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1930 .


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M T ^ h &C J l t i o * VO ‘

Nihil obstad


Censor Deputatus.

Im prim atur :

* E. MEDERLET, s.c..

Archbishop o f Madras.

Madras, M arch 1 9 3 0 .

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P R E F A C E .

T h e com pilation of the Catholic D irectory for India, B urm a and C eylon has again b sen a very gratify ing task .

T h e m ore so, because the invaluable co-opera­tion of the O rdinaries of the d ivers Dioceses, w hich has been given so w hole-heartedly , has show n us tha t th is little annual is apprecia ted in the various parts of India.

W e take th is opportunity to thank all those w ho have given the necessary inform ation, relating to the different M ission-centres.

W e ow e a deb t of g ratitude to those w ho have m ade such useful suggestions for the further im provem ent of the D irectory and w hich em bodied in this y ea r’s ed ition have m ade our little book a source of valuable inform ation.

A few add itional item s of general in terest reached us too late to be related in our p resen t edition, b u t w e assure those w ho so kindly sent us these item s that w e will carefully keep them in our files to be m ade use of next year,

W e sincerely hope that the Directory will give vi to all the required inform ation and w e confidently § look forw ard to the assistance and co-operation of ^ all w ho find this D irectory useful.


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88Ajmer 93Allahabad ... 97Archbishops, Bishops and Apostolic Prefects ... 132Assam ... 170Bellary ... 225Bombay ... 103Burma (Northern) ... 292Burma (Southern) ... 295Calcutta ... 146Calicut ... 120Catholic Indian Association of S. India ... 331Changanacherry 55Chittagong ... 152Cochin 26Coimbatore ... 235Colombo ... 173Cuttack ... 223Dacca ... 156Dinajpur ... 158Ernakulam 45Fast and Abstinence in Madras (Rules of) ... 1Galle ... 191Goa and Damaun 12H ierarchy of India 9Hyderabad ... 202Jaffna ... 183K afristan and Kashmir ... 266Kandy ... 188Kengtung ... ... 301Kottayam ... 71Krishnagar ... 160

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Kumbakonamp a g e

... 239Lahore ... 261Madras ... 194Malacca ... ... 244Mangalore ... ,.. 124M anner of Receiving Protestants in the Catholic

Church ... 4Mixed M arriages 3Mylapore ... 34Mysore ... 251Nagpur ... 206Nellore ... 211Newspapers and Periodicals ... 235P atna ... 162Papal Honours (List of) ... 310Pondicherry ... 227Poona ... 115Priests, Secular and Regular ... 135Priest (List of) ... 136Quilon ... 279Ranchi ... 166Religious Orders ... 312Residences of Priests (List of) ... 409Sikim ... 172Simla ... 259Syrian ... 305Toungoo ... 289Training Institutions ... ... 317Trichur 76Trichinopoly ... 132Trincomalee 302Tuticorin ... ... 142Verapoly ... ... 269Vizagapatam ... 218

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In the Ecclesiastical Province of Madras

1. A ll who have attained th e age of 21 years and have not yet begun th e ir 60fch year are bound fco fast on one meal and a collation on the seven Fridays of Lent and the Vigil of Christmas.

2. The collation raay be taken in the morning and the full meal in the afternoon, or the full meal may be taken about noon and the collation in th e evening.

3. All persons who have completed the ir seventh year are bound by the law of abstinence. The days of abstinence are : all the Fridays throughout th e year, all W ednesdays in Lent, the Vigil of th e Assumption and the V igil of Christmas.

4. On abstinence days th e use of flesh meat and the juice of flesh meat is forbidden.

5. The use of eggs, milk, bu tter and cheese and the preparation of food w ith lard or other animal fat are allowed on all days throughout th e year, Good F riday not excepted.

6. F ish and F lesh are no longer forbidden at one and the same meal on all days when flesh meat is allowed.

7. On feast days of obligation outside Lent, there is neither fast nor abstinence.

8. The fast and abstinence on a Vigil is suppressed when the Vigil is anticipated.

9. On fast days the 'usual number of meals is allowed to all those who subsist by hard corporal labour, to the poor who cannot afford them selves one substantial meal in the day, to the sick and convalescent, etc. But all such persons, unless otherwise exempted, are bound to observe the rules of abstinence like persons under the age of 21 years,

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10. If, in th e foregoing regulations, fu rth er extenuation, in particu lar cases, be required, applications may be made to the Clergy of the. Archdiocese, who are hereby authorized to ' commute the obligation of fast and abstinence for the inhabitants of th e ir respective d istricts into o ther good works. The rules a re so extrem ely ligh t th a t fu rth e r extenuations should not be demanded by the F aith fu l nor conceded by the Clergy, unless in ra re and exceptional cases and for Very grave reasons.

H o lid a y s o f O b lig a tio n

The holidays of obligation in th e E cclesiastical Province d f M adras a r e : The Ascension of Our Lord, Corpus Christi Day, th e Assumption of Our Lady and Christm as Day.

•1« E . M E D E R L E T , s .c . , d .d .,

Archbishop o f M adras.

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A ‘ Mixed m arriage ’ (that is, a m arriage between a Catholic and one who, though baptised, does not profess the Catholic faith), cannot take place w ithout a dispensation from the Ordinary and the dispensation cannot law fully be given unless for a sufficient grave reason and subject to th e fallowing conditions:—

1. That all the children th a t may be born of the m arri­age shall be bapt;sed, and brought up in the Catholic Faith .

2. That the Catholic party shall have full liberty for th e practice of th e Catholic religion.

3. T hat no religious m arriage ceremony shall take place elsew here th an in the Catholic Church.

4. That a w ritten promise to observe the above condi­tions shall be given by th e non-Catholic party b-fore m arriage.

The first condition is necessary because children, who are not brought up in the Catholic F a ith , are brought up out of the only revealed w ay of salvation. The justice and neces­sity of the 2nd condition are evident. W ith regard to the 3rd condition, th e Church teaches : (1) That w hen th e S tate re ­cognises no ma riage as valid th a t does not take place before a P rotestant m inister, and w hen therefore th e P ro testan t m inister may, in su-h respect, be regarded as a civil functionary , Catholic may law fully go through a form of m arriage in his presence for the purpose of obtaining a civil va lid ity for th e ir union, and of having th e ir fu ture offspring acknowledged as legitim ate ; (2) tha t when no such necessity o f the civil law exists (as in India—vide Indian C hristian M arriage Act, 1872), the m arriage of a Catholic before a Protestant m inister is a grave sin—as being a participation in the religious rites of those w ho are separated from the Catholic Church, and therefore a sacrilege, and (as the Holy See has declared) an implicit adhesion to heresy.

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Protestants in the Catholic Church

P r o f e s s io n o f F a it h

Creed o f Pope Pius VI, N., {Christian Name) w ith a firm fa ith , believe and

profess all and every one of those th ings w hich are contained in th a t Creed which the Holy Roman Church m aketh use of, v iz .:—I believe in one God, the F a th er A lm ighty, M aker of heaven and earth , of all th ings visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus C hrist, th e only begotten Son of God, born of th e F a th e r before all ages. God of God, L ight of L ight, true God of true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial w ith the F a th e r by whom all things w ere made,W ho, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by th e Holy Ghost of the V irgin M ary, and was made man. He w as crucified also for us, under Pontius P ilate. He suffered and w as buried, and the th ird day He rose again according to th e Scriptures. He ascended into Heaven, and sitte th at the righ t hand of the F a ther, and he shall come again w ith glory to judge the living and the dead—of whose kingdom there shall be no end. A n d I believe in th e Holy Ghost, th e Lord and life-giver w ho proceedeth from the F a th er and th e Son, who, together w ith the F ather and the Son, is adored and’ glorifiied ; w ho spoke by the Prophets. A nd I believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and I confess one Baptism, for th e remission of s in s : ‘ and I look for the resurrection of th e dead, and the life of the world to come.— Amen.

I most steadfastly adm it and embrace th e Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Traditions and all other observances and constitutions of the same Church.

I also adm it the Holy Scripture, according to th a t sense w hich our Holy Mother th e Church has held and does hold, to w hich it belongs to judge of the true sense and in terp re ta­tion of the Scriptures ; neither w ill I ever take and in terpret them otherw ise than according to the unanimous consent of th e F athers.

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1 also profess th a t there . are tru ly and properly Seven Sacram ents of the JSTew Law, institu ted by Jesus Christ, Our Lord, and necessary for the salvation of m ankind, although not all of them necessary for every one, nam ely : Baptism, Confirmation, th e E ucharist, Penance, Extrem e Unction, Order and M atrimony, and th a t th ey confer grace ; and th a t of these, Baptism, Confirmation and O rder cannot be repeated w ithout th e sin of sacrilege. I also receive and adm it th e re­ceived and approved ceremonies of the Catholic Church used in th e solemn adm inistration of th e aforesaid Sacram ents.

I embrace and receive all and every one of the things Which have been defined and declared in th e Holy Council of T rent concerning original sin and justification.

I profess likew ise th a t in th e Mass there is offered to God a true, proper, propitiatory Sacrifice for th e living and the dead. And th a t in th e most Holy Sacram ent of the Eucharist, th e re is tru ly , really and substantially th e Body and Blood, together w ith th e Soul and D ivinity of Our Lord, Jeeus Christ, and th a t there is made a conversion of th e whole substance of th e Bread into th e Body, and of the whole substance of tbe W ine into th e Blood ; w hich conversion th e Catholic Church calls Transubstantiation. I also confess tha t, under either kind alone, Christ is received whole and entire, and a true ’Sacrament.

I steadfastly hold th a t there is a Purgatory, and th 3t the souls therein detained are helped by th e suffrages of the fa ith fu l. Likewise, th a t the saints reigning together w ith Christ are to be honoured and invoked, and th a t they offer prayers to God for us, and th a t th e ir relics are to be held in veneration.

I most firmly assert th a t th e images of Christ, of the Mother of God ever V irgin, and also of o ther Saints, ought to be had and retained, and th a t due honour and veneration are to be given them .

I also affirm th a t the power of g ranting Indulgences was left by Christ in th e Church, and th a t th e use of them is most wholesome to C hristian people.

I acknowledge th e Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church for th e m other and m istress of a ll Churches, and I promise true obedience to the Bishop of Rome, Successor of St. Peter, Prince of th e Apostles and V icar of Jesus Christ.


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I likewise undoubfcingly receive and profess all other things which th e Sacred Canons and all General Councils, and particularly the Holy Council of Trent and the Oecumenical V atican Council have believed, defined and declai ed, ami, in particular, about the supremacy and infallible teaching of the Roman Pontiff. And I condemn, reject and anathem atise all things contrary thereto, and all heresies which the Church has condemned, rejected and anathem atised.

I, N., (C hristian Name) do at th is present freely profess and sincerely hold th is true Catholic Faith , ou t:of which no one can be saved. And I promise most constantly to retain and confess the same entire and unstained w ith God’s assist­ance, to the end of my life.

A Sh o r t e r f o r m o f P r o f e s s io n o f f a i t h

I, N., {Name) son (or daughter) of {name and surna?ne o f the fa ther), born in {place o f birth and whether married or single), kneeling before you. Reverend Father, duly autho­rised by the Bishop of {Bishopric) having before my eyes the Gospels which 1 touch w ith my hand, and knowing th a t no one can be saved w ithout th a t fa ith w hich the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church holds, believes and teaches, against which I grieve th a t I have greatly erred, inasmuch as I have held and believed doctrines opposed to her teaching.

I now, enlightened by Divine Grace to see my past errors, profess th a t I believe the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church to be the only true Church established on earth by Jesus Christ, to w hich I submit myself w ith my whole heart, I believe all the articles th a t she proposes to my belief and I reject all th e articles th a t she rejects and condemns and I am ready to observe all th a t she commands me, and especially I profess th a t I believe.—

One only God in three Divine Persons, distinct from ai.d equal to each o ther—th a t is to say, the F ather, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

The Catholic doctrine of the Incarnation, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus C h ris t; and the personal union of the two Natures, the divine and the human, the divine M aternity of the most Holy Mary, together w ith her Im m aculate Conception and most spotless V irginity.


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The true, real and substantial presence of the Body and Blood, together w ith th e Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in th e Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

The seven Sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ for the salvation of m ankind; th a t is to say Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Extrem e Unction, Order and Matrimony.

Purgatory, the Resurrection of the dead and everlastinglife.

The Primacy, not only of honour, but also of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, Successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Vicar of Jesus Christ.

The veneration of the Saints and of th e ir images.The authority of the Apostolic and Ecclesiastical T radi­

tions, and of the Holy Scriptures which we must in terpret, and understand only in th e sense which our Holy Mother the Catholic Church has held and does hold.

And everything else th a t has been defined and declared by the Sacred Canons, and by th e General Councils, especially by the Holy Council of Trent, and by the Oecumenical Vatican Council.

W ith a sincere heart, therefore, and w ith unfeigned belief, I detest and abjure every error, heresy and sect opposed to the said Holjt, Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church. So help me, God, and these His Holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.




Theologians teach th a t in case of an urgent n e c e s s i ty , as of g r a v e illn e3 S , a short, comprehensive form may be u se d .

The following is an example :—I, N-., (Christian Name) do sincerely and solemnly

declare th a t having been brought up in the Protestant re li­gion (or other religion as the case may be), but now, by the grace of God, having been brought to the knowledge of Truth, I firmly believe and profess all th a t the Holy Catholic and Roman Church believes and teaches all I reject and condemn w hatever she rejects and condemns,

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Mo d e o f R e c e p t io n

The P riest authorised by the Bishop sits on a chair and the person to be received kneels before him and reads the above Profession o f F aith , touching with his righ t hand the Gospel. Then the Psalm Miserere, or De profundis, is recited , ending, with Gloria P a tri A fte r th is the Priest rises and says :

Kyrie eleison. Chrisfce eleison. Kyrie eleison—Pater noster.

V. Et ne no3 inducas in tentationem .R. Sed libera nos a malo.V. Salvum fac famulum tuum <vel famulam tuam )

Domine.R. Deus meus sperautem. in Te.V. Domine exaudi orationem meam.R. Et clamor meus ad Te veniat.V. Dominus vobiscum.R . E t cum spiritu tuo.

O r e m u s

Deus cui proprium est m isereri semper et parcere, Te supplices deprecamur u t hunc famulum tuum (vel hanc fam ulam tuam ) quem (vel quam) excommunicationis catena oonstringit, miseratio tuae pietatis dem enter absolvat Per Christum, etc.

(H e r e t h e P r ie s t s it s a n d s a y s )

Auctocitate Apostolica qua fungor in hac parte absolvo te a vinculo Excommunicationis quam incurristi, *>t ros'ituo te sacrosanctis ecclesiae Sacramentis, communioni et unitati fidelium, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.— Amen

(The P riest enjoins a salutary penance consisting o f a prayer or v is it to a Church or the like. Then the Baptism , under condition , is administered, when needful to do so, and conditional absolution is given a fter a full confession of sins shall have been made.)


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THE MOST REVEREND EDWARD MOONEY ( A r c h b is h o p o p I r e n o p o l is ),

Apostolic Delegate to the East In lies. S ecre ta ry : Rev. V. Belgeri.

Private Secretary : Rev. Jos. P. H urley. Residence : Apostolic Delegation, Bangalore.

Tel. A d d re ss : “ Apostolic,” Bangalore.

U n d e r t h e S a c r e d C o n g r e g a t i o n o f

EXTRAORDINARY ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRSE c c le s ia s t ic a l P ro v in ce o f Goa

The Most Rev. Dom Theotonio Manuel Ribeiro V ieira de Castro, Archbishop of Goa and Damaun, and

ad honorem Patriarch of the East Indies and Archbishop of Cranganore.

Right Rev. Dom Jose Bento M. Ribeiro, Bishop of Cochin.,, „ A. M. Teixeira, Bishop of San Thome of

• Mylapore.U n d e r t h e S a c r e d C o n g r e g a t i o n o f

ORIENTAL CHURCHES.E ioo lesiastioa l P ro v in ce o f E rn a k u la m

Most Rev. A. Eandathil, Archbishop of Ernakulam .Right Rev. Jam es Kalacherry, Bishop of Changanacherry.

„ A, Chulaparambil, Bishop of Kottayam.„ „ E. Vazhapilly, Bishop of Trichur.


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U n d e r t h e S a c r e d C o n g r e g a t i o n o f

PROPAGANDA FIDE.E o o le s ia s t io a l P ro v in ce o f A gra

Most Rev. Raphael Bernacchoni, O.C:, Arehbishop of Agra. R ight Rev. Evangelista Vanni, O.C., Bishop of Tenedo and

Coadjutor, Agra.„ „ F. H. Caumont, O.C., Bishop of Ajmer.„ A. J. Poli, o;c., Bishop of Allahabad.

E o o le s ia s t io a l P ro v in ce o f B om b ay Most Rev. Joaquim R. Lim a, S.J., Archbishop o f Bombay.

,, „ H enry Doering, S.J., Archbishop-Bishop o f Poona.R ight Rev. Paul Perini, S.J., Bishop o f Calicut.

„ „ V alerian D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore.„ „ A. Faisandier, S.J., Bishop of Trichinopoly.,, „ F. Tibertius Roche, B.J., Bishop of Tuticorin.

E c c le s ia s t ic a l P r o v in c e o f C a lcu tta Most Rev. F . Perier, S.J., Archbishop of Calcutta.Right Rev; A. C. P ailleur, C.S.C., Bishop of Chittagong.

„ „ T. J Crowley, C.S.C., Bishop of Dacca.„ „ John B. Anselmo, Bishop of Dinajpur.„ „ E. Bars, S.C , Adm. Apostolic of Krishnagar.„ „ Bernard J. Sullivan, S.J., Bishop of Patna.„ „ L. Van Hoeck, S.J., Bishop of Ranchi.„ „ L. Mathias, s.c., Prefect Apostolic of Assam.„ „ J . Douenel, Prefect Apostolic of Sikkim.

E o o le s ia s t io a l P ro v in ce o f C eylonMost Rev. Peter Marque, O .M .i, Archbishop of Colombo. R ight Rev. J . A. Guyomar, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna.

„ „ D. B. Beekmeyor, O.S.B., Bishop of Kandy.„ „ G. Robichez, S.J., Bishop of Trincomalee, and Adm.

Apostolic of the Diocese of Galle.E c c le s ia s t ic a l P ro v in ce o f M adras

Most Rev. E. M ederlet, S.C., Archbishop of Madras.R ight Rev. D. Vismara, Bishop of Hyderabad.

,, F . S. Coppel, Bishop of Nagpur.

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Right Rev. W. Bouter, Bishop of Nellore.„ „ P. Rossillon, Bishop of Vizagapatam.

V ery Rev. V. Guemes, C.M., Eccl. Superior, Cuttack.,, „ Ernest Reilly, O.F.M., Eccl. Superior, Bellary.

E c c le s ia s t ic a l P ro v in ce o f P on d ioh erryMost Rev. E lie J. J. Morel, Archbishop of Cotrada and Adm.

Apostolic of Pondicherry.R ight Rev. A. Roy, Bishop of Coimbatore.

„ „ M. A. Chapuis, Bishop of Gurza and Adm*Apostolic of Kumbakonam.

„ ,, E. Barillon, Bishop of Malacca.„ „ L. Perrichon, Bishop of Corone and Coadjutor,

Malacca.„ ,, M. Despatures, Bishop of Mysore.

E c c le s ia s t ic a l P ro v in ce o f S im laMo-.t Rev. A. E. J . Kenealy, O.S.F., Archbishop of Simla.R ight Rev. Hector Catry, O.C., Bishop of Lahore.

„ „ R. J. W inkley, Pre. Ap., Kashm ir and Kafristan.E c c le s ia s t ic a l P ro v in ce o f Y era p o ly

Most Rev. A. M. Perez Cecilia, O.C.D., Archbishop of Vera- Poly.

Right Rev. A. M. Benziger, Bishop of Quilon.V ic a r s A p o sto lic o f B u rm a

Right Rev. V. M. Segrada, Bishop of Irina and Vicar Apos­tolic, Toungoo.

t1 „ E. Foulquier, Bishop of Corydallus and VicarApostolic of Northern Burma.

,, F. Perroy, Bishop of Medea and V icar Apostolic of Southern Burma.

n F. T. Provost, Bishop of Macra and Coadjutor, Rangoon.

„ E. Bonefcta, Prefect Apostolic of Keng-Tung.


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Patriarchate of the East IndiesThe Archdiocese lies both in British and Portuguese

territory .—(1) Portuguese T e r r ito ry — (a) Appointed, 26th May 1929

■—Sede Vacante. Adm inistrator A p o sto lic— D. Jose Bento M artins Ribeiro, Bishop of Cochin. On the North, this territo ry is bounded by the Tiracol of Arundum river which separates jfc from the Saw antw ady State, on the East by the W estern Ghats, on the W est by the Arabian Sea, and on th e South by the district of North Kanara.

(2) Damaun and Diu (£>) (British India).—The British District of R atnagery, the States of Saw antw ady and Sangly, and th e Collectorate of Belgium ; on the South, the V icariate of Kanara, i.e., British Collectorate of North Kanara. There are also added the territories of Damaun and Diu.

Languages spoken— Concani, Portuguese, English, M ara­th i, H industani and Kanarese.

Population.—The entire population of the Archdiocese is 2,322,422.

Archbishop and MetropolitanP r im a t e o f t h e E a s t , P a t r i a r c h o f t h e E a s t

I n d i e s , A r c h b is h o p o f Cr a n g a n o r e ad honorem.

His Excellency Mgr. D. Teotonio M. R. V ieira de Castro, DuD. D.C.L., born in Porto, Portugal, 27th July 1859; appointed (26th May 1929)— Sede Vacante—Adm inistrator Apostolic: D. Jose Bento M artins Ribeiro, Bishop of Cochin.

Secretary — The Right Rev. Mgr. Sebastiao d’Oliveira Xavier. Proton , Ap. A s s ts . : Rev. Francisco X avier da P. Rebello and Rev. Joao Salvador Fernandes.

A r c h ie p is c o p a l Cu r i a

Vicar-General and Official Judge— The Very Rev.Deca- jius Augusto J. M. Carvalho.

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Promoter Justitiae et Defensor v in cu li— The Very Rev. Canon Thomas d’Aquino Barretto.

Chancellors.—1st Official: The V ery Rev. Placido da Costa Campos. 2nd Official: The Canon Domingos Carlos de Mello. 3rd Official: The Rev. Amaro Pinto Lobo.

Pro Synodal Judges.—Very Rev. Mgr. Maurilio Claudio Alvares, V ery Rev. Augusto Jose M aria Carvalho, Francisco X avier Vaz, Mgr. Maurilio Claudio A lvares, Thomas d’ Aquino Barreto, Mgr. Lucio Francisco J. Roque Vaz, Antonio Csetano Abel do R Sousa, Joao Francisco C. J. Lobo and Manuel J . Albuquerque.

P arish P riests' Consultors.— V ery Rev. Antonio Gabrie] Soares, Francisco X avier Pereira, Rosario Jose M. dos M arty- res, Miguel Francisco dos Prazeres Almedia, Antonio C. Abel do Rosaría e Sousa, Antonio Eduardo Lobo, Joao and Francisco C. J. Lobo.

Decanus.—Augusto Jose Maria Carvalho.Praecentor.—Francisco X avier Vaz.Thesaurarius-M ajor.— Santana Agostinho da Rocha.Archdeacon.—Jose Sertorio Lobo.M agister Scholae — Thomaz d’ Aquino Barreto.C anons- (1) Domingos Carlos de Mello, (2) Antonio Jose

de Heredia, Theologus, (3) D. Miguel Antonio Gracias, (4) Joao Paulo de Sousa, (5) Aires F ranklin de Sa, (6) Joao de Brito Aranjo, (7) Joaquim Joao Santana Ferreira, (8) Cactano Arsenio Dias, (9) and (10) Vacant.

Canons o f h a lf Prebend — (1) Antonio Joao Dias, (2) Vincetc X avier Lobo, (3) Francisco X avier de Costa, (4) Euse­bio M de Sa.

Qrartanarri.— (1) Pedro Consolacao de Sousa, (2) Léo- poldino W ashington Pereira.

C haplains— (1) Alberto Barreto, (2) Rosario da Piedade Luis, (3) Antonio Condorcet Jose Dias, (4) Antonio Joao F. de Sousa, (5) Carmino Moraes, (6) Vincente F. de Sousa(7) Roque da Piedadi Mouiz, (b) Leao Manoel da P. Rebelo, (9) Constancio do Rosario Fernandes, (10) Lourenco Mascaren - has, (11) Antonio Menino Melo, (12) Romualdo Aranjo.

I n s t itu t io n sTheological Sem inary at Bachol.— See list of seminaries

at end of volume.


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School affiliated to the Seminary in Mapuca.—Professors, Revs. Marcos Antonio Gomes and Francisco X avier F. da C. Gomes.

School fo r boys.—Ornella’s School (Middle School) at Poona, 150 boys.

St. P au l’s High School, Be]gaum, 340 boys w ith an orphanage.

St. Joseph’s High School in Arpora, Nagoa Bardez.School fo r girls.—St. Joseph's Convent School at

Belgaum directed by Daughters of C harity of Canosea, w ith an orphanage.

St. M ichael’s Convent School at K arw ar directed by Carmelite Sisters.

A sylum s fo r lepers.—At Belgaum, the number of inmates in there asyiums is 22 (10 men and 12 women) and Mapuca, Goa.

A sylum oj our L a d y o f Serra and M arie Magdalene — Founded by the Archbishop of Goa, Dom F r. A leixode Mene- ses for women, both European and Anglo-Indian, and gives food and shelter to orphans, widows and aged women. Directed by Franciscan Nuns. Total about 150.

H ospitals fo r the poor.— Misericordia at R ibandar; Hospicio a+- M argo; Asylum at Mapuca. Receive all kinds of sick people, invalids and lunatics and lepers.

The Archdiocese is divided ecclesiastically into 13 Districts

Vicar-General.—The V ery Rev. Decanus Augusto J . M. Carvalho.

Velha Goa.—Cathedral Church of St. C atharina: Vicar, Rev. A. J. Dias.

Religious CommunitiesReligious of the Society of Jesus Sisters of I harity of I anossa ... Franciscan Nunsx1 r a i iu ia u c n i -n u n » ...Carm elite ¡Sisters (3rd Order) ...


G a zetteer

I . G o a I s l a n d

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Agaca.im.-~S. Lourenco: Vicar, Rev. Ligorio Maria de Sousa Asst., Juaeio C. P. Sousa. Oath. 2,863.

A zo ss im —S. Matheus : Vicar, Rev. Manoal Felipa de Nazareth.

Bombolim.—Our Lady of B elem : Vicar, Rav. Cipriano X avier de Sousa.

Batirn.—Our Lady of Guadalupe : Vicar, Rev. Zeferino Eulogio Mesquita. Oath. 1,326.

Carambolim.—S. Joao B ap tista : Vicar, Rev. Antonio Ludovico Braganca. R. Pr. : J. Pereira.

Corlim.—S. JoaeFacundo: Vicar, Rev. P iedaie Rodrigues. Chapel.

Curca.—Our Lady of the Ro3ary : V icar, Rav. Lamarbine Palha.

Goa, V e lh 'i—Santa Andre : Vicar, Rev. Monsinho C. B. Pinto. R. P r s . : L. Fernandes, Ludo F. Vaz and M. Possidio Gracias.

Mandur.—Our Lady of A m paro: Rev. A. Abranches.Merces.—Our Lady of Merces: Rev. O. Fernandes.N e u ra —S. Joao Evangelista: Vicar, Rev. Eleuberio

Bocarro. R. P r . : C. Noronha.Panjim .—The Im m aculate Conception : Vicar, Rev.

Antonio Robert Rosa. Assts., Revs. F. M artins and Cactano da Silva. R. Prs. : Revs. A.. Pinbo Lobo, Elvino Noronha, Jose Vicente da Silva and Joad Inacio Sousa. Cath. 3,641.

Bibandar.—Our Lady of A juda: Vicar, Rev. Longuinhos Braganca. R P rs .: Revs. Antonio Xavier, Fernandes and Inacio Gonsalves.

Santa Cruz.—Santa Cruz : V icar, Rev. Antonio Gabriel Soares. R. P r . : Rev. Leonardo Pinto.

Santa Ignsz.—Sc. Ignez : Vicar, Rev. C. E. Rodrigues.Siridao.—Our Lady of the Rosary : Rev. J. F. Dias.S. Pedro.—S. Pedro: Vicar, Rev. F. X. T. Fernandes.Talaulin.—Santa Anna : V ica1*, Rev. J. Gonsalves.Taleigao.—S. Miguel A rchanjo: Vicar, Rev. Antonip

«J. Godinho. R. P r . : Rav. Francisco X avier Parras.

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II . V i c a r ia t e o f P i e d a d e

Vica,r Forane : V ery Rev. Fausfcino BarretoPiedade.—Our Lady of P iety : Vicar, Rev. Joaquim Louis

Vas, P. P. R ev. F. X. Vaz.Graca.—-N S. de G r a s i : R b v . J. A da C. Menezes.Naroa.—The Holy G h o st: Vicar, Rev. Francisco X. Dias

R. P r . : Menino Vaz.S. Bartholorm o .—S. B\rth'»lom30: Vicar, Rev. Fausbius

Barreto. R. Prs. : Revs. Cae an:> Noronha, and -Jj39 Caotano Lo es;

S. Braz.— S. Braz : Vicar, Rev. Viria*;o Abranches.S. Estevam .—St. E stevam : Vicar, Rev. Josa Amelino

(das) Neves. R. P r : Camilo Pauko de Da8. M athias.—S. Mathias : V icar, Rev. T. G. Quadros

I I I . V i c a r i a t e o f M a r g a o

Vicar F orane: V ery Rev. F. X. Pereira.Margao.—The Holy G host: Vicar, th e Very Rev. V icar

Forane. Assts., Revs. Camilo, C. A lecantara da Costa, A. Quadros, C. Coelho. R. P r s . : 20. Revs. P. Alvares, N. Vaz, J . Sousa, V. da Silva, J. C Lourenco, B.D., J . Pereira, J. Rodrigues, J. Pacheco, P. Pereira, J . D. Rebello and J . A lvares. Cath. 7,625.

Areal.—S. Jose : V icar, Rev. Octaviano Fernandes.Benaulim.—S. JoaoBaptista : Vicar, Antonio Tanmaturgo

Cotta. R. P rs .: 13. Revs. Jose Barrebto, V. M esquita,A. B arretto, J. Fernandez, J. Pereira, A. da Silva and E. Fernandez. Cath. 9,907.

Betalbatim.—N. S. dos Remedios. Vicar, Egidio Piedade Moraes, Asst., Rev. Avertano Barreto.

Chandor.—Our Lady of Belem : Vicar, Rev. R. V aleriano Barreto. Asst., Rev. S. J. Noronha. R. P r s . : Revs. A. Rebello and C. Barbosa.

Colva.—N. S. das Merces : Vicar, Rev. F. Babacier A l­meida, R. P rs .: Revs. Francisco A. Noronha, V. Mascarenhas, Joao D; Mascarenhas and Lucio Fernandez. Cath. 3,337.


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Curtorim.—S. A leixo: Vicar, Rev. Vidal Faria, Aasfc., Rev. Floriano J. dos M. Rodrigues. Rev. Teodoris Fernandes. R. Prs. : Revs. Menezes, A da Costa, V. Viegas, F. d;i Costa, M. da Costa, A. Gomes, B. da Costa and M. Mascarenhas. Cath 6,208.

Macasana.—S. Francisco X avier : V icar, Rev. A. S. Dias. R. P r . : Rev. Berardo Pereira. Cath. 1,682.

M ojorda .—Our Lady M other of God : Rev. J. R. Jorge,B.D. Asst., Rev. Jose M. Dias. R. Prs. : Revs. A. Jaques, A. Carvalho, A. G. da Costa and Ignacinho Pereira. Cath. 4.690.

N avelim .—Our Lady of the Rosary : V icar, Amaro deS. C Coutinho. Assts., Revs. Cipriano G. da Cunha andF. X. Monserrate. Cath. 8,635.

Nuvem —Jesus, Maria, Jose: Vicar, Rev. Luis Francisco da Cruz. R. P r : Rev. R. do R. Gomes. Cath. 3,619.

R a ch o l— Our Lady of Snow : V icar, Rev. M. J. S. Albuquerque. R. P r. A. M ascarenhas. Cath. 1,563.

Raia .—Our Lady of Snow : Vicar, Rev. J. F. Carvalho. Asst., Rev. Cursino Colaco. Chapels 7. R . P r s .: Revs. J. Barreto, Th. Abreu, M. Dias, A. Moniz and J . Antas. Cath. 7,821.

Seraulim.—V. S. do P ilar : V icar, Rev. Roque Ractaucio Faleiro. Cath. 1,049.

I V . V i c a r i a t e o f C h i n c h i n i m

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Joaquim Euclides de Silva.Chinchinim.—N. S. da Esperancas : V icar, the Very

Rev. Vicar Forane. Assts., Revs. T. Alberto and A. M. Mascarenhas. R. P r s . : Revs. Louis S de Mello, Lusiano Dias, Teobaldo Ferro, Peregrino Sa, J. Rodrigues, Marcelino Cota and F. Gomes.

Assolna.—N. S. dos M artyres : V icar, Rev. JoaquimTorquato. R. P r s . : Revs. J. Almeida, C. A. Pereira, L. Alfonso and Heinencio Ferrario de Souza, Cath. 3,774.

Carmona.—N. S. do Soccorro: Vicar, Rev. LeandroFerreira. Asst., Joaquim Dias Alberto. Cath. 1,381.

Cuncolim.—N. S. de Saude : Vicar, Rev. Lopes. Asst., Rev. Sertorio M ascarenhas. Cath. 6,307.

Orlim.— S. Miguel A rchen jo : Vicar, Rev. Paulo Fep,dos R. Silva. Cath. 1,386.



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Parodat—N. S, de Conceicao: Vicar, Rev. Jose Fulgencio d’Almeida. Cath. 2,8lP.

Yarca.—N.S. da G lo ria : Vicar, Rev. Celestino Figaeiredo. R. P r s . : Revs. J. T. Fernandes, Sebastiao do R. Costa, M artinho dos R. N. Ferrao and Gonzaga Martins. Cath. 2,614.

Velim.—S. Francisco X avier : V icar, Benedito Saldanha. Asst., Rev. Honorato Silva and Telesforo Fernandes. Chapel. R. P r . : ilev . Olimpio Colaco. Oath. 5,788.

' V. V i c a r ia t e o f V e r n a

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. M. F. dos Prazeres Almeida.V e rn a — Santa C ruz: Vicar, V ery Rev. M. F. dos

Frazeres Almeida. Asst., Rev. Octaviano Martins. R. P r s . : Revs. A. Noronha, R. Aranjo and S. Abranches. Cath. 4,507.

Chiealim.— S. Francisco X av ier: Vicar, Vicente H.Cabral. Cath. 485.

C arta lim — SS. Filippe and Thiago: Vicar, Rev. P. M. da P. Games. R. P r s . : Revs* P. Quadros, A. Miranda and Theo. Noronha. Cath. 5,375.

Jjoutulim .—Salvador do Mundo: Vicar, Bra’s Policiano de Souza. R. P r s . : Revs, R. Menezes, P. Quadros, J. Monteiro,C. Cardozo, R. Figueiredo, Hypolit, Mascarenhas, Lopo J. dos Reis and F. Figueiredo. Cath. 4,666.

Mormugao.— S. Andre : Rev. R. Pereira. Cath. 1,313.Sancoale.—N. S. da Saude : Rev. C. F. Monteiro. Cath. 787*S. Jaciritho.—S. Jac in tho : Rev. Soares. Cath. 742.Sdn Thome.—S. Thome: Vicar, Rev. H. Verdes. Ass

Rev. Narciso Fernandes. R. P rs : Revs. Joao Viegas,A. Rodriguew, V. da Costa, Th. Saldanha, T. Rodrigues,H. da Costa, J. Rodrigues, and Manuel J. Barreto. Cath. 2,361.

Vdlcao.—Our Lady of Assumption : V icar, Rev* Jose Roque Bonifacio Luis. R. P rs .: ReVs. A. S. Rebello and Joaquim T. d’Assumpcao Souza. Cath. 3,614.

V I . V i c a r i a t e o e M a p u c a

Vicd/r Forane: V ery Rev. A. C. A. do Rosario de Sotiza.Mapuca.—S. Jeronym o: Vicar, V ery Rev. Antonio C.

Abel do Rosario de Souza. Assts., Revs. Elias-Benj. de Souza and Natividade Sousa. Chapels 8. R .P rs .: Revs. D. d’Azevedo Louis Lobr\ M de Souza, S. B, Pereira, A. X. Braganca,


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Sertorio A. de Souza, Brass D. de Souza, Belarmino E. Souza, A. P. Soccorro Ferrao and Feo. X er. Filomeno da C. Gomes. Cath. 7,288.

Anjuna.—S. Miguel A rchanjo : Vicar, Rev. Jose Leandr0 Abreu. Assts., Revs. Felipe Neri. De Souza and Ciril° Sousa. Chapels 7. R. P rs : Revs. Cyprian Valles, A. S. B* Fernandes, Lazaro Andrade, Florencia P into and Lucas A* Campos. Cath. 5,913.

Assagao.—S. Caetano : V icar, Rev. Custodio Vitorino Lobo. Chapels 3. R. Prs. : Revs. Louis J. P. Cordeiro» Louis M. de Souza, Francisco A. C. N azareth, Francisco X. Fonseca, Francisco X. Andrade, Leonardo C. de Souza, D. Souza. A. d’ Andrade, L. de Souza, A. de Souza and Angelo de Souza. Cath. 2.920.

Colvalle.—S. Francisco S. Assiz : V icar, Eev. Bento Godinho. R. P r. : Rev. J . Fernandez. Cath. 3,859.

Guirim.—S. Diogo : V icir, Rev. Valentine Fernandes. Assts., Rev. Duarte Fernandez. R. P rs : Revs, D. De Souza, A. Fernandez, P. Paes, C. Faria, M. Pinto, Socrates da P. Faria, Hypolito A. Luna, P. G. C. Rebello and Pedro Vincente Correa. Cath. 3,592.

M oira — Our Lady of Conception : Vicar, Rev. JoséNapoleao Disng. li. Prs : Revs. M. Benj. Sa, J. G. Correia, L. Nazareth and H ilario de Souza. Cath. 2,606.

Oxel.—N. S. do Mar. Vicar, Rev. Joao M aria A. Sousa. Cath. 1,441.

Parra.—Santa Anna : Rev. J. Caetano Sousa. Assts., Revs. J , M ascarenhas and A. E. de Souza. Prs. : Revs.G. M. A. Dias, R. Joao Jose C. de R Marques and E. Z. da Costa. Cath. 4,934.

Siolim .— S. Anbonio de Lisbon : Vicar, Rev. J. Maria M artires. Assts., Revs. Roque Pio Fernandes and Leonardo Souza. Chapels 3. R. P rs : Revs. J. V. de Souza, J. F. Francisco, P. A. de Souza and E. de Sa. Cath, 7,327.

Soccorro.—N. S. de Soccorro : V icar, Rev. Caetano B de Sa. Chapels 3. R Prs. : Revs. J. F. de Souza, J. 01. Pinto, J. Monteiro, J. Pinto, F. Pinto, F. X. Pinto and D. Lobo. Cath. 2,586.

Uccassaim.— Santa Isabel Rainha da, Portugal : Vicar, Rev. P . F. N. Marques. Asst., A. Castelino. R. Prs. : Revs. C, R. de Souza, D. V. V. Cunha and F. de Sa. Cath. 3,838.


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V I I . V i c a r i a t e o f Ca l a n g u t e

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Antonio Eduardo Lobo.Calangute.—Santo A leixo: Vicar, Rev. A. E. Lobo. Assts.,

Revs. L. de Souza and C. Fernandes. R. F r s . : Revs. E rem ita Fernandes, Canuto de Sousa and L. F . B. d’ Andrade. Cath. 6,873.

Condolim — N. S. daEsperanca : Rev. M .F.Lobo. R. P r s . : Revs. E. Souza and Jose Lemos Cath. 5,614.

Linhares.— S. Lourenco: V icar, Rev. Caetaninho da Rocha Pinto. Chapels 2. Cath. 300.

Nagoa.—The Holy Trinity : V icar, Rev. C. Braz de Sa. Asst., Luciano Pereira. R. P rs. : Revs. S. J. Pinto, M. F. X. Lourcnco, N. S. da Costa and M. A. Lobo. Cath. 3,095.

N eru l.—N. S. dos Remedios : V icar, Rev. F. N. Meneses.Pilerne.—S. Joao Baptista : V icar, Rev. L. G. Moniz.R eis Magos.—Reis Magos: Vicar, Rev. S. G. Braganca.Saligao .—Mother of God: Vicar, Rev. Lazaro Sousa. R.

P r s . : 4. Revs. J. A. de Souza, C. Francisco, X. de Souza, B. Fernandes, C. F. de Souza, J. P into Lobo, M. Lobo, P. Marques and J. F. dos Remedios. Cath. 2,950.

V III . V i c a r i a t e o f A l d o n a

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. Sebastiao Lobo, b .d .Aldona.—S. Thome : Vicar, Very Rev. Sebastiao Lobo.

Assts., Revs. Adriao Sousa and Abel Sousa. R. Prs. : Mgr. C. Chrispin Pinto, Revs. J. M. Pinto, T. C. de Souza, J . J . Lazard Ferrao, C. M. Pereira, V. C. da Conceicao Soares,F . J. S. A nna Lobo and L. C. Siqueira. Cath. 9,752.

Assonora .—Santa C la ra : Rev. A. da Cunba, Cath. 1,970.Nachinola .—Bom Jesus : V icar, Rev. M. Ma, Guilherme

Franco. R. P r s . : Revs. C. X. de Sousa and A. M. L. de Souza. Cath. 902.

Penha de Franca.—Our Lady of Penha de Franca : Vicar, Rev. Paulo Jose Sousa. Cath. 1,171.

Pomburpa.—Mother of God : Vicar, Rev. Jose B. de Gama. Asst., Rev. M. Gomes Catao. Cath. 2,209.

Bevora — Our Lady of V icto ries: Vicar, Rev. Paul de Rosario Fernandes. Cath. 1,890.

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Salvador de M undo .—Salvador de Mundo : Vicar, Rev.0. P. Mascarenkas. R. P r s . : Revs. Gabriel B. Fonseca and Jose Luciano Pereira. Cath. 1,884.

Tivim .—S. C hristovao: Rev. A. Pereira d’ Andrade. A ? t., Rev. J . Rego. R. P r s . : Revs. R. de Souza and J. M. de Son:a. Cath. 6,373.

IX . 1st V i c a r ia t e o f N e w C o n q u e s t s

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. Luis Filipe d’ A taide.Agonda.— S. A nna : Rev. Braz A. Quadros. Cath. 1,105.Cabo de Ram a.—S. A ntonio : Rev. Floriano Fernandes.

R. P r s . : Revs. P . de Sousa and Brao A. Quadros. Cath. 1,015.Canacona. -S . Theresa de Jesus: Vicar, Rev. Joaquim

A. Viegas. Cath 1,159.Galgibaga,.—Santa Antonio : V icar, Rev. Americo B ar­

bosa. R. P r . : Rev. Basilio Andrade. Cath. 2,366.Ponda.—Santo A nna : Rev. L. Mesquita. Asste,, Revs.

1. Coelho, A. Rodrigues and B. Mesquita. Cath. 4,802.Quepem.—Santa Cruz : Vicar, V ery Rev. V icar Forane.

Cath. 3,815.Sanguem —N. S. dos Milagres : Rev. Romualdo J. Vas.

R. P r s . : Rev. R. Sardinha. Cath. 3,266,Siroda .—Sacra Farailia : Rev. D. Gracias. R. Pr. :

Rev. F . X. B. Faleiro. Cath. 4,747.Sanvordem .—G uardian Angels : R. P r .: Rev. Alcuino

da Costa. Cath. 1,158.Tilla M olla .—Our Lady Mother of the Poor: Vicar,

Rev. F. X. C. Faleiro. R. P r . : Rev, C. R. Sardinha Cath. 2,283.

X. 2 n d V i c a r i a t e o f N e w Co n q u e s t s

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. Faustino Lobo.Aram bol.—Our Lady of Mount Carmel : Vicar, C. Caeiro.

R. P r s . : Revs. F. de Sousa, L. B. Pinto and Arsenis Almeid». Cath. 4,184.

Bicholim .—N. S. da Graca : Rev. V icar Forane. R. P r . : Rev. Luis Gonzaga Siqueira. Cath. 787.

M arcella .—Sacra Fam ilia : Vicar, Rev. P. JD. Frei' as. Cath. 410.

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M arg in — Our Lady of M iracles: Vicar, Rev. P. A lbu­querque. Cath. 1,998.

Pernem.—S. Jose : V icar, Rev. Louis Pavlo F. de Souza. R. P r s : Revs. Policarpo Lobo, Pedro P. de Souza, Vicente R. Correia and Cirilo Sousa. Cath. 2,280.

Sanquelim.—S. Joao de D eus: V icar, Rev. Joaquim Pascoal de Souza. Chapel. Cath. 582.

Valpoy.—Im m aculate Conception de Lourdes: Vicar, Rev. Cruz Gaspar Viegas. R. P r . : S. Gomes. Cath. 947.

X I. V i c a r i a t e o f t h e G h a t s

Vicar-General.—Rev. S. M. de Souza, Belgaum.Azgao.—S. Francis X avier : Rev. E. Pais. Cath. 1,927.Azrem .—Our Lady of the Rosary : V icar, Rev. Joao

Crestovam E. d’ Almeida. Cath. 1,815.Belgaum (1st mission).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel :

Rev. J. P. Dias. R. Prs. : Revs. M. Ferreira , J . Bramley, L. Mendes, J . Pereira, J. das Santos, Beirao W. A rkw right, A. de Rosario, J. Frucbuoso, A. Sousa and A. Fernandes. Cath. 1,509.

Belgaum (2nd mission).—Im m aculate Conception : Vicar, Rev. L. Pereira. Cath. 807.

B h iro n d a — Our Lady of the Rosary: Vicar, Rev. Bar- tholomeo Fernandes. Cath. 2,055.

B id i Nandgod.—S. Sebastioao : Vicar, Rev. Jose Ernesto Colaco. Cath. 906.

Khanapur.—Our Lady of M iracles: V icar, Rev. Vicente L. Correia Reblo. Cath. 1,456,

Malwan.—Oar Lady of the Rosary : Vicar, Rev. Ismael Monteiro, Cath. 2,352.

P oona— Im m aculate Conception: Vicar, Rev. J. S. do R. Freitas, D.D. Asst., Rev. Aloisio Lobo. Cath. 1,543.

R atnagiri.—Our Lady of M iracles: Vicar, Rev. Pedro S. de Melo. Cath. 427.

Savantw adi— Our Lady of Miracles : Vicar, Rev. AleixoS. Ananda P. Menezes. Cath. 4,230.

Vingurla.—Im m aculate Conception : Vicar, Rev. Domin­gos Soares. Cath. 1,921.


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X I I . V i c a r ia t e o f K a n a r a .

Vicar- General.—Rev. T. F. de Sousa, K arw ar.Angediva .—Our Lady : Rev. M. Caeiro. Cath. 352.Anhola.—Oar L a d y : Rev. B. V. Mendonci. Cabh. 673.Chandowir.—Sb. Francis Xavier : Rev. V. S. d’Melo.Gulmona.—Our Lady of RemediosJ: V icar, Rev. Francisco

Libano Mendes. Cath. 1,082.H alyal.—Oav Lady of Milagras : Vicar, R?v. Jose Maria

d'A. Quadros. Cath. 990.Honowar.—Salvador do M undo: Vicar, Rev. Baltasar R.

Rosario Gomes. Cath. 3,878.Karwar (1st Mission).—Our Lady of tha Assumption :

V icar, Braz Azavedo. Cath. 439.K arw ar (2nd Mission).—Our Lady of Piedade : Vicar,

Rev. Rosario Monteiro. Cath. 1,376.K u n ta —'S. John Bapbista : Vicar, Rev. Antonio J. da P .

Furtado. Cath. 2,162.M onky.—Holy Cross: Rev. F. X. Gracias. Cath. 1,340.Sadashivgad.—St. Joseph : Rev. D. V. Barreto. Cath.

1,763.S irsi.—Sanbo Antonio : Rev. C. Miranda. Cabh. 986.Sunksry .—The Im m aculate Concepbion: Vicar, Rev.

M atheus Falcao. Cath. 1,001.Yellapur.—Our Lady of the Rosary : Vicar, Clemente

M. M. Caeiro. Cath. 405.

X III . V ic a r ia t e o f D a m a u n a n d D m

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. T. Coutinho. Residence, Damaun.

Brancavara (Diu, via Una).—St. Andrew (1630): Cath. 35. Sun- M. 8 a.m. Vic >r, Rev. A. Fernandes.

Damao Grande (via Damaun Road, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. dos. Remedios (1700): Cath. 1,743. Vicar, Rev. Veriasimo dos Prazeres. Sun. M. 8 a.m. Ban. 5 p*m. C onfr.; N. S. 4os Remedios, N. S. das Augustias.


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Damao Pequeno (via Damaun Roai, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. do Mar (1701): Cath 465. Vicar, Rev. Francisco Sousa. Sun. M 7-30 and 8-30 a.m. C onfr.: N. S. do M ar. Holy Cross.

Diu (via Una). -N . S. da Conceica) (1610, 1897): Cath. 158. Vicar, Rev. Basilio M. F. Aguiar. S.md M. 8 and 9 a.m. Ban. 4 p.m. Confr : N S. da Gonceicao, N. S. do Rosa io.

Praca De Damao (via Damaun Road, B.B. Ry.).—Tho Holy Name of Jesus (1559): Cath. 125. V icar, Rev. Jose M. P. da Gam a Sun. M. 8 a.m. Ben 5-30 p.m Confr. : Bl. Sacr. St. Roque, N S. do Rosario.

Silvassa (via Damaun Road, B.B. Ry.).—N.S. Da Piedade (L889): Cath. 437. Vicar, Rev. J. L Noronha Sund. M. 8-30 a.m. Ben. 6 p.m.


Archbishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular JPriests ... ... ... 540Priests of Religious Orders ... ... 12

Total ... 553

Parishes w ith Resident Priests ... 109Missions ... ... ... ... 25Churches ... ... ... ... 6

Total ... 140

Public Chapels 380Ecclesiastical students ... ... ... 506Religious women ... ... '... 34Parishes w ith E lem entary Schools ... 140

Pupils ................................................. 3,890Colleges and High Schools for boys ... 5

Students ... ... ... ... 1,890College and High School for girls ... 2

Students ... ... ... ... 300Orphanages ... ... ... ... 2

Orphans ... ... ... ... 140Hospitals and dispensaries ... ... 3IJomes for the Aged ••• ■ 3

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M arriagesBaptisms : F Ä f " 9’0^ } Total(.Adults .Deaths Total population

(■HindusNon-Catholics : C Mahomedans j

Catholics :


N o n .C a t h o l i o s , [ ^ “f - r rit0ry









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H is to r ic a l Nòtete

The dìécose was erected itt 1558» I t wà^ re-organised as folloWs afte r the Concordat of 1888

.F irst Terr it or y,~~ Situated between the sea and the Archdìdcós? of Verapòty, it is bounded on the North by a line of division between the Parish of Vypeen and th a t of Cruz Milàgréà ; oa the South by a stra igh t line from the branchingi of R iver Rahee near Vaopùràm iip to the Southern lim it of Poorakadu; on the West by the Indian Ocean; and on the East (a) by the tw e hig lakes of Cochin and Alleppey, (6) by th e intervening small lakes w hich take th e ir courses from the lake of Cochin to th a t of Alleppey, (c) by the River Ranee from V aopuram up to the lake of Alleppey, so th a t on reach­ing eastw ards Ourmandi, it takes the main road th a t leads to Poroor and thence the road th a t leads to the same R iver Ranee.

Second T errito ry .—Situated between the sea and the Diocese of Quilon, it is bounded on the North by a line of divi­sion between the villages of Pallithoray and Thumba ; on the South-W est by the Indian Ocean ; on the South-East by an arm of th e sea called Patnam ; on the East by the Govern­ment Canal from Pallithorpy up to the Kadavoo bridge, old landing place from Kadavoo by the straigh t line up to the Trivellum bridge ; from Trivellum by the Government new road, to the 10th mile stone from Trivandrum, Cangilavilayam and from th is point by a straigh t line up to the junction of the two roads at Tambunancady ; from Tambunancady by the road th a t goes to the River Poar, and from the place w here th e road crosses it by the same river and lastly by th e canal up the Patnam .

Language : M alayalam.B is h o p

The R ight Rev. Jose Bento M artin Ribeiro (1909). Residence, Cochin. '

Secretary.—Rev. J, Trindade,

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CPqHlli $7

E p isq ppa l PuftUProm oter JustituBf-—Ya>ca.rib,Chancellor.—A, E. Gomes.Official.—V ery R ev? j3. C,lPresejitacao,Auditor.— V ery Rev, C. F , P lati^ho Monteiro.Consultors.—S. Proi^jrtacao, D, J . L. de N azaret^, A.

Gomes ^pd A. Menezps.PfO-synQflgl Judges and Exam iner$, an,d parish -prjests '

consultors.—G. |$ercler, Raphael Fernandes,' P . R odrigue^ Michael Monteiro, Justini K arum ancheri and J. J . Pereira.

Censors— Revs. S. C. Presentacao\, M.¿f. Meneze^ and J . J . Pereira.

C lergy— P riests 73.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Society o f Jesus, established at Cochin and at Alleppey : Religious 11.

The S isters o f C harity o f Canossa, Cochin, Vypeen and Alleppey : 15 European and 12 Indian Bisters.

The Franciscan M issionaries o f M a ry , Cattiparambu, Lourdepuram and P a lju ru tty ; Religious—7 European and 26 Indian Sisters. Novices 12, Postulants 4.

The M issionary Canonesses o f S t. Augustine, established at Thopo, Trivandrum : Religious— 8 European Sisters,

The S isters o f the Th ird Order o f the V isita tion , a t E attaor (A lleppey): Religious 2, Noyiees 6, Postulants 3.

The Franciscan Brothers, aj; K alavur, Kattoor (Allep* p e y ): Religious 4.

In s t itu t io n s

Diocesan Sem inary , A llep p ey— Rector, Rev. J. Ribeiro Delgado. Seminarists 25. Besides there are 25 sem inarists in Puthem pally Seminary, 4 in Kandy and 1 in Coa.

Leo X I I I English H igh School fo r ho us, AUappey.— M anager, Rev. J. Ribeiro Delgado. Pupils 1,050'.

LeQ X I I I Lower Grade Prim ary School fo r bay#, Alleppey.—M anager, Rev. j . Ribpiro Delgado. Pupils 435.

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S t. Joseph 's Convent E nglish H igh School fo r g ir ls , A lleppey , under th e Canossian Sisters.—M other Superior, Rachel Comini. Teachers 15. G irls 328, Boarders 80.

S t. Joseph's Convent Low er Grade P rim ary School fo r g irls, A lle p p e y —Teachers 9. G irls 338.

Industria l School fo r girls, A lleppey , a ttached to St. Joseph’s Convent.—Teachers 5. G irls 61.

Santa Cruz English H igh School fo r boys, Cochin.— M anager, Rev. R. Fructuoso, S .J.; H eadm aster, Rev. J. M artins Tavares. Teachers 26. Pupils 530.

S t. Sebastian's E . H , School, P alluru thy.—M anager, th e Rev. R. F efhandes; H eadm aster, Rev. John Edacatt. Pupils 624.

St. M ary 's European Convent E nglish H igh School fo r girls, Cochin, under th e Canossian Sisters.—Mother Superior, M ary M arie. Teachers 12. Girls 162.

St. M ary 's Convent Low er Grade P rim ary School fo r g irls, Cochin.—Teachers 9. Girls 158.

A ttached to St. M ary’s Convent, there is a Boarding Establishm ent. Boarders 25.

Industria l School fo r girls, Cochin, attached to Sb. M ary's Convent.—G irls 12.

L a d y o f Hope European Boys' and G ir ls ’ School.— Teachers 6, Pupils 115.

S t. E lizabeth 's Convent, Cattiparambu (P alluru tty P.O.) (August 22,1922).—Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, M other M. G erm aine. There is a N ovitiate for Indian girls. Novices, Postulants and Aspirants, 31.

St. E lizabeth 's Convent Industria l School fo r girls, Cattiparambu.—Franciscan Missionaries of M ary. G irls 46.

Convent o f Our L a d y o f M iracles, P a lluru tty .—Francis­can Missionaries of M ary. M other M. Germaine.

Convent o f Our L a d y o f M iracles Industria l School fo r girls, P a llu ru tty .—Pupils 37.

Convent o f Our L a d y o f Lourdes; Lourdepuram (Puvar P.O., Trivandrum ), under the Franciscan Missionaries of M ary —Superior, M other Ransom. European 2, Indian 9.

28 cdCHIN

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Convent o f Our L a d y o f Lourdes Industria l School fo r g irls , Lourdepuram.—G irls 123.

H oly Fam ily Convent, K attoor (Alleppey P.O.).—Sisters of the Third Order of the Visitation (Indian).

St. Rock's Convent, Thopo, Trivandrum ( Vallakadavoo P.O.).—Missionary Canonesses of St. Augustine. Religious 8. English School, girls 100; Boarders 40.

St. Joseph's Industria l School fo r boys, V allia thorray , Trivandrum .—Pupils 28.

The Catechamenates at A lleppey.—One for men, attached to th e Sem inary, and another for women, attached to St. Joseph’s Convent.

Home fo r the A ged , attached to the Seminary, Alleppey.Poor Dispensaries 4, attached, respectively, to the Con­

vents of Cattiparam bu, P a llu ru tty and Lourdepuram, and the 4th conducted by the Franciscan Brothers at K alavur.

S t. Antony's Orphanage fo r boys, A lleppey , attached to th e Seminary.—Orphans 19.

St. Joseph's Orphanage fo r g ir ls , Alleppey, attached to St. Joseph’s Convent.—Orphans 55.

St. M ary's Orphanage fo r girls, Cochin, attached to St. M ary’s Convent.—Eurasian orphans 14, Indian 43.

“ Santa C ruz" Press, A lleppey, a ttached to St. A ntony’B Orphanage.—M anager, Rev. J . Ribeiro Delgado.

G a zetteer

The Diocese is divided into 5 Ecclesiastical Districts :—

I District

Vicar F orane : The V ery Rev. D. J . L. de N azareth. Residence, Am arabady, Cochin.

Santa Cruz Cathedral, Cochin.—Pro-V icar, Rev. D. E ve­re tt ; Vic. Co-op., Rev. F. Figueiredo. Cath. 6,156.

Am arabady (P.O., Cochin).—St. A ntony of Lisbon : Rev.D. J . L. de N azareth. Cath, 2,126. Sub-station, Eravelly.

Vypeen (P.O., Cochin).—N. S. da E speranca: Vicar, ReV. A ndrew E. G om es; Vic. Co-op., Rev. J . Paul. Cath. 2,210. A nglo-Prim ary School, 115 pupils.


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MQttcmQkefi ( P £ lP o c h i^ ) .—Qur Lady of L ife : B ev. K. L. A. Menezes ; Vic. Corop., g ev . S. Panacherri, Oath. 3,911. Sub^stfition, Chuiikel.

Pallurwtty (P a llu ru tty P,Q„ Cqphin),—St. Sgfr&sfóan: Yicg.r? Rev. R. Fernandes; Vic, Co-op., Rev. J. E ^ k a t t . Cath 5,668. Sanctuary of Our L$dy : Rev. A. C. Segueirat

Nazareth (P.O., Cochin).—Our Lady of ifazarebh : Vipap, % v , Geor^Q H e r ^ r . p a th , 3,229.

Saude (P a llu ru tty P.O., Cochin).-^Qur Lady of H ealth : Yicay, Rey, Carlas liefonlia. C^fch. 3,659.8,

M onachetti (P allu ru tty P.Q , Gochin).—St. Michael : V icar, Rev. A. P . John. Cath. 1,250.

St. Louis: Vicar, R bv . D. Rodrigues ; Vic. Corop., Rev. T. Tash.athu, Cath. 4,Q99. Sub-stations, Cheraijtadavu and Cattiparam bu. Bev. F, D, 4e Sipjjsfc,

I I D is t r ic t

Vicar Forane: The Very Rev, L, fu ly a n a th (¡acting). Residence, Edacochi, P alluru tty P.O.

Edacochi (P allu ru tty P.O., Cochin).—St. Lawrence ; Rev. L. Pulyanath ; Vic. Co-op., Rev. P . Andumalid at Parimpadupo. Cath. 3,900.

A roor (A ruku tty P.O., Travancore).—St. Augustine : V icar, Rev. G. Menezes. CJath. 2,4Q&

Eram alloor (Kuthiathode P.O., Travancore).—St. Francis X av ier: Rev. P eter Puthpjmp<|rakal- Cath. 2,140.

Pazhangad, (A rukutty P.O., Travancore).—St, George : Rev. J . de Rozario. Cath. 3,637.

Ohakiamury (A ruku tty P.O., Travancore).—SS. Peter and Paul : Rev. R. D’Cruz. Cath, 3,118.

K anam ally (P allu ru tty P,Q,, Pophifl),—Qijir Lady of Assumption : Vicar, Rev. P . À. Alunkal. Cath. 1,487.

Ohelloiipain {Pallurrtfty P,Qf, poch#i).—St, S e b a s ^ n : Rev. M. J. M enezes.' Cath. 2,650.

A rafh inka l (jSljertally P.O., Tpavancorej[—St, Georgp : V icar, Rev. A ntony de Rosario. Cath. 2,039.

Thanghy (Sher^ally P.O., T ra v a ^ c p re )O u r Lady pf Purification : Vicar, f$ey, M&pue) C aihanar, Cath. 2,65ft.

30 O G pgtii

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I I I DtìftRlCT

Viear Forane : Thè V ery Rev. Si G; Presentiaoao. Resi­dence, A ru tk inkà t, Shèrta lly P.O.

A fa th in kè l (Sherbally P.O;, Travahcore);—9t. Andrew : Rev. S. C. Prósentacàoi Vic. Go-op.* Rev-. J* Màkii arid L. Makil. Cath. 5,174 Sub-stations a t Chety.

AzhiKél (Kiìthiathodé P<Os, Tiàvanetìre):—St. Francie X avier : Vicar. Rev. Luiz Gonsalves. Gath. 2*057.

Pallithode (K uthiathode'P .O , Travàntìorè).—St» Sebas­tian : V icar, Rev. J* J. Pereira. Cathi 3,973.

M ànacodam (K uthiàthode P;0., Travancore).—St. George : V icar, Rev. Justine Karuniancheri. Cath. 1,210.

Ezhuvine (K uth iàthb ìe P.O*).—St. Àntony : Cath. 729,Chellanam (K uthiathode P.O.),—St. George : Vicari Rev.

Joìin Àbràhàih. Càfch. 1,196.Kandacadavoo (P allu ru tty P.O., C ochin)—St. Francis

jf&vifer : Vìtfàr, ReV.G. dàs Dòfeà; d à th . 2,238.IV D is t r ic t

Vicàr Forane : Ì k è V é f y É é V . C. ì ? la t in h o Mbnteiro. È è s ià e r ic è , Àìleppey.

A lleppey (Alleppe.y P.O.).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel : V icàr, th% Vqily Rév.,Ò; F. P làtìhho Monteift) ; Vifcar Cb-op., Rev. Jeròìne ThtekeVidi Gath. 3,800. Kunétimàl, P ro m d .—R tv . Gregory Azhiakatfc. Cath. 248.

Vaishambakat (Am bàlapuzhà Ì \0 .) .—Viòar, Rev. Mà- thew Naduvilakulam. Cath; 515.

V attul (Alleppey PiO.).—;St. P e te r : Vicar, Rev. M. Monteiro. Cath. 4,651.

Thumpoly ( A l le p p e y P.O.).—St. Thom as: Vicai*, Rev. P. 3VL Prazeres A rakal, A. B. Compos a t Vàllapallii Oath. 5,515.

Pungavoo (Alleppey P.O.).—Óur Lady of Assum ption: V icar, Rev. Joseph Mekil. Cath. 2,065.

K attoor (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Michael : R ev .M . d’Erice- i r a and G. Vattoedam at M aràricolam. Cath. 4,153.

V allar (ShéHally P.O.).—St. Francis X av ier: Vicar, -f$6Y, John T hazhathu. Cath. 369,

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V D ist r ic t

Superior , The V ery Rev. A. P . Lino de Souza. Resi­dence, Thope Church, Vallakadavoo P.O., Trivandrum .

Velly, w ith Pallitu ra and C herlavelly (K azhakkuttam P.O.),—St. Thomas : Vicar, Rev. J . H. Vaz. Cath. 2,610.

Madre-de-Deus, w ith K anantura (Vallakadavoo P.O., Trivandrum ).—V icar, Rev. G. Godinho. Cath. 2,182.

Thopo (Vallakadavoo P.O.).—St. Rock : Rev. G. Godinho. Cath. 682.

V alliathura, w ith C heriathura (Vallakadavoo P.O., Trivandrum ).—St. Antony : Rev. F. X . Lopes. Cath. 3,112.

Poonthura (Vallakadavoo P.O., Trivandrum).—St. Tho­mas : Vicar, Rev. Carlos Cota. Cath. 1,740.

V izh in jam (Puvar P.O., Trivandrum).—Vicar, th e Rev, J . N. D’Costa. Cath. 1,600.

Pulluvilla , w ith Palam and St. Peter (Puvar P.O.).—St. Jacob : V icar, Rev. Jacob Lopez, Cath. 4,125.

Lourdepuram, w ith Chowara and Chinam athanthura (Puvar P.O.).—Our Lady : Michail Kadaviparam bil. Cath. 1,810.

Karingulam, w ith P uvar and Cochithura (Puvar P.O.).— St. Andrew : V icar, Rev. I. Gonsalves. Cath. 3,446.

P arithur and Colangode.—Vicar, vacant. P a rith u r under Karigulam and Colangode under V allavilla.

V allavilla , w ith M arthandanthura and N iridy (Puvar P.O.).—Our Lady : Rev. L. das Neves Fernandes. Cath. 4,087.

Thutoor, w ith Pu then thura, Puithura and E ram antl'ura (M arthandam P.O.).—St. Thomas : V icar, Rev. J . Gregorio Nazianzeno. Cath. 3,893.

RECAPITULATIONBishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular P riests ... ... ... 70Priests of Religious O rd e^ 8

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Churches and chapels w ith resident priests ... 52O ther churches and chapels ... ... 25Ecclesiastical students ... ... ... 44Religious women ... ... ... 69

Do. men (not priests) ... ... 6Elem entary schools ... ... ... 88Total number of school children in these schools. 9,653High schools for boys ... ... 2

Students ... ••• .. ... 1,289H igh .schools for girla ... ... 2

Students ... — ... -489Orphanages ... ... ... ... ' 3

Orphans ... ... ... ... 129Dispensaries ... ... ... ... 4Home for the aged ........... ... ... 1Industrial schools ... ... ... 6Total number of young people under Catholic

care ... ... ... ... 11,653M arriages ... ... ,.. 840Baptisms ... ... ... ... 4,920Deaths ... ... ... ... 2,220Convents ... ... ... ... 176Catholic population ... ... ... 118,213



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The Diocese consists of two sections of continuous territo ry , w hile besides, the Bishop of Mylapore exercises ordinary jurisdiction over several churches and congregations scattered over Southern India and Bengal. The more import­an t of these sections of continuous territo ry is bounded on the E ast by the Bay of Bengal, on th e North by the Edw ard E lliot’s Eoad and St. George’s Cathedral Road in th e City of M adras ; on th e W est by th e Road leading from M adras to Conjèeveram, in the Chingleput D istrict ; and on the South by th e river Palar. The other section is bounded on the East, again by th e Bay of Bejigal ; on th e N orth by th e rivers Y etta r and V ennar, on th e South by the civil district of M adura and th e boundaries of A langudi and Tirum ayam ; and on the W est by the Taluk of Kollatur, in th e State of Pudukottah and the Civil district of Trichinopoly.

Catholics 90,391. Catechumens 2,441. Population about 2,000,000.

B is h o p

The R ight Rev. Dom Antonio M aria Teixeira, D.D., consecrated a t Mylapore (San Thome Cathedral) on October 7, 1928.

Secretary .—V ery Rev. Mgr. F. A. Carvalho

E p is c o p a l C u r i a

Ojficialis Curiae.—V ery Rev. F. H. Franco.Fiscal Advocate .—V ery Rev. A. Moniz.Defender o f the Bond o f M arriage.— Y ery Rev. S.

M arianandam .Chancellor and N otary.—Rev. A lberto Pereira

d’Andrade.A ud ito rs .—V ery Revs. F. H. Franco, B. da Cunha and

Rev. R, Cordeiro.

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Councillors.—V ery Revs. F . H. Franco, J. N. X . Mesquita, S. M arianandam , A. S. V ila-V erde, L. X . Fernandes and A. Moniz.

Prosynodal Judges.—V ery Revs. F. H. Franco, J . N. X. Mesquita, C. C. Barreto, L. X. Fernandes and J. B. de Souza.

Prosynodal E xa m in ers—V ery Revs. S. M arianandam , J. N. Mesquita, F. A. Carvalho, M. M otha Vaz, T. Menezes, M. V. Rodrigues, A. Moniz and L. Soma.

Prosynodal Parish Priests' Consultors.— V ery Revs. T. Menezes, S. Noronha, I. A rputham , A. Moniz and T. Fonseca Dias.

Diocesan B oard o f Adm inistration.—Very Revs. F. H. Franco, F. A. Carvalho and A. Moniz.

Treasurer o f the Diocese.—V ery Rev. Niceno de Figueiredo.

Censors.—V ery Revs, F. H. Franco, S. M arianandam, Mgr. F. C arvalho; Revs. M. V. Rodrigues, L. Soma and Stanislaus Joseph.

Clergy.—70 Priests.Seminarians.—42 Students.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o f M e n

(1) Brothers of St. Gabriel ... ... 3(2) Franciscan Brothers ... ... 5

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

(1) Franciscan M issionaries o f M ary: Convents 3,Nuns 54.

(2) Indian Nuns of Our Lady of Good Help, MotherHouse in Mylapore : Convents 12, Nuns 103.

(3) “ Good Shepherd ” Sisters, Mylapore i Nuns 7.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

H igh Schools—(1) St. Bede’s European High School, San Thome t

Principal, V ery Rev. A. S. V illa-V erde.(2) San Thome High School (Indian) i Principal, V ery

Rev. S. M afianandam.


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36 My l a p o r e

H igh Schools—cont.(3) St. Antony’s High School for boys, Tanjore : M an­

ager, Rev. G. H. Lourdes.(4) St. Chrysostom’s High School, Boytakhaha, Bow

Bazaar S treet, C a lcu tta : Director, Rev. A. S. Roy an.

(5) St. John’s H igh School, Bandel, B en g a l: M anager,Rev. Raygasse, s.c.

(6) St. Nicholas Tolentino High School, Nagory, Dacca :Manager, Rev. Y. Sertorio.

Lower Secondary Schools—(1) St. Antony’s Lower Secondary School, Negapatam s

M anager, V ery Rev. Fonseca Dias.(2) St. A ntony’s Lower Secondary School, Shibrur, Ben­

gal : M anager, Rev. A Monteiro.(3) O rnella’s Lower Secondary School, Tuticorin ; M an­

ager, R. Joseph.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s fo r G ir l s

1. San Thome Convent Middle School managed by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.

2. St. R aphael’s English School for Brahmin girls m an­aged by th e Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.

3. Tamil School for Indian girls managed by the Francis­can Missionaries of Mary.

4. St. Thomas’ Mount Lower Secondary School managed by th e Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.

5. St. Lazarus School, Madre-de-Deus, Mylapore. ..6. St. Francis X avier’s School, Alwarpet-, managed by

Indian Nuns of Oiir Lady of Good Help, M ylapore.7. St. Antony’s English School for girls, managed by

Indian Nuns of Our Lady of Good Help, Mylapore.

I n d u s t r i a l S c h o o l s

1. St. Joseph’s Industrial School, Chingleput.2. Industria l School, Tanjore.

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3. San Thome Convent Industrial School.4. Good Shepherd Convent, Adyar.

P r in t i n g P r e s s e s : 3

One in St. Joseph’s Industrial School, Chingleput ; another in St A nn’s Institu te , 146, Bow Bazaar Street, Boytakhana, Calcutta ; another in Tanjore.

B o a r d in g H o u s e s

1. One attached to St. Bede’s High School.2. One in St. Ann’s Institu te, Calcutta.3. One in St. Thomas’ Convent of Franciscan Missionaries

of Mary for caste girls.4. One in the Convent of Our Lady of Good Help, Madre-

de-Deus, Mylapore.

Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

1. Home for old Indian men at Covelong.2. Free Oat-door Dispensary at Covelong.3. Home for poor old women a t San Thome under the

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.' 4. Free Out-door Dispensary attached to the San Thome

Convent, under the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.5. St. Nicholas of Tolentino’s Free Dispensary, Nagory,

Dacca. Medical man and Apothecary attached.6. Free Dispensary, Shibpur. Medical man and Apothé-

cary attached.

Or p h a n a g e s f o r Bo y s

1. San Thome Orphanage for Europeans and Anglo- Indians : Director, Rev. S. B. Couto.

2. St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Chingleput : Rev. Peter Aloysius.

■•■•3. St. Francis X avier's Orphanage, Tanjore : Director, Rev. Bro. Rosier.

4. St. àn n ’s Orphanage; 146, Bow Bazaar S tree t, Calcutta ; Director, Rev. A. S. Roy an.

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Or p h a n a g e s f o r G ir l s

1. St. Thomas’ Convent, San Thome—(a) Orphanage for European and Anglo-Indian girls,

under the Franciscan M issionaries o f M ary.(b) Orphanage for Indian girls.(c) Home of th e In fan t Jesus for infants.

2. Madre-de-Deus Orphanage, Convent of Our Lady of Good Help, Mylapore.

3. Madre-de-Deus Orphanage at Alwarpet.4. O rphanage a t Nagori, Dacca, Bengal.5. Do. at Covelong (Chingleput Dist.).6. Do. a t Tanjore.

A p o s t o l a t e o f t h e P r e s s

The “ Catholic R eg is te r” , a m onthly Catholic N ew s­paper, issued at the nominal ra te of Rs. 3 per annum (inclu­sive of postage to all parts of th e world). Editor, V ery Rev.S. M arianandam . Address : San Thom e , Madras.

G a ze tteer

The Diocese is divided into six Ecclesiastical Districts :

I . D is t r ic t o f S a n T h o m e

V icar Forane : (Vacant).Cathedral, San Thome (M adras S., Tel. : M ylapore).—

P rior, V ery Rev. Mgr. F . A. C arvalho; Pro. Vicar, Rev. A. Pereira A ndrade; Sub-Chanter, Rev. F . C arvalho; Chap­lains : Revs. A. V ilia-V erde, Alberto Pires Lopes, P . Pereira,E . F. W illiamson and F. ,S. Costa. Chapels : The Rosary C onvent: St. R ita (Sem inary): Chapel of Our Lady of H ealth in th e Koopum and Chapel of St. A nthony. Cath. 2,052.

In stitu tions—(1) San Thome Seminary (P.O., San Thome): Rector,

V ery Rev. S. M arianandam ; Rev. R. Cordeiro, Spiritual Director ; Rev. P. Pereira, Prefect. Seminarians 19.

(2) St. Thomas’ Convent of Franciscan Missionaries of M a ry : Superior, Rev. Mother Mary Lawrence (P.O., San Thome). Chaplains : Revs. N. Figueiredo and F. S. Costa.

(3) Good Shepherd C onvent: Superior, Rev. M other M ary Philip . Chaplain, Rev. John P in to (P.O., Adyar).


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Institu tions—cont.(4) St. Bede’s European H igh School : Principal, V ery

Rev. A. S. V ila Verde. There is a Boarding House attached to th is school. Director, Rev. A . Lopes.

(5) San Thome High School : Principal, V ery Rev. S. M arianandam ; V ice-Principal, Rev. E. F . W illiamson.

(6) San Thome Orphanage : Director, Rev. S. B. Couto ; Asst., Rev. F . Sales Costa.

M ylapore , The L u z (M adras S., Tel. : M ylapore).—Our Lady of L ight (1516). C hapel: Our Lady of the Visitation. Very Rev. A. Moniz, Vicar. Cabh. 831.

M adre-de-Deus (M adras S., Tel. : M ylapore).—C hapel: St. Lazarus. Rev. R. Cordeiro, Vicar. Cath. 902.

Ban Secours C onvent: Mother General, Rev. M ary M artin. Chaplain, Rev. E. F. W illiamson.

Pudupet, Egmore ( Madras S.C., Tel . ’.M a d r a s E .) .~ Sacred H eart of Jesus (1848). Chapel of St. F rancis: Rev.F. X . V. Barreto, Vicar. Cath. 2,480.

N orth Georgetown, M adras (M adras E., T e l.: M adras M.).—Assumption of Our Lady (1640): Rev, L . X . Fernandes.

M adras (M adras E ., T e l.: M adras M.).—Oar Lady of Refuge (1845): Rev. Joseph Noronha, Vicar. Cath. 249.

Royapuram (M adras N. E ., T e l.: M adras R ,) .~ St. A nthony : Rev. S. H. de Souza, Vicar. Cath. 1,0S8.

South Georgetown, M adras (M adras E., Tel : M adras). —St. John the Baptist (L815): Rev. Stanislaus Joseph, V icar. Cath. 406.

Chingleput (P.O. and Tel.: Chingleput).—St. Joseph: Revs. Peter Aloysius and Filandio da Silva. Cath. 1,746.

Covelong (P.O. and T e l.: Covelong, Chingleput).—Our Lady of Carmel. Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes, M uttukadu : Rev. A. Braganca, V icar. Cath. 406.

L itt le M ount, Saidapet (P.O. and T e l .: Saidapet).—Our Lady of H ealth : Rev. J. B. D’Souza, Vicar. Cath. 327.

Pallavaram (P.O. arid T e l.: Pallavaram ).—St. Francis X avier : Rev. Paes, Vicar. Chapel, D arkhast (M animangalam P.O., Chingleput D ist.): Rev. A. M ascarenhas, M issionary ad paganos, Chapels 3. C ath. 668.


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Palanellore (Echoor, Chingleput, T e l.: Sriperum budur). —Our Lady of H ealth : Rev. Sanjivi Lourdusawmy, Mis­sionary. Cath, 1,1$5. 4 chapels. 21 schools, 487 pupils. Cate­chumen« 1,200,' Rfev. F, C. Regis, Missionary ad pagonos.

81. Thomas' Mount (P.O. and T e l.: St. Thomas’Mount).—Expectation of Our Lady. Chapels : St. P a trick ’s M ilitary Chapel, Rev. A. Neves, V icar ; Rev. A. M ascarenhas, Chaplain of th e Convent. Oath 1,746.

II . D is t r ic t o f N e g a p a t a m

•nr Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. T. da Fonseca Dias..r Karankanny [Tirupundi (Tanjore), T e l : N’egapatam].—

St. A nthony of Lisbon : Rev. Basilio Colaco. Cath. 1,661.M annargudi (P.O. and T e l.: Mannargudi).—St. Joseph.

Chapels 15. ReV. L. Leroy, Vicar, Cath. 3,193.Negapatairt (P.O. and Tel.: Negapatam).—Our Lady of

Lourdes : V ery Rev. T. Fonseca Dias, Vicar, V.F.. Padrigudi [M imisal (Tanjore), T el.: M anamelkudi]-,-

St. Jatnes : Rev. D. Roque, Vicar. Chapels 50. Cath, 6,143.Tirutturaipwndi [P.O. and T e l.: Tiru ttura ipundi

(Tanjore)].— Out Lady of Lourdes : Rev. L. Soma. Cath. 3,415._ Vq,Uankanni [(Tanjore), T e l.: Negapatam)].—Our Lady

of H ealth : Rev. S. X . N oroiiha; Asst., Rev. C. N azareth. Cath. 1,863.

I I I . D is t r ic t o f T a n j o r e

■ Vicar F orane: V ery Rev. M Mobha Vaz.

' Ammapet [Ammapet (Tanjore), T e l.: Am m apet, S.I.R.].— St. Joseph : V icar, Rev. A rul Mary. Chapels 9. Cath. 2,826.

Koradqichery ( P.O. and T e l.: K oradachery , Tanjore Dist.).— Rev. George Fernandes. Cath. 950. .

‘ M uttandipatty [Sengipatti (Tanjore), TeL: Valiant].— SS. Peter and Paul : Rev. S. Thomas. C ith . 4;-842.v. P attukotta i (V.Q, and T el.: PaHukottai, T anjore)— Oar Redeemer: Chapels 22. R3V. 1. Arpubham.- Cath. 5,014.

Tanjore (P.O. and T e l.: Tanjore).—Sacred H eart C hurch: V ery Rev. M. Mobha Vaz,. V icar; Assts., Rey. S. G, H. Xxjur^es. Cath. 9,13?.


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Vallam [P.O. and T e l.: Vallam (Tanjore)].—St. Francis X av ie r: Rev. A. Pakianather, V ic»r; Asst., Rev. G.Castelino. Cath. 5,098.

I V . D is t r ic t o f M a d u r a .

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. S Rodrigues, Trichinopoly.A voor [P.O and Tel y(Kolatur) Pudukotah].—-Our Lady

of the Assumption : Oath. 210.Cucurnim [Rajasingammgalam (Ram nad), T e l.: D evi-

pai/tos/n].—St. Saba^tian : Rev. D. Roque. Cafch. 128.Dindigul (P.O. and T e l.: D indjgul).—Our Lady of Dolours

(1729): Chapels 5. Rev. G. R. D. Rodrigues, Vicar. Cath. 2,829.

M adura (P.O. and Tel.: M adura).—'Our Lady of the Rosary : Rev. M. Rodrigues, Vicar. Cath. 660.

M aleyadipatti [P.O. and T e l.: Manaparai (Trichinopoly)]. —Our Lady of Snow : Cath. 200.

Oriur [(Vattanam, Ramnad), Tel,: Tondi],—N ativity of Our L ad y : Rev. D. Roque. Cath. 142.

Trichinopoly (P.O. and T el.: Trichinopoly).—Our Lady of Dolours : Rev. Y. N. X. Mesquita, V .F. Cath. 3,300.

Venkatakulam (Pudukotah), T el.: A lankudi.—Patronage of Our Lady : Rev. L. G. Carvalho. Cath. 600.

V . D is t r ic t o f t h e F i s h e r y Co a s t

Vicar Forane: V ery Rev. C. C. Barreto.Guardals [Fathantkaruvzi (T in m ve lly ), T el.: Ida iyan -

gudi].-—St. Thomas the Apostle : Rev. A. M. Cardoso.Manapad (Tin,%ev2lly), T el.: K ulaszkarapatnam .—'Holy

G ho st: Rev. Maria Joseph. Cath. 1,528.M utupettah [Tirupallany (Ramnad), T e l . : Valantaravai,

S .I .R y .].—Purification : Rev. A. Irudayam , Vicar. Cath. 770.Punnakayal [P.O. and Tel.: A utoor (Tinnevelly)].—

St. Michael, A rchangel : Oath. 666.Tuticorin .—Our Lady of Snow : Rev. C. C. Barreto, V icar;

Rev. R. Joseph, Asst. Priest ; Rev. L. Rocha. Cath. 2,589.Vaippar (Tinnevelly), [Tel.: V ilatikulam ],—Our Lady of

tsha Assumption : Cath« 855t 6


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VI. D is t r ic t o f B e n g a l

Ag. Superior: V ery Rev. B. da Cunha, Calcutta (147, Bow Bazaar Street).

Bandel (P.O. aud T e l.: H ooghly).—Oar Lady of the R osary : Rev. Raygasse, S C. Cath. 56.

Baitakhana [Calcutta (Ii7 , Bow Bazaar Street,, Calcutta), T e l,: Calcutta (2)].—Our Lady of Dolours: Rev. PolycarpoA ivares, Ag. V icar; Rev. S. B. Oouto, Ag. Director, St. Ann’s Orphanage. Cath. 2,538.

Chinsurah {Hooghly).—Jesus, M ary and Joseph : Rev. Raygasse, S.C., Visiting Missionary.

Dacca.—Church of Our Lady of P ie ty : V ery Rev. Balduino da Cunha, Vicar. C ath . 50.

Hashnabad [{Dacca Dt.), ,Tel.: Nabobganj].—Our Lady of tlv® R osary : Rev. N iceplw o Godinho, Vicar. Oath. 3,753.

M atbari (P .O .: N agari, D acca ; T e l .: Nagari, Pubail). —Rev. Sales da Silva, Vicar. Cath. 828,

Nagory [{Dacca Dt.), T e l.: Pubail].—St. Nicholas Tolen- t/i&Q: 3&ev. J, Sertorio da Silva, V ica r; Asst., Rev. J. Brsganca. Cath. 1,839.

Shibpur [Shibpur (Padrishibpur), (Bakerganj) ; Tel.: Sahebganj, Bakerganj].—Our Lady of G uidance: Rev. Maximo Godinho, V icar; Asst., Rev. Sales da Silva. Cath. 1,380.

Tesgong [P.O. and T e l: Rama {Dacca)].—Our Lady of the R osary: Rev. A, Mascarenhas, Ag. Vicar. Cath. 308.

Tutel [Dayudpur {Dacca), T e l.: Nabobganj],—Holy G h o st: Rev. Isidoro da Casta, Vicar. Cath. 1,023.


Bishop 1

Secular P rie s ts : { and Angl°-Indian ;;; 664

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Religious Communities of men ... ... %Brothers ... ... ... ... 9Religious Communities of women ... ... 4Coavents ... ... ... ... 17


European and A nglo-Indian Sisters ... ... 51Indian Sisters (novices included) ... ... 95

Total religious womeu ... 146

Parish Churches w ith resident P riest (Head Stations)

Sub-stations w ithout residential Priest but w it Chapel

Out-stations w ithout Priest and Chapel Seminary

StudentsEcclesiastical Students in other Seminaries DispensariesHome for the aged : { ^ “ eu '/.iHigh school for European boys

PupilsHigh schools for Indian boys

PupilsLower Secondary schools for Indian boys

PupilsLower Secondary schools for girls

PupilsLower Secondary Tamil schools

PupilsElem entary schools including mixed schools

Boys Girls

Industrial schools ...Pupils

Total pupils Boarding Houses Orphanages for boys

Do. for girls Orphan hoys

Do. girls Catholic population















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¿4 My l a p o r e

CatechumensC Pagan adults and infants

B aptism s: < Protestants(. Christian infants

Confessions Communions Confirmations M arriages Viaticums Extrem e Unctions Funerals






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S y r o -M a l a b a r R it e

Suffragan D ioceses: Changanacherry, Trichur and K ottayam Diocesan Clergy

The Archdiocese lies between the Chalakudy river and the Vempanad lake. I t has, therefore, its te rrito ry in the Native States of Travancore and Cochin, and in British M alabar.

Area : About 2,450 square miles.

Language: M alayalam.

Patron o f the Diocese : Sacred H eart of Jesus.A r c h b is h o p a n d Me t r o p o l it a n

The Most Rev. Mar Augustine K andathil, born August 25,1874 ; nominated Bishop of Arad and Coadjutor cumjure successionis to the V icar Apostolic of Ernakulam on Ang. 29, 1911; consecrated on December 3, 1911; nominated A rch­bishop, December 21, 1923.

Vicar-General.—R t. Rev. Mgr. Thomas Nedumkallel.

Consultors. — R t. Rev. Mgr. Thomas Nedumkallel ; Very Rev. Frs. Paul Palathum kal, Zacharias Parakal and Jacob Naduvathucb e rry .

Secretary .— 'Rev. Fr. M athai Payapilly .Procurator.—Rev. F r. Thomas V. Tlialiath.

Clergy.—157 Secular Priests.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

M onasteries.—(a) Five Monasteries of Syrian-Carm elite T ertiary Monks a t Vazhakulam , Pallipuram , Thevera, Coonemau and Alwaye.

(b) Mission House, Thottacam (Vaikam)i: Superior, Rev. George Mannara.

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Convents—(a) Carm elite T ertiary Sisters of the Syrian rite , v iz .:—A t Coonemau (1866), A rakushey (1891), Vaikam (1892), K aruku tty (1899), Chengal (1902), P aru r (1910), E rna- kulam (1915), M uttam (1916,), Kothamangalam (1918), N arakal, Tripoanithura and M agnappara (1928). Professed Nuns 211, Novices 29, Postulants 17, Boarders 240. Superioress-G eneral, Rev. Sr. Agnes of Jesus.

(b) Convent of the L ittle Sisters of the Poor and House for th e aged and sick, A lw ay e : Director, V ery Rev. Y arghese Payapilly .

(c) Convent of Poor Clares, Angam aly (1928).I n s t itu t io n s

Ernakulam .—Sacred H eart’s Sem inary (1901): Students 24. Rector, R ev. K. Nampiaparambil, Ph.D., d.d.

E n g l i s h S c h o o l s e o r Bo y s

1. A lw a ye— St. M ary’s English H igh School (1909): M anager, V ery Rev. George ValH aram path ; Assts., Revs.G. P ath iam ula and G. Menachey, b .a . Strength 645.

2. Thaikatucherry.—S. M.S. Jubilee English Middle School: M anager, Par ail A. J . K unjavara Tharacan.

3. Angam aly.—St. Joseph’s English Middle School.4. Kanjoor — St. Sebastian’s English Middle School.5. P a r u r — St. P eter’s English Middle School.6% Vazhakulam .—Infan t Jesus English Middle School.7. T h eva ra — Sacred H eart’s E n g lis h Middle S chool.

E n g l is h Sc h o o l s f o r G ir l s

Under the Carmelite Tertiary Nuns1. P arur.—St. Aloysius’ E.H . School: Teachers 1$, pupils

145. M anager, Rev. Zacharias Parakal. Boarders 38.2. Chengal.—St. Joseph’s Lower Sec. School : M anager,

Rev. J. Thekum thala.3. Ernakulam.—'St. M ary’s Lower Sec. School: Manager,

Rev. Sr. Mary Angela,4. K a ru ku tty .—English Middle School: Manager, Rev.

Paul Elancunnapusha.5. Vaikam.—St. Therese of Child Jesus : M anager; Rev.

Sr. Euphrasia.

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Ot h e r E s t a b l is h m e n t s

(a) Orphanages : Sacred H eart’s Orphanage at M ukkanur : Manager, Rev. Thomas P anatt. Orphans 30. S l Joseph’s Orphanage at K urukutty for girls, orphans 35.

(b) Cateehumenates; 14 Catechumenates a t V ashakulam , Kothamangalam, K ishkam palam , Chengal, e tc .’

(c) Apostolic Union of Secular Priests.(d ) Society for th e Conversion : President, Rev. Dr. J. C.

Panjikaren , M A , Ph,D., D.D., D.C.L.(e) P re ss : M ar Louis Memorial Press, Ernakulam .

Magazine : “ Ernakulam Missam*’, th e Official Organ of the Archdiocese. “ Safchyadeepam.” aC atholic Religious W eekly : Editors, {!) Rey. Dr. J. C. Panjikaren, M.A-, Ph.D.. D.D., d .c .l ; (2) V ery Rev. J. N aduvathchory; (3) Rev, Thomas V a tto ly ; M anager, Rev. M. Payapilly.

G azetteer

Metropolitan Church, Ernakulam (1112); Our Lady of th e Harbour : Cath. 774. Rev. Thomas V. Thaliath .

I. A n g a m a l y D i v i s io n

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Joseph Painadth.Angam aly.—St. George (450): Cath. 5,525. Rev. Joseph

Painadth ( J r .) ; Asst., Rev. John Kurisumkal.A caparam p— SS. Gervasis and Protasis (1541): Cath.

3,001. Rev. A ugustine Vadasery.Eloor.—B.Y. Mary (1901): Cath. 741. Rev. John Pallian .K aruku tty .—St. Francis Xavier (1822): Cath. 4,832.

Rev. Paul E lancunnapusha ; Asst., Rev. Paul Painadath.K aduku tty .—Infan t Jesus (1876): Cath. 1,016. Rev.

John V ithayath il.K idangur— In fan t Jesus (1909): Cath. 897. Rev. G.

K alarikal.K ora tty .—B.V. M ary (1381): Cath. 7,068. Rev. J, Pani-

k u lam ; Asst., Rev. J. Thekumshala.Thorur.—Sb. Augustine (of H ippo): Cath. 2,208. Rev.

P eter Puthupara.


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M anjapra—Holy Cross: Cath. 4,420. Rev. G. Paya- p a lly ; Assistant, Rev. J. Edangarpilly. T h ittu p ara Chape], St. Thomas (Ap.).

Mukannur.—Our Lady of Dolours (1884): Cath. 2,192, Rev. Th. P a n a t t ; Asst., Rev. S. Parakal.

M ooshikulam.—B.V. M ary (691): Cath. 2,643. Rev. J . V ashathara.

M elur.—St. Joseph (1865): Cath. 3,653. Rev. A. Chiramel. Chapel of St. Roque.

II. A r a k u s h a D i v is io n

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. Thomas M anjaly.A rakusha.—B.V . Mary (999): Cath. 3,206 V ery Rev.

Thomas M anjaly. Arakushey Hill, St. Thomas (Ap.).A rikusha .—St. Joseph : Cath. 1,475. Rev. J. Onatt.A y ana.—Sacred H eart of Jesus : Cath. 1,035. Rev. M.

K akanatt.K allurkad.—St. A ugustine : Cath. 2,175, Rev. Jacob

M adathum chaly.K aracunnam — B.V. M a ry : Cath. 923. Rev. Thomas

Kunnappilly.Kothomangalam.—St. G eorge: Cath. 5,129. Rev. J.

Veshaparam bil ( J r .) ; Asst., Rev. Zacharias Vadakekudy.Thottakara.—SS. George and Sebastian: Cath. 1,314.

Rev. G. Kochuparambil.N ellim 'xttam — St. Joseph : Cabh. 1,532. Rev. G. Kolen-

cherry.Peringushey.—St. Joseph : Cath. 1,907, Rev. M. Kuruppa-

madam.Pothanikad.—St. Francis X avier : Cath 590. Rev. John

Olikal.Bethlehem (Enanalloor).—Holy Family (1902): Cath. 804.

Rev. Paul T hekekara.M arica.—St. Joseph : Cath. 2,325. Revs. Thomas Mund-

attuchunday ; Asst., John V azhuthanapilly .N ed iacka la— B.V. M ary (1405): Asst., R,ev. J . K uruvi-

thadam .


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Meenktmnam.-^Si. Joseph (1925),M uvuttupuzha — Holy Magi (1819): Path. 960. Rev. G.

Chicly.Vashakulam — St. George (1885): Cath. 4,250, Rev. M*

Kochikunnel ; .A s s t , Rev. Aug. Chem parathy.

' • • • I I I . E d a p a l l y D iv i s io n

. . . -V ic a r Forane : Very Rev. Joseph Payappally.E d a p a lly—St. George (593): Cath. 1,098. V e r y R e v .

Joseph Payapally.A lw a ye— St. Dom inic: Cath. 2,485. Rev. Thomas C.

Thaliath.Kishakampalam.—B.V. Mary (1725): Cath. 2,990. Rev.

J. Thaliath ; Asst., Rev. K uruvilla M ullakeril.Chunagamvely.—St. Joseph (1880): Cath. 686. Rev. Paul

Mangaly.Thundathdncadavu.—Im m aculate Conception (1C04):

Cath. 147. Rev. G. Perepaden.P alluruthy.—B.V. Mary (1911): Cath. 430. Rev. Sebas­

tian Koikara.Puthanpally.—St. George (1788): Cath. 2,928. Rev. J.

V aliaveettil.

-IV. K a n j n u r D i v i s io n

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. Joseph Thekum thala (Jr.).K anjnur.—B.V. Mary (1001): Cath. 3,599. V ery Rev.

Joseph Thekum thala ; Asst., Rev. Antony Manjoonan.E d a tt .—Our Lady of Montelegion (1901): Cath. 441.

Rev. Joseph Vezhaparambil (Sr.).Kurupampady.—S.S. P eter and Paul (1767): Cath. 2,096.

Rev. Sebastian Thekekunnel.K aipattur.—Our Lady of Dolours (1898): Cath, 1,425.

Rev. S. Parakal.K o tta m u th y — St. Joseph (1779): Cath. 2,424. Rev.

Joseph K avalakatt. Chapel of St. Roque.Cheranallur.—St. Francis X avier (1807): Cath 2,705,

Rev. Ittoop V attoly.7


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Chowara.—B. V . M ary (1100): Cafch. 1,059. Rev. C. K andathil. ;

P ulluvashey— St. Thomas (Ap.) (1905): Cath. 483. Rev. 0 . Kofctoor.

M alayattur.—St. Thom as: Cath. 1,143. Rev. J. Paina- dath (Sr.); Asst., Rev. Joseph M enachery, M alayattoor H ill. St. Thomas (Ap.).

M attur.—St. A n th o n y : Cath. 1,497. Rev. HormisP a la tty .

Vallam.—St. Teresa (1401): Cath. 3,067. Rev. Jos. Koikara.

V . T r ip o o n i t h u r a D iv is io n

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. M. Putharikal.Tripoonithura.—B. V. M ary (1825): Cath. 2,250. Very

Rev. M. P u th a rik a l, V ayatilla. St. James.Ampallwr.—St. Francis of Assisi (1810): Cath. 909. Rev.

A. Paniculam .Chathnma.— Our Lady of Perpetual Help (1924): Cath.

389. Rev. J. Payannukal, Ph.D.

Chethikode.—N azareth B. V. M ary (1915) : Cath. 420. Rev. J. K aithakot.

Diamperur (Old).—A ll Saints (510) : Cath. 330. Rev. Luis Pudichery.

Diamperur (New).—St. Sebastian (1S93): Cath 287. Rev. Luis Puduchery.

Kandanad.—Infan t Jesus (1788): Cath. 523. Rev. J. -M anikanamparambil.

Keechery (1920).—St. Joseph: Cath. 289. Rev. J. Mam- pilly.

K um palam —OwT Lady of Dolours (1859): Cath. 480. Rev. J. Eochum uttam .

Konthuruthy.—St. fchn Nepomucen (1823): Cath. 2,147. Rev. J . Thottum kal.

Perumanoor.—Our Lady of Lourdes : Rev. J. Thottum kal.Parur (Southern).— St. John the Baptist (1?02): Qath.

8Q3. Rev. J. JCattickareri,


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Puthiacan (Neendakara).—B. V. Mary. Cath. 350. Rev. Luis Pudichery.

V I . P a l l i p u r a m D iv is io n

Vicar F orane ; V ery Rev. Paul Palathum kal.Pallipuram.—B. V. M ary : Oath. 1,538. V ery Rev. P.

Palathum kal.Eshupunna.—St. R aphael: Cath. 826. Rev. John K uri-

sumkal.Oshuca.—St. Anne : Cath. 211. Rev. M. Thottarakara. K avil.—St. Michael : Cath. 646. Rev. M. Kadavil (Sr.). Kunnumpuram.—St. John : Cath. 252. Rev. M. Kadavil

(Jr.).Kokamangalam.— Sb. Thomas : Cath. 567. Rev. G.

Tharayil.Chaly.—Sacred H eart of Jesus : Cath. 954. Rev. K.

Panjikaren.Thaikattucherry.—St. A n th o n y : Cath. 1,577. Rev. Z.

Chackala.P anapally—St. Augustine of Hippo : Cath. 480. Rev. 1.

C hirakal.M uttam .—B.V. Mary : Cath. 2,812. Rev. I. Puthengady;

Asst., Rev. Thomas Palathunkal.Valamangalam .—Sacred H eart : Cath. 773. Rev. J .

Pulianthuruthy. >V I I . P a r u r D iv is io n

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. Zacharias Parackal.Parur (K attakavu).—St. Thom as: Cath. 2,365. Very

Rev. Z. P a ra c k a l; Rev. J . M aniampilly.Alengad .—Im m aculate Conception: Cath. 2,157. Rev.

Paul Parapuram , Alengad Hill.Kadamakudy.—St. Augustine : Cath. 576. Rev. J. V atta-

kattuchery (Sr.).K uthiathod (Old).—St. T hom as: Cath. 1,186. Rev.

J. Parem akal.K uthiathod (New).—St. Francis X avier (1819) : Cath.

1,142. Rev. J. N alkara.


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K uttipushey.—'St. Augustine : Oath. 787. Rev. Thomas Munjely.

K ushupally — St. Augustine : Cath. 702. Rev. J. V atta- kattuchery (J r ).

■ Ohakarakadavu.— Sb. Rose : Cath. 780. Rev. J . Panji- karen.

Chenn(M*angalam.—Holy Cross: Cath. 500. Rev. S. T heikanath.

N arakal.—B. V. M ary : Cath. 3,314. Rev. A. Pudichery; Asst., K uruvilla Panjikaren.

Thuruthipuram .—St. Aloysius Gonzaga (.1902) : Cath* 1,000. Rev. George Payapally (Koluvan).

Nedungad.—Sb. Augustine of Hippo : Cath. 283. Rev. J . K andathil.

V I I I . M a il a k o m p D iv is io n

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. P . Mekunnel.M ailakom p .—St. Thomas (A p.): Cath. 1,955. V ery Rev.

Paul Mekunnel.Arakulam .—St. Thomas (Ap.) (1921): Cath. 412. Rev.

Joseph Nampiaparambil.E zalloor.—St. Sebastian : Cath. 812. Rev. P . M aliekal.Kadavur.—Sb. G eorge: Cath. 2,170. Rev. Joseph

Chiram el.K arim annoor— Oath. 3,220. Rev. George Kizhakedam.K alayanthani.—Cath. 1,372. Rev. J. V arikatt.K a lu r.—St. John the B aptist: Oath. 2,035. Rev. C.

Pulikal.K allanikal.—St. G eorge: Cath. 1,450. Rev. Abraham

M aliekal.K odayathoor.—C ath. 346. Rev. D. Thekekara.K odikulam (1902).—Cath. 750. Rev. Jos. Kochumuttam.Tbenankunnu.—St. M ichael: Cath. 1,492. Rev. Paul

K akanatt.- • Nagapushey.—B. V. M a ry : Cath. 1,82}. Rev. G,Nampiaparambil.

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Neichery.—St. S ebastian : Cath. 2,459. Rev. Francis Thekekara.

Nediacadu.—St. Therese of Child Jesus : Cath. 898. Rev. Luke N aralakatt.

Paingottur.—St. A nthony of P a d u a : Cath. 805. Rev. X avier Kochumuttam.

M uthalakodam .—St. George: Cath. 1,815. Rev. Kurian P lathottam .

Sankrapp illy— CsAih. 600, Rev. D. Thekekara.

IX . V a ik a m D iv is io n

Vicar Forane,— V ery Rev. C. A lunkara.Vaikam.—B. V. M ary: Cath. 3,200. Rev. Cyriac A lun­

kara ; Asst., Rev. P . Thachil.. Kulasekaramangalam.—St. Joseph: Cath. 707. Rev.

J. V alliaram path.Kodavechur.—B. V. M ary (1463): Cath. 2,046. Rev.

G. Maniamkot.K o th a va ra — St. Francis X avier (1870): Cath. 1,254.

Rev. Jacob Thayam kery.Chem p— St. Thomas (Ap.) (1307): Cath. 613. Rev.

Joseph Mampilly.Thottacam.—St. Gregory Thaum aturgus (1904) : Cath.

