Prairie Pioneer © 2019, Thursday, August 22, 2019, Page 17 Official Proceedings Board of County Commissioners Campbell County, South Dakota August 6, 2019 The board of County Com- missioners met at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioner’s room at the county courthouse with Commissioners Scott Rau, James Loesch, and Lynn Deibert present. States Attor- ney Mark Kroontje and Vickey Deibert, Prairie Pioneer were also present. CAMPBELL COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Chairman Rau called the meeting to order. There was no old business or new busi- ness to conduct. Commissioner Loesch moved to adjourn as a Camp- bell County Planning and Zoning Board. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 3 Nay 0 Absent 2 Motion carried. CAMPBELL COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT Chairman Rau called the meeting to order. There was no old business and no new business to conduct. Commissioner Deibert moved to adjourn as a Board of Adjustment. Commis- sioner Loesch seconded. Aye 3 Nay 0 Absent 2 Motion carried. Commissioners Bry- an Fjeldheim and Robert Shadwell arrived at 9:15 a.m. CAMPBELL COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Rau called the meeting to order. Commissioner Deibert moved, Loesch seconded, to approve the agenda for the meeting. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion Carried. Commissioner Shadwell moved, Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded, to ap- prove the July 2nd and July 9 meeting minutes. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Layne Perman, Emergency Management Coordinator, informed the board the pre- disaster mitigation plan is waiting on approval from the federal government. The Local Emergency Operation Plan is available for review. The LEMPG which was the former SLA program is up for renewal. The board will need to determine if the county should remain in the program. The county can apply for a grant to study the water flow of Spring Creek, Hiddenwood Creek and Salt Lake. NECOG would write the grant. The county would have to deter- mine which areas to study. SHERIFF Sheriff Lacey Perman distributed the report for the month of July. Perman also stated the 2003 Dodge Durango can be declared surplus. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE No one appeared before the commission for the 9:30 a.m. alcohol beverage license hearing, Commis- sioner Fjeldheim moved, Commissioner Shadwell seconded, to approve the following application. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. Special temporary retail malt beverage license August 24-August 25, 2019, to the Campbell County Rodeo Club on premises described as Lot 2 Herreid Develop- ment Commercial Addition a subdivision of the east 600ft of the NE1/4NE1/4 Section 6 T127N R76W. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Shadwell moved to enter into execu- tive session at 9:40 a.m. for legal matters. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. Board came out of execu- tive session at 10:00 a.m. No action taken. TREASURER Treasurer Renee Rieker, met with the commission regarding replacing the com- puters in the treasurer’s of- fice. The state is changing the Motor Vehicle program and Microsoft will not be supporting Windows 7 after January 2020. Rieker pre- sented a quote of $6,994.00 for four computers with LED monitors, one duplex printer and installation. Commissioner Shadwell moved to update the com- puters and printer in the trea- surer’s office. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. The board requested the other county offices check their systems and if need to be replaced to do so at the same time to save on overall costs. APPROACH REQUEST Victor, Lee, Lance, and Vince Eberhart met with the commission regarding ac- cess to land due to the gravel road being under water. They requested an approach be constructed off of Highway 271 for them. Safety issues were discussed due to the lo- cation of where the approach would be at. Extra signage will need to be posted for the area. An approach will be constructed to provide access to the land. They also asked if tax relief would be possible on the property due to the water condition. The board informed them that there is a flooded acres program that can be applied for annually through the assessor’s office if the acres have been flooded for three years or more. The Eberharts thanked the board for their time. WATER CONCERNS Ken Brockel, Skip Rau, Rory(Buzz) Thorstenson, Les Thorstenson, Brandon Rau, Collin Brockel, Tom Fiedler, met with the commission regarding the water flow of Salt Lake. Discussion followed re- garding the wet conditions this year along with the past breach of Lake Hiddenwood in Walworth County which has created water issues. Some culverts are plugged/ blocked with debris and some are collapsed/crushed which need to be removed or replaced. FEMA Myrna Chase, External Af- fairs, FEMA met with the com- mission and distributed fact sheets on public assistance when responding to federal disasters or emergencies. