' l '

Fine [igats an~ Tobaccos. ;

Cor. Pine St~ and White Oaks Ave. ' '




mcnt gave am a co m1 100 1t wou • I th~"tn a eross injust.it·e. But to spcculntc not be more than be clcserve;:. Per· It little bit. ct. ! 'ft•ntle mn~hP. upon a batl!J not; that is a mere matter of I :''Jl~u·ior .know:r;,r_ge of afrt_il'S which opiuion. But if Uae day ever comei. he•~· offiCJal position mny f!J\'C tb!!m·


EVERYTHING ff~AT AND CLEAN. Saloon Refitted in first-Class Style. · lit iii after nJl, ;:~o verr wrong;? Is 1t nt when tbe goyermnent Itrcseuts tbe gr•u- rtny rate cousitlct·e<l so bv man\· of eni.l witb a cold miiliou, it will b~ tic1l 1 tllem. ·A uousT. up in.a way to Jlrevcut C1•louel Fa'ell . . . -f"a•om uet.titw bi> talr:ote;.l clutch ou it. DassolutJon Notu:e.

"'! " • " • •

'1'hc y~ung mrut can bet bis ·due bias ou lhat.-Kansas ·City Times.

Latest From Chicago. -1.'be: fol19wlug is stnck up on \V. H.

lVecd's store. · Pat M.cG1·n,w is well~ known amluo 011e qoe•tians hi~ iuteg· rity. As for ll•·· lVeed, lie came among ~~~ a stranger in a. strange land a11d l•.as. ga!ued fol' bimsclf a oam11 that canuol be questioned f<-r truthful· ucn. Hf!re it is.: 1·~1mer House, Chicago~ June 3, "8!.

lV. II. Weed.: Latest. 7 p. m.

Arthur's nomi.aatiott coofirmell.

· Seven Rivers, N. M., llay 12, l8S·l Tl•c co•pllrtner.hip he•etofore existiu~t uu<ter

tho firm nan1~ and st.yle of Rbeinboldt &. Hnerlin. io tbi~ <lay di>~olvetl by mntunl eon~ent. }'rauk ll.beinboldt will collect nil nt!eauntd .Jae the fil'm, nad .• ettle it~ in•lehtedaesg, •

nr.a•uN lh~~;ar.t!il, FRAtllt RIIKINDUI.DT.

EverfbollY in t.be city eelebt'llting.' ~~~*::f!i~Jf~~~~~ Couldn't 1ay sQruetbiog uow? . ~·

· PAr McGRAW. Tbe Irish bave taken Dublin.

Out Wasb1Dgton Lettft'. -'· R.e"ular Co~poadent otthe Era.

- ·. WAitltNGmN, ~- c., lfay 23, 1884.-0ur city is uniql1l"~ perhaps iar· prescait· ia•.c anmplea .,, nten broken dowa1 iu spir-it and fcrtnnctt, w bose uaJooJurolla· .. .

ble desif8 to feed allhe public rnlll(e1.1t}Jem.,,,_:iuiug to act.e(Jt amy ·po11i

bo:w«nrer· lo'!IVI'y. rather than be . em ploy fur . ~;l!roL tb111.t 'het 4re' uuable to J!e·

IJ7eio1 ~~c-yiau!u,t· el!111Whe~j on t t•rlr .·pu1te~Jjerie.awe ebw;d

· SherifF Lincolo eo~uat1r. . GIIO. T. DULL, Ja,, Attor~<ey,



•• · .. ',,>.'

! ' I

G.' V .t\.TOLO, DEA.~E!t. IY

BOO~~ .. ~ ~~~ES. -r-

F:oots an1Z Slwes ¥ ade io Urde1· and a · J!'il G1C,amnteed. •


He Does Mendi~g for ~Y@!Jb~~y.

Miller's Place, GEO. W. MILLER, Proprietor.

Handle:s t1to Ioa!liug Kcntucl•v bl·antl», ~<nch as the Oltl)Timcs, the Olcl T:•ylO&', the Andt>J'!lou County, the Ohl Crow, the 'Mildale anrl the Cher•·r CretJk (the lntte•· a ehonper whi;;key). Alstl Rock and Rye, Peach and II.:mcy, Peach Bl'llndy and Rye Wbisby, an· dil'OCt fl'Orit the distil'cl'Y•

Feet ··$4 . THE "B A voR.~TE nEsQRT

' · FOR EVERYBODY.--:n: -


N. }[.:

cccccccc c c


1111 lfK .M~ .MU: I ISS$8 8SSSII I 00000 : llN' !111 lUI lOt: 111( . :X JJ 8 JJ.' S 1 0 ·· .0 Y li •


. .

c· c

oooo 0 0 o·o ll lK lUI :M: Mll Jol· I 8 S •.· ·, { 0 0. · N ll" lf

c c·

::fMl: :El :ea' 0 :e: ~ ~ ':J:' .s N -:----'--...;..;.;;...;;... . . . . . . N

c • ,c cccccccc·

0 0 ll :H.ll( H lll HM M: I. 8 · S I 0 () :lf o · o.:ll ai:K 11~ ')[ Hl! ll~-I .s. s s . s 1. o o l{

0000 ll )[ )[ .ll )[ ll I iSSIII 8188$. I OOOQQ. · .Jf

-:MANl!tACTURER'S AGENT FOR-- : . ~ . . . . .

lf Jr . .lf :N

lf. ]!(

XJI ... The .cel.ebrated· St~+d.~baker and ·Schutter. Wagons, ·

. BuJgies, ·. Bu~kb~a~ds and • every.~hitig on~ wheels. . - • . . - t· . . . - ·- - . .-_ . .

; T.bo most c,o~pl.~tt! ~~tl we\I•S:S~l·t~~)Vholesnle S~ek ·i~. ~h.e. Tel'ritorr;, () . . Grocc~mC• J?rr~~~~~js·~~nuisbng-.Go~ds,.·:~rotious~llnt,~ Oaps. · · · · ..

· J_,a.rpet;, Clof;bmg, Boots k Shoe.s, !I'ente., ~tnd .. : . ·.·.. . . ..· .. · M1~~~'3 ... :QnMlts &·;tr~ • · . : ; ·~····~:·

.SJI*clalan•ntio.ll· ~ajdto .. 1ue ·~~Jt.)j~,;W .. ~alll' .• ~JiK BJU!!~1i'· . . ·~

~! . ---~ .. . ' .... -~ '-

, .. ~: ... •. .. . '

.... ,~ . -;·:~ .. -'.; ~: .~, · .. ~ ... "<-~::i:!.(.,,; .. ~,. },]:··~::.:..__~,.:;_ ... -.• ~~ .~·~ .~:~~~;i ' .. ·


. ·"'

.~· '.