580. Rev. George M annara.Vadayar — In fan t Jesus (997): C ath, 859. Rev. John

Panikasery.Vallacam.—B. V. Mary (1907): Cath. 565. Rev. Jacob

EfeNAKtjLAM 53



Archbishop ... ... ... ... 1

Diocesan Priests ... ... ... ... 159P riests of Monasteries ... ... ... 29

Total ... 188

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Parish Churches ... ... ... ... 104Filial Churches ... ... ... ... 11Chapel Oratories ... ... ... ... 49Sem inarists ... ... ... ... 75Religious women ... ... ... ... 277H igh School for boys ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 467High School for girls ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 145Eng. Middle schools for boys ... ... 6

Students ... ... ... ... 556Eng. Middle schools for girls ... ... 4

Students ... ... ... ... 767V er. Middle schools for boys ... ... 4

Students ... ... ... ... 1,500Ver. Middle schools for girls ... ... 2

Students ... ... ... ... 756Elem entary schools ... ... ... 253

Pupils ... ... ... ... ... 21,232Orphanages ... ... ... ... 2

Orphans ... ... ... ... ... 68Industrial schools ... .. ... ... 4Home for the aged ... ... ... ... 1

Do. for destitute ... ... ... ... 1

B a p t i s m s : « «Converts ... ... ... ... ... 1,198M arriages ... ... ... ... ... 1,704Deaths ... ... ... ... ... 2,608Catholics ... ... ... ... ... 163,216Total population ... ... ... .... 1,200,000


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(Indian Secular Clergy, Syro-M alabar R ite )This Diocese is bounded on the W est by the Arabian S e a ;

on the South by th e Diocese of Quilon, on the East by the Grhauts and on th e North by the Archdiocese of Ernakulam .

B is h o p

R t. Rev. Dr. Jam es K alacherry, Ph.D., D.D., consecrated Bishop, 21st December 1927.

C lergy an d A u x ilia r ie sVicar-General.—R t. Rev. Mgr. J. K allarakel, Domestic

P relate to H.H. th e Pope.Chancellor.—V ery Rev. F r. George A m piath.Cdnsultors.—R t. Rev. Mgr. J. K a lla rake l; V ery Revs.

A. Puthenpura, J. V echiankkal, M. Parem m akel, G. Naga- noly, J. Chirayil and J . Murikel.

R e l ig io u s I n s t it u t io n s

Nine M onasteries o f Carmelite T ertia ry MonksP rior General.—V ery Rev. F r. John Berchmans of J . M.(1) Mannanam —St. Joseph : Prior, V ery Rev. F r. A lex­

ander of St. Joseph. Monks 16.(2) Pulinkunnu.—St. Sebastian: Prior, V ery Rev.

Eusebius of St. Zacharias. Monks 12.(3) M utholy.—St. John of the Cross: Prior, V ery Rev.

Fr. Ambrose. Monks 10.(4) Chethipulay.—Sacred H earts of Jesus and M ary:

Prior, Very Rev. F r. Zacharias of St. Thomas. Monks 13.(5) K urianad.—St. A n n e : Vicar, Rev. Fr. Joseph Louis.

Monks 5.(6) Puthuppally (Carmete Missoin H ouse): Fr. Stephen.

Monks 2.(7) Champakulam (Golgotha).—Vicar, Rev. F r. Bpnvei}?

|mre of Jesi^s. Monks 4,

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(8) P oonjar .—L ittle Flower (1924): Vicar, Rev. Daneal, T.O.C.D. Monk 1.

(9) A y r o o r — Our Lady of Lourdes (1927) : V icar, Rev. Hillarious, T4X.C.D. M^nks 2. ; -

Carmelite Tertiary Nuns.—'These Nuns have the ir con­vents in Ghangana*qh,erry* Mutholy» Pylinkuniy^n ,. Alleppey, Cherpunkal, K uravelangad, Nedaumkunnâm, M uttuchira, Ram apuram , Kainucary, V ilakkum âdam and Miindankal : Sisters 163. .:ii .

S isters o fih e H . Adoration o f the B l. Sacr — Convents in Champaculara, T huruthi, M allappally, Vashapally, A th- ram pusha, M utholapuram, Edabhua, Kanjiramabtam and Kadanad. Sisters 155. . .

Franciscan T ertiary N uns .—Convenbs in Changana- cherry, K ay ipuram J Anacâllu, : Cannadiurumpu, M anian- kunnu, Pala, M attakara, Punnabhura, V akakkadu, Rama- puram and Kozhuvenal. Sisters 136.

I n s t itu t io n sK ottayam .—P reparatory Seminary (see separate list).

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

A. E nglish Schools '(1) St, Berchman’s College affiliated as first-grade college

in May 1927 : Manager, Rb. Rev. Mgr. J . K allarâkel. Strengbh 463. Principal,.Rev. F r. Mabhew Purakel, M.A.

(2) Changanacherry.—St. Berchman’s. School : M an­ager, Rb. Rev. Mgr. J. K allarakel, Correspondent ; Rev. F. Koshi, B.A., L.T., Headmasber. Teachers 23, pupils 656. Rector of the Boarding House, Rev. Fr. Koshi Manpalam ; Spiribual Direcbors, Rev. Frs. K. Kallarackel and T.-Kalathil.

(3) Edathiiva.-—Sb. Aloysius’ H. School : M anager, Very Rev. John Chirail. Teachers 29, pupils 461.

i(4) M a n i m a l a St. George Middle School : Manager, Rev. Fr. Ti Karingada.

(5) Mannanam.—Sb. Ephrem ’s H. School : M anager, Rev. Fr. Joachim, T.O.C.D. Pupils 335. St. Aloysius’ Bbardiüg House : Rev. Fr..Joachim , T.O.C.D. of St, Nüary, Boarders 115.

(6) Palai.—St. Thomas’ H. School : M anager, Rev. J. £oipuram . Teachers 27v pupils 679. St. Thpmas’ .Boarding : Boarders 65. Recbor, Rev. J . Puthe^. ' '


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(7) Pulincunnu.—St. Joseph’s H. School : M anager, V ery Rev. Fr. Eusebius. Pupils 213. Sacred H eart of Jesus Boarding House : Rev. Fr. H yacinth, T.O.C.D. Boarders 19.

(8) Champakulam.—?acred H eart’s Middle School : Teachers 7, pupils 95. M anager, P. Sebastian.

(9) Barananganam.—St M ary’s Middle School: Manager, V ery Rev. Fr. K. P lathottara. Pupils 194.

(10) M utholy.—St. A nthony’B Middle School: M anager, Rev. Gregory, T.O.C.D. Pupils 143. Boarders 13.

(11) Kuravelangat.—St. M ary’s High School; Manager, V ery Rev. J . V echianikal. Pupils 421. Boarders 38.

(12) Ramapuram.—St. Augustine’s Middle School: Man­ager, V ery Rev. G. Naganoly. Pupils 137.

(13) K ainucary.—St. M ary’s Middle School: M anager, Rev. F r. J. K alacherry. Pupils 121.

(14) Kurumpanadam.—St. P eter’s Middle School: M an­ager, Rev. F r. C. Ollasail. Pupils 137.

(15) Pravithanam .—St. M ichael’s Middle School: M an­ager, Rev. F r. S. Karottuvembeny. Pupils 166.

(16) Elangi.—St. P e te r’s Middle School : M anager, Rev. T. M urikal. Pupils 86.

(17) K avalam .—L ittle Flower Middle School: M anager, Rev. J. K andenkerry. Pupils 98.

(18) Thamarakunnam.—St. Ephrem ’s Middle School: M anager, Rev. Fr. M atthew Porokat. Pupils 69.

(19) K angiram atam .—St. Aloysius’ Middle School: Man­ager, M. Moognamakel. Pupils 90.

B . Vernacular Schools

(1) Changanacherry—S.S. Jubilee Memorial L.G. T rain­ing School: Rev. K. Manipalam, B.A. & L.T. Pupils 24.

(2) A thiram puzha.—St. Aloysius’ V ernacular Middle School : Rev. F r. Seb. Kolamkuthi, Pupils 607.

(3) Champakulam.—St. M ary’s V ernacular MiddleSchool: Rev. F r. Joseph Kandankulam. Pupils 303.

(4) Chengalam.—St. Anthony’s V ernacular MiddleSchool: M anager, Rev. J, Chachal». Pupils 283*


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(5) Punnathura.—St. Joseph’s V ernacular Middle School : M anager, Rev. Fr. John Pottedeth. Pupils 254.

(6) Marcingad.—St. Thomas’ Vernacular Middle School : Rev. Fr. K. Plathofctam, Pupils 407.

(7) M utholy.—Sc. Thomas’ Vernacular Middle School : Manager, Rev. T. Vadakem uri. Pupils 216.

(8) V ilakkum idum .—St. Thomas’ V ernacular Middle School : M anager, Rev. G. M urikal. Pupils 507.

V ernacular P rim ary Schools, 127.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

A . E nglish Schools(lyOhanganacher r y —St. Joseph’s H. School: Mgr. J .

K allarakel. Pupils 309. Boarders 75.j(2) A thiram puzha.—St. Mary’s H. School : Rev. F r, Seb.

K ulam kuthi. Pupils 213. Boarders 132.<3). L alam .—St. M ary’s Middle School : Manager, Rev.

F r. T. P urakari. Pupils 168. Boarders 54.(4) K ainucary ,—Bfoly Fam ily Middle School: M anager,

Rev. F r J. K alacherrykunnel. Pupils 88.(5) Pulincunnu .—Little Flow er Middle School : M anager,

Rev. Zacharias Vachaparam pil, PH.D. Pupils 82. Boarders 17.

(6) Kuravelangad.—St. M ary’s Middle School ; M anager, Very Rev. J. Vechiany.

B. Vernacular Schools(1) Chumpakulam.—Sb. Thomas’ V.M. School: Manager,

Sr. Geltrude. Pupils 333.(2) E dathuva.—St. M ary’s V.M. School : Manager, Very

Rev. F r. John Chirail. Pupils 373.(3) Kuravelangat.—St. M ary’s V.M. School; Manager,

V ery Rev. Fr. Joseph Vechianickal. Pupils 354.(4) Cherpunkal.—Holy Cross V .M . School: M anager,

. Rev. F r. George Cherucherry. Papils 323.(5) Ram apuram .—Srcred H eart’s V.M. School : M anager,

V ery Rev. G. Naganoly. Pupils 434,

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(6) Anakallu.—L ittle Teresa’s V.M. School : M anager, V ery Rev. Fr. K uruvilla Plathottam . Pupils 329.

(7) Vazhapilly.—T.M.O.V.M. School : Manager, Rev. F r. Jose Kandathiparam pil. Pupils 426.

•(8) M utholy.—St. Joseph’s V.M. School: Manager, Rev, F r. Gregory, T.O.c D. Pupils 272.

(9) Pulincunnoo.—Im m aculate Conception V.M. School: M anager, Rev. Fr. Zacharias Vachaparam pil, PH.D. Pupils 303.

(10) Alleppey.—St. Anthony's V.P. School: Manager, Very R e v . Fr. T. Chavara. Pupils 138.

(11) A th irum puzha—St. M ary’s V .P. School: Manager, Rev. Fr. Seb. Kulam kuthi. Pupils 301.

(12) Changanacherry.—(i) St. Joseph’s V.P. School : Manager, Rev. Sr. M. Josephine. Teachers 9, pupils 273.(ii) St Anne’s V.P. School: Manager, Rev. F r. Koshy Mam- palara, B.A., L.T. Pupils 228.

(13) Kannadiurimpu.—St. Joseph’s V.P. School : Rev. Fr. M. K athalikattu . Pupils 175.

(14) Nedumkunnam.—St. Teresa's V.M. School: Manager, Rev. Fr. Abraham Changankary. Pupils 342. Boarders 12.

(15) Pulincunnoo.—St. Joseph’s V .P. School: M anager, Rev. Sr. Cecily. Pupils 169.

(16) M allapally.—St. Philom ena’s V .P. School: M an­ager, Rev. Fr. Jos. Kandathiparam pil. Pupils 113,

(1.7) Manniankunnu.—St. Joseph’s V .P. School : Manager, Rev Fr. J Enekatt. Pupils 198.

(18) Mutholapuram.—St Paul’s V .P. School: M anager, Rev. M. Mary Agnes. Pupils 191.

(19) M u ttu ch ira — St. Agnes’ V.M. School: Manager, Very Rev. Fr. Jacob Murickal. Pupils 266.

(20) K anjira M attam.— 'Liitle Flower’s V.M. School: Manager., Rev. Fr. Thashathel. Pupils 349.

(21) Thuruthy.— St Thomas’ V.P. School : M anager, Rev. F r. Jose K addathiparam pil. Pupils 190.

(22) Vazhapilly.—T. M. O. L. G. E. Tlaining School : M anager, Rev. Fr. Jose K andathiparam pil. Pupils 16.


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(23) Kadanad.—St. M athew ’s V .P. School : M anager, Rev. M. Parem m akel. Pupils 252.

(24) M undankal.—L ittle Flower V .P . School: M anager, Rev. A. Kalappura. Pupils 165.

(25) K ainucary ,—L ittle Flower V .P. School : M anager, Rev. Sr. M. Geltrude. Pupils 67.

(26) K azhuvenal.—Holy Fam ily V .P . School: M anager, Rev. F r. K. J. Abraham. Pupils 118.

(27) K uthrapally.—St. Shantal’s V.M. School: M anager, V ery Rev. G. A m piath. Pupils 238.

(28) Maramanoo.—The L ittle Flow er V.P. School: Manager, Rev. D. Thobtacherry, M.A., L.T. Pupils 99.

(29) Kurumpanadam.— St. Anthony’s V.P. School : Man­ager, Rev. C. Ollasail. Pupils 193.

(30) Chem m alam attam .— The L ittle Flower V .P . School: M anager, Rev. A.. C herukarakunnel. Pupils 185.

(31) Ponkunnam.—Sacred H eart V .P. School: Manager, Rev. T. Thottiyil. Pupils 329.

(32) Ponga.—V.P. School: Manager, J. Chandy M ugnatt. Pupils 166.

(33) Vashapilly.—St. Joseph’s Industria l School: M an­ager, Rev. J. Kandathiparam bil. Pupils 16.

(34) Vazhapally.—T. M. 0 . V. H. School: M anager, Rfc* Rev. Mgr. J. K allarakel. Pupils 26.

G azetteer

I . D is t r ic t o f C h a n g a n a c h e r r y

Vicar F orane : The R t. Rev. Mgr. Jacob K allarakall.(1) ChampaJcara (Changanacherry, K arukachal).—Sacred

H e a r t : Rev. M athew, Chempala. Cath. 1,031.(2) Changanacherry.—St. M ary’s C athedral : Revs. E. M.

Thekem alickel, Zacharias K andangary and M athew Kodi- culam. Cath. 10,507.

(3) Ith ithanam (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. M ary’s : Rev. J . Mampalam Cath. 277.

(4) K idanagra (Changanacherry P.O.).—St, Gregory : Rev. X. Payam pally. Cath. 334.


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(5) Kurumpanadam (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. A n­thony : Rev. C. Ollasail. Cath. 3,721.

(6) K oothrapally — Sb. Mary : Rev. Zacharias Vadake- mury. Cath. 1,332.

(7) M allapally .—Sfc. A thanasius : Rev. F r. Sebastian Kalariparam bil. Cath. 287.

(8) M uttar (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. George: Rev. M athew Vellappat. Cath. 1,263.

(9) M uttar (New) (Changanacherry P.O., Yelijanad).— Sb. Thom as: Rev. Ign. Chothirakunnel. Cath. 468.

(10) Nedumcunnum (Changanacherry P.O., K arukachal). St. John the B a p tis t: Cath. 3,117. Rev. George A lancherry ; A s s t , Rev. A braham , Changankary.

(11) Paypad (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. Thomas : Rev. P. K andangary. Cath. 2,164.

(12) Thottacad (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. George : R .v. Abr. Thekkem uri. Cath. 1,905.

(13) Thricodithanam (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. F ra n ­cis X avier : Rev. J . P uthuveettil. Cath. 1,887.

(14) Thuruthy (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. Augustine : Rev. P. M urikal. Cath. 2,187.

(15) Vaipur (New).—St. Joseph : Rev. Joseph Koovallur. Cath. 1,891.

(16) Vaipur (Old) (K anjirapally P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. A braham Vadakem uri. Cath. 1,258.

(17) K alluppara .—Our Lady of Lourdes : Rev. A. M ariet. (Mission Station). Cath. 71.

(18) Maramanoo.—L ittle Theresa (Mission Sbabion). Cabh. 46.

I I . D is t r ic t o f K a l l u r k a d


Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. J. Payyanabt.(1) Chennancary (Alleppey P.O.).—Sb. Joseph (1801) :

Rev. G. Vellapilly. Cabh. 1,636.(2) Kalurcad (Alleppey P.O.).—St. M ary ; V ery Rev.

J. P ayyanatt ; Revs. George, Thachenkary and J. Kandanga- lam. Cath. 4,150.

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(3) K arum adi.—St. Nichola : Rev. J. Kandangalam . Cath. 427.

(4) K arw atta (Thalavadi P O.) - St. Joseph: Rev. G. Chakada. Oath. 345.

(5) K oilm uku (Thalavadi P.O.).—St. G eorge: V ery Rev. J. C h ira il ; Assts., Revs. J. Thengum pally, Jos. M adaka- cheril and J. A ccarakalam . Cath. 4,202.

<6) M ittra ca n j (Pulincunnu P.O. Velianad).—St. Francis X avier : Rev. T. Thopil. Cath. 90S.

(7) Pulincunnu.— St. M a ry : Rev. J. K ad av il; Asst., Rev. K. Zacharias Velenkalam . Cath. 5,068,

(8) Puthucary (Edathuva P.O.). —St. Francis X avier : Rev. M. Padignarekara. Cath. 1,100.

(9) Thekekara Sehion (Alleppey P.O.).—Rev. F r. Thomas Chalangadil. Cath. 489.

(10) Veliyanad (Old) (Pulincunnu P.O.).—St. Francis X avier : Rev. J. Chathirakunnel. Cath. 545.

(11) Weshapura.— St. Paul (1899): Rev. Zacharia Zram- pikal. Cath. 555.

(12) K andankary.—St. Joseph : Rev. T. Chalangadil. Cath. 251.

(13) Thayankary— St. Anthony : Rev. J . K urunkattu- m ula. Cath. 325.

I I I . D is t r ic t o f A n a c a l l u n c a l

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. K uruvilla P lathottam .(!) Anacalluncal (Palai P.O., Bharnanganam )—St. Mary

(1100): V ery Rev. K uruvilla P lathottam ; Asst., Rev. Seb. M attam. Cath. 3,170.

(2) A ru v ith u ra — St. G eorge: Rev. T. M uringakalil. Cath. 2,300.

(3) Chemmalamattam.—Twelve Apostles : Rev. A. Chiru- karakunnel. Cath. 1,253.

(4) Cunnonni.—St. Jo sep h : Rev. M. Colathinal. Cath.589.

(5) E dam uttam (Palai P.O.).—St. M ichael. Rev. T. Francis. Cath. 506.

62 c h a n g a n a c h e r r y

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(6) Vakakkadu.—St. P a u l . Rev. C. Pandiaraakil. Cath.840.

(7) Maniatnkunnu.—Sacred H eart : Rev. J. Enekatt. Cath. 543.

(8) M alainchipara— Holy Cross: Rev. Zacharias Man- noor. Cath. 500.

(9) Etam aruku.—St. A nthony : Rev. F r. Jacob Thayil. Cath. 648.

(10 ) N irapel (Falai P.O ).—St. John the Evangelist: John Koilpallil. Cath. 791.

(LI) Paika (Palai P.O.).—St. Sebastian : Rev. M. Puthem - pura. Cath. 551.

(12) Peringolam.—Sacred H eart : Rov. J. Pazhem pally. Cath. 1,237.

(13) Plasanal (Palai P.O.), B harananganam ).—St. A nthony: Rev. M. V ashuthanapilly ; Asst., M. C hennatt. Cath. 1,739.

(14) Pravithanam (Palai P.O.).—St. Augustine : Rev. S. Karottuvembeny ; Asst., Rev. J. Kunnathoor. Cath. 5,224.

(15) Poovathod (Palai P.O.).—St. Thom as: Rev. Aug. Nellaryil. Cath. 1,327.

(16) Punjar (Palai P.O.).—St. M ary: Rev. Th. Parin- th irikal. Cath. 1,648.

(17) Thanoly (Palai P.O.).—St. Joseph : Rev. C. P arunthu- kootil. Cath. 384.

(18) Thitanad (Palai P.O.).—St. Joseph : Rev. T. P lackatt. Cath. 1,810.

(19). Vilacumadam (P ala i P.O.).—St. Francis X axier : Rev. G. M urikal. Cath. 1,892.

(20) Thiekoil (Palai P.O ).—Rev. Seb. Purakari. Cath. 1,125.

(21) Nareyanganem (Palai P.O.).—Rev. Joseph Kayala- kam. Cath. 1,725.

IV . D is t r ic t o f P a l a i

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. Jacob K attakayam .<l) A nth iya lam (Palai P.O.).—Si. M athew : Rev. J.

M ararnattam . Cabh. 639,


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(2) Cherpunkal (Palai P.O.).—Holy Cross: Very Rev. M. Parem akel : Asst., Rev. G. K alekkattil. Cath. 3,375.

(3) C hittar (Palai P.O.).—St. Francis X av ie r: Rev. J. V azhakal. Cath. 503.

(4) K adapilam attam .—St. M ary : Rev. Thomas P u th en - pura. Cath. 1,806.

(5) K anjiram attam (Palai P.O.).—Holy Cross : Rev. M. Thashathel. Cath. 1,840.

(6) K arur (P alai P.O.).—Sacred H eart : Rev. Joseph Thavil. Cath. 482.

(7) Koshuvanal (Palai P.O.).—S t.Jo h n Nep. : Rev. M. M echarikunnel. Cath. 2,219.

(8) K udakachira (Palai P.O.).—St. Joseph: Rev. C. M annanal. Cath. 2,016.

(9) Kuruvanal (Palai P.O., Mutholy).—St. Michael : Rev. T. Pulikeel. Cath 821.

(10) Lalam (Old) (P ala i P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. Th. P urakari. Cath. 1,400.

(11) L a lam (New) (Palai P.O.).—St. George : Rev. T. Thottungal. Cath. 1,027.

(12) M attacara (Palai P.O.).—Holy Fam ily : Rev. P. M attam . Cath. 1,606.

(13) M ushur.—St. Thomas : Vicar, Rev. Cyr. P aria thu- m attam . Cathi 1,290.

(14) Palai.—St. Thom is : Very Rev. Jacob K attakayam ; Asst., Rev. J. Vadakeyil. Cath 7,923. Chapels 8 Assts., Revs. J. Kadankavi], M. K athalikatti, J. Kunnapallil, T. V adakkem ury, M. Thalachira, M. Puthiydam , P. A lapatt and J. Koilpuram.

(15) Palayam (Palai P.O., Cherppunkel).—St. M ichel: Rev. J. Perum pally. Cath. 585.

(16) Payingalam (P ala i P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. E. K uttarapilly . Cath. 546.

(17) Puvarany (Palai P.O.).—Sacred H e a r t: Rev. Th. A yankana; Asst., Rev. J . K ishakekara . Cath. 2,472.

(18) Paduva (Palai P.O.).—St, Antjapny (19?1) : Rev, Seb, Thai}. Catji. §53.


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V . D i s t r i c t o f M u t t u c h i r a

Vicar Forane: V e r y Rev. J . M u r ik e l.

(1) K aduthuru th i (Kuravelangad P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev, T; K ushum pil; A s s t , Tho. Puthukkari. Cath. 2,798.

(2) Kolongai (Kuravelangad Piravem ).—St. Michael : Rev. Joh. A rancherry. Cath. 431.

(3) K othanallur (E ttum anur P.O.).—SS. Gervase and P o rtase : Rev. C. M urikal. Cath. 2,226.

(4) M alapuram — St.‘Teresa : Rev. E. Vadakem uri. Cath.780.

(5) M anvettam (Kottayam P.O., E ttum anur).—St. G eorge: Rev. Tho. M annamchery. Cath. 1,065.

(6) M annarapara.—St. Francis X avier : Rev. Alexander N eerakel. Cath. 1,430.

(7) M ulakulam.—St. M ary : Rev. A .M undiyanikal. Cath. 1,053.

(8) M uttuchira (Kuravelangad P.O., K aduthuruthy).— Holy G host: V ery Rev. J. M urikel; Asst., Rev. S. Chem- pakacherry. Cath. 3,480.

(9) Thalayolaparam pil(Kuravelangad P.O.).—St. George : Rev. M. M aniyanganat. Cath. 1,588.

(10) Thuruth ip illy .—St. John the B aptist: Rev. A. Panackel. Cath. 617.

(11) Piravam .—L ittle Theresa (1926): Rev. Jo. A ran­cherry. Cath, 367.

V I . D is t r ic t o f K u r a v e l a n g a d

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. J. Vechianikel.(1) Elangy (Kuravelangad P.O.. Piravem ).—SS. P eter

and P a u l: Rev. T. M urike l; Assts., Revs. F . V akacherry and M. V attapally . Cath. 3,632.

(2) K akur (Kuravelangad P.O.).—St. Joseph : Rev. Paul Perum attam . Cath. 1,131.

(3) Kangirathanam, (Kuravelangad P.O.).—St. John the B ap tist: Rev. J . Vellaiparam pil. Cath. 2,031.

(4) K dodalore (Kottayam P.O., Kidangoor).—St. Joseph: Revs. G. Kochupura and Geotge Vadkel. Cath. 1,-04.



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(5) K uru (Kurav-elangad P.O.)*—St. Francis X av ier: Rev. Th. V irippam attam . Oath. 715.

(6) Kuravelangad.—St. M ary : V ery Rev. J. V ech ian ikel; Assts., Revs. A. N adayath, Z. K attakal, Seb. K alapura, John N etheyerekal, M. A lapatt and Alex. Gnavallil. Cath. 11,011.

(7) M arangadpilly (K uravelangad P.O.).—St. F r. of A ss is i: Rev. K uruvella P lathottam ; Asst., Rev. J. T heruva- pusha. Gath. 2,528.

(8) M utholapuram (Kuravelangad P.O., Koothattuku- lam).—St. Sebastian : Rev. Jos. Paredam . Cath. 1,837.

(9) Vadacara (Koothattukulam P.O.).—St. John the B ap tis t: Rev. G. Pattarum adam ; Asst., Rev. Seb. Kunchira- ka tt. Cath. 1,405.

V I I . D is t r ic t o f K a n j i r a p a l l y

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. F. M ullankushil.(1) A nikad.—Our Lady of Dolours : Rev. G. K am m athu-

ru thel. Cath. 2,688.

(2) Changalam.—St. Anthony : Rev. J. Chackala ; Asst., Rev. J . Nadayam. Cath. 1,355.

(3) Cheruvall y (K anjirapally P.O.).—St. M ary: Rev. J . Padavupura. Cath. 941.

(4) Chenapady.—St. M a ry : Rev. Alex. K uricum uttil. Cath. 1,139.

(5) Elam gai.—Holy Cross: Rey. Fr. Joseph Kollanpa- ram bil. Cath. 1,104.

(6) Ellangulam (K anjirapally P.O.).—Our Lady of Dolours: Rev. A. Chevelil. Cath. 1,520.

(7) E likolam (K anjirapally P.O.).—Infan t Jesus: Rev. J . M elvattam . Cath. 1,597.

(8) K anjirapa lly .—St. D om inic: V ery Rev. F . M ullan­k u s h il; Asst., Revs. J. Vachaparam bil and M. C hurakkatt. Cath. 5,150.

(9) K ottangal (K anjirapally P.O.).—St. John the B ap tist: Rev. A braham , Thengum thottam . Cath. 935.

(10) K appattuchira (K anjirapally P.O.).—Holy Cross; Rev. TV K ulayakattil. Cath. 3,070.


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(11) K o ra tti (M undakayam P.O.).—Our Lady of Dolours : Rev. M. Kalangaly. Cath. 455.

(12) M animala (K anjirapally P.O.).—The Holy M agi : Rev. T. Karingadà. Cath. 2,122.

(13) Manimala (New) (K anjirapally P.O.).—St. B asil: Rev. Jos. Kymlatbu. Cath. 1,120.

(14) Ponkunnam (K anjirapally P.O.).—Holy Fam ily : Rev. T. Thottiyl. Cath. 2,079.

(15) Thampalakade (K anjirapally P.O.).-^-St. Thomas : Rev. Abr. Puthupparam pil. Cath. 830.

(16) Thamarakannu (K anjirapally P.O.).—St. Ephrem : Rev. M. Porrokatt. Cath. 1,927.

(17) Velichiani (M undakkayam P.O.).—Zehion : Rev. Fr. K uruvilla Kappil. Cath. 1,950.

(18) K uttike l (M undakayam P.O.).—St. George : Rev. Fr. G. Oherucherry. Cath. 500.

(19) Tharakanattukunnu.—R ev. M. Porokad. Cath, 1,230.(20) K adainikad.—Our Lady of Dolours : Rev. G. A len-

cherry. Cath. 550.V III. D is t r ic t o f A t h u r a n p u s h a

Vicar Forane: Very Rev. Sebastin Kolam kuthil.(1 ) Athuranpusha (M annanam P.O.).—St. M ary : Very

Rev. S. Kolam kuthil ; Assts., Revs. M. Varykail* PH.D., D.P., D.C.L., S Penacatt, J . Koduppana, A. Cheruvelil and C. K at- tackayam . Cath. 8,017.

(2) A ikarach ira (Mannanam P.O.).— St. George : Rev. T. Kishakedanu. Cath. 837.

(3) Cliroor (Kottayam P.O.).—St. Francis de Sales : Rev.A . Chenganacherry. Cath. 640.

(4) K um arakam (Kottayam P.O.).—St. John Nep. : Rev* J. Piedikackal. Cath. 450.

(5) Kudamaloor (M annanam P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. M. Kootumel ; Asst., A. Manookulam. Cath. 4,903.

(6) N ava N azreth (Kottayam P.O ).—Holy Fam ily : Rev. G. K ariam pusha. Cath. 315. > . ;

(7) N aruvelly (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. Sebastian : Rev. S. V attapillil. Cath.. 1,847.


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(fy Parempusha (M annanam P.O.).—Holy F am ily : Rev. C. M annanal. Cath. 1,104.

(9) Punnathura (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. Joseph: R^v. J . Pottedam ; Asst., Rev P. V aliyl. Cath. 1,714.

I X . D i s t r i c t o f R a m a p u r a m

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. George Naganooly.(1) Cadanad (Palai P.O.).—St. Augustine : Rev. G.

Eacuvelil ; Asst., Rev, M. K ishakekara. Cath. 2,515.(2) Kunigni (Palai P.O.).—St. A nthony : Rev. T. Kunnel.

Cath. 562(3) Kurumanoo (Palai P.O.).—St. John the Bap. : Rev. J.

Kudathenal. Cath. 1,058.(4) Manathoor (Palai P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. T. P araya-

kunnel. Cath. 1,057.(5) Melucavoo (Palai P.O.).—St. Thomas : Rev.C. Theru*

venkunnel. Cath. 554.(6) Neeloor (Palai P.O.).—St. Francis X avier : Rev. M.

Puthet. Cath. 866.(7) Neeranthanam (Palai P.O.).—St. Thomas : Rev. G.

Pulinilkunnathil. Cath. 920.(8) Ramapuram (Palai P.O.).—St. A ugustine: V ery Rev.

G. Naganoòly ; Asst., Revs. A. Kushumbil, M. N aduvilekutt, J. V azhakel and Z. Pathenpura. Cath. 6,750.

(9) Thudanganad (Thodupuzha P.O.).—St. Thomas : Rev.C. K aricherry. Cath. 1,150.

X. D i s t r i c t o f A l l e p p e y

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Thom. Chavara.(1) Alleppey (Alleppey P.O.).—Holy Cross : V ery Rev.

'T . C havara; Assts., Revs. G. E lenkunneth and M. Maliekal. Cath. 2,571.

- (¿) K avalam (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Theresa: Rev. J.Kandangary ; Asst., Rev. G. M uckattukunnel. Cath. 2,416,

(3) K eseria (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Gregory : Rev. G. Koil- pally. Cath. 304.

(ty K ainakary (Alleppey P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. J. K alacherry ; Asst., Rev. J. K aithaparambii. Cath. 1,443.


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(5) K ainaÿy (Changanacherry P.O.).—St. M ary : Rev. J. Nelluyelly. iÇath. 134.

(6). Muhamma (Vaikam P.O.).—St. George : Rev. J. Nelluvely. Cath. 1,000.

(7) Paracad (Am palapuzha P.O.) — Holy Cross : Rev. C. Punnapadam . Cath. .606,

(8) Punnapra (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Gregory : Rev. F . V annyamparambil.

(9) Thathem pally (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Michael : Very Rev. A. Puthenpura ; Asst., J. Thaithottam . Cath. 2,495.

(10) K ayar (Mission Station) (Alleppey P.O.).—St. Thomas : Rev. G. Puthenpura.


c h à h q a n a c h î r b y 69

Secular Priests 307Religious Priests 65Seminarians 177Churches w ith resident priests 131Mission churches 10F ilial churches ... 37Chapels 70Religious women 454

Do. Brothers 20F irst-grade College 1

Students 463English High schools for boys 6English Middle schools for girls ... 12

Students 3,013English High schools for girls 2English Middle schools for girls ... 4

Students 785V ernacular Middle schools for boys 7

Do. do. for girls 13Lower Grade Training School for boys 1

Students 24Lower Grade Training School for girls 1

Students 15V ernacular P rim ary schools 346

Boys ... 9,862G irls ... 9,799

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Orphanages Orphans

Industrial schoolsB aptism s:Converts Catechemens M arriages Catholic population


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(Indian Secular Clergy, Syro-M alabar Rite)

P ope Pius X , by th e Brief Universi C hristiani of 1911, restored the V icariate Apostolic of K ottayam Pro gente suddistica , i.e., for th a t section of the Syro-M alabar Christians, who are known a3 ‘ S uddhists’—descendants of the fourth century em igrant Syrians. The V icariate com­prises all the churches and chapels of Suddhist Syrians on the M alabar Coast. Pius X I made K ottayam a Residential Episcopal See on December 21, 1923.

B is h o p

Rt. Rev. M ar A lexander C hulaparam bil, nominated T itular Bishop of Busiris and Vicar Apostolic of Kottayam on July 16,19 L4 ; consecrated at Kandy on November 1, 1914; proclaimed Bishop of Kottayam on December 21, 1923. Residence : Catholic B ishop's H ouse , Kottayam .

Vicar-General—Right Rev. Mgr. M. Kooplicat, Domestic P rela te to th e Pope.

Consultors.—V ery Rev. M athew T huruthy ( P ro-V icar- General) ; V ery Revs. John Pullicuhnel, Luke K alladanthil and Luke Makil.

Chancellor and P rivate Secretary:—Rev. Philip Karic- cheril.


For MenSacred H eart Mount Community : F athers 7, Brothers 2

and Aspirants 6.For Women

I. Sisters of the Third Order of the Visitation

(1) Sacred H eart, Kaipuzha(M annanam P.O.).—Professed Sisters 12. Rev. Sister M ary Gertrude.

■ (2) St. Stephen, Oozhavur (K uthattuku lam P.O.).—^Pro­fessed Sisters 7. Rev. Sister M ary Berchmans, Superioress,

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(3) St. Joseph’s Summer Home at P eru r (E ttum anur P.O.).—Sister E lizabeth of Sacred H eart in charge.

(4) St. Anne, Kobtayam.—Professed Sisters ,8. Rev. Sister M aiy Francesci, Superioress. • ' ' i

(5) St. M ary, P unnathura (E ttum anur P.O.).—Professed Sisters 5. Rev. Sister M ary Pia, Superioress.

(6) The N azareth Gonvent (Kottayam P.O.),—Professed Sisters 3 and Novices 16. Rev. Sister Germ ana, Superioress.

It. Sisters of St. Joseph in Kfwpuzha

S c h o o l s

(a) English schools for boys—(1) Sacred Hearb Mount English H igh School, K otta­

yam : Pupils 380. Rev. M athew Theccanat, PH.D., D D.(2) St. M ary, K idangur (E ttum anur P.O.).—Rev. Thos.

E lur. Pupils 116.(3) St. M athew, K annaneara (Shertally P.O.).—Mgr. M.

Kooplicat. Pupils 68.(4) St. Stephen, Oozhavur (K uthat bukulam P.O.).—Rev.

J. Pallicunnel. Pupils 76.(5) St.M ichael, K adu thuru thy .—Rev. Philip Naravelil.

Pupils 98.(6) St. George’s, K a ip u z h a —Manager, Rev. Thomas.

Mukalel. Pupils 90.

(7) St. Thomas’s, Chingavanom.—M anager : Rev Ph. Kamicheril. Pupils 72.

(6) English High School for giris : St. Anne, K o ttayam : M anager, Rev. Philip Kam icheril. Pupils ¿92.

G a zetteer

I . D is t r ic t o f K o t t a y a m

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. M. Thuruthy.Pro-C athedral, Kottayam,.— Oxit Lady of Pompey.A dm in istra tor : Y ery Rev. M athew Thuruthy.Edeeat (K ottayam P.O.).—St. George’s : Rev. Jacob

Pazhem pallil.

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E ttu m m u r .—St. Joseph (1909).K aipuzha (M annanara P.O.).—St. G eorge: Thos. M ukalei.Kannancara (Sherfcally P.O.).—Sb. Francis X a v ie r : Mgr.

E oop licat; Asst., Rev. P h . Kooplicat.K attach ira (E ttum anur P.O.).—Chapel of St. John the

Evang: V isited from P unnathura;Kidcuigur (E ttum anur P.O.).—Our Lady, -’Help of C hrist­

ians ” : Rev. Thos. E lur.Kumaracam (New) (Kottayam P.Q ,).-rSt. John Nepomu-

cen : Rev. Thomas Kotture.K urum ullur (Etitum^nur P.O.).—St, Stephen: Rev. Thomas

Poothathil.Maitnoor.—St. George : .Rev. Jos. Ram achanat.N eericad .—Our Lady of Lourdes: Rev. Joseph E a tta -

puram . ''Olasa (E ottayam P.O.).—Sb. A nthony of P a d u a : Rev.

Joseph M akil (Jr.).P alathuruth (M annanam P.O.).—St. T eresa : Rev. J .

T harayil. ? * *Perur (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. Sebastian : Rev. Jos.

Mangalathefc.P unnatfara (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. Thomas (A p.): Rev.

John A gasala.W eliyanad.— St. M ichael: Rey. J . Pljei^m alakngby.

I I . D is t r ic t o p E a d u t h u r u t h y

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. Ph . Naravelil.4rvnuttum angqlam (Ebfcunaanur P.O.).—St. Joseph : Rev

Joseph Thachet.$rq,mangalam (Yaikfiin P .O .).-O uj-Lady qf I£ e rcy : Rev.

John Kadavil.Diamper (T ripunithura P .O .)—All S a in ts : Chapel a t

T haikat.K aduthurthy (M ajor) (Vaikam P.O.).—Our L ady : Rev.

P h . Naravelil.K a\lara (V aikam J? Q.) —St. T ^ m a s (A p.); Rev. Luke

M akil (Sr.).



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M anjur (Eotumanur P.O.).—St. John the E v an g .: Rev. Luke K kiladanthil.

Nindur, (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. M ichael: Chapsl. Rev. Joe. K attapuram .

N izh u r (EcDumanur P.O.).—Church of the In fan t Jesus : Rev. Thomas Padikannaly.

Piravam (K uthattukulam P.O.).—Holy M ag i: Rev. J. PoDthathil.

W ellur (V aikam P . O H o l y F am ily : Rev. JohnKadavil.

I I I . D is t r ic t o f O o z h a v u r

Vicar Forame: V ery Rav. Jac. Pallicunnei.Atnancara .—Chapel of Sfc. Sebastian visited from

A reekara.Areekara (K uthattukulam P.O.).—St. R oque: Rev.

M. Nxraveth.Cherpungal (Palai P.O.).—SS. Peter and P a u l : Rev.

Thos. E lur.Chungam (Thodupuzha P.O.).—St. M artin : Rev. A.

Ram achana t.

E dakoli (K uthattukulam P.O.).—St. Anne's C hurch : Rev. E. Puliveli.

Oozhavur (K uthattukulam P.O.).—St. Stephen : Rev. J* Pallicunnei.

Karincunnam (Thodupuzha P.O.).—St. A ugustine: Rev. John Pallicunnei.

Koodallore (New) (E tum anur P.O.).—Our Lady : Rev. J. Pallicunnei.

M arika (K uthattukulam P.O.).—St. Anthony of P a d u a : Rev. George Pallicunnei.

M onipally (K uthattukulam P.O.).—Sacred H e a r t : Rev.G. Kochery.

Paingalam (Palai P.O.).—Our L ad y : Rev. John Kottur.W arapatti (M uvattupu?ha P.O.),-^Qiir Lady : Rev, J,

M alayil,


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IV . M is s io n S t a t io n s

N attagam .—Our Lady’s visited from Kottayam.Ram ingalam .—St. Thomas visibed from Piravam .W akathanam —St. M athew visited from Kottayam.Chengulam (Koutayam P.O.).—Jasus Chrisb, King and

Good Shepherd : Rev. Jacob Nedunchira.K a tto t (Tiruvalla P.O.).—Our Lady and St. A nthony:

Rev. T. Tharayil.Thuruthicad (T iruvalla P.O.).—Sacred Hearb and St.

Dominic: Rev. Cyriacus E ran ic31.E raviperur (T iruvalla P.O.).—Sb. Joseph and St. Francis

Xavier visited from Tiruvalla.Chingavanam (Pallam P.O.).—Visibed from Kottayam.Peennade .—M ariagiri visibed from Kottayam.


BishopSecular Priests ...Churches w ith Resident P riests Missions w ith Churches ...

Do. w ithout Churches Ecclesiastical students Religious women Secondary Parochial Schools Complete H igh School for boys

Do. for girlsMiddle schools Orphanage Home for th e aged Catholic population (Census of 1928)





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DIOCESE OF TRiCHUR(Eyro-Malabar Rite)

B is h o p

The Rt. Rev. M ar Francis V azhapilly, consecrated a t T richur, Ju ly 1921. Residence: Catholic B ishop's House, TH chur (S. India).

Vicar-General.—R t. Rev. Mgr. M athew Edakolathur.douncillors.—Rt. Rev. Mgr. Antony Puduchery, bpm es-

tic P rela te to H. H. the Pope, very Revs. John Alapat, Louis T hekklnieth, PaM A lapat, P&.&., B.i>„ ah>d George Thekkekara.

Secretary.—Very Rev. George Thekkekara.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

There are 3 Monasteries for the T ertiary Carm elite Monks at Ampalacad, E lth u ru th and P avara tti.

There are 21 Convents : 12 of th e Carm elite Sisters, '6 of the C larist Sisters and 3 of th e Holy Fam ily.

C a r m e l it e T e r t i a r y N u n s

(1) Ampalacad.—St. Joseph’s Convent w ith 28 Professed Nuns, 2 Novices and 2 Lay Sisters : Rev. Mother Febronia, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Thomas T hattil.

(2) Cheralayam.—Holy Child Jesus’ Carmelite Convent With 9 Professed N uns: Rev. Mother A nna Catherine, Supe­rior. Chaplain, Rev. A nthappan V aliyaveetil.

(3) E d a th u r th y — St. Anne’s ConVent -faith IS Professed Nuns, 2 Novices and 1 Lay S is te r: Rev. Mother Agnes, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Francis N ilam kavil.

(4) Irin jalakuda.—St. L ittle Teresa’s Convent w ith 17 Professed Nuns, 5 Novices and 1 Lay S is te r: Rev. Mother Catherine, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph Cheerampan.

(5) Kandassankadavoo.—Sacred H eart of M ary’s Con­vent w ith 13 Professed Nuns, 2 Novices and 1 Lay Sister : Rev. M other M ary Scholastica, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. John A kkara.

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(6) M -a.nalur.S t. Teresa’e Convent w ith 25 Professed Nuns and 1 Lay S is te r : ReV. M other Veronica* Superior. Chaplain, Rev. John E dathuruthikaren.

(7) Ollur.—Convent of th e Imm, Conception of B.V.M. w ith 35 Professed iiuns, 16 Novices and 9 Lay Sisters : Rev. Mother Marina, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Cruz Panikulam .

(8) Parigaram.—Convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmei w ith 16 Professed N u n s: Rev. Mother M ary Catherine, Supe­rior. Chaplain* Rev. Joseph ManaValan.

(9) Puducad —Convent of St. John of the Cross w ith 11 Professed Nuns and 1 Lay Sister : Rev, Mother M ary Magda- line, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Jas M enacherry.

(LO) Tri-ckur.—Convent of the Sacred H eart of Jesus w ith14 Professed Nuae, 24 Novices and 1 Lay S ister : Rev. Mother Simprosa, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Paul Param bil.

(11) Trichur.—St. Anne’s Convent w ith 13 Professed Nuns and 1 Novice : Rev. M other M atilda, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. John Kizhakuden.

\1'2) Trichur.—Convent of Holy Child of Jesus w ith 7 Professed Nun's : Rev. M other Mary Agnes, Superior. C hap­lain, Rev. Paul Param bil.

Cl a r i s t s N u n s

(1) Chalakudy W .~ St. John the Baptist’« Convent w ith15 Professed Nuns and 1 Lay Sister : Rev. Mother M argaret, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Paul Chereath.

(2) Chalakudy E .— Sacred H eart’s Convent w ith 7 P ro­fessed Nuns, 12 Novices and 1 Lay S ister: Rev. Mother Agnes, Superior. Chaplain, V ery Rev. Joseph Irim pen.

0 ) Karuvannur —St. Joseph’s Convent w ith 6 Professed Nuns, 28 Novices and 2 Lay Sisters : Rev. Mother Francisca, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. M athew Thanical.

(4/) M a tto m — 8b. Mary’s Convent w ith 6 Professed Nuns, 5 NoVices and 1 Lay S is t- r : Rev. Mother Clare, Superior. Chaplain, Rev Joseph Chftlissery,

(5.) Pazhayur.—St. Anthony’s Convent w ith 7 Pi’ofess-dd Nutffs and 3 Novices : Rev. M other Louisa, Superior« Chap­lain, V ety ftev .Jd h n Al-apat.

TRlGHtJR 7 t

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(6) Trichur.—The Imm. Conception of B.V.M. Convent (1917) w ith 5 Professed Nuns and 12 Novices: Rev. Mother A rchangla, Superior. Chaplain, V ery Rev. George Thekke- kara.

H o l y F a m i l y Co n v e n t s

(1) Puthenchira.—Convent of the Holy Family w ith 19 Professed Nuns, 20 Novices and 2 Lay Sisters : Rev. Mother Alice, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph V edayathil.

(2) Trichur.—The Scholasticate of the Holy Fam ily w ith 3 Professed Nuns, 9 Novices and 1 Lay Sister : Rev. Mother Gertrude, Superior. Chaplain, The Rt. Rev. Mgr. M. Eda- kolathur, v.G.

(3) Thumpoor.—Sacred H eart’s Convent w ith 11 P ro­fessed Nuns, 2 Novices and 1 Lay Sister : Rev. M other A lberta, Superior. Chaplain, Rev. Joseph K arathara.

I n s t itu t io n s

A. S e m i n a r i e s

T ric h u r— St. M ary’s Sem inary: Rector, Rev. Joseph Chereath (Jr.); Professors: The Rt. Rev. Mgr. A nthony Puduchery ; Revs. George A kkara, George Alaptt., PH.D.,D.D., George Choondal and John Palocaren, M.A. (E din .). Students 41.

St. M ary’s Preparatory Sem inary : Rector, Rev. Joseph ChereathT (Jr.) ; Asst., Rev. John Ukken (Jr.). Seminarists 16.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

E lthuru th .—St. Aloysius’ L.S. School (1868): Teachers 9. Rev. F r. Camilo, T.O.C.D., M anager. Pupils 222. Boarders 56.

P a v a ra tty — St. Joseph’s H igh School (1906) : Teachers IP, pupils 344, recognised (1908). Rev. Fr. G erard, Manager. Boarders 20.

T richur .—St. Thomas’ College affiliated First-grade College in A pril 1925: The Rt. Rev. Mgr. M. Edakolathur, V.G., M anager. Pupils 1,101. Principal, Rev. John Palo­caren, M.A. (Edin.) ; Rev. Joseph Pullokaren, H eadm aster ; Rev. Paul Param bil, Lecturer.

St. Thomas’ Boarding House : Rector, The Rev. Joseph C hereath ; Asst., Rev. John Ukken (Jr.). Boarders 38.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Ampalacad.—St. Joseph’s Convent School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 1 59.

Chalakudy W .—St. John the Baptist’s Convent School : Clarist Sisters. Pupils 173.

Chalakudy E .—Sacred H eart’s Lower Secondary School : Clarist Sisters. Pupils 196. Industrial School, pupils 60.

Cheralayam .—Holy Child’s English School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 190. Boarders 3.

Edathuruthy.—St. Anne’s Convent P rim ary School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 140.

Irin ja lakuda.—Si. Teresa of Child Jesus’ School : C ar­melite Sisters Pupils 343. Boarders 25.

Kandossankadavoo.—Sacred H eart of Mary’s Lower Secondary School ; Carm elite Sisters. Pupils 376. Boarders11. Rev. Sr. Mary Patience, B.A., Headmistress.

Karuvanur.—St. Joseph’s Convent School : Clarist Sisters. Pupils 107. Industrial School 1, pupils 78.

M analur.—St. Teresa’s P rim ary School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 278.

M attom.—St. M ary’s Convent P . School : Clarist Sisters. Pupils 199. Boarders 8.

Ollur.—St. M ary’s Convent L. S. School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 221. Boarders 24. Industrial School 1, pupils 128. Headmistress, Rev. S. Beatrice, b .a . (Trained).

Pariyaram .—St. John the Baptist’s P rim ary School : Carmelite Sisters. Pupils 235.

Pazhayur.—Clarists’ Convent P rim ary School 1, pupils175.

Puthenchira .—Holy Fam ily Convent P rim ary Schools 2, pupils 316. Boarders 45.

T richur .—Sacred H eart’s Convent High School : Carme­lite Sisters. Pupils 585. Boarders 75. Headmistress, Rev. Sr. Ludovic, B.A., L.T, ; Asst., Rev. S. M argaret, B.A., L.T. ; Rev. S. Benigna, B.A.

Industrial School 1, pupils 171.St. Clare’s V Prim ary School ; Clarist Sisters. Pupils

178. Boarders 18,

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Thunwoar —Si&reà fie^pfe’s P.G. gc^oal : S ixers of the Holy Fam ily. Pupils 225.

B. I n s t it u t io n s

B oys' OrphanageT riekur.^-St. Mary Pompeii’s Orphanage U 9 U h 35 boys

—18 attending industrial work, 17 attending Lourde’s Church School. Director, Very Rev. G. Thekkakara ; Manager, Rev. Br. Ephrem e Paranilam .

P uliy ilaku itnu .So . Anthony’s Orphanage (1925): Director, Hev. Anthony Pullokaren; M inag ir, V aliyaveatil Thoman Kuriakose. Orphans 20.

S t. M ary's Orphanage Press.Triphur — Started in 1928 in aid of the Orphanage and

managed by Rev. Br. Ephrem e Paranilam , the M anager of the Orphanage-

Girls' Orphanage.Trichur.—St. Anne’s Orphanage (1925) conducted by

P^rm elitp Sisters : 4 bo/S and 43 girls. Director, i$ev. John Kizhakuden ; Manager, Rev. M other M atilda.

Puthetofihira.—Holy Fam ily’s Orphanage (1915) oqnducted by the Holy Fam ily Sisters : Orphans 1?. Directqr, Rev. Joseph V itheyath il ; Manager, Rev. Sr. Alice.

Home fo r the AgedTrichur.-rSt,. Joseph’s Home for th e Aged (1928) con­

ducted by Carm elite Sisters : 10 men and 13 women. Director, Rev. John Kizhakuden ; M anager, Rev. Mother Matilda.


Trichur (Cathedral).—Oath. 8,901. Vicar, The Rt. Rev. Mgr, Antony Puduchery ; Assfes., Rays. X avier Akkara, George Malikel and Sebastian Chere^th,

Trichur (Chnrch of the Mother of Dqlqurs).—Vicar, The Rfc. Rev. Mgr. Antony Puduphery.

I. € h a l a k u d i D i v is io n

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Joseph Irym pan.Aloor.—Gath. 1,323. School 1, pupils 314, Vjjp^r, Rev.

Antony Palayur,


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Ambazhakad.—Gath 5,800. School 1, pupils 248. V icar, Rev. Thomas T hattil ; Asst., Rev. Pius Thekkekara.

A utta thur — Cath. 1,559. Vicar, Rev. George Ukken.Chalakudy.—Cath. 7,048. School 1, pupils 3L6. Vicar,

Very Rev. Joseph Irym pan ; Asst., Rev. John Maliakel.Kallettunkara.— Ca,th. 2,430. School 1, pupils 284. Vicar,

Rev. A ndrew Malamel.K arur.—Cath. 702. Vicar, Rev. Augustine Ambooken,Kadappussery.—Cabh. 420. Vicar, Rev. George Ukken.K undur — Cath. 835. Vicar, Rev. Tgnatius Chereath.K u ttika d .— Cath. 1,963. School 1, pupils 183. Vicar,

Rev. George Thaivalapil.K uzh ikka ttusseri.—Cath. 360. School 1, pupils 222.

Vicar, Rev. Augustine Ambooken.M ala.—Cath. 1,731, School 1, pupils 82. Vicar, Antony

Pullocaren.M ela d u r— Cath. 750. Vicar, Rev. Thomas Thattil.M unnum uri— Cath. 427. Vicar, Rev. Abraham Pulikan.M uttika l.—Cath. 376. Vicar, Rev. Joseph C hittalapilly .Pariyaram .—Cath. 3,655. Schools 2, pupils 425. Vicar,

Rev. Jo-eph M anavalan ; Asst., Rev. George Thaivalapil.Perambra.—Cath. 2,792. School 1, pupils 282. Vicar,

Rev. Abraham P ulikan .Poyya.— Ca th . 390. School 1, pupils 216. Vicar, Rev.

Sebastian Chiramel.Puthenchira.—Cath. 2,136. V icar, Rev. Joseph C hittila-

pilly.Puthenvelikara.—Cath. 1,528. School 1, pupils 157.

Vicar, Rev. Thomas M aliakel.Puthenvelikara Vadakum uri (Infant Jesue).—Cath.

800. Vicar, Rev. Thomas M aliakel.Puvathussery,—Cath. 2,408. School 1, pupils 115. Vicar,

Rev. George Pulikan.Thanissery (South).— Cath. 1,696. School 1, pupils 277.

Vicar, Rev. Ignatius Chereath.Thazhekad.—Cath. 654. Vicar, Rev. Cyriac Puthur,


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Velyanad.—Cath. 1,460. Schools 2, pupils 477. V icar, Rev. Joseph K arathra.

Chapels o f Sub-stationNandhipulam.— V icar, Rev. Abraham Pulikan.Qorakom.—V icar, Rev. George Ukken.Pottah .—Vicar, V ery Rev. Joseph Orimpen.

I I . O l l u r D iv is io n

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. Joseph M aliakel.Anibakad.—Cath. 1,444. Vicar, Rev. A lexander Teayya-

lakom.Ammadam.—Cath. 1,485. V icar, Rev. Sebastian K uru-

thukulam .A ranattukara (East).—Cath. 2,382. School 1, pupils 318.

V icar, Rev. A ntony Thachuparam bil.Aranattukara (W est).—Cath. 1,678. Vicar, Rev. Thomas

Adambukulam.A yyanthole.—Cath. 270. Vicar, Rev. John 1-7i .-.nakkude.n.Chengallur— Ca.th. 1,373. School 1, pupils 78. V icar,

Rev. Francis Chittilapilly.Cherpu.—Cath. 1,162. Vicar,£Rev. Jacob Vadassery.Chevoor.—Cath. 1,194. School 1, pupils 211. Vicar, Rev.

Abraham K alaparam bath.Irin ja lakuda (East).—Cath. 1,465. Vicar, Rev. Jacob

A rakal (Jr.).Irin ja lakuda (W est).—Cath. 3,417. Vicar, Rev. Francis

Cheerampan ; Asst., Rev. Peter Tamdukulam.K allur.—Cath. 965. Vicar, Rev. George Palayur.K arl a m — Cath. 124. Vicar, Rev. George Pudussery.K odannur.—Cath. 597. School 1, pupils 290. Vicar, Rev.

Sebastian K uruthukulam .K o tte k a d —Cath. 2,087. Vicar, Rev. JosephThekkudan.Mannampettah.—Cath. 150. Vicar, Rev. Antony Kun-

nankodath.Jtfaprangm— Cath, 1,834. Vipar, Rey, M^he-vy T l^nikaJ.


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T R iC H trft 83

M arathakkara.—Cafch. 480. School 1, pupils 259. Vicar, Rev. John Chereath.

M ukkattukara.—Cath. 1,196 Vicar, Rev, John Thachil.M uppliyam .—Cath. 470. Vicar, Rev. Joseph Param beth

(Jr.).MurkanadL.—Cath. 452. School 1, pupils 298. Vicar,

Rev. George Pudussery.N adathara .—Cath. 269. Vicar, Rev. John Thachil.Nadavarambu.—Cath. 625. Vicar, Rev. Jacob A rakal

(Jr.).Nedupuzha.—Cath. 260. Vicar, Rev. George Choondal.Ollur.—Cath. 6,762. V ery Rev. Joseph M aliakel; Asst.,

Rev. Antony M aliakel.P allissery.—Cath. 567. School 1, pupils 238. Rev. Jacob

Elankunnapuzha.Parappukara.—Cath. 1,760. Rev. Francis E lankunna­

puzha.P erinjeri.—Cath. 640. School 1, pupils 203. Rev. Cruz

Panikulam .

Puducad.—Cath. 4,017. School 1, pupils 303. Rev. Jas M enacherry ; Asst., Rev. Antony Kunnankodath.

P uthvr.—Cath. 205. School 1, pupils 191. Rev. John C heareath.

Thanissery (North).—Cath. 634. School 1, pupils 123. Rev. Francis Cheerampan.

T h ir u r — Cath. 1,012. Schools 2, pupils 415. Rev. Paul Ambookken.

Vallassara.—Cath. 294. Rev. Jacob Elankunnapuzha.V aranthrapilly — G&bh. 2,432. School 1, pupils 434.

Rev. Jo- h Param beth (Jr.).V _ . —Cath, 620. Rev. George Palayoor.Vijayapuram .—Cath. 800. School 1, pupils 71. Rev.

Paul Ambooken.Anantapuram.—Vicar, Rev. Francis Elankunnapuzha,

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Nellai.—Vicar, Rev. Francis Elankunnapuzha.I I I . P a l a y u r D iv i s io n

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. P iu s A kkara.. A rth a t.—Cafch. 1,600. Rev. A nthappan V aliyaveetil.

A tta thara .—Cath. 224. Rev. M athew Kollannur. Brahm akulam .—Cath. 375.G hitta tu r— Gath. 1,520. Schools 2, pupils 351. Rev.

M athew Cherunilam.Chowannur.—Cath. 454. Rev. John U kken (Sr.).Enamavu.—Cath. 2,403. Schools 2, pupils 474. Rev.

Jacob A rakal (Sr.).Engandiyur.—Cath. 838. School 1, pupils 406, Rev. John

F'orathur.Eranallur.—Cath. 1,483. Rev. Jacob Pottokaren.E jrum apetty— Cath, 1,252. Rev. Cyriac Pulikottil.K ottap idy .—Cath. 2,522. Schools 2, pupils 476. Rev.

Ignatius M anjilly.Kunamuchi — Cath. 958. School 1, pupils 288. Rev. Louis

C hittilapilly.K undannur— Cath. 1,178. School 1, pupils 179. Rev.

M athew Kollanur.M angad— Cath. 330. School 1, pupils 177. Rev. Cyriac


M attom .—Cath. 2,266. School 1, pupils 396. Rev. Joseph Chalissery.

M ullassery.—Cath. 1,366. School 1, pupils 161. Rev.George Vazhapilly.

M ullurkara.—Cath. 112. Rev. M athew Palayoor.M undur.—Cath. 1,183. Rev. Joseph Im m itty.

N orthern Puducad — Vicar, Rev. George Vazhapilly.P a la yu r— Cath. 3,995. Schools 2, pupils 236. V ery Rev.

Pius A kkara.

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Parappur.—Cath. 2,015. Schools 2, pupils 621. Rev. Thomas Thaickatil.

P a v a ra tty r -Cath. 3,103. Schools 2, pupils 219. Rev. Thomas Panikulam .

Peramangalam.—Cath. 706. Rev. A lexander Kayyalakom.Puthussery — Cath. 287. School 1,'pupils 183. Rev. Louis

Chittilapilly.Thalakkottukara.—Cath. 472. Rev. Jacob Ottokaron.Thozhakkavu.—Cath. 790. Rev. John Poruthur.Velur.—Cath. 5,038. School 1, pupils 468. Rev. Paul

Chalissery.Vylathur.—Cath. 1,352. School 1, pupils 130. Vicar,

Rev. Andrew Chovallur.W adakkancherry.—Cath. 1,810. Vicar, Rev. Thomas


Konchira.— Rev. Jacob A rakal (Sr.).

IV . P a z h a y u r D iv i s io n

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. John A lapalt.A rim pur (North).—Cath. 890. Rev. Jacob Vadukoot. Arim pur (South)—Cath. 717. Rev. Jacob Vadukoot. C helur— Cath. 1,105. Rev. George Elankunnapuzha.Chirakal.—Cath. 533. Vicar, Rev. Sebastian Brahm a-

kulam.Edakolam.—Cath. 394. School 1, pupils 163. Rev. John

Kariperry.E dathuruthy.— Cath. 1,243. Rev. Francis Neelankavil.Kaippamangalam.—Cath. 369. Rev. Joseph Kayyalakom,Kalparambu.— Cath. 3,313. Rev. Peter Pazhayatil.Kandessankadavu.—Cath. 1,899. Rev. John A k k a ra ;

Asst., Rev. John Chiramel.Kanjani.—Cath. 310. Rev. Paul Brahmakulam.Karam uck.—Cath. 335. School 1, pupils 230. Rev. Joseph

Chereath (Sr.),

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K aran jira .—Cath. 911. School 1, pupils 331. Rev. Sebastian Brahm akulam .

K attur.—Cath. 889. Rev. Jos. Kayyalakom.M analur.—Cath. 2,166. Rev. Joseph Chereath (Sr.).M athilakom .—Cath. 796. Rev. Peter Pazhayatil.Pazhayur.—Cath. 1,967. V ery Rev. John A lapatt.Peringottukara.—CdA,h. 384. Rev. Jacob Aloor.Poruthur.—Cath. 461. Rev. Antony Akkara.Puthenpeedika.—Cath. 3,980. Rev. Sebastian V azhapilly.Vadanapilly.—Cath. 723. School 1, pupils 134. Rev.

John A kkara.Valapad.—Cath. 1,216. Schools 2, pupils 328. Rev.

George Chiramel.A ripalam .—Rev. Peter PazhayatilChendraponny.—Rev. Francis Neelankavil.

SubstationsPerumbadappu.—'Rev. Francis Neelankavil.Vadakumkara.—Rev. Peter Pazhayatil.R etired—Revs. Thomas A kkarapatty , Stehpen Valapila,

Joseph Tharayil, Joseph Param beth (Sr.). Very Rev. Louis Thekkineath ; Revs. Raphael A kkarapuram , Joseph Kallinga,B.A. (studying for M.A. Degree, St. Joseph’s College, Trichino- po ly ); Very Rev. Paul Alapath, p h .d ., b d . ; Revs. Francis T herattil, John Ambooken and Chacko Panakal.

RECA PITU LA TIO N Bishop ... ... ... ... ... 1Diocesan Priests ... ... ... 108

Total ... 109

Churches or Head Stations ... .. I l lChapels or substations ... ... ... 7Seminarians ... ... ... ... 51Colleges and High schools for boys :

College ... ... ... ... 1High schools ... ... ... ... 2Number of boys ... ... ... 1,805

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Colleges and H igh schools for girls :High school ••• 1Number of girls ••• •»* 585

Elem entary schools . . . 101Number of pupils ••• 18,925

Orphanages ••• 4Number of orphans ••• ••• 119

Industrial schools • • ••• 8Total num ber of young people nnder’ Catholic care ... . . . . . . 281Bant isms • (In fan ts , 6,056] .baptism s. ( AdulfcSt 126j . . . 6,182Converts . . . 165Catechumens 154M arriages ... Mt 1,699Catholic population . . . 127,786

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Suffragan Dioceses—Ajmer and Allahabad (Capuchins)

The Archdiocese of Agra is bounded on the North by the Archdiocese of Simla, on the East by the Diocese of A llaha­bad, on the South and West by the Diocese of Ajmer.

A r c h b is h o p

The Most Rev. Raphael Bernacchioni, August 7, 1917. Residence : (W inter) A gra , (Summer) Barlow ganj, U. P. (Mussoorie).

A r c h ié p is c o p a l C u r i a

Coadjutor and V icar‘ General.—R ight Rev. Fr. E. Y anni, O.c.

Chancellor and Secretary.—V ery Rev. F r. J . Baptist,O.C.

Fiscal Advocate.—V ery Rev. F r. Romulus, O.C.

Consultors.—V ery Rey. Frs. John Baptist, O.c. ; Luke, O.C. ; H ilary , O.C. ; H yacinth, O.C. ; H. Norman, D.D., S.P.

A gra .—Superior Reg. : Very Rev. Fr. H yacinth, O.C.

Pro-Synodal Exam iners.—Rev. Fr. Romulus, O.C.

Superior-Regular o f the M ission.—V ery Rev. Fr. H ya­cinth, O.c.

Diocesan Insp. o f Schools.—Mgr. H. Norman, S.P., D.D.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

St. Francis M onastery , M ussoorie.— V ery Rev. Fr. John Baptist O.C., Guardian ; Rev. F r. Emilius, O.c., Chaplain.

St. F idelis' M onastery , Sardhana , M eerut D is t— Guard­ian, Rev. Fr. Synphorian, O.C. ; M aster of Novices, Rev. Fr. Symphorian, O.C. ; Curate, Rev. F r. Pius Lyons, O.c. Novices 6, Postulants 2.

S t. P a tr ick 's B ro thers , M ussoorie.—Provincial, Rev. Bro. Keogh. Rev. Brothers 11.

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Nuns o f Jesus and M ary.—Sup., M. St. Marcelline.S isters o f S t. Francis o f A ssisi.— Agra : Sup., Mother

Fulgentia. K hera-khurd (D elhi): Sup., Mother Candida.In s t itu t io n s

Agra.—St. P e te r’s College and Orphanage : Rector, Rev. Fr. H yacinth, O .c, Educational work : Cambridge Senior, Junior and P relim inary Locals. Number of pupils 210.

St. Aloysius’ School: Lady Superior, Rev. Mother M. de la Salette. Boarders 45, day-scholars 42.

St. P atrick’s Orphanage for European g ir ls : Lady Superior, Rev. M other M. de la Salette. G irls 215.

St. A nthony's Day School, mixed : Rev. Mother St, Anthonia. Pupils 110.

St. Joseph’s Orphanage for Indian Christian girls : Rev. Mother St. Bertille. Pupils 125.

St. Francis’ Foundling Home : Rev. Mother Fulgentia.Dehra-Dun.—Convent of Jesus and M ary : Lady Supe­

rior, Rev. Mother St. Clementine. Boarders 26, day-scholars 51.

Delhi (W in ter Season).—Convent of Jesus and M ary: Lady Superior, Rev. M other St. Blandine. Pupils 46.

Mussoorie (Barlowganj).—St. George’s College : Brothers of St. P atrick , Principal, Rev. Brother L. J. Cummings. Edu­cational work, A llahabad U niversity, including Interm ediate A rts and Inter-Science, Cambridge. Senior, Junior and P re ­lim inary Locals, Forest and Engineering College entrance examinations, Students 267.

St. Fidelis’ Orphanage and High School: Principal, Rev. Bro. S. J. Bergin. Educational work : Senior, Junior and Prelim inary Cambridge Locals. Brothers of St. Patrick. Pupils 212.

M ussoorie (Hampton Court) (Summer season).—Nuns of Jesus and M ary : Sup., M other St. Clotilde. Boys up to the age of 12. Boarders 56, day-scholars 13.

M ussoorie (W averly).—Convent of Jesus and M ary: Boarding School. Educational w ork : Senior, Junior and Prelim inary Cambridge Locals. Excellent K indergarten. Lady Superior, Rev. Mother St. M arcelline. Boarders 99, day-scholars 21.



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9 0 AGRA

Barlowganj {Mus&oqrie).—St. R a p h a e l's A nglo-V erna­cular P rim ary School for Indians : Pupils 30.

Saharanpur.—Sb. P atrick ’s Academy Day School, man­aged by the Parieh Priest Rev. F r. M. W. Smith. Pupils 30.

Sardhana (Meerut Dist.).—St. Charles’s Anglo-V erna- calar Middle School and Orphanage for Indian boys : P rin ­cipal, Rev. ITr. Anthony, O.c. Boarders 130, day-scholars SU.

Anglo-V ernacular School for Indian’girls : Lady Supe­rior, Mother Sb. Mary dc Jesus. Pupils 48.

G a zetteer

Agra Cathedral.—Right Rev. Fr. E. Vanni, 0,0,, V icar- General and C u ra te ; Revs. Fr. Lewis Magliacani, C.C., Editor, M Franciscan Annals ” ; F r. H ilary.

A gra Cantonment.—Rev, F r. Bonavenfcure, O.C.

Agra Civil L ines.—Church of Our Lady of Good Coun­sel : Rev. F r. Bonaventure.

Baghu (M eerut D ist.).—V ery Rev. F r. Lewis Peter,

B andikm y - Rev. Fr. Clement, O.c.

B&reitty.— R&v. Fr. A thanasius, O.c.

Bhikam pur {Meerut D ist.).—Rev. F r. Anthony, O.c.Chakrata ( U.P.).—Rev, F r. Lewis, Q cDehra-Dun ( U.P.).— Bev. F r. Romulus, O.C.

Delhi —Rev. Frs, L uke,vO C. and Lewis ; Asst., Rev. Fr. Edw ard, O.C. Schools for Indians 8, pupils 135.

Gwalior.— Rev Fr. Valentine.. School 1, pupils 25.

K hera -K hurd {Delhi Dist.).—Rev. Fr. Jerome, O.C. Schools 3, pupils 48. Convent of the Franciscan Nuns,

Lalyana {Meerut D ist.).—R e v .F r. Daniel,, S.P. Schools 5.Landour {Mussoorie).—Rev. Fr. John Baptist,, Q.C.M eerut.—Mgr. H. Norman, D.D.

Moradabad.—Rev. Fr. Jocundus* O.c,M u ttra .—Rev. F r, Singleton, S.P,

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Saharanpur.—Rev. F r. «L W. Smith.

Sardhana (M eerut Dist.).—Rev. Fr. P ius Lyons, O.C.St. E m iliaris Church (M ussoorie).—Rev. F r. Cajeton,


S t. M ichael's Church (BarlowganJ).—Rev. Fr. Emilius, O.C., Parish Priest.

Tajpur.—Rev. F r. Francis.W averly Convent (M ussoorie).—R ev . F r . S y lv e s te r , O.C.

S u b s t a t i o n s

V isited fro m A g r a — A ligarh, Tundla, E taw ah, \ia in - puri, Bayana and Shikohabad.

Do. Bandikui.—A chnera U lw ar, Baratpur andRewari.

Do. B are illy .—Shahjahanpur and Pilibhit.Do. Delhi.—Ghaziabad, Shahdara, Buland-

sbahr, Hapur, Babughar and Malikpur.Do. Gwalior.—Morar, B hindand Dholpur.Do. L alyana .—Sewal (M eerut Dist.) and Bhi-

kanpur.Do. M oradabad—Nijibabad, Bijnor, Sherkot

and Chandausi.Do. M u ttra .—E tah, Fategarh and Kasguni.Do. Saharanpur.—Muzaffarnagar, Roorke.Do. Landsdowne.—Lacksar and Hardwar.


Archbishop .. ... ... ... 1B ish o p .............. ... ... ... 1

Secular Priests ... ... ... 7Religious P riests ... ... ... 29

Total ... 36

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Churches w ith Resident P riest ... ...Localities w ith chapels ... ... ... 34Religious women ... ... ... 05

Do. brothers ... ... ... 13Convents ... ... ... ... 6Colleges for boys ... ... ... 2H igh schools for g irls ... ... ... 5Elem entary schools for boys ... ... 11

Do. for girls ... ... 5Orphanages for boys ... ... ... 3

Orphans ... ... ... 399Orphanages for girls ... ... ... 5Inm ates ... ... ... ... 263Total population 17,927,088 [ ^ a t h ^ h o l i e s 17,915,901

92 AGfeA

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On th e North th e Diocese is bounded by the Native State of B ahaw alpur; on the East it extends as far as Abahari, Pipli, Rania, the District- of Sirsa, Hissar, Rewari, the bound­aries of the Native States of A lw ar, B haratpur, Dholpur and S ip r i; towards the Diocese of A llahabad its lim its extend as far as Lalitpur and B ina ; on th e South by the Northern boundaries of the Bhopal State ; th e R iver Nurbudda sepa­rates it from the Nagpur Diocese; and on the W est it extends as far as th e boundaries of the Bombay Presidency.

B is h o p

The R ight Rev. F . H. Caumont, O.G., consecrated on Octo­ber 28,1913.

E p i s c o p a l C u r i a

Vicar-General.—Right Rev.JFr. Armand, O.e.Chancellor.— V ery Rev. Fr. Anatole, O.C.

Fiscal A dvocate,—V e r y Rev. F. Pius, O.C.Consultors —V ery Rev. Frs. Armand, O .C .; Paul, O.C.;

Pius, O.C. ; Lucian, O .C .; Anatole, O .C .; Augustine, O.C.Superior R eg u la r— R ight Rev. Fr. Armand, O.C.Diocesan Inspectors o f Schoo ls— Rev. Frs. Pius, o.C.

and A. J . Mowforth.R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s

The F riars Minor Capuchins of the Province of Paris.The Irish C hristian Brothers,The Franciscan Nuns of St. Mary of the Angels.The Mission Sisters of Ajmer.The “ P rabhudasi ” .

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

A jm er.—St. Teresa's Sem inary : Rev. C. da Silva, d .d , d .c .l , PH.D., Rector.

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A jm er.—St. Anselm’s High School : Rev. F r. Pius, Rector ; Rev. F rs. Herm eland, Daniel, Francis», D.D., Marcel and 7 Lay teachers.

St. X avier’s Apostolic School : Rev. Fr. Diego-Joseph. Director.

Mount Abu.—Abu High School: Irish Christian Brothers. Rev. Anselm Cooney, Principal.

Mhow.—Sacred H eart School : Rev. F r. Casimir.Indore.—St. R arhael’s Parochial School.M ikhelpurn.—Training School for catechists and

teachers : Rev. Frs. Guy, A. J. Mowforth and Lay masters.There are boarding schools for Indian boys at the mission

stations, and 31 village schools.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r G i r l s

Under the Franciscan Nuns

A jm er .—Convent High School.Mhow.—Convent High School.There are boarding schrols for Indian girls at Mhow,

M ariapur and M ikhelpura.Under the M ission Sisters

A jm er.—The Sophia High School for high-class Indian girls.

Jaipur.—St. Angela’s School.There are boarding schools for Indian girls at Jhabua and

Parbatpura.Under the “ Prabhudasi ”

Boarding schools for Indian girls at Thandla and Rambhapur.

Ot h e r I n s t it u t io n s

St. Anselm ’s Press, Ajmer : Rev. F r. Ai atole, Manager.“ The Crusader ” , m onthly organ of the Enthronem ent of

th e Sacred H eart and the A rch-confraternity of the Three Hail M ary s.: Editor, Rev. Fr. M atthew , Mount-Abu.

C arpentry and Wood-carving School, M ikhelpura.

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Needle-work Class for Christian Women at Mhow, M ariapur and M ikhelpura.

Roberts Nursing Home, Indore : Five Franciscan Nuns.K ing-Edward H ospital,'Indore: Two Franciscan Nuns.Mission Dispensaries at Parbatpura, Bhavanikhera, Lad-

pura, Batta, Thandla, Jhabua, Rambhapur, M ariapur and M ikhelpura.

G a zetteerAbu Road .—Holy Name : Rev. Fr. Gentilis.A jm er .—Cathedral Church of the Im m aculate Concep­

tion : Rev. Frs. Lucian and Hugolin.Barvani.—Sacred H e a r t : Visited.B atta (Ajmer).—St. Felix : Rev. Fr. Simon.Bhagor (M eghnagar).—Rev. F r. Francis.Bhavanikhera (Nasirabad).—St. M artin : Rev. F r. Mark,Gangapur — St. Peter. O utstations: Kotah, Lakheri,

H indaun and Karauli. Rev. Fr. Olivier.Indore .—St. Francis. Outstation, Dhar. Rev. Fr. F ran -

cis-Regis.Jaipur .—Sacred H eart of Jesus and Mary. Outstation,

Tonk. Rev. F r. Polycarp.Jhabua.—Annunciation. Outstation, A li-Rajpur. Rev.

Frs. Bernard and Clodoald.Ladpura.—St. Teresa :aRev. Fr. Adolph.M ariapur ( Mhow).—Holy Rosary : Rev. F r. Egidius.Mhow .—Sacred H e a r t : Rev. F r. Cyril, M ilitary Chap­

lain ; Rev. F r. Victor, Convent Chaplain.M ikhelpura (Suket).—St. Michael : Rev. Frs. Guy and

A. J, M ^w forth.Mornit Abu.—St. Ann : Rev. Fr. M atthew , Abu High

School Chaplain.Nasirabad .—Our Lady of the Angels. O utstations:

Beawar, Sojat, Jodhpur, B ikaner) and Churu. Rev. F r. Alphonse, M ilitary Chaplain.

Parbatpura (Ajmer).—St. Joseph : Rev. Frs, Augustine and Joseph-Anthony,

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Phalera.—St. Joseph. Visited.Rambhapur.—Sacred H eart : Rev. Fr. Charles.Ratlam .—St. Ann. Outstations : Nagda, Shamgarli,

U jjain, Jao ra , Nimach, Udaipur, ebc. Rev. F r .Sylvain.Thandla .—The Mosb Pure H eart of Mary : Rev. Frs.

H ippolytus and Sebastian.RECAPITULATION

Bishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular P riests ... ... ... 2P riests of Religious Orders ... ... 35

Total ... 38

Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 19Missions w ith Churches ... ... 4Stations ... ... ... ... 19High Schools for boys ... ... ... 2Parishes w ith schools ... ... ... 13Catholic population ... ... ... 7,464Schools for girls ... ... ... 13

Pupils ... ... ... ... 1,802Orphan Asylums ... ... ... 9

Orphans ... ... ... ... 337Hospitals ... ... ... •• 4Home for aged ... ... ... 1Total young people under Catholic care ... 1,838Population ... ... ... ...12,661,000

( Europeans ... ... ... 461Catholics: < Anglo-Indians ... ••• 1,237

C Indians ... ... ... 5,766

Total ... 7,464

Non-Catholics ... ... ... 12,656,536

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DIOCESE OF ALLAHABADH isto r y an d F o u n d a tio n

The Diocese is bounded on th e South by the Mission of Jubbulpore, on the W est by the Archdiocese of Agra, and on the North by the Diocese of P atna and by the Him alaya Mountains which extend along the limits of the Mission. I t lies between Lat, 24° and 30° North and 77°8 and 88°8 Long. East. Area 60,000 square miles.

(1) The present Mission of A llahabad daces its origin from 1845. I t was separated from the Agra V icariate in 1845 and made inbo a separate V icariate Apostolic under the name of the V icariate Apostolic of Patna.

(2) In 1861, the Province of Oudh was given by the A gra Mission to the V icariate of Patna.

(3) In 1871, the D istrict of Hazareebagh was separated from the P atna V icariate and given to the Calcutta Mission.

In the same year Dr. P. Tosi, O.C., V icar Apostolic of Patna, transferred his residence to Allahabad, w here a magnificent Cathedral was being erected ; and in 1886 on the establishment of th e H ierarchy in India, A llahabad was raised to a Bishopric, Dr. Francis Pesci, O.C., becoming the F irst Bishop of Allahabad.

(4) In 1887, the! Districts 0f Darjeeling and Purneah w ere taken aw ay from th e Diocese of A llahabad. In 1892, the Districts of Cham paran, Saran, MuzafFarnagar, Darbhanga, Bettiah and parts of the Districts of Bhagalpore and Monghyr w ere erected into a separate P refecture Apostolic under the title of Bettiah, to which in 1893 was also added the Kingdom of Nepal.

(5) In 1919, th e Stations of Patna, Bankipore, Kurjee, Dinapore, K hagaul, G aya, Jam alpore and Bhagalpore were detached from the Diocese of A llahabad, and added to the new Diocese of P atna, entrusted to the Jesuits from the M aryland Province.

(6) F inally in 1929, the stations of Saugor, Bina, Shampura, Nowgong, P atna and their respective districts were separated from the Diocese of Allahabad, and erected into a new Mission w ith headquarters at Jubbulpore, and entrusted to the Norbertine Missionaries.


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S e r ie s o f V i c a r s A p o st o l ic

Dr. Cajetan Carli, Bishop of Alm ira, was nominated 1st V icar Apostolic of the new ly-erected V icariate of P atna on January 10, 1845. H aving renounced his appointment as V icar Apostolic of Patna, F r. Anasbasius H artm ann was con­secrated Bishop of Derbe and first V icar Apostolic of P atna on M arch 15, 1866. Dr. Anastasius H artm ann remainedV icar Apostolic of P atna till August 16, 1849, in which year he was nominated A dm inistrator Apostolic of Bombay and was succeeded by Dr. Athonasius Zuber, O.C., in 1849. He resigned his office in 1859. On January 24, 1866, Bishop A. H artm ann was nominated for the second tim e V icar Apostolic D f P atna and governed the V icariate till his death, which took place at Cooyee (Bankipore) on April 24, 1866. He was succeeded by Dr. Paul Tosi, Bishop of Rhoeopolis who was elected V icar Apostolie of P atna on February 9, 1868. He governed the V icariate of Patna till February 1881, w hen he w as appointed first V icar Apostolic of the new ly-erected V icariate of the Punjab. Dr. Francis Pesci succeeded Dr. Tosi ih th e V icariate of P atna. He Was elected Bishop of Mareionen on May 24, 1881.

A r c h b is h o p s

(1) Francis ie sc i, 0;C , first Bishop of A llahabad (1886), died at Lyons (France) in 1896. (2) Charles Gentili, O.C., born in tl840, arrived in India in 1870. He was elected Bishop of A llahabad in 1897, and transferred to the Archdiocese of A gra in 1898. (3) Victor Sinibaldi, O.C., born in 1844, came to India in 1871. He w as consecrated Bishop of A llahabad in 1899 ; died a t A llahabad in 1902. (4) Potronius G ram igna, O.C., born in 1844 ; arrived in the Mission of A llahabad in 1871; was elected Bishop of A llahabad in 1904 ; died at A llahabad in 1917.

C lergy a n d A u x ilia r ie s

B is h o p

Rt. Rev. Dr. Angelo Joseph Poll, 0 C., born a t C&sola Valsenioi Ita ly , September 13, 1878; arrived in India, February 24, 1901 ; consecrated November 30, 1915, in St. Joseph’s Cathedral as Coadjutor Bishop of Allahabad, by Dr. C. G entili, Archbishop of A gra; became Bishop of AlWhabad on Depeinber 18,191?.


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C a p u c h i n s o f t h e P b o v in c e s o f B o l o g n a a n d M a l t a , I t a l y

Position and Boundaries.—The Diocese is bounded on the South by the Prefecture of Jubbulpore, on the W est by the Archdiocese of A gra, and on the East and North by the Diocese of P atna and by the H im alaya Mountains which extend along the lim its of the Mission. Ca¿h. 11,533.

B is h o p

Rt. Rev. Dr. Angelo Joseph Poli, O.C., consecrated Nov. 30,1915.

E p is c o p a l C u r i a

Vicar-General.—V ery Rev. F r. Francis, Q.c.

Chancellor.—V ery Rev. J . Chrysostom, O.C.

Consultors.—V ery Rev. Frs. Francis, O .e.; Celestine,O.C.; Lewis ; Amedeus, O.c.

Pro-Synodal E xa m in ers— Rev. Frs. T. O. Hogan ; F . X. DeSouza, S.P.

Superior Regular o f the M ission.—V ery Rev. F r. Lewis,O.C.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n it ie s


Capuchins of the Provinces of Bologna and


M alta, I ta ly ... 36Irish Christian Brothers ... ... 17Third Order Regular ... ... ... 6


Sisters of the I.B.M.V. of Munich (Bavaria) ... 65Do. of Loreto R athfarnam (Ireland) ... 12

Canossian D aughters of Charity ... ... 10Society of th e Queen of the Apostles ... 6

E d u c a t i o n a l E s t a b l i s h m e n t s


Allahabad.—St. Joseph’s H igher Ecclesiastical Seminary: Rector, Rev. Fr. Bartholomew, O.C, Students 20.

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Allahabad.—St. Joseph’s College Boarding and Day- School: Principal, Rev. F r. Augustine, O.C ; Headm aster, Rev. F r. T. Hogan, S.P. 191 pupils,

Lucknow.—St. Francis’ School (1886): Boarding and Day School. Anglo-Indian Orphanage. R e v . F r. Celestine, O.C. 245 pupils.

N aini Tal.—St. Joseph’s C ollege: Boarding and Day School. Irish Christian Brothers (1888). Rev. Br. J. Connolly. 295 pupils.

G irlsAllahabad.—St. M ary’s Convent : Boarding and Day

School. Sisters of I.B.M.V. Rev. M. Delphine. 181 pupils.Cawnpore.—St. M ary's Convent: Boarding and Day

School. Sisters of the I.B.M.V. Rev. M. de Sales. 144 pupils.

Jeolikote.—St. A nthony’s Convent (1925): 2nd Class Boarding Schools. Sisters of I.B.M.V. Rev. Mother H ilde- gard.

Jh a n si .—St. Francis : Boarding and Day School (1912) ; Sisters of th e I.B.M.V. Rev. Mother Patricia. 146 pupils.

Lucknow .—Loreto C onvent: Boarding and Day School, Sisters of Loreto. Rev. Mother Clare. 180 pupils.

N aini Tal.—St. M ary’s C onvent: Boarding and Day School. Sisters of the I.B.M.V. (1876). Rev. Mother Floriana. 225 pupils.

Ch a r it a b l e I n s t it u t io n s a n d Or p h a n a g e s

Allahabad.—St. Ann’s School: Sisters of the I.B.M.V. (1879). Rev. Mother Delphine. 136 pupils.

St. Michael’s Anglo«Vernacular School: Sisters of theI.B.M.V. (1912). 30 pupils.

St. A nthony’s Middle School for Girls : Boarding and Day School. Canossian Daughters of Charity. 52 pupils.

Jeolikote.—Anglo-Vernacular School for Boys and Girls (1924): 56 pupils.

Lucknow.—St. Joseph's Middle School (1918) : Day and Boarding School for Poor Boys. Rev. Fr. Joe Evans, s.P. 160 pupils.


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Lucknow.—St. Agnes* School: S isters of Loreto (1904). Rev. Mother Frances. 145 pupils.

St. Teresa’s Day School (1919) : 40 pupils.Partabgarh .—Candle Factory, Carpentry and W eaving

School (1920): 18 pupils.Teresapur.—St. Teresa’s School: Canossian Daughters of

Charity (1920): 30 pupils.G azetteer

Allahabad.—St. Joseph’s Cathedral (1871): Rev. Frs. Camillus, O.C. and Hogan ; M ilitary Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Augustine.

St. Joseph’s Sem inary : Rector, Rev. F r. Bartholomew ; Professors. Rev. Frs. Jerem iah, O.C., P. Sinha and C. Geary.

Benares.—St. M ary (1818) : P .P ., Rev. F r. Paul, O.C.Cawnpore.—St. Patrick (1862): Rev. F r. J . Chysostom, O.C.Chaubattia.—SS. Pabrick and Bridget (1884): Open

from April 1 to October 31. Rev. Fr. Lewis, O.C.Dillcusha (Lucknow Cant.).—St. Paul (1862): P .P ., Rev.

Fr. Andrew, O.C.Fyzabad .—St M ary (1862): P .P ., Rev. Fr. Cosmas, o.c.

G orakhpur— Joseph (1875): P .P ., Rev. Fr. Michael, O.C.Jeolikote.—St. Anthony : Rev. F r. Peter Mary, O.c.Jhansi.—Sacred H eart (1892): P .P ., Very Rev. Fr. Leo,

O.C.; Rev. Fr3. George, O.C and Pius, O.c.Lucknow (Civil Lines).—St. Joseph (1862): Rev. Frs.

Stephen, O C., Celestine, and Michael Angelo.N aini T a l—St. Francis : P.P., V ery Rev. Fr, Amedeus ;

O.C.; Rev. F r. Agathangelus ; Very Rev. Fr. Lewis, O.C., Convent Chaplain.

Ranikhet.—St. Bonaventure : Rev. A nthony, O.C.C huñar— St. F inbar (1783): (1846) Mission ad paganos,

Rev. Fr. Anthony Bader, S.r .a .Bhowali.—Our Lady of the Rosary : Rev. F r. Livesay, S.P.

Partabghar.—Our Lady of Pom peii: Rev. F r. A lexander,O.C. Mission ad paganos.

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Theresapur.— Sb. Therese (1919): P .P ., Rev. F r. Roch. Mission ad paganos.

R ECA PITU LA TIO NBishop ••• ••• ••• — 1

Secular Priests ... ... ... 8Religious Priests ... ... ... 35

Total ... 43


Stations w ith resident Priests ... ... 20Sub-stations ... ... ... ... 43Missions w ith Churches ... ... 25Chapels attached to Religious Institutions ... 8Ecclesiastical students ... ... ... 20College for boys ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 295Elem entary Parochial schools ... ... 25

Pupils ... ... ... ... 346Irish Christian Brothers ... ... 17Religious women ... ... ... 95

Orphan Asylums ... ... ... 5Orphans ... ... ... ... 470

Total young people under Catholic care ... 2,768Dispensaries ... ... ... ... 21

_ o . ( Catholic infants ... ... 276baptism s . ^ Non_Catholic infants in art. m ortis. 736 Adult converts ... ... ... 238M arriages ... ... ... ... 66Deaths ... ... ... ... 134

Population, 25,192,630: { Non^Catholies V.'. 32,000

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Suffragan Sees-.—Calicut, Mangalore, Poona, Trichinopoly and Tuticorin.

By v irtue of an agreem ent between the Apostolic See and the Portuguese Republic, and an Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius X I, dated May 1,1928, the Dioce3e of Damaun ceased to exist, and its territories, w ith the exception of Damaun and Diu, w ere added to the Archdiocese of Bombay on Christmas Day, 1928.

As thus enlarged, the Archdiocese of BDinbay comprises the Islands of Bombay and Salsette and the whole of the Konkin Coastland beginning southw ards at the River Savetri, and extending northw ards so as to comprise the whole of Gujerat w ith K athiaw ar and Cutch, Sind and British Baluchistan. I t is bounded on the North by A fghanis­tan, the North-W est Provinces and th e P un jab ; on the South by th e Archdiocese of G oa; on the East by the W estern Ghauts and th e dioceses of Poona and Ajmere ; and on the W est by the Arabian Sea and Baluchistan.

Catholic popu la tion—Bombay 48,922, Salsette 34,035, Bassein, etc., 22,680, G ujerat 1,936, Sind 7,685, Pagan Missions 12,247. TVal parochial population 127,505. Inm ates of Institutions 2,567. Grand Total, 130,072.

Clergy and A uxilia ries .-—Secular Priests 125, Male religioas 99, Fem ale religious 166.

Seminary S tudents.—14 at Kandy, 6 at Mangalore, 7 at Rachol. Total 27.

A r c h b is h o p

Most Rev. Joaquim R. Lima, S.J.* d .d . Consecrated December 2nd, 1928. Enthroned December 25,1928.

E p i s c o p a l C u r i a

Economus.—‘Rev. E. R. H ull, S.J .Secretary and Chancellor.—Rev. V. Gracias.Pro-Synodal Judges.—Mgr. J . N. C outinho; Revs. F.

Schaefer, S.J.* S. Fonseca, J, J. Dias, C. D’Mello and C, A. Pereira.

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Pro-Synodal Exam iners.—Mgr. C. Pinto'; Revs. D. de Sa, M. Sola, S.J., H. Gonsalves, C. D’Mello and M. M arti, S.J.

P ro-Synodal P arish Priests' Consultors and Diocesan Consultors.—Mgr. B. D’M onte; Revs. M. M arti, S.J., D, Berenguer, S.J., A. Pereira, M. X. Gomes and B. F . Mendonca.

Council o f Vigilance and Diocssan Censors.—Revs.H. Roper, S J., I . Hauber, S.C., M. D’Sa and J. B. Santos.

Council fo r the A dm inistra tion o f Ecclesiastical Goods. —R ‘vs. E. R. Hull, S.J. and R. J. D’Costa.

Diocesan Inspectors o f E . T. and Vernacular Schools — For Bombay, V ery Rev. J. Dos Rem edios; For Salsette, Rev. M. D’S a ; for Basseira, V ery Rev. B. F. da Silva.

A rch iv is t and Secretary fo r Records and P roperty .— Rev. E. R H ull, S.J.

R eligious Communities of Men

Society of Jesus, Aragon Province : V ery Rev.A. Deniz, Sup. Reg. ... ... 84

Salesians of Dom Bosco, Bombay: V ery Rev.I. Hauber, Superior ... ... ... 7

Franciscan Missionary Brothers, Sonapur,Mount Poinsur, Bassein and Z aro li: Rev.Br. Paul, Superior ... ... ... 25

R eligious Communities of W omen

Congregation of Jesus and M ary, Bombay ., 29D aughters of the Cross, Bombay, Bandra,

Anand and K arachi ... ... ... 69Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Bombay ... 15Portuguese Franciscan Nuns, Dadar and Mount

M ary ... ... ... ... 29Carm elite Sisters, Santa Cruz ... ... 12Order of Apostolic Carmel, Ahmcdabad 5St. Francis X avier’s Nuns, Zaroli ... ... 8Order of the Presentation, Quetta ... ... 7

I n s t itu t io n s U n d e r t h e J e s u i t F a t h e r s

Bombay.—(1) St. X avier’s College, 1,210 students : Revs. F . Schaefer, S J., Rector, J. Duhr ; Principal, M. Sola ; J. F. C a iu s; J. Fell, C. Ghezzi, H. Heras, E. Kaufm ann, G. Palacios, H. de Raphael, F. Sacasa, R. Z im m erm ann; one scholastic, th ree brothers. Hostel, 100 inm ates,


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Bombay.—(2,) St. X avier’s H igh School, 1,385 pupils: Revs. A. Deniz, S.J., Rector and P rin c ip a l; S. Morant, J . Gense, A. H etting, E. Hoogewerf and S. Soler. Four scholastics, two brothers, 40 lay masters. Rev. E .R . H ull, S.J., Economus of the Archdiocese

(3) St. Mary’s High School and Orphanage, 614 pupils (152 orphans): Revs. D. Berenguer, S.J., R ecto r; T. Molina, P rinc ipa l; F. Zurbitu, S. Boswin, J. Creus, V. Hommel, R. Irache and A. M. V alenti. Six scholastics, five brothers, 20 lay masters.

Bandra.—(4) Stanislaus’ Institution High School and Orphanage, 726 pupils (64 o rphans): Revs. M. M arti, S.J., Superior ; S. Lorca, P rin c ip a l; F. Mas, J, Baudin and A . Soler. Four scholastics, five brothers, 23 lay m asters.

K arachi.—(5) St. P a trick ’s High School, 715 p u p ils : Rev. V. Gimenez, S.J., Superior and P rin c ip a l; H. Llorens and A. Domenech. Three scholastics, two brothers, 19 lay m asters.

U n d e r t h e N u n s o f J e s u s a n d M a r y

(1) Clare Road Convent H igh School, Bombay.—645 pupils. Training School, 53 pupils.

(2) F ort Convent H igh School.—403 pupils.(3) Parel Convent H igh School.—167 pupils.

U n d e r t h e D a u g h t e r s o f t h e C r o ss

(1) St. Joseph's Home and N u rsery , Bombay,—265 in ­fants, 209 orphans, 240 pupils.

(2) St. E lizabeth ’s Nursing Home , Bombay.—24 beds.(3) S t. Catherine's Rescue Homs, Bombay.—84 inmates.(4) St. Joseph’s Convent H igh School and Orphanage,

Bandra.—1,042 pupils (340 orphans).(5) S t. Paul's Convent, Anand .—75 inmates.(6) S t. Joseph's Convent, K arachi.—551 pupils.

U n d e r t h e S a l e s i a n s o f D om B osco

The Catholic Educational Institu te , B om bay—209 pupils.U n d e r t h e F r a n c i s c a n M i s s i o n a r y Br o t h e r s

(1) Orphanage at Mount Poinser.—173 inmates,14

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(2) H ostel fo r young man at Sonapur.(3) M ission ad Paganos at Zaroli w ith Sisters of

St. Francis X avier.

U n d e r t h e F r a n c is c a n Mis s i o n a r i e s o f M a r y

(1) H ostel fo r women, B ycu lla .—30 inmates.(2) St. Anthony's Poor Home, Byculla .—84 inm ates.

U n d e r t h e P o r t u g u e s e F r a n c is c a n N u n s

(1) Convent H igh School a t Dadar.— 391 pupils.(2) Orphanage and School at Mount M ary .—220 pupils

(103 orphans).

U n d e r t h e Ca r m e l it e N u n s

Convent School at Santa Cruz.—431 pupils.U n d e r t h e A p o st o l ic C a r m e l

Convent School at Ahmedabad .—151 pupils.

U n d e r t h e P r e s e n t a t io n Or d e r

Convent H igh School at Quetta .—164 pupils.

O ther In s t itu t io n s

H igh Schools in Parishes.—De Souza School, Gloria Church, 686 p u p ils ; Da Silva School, Dadar, 656 p u p ils ; St. Sebastian’s School, Dabul, 451 pupils ; St. Teresa’s School, Girgaum, 776 pupils; St. Michael’s School, Mahim, 400 pupils; St. Andrew ’s School, Bandra, 623 pupils.

Educational T o ta ls .—One U niversity, 1,210 pupils ; 17 H igh Schools, 9,948 ; 55 English Elem entary, 6,033; 94 V ernacular, 2,923. Total 20,114 pupils.

Allbless Leper Homz, Trombay.—20 inmates.D ea f and Dumb Institu tio n , Mazagon.—3S inmatesH ostel fo r Young men, Byculla .H ostel fo r Poor Students, Sonapur.Society o f St. Vincent de Paul {1862).—2-*< Conferences.Catholic Educational Society, Bombay.Catholic Young Men’s Association, Bombay,

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Women’s Social Guild w ith Needle work Room, Byculla. St. Isabel’s Society, Mazagon.Barretto C harity School, Cavel.Catholic L ibrary, Cavel (1863).Exam iner Press, Fort, Bombay.Mission Press, Anand.The Exam iner, W eekly (1850).Messenger o f the Sacred H eart fo r Ind ia (1909).The Angelus, Gloria Church.Agnus Dei (Konkani M onthly, Dabul Church).G ujerathi Messenger, Anand.Konkani Messenger, Karachi.

G a ze tteer o f C hurohes and S ta t io n s

I. Bo m b a y I s l a n d

Vicar F orane: V ery Rev. J. dos Remedios, Girgaum.Buleshwar.—Cathedral of Our Lady of the Expectation

(popularly called Our Lady of Hope) (1570, 1760, 1805): Cath. 1,137. Rt. Rev. Mgr. B. de Monte, D.D. and Rev. F. X. Vaz. St.. Joseph’s School for Girls. Barretto School for Boys.

B yculla .—St. Anne (founded before 1800 ; rebuilt 1881): Cath. 3,000. Revs. D. Berenguer, S.J. and R. Irachi, S.J. St. M ary’s High School. St Anthony’s Home. Deaf and Dumb Institution, Women’s Hostel. The Convents of Clare Road and Parel The Women’s Hostel and Matunga Leper Asylum served from this Church.

Our Lady of Glory (1548, 1596, 1810, 1913): Cath. 8,000. R t. Rev. Mgr. C. Pinto ; Revs. J. C. Ferreira, B. Pinto, R. Cunha and W. Mathias. De Souza H igh School.

St. Ignatius, Jacob Circle (1912): Cath. 2,600. Rev. A. C. Sardinha. Par. School. M arathi School.

C avel— N. S. da Saude (1794): Cath. 218. Revs. M. de Sa and J . S. R ita Yaz.

Colaba— St. F r. X avier (1823): Chapel. Rev. R. J. da Costa.


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Colaba.—St. Joseph (1828): Cath. 348. Rev. H. Roper, S.J., M ilitary Chaplain. Par. School.

b a b u l— St. F r. X avier (1872, 1891): Cath. 18,000. R t. Rev. Mgr. J. N. Coutinho ; Revs. A. C. Fernandes, E. F. Monteiro, A. Pereira, F. C. de Souza, A. Fernandes and M. Rodrigues. St. Sebastian’s H igh School.

D adar.—St. Francis of Assisi (1856): Served from Our Lady of Victories.

N. S. da Salvacao (1596): Cath. 5,747. Revs. J. J . Dias,A. S. de Rosario, M. S. Pim enta, J . M. Correa and D. de Souza. Da Silva High School. Convent High School.

Fort.—Holy name (seperseding' the old Fort Chapel in1905): Cath. 2,600. Revs. E. Gadea, S.J. and F. Van M alderen, S .J .; Br. S. Buesser, S.J. Convent High School. Tamil School.

Girgaum.—St. Teresa (1773, 1836, 1912) : Chapel. Very Rev. J. dos Remedios. G irls’ H igh School.

M a h im — St. Michael (1534): Cath. 2,327. Revs. B. F. Mendonca, H. Marques, M. de Souza and P. Mendonca. St. M ichael's H igh School.

Our Lady of Victories (1856): Cath. 1,097. Revs.C. C. M. de Mello and H. C. Mendes. Par. School.

M andvi.—St. Ignatius (1699): Chapel for the Fisherm en. Koli School.

Matunga.—N. S, das Dores (1853): Chapel. Rev. A. P . d*Andrade. P ar. School.

Mazagon.—Holy Rosary (1794) : Cath, 1,173. Revs. M. X. Gomes, P . P . D’Mello and M. Rego. St. Isabel’s School. Koli School.

Par el.—Holy Cross (1883, 1904): Cath. 2,675. Revs. A. Pereira and A. de Souza. P ar. School.

Sion.—N. S. de Bom Conselho (1596): Chapel. Rev. W . M. Gracias.

Sonapur.—N. S. das Dores (1905): Chapel. Rev. H. D. Gonsalves. Par. School.

U m erkhadi— St. Joseph (1853): Chapel. Rev. J. Pereira. P ar. School.


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W orli.—Sacred H eart of Jesus (1888): Chapel. Rev. J. C. Noronha.

Mahar M ission.—Im m igrants from Poona M arathi M is­sion about 2,500. Two M arathi Schools.

Besides th e public Churches and Chapels, the following chapels attached to institutions are open for Mass : St. X avier’s High School, St. Joseph’s Home, Clare Road Convent, Parel Convent; the Leper Asylum , M atunga ; St. A nthony’s Home, Belassis Road.

II . D is t r ic t o f E a s t S a l s e t t e

Vicar Forane.—V ery Rev. S. Fonseca, Pali Hill, Bandra.K oli-K a lyan (via Santa Cruz, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. do

Egypto : Cath. 1,950. Revs. Y. E. Saldanha and R. de Souza. Par. School.

K alyan (G .I.P . Ry.).—Our Lady of Lourdes (1886): Chapel served from Thana. Rev. de Sa. Par. School.

K orlai (Chaul via Revdanda, Kolaba Dist.).—N. S de Carmo (1588, 1802) : Cath. 364. Rev. P. Soares. M arathi School.

K urla (G .I.P. Ry.).—Holy Cross (1580, 1848) : Cath. 2,130. Revs. N. Monteiro and E. Cabral. Par. School.