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Andrew Van Kuren, Eco- nomic Development Coor- dinator met with the board to report that SDDOT will be meeting today at the proposed scenic overlook site at 3:15 p.m. Van Kuren reported he had visited with Judy Vrchota the Northeast Regional Director from Sena- tor Thune’s Office, regarding the grant also. Van Kuren reported he presented information to the cities on the BBB tax that is available for the entities to implement. A Cabela’s grant is avail- able to apply for to help the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Van Kuren will work with 4-H Advisor Shari Rossow. PROPANE BIDS Commissioner Deibert moved to advertise for sealed bids on 1-yr supply of pro- pane (Oct 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2020) for the county. Deadline for bids is August 30, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. The board will open bids September 3rd at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. Board recessed for lunch at 12:10 p.m. Board reconvened at 1:15 p.m. HIGHWAY Commissioner Loesch moved to authorize an $18.75 monthly salary increase ef- fective August 26, 2019 for highway/extension assistant, Lyndel Peterson. Commis- sioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. The FLAP project is sched- uled to be chip sealed, fogged and striped tomorrow, August 7th weather permitting. The new motor grader is scheduled to be delivered Thursday, August 8, 2019. Madden reported one of the blades will be coming off of warranty in October. A 2000 hour extended war- ranty could be purchased for $14,450. No action taken. Gravel crushing is com- plete at the Vander Laan pit and the pit has been reclaimed. Commissioner Deibert moved to surplus the follow- ing items and consign with a local auction. Commissioner Loesch seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. 1991 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup 1989 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x4 pickup 2003 Dodge Durango (white) Generator (2 cylinder) 4 cycle engine Used tires (blade/ payloader/packer) Other small miscellaneous items COMMUNITY ACCESS GRANT Changes were discussed regarding the community ac- cess grant for Summit Road. Jeff Christman and Brent Odde were present. Commissioner Loesch moved to authorize a change order to the original construc- tion plan of a double chip seal to a 2” mat on the county por- tion of the project. Commis- sioner Shadwell seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. PROVISIONAL BUDGET Set September 24, 2019 as a meeting date to adopt 2020 budget. As per statute, the first hearing on the budget will be held on the first Tuesday in September (September 3, 2019) at 10:00 a.m. with the date for the final adoption of the 2020 budget being set for September 24, 2019. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Loesch moved to enter into executive session for personnel at 1:15 p.m. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Mo- tion carried. Board came out of execu- tive session at 1:40 p.m. No action taken. PLAT Commissioner Loesch moved, Commissioner Shadwell seconded to ap- prove the following plat that was presented to the board for review. Aye 5 Nay 0 Mo- tion carried. “Be it resolved by the Coun- ty Commission of Campbell County, South Dakota, that the plat showing “QUAS- CHNICK 7TH ADDITION IN THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 127 NORTH, RANGE 76 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. CAMPBELL COUN- TY, SOUTH DAKOTA” having been examined is hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of SDCL 0f 1967, Chapter 11-3, and any amendments thereof.” OTHER County convention is Sep- tember 16-17 in Pierre. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioners gave brief reports on the Upper Missouri Commissioners Association, FEMA and the POD (point of distribution) meetings. VETERANS SERVICE Figures for the 2017 fis- cal year from the Veterans Administration are avail- able. Distribution of VA expenditures for Campbell County was $524,000. This figure includes insurance, medical care, compensation and pension, education and vocational rehabilitation/ employment. PAYROLL July 2019 gross salaries by department for officials and employees. Commissioners, $2,591.40; Auditor, 5,273.04; Treasurer, 5,246.18, States Attorney, 3,865.28; Cus- todian, 1,690.08; Director of Equalization, 5,237.55; Register of Deeds ,5,273.03; Veterans Service, 541.06; Sheriff, 9,840.16; Emer- gency Manager, 833.33; Ambulance, 700.00; Exten- sion, 530.24; Weed & Pest, 132.56; Economic Develop- ment, 2,626.50; Highway, 35,162.99; AFLAC-county match, 555.78; Blue Cross Blue Shield-county match Health Ins, 28,188.42; Colonial Life-county match 267.00; South Dakota Retirement-co match Retirement, 4,328.48; EFTPS-county match Social Security, 5,472.00 CLAIMS Commissioner Shadwell moved, seconded by Com- missioner Loesch, to approve the following claims. