OFFICIAL GAZETTE EXTRA Ptiee Ed^^OT i wVernment printing bureai) No. 83 MONDAY, JULY 26, 1948 * NOTIFICATIONS •EPrice Board Notification N©.7522 ( , ' July 26/1948 ^ In accordance with the, provisions of Article 4 of the Price Control Ordinance, the controlled selling prices of broad bean and' pea {except- ''seeds for vegetable) and foreign-produced bean and _pea (excluding soy bean) are designated,as follow^, and the Price Board notification Ho. 485 of August, 1947 (concerning the designation of the controlled selling prices of broad been' and pea (except those for vegetable,) shall hereby: be abolished,: _ Director-<feneral of Price Board - ' " - x KXJBUSUTakeo 1. List of controlled prices -Controlled selling prices ofproducer Classif ication '& grade (60 kg> net) Broad bean ..First 850.00 Second 830,00 Third 790.00 P ea ' (Except those pro- duced in Hokkaido as to the prices of producer) First 1,085.00 Second 1,065.00 TM rd 1,025.00 Im ported bean, etc. (except soy bean) Controlled selling price" of any- per- son other -than producer (10 kg. net) ¥ 176,00 21.00 221.00 2. Sales terms, etc. 1) The controlled' selling prices of producer in this list shall be the controlled price of those delivered at a ware- house in producing places, being packed , in straw bags, and those for goods which have undergone the inspection in accordance with the provisions of the Staple Food Ins- , pection Ordinance. The controlled selling prices of producer for goods which have not undergone the inspection prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be the same as the controlled price of the third grade goods in this list. The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for packing, ¥ 17.60 per 60 kg. net 2) The controlled selling prices of producer for goods 'whichnare stamped with certificate for- seed, use by the inspection mentioned in item 1 shall be the amounts ¥ 20.00 per"60 kg. net is added to the controlled price of,the first grade goods iu this list, and the contr611ed selling prices of seller shall be subject to the controlled selling prices of any person other than ^producer in this list. 3) The controlled selling prices of any person other than producer mentioned' In,this list shall be the price of the goods delivered to consumers' place, or ex store of seller in ; bulk,. 4) The controlled prices for those other than those of 60.kg. net, of 10 kg. 'net shall fee' the amounts calculated by the direct ratio of contents being based- oh the' control- led prices in this list. In this case, 5 sen and higher fractions occurred In the final calculation shall be adjusted as 10 sen, disregar- ding the' rest. ^ Price Board Notification No. 523 " x July 26, 1948 The Price s 'Board Kotifie&tidn No. ll of January,- 1:948 (concerning tine designation of the controlled selling prices of rice-flour,, and floor of oilier grains^ etc.) is- partially revised as follows : Director-General of Price Board "'. ," KTOUSII Takeo In the list of prices, of'other flour of grains of (2), the controlled selling price -of aGorn flour ¥ 245.80 ¥ 122.50??3 "Barley-flour ^ li9'.70?' and "Naked-barley flour 12S.80?7 shalVbe revised respectively as (t¥419.40, ¥ 213.00", "¥213.00" and </¥213.00". Price Board^ Notification No. 524 July 263 1948 The Price Board Notification No. 1032 of November, 1947 (concerning the designation of the controlled selling prices of miscellaneous grains, soy beans, etc. (excluding those for vegetables to be sold as staple food by the Food Distribution Kodan) is partially revised as follows : Director-General of Price Board KUBUSXJ Takeo "In the list of prices, "Pea' ¥131.20" and (2) of the footnote shall be deleted. -iT --'

OFFICIAL GAZETTE - jalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jpjalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/official_gazette/nag_pdf/... · The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for

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Page 1: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - jalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jpjalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/official_gazette/nag_pdf/... · The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for

OFFICIAL GAZETTEEXTRA Ptiee Ed^^OT i wVernment printing bureai)