Mani in Trombay.—St. Anthony of Lisbon (1790, 1919) : Cath. 121. Rev. M. da Silva Rosa.

Marol (Conduti via Andheri, B.B. Ry.).—St. John the Evangelist (1840) : Cath. 1,342. Rev. J. Pereira. P rivate School.

M aroli (Chembur P.O. via K urla, G .I.P. Ry.).—St. Sebastian (1739) : Cath. 244. Rev. J. A. Ribeiro.

M atheran (via Neral, G .I.P. Ry.).—Holy Cross (1853,1906) : Cath. 30. Rev. J. A. Gomes.

Sahar (via K urla, G .I.P. Ry.).—N. S. de Saude (1846, 1903) : Cath. 512. Rev. G. Paes. Par. School.

Thana.(G .I.P . Ry.).—S t.Jo h n the Baptist (1540,1609): Cath. 1,800. Revs. C. Pereira and 0 . de^Sa. Par. School.

Uran (Kolaba Dist.).—N, S. de Purificacao (1852) : Cath. 325. Rev. A. de Souza. School.

V ikro li (via Thana, G.I.P. Ry.).—St. Joseph (1910) : Cath. 400. Rev. J. X. de Souza.

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I I I . D is t r ic t o f W e s t S a l s e t t e

V icar F orane : V ery Rev D. de Sa, St. A ndrew ’s, Bandra.Aldeam ar (via Andheri, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. de Mar (1817,

1907) : Cath. 458. Revs. J. M. Moniz and M. Pereira. Par. School.

Amboli (via A ndheri, B.B. Ry.).—St. Blase, w ith S. Thomas, Pahady (1560) : Cath. 1,360. Rev. E. Fernandes. Par. School.

Bandra.—St. A ndrew (1594): Cath. 6,000. V ery Rev.D. de S a ; Revs. S. Braganca, H. Remedios and P. Fernandes. St. A ndrew’s High School.

St. P e te r (1852): Cath. 698. Rev. M. M arti, S.J , St. Stanislaus’ Institution. St. Joseph’s Convent. Village School.

N. S. do Carmo (1894): Cath. 1,662. Revs C. A. d 'Abreo and A. Lobo. Par. School-

N. S. de Monte (1640) : Chapel. Rev. W. de Souza. Convent School.

St. Anne, Sherly : Chapel. Rev R. Fernandes. P ar. School.

Calvary, Palli Hill (1890) : Chapel. V ery Rev. S. Fonseca.

Juhu (via A ndheri, B B. Ry.).—St. Joseph (1853)* w ith Holy Cross, Tara (1858) : Cath. 800. Rev. N. I. Fonseca. Par. School.

K andivli (via Borivli, B.B. Ry.).—The Assumption (1680): Cath. 274. Rev. J. A. Gomes. Par. School. M arathi School.

M alvani (via Malad, B.B. R y .).- St. Anthony : Cath. 956. Rev. J. S. de Souza. Par. School.

M ount Poinsur (via Borivli, B.B. Ry.).—The Im m aculate Conception (1544, 1910): Cath. 123. Rev. J. F. Gonsalves. Orphanage.

Poisar (via Borivli, B.B. Ry ).—N. S. dos Remedios (1555): Cath. 230. Revs. E. M. de Souza and A. de Souza. P ar. School.

Santa Cruz (B.B. Ry.).— Holy Cross (1890). Cath. 833. Rev. J. H. Alvares. Convent High School. Rev. A. S. Gonsalves.


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Valnai or Orlem (via Malad, B.B. Ry.).—Our Lady of Lourdes (1882). Cath. 370. Rev. J. de Souza. Par. School.

Versova (via Andheri, B.B.Ry ).—N. S. de Saude (1540) : Cafch. 590. Rev. N. Azevedo. Par. School.

Ville Parle (B.B. Ry ).—St. Francis X avier (1851) : Cath. 1901. Revs. J . Dos Santos, and I. Colaco. Par. School.

IV . D i s t r i c t o f D h a r a v i

V icar Forane : Very Rev. C. X. Rebello, U tan.Bhayndar (B.B. Ry.).—N S. de N azareth (1600, 1816,

1910) w ith Sc. Jerome, Kashi (1695): Cath. 901. Rev. T. F. Gonsalves. Par. School.

Dongri (via Bhayndar, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. de Belem : Cath. 1,735. Rev. F. X. Vaz.

Qorai (via Borivli, B.B. Ry.).—Holy Magi (1810) w ith Chapel of Sacred H eart, Culvem (1856): Cath, 1,700. Rev.H. Fernandes. Par. School.

M anori (via Malad, B.B. Ry.).—N. S. do Soccoro (1559, 1815). Cath. 1,203. Rev. A. F. A thaide. Govt. Schoo1.

Utan (via Bhayndar, B.B.Ry.).—N. S, de Saude (1547, 1787): Cath. 3,023. V ery Rev. a X Rebello and Rev. P. Pereira. P ar. School.

V . D is t r ic t o f So u t h B a s s e i n

Vicar Forane : Very Rev. P. de Lima, Sandor.Douli (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry.).—N. S. dos Remedios

(1583, 1839) : Cath, 1,300. Rev. H .de Souza.G uiriz (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry.).—St. Francis X avier

(1916): Cath. 4,450. Rev. G Annunciacao. Par. School.K olivada (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry ).—St. Peter (1913) :

Cath. 1,807. Rev. D. de Lima. Cath. School.M anikpur (via Bassein Rd., B.B Ry.).—St. Michael A rch­

angel (1570, 1851): Cath. 1,660. Rev. F. R. Luna. Govt. School.

Palle (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry.).—N. S. Mae-de-Deus (1840): Cath. 1,200. Rev. L. A. Pereira. Par. School.

Papdi (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry.).—N. S. da Graca (1565, 1864): Cath. 2,000. Rev. M. Baptista. Par. School.

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Sandor ( via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ry.).—St. Thomas the Apostle (L575, 1601, 1889): Cath. 2,5JO. Very R iv . P. de Lima.

Sandor (via Bassein Rd., B.B. Ily.).—N. S. das Merces (1584, 185«): Cath. 1,227. Rev. C. V alladares.

V I. D i s t r i c t o f N o r t h B a s s e i n Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. B. F. da Silva, Nandakal. A gashi (via V irar, B .B . Ry.),—St. Jam es the G reater

(1600) : Cath. 1,450. Rev. J . B. de Souza P ar. School.A m a la (via V irar, B.B. Ry.).—St. P e te r (1922): Cath.

667. Rev. I da Costa. Cath. School.Nandakal (via V irar, B.B. Ry.).—The Holy Ghost (1573,

1910): Cath. 3,50"). V ery Rev. B. F. da Silva. Par. School.N irm ol (via V irar, B.B. Ry.).—Holy Cross (1580, 1856):

Cath. 3,300. Rav. E. Telles.Tarapur (via Boisar, B.B. Ry.).—'N. S. do Rosario (1583):

Cath. 250. Rev. J . P. Pim enta.B alsar w ith Surat (B.B Ry.) (1928).—Cath. 369. Rev.

Th. Lobo, Ry. Chaplain.Zaroli (Bhilad P.O., B.B Ry.).— Mission ad Paganos

under th e Franciscan Missionary Brothers (1920). Stations : Zaroli, D ejara and Thalassri, Cath. 5,151. Catechumens 2,100. Rev. A. de S. Menezes, chaplain, 7 Brothers, 8 Sisters, 13 Schools, 381 pupils.

V II. G u j e r a t , K a t h i a w a r a n d K u t c h Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. R. G ra u , S.J., A n a n d .Gujerat Mission.—Founded in 18'.'6. Cath. 6,623.(a) Anand (K aira Dt).—St. Francis X avier : Cath. 2,287.

V ery Rev. R. Grau, S.J., vice Superior of the Mission. Rev. E. Soler. Two lay brothers. Convent Orphanage. Central School, 162 pupils, some being trained for Catechists and M asters ; 16 village schools, 398 pupils.

(b) Am od (P.O., Pandoli, K aira Dt.). —Holy N am e: Cath. 705. Rev. S. Avelli, s.J. 5 schools, 126 pupils.

(c) K anjoda P.O., Salun, K aira Dt.).—St. Peter : Cath. 711. Rev. J. Menezes. 8 schools, 152 pupils.

(d) K aram sad (via Anand, K aira D t ).—St Joseph. Cath. 1,554. Rev.M. Rodrigues ; A. Pereira. 9 schools, 226 pupils,


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(e) Nadiad (K aira Dfc.). —The Im m aculate Conception: Catb. 709. Rev. J . C. Fonseca. 10 schools, 223 pupils.

(f) Vadtal (via Anand, K aira Db.).—The Sacred H eart : Oath. 606. Rev. Thos. Fernandes. 8 schools, 195 pupils.

Abu Road.—Oubstations of our diocese served by the A jm er diocese from Abu Road : Deesa (vacant), Palanpur, Mehsana, etc.

Ahmedabad.—Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1842) w ith Chapels in camp (1856) and ab Saburmpbbi (1882): Cath. 893. Revs. P. N. Ferrao and S. Pereira. Convent School. Out- stations : Camp, Saburmatti, K ankaria and Viramgaon.

B a ro d a —Our Lady of th e Rosary (1852): Cafch. 483. Rev. P. A. Fernandes. Outstations : Ghodra, Dhabhor, Dohad, etc.

Bhavnagar (K athiaw ar).—St. Francis X avier (1881): C ath. 185. R ev .J. Creado Outstations : W adwan, Palitana, Drangadra, Morvi, etc.

Broach.—B.V.M. de Salute (1814): New Mission centre started in 1922. Cath. 448. Rev. P . C. Cordo. Two G ujerati Schools.

R ajkot (K athiaw ar).—The Im m aculate Conception (1868): Cath. 341. Rev. E. M ascarenhas. P rivate School, O ut­stations i Jam nagar, Gondal, Jetalsar, Junagad, Porbunder, Bhuj, etc.

V III. S in d a n d B a l u c h i s t a n

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. V. Gimenez, S.J., Karachi.Hyderabad (Sind) —St. Francis X avier (1852) w ith

stations along the l in e : Cath. 102. Rev. J. Romani, S.J., M ilitary Chaplain. One lay brother.

K arachi.—St. Patrick (1845, 1883): Cath. 6,000. V ery Rev. V. Gimenez, S.J , Superior P.P. and M ilitary Chaplain ; Revs. H. Llorens, S.J., L. P ereira and J . B. Lobo. St. P a trick ’s High School. St. Joseph’s Convent. New Chapel at Cincinnatus Town.

K iam ari.—Sacred H eart (1862): Cath 313. Rev. V. Fernandes. Par. School.

Manora.—New Chapel (1921) : V isited from St. P atrick ’s.K o tr i (Sind).—Im m aculate Conception (1861, 1880) w ith

stations along the line : Cath. 161, Rev. F. X. L. Fernandes. Par. School.



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Sukkur (Sind).—The Assumption (1885) w ith Rohri and stations along th e line : Cath. 429. Rev. P. Fernande3. P ar. School.

Quetta (B. Baluchistan).—Holy Rosary (1884) : Out - stations : Bo3ton, Chaman, Sharigh, Mach and Sibi. Cath. 680. Revs. J. J. Meyer and C. Zurbitu, M ilitary Chaplains. Convent School. Urdu School.



Secular P riests ... ... ... ... ... 125Priests of Religious Orders ... ... ... 46

Total ... 171

Churches and Chapels w ith Resident Priests ... 76Mission stations ... ... ... ... ... 8Visited Chapels ... ... ... ... ... 11

Total Churches and Chapels ... 95

Ecclesiastical students ... ... ... ... 27Religious women ... ... ... ... 166Parochial schools for English ... ... ... 55

Pupils 6,033Parochial schools for V ernacular ... ... ... 94

Pupils ... ... ... ... ... 2,923Colleges and High schools for boys... ... ... 10

Students ... ... .. ... ... 7,019Colleges and High Schools for girls ... ... 8

Students ... ... ... ... ... 4,139Orphanages ... ... ... ... ... 9

Orphans ... ... ... ... ... 1,171Total young people in schools ... ... ... 20,144Hospitals and Dispensaries ... ... ... 6Homes for the aged ... ... ... ... 2

iof infants (Catholic) ... ... ... 3,693of adults and school children (Pagan) ... 2,176

in articulo M ortis ... ... ... 131

Total baptisms ... 6,000Deaths .,. •• ••• 3,014

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(The Jesuits and Diocesan Clergy)

The Diocese of Poona is bounded on the North by the Diocese of A jm er and Nagpur ; on the East by the Diocese of Nagpur and Hyderabad and M adras; on the South by the Diocese of M jsore; and on the W est by the Archdiocese of Goa and th e Diocese of Daraaun.

C a th .: *26,693.B is h o p

The Most Rev. H enry Doering, S.J., consecrated December 8, 1907.

Residence : Bishop's H ouse , Poona.

E p i s c o p a l C u r i a

Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. M. Riklin, S.J.

Consultors.—Revs. F. Schubiger, S. J . ; J. B. Schroeter, S .J .; R. Gonsalves.

Clergj.—23 Fathers, S J . ; 19 Secular P riests ; 5 Brothers,S.J.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Nuns of Jesus and M ary : 12 at Poona ; Daughters of the Cross: 26 at Hubli, Igatpuri and Panchgani; St. Anne’s Sisters : 3 at Sangamner, w ith 6 Indian Oblates ; Sisters of St. Francis X avier : 3 at Gadag ; Franciscan Missionaries of Mary : 6 at Kune.

H ig h Sc h o o l f o r Bo y s

Poona—St. V incent’s High School: 385 day-scholars, 35 boarders. R ight Rev. M. R iklin, S.J., Principal. Revs. J. T. Meyer, S.J. and F. X. Gallati, S.J.

Co n v e n t S c h o o l s

H ubli.—Convent of the Sacred H e a r t : D aughters of the Cross, 200 day-scholars and 20 boarders.

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Iga tpuri.—Convent of the Holy Fam ily : Daughters of the Cross, 180 day-scholars and 19 boarders. Poor school.

Panchgani.—St. Joseph’s Convent: Daughters of th e Cross, 107 boarders and 68 day-scholars.

Poona.—St. Joseph’s C onvent: Nuns of Jesus and M ary, 86 boarders and 307 day-scholars. Orphanage for European girls.

E n g l i s h -T e a c h in g M id d l e Sc h o o l s

A t Bhusaval, D harw ar, Hubli, Gadag and Sholapur : 300 pupils. *

G a ze tteer• POONA DISTRICT

Vicar Forane: Vacant.Dhond.—St. Sebastian’s : Served from Poona.K handala.—Sb. Joseph’s (1861): Served from Lonavla.Kirkee.—St. Ignatius’ (1876): Rev. J. Lauder, S.J., M ili­

ta ry Chaplain. Cath. 1,200. V ernacular (Tamil) school, 24 pupils. Yeroda Asylum, Ja il and Reformatory visited.

K olhapur.—St. Francis X avier’s (1869): Served from Miraj.

Kune (K handala P.O.).—St. Ignatius’ (Kabkari S e ttle ­ment) : Rev. H. Hennissy, S.J. ; Bros. H. Calalayud and L. Zimmer, S.J. Cath. 150. Out-sbs. 371. Total 521. V erna­cular (Marab hi) schools, 103 pupils. Indusbrial (W eaving and Embroidery) School.

L o n a v la — Sb. Joseph’s (1871): Rev. Joseph Valiya- parampil. Cath. 408. Sub-sb.: K handala, 18, etc. Total 426. Parochial School, 54 pupils.

M ahabaleshvar.—Holy Cross (1831): Rev. D. G. D’A l­meida. Cath. 50 ; during the season up to 500.

M iraj.—Holy Rosary (1906): Rev. S. Cotta. Cath. 148. Sub-sts.: Kolhapur, 71; Satara, 17. Total 251.

P anchgani— St. Joseph’s (1890): Rev. E. B latter, S.J. Cath. 240. Convent School, 175 pupils.

Poona— (i) St. P atrick ’s Cathedral (1852): Revs. P . A lborghetti, S.J., M ilitary Chaplain and A. Bruder, S.J. Cath. 1,477. Sub-st.: Purandhar. Catechetical (Tamil) schools, 49 pupils.

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Poona.— (ii) St. X avier’s : R ight Rev. M. R iklin, S.J., Superior ; Revs. M. Hoare, S.J., Parish P r ie s t ; J . T. Mayer, S.J. ; F. X. G allati, S J . ; L. F. Fernandes. Cath. 1,860. Sub-st.: Dhond, 140. Total 1,900. High School. 420 Convent schools, 393 pupils.

(iii) St. Anne’s, Sholapur Bazaar (1875): Served from St. X avier’s. V ernacular (Tamil and M arathi) schools, 230 pupils. Poor House of St. V incent de Paul.

S a ta ra — Our Lady of H ealth (1841): Served from Miraj.Sholapur.—Im m aculate Conception (1885): Revs. P.

Rodrigues and Ign. Betgeri. Cath. 635. Sub-sts.: Kurduwadi, 90; Hotgi, 10. Total 735. Mission School, 80; Vernacular (Tamil) school, 57 pupils,

AHM EDNAGAR DISTRICTVica r Forane: Very Rev. F. Schubiger, S.J.

Ahmednagar.—St. John the Baptist (1851): Filial Chapel of St. Anne (1867) in the city. Rev. P . Bolet, S.J., M ilitary Chaplain. Cath. 679. Vernacular (M arathi and Tamil) schools, 67 pupils.

Kendal (K hedla-Parm anand P.O.).—St. Joseph’s (1881): Rev. I. Gunter, S.J. ; Bro. E. Maurice. Cath. 767 in 15 villages. M arathi school, 6 w ith 95 pupils. Industrial (Weaving)' School.

Rahata:— St. Francis X avier’s (1911): Revs. J. B. Eich- horn, S.J. and Jos. Rodrigues. Cath. 7,085 in 50 villages. M arathi schools, 38 w ith 398 pupils.

Sangamner.—Im m aculate Conception (1892): Very Rev. F. Schubiger, S .J .; Revs. F. Trenkamp, S.J. and L. Haessle, S.J. Cath. 2,372 in 36 villages. M arathi schools, 18 w ith 340 pupils. Industrial school. Widows’ Home.

Songaon.—Rev. M. Maier, S.J. Cath. 2,381 in 25 villages. M arathi schools, 19 w ith 360 pupils.

Volan (K hedla-Parm anand P.O.).—Sacred H eart (1889): Cath. 2,800 in 33 villages. M arathi schools, 21 w ith 325 pupils.

KANDESH DISTRICTVicar Forane : Very Rev. M. Chiappi, S.J.

Bhusaval — Sacred H eart (1873): Revs. C. A. Lobo and P. Gonsalves. Cath. 929. Sub-sts. : Jalgaon, etc., 73. Total 1,002. Middle School, 127 pupils.


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D evlali.—Sb. P a trick ’s (1868): V ery Rev. M .Chiappi, S M ilitary Chaplain. Cabh. 737. Sub-sts.: Nasik City, 66; Nasik Road, 103. Tobal 603. V ernacular (Tam il-M arathi) and English School, 169 pupils.

D hulia.—St. Anne’s (1853): Served from Manmad.Ig a tp u r i —Sacred Hearb (1881): Rev. A. Fortuny, 6,J.

Cabh. 727. S u b -st.: Kasara, 23. Total 750. Convent School, 199: Parochial School, 51; poor school, 36 pupils.

Manmad.—St. Francis X avier (1907): Rev. A. S. Lobo. Cath. 234. S ub-sts.: Dhulia, 57; Nandgaon, 24. Total 315.

KANARESE DISTRICT Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. W . Noronha.Alnavar.—Sb. A nne’s (1894): Rev. P. Carneiro. Cath,

291. Sub-sts.: K akeri, 186; Godoli, 116; Godgheri, 12; Gundoli, 50; Ninganbat, 23, etc. Total 698.

Assangi.—St. Francis X av ier’s : Rev. J. Bergman. Cath. 86. Sub-sts.: Bijapur, Padatkal, K aradi and 32 villages. Tobal 512.

Dharwar.—Holy Cross (1856): Rev. W. Noronha. Cabh. 320. Parochial (Middle) School, 72.

Gadag.—St. Ignatius’ (1891): V ery Rev. F. X. Pabrao. Cath. 501. V ernacular (Tam il-Kanarese) and English schools, 119 pupils.

Guledgudd.—Im m aculate Conception (1868) : Revs. G. D’Sa and Leo D’Sa. Cath. 195. V ernacular (Kanarese) School, 130 pupils. Industrial School.

Hubli.—St. Joseph’s (188:5): Revs. P. Weiss, S .J .;B. Neumayr, S .J .; G. D’Souza. Cath. 1,700. Convent School, 220; Parochial (Middle) School, 124; Vernacular (Tamil) School, 120 pupils.

Tum arikop (K alghatgi P.O.).—Holy Rosary (1892): Rev.I. Fernandes. Cath. 381. Sub-sts. : K alghatgi, 18; Burdi- kobi, 51. Total 450. V ernacular (Kanarese) School, 70 pupils.

RECAPITULATIONSecular P riests ... Religious Priests


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Churches w ith Resident Priests ... ... 18Mipsions w ith Churches ... ... ... 8Total Churches ... ... ... 38Ecclesiastical students ... ... ... 7Religious women (including Nov. and Post.) ... 56

Do. men (not Priests) ... ... 5Parishes w ith Parochial schools ... ... * 11

Pupils ... ... ... .. 1,319High School for boys ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 428High Schools for girls ... ... ... 4

Students ... ... ... ... 968Orphanages ... ... ... ... 7

Orphans ... ... ... ... 488Total young people under Catholic care ... 3,942Dispensaries ... ... ... ... 5M arriages ... ... ... ... 244Baptism s: 1,^ | j - - M61Converts from Protestantism ... ... 60Deaths ... ... ... ... 592Catholic population ... ... ... 26,693


* Including Vernacular Parochial school but omitting Mission sohools.

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The Jesu its—Province o f Venice and Diocesan Clergy H is to r ic a l N o te s

The Diocese of Calicut was erected by a Papal decree of June 12, 1923. Its territo ry consists of th e District of M ala­bar, North of the Ponnani river, excluding the Palghat Taluk and th a t portion of the W alluvanad Taluk, w hich is situated on the eastern side of the w atershed formed by th e W estern Ghauts.

Cath 10,663.B is h o p

The Rt. Rev. Paul Perini, S J., D.D., appointed Bishop of Mangalore, August 17, 1910, and transferred to Calicut on June 12,1923. Consecrated at Mangalore, December 4,1910.

Superior Regular.—V ery Rev. A. Coelho, S.J.

E p i s c o p a l C u r i a

Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. M. F. Barboza, S.J.

Prom otor ju stitiae .—Rev. J. Sequeira.Chancellor.—Rev. H. Luchessa, S.J.Consultors.—The Rev. A. Coelho, S .J .; M. E. Barboza,

S.J ; R. Meyers and E. Beretta, S.J.

Clergy.—19 Jesuit Fathers, 5 Secular Priests.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

1. The Society of Jesus: 19 Fathers, 2 Scholastics and 5 Lay-brothers.

2. Sisters of Charity : M other Rose, Superioress, and 4 Sisters.

3. Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel (Mother House in Mangalore).

St. Joseph’s Convent, C alicu t: Mother Scholastica, Sisters 19.

Sacred H eart Convent, Tellicherry : M other Isabel, Sisters 16.

St. Teresa’s Convent, Cannanore; Mother Bertha, Sisters 15.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

Calicut.—St. Joseph’s European Boys’ High School and Boarding House : Pupils 223. Rev. M. I. Coelho, S.J., Princi­pal. Revs. F. Airoldi, S.J. and St. A ntony’s Secondary School: Pupils 260. Headm aster, Rev. H. Luckessa, S.J.

Tellicherry.—St. Joseph’s Secondary School : Pupils 381. Rev. J . B. Galanda, S.J., Manager.

Ccinnanore.—St. Michael’s European Boys’ Middle School : Pupils 177. Rev. C. P. Gonsalves, S.J., Manager.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Calicut.—St. Joseph’s Convent European Girls’ High School and Boarding House : Pupils 158, Mother Scholastica, A.C., Headmistress.

Providence Secondary School.—Pupils 210. St. A ngela’s E lem entary School : Papils 150. St. Leonora, A.C., H ead­mistress.

Tellicherry.—Sacred Heart High School : Pupils 544. Mother Isabel, A.C., Headmistress.

Cannanore —St. Teresa’s Girls’ Middle School and Board­ing House : Pupils 178. Mother B ertha, A.C., Headmistress.

O t h e r I n s t it u t io n s

C alicu t— St. V incent’s Home and O rphanages: Inm ates 130. To th is institution are attached “ The St. V incent’s Industrials w hich include weaving, iron works, carpentry, and stationery, and are mainly intended for the training of the orphan boys. Manager, Bro. A. Spinelli, S.J., Female industries for the training of orphan girls are under the direction of the Sisters of th e Charity. M other Rose, Superioress.

Union Club. ‘ Parish Stores,’ Rev. F r. Airoldi, S.J., President.

Sb Vincent De Paul’s Society : President, Mr. J. A. Piry. Cath. Co-op. Society : Secretary, Mr. J. L. Jacques.

G a zetteerC h u r c h e s a n d M i s s i o n a r y S t a t io n s

Calicut.—Mother of God, Cathedral : Cath. 2,793. Rev.E. Beretta, S.J., V icar; Revs. V. J Ph. Sequeira and A .M . Grossi, S.J., Assistants. Five schools, pupils 1,031



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Malappuram.—Chapel of St. Joseph. W est H ill.—Chapel of St Michael : Cath. 300. Rev. A. Coelho, S J , Chaplain. One school, pupils 53.

Shoranur.—Chapel of Sb. Anthony : Cabh. 342. Rev. R. Porba, S.J., Chaplain. One school, pupils 65.

Cannanore.—Holy T rin ity : Cath. 1,419. Revs. N. F ernan ­des, S.J., V icar and J. B. Pais, S J., Assistant. Three schools, pupils 422.

T h a y il.—Chapel of St. Anthony : Cabh. 464. Rev. J. A. Fernandes, Chaplain. One school, pupils 240.

C hala— Chapel of the Im m aculate Concepbion : Chaplain of Thayil.

Tellicherry.—Our Lady of the Rosary : CabK. 1,534. Revs. R. Meyers, V icar and B. P. Rosario, S.J., Assistant. E ight schools, pupils 890.

Challil,—Chapel of St. P e te r : V icar of Tellicherry.D harmapatam ,—Chapel of the Im m aculate Conception:

V icar of Tellicherry.M anantoddy.—The Im m aculate Conception of the Bl.

V .M .: Cath. 1,235. Revs. L. Lombardini, S.J., Vicar, and A. Zearo, S.J., Assistant.

V a y ittir i.—St. Joseph : Cath 404. Rev. Seb. Noronha,S.J., Vicar. One school, pupils 44.

Meppadi.—Chapel of Sb. Francis X a v ie r: Cabh. 675. Rev. John Coelho, S.J., Missionary.

Sultan's B a ttery .—Chapel of bhe Im m aculate Concep­tion : Cath. 132. Rev. P. Nebulone, S.J. Missionary.

Kanniambetta.—Our Lady of Lourdes : Gath 477. Rev. G. Giol, S.J., Chaplain. School, pupils 33.

Kannoth.—K ubhuparam ba: Cath. 305. Rev P. R. F e r­nandes, Missionary. School, pupils 22.

Taliparamba.—St. Paul : Cath. 16i. Rev. Antony Mac­hado, Missionary. School, pupils 35.

Badagara.—Rev. M. F. Barboza, S.J., V isiting Chaplain.Feroke.—TLey. M. F. Barboza, S.J., V isiting Chaplain.


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RECAPITULATION Bishop ... ... ... ... ... 1


Diocesan Priests... ... ... ... 5Religious Priests ... ... ... ... 19

Total ... 24

Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 13Localities w ith a Chapel .. ... ... 15

Total Localities ... 28

High School for boys ... ... ... 1Students ... ... ... ... 223

High Schools for girls ... ... ... 3Students ... ... ... ... 501

Elem entary and Middle schools .. ... 20P u p ils ................................................................. 2,2'2 7

Orphanages ... ... ... ... 4Orphans ... ... ... ... 137

Industrial School... ... ... ... 1Young people under Catholic care ... 3,092

Religious women ... ... ... ... 57Do. men (not priests) ... ... 9

Home for the aged ... ... ... 1

Baptism , £“ j ..................................Converts .. ... ... ... ... 3S0Catechumens ... ... ... ... 415Marriages ... ... ... 159Cathoiic population ... ... ... 10,663

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Diocesan ClergyThe Diocese of Mangalore comprises the civil D istrict of

South K anara. I t is bounded on the N orth by th e A rch ­diocese of Goa, on the South by the diocese of Calicut, on the East by the Diocese of Mysore and on the W est by the A rabian Sea.

C ath .: 127,991.Bis h o p

The Rt. Rev, V. J . D’Souza, D.D., consecrated Bishop in the Cathedral of Mangalore on April 15,1928.

E p i s c o p a l Cu r i a

Vicar-G eneral.—R t. Rev. V. R. Fernandes.Chancellor.—Rev. E. L. M athias.Secretary to the B ishop .—Rev. E. L. Mathias.Consultors.— V e ry Rev. A. M. L. Vas ; Revs. A. A. E.

Colaco, R. F . C. Mascarenhas, L. Saldanha, J. Pais and J. L. D’Souza.

Procurator o f the Diocese.—Rt. Rev. V. R. Fernandes. R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

1. Carm elites of the Syro-Chaldean R ite : Their resi­dence in Mangalore is intended for students of the Congre­gation who frequent the classes of the Diocesan Seminary. There are 3 Fathers and 10 students.

2. Carm elite Nuns of the 2nd Order cloistered : Carmel of Mangalore, Sacred H eart Hill, Kankanady. 15 Choir Sisters, 5 Lay Sisters, 2 Novices. Prioress, Rev. Mother M. Aimee of Jesus. Four Tourier Sisters form a separate Community outside th e enclosed Convent.

?. Sisters of C h a rity : Lady Superior, Rev. Mother M aurizia M araneri. There are 24 Sisters, European and Indian. M other-house in M ilan-Italy , in charge of the Hospital for new converts and the female orphanage. Orphans 87.


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4. Sisters of C harity, as under 3 : Lady Superior, Rev. M other Agnes in charge of the Kankanady Hospitals for Catholics. Five Sisters.

5. Sisters of the Apostolic Mount Carmel, a flourishing local congregation founded 54 years ago, for the purpose of working in the M angalore Diocese: 269 Sisters. Mother- house in M angalore: Lady Superior-General. The Rev. M other Josephine. This congregation has houses in the Dioceses of Calicut, Trincomalee, Kandy (Ceylon), and the Archdiocese of Bombay.

They conduct a first-grade College for women and one High School ; Training School for Mistresses, several secondary and E lem entary schools and Model and Industrial school.

6. Ursulines, some live in community and conduct an Elem entary School and an Industrial School for poor children. Ursulines, some live in the ir families, and assist the Parish Priests in teaching Catechism.

7. Third Order of St. Francis of A ss is i: Director, Rev.C. B. Lobo.

E d u c a t i o n a l ^ In s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

Sem inary.—St. Joseph’s, M angalore—See at the end of the Directory.

Mangalore.— St. Aloysius’ College, 1st Grade : Rector and Principal, Rev. A. Ambruzzi, S .J .; V ice-Principal, Rev. G. Saldanha, S .J .; Professor and Teachers, Revs. L. Proserpio, S .J .; H. Mudotti, A. M. CoJaco, E . Coelho, D. Fernandes, D. Ferroli, T. Gonsalves, D. Albuquerque, J. P. Noronha, S. F. Zanetti and A. Rondano. Forty Lay Teachers. Pupils from Infan t to B.A., 1,355. Boarding House and Hostels attached. Director, Rev. P. H, Modotti, S .J .; Asst., Rev. H, D’Rosario, S.J. ; Br. E. Cattaneo, S.J.

Rosario Secondary School: Pupils from Infant to I I I Form, 296. Headm aster, Rev. A. Rebello, b .a . (Hons.).

Milagres Secondary School : P u p ils from Infant to I I I Form, 446. M anager, Rev. J. S. O. Vas.

K a l l i a n p u r M ilagres Secondary School : Very Rev. Fr. Lyons. Pupils from Infan t to III Form, 234.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Mangalore.—St. Agnes’s F irst-grade College for women : Sr. A nnuntiata.

St. Agnes’s High School up to the V I Form : Rev. Mother Magdalen.

St. A nne’s Training School for Mistresses, and Model School ; Headm istress, Sr. Eugenie.

St. A nne’s Industria l School : Sr. Cecilia.St. M ary’s Incomplete Secondary School a t M ilagres :

Sr. Leonilla.Lady Hill School, U rw a : Headm istress, M other

Cyrilla.Udipi.—St. Cecilia’s School : M other Placide.

Boarding houses are attached to St. Anne’s and Sb. Agnes’s.

C h a r i t a b l e In s t it u t io n s

Kankanady.—Homœpathic Dispensary : Hospitals ; Leper Asylum : Director, Rev. M. Lunazzi, S.J. ; Revs. S. B. Furbado and E. Rossetti, S J. ; Rev. Brs. Doneda and Rodrigues, S.J.

Mangalore, Kankanady.—St. Joseph’s Asylum : Catechu- menate, and Orphanages for boys and girls : Hospital for new converbs : Direcbor, Rev. H. I. Buzzoni, S.J. ; Asst., Rev. Bro. J. B. Foglieni, S.J. Orphans 115.

Mangalore, M ilagres.—St. Anthony’s C harity Institu tes and Poor Homes. Religious articles are for sale for the bene­fit of the Institution : Director, Rev. C. B. Lobo.

T e c h n ic a l I n s t it u t io n

Mangalore , Kankanady.—St. Joseph's Asylum W ork­shop : A large industrial workshop is m aintained for the train ing of boys in carpentry, shoemaking, moulding, stabu- fcory and sm ithery. Fem ale industries for the train ing of the orphan girls a ie under the direction of the Sisters of Charity. D irector o f the W orkshop, Rev. H. I . Buzzoni, S.J. ; A sst., Rev. Bro J. B, Foglien, S.J.

Mangalore, Milagres.—St. Anthony’s Charity Institutes.Technical education is im parted to boys, and girls are

trained in Domestic Economy. D irector, Rev. C. B. Lobo.


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Mangalore Uodialbail.—The Codialbail P rin ting Press : Binding and Type-casting. D irector , R t. Rev. V. R. Fernandes.

T h e A p o s t o l a t e o f t h e P r e ss

The Ange.—Messenger o f the Sacred H eart in Konkani, edited by the Rev. F r. E. L. M athias.

The Triumph C a ll—Organ of the Apostolic Union of Secular Priests edited b y Rev. A . J. D’Souza.

I id ia n Catholic Truth Society, Konkani Branch, issues four pamphlets in the year.

The Mangalore M agazine.— Annual publication of St. Aloysius’ College.

The Catholic Educational Review, edited by Mr. C. J. V arkey, M A.

“ Mangalore."—Organ of the Catholic Association, pub­lished m onthly.

Caimela.— Annual of th e Apostolic Carmel College and schools for girls.

G a ze tteerSo u t h e r n D is t r ic t

Vicar Forane ; V ery Rev. A. M. L. Vas.Bela (Kumbala P.O., S. K anara).—Sub-stn., Kasaragod.

Cath. 3,278. Rev. F . H. A ranha, Vicar.Bendur ( Mangalore).—Cath. 4,300. Rev. Raymond Mas-

carenhas, V ic a r ; Rev. A. M. L. D’Sousa, Asst. Three schools.

B izey.—St. Francis X avier : Cath. 4,280. Two schools. Revs. A. A. E. Colaco and G. Luis.

Bondel.—St. Lawrence : Cath. 1,188. Rev. J. Rego, D.D.Cordel (K ulshekar P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 2,463. Rev.

F. S. D’Souza, Vicar.K ulur (Panam bur P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 1,828. Rev.

A. B. Pinto, Vicar.Mangalore.—Our Lady of Dolours : Codialbail—Bishop’s

House. Rt. Rev. Dr. V. J . D’Souza, Bishop. R t. Rev. V. R. Fernandes, V icar-G eneral, Procurator of the Diocese ; Rev.E. L. M athias, Secretary to th e Bishop ; Rev. M. Pinto, A sst. Procurator.

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M angalore— N. S. de Rozario : Cathedral. Cath. 4,400. V ery Rev. A. M. L. Vas, V ica r; Revs. E. Gonsalves, L. S. D’Souza and A R ebello ; Asst., Rev. C. Pereira. Rev. S. B. C. Luis. Four schools.

N. S. de M ilagres : Cath. 4,661. Rev. J. S. H. Vas, V icar. Two schools. Revs. D. Sequeira and E. Lobo, A ssistants.

M anjeshwar.—Our Lady de Mercede : Cath. 450. Rev. J . Menezes.

Permanur (U llal P.O.).—Rev. P. S. D’Souza. C ath . 1,510.Ullal.—Cath. 1,220. Rev. F . X. A rjn h a , Vicar.Uriwa (near Mangalore).—Cath. 2,587. Rev. A. J.

D’Souza, V icar ; Rev. A. Patrao , Assistant.V arkady ( Varkady P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 994. Rev.

D. L. M athias, Vicar.K arady (V arkady P.O.).—Cath. 395. Rev. S. V. B.

Rebello.N o r t h e r n D is t r ic t

B arkur.—Cath. 1,772. Rev. S. F . Coelho, V icar.Belman (Belamannu P.O., S. K anara).—C ath. 2,412.

Rev. D. Luis, Vicar.Belle (K atpadi P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 2,972. Rev.

C. Fernandes, Vicar.Byndoor.—Cath. 803. Rev. P. Saldanha, Vicar.Coondapoor,—Cath. 3,302. Revs. D. J. D’Souza and

A. Noronha.G angolly.— Cath. 1,563. Rev. T. V. Gonsalves.Kallianpur.—Our Lady of M iracles : Cath. 2,455. Rev.

J . L. D’Souza ; Rev. F. Fernandes, Asst. Two schools.A iro d i (H ungercutta P.O.).—St. A nthony : Chaplain,

Rev. W . D’Souza. Cath. 623.G irl (K allianpur P.O.).—The Sacred H e a r t : Oath. 1,602.

Chaplain, Rev. S. J Fernandes.K a llia n p u r .-The Most Holy R osary : Cath. 1,142. Rev.

S. Tellis, V icar.K arkal.—Cath. 5,520. Rev. S. D ’Souza, V icar; Rev.

G. Menezes, D.D., Assistant.


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Shirva.—N. S. de Saude. Cath. 5,509. Revs. R J. E. J . B, P into and A. D’Souza, Asst.

Pangala.—St. John the E v an g .: Cath. 963. Chaplain, Rev. H. Gonsalves. One school.

Thottam (Malpe P.O., S. Kanara).—St. Anne : Cath. 1,480» Chaplain, Rev. M. Menezes.

Udipi.—Cath. 1,141. Rev. C. Menezes, Vicar. School.Udyavara.—Cath. 1,895. Rev. G. Lobo, Vicar. School.

C e n t r a l D is t r ic t

V icar Forane : Very Rev. Gregory I. J. D’Souza.Bajpe — Cath. 2,408. Rev. L. Saldanha, Vicar. School.Bolkunje (Ailcala P.O.).—Cath. 934. Rev. M. F. C.

Castelino.Ferar (M ijar P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 2,205. Rev. J.

Sequeira.Gurpur — The Most Holy R osary : Cath. 820. Rev.

F. X. N azareth, Chaplain.H ospet (Moodbidri P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 768. Rev.

J . M. Vaz, Vicar.K innigoly (A ikala P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 2,336. Rev.

Jos. Pais, Vicar.K irem (A ikala P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 3,283. Rev. E.

Rebello, V icar ; Rev. P . Farias. Asst.M oolky.—Cath. 1,079. Rev. A. F. Coelho, Vicar.Paladka (Moodbidri P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 1,400. Rev.

J . D’Sa, Vicar.Pezar (Bajpe P.O., S. Kanara).—Cath. 1,904. V ery Rev.

G. I. D ’Souza, V ic a r ; Rev. A. D’Souza, Asst.Suratka l.—Cath. 944. Rev. R. Pinto, V icar.Taccode (Moodbidri P.O., S, K anara).—Cath. 1,304. Rev.

A. P . D’Souza, V icar.

E a s t e r n D is t r ic t

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. B. A ranha.A grar (Bantval P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 3,445. Rev.

P. R. D’Souza, V icar ; Rev, L. D’Souza, A ss t.; Rev. C, Suareg. 17

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B antva l.—Cath. 2,635. V ery Rev. B. A ranha, V icar; Rev. John Pinto, Asst.

Bellore (Bantval P.O.).—St. M ichae l: Cath. 960. Rev. P . G. D. Rego, Vicar.

Beltangady.—Cath. 4,253. Rev. M. S. Fernandez, Vicar.Borim ar (Bantval P.O., S. Kanara).—Cath. 670. Rev.

A. F. D’Silva, Vicar.F a jir (U llal P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 2,494. Rev. G. A.

D ’Souza, V icar. One chapel.KokJcada (Uppinangadi P.O.).—Cath. 1,901. St. John the

Baptist. Rev. Ros. Sequeira. One chapel afc Uppinangady.Kadaba.—St. Joachim : Cath. 472. Rev. L. Lobo.M adantar (P unjalkatte P.O , S. K anara).—Cath. 3,410.

Rev. D. D’Souza, Vicar.M ogarnada (Panem angalore P.O., S. K anara).—Cath.

1,931. Rev. J . M. D’Souza, Vicar.Omzoor (Ferangipet P.O., S. K anara).—Cath. 3,250. Rev.

M. Fernandes, V ic a r ; Rev. S. Rodrigues, Asst.P u ttu r — Cath. 2,839. Rev. J. A . Rodrigues, V icar; Rev,

L. Silva, A sst.Siddakatte.—St. P a trick : Cath. 952. Chaplain, Rev. A. J.

Silva.V itta l.—Cath. 975. Rev. L. Botelho, Vicar.M i s s i o n a r y St a t io n s f o r t h e Co n v e r s io n o f

N o n - C a t h o l ic s i n So u t h K a n a r a

1. A rva (G uruvayenkere P.O.).—Rev. L. Carvalho.2. B adyar (G uruvayenkere P.O.).—Rev. L. Pinto, Dr.

P . P . Pinto, Medical Mission Hospital.3. K okkada (Uppinangadi P.O.).—Rev. R. Sequeira.

Converts 1,861.4. Kadaba (Kadaba P.O.).—Rev. L. Lobo. Converts 465.5. Narol (V em or P.O.).—Revs. A. G aviraghi, S J. and

L. Lobo. Converts, 2,330. M oodbidri.-C a.th . 72?. Rev.F . E. D’Souza.

6. Povur (M anjeshw ar P.O.).—Rev. A. Camisa, S.J.

7. S iddakatte (Moodbidri P .O ).—Rev. A. J . Silva, Coil verts 688,

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RECA PITU LA TIO NDiocesan P riests ... ... ... ... 93Religious men ... ... ... ... 40

Do. women ... ... ... 185Churches w ith resident priests ... ... 59Chapels w ith resident priests ... ... 15

Do. w ithout resident priests ... ... 16Sem inary ... ... ... ... 1

Sem inarians (D iocesan)... ... ... 65Do. (Extra-diocesan) ... ... 60

College and H igh School for boys ... ... 1Students ... ... ... ... 790

College and High School for girls ... ... 1Students ... ... ... ... 861

Secondary schools ... ... ... 4E lem entary schools ... ... ... 103

Students (boys)... ... ... ... 7,943Do. (girls ... ... ... ... 4,905

Training school for mistresses ... ... 1Number under tra in ing ... ... ... 88

Industrial schools ... ... ... 3Orphanages ... ... ... ... 5

Orphans 277Catechum enates ... ... ... ... 2Hospitals ... ... ... ... 6

In-patien ts during the year ... ... 3,821Dispensaries ... ... ... ... 5

O ut-patients during the year ... ... 49,060Leper Asylums ... ... ... ... 2Inm ates ... ... ... ... ... 54Printing Press (w ith binding and type­

casting) ... ... ... ... 1Industrial W orkshops ... ... ... 6


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The Jesu its and Indian Clergy

The Diocese of Trichinopoly is enclosed by th e following Dioceses : N. Kumbakonam and Coimbatore ; N.W . Coimba­tore ; E. Tuticorin, W . V erapoly and Quilon, w ith the W estern G hauts lying between N.E.

Cath. : 217,500.Bi s h o p

The R t. Rev. A. Faisandier, S.J., born June 30, 1853, near Le Puy, in France : entered the Society of Jesus in 1874 ; consecrated on June 27, 1914.

Residence : Catholic M ission , Trichinopoly.

E p i s c o p a l C u r i a

V icar- General.-— R t. Rev. F. X. Froehly, s J.Vicars Forane : Rev. Frs. H. Sauthier, s .j . ; J. Mahe, S.J. ;

G. Pignol, S.J.Chancellor.—Rev. E . Caulet, S.J.

Secretary and F iscal Advocate.—Rev. A. France, S.J.

Consultors — R t. Rev. F, X . Froehly, S.J. ; Revs. M. Am alorpavam , S.J. ; G. Pignol, S.J.; J. Mahe, S.J. ; H. Sauthier, S.J. ; J . A. De Rozario.

Vice-Provincial.—Rt. Rev. F. X . Froehly, S.J.

Vigilance C ouncil— Rt. Rev. F. X . Froehly, S.J. ; Revs. A. France, S.J. and J. P . Gnanapragasam , s.j.

Censors.—Revs. A. Bonhoure, I. A nanthu, F. David, A. France, C. Houpert and F. X. Selvanabher.

Exam inatores N eo-Sacred .-R exa . J. Cere, P. Sufflet, A. Sabatier, J . B. A strue, G. A rnault, A. Turlan, P . Danasami and F. Ignatius.

Diocesan D irector o f the Propagation o f the F a ith .— Jfcev. F r. G. Gomez.


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D irector o f A postle ship o f Prayer.—Rev. F r. A. France,e tc .

The stations are served by 66 Jesuits and 17 Diocesan P riests.

Trichinopoly, S t. Paul's Sem inary.— Superior, Rev. P. Soufflet; Professors : Revs. J. Hagen, A. France, S. P errier,0 . Houpert and A. Sabatier, S .J .; Number of students 75 : 32 Theol. stud., 31 study Phil., 12 Rhetoric ; 40.out of the 78 belong too ther Dioceses, viz., Tuticorin, Mylapore, Poona, Changana- cherry, Nagpur, Galle, Trincomalee and Yizagapabam.

Lower Sem inary a ttached to St. Joseph’s College, Trichinopoly : Director, Rev, A. Bonhoure, S.J. Strength 35.

S t. X a v ie r 's A postolic School a ttached to St. M ary’s H igh School, M ad u ra : Director, Rev. A. Turlan, S.J. Strength 37.

R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s o f M e n

1. The Society o f Jesus.—Toulouse Province (France). 157 Jesu it Priests, 75 scholastics, 40 Lay-Brothers. Houses in Trichinopoly, Dindigul, Madura, Palam cottah and Kodai- kanal.

Shembaganur.—College of the Sacred H eart, for the Society of Jesus—See end of volume. Scholastioates.

2. The B rothers o f the Sacred H eart (1902).—Lay Religious destined to assist missionaries as schoolmasters, Catechists. Members 59. 4 houses. M other House andN ovitiate at Palam cottah : Cantonm ent, Vice-Superior, Bro. G nanapragasam ; Rev. G. Pignol.

R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

D aughters o f the H oly Cross o f Annecy (European) :3 houses: 2 at Trichinopoly, 1 at Pudukottah. Religious39 (23 Indians and 16 Europeans).

Sisters o f S t. Joseph o f L yons (European): M adura 15 religious. Four Sisters in the Government Hospital.

M issionary Canonesses o f St. A ugustine (European): Sri- v illipu ttur, Palam cottah and Kodaikanal. Religious 48 (18 Indians).

S isters o f the Presentation (European): Convent and School, Kodaikanal : Religious 13 and Noviciate Two Sisters are employed in th e Hospital of the Golden Rock, Trichino* poly.


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S isters o f Our L a d y o f Dolours (Indian ): Noviciate, Trichinopoly Cantonment. Religious 187, Teaching Institu te.

S isters o f S t. Anne (Indian ) : Noviciate, Trichinopoly Cantonment. Religious 111; schools.

S isters o f the Im m aculate Conception o f PanjampatU {Ind ian ): Noviciate, M adura. Sisters 88. V illage schools.

The Oblates, pious women devoting them selves to the baptising of heathen children, 58.

The A u x ilia ry S isters, teaching and charitable work, under th e Sisters of St. Augustine at Srivilliputtur, 4.

E d u c a t io n a l E s t a b l is h m e n t f o r B o y s

Trichinopoly.—St. Joseph’s F irst-grade College : Total strength, 2,128. Cath. 667. Cath. day scholars, 88. Rector and Principal, College Dept. : Rev. A. Bonhoure, S .J.; Spiri­tual Director, Rev. A. Antonisamy, S .J.; M inister, Kev. P. H erm entier, S J . ; Professors : Revs. S.J.’s—J. Bourdob, A. Camboulives, P. Carby, C Leigh, E. Gomberb, A. Haas, D. Honoré, C. Lruvot, A. Saldanha, A. Rapinat, V. A llard and J. Steenkisbe.

H igh School H eadm aster, Rev. J. M. A rulnather. T eachers: Revs. (Scholastics) R. Hague, F. Fernando, H. Pinto, J . Pujo, I. Sama, J . Hession and J. K alathil.

Boarding Houses : B.A. Division—W arden, Rev. J. A. Camboulives, S .J .; High School Students’ W arden, Rev. J . Sundrarajan, S .J .; Procurator, Rev. A. Mona, S.J.

Semi-Boarding House (150) : Rev. J. Arulanandam , S.J.

Palam cottah.— St. X avier's F irst-grade College (1880): Rector and Principal, Rev. A. Gn mapragasam ; Professors : Revs. S .J.’s—P. Danasamy, H. Harcensbein, S. M iranda, G. Foreau, Arulsamy, N. Schneider and S. M udiapper; High School Headmaster, J. Gnanadikkam ; Teachers : Revs. Scho- lasbics—R. M asters, S. Koilparambil and J. B. Rajam. S trength 1,223. Cath. 316. Boarding House : W arden, Rev. R. Pfeiffle, S .J .; Vocational School, 150: Director, Odilon P istre, S.J.

D indigul.—St Joseph’s High School (1914): Strength, 559. Cath. 133 Manager and Headmasber, Rev. C. Sandapper, S .J .; W arden, Rev. R. Pisbre, S.J. L ay staff, 25.


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M adura.—Sfc. M ary’s High School (1910) : M anager, J. Mahe, S J. ; Headm aster. Rev. M. Amalorpavam, S.J., Staff : F. Laurent ; Revs. Scholastics : Merriefield, Rayana, H. S. D’Souza and N. Shembry. W ith Lay-Brothers Lay staff : 16. S trength : 609. Cath. 249. Boarding House.

Trichinopoly.—S t. Joseph's European B oys' (Middle) School : Lay staff, 4. Manager, G. Simon, S.J. ; Rev. T. M artin, Asst,

Irudayakulam .—Sacred H eart’s Lower Secondrry and Boarding School, conducted by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart : 13 Brothers : Superior, Bro. David ; H eadm aster, Bro. M aria Arokiam ; Chaplain, Rev. H. Grange. S trength, 22r) ; Boarders, 126.

Trichinopoly.— H oly F am ily Training School fo r Teachers and Model School : Headm aster Rev. L. Gnana- pragasam, S.J Spiritual Director : Rev. F r. Ananthu, S.J. ; Prefect, Rev. Fr. A m alraj, S.J. Lay staff, 4. Strength : 131,

S t. Joseph's Industria l School : Director, Rev. Br. Ponnu- sa m y , S.J. 47 boys

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s College and H igh Schools

Trichinopoly F ort.—H oly Cross Girls' Second-grade College (1903) : Daughters of the Cross, 9. Religious. Supe­rior, Sister Sophie. Lay staff, 17. S trength, 378. Cath. 219. Boarding House, 91. Orphans, 20.

Trichinopoly Cantonment.— S t. Joseph's European Girls' H igh School (1896), by the Daughters of th e Cross : 8 Religi­ous. Superior, Sister JtGmilie ; Headmistress, Sister A nasta- sie. Lay staff, ?. S trength 252. Cath. 225. Boarding House, 35. European Orphanage, 146.

K odaikanal—Ir ish Presentation Convent. — Boarding School for European Girls (1918). Religious 13.

Trichinopoly Cantonment—S t. Philomena's Girls' High School, Our L a d y o f Dolours Convent (1868).—Indian Sisters of Our Lady of Dolours : Religious, 8 ; S trength, 160. Board­ing House, 110. Superior, M other A rputha Mary.

Palamcottah—S t. Ignatius' Convent.—High School, by the Canon esses of St. Augustine.

Trichinopoly. P alakarai—H oly Redeem er’s G ir ls ’ M id­dle School (1887).—Same management. Religious 10 : Lay staff, 1. S trength, 235. Boarding House, 35,


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R.C. Training School fo r L a d y Teachers (H igher and Lower E lem entary Grade).—Indian Sisters of Our Lady of Dolours, Lay staff, 4. Strength , 131. Cath. 112.

Trichinopoly F ort— Training School fo r L a d y Teachers, — M anagement : Daughters of the Cross.

Ouvroirs.—St. Joseph’s European Convent, Trichinopoly ; St. Joseph's European Convent, M adura; St. Augustine’s European Convent, S riv illiputtur.

Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

For b o y s—Trichinopoly St. Joseph’s Industrial School, A yam patti and Madura.

For European g ir l s — St. Joseph’s European Convent, Trichinopoly : European Convent, Palam cottah.

For Indian g ir ls .—St. Anne's Convent, Trichinopoly ; European Convent, M adura ; European Convent, Srivilliputtur.

For aged Indians : Trichinopoly, Madura.F or Indian widows : Trichinopoly.For Brahm an widows : Trichinopoly.Brahm an Converts' Tope (St. M ary's Tope), Trichinopoly.Dispensaries, 14,

T h e P r e s s A s s o c ia t io n

S t. Joseph's Industria l School Press , Cantonment, Trichinopoly.—Tamil Messenger o f the Sacred H eart, monthly (yearly subscription Re. 1-4-0); The R ally , The Morning S tar, th e official organ of Indian Sodalities, B. M. V. (Re. 1) ; w ith Tamil Catholic F am ily Instructor (As. 9) ; th eI.C.T.S. pam phlets ; The Magazine (St. Joseph's College) (quarterly) ; Catholic leaflets, St. A nthony's Magazine (sub­scription Re. 1) : R.C. Training School M agazine (subscription As. 9).


Vicar Forane : H Sauthier, S.J.

1. St. M ary 's Cathedral, Trichy. Cantonment.—Revs. H. Sauthier, Superior ; A. Joly, Parish P riest ; G. Picaud, M inister ; P. Brun, J. Castets, E. Caulet, G_ Simon, A. Deva- sagayam, M. Francis, I. M assillamani and T. M artin. C^th- 8,326. V ills, 62.


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2. H oly Redeemer's, TrichyM Palakarai.—Be vs. F. X. Selvanather, S .J .; L. Korfcz, S .J .; H. Push.panath.er. Oath. 8,520. Villa. 27.

3. Church o f the Imm aculate Conception.—'St. Joseph’s College, Teppakulam : Rev. Anthony, S.J. Cath. 91.

4. Golden R ock , St. Joseph’s Church : Rev. J* A. De Rozario. Cath. 3,000.

Ancmdarayankottai (Dindigul P.O.. M adura Dt.).— Rev. A rulanandam . Cath. 6t193. V ills. 20.

A vu r (Kolatur P.O., Pudukottah).—Rev ...................... ..Cath. 6,098. V ills. 105.

A yam patti (T iruverum bur P.O., Trichy. Dt.).—Rev. M. Yagapper. Cath. 2,521. Vills. 29.

Dindigul ( Madura Dt.).—Revs. H. A udrain, J . V incent, Santhapper and R. P istre , S.J. Cath. 7,759. Vills. 20.

H anumandhampatti (U ttam apalayam P.O., M adura Dt.).—Revs. J. Kueny, S.J. Cath. 4,191. Vills. 6.

K arunkulam (V ayam patti P.O., Trichy. Dt.).—Rev. P eter Roy. Cath. 6,825. Vills. 28.

Kodaikanal (M adura Dt.).—-Rev. V. Vignon, S.J. Cath. 1,289. Churches 2.

K osavapatti (Dindigul P.O., M adura Dt.).—Rev. C. Ceyrac, S.J. Cath. 5,355. V ills. 34.

K ottaikadu (K adukakadu P.O., Pudukofcah State).— Rev. M. Sandanam. Cath. 3,600. Vills. 24.

M alayadipatti (M anaparai P.O., Trichy. Dt.).—Rev. Tiviana+iher, S.J. Cath. 7,196. V ills. 67.

M analur (Iyam palayam P.O., M adura Dt.).—Rev. J . Pages, S.J. Cath. 157.

Marambadi (Vedasandur P.O. via Dindigul).—Rev. R. Agnisani, S.J. Cath. 3,878 Vills. 22.

N anjur (Kolatur P.O., Pudukofcah).—Rev. F. Savari- m uthu. Cath. 4,554. Vills. 57.

Palakurichi (V alanadu P.O., Trichy. Dt.).—R e v . A. R. Susai. Cath. 2,128. Vills. 61.

Palni (M adura Dt.).—Rev. M aria Louis, s.J. (adpaganos).It


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. Panjam patti (Am baturai P.O., M adura Dfc.).—Revs.J. Géré, S.J., V. Jeganather, S.J. and M. J . Chinnappar. Cath. 8,698. V ills. 18.: Panneipatti (Chintam anipati P.O., Trichy. Dt.) — Rev.

E. Wafflat, S.J. Cath. 2,226. V ills. 46.

Periyakulam (M adura Dt.).—Rev. E. Munch, s.J. Cath. 2,003. Vills. 21.■ .Pudukotah.—Rev; J. Jeganather. Cath. 3,924. V ills. 60.

Rayappenpatti (Ufctamapalâyam P.O., M adura Dt.).— Rev. P. X, David, S.J. Cath. 2,231. V ills. 13.

Sammanasur (Ram achandrapuram P.O., Pudukotah Sfcate)-.^T-.Rev. A. Swam ikannu, S.J. Cath. 4,147. V ills. 41.

Shembaganur (M adura Dt.).—Rev. J. Leonard, S.J. Cath. 234. V ills. 2.

Silukuvarpa tti (M adura Dt.).—Rev. E. S tritt, S.J. Cath. 4,920, V ills. 20.


Vicar Forane : Rev. J. Mahe, s.J.

' Andàvurani (V àttanam P.O., Ramnad Dfc.).—Revs. L. Leveil, S.J. and J. M ariasusai. Cath. 4,256. Vills. 106.

A ruppiikottai (Ramnad Dt.).—Visited from K am uti. Cath. 1,931. V ills. 45.

s Ida ika ttu r (M uthananthal P.O., Ram nad Dt.).—Rev. K. Jeganather. Cath. 1,124.

; Irudaiyakovil (M anjur P.O., Ramnad Dt.).—Re / .F . X. Laborde, S.J. Cath. 4,361. Vills. 32..

Irudayapuram (Rajasingamangalam P.O., Ramnad Dt.).— Rev. J . Mares, S.J. Cath. 2,422., K a lla d ittid a l (Rajasingamangalam P.O., Ramnad Dfc.).—

Rëv. Roine, S.J. Cath. 3,766. Vills. 80.K am uti (Ram nad Dt.).—Revs. P. Monfcaud, S.J. and M.

Irudayam . Cath. 1,292. Vills. 41.Karankadu (Uppoor P.O., «Ramnad Dt.).—Rsv. J. K uru-

villa, S.J. Cath. 3,313. V ills. 76.K uthalur (Oyakondan-Siruvayal P.O., Ramnad Dt;).—

Key8..^amido|>ei a rç d X M ariadas. Cath. 4,133. Vills. 7Q.

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M adura— (I) St. M ary’s : R e v . J . M ate , S.J., Superior ; Rev. G. Gomez, Parish Priest ; Revs. J . B. A strue, A, André,E. M azeran, A. Gnanapragasam , K. Lourdes and A. M. Susai- m anikkam . Cath. 5,090. V ills. 12. (2) Sacred H eart for Anglo-Indians : Rev. A. T u r la n .S .J . (served from St. M ary’s).

M ickelpatnam (Tiruppuvanam P.O., Ram nad Dt.).—Rev. J. Mendonza. Cath. 1,412.. V ills. 7, . ..

P uliyal (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. F. J . Mariadas. Cath. 6,072'. Vills. 43.

Rajakembiram (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. J. Appavoo, S.J. Cath. 1,480. Vills. 20.

Ramnad.—Rev. G. A rnault, S.J. Cath. 1,323. Vills. 23,Salaikram am (Param akudi P.O„ Ram nad Dt.).—Rev.

È. Dioudonat, S.J. Cath. 3,734. V ills. 65.Samayanallur (M adura Dt.).—Rev. C. Montaud. Cath.

1,225. V ills. 25.Sarakanei (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. J. Decoly, S.J. Cath.

1,179. Vills. 29.Satrasam patti (Kaliarkovil P.O., Ramnad Dt.).—Rev.

T. D’Almeida, S.J. Cath. 2,024. Vills. 26.Sivaganga (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. G. Sicard, S.J. Cath.

2,392. Vills. 40.Suranam (Param akudi P.O., Ramnad Dt.).—Revs. P .

Veaux, S.J. and R. R ajah Adiseyam, S.J. Cath. 4,138. Vills. 105.

Suseiyapperpatnam (Kaliarkovil P.O., Ramnad Dt.).— Rev. A . D uhrt S.J. Cath. 3,407. V ills. 41.

Valandur (U silam patti P.O., M adura Dt.).—Rev. I. Prince, s.J. Cath. 329. Vills. 32.

Verkadu (Thangachimadam P.O., Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. J. Boddele, S.J. Cath. 1,706. Vills. 21.

PALAM COTTAH DISTRICTVicar Forane : G. Pignol, S.J.Irudayakulam (Ambasamudram P.O., Tinnevelly Dt.).—

Rev. H. J. Grange, S.J.

K alugum alai (Tinnevelly Dt.).—ReVs. L. K eller, S.J. and T. Purakel. Cath. 4,226. Vills. 141.


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K am ayam yakenpatti (Serumapudur P.O., Tinnevelly Dt.).—Rev. E. Mas, S.J. Cath. 5,169. V ills. 33.

Palam cottah (Tinnevelly Dt.).—Revs. G. Pignol, Supe­r io r ; Reva. J. Lay, P arish Priest ; P . Danasami, J. A rula- nandam , A. Caussanel and C. Delbor, B.J. Cath. 3,270. V ills. 45.

Pannikulam (Tinnevelly Dt.).—Rev. B. D illinger, S.J. Cath. 4,129. Vills. 38.

P udupatti (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev, P . Morere, S.J. ad paganos.

Satur (Ramnad Dt.).—Rev. F. Ignatius, S.J. Cath. 2,297. Vills. 44.

Sendamaram (Tinnevelly Dt.).—Revs. C. Y venat, S.J. Cath. 4,428. Vills. 47.

S r iv illip u ttu r (Ramnad Dt.).—Revs. E. Charroin and J. Baumal, S.J. Cath. 4,989. Vills. 73.

Sundaranachiapuram (Rajapalayam P.O., Ramnad Dt.).— Rev. A. Daniel, S.J. Cath. 3,808. Vills. 49.

Tenkasi (Tinnevelly Dt.).—Rev. P . Papayah, S.J. Cath. 3,648. Vills. 84.

Viravanallur (Tinnevelly Dt.).—Rev. A. Couturier, S.J. Cath. 5,335. Vills. 15,



Bishops ... ... ... 2Secular Priests ... ... ... 23Religious Priests ... ... ... 157

Total ... 182

C hurches w ith Resident P riests ... 61Missions w ith Churches ... ... 1,026

Total Churches ... 1,087

Ecclesiastical students ... ... 38Religious women ... ... ... 520

Do. men (Brothers) ... ... 59Sem inary of Religious Orders ... ... 1

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Parishes w ith Parochial Schools Catholic pupils . . . .

College and High Schools for boys Do. do. for girls

Orphanage Schools ...Orphans

Total young people under Oath, care

Dispensaries Homes for the aged ...M arriages

61 10,703

4 4

12 1,033

27,066 of whom

15,421 Catholics

12 3

2,183C 7,916 in art. m ortis 17,693 of Christian


Conversions 1,044 (Baptism of adults) + 229 Protest.

Catholic population ... 217,524

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Indian Secular Clergy H is to r ic a l N o te s

The diocese is bordered on the East by the P earl F ishery Coast along w hich it extends from Cape Comorin in the South to very near the Pamban Island on the North. On the W est, th e Cardamon H ills separate it from the Quilon Diocese. On th e North, it is contiguous to th e Trichinopoly Diocese.

Cath. 85,000.B i s h o p

Rt. Rev. Francis Tiburtius Roche, s.J., consecrated, Sep­tem ber 23, 1923, at Tuticorin. Residence : Bishop's House, Tuticorin.

E p i s c o p a l Cu r i a

Vicar-General and Officialis Curiae: R t. Rev. Mgr.A. M. J . M arianathar.

V icar Forane : V ery Rev. Y. Ignatius.Diocesan Procurator and Secretary to the B ishop .* Rev.

J . X. Poobal arayar.Consultors : R t. Rev. Mgr. A. M. J . M arianathar ; Very

Rev. Y. Ignatius, Revs. Antony Fernando, D. Swam i- nathan and A. Adaikalam .

Pro-Synodal Exam iners : V ery Rev. Y. Ignatius, Revs.D. Sw am inathar and B. S. Soosanathar.

Censors and Vigilance Council : Revs. L. Gnanusam i and J . Periyanayagam .

Diocesan Inspector o f S c h o o l s Rev. B. L. Soosanathar.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

1. Daughters o f the H o ly Cross : 10 Sisters (5 Europeans and 5 Anglo-Indians) (1904). Superioress : M other Victorine.

2. S iste rs o f Our L a d y o f D olours : 14 houses in differ­ent villages.

3. S is te rs o f S t. Anne : 2 houses in Adaikalapuram and Sethuvaikal.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s fo r B o y s

T u tico r in — St. Xavier*s High School (1880): Manager, Rev. J .L . M iranda, S.J. Staff: 24, Secular teachers. S trength 692 ; Cath. 461.

Alagappapuram M iddle School*— 5$ pupils, 54 Catholics.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Tuticorin.—St. Aloysius’ High School, by the Indian Sisters of Our Lady of Dolours: M anager, L. Gnanusamy, Religious s ta ff : 9, Lay Staff: 8. S trength 410. Cath. 312. Boarding House for Indian girls (70).

European Middle School, by th e Daughters of th e Cross (1904): Sisters 10. Superioress : M other Victorine. Strength, 90 ; Boarders 71. Boarding House and European Orphanage.

Satankulam .—Middle School for Indian girls, by the Indian Sisters of Our Lady of Dolours: Sisters 9 ; Superioress : M other Cordule M ary, Strength 179. Cath. 62. Boarders 18.

Tuticorin Industria l School.—Holy Cross C onvent: Our Lady of Dolours’ Convent and St. Ignatius Industrial School for boys.

A daika lapuram .—St. Anne’s Convent and Industrial School.

Or p h a n a g e s

Adaikalapuram .—St. A nne’s Convent w ith home for destitute widows and foundlings.

T uticorin .—Holy Cross Convent and St. Ignatius O r­phanage for boys.


Palayakayal (Sawyerpuram P.O.).—Rev. Benedict Fernando. Cath. 4,200 ; Chapels 22.

Pragasapuram (N azareth P.O.).—Rev. A. A daikalam and Fr. Sandana M arian. Cath. 3,191; Chapels 20.

Punnakayal (Autoor P.O.).—Rev. B. S. Susainather. Cath. 2,490 ; Chapels 5.

Sippikulam (V aippar P.O.).—Rev. F . Packier. Cath. 1 ,100.

Taravaikulam (v ia Tuticorin).—Rev. T. Michael. Cath, 3,640; Chapels 21.

Tuticorin, Bishop’s House.—Rt. Rev. F. T. Roche, S .J ., Bishop.

Tuticorin Sacred H eart’s Cathedral.—Parish Priest, Rev. L. G nanusam y; Revs. J. X. Poobalarayar, J. L. M iranda, S.J., J . Roche and Ambrose Missier, Cath, 7,500;Chapels 14.


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Vembar P.O.—Rev. Remigius Missier. Oath. 2,300; Chapels 20.

M ookoor (Sayalkudi P.O.).—Rev. S. M ariadas. C ath. 2,000.

M A N A PA D DISTRICTVicar-G eneral and Parish P riest : Rev. A. M. J.

M arianather.Adaikalapuram (Virapandianpatnam P.O.).—'Rev. F . X .

Singarayar. Cath. 1,950; Chapels 5.A lanta la i (T iruchendur P.O.).—Rev. G. Soosanathar.

Cath. 1,250 ; Chapels 2.Manapad.—Mgr. A. M. M arianathar, Rev. S. Gnana-

pragasam , Asst. Oath. 2,095 ; Chapels 7.P eriyatala i P.O.—Rev. M athew F ernanda Cath. 2,130 ;

Chapels 2.Satankulam P.O.—Rev. Francis Payapally . Oath. 2,000 ;

Chapels 12.Sokkenkudirupoo (Padukkapathu P.O.).—Rev. S. Bangar.

C ath. 5,000 ; Chapels 18.Somanatheperi (M oolakaraipatti P.O.),—Rev. X . Gabriel.

Cath. 3,700 ; Chapels 25.Virapandianpatnam P.O.—Rev. G aspar Roche. Cath.

1,200; Chapels 3.V A D A K A N K U LA M DISTRICT

V icar Forane: V ery Rev. Y . Ignatius.Alagappapuram (M yladi P.O., Travancore State).—Rev.

D harm anathar. Cath. 2,445 ; Chapels 3.A nakarai (Pettaiku lam P.O.).—Rev. K. Arulsamy.

Cath. 3,590 ; Chapels 20.Idindagarai (Kudankulam P.O.).—Rev. J. Periyanaya-

gam. Cath. 2,300 ; Chapels 3.K alliku lam P.O.—Rev. P. Sw am inathar. Cath. 3,763;

Chapels 6.K avelkinaru (Vadakangulam P.O.).—R ev. Gabriel

Devottah. Cath. 3,257 ; Chapels 9.K ilavaneri (Vallioor P.O.).—Cath. 2,860; Chapels 13;

Served from K allikulani.

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K uttanguli (Rhadapuram P.O.).—Rev. G. Michael. Cath. 1,251.

K uttapu lli (via Terku-K arungulam P.O.).—Rev. J . S. Lourdes. Cath. 2,300 ; Chapels 5.

Obari (via Idayangudi).—Rev. A ntony Fernando. Cath. 2,134; Chapels 5.

Vadakangulam P.O.—V ery Rev. Y. Ignatius, Stanislaus Raja. Cath. 4,765 ; Chapels 5.



Bishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular P riests ... ... ... 30Religious P riest ... ... ... 1

Total ... 32

Churches w ith Resident Priests ... 26Missions w ith Churches ... ... 215

Total ... 241

Ecclesiastical students ... ... 49Religious women ... ... ... 160Parishes w ith Parochial schools ... 26Pupils ... ... ... ... 11,500H igh schools ... ... ... 2Middle schools ... ... ... 3E lem entary schools... ... ... 165Orphanage schools ... ... ... 6

Orphans ... ... ... 260Total young people under Catholic care ... 12,000Dispensaries ... ... ... ]0Home for the aged ... ... ... 1T W iqm s- i Pagan Infants, 2,010> p _Baptism s. { Dq adu]ts> 875j ... 2,885 ,M arriages ... ... ... 610Converts ... _ ... ... 875Deaths (adults and children) ... ... 1,700Catholi cpopulation,.. ... ... 85,000

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(Suffragan Dioceses : Dacca, Chittagong, K rishnagar Dinajpore, Patna, Ranchi, Assam and Sikkim)

The Jesuits, Belgian Province and Diocesan Clergy

The Archdiocese of Calcutta extends along th e sea coast from th e Kabadak to th e M ahanadi River. I t is bounded on the South by the Dioceses of Y izagapatam and Nagpur, Bay of Bengal and th e M ahanadi River, on th e North by the Diocese of Patna, on the W est by th e Diocese of Ranchi and on the East by the Diocese of K rishnagar and Prefecture Apostolic of Assam.

A r c h b is h o p

The Most Rev. Ferdinand Perier, S.J., consecrated at Calcutta, December 21, 1921. Residence : 32, P ark S treet, Calcutta.

A r c h ié p is c o p a l C u r i a

Vicar-General.—The Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. Fernandes, Domes­tic P re la te to H .H. th e Pope.

Chancellor.—Rev. G. Lechien, S.J.Ojficialis.—Rev. G. Dandoy, S.J.Prom. Just, and Def. Vine.—Rev. G, D ruart, S.J.

Consultor s.—Rt. Rev. M gr. J . Fernandes ; V ery Rev. M. Veys, S.J. ; Revs. G. Boswell, G. Dandoy, S.J , L. Philippart, S.J. and A. W auters, S.J.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Society o f Jesus.—Superior Regular of the Mission : V ery Rev. M. Veys, S.J., 32, P ark Street, Calcutta. St. M ary’s Scholasticate, Kurseong, for th e Society of Jesus : Rev. A. W igny, S.J., Rector.

The Salesians o f Don Bosco.—Rev. P. Bonardi, s.c., 3, Portuguese Street, Calcutta.

Ir ish i C hristian B ro thers .—Provincial Superior : Rev. Brother J. B. Culhane, 69, Bow Bazaar S treet, Calcutta, Novitiate at Kurseong.


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S isters o f the In stitu te o f the B .V .M . o f R athfarnham (Loreto Nuns).—Provincial Superior: Rev. Mother M ary of th e Rosary, 7, Middleton Row, Calcutta.

Daughters o f the Cross o f Liege.—Provincial Superior : Rev. Sister M ary Josephine, S t. V incent's Home, 68, Diamond Harbour Road, Kidderpore, Calcutta.

L it t le S isters o f the Poor.—Superior : Rev. Sister Marie Theophile, 2, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta.

Daughters o f S t. Anne.—A Diocesan Congregation of Indian Nuns. Convents at Calcutta, Morapai and Raghabpur.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n m t i t u t i o n s f o r B o y s

1. Under th e Society of Jesus :—Calcuttta .—St. X avier’s College, 30, P ark Street,

affiliated to the Calcutta U niversity : Rev. E. Roeland, S.J., Rector ; Revs. L. Ameye, S .J .; A. Briot, S .J .; F. X. Crohan, S .J .; P . Carbery, S .J .; G. Dandoy, S .J .; P. Johanns, S .J .;H. Spelten, S .J .; T. H arris, S .J .; Van Neste, S .J .; M. Vermeire, S.J. ; P. Turmes, 'S .J .; P. O’Loughlen, S .J .; V. Verbockhaven, S .J .; L. Bryan, S .J .; H. Boon. S .J . ; A. D’Hondt, S .J . ; F. Pew, S .J .; S. Dela Croix, S. J . ; P. Feron, S J . ; A. Lallemand, S .J ., H. Schepers, S J . ; J. Shiel, S .J .; B. Bugeia, S .J .; C. De Moor, S .J .; T. R ichir, S.J.

Our Lady’s Home for boys aspiring to the priesthood (92, Lower Circular Road, C a lcu tta ): Director, Rev. F. Keyeux, S.J.

Darjeeling.—St. Joseph’s College, Noioh P o in t: Rector, Rev. J. De C heldere.S .J.; Revs. J. Bouvez, S J . ; S. Van Merris, S .J .; J . Meunier, S.J .; C. Hum bert, S.J. ; A . Van den Berg, S.J. ; H. De Jonghe, S.J. ; J . Paulus, S .J .; F. Peal, S .J .; H. Hosten, S .J .; D. Laenen, S .J .; F. Eelen, S .J .; R. Phelan, S .J .; E. Van der Roost, S .J .; J. Hens, S.J.

2. Under the Irish Christian Brothers :—Asansol.— St. P atrick ’s High School: Rev. D. M.

Lonergan, Principal.S t. Vincent de Paul's School.—Rev. J. Pakenham .Calcutta.—St. Joseph’s H igh School, 69, Bow Bazaar

S tre e t: Rev. F. Lillis.Kurseong.—Goethals Memorial School: Rev. C.

W ebster, Principal.


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3. U nder the Daughters of th e Cross :—Kidderpore , Calcutta.—St. P au l’s N ursery for little

boys.4. Under the Secular C lergy :—

St. A nthony’s H igh School for Indian boys, 19, M arket S treet, affiliated to th e Calcutta U n iv e rs ity : Rev. H. W illiam s, P rin c ip a l; Revs. S. Boswell and J. DeSouza.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G i r l s

1. Under the Loreto Nuns :—A sansol (E.I. Ry.).—Loreto Boarding and Day

School: M other M. Ita .Calcutta.—Loreto House, 7, Middleton Row, Boarding

and Day School: Mother M. A gatha.Day school, 65, Bow Bazaar S treet; 169, D hurrum -

tollah S tree t; 122, Lower Circular Road.E ntally.—Loreto Convent Boarding and the Day

School and Bruce Institu tions: M other X. St. M ary’s.Darjeeling.—Loreto Convent Boarding and Day

School; M other M. Gerard. Special departm ent for little boys.

M orapai.—Loreto Convent Boarding School for Indian g ir ls : Mother M. Clare.

2. Under the Daughters of the Cross:—K idderpore , Calcutta.—St. Teresa’s School: Sister

M. Josephine.Howrah.— St. Agnes and St. Elizabeth School: Sister

Alphonse Joseph.Kurseong.—St. Helen’s Boarding and Day School:

Sister G ertrude.Or p h a n a g e s

Kurseong.—S. Alphonsus School for Indian b oys: Rev. D. Truyen, S.J.

M oorghiatta.—Male Orphanage : Irish Christian Bro­thers. Br. L. Carr.

E nta lly .—Fem ale Orphanage : Loreto Nuns. European and Indian departm ents. Mother X.

K urseong .— Orphanage for Indian girls : Daughters of the Cross. St. M arguerite’s Cottage. Sister G ertrude.


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Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

Kidderpore .—St. V incent’s Home and Hospital for In ­curables, 68, Diamond Harbour Road, Calcutta. The Daughters of th e Cross. Sister Josephine. The institution is divided into five departm ents : (a) St. Bridgit’s Boarding house for ladies of small means ; (b) St. G ertrude’s home for poor Eurasian women and g ir ls ; (c) St. Barbara’s home for Indian women and girls ; (d) St.Catherine’s Hospital for incurables w ith separate w ards for Europeans, Eurasians and In d ian s ; (e) A school and Creche (St. Paul’s Nursery) for little boys and foundlings up to the age of 8 years.

Calcutta.—St. Joseph’s House, 2, Lower Circle R oad; The L ittle Sisters of the Poor. Asylum for destitute old men and women.

Society of St. Vincent de P a u l : Seven conferences under the C alcutta Town Council. P re s id en t: Mr. 0 . M artin ; Secretary, Mr. L. J . G’Santos. Council Rooms, 3, Dharam tola Street.

Ladies’ Society of V incent de Paul, 68, Bow Bazar Street, Calcutta.


V icar F orane : V ery Rev. E. Van Tichelen, S.J. (Dar­jeeling).

Darjeeling (Archbishop’s House, Darjeeling).—Vicar and M ilitary Chaplain, Rev. E. Van Tichelen, S J . ; Asst., Rev. C. Grant.

Kurseong (St. M ary’s, Kurseong).—Vicar, Rev. D. Truyen, S .J .; Asst., Rev. P. De M aertelaere, S.J.

M ajlispur (P.O., Kanki, Purnea Dt.).—Rev. A. De Bono, S .J .; Asst., Rev. B. Cauchi, S.J.

P urnea— Rev. A. Dela Croix, S.J.I I . SOUTHERN DISTRICT

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. L. W auters, S.J.

Calcutta.—Cathedral Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (1697): Ag. Vicar, Rev. M. Uguet, s.c. ; Asst., Rev. P. Bonardi, S.C. (3, Portuguese Church Street).

Church of th e Sacred H eart (1832): Vicar, Rev. L. W auters, S .J .; Assts., Revs. A. Dontaine, S.J. and G. Druart, S.J. (2, D haram tala Street).


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Calcutta .—Church of St. Francis X avier (1900): V icar, Rev. A. D essa; Asst., Rev. S. de Besterfeld, S.J. (68, Bow Bazar Street).

Church of St. Ignatius (1910): V icar, Rev. A. De Staercke, S.J., Asst,, Rev. J. Arimont, S J. (51, Ekbalpore Road, Kidderpore, Calcutta).

Church of St. John the Evangelist (1908): V icar, R ev. P. V'an M ulken, S .J .; A sst., Rev. A. V erhulst S .J . (307, Upper C ircular Road).

St. Joseph’s chapel (1864): Vicar., Rev. G-. Boswell ; Assts., Revs. H. W illiam s and J. DeSouza (19, M arket S treet).

Church of Our Lady of Happy Voyage (1832): V icar, R ev. E. Populaire, s .J .; Asst., Rev. S. Van H aaren, S.J., Rev. L. Rodrigues, S.J. (3, Cullen Place, Howrah, Calcutta),

Church of St. Patrick , Fort W illiam , M ilitary C hap la in : Rev. A. De Staercke, S.J. (51, Ekbalpore Road, Kidderpore, Calcutta).

Church of St. Teresa (1898): Vicar, Rev. C. Herman, S .J .; Assts., Revs. T. F itzpatrick , S.J. and C. Mookerjee, S.J. (92/1, Lower Circular Road).

Church of St. Thomas the Apostle (1840): Vicar, Rev.F. M ulkens, S .J .; Asst., Rev. J. Theyskens, S.J. (30, P ark Street).

B arrackpore .—Visited from Serampore.D um -D um .—Visited from Calcutta.K ha rry (K ashinagar P.O., via Jaynagar, 24 Parganahs).

—Rev. J . Comerford, S.J.

K rishnachavdrapur (Baripada P.O , M ayurbhunj State). — Rev. G. Op de Beeck, S.J.

M orapai (M agrahat P.O., 24 Parganahs).—Rev. G. Ruwet, S .J .; Asst., Rev. J. Delonge, S.J.

Raghabpur (Boral P.O., 24 Parganahs).—Rev. A. Velle,S.J.

Serampore (E.I. Ry.).—Rev. L. Philipppart, S.J.

I I I . W ESTERN DISTRICT Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. N. K rier, S.J. (Asansol).A dra (B.N. Ry.).—Rev. J. Van Butsele, S.J.


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Asansol (E.I. Ry.).—Vicar, V ery Rev. N. K rier, S.J. ; Asst., Rev. J . Bilmeyer, S.J., Chaplain of St. V incent’s ; Rev.F. X. De W achter, S.J.

Dhanbad (E.I. Ry.).—Rev. J . Dohet, S.J.

Jamshedpur (14, C D. Road, N orthern Town).—Rev.G. Verloove, S.J.

K haragpur.— Vicar, Rev. J. Vial, S.J. ; Asst., Rev. C. Limbourg, S.J. (in charge of St. A nthony’s Chapel for Tamilians).



Archbishop ... ... ... 1Secular P riests ... ... ... 6Priests of Religious Orders ... ... 81

Total ... 88

Churches w ith Resident P riest ... 26Missions w ith Churches ... ... 13

Total ... 39

Stations ... ... ... .. 24Chapels ... ... ... ... 80Colleges ... ... ... ... 6

Students ... ... ... 2,721College for women ... ... ... 1

Baptism s: ... ‘ ... 3,338Converts ... ... ... ... 401Deaths ... ... ... ... 1,213M arriages ... ... ... 488Catholic ropulation ... ... ... 38,726

of whom 930 catechumens.

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(The Congregation o f H oly Cross, Canadian Province)

The Diocese of Chittagong is bounded on th e North by the Prefecture Apostolic of Assam, on the W est by the Dioceses of Dacca and K rishnagar and the Bay of Bengal, on th e South by th e Bay of Bengal, on the East by the V icari­ates of Northern and Southern Burma and the Prefecture Apostolic of Assam. Cath. 6,405.

B is h o p

The Right Rev. Alfred Le Pailleur, C.S.C., nominated June 28,1927 ; consecrated in Chittagong, October 30, 1927. Residence : Bishop's House, Chittagong.

Vicar-General.—V ery Rev. Fr. Ph. Boulay, C.S.C.

Superior Regular.—V ery Rev. F r. 0 . Desrochers, C.S.C.

Secretary.—Rev. F r. Alp. de Montigny, C.S.C.

Communities.—11 Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross and 4 Sisters of the Congregation of Holy Cross at Noak- h a l i : M other-House, St. Laurent, M ontreal, Canada. 36 Sisters of Our Lady of th e Missions of Lyons ; Novitiate at Chittagong. Provincial Superioress : Rev. M other St. Ambrose, St. Scholastica’s Convent, Chittagong.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

Chittagong.—St. Joseph’s Apostolic School (1928): D irec­tor, Rev. L. Goggin, C.S.C ; Asst., Rev. Br. Benedict, c.s c. St. Placid’s School (1882) affiliated to the Calcutta U niversity (1928): Director, Rev. Br. Godfrey ; S taff: Bros. E tienne, Joseph, V ital, Bertin, Ambrose, Romain, Benedict and Alderic. St. Stephen’s Industrial School (1926); Director, Rev. Br. Etienne, C.S.C.

G aum adi.—One Boarding Elem entary School (1918).Sandoway.— Apostolic School.G aumadi.—Orphanage for Bengali Boys.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G i r l s

Akyab.—Sfc. A nne’s Convent Anglo-Burmese and V erna­cular Schools (1888): Prioress, Rev. M other M ary Eutropic.

Chittagong.—St. Scholastica’s Convent Higher E lem ent­ary Boarding and Day School: Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions of Lyons (1883): Prioress, Rev. Mother M. St, Bertilde.

H a flo n g —St. Agnes’ Mixed E lem entary School under the m anagement of the Sisters of Notre-Dame des Missions : Rev. M other M ary Rodolphe, Prioress.

Akyab.—Orphanage for girls attached to . St. Anne's Convent.

Chittagong.—Orphanage for boys attached to St. Placid's School, Orphanage for girls attached to St. Scholastica’s Convent.

N oakhali.—Orphanage for Bengali girls.Creche (Chittagong).—Under the care of the Sisters of

Our Lady of the Missions.G a ze tteer

Akyab (A rakan, Burma).—Sacred H eart (1881): Rev. Fr.A. M etivier, C.S.C.

B adarpur (A.B. Ry.).—Chapel of St. Joseph : V ery Rev. F r. P h . Boulay, v .g ., C.S.C.

Barisal (Backergunj Dt.).—St. Peter (1901): Rev. Fr. J. S. Chasse, C.S.C.

Chaungtha (K yeintali P.O., Sandoway Dt., Arakan).—St. Joseph (1915): Rev. F r. L. Lazarus, C.S.C.

Chittagong.—Cathedral, Our Lady of the Rosary (1843): Rev. F r. L. Goggin, C.S.C.

G aum adi (Backergunj Dt.).—Sacred H eart (1913): Very Rev. O. Desrochers, C.S.C .; Rev. W . M urphy, C.S.C. and Rev. Br. M artin, C.S.C.

Gyeiktaw (K yaukkyi P.O., Sandoway Dt., A rakan).— Built in 1928 : Rev. F r. A. Mascarenahs, c.s.c.

H a fl ong.—Chap el of Our Lady, Help of Christians : Rev. F r, L. Moreau, C.S.C.



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Jamalkhan,—Chapel of the Im m aculate Conception : A ttended from Chittagong.

K yaukpyu (A rakan).—-Chapel of the Holy Fam ily (Built in 1900) : A ttended from Sandoway.

N arikelbari (Bandhabari P.O., Faridupur Dt.).—St. Theresa of th e Child Jesus (1926) : Rev. F r. R. Larose, C.S;C. and Rev. Br. Ludovic, C.S.C.

N oakhali.—Im m aculate Conception (1861) : Rev. F r. C. M ichaud, c.s.c.

P aharta li.—Chapel of St. Joseph (Built in 1924) : A ttend­ed from Chittagong.

Sandoway (A rakan, Burma).—Church of Notre-Dame de Belle-Vue (1917) : Rev. Frs. L. Faineau, c.S.c. and G. Breen, C.S.C.

Assam -Bengal Railw ay.—Stations betw een Feni and Chittagong and also in the Chittagong H ills are attended from Chittagong.

Stations on the line from H atikhali to Haflong are attended from Haflong.

Stations on the line from Haflong to Badarpur and Badarpur to A kaura and branches are attended from Badarpur.

On leave—Rev. R. Clement, C.S.C. and Rev. J. H arel,C.S.C.



Bishop ... ... ... ... 1Religious P riests ... ... ... 16Brothers ... .... ... 11Sisters ... ... ... ... 27Catechists ... ... ... 26Churches w ith resident priests ... 8Chapels ... ... ... 27Student in Theological Seminary ... 1Students in Apostolic Schools ... 10H igh School for boys ... ... 1

Poys £00

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High schools for girls 2G irls ... 134

E lem entary schools 29Industrial School for boys INumber of boys in Industrial School 19

Do. of pupils in schools ... 972Do. of orphans in schools 175

{$&?£• i £ } - 445Converts 153M arriages 84Death (Adults and children) ... 136Catholic population 5,448Total population (Govt. Census, 1921) ... 8,042,578

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DIOCESE OF DACCA(The Congregation o f the H oly Cross)

The Diocese oi Dacca is bounded on th e N orth by the Prefecture Apostolic of Assam, on th e East and South by the Diocese of Chittagong, and on th e W est by the Bay of Bengal and th e Diocese of K rishnagar. Cath. 11,200.

B i s h o p

The R ight Rev. Joseph Legrand, C.S.C., consecrated in Rome, November 5, 1916. Bishop's H ouse, Ramna P.O., Dacca.

Vicar-General and Coadjutor B ishop .—R ight Rev. T. J. Crowley, C.S.C.

Superior Regular.—V ery Rev. M. Norckauer, C.S.C.Secretary.— Rev. P . D’Rozario, C.S.C.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Eleven Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions of L yons: N ovitiate at Chittagong. Provincial Superior : Rev. Mother M ary St. Ambrose, St. Scholastica’s Convent, Chittagong.

Six Sisters of the Congregation of Holy Cross: Mother House, Notre Dame, Indians, U.S.A.

Six Sisters, Catechists of Mary Im m aculate : Provincial House, Kumbakonam, South India.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

Bandura (Hashnabad P.O., Dacca Dt.).—Holy Cross English High School: Dir., Rev. Bro. A ndrew ; Bros. Eugene, C.S.C. and Louis, C.S.C., S ec re ta ry ; Rev. F r. M. Mangan, C.S.C. Technical School: Br. Andrew, C.S.C.

Dacca.—St. Gregory’s School, H igher English Boarding and Day School for Boys: Director, Rev. Bro. W alter, C.S.C.; Professors: Rev. Br. Fabian, C.S.C.'; Severin, C.S.C.; Basil, C.S.C.

St. Francis X avier’s C onvent; H igher Elem. Boarding and Day School. Mother Mary.

Golla.—St. Thecla’s Convent and Orphanage.Toom illiah.—St. M ary’s Convent for Indian girls.M ym ensingh .—Holy Fam ily Convent for Indian girls.Dacca.—St. Gregory’s School has a special departm ent

for orphan boys and St. Francis X avier’s Convent for orphan girls.

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Bandura.—Holy Cross H.E. School prepares &nd presents candidates for the 'M atriculation Exam ination. P reparatory Seminary and Apostolic School: Director, Rev. Fr. Mangan, C.S.C .; Asst., Rev. J. Kane, C.S.C.

Ca t h o l ic P r e s s

Holy Cross Bengali Booklet Series. Bishop’s House, Ram na P.O., Dacca. Dharma Jyo ti, a Bengali m onthly.

G a ze tteerDacca.—Cathedral, Holy Cross : Rev. C. Finner, C.S.C. Biridakuni (H aluaghat P.O., Mymensingh Dt.).—Revs.

F. S. W yss, C.S.C. and N. De Grace, C.S.C.Dharendra (Shabhar P.O., Dacca Dt.).—Rev. J . J .D ’Costa.Golla (Gobindpur P.O., Dacca Dt.).—St. Francis X avier :

Rev. F r. M, Kearns, C.S.C. Outstation of Boxonagore. Chapel of St. Anthony.

Bhalukapara (M ymensingh Dt.).—St. Elizabeth : Revs.C. Brooks, C.S.C. and A. Gomes.

Rangam atia, attendedlfrom Toomiliah.Banikhong (Bagmara P.O., Mymensing D t).—-St. Joseph :

Revs. F . Goodall, c.s.c. and D’Rozario, C.S.C.

Solepore (H ashara P.O., Dacca Dt.).—St. Joseph : Rev. Fr. J. F leury, C.S.C.

Toomiliah (Kaliganj P.O., Dacca Dt.).—St. John the B ap tis t: Revs. M. Norckauer, C.S.C. and L. G raner, C.S.C.

Eastern-Bengal Railway.—Station between Dacca and Bahadurabad and Jagannathgunj, and ju te stations on the B rahm aputra in the Districts of Mymensingh and Pubna are attended from Mymensingh by Revs. R. Surlalski, c s.c. andD. MacGregor, c.s.c.

Assam-Bengal R ailw ay .—Stations on the line, Tangi, Bhairab and Kishorgunge are attended from Toomiliah.



Bishops ... ... ... 2Secular Priests ... ... ... %Priests of Religious Orders ... ... 16Churches w ith Resident Priests ... 8Ecclesiastical students ... ... 21Catholic population ... ... 11,200Total population ... ... ... 12,400,000

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(Pontifical In stitu te o f the Foreign M issions o f M ilan jThis new Diocese comprises six districts, i.e., Dinajpur,

Rajshahi, Malda, Bogra, Rungpur, Ja lp a ig u ri; and also the Independent State of Cooch Behar. Population 9,263,000.

I t is bounded on th e North by the District of Darjeeling and th e P refecture Apostolic of Assam, on th e East by the Diocese of Dacca, on the South by the Diocese of K rishnagar, from w hich is separated by the Ganges, on the W est by the Archdiocese of Calcutta. Cath. 14,597, besides 2,092 tempo­rary immigrated Catholics and 1,000 Catechumens.

C lergy an d A u x ilia r ie sB is h o p

Rt. Rev. J . B. Anselmo, consecrated April 1, 1929.Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. J. Macchi.Consultors.—Revs. F. Rocca, T. Castelli, J. Obert,

A. Galbiati and J. Lazzaroni.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

S isters o f C harity o f Lovere (Italy) have educational, charitable and mission w o rk ; are in charge of orphanages and boarding schools for Santal girls, homes for widows, d is­pensary, and also help in instructing the women in out- stations. Six Sisters in Dinajpur and one native Sister from th e Diocesan congregation of Krishnagar.

There a re two Leper Asylums, at D hanjuri and Rohan- pur, and one home for widows and sick women at Dinajpur.

Franciscan M issionary B rothers (Congregatio Missionis St, Francisci Ass.) o f M ount Poinsur (Borivli P.O.).—They are helping the Missionaries in the Santal Mission. There are now 5 Brothers at D hanjuri and Benedwar. There are also two Ita lian Catechists and three native Brothers.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

Five Boarding Schools for Santal boys at Dinajpur, Benedwar, D hanjuri, Rohanpur and N agrakata w ith 211 pupils.

One Boarding School for Santal girls in charge of the Sisters of C harity a t Dinajpur, w ith 35 pupils.

The are also 38 prim ary schools w ith 981 boys and girls.


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G a zetteerD inajpur.—Church of St. Francis X avier (Built in 1925) :

V icar, Rev. F. Rocca ; Assts., Revs J. Milozzi, E. Sozzi and M. Bianchi ; Residents : Revs. J . Macchi,. A. Del Corno, A. Re, L. Moscato, G. Curioni, Br. Joseph and two Ita lian Catechists.

Benedwar (Dhamoir P.O., Dinajpur Dt.).—Church of the Sacred H eart of Jesus (built in 1911) : V icar, Rev. A. Grossi ; Assts., Rev. A. N egrini and Brs Robert and Frum entius, C.M.S.F. Cath. 3,138.

D hanjuri (Birampur P.O., Dinajpur Dt.) —Church of St. Francis of Assisi (built in 1910) : Vicar, Rev. J. Obert ; Assts., Rev. L M artinelli ; Brs., Augustin, Felix and Verner. Cath. 2,958

Rohanpur (Rohanpur P.O., M alda Dt ).—Church of St. Joseph (built in 1922) : V icar, Rev. T. Cattaneo ; Asst., Rev. A. Favrin and two native Brothers. Cath. 3,736.

Nagrakata (N agrakata P.O., Jalpaiguri Dt.).—Church of the Sacred H eart (built in 1924) : Vicar, Rev. J . Lazzaroni ; Asst., Rev. T. Bucari. Cath. 1,206, besides 1,392 tem porary immigrated Catholics.

Saidpur (Saidpur P.O., Rangpur Dt.).—Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (built in 1893) : Ry. Chaplain, Rev. O. Pedrotti. Catholics of Saidpur and other stations of the E. B. Ry., 449.

Rajabhatkhawa (R ajabhatkhaw a P.O., Jalpaigpuri Dt.).— No Church yet. V icar, Rev. A. Galbiatti. Cath. 1,243, be­sides 700 temporary im m igrated Catholics.

RECA PITU LA TIO NBishop ...Secular P riestsChurches w ith Resident Priests Schools ...Catholic population Baptisms ...



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(Salesian Congregation o f Turin)

The Diocese comprises five d is tric ts : Nadia, Jessore, Khulna, F aridpur and Murshidabad. I t is bounded on the North by th e Diocese of Dinajpur, on the East by th e Diocese of Dacca, on the South by the Bay of Bengal and th e A rch­diocese of Calcutta, on the W est by the Archdiocese of Calcutta.

A dm in istra tor Apostolic.—R t. Rev. E. Bars, S.C.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Sisters of C harity of Lovere (Italy) have educational, charitable and mission work and are in charge of orphanages and boarding schools for Bengali girls, etc.

Convents at K rishnagar (w ith home for widows and sick women and home for old men), Shimulia (w ith home for widows and old women) and Bhoborpara: 17 Sisters. Provin­cial : Sister A nna Gemo. Under the direction of the same Sisters are th e Catechist Sisters of the Im m aculate Concep­tion (Indian). Sisters 7.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

K rishnagar.— Training School for Catechists.

K rishnagar , Shim ulia.—Orphanages and Boardingschools for Indian boys. In the same places are Orphanages and Boarding schools for Bengali girls under the direction of the Sisters of Charity.

G a ze tteer

Berampore (Bengal) attended from K rishnagar.—Cath. 35.Bhoborpara (Hidaipur P.O., Nadia Dt.).—Our Lady of

Seven Dolours (Rebuilt in 1925): Cath, 2,776, catechumens 37, gub-sts. 23.


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V icar .—Rev. G. C urioni; Asst., Rev. P . Carnevale Muno.

Jessore (Jessore Dt.).—Sacred H eart : Cath. 636, catechu­mens 8. Sub-sts. 2 ; attended from Shim ulia.

K rishnagar (Episcopal See).—C athedral Church of the Divine Saviourv(1898) (Nadia D t.): Cath. 1,287, catechumens 60. Sub-sts. 10. R. L. M artinelli.

Three Salesian Fathers : Revs. E . Bars, L. Pisano andG. Pyechetz.

Ronabando (Nafcuda P.O., Nadia Db.).—Church of the Sacred H eart of Jesus (built in 1895): Cath. 714. Sub-sts. 6 ; attended from Bfaoborpara.

Sim ulia (Jh inkaragacha P.O., Jessore Dt.).—Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (rebuilt in 1924): Cath. 1,373, catechumens 30. Sub-sts. 14. Revs. T. Castelli and .P . Costa.


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(The Jesu its , M issouri Province and Diocesan Clergy) H is to r ic a l N o te s

The Diocese of Pafcna was erected by a Papal decree of September 10, 1919. The Diocese includes the whole of the form er Prefecture of Nepal, and th e eastern part of the Diocese of A llahabad lying to the South of th e Ganges, viz., all the districts of North and South Behar (except the two districts of Purneah and of the Santal Pargannahs), the whole of Nepal and a small strip of about 80 square miles in the Darjeeling district. Cafch. 6,312.

B is h o p

The Rt. Rev. Bernard J . Sullivan, S.J., consecrated at Patna, M arch 17,1929. Patna (Bankipur).

Superior-Regular.—V ery Rev. F r. P . J. Sontag, S.J., Bishop’s House, Bankipore.-

Clergy.—14 Fathers of the Society of JesuS and 6 Secular priests.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s


1; Irish Christian Brothers ... 92. Sisters of the I.B.Y.M. (Bavaria) ... 223. Do. of the Holy Cross (Switzerland) 244. Do. of St. Joseph ... ... 35. Indian Sisters of Sacred H eart ... 86. Sisters of Sc. Clara (Indian) ... 12

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

K u rji.—St. Michael’s High School Boarding and Day School, Irish C hristian Brothers (1864) : Rev. Br. Hoare. 155 pupils.

B ettiah .—High School, 43 boys : St. Francis X avier.Middle English School, 83 boys. Orphanages for boys,

P rim ary schools, 272.Choohari.-*'Middle English School, 182 boys (orphans 81^


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r G ir l s

Bankipore.—St. Joseph’s Convent. Boarding and D ay School: Sisters of th e I.B.Y.M. (1853): Rev. M other M edarda 301 pupils.

B e tt ia — St. Teresa’s Convent Day School. 182 girls.Choohari.— St. A gnes’ Middle English School. 109 girls

(orphans 87).

Or p h a n a g e s f o r G ir l s

B ankipore.—St. Joseph’s Orphanages for European and Anglo-Indian g i r l s : Sisters of the I.B.Y.M. (1854): 122 orphans.

St. Joseph’s Orphanage for Indian girls : Sisters of theI.B.V.M. (1854): 69 orphans.

B ettiah .—St. M ary’s Home (Fakirana). Orphanage and Industrial School for Indian girls and women : Sisters of the Holy Cross (1897): Inm ates 60.

Choohari.—Orphanage and Industria l School for Indian girls and Refuge for women : Sisters of the Holy Cross. Orphan girls 87, women 22.

The Mission has a P rin ting Press at B ettiah : “ The Catholic Mission Press ” .—M anager, Rev. Fr. H. Alban.

G a zetteer

Bankipur.—St. Joseph (1848): Rev. E. J . O’Leary, S,J.

B ettiah.—N ativity of th e B.V.M. (1745): Revs. A. Alban, R. Conway, S.J. and W. Marquard, S.J.

St. M ary’s Home (Fakirana) (1897): Yisited.

Bhagalpur.—The Im m aculate Conception (1779).- Rebuilt (1899). Revs. J. Creane, S .J .; F. I. Stoy, S .J .; A. S. P e ttit, S.J.

C hakni(Bagaha P.O., Champaran Dt.).—The Holy Family (1883): Rev. F. Ory, S.J.

Champattia (Champaran Dt.) (1905): Yisited.

Choohari (via Bettiah-Cham paran).—Assumption of theB.Y.M. (1769 ): Revs. Aug. Foster, S.J. and F. L. Frank, S.J.

PATNA i6 3

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164 p a t n A

Darbhanga.—Holy Rosary (1854): Visited.D inapore .—St. Stephen (1854): Rev. H. P. M ilet, S.J.Dossaya.—Bl. M other of th e Good Shepherd (1898).Ghyree (Victoria Mission P.O., Paharia , Champaran

Dist.).—Our Lady of V ictory (1924); Rev. G. P . M iller, S.J.Jamalpur.—St. Joseph (1886); Revs. W. J. Eline, S .J .;

H. P. W estropp, S .J .; J . A. K ilian, S.J.

Khagciul. — The Im m aculate Conception (1904): Visited.K u r ji .—Sacred H eart (1809): Rev. R. Mullen, S.J.