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. 3-D Specialties Inc, 264.41, Signs; A & B Busi- ness Inc, 681.62, Office Supply; A.N.S. Weed & Pest Control, 11,200.00, Con- tracted Weed Spraying; Ag- gregate Construction Inc, 212,058.00, Gravel Crushing; American Solutions for Busi- ness, 634.25, Office Supply; Beadles Sales, 187.95, Sup- ply; Kristi Brandt, 19.00Tran- scripts; Bridges Against Domestic Violence, 135.00, Domestic Violence Fund; Cam Wal Electric Coopera- tive, 103.25, Lake Campbell Electricity; Clark Engineer- ing Corporation, 1,696.38, Contracted Service; CNA Surety, 50.00, SD Notary Bond; CNA Surety, 50.00, SD Notary Bond; Connect- ing Point, 175.00, Manage Services Fee-Server; Curtis Rud Oil Co, 5,999.97, Fuel; D&E Supply, 371.37, Supply; Dakota Oil1, 460.40, Supply; Lynn Deibert, 101.64, Mile- age; Elmers Welding, 319.00, Supply; Bryan Fjeldheim, 10.92, Mileage; Flash Code Solutions LLC, 89.96, Am- bulance Coding; Flint Hills Resources LP, 19,542.41, As- phalt Supply; Galls LLC DBA NEVE’S Uniforms, 297.79, Supply; GTC Auto Parts Inc, 11.94, Supply; Heart- land Publishing Inc, 429.91, Publishing; Herreid Super Stop, 239.71, Ambulance Fuel; Huber & Son, 75.00, Wash Tokens; Huber & Son, 5,464.54, Hwy Parts/Sup- ply/Labor; Robert Huber, 75.00, Coroner Fee;I-State Truck Center, 543.05, Parts; JD Power, 137.00, Used Car Guide; Jensen Rock & Sand Inc, 300.45, Supply; Klein’s, 69.59, Supply; Mark K Kroontje, 1,254.74, Monthly Expense; Lacal Equipment, 748.60, Parts; James Loesch, 98.28, Mileage; Madden Mo- tors, 145.94, Parts; MDU, 795.06, Electric Charges; Mound City Utilities, 315.00, 2nd Qtr Utilities; Nick’s Repair Inc, 1,396.70, Parts & La- bor; North Central Dragline, 1,428.00, Contract Service; Northeastern Mental Health, 1,000.00, 2019 Allocations; Layne Perman, 51.75, Notary Reg/Black Cap; Mound City Post Office, 250.00, Stamps; Praxair Distribution Inc, 98.01, Ambulance Supply; Preble Medical Services Inc, 109.00, Pre-Employment Testing; Scott Rau, 16.80, Mileage; Renee Rieker, 288.59, Mile- age & Supply; Shari Rossow, 80.22, Reimburse Supplies; Runnings Supply Inc, 181.97, Supply; SD Counties, 925.00, Fall Convention Regist.; Selby Record, 28.00, Sub- scription; Servall Uniform & Linen, 138.54, Shop Supply; Servall Uniform & Linen, 93.91, Courthouse Sup- ply; Robert Shadwell, 6.72, Mileage; South Dakota State University, 27.50, Travel/Con- ference Parking; The Lodge at Deadwood, 618.00, Con- ference Lodging; Thomson Reuters West, 381.26, Law Books/Court Rules 2019; Valley Telco, 701.42, Phone & Internet; Van Diest Supply Company, 7,228.18, Weed & Pest Chemical; Andrew Van Kuren, 642.48, Travel/ Lodging/Supply; Andrew Van Kuren, 127.90, Mileage & Phone; Wayne Vander Laan, 64,300.00, Gravel; Verizon Wireless, 398.76, Cell Phone Service; Walworth County Auditor, 6,926.84, 2nd Qtr 4-H Allocation; Web Water, 175.73, Water Used; Wilberts Service, 124.70, Repair/Ser- vice; Gerrit Williams-Ponto, 33.66, Notary Regist/Postage AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER Total amount of deposits in bank . . . . . . ..$1,490,803.21 Total amount of actual cash . . . . . . . . 844.75 Total amount of checks . . . . . . . . . . . 7,391.75 Money on interest . . . . . . . 1,800,000.00 TOTAL COUNTY, CITY, SCHOOL & STATE FUNDS . . . . . .$3,299,039.71 Commissioner Shadwell moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:22 p.m. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. Next regular monthly September 3, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. ATTEST: Lisa Perman, Auditor Scott Rau, Chairman Published once at the total approximate cost of $121.90 34 Children of the Heartland will be published soon… Prairie Pioneer PO Box 218 Pollock, SD 57648 or email: [email protected] If you would like your children included please send or email your pictures by AUGUST 23 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO LEASE PUBLIC REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on September 4, 2019 at 8:05 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pollock, SD. Said public hearing pertains to leasing the former library in the Pollock Community Center. Dated this 14th day of August, 2019 Town of Pollock Carl Gjefle Board President ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $6.50 34 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO LEASE PUBLIC REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on September 4, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pollock, South Dakota. Said public hearing pertains to leasing the former social science and junior high social science rooms in the Pollock Community Center. Dated this 14th day of August, 2019 Town of Pollock Carl Gjefle Board President ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $7.02 34