No. 83 MONDAY, JULY 26, 1948



•EPrice Board Notification N©.7522

( , ' July 26/1948 ^

In accordance with the, provisions of Article 4 of thePrice Control Ordinance, the controlled selling prices ofbroad bean and' pea {except- ''seeds for vegetable) andforeign-produced bean and _pea (excluding soy bean) aredesignated,as follow^, and the Price Board notificationHo. 485 of August, 1947 (concerning the designation ofthe controlled selling prices of broad been' and pea (exceptthose for vegetable,) shall hereby: be abolished,:

_ Director-<feneral of Price Board- ' " - x KXJBUSUTakeo

1. List of controlled prices

-C o n tro lled

sellin g p rice so f p ro d u ce r

C la ssifi ca tio n '& g ra d e ( 6 0 k g > n et)

B r oa d b e a n

..F irst ・ 8 5 0 .0 0S ec on d ・ 8 3 0 ,0 0

T h ird 7 9 0 .0 0

P e a ' (E x ce p t th o se p ro -d u ced in H o k k a id o a s to

th e p rices o f p ro d u ce r)

F irst 1 ,0 8 5 .0 0

S ec o n d 1 ,0 6 5 .0 0

T M rd 1 ,0 2 5 .0 0

I m p orte d b e an , e tc .( ex cep t so y b e an )

Controlled sellingprice" of any- per-son other -thanproducer (10 kg.net)

¥ 176,00



2. Sales terms, etc.

1) The controlled' selling prices of producer in this listshall be the controlled price of those delivered at a ware-house in producing places, being packed , in straw bags,and those for goods which have undergone the inspectionin accordance with the provisions of the Staple Food Ins-

, pection Ordinance.The controlled selling prices of producer for goods

which have not undergone the inspection prescribed in thepreceding paragraph shall be the same as the controlledprice of the third grade goods in this list.

The controlled selling prices of producer in this listshall include charge for packing, ¥ 17.60 per 60 kg. net2) The controlled selling prices of producer for goods

'whichnare stamped with certificate for- seed, use by theinspection mentioned in item 1 shall be the amounts¥ 20.00 per"60 kg. net is added to the controlled priceof,the first grade goods iu this list, and the contr611edselling prices of seller shall be subject to the controlledselling prices of any person other than ^producer in thislist.3) The controlled selling prices of any person other thanproducer mentioned' In,this list shall be the price of thegoods delivered to consumers' place, or ex store of sellerin ; bulk,.

4) The controlled prices for those other than those of60.kg. net, of 10 kg. 'net shall fee' the amounts calculatedby the direct ratio of contents being based- oh the' control-led prices in this list.

In this case, 5 sen and higher fractions occurred Inthe final calculation shall be adjusted as 10 sen, disregar-ding the' rest.

P̂rice Board Notification No. 523

" x July 26, 1948The Price s 'Board Kotifie&tidn No. ll of January,-

1:948 (concerning tine designation of the controlled sellingprices of rice-flour,, and floor of oilier grains^ etc.) is-

partially revised as follows :

Director-General of Price Board"'. ," KTOUSII Takeo

In the list of prices, of'other flour of grains of (2),

the controlled selling price -of aGorn flour ¥ 245.80¥ 122.50??3 "Barley-flour ^ li9'.70?' and "Naked-barley

flour '¥ 12S.80?7 shalVbe revised respectively as (t¥419.40,

¥ 213.00", "¥213.00" and </¥213.00".

Price Board^ Notification No. 524

July 263 1948The Price Board Notification No. 1032 of November,

1947 (concerning the designation of the controlled sellingprices of miscellaneous grains, soy beans, etc. (excludingthose for vegetables to be sold as staple food by theFood Distribution Kodan) is partially revised as follows :

Director-General of Price BoardKUBUSXJ Takeo

"In the list of prices, "Pea' ¥131.20" and (2) of thefootnote shall be deleted.

-iT --'

Page 2: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - jalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jpjalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/official_gazette/nag_pdf/... · The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for

Controlled sellingprice of dealer

¥ 9,828.00

Price Board Notification No. 525

July26,1948In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Price Control Ordinance, the controlled price of

burnt potassium fertilizer shall be designated as follows :Director-General of Price Board


I. List of controlled prices (per metric ton)Guaranteed ingredients Controlled selling

Soluble potassium price of producer

not less than 4.5% to not more than h% ¥ 9,450.00

H. Sales terms and others(1) The controlled prices on the above list shall be for those packed in "kamasu" and ex yard of factory andin case of being delivered at places other than the abovementioned, the actual costs for the freight and misce-llaneous charges (as to those having controlled prices, their controlled prices and as to those not having control-led prices, the amounts deemed appropriate) may be added thereto.