Lataunah (Daparka P.O., Bhagalpore Dt.).—Sacred H eart (1894) : Rev. John Baptist,

M orpa (Baraignia P.O., Muzaffarpur Dt.) (1907): Rev. L. Patrick.

M otihari.— St. Teresa of th e Child Jesus (1926): Rev. Joachim.

M uzaffarpur.—St. Francis of Assisi (1903): Visited.Patna .— The V isitation of the B.V.M. (1779): Visited.Ram pur (M ainatar P.O., Champaran Dt.).—St. Francis

X avier (1893): Rev. Anthony.Sam astipur— St. Fidelis of Sigmaringa (1892): Rev.

H. Doran.


Bishop ... ... ... ... 1Diocesan Priests ... ... ... 6Religious P riests ... ... ... 14

Total ... 21

Churches w ith Resident P riest ... 14Missions w ith Chapels ... ... 7

Total Churches ... 21

High schools for boys ... ... ... 2Boys ... ... ... ... 198

High School for g irls ... ... ... 1GirlB ... ... ... ... 265

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Elem entary schools ... ... 42Pupils ... ... ... 1,714

Religious women ... ... ... 69Do. men (not priests) ... .. 15

Orphanages ... ... ... 13Orphans ... ... ... ... 598

Total number of young people under Catholic care ... ... ... ... 2,322

Hospitals and dispensaries ... ... 6Homes for the aged ... ... ... 2

B aptism s: ( “ J « } ......................Converts ... ... ... ... 75Catechumens ... ... ... 201Marriages ... ... ... ... 64Deaths ... ... ... ... 145Catholic population ... ... ... 6,312


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(The J e su its , Belgian Province and Diocesan Clergy)

The Diocese is bounded on the N orth by the Diocese of Patna and Allahabad, on the East by the Archdiocese of Calcutta, on th e South by th e Archdiocese of C alcutta and the Diocese of Nagpur and on the W est by th e Dioceses of Nagpur and Allahabad.

B is h o p

The R t. Rev. L. Van Hoeck, S J., born at A ntw erp on A pril 17,1870; nominated first Bishop of P atna on July 20, 1920 ; cbnsecrated a t Ranchi by Archbishop, Meuleman, on March 9, 1921; transferred from P atna to the new ly-created See of Ranchi by Bull of February 15, 1928; and enthroned at Ranchi on June 30,1928.

R esidence: St. A lbert's Sem inary , K arbala Tank Road , Ranchi.

E p is c o p a l C u r ia

Vicar-General.—Very Rev. J. Van Lemberghe, S.J.

Secretary.—Rev. G. M artin.Consultors.— Very Revs. M. Veys, S.J. and J. Van

Lemberghe, S J. ; Revs. P . Bossaers, S .J .; L. Lief mans, S .J .;B. Lonneux, S.J .; W. Hodge.

R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s

Society o f Jesus.—Superior-Regular of th e Mission : V ery Rev. M. Vays, S.J., 32, P ark Street, Calcutta.

Daughters o f the Cross o f Liege.—Convents at Kesramal and Gaibira.

Ursuline Nuns o f Thildonck (Belgium).—Provincial Superior: Rev. Mother M. Antonia. Convents at Ranchi, K hunti, Noatoli, R engarih and Tongo.

Daughters o f St. Anne (Indian Nuns).—M other House at Ranchi. Convents at H am irpur, G inabahar, K arra, Torpa, Lachragarh , Mandar, Dighia, Kurdeg, K atkahi, M ahuadanr, Noadih and Samtoli.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

Ranchi (under the Society of Jesus).—St. John Berch- mans’ H igh School, affiliated to the Patna U niversity : Rev.B. Lonneux, S.J., R ector; Rev. 0 . Sevrin, S.J., P rincipal; Revs. J. Bakker, S.J. ; J. S taquet, S.J.; G. Turkenburg, S.J. ; J. Milanes, S .J.; L. Andries, S.J. ; C. Clump, S .J .; P . Shanti, S .J.; M. Topno, S .J.; S. Barla, S.J.

Guru Training S c h o o l : Rev. J . Gilles, S.J., Director.St. A loysius' Apostolic School for boys aspiring to the

priesthood.—Director : Rev. G. Turkenburg, S.J.S t. A lbert's Sem inary (K arbala Tank Road).—Director :

V ery Rev. J . Van Lemberghe, S.J. ; Professors: Revs. T. Heyrm an, S .J .; R. Tanghe, S .J .; A. W aterkeyn , S .J .; R. Vander Abeele, S.J.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

To each Convent is attached a Boarding School for girls.

G a zetteer

I. RANCHI DISTRICTRanchi.— M anresa H ouse: Rev. B. J . Lonneux, S.J.,

R ecto r; Revs. R. Vermassen, S .J .; J. Fallon, S .J . ; L. Lettens, S .J .; A. Grignard, S .J .; A. Van Emelen, S.J. ; F. Peal, S.J.; J . Goubert, S .J .; L. Lief mans, S .J .; C. Lievens, S .J .; J. Gilles, S .J .; A. V erhoustraeten, S.J.

Ranchi Parish.—Revs. C. Vandendriessche, S .J .; J. K er- ketta , S .J .; A. Lievens, S.J.

D ighia (Bero P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. J . Bertrand, s.J. and P . Xalxo.

M andar (Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. C. Bleses, S.J. and J. Soeiien, S.J.

II . G ANGPUR DISTRICT Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. H. Floor, s .J .Gaibira (Sundargarh P.O. via Jharsuguda, B.N. Ry.).—

V ery Rev. H. Floor, S.J.; R evs.L . Dejardin, S.J. and A. Lalle- mand, S.J.

H am irpur (Panposh P.O., B.N. Ry.).—Revs. L. Fischer, S .J .; M. Dufour, S.J., P . Mesaric, S.J.


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Jhunm ur (M anipahar P.O. via Panposh, B-N. Ry.).— Revs. V. Gheysens, S.J. and A. Boone, s.J.

Kesram ai (Raj Gangpur P.O., B.N. Ry.).—Revs. A. G eeraert, S .J.; Notte, S .J.; R. Minj.

I I I . JA SH PU R DISTRICTVicar F orane : Very Rev. A. Bossaers, S.J.Gholeng (Jashpur P.O. v ia Gumla, Ranchi Dt.).—V ery

Rev. A. Bossaers, S .J.; Revs. P . Claeskens, S.J. and J. E kka.Ambakona (c/o Noadih, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dfc.).—

Rev. A. Demonceau, S.J.Ginabahur (N arainpur P.O , Jashpur via Gumla).—Revs.

J. Delvaux, s J.; C. Timmerman, S.J. ; F. Dwelshauvers, S.J.M usgutri (Bagicha P.O., Jashpur via Gumla).—Rev. P.

d ’Alcantara» S.J.Tapkara (Jashpur via Gumla, Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. H .

Gallagher, S.J. and N. Munzni.IV . K H U N TI DISTRICT

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. J. De Berraly, S.J.K hunti Ranchi Dt«).—Revs. P . Vanden Bossche, S .J.;

A. Trussart, S.J.; E . Topno.K arra (Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. H. G rignard, S.J. and J.

Petersen, S.J.Sarwada (Murhu P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. E. Horny,

8.J. and S. M athias.Torpa (Ranchi Dt.).—V ery Rev. J. De Berraly, S .J.; Revs.

J, Hora and J. Tigga.V. NOATOLI DISTRICT

Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. F . Bodson, S.J.

Noatoli (Basia P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—V ery Rev. F. Bodson, S .J . ; Revs. V. Christophe, S .J . ; L. Van Buynder, S.J. ; P . Schill, S J.

Lachragarh (Lachragarh P.O., Ranchi Dt,).—Revs. J. Verwaesfc, S.J., D. B arla and P. Zongari.

Soso (Gumla P.O., Ranohi Dt.).—Revs. C. Breataudeau,S.J. and J. M erckx, S.J

Gangutoli (cfx> Lachragarh).—Revs, C. Benne, S.J. and J. Van Gerven, S.J,

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V I. REN G A RIH DISTRICTVicar Forane : V ery Rev. A. Suys, S.J.Rengarih (Simdega P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Very Rev. A.

Suys, S.J. ; Revs. F . Legrand, S.J. and H. Turkelboom, S.J.

Kurdeg (Kinkel P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. C. Van Hecke,S.J., W . Hodge and M. Minj.

Sam toli (Simdega P.O.. Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. L. Cardon,S.J. ; L. Navez, S.J. ; S. Tigga.

V II. TONGO DISTRICTV icar Forane : V ery Rev. E. Jaivenois, S.J.

Tongo (Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Very Rev. E. Ja i­venois, S.J. ; Revs. J. Ford, S.J. ; S. Carbery, S.J. ; S. Chacho.

Bemerla (Bishunpur P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Rev. L. De Keyser, S.J.

K atkah i (Chainpur P .O , Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. P . De Jaegher, S.J. ; J. De Duve, S.J. ; H . Dilles, S.J. ; E. Campion.

Mahuadand ( Mahuadand P.O. via Daltonganj, Palam au Dt.).—Revs. J. Bressers, S.J. ; A. Heptia, S.J. ; J. Huysman,S.J.

M ajhatoli (Raidih P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. G. Andries,S.J. and T. W hyte.

Noadih (Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt.).—Revs. C. Van- houtte, S.J., R. Beatore and S. Arlandoo.'

RECAPITULATIONBishop ... 1Secular P riests ... 20Priests of Religious Orders 88Churches w ith Resident Priests ... 30Baptisms ... 15,709Catholic population ... 269,724

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PR E F E C T U R E APOSTOLIC OF ASSAMThe Salesians o f Don Bosco (T urin , Ita ly )

The Prefecture comprises th e Provinces of Assam, Bhutan and Manipur. I t is bounded on th e N orth by Tibet, on the East by the V icariate of Northern Burma, on the South by the Dioceses of Chittagong, Dacca and K rishnagar and on the W est by th e D istrict of Darjeeling and the Diocese of Dinajpur. Cath. 11,292.

C lergy an d A u x ilia r ie sThe R ight Rev. Mgr. L. M athias, S.C., D.D., Prefect

Apostolic of Assam, and Provincial of the Salesian Fathers.Residence: Shillong.Clergy.—26 Priests of the Salesian Congregation.Communities.—10 Irish Christian Brothers. 20 Salesian

Brothers, 24 Salesian Clerics, 12 Salesian Novices, 10 Loreto nuns of the In stitu te of th e B.V.M. from R athfarnham , 22 Sisters of N. D. des Missions, 8 Daughters of Our Lady, Help of Christians.

I n s t itu t io n s(1) Shillong . —Our Lady’s House—Salesian N ovitiate and

Sem inary : Director, Rev. F. S. Ferrando, S.C.

St. Edmund’s College Boarding and Day School under the m anagement of the Irish Christian Brothers : Rev. Brother McCann, Principal.

Loreto Convent Boarding and Day School under the m anagem ent of the Loreto nuns : Rev. M other M. Dorothea Coyle, Superioress.

St. A nthony’s Middle English School and Orphanage for Indian boys under the m anagement of the Salesians of Don Bosco : Rev. C. Vendrame, S.C.

Don Bosco Industrial School under the m anagem ent of th e Salesians of Don Bosco.

St. M ary’s Middle English School and Orphanage, Boarding and Day School under the m anagem ent of the Sisters of N. D. des Missions: Rev. M other M issions: Dionysius, Prioress.

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Shillong.—St. A nne’s Workroom and free Hostel for grown-up Khasi girls.

St. V incent’s Home and Dispensaries.(2) Jawai.—M azzarello’s House for girls. W eaving and

Workroom under the Salesian Nuns :iR ev. Mother I . Vallino, Superioress.

(3) Raliang .—Don Bosco Orphanage for boys : Director, Rev, F r. J. M azzetti.

St. Francis X avier’s Convent, P rim ary School and Orphanage. Under the Sisters of N. D. des M. Rev. Mother DeSales, Prioress.

St. V incent’s Home and Dispensary.St. Anne’s Workroom.

(4) Gauhati.—Our Lady’s Orphanage for boys: Rev. Frs. L. Piasecki, S.C., F. Marmol, M. Ayuso, S.C. and five Brothers.

M aria Mazzdrello’s Convent under the Salesian Nuns : Rev. Mother M. Avio, Superioress.

Orphanage for girls : W eaving and Workroom.(5) Jowai — L ittle Flow er C h ap e l: Rev. Fr. E, Tome, S.C.

G a ze tteerI. District of Shillong (Khasi H ills).—Shillong—

S h illo n g — Cath. 2,640. Church of the Divine Saviour ;Parish Priest, Rev. F r. C. Vendrame, S.C.

II. D istric t o f C herrapunjee— Church') p , Rof the Sacred H eart : F r G. Roussell, *

Laitkynsew — Church of SS. P eter Iand P au l: -> ^

III . District; of Raliang (Jowai P.O.-, K. and J. Hills).— Raliang—

Raliang (Cath. 546).—Church of the Im m aculate Con­ception : Rev. Fr. J. M azzetti, S.C.

IV . District of Jowai (Khasi Hills).—Cath. 948. Rev. F r. E. Tome, S.C.

Nongbah.-Ca.th. ) These stations are served from Lam in.—Cath. j Raliang.

V. Districts of G auhati and Dibrugarh.—Head stations : G auhati and Dibrugarh—

Gauhati-D ibrugarh.—Cath. 5,988. Catechumens 1,080. G auhati, Church of St. Joseph : Rev. F r. L. Piasecki, s.c.

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Pr e f e c t u r e a p Os To Lîc of* sikkuvi(M issions Etrangères o f P a ris)

The Padong Mission was founded in 1883, by Fr. Des- godius, Pro-V icar of Tibet, w ith two other missionaries. Trying to find a w ay to Tibet, they travelled nearly through all the borders of Tibet and Bhutan to get a footing for the headquarters of a new mission. F r. Desgodidius chose Padong as th e best place, situated as it is on the H igh Road from India to Lhassa, at the gate of Tibet. Cath. 823. The population is estimated at 390,000.

Prefect A postolic : R t. Rev. Mgr. Jules Douenel. R e l ig io u s C o m m u n it ie s a n d I n s t it u t io n s

The S isters o f S t. Joseph o f Cluny at Kalimpong.Convent schools at Kalimpong (Senior Cambridge re ­

organised by th e Educational Department).Or p h a n a g e s

One at Padong, one at M aria Basti for boys only.Sc h o o l s

Seven for boys and one for girls. One M. E. School for boys. Rt. Rev. J . Douenel, Superior. One Tibetan School and two n ight schools.

G azetteerKalimpong P.O.—Cath. 75. R t. Rev. Jules Douenel,

Superior ; Revs. F. Monnier and F. G ratuze.M aria-B asti (Padong P.O.).—Cath. 321. Rev. J. M.

H ervagault ; Asst., Rev. Benjamin Ptolke.Padong P.O.—Cath. 202. Rev. L. Durel.

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(The Oblates o f M ary Immaculate)

Suffragan Sees : Galle, Jaffna, Kandy and Trincoraalee.H is to r ic a l N o tes

The Archdiocese of Colombo is bounded on the North by the Northern and North Central Provinces, on the East by th e Central and Sabaragam uwa Provinces, on the South by the Sabaragam uwa and Southern Provinces and on the W est by the sea. Cath. 275,441.

(Sede Vacante.)The V ery Rev. Fr. L. G. Griaux, O.M .I., Vicar C apitular,

The Adm inistrator of th e Archdiocese of Colombo.Chancellor.— V ery Rev. E. Nicholas, PH.D.Fiscal Advocate .— Very Rev. E. Sergent, o .M ,I.

Consultors.—Very Revs. E. Nicholas, O.M.I.; E. Sergent, O.M.I.; Th. Gugliclmi, O.M.I.; Ph. Coumoul, O.M.I.; M. LeGoc, O.M.I.; P. M. Alies, O.M.I.

D efensor-V inculi.—V ery Rev. E. Sergent, O.M.I.

Procurator-General.—Rev. J. A. Majorel, O.M I.

Clergy.—137 missionaries, consisting of (a) 108 Oblate Fathers, of whom 39 are Ceylonese P riests, and (b) 29 Secu­lar Priests, of whom 1 is European and 2S Ceylonese.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Oblates of Mary Im m aculate, 108 Priests and 10 Lay Brothers : Very Rev. P. Marque, O.M.I., Vicar of Missions, Residence : St. Francis X avier 's House, Bambalapitiya.

B rothers o f the Christian Schools.—60 Brothers. 40 Junior Novices and Novices. Rev. Bro. Camillus, Visitor, St. Joseph’s Novitiate, M utwal, Colombo.

Eleven M arist Brothers in charge of “ Maris Stella ” College, Negambo.


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The Ceylonese Franciscan Brothers (1892) : 36 Brothers employed in teaching and supervising the Orphanage and Industrial Schools, Maggona, and the Schools at W ennapuwa, Maggona, Chilaw, K atuw apitiya and Bolawalana.

Nuns of th e Good Shepherd : School and Orphanage at Kotahena. Several Schools at Colombo: Nuns 55.

Nuns of th e Holy Fam ily at K urunegala, W ennapuwa and Bambalapitiya, besides Hospital work : Nuns 42.

L ittle Sisters of the Poor at Colombo (1888) : Nuns 18. Rev. Mother Herminie.

Franciscan Nuns. Missionaries of M ary, School and Orphanage a t M oratuwa, General Hospital at Colombo. In ­dustrial School at Borella and Leper Asylum at Hendela. 115 Nuns.

Ceylonese Nuns of St, Francis X avier, under the direc­tion of the Nuns of the Good Shepherd, 206. 36 V ernacular Schools, 6,945 pupils. Rev. M other Mary of St. Solange, Superior.

Ceylonese Nuns of the Im m aculate Conception, affiliated to the congregation of the Nuns of the Holy Fam ily. Nuns 205. 38 V ernacular schools w ith 5,600 pupils. Provincial, Superioress Rev. M other Marie of St. Praxede.

Nuns of Our Lady of Good Help, Tuberculosis Hospital at Ragama ; Nuns 7. Patients 376.

E d u c a t io n a.l I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r B o y s

Borella.—Sem inary—See special lis1'.Colombo— St. Joseph’s College, Oblates of Mary Im m acu­

late (M arch 2, 1898), prepare students for the Cambridge Examination and the London U niversity Degrees. 1,376 pupils, 170 boarders. Rector, Rev. M. J. LeGoc, O.M .I., PH .D ., M.A., B.SC., P refect of Studies; Rev. J. B. Gregory, O.M .I.; Prefects, Rev. D. J. Antony, O.M.I. ; Francis Perera ; A lfred N anayakkara, O.M.I. B ursar: A. Serru, O .M .I.; M anager of the Elem. School, P . Monnier, O.M.I. Professors : Revs. Y. M. Lejeune, O.M.I., M.A. ; J. M. Lanigan, O.M .I. ; A. N anayakkara, O.M .I.; G. Jos. Perera, O.M.I. ; W . Burns, O.M.I., B.A. ; Francis Perera and J. B. Gregory, O.M.I., Prefect of Games ; Rev. E. Morel, O.M.I.


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W ellewatte.—St. P eter’s College : Principal, Rev. D. J, N. Perera, O.M.I., M.A. (in Education), B.Sc. Professors : Revs. Gregory Gunaw ardena, O.M.I., Hugo Fernando and. 26 Lay Teachers, 709 pupils.

Colombo.—St. Benedict’s College (1868). Principal, Rev. Br. Claude. 20 Brothers, 50 lay teachers, 1,315 pupils, 100 boarders. Prepares for the Cambridge and London University Examinations. Commercial D epartm ent preparing for the London and Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Examinations.

Grand Pass (Colombo).—St. Joseph’s English School, 293 pupils.

M utwal (Colombo).—De la Salle School, 380 pupils.Pettah (Colombo).—St. M ary’s English School, 350 pupils.Negombo.—“ M aris S te l la ” College: Marist Brothers.

Rev. Bro. Antony. 612 pupils.M oratuwa.—St. Sebastian’s College : Principal, Rev. Br.

Bonaventure. Prepares for the Cambridge Exam inations ; Boarders adm itted. 450 pupils.

Chilaw.—Boys’ English School, 171 pupils.K a lu ta ra — The Holy Cross Collegiate School: Rev. C. V .

Cross, O.M.I. 725 pupils.Also English Schools for boys: Hultsdrop, pupils 385 ;

Puttalam , pupils 154 ; Maggona, pupils 147; K urunegala, pupils 159 ; Kandane, pupils 289.

Maggona.—St. V incent’s Hom e: Director, Rev. J. M. Masson, O .M .I.; Sub-Director, Rev. Edmund Peries, O.M.I., assisted by European Lay Brothers, O.M.I., and the Ceylonese Brothers of St. Francis. The Home comprises the following institutions :—

(1) Boys’ Orphanage, 103 boys.(2) Sinhalese school.(3) Boys’ Reformatory registered by the Ceylon Gov­

ernm ent as “ Certified Industrial School,” for the detention of juvenile offenders, under the provisions of Ordinance I of 1896. 260 boys.

(4) Industrial School.—Printing, Binding, Iron-w ork, Masonry, Carpentry, Tailoring and Gardening are taught separately to the boys of the Orphanage and those of the Reformatory,


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(5) Normal School for the train ing of Sinhalese school­m asters, 36 pupils.

(6) The “ Home " is the Mother House of the Ceylonese Order of the Franciscan Brothers.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G i r l s

Cinnamon Gardens (Colombo.—St. Bridget’s School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd. 398 pupils. Boarders 73. Rev. Mother M ary of the Anunciation.

Kotahena (Colombo).—Sacred H eart High School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd Boarding and Day School. English, V ernacular and Industrial School. 912 pupils. Boarders 75. Rev. Mother M ary of the Im m aculate Conception.

Bam balapitiya (Colombo).—Holy Fam ily School : Nuns of the Holy Fam ily. 751 pupils.

Borella (Colombo).—The Sacred H eart School : Nuns of th e Good Shepherd. 173 pupils.

Demetagada.—High School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd. 240 pupils.

Negombo.—English School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd. 342 pupils.

Kurunegala.—Holy Fam ily High School : Nuns of the Holy Fam ily. Day, Boarding English School. V ernacular and Industrial Schools. 410 pupils.

M oratuwa.—School of Our Lady of Victories. Ind. School : Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Day, Boarding and V ern. Schools. 330 pupils.

Chilaw.—Convent English School ; Nuns of th e Holy Fam ily. 132 pupils.

Also English schools for girls at Grand Pass, pupils 233, Hultsdrop, pupils 385 ; Lock Gate, pupils 47 ; K alutara, pupils 223 ; Puttalam , pupils 46 ; Dehiwala, pupils 225 ; M utwal, pupils 146.

Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

K otahena— Orphanage for girls : Nuns of the Good Shepherd. 80 girls.

M oratuwa .—Orphanage for girls : Franciscan Nuns, Miss, of Mary. 227 girls.


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Negombo — Orphanage for girls : Nuns of the Good Shep­herd. 103 girls.

Wennapuwa.—Orphanage for girls : Sisters of the Holy- Fam ily. 23 pupils.

Kurunegala.—Orphanage for girls : Nuns of the Holy Fam ily. 50 girls.

Kalamulla.—Orphanage for girls : Sinhalese Nuns of St. Francis Xavier. 12 girls.

Convent of Our Lady and St. Anthony, K anatta Road, Colombo: Franciscan Nuns, Miss, of Mary. Poor Children are taught needle-work and other industrial pursuits, 16 Nuns, 200 pupils. Rev. Mother Carla Elena.

Suduwella .—Home for the aged (1818) at Colombo : 18 L ittle Sisters of th e Poor. Rev. M other Herminie. 206 inmates.

H ospitals.—The Nursing Departm ent in the General Hospital, Colombo, has been entrusted by th e Ceylon G overn­ment to the Franciscan Nuns, Miss, of M ary. 66 European Nuns are employed in th is work. The Government Hospital, Kurunegala, is likewise supplied w ith Nursing of the Sisters. Nuns of the Holy Fam ily. 12 European Sisters are employed in th is work.

Catholic Press.—The mission possesses a printing estab­lishm ent in which besides religious work in English and Sinhalese, two sem i-weekly newspapers are printed, viz., the Ceylon Catholic Messenger in English and the Nanaratha Pradipaya in Sinhalese, and a monthly Magazine called the “ Messenger o f the Sacred H eart fo r Ceylon.” Manager, Rev. D. J. W illiam , O.M .i. Editor, Rev. J . M. Lanigan, O.M.I., for the English newspaper.

G a zetteer


Avissawella.—Cath. 855. Rev. J. F. Gunawardana.Bambalapitiya (Colombo).—Cath. 2,851. Rev. P. M.

Gueguen, O.M.I,

Borella.—Archbishop’s House. Superior, Rt, Rev. Mgr.G. Griaux, O.M.I., V. Ca p i t . ; Very Rev. F r. Th. Guglielmi, O.M.I. ; Rev. J. Majorel, O.M.I., Procurator; Rev. Charuel, O .M .I, Asst. Procr. ; Rev. D. J. W illiam, O.M.I., M anager of



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th e C. P ress; Rev. U. John Fernando, Chaplain of Hospitals and P riso n s ; Rev. Felician Fernando, O.M.I., Private S ec re ta ry ; Rev. J . B. M eary, O.M.I., M anager of Schools ; Rev. J. M. Souhait, O.M.I.

Borella (Colombo).—Cath. 4,852. Rev. A. M. B. Jaya- manne, O.M.I.

Colombo.—Cathedral Church of St. Lucia, Sub-stations ; Our Lady of Dolours, St. M ary and St. Anthony. Cuth. 18,200. R e v .J . M illiner, O.M.i., P .P ., Superior; Revs. J . Perera, O .M .I.; P . Selmer, O .M J.,; Cajetan Fernandopulle ; M arcelline Jayakody, O.M I . ; J. M. Kerboul, O M .i . ; M. Barbrel, O.M.I.

Dalugama (Kelaniya P.O.).—Cath. 5,052. Rev. L. M. Y. Thomas, O.M.i.

Dehivoala.—Cath. 1,873. Rev. J. T. de Silva, Mis. Ap.Grand Pass (Colombo).—Cath. 2,787. Rev. F r. F . Euze,

O.M.i.Hanwella.—Cath. 3,303. Revs. P. P eter Fernando, O.M.I.

and F. H ilaris.Kandane.—Cath. 4,991. Revs. E. Romuald Fernando,

O.M.i. and Rodrigo, O.M.I.

K irim etiagara (K adaw ata P.O.).—Cath. 4,186. Rev. J. B. DeSampayo, Mis. Ap.

K otte — Sub-stations: Talangama and Nugegoda. Cath. 709. Rev. W . Z. Dabrera, O.M.I.

M idellew itta (Jaela P.O.).—Cath. 3,177. Rev. M. J. P. A b a y a r a tn a .

Moratuwa.—-Cath. 13,900. Revs. J. Mazoyer, O .M .I.;H. D. M arcellus, O .M .I.; J. Zeiter, O .M .I.; - A. Yenveux, O .M .i.’

Mutwal (Colombo) (St. James).—Rev. H. Devise, O.M.i. Cath. 3,988.

Mutwal (Colombo) (St. John the Baptist).—Revs. J. M. Legathu, O .M .I.; T. Laboure, O.M.I. S ub-stn .: M attakuliya. Cath. 3,624.

Mutwal (Colombo) (St. Andrew).—Rev. V. Jaouen, O.M.i. Cath. 2,813.

Nagoda (Kandane P.O.).—Cath. 4,530, Revs, C. Colloree, 0,M.l. and T. Don John, O.M.i,


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Ragama (Ragama P.O.).—Oath. 2,300. Rev. Fr. C. Colloree, O.M.I.

New Bazaar (Colombo).—Sub-stn.: Lock Gate. Cath. 1,950. Rev. A. E. Abewickreme.

Pamunugama — Cath. 8,193. Revs. M. G unasekera,O.M.I. and J . L. F. Fernando.

Pettah (Colombo).—Sub-sts.: St. Anne and St. Mary. Cath. 1,750. Rev. F r. J. Tanter, O.M.i.

Slave Island (Colombo).—Cath. 2,700. Rev. Basil Fonseka.

Tarala (Pugoda P.O.).—Cath. 1,592. Rev. P. Don Peter, Mis. Ap.

Tudella (Jaela P.O.).—Cath. 9,320. Revs. J. Montagnon, O M.l. and Roland Perera.

Veyangoda.— Cath. 1,054. Rev. Stephen Aloysius.

W attala.—Cath. 7,809. Revs. C. Croctaine, O.M.I. ; L. P. Guiraud, O .M .I.; M. Herel, O.M.I.

W eigam pitiya (Jaela P.O.).—Cath. 4,332. Rev. J. A loy­sius Fernando.

W eliveriya (Gampha P.O.).—Cath. 3,859. Rev. D. J. Dominic, O.M.I.

W eliw itta (Kaduwela P.O ).—Nawagamuwa. Cath. 1,335. Rev. M. A. Julien, O.M.I.


K alutara — Cath. 5,312. Rev. Frs. W. Figurado, O.M.I. and C. V. Croos, O.M.I.

Maggona.—Cath. 4,161. Rev. J. Jamoays, O.M.I. St. V i n ­c e n t ’s Orphanage : Revs. J. M. Masson, O.M.I. and Edmund Peries, O.M.I.

B eruw nla— Cath. 1,950. Rev. J. Aloy. Perera, O.M.I.

Matugama.—Cath. 2,543. Rev. Michael Perera.Paiyagala.—Sub-stations : Cath. 3,071. Rev. A. H arm ant,

O.M.I.Wadduwa — Cath. 2.065. Rev. F r. Don W . Benedict.


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Bolawalana (Negombo P.O.).—Cath. 8,217. Revs. J . Tabart, O .M .i.; G uillaum e, O .M .I .; M artin Fernando.

B urulapitiya (M inuwangoda P.O.).—Cath. 4,115. Rev.E. Peyron, O.M.i.

Duwa (Pitipane P.O.).—C ath. 6,248. Revs. T. Don Joseph, O.M.I. and P. J. B, H erat, O.M .I.

Halpe (K atana P.O.).—Cath. 8,428. Revs. J. Paris, O.M.I. and G. M. J. Alponso.

Kandawala (K atana P.O.).—Cath. 3,740. Rev. P . B. Peries, O.M.I.

K atunayaka .—Cath. 4,782. Rev. A. P . Davy, O.M.I.

Negombo Grand Street.—C ath. 6,689, V ery Rev. P. M. Alles, O .M .I., P .P ., and Superior, Rev. V. W eerakkody, O .M .I.; Rev. Victor L. Fernando.

Negombo Sea Street.—Cath. 5,948. Ravs G. Guesnon, O.M.I. and Fabian Fernando, O .M .i.

Palagaturai (K attuw a P.O.).—Cath. 4,052. Rev. H. G. Mauss, O.M.I.

Pallansena (Kochekadde P.O.).—Cath. 3,292. Rev. J . Francis Fernando, O.M.I.

Toppu (Kochikadde P.O.).—Cath. 4,475. Rev. P. Jos. Fernando, O.M.I.


Bolawatta (W aikkal P.O.).—Cath. 3,.R59. Rev. P . Boulic, O.M.I.

Borlassa (Lunuw ila P.O.).—Cath. 2,836. Rev. C. J. Reymanu, O.M.I.

Chilaw.—Cath. 8,268. Revs. Theodore de Silva, O .M .I .;F. Riou, O .M .I .; F. Robert Fernando, O .M .i.

Haldanduwana.—Cath. 2,143. Rev. P. Germain Fernando.Karukupone (R ajakadaluw a P.O.).—Cath. 1,425. Rev. J.

Santiago.K atuneriga (W ennapuw a P.O.).—Cath. 5,417. Rev. P .

R igollet, O.M.I.


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M arawila.—Cath. 6,454. Rev. J . M. Melga, O.M.i.

M attacottuwa (Madampe ?P.O.).—Cath. 4,238. Rev. Andrew Fernando, O.M.I.

Madampe.—Cath, 1,095. Rev. R. D. Charles.Nainamadama (W ennappuwa P.O.).—Cath. 3,775. Rev.

F. Bougarel, O.M.i.

N attandiya .—Cath. 2,157. Rev. F. A ubert, O.M.I.W aikkal (W aikkal P.O.).—Cath. 4,012, Rev. Sebastian

Fernando, O.M.I.Wennapuwa — Cath. 7,566. Revs. N. H. Lefrere, O .M .I.;

F. Agaccio, O.M .I.; S. M anka, O.M.i.

K U RU N EG A LA DISTRICTK uliyap itiya (Dandagamuva P.O.).—Cath. 3,724. Rev.

E. Comes, O.M.I.

Kurunegala Town.—Cath. 1,828. Revs. F. L. Breton, O.M.I. and F. Goury, O.M.i.

Kurunegala Out-stations (K urunegala P.O.).—Cath, 1,500. Rev. H. Hueber, O.M.i.

Nalawalana (P annala P.O.).—Cath. 3,005. Rev. Chas. M. Fernando.

PUTT ALAM DISTRICTK a lp en tyn — Cath. 1,048. Rev. J .R . Fernando, O.M.I.K attakadu (Mundel P.O.).—Cath. 1,341. Rev. Don

M athias.Puttalam .—Cath. 1,645. Rev. H ilaris Tissera.Talavillu S t. Anne's (E tala P.O.).—Adm inistrator, Rev.

J. R. Fernando, O.M.I.

Tettapalai (M ampury P.O.).—Cath. 1,432. Rev. A. Fendenheim , O.M.I.

R EC A PITU LA TIO N Archbishop ... ... ... 1

Secular P riests .. ... ... 29Religious Priests ... ... ... 108

Total ... 137

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Churches w ith Resident P riests ... 67Localities w ith Churches or Chapels ... 292

Chapels ... ... ... 36Sem inarians (in big and small semi.) ... 112Religious women ... ... ... 615

Do. men ... ... .. 98Colleges and High schools for boys ... * 6

Boys ... ... ... ... * 5,008Colleges and H igh schools for girls ... * 6Students ... ... ... *2,959E lem entary schools .... ... * 35

P u p ils ... ... ... ... *3,452Orphanages ... ... ... 8

Orphans ... ... ... 791Industrial schools ... ... ... 8

Students ... ... ... 818Hospitals and dispensaries ... ... 5Home for the aged ... ... ... 1Tj .. CInfants, 10,1607 ...Baptism s: | AdultSj 1>736j - ... 11,896M arriages ... ... ... 2,493Catholic population ... ... 275,44]

* English only.


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The Diocese of Jaifna comprises the N orthern and the N orth Central Province (the Tam ankaduwa division ex­cluded). The area is 6,500 square miles, w ith a population of about half a million.

B is h o p

The R ight Rev. John Alfred Guyomar, O.M.I., born, 1884 ; nominated Bishop of Jaffna on January 21, 1924 ; consecrated on M arch 9, 1924.

Vicar-General.—Very Rev. F. M. Bizien, O.M.I.Councillors.—V ery Rev. P . Francis, O .M .i.; C. Boury,

O.M .I.; L. Cuitot, O.M .L; H. V eyret, O .M .I.; K. Sebastian, Mis. Ap.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s

The Brothers of St. Joseph.—N ovitiate at Colombogam. Schools a t Jaffna, ¿ a y ts , M annar and Ilavali. Religious 43. Director, Bro. Philip , S.J., Ilavalai.

The Sisters of th e Holy Fam ily of Bordeaux a t Jaffna : Superior, Rev. M other St. Praxede. Number 21.

Sisters of the H ely Fam ily.—N ovitiates at Iva la i, Schools at Ilavalai, Jaffna, Sillalai, M athagai, M annar, K ayts, Point Pedro, A nuradhapura, N aranthanai, Caramban and Passayoor. Number of Religious 87. Superior, Rev. M other Theophile, Ilavalai, Pandateruppu.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s

Jaffna .—Preparatory Sem inary—see special list.St. Patrick ’s College, 703 studen ts: V ery Rev. C.

M atthew s, O.M.I., R ector; Revs. Chovan, O .M .I.; N. Joseph,O.M,l., B ursar; B. A. John, O.M.L; E. Collin, O.M.I.; T. Long,O.M.I., B.A.; A. Brown, O.M.I., B. A .; W . Jesuthasam , O .M .I.;F . Sorel, O .M .I.; Bro. Y. P rigent, O.M.I., Asst. Bursar. Lay Teachers 30.

St. P a trick ’s Boarding School for Catholic boarders and the Students’ Home for Hindu boarders a tta c h e d : 240 boarders.


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Jaffna .—English and Boarding School : Sisters of the Holy- Fam ily cf Bordeaux. Rev. M other Victorine, Superioress, 1,215 pupils. Training School, pupils 32.

Colombogam.—St. Joseph’s Industrial School, pupils 113 : Director, Rev. Soosaithasar N alliah, O.M.i.; Rev. S, Asirva- tham , O.M.I.; Br J . A ndrzejewski, O.M.I.

Jaffna .—The Industria l School : Sisters of the Holy Fam ily , pupils 97. Orphanage, orphans 70. Superior, the Rev. M other Victorine. G irls’ Training School, pupils 11. G irls’ English School, pupils 275.

Anuradhapura .—The Industrial School: Sisters of the Holy Fam ily, pupils 50. Superior, th e Rev. M other Theophane. Apura Orphanage, orphans 33.

O t h e r I n s t i t u t i o n s

Anuradhapura.—St. Joseph’s Catholic Club and Reading Room : V ery Rev. P. M. Francis, O.M.I., President.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Press and the Office of the Jaffna Catholic Guardian : Rev. Ch. Beaud, O.M I., Manager.

G a zetteer


D elft and Islands.—Oath. 1,923. Churches, Chapels 7. Rev. R. M artin, O.M.i.

Ilava lay (Pandattaruppu, Ceylon).—Cath. 3,262, Church­es, Chapels 9. Novitiate of the Sisters of St. Peter. Revs. J. B. Poulain, O.M.I., P.P. and L. Augustine, O.M.I.

Jaffna.—89° 13' Long. E., Lat. 9° 45' N. Bishop’s House, St. Charles’ (Jaffna). Rt. Rev. Fr. F. M. Bizien, O.M.I., Superior ; Revs. A. Jeandel, O.M.I.; A. Larnaudie, O.M.I.; F. G autier, O M i.; C. A. Boury, O.M.i.; E. Olive, O.M.I.; L. Guitot, O.M.I.; N. Pereira, O.M.I.; and Lay Brother, Rev.E. G roussiult, O.M.I.

Cathedral Church of St M ary : Rev. H. Perrussel,O.M.I., B. Peter, O.M.I. and S. Francis X avier. Cath. 6,871. Churches and Chapels 5.

St. James : Revs. P. Francis, O.M.I., P. P. and J . Brohan, O.M.I., Asst. Cath. 2,066.

Our Lady of Refuge : Cath. 1.642, Rev. J . X avier,O.M.I.j P .P .

184 JA F F N A

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K a y ts .—Cath. 3,556. Churches, Chapels 6. Rev. S. G. H ilary, O.M .i., P.P.

M urusuvil (Kodikamam P.O.).—Cath. 779. Churches, Chapels 10. Rev. L. Poologasingam.

M yle tty (Kangesanturai P.O.).—Cath. 1,334. Churches, Chapels 4. Rev. C. M argerit, O.M.I.

N ellofe.—Cath. 1,933. Churches 23. Revs. S. Gnana- pragasar, O.M.I. and B. Philip , O.M.i.

Chundically.—Cath. 609. Churches 5. Rev. B. A bra­ham.

Naranthanai (Kayts).—Cath. 2,632. Churches, Chapels4. Rev. K. Sebastian.

M andaitivu (Kayts).—Cath. 692. Churches 5. Rev. S. Anthony, O.M.I.

N avanturai.—Cath. 2,395. Churches, Chapels 7. Rev.E. Jenn, O.M.i.

Chunnagam — Cath. 716. C hurches?. Rev. S. A. Benja­min.

Passaiyoor (Jaffina P.O.).—Cath. 975. Churches 2. Rev. Fr. V. Deslandes, O.M.I.

Valim issam .—Cath. 866. Churches 7. Rev. E. V iard, O.M.I., P.P .

Patchilopali (Pallai P.O.).—Cath. 944. Churches, Chapels10. Rev. E. Destoge, O.M.i.

Point Pedro — Cath. 1,617. Churches, Chapels 8. Rev. A. Daurat, o .m .i .

V adiri (Caravaddi P.O.).—Cath. 989. Churches, Chapels 3. Rev. S. J. Alphonsus, O.M.I.

Sillalai.—Cath. 3,301. Churches, Chapels 7. Rev. H. Y eyret, O.M.I.

Tolegatty (P u ttu r P.O.).—Cath. 1,535. Churches, Cha­pels 7. Revs. N. Santiago, O.M.I. and A. Thomas, O.M.I.

M ANNAR DISTRICTAdamben (M annar P.O.).—Comprising the Pattus M antai,

North and South. Cath. 1,874. Churches, Chapels 18. Rev.H. Moreau, O.M.I.

M annar.—Cath. 2,768. Churches, Chapels 7. Rev. L. Rodrigo, O.M.I., Superior of the d is tr ic t; Asst,, Rev. J . B, Baron, O.M.I. ; Rev. P. James, O.M.I.

JA FFN A 185

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Murungan ( M annar P.O.).—Cath. 2,329. Churches, C ha­pels 16. Rev. F r. J. Francis, o .m .i .

Passai ai.—Cath. 999. Churches, Chapels 11. Rev. S. Stanislaus, o .m .i .

Talaimannar.—Cath. 746. Chapels 2. Rev. S. Stanislaus,O.M.I.

Vangalai (M annar P.O.).—Cath. 1,195. Churches 3. Rev. B. A. M arcellin, O.M.I.

A rippu (M annar P.O.).—Cath. 7S1. Churches 5. Rev. N. A. Benedict.

M adhu.—Cath. 56. Churches, Chapels 3. A dm inistrator, Rev. A. H uctin, O.M.I.

M ullaitivu —Cath. 1,537. Churches, Chapels 11. Revs.H. Le Coutour, O M.I. and J . B. Chauvel.

Nanattan.—‘Cath. 655. Churches 15. Rev. J. Veda- n a y a g a m , O.M.I.

NORTH CENTRAL PROVINCEAnuradhapura.—Cath. 1,11e-’. Chapels 5. Revs. S. Em ­

m anuel, O.M.I. and B. P. Bastiampillai, O.M.J. Asst.Vavunyai.—Cath. 792. Churches, Chapels 14. Rev. L.

Dessy, O.M.I., P.P .G irls’ School a t A nuradhapura : Sisters of th e Holy

Fam ily.Boys’ English School at A nuradhapura : Rev. B. P.

Bastiam pillai, O.M.I.


Bishop ... ... ... ... ... 1

l 8 é JAFFNA

Diocesan P riests ... ... ... ... 7P riests of Religious congregations ... ... 61

Total ... 68

Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 34Localities w ith Chapels ... ... ... 211

Total Churches ... 245

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Sem inarists :

JA F F N A h

In the G reat Sem inary • •• 21A t Rome 2In the Preparatory Seminary 27

Religious women ... . . . ... 108Do men (not priests) ... • •• 43

High School for boys , , , 1Boys • •• ... 703

High School for girls . . . 1Girls

E lem entary schools 11Pupils . . . ... 1,559

Orphanages . . . 3Orphans ... . . . ... 105

Industria l school 1Total number of young people under Catholic

care . . . ... 10,689r> S In f ants, 1,981) Baptism s. ¿ AdultSj 282i . . . ... 2,263Converts ... ... 282Catechumens • •• 92M arriages ... ... 552Catholic population ... 55,600

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d i o c è s e o f Ka n d y

(Benedictines o f the Congregation o f S t. S ilvester , Abbot)

The Diocese comprises th e Central and Uva Provinces of the Island of Ceylon. Cath. 32,780.

B is h o p

The R ight Rev. D. Bede Beekmeyer, D.D., O.S.B., born, October 11, 1873 ; elected on A pril 19,1912 ; and consecrated on June 30 of the same year. Residence : Kandy.

Vicar-G eneral.—V ery Rev. D. B. Galassi, PH.D., O.s.B.

Chancellor.—V ery Rev. D. B. Regno, O.S.B.

Fiscal A dvocate .—V ery Rev. D. P. Caspersz, O.S.B.

Councillors.—V ery Rev. D. H. Leitan, O.S.B.; D. J. M. Berenger, O.S.B. ; D. B. Hyde, O.S.B. ; and Pius Fernando, Mis. Ap.

Clergy.—20 Benedictines, 5 Secular Priests and 1 Jesuit.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s

M onastery of the Silvestrine Monks, O.S.B. : 20 Monks and 4 Lay Brothers, V ery Rev D. B. Regno, O.S.B., Prior, St. A nthony’s, Kandy.

M onastery of the Oblates of St. Silvester, Abbot, W aha- cotte : Oblates and 2 Postulants.

Nuns of the Good Shepherd : 2 Houses (Kandy and N uw ara Eliya), 26 Nuns.

Sisters of St. Francis X avier, under the direction of the Rev. M other Superior of the Nuns of the Good Shepherd : 3 Houses (M atale, Gampola and Badulla), 18 Nuns.

House of th e Franciscans : Missionaries of M ary at N uw ara E liya, 3 Sisters.

House of the Jesu it F athers, 15 : V ery Rev. F r. F. X. L’Hoir, S.J , Superior, Am pitiya, Kandy.

St. A nthony’s, Abbey : Scholastics, 6.

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I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r B o y s

K andy.—St. Anthony's College.—(For Day Scholars and Boarders). Prepare students for th e Junior and Senior Cam­bridge School Certificate, London M atriculation, Interm ediate Examination, A rts and Sciences and th e Chamber of Com­merce Examinations, 590 pupils. 106 ’Boarders—S t a f f R e c ­tor, V ery Rev. D. B. Regno, O.S.B.; Principal, Rev. F r. D. L. Hyde, O.S.B.; Prefect of Boarders, Revs. D. R. M. Pereira,O.S.B.; Asst. Prefect, Rev. D. M. Dolso, O.S.B.; Bursar, Rev.D. Clement M arri, 0 S.B.; Manager of Schools, Very Rev.D. B. Galassi, O.S.B.; 32 Lay Teachers.

A m pitiya .—Schools, 261 pupils.M atale.— St. Thomas’ School, 225 pupils.W ahacotte.—V ernacular School, 153 pupils.Nawalapitiya.—St. M ary’s School, 196 pupils.H atton.—Holy Cross School, 30 pupils.Nuwara E liya .—St. Francis X avier’s School, 150 pupils.Sandarawela.—St. Joseph’s School, 62 pupils.Badulla.—St. Bede’s School, 130 pupils.

I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r G i r l s

K andy.— English Day and Boarding School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd. Lady Superior. St. M ary of St. W inifred. In the English School, 445; in the V ernacular School, 125 ; in the Industrial School, 100 pupils.

St. Scholastica’s School : Nuns of the Good Shepherd, 180 pupils.

A m pitiya .—St. M ary's School, 89 pupils.Matale.—English Day and Boarding School; Sisters of

St. Francis X avier, 185 pupils.W ahacotte.—V ernacular School, 62 pupils.Gampola.—St. Joseph’s School, 110 pupils.N aw alapitiya.—St. M ary’s School, 51 pupils.Nuwara E liya .— English Day and Boarding School .* Nuns

of the Good Shepherd, 120 pupils.Industrial and V ernacular School: Franciscan Mission­

aries of M ary ; for th e children of the poor, 73 pupils.Badulla.—English Day and Boarding School: Sisters of

St. Francis X avier, 79 pupils.

K ANDY 189

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190 KANÎ)Y

C h a r i t a b l e a n d o t h e r I n s t it u t io n s

Orphanages for boys a t Kandy and W ahacotte.Orphanages for g irls at Kandy, M atale, N uw ara E liya

and Badula. Benevolent Association at Kandy.Confraternities :—of Mount Carmel, in every Mission ; of

the Holy Rosary ; of our Lady of Sorrows ; of the Sacred H eart ; of th e Children of Mary ; of the Apostleship of P rayer ; etc.

G a ze tteer

A m pitiya .—V ery Rev. F r. F. X. L’Hoir, S.J.

Badulla.—Rev. F r. D. J. Caspersz, O.S.B.

Bandarawela.—V ery Rev. F r. D. H. Leitan, O.S.B.

Dimbula.—V ery Rev. F r. D. B. Hyde, O.S.B.Dumbara.—Rev. D. D. Dirckze, O.S.B.

Gampola.—Rev. Fr. A. Goonewardena, Mis. Ap.H atton.—Rev. Frs. D. A. M. Chiorri, O.S.B. and A.

Vissani, o.s.B.Kadugannawa.—V ery Rev. F r. D. J. M. Berenger, O.S.B.K andy.—V e r y R e v . Fr. D. B. Galassi, O.S.B.; Rev. Frs.

J. E. Pereira, Mis. Ap. ; D. B. M artin, O.S.B., and D. A. Van Langenberg, O.S.B.

M atale.—V ery Rev. F r. P ius Fernando, Mis. Ap., and Rev. Fr. D. A. W eerasinghe, O.s.B.

N aw alapitiya.—Rev. F r. D. H. Lima, O.S.B.Nuwara E liya .—Rev. Frs. A. Siriwardena, Mis. Ap.,

and D. M. Silva, O.S.B.W ahacotte.—Rev. F r. F . M. Goonetillake, Mis. Ap.

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(The Society o f Jesus , Belgian Province)

H is to r ic a l N o te s

By a Brief of His Holiness Leo X III , dated August 25, 1893, two Civil Provinces of Ceylon, the Southern Province and the Sabaragam uva Province, were detachcd from the Archdiocese of Clombo and erected as the separate Diocese of Galle, being made suffragan to the Archdiocese of Colombo. Cath. 15,479.

A d m i n i s t r a t o r A p o s t o l ic

The R ight Rev. Gaston Robichez, S.J., D.D., Bishop of Trincomalee, appointed Apostolic A dm inistrator on Decem­ber 23,3 923. Residence : Batticaloa and, Galle.

Vicar-General.—Right Rev. J. B. de Geradon S.J.Chancellor.—Y ery Rev.Mgr. Y. H. Fernando.Fiscal Advocate.—Rev. E. Lerm usieaux, S.J.

Consultors.—Revs. O. Feron, S.J. ; E. Lermusieaux, S.J. ; V ery Rev. Mgr. V. H. Fernando and Rev. L. Spillebout, S.J.

R e l i g i g u s C o m m u n i t i e s

F athers of the Society of Jesus : Superior, V ery Rev. E. Lerm usieaux, S.J.

Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary (M other House, G hent, Belgium) at Galle, Kegalle, M atara and R atnapura : Religious 52 ; Oblates 24.

Ceylonese Sisters of th e Congregation of the Holy Angels at Balangoda, G anegam a and E lpitiya : Religious 28.

I n s t itu t io n s

Galle.—St. Aloysius’ College boarding establishm ent, 650 pupils : all classes up to the Cambridge Senior. Rector : V ery Rev. E. Lerm usieaux, S.J. ; assisted by Rev. J . Casolaro, S.J. ;G. Gaspard, S.J. ; S. Perera, S.J. ; M. Soden, S.J. ; E. Diricq, S J. ; and Lay Teachers.

English Schools in Ganegama 107, in M atara 283, in ffam bantota 80, in Ratnapura 190, in K egalle 412 pupilg.


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E n g l i s h S c h o o l s f o r G i r l s

G a lle— Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary (Belgium) conduct an English School, an Industria l School and an Orphanage Pupils 713. Superior, Rev. M other Raphaeline,

Kegalle.—Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary conduct an English School, an Industrial School and an Orphanage. Pupils 582. Superior, Rev. Mother Praxede.

M atara.— Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary conduct an English School, an Industrial School and an Orphanage, Pupils 529. Superior, Rev. M other Ursmer.

E lp itiya .—Sisters of the Congregation of the Holy Angels conduct an English School. Pupils 152. Superior, Rev. M other M. Cecilia.

Ratnapura.—Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary con­duct an English School, an Industria l school and Orphanage. Pupils 282. Rev. M other Tiburce, Superior.

51 schools: 40 V ernacular and 11 English schools. Pupils 7,467.

H alpatota (Dodanduwa P.O.).—St. V incent’s N ursery and Home (1907) for poor orphans, babies and old destitutes. Inm ates 62.

G a zetteer

So u t h e r n P r o v i n c e

(1) Galle.—Cath. 2,234. Very Rev. Mgr. V. H. Fernando, Mis. Ap., and Rev. V. Jayaw ardena.

(2) Ganegama (Baddegama P.O.).—Cath. 720. Revs. Bastenier, S.J. and P. Cooray.

(3) E lip itiya .—Cath. 769. Revs. Van Austen, S.J. and P. M. Baguet, S.J.

(4) Kalegana.—Cath. 202.

(5) Hambantota.—Oath. 2L0. Revs. W. W ickram asinghe, Mis. Ap. and A . N, Fernando, Mis. Ap.

(6) H inidum a.—Cath. 213. Rev. J . Jacobs, S.J.

M atara.—Cath. 1,068, Revs. C. Feron, S.J. and T. de S ilva ,


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P r o v i n c e o f Sa b a r a g a m u w a

B alangoda— Cath. 1,817. Revs. A. Stache, S.J., and M. Perera.

Higgasena — Cath. 665. Rev. A. Closset, S.J.

Hewadiwela.—Cath. 478. Revs. L. V. Fernando, Mis. Ap.Kegalle.—Cath. 1,583. Revs. A. Standaert, S.J., J .

Delaney, s .j. and M. A. Fernando, S.J.

Rakwana.—Cath. 1,395. Rev. C. Louwers, S.J.

Ratnapura.—Cath. 1,141. Revs. L. Spillebout, S.J., Ch. Piler, S.J. and P. Delwaide, S.J.

Yatiyantota .—Cath. 2,975. Revs. Jos. Piron, S.J. and N. M. Laudadio, S.J.

RECA PITU LA TIO NDiocesan Priests ... ... ... 8P riests of Religious Orders ... ... 25

Total ... 33

Churches w ith Resident Priests ... 13Missions w ith Churches ... ... 20

Churches ... 33

Clerical students ... ... ... 12Chapels ... ... ... 42Catholic population ... ... ... 15,479Parochial schools ... ... ... 43

Pupils ... ... ... 7,467Religious women ... ... 104M arriages ... ... ... 135Baptisms ... ... ... 1,245Converts ... ... ... 407Deaths ... ... ... 125


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(Suffragan Dioceses—Hyderabad, Vizagapatam, Nagpur, Nellore and Bellary Mission)

(Salesians o f Blessed Don Bosco)

The Archdiocese of Madras comprises th e northern half of Madras and Chingleput districts, th ree taluks of Chittoor, Palm aneri and T irutani, Chittoor D istrict and the North Arcot District.

A r c h b i s h o p

Most Rev. E. M ederlet, S.C., D.D., consecrated, Oct. 28, 1928. Residence : Archbishop's Home, 2, Armenian S tree t, M adras, G.P.O.

P rivate Secretary.'—Very Rev. M. Selvam, S.C., d .d .

Vicar-General and Officialis Curice.— Right Rev. Mgr. A. J. Van der Burg.

Chancellor and Secretary.—Very Rev. G. Mora, S.C.

O onsultors— R t. Rev. Mgr. A. J. Van der Burg, V.G., Mgr. A. R. John ; S. Keet, P. Thomas and J. Ignatius, S.c.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s o f M e n

(1) The Jesuits.—The Loyola College, Nungumbaukam, Madras : 7 members. Rector, F. Bertram , S.J.

(2) Brothers of St. Patrick , M adras : four Brothers conduct St. P a tr ic k ’s Orphanage at Adyar. St. P atrick ’s Orphanage, Adyar, Madras, S. : Rev. Br. M. S. Gaynor, O.s.P.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s o f W o m e n

(1) Religious of the Presentation Order (January 1842).— St. M ary’s Convent, Georgetown, Madras, E. : 13 Sisters, Sacred H eart Convent, Church Park, Mount Road, Madras, W .: 12 Sisters, St. P e te r’s Convent, Royapuram, Madras, N.E. : 6 Sisters, Presentation Convent, K odaikanal: 16 Sisters. Mother General, Rev. Mothec Xavier.

(2) St. Joseph’s Convent, Vepery (December 1884) : 24 Religious, Branch House, All Saints’ Convent at Peram bur,


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(3) Sb. Antony’s Convent, Pudupet (1911): 5 Sisters, Superior, Mother Augustine.

(4) The Oanonesses of St. Augustine (1926): In stitu te for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Enfield House, Graemes Road, and Sb. Anthony’s School, Mackay’s Gardens, Madras. Supe­rior, Lady Arsene.

(5) Sisters Catechists o f M ary Immaculate.—6 Sisters are nurses in the Government Hospital, Royapuram.

(6) The Daughters o f M ary Help o f Christians.—Euro­pean Mixed School, North Georgetown, Broadway.

(7) The Daughters o f M ary Help o f Christians.—A m i : Orphanage, G irls’ school 'and Dispensary. Polur : Dispen­sary, hospital and G irls’ school. Vellore : Orphanage, G irls’ school, Drawing, Painting, Music anJ Lace-work.

(8) Indian Sisters of St. Anne, Royapuram. Madras, N.E. Branches at K ilacherri. Pannur, Roshanagaram, North Gorgetown.

(9) Indian Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, Vepery : 21 Sisters. Branch at Pulicat.

(10) Indian Sisters of the Holy and Im m aculate H eart of Mary, Royapebtah : Religious 6.

(11) Les Dames de St. Charles, Ranipet (North Arcot). —Orphanage, G irls’ School and Dispensary.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r B o y s

A dyar, M adras.—St. P atrick ’s H. School. Adyar (1885) : 257 pupils. Rev. M. S. Gaynor, O.S.P., four Brothers of the Order of St. Patrick , 9 lay teachers.

Georgetown, Madras.—St. G abriel’s H igh School (5, Armenian Street) : Pupils 520. Headm aster and M anager, Rev. F. L. M anrique, S C , 22 teachers.

St. M ary’s European High School (Established 1906): Headm aster, Rev. A. J. Van der Burg.

Nungumbaukam , M adras.—Loyola College, First-grade College (1925) by the Society of Jesus, Toulouse Province (F ran ce): Rector, Rev. ,1. Bertram, S .J .; Profe=sors, Revs.F. Basenach, L. M urphy, A. Sauliere, F. V arin and L. Vion.

Perambur, M adras.—St. Joseph’s F ur. Boys’ School, 285 pupils. M other Angelo. Staff 14.


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Boyapettah, M adras.— St. W illiam ’s European School, 110 pupils. M other M argaret. 4 lay teachers.

Boyapuram, M adras ,—Eur. School, 200 pupils. Rev. Mother M. Magdalene.

Vepery, M adras.—St. Joseph’s Eur. Boys’ School, New Town, 72 boys. Rev. I. J. McCormack, 5 teachers.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r G ir l s

Church Park, Madras.—The Sacred H eart Eur. School, 50 pupils. Religious of the Presentation Order. Rev. M. Berchmans.

Egm ore , M adras.—St. A nthony’s Eur. School, 341 pupils. Religious of th e Presentation Order.

The Pudupet Convent School o f Commerce, 180 pupils. Religious of th e Presentation Order. Rev. Mother Augustine.

Georgetown, M adras,—Presentation Convent High School, McLean S treet (1842), 170 pupils. Religious of the Presentation Order. Lay teachers. St. M ary’s Female Orphanage and Day School, 180 pupils.

Church P ark , Madras.—Training School for Eur. sfcutents. Students receiving training, 40 ; Boarding and Day School for young ladies. Rev. Mother Berchmans.

Vepery , M a d ra s— St. Aloysius’ H. School and Boarding Institu tion : 60 boarders an I 273 pupils. Religious of the Presentation Order. St. Joseph’s Eur. G irls’ School, 210 pupils, lis te rs of the same Order.

C h a r i t a b l e I n s t i t u t i o n s

The A dyar, M adras.—St. P atrick’s Orphanage for Eur. and A nglo-Indian Boys: Brothers of St. Patrick , 275 orphans. Rev. Br. M. S. Gaynor, O.S.P.

Georgetown, M adras.—St. M ary’s Orphanage for Eur. and Anglo-Indian g ir ls : Religious of the Presentation Order, 125 orphans.

M adras, Graemes Boad , Enfield.—The Institu te for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb by the Missionary Canonesses of St. A ugustine: Superior, D. M. Arsene. 15 inmates.

Vepery, Madras.—The Sacred H eart Orphanage for Euro­pean and Anglo-Indian g ir ls : Religious of the Presentation Order, 100 orphans.

Orphanage attached to the Indian Convent at Roya- puram, Vepery.

196 kADK AS

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O t h e r I n s t i t u t i o n s

Georgetown, M adras.—Technical School att ached to th e Presentation Convent, Georgetown, w here Music, Dressmak­ing, Typewriting and Shorthand are taught. 40 pupils.

Vepery, M adras.—Technical School at the Presentation Convent, Vepery, w here Music and Dressmaking are taught. 65 pupils.

Pudupet.—The Students’ Hostel opened by the late Dr. J. Aelen, Archbishop of Madras, in July 1919, is intended to provide accommodation and protection for students of Pudu­pet Convent School of Commerce, Egmore, for the students of other schools and for the teachers and girls in business, who have to work in the city of Madras away from their homes. The Hostel is in charge of the Presentation Nuns. Rev. Mother Augustine.

Vepery.—A Foundling Home attached to the Convent of th e Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi.

T h e A p o s t o l a t e o f t h e P r e s s

The M adras Catholic D irectory has been published in the Archdiocese, since the year 1851

The Catholic Leader newspaper, started in May 1887, the official organ of th e Archdiocese : Rev. P. Thomas, Editor, St. A ndrew ’s, V epery, Madras.

The Nalla A yan , Tamil Monthly, published at the “ Good P a s to r” P ress: Rev. P. M ariaselvam, S.C., D.D , Editor and Manager, “ Good P a s to r” Press, St. Francis X avier’s, Broadway, Georgetown, Madras, E.


Archbishop’s House, No. 2, Armenian S treet, Most Rev.E. Mederlet, S.C., D.D. Revs. P. M ariaselvem, S.C., D.D., Thomas Healy, F. L. M annque, s.c.

Cathedral of St. Mary of Angels, Madras, 2, Armenian S treet: Cath. 850, Rev. G. Mora, S.C .; Right Rev. A. J. Van der Burg. Sunday, Holy Masses, a t 7 and 8-30 A .M .; Ben. 6-30 P.M., (October to January incl., 6 P.M.). W eek days, Mass at 6-30 A.M. (October to January , 7 A .M .).

S t. A nthony's, Park Town.—(Sunday, 6 o’clock) and the General Hospital served from the Cathedral.

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C hintadripet.— St. Lazarus (1904), from Pudupefc. Cath. 1,590. Daily Mass, 6-30 A.M. Sunday, 6 a .m .

Narasingapuram , Mount R o a d — St. Anthony (1916), from Pudupet. Sunday Mass at 7-30 A.M.

N orth Georgetown.—St. Francis X avier (1886): Cath. 2,890. Rev. G. Ignatius, S.C., Rev. F. L. Manrique, S.C., Rev. Thomas Lopez, S.C., St. Francis X avier, Indian Convent School, children 179 ; Eur. Mixed School, 127 boys and 94 g irls. St. Francis X avier Indian Bovs’ School, 120 pupils. Sunday, Holy Masses at 5 and 7 A .M .; Ben. 6 P.M. W eek days, hot season, Mass at 6-30 A .M .; cold season, 7 A.M.

Nungambaukam.—St. Teresa (1917), Cathedral P.O. V ery Rev. F . H. Franco. Sunday Mass at 8 a .m ., Week days :6-30 A.M., from May to September ; 7 A.M., October to April. 2 schools, 420 pupils. Cath. 1,260.

Pudupet.—St. A nthony’s, M arshall’s Road (1873): Cath. 3,600. Revs. Y. Paul and U. Ignatius. Chintadripet and Narasingapuram served from Pudupet. Sunday, Holy Mass,5-30 and 7 A.M (October to 3lst March, 5-30, 7-15 A.M.) ; Ben.6-30 P.M.

Royapettah — The Purification (1848): Cath. 1,000. Rev.A. F. Lopes. Schools, St. W illiam’s European boys and girls, 110 ; St. John’s Tamil boys and girls, 120. Sisters of the Im m aculate H eart of Mary. Sundays, Mass a t 7-30 A.M.

Royapuratn.—Our Lady of Dolours (1820) : Cath. 2,290. Rev. S. Keet. Sund., Mass at 5-30 and 7-15 A .M .; Ben. 6. P.M. Presentation Convent and School, 200 pupils ; St. Anne’s Indian Convent and Boarding School, 25 boarders, 194 pupils.

Kasimode.—Our Lady of the Rosary (1808) : Cath. 1,500. Sunday, Mass at 7 A .M .; Ben. 6 P.M. St. X av ier’s Tamil School, 50 pupils. Sisters of St. Anne. Served from W asher- manpet.

W ashermanpet.—St. Roque : Cath. 850. Very Rev. Mgr.E. M. Angelo and Rev. F. X. Vongola. Sund. and Holy, Mass at 6-30 A.M., as also on week days.

Vepery.—St. A ndrew ’s (1830): Cath. 4,600. Revs. I. J. McCormack, Jos. Anthos and P. Thomas. Sunday, Mass at 7a .m . ; Ben. 6 P.M. Presentation Convent and Schools, 378 pupils. European Orphanage, 84 pupils. St. Joseph’s Indian Convent and 3 schools, 225 pupils. Indian Orphanage, 16 orphans.


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New Town.—St. Joseph’s (March 19, 1912): Served from St. A ndrew ’s. Masses a t 6-30 and 8 A .M .; Ben. 6-30 P.M.

The A dyar, M adras , S.—St. P a trick ’s Orphanage and Eur., Eurasian boys : Cath. 285. W eek and Sund., Mass at6-30 A.M. Chaplain, Rev. P . A. Menezes.

Perarnbur, M adras N .—Our Lady of Lourdes (1878) : Cath. 2,000. Rev. F. Koperdraad, Sund., Masses a t 6-15 and7-30 a .m . Presentation Convent and Eur. Boys’ School, pupils 273.

Poonamallee Cantonment.—St. John the Baptist (1840), Cath. 236. Served from Y alarpuram .


K ilacheri (Chingleput Dt.).—Sacred H eart (1847—1906): Cath. 1,913. V ery Rev. A. Miklauzie, V .F ., Rev. J . W. D’Vas. Convent of the Sisters of St. Anne, w ith boarding in ­stitute. 3 Schools, 286 pupils. Sub-sts.: Pinjibaukam , Kollu- medu, Gottichettipaleam , Pillarikuppam and Seimbaukam.

Pannur (K andoor-Tiruvallur, Chingleput Dt.).—Our Lady of H ealth (1918): Cath. 1,720. Rev. D., Thomas, 3 schools, 200 pupils. S ub-sts .: Molusoor, Soyendi, Saindamangalam and Kannur.

Pulicat.—(P riest’s Residence). Sub-st. Ennur. Cath. 230. V ery Rev. Mgr, A. R. John.

Roshanagaram (via Ponneri, Chingleput Dt.).—Cath. 1,522. Sub-sts.: Periapaliam , Pondavakam, Surapindi and Balakiscapuram. 4 schools, 120 children. Convent and dis­pensary. 1 church, 4 chapels. Rev. E. M. Gonsalves.

Sellam pattida (Perum bakam P.O., Chingleput Dt.).—The Purification (1861) : Cath. 1,140, Rev. E. de Noronha, 2 schools, 80 children. Sub-st.: Place’s Garden. Our Lady of Lourdes (1892), U riyur Kuppam. Our Lady of Help (1851). 1 chapel at Kotur.

Valarpuram (Chingleput Dt.).—Sacred Heart (1850- 1909): Cath. 1,136. Rev. C Gama. 1 school, 26 pupils. Sub- sts. : Nemelly, Thodigadu, Naipakam and Gudapakam. 2 churches, 1 chapel.


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I I I . NORTH ARGOT DISTRICTArkonam .—Sacred H eart of Jesus: Cath. 1,400. Rev.

G. terBeek. S ub-sts.: A verai, K arai, Alapaukara, Conjee- veram , Chittoor, Palm aneri, T irutani, Mothodu, Balchetty, Gudiyattam , Odiandrum and Tirupasur. 3 churches, 7 chapels, schools 3 and 1 night school.

A m i — 61 vills. Church, 8 chapels, Cath. 4,000, Rev. J. B. Gravere, Dispensary and Orphanage, The Daughters of M ary Help of Christians. 5 schools, 131 pupils. Sub-sts. : Pudu- pakam, Santarasal and Sennathur.

Budamangalam (A valurpet P.O.).—Sub-sts.: Maleyenoor and Velandel. 28 vills. Church, 3 chapels. Cath. 2,500. Rev. E. Boyer. 2 schools, 64 pupils.

Chetpat (Chetpat-Polur P.O.).—50 vills. C hurch, 4 chapels. Cath. 5,500. Rev. Paul Arokiam . 5 schools. 305 pupils. 2 g irls’ schools, 125 pupils.

Christianpet (Katpadi P.O., N. Arcot Dt.).—Our Lady of A ngels: Rev. R. C. Paul. Cath. 1,000. Convent of th e Sisters of St. Anne : School 1, pupils 60. Sub-st. : K atpadi.

Cortampet (K anji P.O., Polur).—50 vills. Church, 3 chapels. Sub-st. : Namiandel. Cath. 1,600. Rev. Saveri- nader. 2 schools, 62 pupils.

Coviloor (T irupattur P.O.).—S ub-sts.: Ja larpet, Vepam- pattu , Hodeiyaniji, U ttankarai, Ambur and Kuppam. 13 vills. Church, 5 chapels. Cath. 1,680. Rev. M. Curtin. Schools, 32 pupils.

Pattiavaram (Devikapurara P.O., Polur).—25 vills. Church, 5 chapels. Cath. 3,500. Rev. M. Chaler. 10 schools, 216 pupils.

Peria Cojavalur (Arni P.O.).—36 vills. 4 chapels. Cath. 1,800. School, 30 pupils. A ttended from Chetput.

Polur.—Sub-sts.: M artuvambady. 25 vills. Church, 5 chapels. Cath. 2,250. Rev. J. Monchalin. Dispensary, The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. 4 schools, 156 pupils.

Ranipet —250 Catholics. Sub-sts. W allajapet, Arcot. Schools 2, pupils 75. Rev. F r. Th. Beek and Ladishary.

T iruvetipuram — 23 vills. Church, 2 chapels. Cath. 850t Attended from W andiwash,


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Vattavalum (Tandarai P.O.).—S ub-sts.: Avoor, Cangapat and K inathur. 23 vills. Church, 8 chapels. Cath. 4,600. Rev. M, J. Amaladassan. 9 Boys’ schools. 262 pupils. G irls’ school, 65 girls.

Velantangal (Pennathur P.O. via Tiruvannam alai).— S ub-sts .: Torapady and Satyamangalm. 25 vills. Church, 2 chapels. Cath. 2,050. Rev E. Boyer. 2 Boys’ schools, 95 pupils. G irls’ school, 46 girls.

Vellore.—Sub-sts.: Adacamparei, Kanyambadi andArcot. 2 churches. 6 chapels. Cath. 1,850. R e.s. G. Mora, S C., and E. Scagnetti, s.c. 4 Boys’ Schools, 211 pupils. Orphanage and Convent Girls’ school. The Daughters of M ary Help of Christians.

Wandiwash.—Sub-sts.: Acharapakam , Nelliankulam and Pinnepundi. 50 vills. 2 churches, 8 chapels. Cath. 3,200. Rev. S. Paul. 5 schools, 156 pupils.


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(The Society o f Foreign M issions, Milan)

The Mission of Hyderabad-Deccan is bounded (1) on th e East by the Bay of Bengal ; (2) on the North by the R iver G-odavari, w hich separates it from the Dioceses of Vizaga- patam and N agpur ; (3) on the W est by the boundary between the Nizam's States and the Bombay Presidency, separating it from the Poona Diocese ; (4) on th e South by the Tunga- bhadra and Kistna, which separate it from th e Archdiocese of Madras. Cath. 42,456.

B is h o p

The R ight Rev. Dionysius V ism ara, D.D., of the Lombard Seminary at Milan ; nominated Bishop of Hyderabad, May 11, 1909; consecrated in Milan, June 29, 1909, Residence: St. M ary's, Secunderabad (Deccan).

Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. Mgr. H. M. Pezzoni.Chancellor.—Rev. H. Saporiti.Defensor Vinculi.—Rev. C. M ariani.Consultors.—Revs. R. M ariani, H. M. Pezzoni, H.

Saporiti, J. G-rassi and J. Tinti.Procurator.—J. Seminati.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s

Sisters of St. Anne of Providence : Rev. M other M. Adelaide, Secunderabad. Religious 44.

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Hyderabad : Religious 11, Afsulganj Hospital 8 ; Isolation camp 4.

L ittle Sisters of the Poor, Secunderabad : Religious 11.Sisters of Charity, Secunderabad Civil Hospital : R eli­

gious 6, St. Francis Convent 5.

n . Qiofafa • i"Catechist Sisters of St. Francis 28Diocesan Sisbers: (Telufju Sisters ... ... 17


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I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r B o y s

Apostolic school ... ... ... ... 18H yderabad.—A ll Saints’ Institution : Boarders and

orphans 40, day-scholars 208.St. Thomas’ O rphanage (Fr. M alberti’s Memorial) for

Indian boys : Boarders and orphans 78, day-scholars 60.

Secunderabad.—St. P a trick ’s H igh School for European and Anglo-Indian boys : Boarders 80, day-scholars 50.

St. M ary’s School for Indian boys : Day-scholars 181, boarders 44. E lem entary schools 144, pupils 4,653.

Gunadala.—Elem entary school : Orphans 118, day-scho­lars 50. Rev. P. A slati Rector.

I n s t i t u t i o n s f o r G i r l s

I . Under the S is ter o f Anne o f Providence {Turin)Secunderabad.—St. Anne’s Convent High school ; St.

Joseph’s Orphanage ; St. Francis’ Indian Convent ; Fr. Bigi’s Memorial Widows’ Home ; Industrial School, orphans 130.

B ezw ada— Sacred H eart Convent School and Orphanage ; St. Antony’s Indian Convent School and Orphanage.

Bolarum — Industrial School for girls. European School : Boarders 35, day-scholars 29, orphans 61.

I I . Under the Franciscan M issionaries o f M aryHyderabad.—Holy Rosary’s Convent : Scholars 155. Holy

Fam ily’s N ative Convent : Day-scholars 30, orphans 98, Industrial School.

I l l . S isters o f C harityH yderabad— St. Francis of Assisi Convent E lem entary

School : Orphanage and Industrial School, 170.

O t h e r I n s t i t u t i o n s

(1) Secunderabad.—Home for the aged, inmates 105: L ittle Sisters of the Poor.

(2) Society of St. Vincent de Paul, two branches: Hyderabad, Secunderabad.


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Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. J . Tinti.Bolarum .—Rt. Rev. Mgr. H. M. Pezzoni, V.G., St. A nn’s

Convent Industrial and English Schools. Sub-sts.: Nizama- bad and M edhak.

Hyderabad-Deccan — C athedral Church of St. Joseph : Rev. G. Arosio, Parish P r ie s t ; Rev. A. Lanza, Rector of Seminary. A ll Saints’ High School, w ith English and Tamil Orphanages : Rev. J. Ita fan a tti, Rector, Rev. Rock, Vice Rector.

Kanchanapilli.—Rev. H. Saporiti. V illages 9.Nandanam.—Rev. A. M ariani. Villages 9.Kazipet (c/o Station Master, N.G.S. Ry.).—Rev. G.

Pazzalini. V illages 12.Secunderabad : Residence of His Lordship the Bishop,

Dr. D. Vism ara. V ery Rev. J . Tinti, Parish P rie s t: Rev. J. Seminati, Procurator ; Rev. L. F . Vas, Rector, St. P a trick ’s High School and B oarding: Rev. B. M arianna, Rector, St. M ary’s School.

Trim ulgherry.—Rev. P . Offredi, St. P atrick ’s M ilitary Church w ith in th e entrenchm ent. Soldiers’ Institu te .— Rev. C. M ariani, Holy Fam ily Church. Convent School for Indian Children.

II . BIMARAM DISTRICTVicar Forane : V ery Rev. A. Mazzola.Bim aram (N akrakal P.O., Hyderabad-Deccan).—Very

Rev. A. Mazzola. Villages 12.Monogodu (N akrakal P.O., Hyderabad-Deccan).—Rev. F .

Lonti. V illages 5.Vangam arthy (N akrakal P.O., Hyderabad-Deccan).—

Rev. F. Peres. Villages 12.I I I . M ATTAM PALLY DISTRICT

Vicar F orane : Very Rev. C. Ferrario.M attam pally (Jaggayapet P.O., K istna D t ).—Rev. C.

Ferrario. Telugu Convent School and Dispensary. Villages 8.Singaram (Jaggayapet P.O., K istna Dt.).—Rev. F. Cati-

zaghi. V illages 16.


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IV . BEZWADA DISTRICTVicar Forane : V ery Rev. D. Grassi.Bezwada (K istna Dist.).—Very Rev. D. Grassi ; Rev. P.

Bozzi. Villages 22.Bayaram (c/o Mail Agent, B ritish Mail, N.G.S. Ry.).—

Rèv. L. Guastavino. V illages 34.A vu tap illy (Gannavaram P.O., K istna Dt.).—Rev. Cal­

dararo. Villages 25.Uppaluru (K istna Dist.).—Rev. M, Dall’Agnol. Villages

15.Nandigama.—Rev. D. Desen zar i. V illages 21.

V. ELLORE DISTRICT Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. F. X. Pinto.Avanigadda (Kistna Dist.).—Rev. C. Baldarell. Villages

10.M asulipatam.—Rev. P. Fontana. Villages 20.Ellore (W est Godavari D ist.)—Very Rev. F . X. Pinto.

Telugu Convent School. Villages 20.Dendalura (west Godavari Dist.).—Rev. Corbani. Villa-

ges 12.Gudivada (K istna Dist.).—Revs. L. Misani and

Bianchi. V illages 35.RECAPITULATION

Bishop 1Diocesan Priests 33Churches w ith Resident Priests 22Seminarians 8High Schools 4Orphanages 9BaptismsCatholic Population 42,295

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(The M issionaries o f S t. Francis de Sales , Annecy , France) H is to r ic a l N o te s

The Diocese of Nagpur was created by dismemberment from th e Diocese of Vizgapatam in 1887, and its boundaries w ere fixed by a decree of th e Propaganda, dated July 10, 1895.

I t comprises :—I. The Central Provinces and Berar, except (a) the

districts of Saugar and Damoh, (b) the tahsil of Sironcha and Zamindari of A hiri in th e Chanda District, (c) th e feudatory States of B astar, Sakti, R aigarh, Joshpur, Udaipur, Sarguja, Korea, Chang Bbakar.

I I . The part of the Nizam’s territo ries lying north of the Godavari.

I I I . The part of the Central India agency lying south of the Nerbuda.

IV . A part of Orissa, namely, the feudatory State of Patna and the portions of the State of Sonpur, and of the district of Sambalpur lying west of the Mahanadi.

V. The stations of th e Rew ah State on the K utni- Bilaspur R ailw ay line (by delegation of the Bishop of Allahabad).

Cath. 21,000.B is h o p

The R ight Rev. Francis Stephen Coppel, D.D., nominated, June 22,1907 ; consecrated at Nagpur by the Right Rev. J . M* Clerc, Bishop of V izagapatam , September 15, 1907.

E p i s c o p a l Cu r ia

Vicar-General.— V ery Rev. A. Larrivaz.Chancellor.—Rev. J. Peillex.Fiscal Advocate.—Rev. F . Pallud.Consultors.—Revs. G. Jacquier, J. Palluel and J. D’Costa.


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R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

(1) Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (Annecy, France) : 34 Priests, 6 Brothers. Superior Regular, Very Rev. A.. Larrivaz. Residence: Nagpur.

(2) Sisters of St. Joseph (Maurienne, France) : 44 Sisters. Rev. Mother Anastasia, Kamptee. Residences : Kamptee, Nagpur, Jubbulpore, Hurda, K handw a and Thana.

(3) Daughters of the Cross (Annecy, France).—25 Sisters. Rev. Mother Celine, Amraoti, Residences : Aurungabad, Am raoti, Badnera, C hikalda and Ellichpur. Indian Sisters, 8.

(4) Sisters of Mary Im m aculate (Paris) : 44 Sisters, M other Noemi, Nagpur. Residences : Nagpur, Jubbulpore, Chindw ara and Neippur. Indian religious, 12.

A . H ig h S c h o o l s

Nagpur.—St. Francis de Sales High School for European boys : 400 pupils, of which 150 are boarders. Principal, Rev.F. J. Gros; Revs. Damian Fernandes, A. Monteiro, A. Vas and B. Carron. A printing press is attached to th e school, w here a monthly magazine, The Salesian, is published.

Jubbulpore.—St. Aloysius’ H igh School for European boys: Boarding establishm ent, 170 pupils. Rev. A. Cheval­lier, Principal ; Revs. C. Fernandez, H. Arnaud and G. Row­land.

Nagpur.—R.C. Mission Boys’ H igh School (for Indian boys), 550 pupils: Rev. J. D’Costa, Principal.

St. Jdseph’s Convent High School for European girls, Nagpur, 300 pupils : Sisters of St. Joseph,

Jubbulpore.—St. Joseph’s Convent High School for Euro­pean girls : Sisters of St. Joseph. Boarding establishment, 250 pupils.

B. M id d l e Sc h o o l s

Kamptee.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European girls : Sisters of St. Joseph. Boarding establishment, 110 pupils.

A m raoti.—Holy Cross Convent School for European girls : Daughters of the Cross. Boarding establishm ent, 160 pupils.

Kamptee.—St. Joseph’s School for Indian boys : Rev. Fr. F. Pallud. Boarding establishment, 100 pupils.

N A G PU R 207

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C. I n d u s t r i a l S c h o o l s

Nagpur.—R.C. Mission Industrial School for Indian boys : Iron, wood and stone work. Staff. Brothers Harold D’Silva, J. Iten and Alfred Demanuelli. 60 pupils.

For Indian g ir ls : Needle-works. 20 pupils. Under Sisters of M ary Im m aculate.

D. P r i m a r y S c h o o l s

H urda.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European child­ren : Sisters of St. Joseph. 30 pupils.

Khandwa.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European children : Sisters of St. Joseph. 35 pupils,

Badnera.—R.C. School for European children : Daughters of the Cross. 32 pupils.

Nagpur.—Providence Girls’ School for Christian Indian girls : Sisters of Mary Im m aculate. Boarding establishm ent, 110 pupils.

St. M ary’s Tulsibagh, for Indian g i r l s : 90 pupils. Sisters of M ary Im m aculate.

C h a r it a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Nagpur.Poor House, Nagpur City : Sisters of Mary 1mm. 90

inmates.Charitable dispensaries, 7 a lto g e th e r: Sisters of M ary

Im m .: 3 at Nagpur, 1 at Chindwara, 1 at Jubbulpore. Daugh­ters of the Cross at Amraoti, E llichpur.

O rphanages: 12 conaected w ith the schools, namely, 2 European boys’ (Nagpur and Jubbulpore), 3 Indian boys’ (Nagpur, Kamptee and Chindwara), 3 European girls’ (Amraoti, Kamptee and Jubbulpore), 4 Indian girls’ (Nagpur, Kamptee, Amraoti and Chikalda). 555 orphans.

G a zetteerA m raoti (Berar) Civil station.—St. Francis Xavier : Cath.

385. Rev. F. Exartier, Chaplain.A ulia (Pandhana P.O., Nimar Dt., C.P.).—Mission ad

paganos ; Sacred H eart. Cath. 2,600. Rev. G. Daviet.Aurungabad (Nizam’s territory).—Civil and M ilitary and

mission ad paganos. Station, St. Francis de B^les. Chaplain, Rey. Fr. S, Fagiano, Cath. 330,


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Badnera (Berar, G .I.P . Ry. Station).—Railw ay congrega­tion. Rev. A. Fernandez who visits also W ardha, Chanda, B allarshah and Yeotmal. Cath. 200.

Bilaspur (B.N. Ry.).—Civil and R ailw ay Congregation, Sacred H eart. Rev. J. M. Crochet, Chaplain, visits Dongar- gar, Rajpur, Rajnandgaon, Sahdol and Uroaria. Cath. 750.

B orsar (Manmad P.O., Nasik Dt.).—Mission adpaganos. Nizam’s territo ry . Rev. M. Forel. Cath. 2,050.

Chikalda (Berar).—Sanatorium and Mission ad paganos. Revs. E. Thevenet and F. W engert. Cath. 125,

Chindwara.—Ry. stations. Rev. J. Servage. Cath. 130.Dhanora (Nainpur P.O.).—Rev. L. Bonnerie who visits

Nainpur and Balaghat.

Ellichpur (Berar).—Mission ad paganos. Sacred H eart. Rev. L. Gayet and 6 catechists. Boarding establishm ent for train ing masters, 20 pupils. Cath. 1,200.

Ghogargaon (Takliban via Nevassa P.O., Ahm ednagar Dt.).—Mission ad pagonos, the Nizam’s territo ry . The M ater­n ity of the B.V.M. Revs, G. Jacquier and T. Berger. 22 catechists. Boarding School for train ing masters, 35 pupils. Cath. 3,200.

H urda (Hoshungabad D t , C.P.).—R ailw ay congregation. The Im m . Cone. Rev. P. Probst who visits Betul and I ta tti, Cath. 120.

I ta r s i .—Railw ay congregation. Rev. J. Fernandez. Hoshungabad, Sahagpur and Mohpani. Cath. 230.

Jubbulpore.—Civil and M ilitary Station. SS. Peter and Paul. Cath. 1,700. M ilitary Chaplain. Revs. F. Couturier and J. Palluel on leave.

K upustalni (Berar).—Mission ad paganos. Sacred H eart. Rev. F. X. Fonseca. 6 catechists. Boarding School for train ing masters, 30 boarders. Cath. 1,700.

Kamptee (C.P.).—M ilitary Station. The Imm. Cone. Revs. J . Pallud and A. W engert. Cath. 650. Rev. Ch. Mugnier, M ilitary Chaplain. Rev. J. Raymond visits Tumsar, Bandra and Gondia. Cath. 170,


N A G PU R 209

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Khandwa (C.P.).—Civil Station (65 Cath.) and mission ad paganos. Cath. 2,270. N ativity of the B.V.M. Rev. T. Mugnier. 16 catechists. Boarding School to tra in m asters ; 15 boarders.

Nagpur.—Civil Station. Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales. Cath. 3,175. Rovb. A. Larrivaz, Chaplain and F . X. Colloco.

Pachm arhi (C.P.).—Sanatorium and M ilitary station. St. Joseph. M ilitary Chaplain. Rev. L. Bonnerie. Cath. 280.

Paraghot (Bilaspur Dt.).— Mission ad paganos. Rev. J. W engert. Cath. 100.

Thana (Bori P.O., Nagpur Dfc.).— Agricultural Colony. The Holy Fam ily. Ca*;h. 325. Revs. M. Thomas and Manuel D’Souza.

M urtizapur (Berar).—Visited from Kupustalni. Cath. 400. Mission ad paganos.


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( St. Joseph's Foreign M issionary Society o f M ill H ill and Indian Secular Clergy.)

This diocese was created by the B u ll: A d M aius Reli- gionis Incrementum of Ju ly 3, 1928, and entrusted to St. Joseph’s Society. I t comprises the Civil Districts of Nellore, G untur, Kurnool, Cuddapah and A nantapur and the M adana- palle, V ayalpad, Punganur, Chandragiri, K alahasti and P u ttu r taluks of the Chittoor District, w hich territo ry formed part of the Archdiocese of the Madras before.

Cath. 29,675.B i s h o p

The Rt. Rev. W illiam Bouter, D.D., born .July 25,1895, in Amsterdam ; obtained P riest, Ju ly 17, 1921 ; nominated as first Bishop of Nellore, June 2, 1929 ; and consecrated at Nellore by His Excellency, th e Most Rev. Edw ard Mooney, Delegate Apostolic, Sept. 8, 1929.

Residence : Bishop's H ouse , Nellore.

E p i s c o p a l C u r ia

Vicar-General.—The Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. Kreyelm ans, Rector, St. John’s Seminary, Nellore.

Consultors.—Revs. F rs. G. B. J. Firm an, W. Jarvis, K. Joseph and J. Schipper.

Secretary.—Rev. B. Vlasveld.A dm inistrator o f the Cathedral.—Rev. Ch. Aelen,

Sb. Joseph’s Cathedral, Nellore.Vicars-Forane : Very Rev. Frs. Y . X avier, G. B. J.

Firm an, J. Schipper and C. Staffhorst.Diocesan Superintendent o f Catholic Schools.—Very

Rev. G. B. J . Firm an.Diocesan D irector o f the A postleship o f Prayer.— Rt,

Rev. J. Kreyelmans.


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E d ito r o f the ‘ Telugu Messenger o f the Sacred H ea rt, * Christu, R a ja Dhutha.—Rev. P. Bala X avier.

Manager o f ‘ Telugu Messenger o f the Sacred H e a r t . '— Rev. Ch. Aelen.

Censor librorum.—Rev. C. Ruygrok.Clergy.—26 Mill H ill F athers and 9 Indian Secular


R e l ig io u s C o m m u n it ie s

. (1) S isters o f Jesus, M ary and Joseph.—M other House : Bois-le-Duc, Holland.

Houses—St. Joseph’s Convent, G untur : Rev. M other Arnoldine.

18 European and 27 Indian Sisters.St. M ary’s Convent, Nellore : Rev. M other Assumptia.

12 European and 13 Indian Sisters.Sacred H eart Convent, Kurnool : Rev. Mother Pelagie.

11 European and 3 Indian Sisters.Day schools, Boarding schools, Orphanages, Hospitals

and Dispensaries are attached to each of these these convents.(2) Indian S isters o f S t. Francis o f A ssist.—Director :

Very Rev. G. B. J. Firm an.Mother House : St. Ann’s Convent, Phirangipuram .

Sisters 26, Novices 8, Postulants 2.M other General : Rev. M other M. Francisca.

Branch-houses—Convent of St. Francis of Assisi, R entichintala : Rev.

M other M. Stanislas. Sisters 10.St# A nn’s Convent, Patibanda : Rev. Mother M. Rose.

Sisters 12.Sacred H eart Convent, Ravipadu : Rev. M other Mary

Justine. Sisters 9.St. Monica, Convent, Polur (Nandyal P.O.) : Rev.

Mother M. Alphonse. Sisters 6.Various educational and charitable institutions are

attached to these convents.

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(3) Indian S isters o f S t. Anne.—M other House : Indian Convent, Royapuram, Madras.

St. A nn’s Convent, K ottala (Nandyal, P .O .): Rev. Mother Magdalen, Sisters 4 Day-scbool a t Kottala.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

(1) S t. John's Sem inary, Nellore.—Philosophy and Theo­logy. Rector, Rt. Rev. J. Kreyelmans. P rofessors: Revs. R. Sullivan, C. Ryugrok, B. Vlasveld and P. Bala X avier. S tu d en ts : Theology, 9 ; Philosophy, 12.

(2) S t. P a u l’s P reparatory Seminary (Phirangipuram , P.O., G untur D t ).—Rector, V ery Rev. J. Van den Riet. P ro­fessors, Revs. Th. Van Daalhoff and B. Roes. Students 28.

(3) St. Paul's H igh School fo r boys, Fhirangipuram .— Principal and H eadm aster, Rev. Th. Van Daalhoff. Profes­sor, Rev. B. Roes. Students 219.

(4) St. Paul's Boarding School fo r boys, Phirangipur­am.— Manager, V ery Rev. J. Van den R iet. Boarders 109.

(5) St. Joseph's H igh School fo r g irls, G untur.—P rin ­cipal, Rev. Mother Arnoldine. Head Mistress ; S ister Stanis­laus. Students 209.

(6) St. Joseph's Boardiny School fo r g irls, G untur.— Rev. Mother Arnoldine. 150 Boarders.

(7) St. M ary's Boarding School fo r girls, Nellore.— Rev. Mother Assumptia, Boarders 80.

(8) Sacred H eart Boarding School fo r g irls, Kurnool.— Rev. Mother Pelagie. Boarders 90.

(9) R.C.M . A d i Andhra M ixed School, V Standards, P h irang ipu ram —Boys 77, girls 35, teachers 5, H* E. Trained.

(10) R.C.M. B oys' School (caste), Phirangipuram .—V Standards, boys 220, teachers 8, H. E. Trained.

(11) St. Anne's G ir ls ’ School, Phirangipuram .—V I— V III Standards. Girls 35, Teacher 1, Sec. Trained ; 3 H. E. Trained.

(12) St. Anne's Training School fo r M istresses. P h ir- rangipuram .—Model Section, V Standards, girls 142. T rain­ing Sections, Junior (girls 20) and Senior (girls 22).

Teaching staff: 1 Supervising Headm aster. 1 In te r ­m ediate Trained Teacher ; 2 Sec. Trained teachers ; 10 H. E. Trained Teachers w ith special tests.


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(13) S t, Anne's Boarding School fo r g irls , P h irangi- puram .—Boarders 61.

(14) S t. Joseph's H igh E l. School, Nellore.—303 pupils.(15) S t. Joseph 's H igh E l. School, Kurnool.—160 pupils.(16) R.C.M . B o ys ' School, R avipadu.—5 Standards,

pupils 82.(17) R.C.M . G irls' School, R a v ip a d u — 5 Standard«,

pupils 84.{IS) R.C.M . B o y s ’ School, R entichintala.—5 Standards,

pupils 99.(19) R.C.M . G irls' School, R entichintala.—5 Standards,

pupils 113.(20) R.C.M . Boys' School, Patibanda.—5 Standards,

pupils 144.(21) R.C.M. G irls' School, Patibanda.—5 Standards,

pupils 90.

(22) R.C.M . B o y s ’ School, Polur (Nandyal P.O.).—5Standards, pupils 45.

(23) R.C.M . G irls' School, Polur.—5 Standards, pupils 50.

C h a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

(1) St. M a ry 's Orphanage fo r g irls, Nellore.—Rev. M other Assumptia. 40 Orphans.

(2) St. Joseph's Orphanage fo r g irls, G untur.—Rev. Mother Arnoldine. 60 Orphans.

(3) Sacred H eart Orphanage fo r g ir ls , Kurnool.—Rev. Mother Pelagie. 30 Orphans.

(4) St. A nne's Orphanage fo r g irls, Phirangipuram .— Rev. M other M. Francisca. 25! Orphans.

(5) St, Joseph's M aternity H ospital and free D ispensary , Nellore.

(6) S t. Joseph's H ospita l fo r Women Incurables and fr e e D ispensary, G untur.

(7) St. Theresa's Gosha H ospital and fre e D ispensary , Kurnool,

¿ 14 NfiLLOEE

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O t h e r I n s t it u t io n s

(1) S t, Joseph’s Industria l School, N ellore.—Manager, Rev. Ch. Aelen.

(2) S t. Joseph's Press (Telugu and English), Nellore.— M anager, Rev. J. Aelen.

A p o s t o l a t e o f t h e P r e s s

C hristu Rajah D hutha (Messenger of Christ the King, in Telugu).—M onthly. Y early subscription Re. 1. Editor, Rev. P. Bala X avier, St. John’s Seminary, Nellore ; M anager, Rev. Ch. Aelen, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Nellore.

G a ze tteer

N e l l o r e D is t r ic t

Nellore.—St. Joseph’s C a th ed ra l: Rev. Ch. Aelen. Cath.1,500. 2 chapels, 12 substations, 7 chapels. Cath. ],500.

Bitragunta.—Holy Fam ily C hurch : Rev. E. Van den W erf. Cath. 1,480. 12 substations, 7 chapels.

DonaJconda.—Our Lady of Victories C h u rch : Rev. K. Joseph. Cath. 620. 13 substations, 5 chapels.

G u n t u r D is t r ic t

Guntur.—Church of St. A gnes: Rev. P . Swinkels and Rev. H . Van Dooren. Cath. 1,721. 21 substations, 5 chapels.

Phirangipiram.—Church of Our Lord’s N ativ ity : V ery Rev. G. B. J . F irm an and Rev. C. M itterstieler.

Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Cath. 5,000. 19 substations, 8 chapels.

M utlur (Tenali P.O.).—Church of St. Francis X avier : Rev. J . Stouten. Cath. 1,550. 7 substations, 4 chapels.

Patibanda (P.O. via Sattenapalli).—Church of the Epiphany : Rev. C. Staffhorst. Cath. 1,600. 9 substations, 7 chapels.

Pedda-Parim i (Tadikonda P.O.).—Rev. K. Chinnappa. C ath. 3,350. 30 substations, 7 chapels.

Siripuram .—Church of Lord’s Circumcision : Rev. Y. Paul. Cath. 1,250. 12 substations, 7 chapels.

Talacheruvu (Acham pet P.O.).—Church of th e N ati­v ity : Rey. L. Boats. Cath. 1,850. 10 substations, 2 chapels,

Ve l l o r e 215

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Tubadu (Satulur P.O.).—Church of St. V in c e n t: Rev. H. H anraets. Cath. 1,700. 18 substations, 10 chapels.

Kondram utla (Vinukouda P.O.).—Rev. 0 . K. X avier. Cath. 500. 15 substations, 7 chapels.

Ravipadu (Narasaraopet P.O.).—Church of th e Im m acu­late Conception : V ery Rev. W. Jarvis, Superior of th e Mill H ill Fathers. Cath. 800. 10 substations, 3 chapels.

Turacapalem.—Rev. J. W alsh. Catb.‘500. 8 substations, 2 chapels.

R entichintala .—Church of Our LadyVPurification : Very Rev. Y. X avier and Rev. M. Ignatius. Cath. 1,725. 21 sub­stations, 10 chapels.

Rayaveram (M acherla P.O.).—Church oJ th e A pparition: Cath. 594. 9 substations, 3 chapels V isited from R enti­chintala.

KURNOOL DISTRICTK urnool.—Sacred H eart Church : Revs. F. M ayer and

N. P iror. Catb. 250.K otta la (Nandyal P.O.).—Rev. Y. A rlappa. Cath. 500.

5 substations, 3 chapels.

Onteddupalle (Nosam P.O.).—Church of St. Francis X avier. Cath. 500, 2 substations, 2 chapels. V isited from K ottala.

Polur (Nandyal P.O.).—Holy Fam ily Church : Revs. J. V an Diepen and B. Sm ith. Cath. 600. 5 substations, 3chapels.


Urutur (Y erraguntla P.O.).—St. Joseph’s Church Cath. 339. 4 substations, 4 chapeh . Visited from G untakal.

AN A N TA PU R DISTRICTGuntakal.— Church of St. A n n e : Revs. J. Sehipper and

J. Gysman. Cath. 1,200. 19 substations, 7 chapels.

CHITTOOR DISTRICTPakala .—Church of St. Anthony. Revs. J . Brohm and

HI, F. Xavier. C^th. 800, 15 substations, 3 chapels,

2 1 6 n e l l o r e

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Bishop ... ... ... ... ... 1P riests ... ... ... ... ... 35Church w ith resident Priests ... ... 22Seminaries ... ... ... ... 2

Seminarians ... ... ... ... 49Convents... ... ... ... ... 9

Women (Religious) ... ... ... 153High School for boys ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 219High School for g irls ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 209Training School for g irls ... ... ... 1

Students ... ... ... ... 184Boarding School for boys ... ... ... 1

Inm ates ... ... .. ... 109Boarding Schools for g i r l s .. ... ... 4

Inm ates ... ... ... ... 384Orphanages for girls ... ... ... 4

O rphans.............. ... ... ... 155Industrial School... ... ... ... 1Prin ting Press ... ... ... ... 1Hospitals ... ... ... ... 3Dispensaries ... ... ... ... 3Catholic population ... ... ... 29,fi75



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(M issionaries o f S t. Francis o f Sales)I t com prises: I. P a rt of the Madras Presidency, viz., the

districts of Godavery, of Vizagapatam , the Jeypore State, the Parlakim edy and the ta luk of Ohicacole.

II . P a rt of the Central Provinces, viz , th e native state of Bastar, the Zamindari of A hiri and th e ta luk of Sironcha.

III . P a rt of Behar and Orissa, viz., the Zamindari of K alahandi.

Total population 6,000,000. Cath. 9,973.B i s h o p

The Rt. Rev. P eter Rossillon, M.S.F.S., consecrated on May 7,1919, a t Annecy as coadjutor to Bishop J. M. Clere. Became Bishop of Vizagapatam, at his death, on June 18,1926.

Residence : Bishop's H ouse, Vizagapatam.Vicar-General.— V ery Rev. Mgr. V. Dem atraz.Chancellor.—J. F. Bouchet.Fiscal Advocate.—Rev. V. Dematraz.Consultors.— V ery Rev. V. Dematraz ; Revs. Frs. A, Rey,

J. F. Bouchet, A. M arroliat, J. Cowman and X . Dias.Censors.—V ery Revs. Dematraz and J. L. Contat.Prosynodal Exam iners.—Revs. J. L. Contat, J. Degeneve

and P . Descombes.P rocuroro f the M ission.—Rev. J. F. Barchet.Inspector o f Schools.—Rev. J. B. Salomon.Inspector o f Catechism .—V e r y R e v . V . D e m a tra z .

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

(1) The M issionaries o f S t. Franis o f Sales.—32 priests, 4 lay-brothers. Superior Regular, V ery Rev. V. Dem atraz, Cathedral, V izagapatam .

(2) Sisters o f S t, Joseph (Annecy* France).—75 sisters,

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Residences : W alta ir Station, Vizagapatam, Vizia- nugaram , Palkonda, Salur, and Cocanada.—Rev. Mother Jane Lucy, W altair station.

(3) Nursing S isters o f S t. Anne .—3 Sisters. M other House, Bimlipatam. Superioress, Rev. M other Catherine.

H ig h S c h o o l s

Vizagapatam.—St. Aloysius* High School for European boys w ith boarding establishm ent: Pupils, 186. Principal, Rev. J. Cowman. Prosfessors, Revs. Ch. Semellaz, J. Dege- neve, J. B. Gonthier, J. Baud, J. Laurence and E. D’Rosario, Rev. J. Degeneve is in charge of the school band and of the choir.

W alta ir S ta tion .—St. Joseph’s Convent High School for European girls : Sisters of St. Joseph. Boarding establish­ment. Pupils 12i.

M id d l e S c h o o l

Cocanada.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European girls ; Sisters of St. Joseph's Boarding establishm ent. Pupils 95.

H ig h e r E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l s

Vizagapatam.—St. A nthony’s Telugu Boys’ School. Pupils 205. Rev. J. F. Bouchet ; Asst. Rev. E. Coutin.

Vizagapatam.—St. Joseph’s Telugu Girls’ School. Pupils 120. Sisters of St. Joseph.

Vizianagram.—St. Joseph’s Indian G irls’ School. Pupils110. Sisters of St. Joseph.

Vizianagram.— St. Anthony’s Indian Boys’ School. Pupils 120. Rev. A. Voisin.

I n d u s t r ia l Sc h o o l s

Vizagapatam.—St. Aloysius’ Industria l School recognised by Government. Apprentices have to sign a four years’ agree­ment. They are likely a practical engineering training and are made to follow a course of geometrical and scale drawing. No hostel. Outsiders must arrange for th e ir own board and lodging. Pupils 35. M anager of the institution : Rev. J. Cowman.

W alta ir Station.—St. Joseph’s Industrial School where lace-m aking and w eaving are being taught. Pupils 30*

v iz AGÀPATÀM 2 l§

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P r im a r y S c h o o l s

Vizagapatam,—St. Joseph’s P rim ary School for European Girls. Pupils 60.

P rim ary Schools fo r Indian Boys and Girls in the d is tr ic t: 85.

Number o f pupils attending these schools : 3,794.T r a i n i n g S c h o o l s f o r C a t e c h is t s

Kottavalasa.—T r a in in g School for T e lu g u C a ste b o y s : 26. Palkonda.—T r a in in g School fo r N o n -c a s te b o y s : 14.

O r p h a n a g e s

Cocanada.—St. Joseph’s Orphanage for Anglo-Indian g irls: Inm ates 34. Sisters of St. Joseph.