Official ProceedingsAug 22, 2019  · Prairie Pioneer ©2019, Thursday, August 22, 2019, Page 17 Official Proceedings Board of County Commissioners Campbell County, South Dakota August

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  • Prairie Pioneer ©2019, Thursday, August 22, 2019, Page 17

    Official ProceedingsBoard of County Commissioners Campbell County, South Dakota

    August 6, 2019The board of County Com-

    missioners met at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioner’s room at the county courthouse with Commissioners Scott Rau, James Loesch, and Lynn Deibert present. States Attor-ney Mark Kroontje and Vickey Deibert, Prairie Pioneer were also present.CAMPBELL COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD

    Chairman Rau called the meeting to order. There was no old business or new busi-ness to conduct.

    Commissioner Loesch moved to adjourn as a Camp-bell County Planning and Zoning Board. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 3 Nay 0 Absent 2 Motion carried.CAMPBELL COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT

    Chairman Rau called the meeting to order. There was no old business and no new business to conduct.

    Commissioner Deibert moved to adjourn as a Board of Adjustment. Commis-sioner Loesch seconded. Aye 3 Nay 0 Absent 2 Motion carried.

    Commiss ioners Bry-an Fjeldheim and Robert Shadwell arrived at 9:15 a.m. CAMPBELL COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING

    Chairman Rau called the meeting to order.

    Commissioner Deibert moved, Loesch seconded, to approve the agenda for the meeting. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion Carried.

    Commissioner Shadwell moved, Commiss ioner Fjeldheim seconded, to ap-prove the July 2nd and July 9 meeting minutes. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

    Layne Perman, Emergency Management Coordinator, informed the board the pre-disaster mitigation plan is waiting on approval from the federal government.

    The Local Emergency Operation Plan is available for review.

    The LEMPG which was the former SLA program is up for renewal. The board will need to determine if the county should remain in the program.

    The county can apply for a grant to study the water flow of Spring Creek, Hiddenwood Creek and Salt Lake. NECOG would write the grant. The county would have to deter-mine which areas to study. SHERIFF

    Sheriff Lacey Perman distributed the report for the month of July. Perman also stated the 2003 Dodge Durango can be declared surplus.ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE

    No one appeared before the commission for the 9:30 a.m. alcohol beverage license hearing, Commis-sioner Fjeldheim moved, Commissioner Shadwell seconded, to approve the following application. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    Special temporary retail malt beverage license August 24-August 25, 2019, to the Campbell County Rodeo Club on premises described as Lot 2 Herreid Develop-ment Commercial Addition a subdivision of the east 600ft of the NE1/4NE1/4 Section 6 T127N R76W.