(2) The controlled prices for those having ingredients other than the guaranteed ingredients on the above listshall be"'the amounts added with ^ 1050 for every increase of 0.5 per cent to the controlled prices on the

above list as to those having 4.5 per cent or more in ingredient and the amounts deducted by ¥ 1050 forevery decrease of 0.5 per cent or its fractions as to those having less than 4.5 per in ingredient.

(3) The controlled prices for the goods in bulk shall be deducted ¥ 1020 from the above prices.

Price Board Notification No. 526

July26, 1943In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Price Control Ordinance, the controlled prices of

the commission of handling of shipping cargoes (for steel vessel) are designated as follows :

Director-General of Price BoardKUBUSU Takeo

1. List of charges (per ton)

C l a ss i fi c a t io n o f C a r g o e s c la s si fi c a t i o n

o f r o u t e o f

C la s s C a r g o e s n a v ig a t i o n

C la s s ifi c a t i o n o f p o r t s

R e m a r k s

A C la s s B C l a ss C C l a s s

C la s s w a r e s , P r o d u c ts o f f ib r e , I n te r i o r1 stc l a s s M a c h i n e s , P r o v i s io n s ,M i sc e l la n e o u s g o o d s , L i v e s t o c k s s e r v i c eF o r e ig ns e r v i c e

2 n d G r a in s , F o r e ig n p a p e r , P u lp ,s t e e l & M e t a l , M a n u fa c t u r e d I n t e r io rs e r v ic eC l a s s te a , T o b a c c o , S e a W e e d s , F r e s h .fr u it s . P o r c e la i n w a r e s F o r e ig ns e r v i c e

・ 5 0 .0 0 ・ 4 5 . 0 0 ・ 4 0 .0 0

・ 7 8 .0 0 ・ ^ 7 0 .0 0 ・ 6 2 .0 0

・ 4 0 .0 0・ 6 2 . 0 0 ・ 3 6 .0 0・ 5 6 .0 0 ・ 3 2 .0 0・ 5 0 .0 0

I n te r i o r

s e r v ic en i e a n sc a r g o e s

a d d r e s s e d t oin la n d

F o r e ig n

se r v i c e ,c a r g o e s

a d d r e s s e dt o f o r e i g n

c o u n tr ie s3 r dC la s s

F e r t il iz e r , A n i m a l m e a l S t r a w I n te r i o r

p r o d u c t s , C e m e n t , L u m b e r ,F i r e w o o d s & C h a r c o a l s e r v i c eF o r e ig ns e r v ic e・ 3 0 . 0 0

・ 4 7 .0 0

・ 2 7 .0 0

・ 4 2 .0 0

・ 3 4 .0 0

・ 3 8 .0 0

C l a s s ifi c a ti o n o f p o r ts

C la ss N a m e o f " p o r t

A C la s s T o k y o , Y o k o h a m a , N a g o y a , O s a k a , K o k e , M o j i a n d S h i m o u o s e k i

B C l a ss Y u k o s u k a , S h i m i z u , H a n d a , Y o k k a ic h i , A n i a g a s a k i, W a k a m a t su a n d H a k a t a

C C la s s O t h e r p o r t s

Page 3: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - jalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jpjalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/official_gazette/nag_pdf/... · The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for

3. Additional terms-:,(1) This list of charges covers corresponding1 prices for

the trouble of handling of shipping cargoes fromreceipt of cargoes up to shipping, including ex-pense for drawing up of necessary documents for this

handling and excluding a charge for warehouse cus-tody, transit shed-fee and operation charges such as

stevedorage.<2)__ 1,000 kilograms in weight or 40 sat in measure-

ment shall be one ton, however,' 4 koku of lumber,3 koku of natural wood, 2 koku of bented or smallcut lumber shall be one ton in measurement.