Vizagapatam —Orphanage for Anglo-Indian boys. Boys 24. Rev. J. Cowman.

W alta ir station.—St. Joseph’s Orphanage for Indian girls. Inm ates 95. Sisters of St. Joseph. Rev. M other Adelaide.

Salur.—St. Joseph’s boarding establishm ent for ab­original girls. Inm ates 25. Rev. Mother St. Helen.

Palvalsa (Palkonda).—St. Joseph’s farm for Pancham as ; Inm ates 48. Rev. J. Quiller

G a zetteer

Vizagapatam.—St. A nne’s Cathedral (18E4) .* Sub-sts. 3» Cath. 917. Rev. J. Degeneve, Parish p r ie s t; A s s t s , Revs. A. Rey and J. B. Gonthier.

B o ss-H ill .—Our Lady of the Sacred H eart (built 1867, rebuilt 1906): A well-know n pilgrimage on the East-Coast. Rev. J. Cowman.

Bim lipatam .—J. Vittoz. Cath. 25.Bdbbili (V izagapatam Dt.).—Cath. 1,731. Sub-stns. 7.

Schools 9. Rev. L. Mariadoss.Cocanada (Godavery Dt.).—St. Anne (1861): Cath. 407.

Schools 2. Rev. J. L. Contat.Gnanapuram (W altair Ry. Stn.).—St. P e te r’s : Cath.

1,269. V ery Revs. V. Dematraz and A. Cyril. Schools 4,


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Kottadaba (Kottavalsa, B. N Ry.).—Our Lady of the Sacred H eart (1882): Sub-sts. 5. Cath. 641. Rev. Crispin de Souza. Schools 7.

Madgole (V izagapatam Dt.).—Our Lady of Compassion (1929). Sub-sts. 3. Schools 3. Cath. 891. Rev. X avier Dias.

Palkonda (V izagapatam Dt.).—Our Lady of Lourdes (1925). Sub-sts. 3 Schools 8. Revs. J , Quibler and J . Vadi- cherla. Cath. 968.

Veragatham (V izagapatam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 6. Schools 10. Cath. 558. Rev. R. Maniouloux.

Parvatipur (Vizagapatam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 9. Schools 9. Cath. 671. Revs. A. B arril and J. B. Salomon.

P arlakim edy (Ganjam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 2. School 1. Cath. 150. Rev. E. Ailloud.

R ajahm undry (Godavery Dt.).—Holy Redeemer (1902— 1925). Cath. 385. Rev. P . Descombes.

Saluru (V izagapatam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 10. Schools 14. Cath, 1,527, Rev. A. M arrolliat, A. Juan and R. Saldanha.

M akuva (Vizagapatam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 8. Schools 8. Cath. 2,359. Revs. A. M arrolliat and J. Monnard.

Vizianagram (Vizagapatam Dt.).—St. Maurice (1892). Cath. 418. Schools 4. Revs. A. Voism and J. Grosfort.

Yanam (French territo ry , Godavery Dt.).—St. Anne (rebuilt 1859). Cath. 45. Rev. A. Gangloff.



Secular Priests Religious Priests 28



Total 36

Churches w ith Resident PriestsMission w ith ChapelsTotal number of localitiesSeminariansH igh School for boys 1





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High School for girlsStudents

Elem entary SchoolsP u p ils


Religious womenDo. men (not P riests)

Dispensaries. ("Infants, 776 Baptism s. ( AdultSf 234

Children in periculo m ortis A dults in do.

Total baptisms

M arrirges Converts Catechumens Number of Catholics

Do. of Non-Catholics Total population


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(C7an.gr. Mis. or Vincentians)By a Brief, dated 18th Ju ly 1928, th is mission was detached

from the Diocese of V izagapatam and trusted to the eare of Spanish V incentian F athers who have been working under the Bishop of Vizagapatam since 1922.

I t comprises : I. I f Madras Presidency, almost the whole Ganjam district.

II . P a rt of Behar and Orissa, viz., the British districts and tribu tary States of Orissa which lie south of th e Mahanadi river except th e district of Sambalpur and the States of Somapur and P atna.

F athers 13. Lay-brothers 4.Language.—U riya is spoken in Ganjam district, north of

Chicacole, as far north as Cuttack in Orissa, Kond and Sawara in the Agency.

Total U riya and Kond population : 4 millions in the Mission of South Orissa.

Ecclesiastical Superior. Very Rev. V. Guemes.Address : Berham pur, Ganjam Dt.

In s t itu t io n sC uttack.—St. Joseph’s Girls’ School: Boarding House, 75

pupils, managed by the Sisters of St. Joseph from Annecy.Surada (Ganjam Dt.).—School for Catechisfcs : 21 candi­

dates. Rev. V. Guemes, C.M.Cuttack.— St. Joseph’s School for Anglo-Indian girls :

Orphans 48, managed by the Sisters of St. Joseph.Surada.—30 boys and 34 girls. Rev. A. V. Guemes, C.M.

G a zetteerBerhampur (Ganjam Dt.).—Cath. 75. Revs. R. Ferrer,

C.M., and 0 . Corbats, C.M.

Cuttack (Orissa).—Our Lady of the Rosary (1862): Cath. 167, Revs. M. Coelho, C.M., and M. Casares, C.M. Schools 2.

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Dantolinguy (Ganjam Dt.).—Sub-st. 1. Cath. 174. Rev. T. Tajadura, C.M. School 1.

D ighy (Surada, Ganjam Dt.).—Sub-sfcs. 5. Oath. 266. Revs. F. Sanz, Ch. Sebastian, C.M., and L. V alet, C.M. Schools3.

Gattinga (Ganjam Dt.).—Sub-sts. 10, Cath. 1,151. Rev.V. Mareos, C.M. Schools 13.

Kurda Road (Jatn i P.O.).—Sub-st. 1. Cath. 334. Rev. P. P . Garcia, C.M. School 1.

Surada (Ganjam Dt ) —Sub-sts. 2. Cath. 349. Revs. V. Guemes, C.M., Jph. Aguilar, and C. C. Marquez, C.M. Schools 2.

RECA PITU LA TIO NEcclesiastical Superior.—R t. Rev. V. Guemes, C.M. Secular Priests ... ... ... ... 12Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 7Baptisms ... ... ... ... 395Catholic population ... ... ... 2,519


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Population : 3,001,037. Oath. 3,792.

Ecclesiastical Superior and Regular Superior.—The Rt. Rev. F ather Ernest Reilly, O.F.M, Address : St. Lazarus, Cowl Bazaar, Bellary.

Secretary .—The Rev. F r. Celestine ReardQn, O.F.M.

ConsultQTS.—V ery Rev. G. Callerçberg ; Revs. F. F . Clement, M atthew and Celestine, O.F.M.

Procurator.—Rev. F. Theodore.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s a n d I n s it u t io n s

1. The Franciscans (Friars Minor, English Province).— Superior, The Rt. Rev. F r. Ernest Reilly. O.F.M. 10 Priests, 2 Professed Lay-Brothers. Address. St. Lazarus, Cowl Bazaar, Bellary.

2. Indian B ro thers o f S t. Francis o f A ss is i .— Superior, Rev. Bro. Alexis. Two Brothers.

3. S t. Paneras' European Sehool fo r Boys, Fort, B ellary. —Principal, Rev. G. Callenberg.

4. St. John 's H igh School fo r Boys, B ellary Cantonment. —Principal, Rev. F r. Celestine, O.F.M.

5. S t. Philomena's H igh School fo r G irls , B ellary Cantonment.—Headmistress, M other Josephine.

6. S isters H ospita liers o f S t. Francis o f A ss is i , F ort, B ellary.

7. Indian S isters o f S t, Francis X a v ie r , Cowl Bazaar , B ellary.

8. S isters o f S t. Anne.—Superior, Sister Corina, St. M ary’s Convent, Raichur. Middle school w ith boarding for girls.


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G a zetteer

B ella ry Cowl Bazaar.— St. Lazarus (1851—1873) : Cath1,500. R t. Rev. F r. Ernest, O.F.M.

B ellary F ort.—Sacred H eart (1845) : Cath. 320. Rev. Fr, Clement, O.F.M.

B ella ry Cantonment.—Assumption of Our Lady (1865) : Cath. 100. Served from Cowl Bazaar.

, Ramadurgam.—Oux Lady, Queen of Heaven (1850) : Cath. 650, Rev. F r. Francis, O.F.M. Chippigiri, P.O., Bellary Dt. Sub-sts. : Adoni and M uddanagiri.

Raichur .—St. Francis X avier : Rev. F r. John Forest,O.F.M. Cath. 180.

Mudgal.—Sacred H eart : Gath. 650. Rev. F r. M atthew ,O.F.M.


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Suffragan Dioceses : Coimbatore, Kumbakonam, Malacca and Mysore.

(The Society o f Foreign M issions o f Paris.)The Archdiocese of Pondicherry is bounded (1) on the

East by th e Bay of Bengal, from the mouth of the river P alar to the mouth of th e V e lla r ; (2) on the N orth by the Palar and the North Arcot District, except at its extreme southern portion w here th e boundary of the Archdiocese is formed by the M arakanam -Calicut trunk road : (3) on the W est partly by th e Mysore Territory and th e river Chunar, w hich sepa­rates it from the Diocese of Mysore, and partly by the Cau- very w hich separates it from the Diocese of Coimbatore ; (4) on the South by th e river Y ellar, w hich separates it from the Diocese of Kumbakonam.

Besides Pondicherry itself and the portion of British India contiguous to it, the Archdiocese includes all the sm aller outlying French possessions, viz., K arikal and Y anam on the East Coast, Mahe on the W est Coast and Chandernagore in Bengal. Population 3,500,000: Cath.115,000.

A r c h b is h o p a n d M e t r o p o l it a n

The Most Rev. Elie Jean Joseph Morel, D.D., nominated Archbishop of Pondicherry, May 11, 1909; consecrated a t Pondicherry, September 21,1909, resigned, titu la r Archbishop of Cotrada and A dm inistrator Apostolic, September 20, 1929.

Vicar-General.— Rt. Rev. Mgr. P. G-ayetChancellor.—V ery Rev. J. Dequidt.C onsultors— Revs. A. Combes, J. P inel, T. Rasendira-

nader and P. Verdure.Procurator o f the M ission.—-Rev. J. Pinel.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

(1) The B rothers o f S t. Gabriel, an Order founded by the Blessed Gr. de Mont fort, for im parting Secondary, P rim ary and Technical education to boys and m aintaining charitable institutions for men. There are 11 European and 11 Indian Brothers in Tindivanam, Pondicherry and YercaucJ.


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(2) The S isters o f S t. Joseph de Cluny devote them ­selves to the education of girls and to the m aintenance of charitable in s titu tio n s : orphanages, technical schools, dispensaries, homes for th e aged poor. The headquarters and novitiate are at P ond icherry : 85 European and Indian nuns ; Superioress : Rev. M other M arie de Sacre Coeur, Pondicherry.

(3) The Carmelite Nuns, founded by F r. Coeurdox, S.J., in 1750, devoted exclusively to th e contemplative life, have tw o Convents, one in Pondicherry, 19 professed and 7 'novices and one in K arikal, 16 professed.

(4) The S isters o f the H o ly and Imm aculate H eart o f M ary , an Indian Congregation, founded in 1844, under the rules of the Third R egular Order of St, Francis of Assisi, for th e education of Indian girls. The novitiate is in Pondi­cherry ; and there are 37 Convents, of w hich 19 are in th is Diocese, 13 in th e Diocese of Kumbakonam, 4 in the Diocese of Quilon and 1 in M ylapore. To th e more im portant Con­vents is generally attached an Orphanage for Indian girls. The Congregation numbers about 250 nuns ; Superioress : Rev. Mother Regina Marie.

(5) The S isters o f S t. A loysius founded about the middle of th e 18th century for bringing up Pancham a children ; 53 nuns who conduct 5 schools and orphanages at Pondicherry, Oulgaret, Mogaiyur and V ettavalam .

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

Theological Sem inary—see separate list.

The “ P e tit Seminaire—College,” a Secondary School for th e education of boys ; th ree sections : French, English (up to Form III) and Tamil. Rev. P. Escande.

C uddalore— St. Joseph’s Secondary School. Boarding establishment. St. Joseph’s Branch School, T irupapuliyur: sem inarians (40 from Pondicherry Diocese and 19 from Kum ­bakonam Diocese).

St. M ary’s School w ith a Typewriting Institution : Rev F r. F. Isaac, 133.

Cuddalore.— St. M ary’s Home for Indian boys under 10 years of age, belonging to fam ilies of good standing : Sisters Of S t. Joseph de CJuny.


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Tindivanam.—St. Joseph’s Industrial and Government Industrial Training School: Rev. Bro. Jean-Baptiste. Nor­mal School for T raining of School m asters, St. Anne’s Board­ing establishment for younger boys and Training School for Catechists : Rev. F r. A. Colas.

Yercaud — Mon fort European Boys’ High School, Board­ing establishment attached (1917). Brothers of St. Gabriel. Rev. Brother Eugene.

152 E lem entary schools for boys, 5,700 pupils. Diocesan Director, Rev. Fr. T. G avan Duffy, Head Office, Tindivanam.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Pondicherry.—St. Joseph’s Convent School, a day-school for European girls (123). Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny, attached a Technical Section where European girls (72) are taught needlework and lace-making. A sim ilar Technical Section for Pancham a girls is attached to the “ Hospice Desbassyns ” (girls 80) and another one for caste girls a ttach ­ed to the “ Bon Secours ” Convent.

2. K a rika l.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European, Eurasian and Indian girls. (Total 240 girls.)

3. Chandernagore.—School of the Im m aculate Concep­tion. Boarding establishm ent for European and Eurasian girls. (Total 117.)

4. Mahe.—St. Joseph’s Convent School for European, Eurasian and Indian girls. Technical Section for Indian girls. (Total 60.)

5. Yercaud.—Sacred H eart G irls’ H igh School for Euro­pean children : Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny. Boarding establishm ent attached.

Cuddalore.—H igher Grade E lem entary G irls’ School, Pudupalaiyam : Sisters of th e Im m aculate H eart of Mary, Boarding establishm ent attached. (Total 200 pupils.)

28 Elem entary schools for girls. 2,070 pupils. Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

Orphanage.—In Pondicherry “ V ille blanche ’’ two orphanages : one for Eurasian boys, (34) Brothers of St. Gabriel : one for Eurasian girls, (72) Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny. The form er is called “ Orphelinat de N. D. dee


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A nges” , the la tte r “ Orphelinat-ouvroir de St. Joseph.’* Two orphanages for Indian boys : Tindivanam—Brothers of St. Gabriel and Chandernagore.

Orphanage.—10 orphanages for Indian girls : two in Pondicherry, one in each of the following places : K arikal, Chandernagore, Mahe, Tindivanam, Cuddalore and M ogaiyur. Besides orphan children are brought up in the various con­vents of the Congregation of the Im m aculate H eart of M ary.

D ispensaries .—The Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny m ain­tain th ree dispensaries a t Tindivanam, Cheyur and A lladhy.

Homes fo r the Aged Poor.—Three homes in Pondicherry, K arikal and Cuddalore New Town : Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny.

A sylum .—One asylum in Pondicherry chiefly intended for destitute Eurasian children and women (Le R efuge): Rev. Mother Anselme.

H ospita ls .—Station Hospitals of Pondicherry, Chander­nagore and C uddalore: Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny.


Ariankuppam (Ariankuppam P.O., Pondicherry).—Sub- sts. : M urugapakkam and Corkamodu ; 3 vills. Church, chapels3. Cath. 1,452. Rev. Y. A utem ard.

Bahoor (S. Arcot).— Cath. 30. A ttended from Pondi- bherry Cathedral.

Chandernagore (Bengal).—Church, chapel. Cath. 320. Rev. A. Durier.

Coorombagaram (Nedungadu P.O., Tanjore Dt.).—Sub- sts. : M atalancudy, Naricarambai, Nellatoor and Tiruvengada- puram. Cath. 1,080. Rev. L. Pungier.

K a rika l.—S ub-sts .; Coutcherry, Casacoody and Grande Aldee. 39 vills. Churches 4, chapels 3. Cath. 5,691. Revs. P . Veaux, Tesson, M arinader, Bonis and Hougard.

Mahe (M alabar)—Church, chapel. Cath. 450. Rev. R. J . Loyon. Convent of th e Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny.

M uthialpet (Pondicherry P.O.),—5 vills. Church. Cath. 1,134. Rev. S. Gentilhomme.

N ellitope (Pondicherry P.O.).—2 vills. Church, chapel* C ath. 2,381. Rev. J. Huguet.


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Olugarai (S. Arcot).—4 vills. Church, 2 chapels. Cath. 2,208. Rev. E . Marie Savery.

Pondicherry—(1) Metropolitan Church of the Im m aculate Concep­

tion : Cath. 6,182. Revs. A. Combes and Anthonisami.(2) Sacred H e a r t: Cath. 2,500. Rev. P. Planab.(3) Our. Lady of Angels : Pop. 1,500. Revs. M. Paillot

and L. Blaise.Pondicherry—

P etit Sem inaire—College : M anager, Rev. P . Escande Professors, Revs. A. Deniaud, O. Bernadotte, Guillerm, Lereide and Lourdessamy w ith a staff of teachers. 1,000 students, of whom 500 are Catholics.

Mission Press : Revs. J. Dequidt and J. C haum artin.Mission D epot: Rev. R. Boudoul.Convent of the Carm elite N uns: Superior, Rev. A.

Combes: Chaplain, Rev. F. Bosquet.Convent, School and Boarding establishm ent for caste

g ir ls : Sisters of th e Sacred H eart of M ary. A telier for Church vestm ents attached : Rev. J . Dequidt.

Convent, School and Orphanage of the Nuns of St. Louis of G onzaga: Rev. A. Combes.

Hospice.—Asylum of the Nuns of St. Joseph : Rev. J.Pinel.

Villianur (S. Arcot).—Church of B. L. of Lourdes : Cath. 64. A tt. from Pondicherry.


A lladhy (P idaripattu , V illupuram P.O.).—38 vills. Cath.3,500. Rev. J. L. Godec. Dispensary, Nuns of St. Joseph de Cluny.

A ttipakam (Tirukkoyilur P.O.).—Sub-st. : Devivaram, 12 vills. Cath. 6,300. Rev. W. M arie-Pragasanader.

Cuddalore (New Town).—2 Churches. Cath. 681. Rev. P. Isaac. St. M ary’s Home for Indian boys under 10. St. Joseph’s Sec. School: Revs. P . Verdure, H. Escande,C. Renoux, Swamikannu. St. Ann’s H. El. School, girls ; S t, A nthony’s girls’, 262 pupils.


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Ouddalore (Old Town).—S u b -sts .; Nellikuppam, M ullik- ram pet, Pariapet and Porto N qvq. Oath. 617, Rev. Selva- nader.

E ra iyur (Tirukkoyilur P.O.).—Sub-sts.: M emalur, M el- wagi, Koniyur, Sideyi and Richyandiam . 47 vills. Cath. 5,079. Revs. Saminader and Devannah.

Gingee.—Sub-sts.: Damanoor, Turinjypoondy, Conee, Alamboondy, M analapady and Satyamangalam, 38 vills. Cath. 2,955. Rev. J. M. Lamatho.

Irudayam pattu (via T irukkoyilur).—Sub-sts.: Tangal, A rulam bady and Soraebodey, 39 vills, Oath, 3,600. Rev. P . M. Kolandesami.

Irunday (T iruvanellur P.O.).—Sub-sts : M adampattu, Marnody and Sartanoor. 26 vills. Cath. 2,245. Rev, J. G nanadikam .

K allakurchi.—Sub-»at s . : Nariappanur, Tele vasal, Molle- pur, A kraplaiyam and Cottalam. 8 vills. Cath. 1,273. Rev.F. Daniel.

Konankuppam (Vriddhachalam P.O.).—S ub-sts .: Cola- noor, Tooroogam, Maleyanoor, V irarettykuppam and Covilan- kuppam. 13 vills. Cath. 2,500. Rev. E. M aylin.

K urapatta i (V eludaiyanpattu P.O. via Cuddalore O.T.,S. Arcot).—'Sub-sts,: V ellayankuppam and Cunancurchi. 10 vills. Cath. 2,878. Revs. Savarinader and G. Ponnutam by- nader.

Munnur (via Tindivanam).—Sub-sts.: M arkanam and ’N'almukul. 26 vills. Qath. 1,020, Rev. F. Clement.

M ogaiyur.—S ub-sts .: Kalanur and Arcaud. 40 vills. Church, Cath. 4,980. Rev. M arie-Joseph.

Nangatoor (A nantapuram P.O., V illupuram ).—Sub-sts. : A nery and Tettou. 27 vills. Cath. 3,143. Rev. F . Mezin.

• Panicankuppum (P anru ti P.O.).—Sub-sts.: Moojandi-kuppam and Satipet. 14 vills. Cath. 3,418. Rev. L. M. A rul.

S ittam ur (Tindivanam).—Sub-sts. : Aroonganoor, Tanil, Vellam angalam and Vengandoor. 21 vills. Cath. 1,853. Rev. J. M. Chavanol.

Thely (M ambalapattu P.O., S. Arcot).—St. Joseph’s Church. Sub-sts.: K alpet, Raney, Sellamkuppam, A rielur an(J l^akanur, Cath. 2,239, Rev. I*. SacreP


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Tindivanam.—S ub-sts.: Periamendoor, Alacramam,Perumbakam and Terconam. 25 vills. Cath. 1,520. Rev. F. Noel. Dispensary, orphanage, technical school for girls. Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny. Orphanage for boys, Industrial School (Brothers of St. Cabriel). Training School for Masters. St. Ann’s Boarding for younger boys. Diocesan office of schools: Revs. T. G avan Duffy, A. Cloas, H. Caston, A. Leblanc and J. Trideau.

Ulthur (P innalur P.O., Chidambaram Taluk).—Sub-sts.: V adhavallur, Nekanam, Nellicollay and Kollacudy. 21 vills. Cath. 2,602. Rev. R. M. Anandu.

Vikravandy.—Sub-sts. : Citeny, Capiamur, Tumour, Vidur and Vemby. 35 vills. Cath. 944. Rev. M. Raphael.

Villupuram.—Sub-sts. r Adenoor, Royapakam and San- gadhoy. 8 vills. Cath. 2,802. Rev. A. Cussac and Pey- routet,

V ir iy u r — Sub-sts. : Cottalam, Mayenoor, Panjangoor, Serooveloor, Sojampetta. V elantangal and V ettavalam (N,A.). 51 vills. Cath. 4,817. Rev. Bakianather. St. Rock’s G irls’ School, 112 pupils.

I I I . DISTRICT OF CH INGLEPUTC heyur— S ub-st.: Kadapakam . 39 vills. Cath. 1,691.

Dispensary. Convent School. Sisters of St. Joseph de Cluny, Rev. L. G randjanny.

Pudur (K arunguli P.O.).—Sub-sts. : Thatchoor and Vala- yaputtur. 27 vills. Cath. 2,555. Convent School, Rev. T. Rassendiranader.

Ravuttanallur (U ttiram erur P.O.).—S ub-sts.: Carevay- anpadi, Ongoor and Manambady. 25 vills. Cath. 3,850. Revs. J . L. Gabillet and Mirande.

IV . DISTRICT OF SALEMA kkravaram (K aripatti P.O.).—Cath. 874. Convent

School. Attended from Salem.Cadagathur (Dharmapuri P.O.).—S ub-sts .: Savadiur and

Kottam patty. Cath. 1,175. A ttended from Coviloor.Ooviloor (Adam ankotta P.O.).—S ub-sts.: Tengrakotta,

Cangrapatty and M allapuram. 16 vills. Cath. 1,500. Convent School, Rev. A. Chouvenc.

E lla thagiri (V arattanapalli P.O.).—Sub-sts. : Ndllimar- a ttanpatty and K rishnagiri. Cath. 1,280. Convent School, Rev. Marie-Dominique.



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Salem.—S ub-st.: Suramangalam. Cath. 2,454, Convent School. Revs. Adiroubasami and R. Michotte,

Settia p a tty (Omalur P.O.).—S ub-sts .: Rettoor, Sankari- drug, K atteri, S innapanpatty and Yedapady. 33 vills. Cath. 2,530. Convent School, Rev. A. Bonnefond.

Yercaud and Balmadies.—% vills. Cath. 1,200. Revs. F, Campuzan, P . Morin and M. Capelle. Montfort European Boys’ High School, 126 boarders, 27 day-scholars. Rev. Brother Eugene, 4 European and 4 Indian Brothers. Sacred H eart European G irls ' H igh School, 50 boarders, 93 day- soholars. Rev. Sr. G ertrude. 9 Sisters Convent School.


RECA PITU LA TIO N A dm inistrator ... ... ... 1Diocesan Priests ... ... ... 9.6Churches w ith Resident P riests ... 50Missions w ith Chapels ... ... 240

Total Chapels ... 290L ittle Seminarians educated in St. Joseph’s,

Cuddalore and Mangalore ... ... 40Students in th e Grand Seminary of Pondi­

cherry, w here same staff as last year ... ____ UTotal Seminarians ... 51

Religious women ... ... ... 360Do. B rothers... ... ... 25

Colleges and H igh schools for boys ... 3Students ... ... ... 2,450

Colleges and H igh schools for girls ... 3Students ... ... ... 340

E lem entary schools... ... ... 150Pupils ... ... ... ... 7,800

Orphanages ... ... ... 21Orphans ... ... ... 600

Catechists ... ... ... 74Industrial schools ... ... 4Hospitals and Dispensaries ... ... 3 + 4Homes for th e Aged, etc. ... ... 2

('rnfar.fo iC h ris t. 4,216')B aptism : ] in tan ts I A .M ., 963 £ Total 5,536

(.A d u lts ... ... 357JConverts (this year) ... ... 357M arriages ... ... ... 1,103Catholic population 115,000

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The Foreign M ission o f P aris and Diocesan Clergy.The Diocese includes: (1) the Coll ectorate of Coimbatore

less th e Taluk of K ollegal; (2) the Collectorate of the Nilgiris ; (3) the Taluks of Palghat and a part of W alluvanad in M alabar; (4) the Chittoor Taluk and the Nelliam pathy Hills in the Cochin territo ry and the Taluk of K arur (District of Trichinopoly). Population : 3,000,000. Cath. 51,213.


The Right Rev. A ugustin Roy, D.D., born at Pin, France, January 21,1863, Consecrated April 17,1904.

Vicar General.—V ery Rev. L. Bechu.Chancellor.—Rev. J. Perrin.Fiscal Advocate.—Rev. L. Perriere.C onsultors— Revs. M. Ignatius, J . B. P etit, A. Panet and

Marie Louis.Procurator.—R e v . A . Panet.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

(1) Brothers of St. Patrick at St. Joseph’s Institution for European boys, Coonoor. Brothers 6.

(2) Brothers of St. Fr. Olas Poinsary 4 at Tirupur.(3) Indian Brothers of the Sacred H eart, St. Joseph’s

Industrial School 3, at Kodivery 2.(4) Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Ootacamund ; Chap­

lain the Rev. Boissier, 2 convents Imm. Concep. St. Francis, Chaplains ; Revs. A. Panet, G. Bechu Kotagiri and K aity (in all 79).

(5) Sisters of St. Joseph de Tarbes at Coonoor : 11 Nuns.(6) Indian Nuns of the Presentation Order. Coimbatore,

Palghat, Pallapalayam , Atticodoo, D harapuram , Kodiveri, Ootacamund, W ellington'and Coonoor. 57 Nuns, 18 Novices and Postulants. Director, Rev. L. Perriere, Chaplain, S, Masillamani.


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

Coimbatore.—St. Joseph’s Sem inary : Rev. L. Perriere. St. M ichael’s H igh School for boys : Revs. Bechu, M asilla- mani and R. Arul, Pupils 659, Boarding establishm ent, boys 134. Revs. Bechu, Chervier, M asillamani and Arul.

Coonoor.—St. Joseph’s Institu tion for European boys : The Brothers of St. P atrick ” have charge of the Institution, Chaplain, Rev. E. Langlet, pupils 145, Coimbatore, orphanage for Indian boys : Rev, A. M. Joseph. I n connec­tion w ith th e orphanage, St. Joseph’s Industrial School, the pupils are tra ined in different branches of Industry , viz., carpentry, ra ttan-w ork , iron-work, fitting, etc. : Kev. R . J. Perrin , Manager.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Coimbatore.—Convent of Indian Nuns of th e Presentation Order. 57 Nuns and 18 Novices. 72 schools for Indian girls ; orphanage.

Coimbatore.—Franciscan Missionaries of M ary (1846) Convent of th e Imm. Conception School for Indian Girls. Hospital, dispensary and orphanage for Indian Girls. Con­vent of S t. Francis for European and Anglo-Indian Girls. So. Francis H igh School and Boarding House for European and Anglo-Indian Girls.

C om oor .—11 Sisters of St. Joseph de Farbes. High School and Boarding House for Eurorean and Anglo-Indian Girls.

Ootacamund.—Convent of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. N azareth school forithe education of young ladies including th e ordinary course of High School, foreign langu­ages, music, plain and fancy needlework.

G a zetteer

Atticodoo (via Palghat and Kozinjampara).—N allur and Pottiarpet. Cath. 3,900. R. S. Andrew.

C hittoor (via Palghat).—Kovilpalayam and Kondakadoo. Cath. 943. Rev. T. X averi.

Coimbatore.—Cathedral. Cath. 6,000. Rev. M. Domini­que ; Asst. Rev. T. C. Adaikalam .

Coonoor.—Cath, 4,500. Rev. J . B. P e ti t ; Asst. Rev. R. Ambrose.


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Dharapuram (Coimbatore Dt.).—M adatukulam and Tana- pattam . Cath. 785. Rev. S. Ambrose.

Erichambady (via Palghat).—Saveriarpalayam . Cath. 2,570. Rev. M. M ichelnather.

Erode.—Koomarapalayam, Kandapavalasu, Perum -taleeyur and Kanjikovil. Cath, 922. Rev. M. Saverinather.

Gudalore (The N ilgiri Dt.).—Cath. 2,124. Rev. J . Les- ponne.

K a ity (The N ilgiri Dt.).—Cath. 152. Rev. M. Saveri- m uthu.

K arum atham patti.—Somanur. Cath. 1,010. Rev. J . M. Gaucher.

Karoor (Neroor, Chinnadharapuram , A ruvakurchy).— Cath. 860. Rev. M ariarokiam.

K odiveri (via Sathiam angalam ).—Gundri, Sicris-palayam , Kongurupalayam land Doreampalayam. Cath. 1,350. Rev. A. Marie Louis, Asst. Rev. G. Marie Ambrose.

K olapullur (via Erode and Gobichettipalayam).—Gopi- palayam and Gavundam palayam . Cath. 600. Rev. A. Collin.

Sinnapallam M etur.—Cath. 980. Rev. G. M artial.Malarcod (Peruncollam and Neliampathy).—Cath. 436.

Rev. A. Roche.Nagalur (via Erode and A nthiyur).—Michelpalayam and

U rachicottay, Cath. 683. Rev. M. Paul.Ootacamund.—Bt. M ary's. Cath. 4,000. Rev. P. Crays-

sac, Asst. R. I. Mariassoussay. Sacred H e a r t : Cath. 2,000. Rev. F.Ligeon.

N azareth C onvent— Cath. 216. Rev. A. Boissiere Chaplain.

Palghat (Cadacankonam, Moondoor, Kirankadoo, V anar- kadoo).—Cath. 73U. Rev. Lazare.

Pallapalayam (via Somenur).—Chedapalayam, Comba- cado and Pudur. Cath. 1,280. Rev. C. Castanie.

Podanur (M ettupalayam).—Cath. 1,650. Rev. C. Petite.Piliakolam.~Ga.th.. 975. Rev. L. Guibal.


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Pollachi (Udamalpet).—Cath. 495. Rev. N. Madelei*- nather.

Puklipalayam (Vefcupalayam and Pomenur Tirupur).— Cath. 772. Rev. A. Ignatius.

8 aver iarpal ay am (via Coimbatore).—Kannam palayam . Câth. 1,021. Rev. J. Kolher.

Saveriarpalayam (via Erode and Sampalli).—Nayambadi, Pomenur. Cath. 1,600. Rev. P . Francis.

Vadakancherry (and V andali).—via Pukilipalayam . Cath. 455. Rev. A. Roche.

Valparai ( Anamalai Hills).—Cath. 2,000. Rev. J. Hedde.Valipalayam (via Avanashi, Kovilipaiayam).—M udu-

dorai, Kalpati, Gundapalayam. Cath. 1,367. Rev. D. A nthoninather.

W ellington.—Cath. 3,300. Rev. V. Morin, Asst. Rev.A. Sw am inathar.



Bishop ... 1Diocesan Priests ... 28Priests of Foreign Mission 28Ecclesiastical Students 25Churches w ith Resident P riests 36Chapels ... 86Parochial schools... 72

Pupils ... ... 5,480Colleges ... 4

P u p ils .. ... 1,168Industrial School 1

Pupils 208Orphan Asylums... 4

Orphans 350M arriages 506Deaths ... 901Catholic population ... 51,213Protestants 56Pagans ... 2,800Mis. P . in A rt. M. ... 1(345

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(The Foreign M issions o f Paris)This Diocese is bounded on the North and W est by the

Archdiocese of Pondicherry, on the South by the Dioceses of Coimbatore, Trichinopoly and Mylapore. Population :3,400,000. Cath. 104,142.

B is h o p

The Right Rev. M. A. Chapuis, D.D., born a t St. Hostien in France, 1869; consecrated at Kumbakonam on July 25, 1911, by Bishop Bottero, as Co-adjutor Bishop w ith the title of Bishop of Castoria. He became Bishop of Kumbakonam after the death of Bishop Bottero.

E p is c o p a l C u r i a

Vicars-General.— R t. Rev. Mgr. A. Sovignet and R t. Rev. M. A. Xavier.

Consultorsi—Revs. M. A. X avier, M. Michotte, L, Pra- gasam, G. Playoust and J. Laplace.

Official.—Right Rev. Mgr. A. Sovignet.Chancellor and N otary.—Rev. J. Laplace.Procurator o f the M ission.—Rev, J. Laplace.Pro-Synodal Judges.—Revs. O. Huysm an, A. Xavier,

G. Playoust, J . P . Palluel and K. Rattinam .Pro-Synodal Exam iners and Parish Consultors.—Revs.

A. X avier, L. Pragasam , J . M artin and J . Laplace.Censors and Vigilance Council.—Revs. J. M artin, A.

Gnanadicam, R. Michotte and X avier.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

A. European S isters Catechists o f M ary Im m aculate : 6 houses at Kumbakonam, M ayavaram, Tranquebar, A yyam - pet, A tu r and Purattacudi, 45 in number. Besides the differ­ent works enum erated below, a novitiate for Indian nuns, 15 Sisters and 2 Novices, an ouyroir w here needlework, knitting, etc., are taught.


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B. Indian S isters a f the H oly and Immaculate H eart o f M ary conduct 19 schools : in charge of two orphanages at M ayavaram and M ichaelpatti. 96 in number.

1. E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

A. For boys.—H igher Elem entary schools 3.B. For girls.—H igher Elem entary schools 4, managed by

Nuns. Boarders are received in th ree schools': St. Teresa’s School, Tranquebar ; R. C. Convent schools, Kumbakonam and M ayavaram .

C. St. M ary's Industria l School, to teach orphans and other poor boys some useful w ork: 67 pupils. They are now trained in the different branches of industry : carpentry, rattan-w ork , iron-work and fitting. Manager, Rev. A. Gnanadicam.

D. Sem in a ry— See under Pondicherry in the special list. Sacred H eart’s Seminary : small sem inarians number 41.

2. C h a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

A. A Leper asylum, the Sisters Catechists of M ary Im m aculate. During last year it received 120 inmates.

B. A Poor house, same Sisters : 62 old people w ere received last year.

C. S t. Anne's H ospital for women and children w ith tw o Sisters in charge, a lady doctor, a lady apothecary and a midwife. Sisters Catechists of Mary Im m aculate.

D. E ig h t Dispensaries : % at Kumbakonam, I at Maya­varam , 1 at Tranquebar, 1 at Ayyampet, 1 at Purattacudi, 1 a t M ichaelpatti and 1 at A tur. Six are kept by th e Sisters Catechists of Mary Im m aculate and one by th e Indian Nuns.

E . A Foundling house in charge of the Sisters Catechists of Mary Im m aculate, in which 91 children w ere admitted last year.

F. Five orphanages.G azetteer

1. DISTRICT OF TANJOREAyyam pet (Tanjore Dt.).—Sub-sts. : Yelakurchi, Papa-

nasam, Tirukavalur (pilgrimage) and Kapistalam , Cath, 4,237. Rev. G. Playoust.


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Erukoor (Shiyali P.O.).—Sub-sts. : Shiyali and Siloovei- chery. Cath. 2,272. Rev. A. Vachon.

K araiyur (V ettar P.O.).—Cath. 2,113. Rev. A. Cheval­lier.

Kumbakonam.—Cathedral, St. M ary’s Church. Sub-sts. : Assoor and Tirum alam pettai. Cath. 3,565. Revs. Sovignet, J. Laplace and J . Rabardelle.

Manalur (Narasingampet P.O.).—Sub-sts.: Ammampett, Aduturai, Tiruvadam arudur .and Tiruvisylur. Cath. 1,660. R e v . J . F. Malfraib.

M anday (Suraikayur P.O., Tanjore).—Sub-st. : Tiruva- lankadu. Cath. 2,515. Rev. M. Sanjeevi,

M athur (Natchiarkoil P.O., Kumbakonam).—Sub-st. : M anavalanallur. Cath. 2,855. Rev. I. Soosai.

M ayavaram.—Sub-sts. : Illupepett and Athikudi. Cath. 2,764. Rev. M. T. A rul.

M egalathur (Ranganadapuram P.O. via Tirukatbupalle, Tanjore).—Sub-sts.: Tohur and O rathur. Cath. 1,930. Rev. Chinna'ppen.

M ichaelpatti (South) (T irukattupalle P.O. via Tanjore). —Sub-st. : Poondy. Cath. 4,460. Rev. S. Kulandai.

Tirupanthurutti.— C&th. ; 2,100. Sub-st. : Andalai. Rev, J. Massol.

Molancood (Kodavasal P.O.).—Cath. 1,618.Perumpannayur (Kodavasal P.O.).—Cath. 900. Rev. L.

Pragasam.Pillavadanday (Memadur P.O., via M ayavaram).—Sub-

sts. : Kotoor and Paralam . Cath. 1,790. Rev. A. Marie Joseph.

Tiruvadi (Tanjore Dt.).—Sub-sts. : Punavasal, Kandyur and Atchenoor. Cath. 3,601. Rev. K. Felix.

Tranquebar.—Sub-sts.: Palur and Sandaripett. Cath. 1,102. Rev. J. B. Bertaii.

Vadagarai.—Cath. 2,050 ; attended from M analur.1. DISTRICT OF TRICHINOPOLY

Kokkudi (K ilpaluvur, Tanjore Dt.).—Sub-sts. : Poondy, Malatancoulam and A ryalur. Cath. 2,195. Rev. M. R, Kulandai.



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Oonnecudy (Lalgudy P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sfcs.: K alatinam patti, Komacudi and Ram anadapuram . Oath. 3,538. Rev. A. X avier.

K ottapalaiyam (Turayur P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sts.: Dharm apuri, S ikkitam bur and Krishnapuram . Cath. 2,130. Rev. S. Ambrose.

Gabrielpuram (Valady P.O.).—Sub-sts.: M ichaelpatti, Tirukavaloor and Nagar. Cath. 2,360. Rev. G. Mercier.

K analay (Irungalur P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sts.: Kal- palaiyam and Sadamangalam. Cath. 1.940. Rev. Ch. Devin.

M ichaelpatti (North) (Thatbhampettaipaloor P.O.)—Sub- s ts . : Cacapallam and Idangani. Cath. 1,767. Rev. Antoni Joseph.

TJttamanur (Puvalur P.O., Trichinopoly).—S ub-sts .: Tatchenkurichy and A valanganur. Cath. 3,184. Rev. A sir- vatham .

Palaiyam (Kurum balur P.O., Trichinopoly).—S ub-sts .: Peram balur, Carei and Sattram anei. Cath. 1,406. Rev. B. Deltour.

P eriyavarsili (Lalgudi P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sts.: U ttam acheri, M anakal, Sukkambar and Tiruvalarsolai. Cath. 3,79i. Rev. A. Rajam anikam .

Pullambadi (Trichinopoly Dt.).—Sub-sts.: Venur, V an- dalay and Kannacudy. Cath. 2,678. Rev. J . Michel.

Puratacudy (Irungalur P .O ., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sts.: Irungalur and Srirangam . Cath. 4,235. Rev. M. A. X avier.

Tennur (V aradarajam pet P.O. via Chidambaram, S. Arcot).—Sub-sts.: A rantangi, W allajapettai, M annargudi and Kil Neduvai. Cath. 4,426. Rev. P . Madalei.

Toloorpatty (Thotiyam P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub-sts.: Moganoor, K arupenpatti, Pettaipalaiyam , Musiri and Servai- karanpatti. Cath. 1,250. Rev. T. M. Roch.

Tondamandurai (Vengalam P.O., Peram balur, Trichino­poly).— Sub sts : Annamangalam, Pullam badi and Nuttapoor. Cath. 1,721. Rev. P . Ignatius.

Varadarajampet (via Chidambaram).—Sub-sts.: P u ttu r and Mel Neduvai. Cath. 4?848. Rev, K. Ratinam.


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Vadhavikkam (Jayankondacholapuram P.O., Trichino­poly).—Sub-sts. : Sooriamanal, Ooottoor and Caileri. Cath. 3,710. Rev. G. Soosai.

Vadugarpatty (Pullam badi P.O., Trichinopoly).—Sub- sts. : Callacudy, Alam bakam and G ovindakurichy. Catb. 4,556. Rev. A. S. Lourdes.

V iraga lur (Trichinopoly P.O.).—Sub-sts. : Koolamani- kam and Pudukkottai. Cath. 5,023. Rev. R. Peter.

2. DISTRICT OF SOUTH ARCOTPalayadkottai (via Chidambaram).—Sub-sts. : Coonoor,

Coorindjicoody and Tandarasanelloor. Cath. 2,879. Rev. S. Amirdam.

3. DISTRICT OF SALEMA tur.—Sub-sts. : Govindapalaiyam, Pungavadee, M ikkel-

pulur, Pettanaikanpalaiyam , Ganga valli and Pudur. Cath. 1,003. Revs. Labandibar and A. Jussean.

K ulkavery (Rasipuram P.O.).—Sub-sts. : Kosavanpatti, Pudupalaiyam. N am agiripettai,Pattanam ,R asipuram , Senda- mangalam, Namakal and M adipampatti. Cath. 2,100. Revs.C. Quinquenel and J . Bricaud.

K oneripatti (Tham am patti P.O., A tur, Salem )—Sub- sts. : Sendarapatti, Mei Pudur, M ullukurichee and Tirum a- noor. Cath. 2,045, Rev. Z. L. Hourmant.

Namakal P.O., Salem Dt.).—Missionary ad paganos: Rev. H. Prunier, Namakal.


Orphans Catholic population

Bishop ' ...Diocesan P riestsStations w ith Resident P ries 'sNumber of Churches

Do. of Seminaries ... Religious women BrothersElem entary schools Orphanages





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N .B .—Malacca, although a suffragan of Pondicherry, is NOT IN In d ia .

In 1811, the M alayan Peninsula was erected into a separate V icariate, including the suppressed See of Malacca, Singapore, Penang and other stations in th e S traits form erly under th e jurisdiction of the Vicar Apostolic of W estern Siam.

By the Decree of Leo X III , August 10,1888, Malacca was erected in to a Diocese, and Dr. Edw ard Gasnier, appointed Bishop of th a t See w ith the privilege of residing at Singapore. By a subsequent Decree it was included in the Ecclesiastical Province of Pondicherry.

Population : 3,593,242. Cath. 63,247.B i s h o p

The Right Rev. Emile Barillon, D.D., born Oct. 18, I860; consecrated on September 18, 1904. Co-adjutor Bishop “ cum ju re successionis ” . The R ight Rev. Louis Perrichon conse­crated at Singapore, on November 27, 1921. Residence : Singapore.

V icar-G eneral— Rt. Rev. P. Ruaudel, Singapore.Procurator.—Rev. L. Lambert, M ilitary Chaplain.Seminaries.—The College General at Penang : 128 s tu ­

dents—See end of volume.St. Francis X av ier’s Seminary (Singapore) : Superior,

Rev. L. Auriol ; Asst., Rev. Y . T. Aloysius. 9 students.Procure of Foreign Missions.—Procurator, Rev. J . M.

Ouillon. : AsBt. Rev. F. Morin.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o p M e n

The Christian Brothers : 79 Brothers.St. Joseph's N ovitiate, at P ulo-T ikus , Penang.—Supr.,

Rev. Bro. Barnitus. Houses at Singapore, Malacca, Seremban, K uala-Lum pur, Ipoh, Taiping and Penang.


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R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

The Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus : 254 Sisters. Houses at Singapore, Malacca, Seremban, Kuala-Lum pur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang, Johore, Klang, Telok-Anson and Balik-Pulau.

I n s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

Singapore —St. Joseph’s Institution (Brass Ba^ah Road) : Director, Rev. Bro. Stephen. Pupils 1,383.

Malacca.—St. Francis School : Director, Rev. Bro. Barnitus. Orphans 77, pupils 640.

Seremban.—St. Paul’s Institu tion : Director, Rev. Bro. Edw ard. Pupils 550.

K uala-Lum pur —St. John’s Institution (Bukit Nanas Road) : Director, Rev. Bro. Louis. Pupils 810.

Ipoh.—St. Michael’s School : Director, Rev. Bro. Henry. Pupils 533.

Taiping. - S t . George School ; Director, Rev. Bro. Gilbert. Pupils 462.

Penang.—St. X avier’s Institution (Farquhar Street) : Visitor. V ery Rev. Bro. Jd,mes, O.B.E. ; Director, Rev. Paul. Fupils 1,236. Branch school at Pulo-Tikus. Pupils 233.

I n s t it u t io n s f o r G i r l s

Singapore.—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus (Victoria Street) : Supr., Rev. Mother St. Jacques. Orphans 250, pupils 1,030.

Malacca.—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus : Supr., Rev. Mother St. Jean Baptiste. Orphans 160, pupils 473.

Seremban.—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus : Supr., Rev, Mother St. Emily. Orphans 112, pupils 490.

Kuala-Lum pur.—Convent of the Holy Infan t Jesus (Bukit Nanas Road) : Supr., Rev. Mother S. Adele. Orphans 300, pupils 850.

Branch school for Tamil girls at Central Workshops. Pupils 85.

Ipoh.—Convent of the Holy Infan t Jesus (Brewster Road) : Supr., Rev. Mother S. M arcellin. Orphans 122, pupils 576.


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Taiping .—Convent of the Holy In fan t Je su s : Orphans 126, pupils 332. Supr., Rev. M other St. E tienne.

Branch school for Tamil girls. Pupils 225.Penang.—Convent of th e Holy In fan t Jesus (Light Street):

Supr., Rev. Mother S. Tarcisius. Orphans 300, pupils 1,495.Two branch schools.—Pulo-Tikus : Pupils 93, St. F r.

X av ier’s Church (T am ils): Pupils 201.Johore .—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus : Pupils 230.K lang .—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus : Pupils 186.

Telok-Anson.— Convent of th e Holy In fan t Je su s : Pupils, 235, 74 schools : Total 14,147 children ; 28 orphanages: Total, 1,570 orphans.

G a zetteer

S i n g a p o r e

Bishop’s House (Victoria S tree t): The R ight Rev. Emile Barillon, Bishop of M alacca; The R ight Rev. Louis P erri- chon, Co-adjutor ; Rev. L. Lambert, Procurator, Chaplain to th e Forces.

Cathedral of th e “ Good Shepherd ” (Corner of Queen St. and Brass Basah E o ad ): V icar, R e v . P. Ruaudel ; Asst., Rev. M Bonamy. Cath. 4,000.

Church of SS. P e te r and Paul (Queen'St.), Chinese M is­sion (Tiechiu and H okkien): Vicar, Rev. S. Lee. Asst. Rev. F . L. Cordeiro. Cath. 3,000.

Church of the Sacred H eart (Tank Road), Chinese Mis­sion (Cantonese and H akka) : V icar, R ight Rev. J. M. Merel. Cath. 1,300.

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (Ophir Road), Tamil Mission : V icar, Rev. L. Burghoffer. Cath. 1,600.

Chapel of th e Holy Fam ily (East Coast R oad): Vicar, Rev. P . Ruaudel.

B u k it T im ah .—Church of St. Joseph ; V icar, Rev. J. M. Belliot. Cath. 600. One school w ith 70 pupils.

Sarangong.—Church of th e N ativity of the B. V. M ary. V icar, Rev. E. Becheras. Cath. 2,440. Three schools: English and Chinese. Pupils 341.


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Jo h o r e

Johore B ahru .—Church of Our Lady of Lourdes : Vicar, Rev. H. Duvelle. Cath. 2,500.

M uar.—Chapel of St. A n d rew : Vicar, Rev. J . Francois : Cath. 950.

M a l a c c a

Church of St. Francis X avier : V icar, Rev. J. Francois. Cath. 2,600. V icar for the Tamils. Rev. F. de Silva. Cath. 1,550.

A yer Salak .—Church o° St. M ary: Vicar, Rev. J . F ran ­cois. Chinese school: Boys 40, girls 30. Cath. 650.

Tanjong K lin g .—Chapel of Sb. Jose : Vicar, Rev. J. Francois.

N e g r i S e m b il a n

Seremban.—Church of the Visitation : Vicar, Rev. N. M aury. V icar for th e Tamils. Rev. F . de Silva. Cath. 4,300.

T iti .—Church of St. Augustine : Vicar, Rev. N. Maury. Chinese school: Boys 47. Cath. 300.

M antin .—Church of St. Aloysius : V icar, Rev. N. M aury. Chinese school: Boys 36. Cath. 650.

P ort Dickson .—Church of Our L ady: Vicar, Rev. N. M aury.

Brago .—Chapel of St. Louis : Vicar, R ev. Y. Lee.K uala-P illah .—Chapel of Sb. Joseph : Vicar, Rev. N.

Maury.S e l a n g o r

K uala-Lum pur.— Church of S t.Jo h n th e Evangelist (Bukit Nanas R oad): V icar, Rev. D. Perrisoud. Cath. 2,400.

Church of the Holy Rosary (Brickfields Road), Chinese Mission : Cath. 1,590. Vicar, Rev. J. Lee.

Church of St. Anthony (Robertson Road), Tamil M is­sion): V icar, Rev. V. Herm ann. Cath. 3,900. Asst. Rev. Y. A. Edmond.

Chapel of St. Joseph (Central W orkshop) (Tamil Misr §ion): V icar, Rev. Y. IJerm ann. Cath, 600.

Ma l a c c a 247

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Kajang .—Church of the Holy Fam ily : V icar, Rev. Y. Lee. Oath. 300.

Klang .—Church of Our Lady Lourdes (Tamil Mission) : Vicar, ¿lev. J. B. Souhaifc. Asst;. Rev. U. Arcand. Cath. 2,500.

Assam Jawa.~Cha.-pel of Our Lady of Good Help (Tamil M ission): V icar, Rev. J. B. Souhait.

P e r a k

Teluk Anson .—Church of St. Anthony {Tamil Mission) : V icar, Rev. P. Balsche. Cath. 1,300.

T a p a h — Church of the N ativ ity of the B. V. M ary (Tamil Mission) : Vicar, Rev. P . Balsche. Cath. 650.

S itia w a n — Chapel of St. Francis (Tamil M ission): V icar, Rev. M. Olesinendy.

K am par .—Chapel of the S. H e a r t : V icar, Rev. S. Fourgs.Cfopeng — Chapel of St. L ouis: Vicar, Rev. S. Fourgs.B atu Gajah .—Church of St. Joseph : Vicar, Rev. S,

.Fourgs. Cath. I,3h0. 2 schools : Boys 52, girls 46.Ipoh.— Church of St. Michael (off Brewster and Gopeng.

R oads): V icar, Rev. S. Fourgs. Asst. Rev. Y. Sy. Cath. 2 ,100.

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (Selibin Road) {Tamil M ission): V icar, Rev. N. Deredec. Cath. 2,000.

Sangei S ip u t— Chapel St. John the Baptist : V icar, Rev. S. Fourgs.

K uala-K angsar.—Chapel of St. P atrick : V icar, Rev. R. Cardon.

Taiping .—Church of Oar Lady of the S. H eart (Klian P a u ) : Vicar, Rev. R. Cardon. Cath. 950.

Taiping .—Church of St. Louis (Kota). Tamil Mission : V icar, Rev. Olcomendy. Cath. 1,750.

Krian R o a d — Chapel of St. Paul 4 V icar, Rev. R- Cardon.

B agan-Sera i— Church of St. Joseph (Tamil Missions) : Yicar, Rev. E. Belet. Cath. 1,8§0L Schoql. ^qys 1Q5, $ irls 57,


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P r o v in c e o f W e l l e s l e y

Nibong Tebal.—Church of St. Anthony (Tamil Missions) : Cath. 1,357. A ttended from Bagan Serai.

Matang Tinggi.—Church of the Holy Name of M ary : Vicar, Rev. M. Seet. Cath. 550. Chinese school, 80.

Matchang Buboh —Church of th e Sacred H eart of Jesus : Vicar, Rev. M. Seet. Cath. 900. Chinese school, 91.

B ukit M ertajam .—Church of St. A nna: Vicar. Rev. M. Seet. Cath. 450. Chinese school, 15.

P e n a n g

Church of the Assumption (Farquhar Street): Vicar, Rev. A. Devals. Cath. 2,000.

Church of St. Francis X avier (Penang Road), Tamil Mission : Vicar, Rev. E. Sausseau. Cath. 2,500.

Church of Our Lady of Sorrows (M cAlister Road), Chinese Mission : Vicar, Rev. R. de Souza. Cath. 900.

Pulo T ikus.—Church of the Im m aculate Conception : V icar, Rev. V. M. Renard. Boys’ school, 2*3 ; girls’ school, 127. Cath. 675.

Pulo Jerajah.—Chapel of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary for th e Lepers : V icar, R. de Souza.

B alik Pulau.—Church of the Holy Name of Jesu s : Vicar, Rev. G. Auguin. English and Chinese schools : Boys 180, girls 93. Cath. 1,400.

K e d a h

A lo r S ta r — Chapel of St. Michael (Tamil M ission): V icar, Rev. L. Riboud. Residence: Sungei Patani.

Sungei Patani.—Church of the Kingship of C h r is t: Vicar, R ev.L . Riboud. Cath. 2,762.

K ulim .—Church of St. Theresa: V icar, Rev. L. Riboud.

RECA PITU LA TIO NBishops ... ... ... ... ... 2Secular Priests ... ... ... 37Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 25Mission w ith Churches ... ... ... 15Chapels ... ... ... 75


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Religious Brothers 79Do. women 254

Ecclesiastical Students 16* Colleges for boys 7* Academies for young ladies 10Orphan Asylum s 27

Orphans 1,570Parishes w ith schools 32

Pupils 14,147Baptisms 6,469Converts 60M arriages 573Deaths ... 1,025Catholic population 63,247

* No Colleges or Academies but schools teaching up to SeniorCambridge, inclusiva.

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The Society o f Foreign M issions o f P aris and Diocesan Clergy.

Mysore became a Diocese under the H ierarchy in 1886. I t comprises the territories of th e M aharaja of Mysore and the British Province of Coorg, th e Taluk of Kollegal, Coimbatore D istrict, and th e Taluk of Hosur, Salem District. Cath. 63,836.

C lergy a n d A u x ilia r ie s

B is h o p

The R t. Rev. M. Despatures, born in 1873; nominated, June 6, 19.22 ; consecrated at Bangalore, October 28, 1922.

Residence : Bishop's H ouse, Cleveland Town, Bangalore.Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. L. Yanpeene, V.G.Official.—Rev. T. M athevet.Pro-Synodal Judges.—Revs. A. Pointet and A. Lobo.Consultors.— Reva. P . M. Briand, B. Servanton, J.

Faisandier, J. V, D’Souza, H. Prouvosb and F. Noronha.Procurator.—Rev. J. Faisandier.C lergy: 38 European Missionaries and 30 Diocesan

Priests.R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s

I. Brothers of the Im m aculate Conception (1893): Religi­ous 2. Superior, Rev. G. Saint Germ ain, St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore Cant.

I I . Sisters of the Good Shepherd from Angers, France : Number of houses in th e Diocese, 4.

(a) Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., 77 Religious: Provincial Superior Mother M ary of th e Sacred H eart. Chaplain, Rev. J . Huet.

(ib) Mysore, Religious 16: Rev. M other M ary of St. Philip .


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(c) St. M artha’s Hospital, Bangalore City, Religious 17: Rev. M other M. of St. Patrick .

(d) St. M ichael’s, Bangalore, 7 Religious, Superior M other N. D. dela G-arde.

I I I . The Magdalenes, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, house at Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., Religious 50. Provincial M other M ary of th e Sacred H eart.

IY . The Indian Sisters of St. Anne, under th e direction of th e Sisters of the Good Shepherd : 3 houses : Shoolay, 78 Bangalore Cant., Mysore 12. St. M artha’B Hospital, 7 Bangalore City.

V. Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes, France : 5 houses.(a) C leveland Town, Bangalore Cant., 24 Europeans

and 25 Indians Religious; Rev. M other A nna Marie.(b) Bowring and Lady Curzon’s Hospitals, Bangalore

Cant., 5 European Religious : Rev, M other John of the Cross.(c) Champion Reefs, Kolar Gold Fields, 7 European

R eligious and 3 Indian R elig ious: Rev. Mother Marie St. Laurent.

(d ) M ercara, Coorg, 5 European Religious and 5 Indian Religious : Rev. Mother M. H enriette.

(e) Chickm agalur,M ysore S ta te : Rev. M other Marie E tienne, 2 European Religious, 3 Indian Religious.

V I. The L ittle Sisters of the Poor. Home for th e Aged, Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., Religious 15: Rev. Mother

Constance de Jesus.V II. Catechist Sisters of Mary Im m aculate from France :

2 houses in the Diccese. Bangalore City, Religious 12 : Rev. M other A nastasia and Settihally , Hassan Dt., Religious 3: Rev. M other M. Felix.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r Bo y s

Bangalore.—Sem inary—see special list at the end of th is volume. Rector, Rev. R. Feuga. Sem irarists 56; Rev.

F . Cotter.(a) St. Jbseph’s College (College Department),

Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., 244 students: Principal and W arden of the hostel attached to i t : Rev. F. V eyssey re ; Rev. J. Vion.


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(b) St. Joseph’s High School for Eur., Shoolay, Banga­lore Cant., 404 pupils, of whom 201 are boarders : Principal, Rev. F r. Prouvost. Staff, Revs. G. Saint Germain, J . Dutay,B. Choulet, M. Collart, P . Jacquem art, J. P ires, L. P . Sbembry and Freem an.

(c) St. Joseph’s High School for Indians, Scoolay, Ban­galore Cant., 1,150 pupils. Principal, Rev. C. Browne ; Rev.G. Lazaro, Rev. G. P in to ; and a staff of Indian teachers.

(d) St. Louis Boarding School, Brigade Road, Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., for pupils of St. Joseph’s College. 63 Board­ers : Rev. Lazaro.

(e) St. P a trick ’s Middle School. Catholic Cathedral, Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., 170 pupils : Brother Michael.

(/) St. Aloysius* Sec. School, Promenade Road, Cleve­land Town, Bangalore Cant., 487 pupils. Rev, F. Rodrigues.

(g) St. A nthony’s Boys’ School, G. S. Convent, Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., 120 pupils including 23 boarders: Rev. Sr. M ary M echtilde.

M ysore .— St. Joseph’s School Catholic Church, Mysore, 123 pupils : Rev. D. D’Souza.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Bangalore— {a) Sisters of th e Good Shepherd, Shoolay, Bangalore Cant., conduct College of the Sacred H eart (1903)' 11 pupils : Rev. M other M. of the Divine H eart. ConventH, School (1845). Eur. girls, 317 pupils including 115 boarders : Rev. Mother M. of the Divine H eart. T raining School, Sec. Grade Eur. Teachers, 19 p u p ils : Rev. M other Mary Berch- mans. St. Agnes’ E ur. Poor School, 206 pupils : 26 Orphan Boys, Total 232 : Rev. Sr. M ary Ambrose. Training School, Sec. Grade Indian Teachers, Pupils : Eur. 3, Indians 18, Rev. M other Mary of St. Philom ena. St. Euphrasia Middle School for Indian girls, 131 pupils : Sister Mary of St. Philomena.

(b) Sisters of St. Anne, G. S. Convent, Shoolay, Banga­lore Cant., conduct Elem. Schools in St. Francis X avier’s, St. John’s Hill, 282 pupils ; St. M ary’s, Blackpully, 132 pupils ; Sacred H eart’s, Shoolay, 87 pupils.

(c) Sisters of St. Joseph, Cleveland Town, Bangalore Cant., conduct St. F r. X avier’s H. School, 2L0 pupils includ­ing 38 boarders. Rev. Sister Marie St. Paul, St. Fr. X avier’s Free School, 150 pupils : Rev. Sister Marie St. Paul. R ajam m a Thamboo C hetty’s G irls’ School (for Indians), 150 pupils in­cluding 36 boarders : Rev. Sister Stanislask.


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(d) Catechist Sisters of M ary Im m aculate at St Joseph’s Church, Bangalore City, conduct one free dispensary and one free P rim . School, 391 pupils.

M ysore.—Sisters of the G. S. conduct th e G. S. Convent School for Eur., 180 pupils including 21 boarders : Rev. Mother M. of St. Juliana. The St. Joseph’s Indian Girls* School, 70 pupils : Rav. Sr. Anna Rosalie. Industrial School, 70 pupils : S ister M. Lucy.

Mercara (Coorg).—Sisters of St. Joseph : The Indian Girls’ Sec. School, 180 pupils including 86 boarders : Rev. Mother H enriette.

Champion R eefs (K.G.F.).—Sisters of St. Joseph—St. Joseph’s Convent Eur. School, 304 pupils : Rev. Mother M. St. Laurent and St. Joseph’s Convent Indian G irls’ School, 250 pupils : Rev. Mother Mary St. Laurent.

Chickmagalur.—See of St. Joseph : 106 pupils. Sr. M. Stienne.

C h a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

Bangalore.—St. P a trick ’s Orphanage, Brigade Road, for Eur. and Angio-Indian boys, Orphans 106 : Rt. Rev. L. Venpeene, Catholic Cathedral, Shoolay, Bangalore.

St. Agnes' Eur. O rphanage for girls, Shoolay, Orphans 188. Religious of the G. S. : Rev. M. of St. Michael.

St. Euphrasia’s Indian Orphanage for girls, Shoolay, Orphans 173. Religious of the G. S. : Rev. Sr. M. Josephine.

St. M ary’s Indian O rphanage for boys, Blackpully, Orphans 35: Rev. F. Noronha, St. M ary’s Church, B lack­pully.

St. Joseph’s Convent European Orphanage for girls. Orphans 35. Religious of St. Joseph. Sister Mary Joseph.

Mariapuram.—Indian Orphanage for boys, Orphans 53 : Rev. S. D’Silva, H arohally P.O., M ariapuram.

M ysore— G. S. Convent, Eur. Orphanage for girls, Orphans 55 : Rev. Mother M. of St. Florence. G. S. Convent Indian Orphanage for girls, Orphans 75 : Rev. M other Sr. M. of St. Dorothy.

S e ttih a lly — Indian Girls' Orphanage, Sisters of M ary Im m aculate, 22 orphans.


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Bangalore.—Foundling Home for Ear. children, Convent of the G. S. at St. M ichael's, 18 in fan ts: Rav. Sr. M. of the He »rt of M ary.

Foundling Home for Indian children. Convent of theG. S at St. Michael’s, 23 infants : Rev. Sr. M. of St. Aloysius.

St. M artha’s Hospital and Dispensary, Bangalore City (1886). Number of beds 95. Average dispensary treatm ent, 236 per day. Religious of the G. S : Rev. Mother M. of St. Patrick.

Home for the Aged (1909), Shoolay: L ittle Sisters of the Poor, 138 inm ates : Rev. Mother Constance de Jesus.

The Refuge for E ar. women, Religious of the G. S. 120 inm ates : Rev. Sr. M. of the Immaculate Conception.

The Refuge for Indian women, Religious of the G. S., 270 inm ates : Rev. M other M ary of St. Francis X avier.

Se ttih a lly .—Hospital (1860) and dispensary : Sisters of M ary Im m aculate, Namber of beds 12 : Rev. Mother Felix.

M ysore.— Refuge for Indian women. 35 inmates, Reli­gious of th e G. S . : Rev. Mother M. of St. Francis d’Assisi.

O t h e r I n s t it u t io n s

A gricultural Farm s and Catholic settlem ents formed by orphans and converts at M ariapuram, Siluveipuram, Susai- paleam and Taippaleam. Ouvroirs attached to the G.S. Convents at Bangalore and Mysore. 79 w orkers. Industrial Departm ents attached to the aforesaid Convents, 28 pupils. P rin ting office attached to th is convent under the direction of Rev. Sr. M. Im elda w ith 34 workers.

Hospital work done by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes in th e Bo w ring and Lady Carzon Hospital a t Bangalore.

G a zetteerA rsikere .—Our Lady of the Sacred H eart (1814): Sub-

s ts . : H arihar, Holalkere, Devangere, etc. Cath. 884. Churches or chapels 5. Schools, 24 pupils. Rev. M athias Noronha.

Bangalore C a n tB la c k p u l ly .—St. M ary’s (1882) : Sub- sts : Dobspet, Peenatcherry , etc. Cath. 5,830. Churches or chapels 5. Two schools, 141 p u p ils , one for girls, 140 pupils. Orphanage for non-caste Christian boys, 32 orphans. R eysr F? Noronha and A. Mascarenhas,


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Bangalore Cant., S t. John's H ill.—Sb. Francis X avier : Catholics, 9,5S4. Sub-sbs.: M estripaleara, N aganhally , etc. Churches or chapels 12. Schools: 4 for boys, J8,> pupils; 1 for girls, 235 pupils. In stitu te for Indian Christians : Society of Sb. Vincenb de Paul. Indian Catholic Fam ily Benefit Fund ; Temperance Society w ith 400 members. P riest, Rev. J. B Servanbon ; Assts., Revs. Rayalu and A. Colin.

Bangalore Cant., Shoolay.—Sacred H eart (1895) : Sub- s ts .: Alsoor, Gunbroop, V annarpet, etc. Cath. 4,782 Churches or Chapels 7. Revs, J . V. d’Souza and P. S. Fernandez.

St. P atrick ’s C a th ed ra l: Cath. 2,180. Rev. L. V an- peene, V.G-., Parish P riest and M ilitary Chaplain ; Assts., Rev. A. D. Lobo and R. M. Joseph. Third Order of St. Francis, Apostleship of P rayer. League of th e Cross, St. A nthony’s Sodality (Oratory), St. P a trick ’s Orphanage and School.

Bangalore C ity.—Sb. Joseph (1852): Cath. 3,300. Caurches 2, Chapels 3. School, 57 pupils. Convent of the Cabechisb Sisters of M ary Im m aculate w ith institution. Rev. P . Briand and P . D’Souza.

Bangalore C ity R y . S ta tion.—Im m aculate Conception : Cabh. 602. Kev A. H .F luchaire . School, 51 boys.

Begar (Bangalore Taluk).—Sub-sbs.: Taipaleam, Bas- wam pura, K am anhally, Kodaty and M adugoudhalli. Cath. 1,685. Rev. J. H. A lbert.

Coromandel (Kolar Gold Fields).—St. Sebastian : Sub- s ts . : several camps in the Gold Fields, Roberbsonpeb, Bow- ringpet. Kolar Town. Cath. 2.238. Churches or chapels 5. Schools 2, pupils 195. Vacant’(visibed from Champion Reefs).

Champion R eefs (Kolar Gold Fields).—Our Lady of Victories (1887). Sub-sts.: Several camps in the Gold Fields, Cath. 7,385. Churches or chapels 12. Schools : 4 for boys, 226 pupils; school for girls, 32 pupils. St. Joseph’s Convent Eur. G irls’ School, 260 pupils. Revs. A. Jauffrineau, M. D’Souza and M. Furtado.

C h ik-B a lla p u r—S u b sta .: K arhally , Devanhally, Susei- palayam, e tc .: Cath. 959. Churches or Chapels 4. V acant.

Chickmagalur.—Sub-sts.: Shantvery, M alandur and G iri P lantations. Cabh.'1,495. Revs. W- Teixeira and Rev, A. Cappelle,


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D om hally.-r'Sub-sts.: Hunsur, Cudlur, Gondalpett and Nanjangodu. Oath. 336. 4 Churches, School, 52 pupils. Rev.I. Lobo from Mysore.

French Rocks.—S u b-sts .; 10. Cath. 544. Churches or Chapels 5. School, 85 pupils.

H aruballi (K ankanahally Taluk).—S u b -sts .: 7. Cath. 1,610. Churches or Chapels 6. School, 48 pupils. Rev. L. M ascarenhas.

Parsegondempalearn (Kam akerai P.O., Kollegai Tk.).— Sub-sts.: Mafctihalli and Kollegai. Church 1. Cath. 748. Schools 12. Rev. A. Graton.

Hassan.—Sub-sbs,: G adanhally, D asapura and Sannan- hally . Cath. 830. Churches or Chapels 4. Two schools, 30 pupils. Rev. C. Lobo.

Magghe (Settihally P.O.).—S ub-sts.: Nandigonda, Saklas- pur and Coffee P lantations. Cath. 1,133. Rev. C. Auzuech.

M ariapura F arm (H arohalli P.O.) (1884).—Cath. 627. School, 64 pupils. Orphanage, caste boys 44. Rev. S. D’Silva.

M attigeri (Salem District).—Sub-sts.: M adagondhapally, D asarhally, M ardanhally, etc. Cath. 1,477. Churehes or Chapels 7. Four schools, 64 pupils. Rev. C. L. M ascarenhas.

M ercara (Coorg)—S ub-sts.: Suntikopa and Fraserpet. Cath. 560. Churches or Chapels 4. School, 15 pupils. Lower Sec. School for girls, boarding for Coorg girls (1909). Sisters of St. Joseph, pupils 133. Rev. A. Nauroy.

Mudigere (Chickm agalur District).—Sub-sts. : Baloor, Sampigekhan, K alasa, etc. Cath. 2,030. Churches or Chapels3. Rev. J. Koehl.

M ysore.—St. Joseph : Cath. 2,178. Churches or Chapels 5. Four sehools, 170 pupils. Revs. J. L. Cochet and D. D’Souza.

W ithin the parish , Good Shepherd Convent and institu ­tions, 205 inmates. Rev. J. L. Cochet, Chaplain.

M ysore (Anapaleam and Bail w ay Quarters).—St. Theresa’s Church. Cath. 205. Rev. I . Lobo.

Solur.—(Magadi Taluk, Bangalore Dt.).—Vacant.S e tt ih a lly — Our Lady of the Rosary (1852): Cath.

1,104. Churches or Chapels 4. Three schools, 52 pupils. Convent of th e Catechist Sisters of M ary Im m aculate, Girls', sphool, 25 ; Orphanages 11, one hospital. Rev. P. Meyniel.



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Bhimoga.—Sacred Hearb (1874): Sub-sts.; Kumai, Shi- karpur, Behkipur, ebe Gath, 1,461. Tamil school, 7 6 pupils. K anarese school, 32 pupils. Rev. J. D. D’Souza.

Siluvepwra <Chickbanavar P.O.).—Sacred H eart (1878); Sub-sbs : Herserghabba and Sadanhally. Cabh. 480. Rev. Y. Gouarin.

Sidapur (Coorg).—Sub-sbs.: Pollibebba, Tibimabi and Coffee Planbabions. Cath. 508. Rev. A. D’Souza from Y irajpet.

Somwarpet (Coorg).—Oabh. 572. Rev. M. Noronha.Thumboochettipalaiyam (K rishnarajpuram P.O., Banga­

lore Db.).—Sub-sbs.: W hitefield, Kadgudi, K rishnarajpuram , ebc. Cath. 704. School, 40 pupils. Rev. A. M. Laval.

T irth a h a lly .—Sub-sbs.: Maudagadde, A nantapur, Sagar, Sorab, etc. Cabh. 1,884. Churches or Chapels 4. Rev. J. B. D’Souza.

Virarajendrapet (Coorg).—Gath. 1,031. Two schools, 203 pupils. Rev. A. D’Souza.

R EC A PITU LA TIO NBishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular P riests ...Priests of Religious Orders


Total 69

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(Capuchin Franciscans , English Province)

Suffragan Dioceses: Lahore and the Prefecture Apostolic of K afristan and Kashmir.

The Archdiocese of Simla was erected by the Holy See in 1910. I t was formed by separating from th e Archdiocese of A gra th e districts of Simla, Ambala, H issar, Jind, Karmal, Loharii, M aler Kotla, Nabha and P a tia la ; from the diocese of Lahore, the districts Kulu, Lahul, Mandi* ¿p iti and Suket. Population 54000,000. Cath. 2,461.

Archbishop and M etropolitan.—The Most Rev. AnselmE. J. Kenealy, D.D., O.S.F.C.

Residence : Archbishop's H ouse, Eaglemount, Sim la E.Vicar-General.—V ery Rev. F r. Sylvester W alsh,

O.S.F.C.Secretary and Private Chaplain— V ery Rev. F r. Sera-

phin Honnibal.R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s

S im la — (1) Congregation of Jesus and Mary, 32: Rev. Mother St. Borgia. Provincial Superioress: Mother St.Gregory. Local Superioress. Convent of Jesus and Mary, Chelsea, Sim la E.

(2) Irish Loreto Nuns, 12 : M other Pancratius. Loreto Convent, Tara Hall, Simla.

(3) Irish Christian Brothers. St. Edw ard’s Day School for boys, Milsington, Simla (1925). Rev. Bro. Columban, Principal.

I n s t itu t io n sSim la — (I) St. Bede’s Training College (1903): Jesus and

M ary Nuns, 35 pupils.(2) Jesus and M ary Convent, C helsea: Boarding H.

School (1870), 134 pupils.(3) St. F rancis’ M ilitary Orphanage : Elysium House

(1864): Transferred to Chelsea (1886), 186 pupils.


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(4) St. Anselm ’s Day Schooi Indian children (1916).(5) Loreto Convent, Tara H all (1895): H. School Board­

ers, 230 pupils.

(6) St. Joseph Day School (1885).(7) St. Edw ard’s Day School for boys conducted by

C hristian Brothers, 123 pupils.

G a zetteer

S im la — (1 ) Cathedral, St. Michael and St. Joseph (1888): V icar-G eneral and Adm inistrator, V ery Rev. F r. Sylvester W alsh, O.S.F.C.: Asst., Rev. F r. Jerom e M urphy.

(2) St. Francis of Assisi, Convent of Jesus and M ary, Simla : Rev. F r. M artin, O.S.F.C.

(3) Loreto Convent Chapel, T ara H all, served from the Cathedral.

Am bala .—Most Holy Redeemer (1902): Rev. F. A nthony Douglas. O .S.F.C .; Rev. B. Baker.

Dagshai (Simla Hills).—St. F atrick (1553): Rev. A. M. Correya.

Jutogh.—St. P atrick (1891). Served from Simla.K usauli.—St. Patrick (1848): Rev. Fr. Bonaventure

Madden, o.s F.c.

Sabathu.—St. Francis of Assisi (1909): Rev. H. A. Fair-hall.

Sirsa.—Rev. Alban Swarbrick, O.S.F.C.

S o lan— St. M ary Magdalen (1909): Rev. Fr. M athew, O.S F.C.

O ut-stations from Am bala : K arnal, Patala . Rajpura, Nahun, K urukshetra, M alerkotla, Lalru and Nahar.

From Solon : Stations on th e K.S. R ailw ay.From S irsa : Bhatinda, H issar, Jind, N ative Village


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(The Capuchins o f the Belgian Province)The Lahore Diocese comprises the g reater part of the

Province of the Punjab. Total population 17,014,097. Cath. 34,949.

B is h o p

The Rt. Rev. Hector Catry, O.C., born 27th October 1889 ; consecrated 28th October 1928. R esidence: Cath. Bishop’s Residence, 1, Lawrence Road, Lahore.

V icar-G eneral.—V. Rev. F r. Leopold, O.C.

Secretary o f the C uria .—V. Rev. F r. Roger, O c.

P riva te Secretary.—V. Rev. F r. Desire, O.C.

Personal A ss is ta n t.—Rev. Bro. Joseph, O.C.

Consultors.—V . Rev. Frs. Felix, O.C., M atthew , O.C., Arnold, o.c., and Roger, O.c.

Chancellor and N o t a r y V. Rev. F r. Felix, O.c.Vice-Chancellor.—V . Rev. F r. Roger, O.C.Prom otor Justitiae et Defensor Vinculi.—V. Rev. F r.

Oscar, O.C.Censors.—Y. Rev. F rs. Arnold, O.C., Fabian, O.c., and

Theophane, O.C.

Custodes Vigilantiae.—Y. Rev. Frs. Philip, o.c., and M atthew , O.C.

Diocesan Inspector.—V . Rev. F r. M atthew , O.C.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n i t i e s o f M e n

(1) The Capuchins of the Belgian Province : Superior Regular, V. Rev. F r. Felix, O.C. (Address 1, Lawrence Road, Lahore). 38 Priests, 6 Brothers.

(2) The Brothers of St. Patrick (Ire lan d ): four Brothers at Lahore. Superior Rev. Bro. Deneen, O.S.P.

(3) The T ertiary Brothers of St. Francis of A ss is i: 1 at Lahore : Rev. Bro. Anthony.

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R f l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

(1) The Sisters of Jesus and M ary at Lahore and Sialkot, 15. Superiors : Rev. M other St. Colette at Lahore and Rev. M other A nastasia at Sialkot.

(2) The Sisters of C harity of Jesus and M ary at Lahore, Dalhousie, M ültàn and K hùshpur, 46. SupéiiOrs : Rev. M other Cesaire at Lahore, Rev. M other V jctorine a t Dalhou­sie, Rev. M other H ippolyte a t M ultan and Rev. M other Medarde at K hushpur.

(3) The Franciscan Sisters of th e Propagation of the F aith at Lahore, M ariabad, R ahim pur and Franciscabad, 13. Superiors : Rev. M other Agnes at Lahore, Rev. M other Véronique a t M ariabad, Rev. M other E ulalie at R ahim pur, Rev. M other Gabriel at Franciscabad.

(4) The Indian Franciscan T ertiary Sisters under the direction of th e Franciscan Sisters of th e Propagation of the F aith , w ith novitiate at M ariabad and houses at R ahim pur and Franciscabad Founded on th e 20th April 1922. Total num ber of Sisters 21.

(5) The Oblates of C harity of Jesus and M ary under the direction of th e S isters of C harity w ith novitiate at Lahore. Founded in 1923. Sisters 11.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t it u t io n s fo r Bo y s

L ahore.—St. A nthony’s H igh School for European and Eurasian boys; Staff: Rev. Bro. Deneen, O.S.P., and four Irish Brothers of St. P atrick . Pupils 189.

St. Francis’ School, A narkali, for Catholic Indian boys and Orphans ; Staff : Rev. Bro. Anthony. Pupils 126.

D alw al— Belgian Mission High School for Indian boys ; Staff: Rev. Frs. M atthew , O.C., Principal ; Sylvester, o .c . , Conrad Francis, S.P. and Bro. Joachim, O .c. Pupils 480.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

The Nuns of Jesus and M ary have th e following in stitu ­tions :

Lahore.-— Convent. 164 Pupils ; Staff: Rev. M other St. Colette, 9 Nuns.

S ia lko t:—Convent, 50 Pupils ; Staff : Rev. M other St. A nastasia, 6 Nuns.


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; The Sisters .of C harity hay© th e following institutions :M ultan.—St. Mary’s Convent, 157 Pupils, Rev. Mother

Hippolyte, P Nuns.Lahore.—St. Joseph’s O rphanage for Indian girls an i

foundling home, 130 Pupils.Sacred H eart School for high class Indian girls, pupils

437.M other Superior : R. M. Cesaire. 20 Nuns.Dalhousie.—Convent of the Sacred H eart, 163 pupils ;

Mother Vicfcorine, 13 Nuns.

Khushpur.—(Lyallpur District).—St. V incent’s Con­vent, School and Cai<echumenate, 105 pupils. R,ev. Mother Medarde, 4 Nuns.

The Franciscan Jtfuns of th e Propagation of th e Faith have following institutions :

M ariabad.—Convent, School and vCatechumenate, 52 pupils. Rev. Mother Veronique, 4 Franciscan Nuns and 12 Indian T ertiary Sisters.

Franciscabad .—Convent and School, 49 pupils. Rev. M other Gabriel, 2 Franciscan Nuns and 4 Indian T ertiary Sisters.

R ahim pur .—Convent and School, 64 pupils. Rev. M other Eulalie, 2 Franciscan Nuns and 5 Indian T ertiary Sisters.

H o s p i t a l s a n d D i s p e n s a r i e s

H ospita l.—M ental hospital for fem ales, 5 Franciscan Nuns ; Superior : R. M. Agnes.

Dispensaries.—Adah, Dalwal, K hushpur, Franciscabad, Mariabad, Rahim pur, Sangla Hill, Sahowala.

G a ze tteerA dah (P.O. Adah, Sialkot Dt.).—Rev. Fr. Innocent, O.C.,

and Rev. Bro. M artin, O.C. Cath. 1969.Antoniabad (Ch. 10, M ilitary Farm , P.O. Okara Ch. 4,

Montgomery Dt.).—Rev. F r. Gaspar, O.C. Cath. 2,247.A m ritsa r .— V isiting Chaplain Rev. F r. Hugolin, O.C.

C ath. 150.D alhousie, A lverna (H i Is).—Rev. F r. Ubald, o.c. Cath.



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Dalhousie Cantt (Hills).—Rev. F r. W alter, O.C. Gath. 130 Dalwal (Jhelum Dt.).—V. Rev. F r. M atthew , 0 C. C ath .

35.F ra n c isc a b a d (Ch. 500, P O. Shorkot, Jhang Dt.).—Rev.

F r. Fabian, O.C. Cath 690.Ferozepore Cantt.— R ev. F r. M acaire, O.C. Gath. 290.

V isiting Stations : Kasur, R aew ind, Faridkote and Bhaw al- nagar.

Jullundur C a n tt— Rev. F r. M arcian, O.c. Cath. 240. V isiting Stations : K apiirthala, Ho3hiarpur, Phillour, L udh­iana, D hariw al, Gurdaspur, Pathankote, Madhopore, D harm - sala and K angra Valley.

Khushpur ( ?h: 51, via Kesgarh, L yallpur D t ).—Rev. F rs. Philip , O.C., Guido, O.C., Prudent, O.C. Cath. 5,127.

Lahore .—C athedral of th e Sacred H eart of Jesus; Chap­lain : Rev. F r. Theophane, O.C. Cath. 867.

L a h o re -A n a rka li: Im m aculate Conception : Rev. Fr. Arnold, o .c . Cath. 860.

L a h o r e -A narka li (District M ission): Rev. Fr. Rufin, O.c. Cath. 2,599.

Lahore.—St. Anthony’s, Empress Road ; Rev. F rs. Theo- dule, O.C., and Hugolin, O.C. Cath. 750.

Lahore Cantt. —Rev, F r. Leorold, o C. Cath. 285.L y a l lp u r .— R e v . Frs, Michael and E varist, O.C. Cath.

3,306.M ariabad (via Marh. Sheikhupura D t).—Rev. Frs.

Alban and Oscar, O.C Cath. 1,436.M ontgomery.—Rev. Fr. Sylvanus, O.C. Cath. 465.M ultan Cantt.—Rev. Fr. Em ilian, O.C. Cath. 345. V isit­

ing Stations : Sam asatta, K hanpur, Dera G'^azi K han, Dera Ism ail K han, D haria Khan, K hanew al, B akker and Mazzaff- argarh .

Narowal (Sialkot Dt.).—Rev. F r. Baldwin, O.c. Cath. 793.P asrur (Sialkot Dt.).-—Rev. F r. Jose, O.C. Cath. 1,831.R ahim pur (Ch. 6, 4/L, P.O. Okara, Montgomery Dt.).—

Rev. Frs. Arsene i*nd Fiorian and Rev. Bro, Ivo, Q.c. C^th, 573.

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Sahowala (Sialkot Db.).—Rev. F r. Stanislas, O.C. Cath. 2,827.

Sangla H ill (Sheikhupura Db.).—Revs. F r. Masseo, O.C. and Bro. Florentin, O.C. C ath. 1,665.

Sargodha.— Rev. F r. Damian, O.C. Oabh. 2,226.S ia lko t Oantt.—Rev. Frs. John, A rth u r and G othard,

o.c. G ath .2,924. Visibing sta tions: W azirabad, Lala-M usa, M alakw al, Mona and G ujranw ala.



Priesbs of Religious Orders 38Secular P riest 1Churches w ith Resident Priests 24Total Churches and Chapels ... 58H igh schools 4Novitiates %Parishes w ith Parochial schools 16

Pupils 1,209Orphan A sylum : O rphans 207Industria l schools 3Dispensaries ... 8M arriages 401

f In fan ts, 2,607 )B aptism s: 3 A dults, 722 > ... 3,639

U . P. M. 310 )Confirmations 1,359Communions ... 210,956Total population ... 17,014,097Converts 930Deaths 690Catholic population ... 34,949


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(The S t. Joseph 's Society , M ill H ill)

By a decree of Leo X II I , th e extensive regious of K afris- tan and K ashm ir w ere made a distinct Mission as a P refec­ture , and confided to th e F athers of the Society of St. Joseph of Mill H ill. As th is is an entirely new and unexplored missionary field, and as th e countries it contains are difficult of access, the N orth-W estern part of the Punjab comprising five m ilitary stations was attached to it to serve as a basis of operations.

Cath. 5,000.P r e f e c t A p o s t o l ic

The R t. Rev. Mgr. R. J . W inkley, October 24,1916.R esidence: S t. Joseph's Catholic Church, R aw alpindi,

Punjab.C m su lto rs.—R evs. J. Devlin, W- W hite and J. O’Dono-

hol.R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n it ie s

(a) The Jesus and M ary Nuns.—Convent, Boarding and Day School and O rphanage : 13 Sisters, 6 Lay Teachers and 150 pupils.

(b) Irish Presentation Sisters.—(i) Convent and Day School in R aw alp ind i: 8 Sisters, 85 pupils.

(ii) Boarding and Day School for sm all boys in M urree : 4 Sisters, 110 pupils.

(iii) Convent and Day School for boys and girls, P e sh a w a r: 4 Sisters, 75 pupils.

(c) Franciscan Missionaries of M ary.—(i) Raw alpindi, Hospital and Dispensary for Indian women and children : 1 Lady Doctor, 8 Nursing sisters. Over 13,000 patients annually .

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(ii) Baram ulla, Kashm ir, Dispensary for native women and children : About 36,500 patients, 6 Sisters, Lady Doctor. Also, in Baram ulla, a native Orphanage.

I n s t itu t io n s

Baram alla (K ashm ir),— (i) St. Joseph’s H igh School for K ashm ir boys.

(ii) Orphanages for native boys and girls.M urree — (i) St. Aloysius’ Boarding School and St.

M ichael’s Orphanage : Rev. M other M. R aphael, Superior.(ii) St. Joseph’s Boarding and Day School: P resen ta­

tion Sisters. M other G ertrude, Superior.Peshawar.—Presentation Convent Day School: M other

Bridgid, Superior.R aw alp ind i— (i) Presentation Convent Day School: Rev.

M other Josephine, Superior.(ii) Hospital and Dispensary for Indian women and

children : Mother Cesarie, Franciscan M issionaries of M ary, Superior.

G a z e tte e r

Rawalpindi.—Revs. J. M. Clarke and R. A. Malden. Rawalpindi C ity.—Rev. J. Lavery.W est R id g e — Rev. J. O'Donahoe.Murree.—R t. Rev. Mgr. R. J . W inkley and Rev. W .

W hite.K hyra Gali, Barian, Kuldanna, Upper Topa, Lower

Topa and G haria : Rev. P. Stenson.Ghora D akka K han Spur, Dunga Gali, N athia Gali,

K alabagh and Bara G a li : Rev. J. O’Donahoe.Peshawar.—Rev. J. Devlin.Cherat and K hyber Pass.—Rev. H. H irst.R isa ip u r , Hoti M ardan, M alakand, Campbellpore : Rev.

J . Styles.Baram ulla (Kashm ir).—Rev. B. de Ruyter.Srinagar (Kashm ir).—Rev. G. S tew art.Gulmarg (Kashm ir).—Rev. G. Stewart*

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Nows he fa .— Rev. J . McGrain.New P r ie s t (W aziristan).—Rev. M. Ellison.

Catholic Mission Hospital, R aw alpindi City, under charge of Catholic Medical M issionary Society of A m erica : Dr. Joanna Lyons.



Priests ... 14Churches w ith Resident P riests ... . . . 9Localities w ith Churches . . . 13

C hurches ... ... 13Religious women ... 43E lem entary schools ... 3

Pupils .. . 160H igh School for girls ... ... 1

Students. ... 150O rphanage ... 4

O rphans ... 170Total num ber of young people under Cath. care 500

B aptism s: [A du lts!’ ... 1,402Conversions ... ... 40Catholic population .. . 5,000

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The Discatced Carmelites (Spanish Province) and Diocesan Clergy

Suffragan Diocese : Qui Ion H is to r ic a l N o te s

The Archbishopric of Verapoly includes only Christians of the Latin rite . I t is bounded on the N orth by th e Ponany river, on the East by th e W estern G hauts, on th e W est by the Diocese of Cochin, and on the South by th a t of Quilon, the Rani river forming th e lim it. Cath. 124,683. Population :2,250,000.

A r c h b is h o p a n d M e t r o p o l it a n

The Most Rev. Dr. Angel M ary Parez Cecilia, O.C.D., nominated Archbishop of Ochrida and Co-adjutor, w ith righ t of succession, on June 18, 1915 ; consecrated at E rnakulam on October 28, 19 L5, succeeded to the See of Verapoly on F ebru­ary 6, 1919. Residence : E rnakulam (Cochin State).

Diocesan Cansultors.—(1) Right Rev. F r. Bonaventure,O.C.D., M. Ap. : (2) R ight Rev. F r. Kurz A rakel ; (3) V ery Rev. F r. Liguori, O.C.D., M. A p.; (4) V ery Rev. Thomas Rocha M anail ; (5) V ery Rev. X avier Beckert N arakat ; (6) V ery Rev. A lexander Lenthaparam pil.

Secretary.—R ev. Joseph A ttipety, PH.D., D.D.

Procurator.—Rev. Fr. Angelus, C.D., M. Ap.Vicars-General.—(1) The R ight R e v . Fr. Bonaventure,

O.C.D. ; (2) The R ight Rev. George Kurz A rakel.Official.—The R ight Rev. George Kurz.Chancellor.—Rev. F r. Joseph A ttipety , PH.D., d .d .

Prom oter o f Justice and D efender o f the Bond o f M ar* riage.—Rev. Thomas M ullur.

Pro-Synodal Judges.—V ery Rev. Frs. John Joseph, O.C.D., M. Ap. ; Liguori, O.C.D., M. Ap. ; Thomas Rocha ; Revs. Michael N elavereth and Joseph Chamani.


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P ro-Synodal E xam iners.—V ery Rev. F rs. Liguori, O.C.D., M. A p .; Ceferine, 0,C.D ., M. A p .; Revs. Thomas Rocha, Joseph Cham ani and A lexander Lenthaparam pil.

P arish Consultors.—(1) V ery Rev. F r. Liguori, O.C.D., M. A p .; (2) V ery Rev. Thomas R ocha; (3) V ery Rev. Michael N elavereth ; (4) V ery Rev. M ichael, T.O.C.D.; (5) V ery Rev. X av ier Beckert.

C ensors— (1) V ery Rev. Fr. John Joseph, O.C.D., M. A p .;(2) V ery Rev. Thomas Rocha ; (3) V ery Rev. M ichael N ela­v e re th ; (4) V ery Rev. F r. M ichael, T.O.C.D.; (5) Rev. F r. George, T.O.C.D.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o p M e n

St. Teresa’s Monastery, Ernakulam .—Discalced C arm elite F athers of F irs t O rder: F athers 4, Brothers 2.

M onastery of the Im m aculate Conception. Magnumel (near Verapoly).—Carm elite T ertiary F athers 10, Lay Brothers 9. P rior : V ery Rev. F r. George, T,O.C D. M aster of Novices : Rev. F r. Angelus of St, Joseph, T.O.C.D.

St. Philom ena’s M onastery, Cunamao (near Verapoly).— Carm elite T ertia ry F athers 4, Professed Students 10, Lay Brothers 4. P r io r : Rev. F r. Franciscus of In fan t Jesus, T.O.C.D.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s o f W o m e n

I . Congregation of th e Third Ordor of our Lady of Mount C a rm e l:

(L) St. Teresa’s Convent, E rnakulam : Sisters 31, Novices 5.

(2) St. Joseph’s Convent, V era p o ly : Sisters 21, No­vices 8.

(3) St. Joseph’s Convent, K ottayam : Sisters 8.(4) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Convent, Chathiath :

Sisters 8.(5) St. Joseph's Convent, T richur : Sisters 8.(6) In fan t Jesus’ Convent, C urish inga l: Sisters 4.(7) The L ittle Flow er’s Convent, P a llip o r t: Sisters 6.

I I . Sisters of C harity (from M ilan) for nursing th e sick in th e Government Hospital, Ernakulam : Sisters 7,


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E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

Putham pally.—Sem inary (see special list a t th e end of th is volume).

Ernakulam .—Lower Sem inary (see special list at the end of th is volume).

P reparatory school for A spirants to th e Third Carm e­lite Order. A spirants 18 attending St. A lbert’s H igh School. Director, Rev. F r. Joseph Roekey, T.O.C.D.

Ernakulam.—St. A lbert’s English H igh School, w ith Boarding H ouse: V ery Rev. Fr. Lucian, O.C.D., M anager; Rev. F r. Aloysius Angelus, C.D., Prefect. Pupils 991 includ­ing 62 boarders, teachers 29.

G oduruthy.— St. Sebastian’s English High School: M an­ager, V ery Rev. Michael N elavereth. Pupils 236, teachers 12.

Ohathiath.—St. Joseph’s English M iddle School: M an­ager, Rev. Alex, L enthaparam pil. Pupils 82, teachers 3.

Palliport,—St. M ary’s English Middle School up to I I I F o rm : M anager, Rev. Joseph Cham any. Pupils 105, teachers 6.

Cunemao.—St. Philom ena’s English Middle School up to I I I Form : M anager, Rev. F r. Francis, T.O.C.D. Pupils 133, teachers 6.

Verapoly , Oheranallur.—The L ittle Flow er’s English L. S. School up to I I I Form. M anager, Rev. F r. Joseph Angel, O.C.D. Pupils 132, teachers 5.

Curishingal.—Santa Cruz English L. S. School up to I I I Form : M anager, Rev. Thomas M uller. Pupils 108, teachers4.

M athilagam .—St. Joseph’s H igher Ele. School: M anager, Rev. Emm. D’Piedade. Pupils 259, teachers 17.

For G irls

Ernakulam .—St. Teresa’s Convent F irst-g rade College affiliated to th e Madras U niversity and H igh School : T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carm el. Boarders 134, pupils 600, teachers 38.

St. A nthony’s M alayalam School: T ertiary Sisters of tyfQunt Carmel. Pupils 274, Sisters 2, Lady teachers Q.


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K ottayam .—’St. Joseph’s Convent Boarding School up to V c lass: T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. 211 pupils w ithI I boarders, teachers 7.

Our Lady’s Poor School for the depressed castes Tertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. Pupils 118, teachors 5.

Trichur.—St. Joseph’s Convent Boarding L. S. English School up to I I I F o rm : Tertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. Pupils 263 w ith 20 hoarders, teachers 13.

V era p o ly— St. Joseph’s Convent Boarding School up toI I I F o rm : T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. 459 pupils including 25 boarders, teachers 24.

Chathiath.—Convent English H igh School of Our Lady of Mount C arm el: T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. Pupils 266 w ith 86 boarders, teachers 12.

Malay alam School: Tertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. P up ils 303, teachers 8.

Curishingal.— In fan t Jesus’ Convent Boarding School : T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. Pupils 322, teachers 12.

Palliport.—The L ittle Flow er’s Convent English School : T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel. Pupils 194, teachers 10.

C h a r it a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

E rn a ku la m — St. Joseph’s Orphanage and Industrial School for printing, book-binding, type-casting and block- m aking: M anager, Rev. Brother L90, O.C.D. Orphans and pupils 38.

Thrikakaray.—Holy Angels’ Institu te : W eaving, car­pentry and coir-m atting : Brs. Luiz and D’Cruz. Pupils 47.

Mundakayam.—St. Patrick’s W eaving Institu te : M an­ager, Rev. F r. Blasius, O.C.D. Pupils 35.

Ernakulam.—St. Teresa's Orphanage and Asylum for old women, Carmelite Sisters. Orphans and old women 115. The orphans attend the Convent School. Their industries : Plain and fancy needle-work, lace and embroidery, etc.

V era p o ly— St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Carmelite Sisters. Orphans 58, attend the Convent School: Needle-work, etc.

K o tta y a m — St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Carmelite Sisters. Orphans 44? attend the Convent School: Needle-,vyork? etc.


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Trtchur.—St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Carm elite Sisters. Orphans 66, attend the Convent School: Needle work, etc.

Chathiath .—Orphanage of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Carmelite Sisters. Orphans 22, attend the Convent School.

Curushingal.—Orphanage of the L ittle Flower, Carme­lite Sisters. Orphans 28, a ttend the Convent School.

Palliport — The Little Flower’s Orphanage, Carmelite Sisters. Orphans 29, attend the Convent School.

Magnumel (near Verapoly).—St Joseph’s Hospital, under the direction of the Rev. Bro. Nicholas Verhouven, T.O.C.D. Dispensary attached to the Hospital. Patients treated last year 26,669 : in-patients 4,496, out-patients 22,173.

Ot h e r I n s t it u t io n s

Provident Fund (M utui Subsidii) for old and sick Priests* —President, His Grace the Archbishop. Director o f the Adm inistrative Council, Very Rev. George Kurz.

Catholic Association o f the Archdiocese o f Verapoly .— Patron, His Grace the Archbishop. President, V ery Rev. Thomas X. Rocha Secretary , Mr. K. X. Joseph.

Catholic L ibrary and Reading Room, Ernakulam .— Manager, V ery Rev. George Kurz.

Publications.—The Messenger o f the Sacred H eart. monthly ; the L itt le Flower o f Jesus also monthly, and Sathianatham, a w eekly, the three of them in M alayalam ; E ucharist and P riest, a monthly Magazine, in English and Promptuarium Canonico L iturgicum , a monthly periodical in Latin for the use of the Clergy in the Missions, are published at the Industrial School Press, Ernakulam . Besides the “ S.H. League ” and the “ Catholic Fam ily ” both in Malayalam, are published in the Jubilee Memorial Press, Puthenpally Seminary, Verapoly.


Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. George Kurz.Ernakulam.—St. Francis of Assisi (1821) : Cath. 5,094,

V ery Rev. X avier Beckert, P .P . ; Rev. Peter Vadachery.In fan t Jesus (1822): Cath. 1,054. Very Rev. George

Kurz. Vic. For., P .P .35


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Ernakulam (Chathiath).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1673), rebuilt (1842) ; Chapel of the L ittle Flower, Potta- kuzhi (1926): Cath. 8,287. V ery Rev. Alex. Lenthaparam pil, P .P . ; Revs. Joseph Correa and Thomas Reislander.

Ernakulam (Perum anur).—St. George, and chapel of the Holy Cross, V aravukad (1742): Cath. 4,451. Rev. Lawrence Puthum ana, Vic. Occo.


Vicar Forane.—V ery Rev. Alexander Lenthaparampil.K alur (Frnakulam P.O.).—St. Francis X avier (1890),

rebuilt (1906): Cath. 1,984. Rev. A lexander Pallen, P P .Muthedam (Trippunittura P.O.).—St. Mary Magdalen :

Cath. 1,632. Rev. George Vagail, P .P .P alarivattam (Edapally P.O.).—St. John the Baptist

(1849). Chapel -of S t. Michael the Archangel (1881): Cath. 3,537. Rev. Augustin Nedungadam, P.P.

Panangad (Trippunittura P.O.).—St. Anthony : Cath. 755. Rev. Francis K ariapilly, P.P .

Ponel (Edapally P.O.).—St. Francis X avier (1923): Cath.2,113.. Rev. George Palliparam pil, P .P .

Thaikudam (Ernakulam P.O.).—St. Raphael th e A rchan­gel (1842): Cath. 2,650’. Rev. Sebastian W esterm ayer, P.P.

Trichur.— Sacred H eart of Jesus (1874), rebuilt (1920). Chapel, Our Lady of Rosary, E lan thuru thy : Cath. 843. Rev. Augustin K uttikal, P.P .

Venduruthy (Ernakulam P.O.).—SS. Peter and Paul : Cath. 2,850. Rev. Augustin C hakalakal, P .P .


Vicar For ane : Very Rev. F r. Joseph Angel, O.C.D.

Alwaye.—Si. Anne (1&90); Chapels : St. Francis X avier, Alwaye, rebuilt (1923); St. Thomas Apostle, K u tticattukara (1878): Cath. 1,531. Rev. John V enatt, Vic. Occo. Cath. 1,097. Rev. Sebastian Pattam ana, P .P .

Cothad (Verapoly P.O.).—Sacred H eart of Jesus (1882); Chapel : St. Francis X avier, Pizhala (1892): Cath. 1,687. Revs. Alexander Nelkunnacherry^ Vic. Opco. and Alex. N ilkunn^chery.


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Ounnemao (Verapoly P.O.).—St. Philomena (1842); Chapel : St. Sebastian, K ottully (1885): Cath. 7,284. Revs. Francis of t,he In fan t Jesus, T.O.C.D., P .P ., and Dominic D’Yepes.

Magnumel (Verapoly P.O.).—The Im m aculate Conception (1871): Cath. 1,453. V ery Rev. George, T.O.C.D.

Magnaly.—Seven Dolours (1881) : Cath. 290. Served from Cunemao.

M ulempally (Verapoly P.O.).—St. Augustine (1875): Cath. 2,270. Rev. Aug. M undachery, P.P .

Verapoly.—Our Lady of Mount Carmel and of St. Joseph (1673), rebuilt (1923). C hapel: St. James, Cheranallur. Cath. 7,862. V ery Rev. Joseph Angel, O.C.D., V .F., P.P . ; Rev. Frs. Didacus, O.C.D., and Nereus, O.C.D.

IV . DISTRICT OF CURISHING ALVicar Forane : Very Rev. Thomas Rocha.Bolghatty (Mulavucad, Ernakulam P.O.).—St. Sebastian

(1842) : Cath. 2,889. Rev. Augustine D’Cruz.Carthedam (N arakal P.O.).—St. George (1849), rebuilt

(1909): Cath. 2,880. Rev. Joseph Gonzaga, P .P .Curishingal (O chenthuruthu P.O., Cochin).—Holy Cross

(1855); Chapel of St. Mary : Cath. 3,995. Rev. Thomas M ullur, P .P .

Edavanakad (N arakal P.O.).—St. Ambrose (L886): Cath. 1,087. Rev. John Gonzalvez, P .P .

Perum pilly (N arakal P.O.).—Holy Family (1872); Cath. 2,691. Kev. Clement Correa, P .P .

Vadel (N arakal P.O.).—St. George (1814): Cath. 2,591. Rev. Francis Chamany, P.P.

Vallarpadam (Cochin P.O.).—Our Lady of Ransom : Cath. 2,064. V ery Rev. Thomas Rocha, V .F., P .P .