    EXECUTIVE SESSIONCommissioner Shadwell

    moved to enter into execu-tive session at 9:40 a.m. for legal matters. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    Board came out of execu-tive session at 10:00 a.m. No action taken.TREASURER

    Treasurer Renee Rieker, met with the commission regarding replacing the com-puters in the treasurer’s of-fice. The state is changing the Motor Vehicle program and Microsoft will not be supporting Windows 7 after January 2020. Rieker pre-sented a quote of $6,994.00 for four computers with LED monitors, one duplex printer and installation.

    Commissioner Shadwell moved to update the com-puters and printer in the trea-surer’s office. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    The board requested the other county offices check their systems and if need to be replaced to do so at the same time to save on overall costs. APPROACH REQUEST

    Victor, Lee, Lance, and Vince Eberhart met with the commission regarding ac-cess to land due to the gravel road being under water. They requested an approach be constructed off of Highway 271 for them. Safety issues were discussed due to the lo-cation of where the approach would be at. Extra signage will need to be posted for the area. An approach will be constructed to provide access to the land.

    They also asked if tax relief would be possible on the property due to the water condition. The board informed them that there is a flooded acres program that can be applied for annually through the assessor’s office if the acres have been flooded for three years or more.

    The Eberharts thanked the board for their time.WATER CONCERNS

    Ken Brockel, Skip Rau, Rory(Buzz) Thorstenson, Les Thorstenson, Brandon Rau, Collin Brockel, Tom Fiedler, met with the commission regarding the water flow of Salt Lake.

    Discussion followed re-garding the wet conditions this year along with the past breach of Lake Hiddenwood in Walworth County which has created water issues. Some culverts are plugged/blocked with debris and some are collapsed/crushed which need to be removed or replaced. FEMA

    Myrna Chase, External Af-fairs, FEMA met with the com-mission and distributed fact sheets on public assistance when responding to federal disasters or emergencies. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

    Andrew Van Kuren, Eco-nomic Development Coor-dinator met with the board to report that SDDOT will be meeting today at the proposed scenic overlook site at 3:15 p.m. Van Kuren reported he had visited with Judy Vrchota the Northeast Regional Director from Sena-tor Thune’s Office, regarding the grant also.

    Van Kuren reported he presented information to the cities on the BBB tax that is available for the entities to

    implement.A Cabela’s grant is avail-

    able to apply for to help the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Van Kuren will work with 4-H Advisor Shari Rossow.PROPANE BIDS

    Commissioner Deibert moved to advertise for sealed bids on 1-yr supply of pro-pane (Oct 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2020) for the county. Deadline for bids is August 30, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. The board will open bids September 3rd at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    Board recessed for lunch at 12:10 p.m.

    Board reconvened at 1:15 p.m.HIGHWAY

    Commissioner Loesch moved to authorize an $18.75 monthly salary increase ef-fective August 26, 2019 for highway/extension assistant, Lyndel Peterson. Commis-sioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    The FLAP project is sched-uled to be chip sealed, fogged and striped tomorrow, August 7th weather permitting.

    The new motor grader is scheduled to be delivered Thursday, August 8, 2019.

    Madden reported one of the blades will be coming off of warranty in October. A 2000 hour extended war-ranty could be purchased for $14,450. No action taken.

    Gravel crushing is com-plete at the Vander Laan pit and the pit has been reclaimed.

    Commissioner Deibert moved to surplus the follow-ing items and consign with a local auction. Commissioner Loesch seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    1991 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup1989 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x4

    pickup2003 Dodge Durango

    (white)Generator (2 cylinder)4 cycle engineU s e d t i re s ( b l a d e /

    payloader/packer)Other small miscellaneous


    Changes were discussed regarding the community ac-cess grant for Summit Road. Jeff Christman and Brent Odde were present.

    Commissioner Loesch moved to authorize a change order to the original construc-tion plan of a double chip seal to a 2” mat on the county por-tion of the project. Commis-sioner Shadwell seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. PROVISIONAL BUDGET

    Set September 24, 2019 as a meeting date to adopt 2020 budget.