Tonnage 'shall be 'calculated whichever creates larger

by weight or measurement. ^Cargo more than 1.5 tons Ky 'weight, 2 to fits by

measurement, anjl over 12 metre in length, shall-be applied tfca regulations of "Sempaku ^TJn-elkaiVscale-tonnage list. •E \ v ;

,(S) For cargoes without.description in tne 'above list,the charges of similar cargo in the -list shall be.

applied thereto* / \ /

(4) For '"high /price article (exceeding. 1000,000 yenin.price ' of 'per ton 'of' that article), ad valoremextra charge will be added at' the ratio of five yenfor every 10,000 ytn in excess of 100,000 ytn,

A. 'high! price' article, however, if there" is ' no cleardesignation of price, will not be handled as a high

jxrice article, *

'. (5) - Minimum charges for one set(meaning,one invoice)of cargo shall be applied equivalent amount of 1 tonfor interior, service, and 5 tons for foreign service.

(6) "Owner ,df a cargo,.will, bear the following ex-

(a) Expenses for packing, amendment and repairs of..packing, being made by* a repuest, of the' owner of

the cargo. , ,(b) Expenses for stencil of mark* number and name.

of'port. ' -

(c) Expenses for -affixing tags*(d) Expenses for stencil of emblems. '(e) Expenses for -drawing -up the document to be made

by an owner of a cargo, such as an invoice^ a packingdescription, and copy of the bill of leding, etc. •E

-(£) Expenses to insure.(g) ,'Expenses to watch cargoes requested' to watch

Y o'n purpose.

Price Board Notification No. 527

July 26, 1948

In accordance'with the provisions of Article 4 of thePrice Control Ordinance, the controlled selling prices ofinsulated paper of electric wire for export are designatedas follows, and the Price Board Notification No. 1118 of

December, 1947 (concerning the designation of the cont-rolled prices of insulated paper of, electric wire for export)shall hereby be abolished i,

Director-General of Price BoardKITRUS-U Takeo -


Standard and prices ofw eight vproducerA rticle.

Percentage ofraw materials

Insulatedpa- Special'Mitsu- 1 roll, 18 in. x ¥ 830.50per of mata white 1,000 ft., 3.75 lbs.electric wire bark of 100% netfor export A

Ditto ' B Bpecial"Mitsu-^1 roll, 36 in. %mata whit© 1,000 ft., 7.5 lbs.bark of 50^,

,' Manila hempo f50%



terms, l etc :

1. 'The cantrolfed^-ricds mentioned in this list /shall betnose f.o.r. neareel station to producer's factory, or f.o.b.nearestport. / '. * •E - ,

2. The controlled, prices mentioned 'in this list shall notinclude charges' /or packing , and -wrapping for, the-purposeof export. ' S3. The prices of articles with standard measures other^ thaairjentioned in, this list shall be for those multiplied hf rateof weight ratio on the basis of the controlled price shownin this Hst. ' v \

; In this case, however, fractions less than sen -Unitshall be 'discarded,

Price Board ItotiJIcation No. 528

, , ' * July26, 1948

In, accordance wit& ijje provisions of A'rti^6 -4 of tiie^Prio© Control Ordinance, the controlled selling price ofthe 'dissolved ^cetylene :aliall be designated as follows? ahdthe :J^ice, Board HotificatiOn No. 730 of September, 1947/'(concerning the , -designation of the controlled price ofdissolved acetylene) shall hereby &e abolished :

Director-General of Price Board'. ' ' ' KUBtJSUTakeo

1. sXiist of the cotatrolled amounts : , ,

Sta ndard Unit

; Contro lledamounts

of selling 'priceof producer

Purity one 320. 7098%" and more kilogram

'Controlled1 amounts ofselling price

of dealer


Selling terms :(1) The controlled amounts in the present list shall

be those of contents charged in tne containerowned by the seller.

(2) The controlled amounts of the dissolved acety-lene having component of less than 98%" purity

•Eshall be those 'calculated in proportion of thepurity of its component from the controlledamounts in the present list.