V. DISTRICT OF CRANGANORE Vicar Forane : V ery Rev. Michael Nelavereth.Carel (Kothaparamba P.O.).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel

>1861); St. Paul’s Chapel, Kothaparam ba: Cath. 1,509. Rev. Leopold Kanapilly, P .P .

Cranganore.—St. Michael the Archangel (1872), rebuilt(1907): Cath. 1,659. Rev. Augustine Illiparam bil.

v e r a p o l y 2 t5

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O othuruthy (P aru r P.O.).—St. Sebastian (1811): Cath. 4,428. V ery Rev. Michael Nelavereth, P .P .; Rev. George K attachery , PH.D., D.D., D.C.L.

M athilagam.—Sb. Joseph (1767): Cath. 1,569. Rev. Emm. D’Piedade, P .P .

M adapladuruthy (P aru r P.O.).—St. George (1892), re­built (1924) : Cath. 923. Served from G othuruthy.

P alliport.—Our Lady of the Snow : Cath. 6,516. Revs- Joseph Chamany, P .P . and Zach. Param bil, Vicar, and Rev. Michael O llattupuram .

Sampalur (Chalakudi P.O.).—St. Francis X avier (1862) J Chapel, St. P a u l : Cath. 442. Served from Thuruthipuram .

Thuruthipuram (Cranganore P.O.).—St. Francis of Assisi, St. A nthony's Chapel, M alapallipuram : Cath. 3,105. Revs. Ignatius Aranjo, P.P. and Charles D’Cunha.

Thuruthur (Cranganore P.O.).—St. Thomas th e Apostle : Cath. 1,543. Rev. Clement D’Cunha, P .P .

VI. DISTRICT OF KOTTAYAMVicar Forane : V ery Rev. Fr. Bonaventure, O.c.D.

Amayannur (Kottayam P.O.).—Sacred H eart (1906): Cath. 1,208. Rev. F r. M athias, O.C.D., P.P.

Chengalam (Kottayam P.O.).—St. Joseph (1925): Cath. 881. Rev. Joseph D’Almedia, P.P. School 1.

Podim attam .—St. Joseph (1922): Cath. 1,003. Rev. Paul K oikaranparam pil, V icar.

K ottayam .—The Good Shepherd (1882), transferred (1891): Cath. 2,471. V ery Rev. Fr. Bonaventure, o .c .d ., v .f ., P .P . ; Rev. Raphael Muntra.

Kumaracam (Kottayam P.O.).—St. Peter (1919): Cath. 342. Rev. Joseph Mundachery, P.P .

K urchy (Pallam P.O.).—St. Francis X avier (1906): Caih. 638. Rev. Thomas Kalloorveedan, Vic. Occ.

M undakayam .—Our Lady, Refuge of S in n ers: Cath. 2,925. Rev. F r. Blasius, O.C.D., P.P.

Nattagam (Kottayam P.O.).—St. Teresa (1908): Cath. 438. Served from Kurchy.


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Peer made.—St. Joseph’s Chape]. Served from Munda- kayam.

Tellacam (Kottayam P.O.).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel(1908): Cath. 1,392. Rev. F r. Tarzicius, O.C.D.

Tiravanchur (Kottayam P.O.).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1913): Cath. 936. Served from Am ayannur.

Vaishiambakal (Alleppy P.O.).—Holy Cross: Cath. 580,Vazhur (Poncunam P.O.).—Our Lady of Mount Carmel

(1907): Rev. George K urisingal, P .P . Cath. 1,220.Elikulam (Ponkunam P.O.).—The L ittle Flower : Cath.

213. Served from Vazhur.Velur (Kottayam P.O.).—St. John the Baptist’s Chapel

(1910): Cath. 487. Served from Chengalam.V II. DISTRICT OF PA TTITH A N A M

Vicar Forane: Very Rev. Fr. Fulgentius, O.C.D.

M anaikanatte (Koravalangad P.O.).—Holy Cross (1923) : Cath. 2,103. Rev. Fr. Francis X avier, O.C.D.

Pattithanam, (E ttum anur P.O.).—St. Boniface (1921): Cath. 2,357. V ery Rev. Fr. Fulgentius, O.C.D.

Pothiyil (Vaikam P.O.).—St. Michael the A rchangel: Cath. 1,239. Rev. Peter Kuttamparampi], Vicar.

K urum ullur.—Our Lady of Sorrows (1925): Served from Pattithanam .

Vettim ugalil (E ttum anur P .O .)—St. Paul (1921): Cath. 1,321. Rev. Antony Maplacherry, P.P.

V III. DISTRICT OF MUV A.TTUPUZHAVicar Forane : R ight Rev. Fr. Bonaventure, O.C.D., V.G.

Munnar.—Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1900) : Chapels : St. Antony, Annakadavu ; S. H eart of Jesus, Chunduvarray ; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, M attupatty ; St. Joseph, Surianalee ; St. Sebastian, E lapa tty ; L ittle Flower, Chatta- manar ; L ittle Flower, R a ja m a la ; St. Antony, Talliar , Cath. 4,177. Resident Priest, Rev. F r. Salustianus O.C.D.

M uvattupuzha cum Ashamanur.—Christ King (1927): Cath. 153. Resident Priest, Rev. Fr. Eusebius, O.C.D.

K ozhip illy cum Kavalangad (Kothamangalam P.O.).— The L ittle Flower (1927): Cath. 225. Served from M u v at­tupuzha.

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RECAPITULATIONArchbishop Secular Priests Religious Priests

Do. Scholastics and Brothers Do. Sisters

Seminarians in Philosophy and Theology In th e Preparatory Seminary ...In th e Aspirants House

Churches and Chapels ...Churches w ith Resident Priest ... Stations w ith outside Chapels ... Çatechumenates CatechistsCollege, 1st grade, for women High schools for boy s ...H igh schools for girls ...Middle schools for boys

Do. for girls P rim ary schools Industrial schoolsTotal school, pupils : [ q ^ I s

Total teachers ...Orphanages

Orphans Hospital and Dispensary

P atien ts treatedBaptisms : { ^ ° ^ . sChrisbian P o n ta g eConversiors M arriages Communions DeathsCatholic population

Total population

1504435964338189050 20 3451 1 2 2 6 3





26,6695,0111.4261.426 1,273



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The Discalced Carmelites (Belgian Province) and Diocesan Clergy

The Diocese comprises the Southern half of th e Native State of Travancore, and the British territories of Tangas- seri and Anjengo. Cath. 211,108.

B is h o p

The Rt. Rev. Aloysius Maria Benziger, O.C.D., nominated Tit. Bishop of Tabae and Coadjutor to the Bishop of Quilon, July 17,1900 ; consecrated November 18, 1900 ; succeeded to the Sea of Quilon, August 16, 1905. Domestic P re la te to His Holiness the Pope, A ssistant to the Pontifical Throne and Roman Count. Residence : Olikaray, Quilon.

Vicar •General.—R t. Rev. F r. Bernardine, O.C.D.Consultors.— Very Rev, Frs. Joseph, O.C.D.; A lexander,

O.C.D.; C. Fonseca, Francis P ereira and John Rebeira.Chancellor.—Rev. Alexander, O.C.D.

Fiscal Advocate.—Rev. Joseph, O.C.D.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

Carmel H ill Monastery, T rivandrum : Novitiate of the Discalced Carmelites for Indians. F a thers 6 ¡ Students 8 and Novices 8. Very Rev. F r. Constantine, O.C.D., Prior.

Sacred H e a r t: Residence at Trivandrum w ith 3 Carmelite Fathers in charge of St. Joseph’s High School, and one B rother.

St. E lia’s: Residence at Thukalay w ith 2 Carmelite F athers and one Brother. Rev. F r. Paul, O.C.D,, Superior.

Sisters of the Third Order Apostolic of Our Lady of Mount C arm el: 85 Sisters for the education of girls and care of o rphans; 5 convents: Trivandrum, Quilon, Tangacherry, Anjengo and V eyathinkaray. Besides, 5 Sisters are in Salsette and Bombay and 5 at K arw ar, Goa. Mother General, Rev. Mary A rchangel.

M issionary Canon esses of St. Augustine : 43 European S ister8 an4 30 Indian Lay Sisters, for th e education of girls


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and care of orphans, foundlings and destitute w onen ; 8 con­vents : Mulagumudu, Cape Comorin, Colachel, Nagercoil, Kulasegaram , Asaripallam, M ariapuram and Palliady. Mother M. Madeleine, Mother Provincial at Mulagumudu.

Sisters of th e Holy Cross (from M enzigen): 43 Sisters (of whom 7 are Indians) for nursing the sick in the Government Hospitals afc Trivandrum , Quilon and Nagercoil. Rev. Mother Leonie Eiseuring, Provincial Superioress..

Sisters of th e Holy and Im m aculate H eart of M ary, from Pondicherry : 51 Sisters for the instruction of girls in verna­cular schools : Convent novitiate at Cogneracode, Cumbalam, Manakudy and Kadiapattanam . Rev. Mother Theophile M aria, Lady Superior.

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

Quilon.—Theological and Preparatory sem inaries—see special list a t the end of th is volume.

Nagercoil.—St. Francis’ Normal School and Boarding for the training of Tamil Schoolmasters : Rev. Boniface Rebeira, Director, and 5 Lay teachers, 10S students. Boarders 33.

Ittilcaray-Q uilon.— The Children’s Friend Normal School and Boarding for the train ing of Malayalam Schoolmasters : Rev. John Netto, Director, and 4 Lay teachers, 115 students. Boarders 38.

Kottar-Ramanputhoor.—Carmel English School and Boarding : Rev. Paul Stephen, Manager. Boarders 31, pupils 115.

Quilon.—St. A.loysius’ English H igh School : Rev. John Rebeira, M anager, an I 23 Lay teachers. 463 pup Is.

T rivandrum — St. Joseph’s English High School : Rev. Fr. Joseph, O.C.D., Manager, and 28 Lay teachers, 741 pupils (Headmaster, Rev. Fr. Patrick, O.C,D.). St. Joseph’s Boarding, 23 boarders. Catholic Hostel, 62 students. Director, Rev. Cyriac V ettikapally .

For CirlsCagneracode.—St. M argaret’s Home : Sisters of the Holy

H eart of Mary conduct Vern. School, 195 children. Sisters 51, orphans 11, boarders 10.

Cumbalam .—Convent of the Sisters of the Holy H eart of Mary : Sisters 6 conducting a V ernacular School for girls w ith 148 children.


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M anakudy.—L ’ttle Flower Convent : Sisters of the Holy H eart of Mary. Sisters 5 conducting a V ernacular School for girls w ith 131 children.

K adiapattanam .—Convent of the Sisters of the Holy H eart of M ary : Sisters 5 conducting a V ernacular School for girls w ith 165 children.

Asaripallam .—Convent of Missionary Can. : 2 European Sisters, 1 Indian. Vern. and Ind. w ith 262 pupils.

Cape Comorin.— Convent of the Iram. Conception : Rev. Sr. M. Alphonsine, Superior. 3 Missionary Can. of St. Augustine, 2 Indian Sisters. Children 135 in Vern. schools, 74.

Mulagumudu .—Convent of the Holy In fan t Jesus: Rev. Mother M. Angela, Lady Superior ; 16 Missionary Can. of St. Augustine, w ith 20 Lay Sisters and a few Lay teachers, d ire c t:—(a) Vern. schools, 220 pupils; (6) Ind. schools, 279 pupils.

Oolachel.—Convent of Missionary Can. w ith 3 European Sisters, and 3 Indians. P rim ary School w ith 141 pupils. Industrial w ith 62.

M ariapuram .—Convent of Missionary Can. w ith 6 Euro­pean Sisters. Children 170.

Nagercoil.—Convent of St. Joseph and B oarding: Rev. Sr. M. Germaine, Superior : 10 Missionary Can. of St. Augus­tine, 3 Indian Sisters d ire c t:— (a) Boarding w ith 120 boarders;(&) English School and Vernacular Middle School, 33 teachers, children 631; (c) Ind. school, 90 girls.

Kulasegaram .—Convent of St. Ursula : 2 Missionary Can. of St. Augustine, 1 Indian, Children 120,

P alliady .—Convent of Missionary Can. 3 European Sisters, 3 Indians. P rim ary School w ith 263 pupils. Industrial School w ith 46 pupils.

Quilon — St. Joseph’s C onvent: Rev. Mother M ary Agnes, Superioress ; 21 Sisters, Third 0 . Ap. of O.L. of Mount Car­mel. 30 Lay teachers, direct : (a) Boarding, 45 boarders ; (6) English High School, Vern. Middle School, 835 children ;(c) Industrial School, 70 pupils.

Tangasseri.—Convent of O.L. of Mount Carm el: Rev. Mother Mary John, Superioress ; 13 Sisters. Third O. Ap. of O.L. of Mount Carmel. 14 Lay teachers, d ire c t: (a) Boarding, 37 boarders; (6) English High School, 219 pupils; Vern, School, 150 children : (c) Ind. School, 22 punils,



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Trivandrum, —The Holy Angels1 Convent : Rev. M other General, M. Archangel ; Rev. Mother M. Gerard, Superioress: 36 Sisters, Third O. Ap. of O. L. of Mount Carmel, 15 Lay Teachers : (a) Boarding 48 boarders ; (b) English High School, 662 pupils: (c) Ind. and Technical School, 54 pupils; (d) Candidates prepared for Public Exam, in Piano, Violin, D raw ­ing and Painting.

Anjengo.—The S. H. Convent : Rev. Mother M. Raphael, Superioress ; 1L Sisters, Third O Ap. of O. L. of Mount Car­mel, conducting English Middle School and Prim ary, 23 boarders, 280 children.

N egathinkaray.—L ittle Flower Convent : Rev. Mother Columba ; Sisters 6, Third O. A p. of O. L. of Mount Carmel. Industrial School w ith 47 pupils.

English M iddle Schools fo r BoysAnjengo.—St. Joseph’s English Middle School : Rev. R. M.

Silva, Manager : 6 Lay teachers, 162 children.Cape Comorin.—St. Anthony’s English Middle School

w ith 87 pupils : Teachers 6. Manager, Rev. F r. Richard Rozario.

Telckakara.—English Middle School w ith 175 pupils: Teachers 8. Manager, Rev. Fr. S. Bernard Ben Fernandez.

Pudukuruchy. — English Middle School w ith 89 pupils.K azhakuttam .—English Middle School w ith 154 pupils.

V e r n a c u l a r M id d l e S c h o o ls

Cagneracode.—V ernacular Middle School w ith 321 pupils: Teachers 10. Manager, Rev. F r. Jacob Kandankulam .

Camenkode.—Vernacular Middle School w ith 280 pupils : Teachers 9. Manager, Rev. Fr. Constantine, O.D.c.

Colachel —Vernacular Middle School w ith 213 pupils: Teachers 5. Manager, Rev. Fr. Vincent Fernandez.

Vavara.—Vern. Middle School w ith 216 pupils : Teachers 7. Manager, Rev. F r. Ignatius, O.D.C.

Ittika ra y , Q uilon— Technical School, W eaving estab­lishm ent, 22 students.

C h a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

A Boys’ N azareth Orph. at I ttik a ray (near Quilon) : Sisters of the Cross, Rev. John Netto, Director ; orphans 49,


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Holy Angels’ Orph. for girls at Trivandrum : Third O. Ap. of Mount Carmel, 39 orphans. St. Joseph’s Orphanage for girls at Quilon, same Sisters; 45 orphans. O .L . of Mount Carmel’s Orph for girls ab Tangasseri, same S is te rs ; 21 orphans, S. H eart Orphanage at Anjengo, 12 orphans.

Infan t Jesus’ Orph. for girls at Mulagumudu : Missionary Can. of St. Augustine, 321 orphans ; connected w ith home for foundlings and 70 destitute widows.

Orph. at Cape Comorin for girls, 13. Orph. ab Nagercoil for girls, orphans 38. A dispensary is kepb by bhe Sisters ab Mulagumudu, Cape Comorin and Asaripallam.

G azetteer

Quilon.—Bishop's Residence. Rt. Rev. Fr. Bernardino, O.c D., Vicar-G eneral ; Rev. F r Alexander, O.C D., Councillor and Procurator ; Rev. Francis Pereira, Secretary ; Rev. Fr. Francis Fernandes.

I DIVISIONCagnercode (P.O., Kottarakara).—Cath. 2,261. Rev. Jacob

Kandanknlam. Sisters’ Convent of St. M argaret Alacoque.Calladay (P.O., K ottarakara).—Cath. 1,821. Revs.

Sebastian and P. Fernandez.Cumbalam.—Cath. 4,394. Rev. VI. Mendez.Cannuly (P.O., Mayanaad).—Cath. 767. Rev. John Netto.Candackera (P.O., Quilon) w ith Mangade and Chemma-

gade —Cath. 2,705. Rev. Edward Fernandez.E ravipuram (P.O., Mayanaad).—Cath. 1,765. Rev. A.

Lopez.Pullichera (P.O., Mayanaad), Mayanaad, Airoor.—Cath.

3,725. Rev: Bernard Fernandez.

Punalur.—K ottarakara, Thenmalay. Rev. Frs. MaTy John, O.C.D., J. M. Zacharias and V. Thomas. Cath. 3,589.

Quilon— Tope. Cath. 3,143. Rev. Gregory Aranjo.Tangasseri (P.O., Quilon).—Cath. 1,444. Rev. Seb.

Biederman. Convent of O.L. of Mount Carmel.Tuyeth (P.O., Quilon).—Cath. 2,850. Rev. M. Morris.

Convent of St. Joseph : Sisters of the H Cross.

QU ILO N 2 8 3

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V addy (P.O., Quilon)—M udakaray and T iruvallaram . Cath, 1,806. Rev. C. Fonseca. St. Raphael’s Prep. Semi­nary , St. Aloysius’ H. School.

Holy Cross, T angasseri: C ath .. 1,590. Rev. Emmanuel Fernandez.

I I DIVISIONAranellur (P.O., Chavara), Coilvilai, Canathar.—Cath.

3,517. Rev. Mark P. Fernandez.A ravila i (P.O., Quilon), Aipuzha, Cadavur.—Cath. 2,162.

Rev. P. Menezes.Colithotam (P.O., Chavara), V adakantalay, Caritorayi.—

Cath. 3,289. Rev. Simon Gonzaga, Vicar.Mamughil (P.O., Chavara), Talam ughi.—Cath. 1,834.

V ery Rev. M artin Fernandez, Rev. Jerome Fernandez.Neendagaray (P .O , Chavara), Thekecara, Mukade.

Cath. 2,412. Rev. S. Bernard Fernandez.I I I DIVISION

Abica (P.O., K ayenkulam ).—Pandarathurfchy, Ciappana Callicattu chapel. Cath. 1,678. Rev. A nthony Fernandez.

KaHanam (P.O.. K ayenkulam ).—Cath. 2,125. Revs. Lawrence Pereira, P. C. Nainan, Jacob Kodasanad, J. G hep- varghese and Puthenpidika Gheevarghese.

Kayankulam.—Veimpuzhai, Cath. 1,200. Rev. Jacob Chatham param pil.

M avelicaray—V aliaperum puzhai. Cath, J ,717. Revs. Bernard Gonsalvez and J. W. F. Rebeiro, D.D.

Paucaray (P.O., M avelicarry).— Parim elei, Aram uls. Cath. 1,674. Rev. Pius Arakel.

IV DIVISIONAnjengo.—A ryathurthy , St. Teresa’s and St. Philom ona’s

Chapels: Cath. 3,815. Revs. R. M. Silva, Mary Ephrem Gomez. St. Joseph’s English Middle School. Convent of the Sacred H eart.

M am pally (P. O., Anjengo).—Cath. 389. Rev. M arian Fernandez.

Mungode (w ith Venniacode).—Rev. Thomas B. Pereira. Cath. 1,310.


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Puducuruchy (P.O., Perum athurai).—M urukampuzei, Thayatnpalli, St. Sebastian’s and St. A nthony’s C hapels: Cath. 2,901. V ery Rev. M arcelline Coilperampily, V.F.

Puthenthope (P.O., Perum athurui).—St. Andrea, St. Domingo, V ettucade, Tumbur and Cochuteri. Cath. 2,354. Rev. Augustine Conception.

V DIVISIONKundambagam.—Karakam andabam . Cath. 1,887. Rev.

F. Isidore, O.c.D.

P ettah.—Cath. 920. Rev. Michael Jackson.Trivandrum .—Thy cad. Cath. 7,000. Rev. Frs. X avier,

O.C.D and Antony Pereira. Convent of th e D. Carmelites. St. Joseph’s H. School Catholic Hostel. Convent of the H. Angels, Sisters of the H. Cross.

VI DIVISIONCamangoode.—M ullivilay. Cath. 3,861. Rev. Alfred

Camoens.Colathur (P.O., Neyabtinkara.—Blabhankara. Cath.

?,174. Rev. Fr. G erard, O.C.D.Trithuvapuram .— Kuzithory, Packiapuram , Aramanay

and Ambalacaday. Cath. 3 857. Rev. Fr. Ignatius, O.C.D.

V avaray.—K allikavila, Parassala and Kulivila. Cath. 2,970. Rev. P. D. Christian.

M anivila (P.O., N eyathinkara).—Undonkodu, Nellarade and Maylachel. Rev. F. John Damascene, O.C.D. Cath. 6,365.

M ariapuram.—A rur. Rev. F. Stephen N azareth. School and Convent of the Can. of St. Augustine. Cath. 2,613.

M ullanganavilai (P.O., M arthandam).—Palliady. Paz- heacady, Erewcady, Karingal, C alithattu and T hundathiva- la i . Cath. 4,906. Rev. F r. Peter Thomas, O.C.D. At Palliady School und Convent of the Missionary Can of St. Augustine.

N eyattinkaray,—A m aravilai K attakaday and Iru theya- puram. Cath. 5,568. Rev. Frs. Ildephonse, O.C.D. ; Norbert, O.C.D. ; John Peter.

K attakada (P.O., N eyathinkaray).—Rev. Fr. Ildephonse, O.C.D. Cath. 9,984.

Peringamalai.—Pallichel and K akaraula Cruzm alaj. Cath. 2,123. Rev. Cruz Michael.


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Puthencaday (P.O., Kulasegaram).—Toduvetty. Attoor, Tickaraohy, U navilakaday, Kesaburam, Tettiod Kuruvicade, Kulasegaram and Tiruvandicaray. r a th . 7,052. Rev. Stanis­laus, O.C.D. A t Kulasegaram Convent and School of th e Miss. Can. of St. Augustine.

Puducada (P.O., M arthandam ).—Puducaday, M inchera, Amasai, Pullani, Pullenculy, K ottethi and Y ilatoray. Cath. 4,646. Rev. Y arghese Fernandez.

Venganoor.—Balaram apuram . Cath. 2,786. Rev. Gregory Alex.


Cape C om orin— Covalam. Cath. 4,264. Rev. R ichard Rozario and M aria Victor Rodriguez. Prim . English Middle Schools, 337 pupils. Convent of Imm. Conception.

Carangode (P .O , Thuckalay).—Nellivilai, Aloor and Sarel. Cath. 5,064. Vicar, Rev. Ignatius Maria.

R ajavur (P.O., Myladv).—Rajavuv, Ramapuram, Malun- gur and Araaiboly. Oath 2,098. Rev. Fr. Pius »1. Morris.

K ottar.—Crusady, Vadasseri, Sit appal, T ittivilai, E tta- maday, Arumboly and Kalkadu. Cath. 5,928. V ery Rev. F r. Paul, O.C.D., V .F .; Kev. Stanislas Michael. Convent of St. Joseph, St. Francis’ Normal School for Te chers and Boarding. Carmel English School w ith Boarding.

M adatta tivila (P.O., Thuckalay).—V illikuri and Palpa- napuram , Puliackruchi chapel. Cath. 3,500. Rev Pathrose Fernandez.

Manakady (P.O., Cape Comorin).—Kilmanakudi and The- murakulam . Cath. 2,291. Rev. J. Raphael.

Manguly (P.O., Neyoor).—Eraniel, Murasancode. Con- angade, Tiruvanacurchy and Tallakulam . Cath. 4,435. Rev. Dominic M. Nicholas.

M elassaripallam (P.O., Kottar).—Kilassaripallam and Peruvilai. Cath. 2,924. Rev. Anthony D Fernandez. Con­vent of the Can. of St. Augustine.

M ulugumudu .—Tiruvidankodu and Kalcurchy. Cath. 6,168. Revs. V aleriane and M ary Ephrem Gomez. Convent School, Orph. of the Holy Infan t Jesus, 17 European Sisters, 16 Indian A uxiliary Sisters. 381 orphans. Dame M ary Angela.


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Mulugumudu.—Thuckalay, Residence of the 0. Mission­aries. Rev. Frs. Paul, O.c.D. and Servasius, O.C.D.

M analikara (P.O., Thuckalay).— Manakavila and M erka- mandabam. Cath. 2,251. Rev Fr. Tobias Fernandez.

M a t r a v i l a y Tikanenkodu. Cath. 2,837. Rev. Thomas M athias.

V III DIVISIONColachel.— Cotilpade and Pudur. Cath. 5,179. Rev. V in­

cent Fernandez.Curumbanai {P.O., Colachel).—Alenji and Kilmidalam.

Cath. 3,323. Rev. Lucas Fernandez.Eneyam (P O , Colachel).—Melmidalam, Puttentoray,

Ramentoray and Pat+anam. Cath. 3,947. Rev. Henry Pereira.

Kodiapatnam {P.O., Colachel).—Cath. 2,210. Rev. John Fernandez. Convent of Sisters of the Holy H eart of Mary.

M uttam .—Cath. 1,900. Rev. Ambrose Fernandez.Pullatope (P.O., Colachel).—Cath. 1,500. Rev. John

Pereira , V.F.Puttentoray (P.O., Kottar).—Pallam . Cath. 3,041. Rev.

Jerem ias D’Cruz.Vanniakudi.—Cath. 3,338. Rev. S tanilas Kostka. Rajakamangalam (P.O., K ottar).—Pariacade. Cath. 1,356.

Rev. Vincent J . Fernandez.



Bishop . 1Secular Priests 82Priests of Religious Orders 24Ecclesiastical Students .. 75Sisters 251Churches w ith Resident Priest ... 64Churches 268Chapels 52Churches and Chapels ... 320High schools 6English Middle schools ... 12V ernacular Middle schools 9Students 2,416

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Technical Industrial schools ... ... 18Total children ... ... ... 1,129

P rim ary El. Schools ... ... ... 178Total pupils ... ... ... ... 25,611Orphans ... ... ... 643Home for th e aged and destitute ... 1Destitute women ... ... ... 76

• i From Christian parentage ... 6,402Baptisms , ¿o th e rs ................. _ lüf458Converts ... ... ... ... 10,458Marriages ... ... ... ... 1,448Deaths ... ... ... ... 4,996Catholic population ... ... 211,108Total population ... ... ... 2,100,000

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VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF TOUNGOO[The Society o f Foreign M issions o f M ilan)

The V icariate is bounded on th e N orth by the V icariate Apostolic of N orthern B u rm a; on th e E ast by the river Salween ; on the South by th e V icariate Apostolic of Southern Burma ; on th e W est by the Yoma Hills.

B i s h o p

Right Rev. V. Em. Sagrada, D.D , elect d Bishop of Irina in 1908 ; consecrated at Toungoo on January 24,1909.

Residence : Clergy H ouse, Toungoo.R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

The Sister of th e Reparation of N azareth from Milan at Toungoo, Leiktho, K alaw and Pekkiong.

Toungoo.—A preparatory Sem inary w ith F r. E. R aim ­ondi as Rector and F r. J . A ki as Assistant. Students 19.

I n s t itu t io n s

Toungoo.—A nglo-V ernacular School for Boys, pupils 182.V ernacular School for Karen, boys 91«St Joseph’s Convent H. School for g ir ls : Sisters of the

Reparation of N azareth, Boarding Eur. departm ent separate from th a t for Karen girls, 605 pupils. Eur. School and V er- nacular School and Technical Sch ol : one for Eur. girls and one for native girls.

L e ik th o — Convent School for girls. S isters of the R epara­tion of N azareth, g irls 57. In m any other villages of the Mission there are sm all schools for children of both sexes.

Orphanage fo ' boys under th e ir respective Parish Priests : at L eik tho w ith 63, Methelendang w ith 35, Momblow w ith 30, Pekkong w ith 73, W ary w ith 15, Yado w ith 105, Dorauko w ith 65, H aja w ith 12, Mosho w i th 36 inmates.

Orphanage for g irls w ith 57 inm ates at L eik tho under the m anagem ent of th e Sisters qf th e Rep^r^tjon of N azareth and at Pekkong 45.


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G a zetteer

Durokho (Toungoo).—Cafch. 3,084. Rev. P. T. Marchesi, F r. L. Bignamini and Bro. J. Genovesi. Orphanage for boys, 35 inm «teg, G irls 28.

H oja.—Cath. 1,484. Rev. J . B. Cadoii \ Orphanage for boys, 21 inmatds,

K alaw .— Cath. 167, Rev. F r. J. Lissoni. Convent School With 99 pupils. Sisters of Repar ,tion of N azareth,

L e ik th o .—Cath. 4,119. Substations 58. Revs. R. Bossi and Fr. P . Ziello. Church, Chapels 51. Orpha age for boys, inm ates 63. Orphanage for girls, i m ates '7. Sisters of the Reparation of N azareth.

Mathelendaung.—Cath. 1,450 Substations 16. Rev. E. Gussoni. Orphanage for boys, 32 inmates.

Momblaw.—Cath. 3,150. Substations 33. Rev. V. M ar- cuzzi. Orphanage for boys, 30 inmates.

J/bsAo.^-Cath. 1,231. Substations 23. Orphanage, 40 boys. F r. E. Borsan •.

Pekkong.—Cath. 6^2. Substations 18, Rev. B, Peano and Fr. R. Perego, 693. Orphanage for boys, 85 inmates. O rpha­nage for girls, 45 inm ates. Sisters of the Reparation of N azareth.

Teitasho — Cath. 2,315, Substations 30. Rev. P . Mora. Chapels 30. Orphanage for boys, 21 inm ates.

Donokho.—Cath. 1,250. Substation 12, Rev. Fr. A. Cremonesi.

Toungoo— Clergy House. The R ight Rev. Dr. V. E. Sagrada, Bishop of Irina, V icar Apostolic of Toungoo, Cath. 434. Revs Resine lia n d Pro-V icar Barbieri, Brs. A. Perego,F. T antardini, and S. Pezzotta F r . D. Barbieri in charge of Tamil. Cath. 390.

Convent of th e Sisters of th e Reparation of N azareth. European Boarding and Day School for girls. V ernacular School for K aren girls. V ernacular School for 91 pupils. A nglo-V ernacular Boys* School, 182 pupils.

W ary (Toungoo).—Cath. 2,149, Substations 14. Rev. P . J. F»soli, 18 chapels. O rphanage, 28 bpys,


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Y ado.—Cath. 2,296. Substations 18. Rev. B. Massari, and F r. C. Del Signore. Church, 18 chapels. Orphanage, 70 boys.

Yedashe (Toungoo).—A C atechistate under the direction of F r. A. Lanfranconi, boys 14.



Bishop ... ... ... 1Number of Parishes ... ... ... 14Number of mission churches ... ... 14Total Chapels ... ... 272Religious women (incl. novices and postulants) 37Ecclesiastical students ... 19Parochial schools ... ; 70Pupils in academies and schools ... ¿,733Orphanages ... ... ... 14

Orphans ... ... ... 721M arriages ... ... ... ... 269Ron, io mo f In fan ts 1,600) 1 Q1 ,Baptism s. J Adults 314j ... ... 1 *914Converts ... ... ... .. 314Deaths amongst Catholics ... ... 712Catholic population ... ... .. 25,056

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V i c a r i a t e a p o s t o l i c o p NO R T H ER N BURMA

(The Society o f Foreign M issions o f Paris)This V icariate is bounded on the North by the Chinese

province of Y un-nan, on th e East by the Salween river, on th e South by former British Burma and by th e territories of the independent Karen tribes, and on the W est by the State of Munipoor, the Garrow H ills and the territories of independent Tipperah and Assam. C ath, 12,511.

V i c a r A p o st o l ic

The Rt. Rev. Dr. E. Foulquier, elected, August 1906; consecrated a t M andalay on November 21 of the same year. R esidence: M andalay.

R e l i g i o u s C o m m u n it ie s

(1) Brothers of Christian Schools, 6 engaged in con­ducting St. P e te r’s H igh School: Rev. Bro. Cornelius.

(2) Sisters of St. Joseph of the A pparition, 36 ; conduct schools a t M andalay and M aymyo: Rev. Mother Gustave.

(3) Franciscan Sisters, Missionaries of M ary, 33 ; working in the Leper Asylum, M andalay : Rev. M other M arie P ierre .

E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s

M andalay.—St. P e te r’s High School for boys. Brothers of th e C hristian Schools, 350 p u p ils: Rev. Bro. Cornelius.

St. Joseph’s G irls’ School, Sisters of St. Joseph of the A pparition : 19 Sisters, 336 pupils : Rev. M other Gustave.

St. Francis X av ier’s School, 260 p u p ils : Rev. Fr. Goveas.

M aym yo.—St. Joseph’s G irls’ School, 12 Sisters. Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition : Rev. M. Joseph. 201 pupil«. Several schools for boys and girls attached to the various stations under the management of th e ir respective parish priest.

A sm aller Sem inary under the m anagement of Rev. L. Moindro, assisted by F r. Nicholas, 8 students.

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C h a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

M andalay.—St. Joseph’s Leper Asylum , 240 patients. Number of lepers hospitalized. Franciscan Missionaries of M ary. Superintendent, th e Rev. M. Collard.

Orphanage for Chinese boys 220 : Rev. Lafon.Orphanage for Burmese girls, Sisters of St. Joseph of

the Apparition. Number of orphans 165. Rev. M other Marie Therese.

G a ze tteer

Chanthagon.—Cath. 409. Revs. C. Mandin and P. Alexis. Substs : Myokine, K inlat, M agyidaw, Zawgyi and Simpyu (Kyaukse D istrict via Paleik).

Chanthaywa (via Y e-u).—Cath. 952. Rev. Pelletier.Chaung-u {via Sagaing).—Cath. 422. Rev. Joseph. Sub-

s t . : Monywa.K achin M ission (Bhamo D istrict).—Cath. 961. Revs. Ch.

Gilhodes, J. Juery, F. Carolus, P Collard and A. Paquet.M a n d a l a y Cathedral Church : Cath. 1,329. Revs,

Augustin Darne, M ilitary Chaplain L. Ghier, Procurator, and P. Leo.

St. Michael : Cath. 509. Rev. J. Ruppin.St. X av ier’s Tamil Church : Cath. 900. P. Goveas.St. Joseph’s Chinese Church : Cath. 375. Rev. J. L.

Lafon. Substs.: A m arapura, Sagaing and Yuatoung.St. John’s Leper Asylum ; Cath. 290. Revs. M. Collard,

Superintendent and Fr. Thomas.M aym yo.—Cath. 2,220. Rev. J. M. Ja rre , M ilitary Chap­

la in ; L. Moiudrot. Substs. : Namtu and Lashie.M eiktila .—Cath. 980. Rev. E. Audrain. Substs.:

Y am ethin, Thazi and M yingyan.Yenangyaung , Pakokku Pagan, Singu, M inbu and Magwe.

—Visited by Rev. A. Faliere. Cath. 1,388.Monhla {via Ye-u).—Cath. 498., Rev. M. Aloysius. Sub­

sts .: Chaung-Yo and Ye-u.• Nabet {via Myinmu).—Cath. 286. Rev. P . L aurent.

Shan M ission (Bhamo District).—Cath. 524. Revs. C. Roche, Bhamo N anhline, Peter and F. Merceur.

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Bhamo .—V ery Rev. F r. Hen Provicar.Shwebo.—Cath. 1,184. Revs. F . George and A. Augustin.

R ECA PITU LA TIO NBishop ... ... ... ... 1Secular P riests (European) .. .. 19Burmese P riests ...^ ... ... ... 15Churches w ith Resident P riests ... ... 20Missions w ith Churches ... ... ... 20Total Churches ... .. ... ... 73Ecclesiastical students at Penang ... ... 12Religious w om en ... ... ... ... 97Seminaries (Latin students) ... ... 8Parochial schools ... ... ... 33

Pupils ... ... ... ... 3,332High School for boys ... ... 1

Pupils ... ... ... ... ... 54H igh Schools for girls ... ... ... 2

Pupils .. ... ... ... ... 47Orphanages ... ... ... ... 11

Orphans ... ... ... ... £46Hospitals and Dispensaries ... ... 9Home for the aged (Leper Asylum) ... 1M arriages ... ... ... 148

Baptisms : { ad u lts8 250] 1,245Converts from Protestantism ... ... 70Catechumens ... ... ... ... 1,863Deaths ... ... ... ... ... 443Catholic population ... .. ... J2,511

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{The Society o f Foreign M issions o f P aris)

The V icariate of Southern Burma comprises all the te r r i ­tory of Burma, subject to th e English before the taking of Upper Burma, except the proviace of Arakan, w hich, under the arrangem ent of 1879, was attached to the Diocese of Dacca, and a part of the D istrict of Tounghoo, w hich has been attached to the Mission of Eastern Burma. Cath. 64,971.

C lergy a n d A u x ilia r ie sV i c a r A p o s t o l ic

Right Rev. F. Perroy, born on May 30, 1886 ; consecrated at Rangoon on January 18, 1921, as Bishop of Medea.

Bishop Coadjutor R ight Rev. F. T. Provost born on June 21,1877 ; consecrated a t Rangoon on November 21 as Bishop of Macri.

R esidence: Clergy H ouse , Rangoon.R e l i g i o u s Co m m u n it ie s

Brothers of the Christian Schools conduct St. P au l’s and St. P atrick ’s Institutions at Rangoon and Moulmein, and De la Salle Institu te Tw ante, respectively. Religious 31.

Nuns of the Good Shepherd at Rangoon conduct various schools. Religious 37.

Nuns of St. Joseph of fch1 Apparition perform the same duties at Moulmoin and at Bassein, and at Rangoon. Number 43.

Franciscan Nuns, Missionaries of Mary, 19 employed in Leper Asylum, Kemmendine and in Bishop Begamet’s Home for incurables.

L ittle Sisters of the Poor at Rangoon. Religious 15.Kareen Nuns of St. Francis Xavier, under the direction of

he Nuns of St. Joseph of the Apparition : 67, conduct 13 V ernacular schools in different parts of the V icariate , The

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Tamil N ative Nuns of Our Lady of Seven Dolours (Trichino- poly), numbering 12, conduct the Tamil V ernacular schools and orphanages a t K yauktan and a t K yaclat. Number of children under th e ir care 132.

I n s t itu t io n s

P reparatory Sem inary.—Established a t Moulmein in 1895. Director, Rev J. Mourlanne. Students 17.

Professors.— Revs. B. P e ta r Leo and Francis.St Joseph’s School for Cafcechists, Thonze. Established,

June 1923. Students 8.E d u c a t io n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r B o y s

Moulmein.—St. P a trick ’s H igh School: Brothers of the C hristian Schools. Bro. Lucian. 613 pupils.

Rangoon.—St. P au l’s High School: Brothers of the C hristian Schools. H igh School F inal Exam inations, Euro­pean and English. Brother John. 16 Brothers, 1,585 pupils.

St. Anthony’s A nglo-V ernacular High School for Tamil b oys: Clergy of St. Anthony’s, K andaw glay. Pupils 543.

Gyobingauk.—St. M ichael’s A nglo-V ernacular High School: Clergy of Gyobingauk for boys. Pupils 249.

Thonze.—St. Thomas’ V ern. Normal School for boys: Rev. L. Pavageau (1897). Prepares students for the various grades of teachership. Pupils 32.

De la Salle’s Technical Institu te , Tw ante : Brothers of Christian Schools. Director, Bro. M ark assisted by seven Brothers. Pupils 200.

E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t it u t io n s f o r G ir l s

Bassein.—St. Joseph 's Vern. Normal School: Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition (1897). Prepares students for various grades of teachership. Pupils 47.

M oulmein.— St. Joseph’s Convent H igh School: Nuns of St Joseph of the Apparition. Pupils 475.

Rangoon.—St. John’s Convent H igh School: Nuns of the Good Shepherd. Pupils 130.

St. V incent’s Anglo-Vern. H igh School; Nuns of the Good Shepherd. Pupils 190.


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Rangoon.—Sfc. E uphrasia’s School j Nuns of the Good Shepherd. Pupils 295.

Two Branch Convent Day Schools under the same Order as above : Pupils 648.

St. Joseph’s Convent H igh School for Tamil girls: Nuns of St. Joseph of the Apparition. Pupils 327,

St. M ichael’s A nglo-V ernacular H igh School for girls, G yobingauk: Pupils 190.

Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t it u t io n s

32 Orphanages throughout the V icariate, Orphan boys 810. Orphan girls 606.

Leper Asylum, Kemmendine, Rangoon, Rev. A. Fargeton Superintendent. 10 Franciscan Nuns. Missionaries of M ary, Number of lepers of both sexes, 242 and Bishop Begandet’s Home for incurables, Kemmendine and Rangoon. Rev. A. Fargeton, Superintendent. 10 Franciscan nuns. Missionaries of M ary. Number of inm ates of both sexes 95.

Home for aged poor, Rangoon (1889), in 1898 placed under the care of the L ittle Sisters of the Poor. Number of inm ates 192. Sisters 16.

Home for aged women, St. Joseph’s Convent, Moulmein (1897), to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the late Rev. M other Philom ena. Inm ates 11.

The Society of St. V incent de Paul have Conferences at th e Cathedral. St. John’s, St. A nthony’s and th e Port Rangoon.

G a zetteer

BASSEIN DISTRICTBassein — Cath. 2,043. Revs. F. P errin , N. Nicholas and

Blasius.Kanatzogon (W akem a P.O.).—Cath. 4,362. Revs. J.

Mourier, V incen tkand Joseph.M yaungmya — Cath. 4,367. Revs. P. Pascal, Gabriel and

A. Henry.Paukzeinbe (Kyaung-gon P.O.).—Cath. 1,583. Rev. A.

Bouche.Ywegon (Bassein P.O.).—Cath. 840. Rev. P. Charbonpel.



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Danbi (Henzada).—Cath. 1,405. Revs. L. A. Ravoire and J. Benedict.

Letham a (A inthabyu P.O.).—Cath. 1,400. Rev. W . M ichael.

M aryland (Zalun P.O., Henzada Dt.).—Cath. 1,926. Revs. E. Poulquier and Edward.

Thinganaigag (Henzada P .O .).-C a th 1,431. Revs. Heraud and Raphael.

Zaangdan (Henzada P.O.).—Cath, 2,846. Revs. A.Ambrose and Felix.

DELTA DISTRICTK ya ilka t (Pyapon).—Cath. 5,000. Revs. L. Philippe and

E. Lescure.K yauktan (Syriam ).—Cath. 4,600. Rev. Chave.Maubin.—Cath. 1,280. Revs. J . Cassinger, Timotheus and

Adrian.P yapon— Cath. 1,510. Rev. J. Meyrieux.Nyaungon (K yaiktaw P.O., H anthaw addy Dt.).—Cath.

608. Revs. R. R. de Rozario and J. Lucius.Yaudoon.—Cath. 1,130. Revs. A. Ballenghien and L.


Rangoon .—C athedral Church. Cath. 5,500. V ery Rev. P . St.. Guily, Pro-V icar ; Asst., Revs F. Casseaux and J . Penna, Brothers' School. Chaplain, Rev. F r. J . R iou frey t; Procurator of th e Mission, Rev. J. R ioufreyt.

St. John’s Convent Chaplain, Rev. F. W hittaker (Clergy House).

St. John, Mg. Taulay Street. Cath. 1,552. Rev. L. Picot.Cantonment.—Cath. 1,500. Rev. J. Mamy.Chinese Mission, 13. Mission Road, Cath 528. Revs.

G A llard and Roy.St. A nthony, Kandawglay.—C ath. 10,000. Revs. J. B.

M ourlanne, A* SeUos £*nd IJ. Dessaje.


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Rangoon.-—Leper Asylum, and Bishop Bigandet’s Home for incurables, Kemmendine.—Cath. 86. Rev. A. Fargeton.

Mingaladon.—New cantonments. Chaplain R ev. F . W hitt ker. Cath. 255. (A ll M ilitary.)

Gyobingauk and Tombo (Tharraw addy Dt.).—Cath. 3,180. Revs. P. Rieu, K. Lucas and T. Remy.

Thonze.—Cath. 2,015. Revs. V. G ranger, L. Pavagean and Nazaire.

TENASSERIM DISTRICTMoulmein — St. P atrick ’s. Cath. 1,233. Rev. X . Boul*

anger St. M ary’s. Cath. 800. Rev. P. P. Chevallier. E cclesias­tical Sem inary — Superior. Revs. Y. M ourlane, B. Peter, Leo and Francis.

M ergui.—Cath. 616. Rev. Y. Maye.Nyaunglebin (Toungoo Line).—Cath. 1,608. Revs. M.

Mignot, M artin and Ludovicus.Papun (Papun District).—Cath. 610. Revs. P. Loizeau

and M atthew .Theinzeik (Thatton District).—Cath, 345. Rev. C. Maiso-

nabe.The follow ing sta tions with chapels are regularly v is ited ,

■viz. :—A m herst,—Rev. X. Boulanger, Moulmein.Henzada. — Rev. L. Ravoire, Danbi.Insein.—Rev. W. Donohoe, St. A nthony's, Rangoon.Pegu —Rev. M. Mignot, Nyaunglebin.P ort B la ir (Andam an Islands).—Cath. 80. Rev. R.

Chave, K yauktan.Prome.—Rev. P . Rieu, Gyobingauk.Syriam .—V ery Rev. P. St. Guily, C athedral, Rangoon.Tavoy — Rev. J . Maye, Mergui.Thaton.—Rev. C. Maisonabe and Theinzeik.Thayetm yo.—Rev. J. B. Mourlanne. St. Antony’s,

Rangoon.Twante.—Rev. de Rozario, Nyaunggon.

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Bishops ... ... ... ... 2Secular P riests (Europeans) ... ... 36Burmese P riests ... ... ... 34Churches w ith Resident P riests ... 32Seminar* ... ... ... 1High schools ... ... ... 11Orphanages ... ... ... 32Convents ... ... ... ... 20Baptisms ... ... ... ... 3,325Cath. population ... ... ... 66,157

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The Prefecture is bounded on the N orth by th e Province of Y u n a n ; on the E ast by th e river M ekkong; on the South by th e kingdom of Siam about 20 of L a titu d e ; on th e W est by th e river Salween.

Kengtung (S.S.S.).—Mgr. E. Bonetta, Prefect Apostolic ; Frs. L. Cambiaso, P . Barbagallo and E. Rossi. Br. P ietro M anzinali Cath. 980. Substs. w ith chapels, 20. V erna­cular school for boys and orphanage of 104 pupils. Conducted by the missionaries.

The Sisters of C harity of Milan (Beata Capitanio) num bering 9. An orphanage and technical school for girls, numbering 129. A foundling hom e: babies 84. A home for old people: 14 persons. A home for w idow s: 38 persons. A Leper Asylum w ith 68 lepers. Three Sisters in charge of the Kengtung Civil Hospital, Govet.

Mongpin (S.S.S.).—Rev. Fr. P. Manghisi. Cath. 347. An orphanage and school for boys: 29 boys. Substs. w ith ch ap e ls : 12.

Monglin (S.S.S.).—Frs. C. V ism ara and A. Farranoto. Cath. 393. An orphanage and school for boys : 42 boys. Sub­sts. w ith chapels : 23.

M ong-Yan (S.S.S.)—Frs. Guercilena and A. Cassia. (Fr. F. Portaluppi on leave in Italy). Cath. 358. An orphan­age and school for boys : 36 boys. Sub-sts.: w ith chapels 17.

Loim ixe (new district).—F r ...................(non je t appointed).Two Sisters in charge of the Civil and M ilitary Hospitals.

Southern Shan S ta tes (Burm a)

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it y

RECA PITU LA TIO NPrefect Apostolic ... Secular P riests Churches w ith Residents Baptisms ..C a th o lic p o p u la tio n 1,889



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Created by a Brief of Leo X III , dated August 14, 1893, the Diocese consists of the Civil Provinces called th e E astern Province and District of Tam ankaduwa in the North Central Province. Both those parts have been detached from the Diocese of Jaffna.

B i s h o p

The R ight Rev. Gaston Robichez, D.D., S.J., born in France, November 21, 1866; elected, M arch 22, 1917 ; conse­crated a t Batticaloa on Ju ly 8, by Dr. A Coudert, O .M .l, Archbishop of Colombo. Residence : Bishop's H ouse, B a tti­caloa.

Vicar-General.—Rt. Rev. F. Bonnel, S.J.F iscal Advocate.—Rev. F. X. Heim burger, S.J.

Chancellor.—Rev. J. de la Haye, S.J.

Councillors.—Revs. F. X. Heim burger, S.J., J. de la H aye, S.J., M. Boutry, S.J. and R. Vandenbussche, S.J.

R e l ig io u s Co m m u n it ie s

F ath ers of the Society of Jesus : V ery Rev. F . Bonnel, Superior R egular of the Mission.

Sisters of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carm el a t Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Kalm unai, M other-house in Mangalore. Number 18.

Franciscan Nuns, Missionaries of M ary, a t the Leper Asylum , Batticaloa. Number 10. 39 Catholic patients, and a t Batticaloa. St. Teresa’s Charitable Institutions. Number 7.

E d u c a tio n a l I n s t itu t io n s

S t. M ichael's College, Batticaloa.—245 pupils, V ery Rev. F . Bonnel, S.J., R ec to r; Revs. M. Boutry, S.J., P refect of Studies and D iscipline; C. Reichard, s.j. ; A. Rothenfuss, S.J.; M. L em aitre, S.J., P rocurator; G. Moree], s J . ; K. Aloysius M ary, s .j . ; E. A. E. Crow ther, S .J.; 2 Lay Brothers, S.J. 11 Lay Teachers.


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Other English Schoo ls—St. Cecilia’s G irls’ School, Batfci- caloa, 124 pupils.

Sb. Joseph’s College, Trincomalee, 160 pupils.Sb. Joseph’s G irls' School “ 118 „Sb. M ary’s Boys’ School, Kalm unai 69 „Carmel G irls’ School, 40 pupils.40 V ernacular schools wibh 2,350 pupils.1 V ernacular Training School wibh ¿0 sbudents.

Ch a r i t a b l e I n s t i t u t i o n s

Orphanages for girls ab Babbicaloa, Trincomalee and K alm unai; Sisbers of bhe Aposbolic Carm el. One Orphanpge for boys ab Batticaloa.

O t h e r I n s t it u t io n s

Batticaloa.—Cabholic Club and Reading Room : Rev. M. Boubry, S.J., Presidenb.

Cabholic Credib Socieby.Socieby of Sb. Vincenb de P a u l: Puliyanbivu Confer­

ence. 25 families visibed weekly, Tandavanvely 14, Puliyadi- kudah 18, Trincomalee 32.

G a ze tteer

Batticaloa.—Sb. M ary and Sb. Anbhony (P u liy an tiv u ): Cabh. 2,583. Revs. F . X. H eim burger, S.J., C. Bonnel, S.J. and R. Daniel, S.J.

Our Lady of Dolours (T andavanvely): Cabh. 774. R ev.C. Reichard, S.J.

Sb. Sebasbian (F u liyad ikudah): Cabh. 1,187. Rev. T. B. de la Haye, S.J.

Kalmunai.—Cabh. 1,305. Revs. H. Bury, S.J. and P. Joseph-M ary, S.J.

M uttur.—Cabh. 521. Rev. S. Lazarus, Mis. Ap.Peria-Pullum alai.—Cabh. 103. Rev. R. Vandenbussche.

s J.Talankudah.—Cabh. 253. Rev, J. B. Pabrick, S.J., Miss.

“ ad pagaaos.’ ’Tannamunai.—Cabh. 757. Rev. R. Vandenbussche, S.J.

Trincomalee.—Cabh. 2,458. Rev. L. Duponb, S.J,, Vicar For^ne ; Reys. S, M arian, S.J. and Reiph^rd, S.J,


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R EC A PITU LA TIO N Bishop ... ... ... ... 1

Diocesan P riests ... ... ... 2P riests of religious congregations ... 22

Total num ber of P riests .. 24

Churches w ith Resident P r ie s ts .. ... 6Locali' ies w ith Chapels ... ... 35

Total num ber of Churches ... 41









Sem inarists Religious women

Do. men (not priests)H igh School for boys

Number of boys H igh School for g irls

Number of girls E lem entary schools

Total number of pupils ...Orphanages

Total num ber of orphans Industria l schoolsTotal num ber of young people under Catholic

carePn ,• . ("Infants 4237Baptism s. ( Adults 161j ..................Converts Catechumens M arriages Catholic population

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Congregation— Malabar C u r i a

Prior-G eneral.—V ery Rev. F r. J . Berchmans of Jesus and M ary.

Secre ta ry— Rev. F r. Eugene of the Imm. Conception.Definitors.—V ery Rev. Frs. Cyriac of St. Augustine,

Gabriel of St. Joseph, Sylvester of th e Blessed Sacrament and Qervase of th e Blessed Sacrament.

M o n a s t e r i e s

(1) St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam (A nchal and Post), Travancore. (M other House of th e Congregation.) Fbundation laid (11th May 1831): P rio r, V ery Rev. F r. A lexander of St. Joseph. Inmates.—Revs. Lawrence, Aloysius, Antony, Francis, Boniface, Paul, Dominic, George, Simony Romeo, W illiam , Joachim, Chrysostom, Michael, Remi and Placid. L ay Brothers 5. A spirants 25.

(2) M onastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, V isha- kulam (Anchal), M uvatbupushay (Post), Travancore. Begun (19th May 1859): Prior, V ery Rev. F r. M atthew of the Sacred H eart. Inm ates , Revs. M athias, Stanislaus, X avier, A braham , Joseph E lias and P e te r Thomas. Lay Brothers 4.

(3) M onastery of the Purification of Our Lady (Anchal), E llh u ru th (Post), T richur, Cochin. (Novitiate of th e Lay Brothers of the Congregation). Begun (1858). P rio r , V ery Rev. F r. E lias of St. Joseph. Inm ates, V ery Rev. F r. S y lv este r; Revs. Michael, Simonstock, Camil, Pancratius, David, Lazar and Celestine. Lay Brothers (including novices) 10.

(4) St. Teresa’s Monastery, A m palacatt, M ala (Anchal and Post), Cochin. (Novitiate of 14 Congregations.) Begun (1868): Prior, V ery Rev. F r. A thanasius of the Blessed Sacrament. Inm ates , Revs. Leopold, P eter, Ludovic, G aspar, V incent, Pachomius and M arian. Lay Brothers 5. Noyices 45.

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(5) St. Sebastian’s M onastery, Pulincunnoo (Anchal and Post), Travancore. Begun (1860): P rio r , V ery Rev. F r. Eusebius of St. Zachary. Inm ates, Revs. Cherubim, Philip, John, Ephrem , Mathias, Cosmos, Thomas* H enry, Edward, F rank and Fabian. Lay Brothers 3.

(6) M onastery of St. John of th e Cross, M uthoy (Anchal), P a la (Post), Travancore. (2nd N ovitiate of the Congregation.) Begun (1870): P rior , V ery Rev. F r. Ambrose of th e Mother of Dolours. Inm ates , V ery Rev. F r Gervase ; Revs, Emmanuel, Gregory, Joseph, Lebbeus, Tharcisius, Cassian and Jerom e. Lay Brothers 4. Novices 18.

(7) Sacred H eart’s Monastery, C hethipushay, Changana- oherry (Anchal and Post), Travancore. (Scholasticate erf the Congregation«) Begun (1883): P rio r , V ery Rev. F r. Zachary of St. Thomas. Inm ates , Revs. Bernard, Marceline, Nicholas, Bartholomew, Jacob, Charles, Tyril, P ius, Anselm, Egidius and Raymond. Lay Brothers 4. Scholastics 35.

(8) St. Thomas’ M onastery, P a ra tty (Post), S. M alabar. Begun (1890): P rio r , Very Rev. F r. G erard of M ary. In ­mates, Revs. John. Alphonse, Joseph, Serapion, Cornelius and Thimothy. Lay Brothers 3. A spirants 23.

(9) Sacred H eart’s M onastery, Thevara, Ernakulam (Anchal and Post), Cochin State. Begun (1900): P rio r , V ery Rev. F r. Barnabas of St. Joseph. Inm ates, V ery Revs. Berchmans, Cyriac and G a b rie l; Revs. Anastasius, Eugene, Tobias and Kurian. Lay Brothers 3.

(10) St. Theresa’s (L ittle Flower) M onastery, P alli- puram , T haicattucherry (Anchal), Vaikom (Post), T rav an ­core. Begun (1897) : Vicar, Rev. F r. Thomas of S t.Jo h n of the Cross. Inm ates, Revs. Romuald, Pauline and Leo. Lay Brother 1.

(11) St. Joseph’s M onastery, Cunemavu (Anchal), V irapoly (Post), Travancore. Begun (1902): Vicar, Rev. L. Augustine of St. Ambrose. Inm ates , Revs. Clement, Joseph, Innocent, Polycarp, Isaac and Julian. Lay Brothers 2.

(12) St. A nne’s M onastery, Kurianad, Kuravilangad (A nchal and Post), Travancore. Opened (8th Dec. 1922): Vicar, Rev. F r. Joseph Louis. Inm ates, Revs. Isidore, Brocard, M artin and Dionysius. Lay Brothers 2.

(13) M onastery o f Our Lady of Dolours, Champakulam (A nchal), Pulincunnoo (Post), Travancoro, Opened (27th


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Dec. 1925): Vicar , Rev. F r. Bonaventure of Jesus. Inm ates, Revs. Damian, Alexis and Irenaeus. Lay Brother 1.

(14) St. A ntony’s M onastery, A lw aye (A nchal and Post), Travancore. Opened (30th Sept. 1928): Vicar, Rev. F r. Berthow of St, Joseph. Inm ates , Revs. Patrick, Arsenius and Andrew. Lay Brothers 2. A spirants 24.

(15) Carm elite Hospice, Jeppoo, K ankanady ((Post),S. Kanara. Begun (9th M ay 1890), (Extraordinary Scholarcti- cate of th e Congregation): Superior, Rev. F r. H yacinth of th e M other of Dolours. Inm ates , Revs. Basil, Job, Victor and Methodius. Scholastics (including 2 Fathers) 12.

M is s io n H o u s e s

(1) St. A ntony’s, Pu thupally , K ottayam [(Anchal & Post), T ravancore: Superior, Rev. F r . Stephen of St. Thomas. Inm ates , Revs. Ignatius and Linus.

(2) St. Joseph’s, Thalore, Ollur (A nchal and Post), Ccchin : Superior, Rev. F r. Angelus of the M other of Dolours. In ­mates, Rev. Urban. Lay Brother 1.

(3) St. E lias Mount, K aruku tty (A nchal and Post), T ra­vancore : Superior, Rev. F r. Cyprian of St. Joseph. Inm ates, Revs. Luke and Bruno.

(4) L ittle F low er’s Hospice, Poonjar (Anchal and Post), Travancore : Superior, Rev. Fr. Daniel of the Imm. Concep­tion. Inm ate, Rev. M atthew.

(5) Lourde’s Asram am , Ayroor (Anchal), Kozencherry (Post), T ravancore: Superior, Rev. Fr. Hilarion of th e Sacred H eart. Inm ate , Rev. Protase.

I n s t it u t io n s Co n d u c t e d b y t h e C o n g r e g a t io n

Schools (E nglish)(1) St, Ephretn’s English High School, M annanam, T ra­

vancore : Teachers 15. Pupils 340. Boarders 120.(2) St. Joseph’s H igh School, P a ra tty , S. M alabar : Teach­

ers 13. Pupils 300. Boarders 12.(3) St. Joseph’s English H igh School, Pulincunnoo,

Travancore : Teachers 8. Pupils 173. Boar**trs 13.(4) In fan t Jesus’ English Middle School, V ashakulam ,

M uvattupushay, Travancore : Teachers 6. Pupils 97. Board­ers 24.


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(5) St. Aloysius’ English Lower Secondary School, E lthu- ru th , T richur, Cochin: Teachers 9. Pupils 250, Boarders 60.

(6) St. A ntony’s English M iddle School, M utholy, Pala, T ravancore: Teachers 8. Pupils 168. Boarders 15.

(7) Sacred H eart’s English Lower Secondary School, Thevara, E rnakulam , Cochin : Teachers 4. Pupils 107.

(8) Sacred H eart’s English Middle School, Cham pakulam , Pulincunnoo, Travancore : Teachers 5. Pupils 85. Boarders15.

M alayalam Schools

(1) St. Joseph’s M alayalam Middle School, Mannanam, Travancore : Teachers 5. Pupils 167.

(2) M alayalam Middle School, A m palacatt, Mala, C ochin: Teacher 1. Pupils 40.

(3) Sacred H eart’s M alayalam School, Thevara, E rnaku­lam, Cochin : Teachers 9. pupils 350.


(1) of St. Thomas, M annanam, T ravancore: Baptized h itherto 7,000.

(2) of Im m . Conception, V ashakulam , M uvattupushay, Travancore : Baptized 1,680.

(3) of th e Good Shepherd, E lthu ru th , Trichur, Cochin : Baptized 1,098.

(4) of th e In fan t Jesus, Am palacatt, M ala, Cochin : Bap­tized 2,250.

(5) of St. Joseph, Pulincunnoo, Travancore : Baptized 2,385.

(6) of St. John, M utholy, Pala , T ravancore: Baptized 1,560.

(7) of th e Sacred H eart, C hethipushay, Changanacherry, Travancore : Baptized 1,853.

(8) of St. F rancis X avier, P a ra tty , S. M alabar: Baptized 1,132.

(9) of St. A nne’s, K urianad, K uravilangad, T ravancore; Baptized 432.


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P rin ting Presses'(1) St. Joseph’s, M annanam, Travancore.(2) S t.Joseph 's Industria l School* Press, ElthurU th, Tri­

chur, Cochih,(3) L ittle Flow er Industries Press.-Thw era, E rnakulam .

Periodicals(1) N azrani Deepika : Daily (M alayalam).(2) The Flower o f C arm el: M onthly (M alayalam),

M annanam, Travancore.(3) The School Magazine : P a ra tty , S. Malabar (English).

Mo n a s t e r ie s a n d M is s io n H o u s e s a s p e r D io c e se s

(1) Ernakulam.—Our Lady of Mount Carmel, V ashaku­lam ; (2) Sacred H eart’s, T hevara, (3) L ittle Flow er’s,. Pal.li- puram ; (4) St. Joseph’s, Cunemavu ; (5) St. A ntony’s, A1waye;,(6) St. Elias’,-K arukutty ,

(2) Changanacherry.—(1) St. Joseph’s, Mannanam ; (2) St. Sebastian’s, Pulincunnoo; (3) St. John of th e Cross. Mutholy ;(4) Sacred K eart’s, Chethipushay ; (5) S t. Anne'e, Kurianad ;(6) Our Lady of Dolours, (-hampakulam ; (7) St. A ntony’s, P u thu p ally ; (8) L ittle Flow er’s, Poonjar, (9) Lourdes, Ayroor.

(3) M angalore—(I) Carm elite Hospice, Jeppoo.(4) Trichur.— (1) Purification of Our Lady, E lthu ru th ;

(2) St. Teresa’s, A m p alaca tt; (3) St. Thomas’, P a ra tty ; (4) St. Joseph’s, Thalore.


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Catholic Knights

1. O r d e r o f St . G r e g o r y t h e G r e a t

de Sampayo, Thomas, Commander of th e Order of St. Gregory the G reat (K.C.S.G.), Chief Justice of Ceylon.

Chevaliers (Civil Class).F , A . D’Cruz, K.S.G., Editor, Catholic R egister , San

Thome, M adras.Dr. D. A. D’Monte (1925), Justice of the Peace, Hon.

Presidency M agistrate, Bombay.George F aulkner (1925), B ar.-a t-L aw , Calcutta.Charles E. Fox (1911), Burma.A. Jeganatha P illa i (19*0), Police Inspector, retired ,

M anager and Secretary of I. C. T. S., Morning S tar, Trichinopoly.

Edwin John, Agra.Oswald M artin (1925), A rchitect, C alcutta.Constantine Panioty (1925), Judge, Small Cause Court,

re tired , Calcutta.R. W. Rodgers, Mandalay.E. Theodre, Madras.Raja Sir Francis X avier, Shiam -R ikh, Bangalore.C. J. V arkey, M.A. (Hons.), Professor, St, Aloysius*

College, Mangalore.C. Paul Luiz (1921), Verapoly.

Chevalier (M ilitary Class).Clement Filose (1893), Gwalior.

2. O r d e r o f St . S y l v e s t e r

(1) N. D. A. Silva W. Siriwardene, K .C .8 .S . , Ceylon (1926).

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Chevaliers(1) Charles E. Browne (1911), Burma.(2) John W . Darwood (1911), Burma.(3) Edw ard M. de Souza (1912), Burma.(4) Dr. Em. M. de Souza (1911), Burma.(5) George A. John, Agra.(6) V ictor J. M ariano (1912), Burma.(7) Dominic Ferreira , J.P ., Solicitor, Bombay (1926).(8) Gerson dé Liena, 8.J.O., Bombay (1926).

3. C r o s s P r o E c c l e s ia e t P o n t í f i c e

(L) Benjamin P. Lentaigne (1913), Burma.(2) R ichard George Brown (1910), Barisal, Bengal.(3) Dr. Law rence Patrick Fernandes, B.A.D., M.S. (1912),

Chief Medical Officer, F r. M uller’s Hospital, Mangalore.(4) Dr. M. B. Ufcarid (1925), Lahore.(5) C. Ryan (1926), Lahore.

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(In Ind ia , B urm a, Ceylon and Malacca.)(a ) O f P riests— (16)

Benedictines of. St. Sylvester (O .S.B.): in K andy (20 members).

Carmelites o ' th e F irst Order, discalced (O.C.D.), from various p rovinces; in Quilon and Verapoly <65). - f'

Carmelite ,Tertiaries of th e Syro-Chaldaean ■ R ite (T.O.C.D.), in Changanacherry, E rnakulam , M angalore and Trlchur (120 Fathers)«

Carmelite Tertiaries of th e L atin R i te : in Verapoly.Congregation o f the H o ly Cross (G.SLC.): in Dacca and

Chittagong (43).Franciscans, F riars (Minor) (O.F.M.), English P rov ince:

in Bellary (5).Franciscans, Capuchins, (O.S.F.C.), from sundry Euro­

pean provinces: in A gra, A jm ere, A llahabad, Lahore and Simla (about 150 members).

Foreign M issions o f M ila n : Hyderabad, K rishnagar and K engtung (64).

Foreign M issions o f Paris : in Coimbatore, Kumbakonam, Mysore, Pondicherry, Northern and Southern Burma, Malacca and Bhootan (211).

L a za ris ts (C.M.) or Vincentians in Orissa, V izagapatam Diocese (11).

M issionaries o f St. Francis o f S a le s : in Nagpur and V izagapatam (54).

Oblates o f M ary Immaculate (O .M .I.): in Colombo and Jaffna (154 Fathers).

Premonstratensians or Norbertines (O. Praem ) in Jubbalpore (6)f

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Saint Joseph's Socie ty , M ill H ill (S J .S .) : K ashm ir and Nellore (56).

Salesians o f Don Bosco, Turin (S.C.): in Assam, Bombay and Madras (15).

Society o f Jesus (S .J.): in Bombay, Calcutta, Calicut, Cochin, G alle, Goa, Kandy, M adras, Mangalore, Patna, Poona, Ranchi, Trichinopoly, Trincomalee and Tuticorin (P riests 522, of whom Indians 69).

(6) O f B ro thers—{19)B rothers of the Christian schools (de la Salle); Colombo,

Burma and Malacca.B rothers of the Im m aculate Conception : Mysore, 1893.B rothers of th e Sacred H eart, Palam cottah : Coimbatore.B rothers of St. Francis of A ssis i: Bellary, 1889.B rothers of St. G ab rie l: Bezwada, Y ercaud and

Tindivanam.B rothers of St. Joseph, Ceylonese : Jaffna.B rothers of St. Patrick , I r i s h : in Agra, Coimbatore,

Lahore and Madras.“B rothers of th e Congregation of Holy Cross ” (C.S.C.):—

Dacca and Chittagong.B rothers of St. Teresa, Yerapoly.Ceylonese Franciscan Brothers, Colombo, 1892.Franciscan M issionary B rothers (Congregatio Missionis,

St. Francisei), 1899. M other-house at Mt. Poinsur P.O., Borivli, near Bombay. Established in the dioceses of Bombay, Nagpur, K rishnagar, Mylapore, Cochin, Coimbatore and Mysore.

Franciscan T ertiaries : A llahabad, A gra and Lahore.Ir ish Christian Brothers : A llahabad, Assam, C alcutta

and Patna.M arist B ro th e rs : Colombo.

(c) O f S is te rs—(59)A doration N uns , Indian : Changanacherry.Canossian Daughters o f C h a r ity : A llahabad, Cochin antj


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Carmelitesx (1) 2nd Order—Mangalore and Pondicherry.(2) 3rd O rder—Quilon, Verapoly, K arw ar and Bombay.(3) “ A posto lic C arm el"—M angalore,Calicut, Bombay,

Kandy and Trincomalee.Catechist M issionaries o f M ary Im m aculate (P a ris ): in

Kumbakonam, Madras, Nagpur, Mysore arid Dacca.

Daughters o f the Cross (Swiss) : In P atna and Quilon.Daughters o f the Cross (Belgian): in Bombay, Poona and

Calcutta Provincial House—St. V incent’s Institution, Kidder - pore, Calcutta and Bengal. The Novitiate for India is in Kurseong, D.H. Ry.

Daughters o f the Cross (F re n c h ): in Nagpur and Trichi- nopoly.

Daughters o f M ary , Help o f C hristians : Assam, Madras.

Daughters o f S t. Anne : in Calcutta.Franciscan Nuns of the Propagation of the F a i th ; in

A gra, Bombay and Lahore.Franciscan Nuns of St. Mary of the A ngels: in A jm er.Franciscan M issionaries of M a ry : in Bombay, Burm a,

Cochin, Coimbatore, Colombo, Hyderabad, K ashm ir, M yla- pore, Poona and Trincomalee.

Franciscan T erritaries : in Agra, Colombo, Hyderabad, Madras, Mylapore, Lahore and P atna.

Good Shepherd Nuns : in Colombo, Kandy, M adras, My­sore and Southern Burma.

H oly Child Nuns : Malacca.H ospita llers of St. Francis of A ssisi: in Madras.Sisters o f the In stitu te “ Beatae M ariae V irg in is " of

Munich X V II Century Foundation : in A llahabad and Patna,In stitu te o f B. V. M. of R athfarnham (Irish Loretto

Nuns), X IX C entury Foundation: in A llahabad, Calcutta, Assam and Simla.

L ittle S isters o f the P o o r : in Calcutta, Colombo, Hyderabad. Mysore and Southern Burma.

Magdalenes o f the Good Shepherd : in Mysore,


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M ission S isters : in Ajmer.M issionary Qanonesses o f S t. Augustine ; in Cochin,

Madras, Quilon, Trichinopoly, Palaracotbah and Srivilli- pu ttu r.

Poor Clares, Indian : Changanacherry.Prabutk s i N uns : Ajmer.Presentation Order : Madras, K ashm ir, Kodaikanal and

Quetta.Presentation Nuns, Indian : Coimbatore.Reparation Nuns o f N azareth : Burma.S isters of C harity (Italian) : K rishnagar, Mangalore,

Calicut, Secunderabad and E rnakulam .S isters of C harity of Jesus and M ary (Belgium) : Galle

and Lahore.Sisters of the Holy Fam ily (Bordeaux) : Jaffna.Sisters of the Im m aculate Conception (Indian Beabes) :

Trichinopoly.S isters of bhe Im m aculate Conception : Colombo and

Mysore.Sisters of bhe Im m aculate H eart of M ary: Kumba-

konam, Madras, Pondicherry and Quilon.S isters of Jesus and M ary : Agra, Bombay and Poona.Sisters of Jesus, M ary and Joseph (Bois-le-Duc) : in

Nellore.S isters of Oar Lady of Dolours (Ind ian): Trichinopoly,

Tubicorin and Burma.S isters of Our Lady of Help (Indian) : Mylapore.Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions : (Lyons) Dacca

Chitbagong and Assam.

S isters of St. Ann : Hyderabad, Madras and Mysore.

Sisters of St. Ann : Trichinopoly.

Sisters of St. Ann of Providence : H yderabad and Poona.Sisters of th e Holy Angels : (Ceylonese) Galle.S isters of St. Joseph of Annecy (Savoy) : V izagapatam .

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S isters of St. Joseph of St. Jean-de-M aurienne : Nagpur*S isters of St. Joseph of de C lu n y : Pondicherry, T rin-

comalee and C alcutta.S isters of St. Joseph of Lyons : Trichinopoly.S isters of St. Joseph of th e Apparition : S. and N. Burm a.S iste rs of St. Joseph de T arb es : in Coimbatore and

Mysore.S isters of St. Louis of G onzaga: Pondicherry.S isters of St. Francis X a v ie r : (1) Tamil, Bellary

and Bombay; (2) Ceylonese, Colombo; (3) K aren, Rangoon.S isters of St. Peter : Colombo and Jaffna.Teaching Nuns of th e Holy Cross (M enzingen): in

Quilon.U rsu lines : in M angalore.Ursuline Nuns of Thildonck (Belgium) : Calcutta.V isita tion Nuns (Indian): Kottayam.

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I. F o r t h e P r i e s t h o o d — (39)

Theological Seminaries—(18)Allahabad.—Ecclesiastical Seminary (1919): R ector ,

V ery Rev. F r. Bartholomew, O.C.; Vice-R ector , Rev. F r. W illiam Coutinho, S.C.; Spiritual D irector , Rev. F r. T. O. Hogan, S.P. Theology and Philosophy students 20.

(7oZom6o'(Borella).—St. B ernard’s Ecclesiastical Seminary (1883): Number of students 35. P rofessors: Very Rev. E . Nicholas, PH.D., O.M.I., Rev. L. Coquil, O.M .i. and V ery Rev.E. Sergent, O.M.I.

K andy (Am pitiya, Ceylon).—Papal Seminary (1896) for the secular Clergy of India and Ceylon under the direction of th e Society of Jesus: Students 105. Rector, Very Rev. F. X . L. Hoir, S.J., P rofessors: Revs. A. B errew aerts, S.J., C. Dupont, S .J.; E. F ru tsaert, S.J.; J . Gryffroy, S .J.; C. Lambort, S.J.; M McDonough, S.J.; A. Roelandts, S .J.; P . Sanders, S.J.;A. Stubbe, S .J.; L. Vossen, S .J.; A. Patroni, S.J.

Mangalore (K ankanady)'—St. Joseph’s Sem inary : Pro­fessors : Revs. J . Gioanini, A.. Macry, E_ Lazzarini, B. RanzanJ, S. Coelho, E. Belleri, M. Chatagnier, H. I . Bussoni, S.J., and F. E. D’Souza. Students 101.

N ellore.—St. John’s Theological Seminary (1926): Rector, V ery Rev. Mgr. J. K reyelm ans, V .G .; Revs. K. Joseph and C. Ruygrok. Students 12.

Pondicherry (1777).—Superior, Rev. P. G a y e t; 27 Theological students. Professors : Revs. M. Veyrec, J. M artin and J. Lesponne.

P ulo -T ikus , Penang (Malacca Diocese).—Students in Philosophy and Theology, 139. Superior, V ery Rev. J. Pages. Directors, Rev. H. Michel , G. Denarie ; H. Mon jean,D .D .; M. Rouhan, D .D .; P. Piffaut ; J . Davias ; J . Destombes, D.D.

Puthem pally (Verapoly Archdiocese).—St. Joseph’s Semi­nary ; The number of students is 170: Rector, V ery Rev. F r, John Joseph, O.C.D. ; Professors: Rev. Frs. Carmel, O.C.D.r

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A urelianus, O.G.D. ; Heliodore, O.CD. ; Zacharias, O .C.D.; Faustin , O.C.D.; Idelphonse, O .C.D.: John Chrysostome, O .C.D.; Aemilius, O.C.D For th e Syrian language ; Revs. A ndrew K alapura and M athew V ad ak e l; and for the Sanskrit, Rev. Thomas Kocha} angana.

Quilon (Quilon Diocese).—St. Teresa’s Theological Sem i­nary : V ery Re^. F r. Brocard, O.D.C., R ector; Rev. F rs. Vincent, O .C .D .; Victor Fernandez and Jerom e Fernandez. Students 37. Besides 3 in Kandy.

Rachol (Goa Archdiocese).—Rector, The Very Rev. Mgr. Ganganeli da P. R ebelo; D irector , Sp iritua l for Board­ers, Rev. Angelo D’Sousa, and for Day-scholars, Rev. Bruno M enezes; D irector o f Discipline, Rev, Edmundo Braulio Fernandes. Professors : Mgr. G anganelli da P. Rebelo, B D ; Mgr. M aurilio C. A lvares, B.D ; Revs. J. Onofre Fernandes,B .D .; H erculano Furtado, B.D. ; Acurcio de Sousa, B .D .; Rodolfo Soares, B .D .; Castilho Noronha, B D . ; J. Romualdo Menezes, B.D ; Pedro Elias P ereira, B.D. ; Alphonso D’Mello,B .D .; Seratico Mesquita, B.D ; Elvidio M enezes; Bruno Menezes.

Ranchi (Calcutta Archdiocese).—St. A lbert’s Sem inary (1914) : P resident, V ery Rev. C. G illet, S .J .; Professors : Revs. H. Niclas, S.J.; L. Bernard, d .J .; A. G rignard, S .J.; A. W aterkeyn, S.J. Students 25.

San Thome (M ylapore Diocese) (1887).—Rector, Very Rev. S. M arianandam. Upper and Lower Sem inary (24).

Trich inopoly (Cantonment).—St. P au l’s Sem inary (1921), Superior, Rev. F r. P . Soufflet, S J. ; Professors : The Rev. Frs. S. Perrier, J . Hagen, S.J., A . France, C. Houpert and A . Sabatier. Students .75.

Scholasticates and N ovitia tes— (5)Chethipwshay (Changanacherry Post.—Third Order of

Discalced Carm elites : V ery Rev. Cyriac of St. Augustine, Prior, 28 students.

Kurseong (Bengal).—St. M ary’s College for the Jesuit Indian Missions ; a t Asansol, 1880 : a t Kurseong, 1889.

Sardhana .—Novitiate of the F riars Minor Capuchins in India, at Sardhana, M eerut district, (U.P.) under the care of the F athers of th e Province of Paris. St. Fidelis Monastery(1922). Commissary Provincial : V ery Rev. Fr. Arm and, (O.M.CAP., G uardian and M aster of N ovices; Rev. F r.


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Symphorian, O.M.CAP. Professors: R ev .F rs. Pius, Ferdinand, Fidelis, Fidelis-M ary. C lerics: 9 novices or 7 postulants ; Lay- Brothers : 7 Novices or postulants.

Shembaganur (M adura Dt.).—Sacred H eart College (1895) for th e Jesuit Missions in India and Ceylon. Rector, Rev. F r.F. Sabathe, S .J .; Professors : The Rev. Frs. A. Ayraod, P. Leonard, A. Anglade, A. Combaluzier, J. Gering, L. Klein,E. Nespoulous, V. Newton, E. Revel, C. V erdier, S.J. Students 93, novices 35, juniors 18, philosophers 40. The course of train ing lasts seven years.

Shillong (Assam).—Our Lady’s House, Salesian scholas- ticate , 1922 ; for novitiate and philosophy. Director, Rev. F r. J . Deponti, S.C.

Trivandrum, (Travancore).—Carmel Hill Monastery. Novitiate of the Discalced Carmelites (F irst Order). V ery Rev. Fr; Constantine, O.C.D., Prior ; Rev. F r. Lucas, O.C.D., M aster of Novices. F athers 6; Students 8 and 8 novices.

Low er Seminaries—(17).A llepey (Cochin Diocese).—Lower S em in ary : Rector,

Rev. J. Ribriro Delgado, S.J.; Rev. A. Roliz, Professor ; Rev. 5. Pereira, P refect. Asst. Bros. : A m aral and Oarrilho. Sem inarists 41. Besides, th e Diocese has 3 students in the Papal Sem inary a t Kandy, 2 in Rachol and 6 in Puthem pally.

Bangalore (Mysore).—St. M ary’s Sem inary, Brigade Road, Shoolay. Rector, Rev. R. Feuga.

Changanacherry.—St. Thomas’ Sem inary (at Kottayam).Coimbatore.—St. Joseph’s Seminary.Colombo (Borella). - St. A loysius’ Preparatory Sem inary :

Students 50. Director, Rev. B. W iratunga, O.M I. The pupils follow th e course of St. Joseph’s College.

Cuddalore (Pondicherry A rchd.)—St. Joseph’s Seminary (in High School): Seminarians 61; for Pondicherry 43 ; for Kumbakonam 18.

Ernakulam (A rchd. of Ernakulam ).—Sacred H eart Semi­nary (1901): Students 19. Rector, Rev. J. Thekunthala.

Ernakulam (Verapoly Archd.).—St. Joseph’s Sem inary (1908): Students 37, attending St. A lbert’s High School, Rev. Fr. Cyriac, O C D., D irector; Rev. P e te r V adachery, Professor of Latin language and Rhetoric,

Dr a i n i n g i n s t i t u t io n s 319

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Jaffna (Jaffna Diocese).—St. M artin’s Ecclesiastical Sem inary: 31 Junior students. Superior, Rev. 0 Boury, O.M.I.

K oltayam (Travancore).—St. Stanislaus, Diocesan Sem i­nary .

M aym yo (North Burma),—Small Seminary : M anager,Rev. L. Moindort. Students 13.

M oulmein (South Burma).—Preparatory Sem inary (1895): Director, Rev. J. Mourlanne. Students 17,

Phirangipuaram (Guntur Dt.), Nellore Diocese, P repara­tory Seminary (192?6): Director, Rev. G. C. Bazelmans,O. Praem . Students 25.

Quilon.—St. Raphael’s- Sem inary : Director, Revs. John Rebeira and John J. K akkarey. Students 35.

Singapore.—St. X avier’s Sem inary : Sup., Rev. L. A urio l; Asst. Rev. J . T. Aloysius. Students 9.

Toungoo.—A P reparatory Sim inary w ith F r. E. Raimondi as Rector and F r. J. A ki as Assistant. S tudents 19.

Trichur — St. M ary’s Sem inary: Rector, The Rt. Rev. Mgr. A ntony P uduchery ; Asst., Rev. F r. Joseph Pullo- karen. Sem inarists 32. Pupils attend St. Thomas’ College, 28.

Trichinopoly.—St. Joseph’s Sem inary (in th e College): Director, Rev. A. Bonhoure, S.J. Student 35 ; from different/l lAPOCOfi

A p o s t o l ic Sc h o o l s — (4)

Bandura (Dacca).—Holy Cross Apostolic School.H yderabad (Deccan).—Students 22. Rector, Rev. D.

Grassi.M adura.—St. Francis X avier’s Ap. School (1918): D irec­

tor, Rev. F r. A. Turian, S.J. Students 40.Ranchi (B. and Orissa).—St. Aloysius’ Apostolic School

(1923).M ylapore.—St. A nthony’s C h ap e l: R e v . Bro. Phillip ,

C.M.S.F.F o r T e a c h e r s A n d C a t e c h is t s —>(18)

A lla habad— School for apprentice-catechists ; a tw o years’ course.


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Bhavanikkera (Ajmere).—St. M artin’s Training school for teacher-catechists.

E llich p u r , Berar (Nagpur).—Boarding House for Training Masters.

I t tik a ra y (Quilon).—Normal School for M alayalam schoolmasters.

Kottaddba (K ottavalasa, B. N. Ry.).—For Telugu cate- chists.

K rishnagar — For teachers and catechists.Maggona (Colombo).—Normal School for Sinhalese

teachers.Nagercoil (Travancore).—St. F rancis' Normal School for

Tamil Teachers.Palkonda (V izagapatam Dt.).—For Pancham a catechists.Ranchi (B. and Orissa).—School for Uraon : Teacher-

catechists.Surada (Ganjam D t).—For Oriya and Khond catechists.Thom e (Burma).—St. Thomas’ V ernacular Normal School

for teachers.Tindivanam (Pondicherry).-—St. Joseph’s School for

teachers and catechists.Tum illiya (Dacea).—St. John th e Baptist School for cate­

chists.Toungoo (Burma).—Karen Catechists’ School.Trichinopoly (Cantonment).—Holy Fam ily In stitu te for

teacher-catechists.Trichinopoly (St. Joseph’s College).—Departm ent for

Licentiate in Teaching.A ulia (Nagpur).—Training School for Catechists in Hindi

among th e new converts in Nimar.Khandwa (Nagpur).—Training School of Catechists in

H indi among the new converts in Nimar.Pondur (Mylapore).—Training of Catechists in Tamil

conducted by the Franciscan Missionary Brothers.Zaroli (Bombay).—Training of Catechists in G ujerathi

and M arathi for th e new converts among the W arlis, con­ducted by th e Franciscan Missionary Brothers,


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IV . F o r S c h o o l m is t r e s s e s — ( 10)Bangalore (Mysore).—Secondary G rade Training School :

European teachers.Bangalore (Mysore).—Secondary Grade Training School

for Indian teachers.Bassein (Burma).—Sc. Joseph’s V ernacular Normal

School.K arach i (Sind).—St. Joseph’s Normal School.M adras (Church Park).—Training School for European

students.Mangalore.—St. A nn’s Training School for Mistresses.Phirangipuram (G untur Dt.). —Training School for Telugu

Schoolmistresses.Poona.—Normal Training School for Lady Teachers.Sim la.—St. Bede’s Training College.Trichinopoly (Cantonment).—Training School for M is­

tresses.Trichinopoly (Fort).—Holy Cross Normal School.

V . C a t h o l i c A r t s C o l l e g e s —(28)

(a) For young menA gra.—St. P e te r’s College (1846) : Rector, V ery Rev.

H yacinth, 0 c.Allahabad.—St. JosepVs College (1921) : Rector, Rev. F r.

Augustine, O.C.

Bangalore (Shoolay, Mysore).—St. Joseph’s College : Principal, Rev. F . Veysseyre.

Bangalore.—St. Joseph’s College for Europeans.Barlowganji (Agra),—St. George’s College: B rthers of

St. P atrick .Bombay .—St X avier’s College : Rector, Rev. F. Schaefer,


Calcutta.—St. X avier’s College : Rector, Rev. F r. Roe- la n d , S J.

Çha^ganaçherry.—St¡- ISerphnjftn*? College (1922),


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Darjeeling (North Point)*—St. Joseph’s College : Rector, Rev. F r. K rier, S.J.

H yderabad— AU Saints’ College : English F riars Mission(1925).

M a d ra s— Loyola College (1925) : Rector, Rev. F r. B er­tram , S.J.

Mangalore.—St. Aloysius’ College : Rector, R e/. F r. Pro- serpio, S.J. (1501).

N aini Tal (A llahabad).—St. Joseph’s College: Irish C hristian Brothers (1888).

Palamcottah (Tinnevelly Dt.).—St. X avier’s College(1924): Rector, Rev. G nanapragasam , S.J.

Shillong (Assam).—St. Edm und’s College: Irish C hrist­ian Brothers.

Trichinopoly.—St. Joseph’s College (1832) : Rector, Rev. F r. Bonhoure, S.J.

T richur.— St. Thomas’ College (1919) : Principal, Rev. F r. J . Palocaren, M.A.

Batticaloa.—St. Michael’s College : Rector, Rev. F r.Bonnel, S.J.

Colombo.—St. Joseph’s College (1 896) : Rector, Rev. F r. Le Goc, O.M.I.

Galle.—St. Aloysius’ College: Rector, Rev. Fr. Lermu- sieaux, S.J.

J a ffn a — St. P atrick’s College : Rector, Rev. F r. M at­thew , O.M.I.

K andy.—St. A nthony’s College : Rector, Rev. F r. Regno, O.M.I.

Negombo.— Maris S tella College : Marist Brothers.W ellewatte (Colombo).—St. Joseph’s College: Principal.

Rev. F r. Pereira, O.M.I.

Colombo.—St. Benedict’s College : Director, Rev. Brother Claude, F.s.c.


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(6) F or women

Bangalore (Mysore).—Sacred H eart College: Good Shep­herd Nuns (1903).

Ernakulam (Verapoly).—St. Teresa’s College: T ertiary Sisters of Mount Carmel (1925).

Mangalore (Kankanady P.O.).—St. A nn’s College : Apos­tolic Carmel Nuns.

Panchgani— St. Joseph’s College. D aughter o f the Cross(1926).

Trichinopoly (Fort).—Holy Cross College (1925): Sisters of the Holy Cross.


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iv. c a t h o l i c n e w s p a p e r s a n d PERIODICALS

Issued in Ind ia , Burm a and Ceylon E n g l i s h —-61

B i-w eekly—(1)Ceylon Catholic Messenger.—Bi-w eekly, 1869, Catholic

Press, Colombo, Rs. 9.W eeklies (6)

Catholic L eader.—1887, foolsc. (20), G. P. Press, Madras. Rs. 6.

Cochin Argus.—British Cochin, Political and General, Rs. 12. (S.R.)

The Dasan.—1926, Travancore, Rs. 5.The Exam iner —1850, foolsc. (23), Exam iner Press,

Medows Street, Bombay, Rs. 8.Jaffna Catholic Guardian.— 1876, 4 bo, St. Joseph’s

Catholic Press, Jaffna, Rs 3-12.Malabar H erald.—Bribish Cochin, Political, Rs. 6, 1904

(S.D.), Union Press, Cochin.Sim la Tim es.—Foolsc., Simla, Rs. 8,The W eek.—Foolsc., Bombay, Rs. 10.The Catholic News.—Lahore.

F ortnightlies—(2)The Angelus.~<j\oT\& Church, Byculla, Bombay, 1912,

8vo. (16), Rs. 3.The Voice.—K arachi, 1926, (16 pp.). Publisher, F. X

Fernandez.M onthlies—(18)

Catholic Register'.—1819, foolsc. (20), St. Joseph’s Orph­anage Press, Chingleput, 2.

Catholicus.—Mission Press, (Allahabad), Monthly, Rs. 2. per annum .

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The Crusader.—3917, St. Anselm’s Press, A jm er, Rs. 2.E u ch a ris t and P r ie s t— 1894. Organ of th e Priests '

Eucharistic League, P uthenpally Sem inary, Verapoly, Re. 1.Franciscan Annals o f India.—1910, 8vo. (IV —40), St*

Francis’ Press, The Cathedral, Agra, Rs. 3.Indian C . T . £ .—1919, 8vo. (32). Trichinopoly, Canton­

m ent, Rs. 3.The L ig h t o f the E ast.—1923, C alcutta, Catholic Orphan

Press, foolsc. (8), Re. 1.The Madonna.—1925, P arish M agazine, Karachi.The M alabar Catholic Student.—Organ of the M. C. S.

League, Two-monthly, 1922, 8vo., St. Joseph’s I. S. Press, Trichinopoly, in English and M alayalam.

M essenger o f the Sacred H eart fo r India .— 1909, 12mo. (40), Exam iner Press, Medows Street, Bombay, Re. 1-8.

Messenger o f the Sacred H eart fo r Ceylon.—1923, 8vo* (32), Colombo, Re. 1.

The M orning S ta r —1908, 16mo. (32), St. Jo sep h ’s I. S* Press, Trichinopoly, Re. 1.

The R a lly .— Organ of C. Y. M. Guild, 1924, 8vo., St. Joseph’s I . S. Press, Trichinopoly, Re. 1-8.

S t. M a r y s P arish M agazine— (Secunderabad), 1913, 12mo. (60). P. Priest, Re. 1.

The Salesian.—1903, Nagpur, St. Francis of Sales’ College.Mangalore.—Organ of th e Cath. Assoc.The Trum pet Call.—1909, Organ of th e Apostolic Union,

Mangalore.The Voice.—1911, Mission Bulletin, Rangoon, Re. 1-8.K a th o lik Nagib.—Urdu, Lahore.

Quarterlies—(4).Angel o f the Good Shepherd.— College Magazine,

Bangalore.The Catholic Educational Review. (Mangalore).—1920.

An illustra ted Q uarterly , demi cr. quarto (63), Rs. 3.The M agazine.—1912, St. Joseph’s College, Trichinopoly. The M agazine—Si. Joseph’s H igh School, P avara tti.

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Annuals and Others.—(#0).The Antonian.—St. A nthony’s College, Kandy.A postolic Union o f Secular P riests.—1902. 8vo. (48), St.

Joseph’s I. S. Press. Trichinopoly.Blue and W h ite .— St. Joseph’s College, Colombo.Bombay Catholic W elfare Organisation B u lle tin .—Twice

a year.Catholic Calendar.—Eor the Ecclesiastical province of

Calcutta, 1890, Bvo. (52). Catholic’Orphan Press, C alcutta.Catholic D irectory o f India.—1851, 16mo (300), Good

Pastor Press, M adras. Re. 1-8.Echoes fro m S t. Bede's.— 1909, Simla.Forward .—Catholic Messenger Press, Colombo.The Friend .—Organ of Ind. Catholic Association, Ran­

goon. Bi-m onthly, Rs. 2.Indo-Portuguese R eview —Temple S treet, Calcutta.The Josephite.—1913. Organ of th e St. Joseph’s Euro­

pean High School, Calicut, Re. 1.The Mangalore M agazine.—Codialbail Press, M angalore,

Re. 1.N orth Point Annual.—St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling,

1896, 8vo. (80), Catholic Orphan Press, Calcutta.Our A lm a M ater — St. Joseph’s I.S. Press, Trichinopoly.Our L ittle Paper.—1919, quarto (36), St. Joseph’s H igh

School, Trivandrum . Thrice a year.Palm Leaves o f Loreto in Ind ia .—Twice a year, 1904,

4to (6 or 7), D’Rozario, 11, B ritish India S treet, C alcutta.Pink and Blue.—St. M ary’s College, P e ttah , Colombo.S t. Benedict's College M agazine, Colombo.St. George's College.—1908, Manor House, Mussoorie.S t. Joseph's College Annual Record (Trichinopoly).—

1910, 8vo (80), St. Joseph’s I. S. Press, Trichinopoly.S t. Joseph's College Annual, Bangalore,St. M ary 's Magazine.—H alf-yearly , 1912, St. M.^ry’

European High School, M adras, Rs. 2.

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S t. M ary 's College Magazine (Bombay).—1909, 8vo (56), Bombay.

S t. M ichael's Annual, 1914, Batticaloa, Ceylon.S t. P atrick 's Annual, Jaffna.St. X a v ie r 's College Magazine (Bombay).—(1908). Bom­

bay.Verapoly Archdiocese Gazette (Ernakulam ).—English,

L atin and M alayalam. Occasional.The Vincentian.— St. V incent’s H. School, Poona.The X a v ier 's .—St. X avier’s College, Calcutta, 1906, 4to

(80). Catholic Orphan Press, Calcutta.T e l u g u — 1.

V elu thuru .—The Light, M onthly, 1926, Editor, Rev. M- Modaelli.

B e n g a l i— 2.L it t le B oys * Own Sch o o l— Y early, Calcutta.Dharma Jyo ti.—Dacca, Monthly.

B u r m a s a — 1.The Sewer (Burmasa).—Bi-m onthly, Thonze (Prome

Line), Rs. 3.F r e n c h — 2.

L ' A m i des E n fan ts.—Tindivanam.L e Semeur.—M onthly, Re. 1.

G u j a r a t h i— 1.A l P avitra Anthakaranno B u t G uzarat Mate.—1/bnthly,

(1911), 8vo (12), As. 8, Anand, I ta ira Dt.H i n d i— 3.

F erish ta .— Bi-m onthly, (1908), K handw a Mission, N ag­pur, C.P.

N ishkalank, Ranchi.—Catholic Mission, M onthly, As. 8.I t a l ia n — 1.

L a Missione d i, Mangalore — Twice a year (40—50).KANARESE— 1.

Jesu N athara Thiru H rudhayadha Dhoothanu.—The K anarese M essenger of S. H eart of Jesus, Demy size, 40 pages : annual subscription w ith postage : Re. 1 only. Editor, Fr. I. II. Lobo, St, Theresa’s Churqh, Mysore,

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K o n k a n i— 5.Dor M huinianchi R o it i .—M onthly, January 1915, 8vo

(32), St. P atrick ’s, K arachi, Re. 1.Konkani D irven. —M angalore, W eekly, Rs. 3, in Anglo-

Konkani.The Ange.—M angalore (S. H eart Messenger),I.C .T.S., Konkani Branch, four pam phlets a year.A ve Maria.-— M onthly, (1919), 8vo. (54), Bombay, Rs. 3.

L a t in — 1.Prom ptuarium Canonico L iturgicum .—M onthly, 8vo.

(36)), Ind. School Press, Ernakulam , Cochin. Rs. 2 a year. M a l a y a l a m — 12

Catholikka L o k a m —Thrice a month, St. Thomas’ Press, Trichur, Anglo-M alayalam , Rs. 3.

Catholic Messenger.—^Monthly, K uravalangad, Rs, 2.Ernakulam Missam.—Official Organ of th e Archd., Max

Louis Memorial Press, Ernakulam .The Flower o f Carmel.— M onthly, St. Joseph's Press,

M annanam, Travancore.The Verapoly Archdiocese Gazette.—IJ3. Press, E rn a­

kulam .The S. H eart League and Catholic F am ily .—Jubilee

Memorial Press, Pu thenpally Seminary, Verapoly.The D a sa n .-L n g o -M alayalam Newspaper, Trivandrum ,

Rs. 5.K ottayam P atrika .—W eekly, (1922), Kotfcayam.N azrani Deepika.—Daily, (1887), St, Joseph's Press,

M annanam, Travancore.Sathianadam (Voice of T ruth),—W eekly, 52nd year,

E rnakulam (Verapoly), Rs. 3-8.Tiru H rudaya Dutan.—M onthly, (1891), 4to (16), Magnu-

mey, Verapoly, Re. 1.The L it t le Flower o f the Child Jesus.—M onthly, (1924),

M agnumey (Verapoly), Re. 1-8.P o r t u g u e s e — 6.

A Indio-Portugueza.—W eekly, (1859), folio (4), Orlim Goa, Rs. 5-8.

4 Lanterna.— W eekly, (1914), Orlim, Goa, Rs. 5^8,



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The A ng lo -L m itano .— W eek ly , (1886), folio (6), Bombay, Rs. 4, also English.

0 Crente,— W eekly, (1886), folio (c), Novo Goa, Rs. 4.0 H eraldo.—Daily, Goa.O V in te tress de Novembo.—W eekly, Alleppey.

S i n g h a l e s e — 2.

N anaratha P rad ip a^a .—T riw e e k ly , Colombo.Bhaktprabodhanya.— M onthly, Maggona Press.

T a m il — 13.Bharathakula M ithiran.—Tuticorin, W eekly, Rs. 6.Catholic Paropakari — Madras, M onthly.Catholic S a th iya P oth in i.—Catholic Fam ily Teacher,

Monthly, (1911), St. Joseph’s I.S. Press, Trichinopoly.Indian C. T. S., Tam il branch.—M onthly, 8vo., T rich i­

nopoly Cant., Re. 1.N alla A y an.—M onthly, The “ Good P asto r" Press, North

Georgetown, M adras, Re. 1-8.Pothu Nalam .—W eekly, M adras.Pun K o tth u [R.C. Training School Magazine).—M onthly,

Trichinopoly, Re. 1.Sarva Viabi.—W eekly, foolscap (5), Catholic Mission

Press, Pondicherry, Rs. 3.Sath iya Nesan.—M onthly, (1926), Selvam & Co., St. Tho­

mas’ Mount, M adras, Re. 1.Sathiya Thudan.—M onthly, (1914), 8vo. (20), C athedral,

Coimbatore, Re. 1.Sath iya Veda Pathukavalan.—W eekly, fools. (4), St.

Joseph’s Catholic Press, Jaffna, Rs. 2.Sabe Apostala Subei Panjangam.—Y early, (1894), 12mo

(32), St. Joseph’s I.S. Press, Trichinopoly.S iria Pushpa Thudan.—Monthly, (1927), 8 vo (30), Good

Shepherd Convent Press, Bangalore; Re. 1 a year.Tiru Iru thaya Thudan.— M onthly, (1887), 12mo (3), ib.

Re. 1-2.U r d u — 1

Paigami K ush Khabari.—W eekly, Urdu, St. Francis’ Press, A gra, Rs. 2 per annum.

“ K a Jing K r i * ‘ P u b lish e d in K h a s i— M o n th ly a t S h illo n g .

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The Catholic Indian Association of S. IndiaThe Catholic Indian Association of S. India originally

called “ The M adras Catholic Indian Association” was founded on May 31, 1899, With the cordial blessing of the H ierarchy. The Rt. Rev. Theophilus Mayer, A uxiliary Bishop of Madras, w as th e 1st President of the association and a fte r him, His G race th e Archbishop of Madras has been the President, and th e late Hon’ble D iwan Bahadur L. D. Swamikannu P illay , m .a .,B ;L ., l l .b ., I.O.S., c .i .e ., w as th e 1st Honorary Secretary for 18 years.

The present incumbents : His Grace the Most Rev. E. M ederlet, S.C., D.D., Archbishop of Madras, President.

M r. M. P . A. Tam bi P i l l a y , H onorary Secretary,

The object of th e associabion is to draw closer th e bond of union among Catholic Indians and to promote th e ir social, m aterial and general w elfare : as well as to protect the rights and interest of Catholic Indians.

I t is managed by an Executive Commitbee composed of one priesb and one laym an nominated by th e Ordinary of the Diocese w here th e re are branches of th e association and ten elected members.

The office of th e association is in Madras.No. 2, V a d a m a l a y P i l l a y S t r e e t ,

Vepery, M adras N.C.The C.I. A. has on ibs roll 1,587 members wibh 35 branches

comprising bhe Diocese of Madras, Mylapore, Pondicherry, Kumbakonam, Coimbatore, Trichinopoly and Tuticorin.

The annual subscription of an ordinary member is one Rupee, of w hich one- half is retained by the Branch Associa­tion for its local use ; for a life member Rs. 30 ; and for a Patron Rs. 250.

The annual general meeting is usually held in one of th e im portant Catholic centres in Southern India.

In Order to give some fixity to the character and scope of th e association, the C. I. A. was registered in th e year 1918 under th e Indian Companies Act V II of 1913.

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Archbishops, Bishops and Apostolic Prefects in India, Malacca and Ceylon

Archbishop P atriarchCastro, Most Rev. Dom. Theotonio M anuel Ribeiro

V ieira de, Archbishop of Goa. Appointed but not yet taken possession.

ArchbishopsBernachioni, Most Rev. Raphael, O.C., Archbishop of

Agra, Agra.Doering, Most Rev. H enry, S.J., Archbishop-Bishop of

Poona, T itu lar Archbishop of M adytus, Poona.K andathil, Most Rev. M ar Augustine, Archbishop of

Ernakulam , E rnakulara.Kenealy, Most Rev. Anselm E. J ., D.D., O.S.F.C., A rch­

bishop of Simla, Archbishop’s House, Eaglemount, Simla E.Lima, Most Rev. Joaquim R., s. J., Archbishop of Bombay,

Bombay.M arque, Most Rev. P e te r, O.M.I., Brchbishop of Colombo.M ederlet, Most Rev. Eugenius, S.C.; D.D., Archbishop of

M adras, St. M ary’s Cathedral, 2, A rm enian S treet, George­town, Madras.

Morel, Most Rev. Elie, J. J., Archbishop of Cotrada, A dm inistrator of Pondicherry.

Perez, Cecilia, Most Rev. Angel M ary. O.C.D., Archbishop of Verapoly, Ernakulam .