    As per statute, the first hearing on the budget will be held on the first Tuesday in September (September 3, 2019) at 10:00 a.m. with the date for the final adoption of the 2020 budget being set for September 24, 2019.EXECUTIVE SESSION

    Commissioner Loesch moved to enter into executive session for personnel at 1:15 p.m. Commissioner Deibert seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Mo-tion carried.

    Board came out of execu-tive session at 1:40 p.m. No action taken.PLAT

    Commissioner Loesch moved, Commiss ioner Shadwell seconded to ap-prove the following plat that

    was presented to the board for review. Aye 5 Nay 0 Mo-tion carried.

    “Be it resolved by the Coun-ty Commission of Campbell County, South Dakota, that the plat showing “QUAS-CHNICK 7TH ADDITION IN THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 127 NORTH, RANGE 76 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. CAMPBELL COUN-TY, SOUTH DAKOTA” having been examined is hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of SDCL 0f 1967, Chapter 11-3, and any amendments thereof.”OTHER

    County convention is Sep-tember 16-17 in Pierre. COMMITTEE REPORTS

    Commissioners gave brief reports on the Upper Missouri Commissioners Association, FEMA and the POD (point of distribution) meetings.VETERANS SERVICE

    Figures for the 2017 fis-cal year from the Veterans Administration are avail-able. Distribution of VA expenditures for Campbell County was $524,000. This figure includes insurance, medical care, compensation and pension, education and vocational rehabilitation/employment. PAYROLL

    July 2019 gross salaries by department for officials and employees.

    C o m m i s s i o n e r s , $2,591.40; Auditor, 5,273.04; Treasurer, 5,246.18, States Attorney, 3,865.28; Cus-todian, 1,690.08; Director of Equalization, 5,237.55; Register of Deeds ,5,273.03; Veterans Service, 541.06; Sheriff, 9,840.16; Emer-gency Manager, 833.33; Ambulance, 700.00; Exten-sion, 530.24; Weed & Pest, 132.56; Economic Develop-ment, 2,626.50; Highway, 35,162.99; AFLAC-county match, 555.78; Blue Cross Blue Shield-county match Health Ins, 28,188.42; Colonial Life-county match 267.00; South Dakota Retirement-co match Retirement, 4,328.48; EFTPS-county match Social Security, 5,472.00CLAIMS

    Commissioner Shadwell moved, seconded by Com-missioner Loesch, to approve the following claims. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried.

    3-D Specia l t ies Inc, 264.41, Signs; A & B Busi-ness Inc, 681.62, Office Supply; A.N.S. Weed & Pest Control, 11,200.00, Con-tracted Weed Spraying; Ag-gregate Construction Inc, 212,058.00, Gravel Crushing; American Solutions for Busi-ness, 634.25, Office Supply; Beadles Sales, 187.95, Sup-ply; Kristi Brandt, 19.00Tran-scripts; Bridges Against Domestic Violence, 135.00, Domestic Violence Fund;