Page 4: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - jalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jpjalii.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/official_gazette/nag_pdf/... · The controlled selling prices of producer in this list shall include charge for





The controlled amounts in the present list shallbe those ex yard of factory manufacturing thedissolved acetylene, and shall not include thepacking charge for container.The time (not including the day of' delivery)required for returning the seller's container bythe buyer to the said factory exceeded thirty daysafter the shipment from the manufacturing fac-toryj the seller may demand the buyer sevenyen per day for the usage of one container.

In case where the buyer loses or damages- the'seller's container, the valve or eapt- attached to

it, the seller may collect the actual expensesfor the same.from the buyer.^In this case, the seller may keep security notexceeding ten thousandths per container fromthe buyer,-Freight and other expenses for the returning theempty container to the place presented in item(3) spba.ll, be borne of the buyer.

' Price.Board*'Notification No. 529 , -

July 26, 1948In accordance with' the provisions of Article 4 of. the

Price Control Ordinance, the controlled selling prices x>fother for industrial use are designated as follows3 and thePrice Board Notification Bo. 722 -of September, 1947'

(concerning the designation of the controlled prices ofether for industrial use) shall hereby be -abolished :

Director-General of Price Board1 , " ' EftJRUSU Tafceo

\1, JList of controlled price: ' x

Control ledselling priceof.producer..¥ 230.00

Control ledselling priceof sell£z\

3F 249.00

Hame v Unit

E'tjier for industrial use 1 kg.2. Salesterms?etc: ^ ' - ' '" /

(a) The controlled selling1 price 'of producer of this listshall be tjie price ex factory or warehouse of seller.(b) The controlled selling'price -of seller of this listshall be the price ex store or warehouse of seller.

(c) The controlled prices of this list shall be for the case

'where only the contents 'filled in the oil drum tenderedby the seller are to fee sold in terms of the receptacle aslending, and the returning charges, of the empty receptacleop to the delivery, place of the said goods shall be borneby the buyer. In case the date of returning 'the emptyreceptacle exceeded over two months from the delivery

day of the actual goods, the seller may collect, a<3 thearrears, from the buyer for the exceeded period the amo-unt next exceeding ¥ 170 per drum for every one mon-th or its fraction's.

(d) The controlled prices in case of sale in the drumoffered by the buyer, shall be the amounts ¥ 2.50 isdeducted per kg. from the controlled prices of this list.(e) The controlled prices of this list shall be1 for those goods,the specific gravity of VMch is from over 0.722 and lessthan 0.730 at 15° C. ' The controlled prices of" goods of

•Eless than 0.722 in specific gravity shall be the amounts•E¥23.00 is added per kg. to the controlled prices of thislist, and the controlled prices of goods of 0.730 or^jmorein specific gravity shall be the amounts ¥ 2.30 is deduc-ted per kg. from the controlled prices of this list for.every increase of 0.001 in specific gravity,. However, thecontrolled prices of goods over 0.740 in specific gravity-shall b© the amounts 50"per cent is deducted from •Etiecontrolled prices of this list.(f) In case of sale by small lots* less' than 1 kilogram,the Director of Local Price Bureau may designate thecontrolled prices separately.

ftiee Board and -Ministry of -Welfare Notification, No.3

July 26, 1948Examination fee for the products of additional things

under the provisions of Par. 2, Art* IS - of Enforcement^Regulations of the Food Sanitation Law : shall be fixedas follows: -. -

Director-General of IMce "Board'KUKU8U Takeo'

Minister of Welfare- : TAKEDA. Giichi^ l "

... In the examination fee for the products of additionalthings prescribed in Paragraph 2, Article IB of -Enforce-ment ^Regulations of the Food Sanitation Law, those whichare under the Jurisdiction of Minister of Welfare :

Fee for examinations of solublesaccharine or dtilcin products 1 sample , lQ0Q,yen

Fee for ' examinations of- synthetic coloring and products

thereo f

Fee for examinations of ethylrhodanacetate products'

Fee for examinations of compo-unded preparations of ethylrhodanacetate products