Ferier, Most Rev. Ferdinand, S.J., Archbishop of Calcutta, 32, P a rk S tree t, C alcutta.

BishopsAnselmo, R t. Rev. John B., Bishop of Dinajpur, Dinajpur.Barillon, Rt. Rev. Em ile, Bishop of Malacca, Singapore.B arthe, R t. Rev. John M., s .J „ Bishop of P a ra laid, Shem*

baganur, M adura D t. (retired).

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Beckmeyer, R t. Rev. Bede, O S.B., BiBhop of Kandy, Kandy, Ceylon.

Benziger, R t. Rev. Aloysius M., O.C.D., Bishop of Quilon, O likaray, Quilon.

Bouter, R t. Rev. W., Bishop of Nellore, Bishop’s House, Nellore.

Catry, R t. Rev. Dr. Hector, O.C., Bishop of Lahore, Catholic Bishop’s Residence, 1, Law rence Road, Lahore.

Caumont, R t. Rev. Fortunatus, F. H ., O.C., Bishop of Ajmer, Ajmer.

Chapuis, Rt. Rev. M. Augustius, Bishop of Gurza and A dm inistrator of Kumbakonam, Kunbakonam.

Chulaparam bil, R t. Rev. M ar A lexander, Bishop of K-.ttayam, Catholic Bishop’s House, Kottayam .

Coppel, Rt. Rev. Francis S., Bishop of Nagpur, C.P.Crowley, Rt. Rev. T. J., C.S.C., Bishop of Dacca, Bishop’s

House, Ram na P.O., Dacca.Despatures, Rt. Rev. M., Bishop of Mysore, Bishop’s

House, Cleveland town, Bangalore.D’Souza, Rt. Rev. V. J., d d ., Bishop of Mangalore, Bishop’s

House, Mangalore.Faisandier, Rt. Rev. Augustine, s J., Bishop of T richi­

nopoly, Catholic Mission, Trichinopoly.Foulquier, Rt. Rev. Eugene C., Bishop of Corydallus,

Vic. Apost. of N orthern Burma, Mandalay.Guyomar, Rt. Rev. John A lfred, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna,

Jaffna.K alacherry, Rt. Rev. Dr. James, Ph.D., d .d ., Bishop of

Changanacherry.Legrand, Rt. Rev. Joseph, C.S.C., Bishop of Dacca, Ram na

P.O., Dacca.Le Pailleur, R t Rev. A lfred, c .s .c , Bishop of C hitta­

gong, Cath. Mission, Bishop’s House, Chittagong.Perini, R t. Rev. Paul, S.J., Bishop of Calicut, C athedral,

Calicut.Perrichon, R t. Rev. Louis, Bishop of Corone and Co-ad-

ju tor to th e Bishop of Malacca, Bishop’s House, Singapore.


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Perroy, F. Rt. Rev. Bishop of Medea, V icar Apostolic of S. Burma, Clergy House, Rangoon.

Poli, Rt. Rev. Dr. Angelo, J., O.C., Bishop of Allahabad, A llahabad.

Provost, R t. Rev. F . T., Bishop of M aera and Co-adjutor to th e V icar Apostolic of Southern Burma, Clergy House, Rangoon.

Ribeiro, R t. Rev. Jose Bento M artin, Bishop of Cochin acting as A dm inistrator Apostolic of Goa.

Robichez, R t. Rev. Gaston, S.J., Bishop of Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ceylon.

Roche, R t. Rev. Francis Tiburtius, S.J., Bishop of Tuti- corin, Bishop’s House, Tuticorin.

Rossilon, R t. Rev. Peter, Bishop of V izagapatam , V iza- gapatam , Fort.

Roy, Rt. Rev. Augustine, Bishop of Coimbatore, Coim­batore.

Sagrada, Rt. Rev. Victor E., Bishop of Irin a , Vic. Apost. of Toungoo, Clergy House, Toungoo, Burma.

Sullivan, Rt. Rev. Bernard J., S.J., Bishop of Patna, Bankipur.

Teixeira, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Dom. Antonio M aria, Bishop of Mylapore, Bishop’s House, Mylapore, Madras.

Van Hoeck, R t. Rev. Louis, S.J., Bishop of Ranchi, St. A lbert’s Seminary, K arbala Tank Road, Ranchi.

Vanni, Rt. Rev. Evangelista, O.C., Bishop of Tenedo and Co-adjutor, A gra.

V azhapilly, Rt. Rev. Francis, Bishop of T richur, Catholic Bishop’s House, T richur.

V ism ara, Rt. R e v . Dionysius, D.D , Bishop of Hyderabad, St. M ary’s House, Secunderabad.

Prefects A posto licBonetta, V ery Rev. F r. P refect Apostolic of Kengtung,

K engtung S.S.S., Burma.M athias, Rt. Rev. L., s.o., D.D., Prefect Apostolic of

Assam, Shillong.W inkley, R t. Rev. R. J., Prefect Apostolic of K afristan ,

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, R aw alpindi, Punjab.


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Priests, Secular and Regular in India, Malacca and Ceylon.

Note.— The letters after the name of Regulars denote the Order or Congregation to which they belong.

Benedictines, o.s.B. ; Carmelites, O .C .D . ; Carme­lite Tertiaries, t . o . c . d . ; Capuchin Franciscans , o.c. or O.M . c a p . ; Congregation of the Holy Cross, C.S.O. ; Franciscans, Friars M inors, o .f .m . ; Laza- rists, Congregation of the Mission, C.M . ; Oblates of M ary Immaculate, o .m .i . ; Norbertine Fathers , O. P R A E M . ; Salesians, s .c . ; Society of Jesus, S .J . ; Missionaries of St. Francis of Salest m .s .f .s .

Mgr. denotes those who, as Domestic Prelates of the Pope or as Vicar-General, have the title of Monsignore ; V. F. denotes Vicars Forane ; V. G., Vicars-General ; M. Ap., Missionary Apostolic.

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LIST OF PRIESTS(In Curial and Parochial post only)


AAbraham, J„ Chellanam, K uthiathode P.O. Abranches, Antonio, M andur, Goa.A branches, S., V erna, Goa.Abranches, Y ., S. Braz, Goa.Abreo, C. A. d \ Bandra.Abreu, Jose Leandro, Anjuna, Goa.Abreu, Th., R aia, Goa.A ccarakalam , J ., Koilmuku.A daikalam , A., Pragasapuram , N azareth P.O. A daikalam , F. C., Cathedral, Coimbatore. Adam bukulam , Thomas, A ranattukara (East). A dirubasam i, Salem.Adisayam, R. Raja, S.J., Suranam, Ramnad Db. Adolph, St. Teresa, Ladpura.Aelen, J., St. John’s Press, Nellore.Aelen, Ch., St. Joseph’s C athedral, Nellore. Agasala, John, Punnathura, E ttum anur P.O. A guiar, B. M. F. Diu via Una.A guilar, J . C. M., Surada, Gan jam Dt. Agnisani, R., S.J., M arambadi, via Dindigul. A iluparam pil, Aug., Kangirapally.Ailloud, E. M., Parlakim edi, Ganjam Dt. A kkara, A nthony, Poruthur.A kkara, John, Eandassankaduvu.A kkara, Pius, A rthat, Trichur.A kkara, George, A rtha t, Trichur.A kkara, X avier, Trichur.A lcantara, P. d’., S.J., Musgutri, Bagicha P.O. A lancherry , Geo, Kadainikad.A lancherry , Joseph, T huruthy.A lapatt, John, Pazhavur.A lapatt, M., K uravelangad.A lapatt, P a la i.Alban, O.e., M ariabad.Alban, H., Betti^h,

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A lbert, J. M., Begur, Bangalore Tq., Mysore State. Alberto, J., Chinchinim, Goa.Alberto, J. Dias, Carmona, Goa.Alborghetti, P., S.J , C athedral, Poona.Albuquerque, M. J . S., Rachol, Goa.Albuquerque, P., Morgin, Goa.A lcantara, P . d \ , S.J., Musgutri, Bagicha P.O., Raiichi. A lexander, O.M., C A P ., Partabghar.A lexander, O.C.D., Quilon.Alfonso, L., Assolna, Goa.Aloor, Jacob, Peringoottucare.Almeida, Arsenio, Arambol, Goa.Almeida, Jose d’ Fulgencio, Paroda, GoaAlmeida. J , Assolna, GoaAlmeida, Joas Crestovam E. d \, Azrem, Goa.Almeida, .Joseph D.', Chengalam , Kottayam P.O. Alm eida, M. F., dos Praz., V .F ., Verna, Goa.Almeida, T. D., S.J., Satrasam patti, Ram nad Dt. Almeida, D. G. D.’, Holy Cross, M ahableshwar. Aloysius, P., Chingleput.Alphonse, O.M., CAP., M ilitary Chaplain, Nasirabad. A lunkal, P. A., K anam ally, P allu ru thy P.O. A lunkara, Cyriac, V .F ., V aikam .A lvares, J., M argao, Goa.A lvares, Jose Hypolito, Santa Cruz, B.B. Ry.A lvares, P., Margao, Goa.Alvares,Amaladassan, M. J., V attavalum , Tandarai.Ambooken, Paul, T hirur.Ambooken, A ugustin, K arur.Ambrose, R., Coonoor.Ambrose, S. K ottapalaiyam , Trichy.Amedeus, O.C., Naini Tal.Am irdam , S., Palayancottai via Chidambaram.Anandu, R. M., U lu thur, S. Arcot.Anatole, V ery Rev., O.C., Chancellor, A jm er.Andrade, Basilio, Galgibaga, Goa.Andrade, F. X ., Assagao, Goa.Andrade, Lazaro, A njuna, Goa.Andrade, Pereira, San Thome, Mylapore.Andrade, A.. d \, Assagao, Goa.Andrade, A. P . d’ , M atunga, Bombay.A ndrade, Alex. P ere ira d \, Tivim, Goa.Andrade, Lazaro, F. B. d \ , Calangute, Go$.Andre, A., S.J., St. G ary ’s, M adur^,



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Andrew, R . S., Athicodoo via Palghat.Andrew, O.C., Jhansi.Andrew, O.C., Sfc. Pauls, Dilkusha, Lucknow Cant. Andrew, O.C., R anikhet.Andries, G , S.J., M ajhatoli, Raidih P.O., Ranchi. Andries, I., S.J., K atkahi, Ranchi Dt.Anduraalil, Philip , Edacochi, Cochin.Angel, Joseph, o.c.D., V f ., Verapoly.Angelo, E. M. Mgr., St. Roch’s, W asherm anpet, Madras. Annunciacao, G., G u iriz, via., Bassein Road, B B. Ry. A ntas, J . Raia, Goa.A nthony, Rampnr, M ainatar P.O., Champaran Dt. A nthony, o.c., Bhikampur, Meerut Dist.Anthony, O.C., R anikhet.Anthony of St. Joseph, Chethipushay, Changanacherry. Anthony Bader, S. R. A., Chuñar.A nthony Joseph, Parbatpura, Ajmer.Anthony N ather, D. M., V alipalayam , Avanashi. A nthonysam i. Cathedral, Pondicherry.Anthos, Jos., St. A ndrew ’s. Y epery, M adras.Anthony, S.J., St. Joseph’s College, Trichinopoly. Appavoo, J., S.J., R ajakem biram , Ramnad Dt.A rakai, Geo. Kurz., R t. Rev. Y. G., E rnakulam .A rakel, Jacob (Sr.), Fnam avu.A rakel, Jacob (Jr.), Nadavarambu.A rakel, P. M. Prazeres, Thumpoly, Alleppey P.O. A rakel, Pius, Paucaray, M avelicaray P.O.A rancherry, J., Piravam .A ranacherry , Joh., Kolongai.A ranha, B., v .f .. Bantval, S. K anara.A ranha, P . H „ Bela, Kumbla P.O., S. Kanara.A ranha, F . X., U llal, S. K anara.Aran jo. R. V erna, Goa.Aranjo, Greg, Quilon.Arimont. J ., S.J., 51, Ekbalpore Road, Calcutta. A rkw righ t, W. B., Belgam, Goa.Arlandoo, S., Noadih, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt. A rm and, H ., O.c., CAP., v g., Ajmer.A rnault, G., S.J., Ramnad.Arnold, O.c., Lahore.Aronja, Ign., Thuruthipuram , Cranganore P.O.Arosio, A. G., Hyderabad-Deccan.A rputham , I., P u ttuko tta , Tanjore Dt.Arsene, O.C., Rahim pur, Montgomery Dt,A rthur, O.C., Sialkot, Cant,


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A m i, L. M., Panicancoopum, S. Arcot.A rul, M. T., M ayavaram.Arulanandam , J., Palamcobbah.A rulanandam , J., S.J., Anandarayankobbai, Dindugul Posb. A rulappa, Y., Onbeddupalle, Kobbala, N andyalPosb.A rul Mary, Am map et, Tanjore,Arulsam i, K., A nakarai, Petbaikulam P.O., Tinnevelly. Assirvabham, IJbtam anur, Trichinopoly.Asbrue, J B., S.J., Sb. M ary’s, M adura.Abaide, V ery Rev. Luis F ilipe, V .F ., Quepem, Goa. Abhaide, A. F ., M anori via Malad, B.B. Ry.Abhanasius, O.C., Bareilly, Agra.Abbipebi, Joseph, Ph . D., D.D., Ernakulam .A udrain, H ., Dindigul.Augusbine, Cabhedral, A llahabad.Augusbine, M ichael, Lucknow.Augusbine, O.M., C A P ., Parbabpura, Ajmer.Augusbine Ooncepbion, Pubhenthope.Aubemard, V., A rriankuppam , Pondicherry.Auzuech, C., Magghe, Sebbihalli P.O., Mysore Sbabe. Avelli, S., S.J., Amod, Pondol P.O., K airaD t.A yaukana, Th., Puvarany,Azevedo,, N , Yersova, via Andheri, B.B. Ry.Azavedo, Braz, Kar w ar, Goa.Azhiakab, Gregory, Kunnum al, Frocad.

BBaker, B, Ambala.Bakianabher, V iriyur.Baia X avier, Phirangipuram , Gunbur Db.Baldarelli, C., Avanigadda, Kisbna Db.Baldwin, O.e., Narowal, Sialkob Db.Bangar, S., Sokkenkudirupoo, Padukkapabhu P.O.Bapbisba, M., Papdi via Bassein.Barlieri, D., Toungoo.Barbosa, Americo, Galgibuya, Goa.Barbosa, C., Chandor, Goa.Bardoza, M. F., S.J., Rb. Rev. Y. G., Calicufc.Barla, D., L achragarh P.O., Ranchi Db.Baron, A., Sacred Hearb, Oobacamund.Barrebo, Averbano, Bebalbabim, Goa.Barrebo, D. Y., Sadashivgad.Barrebo, F., v .f .S., Barbholomeo, Goa.Barrebo, F. X. V., Egmore, Madras.Barreto, J., Raia, Goa.

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Barreto, M anuel J., San Thome, Goa.Barreto, R. V ., Chandor, Goa.Barreto, A ., Benaulim , Goa.B arretto, C, C., V ery Rev.. Y .F., Tufcicorin.B arretto, Jose, Benaulim , Goa.B arril, A., Parvatipur, V izagapatam Dt.Bars, R t. Rev. E., S.C., A dm inistrator Apostolic, K rishnagar. Bartholomew, W., Rector, St. Joseph’s Sem inary, A llahabad. Baumal, J., S.J., Srivilliputtur, Ram nad Dt.Baussonic,' F., Good Shepherd Convent, Shoolay, Bangalore. Bazelmans, C. J., St. P au l’s Seminary, Phirangipuram . Beatore, R., S.J., Noadih, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt.Bechu, L., V.G., V. Rev., C athedral, Coimbatore.Beckert, X avier, Ernakulam .Belgeri, V., Secretary, Apostolic Delegation, Bangalore. Benne, C., S.J., Ganguloli. c/o. Lacbragarh.Berenguer, D., S.J., Byculla, Bombay.Beretta, E., S.J., Cathedral, Calicut.Berger, T., Ghogargoan.Bergman, J., Assangi.Bernadotte, O., P e tit Sem inare, Pondicherry.Bernard, O.M., CAP., Annunciation, Jhabua.Bernardine, Rt. Rev., O.C.D., V.G., Quilon.Berraly, J., De., V. Rev., S.J., Torpa, Ranchi Dfc.B errew aerts, A., S.J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.Besterfeld S., de., S J , 68, Bow Bazar Street, C alcutta. Bertail, J. B., Tranquebar,Bertram , F . X ., S.J., Loyola College, Nungambakam, M adras. Bertrand, J ., S.J., Dighia, Bero P.O., Ranchi Dt.Betgeri, Ign., Sholapur.Bianchi, A., Gudivada, K istna Dt.Bianchi, M., Dinajpur.Biederman, Seb., Tangasseri, Quilon, P.O.Bilmeyer, J . J., S.J., Asansol, E . I . Ry., Calcutta.Bigland, John, R t. Rev. Mgr. Fort, Bombay.Blaise, L., Pondicherry.Blasius, O.C.D., M undakayam.B latter, E., S.J., Panchgani.Bleses, C., S.J., M andar, Ranchi Dt.Boats, L., Achampet, G untur Dt.Bocarro, Elenterio, Neura, Goa.Boddele, J., S.J., Verkadu, Thangachem adam P.O., Ramnad

Dt.Bodsor, F., S,J., Noatali, Basia P.O., Ranchi Dt.JJoissiere, A., Chaplain, N azareth Convent, Ootacamund.


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Boland, J .t Srinagar, Kashm ir.Bolet, P-, S.J., Ahmednagar.Bolton. W., Peshaw ar.Bonardi, P., S.C., C athedral Church, Calcutta. Bonaventure, O.C., Cantonment, Agra.Bonaventure, O.C.D., Kottayam .Bonaventure, R t. Rev. v .g ., O.C.D., Ernakulam . Bonis, K arikal.Bonnefond, A., Setliapatty , Omalur P.O., Salem Dt. Bonnerie, L, M., Dhanora, Neinpur P.O.Boone, A., S.J., Jhunm ur, M anipahar P.O., B.N. Ry. Bosquet, F., Pondicherry.Bossaers, A., S.J., Gholeng, Jashpur P.O.Boswell, G., s.J ., 19, M arket S treet, Calcutta. Botelho, L., Y itta l, S. K anara.Boudoul, R., Mission Depot, Pondicherry.Boulay, Ph., C.S.C., V.G., Badarpur, A.B, Ry.Bo} er, E.. V elantangal, P ennathur P.O.Bozzi, P , Bezwada, K istna Dt.Braganca, A., Covelong, Chingleput.Braganca, A. X ., Mapuca, Goa.Braganca, J., Nagory, Dacca Dt.Braganca, Lonquinhos, Ribandar, Goa.Braganca, S , Bandra.Braganca, S. G.. Rei* Magos, Goa.Brahm akulam Paul, Kagnani.Bramley, Jose, 1st Mission, Belgaum, Goa.Breen, G.. c.s,c., Sandoway.Bressers, J ., S.J., M ahuadand, Palatnau Dt. Bretaudeau, C., s.J ., Soso, Gum la P.O.Briand, P., St. Joseph’s, Bangalore City.Bricaud, J., K alkavery, Rasipuram P.O.Brohm, G. J ., Pakala , Chittoor Dt.Brooks, C., C.S.C., Bhalukapara, Mymensing Dt. Browne, C., St. Joseph’s I. H. School, Bangalore. Bruder, A , s.J ., St. P atrick ’s, Poona.Bruin, de. G., Donakonda, Nellore Dt.Brun, P., S.J., Cathedral, Trichinopoly.Bucari, T., N agrakata, 'Jalpaigari Dt.

cCabiran, F., St. M artha’s Hospital, Bangalore. Cabral, E., K urla, G .I.P. Ry.Cabral, V. H-. Chicalim , Goa.Caeiro, Conceicao, Arambol, Goa.


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Caeiro, Marfcires, Angediva.Caeiro, Clemente M. M., Y ellapur, Goa.Caius, J., S.J., St. F r. X av ier’s College, Bombay.Cajeton, O .e., St. Em ilian’s Church, Mussoorie.Caldararo, A vutapilly, Gannavaram P.O.Calderbank, Benedict, O S., F C.Callenberg, G., Fort, Bellary.Camillus, O .e., C athedral, Allahabad.Camisa, A ., S.J., Pavur, M anjeshw ar P.O., S. Kanara. Camoens, A lfred, Camangoode.Campion, E.. K atkahi, Chainpur P.O.. Ranchi Dt.Campos, A. B., Thumpoly, Alleppey P.O.Campos, Lucas, A., A ujuna, Goa.Campuzan, F ., Yercaud, Salem Dt.Capelle, M., Yercaud, Salem Dt.Cappelle, A., Chikm agalur, Mysore State.Carbery, S., S.J., Tongo, Chainpur P.O , Ranchi Db.Cardon, L., s .J ., Samtoli, Simdega P.O., Ranchi Dt.Cardoso, A. M., Guardale.Cardoso, C., Loutulim, Goa.Carneiro, P., St. A nne’s, Alnavar.Carrell, Joseph, O.C., R anikhet, A llahabad.Carvalho, A., Majorda, Goa.Carvalho, V. Rev D. Augusto J. M., V.G., Goa.Carvalho, F . A., Very Rev. Mgr., San Thorne, Mylapore,

Madras S.Carvalho, F., San Thome, Mylapore, Madras.Carvalho, J. F., Raia, Goa.Carvalho, L., A rva, S. K anara.Casares, M., C.M., Cuttack, Orissa.Casiraghi, E., Singarum, Jaggayapet P.O , Kistna Dt. Castanie, C , Pallapalaiyam , via Soroanur.Castelino, A ., Uccasaim, Goa.Castelino. G., Vallam, Tanjore.Castelino, M., F.C., Bolkunje.Castelli, T., Shim ulia, Jhingargacha P.O., Jessore Dt.Castets, J ., B.J., Cathedral, Trichinopoly.C athanar, M anuel, Thanghy, Shertally P.O.Cattaneo, T., Rahanpur, iVialda Dt.Caulet, E , C athedral, Trichinopoly.Caussanel, A.. S J., Palam cottah.Cauchi, B., S.J., M ajlispur, K anki Post.Celestine, O.C., Lucknow, Civil Lines.Cere, J., S.J., Panjam patti, M adura Dt.Ceyrac, C , S.J., Kosavapatti, Dindigul P.O.


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Chacho, S., Tongo, Chainpur P.O.Chakala, Z., T haikattucherry .Chakala, Joseph, Changalam.C hakalakal, Augusiine, V endurathy, E rnakulam P.O. Chalckada, George, K arw atta Thalavadi P.O. Chalangadil. I homas, Kandankary.Chaler, M., P attiavaram , Devakipuram P.O., Polur. Chalissery, Joseph, Mattoni.Chaliseri, Paul, Velur.Chamany Francis. Vadel, N arakal P.O.Chamany Joseph, Palliport.Changanacherry, Aug., Cliroor.C hangaakarry, Abr., Nedumcunnum.Charles, O.M., c a p ., Ram bhapur.Charrion, E., S.J , Sriv illiputtur, Ram nad Dt.Chasse, J. S., C.S.C., Barisal, Backhergunj Dfc. C hattaparam palli, Jacob, Kayenkulam .Chaum artin, H., Pondicherry.Chavanol, J. M., Sittam ur, Tindivanam.Chavara, Th , V. Rev., Alleppey.Chavelil, Ale, E llangulam .Cheerampan, Francis, Irin jalakuda (W estern). Cherapakacherry, Seb., M uttuchira.Chem parathy, Aug., Vashakulam .Chempala, M athew, Cham pakara, Changanacherry. Chenm alakuzhy, J., W eliyanad.Chennatt, M., P lasanal.Chereath, Ignatius, Kundur.Chereath, Joseph, Sr., Karmuck.Chereath, Seb., C athedral, Trichur.C herucherry, G., K uttikel.Cherukarakunnel, A., Chemmalamattam.Cherunilam, M., C hitta tu r.Cheruvelil, A., A thuranpusha.Chervier, P., Kotagiri.Chevallet, E., Rajahm undry, Godavari Dt.Chevallier, A., K araiyur, V ettar P.O.Chiappi, M., S.J., V .F., Deviali.Chinnappa, K , Pedda Parim i, Tadikonda P.O., G untur. Chinnappan, M egalathar, Tanjore.Chinnappar, Panjam patti, M adura Dt.Chirail, J., Koilinuku.C hirakal, I., Panapally.Chiram el, George, ValapacJ.Çhiramel, A .T Melur.


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Chiram el, John, Kandessankadavu.C/hiramel, Joseph, W arapatti.Chiram el, Seb., Poyya.Chifctalapilly, Jos., Putbussery.C hittalapully , Fr., Chengallur.Cholet, B., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore. Choondal, George, Nedupuza.Choovalur, A ndrew , V yla thur.Chothirakunnel. J., Veliyanad (old).Chouvenc, A., Coviloor, A dam ankotta P.O. Christian, P eter D., V avaray.Christophe, V., S.J., Noatali, Basia P.O., Ranchi Dt. Chully, G., M uvuttupuzha.C hurakatt, M., K anjirapally .Cnrysostom, J., O.C , St. P atrick’s, Cawnpore. Claeskens, P., S. J., Gholeng, Jashpur P.O.Clarke, J. M., Rawalpindi.Clement, O. C., BandikuiClement, O. F . M., Sacred H eart, Bellary, Fort. Clement, F., M innur via Tindivanam.Clodoald, A nnunciation, Jhabua.Cochet, J . L., Irangere P.O„ Mysore City.Coelho, A., S.J., M alappuram.Coelho, A. F., Moolky, S. K anara.Coelho, John, S.J , Meppadi.Coelho, C., Margao, Goa.Coelho, David, Borimar, Bantval P.O., S. K anara. Coelho, S. F., B arkur.Coelho, Inocencio, Ponda, Goa.Coelho, M., C.M., Cuttack.Coilperampily, M arcelline, Puducuruchy.Colaco, A. A. E.. Bizey, S. K anara.Colaco, Basilio, K arankanny, Tanjore.Colaco, Cursino, Raia, Goa.Colaco, I., V ille Parle, B.B. Ry.Colaco, Jose, E., Bidi Nandagod, Goa.Colaco, Olimpio, Velim , Goa.Collaco, H". X ., Nagpur.Colandesami, O.M., Irudayam pattu via Tirukoilur. Colas, A., T indivanam .Colathinal, M., Cunnonni.Colin, A., Bishop’s House, Bangalore.Collard, R., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore, Colli, H „ M ottampally.Collin, A., Kolapullvir.


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Combes, A., C athedral, Pondicherry. , ’Comerford, J., S.J., K harry , K ashinagar P.O.Compos, A. B., Thumpoly, Alleppey. . --iContat, J . L., Cocanada, Godavari Dt.Conway, R., S.J., Bettiah.Corbani, Dendaluru, W est Godavari Dfi.Corbato, C., C.M., Berham pur, Ganjam Dt.Cordeiro, Luis, J. P., Assagao, Goa.Cordeiro. R., M adre-de-Deus, Mylapore, Madras S.Cordo, P. C„ Broach, Bombay.Correa, CL, Perum pilly, N arakal P.O.Correa, Joseph, Ernakulam , C hathiath.Correa, Pedro Vincente, Guirim , Goa.Correia, J. G , Moira, Goa.Correia, J M , Dadar.Correia, Vincente R., Pernem , Goa.Correya, A. M., Dagshai, Simla Hills.Cosmas, O.C., St. M ary’s, Fyzabad.Costa, J . J., D \, Dharendra, Shalohar P.O., Dacca D t.Costa, J. N., V izhinjam , Puvar P.O.Costa, P., Shimulia Jh inkargacha P.O., Jesore Dt.Costa, J. d’., N agpur C.P.Costa, Menezes A., da, Curtorim, Goa.Costa, A. G. da, Majorda, Goa.Costa, F. da, Curtorim , Goa.Costa, Alcuino da, Sanvordem, Goa.Costa, Camilo, C. A., Margao, Goa.Costa, R. J . da G., Colaba.Costa, Sebastiao do. R., Varca, Goa.Costa, Eduardo Z. da, P arra , Goa.Cosca, B. da, Curtorim, Goa.Costa, H. da, San Thome, Goa.Costa, Ism ael da, A rnala, V irar, B.B. Ry.Costa, F. S., San Thome C athedral, Mylapore, Madras.Costa, M. da, Curtorim, Goa.Costa, N. S. da, Nagoa, Goa.Costa, V. da, San Thome, Goa.Costa, Isidors, da, Tut el, Dacca.Cotta, A., Taumaturgo, Benaulim, Goa.Cotta, Carlos, Poonthura, T rivandrum P.O.Cotta, Marcelino, Chinchinim, Goa.Cotta, S., Holy Rosary, Miraj.Cotter, St. M ary’s Sem inary, Shoolay, Bangalore.Coutinho, Amaro, de S. C., Navelim. Goa.Coutinho, R t. Rey. Mgr, J. N., Barrow’s Lane, Dabul, Bombay.


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Coutinho, V ery Rev. T. V. F., Damaun.Couto, S. B., Director, San Thome Orphanage, Mylapore,

Madras.Couturier, A,, S.J., V iravanellur, Tinnevelly Dt.Couturier, F., Jubbulpore.Cowman, J., B.A , Rose-Hill, V izagapatam .Crayssac, P., St. M ary’s, Ootacamund.Creado, J., Bhavnagar, K athiaw ar.Creane, J., S.J , Bhagalpur.Crochet, J . M., Bilaspur, B.N. Ry.Cruz, Luis F. da, Nuvem, Goa.Cruz, Aug. D., Bolghatty, M ulavucad, Ernakulam P.O.Cruz, Jerem ias d’., P u tten toray , K ottar P.O.Cruz, Percy d’., French Rocks, Mysore S tate.Cunha, Baldinno da, Dacca,Cunha, D. V. V., Uccassim, Goa.Cunha, Charles D’., T hurathipuram , Cranganore P.O .Cunha, Clement d’., T huruthur.Cunha, R., BycullaCunha, Augusto da, Assonora, Goa.Cunha, Cipriano G. da, Navelim, Goa.Curioni, G., Bhoborpara, Nadia Dt.C urtin, M., Chetpat, Polur, N. Arcot Dt.Cussac, A., V illupuram , South Arcot.Cyril, O.C., M ilitary Chaplain, Mhow.Cyril, A., G nanapuram , W altair Ry. Station.

DDall’Agnol, M., Uppaluru, K istna Dt.Damascene, John F., M anivila.Damian. O.c., Sargodha, Shahpur Dt.Danasami, P., S.J., Palamcoctah.Daniel, A., Sundaranachiapuram , Ramnad Dt.Daniel, F., K allakurchi, South Arcot.Daniel, ¡r*. P ., Lalyana, M eerut Dt.David, O. F. M„ Mudgal.David, F. X., S.J., R ayapenpatti, U ttam apalaiyam P.O. Daviot, G .f A ulia, Pandhana P.O., Nim ar Dt., C.P.D’Cruz, R aphael, C hakiam ury, Travancore.De Basenach, S.J., Loyola College, M adras.De Berrally, J., S.J.. K arra, Ranchi Dt.De Bono. A., S.J., M ajiispur, K anki P.O.Decoly, J., s .j., Sarakanei, Ramnad D t.De Duve, J., S.J., K atkahi, Chinpar P.O., Ranchi Dt. Degeneve, J., St. Aloysiup* IJ. School,Vizagapatam,


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De Grace, N., C.S.C., Birdakuni, H aluaghat P.O., Myraensing Dt.

De Jaegher, P., S.J., Kafckahi, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt. Dejardiu, L., S.J., Gaibira, Sundargarh P.O., B.N. Ry.De Keyser, L., S.J., Bemerla, Bishnupur P.O.Dela Croix, S., S.J., Purnea, Calcutta.Delange, J ., S.J., Morapai, A1 agrahat Post.Delbor, C., S.J., Palam cotta, T innevelly Dt.Del Corno, A., Dinajpur.Deltour, B., Palayam , K urum balur P.O.. Trichinopoly. Delvaux, J., S.J., Ginabahar, Narainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt, D em atraz, V., Very Rev. Mgr., V .G , G nanapuram , W alta ir

Ry. Station.De M aertelaerel, P., S.J., Kurseong.Demonceau, A., S.J., Noadih, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt. Deniaud, A., Seminary, Pondicherry.Dequidt, J., Pondicherry.Descombes, P., Rajahm undry.Desenzani, D., Nandigama, K istna Db.Desrochers, O., O.S.C., V. Rev., Gaurnadi, Backergunj Dt. Dessa, A., 68, Bow Bazaar S tree t, C alcutta.De Scaercke, A , S.J., 51, Ekbalpore Road, K idderpore

Calcutta.Devannah, E raiyur, T irukkoyilur P.O.Devasagayam, A., Cathedral, Trichinopoly.Devin, Ch., Konalay, Irangalu r P.O., Trichinopoly Dt.Devlin, J., Peshaw ar.Devota, Gabriel, K avelkinaru. V adakangulam P.O.De Wachber, F. X., S.J., A sansol.E .I. Ry.Dharmanabher, Alagap pauram , Myladi P.O., Travancore

Sbabe.Dias, A. J. Cabhedral, V elha Goa.Dias, A. Jose M., Majorda, Goa.Dias, A. S. Macasana, Goa.Dias, Jose, F., Siridao, Goa.Dias, Francisco X., Naroa, Goa.Dias, Greg. M. A., P arra , Goa.Dias, X ., Madagole, Vizagapatam Dt.Dias, Luciano, Chinchinim, Goa.Dias, J. J., Dadar, Bombay.Dias, M... Raia, Goa.Dias, V ery Rev. T. Fonseca, V.F., Negapatam.Didacus, O.C.D., Verapoly.Dilles, K ., S.J., Kabkahi, Chainpur, Ranchi Dfc.D illinger, B., S.J., Pannikulam , Tinnevelly Dt,


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Dioudonat, E., S.J., Salaikram am , Param akudi P.O.Disng, Josi Napoleao, Movia, Goa.D’Meilo, P , P., Rosary Church, Mazagon.Dohet, J., 8.J., Dhanbad, E.I. Ry.Dominique, M., Coimbatore,Dontaine, A., S.J., 2, D haram talah S treet, Calcutta.Doran, H., S.J., Samastipur.Dores, G. das, Kandacadavoo, P allu ru thy P.O., Cochin, Douenel. Ju les, Rt. R evM Kalimpong.Douglas. Anthony, O.S., F.C., Ambala.D ruart, G., S.J., 2, D haram talah S treet, Calcutta.Dubbelman, C. 0. Pr., St. P au l’s High School, Phirangipuram ,

G untur Dt.Dufour, M., S.J., H am irpur, Panposh P.O., B.N. Ry.Duhr, A., S.J., Susaiyapperpatnam , K iliarkoil P.O.Durel, L., Padong.Durier, A., Chandernagore, Bengal.Dutay, J., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore.D’Vas, J . W., K ilicherry, Chingleput Dt.D’Vas, P., Belgaum, 1st Miss.Dwelshawvers, F., S.J., G inabahar, N arainpur P.O.D’Yepes, Dominic, Cunemao, Verapoly P.O.

EEdacatc, J ., P a llu ru th y P.O., Cochin.Edakolathur, M athew , Rt. Rev. Mgr., V.G., Catholic Bishop’s

House, Trichur.Edangarpilly, J., M anjapra.E dathuru th ikaren , John.Edw ard, O.C., Delhi.Egidius, Holy Rosary, M ariapur, Mhow.Eichhorn, J B., S.J., R ahata.E kka, J., Gholeng, Jashpur P.O.E lankunnam , George, C hanganacherry.E lankunnapuzha, Paul, K arukutty .E lankunneth , G eo , Alleppey.Eline, W. J., S.J., Jam alpur.E llam kunnapuzba, George, Chelur.E llam kunnapuzha, Francis, Parappukara.E llankunnapuzha, Jacob, Pallissery.E lur, Thos., Cherpungal, Palai P.O.E lu r, Thomas, K idangur, E ttum anur P.O.Em ilian, O.C., M ultan Cant.Em ilius, O.C., St. M ichael's Church, Barlowganj.^¡nikatt, J ., M aniam kunnu.


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firanicai, Cyr., Thuruthicad, T iruvalla P.O. Ericeire Marcos d’, Katboor, Alleppey P.O., Cocain. Escande, H., Cuddalore New Town, South Arcot. Escande, P., Sem inary, Pondicherry.Eusebius, O. C. D., Muvabbupuzha.Evarisb, O.e., Lyallpur.Everebb, D., Sanba Cruz Cabhedral, Cochin. Exarbier, F., Amraobi, Berar.

FFabian, O.e., Franciscabad, Shorkob P.O Fagiano, S., Aurungabad (Nizam’s Dominions). Faisandier, A., Cascadez, Y ercaud, Salem Db. Faisandier, J., Bishop’s House, Bangalore.Faineau, L., O.S.C., Sandoway.Fairhall, H. A , Sababhu.Falcoa, Mabheus, Sunkery, Goa.Faleiro, Roque, Seraulime, Goa.Faliero, F . X., Benedibo, Siroda, Goa.Faliero, F. X., Caebano, Til la Mola, Goa.Fallon, J ., S.J., Manresa House, Ranchi.Fargeton, A., Leper Asylum, Remmendine.Faria, C., Guirim, Goa.Faria , Socrabes da P., Guirim, Goa.Faria, Victor V., Curborim, Goa.Farias, P.. Kirem, S. Kanara.Faseli, J., Pekkong.Favrin, A., Rohanpur.Felix, K., Tiruvadi, Tanjore Db.Fernandes, A., Dabul, Bombay.Fernandes, A., B rancavara, Diu via Una. Fernandes, A. C., Burrow’s Lane, Dabul, Bombay. Fernandes, A. S. B., Anjuna, Goa.Fernandes, Ant. X avier, R ibandar, Goa. Fernandes, A rthu r, Belgaum.Fernandes, Bartholomew, Bhironda, Goa. Fernandes, C., Belle, K atapadi P.O., S, K anara. Fernandes, Erem ita, Calangute, Goa.Fernandes, ]£., Amboli via A ndheri, B.B. Ry. Fernandes, F,, Kallianpur.Fernandes, Floriano, Cabo-de Rama, Goa. Fernandes, F. X ., Trajano, S, Pedro, Goa. Fernandes, F . X . L., Kotri, Sind.Fernandes, George, Koradachery, Tanjore Dt. Fernandes, H. K., Gorai via Borivli, B.B. Ry.

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Fernandes, I., Tumarikop, Kalghatgi P.O.Fernandes, Cirelo, Calangufce, Goa.Fernandes, J., R t. Rev. Mgr. V icar-G eneral, 32, P ark Street,

Calcutta.Fernandes, V., Kiam ari, Sind.Fernandes, J . A., Thayil.Fernandes, B., Saligao, Goa.Fernandes, I., Tumarikop.Fernandes, L., Goa, Velha.Fernandes, L. F , St. X avier’s, Poona.Fernandes, L. X., North Georgetown, Madras E.Fernandes, Lig. das Neves, V allavilla, P uvar P.O.Fernandes, Edward., Candackera, Quilon.Fernatdes, Lucio, Colva, Goa.Fernandes, M., Omzoor, Fesangipet P.O., S. K anara. Fernandes, M. S., Beitangady, S. K anara.Fernandes, Narciso, San Thome, Goa.Fernandes, N., S.J , Cannanore.Fernandes, Octaviano, A real, Goa.Fernandes, Olimpia, Merces, Goa.Fernandes, P., St. Andrew’s, Bandra.Fernandes, P. A., Baroda.Fernandes, P au l, Sukkur, Sind.Fernandes, P. R., K annotb.Fernandes, P. d’, Rosario , Revora, Goa.Fernandes, R., St. Anne, Bandra.Fernandes, R., Palluruthy, Cochin.Fernandes, Roque Pio, Siolim, Goa.Fernandes, S., M ahar, Bombay.Fernandes, S. J ., Giri, Kal ianpur P.O., S. Kanara. Fernandes, Thos., Vadtal via Anand, K aira Dt.Fernandes, J . T., Varca, Goa.Fernandes, Teodorinho, Curtorino, Goa.Fernandes, Teles., Velim, Goa.Fernandes, T. J., Sangam ner, Ahm ednagar Dt.Fernandes, V- R., V.G., Codialbail, Mangalore.Fernandez, A., Guirim , Goa.Fernandez, A., M uttam.Fernandez, A., Badners, Berar, G.P. Ry. Station.Fernandez, Anthony, Aibica, Kayenkulam P.O.Fernandez, A nthony D., M elassaripallem, K ottar P.O. Fernandez, Duarte, Guirim, Goa.Fernandez, E„ Benaulim, Goa.Fernandez, Francis, Quilon.Fernandez, S., T irthahally.


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Fernandez, Seb. P., Calladay, K ottarakara P.O.Fernandez, J., Benaulim, Goa.Fernandez, J., Colvallo, Goa.Fernandez, J., Itarsi.Fernandez, Jerom e, M amughil, Chavara P.O.Fernandez, Tobias, M analikara, Thuckalay P.O.Fernandez, John, Kodiapabnam, Colachel P.O,Fernandez, M ark P., A ranellur, Ohavara P.O.Fernandez, M arian, Mampally, Anjengo P.O.Fernandez, M artin., M amughil, Chavara, P.O.Fernandez, Lucas, Curumbanai, Colachel P.O.Fernandez, Pathrose, M adattativila.Fernandez, P. S., Sacred H eart Church, Bangalore. Fernandez, S. Bernard, Neendagaray, C havara P.O. Fernandez, V alentine, Guirim, Goa.Fernandez, Varghese, Puducada.Fernandez, V incent, Rajakam angalam .Fernandez, V incent, Colachel.Fernando, Antony, Obari via Idaiyangudi, Tinnevelly Db. Fernando, Benedict, Palayakayal, Sawyerpuram P.O. Fernando, M athew , P eriyatalai P.O.Ferrao, Theobaldo, Chinchinim, Goa.Ferrao, A. P. Soccorro, Mapuca, Goa.Ferrao, P. N., Ahmedabad.Ferrao, J. J. Lazaro, Aldona, Goa.Ferrao, M artinho dos R. N., Varca, Goa.Ferreira, C., M ittam pally , Jaggayapet P.O , K istna Dt. Ferreira, J. C„ Byculla, Bombay.Ferreira , Manoel, Belgaum, Goa.Ferreira , Leandro., Carmona, Goa.Ferrer, R., C.M., Berhampore.Feuga, R., St. M ary’s Seminary, Bangalore.Figueiredo, F., Santa Cruz C athedral, Cachin.Figueiredo, R., Loutalim, Goa.Figueiredo, Celestino, Varca, Goa.Figueredo, F., Loutalim, Goa.F inner, C., C.S.C., Cathedral, Dacca.Firm an, G., Phirangipuram , Guntur Db.Fische , L., S.J., H am irpur, Panposh P.O., B.N. Ry. Fibzpabrick, T., S.J., 92-1. Lower Circular Road, Calcutba. F leury , J., C.S.C., Solepore, H ashara P.O.Floor, H., S.J., Gaibira, Sundargarh P.O. via B.N. Ry. Florian, O C., Rahim pur, Okara P.O.Fluchaire, A. H., Railw ay Quarbers, Bangalore Ciby. Fonceca, Charles, Vaddy, Quilon P.Q,


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Fonseca, F. X., K upustalni, Berar.Fonseca, Franciso X., Assagao, Goa.Fonseca, Gabriel B., Salvador de Mundo, Goa.Fonseca, J. C., Nadiad, K aira Dt.Fonseca, N. I., Juhu via A ndheri, Salsette.Fonseca, S., V- Rev , Pali Hill, Bandra.Fontana, P., Masulipatam.Ford, J., S.J , Tongo, Ohainpur P.O*, Ranchi Dt.Forel, M., Borsar, Nagarsol P.O., Nasik Dt.Fortuny, A., S.J., Igatpur.Foster, Aug., S.J., Choohari via Bettiah- Champaran.Francis, Bhagor, Meghnagar.Francis, K., Edam uttam .Francis, P., Saveriarpalayara via Erode.Francis, O .e., V ery Rev., V.G., Cathedral, A llahabad.Francis, O.C., Tajpur.Francis of t h e Inf. Jesus, T.O.CJ)., Cunemao.Francis, M., St. M ary’s C athedral, Trichy.Francis, Bhagor, A jm er.Francis, R. P., Savariyarpalaiyam via Erode.Francis, O.F.M., Ramadurgam, Chipigiri P.O., Bellary Dt. Francisco, C. Saligao, Goa.Francisco, J. F., Siolim, Goa.Franco, F. H., V. Rev., St. Teresa, Cathedral P.O., Madras. Franco, Miguel Ma. Guil, Nachinola, Goa.Frank , F . L., S.J., Choohari via B ettiah.Freem an, J . B., S t. Joseph’s E. H. Schools, Bangalore.F reitas, Jeronimo Simao do R., D.D., Poona, Goa.F reitas, Pedro Damiao, M arcella, Goa.Froehly, Rt. Rev. F . X., S.J., v.G., Cath. Mission, Trichino-

poly.Fructuoso, J., Belgaum, Goa.Fulgentius, O.C.D., P attithanam , E ttum anur P.O.Furtado, Antonio, J. da P., Kunta.Furtado, M., Champion Reefs, K.G.F., Mysore State.

GGabillet, J., R avuttanallur, U tteram erur P.O.Gabriel, X., Som anatheperi, M oolakaraipatty P.O.Gadea, E., S.J., Fort, Bombay.G albiati, A. G. (?), Jaipaiguri Dt.G allagher. S.J., Tapkara, Jashpur.G allati, F . X., S.J., St. X av ier’s H igh School, Poona.Gama, Jose, M. P. da, C athedral, Damaum, B.B, Ry.Crania Jose Bras da, Pomburpa, Goa.


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Gama, C., V alarpuram , Chingleput Dt.Gangler, E., St. Joseph’s, Coonoor.Gangloff, A., Yanam , Godavari Dt.Garcia, P . P., C.M., K urda Road, Ja tn i P.O.Gaspar, o c., Antoniabad, Montgomery Dt.Gaston, H., Tindivanam.Gaucher, J. M., K arum atham patti.G avan Duffy, T., Tindivanam.Gayet, L , E llichpur, Berar.Gayet, P., R ight Rev. Mgr., V.G., Seminary, Pondicherry. Geary, C , St. Joseph’s Seminary, Allahabad.G eeraert, A , S.J., Kesramal, Raj Gangpur, B.N. Ry. Gentilis, Holy Name, Abu Road.Gentilhomme, S., M uthialpet, Pondicherry P.O.George, O.C., Jhansi.George, O.C., Saugor, C. P,George, V. Rev., J.O.C.D., Magnumel, Verapoly P.O. Gerald, O.F.M., Cantonment, Bellary.Gerard, O.C.D., Colathur.Gheevarghese, J., K attanam .Gheeverghese, Puthenpidika.Gheysens, V., S .J., Jhunm nr, M anipahar P.O., B.N’. Ry. Gilles, J., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi.Gimenez, Y „ S.J., St. P atrick ’s, Karachi.Giol, G., s .J . , K aniam betta.Gnanadikam, A., Manager, Ind. School, Kumbakonam. Gnanadikam, J., Irunday, T iruvanellur P.O. G nanapragasam, A., St. M ary’s, M adura.G nanapragasam , S., Manapad.Gnavallil, Alex., Kuravelangad.Gnanusamy, L., C athedral, Tuticorin.Godec, J. L., A lladhy, P idaripatte, V illupuram P.O. Godinho, A. J., Taleigao, Goa.Godinho, Bento, Colvalle, Goa.Godinho, G., Madre-de-Deus, Trivandrum P.O.Godinho, G., Thopo, Vallakadavoo P.O.Godinho, Max., Shibpur, Padrishipur, Bakergunj. Godinho, N., Hashnabad.Goggin, L., C.S.C., Leprinur, Chittagong,Gomes, A., Bhalukapara, Mymensingh Dt.Gomes, A., Curtorim, Goa Gomes, Sertorio, Valpoy, Goa.Gomes, Baltasar, R. Rosario., Honowar, Goa,Gomes, A ndrew E., Vypeen, Cochin,Gomes, F „ Chinchinim, Goa.



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Gomes, R. do R., Nuvem, Goa.Gomes, J. A., Kandivli via Borivli, Thana Dt.Gomes, J . A., M atheran via Neral G .I.P. Ry.Gomes, M. X., Rosary Church, Mazagon, Bombay. Gomes, Feo. X er. Filomeno da C., Mapuca, Goa.Gomes, P . M. da P., Cortalim, Goa.Gomez, G., S .J., St. M ary’s, Madura.Gomez, M ary Ephrem, Mulugumudu.Gonsalves, A. S., Santa Cruz, B.B. Ry.Gonsalves, E., Mangalore.Gonsalves, E. M., Roshanagaram, Sattiavedu P.O.

Ponneri.Gonsalves, H., Pangala.Gonsalves, H. D., Sonapur, Bombay.Gonsalves, I., Xaringulam , Puvar P.O.Gonsalves, J . F., Mount Poinsur, B.B. Ry.Gonsalves, I. V., Gangolly.Gonsolves, P., Sacred H eart, Bhusaval.Gonsalves, T. F., Bhayndar, B.B. Ry.Gonsalves, Inacio M., Ribindar, Goa.Gonsalves, Justiniano, Talaulin, Goa.Gonsalves, John, Edayanakad, N arakal P.O.Gonsalvez, Bernard, Mavelicaray.Gonsalves, Luiz, A zhikal. Kuthiathode P.O., Cochin. Gonthier, J. B., St. Annes1 Cathedral, Vizagapatam. Gonzaga, Joseph, Carthedam , N arakal P.O.Gonzago, Simon, Colithotam, Chavara P.O.Goodall, F., C.S.C., Ranikhong, Bagmara P.O.G nthard, O.C., Sialkot, Cant. Mysore State.Gouarin, J., Siluvepura, Chickhanavar P.O.Goubert, J., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi.Gsacias, Dulcedonio, Siroda, Goa.Gracias, Francisco X er., Monky, Goa.Gracias, M„ Possidio, Goa, V elha.Gracias, W. M., Sion, Bombay.G randjanny, L., Cheyur, Chingleput Dt.G raner, L., C S.C., Toomiliah, Kaliganj P.O.Grange, H. J ., S J., Irudayakulam , Ambasamudram P.O. G rant, C , Darjeeling.Grassi, D„ Bezwada, K istna Dt.Graton, A , Parsagoundempaleam, Lakkanahalli P.O.

Kollegal, Salem Dt.G ratuze, F., Kalimpong.Grau, V. Rev. R., S .J., Anand, K aira Dt.Gravere, J, B., A rni, N, Arcot Dt,



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Gregory, Alex,, Vengauoor.Grignard, H., S.J., K arra, Ranchi Dt.G rinard, A., S.I., M anresa House, Ranchi.Grossi, A. M., S..J, Cathedral, Calicut.Grossi, A., Benedwar, Dhamoir P.O., Dinajpur Dt.Guemes, V., C.M., R t. Rev. Superior, S urad i, Ganjam Dt. Guibal, L., Paliakolam ,Guido, o.c., K hushpur.Guillerm, Petit Seminary, Pondicherry.Gulielmus, O.C., Adha, Sialkot Dt,Gunawardan, J .F ., A vissaw ell.Gunter, J., S.J., Kendal, K hedla-Parm anad P.O.Gustavino, L., Bayaram, c/o Mail Agent, Br. Mail, N.G,S. Ry. Guy, M ikhelpura, Suket.Gysman, Guntakal.

HHaessle, L., S.J., Sangamner.Hanraets, H., Tubadu, Satulur P.O., G untur Db.H arel, J., C.S.C., G aurnadi (on leave).H arris, T., S.J.Hauber, J., S.C., Tardeo Castle, Bombay.Healy Thomas, Q., Arm enian Street, Madras.Hector, O.C., Imm. Concepbion, Lahore.Hedde, J., V alparai.Hennessy, H., C.S.C., Kune, K handala P.O.Hepbia, A ., S .J., M ahuadaner, Palam au Db.H erder, George, N azareth, Cochin P.O.Herman, C„ S.J., 92/1, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta. Hervagaulb, J. ¡VL, M aria Basbi.Higoneng, G., Coviloor, Tirupabur.H ilary, Cabhedral, Agra.Hippolytus, O.M., CA P., Thandla.H irst, H., Cherat.Hoare, M., S.J., St. X avier’s, Poona.Hodge, W ., S.J., Kurdeg. Kinkel P.O., Ranchi Dt.Hogan, Cathedral, Allahabad.Horo, J., Torpa, Ranchi Dt.Horny, E., s .j ., Sarwada, Murhu P.O., Ranchi Dt,Hougard, K arikal.Hourmant, J. L., Koneripatti, Salem.H uet, J., Good Shepherd Convent, Bangalore.Hugolin, Cathedral, Ajmer.Hugolin, O.C., St. A nthony’s, Lahore.H uguet, J., Nellitope, Pondicherry P.O.


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H ull, E. R., S.J., St. X avier’s High School, Fort, Bombay. H urley, Jos. P., P riva te Secretary, Apostolic Delegation,

Bangalore.Huysman, J ., S.J., M ahuadaner, Palam au Dt.H yacinth, V ery Rev. O.C., Superior Reg., Agra.Hypolit, Loutulim, Goa.

IIgnatius, A., Puklipaleam .Ignatius, O.C.D., Kalikavilai.Ignatius, G., B.c., St. Francis X avier’s, Broadway, N.G. Town,

M adras.Ignatius, F., S.J., Satur, Ramnad Dt.Ignatius, M aria, Carangade, Thuckalay P.O.Ignatius, P., Tondamandurai, Vengalam P.O.Ignatius, M„ R entachintala, G untur.Ignatius, U., St. Anthony’s, Pudupet, Madras.Ignatius, Y ., V ery Rev., V adakankulam P.O.Ildephonse, O.C.D., K attakada, N eyattincaray P.O. Illiparam bil, Augustine, Oranganore.Innocent, O.C., Adah P.O.Irach i, R„ S.J., Bj cula, Bombay.Irsene, O .e., Antoniabad, Montgomery Dt.Irudayam , A., M utupettah, Ramnad.Irudayam , M., Kamuti, Ramnad Dt.Irym pan, Joseph, Pottah,Irym pen, Thomas, W adakkancherry.Isaac, F., Cuddalore (New Town).Isidore, F., Kundambagam.

JJackson. M., Pettah .Jacob, P . C. N., K attanam .Jacquem art, P., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore. Jacquier, G., Ghogargaon, Takliban P.O. via Nevasas. Jaivenois, V ery Rev. E., S.J., Tongo, Ranchi Dt.Jaques, A., M ajorda, Goa.Jarvis, W., V ery Rev., Ravipadu, Narasaraopet, G untur Dt. Jauffrineau, A ., Champion Reefs, K.G.F., Mysore State. Jeganathar, V., S.J., Panjam patti, Triehinopoly.Jeganather, J., Pudukotah.Jaggnather, K., Ida ikattu r, Ramnad Dt.Jerem iah , O.C., St. Joseph’s Sem inary, Allahabad.Jerome, O.C., K hera K hurd, Delhi Dt.Joachim, M otihari.Jocundos, O.e., Moradabad.


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John, O.C., Sialkot.John, A. P., M anacherry, Cochin.John, A. R., Mgr., Pulicat, Chingleput Dt.John, Baptist, Lataunah, Daparka P.O.John Baptist, O . c ., Landour, Mussoorie.John Forest, O.F.M., Raichur.John M ary, O.C.D , Punalur.Joly, A., S.J., St. M ary’s Cathedral, Trichy.Jorge, J . R., b.d ., Majorda, Goa.Jose, O .C , Pasrur, Sialkot Dt.Joseph Antoni, M ichaelpatti, North.Joseph, K., Donakonda, Nellore Dt.Joseph, R., Tuticorin.Joseph, R. M„ C athedral, Bangalore.Joseph, Stan, South Georgetown, Madras E.Juan A nthony, Saluru, Y izagapatam Dt.Jusseau, A., A tur, Salem Dt.

KKadancary, Philip, Paypad, C hanganacherry P.O. Kadankavil, A., Palai.Kadavil, M athew, Jr., Kunnunmpuram.Kadavil, M., Sr., Kavil.Kadavil. John, W ellur, Vaikam P.O.K adavjl John, Bramangalam, Yaikam P.O.Kadavil, J., Pulincunnu.K adavil, James, v.F , Very Rev., Kulurcad, Alleppey P.O. Kadaviparam bil, M ichail, Lourdupuram, Puvar P.O. Kagerer, Joseph.K aithacott, J., Chethikode.K aithaparam bil, Jos., K ainakary.K akanatt, M., Ayana.K akanatt, Paul, Thenankunnu.K alaparam path, Abr., Chevoor.Kalapura, Andrew, Seminary, Puthem pally.K alapura, Seb., K uravelangad.K alarikal, G., Kidangur.K alariparam bil, S e b , M allapally.K alayakattil, T., K appattuchira.Kalangale, M., K oratti, M undakayam P.O.K alekkattil, G., Cherpunkal.K alladanthil, Luke., Manjur.Kalloorveedan, Th., Kurchy, P a llam P.O.K am m athuruthel, G., Anikad.K anapilly Leopold, Carel, Kothaparam ba P.O.


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K andakil, Chowara.Kandangalam , J ., K alurcad, A llepyey P.O.K andangary, Lacharías, Changanacherry.Kandangary, K avalam .Kandankulam , Jacob, Cagnercode, K o ttarakara P.O. Kandibhil, 0 ., Chowara.Kandabhil, J., Nedungad.Karabhra, Joseph, Velayanad.K areicheril, Philip, Chancellor and P rivate Secretary,

Kotbayam.K aricherry, Currian, Thudanganad.Karingada, Thomas, Manimala.Karobbuvempeny Seb., Pravithanam , Palai P.O. K arum ancherri, Jusbine, Manacodam, Kubhiabhode P.O. K aruvelil, G., Cadanad.K abhalikattil, M., Palai.K attachery , George, P h D., D.D., D.C.L., Gobhurubhy, P arur

P.O.Kabbakkayam, Jacob, Palai.Kaobakkayam, Cyr. A thuranpusha.K attakal, Z , K uravelangad.Katbapuram, Joseph, Neericad.K attapuram , Jacob, Nindur, E ttum anur P.O.Eabbiekaren, J., Parur (Soubhern).Kavalakabb, J., Kobbamabhy.K ayyalakam , Alex., Am bakad.Kayalakam , Joseph, Nareyanganem.Kayyalakom, Joseph, Kaippamangalam.Kearns, M., Fr., C.S.C., Golia, Gobindpur P.O., Dacca Db. Keeb, S., Our Lady of Dolours, Royapuram, Madras.Keller, L., S.J., Kaluguraalai, Tinnevelly Db.Kerkeba, J., S.J., Ranchi.K ilian, John A., S.J., Jam alpur.K ishakedanu, Th., A ikarachira.K ishakedam, George, Karimannoor.K ishakekara, J ., Puvarany, P alai P.O.K ishakekara, M., Cadanad.Kizakeden, John, Ayyanbhole.Kochery, G., Monipally, Kubhabbukulam P.O.Kochikunnel, M., V ashakulam .Kochumuttam, Jos., Kodikulam.Kochum uttam , Joseph, Kumpalam.Kochumuttam, X avier, Paingotbur.Kochumparambil, G., Thobbakara.Kochupura, G., Kondalore, Kottayam P.O.

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Kodikulam, M athew, Changanacherry.Kodithottam, Alex., Anakalu.Koduppna, Joseph, A thuranpuzha.Koehl, J., Mudegere, Chickmagalur Dt., Mysore State. Koikara, Joseph, Alengad.Koikara, Joseph, V allam .Koikara, Sebastian, Palluruthy.Koilpuram, J., Palai.Koikaranparam bil, Paul, Podimattam.Koilpally, George, Keseria, Alleppey P.O.Koilpallil, John, Nirapel.Koilpuram, J., Palai.Koipall, John.Kolam kuthi, John, V ery Rev. Seb., A thuranpusha. Kolenchery G., Nellim attam .Kolher, J., Saveriarpalayam ' via Coimbatore.Kollannur, M athew, A ttathara .Kollanparambil, Joseph, Elamgai.Kongari, P., L achragarh, Ranchi Dt.Kortz, L., S.J., Holy Redeemers’s, Trichinopoly.Koperdraad, Fr., Our Lady of Lourdes, Peram bur, Madras. Kooplicat, P h , K annancara.Kooplicat, Mgr. M., V.G., Kannancara, Shertally P.O. Kootumel, M., Kudamalur.Koovalloor, Josehp, V aipur (New).Koshi, F., b .a ., L.T., Changanacherry.K otakarathinkushi, K. A nakallu.Kottoor, Cyriac, PulluVashy.K ottur, John, Paingalam , P alai P.O.Kottur, Thos., Kumaracam, New.Koypally, George, K allurkad.Krafft, O., Vizianagaram .Kreyelm ans, J., R t. Rev. Mgr., v .g ., Rector, St. John’s

Seminary, Nellore.Krier* N., V. Rev., S.J., Asansol.Kundiripy, Jacob, Vallacam.K udathinal, J., Kurumanoo.Kueny, J., S.J., H annum andham patti, M adura Dt.Kulandai, M. R., Kokkudi, Tanjore Dt.Kulandai, S., M ichaelpatti, Tanjore Dt.K unchirakatt, Seb., V adacara.Kundukulam , P e te r, Irinjalakudu.Kunnankodath, Antony, M annorapettah.Kunnapilly, Thomas, Karacunnatn,K unnapallil, J., Palai,


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Kunnel, Th., Kunigni.K unnathur. J., Pravithanam .Kuriakose, Thomas, Puliyilakunnu.K uriapilly, Francis, Panangad.K urisum kal, John, Eshupunna.K urisum kal, John, Angamaly.K uricium uttil, Alex., Chenapady.K urisingal, George, Vazhur.K urunkattum ula, J ., Thayonkary.Kuruppamadam, M., Peringushey.K uruthukulam , Seb., Ammadan.K uruvilla , S .J., K arankadu, Ramnad Dt.K uruvilla, Kappil, V elichiani.K uruvithadam , J., Nediackala.Kurz, George, V.F., Ernakulam .Kushum bil, A., Ramapuram.Kushum pil, Th., K aduthuruthi.K uttam param pil, P e te r, Pothiy il.K uttan tharapel, Jos.K uttarap illy , E., Payingalam .K uttikal, Augustine, T richur.K ym lattu , Jos., M animala, New.

LLabandibar, A tur, Salem.Laborde, F. X ., s.J., Irudaiyakovil, M anjur P.O., Ramnad Dt. Lallem and, A., S.J., Gaibira, Sundargarh P.O., B.N. Ry.254 LIST OF PRIESTSLam athe, J. M., Ginjee.Lanza, A. Hyderabad-Deccan.Laplace, J., Bishop’s Home, Kumbakonam.Larose, R., O.S.C., N arikelbari, Faridpur Dt.L arrivaz, A., V ery Rev., V.G., Nagpur, C.P.Lauder, J ., S.J., St. Ignatius, Kirkee.Laval, A. M., ' Thumboochettipaleam, K rishnarajapuram ,

Bangalore Dt., Mysore State.Lavery, J., Raw alpindi City.Lay, J., Palam cottah.Lazare, Palghat.Lazaro, J., G., St. Louis’ Boarding, Bangalore.Lazarus, A., Savariarpaleam .Lazarus, L., C.S.C., Chaungtha, K yeintali P.O.Lazzaro, J., N agrakata, Jalpaiguri Dt.Lea, O.C., V ery Rev., Jhansi.Leblanc, A., Tindivan^m.


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Legrand, S.J., Rengarih, Ranchi Dt.Lemos. Jose, Condolim, Goa.Lenthaparam pil, A lexander, Ernakulam .Lenti, F., Monogodu, N akrakal P.O., H yderabad (Deccan). Leonard, S.J., Shembaganur.Leopold, O.C., V. Rev., V.G., Lahore Cant.Lereid, P e tit Seminary, Pondicherry.Leroy, L., M annargudi, Tanjore Dt.Lesponne, J., Gudalore, N ilgiri Dt.Lettens, L., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi.Leveil, L., s.J., Aodavurani, V attanam , Ramnad Dt.Lewis, O.C , C hakrata, U.P.Lewis, O c., Delhi, Agra.Lewis, O.C., V ery Rev., Nani Tal.Leifmans, L., S J., M anresa House, Ranchi.Lievens, C., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi.Lievens, A., 3.J., Ranchi.Ligeon, F„ Sacred H eart, Ootacamund.Lima, D. de., Kolivada via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry.Lima, V ery Rev. P . de., Sandor via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry. Limbourg, C , S.J., Kharagpur.Livesay, S. P., Bhowali.Llorens, H., S.J., Karachi.Lobo, A., Bandra.Lobo, A. D., Cathedral, Bangalore.Lobo, Aloisio, Poona, Goa.Lobo, A., Pinto, Panjim , Goa.Lobo, A. S., Manmad.Lobo, Antonio E„ V .F., Calangute, Goa.Lobo, E. N. S. de, M ilagres, Mangalore.Lobo, Polycarpo, Pernem , Goa.Lobo, C. A., Sacred H eart, Bhusval.Lobo, C., Hassan, Mysore State.Lobo, Custodio, Victorino, Assagao, Goa.Lobo, D., Soccorro, Goa.Lobo, F. J. S., Anna, Aldona, Goa.Lobo, Faustino, V .F., Bicholim, Goa.Lobo, G., Udyavara, S. K anara.Lobo, I., St. Theresa’s, Mysore.Lobo. J., Pinto., Saligao, Goa.I/>bo, J. B., K arachi.Lobo, D. d’Azevdo Luis, Mapuca, Goa.Lobo, L., Kadaba, S. K anara.Lobo, M„ Saligao, Goa.Lobo, Miguel Francisco, Condoilm, Goa,



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Lobo, M. A., Nagoa, Goa.Lobo, Sebastiao, B.D., Aldona, Goa.Lobo, T., Dornhally.Lobo, Theophilus, Ry. Chaplain, Bulsar, B.B. Ry.Lombardini, L., S.J., Mananboddy.Lonneux, B. J., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi Dt.Lopes, Anb., Cuncolin, Goa.Lopes, A. F., Purificabion Church, Royapefctah, Madras. Lopes, Alb., P., San Thome„ Madras S.Lopes, F. X ., Valiabhuru, Trivandrum P.O., Travancore. Lopes, Jacob, Pulluyilla. Puvar P.O.Lopes, Jose Caebano., S.'Barbholome.Lopez, Augusbine, E ravipuram , M ayanaad P.O.Lopez, Thomas, S.C., Sb. Erancis X avier’s, Broadway, Madras, Lourdes, A. S., Vadugarpabby.Lourdes, J . S., K uttapulli via Terku-EarunguLam.Lourdes, G. H ., Tanjore.Lourdes, K., Sb. M ary’s, Madura.Lourdesamy, S., Palnellore, Echoor P.O., CLiingleput Db. Lourdesamy, Pebib Seminary, Pondicherry..Louraneo, J . C., B.D., Margao, Goa.Louronco, M. F , X., Nagao, Goa.Loyon, R. J., Mahe, M alabar.Luchessa, H ., S.J., Calicub.Lucian, O.M., CAP., Cabhedral, A jm er,Luis, Jose Roque Bonifacio. Velcao, Goa.Luis, D., Belman, Belamannu P.O., S. K anara.Luis, G., Bizey.Luis, S. B. C., Cabhedral, Mangalore.Luke, O C., Delhi.Luna, Florencio R., M anikpur, via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry. Luna, Hypolibo, A., Guirim , Goa.Lyons, Pius, O.C., Safdhana, Meerub Disb.

MMacaire, O.C., Ferozepore Cant.Macchi, Rb. Rev. Mgr. J., V icar General, Dinajpur.Machado, Anbony, Taliparamba.Machado, J. M., Bandra.M adakacheril, Jos., Koilmuku.M adalei, R. P., Tennur via Chidambaram.Madabhumchaly, J ., Kallurkad.M a d d en , B o n a v en tu re , O.S.F.C., K a sa u li.M adeleinather, N., Pollachi.M agliacani, Lewis, O.C., C athedral, 4-gra.


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Mahe, J., S.J., St. M ary’s, Madura.Maier, M., S.J., Songaon.M akil, Joseph, A rath inkal, Shertally P.O.M akil, Joseph, Pungavoo, Alleppey P.O.M akil, J . (Jur.), Olasa, Kottayam P.O.M akil, Lu c ps , A rathinkal, Shertally P.O.M akil, Luke (Sr.), K allara, Vaikam P.O.M alacherry, J., K ainakary.M alamel, Andrew, K alletunkara.M alay il, J., W arapatti.Malden, R. A., Rawalpindi.M alfrait, J., M analur. Narasingampet P.O., Kumbakonam. M aliakal, Joseph, Ollur.M aliakal, Thomas, Puthenvelikara.M aliakel, John, Chalakudy.M alickal, M athew, Alleppey.M aliekal, Abr., K allanikal.M alièkal, Paul, Ezalloor.M aliekel, George, Trichur.Mampalam, J., Ith ithanam .M ampilly, Joseph, Keechery.M anavalen, Jos., Pariyaram .Manchisi, P., Mongpin.M angalathet, Joseph, l/erur.M angaly, Paul., Chunagamvely.M aniamkott, G., Kodavechur.M aniampilly, J., Parur.M anikamparambil, J., Kandanad.Maniouloux, R., Y eragatham , Vizagapafcam Dt. M aniyauganat, M., Thalayolaparam bil.M anjally, Ignatus, Eottapidi.M anjaly, Th., V .F., A rakusha.Manjoonan, Antony. Kan j nur.M annanal, Cyriacus, Parem pusha.Mannanal, C., Kudakachira.Mannoor, Zacbarias, M alainchipara.Manookulam, A., Kudamaloor.M annancherry, Tho., M anvettam.M annara, George, Tholtacam.M anrique, F. L., S.C. 2, Arm eniam Street, G.T., Madras. M aplachery, Ant., V ettim ugalil.M aram attain, J., A nthiyalam .Marcos, V., Cattinga, Gan jam Dt.M arcian, O.C., Jullunder.Mares, J., S.J., Irudayapuram , Ramnad Dt,


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M ariadas, X ., K uthalur, Ramnad Dt.M ariadas, F . J., Puliyal, Ramnad Dt.M ariadas, S., Mookoor, Sayalkudi P.O.Mariadoss, Lazar, Bobbili, V izagapatam Dt.M ariampusha, G., Nava N azreth, Kottayam.M arianador, M. D., K arjkal.M arianandam , S., V. Rev. Rector, St. Thome Seminary,

Mylapore.M ariani, C., T rim ulgherry.M ariani, A , Nandanam, Secunderabad Dt.M arianna, B., Secunderabad.M ariarokiam , Karoor.M ariasusai, J., Andavaram , Ramnad Dt.M ariassoussay, R. I., Ootacamund.M arianather, A. M. J., Rt. Rev., v.G., Manapad.M arie Dominique, E llathagiri, Salem Dt.M aria Joseph, Manapad.M aria Joseph, Mogaiyur.M arie Ambrose, G., Kodiveri.M arie Joseph, R. P., Shinnapallem .M aria Joseph, A., P illavadanday.M aria Selvam, S.C., 2, Arm enian Street, G. Town, Madras. M aria Louie, S.J., Palni, M adura Dist.Marie Louis, A ., Kodiveri.Marie Pragasanader, W., A ttipakam .Marie Savery, E., Oulgarai P.O., South Arcot.M arie Sousainather, I., Ootacamund.M ariet, A , K alluppara.M ark, St. M artin, Bhavanikhera, A jm er.M ark, O.M., CAP., Bhavanikhera, Nasirabad.Marmol, F., S.C., Gauhati.M arquard, W., S.J , Bettiah.Marques, H., Mahim, Bombay.Marques, P ., Saligao, Goa,Marques, Paulo, F. N., Uccassaim, Goa.M arques, Joao Jose C. de R., P arra , Goa.M arquez, C. 0., C.N., Surada, Ganjam Dt.M arrolliat, A., M akuva.M arrolliat, A., Saluru, V izagapatam Dt.M artial, G., Shinnapallem, M etur.M arti, M., S.J., St. Peter's, Bandra.M artin, 0 .8 . F.C., Simla.M artin, G., M ahuahand, Palam an Dt.M artin, J. P., Seminary, Pondicherry.M artin, F., Panjim , Goa.


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M artin, T., Cathedral, Trichinopoly.M artinelli, R. L., K rishnagar.M artins, Gonzaga, Varca, Goa.M artins, Oct., V erna, Goa.Mas, E., s.J ., K am ayanayakanpatty, Semmapudur P.O. M ascarenhas, A., St. Thomas’ Mount.M ascarenhas, A., C.S.C., G yeiktaw , K yaukkyi P.O., Sando-

w ay Dt.M ascarenhas, A lbert, Blackpully, Bangalore.Mascarenhas, A., Tesgong.Mascarenhas, A. M., Chinchinim, Goa.M ascarenhas, C. P., Salvador de Mundo, Goa.Mascarenhas, E., Rajkot K athiaw ar.M ascarenhas, Loutulim , Goa.Mascarenhas, Jose, P arra , Goa.M ascarenhas, J . D., Coiva, Goa.Mascarenhas, L., Haroballi, Mysore State.M ascarenhas, C. L., M attigiri, Hossur Tq., Salem Dt. M ascarenhas, M., Curtorim , Goa.M ascarenhas, R., Bendur, Mangalore.M ascarenhas, R. P. A., Rachol, Goa.Mascarenhas, Ser., Cuncolim, Goa.M ascarenhas, V., Coiva, Goa.M assillamani, I., S.J., Cathedral, Trichinopoly.Masseo, O .e., Sangla Hill, Sheikhupura Db.Massol, J., Thirupanthurutti.M athew, O.s. F.C., Solan.M athias, D.L., V arkady P.O., S. Kanara.M athias, E. L., Cathedral, Mangalore.M athias, S., Sarwada, Ranchi Dt.M athias, O.C.D., Am ayannur, Kobtayam P.O.Mabhias, Thomas, Mabravilay.M athias, W., Byculla.M att am, P., M attacara.M attam , Seb., Anacalluncal.M atthew , Aba H igh School, Chaplain, Mount Abu. M atthew , O.F.M., Mudgal.M atthew , O.C., V. Rev., Dalwal, Jhelum Dt.M aylin, E., Konankuppam, S. Arcot.M ayr, Ford., Kurnool.M azeran, E., St. M ary’s, Madura.M azetti, B.C., J M Raiiang, Jowal P.O.Mazzola, A„ Bimaram, N akrakal Post, Hyderabad, Deccan. McArdle, J. J., St. John’s H igh School, Bellary.McCormack, I. J., St. Joseph’s Church, Vepery, Madras.

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McGrain, J., Nowshera.McGregor, D. Toomiliah, Kaliganj PIO., Dacca Dt. M ekunnel, Paul* V.F., Mailakomp.M echerikunnel, M., Koshuvanal, P a la i P.O.Mello, O. C. M. de., Our Lady of Victories, Mahim.Mello, Louis, S. de, Chinchinim, Goa.Melo, Pedro de., Ratnagiri, Goa.Melo, Vicente Salustiano D’, Chandowar, Goa.M elvattam , Joseph, Elikolam.M enachery, J ., M alayttur.M enachery, Jacob, Puducad.Mendes, Francis Libano, Gulmona, Goa.Mendes, H. C., Our Lady of Victories, Upper Mahim. Mendes, Luis, Belgaum, Goa.Mendez, M., Cumbalam.Mendonca, B. V., Ankola.Mendonca, B. F„ Mahim, Bombay.Mendonca, P., Mahim, Bombay.Mendonza, J ., M ickelpatnam, Ramnad Db.Menezes, Filippe Nery., Nerul, Goa.Menezes, A. de S., Zaroli, Bhilad P.O., B.B. Ry.Menezes, J., Kanjoda, Salun P.O., K aira Dt.Manezes, A., Curtorim, Goa.Menezes, Alexio S., Ananda P., Savanbwadi, Goa.Menezes, C., Udipi, S. K anara.Menezes, G., Aroor, Arukubty P.O., Cochin.Menezes, G., D.D., K arkal.Menezes, M., Thobbam, Malpe P.O.Menezes, Jos., M anieshwar, S. Kanara.Menazes, Josi A. da C., Graca, Goa.Menezes, K. L. A., Mabtancherry, Cochin P.O.Menezes, M. J., Chellanam, P allu ru tty .Menezes, P., Aravilai, Quilon P.O.Menezes, P . A., St. P atrick’s Monastery, Adyar, Madras S. Menezes, R., Loutulim, Goa.Menezes, Simplicio, Koly-Kalian via Santa Cruz, B.B. Ry. Menthon, A., Saluru, V izagapatam Dt.Merckz, J., S.J , Soso, Gumla P.O.Mercier, G., Gabrielpuram, Valady P.O.M esaric, P., S.J., H am irpur, Panposh P.O., B.N. Ry. Mesquita, J . N. X., Trichinopoly.M esquita, Bernardo, Ponda, Goa,M esquita, Ligorio, Ponda, Goa.Mesquita, V., Benaulim, Goa.M esquita, Zefermo Eulogio, Batim, Goa.


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M etivier, A., C.S.C., Akyab.M eyer, J. J ., S«J., V .F ., Quetta, Baluchistan.Meyer, T., S.J., St. X avier’s, Poona.Meyers, R., Tellicherry.Meyniel, P., Settihally , Mysore State.Mezin, F., Nangatoor, V illupuram .Michael, O.C., Gorakhpore.Michael, O.C., Layallpur.Michael, Cruz., Peringam alai.Michael, J., Pullam badi, Trichinopoly Dt.Michael, Stanislaus, Kottar.Michael, T., Taravaikulam via Tuticorin.Michael, G., K uttanguli, Radhapuram P.O.M ichaelnather, M. S., Ericham bady via Palghat.Michaud, C., C.S.C., Noakhali.Michotte, R., Salem.Miine, Carnevalo, J., Bhoborpara, H idaipur P.O., Nadia Dt. Miklauzic, A., V.F., Kilacheri, Chingleput Dt.M ilet, H. P., S.J., Dinapore.M iller, C. P., S.J., Ghyree, Victoria Mission P ;0 .Mìd], M., Kurdeg, K inkel P.O., Ranchi Dt.Minj, R., Kesramal, Raj Gangpur, B.N. Ry.Miranda, A., Cortalim, Goa.Miranda, Carm elite, Sirsi, <ìroa.Miranda, J. L., S. J., Tuticorin.Mirande, R avuttanallur, Chingleput Dt.Misani, L., Gudivada, K istna Dt.Missier, A., C athedral, Tuticorin.Missier, Remigus, Vem bar P.O.M itterstieler, ¡C., Phirangipuram , G untur Dt.Modaelli, M.. Vennenapady, Gudivada P.O., K istna Dt. Monchalin, J., Polur, N. Arcot.Moniz, A., Raia, Goa.Moniz, A., The Luz, Mylapore, Madras S.Moniz, J. M., Aldeamar via Andheri, B.B. Ry.Moniz, L. G., P ilerne, Goa.Monnard, J , M akuva, Vizagapatam Dt.Monnier, F., Kalimpong.Mon serrate, F. X., Navel im, Goa.Montaud, C., Sam ayanallur. M adura Dt.Montaud, P., S.J., Kamuti, Ramnad Dt.Monte, B. H. de, D.D., Rt. Rev. Mgr., Cathedral, Buleshw ar,

Bombay.Monteiro, C. F. PI., V.F., Alleppey.Monte irò, Rosario, K arw ar, Goa.


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Monteiro, Ism ael, M alwan, Goa.Monteiro, E. F , Barrow’s Lane, Dabul, Bombay.Monteiro, J ., Loutulim, Goa.Monteiro, Custodio F., Sancoale, Goa.Monteiro, J., Socorro, Goa.Monteiro, Michael, V atta l, A lleppey P.O.Monteiro, N., Kurla, G .I.P . Ry.Montigny, de J., C.S.C., Secretary, Bishop’s House, Chittagong. Mookerjee, C., S.J., 92/1, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta. Mora, G., S.C., Vellore, N. Arcot Dt.Moraes, E. P., Betalbatim , Goa.Moreau, C.S.C., Haflong.Morere, P., s J., Pudupatti, Ramnad Dt.Morin, P . W ellington.Morris, J., R ajavur.Morris, M., Tuyeth, Quilon P.O.Moscato, L., D inajpur.Motha Vaz, V ery Rev. M., Tanjore.Mowforth, A. J., M ikhelpura, Suket.Mugnier, Ch., Kampte.Mugnier, T., Khandwa, C. P .M ukalel, Thomas, K aipuzha, Mannam Post. M uckattukunnel, G., Kavalam.M ulkens, F., S.J., 30, P ark Street, Calcutta.M ullakeril, K uruvilla. Kishakampalam.M ullankushil, F., K anjirapally.M ullen, R., S.J., K urji.M ullur, Thomas, Curishingal, O chenthuruthu P.O., Cochin. Munch, J., S.J., Periyakulam , M adura Dt.M undacherry, A ugustin, M ulempally. Verapoly. M undacherry, Jjseph, Kumaracam, K ottayam P.O. M undattuchunday, Thomas, Marica.Mundiyanikel, A.. M ulakulam.Munjely, Thomas, K uttipushey.M untra, R aphael, K ottayam .M unzni, N., Jashpur P.O.M urikal, G., V ilacumadam.M urikel, M uttuchira.M urikal, Philip., T huruthy, Changanacherry P.O.M urikal, Th., Elangy, Kuravelangad P.O.M urikal, Cyr., K othanallur.M urphy, Jerome, Cathedral, Simla.M urphy, L., S.J., Loyola College, Madras.Murphy, W., C.S.C., Gaurnadj, Backergunj Dt,


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Nadayam, Jacob, Changalam.N adayath, Aug., K uravelangad.N aduvathchery, J., E rnakulam .Naduvilakulam , M athew, Vaisham bakal. N aduvilekutt, A „ Ram apuram .Naganulil, G.’, Ramapuram.N alkara, J., Kuthiathod (New).N alkara, Joseph, Puthiacan.Nampiaparambil, Joseph, Arakulam .Nampiaparambil, G., Nagapushey.N aralakath , Luke* Nediacadu.Naravelil, P. L., V. Rev., K aduthurtby.Nauroy, A., M ercara, Coorg.Navez, L , S.J., Samtolli, Ranchi Db.N azareth, C., V ailankani, Tanjore.N azareth, D. J. L. de, V.F., A marabady, Cochin. N azareth, Francisco A. C., Assagao, Goa.N azareth, M. F. de, Azossim, Goa.N azareth, L., S.J., Moira, Goa.N azareth, F . X ., G urpur; S. Kanara,N azareth, Stephen, M ariapuram .Nazianzeno, J. G., Thutoor, M arthandam P.O. Nebulone, P., S.J., Sultan’s B attery.Nedumkallel, R t. Rev. Mgr. Thomas, V.G., Ernakulam . Nedunchira, Jacob, Chengalam, Kottayam P.O. Nedungadam, A ugustine, Palarivattam , Edapally P.O. N eelankavil, Fr., E dathuru thy .Neerakel, A lexander, M annarapara.Negrini, A., Benedwar, Dhamoir P.O.Nelavareth, Michael, V.F., Gobhrubhy, P eru r P.O. N elkunnacherry, Alex. Cobhad, V erapoly P.O. N ellaryil, Aug., Poovabhod.Nelluvelly, J., Kainady.Nereus, O.C.D., Verapoly.Nebheyerekal, John, Kuravelangad.Nebbo, John, Cannuly, M ayanaad P.O.Neum ayr, B., S.J., Hubli.Neves, Jose Amelino das, S. Esbevam, Goa.Neves, A., Sb. Thomas’ Mounb.Nicholas, Dominic, M„ Manguly, Neyoor.Nidiry, J., K uravelangad.N iraveth, M athew, A reekara.Noel, F ., Tindivanam, S. Arcot.Norbert, O.D.C., N eyattinkaray,


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Norckauer, M., C.S.C., Toomiliah, Kaliganj P.O.Norman, H., D.D., M eerut.Noronha, A. P., Sellam pattida, Peram baukem P.O., Chingle-

pufc Dt.Noronho, C„ Neura, Goa.Noronha, Oaetano, St. Bartbolomeo, Goa,Noronha, Oarlos, P a llu ru thy P.O., Cochin.Noronha, El vino, Panjim , Goa.Noronha, F., Blackpully, Bangalore Cant.Noronha, S.J., Chandor, Goa.Noronha, J. L., Silvassa, Damaun, B.B. Ry.Noronha, Joseph, North Georgetown, M adras E.Noronha, Marian, Somwarpet, Coorg.Noronha, M athias, A rsikerey, Mysore S tate.Noronha, A.f Coondapoor.Noronha, A., Y erna, Goa.Noronha, J. C , S. H eart of Jesus, W orli.Noronha, Francis A., Colva, Goa.Noronha, Seb., S.J., Vayibtiri.Noronha, S. X ., Vailangani, Tanjore Dt.Noronha, Theo., Cortolim, Goa.Noronha, W ., Holy Cross, D harw ar.Notte, J., S.J , Kesram al, Raj Gangpur, B.N. Ry,

oObert, J., D hanjuri, B iram pur P.O.O’Donohue, J., W est Ridge.Offredi, P ., St. Patrick ’s, T rim ulgherry .O’Leary, S.J., St. Joseph’s, Bankipur.Olikal, John, Pothanikad.Olivier, O M., c a p ., St. Peter, Gangapur.Ollasail, C., K urum pa-O llattupuram , M., Palliport.O natt, J ., St. Joseph’s, A rikusha.Ory, F., S.J., Chakni, Bagaha P.O., Champaran Dt.Oscar, O. C., Mariabad, Sheikupura Dt.Op de Beeck, G., S.J., K rishanchandrapur, Baripada P.O.

PPacheco, J M Margao, Goa.Packier, Felix , Sippikulam , Vaippar P.O.Padavupura, J., Cheruvally.Padicam ialy, Stephen.Padikam ialy, Thos., N izhur, E ttum anur P.O.Padignarekara, M., Puthucary. fa e s , G. L., Sahar via K urla, G J .P . Ry.


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Paes, P., Guirim , Goa.Paes, S., Pallaveram .Pages, J., S J., M analur, Iy ampalayam P.O., M adura Dt. Paillot, M.( Our L ad y ’s Church, Pondicherry.Painadath , J., Sr , M alayattur.Painadath , Joseph, Jr., Angamaly.Painadath, Paul, K arukutty .Pais, Jos., Kinnigoly, A ikala P.O., S. K anara.Pais, Estanislaw , Azgao, Goa.P ak ianather, A., Vallam , Tanjore Dt.P alathum kal, Thomas, M uttam.P alathum kal, Paul, V. Rev., Pallipuram .P a la tty , Hormis., M attur.Palayur, Anthony, Aloor, Chalakudi.Palayur, George, Vendur.Palha, Lam artine, Curca, Goa.Pallen , A lexander, K alur, Ernakulam P.O.P allian, John, Eloor.Pallicunnel, George, M arika, Kuthabtukulam P.O. Pallicunnel, J., Koodalore New, E ttum anur P.O.Pallikunnel, Jacob, V ery Rev , v.F., Oozhavur, K u thattuku -

lam P.OPallikunnel, John, Karincunnam.Palliparam pil, George, Ponel, Edapally P.O P allu r, F., Nagpur.Palluel, P. J., Jubbulpore.Panacherry, Stephen, M attancherri, Cochin P.O.Panackel, A , T hu ru th ip illy .P ana tt, Th , M ukannur.Pandiam akil, C , V akakadu.Panet, A., Procurator, Coimbatore.Paniculam , A., A m pallur.Panikasery, John, V adayar.Panikulam , J., K oratty.Panikulam , Cruz, Perin jeri.Panikulam , Thomas, P avaratty .Panjikaren, J., Chakarakadavu.P an jikaren , K., Chaly.Panjikaren , K uruvilla, N arakal.Papayah , P., S.J., Tenkasi, Tinnevelly Dt.Parackal, S., M ukannur.P arakal, S., K aipattur.P arakal, Z., V .F., P aru r, Kottakavu.Param bil, Zacharias, Palliport.Param pan, Joseph (Sr.), V aranthrapilly .


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Param bath, Joseph (Jr.), M uppliyano.Parapuram , Paul, Alengad.P arayakunnel, T., Manathoor.Paredam , Jos., M utholapuram.Parem ackel, J., K uthiathod (Old).Parem akel, M athew, Cherpunkal.Parinbhrickal, Th., Punjar.P ariathum atam , Cyr., Mushur.Parras, Francis X avier, Taleigap, Goa. Parunthukootil, C., Th^noly.Pasheparam bil, J., Kuravelangad,P a th e t, M., Neeloor.Patrao , A., U rw aa.Patrao, F . X ., Gadag.P atrick , L , Morpr, Baraignia P.O., M azafferpur Dt. Pattam ana, Sebastian, Chathanad, P aru r P.O. Pattarum adam , G„ Y adacara,Paul, Arokiam, Chetput, N. Arcot Dt.Paul, J., Yypeen, Cochin.Paul, M., Nagalur via Erode.P au l, O.C., St. M ary’s, Benares.Paul, O.C.D., Kottar.Paul, R. C., Christianpet, K atpadi Post.Paul, S , W andiwash, N. Arcot.Paul, Y ., St. Anthony’s, Pudupet, Madras.Paul, Y eruw a, Siripuram , G untur Dt.Paulin, St. M artha’s Hospital, Bangalore. Payaropalli, X avier, Kidanagra.P ayyanatt, J., K alurcan, Alleppey P.O.Payapally , Francis, Satankulam P.O.Payapally , G., M anjapra.Payapally , J., V.F., Edapally.Payapilly , George., Thuruthipuram .P ayanukal, Joseph, d .p h ., Chatham a.Pazayattil, Peter, Kalparambu.Pazhem pallil, Jacob, Peringolam.Pazzalini, G., Kazipet, c/o Station M aster, N.G.S. Ry. Peal, F., S,J., Manresa House, Ranchi.Pedrotti, 0 ., Saidpur, Rangur Dt.P enacatt, S., A thuranpusha.P ereira , Antony, Trivandrum.P ereira, A., Parel, Bombay.P ereira, A., Dabul, Bombay.P ereira, Berardo, Macasana, Goa.P ere ira , S., A lnaw ar, D harw ar Dt.


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Psreira , C., C athedral, Mangalore.Peroira, C. A , Assolna, Goa.Pereira, C. A., Thana, G .I.P. Ry.Pereira , C. M., Aldona, Goa.Pereira, F . X ., V ery Rev., v . f ., Margao, Goa,Pereira, Francis, Quilon.Pereira, Henry, Eneyam , Colachel P.O.Pereira, J., Carambolim, Goa.Pereira, J., Um erkhadi, Bombay.P ereira, J., Benaulim, Goa.Pereira, J., Margao, Goa.Pereira, J ., Luciano, Salvador de, Mundo, Goa.Pereira, J. J., Pallithode, K uthiathode P.O.Pereira, J. Z., Marol, Andheri, B.B. Ry.P ereira, John, Pullatope, Colachel P.O.Pereira, Joas, 1st Miss,, Belaum.Pereira, Luciano, Nagoa, Goa.Pereira, L , 2nd Miss., Belgaum.Pereira, L., St. P a trick ’s, Karachi.Pereira, L. A., Palle via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry.Pereira, Lawrence, K attanam , Kayenkulam P.O.Pereira, M., Aldcamar via Andheri, RB. Ry.Pereira, P., Margao.Pereira, John, Pullatope.Pereira, P., San Thome, Mylapore, Madras S.Pereira, P., U tan via Bhayndar, B.B. Ry.Pereira, Ignacinho, Majorda, Goa.Pereira, A., K aram sad via Anand, K aira Db.Pereira, Roncon, Mormugao, Goa.Pereira, S. B., Mapuca, Goa.Pereira, S., Ahmedabad.Pereira, Thomas, B., Mungode.Perepadan, G„ Thunduthincadavu.Peres, F., Vangamarbhy, N akrakal P.O., Hyderabad-Deccan. Perie, R. E., Convent, Ootacamund.Periyanayagam , J., Idindagarai, K udankulam P.O. Perumafcbam, Paul, K akur, Karuvelangad P.O.Perum pally, J., Palayam .Pessein, J. F., St. Theodore's Sanatorium , W ellington ,

N ilgiris.P eter, John, N eyattinkaray.Peter, Lewis, S. P., Very Rev., Baghu, M eerut Dt.Peter, Mary, O.C., Jeolikote.Peter, R., V iragalur, Pullam badi P.O., Trichinopoly Dt. Petersen, J., S.J., K arra, Ranchi Dt.


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P etit, J . B., Ooonoor.P e tite , C., Pondanur.P e ttit, A. S., S.J., Bhagalpur.Peyroutet, V illupuram .Pezzoni, H. M., V ery Rev., V.G., Bolarum.Phillip , o.c., Kushpur.Phillipparb, L., S.J., Serampore, B.I. R y .Piasecke, L., S.C., G auhati.Picaud, G., S.J., St. M ary’s Cathedral, Trichinopoly.Piedade, Emm d.’, M athilagam.Piediakackal, Joseph, Kum arakam .Pignol, G., S.J.. Palam cottah.Pigoni, E., Rohanpur.Pim enta, J. P., Tarapur via Boisar, B.B. Ry.Pim enta, M. S , Dadar, Bombay.Pinel, J ., Pondicherry.Pinto, A. B., K ulur, Panam bur P.O., S. K anara.Pinto, B., Byculla.Pinto, Rt. Rev. Mgr. C., Byculla, Bombay,Pinto, C. B., V ery Rev., Goa, Velha.Pinto, C. Chrispin, Mgr., Aldona, Goa.Pinto, J. F., Socorro, Goa.Pinto, F., Socorro, Goa.Pinto, F. X-, Ellore, W. Godavari Dt.Pinto, F . X., Socorro, Goa.Pinto, G., St. Joseph’s I. H. School, Bangalore.Pinto, J., Socorro, Goa.Pinto, J . M., Aldona, Goa.Pinto, John, Chaplain, Goad Shepherd Convent, A dyar,

Madras.Pinto, Leonardo, Santa Cruz, Goa.Pinto, L., Badyar, G urunayankere P.O,Pinbo, Lino, Balbasar, Arambol, Goa.Pinto, M., C athedral, Mangalore.Pinto, M , Guirim , Goa.Pinto, R., Suratkal, S. Kanara,Pinto, S. J., Nagoa, Goa.Pinto, R. J. E . J. B., Shirva.Pinto, Florencio, A n juna, Goa.Pinto, Caetaninho da Rocha, Linhares, Goa.P ires, J., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore.Pisano, L., B.C., K rishnagar.P istre, R ., S.J., Dindigul, Madura D t.Pius, V ery. Rev. O.O., Fiscal Advocate, A jm er.Pius, O.C.D., V .F., R ajavur.


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Pius, O.C.D., v .f „ R ajavur.Pius, O.C., Jhansi.Pius, Kam anadichenpudur.P lacakatt. Th., Thitanad.P lanat, P., Pondicherry.Plathobtam, K uruvilla , M arangadpilly, Kuravelangad P.O. Plathottam , K urian, M uthalakodan.Playoust, G., A yyam pett, Tanjore.Pointet, A., St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore.Polycarp, O.M., CAP., S. H eart of Jesus and Mary, Jaipur. Ponnutambynabher, G., K urapattai, V eludaiyanpattu P.O. Poobalarayar, J., Tuticorin.Poothathil, Joseph, Piravam .Poothathil, Thomas, K urum ullur, Ebbumanur P.O.Populaire, E., S.J., 3, Cullen Place, Howrah, Calcutta. Porrokatb, M., Tham ara kunnu.Porta, R., S J., Shoranur.Portaluppi, F., Mong. Yang.Poru thur, John, Engandiyur.PoEokad, M„ T harakanattukannu.Pott edam, J., P unnathura.Pottocaren, Jacob, E ranallur.Poulnais, F., St.jTheodore’s Sanitorium, Wellington, Nilgiris. Pragasam , L., Perum pannyur, Kodavasal P.O.P razeres, Yerissimo dos, Damauo, Daman Road, B.B. Ry. Presentacao, M arshal, V.F., M avelicaray.Presentacao, S. C., v.F., A rathinkal, Sherbally P.O.Prince, I., S.J., V alandur, M adura Db.Prior, N., Kurnool.Probsb, P., Hurda, Hoshangabad Db , C.P.Prouvosb, H., Sb. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore.Prudenb, O.C., Lahore.Prunier, H., Nam akkal, Salem Db.Pudussery, George, M urkanad.Pudichery, A., N arakal.Pudichery, Luis, Diamperur (New).Puduchery, Anb., Mgr., Trichur.Pulianabh, L., V .F., Edacochi, Pallurubhy P.O. Pulianbhrubhy, J., Valam angalam .Pulikal, C., Kalur.Pulikan, Abraham, M unnumuri.Pulikan, George, Puvabhussery.Pulikobil, Cyriac, E rum apatti.Pulinilkunabhil, George, N eeranthanam .Pulivelil, Emmanuel, Edakoli, K uth^ttukulam P.O t


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Pullocaren, Anthony, Mala.Pulikkel, Thomas, Kuruvanal.Pungier, L., Coorambagaram, Tan j ore Dt.Punnepadam, 0 ., Puracad.P urakari, Seb., Theikoil, Palai P.O.Purakari, Th., Lalam (Old).Purakel, T., Kalugumalai, T innevelly Db.Pushpanather, H., Holy Redeemer's, Trichy.Putharickal, V. Rev. M. Tripoonithura.Pabhem puia, Mi, Paika, Palai P.O.Pubhemptiràkal, Peber, Menezes, Eramalloor, K uthiathode

P.O.Pubhengody, Isaac, Mubbam.Pabhenpuro, A., Y ery Rev., Thàthem pally.Puthenpura, G., K ayar.Puthenpura, Thomas, Kadapilamatbam.Puthenpura, Z , Ram apuram .Puthiydam , M., Palai.Pubhukari, Tho., K adutthuru th i.Puthum ana, Lawrence, Eraüakulam , Perum anur. Puthupara, Peber, Thorur.Pubhupara, Peber, Konbhuruthy,Puthuparam pil, A., Tham palakade.Pubhur, Cyriac.Pubhuvebbil, Thricodibhanum.Pyechebz, G., S.C., K rishnàgar .

QQuadros, Braz A., Agonda, Goa.Quadros, Brao A., Cabo de Rama, Goa.Quadros, A., Nargao, Goa.Quadros, Jose M aria d’ A., H alyal, Goa.Quadros, P., Corbalim, Goa.Quadros, P., Loubulim, Goa.Quadros, T. G., S. Mabhias, Goa.Quibler, J., Palkonda, Yizagapabam Disb.Quinquenel, C , K alkaver^ , Rasipuram P.O.

RRabardelle, J., Kumbakonam.Raes, J. B., S.J., Rengarih, R anchi Dt.Rajam anikam , A., Periyavarsili, Lalgudi P.O.R aja Stanislaus, Yadakangulam P.O.Ram achanat, A., Chungam, Thodupuzha P.O.Ram achanat, Jos., Mannoor.


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Raphael, J., M anakady, Cape Comorin P.O.Raphael, M., V ikravandy.Rassendiranather, T., Pudur, K arunguli P.O.Ratinam , E ., V aradarajam pet via Chidambaram.Rayalu, J., Bishop’s House, Bangalore.Raymond, J., Eam ptee, C.P.Raygasse, B.C., Bandel.Re, A., Dinajpur.Reardon, Celestine, O.F.M., Friary , Fort, Bellary.Rebello, A., Chandor, Goa.Rebello, A., C athedra’, Mangalore.Rebello, A. S., Velcao, Goa.Rebello, C, X., V ery Rev., V.F., U tan via B hayndar, B.B. Ry. Rebello, E , E irem , A ikala P.O., S. E anara .Rebello, J. D , M argaa, Goa.Rebello, V incent L. Correia, E hanapur, Goa.Rebello, P . G. C., Guirim , Goa.Rebello, S. V. B., E arady , V arkady Post.Regis, F . C., Palanellore, Echoor, Chingleput D t.Regis, Francis, Indore.Rego, J., D.D., Bondel, S. E anara.Rego, Jacin th , Tivim, Goa.Rego, M., Holy Rosary, Mazagon.Rego, P . G. D., Belloor, Bantwal P.O.Reilly, Ernest, R t. Rev., O.F.M., St. Lazarus, Cowl Bazaar,

Bellary.Reis, Lopo J. dos, Loutulim, Goa.Reislander, Thomas, Ernakulam .Remedios, H., Bandra.Remedios, J . F. dos, Saligao, Goa.Remedios, V. Rev. J . Dos., Girgaum, Bombay.Renoux, C., Cuddalore (New Town).Rey, A., Cathedral, Vizagapatam.Ribeiro, J. A., Maroli, Chembur P.O., E urla , G .I.P. Ry. Ribeiro, J . W . F., D.D., M avelcaray.R iklin, M., S.J„ R t. Rev., V.G., St. X avier’s, Poona.Rocca, Fr., Dinajpur.Roch, T. M., Toloorpatty, Thottiyam P.O., Trichinopoly Dt. Roch, S. P., Therespur.Rocha, D. B., Tuticorin.Rocha, Thomas, V .F ., V allarpadam , Cochin P.O.Roche, A., V adakancherry via Vandali.Roche, A., Malarcod.Roche, Gaspar, V irapandianpatnam P.O,Roche, J., Cathedral, Tuticorin,



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Rock, Vice Rector, Hyderabad-Deccan.Rodrigues, A., San Thome, Goa.Rodrigues, Alberto, Pondoo, Goa.Rodrigues, G. E., Santa Ignez, Goa.Rodrigues, Domingo, M anacherry, P u llu ru thy P.O., Cochin, Rodrigues, FI. J. dos M., Curtorim, Goa.Rodrigues, F., Bishop’s House, Bingalore.Rodrigues, Gregorio, R. D., Dindigul.Rodrigues, J., Chinchinim , Goa.Rodrigues, J., Margao, Goa.Rodrigues, J., San Thome, Goa.Rodrigues, Jos., Kahata.Rodrigues, L., S.J., 3, Cullen Place, Howrah.Rodrigues, M., Burrow's Lane, Dabul.Rodrigues, M., Karam sad, K aira Dt.Rodrigues, Maria. Victor, Cape Comorin.Rodrigues, Michael, Madura.Rodrigues, Piedade, Corlim, Goa.Rodrigues, S,, Ornzoor, S. Kanara.Rodrigues, T., San Thome, Goa.Rodrigues, J. A., P u ttu r, S. K anara.Rodrigues, P . L., Sholapur.Roes, B., St. P au l’s Seminary, Phirangipuram .Roine, A., S.J., K alladittidal, Rajasingam angalam P.O. Romani, S., s. j ., Hyderabad, Sind.Romulus, O C., Dehra Dun, U .P.Rooyen, Van N., Phirangipuram , G untur Dt.Roper, H., S.J., Colaba, Bombay.Roque, D., Padrigudi, Mimisal P.O., Tanjore Dt.Roque, D., Oriur, Ramnad.Rosa, A nt. Rob., Patijim, Goa.Rosa, da Silva M., Mani, E ast Salsette.Rosario, A. de, Belgaum, Goa.Rosaria, Antony de, A rath inkal, S hertally P.O.Rosario, B. P., S .J , Tellicherry.Rosario, J. de, Pazhangad, A rukuty P.O.Rosario, A. S. de, Dadar, Bombay.Rosario, Raphael de, Nyaungon, K yaiktaw P.O., Hantha*

waddy Dt.Rozario, D., c.s.c., Ranikhong, Bagmara P.O.Rozario, Richard, Cape Comorin.Roussell, G., S.C , Laitkynsew .Roy, P.. K arungulam , V ayam patti Post Rozario, J . A., De’, Golden Rock,Rufin, o.c.f Lahore.