    Cam Wal Electric Coopera-tive, 103.25, Lake Campbell Electricity; Clark Engineer-ing Corporation, 1,696.38, Contracted Service; CNA Surety, 50.00, SD Notary Bond; CNA Surety, 50.00, SD Notary Bond; Connect-ing Point, 175.00, Manage Services Fee-Server; Curtis Rud Oil Co, 5,999.97, Fuel; D&E Supply, 371.37, Supply; Dakota Oil1, 460.40, Supply; Lynn Deibert, 101.64, Mile-age; Elmers Welding, 319.00, Supply; Bryan Fjeldheim, 10.92, Mileage; Flash Code Solutions LLC, 89.96, Am-bulance Coding; Flint Hills Resources LP, 19,542.41, As-phalt Supply; Galls LLC DBA NEVE’S Uniforms, 297.79, Supply; GTC Auto Parts Inc, 11.94, Supply; Heart-land Publishing Inc, 429.91, Publishing; Herreid Super Stop, 239.71, Ambulance Fuel; Huber & Son, 75.00, Wash Tokens; Huber & Son, 5,464.54, Hwy Parts/Sup-ply/Labor; Robert Huber, 75.00, Coroner Fee;I-State Truck Center, 543.05, Parts; JD Power, 137.00, Used Car Guide; Jensen Rock & Sand Inc, 300.45, Supply; Klein’s, 69.59, Supply; Mark K Kroontje, 1,254.74, Monthly Expense; Lacal Equipment, 748.60, Parts; James Loesch, 98.28, Mileage; Madden Mo-tors, 145.94, Parts; MDU, 795.06, Electric Charges; Mound City Utilities, 315.00, 2nd Qtr Utilities; Nick’s Repair Inc, 1,396.70, Parts & La-bor; North Central Dragline, 1,428.00, Contract Service; Northeastern Mental Health, 1,000.00, 2019 Allocations; Layne Perman, 51.75, Notary Reg/Black Cap; Mound City Post Office, 250.00, Stamps; Praxair Distribution Inc, 98.01, Ambulance Supply; Preble Medical Services Inc, 109.00, Pre-Employment Testing; Scott Rau, 16.80, Mileage; Renee Rieker, 288.59, Mile-

    age & Supply; Shari Rossow, 80.22, Reimburse Supplies; Runnings Supply Inc, 181.97, Supply; SD Counties, 925.00, Fall Convention Regist.; Selby Record, 28.00, Sub-scription; Servall Uniform & Linen, 138.54, Shop Supply; Servall Uniform & Linen, 93.91, Courthouse Sup-ply; Robert Shadwell, 6.72, Mileage; South Dakota State University, 27.50, Travel/Con-ference Parking; The Lodge at Deadwood, 618.00, Con-ference Lodging; Thomson Reuters West, 381.26, Law Books/Court Rules 2019; Valley Telco, 701.42, Phone & Internet; Van Diest Supply Company, 7,228.18, Weed & Pest Chemical; Andrew Van Kuren, 642.48, Travel/Lodging/Supply; Andrew Van Kuren, 127.90, Mileage & Phone; Wayne Vander Laan, 64,300.00, Gravel; Verizon Wireless, 398.76, Cell Phone Service; Walworth County Auditor, 6,926.84, 2nd Qtr 4-H Allocation; Web Water, 175.73, Water Used; Wilberts Service, 124.70, Repair/Ser-vice; Gerrit Williams-Ponto, 33.66, Notary Regist/PostageAUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER

    Total amount of deposits in bank . . . . . . ..$1,490,803.21

    Total amount of actual cash . . . . . . . . 844.75

    Total amount of checks . . . . . . . . . . . 7,391.75

    Money on interest . . . . . . . 1,800,000.00

    TOTAL COUNTY, CITY, SCHOOL & STATE FUNDS . . . . . .$3,299,039.71

    Commissioner Shadwell moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:22 p.m. Commissioner Fjeldheim seconded. Aye 5 Nay 0 Motion carried. Next regular monthly September 3, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

    ATTEST:Lisa Perman, AuditorScott Rau, Chairman

    Published once at the total approximate cost of $121.90


    Children of the Heartland will be published soon…

    Prairie Pioneer PO Box 218

    Pollock, SD 57648 or email:

    [email protected]

    If you would like your children included please send or email your pictures by

    AUGUST 23



    PUBLIC REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given of a

    public hearing to be held on September 4, 2019 at 8:05 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pollock, SD. Said public hearing pertains to leasing the former library in the Pollock Community Center.

    Dated this 14th day of August, 2019

    Town of PollockCarl Gjefle

    Board PresidentATTEST:

    Leanne JakobsenFinance Officer

    Published once at the total approximate cost of $6.50




    PUBLIC REAL ESTATENotice is hereby given of a

    public hearing to be held on September 4, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pollock, South Dakota. Said public hearing pertains to leasing the former social science and junior high social science rooms in the Pollock Community Center.

    Dated this 14th day of August, 2019

    Town of PollockCarl Gjefle

    Board PresidentATTEST:

    Leanne JakobsenFinance Officer

    Published once at the total approximate cost of $7.02