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Ruw et, G., S.J., Morapai, Magrahab P.O.Ruygrok, C., St. John’s Seminary, Bellore.R uytre, B. de, Baram ulla, Kashmir.

sSa, M. B en j, Moira, Goa.Sa, G. D’., Guledgudd.Sa, Leo D’., Guledgudd,Sa, J. D., Palladka, Moodabidri P.O., S. K anara.Sa, Claudio, B. de, Nagoa, Goa.Sa, Caetano, B. de, Socorro, Goa Sa, Caetano, F. de. Uccassaim, Goa.Sa, Camilo, P . de, S. Esbevam.Sa, Dom V. Rev. de, V .F ., St. A ndre w ’s, Bandra.Sa, E. de, Siolim, Goa.Sa, M. de, Cavel, Bombay.Sa, 0 . de, Thana, Bombay.Sa, Peregrino, Chinchinim, Goa.Sacre, L., Thely, M ambalapattu, S. Arcot.Saint-Germain, G., Sb. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore. Saldanha, Benedibo, Yelim, Goa.Saldanda, L., Bajpe, S. Kanara.Saldanha, P., Byndoor.Saldanha, R., Saluru, Vizagapatam Db.Saldanha, Th., San Thome, Goa.Saldanha, Y. E., Koli-Kalyan via Sanba Cruz, B.B. Ry. Salomon, J . B , P arvatipur, Vizagapabam Dt.Salustianus, o.e.D., Mannar.Samidorei, K uthalur, Ramnad Dt.Saminathier, S., E raiyur, Tirukkoyilur.Sandanam, M., Kottaikadu, Pudukotah State.Sandana M arian, Prgasapuram , N azareth P.O. Santhapper, C., S.J., Dindigul, Madura Db.Sanjeevi, M., M anday, Suraikayur P.O., Tanjore.Sanbos, J. dos., Y ille Parle, B.Bj Ry.Sanbos, Jose das, Belgaum, Goa.Sanz, F., c .m ., Dighy, Ganjam Dt.Saporiti, H., Kanchanapilli,Sardinha, A. C., Jacob’s Circle, Bombay.Sardinha, Constancio Roque, Tilla Molla, Goa.Sardinha, R., Sanguem, Goa.Sauliere, A , S.J., Loyola College, Madras.Sauthier, H., S.J., C athedral, Trichinopoly.Savarim uthu, F ., N anjur, Pudukotah.Saverim uthu, M., K aity , Nilgiris.


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Saverinather, K urapatti via Cuddalore, S. Arcot. Saverinader, Cortampet, K anji P.O.Savarinather, M., Erode.Scagenetti, E., S.C., Vellore, N, Arcot Dt.Schill, T., S.J., Noatoli, Basia P.O., Ranchi Dt.Schipper, J„ G untakal Ry. Station.Schroeter, J.B ., S.J., Poona.Schubiger, F., S.J., V ery Rev., Sangamner, Ahmednagar.l Sebastian, Most Pure H eart of M ary, Thandla.Sebastian, Ch. C.M., Dighy, Surada, Gan jam Dt. S elvanather, A ., Cuddalore Old Town.Selvanather, F. X., B.J., Holy Redeemer’s, Trichinopoly. Seminati, J ., Secunderabad.Sequeira, A. C., P a llu ru th y P.O., Cochin,Sequeira, D., N. St. de Milagres, Mangalore.Sequeira, J. S., Ferar, M ijar P.O., S. K anara.Sequeira, V- J . Ph., Cathedral, Calicut.Sequeira, Louis Gon., Bicbolim, Goa.Sequeira, Ros., Kokkada, Uppinangady P.O., S. Kanara. Seroasius, O.C.D., Thuckalay.Servage, J., Chindwara, C. P .Seryanton. J . B . St. John’s H ill, Bangalore.Shembry, L., St. Joseph’s E. H. School, Bangalore. Shram pikel, Z , W eshapura.Sicard, G., S.J., Sivaganga, Ramnad Dt.Sigismund, O.C., Rahimpur.Silva, A. J., Siddakatte, S. Kanara.Silva. A. F. D’., Boriinar, Bantwal P.O.Silva, Honorato, Velim, Goa.Silva, L., P u ttu r.Silva, R. M., Anjengo.Silva, Sales da, Matbari, Dacca.Silva, S. D’, M ariapura Farm .Silva, J. Sertorio da, Nagory, Dacca.Silva, A. da, Benaulim, Goa.Silva, V. Rev. B. F. da., N andakal, V irar, B.B. Ry.Silva, C. da-, d .d ., d .c .l ., Ph.D., Indore.Silva, Cact. da, Panjim , Goa.Silvs, F . da., Chingleput.Silva, Jose, V. da, Panjim , Goa.Silva, Joaquim E. de, V .F ., Chinchinim, Goa.Silva, V. da, Margao, Goa.Silva, Paulo Fao. Dos. R., Orlim, Goa.Simon, O.M., c a p ., Batta, A jm er.S im o n , G., S.J., C athedral, Trichinopoly.

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Singarayar, F . X., A lantalai, T iruchendur P.O.Sinha, P., St. Joseph’s Sem inary, A llahabad.Singleton, S. P., M uttra.Siqueira, L. C., Aldoma, Goa.Sm ith, B., Polur, Nandyal P.O.Smith, J. Win., Saharanpur.Soares, A. G abriel,'Santa Cruz, Goa.Soares, S., Jacintho, Goa.Soares, Dominges, V ingurla, Goa.Soares, P. R., Korlai, Kolaba Dt.Soares, V. C., da Conceico, Aldona, Goa.Soenen, J., S.J., Mandar, Ranchi Dt.Soler, E., S.J., Anand, K aira Dt.Soma, L., T irutturaipundi, Tanjore Dt.Sontag, P . J., S.J., V. Rev., Bishop’s House, Bankipore. Soosainather, G., A lantalai, T iruchendur P.O.Soosai, G., V adhavikkam , Trichinopoly Dt.Sjosai, I., M athur, Natchiarkoil.Sousa, Ant. C. Abel do Rozario, D.C., V.F., Mapuca, Goa. Souza, A. M. L. de., Nachinole, G^a.Souza, A. M. L. D’., Bendur, Mangalore.Sousa, Braz Pol. De., Loutulim, Goa.Sousa, Juacio C. P., Agacaim, Goa.Sousa, Leonardo, Siolim, Goa.Sousa, Silvestre, Belgaum, Gao.Sousa. Paulo Jose, Penha da Franca, Goa.Sousa, Pedro P. de, Pernem , Goa.Sousa, P . D \, St. Joseph’s, Bangalore City.Sousa, C. X avier de, Bambolim, Goa.Sousa, Fabiao de, Arambol, Goa.Sousa, Jose M. de., Tivim, Goa.Sousa, Lazaro, Saligao, Goa.Souza, Luciano de, Calangute, Goa.Sousa, Ligorio, M aria de, Agacaim, Goa.Sousa, M. de, M ahim, Bombay.Sousa, Piedade de, Cabo de Rama, Goa.Sousa Joad, Inacio, Panjim , Goa.Sousa, C., X avier de, Nachinola, Goa.Sousa, Cirilo , Pernem , Goa.Souza, C. de Kottadaba, K ottavalasa, B.N. Ry.Souza, D., Dadar.Sousa, E lia Benj. de, Mapuca, Goa.Sousa, E., Candolim, Goa.Sousa, Belarmino E „ Mapuca, Goa.Souza, E. M., Poisar via Borivla, B.B. Ry.


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Souza, Natividade, Mapuca, Goa.Souza, J., Margao, Goa.Souza, J. B., Shoolay, Bangalore.Souza, M. de., Mapuca Goa.Souza, A, J. D., U rw a, S. K anara.Souza, A. Poisar via Borivla, B.B. Ry.Souza, A nt. D’., V iraradjendrapet, Coorg- Souza, D. D’., M adantar, Mangalore.Souza, D. J. D \, Coondapoor.Souza, Felipe Neride, De., A njuna, GoaSouza, F . S. D’., Cordel, K ulshekar P.O , S. K anara.Souza, G. D’., Hubli Ry. Stn.Souza, G. I. d’., V . F . , Pezar, Bajpe P.O., S. Kanara.Souza, David D’., Mysore.Souza, J . De , 19, M arket Street, Calcutta.Souza, Joseph-David d’., Shimoga.Souza, Antonio Exal, de, Para, Goa.Souza, John-Baptist D’, T irtahalli, Shimoga Dt., Mysore Dt. Souza, J. de’, Y alnai via Malad, B.B. Ry.Souza, A. P . D’., Taccode, S. K anara.Souza, J. L. D’., Kallianpur.Souza, J . M .D’., Mogarnada, Panem angalore P.O., S. K anara Souza, J. B., Agashi, V irar, B.B. Ry,Souza, J. S., Malvani via M alad, B.B. Ry.Souza, J. V. d’., S. H eart Church, Shoolai, Bangalore.Souza, L. S , D’., Mangalore.Souza, N. M., D’., Thottam , Malpe P.O., S. Kanara.Souza, Manuel D’., Thana, Bori P.O , Nagpur Dt.Souza, M arcel D’., Champion Reefs, K.G.F,Souza, Paul D ’., St. Joseph’s, Bangalore.Souza, P. S. D’., Perm anur, U llal P.O.Souza, P . R. D’., Coondapoor, S. K anara.Souza, W . D., Airodi, S. Kanara.Souza, V. J . d’., Codialbail, Mangalore.Souza, S. D’., K arkal, S. K anara.Souza, A. de, Assagao, Goa.Souza, A . de., U ran, Kolala Dt.Souza, A. P . Lino de, V ery Rev., Vallakadavoo P.O.,

Trivandrum .Souza, Abel., Aldona, Goa.Souza, Adriao, Aldona, Goa.Souza, A. de., Parel, Bombay.Souza, Angelo de, Assagao, Goa.Souza, Brass D. de, Mapuca, Goa.Souza, Cirilo, A njuna, Goa.


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Souza, C. F. de, Saligao, Goa.Souza, X . de, Saliagao, Goa.Sjuza, Caetano R. de, Uccassaira, Goa.Souza, D. de, Assagao, Goa.Souza, D. de, G uirim , Goa.Souza, Francis, Damas Pequeao, Daman Road, B.B. Ry. Souza, F. C. de.,D abul.Souza, F. Durando de, M anacherri, Cochin.Souza, F. E., Moodbidri, Narol.Souza, G. A. D \, Fajir, U llal P.O.Souza, H ilario de, Moira, Goa.Souza, J . A lleluia de, Saligao, Goa.Souza, J . B., L ittle Mount, Saidapet.Souza, J. Caetano, P arra , Goa.Souza, J . F . de, Socorro, Goa.Souza, Joas M aria A., Oxel, Goa.Souza, J. V. de, Siolim, Goa.Souza, J . X . de, Vikroli, Thana.Souza, R. de, Koly Kaliam, B.B. Ry.Souza, Joaquim Pascoal de, Sanquelim, Goa.Souza, L. de, Assagao, Goa.Souza, H ein-Ferrario de., Assolna, Goa.Souza, Leonardo, C. de., Assagao,¡Goa.Souza, Luis M. de , Assagao, Goa.Souza, Luis Paulo F . de, Pernem , Goa.Souza, Canuto de, Calangute, Goa.Souza, M. D.’, Champion Reefs, K.G.F.Souza, H. de, Douli via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry.Souza, P . A. de, Siolim, Goa.Souza, R. de, Tivim, Goa.Souza, S. H. de, Royapuram, Madras.Souza, Sebastiao, M ariano de, V ery Rev., v.G*, Belgaum. Souza, Sertorio A. de, Mapuca, Goa.Souza, T. C. de, Aldona, Goa.Souza, Thomas Francisco de, Very Rev., V.G., K arw ar. Souza, W , Airodi, H ungercutta P.O.Souza, W altar de, Bandra.Souza, Josquim T. d \ Assumpcao, Velcao, Goa.Sovignet, A., V.G., C athedral, Kumbakonam.Staffhorst, C., Patibanda, Sattenapallee P.O.Stanislaus, Kostka, Vanniakudi.Stanislaus, O.C., Sahowala, Sialkot Dt.Stanislaus, O.C.D., Puthencady, K ulasegaram P.O. S tefanetti, J., Rector, Hyderabad-Decoan.Stenson, P., M urree, R aw alpindi.


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Stephen, O.e., Lucknow.S tew art, G., Srinagar.Stolke, Benjamin, M aria-Basti.Stouten, J ., M utlur, Tenali, G untur Dfc.Sboy, P. I., S.J., Bhagalpur.S tritt, E., S.J , Silukuvarpatti, M adura Dt.Styles, J . Risaipur.Sullivan, R t. Rev. Bernard J., s.j., A dm inistrator Apostolic of

Patna, Bankipur.Sullivan, R , St. John’s Seminary, Nellore.Susai, A. R., Palakurichi, Valanadu P.O.Susaimanikkam, A. M , St. Mary’s, Madura.Susainather, B. S., Punnakayal, Autoor P.O.Suys, J , S.J., Rengarih, Simdega P.O.Swamikannu, Cuddalore New Town.Swam ikannu, A , S.J., Sammanassur, Ram achandrapuram

P.O.Sw am inather, A., W ellington.Sw am inather, D., K allikulam P.O.Swarbrick, Alban, O.S.F.C., Sirsa.Swinkels, P , G untur.Switalski, R., C.S.O., Toomiliah, Raliganj P.O., Dacca Dt. Sylvain, C.M., c a p ., St. Ann, R ati am.Sylvanus, O c., Montgomery.Sylvester, O.C., W averly Convent, Mussoorie.

TTajadura, T., c.M., Dantolinguy, Ganjam Dt.Tarsicius, O.C.D., Tellacam, K ottayam P.O.Tashathu, John, M anacherri, Cochin.Texeira, W . M., Chickmagalur, Mysore S tate.Teiles, E., Nirmol via V irar, B.B. Ry.Tellis, Sev., K allianpur, S. Kanara.Ter Beek, G., Arkonam Ry. Station.Tesson, K arikal.Thachenkary, Geo., Kalurcad.Thachet, Joseph, A runuttum angalam , E ttum anur P.O. T hachil, John, M ukkattukara.Thachil, Paul, Vaikam .Thachuparam bil, Anthony, A rnattukara.Thalachira, M., Palai.Thail, Seb., Paduva, Palai P.O.Thaivalappil, George, P ariyaran.Thaliath , T. C., A lwaye.Tbftliath, Thomas V., Ernakulam .


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T haliath , J., Kishakam palam .Thanikal, M athew, Mapranam.Tharayil, G., Kokamangalam.Tharavil, Jacob, P ala thuru th .Tharayil, T., K attot.Thashathil, M., K anjiram attam .Thattil, Thomas, Ambazhakad.Thavil, Joseph, K arur, P ala i P.O.Thayankery, Jacob, Kothavara.Thayil, Jacob, E tam aruku.Thazhathur, John., Y ailar, Shertally Post.Theckekunnel, Seb., Kurupampady.Theikanath, S., Chennamangalam.Thekam aliekal, M., Changanacherry.Thekekara, Dominic, Kddayathoor.Thekekara, Paul, Bethlehem.Thekekara, Francis. *•Thekirid Jerome, Alleppey.Thekkekera, George, Trichur.Thekkekara, Pius., Ambazhabad.Thekkem uri, Abr., Thottacad.Thekudan, Joseph, Kottekad.Thekum shala, Koratty.Thekum uthala, Joseph, V.F., Ranj nur.Thengumpally, J., Koilmuku.Thengum thottam , Abr., Kottangal.Theodule, O.C., St. Anthony’s, Lahore.Theophane, O.C., Cathedral, Lahore.Theruvapusha, J., Marangadpilly.Theruvankunnel, C., Melucavoo.Thevenet, E., Y ery Rev., Chikalda, Berar.Theyskens, J., 30, P ark Street, Calcutta.Thomas, D., Pannur, Kandoor, T iruvallur, Chingleput Dt. Thomas, M., Thana, Bori P.O., Nagpur Dt.Thomas, P ., St. A ndrew ’s, Vepery, Madras.Thomas, S. M uttandipatty, Tanjore.v Thomas, Peter, O.C.D., M ullanganavilai.Thomas, V., Punalur.Thoppil, Thomas, M ittracary.T ottam kara, M., Oshuca.Thottiyl, Th., Ponkunnam.Thottum kal, J., K onthuruthy.Thottungal, T., Talam (New).Thuruthy, M athew , V ery Rev,, Pro-C athedral, Kottayam




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Tichelen, V. Rev. E. Van., S.J., Darjeeling.Tigga, J., Torpa, Ranchi Dt.Tigga, S., Samtoli, Simdega P.O., Ranchi.Tignous, H.. Kaity.Timmerman, C., S.J., G inabahar, N irainpur P.O.Tinti, J., Secunderabad.T ivianather, X., S.J., M alayadipatti, M anaparai Post, Trichy Tome, E., s.C., Jowai.Topno, E., K hunti, Ranchi Dt.Torquato, Joaquim, Assolna, Goa.Tournier, L.. W ellington, The Nilgiri D t Trenkam p, F., S J., Sangamner, Ahmednagar.Trideau, J., Tindivanam.Trindade, J., Secretary, Cathedral, Cochin.Truyen, V. Rev. D., S.J., Kurseong.Turssart, A., S.J , K hunti, Ranchi Dt.Turkelboom, H., S.J., Rengarih. Simdega P.O., Ranchi. Turlan, A., S.J., St. M ary’s, Madura.

uUbald, O.C., Dalhousie.Uguet, M., s.o., C athedral Church, Calcutta.Ukken, George, A uttathur.Ukken, John (Jr.), Kandassankaduvu.Ukken, John (Sr.), Chowannur.

VVachaparam bil, J ., Kanjirapally,Vachom, A., Erukoor, Shiyali P.O.Y adacherry, Peter, E rnakulam .Vadakeil, Abraham , Ph.D., D D., V adakara.Vadakel, George, Koodalore, Kottayam P.O.Vadakekudy, Zacharias, Kothamangalam.Vadakem uri, Abraham. Vaipur (Old).Vadakam ury, Zacha., Koothrapally.V adakem ury, Th., Palai.V adakem ury, E , Malapuram.V adakeyil, J., Palai.Vadasery, Augustine, Acaparamp.Vadassery, Jacob, Cherpu.V adicherla, J., Palkonda, V izagapatam Dt.Vadukkot, Jac b, Arim pur, North and South.Vagail, George, Muthedam, T ripunittura P.O,V akacberry, F., Elangy, K uravelangad P,Q.Y^lentine, Gwalior,


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V aleriane, M ulugumudu.V alet, L., O.M., Dighy, Surada, Ganjam Dt.V aliaveettil, Joseph, Puthanpally ,V alyl, P., Punnathura.V alladares, Clement, Sandor via Bassein Road, B.B. Ry. Valles, Cypriano, Anjuna, Goa.V alliram path, J , K ulasekaram angalam .Valiayaparam pil, Joseph, Lonavla.Van Buynder, L., s .j., Noatali, Basi P.O., Ranchi Dfc.Van Butsele, J ., S.J., Adra, B N. Ry.Vanden, Bossche, P ., 8.J., Khunti, Ranchi Dt.Van Deepen, Polur, Nandyal P.O.Vandandriessche, C., S J., Presbytery, Ranchi.Van der Burg, Rt. Rev. A. J., 2, Arm enian Street, Madras. Van der R iet, J., Rector, St. Paul’s Sem inary, Phirangipuram . Van der W erf. E., B itragunta.Van Daalhoff, Th., St. P aul’s Seminary, Phirangipuram .Van Dooren, H., Guntur.Van Emelen, A. S.J., Manresa House, Ranchi.Van Gervan, J., S.J , Ganguloli c/o Lach.Van Haaren, S., S.J , 3, Cullen Place, Howrah.Van Peeke, C., S.J., Kurdeg, Kinkel P.O., Ranchi Dt.Van Houtte, C., S.J., Neadih, Chainpur P.O., Ranchi Dt.Van Lemberghe, S.J., V. Rev. J ., Ranchi.Van M alderen, F., S.J., Fort, Bombay.Van Mulken, P., S.J., 307, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta. V anni, O.C., v.G , Rt. Rev., C athedral, Agra. Vanniam param bil, Francis, Pnnnapra,Vanpeene, L., V.G., St. P atrick ’s Cathedral, Bangalore Cant. Van Tichelen, E., S J., Darjeeling.V arikail, Mathew, Ph.D., B.C.L., A thiranpusha.V arikatt, J., K alayanthani,Vas, A. M. L., V.F., Cathedral, Mangalore.Vas, L. F„ St. P a trick ’s Eur. School, Secunderabad.Vas, Menino Naroa, Goa.Vas, Romualdo, Sanguem, Goa.Vas, J. S. C., Milagres, Mangalore.V ashathara, J M Mooshikulam.V asbuthnapally, M., Nariveli, P lasanal.V attakattucherry , J . (Jr.), K ushupally.V attackatucherry , Joseph (Sr.), Kadamakudy.Vattoedam, G.. Kattoor, Alleppey P.O.V attapally, M., Elangy, K uravelangad P.O.V attap illil, Seb., N aruvelly.V attoly, Ittoop Cheranallur,

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Vaz, F . X ., Buleshwar.Yaz, F. X , Dongri via Bhayndar, B.B. Ry.Vaz, F. X ., Piedade, Goa.Vaz, J . H., V elly, K azhakuttam P.O., Travancore. Vaz, J. M., Hospet, Moodbidri P.O., S. K anara.Vaz, Joaquim Luis, Piedade, Goa.V az, J. S., Rita., Cavel, Bombay.V az, Lucio F., Goa, Velha.Vaz, Menino, Naroa, Goa.Vaz, N., Margao, Goa.V azakal, Jacob, Chittar, Palai P.O.V azakel, J., Ramapuram.V azhapilly, Geo., M ullassery.V azhapully, Seb., Puttenpeedika.V azhuthanapilly , John, Marica.Veauz, P., K arikal.V eauz, P., S.J., Suranam, Param akudi P.O., Ramnad. V echianikel, J., V.F., Kuravelangad.V elenkalaro, Z., Pulinkunnu.V ellaiparam pil, J., Kangirathanam .Vellappally, G., Chennancary. Alleppey P.O. V ellappat, M athew, M uttar, Changanacherry.Velle, A ., S.J , Raghapur, Boral P.O., 24 Perganahs. Vendrane, C., B.C., Shillong.V ennatt, John, Alwaye.Verdes, H ., San Thome, Goa.Verdure, P., St. Joseph’s, Cuddalore N.T., S. Arcot. V erhoustraeten, A., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi. V erhulst, A., S.J., 30?, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta. Verloove, G , S.J., 14, C. D. Road, Jam shedpur. Vermassen, R., S.J., M anresa House, Ranchi. V erw aest, J., S J., Lachragarh, Ranchi Dt. V ezhaparam bil, J. (Sr.), E datt.Veysseyre, F., St. Joseph’s »College, Bangalore. V eyret, M., Theological Seminary, Pondicherry.V ial, J., S.J., Kharagpur.Victor, Convent Chaplain, Mhow.Viegas, Cruz, Gaspar, Valpoy, Goa.Viegas, Joas., San Thome, Goa Viegas, Joaquim A., Canacona, Goa.Viegas, F., Curtorim, Goa.Viegas, V., Curtorim, Goa.Vignon, V., S.J., Kodaikanal, M adura Dt.V illa Verde, A., San Thome, Madras.V incent, J., S.J., Dindigul, M adura Qfc.


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Vion, J., St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore.Vion, L., S.J., Loyola College, Madras.V irippam attam , Th„ Kura., Kuravelangad P.O.Y itthayath il, John, K adukutty.Vittoz, J., Bimlipatam.V lasveld, B., Secretary, Bishop’s House, Nellore.Yoisin, A., Vizianagram .Vongala F. X., St. Rock’s, W asherraanpet, Madras.wWafflart, E., S.J.. Panneipatti, Chintam anipatti P.O.W alsh, J., Turacapalem.W alsh, Sylvester, V.G., O.S.F.C., Very Rev., Cathedral, Simla. W alter, O.C., Dalhousie, Cant.W auters, L., S.J., Sacred Hearb Church, Calcutta.Weiss, P., S.J., Hubli.W engert, A., Kamptee.W engert, F., Chikalda, Berar.W engert, J., Paraghot.W esterm ayer, S.. Thaikudam, T ripuuittura P.O.Westropp, H. J., S.J., Jam alpur.W hite, W., Murree.W hyte, T., M ajhatoli, Raidih P.O., Ranchi Dt.W illiam , O.C., Adah, Kotli, Amir A li P.O.W illiam s, H., 19, M arket S treet, Calcutta.W illiamson, E F., San Thome, M ylarore, Madras.W yss, F. S., C.S.C., Biridakuni, H alw aghat P.O., Mymensing


Xalxo, P., D ighia, Bero P.O., Ranchi Dt.Xavier, O.C.D., Trivandrum .X avier, A., Corinecudy , Lalgudy P.O.X avier, M. A., Purabacudy, Irungalur P.O., Trichinopoly Db. X avier, Francis, O.C.D., M anikanette, Kuravelangad P.O. X avier, J., Chittoor, Coimbatore Dt.X avier, M. F., P akala , Chittoor Dt.X avier, O* K., Kondramutla, Vinukonda P.O.Xavier, Y., R entachintala, G untur Db.

YY agappar, M., Ayampabbi, Trichinopoly.Yvenab, C., S.J., Sendamaram, Tinnevelly Dt.zZacharias, J. M., Punalur.Zacrin, A., Dinajpur.Zanolin, P., S.J., Cannanore.Zurbitu, C., S.J , Quetta, Baluchistan.


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AAbraham of Mary, Carmel Monastery, Vashakulam ,

Travancore.Alexander of St. Joseph, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam,

Travancore.Alexis of th e Holy Fam ily, Monastery of Oar Lady of

Dolours, Champakulam, Pulincunnoo, Travancore.Alphonse of Mary, St. Thomas’ Monastory, Paratty , S.

M alabar.Ambrose of Mother of Dolours, M onastery of St. John of the

Cross, M utholy, Palai, Travancore.Aloysius of M ary, St. Joseph’s Monastery, M annanam,

Travancore.A nastasius of St. Jost ph, Sacred Heart Monastery, Thevara,

E rnakulam , Cochin.Andrew of the Mother of Dolours, St. Antony’s Monastery,

Alwaye, Travancore.Angelus of th e Mother of Dolours, Purification Monastery,

E lthu ru th , Trichur, Cochin.Anselm of Jesus, Sacred H eart Monastery, Chettipushay,

C hanganacherry, Travancore.Antony of St. Joseph, St. Joseph’s Monastery, M annanam,

Travancore.Arsenius of M ary, Sb. A ntony’s M onastery, Alwaye,

Travancore.Athanasius of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Theresa’s Monastery,

A m palacatt, M ala, Cochin.Augusbine of Sb. Ambrose, Sb Joseph’s Monasbery, Cunemavu,

Verapoly, Travancore.B

Barnahas of Sb. Joseph, Sacred Hearb Monastery, Thevara, E rnakulam , Cochin.

Barbholomew of Jesus, Sacred H eart Monastery, C hetti­pushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.

Basil of th e Im m aculate Conception, Students’ House, Jeppoo, K ankanady, Mangalore.

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Berchmans of Jesus M ary, Sacred H eart Monastery, Thevara, Ernakulam , Cochin.

Bernard of St. Thomas, Sacred H eart Monastery, C hetti- pushay, Chenganacherry, Travancore.

Berthold of St. Joseph, St. Antony’s Monastery, A lw aye, Travancore.

Bonaventure of Jesus, Monastery of Our Lady of Dolours, Champakulam, Pulincunnoo, Travancore.

Boniface of Jesus, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Mannanam, Travancore.

Brocard of St. Thomas, St. Anne’s M onastery, Kurianad, Kuravilangad, Travancore.

Brund of M ary, St. E lias’ Mount, K arukutty , Travancore.

cCamil of In fan t Jesus, Purification M onastery, E lthuru th ,

Trichur, Cochin.Cassian of the Blessed Sacrament, Monasteryof St, John of the

Cross, Mutholy, Palai, Travancore.Celestine of Mary, Purification Monastery, E lthuru th ,

Trichur, Cochin.Charles of the Passion, Sacred H eart Monastery, Chetti-

pushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.Cherubim of Infan t Jesus, St. Sebastian’s Monastery, P u lin ­

cunnoo, Travancore.Chrysostom of St. John of the Cross, St. Joseph’s M onastery,

Mannanam, Travancore.Clement of In fan t Jesus, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Cuneman,

Virapoly, Travancore.Cornelius of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Thomas’ Monastery,

P ara tty , S. Malabar.Cosmos of the Holy Fam ily, St. Sebastian’s M onastery,

Pulincunnoo, Travancore.Cyprian of St. Joseph, St. E lias’ Mount, K arukutty ,

Travancore.Cyriac of St. Augustine, Sacred H eart Monastery, Thevara,

E rnakulam , Cochin.Cyriac Elias of the Holy Fam ily, Carmelite H ospice, Jeppoo,

K ankanady, M angalore, S. Canara.Cyril of the Imm. Con., Sacred H eart M onastery, Chetti-

pushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.

DDamian of St. Aloysius, Monastery of Our Lady of Dolours,

Cham pakulam , Pulincunnoo, Travancore.


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Daniel of the Imm. Con., St. Theresa’s House, Poonjar, Travancore.

David of th e Blessed Sacrament, Purification Monastery, E lthuru th , Trichur, Cochin.

Dionysius of the Mother oi Dolours, St. Anne’s M onastery, Kurianad, K uravilangad, Travancore.

Dominic of th e Mother of Dolours, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, Travancore.

EEdw ard of the Imm. Con., St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulin-

cunnoo, Travancore.Egidius of d ie Imm. Con., Sacred H eart Monastery, Chetti-

pushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.E lias of St. Joseph, Purification Monastery, E lthuru th ,

Trichur, Cochin.Emmanuel of the Holy Ghost M onastery of St. John of the

Cross, M utholy, Palai, Travancore.Ephrem of St. Zachary, St. Sebastian’s M onastery, Pulin-

cunnoo, Travancore.Eugene of th e Imm. Con., Sacred H eart Monastery, T h ev ara ,

E rnakulam , Cochin.Eusebius of St. Zachary, St Sebastian’s M onastery, Pulincun-

noo, Travancore.F

Fabian of th e Holy Fam ily, St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo, Travancore.

Francis of the Imm. Con., St. Joseph’s Monastery, M annanam , Travancore.

F rank of th e Imm. Con., St. Sebastian’s M onastery, P u lin ­cunnoo, Travancore.

GGabriel of S t. Joseph, Sacred H eart Monastery, Thevara,

Ernakulam , Cochin.Gasper of St. Joseph, St. Theresa’s M onastery, Am palacatt,

Mala, Cochin.George of St. Francis of Assissi, St. Joseph’s M onastery,

M annanam, Travancore.G erard of M ary, St. Thomas’ M onastery, P aratty , S. Malabar.Gervase of the Blessed Sacrament, Monastery of St. John of

the Cross, Mutholy, Palai, Travancore.Gregory of th e Blessed Sacrament, M onastery of St. John of

th e Cross, M utholy, Palai, Travancore.


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HH enry of th e Sacred H eart, St. Sebastian’s M onastery, P u lin ­

cunnoo, Travancore.H ilary of the Sacred H eart, Lourdes’ House, Airoor, Kozhen-

cherry, Travancore.H yacinth of the Mother of Dolours, C arm elite Hospice, Jeppoo,

K ankanady, Mangalore, S. Canara.I

Ignatius of Sacred H eart, St. Antony’s, Pudupally, Kottayam, Travancore.

Innocent of the Blessed Sacram ent, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Cuneman, Verapoly, Travancore.

Irenacus of St. Joseph, Monastery of Our Lady of Doloijrs, Champakulam, Pulincunnoo, Travancore.

Isaac of Jesus, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Cuneman, Verapoly, Travancore.

Isidore of St. Theresa, St. Anne’s M onastery, K urianad, Kuravilangad, Travancore.

JJacob of M ary, Sacred H eart’s Monastery, Chettipushay,

C hanganacherry, Travancore.Jacob of M other of Dolours, St. Thomas’ M onastery, P a ra tty ,

S. M alabar.Jerome of the Mother of Dolours, M onastery of St. John of the

Cross, Mutholy, Pala, Travancore.Joachim of M ary, St. Joseph’s Monastery, M annanam,

Travancore.Job of the M other of Dolours, St. Theresa’s Monastery, P a lli-

puram , Vaikom, Travancore.John of the Cross, St. Thomas’ 'M onastery, P ara tty , S. M ala­

bar.John of St. Cyriac, St. Sebastian’s M onastery, Pulincunnoo,

Travancore.Joseph of the Blessed Sacrament, M onastery of St. John of the

Cross, M utholy, Pala , Travancore.Joseph of Jesus, St. Thomas’ Monastery, P a ra tty , S. Malabar.Joseph of th e Sacred H eart, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Cune-

mavu, Verapoly, Travancore.Joseph Louis, St. Anne’s Monastery, K urianad, K uravilan­

gad, Travancore.Joseph Elias of the Sacred H eart, Carmel Monastery, V asha-

kulam , M uvattupushay, Travancore.Ju lian of S t. Paul, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Cunemavu, V era­

poly, Travancore.



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KKurian of St. Joseph, Sacred H eart Monastery, Thevara,

E rnakulam , Cochin.

LLawrence of St. Theresa, St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam,

Travancore.Lazar of th e Blessed Sacrament, St. Aloysius’ College, M an­

galore, S. Canara.Lebbens of th e Mother of Dolours, M onastery of St. John of

the Cross, M utholy, Pala, Travancore.Leo of the Holy Fam ily, St. Theresa's Monastery, Pallipuram ,

Yaikom, Travancore.Leopold of St. Joseph, St. Theresa’s Monastery, Am palacatt,

Mala, Cochin.Linus of th e M other of Dolours, St. Antony’s, Puthupally ,

Kottayam , Travancore.Ludovic of th e M other of Dolours, St. Theresa’s M onastery,

A m palacatt, Mala, Cochin.Luke of St. Joseph, St. Theresa’s M onastery, A m palacatt,

Mala, Cochin.

MMarceline of St. Theresa, Sacred H eart Monastery, Chetti*

pushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.Marian of St. Joseph, St. Theresa’s M onastery, A m palacatt,

Mala, Cochin.M artin of tbe Sacred H eart, St. Anne’s M onastery, K urianad,

Kuravilangad, Travancore.M atthew of St. Joseph, St. Theresa’s, Poonjar, Travancore.M atthew of th e Sacred H eart, Carmel Monastery, V asha-

kulam , M uvathupushay, Travancore.M athias of St. Joseph, St. Sebastian 's M onastery, Pu lln -

cunnoo, Travancore.M athias of th e Sacred H eart, Carmel M onastery, V asha-

kulam , M uvathupushay, Travancore.Methodius of the Holy Fam ily, Carm elite Hospice, Jeppoo,

Kankanady, S. Canara.Michael of Jesus, St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam,

Travancore.Michael of the Sacred H eart, Purification M onastery,

E ltburu th ,T richur, Cochin,


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NNicholas of Jesus, Sacred H eart M onastery, C hettipushay,

Changanacherry, Travanoore.P

Pachomius of In fan t Jesus, St. Theresa’s M onastery, Am- palacatt, M ala, Cochin.

Pancratius of St. Joseph, Purification M onastery, E lthuru th , Trichur, Cochin.

P atrick of the Im m . Con., St. Antony’s M onastery, A lwaye, Travancore.

Paul of St. M atthew , St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam, Travancore.

Paulinus of the Im m . Con., St. T heresa’s Monastery, Pallipuram , Vaikom, Travancore.

P eter of th e Holy Cross, St. Theresa’s Monastery, Am palacatt, Mala, Cochin.

P e te r Thomas of Jesus, Catholic Hostel, Trivandrum , Travancore.

P h ilip of St. Joseph, St. S ebastian ’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo, Travancore.

P ius of th e Holy Fam ily, Sacred H eart Monastery, C hetti­pushay, Changancherry, Travancore.

Placid of St. Joseph, St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam, Travancore.

Polycarp of St. Joseph, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Cunemavu, Verapoly, Travancore.

Protase of Mary, Lourdes’ House, Ayroor, Kozencherry, Travancore.

RRaymond of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Sacred H eart

M onastery, C hettipushay, Changanacherry, Travancore.Remi of Mary, St. Joseph’s Monastery, M annanam, T ravan­

core.Romeo of the Imm. Con., St. Joseph’s M onastery, M annanam,

Travancore.Romuald of St. Joseph, St. Theresa's Monastery, Pallipuram ,


Serapion of the Imm. Con., St. Thomas’ M onastery, P ara tty , S. Malabar.

Simon of the Sacred H eart, St. Joseph’s Monastery, M anna­nam , Travancore,


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Simonstook of St. Joseph, Purification M onastery, E lthu ru th , Trichur, Cochin.

Stanislaus of St. Joseph, Carmel M onastery, V ashakulam , M nvattupushay, Travancore.

Stephen of St. Thomas, St. A ntony’s, Pu thapaily , Kottayam , Travancore.-

Sylvester of the Blessed Sacrament, Purification Monastery, E lth u ru th , T richur, Cochin.

TTharcisius of St. John, Monastery, of St. Joseph of th e Cross,

M utholy, Pala, Travancore.Thim othy of Jesus, St. Thomas' M onastery, P ara tty , S.

Malabar.Thomas of St. John of th e Cross, St. Theresa’s M onastery,

Pallipuram , Vaikam , Travancore.Thomas of Mary, St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo,

Travancore.Tobias of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Sacred H eart, Monas­

tery , Thevara, Ernakulam , Cochin.u

Urban of the Blessed Sacram ent, Purification Monastery, E lth u ru th , T richur, Cochin.

VVictor of the Assumption, Carm elite Hospice, Jeppoo, Kan-

kanady, S. Malabar.Vincent of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Theresa’s M onastery, • A m palacatt, Mala, Cochin.

wW illiam of the Assumption, St. Joseph’s M onastery, Man*

nanam , Travancore.X

X avier of th e Cross, Carmel Monastery, Vashakulam , M uvattupushay, Travancore.

zZachary of St» Thomas, Sacred H eart M onastery, Chetti-

pushay, C hanganacherry, Travancore.


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AA drian, Maubin.A ki, J ., A ssistant Rector, Toungoo.Alexis, P., Chanthagon.A llard, G., 13, Mission Road, Rangoon.Aloysius, M., Monhla via Ye-u.Ambrose, Zaungdan, Henzada P.O.Audrian, E., M eiktila.Augustin, A., Shwebo.

BBallenghein, A., Yandoon.Barbagallo, K engtung (S. Shan States).Barbieri, D., Clergy House, Toiingoo. Bonaventura, Shan Mission, Bhamo Dt.Benedict, J., Danbi, Henzada Dt.Bignamini, L., Durokho, Toungoo.Blasius, Bassein.Borsano, E., Mosho.Bossi, R ., Leiktho.Bouche, A., Paukzeinbe, Kyaung-gon P.O. Boulanger, X., Moulmein.

cCadorin, J. B , Hoja.Cambiaso, L., Kengfcung (S. Shan States).Carolus, F., K ach in Mission, Bhamo Dt. Casseaux, F., C athedral, Rangoon.Cassia, A., M ong-Yan (S. Shan States). Cassinger, J., Maubin.Charbonnel, P., Ywegon, Bassein P.O.Chave, K yauktan (Syriam).Chevalller, P., Moulmein.Clemens, Brss, Moulmein.Collard, P., Kachin Mission, Bhamo Dt.Collard, M., St. John’s Leper Asylum , Mandalay. Cremonesi, A., Donokho.

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DDarne, Aug., C athedral, M andalay.Dessale, H„ St. A nthony’s, Kandawglay, Rangoon.

EEdw ard, E., M aryland, Zalun P.O.

FFaliere, A., Mandalay.Fargeton, A., Leper Asylum , Rangoon.Farronato, A., Mong Lin (S. Shan States).Fasoli, P . J., W ary, Toungoo.Felix, F ., Zaangdom.Foulquier, M aryland.Francis, Seminary, Moulmein.

G.Gabriel, M yaungmya.George, F., Shwebo.Ghier, L., Cathedral, Mandalay.Gilhodes, Ch., Kachin Mission, Bhamo Dt.Goveas, T., St. X avier’s Tamil Church, Mandalay. G ranger, V., Thonze.G uercilena, F., Mong Y an (S. Shan States). Gussoni, E., M ethelendaung,

HH enry, A., M yaungmya.Heraud, F., Thinganaigag, H enzada P.O.H err, Frid., Bhamo.

JJarre , J . M., Maymyo.Joachim, L., Yandoon.Joseph, Chaungu via Sagaing.Joseph, Kanatzogon, W akem a P.O.Juery, J., Kachin Mission, Bhamo Dt.

LLafon, J . L., St. Joseph’s, M andalay.Laurent, P ., Nabet via Myinmu.Leo, Sem inary, Moulmein.Lescure, E., K yailkat, Pyapon.Lissoni, J., K alaw .


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Loizean, P., Papun.Lucas, K., Gyobingauk, Tharraw ady Dt.Lucius, J., Nyaungow.Ludavicus, Nyaunglebin.

MMaisonabe, C., Theinzeik.Mamy, J., Cantonment, Rangoon.Mandin, C., Chanthagon.Manghisi, P., Mong Pin (S. Shan States).M archesi, P . T.. Durokho, Toungoo.Marcuzzi, V., Momblaw.M artin, Nyaunglebin.M assari, B., Yado.M atthew , Papun.Maye, Y., Mergui.Merceur, F., Shan Mission.M eyrieux, J ., Pyapon.M ichael, W., Letham a, A inthabyu P£).Mignob, M., Nyaunglebin, Toungoo Line.Moindrot, L., Maymyo.Mora, P., Teitasho.M ourlane, Y ., Sem inary, Moulmein.Mourlanne, J. B., St. A nthony’s, Kandawglay, Rangoon. Mourier, J ., Kanatzogon, W akem a P.O.

NNanhline, Bhamo, Shan Mission, Bhamo Dt.Nazaire, Thonze.Nicholas. N., Bassein.

PPaquet, A. M., Kachin Mission, Bhamo Dt.Pascal, P . Myaungmyo.Pavagean, L .t Thonze.Peano, B., Pekkong (S. Shan States).P elletier, E., C hanthuyw a via Ye-u.Penna, J., Rangoon.Perego, R., Pekkong.P errin , F., Bassein.P eter, B., Moulmein.P e te r, Shan Mission Bhamo Dt.Phillippe, L., K yailkat, Pyapon.Picot, L , St. John’s, Taulay Street, Rangoon. Portaluppi, F., Mong-Yam (S. Sban States), (on leave).


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RRaimondi, E., Rector, Toungoo.Raphael, Thinganaigag, H enzada P.O.Ravoir, L., Danbi, Henzada Db.Rem y, T., G-yobingauk, Tharraw addy Dt. Resinelli, Clergy House, Toungoo.Rieu, P., Prome.Rioufrcyt, J., Rangoon.Roche, C., Shan Mission, Bhamo Dt.Rossi, E., Kengtung (S. Shan States).Roy, 13, Mission Road, Rangoon.Rozario, de, Twante.Rozario, R. R. de, Nyaungow.Ruppin, J., St. M ichael’s, M andalay.

sSt. G uilly, P., Rangoon.Sellos, A., St. A nthony’s, Kandaw glay, Rangoon. Signore, C. Del., W ary, Toungoo.

TThomas, St. John’s Leper Asylum , Mandalay. Timotheus, Maubin, Delta D t.

VVincent, Kanatzogon, W akem a P.O.V ism ara, C., Mong Lin (S. Shan States).

wW hittaker, F., M ilitary Chaplain, Mingaladou.

zZiello, P., Leiktho.


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AA bayaratna, M. J. P ., M idellew itta, Jacla P.O. Abewickreme, A. E., New Bazaar, Colombo.:A braham , B.t Chundically.A braham , B., O.M.I., M annar,Agaccio, F., C.M.I., W ennapuwa.A lbaret, A.Alles, P . M., O.M.I., Very Rev., Grand S treet, Negambo. Aloysius, Stephen, Veyangoda,Alphonse, J., O.M.I., Halpe, K atana P.O.Alphonsus, S.J., O M.I., V adiri, Jaffna.Anthony, S., O.M.I., M andaitivu.A ubert, F., O.M.I., N attandiya.Augustine, L. J., O.M .i.., Ilavalay, Ceylon.Austen, Van, S.J., Elipitiya.

BBagnet, P . M., s .j ., Elipitiya, Galle.Barbrel, M., o .m .i ., Cathedral, Colombo.Baron, J. B., O.m .i ., M annar, Ceylon.Bastenier, S. J ., Ganagama.Bastiampillai, B. P., A nuradhapura.Benedict, N. A., Arippu.Benedict, Don W., W adduwa.Benjamin, S. A., Chunnagam.Berrew aerts, A., S.J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.Bizien, F. M., O.M.I., V.G., Jaffna.Bonnel, C., S.J., Batticaloa.Bonnel, R t. Rev. F. S. J ., V.G., Batticaloa.Bougarel, F., O.M.I., Nainamadama.Boulic, P., O.M.I., Bolawatta.Boury, C* A., O.M.I., Jaffna.Breton, F. L., O.M.I., K urunegala Town.Brohan, O.M.I., St. Jam es, Jaffna.Bury, H., S.J., Kalmunai. *

cCharles, R. D., Madampe.Chauvel, J. B., M ullaitivu.Charuel, J., O.M.I., Archbishop’s House, Borella, Colombo. Closset, A., s.J ., Higgasena, Ceylon.Qollorce, C., O.M.I., Nagoda, Kandane P.O,


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Comes, E., O .M .I , K uliapitiya, Daudagaoiuwa, Ce lo i Cooray, P., Ganeganja.Coumoul, P h ., 0 ,M .l., V ery B ev.Crocfcaine., C., O.M.I., W att ala.Cross, C. V „ O.M.I., K alutara , Ceylon.

DDabrera, W . Z., Kötte, Colombo.Daniel, R., S .J., Batticaloa.D aurat, A., O.M.I., Point Pedro,, .Jaffna.Davy, A. P., O.M.L, K atunayaka, Colombo,Delaney, J., S .J., Kegalle, Galle, Ceylon.Deiwaide, P., S.J., R atnapura.Deslondes, F . V., O.M .L, Passaiyoor.Destoge, E., O.M I., Patchilopoli.Dessy, L., Vavunyai.Devise, H.,'o.m.i., M utwal, St. James, Colombo. Dominic, D. J ., O.M .I., W eliveriya, Gampha P.O. Dupont, C., S.J., Pàpal Sem inary, K^ndy Doupont, L., S.J., Trincomalee, Ceylon.

EEm m anuel, S., A nuradhapura.Euze, F., O.M .I,, Grand Pass, Colombo.

FFendenheim, A., O.M.I., T ettapalai, M am pary P.O. Fernando, M. A., S.J., Kegalle.Fernando, A ndrew, O.M.I., M attaeottuwa.Fernando, A. N., Hambantota.Fernando, Chas, M., N alaw alana.Fernando, E. Komuald, O.M .I., Kandane.Fernando, F. Robert, O.M .I., Chijaw .Fernando, Felieian, O.M.I., Borella, Colombo. Fernando, Fabian, Sea S treet, Negombo.Fernando, O.M.I., P eter P., Hanwella.Fernando, P., Germain, H aldanduw ana.Fernando, M. J., o m .i „ N attandiya.Fernando, M ärtm, Bolawalana, Negombo P.O. Fernando, K. Sebastian, O.M.I., W aikkal.Fernando, L. V., H ewadiwela.Fernando, J., Aloy, W eigampitiya.Fernando, J . Francis, Pallansena.Fernando, J . L , Francis, O.M.L, Pamunugama. Fernando, J. R., O.M.I,, Kaîpentyn,


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Fernando. V ery Rev. Mgr., V. H., Galle.Fernando, P . Jos., Toppu.Fernando, P. Joseph, O.M.I.Fernando, U. John, Borella, Colombo.Fernando, Victor L., G rand S treet, Negombo.Feron, 0 , 8 .J., M atara, Galle.Figurdo, W., O.M.I., K alutara.Fonseca, H. M., Basil, Slave Island, Colombo. Francis, J r, O.M.I, M urungam, M annar P.O.Francis, P. M„ O.M.I., St. Jam es’, Jaffna, Ceylon. F ru tsaert, E„ S.J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.

GG autier, F., O.M.I., Bishop’s House, Jaffna, Ceylon. Geradon, de, J. B., S.J., v .g ., Batticaloa. Gnanaprakasar, S., O.M.I.. Nallore, Ceylon. Gourichon, L. H , O.M.I., Hanwelle, Ceylon.Goury, F., o .M .i., K urunegala Town.Griaux, G., O.M.I., v .g ., Borella, Colombo.Gryffroy, S.J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.Gueguen, P . M., O .M .i, Bambalapitiya, Colombo. Guesnon, G., O.M.I., Sea S treet, Negombo.Guglielmi, Th., O.M .I,, V ery Rev., Borella, Colombo. Guillaume, A., O.M .I., Bolawalana.Guiraud, L. P., o .M .1 . W atta la .G uitot, L., O.M.I., Jaffna.Gunasekera, M., c .M .l,, Pam unugam a. Gunawardene, J. F., Avissavella, Ceylon.

HH arm ant, A., O.M.I,, Payagalu, Ceylon.Haye, de la J., S.J., Batticaloa, Ceylon.H eart, P . J. B.. o .M .i., Duwa. P itipane P.O. Heimburger, F. O., S.J., Puliyadikudah.H erel, M., O.M.I., W attala .H ilaris, Fr., H anw ella.H uctin, A., Madhu. M annar.Hueber, H., O.M.I., K urunegala P.O.

JJacobs, J ., s.J., H indum a via Galle, Ceylon.Jam es, P . X ., O.M .I., M annar.Jamoays, J., o.M.i., Maggona.Jayakody, M arcelline; O.M.I., C athedral, Colombo. Jayaw ardena, Galle.


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Jayam anne, A. M. B., O.M.I., Borella, Colombo.Jaouen, V., O.M.I., St. A ndrew ’s, M utwal, ¡Colombo,Jeandel, A., O.M .I., Jaffna.Jenn, E., O.M .I., N avanturai.John. T. Don., Nagoda, Kandane P.O.Julien, M. A., W eliw itta .Joeeph-M ary, P., S.J., Kalmunai.Joseph, T„ Don., O.M.LJulien, M. A., O.M.I., Duwa, Pitipane P.O.

KKerbout, J. M., O.M.I., Cathedral, Colombo.

L •Laboure, Th., O.M .I., M utwal, Colombo. ,Lagathu, J. M., O.M .I., M utw al, Sb. John the Baptist, Colombo. Lambot, C., S.J., Papal Seminary, Kandy.Landadio, N. M., S.J., Y atiyantota.Larnaudie, O.M.I., Jaffna, Ceylon.Lazarus, S., Mis. Ap., M uttur, Ceylon.LeCoutour, H ., Mullaitivu.Lefrire, N. H ., O.M.L, W ennapuwa. ,L’Hoir, F. X.,S.J., V ery Rev. Rector, Papal Seminary, Kandy

Ceylon.Louwers, C., 8.J., Rakwana, Ceylon.

MMajorei, J., O.M .I., Archbishop’s House, Borella, Colombo. M anka, S., O.M.I., W ennapuva.M arcelin, B. A., O.M.I., Vangalai.M arcellus, H. D., M oratuwa.M argerit, C , O.M.I., M yletty, Jaffna.M arian, S., s. J., Trincomalee.M artin, S. R., O.M.I., Delft, Jaffna.Masson, J. M., O.M.I., Maggona.M athias, Don. K attakadu, Mundei P.O.Mauss, H . G., O.M.I., Palagaturai, K attuw a P.O.Mazoyer, J., O .M .i,, M oratuwa.McDonough, M., 8 .J , Papal Seminary, Kandy.Meary, J. B., O.M .I., Borella, Colombo.Melga, J. M., O.M.I., M araw ila, Ceylon.M illiner, J„ O.M .I., Cathedral, Colombo.Montagnon, J ., O.M.I., Tudella, Jaela P.O.Moreau, H., O.M.I., Adamben, M annar P.O.


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oOlive, E., O.M.I., Jaffna.

PParis, J., O.M.I., Halpe, K atana P.O.Patrick , J. B., Talankudah.Perera, J., Aloy, O.M .I., W eigampiliya, Jaela P.O. Perera , John, O.M.I., Cathedral, Colombo.Perera , M., Balangoda.Perera , Michael, M atugama.Perera, N., O.M.I., Jaffna, Ceylon.P erera, Roland, Tudella, Jae la , P.O.Peries, Edmund, O.M.I,, Maggona, K alu tra Dt.Peries, P. B., O.M.I., Kandawala, K atana P.O.Perussel, H., O.M.I., Jaffna, Ceylon.Peter, P . Don., Tarala, Pugodo P.O.P eter, B., o.M I., C athedral of St. M ary, Jaffna.Peyron, E ., O.M .I., Burulapitiya.Philip, B., Nellore, Jaffna.P iler, C , S.J., R atnapura.Piron, Jos., S.J„ Y atiyantota, Ceylon.Poologasingam, L., M urusuvil.Poulain, J . B., Ilavalay, Pandattaruppu, Ceylon.

RReymann, C. J., O.M.I., Borlassa, Lunuw ila P.O. Reichard, C., S.J., Trinoomallee.Reichard, C., S.J., Batticaloa.Riou, F., o.M .I., Chilaw.Rigollet, P., O.M.I., K atuneriya,Rodrigo, O.M.I., Handane.Rodrigo, L , O.M.I., M annar.Roelandts, P., S.J., Papal Seminary, Kandy.

sSampayo, De J. B., K irim etiagara, K adw ata P.O. Sanders, P., S.J , Papal Sem inary, Kandy.Santiago, J., Haldanduw ana.Santiogo, N., O.M.I., Tolegatty, P u ttu r P.O.Saul, P., O.M.I., Sillalai.Sebastian, K„ N aranthanai.Selmer, P., O.M.I., Cathedral, Colombo.Silva, T. de., M atara.Silva, Theodore de., O.M.I., Chilaw.Silva, J . T. de, D ehiwala.

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Souhait, J. M., o MX, Borella, Colombo,Spillebout, L., S .J ., Ratnapura.Stäche, A., S.J., Balangoda, Ceylon.S tandaert, Aug., S .J., Kegalle.Stanislaus, S., o .m .i ., Passalai.Stubbe, S .J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.

TTabart, J., Bolawalana.Tanker, J., O.M.I., P ettah , Colombo.Thomas, A., O.M.I., Tolegatty.Thomas, L. M. Y., O.m .i ,, Dalugama, Colombo.Tjssera, H ileris, Pu tta lam .

VV&ndenbussehe, R., S .J ., Peria-P u llum alai. Vedanayagam , J., O.M.I., N anattam .V eyret, H., O.M.I., Sillalai.Y iard, E., O.M.I., Passaiyoor, Jaffna.Yossen, L., S .J., Papal Sem inary, Kandy.

wW eerakkody, V., O.M .I., G rand Street, Negombo. W iekram asinghe, W ., Ham bantota.W illiam , D. J., o .m .i ., Borella.

XX avier, S. Francis, O.M .I., Sb. M ary’s C athedral, Jaffna. X avier, J., O.M.I., Our Lady of Refuge, Jaffna.

YY enveuz, A., O.M.I., M oratuwa.

zZeiter, J., O.M X , M oratuwa.


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AAloysius, J . T., Sem inary, Sarangoon.Arcand, U., E lan , P.M.S.Auguin, G., Balik Pula, Penang.Auriol, L., Seminary, Singapore.

BBaloche, P. Telok, Ansou, P.M.S.Barillon, R ight Rev. E., Bishop’s House, Singapore. Becheras, E., Saranggong,. Singapore.Belliot, J. M., Bukit. Timah, Singapore.Bonamy, J., Cathedral, Singapore.Burghoffer, L., Our Lady of Lourdes, Singapore.

cCardon, R., Taiping, Perak.Cordeiro, L., Church of SS., Peter and Paul, Singapore.

DDeredec, N., O ur Lady of Lourdes, Ipoh, Perak.Devals, A., Church of the Assumption. Penang. Duvelle, H., Johore-Bahru.

EEdmond, J. A., St. Anthony’s, Euala-Lum pur.

FFourgs, S., Ipoh, F.M.S.Francois, J ., Malacca.

GGoyenetche, L., Ipoh, Perak (on leave).

HH erm ann, V., St. Anthony’s, K ualarLum pur,

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LLam bert, L,, Bishop’s House, Singapore.Jjee, J., Holy Rosary, K uala-Lum pur.]Lee, S., SS. P eter and Paul, Singapore.

MM aury, N„ Sereraban, F.M.S.Merel, R ight Rev., Sacred H eart, Singapore.

oOlcomendy, M., Taiping, Perak .

PPerrichon, L , Rt. Rev., Bishop's House, Singapore Perissoud, D., K uala-Lum pur, F.M.S.

RR enard, V. M., Palo Tikus, Penang.Riboud, L., Sungei Patan i, Kedah.Ruaudel, P., C athedral, Singapore.

sS^usseau, E., Si. X avier's, Penang.Seet, M., Machang Bubo, P.W .Silva, F . de, Malacca.Souhait, J. B., Klang, Selangor.Souza, R. de, Penang,By, J,, Ipoh, F.M.S.


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AAbica, Qui.


Abu-Road, Ajm. 95Abu-Road, Bom. 113Acaparamp, Ern. 47A dah, Lah. 263A daikalapuram , Tuti. 144Adra, Cal. 150A dyar, Mad. 199Agacaim, Goa. 15A gashi, Bom. 112Agonda, Goa. 21Agra, Cathedral 90A gra, Cantonment 90Agra, Civil Lines 90A grar, Mang. 129Ahmedabad, Bom. 113Ahmednagar, Poo. 117A ikaraehira, Chan. 67Airodi, Mang. 128Ajmer 95A kkravaram , Pond. 233Akyab, Chit. 153Alagappapuram, Tuti. 144A lantalai, Tuti. 144Aldeamar, Bom. 110Aldona, Goa. 20Alengad, Ern. 51A lladhy, Pond. 231A llahabad 101Alleppey, Chan. 68Alleppey, Coch. 31A lnavar, Poo. 118Aloor, Trr. 80


PAGEA lwaye, Ern. 49Alwaye, Ver. 274A m anacara, Kot. 74A m arabady, Coch. 29A m ayanur, Ver. 276Ambakad, Trr. 82Ambakona, Ran. 168Ambala, Sim. 260Ambazhakad, T rr. 81Amboli, Bom. 110Ammadan, Trr. 82Ammapet, Myl. 40Amod, Bom. 112A m pallur, E rn. 50Amraoti, Nag. 208A m ritsar, Lah. 263Anacalluncal, Chan. 62Anakarei, Tuti. 144Anand, Bom. 112A nandarayenkottai, Trr. 137 A nantapuram , Trr. 83A ndavurani, Tri. 138A ngam aly, Ern. 46Angediva, Goa. 23Anikad, Chan. 66Anjengo, Qui. 284Anjuna, Goa. 19Ankola, Goa. 23A nthiyalan , Chan. 63Antoniabad, Lah. 263A rakulam , Ern. 52A rakusha, Ern. 47Arambol, Gos. 21

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A ranattukara, Trr.PAGE

82A ranellur, Qui. 284A ratb inkal, Coch. 30-31A ravilai, Qui. 284A real, Goa 16A rrekara, Kot. 74Ariankupam , Pond. 230A rim pur, T rr. 85Aripalam , Trr. 86Arkonam, Mad. 200A rni, Mad. 200Arsikere, Mys, 255A rtha t, Trr. 84A rnala, Bom. 112A runuttam angalam , Kot. 73A rupukkottai, Tri. 138A rur, Coch. 30A ruvithura, Chan. 62A rva, Mang. 130Asansol, Cal. 151Assagao, Goa. 19Assangi, Poo. 118Assonora, Goa. 20Assolna, Goa. 17Athicodoo, Coim. 236A thiram pusha, Chan. 67A tta th ara , Trr. 84A ttipakam , Pon. 231A tur, Kum. 243Aulia, Nag. 208Aurungabad, Nag. 208A uttat hur, Tri. 81Avanigadda, Hyd. 205Avur, Tri. 137Avutapally Hyd. 205Avoor, Mylap. 41Ayana, Ern. 48Ayam patti, Tri. 137Ayyam pet, Kum. 240Ayyanthole, Trr. 82Azgao, Goa 22A zhikal, Coch. 31Azossim, Goa 15Azrem, Goa %%


Badagara, Cali. 122Badarpur, Chit. 153Badnera, Nag. 209Badyar, Mang. 30Bahoor, Pon, 230Baitakhana, Myl. 42Baghu, Ag. 90Bajpe, Mang. 129Bambolim, Goa 15Bandei, Hoogly, Myl. 42Bandikui, Ag. 90Bandra, Bom. 310Bangalore, Mys. 255-256Bankipur, Patn . 163Bantval, Mang. 130Baramulla, Kaf. 267Bareilly, Ag. 90Barisal, Chit. 153Barkur, Mang. 128Barlowganj, Ag. 91Baroda, Bom. 113Barwani, Ajm. 95Batim, Goa 15Batta, Ajm. 95Bayaram, Hyd. 205Begur, Mys. 256Bela, Mang. 127Belgaum, Goa 22Bellary, Cowl Bazaar 226Bellary, Cantonment 226Bellary, Fort 226Belle, Mang. 128Belloor, Mang. 130Belman, Mang. 128Beltangady, Mang. 129Bemerla, Han. 109Benaulim, Goa 16Benares, Alla. 101Bendur, Mang. 127Beneeduar, Din. 159Bt rhampore, Kris. 160Berhampur, Catt. 223Betalbatim , Goa U

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' ? W ■


Bethlehem, E rn .PAGE

48Bettiah, Patn . 163Bezwada, Hyd. 205Bhagalpur, Pat. 163Bhagor, Ajm. 95Bhalukapara, Dac. 157Bhavanagar, Born. 113Bhavanikhara, Ajm. 95Bhayndar, Bom. 111Bhikam pur. Ag. 90Bbimaram, Hyd. 204Bhironda, Goa 22Bhoborparä, Krish. 160Bhowali, A lla. 101Bhusawal, Poo. 117Bicholim, Goa 21Bidi Nandgod, Goa 22Bilaspur, Nag. 209Bimaram, Hyd. *04Bimlipatam. Yiz. 220Biridakuni, Dar. 157B itraganta, Nel. 215Bizey, Mang. 127Bobbili, Yiz. 220Bolarum, Hyd. 204Bolghatty, Ver. 275Bolkunje, Mang. Bondel, Mang.


Borimar, Mang. 130Borsar, Nag. 209Bramiangalam, Kot. 73Broach, Bom. 113Budumangalam, Mad. 200Buleshwar, Bom. 107Bulsar, Bom. 112Byculla, Bom. 107Byndoor, Mang.


\JCabo de Ram a, Goa 21Cadagathur, Pond. 233Cadanad, Chang. 68Cagneracode, Qui. 283Calangute, Goa 20

C alcuttaPAGE

149-150Calicut 121Calladay, Qui. 283Camangoode, Qui. 285Canacona, Goa 21Canadackera, Qui. 283Cannanore, Cali. 122Cannuly, Qui. 283Cape Comorin, Qui. 286Carrambolim, Goa 15Carrangode, Qui. 286Carel, Ver. 275Carmona, Goa 17Carthedam , Ver. 275Cathedra], San Thome f

My lapore. 38Cathedral of St. Mary of

Angels, Mad. 197Cattinga, Catt. 224Cave], Bom. 107Cawnpore, A lla, 101Chackiamuri, Coch. 30Chakarakadavu, Ern. 52Chakni, Patn. 163C hakrata, Ag. 90Chala, Cali. 122Chalakudy, Trr. 81Chaly, Ern. 51Champacara, Chan. 60Champion Reefs, Mys. 256Chandernagore, Pon. 230Chandor, Goa 16Chandowar, Goa 23Changalam, Chan. 66Changanacherry 60Chatham a, Ern. 50Chaubattia, Alla. 101C haungtha, Chit. 153Chellanam , Coch. 30-31Chellur, T rr. 85Chem m alam attam , Chan. 62Chemp, Ern. 53Chenapady, Chang. 66Chendraponni, Trr. 89

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PAGEChengalam, Ver. 276Chengalam, Kott. 75Chengalur, Trr. 82Chennamangalam, Ern. 52Chenancary, Chan. 61Chenapady, Chang. 66C heram ullur, Ern. 49Cherat, Kaf. 267Cherpu, Trr. 82Cherpunkal, Cha. 64Cherpungal, Kot. 74Cherrapunjee, Assam 171Cheruvalley, Chan. 66Chethikode, E rn. 50C hetpat, Mad. 200Chevoor, T rr. 82Cheyur, Pon. 233Chicalim, Goa 18Chickbalapur, Mys. Chickm agalur, Mys.


Chikalda, Nag. 209Chinch in im, Goa 17Chindw ara, Nag. 209Chingleput, Mylapore 39Chinsurah (Hoogly), Myl. 94C hirakal, Trr. 85Chittagong 153Chittar, Chan. 64C h itta ttu r. T rr. 84Chittoor, Coim. 236Choohari, P atna 163Chowannur, T rr. 84Chowara, E rn. 50Chrisbianpeb, Mad. 200 1Chunagam vely, Ern. 49 !Chuñar, A llah. 101 1Chungam, Kobt.Church of the Imm. Con­


ception, Tri. 137 'Cliroor, Chang. . 67 iCocanada, Vizag, 220 ICoimbatore 236Colaba, Bom. 107-108Colachel, Qui. 287


PAGËColathur, Qui. 285Colithotam, Qui. 284Colva, Goa 16Col vail e, Goa 19Condolim, Goa 20Connecudy, Kum, 242Coondapoor, Mang. 128Coonoor, Coim. 236Coorambagaram, Pon. 230Cord el, Mang. 127Corlim, Goa 15Coromandel, Mys. 256Cortalim, Goa 18Cortampett, Mad. 200Cothad, Ver. 274Covelong, Myl. 39Coviloor (N. Arc.), Mad. 200Coviloor (Salem), Pon. 233Cranganore, Yer. 275Cucurnim, Myl. 41Cuddalore N.T., Pon. 231Cuddalore O.T., Pon. 232Cumbalam, Qui. 283Cuncolim, Goa 17Cuuemao, Yer. 275Cunnoni, Chan. 62Curca, Goa 15Curishingal, Ver. 275Curumbanai, Qui. 287Curtorim, Goa 17Cutback, Catt. 223

DDabul, Bom. 108Dacca 157Dacca, Myl. 42Dadar, Bom. 108Dagshai, Sim. 260Dalhousie, Lah. 263-264Dalwal, Lah. 264Damao G rande, Goa 23Damao Pequeno, Goa 24Dantolinguy, Catt. 224Darjeeling, Cal. 149Dehra Dun, Ag. 90

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Delhi, Ag.PAGE

90Dendaluru, Hyd. 205Deviali, Poo. 118Dhanbad, Cai. 151Dhanjuri, Din. 159Dhanora, Nag. 209Dharapuram , Coim. 237Dharendra. Dac. 127D harw ar, Poo. 118Diamper, Kot. 73Diamperur (‘New), Ern. 50Diamperur (Old), Erri. 50Dighia, Ran. J67Dighy. Catt. 229Dilkusha, Alla. 101Dinajpur. 159Dinapore, Patna. 164Dindigul, Myl. 41Dindigul, Tri. 137Diu, Goa. 24Donakonda, Nel. 215Dongri, Bom. i nDornhally, Mys. 257Douli, Bom. 111

EEdacochi, Coch. 30Edakoli, Kot. 74Edakolam, Trr. 85Edam uttam , Chan. 62Edapally, Ern. 49Edatt, Ern. 49E dathuru th i, Trr. 85Edavanakad, Ver. 275Edecat, Kott. 72Elamgai, Chan. 66Elangy, Chan. 65Elikolam, Chan 66Ellangulam , Chang. 66E llathagiry , Pond. 233Ellichpur, Nag. 209Eilore, Hyder. 205Eloor, Ern. 47Enam avu. Trr. 84

PAGEEnayam, Qui. 287Engandiyur, Trr. 84E raiyur, Pond. 232Eram allor, Cochin. 30E ranallur, Trr. 84Eravipuram , Qui. 283Ericham bady, Coim. 237Ernakulam , Ver. 273-274Erode, Coim. 237Erukoor, Kum. 241Erum apetti, Trr. 84Eshupunna, Ern. 51Etam aruku, Chan. 63E ttum anur, Kot. 73Ezalloor, Ern. 52Ezhuvine, Coch. 31

FFajir, Mang. 130Ferar, Mang. 129Feroke Cali. 122Franciscabad, Lab. 264French Rocks, Mys. 257Ferozepore, Lah. 264Fyzabad, A lla. 101

GGabrielpuram, Kum. 242Gadag, Poo. 118Gaibira, Ran. 167Galgibaga, Goa. 21Gangapur, Ajm. 95Ganguli, Mang. 128Gangutoli, Ran. 168G auhati, Ass. 171Gaurnadi, Chit. 153Ghogargaon, Nag. 209Gboleng, Ran. 168Ghyree. Patn . 364Ginabahur, Ran. 168Gingee, Pon. 232Girgaum, Bom. 108Giri, Mang. 128G nanapuram , Viz. 220

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PAGE PAGEGroa, Y elha, Goa 15 Irudayakulam , Tri. 139Golden Rock, Tri. 137 Irudayapuram , Tri, 138Golia, Dac. 157 Irudayam pattu , Pond. 232Gorakhpore, A lla. 101 Irunday, Pond. 232Gorai, Bom. 111 Itarsi, Nag. 209G othuruthy, V er. 276 Ith ithanam , Chan. 60Graca, Goa 16 TGuardale, Myl. 41 J

95Gudivada, Hyd. 205 Jaipur, Ajm.Gudulore, Coim. 237 Jam alkban , Chit. 154Guirim, Goa 19 Jam alpur, Patn. 164Guiriz, Bom. 111 Jamshedpur, Cal. 151Gulmarg, Kaf. 267 Jeolikote, Alla. 101Guledgudd, Poo. 118 Jessore, Krish. 161Gulmona, Goa 23 Jhabua, Ajm. 95G untakal, Nel. 216 Jhansi, Alla. 101G untur, Nel. 215 Jhunm ur, Ran. 168G urpur, Mang. 129 Jowai, Ass. 171Gwalior, Ag. 90 Jubbulpore, Nag.

Juhu, ßom.209

G yeiktaw , Chit. 153 110Ju llund er, Lah. 264H Juvem, Bom. 42

Haflong, C hit. 153 1rH alyal, Goa 23H am irpur, Ran. 167 Kadaba, Mang. 130H anum andham patty, Tri. 137 Kadainikad, Chang. 67H arubally , My s. 257 Kadamakudi, Ern. 51Holy Redeem er’s, Trichy. 137 Kadapilam attam , Chan. 64Hashnabad, Myl. 42 Kadappussery, Trr. 81Hassan, Mys. 257 K adathuruthi, Chan. 65Honowar, Goa 23 K adathuruthy, Kot. 73Hospetb, Mang. 129 Kadavur, Ern. 52Hubli, Poo. 118 K adukutty, Ern. 49H urda, Nag. 209 Kainacary, Chan. 68Hyderabad, Dec 204 Kainady, Chan. 69Hyderabad, Bom. 113 Kaipam angalam , T rr. 85

T K aipattur, Ern. 49X Kaipuzha, Kot. 73

Idaikatur, Tri. 138 Kaity, Coim. 237Idindagarei, Tuti. 144 K akur, Chan. 65Igatpuri, Poo. 118 K alayanthany, Ern. 52Indore, Ajm. 95 Kalimpong, Sik. 172Irin jalakuda, Trr. 82 K alladittidal, Tri. 138Irudayakovil, Tri. 138 K allakurchi, Pond. 232

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PAGEK allanikal, Ern. 52K allara, Kot. 73K allettunkara, Trr. 81K allianpur, Mang. 128Kallikulam , Tuti. 144Kalluppara, Chan. 61K allur, Trr. 82K allurkad, Ern. 48K alurkad, Chan. 61K alparam bu, Trr. 85Kalugumalai, Tri. 139Kalur, Ern. 52K alur, Ver. 274Kalyan, Bom. 109K am ayanayakenpatti,

Tri. 140K arrptee, Nag. 209Kamuti, Tri. 138Kanam allai, Coch. 30K anchanapilli, Hyd. 204Kandacadavoo, Coch. 31Kandanad, Ern. 50K andankary, Chang. 63Kandassankadavu, Trr. 85Kandivili, Bom. 110Kangirathanam , Chan. 65Kanjani, T rr. 85K anjiram attam , Chan. 64K anjirapally, Chan. 66K anjnur, Ern. 49Kanjoda, Bom. 112Kannancara, Kot. 73Kanniam betta, Cali. 122Kannoth, Calic. 122K appattuchira, Chan. 66K arach i, Bom. 113Karacunnam, Ern. 48K arady; Mang. 128Karamsad, Bom. 112Karam uck, Trr. 85K aranjira, Trr. 86K arankanny. Myl. 40Karankadu, Tri. 138S aray u r, Kum, 241

K arikal, Pond.PAGE

230K arim anur, Ern. 52Karincunnam, Kot. 74Karingulam , Coch. 32K arkal, Mang. 128Karlam , T rr. 82Karoor, Coim. 237K arra, Ran. 168K arur, Trr. 81K arur, Chan. 64K arukutty , Ern. 47Karum adi Chan. 62K arum atham patti, Coim. 237K arunkulam , Tri. 137K arw atta. Chan. 62K arw ar, Goa 23Kasauli, Sim. 160Kasimode, Mad. 198K atkahi, Ran. 169K attachira, Kot. 70K attakada, Qui. 285K attanam , Qui. 284Kattoor, Coch. 31K attot, Kot. 75K attur, Trr. 86Kavalam, Chan. 68K avalkinaru, Tuti. 144Kavil, Ern. 51Kayankulam , Qui. 284K ayar, Chang. 69Kazipet, Hyd. 204Keechery, Ern. 50Kendal, Poo. 117Keseria, Chang. 68Kesramal, Ran. 168Kezipet, Hyd. 122K hanapur, Goa 22K handwa, Nag. 210K haragpur, Cal. 151K harry, Cal. 150K hera, K hurd, Ag, 90K hunti, Ran. 168Khushpur, Lah. 264Kiam ari, Bom. 113

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Kidangra, Chan.p a g e

60Kidangur, E ra. 47K idangur, Kot. 73K ilacheri, Mad. 199K ilavaneri, Tuti. 144Kinnigoly, Mang. 129Kirem, Mang. 129K irkee, Poo. 116Kishakam palam , Ern. 49Kodaikanal, Tri. 137Kodannur, Trr. 82Kodavechur, Ern. 53Kodayathoor, Ern. 52Kodiapatnam, Qui. 287Kodikulam, Ern. 52Kodiveri, Coim. 237Koilmuku, Chan. 62Kokamangalam, Ern. 51Kokkada, Mang. 130Kokkudi, Kum. 241Kolongai, Chan. 65K olapullur, Coim. 237Kolhapur, Poo. 116K oly-K alian, Bom. 109Kolivada, Bom. 111Konalay, Kum. 242Konchira, Trr. 85Konankuppam, Pond. 232K onaripatti, Kum. 243K ondram utla, Nel. 216K onthuruthy, Ern. 50Koodalloor, Chan. 65Koodalloor, Kot. (New). 74K oothrapally, Chan. 61Koradachery, Myl. 40K oratti, Chan, 67K oratty, Ern. 47Korlay, Bom. 109Kosavapatti, Tri. 137Koshuvanal, Chan. 64K othanallur, Chan. 65Kotham angalam , Ern 48K othavara, Ern. 53Kotri, Bom, 113

PAGEKottadaba, Viz. 220K ottaikadu, Tri. 137K ottala, Nel. 216K ottam athy, Ern. 49Kottangal, Chan. 66Kottapidi, Trr. 84Kottapalayam , Kum. 242K ottar, Qui. 286K ottayam , Ver. 276Kottekad, Trr. 82K rishnagar 161K rishnachandrapur, Cai. 150Kudakachira, Chan. 64K udamalur, Chan. 67K ulasekar am angalam ,

Ern. 53K ulkavery, Kum. 243K ulur, Mang. 127Kum aracum , Kot. 73Kumaracum, Ver. 277Kum aracum , Chan. 67Kumbakonam 241Kume, Poo. 116Kumpalam, Ern. 50K unam uchi, Trr. 84Kundambagam, Qui. 285K undanur, Trr. 84K undur, Trr. 81K uningi, Chan. 68Kunnum al, Coch. 31K unnum puram , Ern. 51K unta, Goa 23K upustalni, Nag. 209K uravelangad, Chan. 66K urapatti, Pond. 232Kurchy, Ver. 276Kurda-Road, Catt. 224Kurdeg, Ran. 169K urji, Patn. 164K urla, Bom. 109Kurnool, Nel. 216Kurseong, Cai. 149K uru, Chan. 66Kurum annu, Chan, 68

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PAGEEurum ullur, Eot. 73Eurum panadam , Ohan. 61Eurupam pady, Es-n. 49E uruvanal, Chan. 64Eusauli, Sim. 260Eushupally, E ra. 52Kuthiathod (New), Ern. 51Euthiathod (Old), Ern* 51K uthalur, Tri. 138Kuttanguli, Tuti. 145Kuttapuli, Tuti. 145Kuttekel, Chan. 67E uttikad , Trr. 81Euttipushey, Ern. 52Euzhikkattusseri, T rr. 81Eyaukpyu, Chit. 154

LLachragarh , Ran. 168Ladpura, Ajm. 95Lahore 264Laitkynsew , Ass. 171Lalam (New), Chan. 64Lalam (Old), Chan. 64Lalyana, Ag. 90Landour, Ag. 90Lataunah, Patn. 164Linhares, Goa.. 20L ittle Mount, Saidapet,

Myl. 39Lonavla, Pop. 116Lourdepuram, .Coch. 32Loutulim, Goa. 18Lucknow, Alla. 101Lyallpur, Lah. 254

MM acasana, Goa. 17M adantar, Mang. 130M adapladuruthy, V er. 276M adatcativila, Qui. 286Madgole, Viz. 221Madras, Lady of Lefuge,

Myl. 39Mftdre de Deiis, Coch, "3?


Madre de Deus, Myl. PAIMadura, Tri. 139Madura. Myl. 41Magghe, Mys " 257Magnumel, V er. 275MahableShwar, Pod. 116Mahe, Pond. 230Mahim, Bom. Ì08M ahuahand, Ran. 169Mailakomp, Ern. 52M ajhatolli, Ran. 169M ajlispur, Cal. 149Majorda, Goa. 17M akuva, Viz. 221Mala, Trr. 81M alainchipara, Chan. 63Malapuram, Cali. 122M alapuram, Chan. 05Malarcod, Coim. mM alayadipatti, Tri. 137M alayattu t, E rn. 50M aleyadipatti, Myl. 41M allapally, Chang. 61M alvani, Bom. 110Mai wan, Goa. 'M ampally, Qui. 284M amughil, Qui. ' '284M anaeherry, Coch. 3oManacodam, Coch. 31M anakady, Qui. 286M analikara, Qui. 287Manaloor, Eum . 24M analur, Tri. 137M analur, Trr. 86M anantoddy, Cali. 122Manapad, Myl. 41Manapad, Tuti. 144M andar, Ran. 167Manday, Eum . 241Mandvi, Bom. 1Ö8Mandur, Goa 15Mani, Bom. 109Mangad, Trr. '84Mangalore 127-128

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M anguly, Qui.PAGE

286M anjur, Kot. 74M aniankunnu, Chan. 63M anikanette, V er. 277M anikpur, Bom. 111Manimala (New), Chan 67M anim ala (Old), Chan. 67Manivila, Qui. 285M anjapara, Ern. 48M anjeshwar, Mang. 128M anjur, Kot. 74Manmad, Poo. 118M anacherri, Coch. 30Manathoor, Chang. 68M annam pettah, Trr. 82M annarapara, Chan. 65M annargudi, Myl. 40Mannoor, Kot. 73Manora, Bom. 113Manori, Bom. 111M anvettam , Chan. 65M apranam, Trr. 82Mapuca, Goa 18Maramanoo, Chang. 61M arambadi, Tri. 137M arangadpilly, Chan. 66M arathakkara, Trr. 83M arcella, Goa 21Margao, Goa 16M aria-Basti, Sik. 172M ariapur, Ajm. 95M ariapura Farm , Mys. 257M ariapuram , Qui. 285Marica, Ern. 48M arika, Kot. 74Marol, Bom. 109Maroli, Bom. 109M aryabad, Lah. 264MasuJipatam, Hyd. 205M atbari, Myl. 42M atheran, Bom. 109M athilakom , Trr. M athilagam , Yer.


M athur. Kum, 241

M attigeri, Mys.PAGE

257M attacara, Chan. 64Mattom, Trr. 84M attam pally, Hyd. 204M attancherry, Coch. 30M atravilai, Qui. 287M attur, Ern. 50M aiunga, Bom. 108M avelicary, Qui. 284M ayavaram, Kum. 241Mazagon, Bom. 108M eerut, Ag. 90M egalathur, Kum. 241Meladur, Trr. 81M elassaripallam, Qui. 286Melucavoo, Chang. 68M elur, Ern. 48Meppadi, Cali. 122M ercara, Mys. 257M erces, Goa 15Mhow, Ajm. 95M ichelpatnam, Tri. 139M ichelpatty (S.), Kum. 241M ichelpatty (N), Kum. 242M ikelpura, Ajm. 95M iraj, Poo. 116M itracarry, Chan. 62Mogayur, Pon. 232M ogarnada, Mang. 130Moira, Goa 19Molancood, Kum. 241Monipalli, Kot. 74Monky, Goa 23Monugodu, Hyd. 204Montgomery, Lah. 264Mookoor, Tuti. 144Moolky, Mang. 129Mooshikulam, Ern. 48Moradabad, Agra. 90Morapai, Cal. 150Morgin, Goa 22Mormugao, Goa 18Morpa, P atn . 164Mgbihari, P atna 164

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ï i i s î OB’ RÉSIDENCES 41Ö

PAGE PAGEMount Abu, Ajm. 95 M avattupuzha, Ver. 277Mount Poinsur, Bom. 110 Mysore 257Mucama, Chan. 97 wMudgal, Bel. 226 JNMudigere, Mys. 257 Nachinola, Goa 20M uhamma, Chang. 69 N adathara, T rr. 83M ukkannur, Ern. 48 N adavaram bu, Trr. 83M ukkattukara, Trr. 83 Nadiad, Bom. 113M ulagamudu, Qui. 286-287 N agalur, Coim. 287M ulakulam, Chan. 65 Nagapushey, Ern. 52M ullassery, Trr. 84 Nagoa, Goa 20M ullanganavilai, Qni. 285 Nagory, Myl. 42M ullempally, Ver. 275 Nagpur 210M ullurkara, Trr. 84 N agrakata, Din. 159M ultan, Lah. 264 Naini Tal, Alla. 101M undakayam, Ver. 276 Namakal, Kum. 243Mundur, Trr. 84 N andakal, Bom. 112Mungode, Qui. 284 Nandanam, Hyd. 204M unnar, Ver. 277 Nandhipulam , Tyr. 82M unnumurri, Trr. 81 Nandigama, Hyd. 205Munnur, Pond. 332 Nangatooor, Pond. 232Muppliyam, Trr. 83 Nanjur, Tri. 137M urkanad, Trr. 83 N arakal, E rn. 52Murree, Kaf. and Kash 267 Nareyanganem , Chan. 63M urtizapur, Nag. 210 N arikalbari, Chit. 154M usgutri, Ran. 168 Naroa, Goa 16Mushur, Chan. 64 Narol, Mang. 130Mussoorie, Ag. 91 Narowal, Lah. 264M uthalakodam, Ern. 53 Naruveli, Chan. 67M uthedam, Ver. 274 Nasirabad, Ajm. 95M uthialpet, Pond, 230 Nattagam , Ver. 276M utholapuram, Chan. 66 Nava N azreth, Chang. 67M utlur, Nel. 215 Navelim, Goa 17M uttam, Ern. 51 N azareth, Coch. 30Muttam, Qui. 287 N azareth Convent, Coim. 237M uttandipatty, Myl. 40 Nediacadu, Ern. 53M uttical. Trr. 81 Nediachala, Ern, 48M uttra, Ag. 90 Nedumcunnam, Chan. 61M uttuchira, Chan. 65 Nedungad, Ern. 52M uttur (New), Chan. 61 Nedupuzha, Trr. 83M uttar, Chan. 61 Neeloor, Chan. 68M utupettah, Myl. 41 Neendagaray, Qui. 284M uvattupusba, E rn . 49 N eeranthanam , Chang. 68Mylapore, The Luz, Myl. 39 Neericad, Kot. 73

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■420 , LJST QI- £Etìtt>ENOES

r + ■ - S, r , r J T A U J C i

Ìiegàpataoi, Myl. 40àÌéichery', È ra . 53P ella i, T rr. 84N ellim attam , E rn. 48.Jiellitope, Pond. 230b ello re 215,-Nerul, Goa ’ 20N eura, Goa 15N èyatinkaray, Qui. 285Nindur, Kot. 74iNirapel, Chan. 63Nirmol, Bom. 112¡Nizhur, Kofc. 74Noadih, Ran. 169N oakhali, Chit, 154‘Noatolli, Ran. ] 68N orthern Pudukad, Trr. 84 -North Georgetown, Mad. 198 N orth Georgetown, Myl. 39 Nowshera, Kaf. 268Nungam baukam , Mad. 198 Nuvem, Goa r 17

0;Obari, Tuti. 145Olasa, Kot. 73O llur, T rr. 83

;Omzoor, Mang. 130Onteddupallee, Nel. 216

,'Oorakam, Trr. 82Ootacafnund, Coim. 237Oozhavur, Kot. 74Oriur, Myl. 41'Orlem, Bom. I l iOrlim, Goa 17Oshuca, Ern. 51Culgarai, Pond. 231Oxel, Goa ' 19

PPachm arhi, Nag. 210Padong, Sik. 172Padrigudi,, Myl. 40Pah a rt ali, Chit. 154

Paduva, Chang.PAGE

64Paika, Cha». 63Paingalam , Kot, ,74Paingottur, Ern. 53Pakala, Nel. 216Palai, Chan. 64Palaiyakayal, Tuti. 143Palakurichi, Tri. 137Palam cottah, Tri. , 140Palanellore, Myl. : 40Palarivattam , Ver, 274Pala thu ru th , Kot, 73P ala thuru th , Kot. 104Palayam , Chan. 64Palayam , Kum. 242Palayankottai, Kum. 243P alayur, Trr. 84Palghat, Coim. 237Palkonda, Viz. 221Paladka, Mang. 129Pallapaleam , Coim. 237P al lavar am , M y 1. 39Palle, Bom. 111Palliport, Ver. 276Pallipuram , Ern. 51Pulliseri, T rr. 83Pallithode, Cóch. 31Pallu ru thy , Coch. 30P allu ru thy , Ern. 49Paini, Tri. 137Panangad, Ver. 274Panapally, Ern. 51Panchgani, Poo. 116Pangala, Mang. , 129Panikancoopam, Pon. 232Panjam patti, Tri. 138Panjim , Goa 15Panneipatti, Tri. 138Pannikulam , Tri. 140Pannur, Mad. 199Papdi, Bom. 111Papyad, Cham. 61Paracad, Chang, 69Paraghot, Nag. / 210

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PAGE'Parappur, Trr. 85P arapukara , Tyr. 83Parbatpura, Ajm er 95Parel, Bom. . 108Parem pusha, Chan. 68Pariyaram , T rr. 81P arith u r, Coch. 32Parlakim edi, Viz. 221Paroda, Goa 18Parra., Goa 19Parsegond empale am,: Mys. 257P artabghar, Alla. 101Parur, Ern. 51Paru (Southern), Ern. 50Parvatipur, Viz. 221P asrur, Lah. 264P atna 164Pattiavaram , Mad. 200Pattibanda, Nel. 215Pattithanam , Ver. 277Pattukotta i, Myl. 40Paucaray, Qui. 284Pavarabty, Trr. 85Payingalam , Chan. 64Pazhangad, Coch. 30Pazhayur, Trr. 86Pedda-Parim i, Nel. 215P enha de Franca, Goa. £0Peram angalam , Trr. 85Peram bur, Mad. 199Peram bra, Trr. 81P eria Cojavalur 200Periyakulam , Tri. 138Periatalai, Tuti. 144Periavarsili, Kum. 242Perin jeri, T rr. 83Peringam alai, Qui. 285Peringolam , Chan. 63Peringoottucara, Trr. 86Peringushey, E ra. 48Pernem , Goa 22Perum anur, Ern. 50Perum anur, M ang.t 128

Perumbadappu, Trr.PAGE

86Perum pannyur, Eum . 241Perum pilly , Ver. 275Perur, Kot. 73Peshaw ar, Kaf. & Kash. 265P ettah , Qui. 285Pezar, Mang. 129P halera , Ajm. 96Phirangipuram , Nel. 215Piedade, Goa 16Pilerne, Goa 20Piliakolam , Coim. 237Pillavadanday, Kum. 341P iranam , Chan. 65Piravam , Kot. 74Plasanal, Chan. 63Podanur, Coim. . 237Podim attam , Ver. 276Poisar, Bom. 110Pollachi, Coim. 238Polur, Mad. 200Polur, Nel. 216Pomburpa, Goa 20Fonkunnam, Chang. 67Ponda, Goa 21Pondicherry 231Ponel, V er. 274Poona 116-117Poona, Goa 22Poonamallee, Mad. 199Poonthura, Coch, 32Poovathod, Chan, 63Poruthur, Trr. 86Pothanikad, Ern. 48Pothiyil, Ver. 277Pottah, Trr. 82Povur, Mang. 130Poya, Trr. 81Praca De Damao, Goa 24Pragasapuram , Tuti. 143Pravithanam ; Chan. 63Puckliapalaiyana, Coim. 238Puducad, Trr. 83Puducada, Qui. 286

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PAGEPuducotbah, Tri. 138Puducruchy, Qui. 285Pudupabbi, Tri. 140Pudupeb, Mad. 198Pudupet, Egmore, Myl. 39 Pudur, Pond. 233Pullatope, Qui. 287Pulicab, Mad. 199Pulichera, Qui. 283Pulincunnu, Chan. 62Puliyal, Tri. 139Pullam padi, Kum. 242Pulluvashey, Ern. 50Pulluvilla , Coch. 32P unalur, Qui. 283Pungavoo, Coch. 31Punjar, Chan. 63Punnakayal, Tubi. 143Punnakayal, Myl. 41Punnapara, Chan. 69Punnathura, Kot. 73Punnabhura, Chan. 68Puratacudi, Kum. 242Purneah , Cal. 149Pubhencaday, Qui. 2i-6Pubhenpally, Ern. 49Puthenthope, Qui. 285P uthenchira , T rr. 81Puthiacan, E rn. 51Pubhucaray, Chan. 62P ubhur,T rr. 83Pubhussery, Trr. 85Pubhenpeedika T rr. 86Pubhenvelikara, Trr. 81Pubbenborai, Qui. 287Pubbur, Mang. 130Puvarany , Chan. 64Puvabhussery, Trr. 81

QQuepem, Goa 21Quebta, Bom. 114Quilon 283


R PAGERachol, Goa 17R aghapur, Cal. 150Rahaba, Poo. 117Rahim pur, Lah. 264Raia, Goa 17Raichur, Bel. 226Rajabhabkhawa, Din. 159Rajakem biram , Tri. 139Rajavur, Qui. 286Rajakam angalam , Qui, 287R ejahm undry, Viz. 221Rajkob, Bom. 113Raliang, Ass. 171Ramadurgam, Bel. 226Ramapuram, Chan. 68Rambhapur, Ajm. 96Ramnad, Tri. 139Ram pur, Patn. 164Ranchi 72Ranikheb, A lla. 101Ranikhong, Dac. 157Ratlam , Ajm. 96Rabnagiri, Goa 22R avattanallur, Pond. 233Ravipadu, Nel. 216Rawalpindi, Kaf.

and Kash. 267Raw alpindi Ciby, Kaf.

and Kash. 267Rayappenpabbi, Tri. 138Rayaveram , Nel. 216Reis Magoa, Goa 20R engarih, Ran. 169R entachinbala, Nel. 216Revora, Goa 20Ribandar, Goa 15Risairpur, Kaf. 267Rohanpur, Din. 159Ronabondo, K rish. 161Roshanagaram, Mad. 199Ross-Hill, Viz. 220Royapebbah, Mad. 198Roy^puram, Mad. 198Royapuram, Myl. 39

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Sabathu, Simla 260S. Bartholom eu, Goa 16S. Braz, Goa 16S. Estevam, Goa 16S. Jacintho, Goa 18S. M athias, Goa 6S. Pedro, Goa 15Sadasivagad, Goa 23Sâhar, Bom. 109Saharanpore, Ag. 91Sahowala, Lah. 265Saidpur, Din. 159Salaikram am , Tri. 139Salem, Pon. 234Saligao, Goa 20Saluru, Viz. 221Salvador de Mundo, Goa 21 Samastipur, Patn . 164Sam ayanallur, Tri. 139Sammanasur, Tri. 138Sam palur, V er. 276Samtolli, Ran. 169San Thome, Goa 18Sancoole, Goa 18Sandor, Bom. 112Sandoway, Chit. 154Sangamner, Poo. 117Sangla H ill, Lah. 265Sanguem, Goa 21Sankrapilly, E rn. 53Sanquelim, Goa 22Santa Cruz, Bom. 110Santa Cruz, Goa 15Santa Cruz, Coch, 29San vordem, Goa 21Santa Ignez, Goa 15St. M ary’s C athedral,

Trichy. 136St. Thomas’ Mount, Myl. 40 Sarakanei, Tri. 139Sardhana, Ag. 91Sargodha, Lah. 265S^rvyada, Ran, 168

Satankulam , Tuti.PAGE

144Satrasam patti, Tri. 139Satur, Tri. 140Saude, Coch. 30Savantvadi, Goa 22Saveriarpaleam , Coim. 238Secunderabad, Hyd. 204Sellampatida, Mad. 199Sendamaram, Tri. 140Serampore, Cal. 150Seraulim, Goa 17Settiapatty, Pond, 234S ettihally , Mys. 257Shembaganur, Tri. 138Shibpur, Myl. 42Shillong, Ass. 171Shimoga, Mys, 258Shirva, Mang. 129Sholapur, Poo. 117Shoranur, Cali. 122Sialkot, Lah. 265Sidapur, Mys. 258Siddakatte, Man. 130Siluvepura, Mys. 258Silukuvarpatti, Tri. 138Silvassa, Dam. 24Simla 260Simulia, Krish. 161Sinnapallam Melur.Coim. 237Singaram, H a d. 204Siolim, Goa 19Sion, Bom. 108Sippikulam, Tuti. Î43Siridao, Goa 15Siripuram , Nel. 215Sir od a, Goa 21Sirsa, Sim. 260Sirsi, Goa 23Sittam ur, Pond. 232Sivaganga, Tri. 139Socorro, Goa 19Sokkenkudiruppu, Tuti. 144Solan,' Sim. 260Solepore, Daç, 157

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PAGE i PAGESolur, Mys. 257 ! Thundla, A jm er 96Somanathaeperi, Tuti. 144 : Thanissery, Trr. (South) 81Som w arp et, Mys. . 258 i Thanissery* Trr. (North) .8 3Sonapur, Bom. 108 ; Thanghy, Coch. 30Songaon, Poo. 117 ! Thanoly, Chan. 63Soso, Ran. 168 : T h arakanattukunnu ,South Georgetown, Myl. 39 Chan. , . ■ 67Srinagar, Kaf. and Kash. 267 Thathanpally , Chang. ; 69Sriv illiputtur, Tri. 140 Thayankary, Chang. 62Sukkur, Bom. 114 Thayil, Calie. 122Sultan’s B attery, Cali- 122 Thazhecad. Trr. 81Sundaranachiapuram , Thekekara, Sehion, Chan. 62

Tri. 140 Thely, Pond. 232Sunkery, Goa 23 Thenankunnu, Ern. 52$urada, Catt. 224 Theresapur, Alla. 102Suranam , Tri. 139 Thiekoil, Chan. 63Suratkal, Mang, 129 T hirur, Trr. 83Susaiapperpatnam , Tri. 139 Thitanad, Chan. 63

T* Thopo, Coch. 321 Thorur, Ern, . 47Taocode, Mang. . _ 129 Thottacam, Ern. 53Tajpur, Ag. 91 Thottakad, Chan. 61Talacheruvu, Nel. .215 Thottakara, E in . 48Talaulin, Goa 15 Thottam , Mang. 129Taleigao, Goa 15 Thozakkavu, T rr. 85Taliparam ba, C^li. 122 Thricodithanam , Chan. 61Tangasseri, Qui. 283 Thudanganad, Chan. 68Tanjore, Myl. 40 Thumarikop, Chaijg. 118Tapkara, Ran. 168 Thumboochettypaleam,Tarapur, Bom. 112 Mys. 258Taruvaikulam ,’ Tuti. 113 Thumpoly, Coch. 31Tellacam, Ver. 278 Thundathinkadavu, Ern. 49Tellicherry, Galic. 122 Thuruthicad, Kott. 75Tenkasi, Tri 140 Thuruthippuram , Ern. 52Tennur, Kum. 242 Thuruthipilly , Chan. 65Tesgong, Myl. 42 Thuruthipuram , Ver. 276Thaikudam , Ver. 274 T huru thur, Ver. 276T haikattucherry , Ern. 51 iThuruthy, Chan. 61T halakottukara, Trr. 85 Thutoor, Coch. 32Thalayolaparam pil, Chan. 65 Tilla Molla, Goa 21Tham aracunnu, Chan. 67 Tindivanam, Pond. 233Tham pelakade, Chan. 67 T irtahally , Mys. 258Thana, Bom. 109 T irupanthurutti, Kum, 241^hana , Nag. 210 Tiruturaipundi. Myl. 40

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PAGETiruvadi, Kum. 241Tiravanchur, Ver. 27?Tiruvetipuram , Pond. 200 Tivim, Goa 21Tolloorpatty, Kum. 242Tondamandurai, Kum. 242 Tongo, Ran. Í 69Toomaliah, Dac. 157Torpa, Ran. 168Tranquebar, Kum. 241Trichinopoly 336Trichinopoly, Myl. 41Trichur 80T richur, Ver. 274T rhnulgherry , Hyd. 204Tripoonithura, Era. 50T rithuvapuram , Qui. 285Trivandrum , Qui. 285Tubadu, Nel. 216Turcapalem, Nel. 216Tutel, Myl. 42Tuticorin, Myl. 41Tuticorin 143Tuyeth, Qui. 277

ÜUccasaim, Goa 19Udamalpet, Coim. 143Udipi, Mang. 129U dyavara, Mang. 129U llal, Mang. 128U luthur, Pond. 233U m erkhadi, Bom. 108Uppaluru, Hyd. 205U ran, Bom. 109U riw a, Mang. 128U rutur, Nel. 216U tan, Bom. I l lU ttam anur, Kum. 242

VV adagarai, Kum. 241V adanapilly, Trr. 86Yadaracara, Chan. 66


Vadakancherry, Coim.PAGE

238V adakankulam . Tuti. 145V adakum kara, Trr. 86Vadayar, Ern. 53Vadhavikkam , Kum. 243Vaddy, Qui. 284Vadel, Ver. 275V adtal, Bom. 113V adugarpatty , Kum. 243Vaikam , E rn . 53V akakkadu, Chan. 63V ailankanni, Myl. 40V ailar, Coch. 31V aipur (New), Chan. 61Vaipur (Oíd), Chan. 61Vaipur, Myl. 41V aisham bakad, Coch. 31Valam angalam , Ern. 50V alan, Poo. 117V alandur, Tri. 139Valapad, Trr. 86Valipalaivam , Coim. 238V aliathura, Coch. 32V alnai, Bom. 111V allavilla, Coch. 32Vallacam , Ern. 53V allam , Myl. 41V allam , Ern. 50V allarpadem , V er. 275V allarpuram , Mad. 199Val lasara, T rr. 83V alparai, Coim. 238Valpoy, Goa 22V angam arty, Hyd. 204Vanniakudi, Qui. 287Varadarajam pet, Kum. 242V aranthrapilly , Trr. 83V area, Groa 18V arkady, Mang. 128V ashakulam , Ern. 49V attal, Coch. 31V attavalum , Mad. 201V avaray, Qui. 285V ayitri, Calic. 122

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PAGEV azhur, V er. 277Velcao, Goa 18V-elha, Goa 14V elichiani, Chan. 67Velim, Goa 18V eliyanad (New), Chan. 62 V eliyanad (Old), Chan. 62 V allantangal, Mad. 201Vellore. N.T., Mad. 201Velly, Coch. 32V elur, Trr. 85V elur, Ver. 277V elyanad, Trr. 82Vembar, Tufci. 144V endaruthy, Ver. 274V endur, Trr. 83Venganoor, Qui. 286V enkatakulam , Myl. 41Vepery, Mad. 198V eragathara, Viz. 221yerapo ly 275V erkadu, Tri. 139Nerna, Goa 18Versoya, Bom. I l lV ettim ugalil, V er. 277Vijapuram , T rr. 83V ikravandy, Pond. 233V ikroly, Bom. 109Vilacumadam, Chan 63V ille Parle , Bom.. I l lV illianur, Pond. 231V illupuram , Pond. 233V ingurla, Goa 22V iragalur, Kum. 243

V irapandianpatbanam, Tuti.

V irarajendrapet, Mys. V iravanellur, Tri. V iriyur, Pond.Vitbal, Mang. Vizagapabam Vizhinjam , Coch. V izianagaram , Viz. Vylabhur, T rr. Vypeen, Coch.

WW adakkancherry, Trr. W andiw ash, Mad. W arapatti, Kobt. W asherraanpet, Mad. W eliyanad, Kot. W ellington, Coim. W ellur, Kott. W eshapura, Chan. W est fiidge, Kafr, and

Kash.W orli, Bom.


Yanam , Viz.Y ellapur, Goa Yercaud, Pond.

Zaroly, Bom.






73 238

74 62





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Liöt o ir BÜBibÄNbte



Bassein, S. B. 297Bhamo, N. B. 204

CChanthagon« N. E. 293Chanthayw a, N. B. 293Chaungu, N. B. 293

DDanbi, S. B_, 298Doriokho, Toun. 290Durokho, Toun. 290

6Gyobingauk, S. B. 299

HHoja, Toun. 290

KKaqhin Mission, N. B. 293Kalaw, Toun. 290Kanatzqgon, S. B. 297Keng-tung 301K yailkat, S. B. 298K yauktan, S. B. 298

LLeiktho, Toun. 290Letham a S. B. 298Loimixe, Keng. 301

MMandalay, N. B. 293M aryland, S. B. 298Maubin, S. B. 298Maymyo, N. B. 293M eiktila, N. B. 293Mergui, S. B. 299M ethelendaung, Toun. 290Mingaladon, S. B. 299Momblaw, Toun. 290Monglin, Keng. 301Mong-pin, Keng. 301Mong-Yang, Keng. 303

PAGEMonhla, B. N. 293Mosho, Toun. 290Moulmein, S. B. 299Myaungmya, S. B. 297

NNabet, N. B. 2P3N ayaunglebin, S. B. 299Nyaungon, S. B. 298

PPapun, S. B. 299Paukzeinbe, S. B. 297Pekkong, Toun. 290Port B lair, S. B. 299Pyapon, S B. 298

RRangoon, S. B. 298-299

SShan Misson, N. B. 293Shwebo, N. B. 294

TTeifeasho, Toun. 290Theinzeik, S. B. 299Thinganaing, S. B. 298Thonze, S. B. 299Tombo, S. B. £99Toungoo 290

WW ary, Toun. 290

yYado, Toun. 290Yaudoon, S. B. 298Yedashe, Toun. 290Ywegon, S. B. 297

ZZaangdan, S. B. 298

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Adamben, Jaff. 185Am pitiya, Kandy 190A nuradhapura, Jaff, 186Arippu, Jaff. 186Avissawell, Col. 177

BBadulla, Kandy 190Balangoda, Galle 193Bam balapitiya, Col, 177Bandarawela, Kandy 190Batticaloa, Trine. 303Beruwala, Col. 179Bolawalana, Col. 180Bolawatta, Col. 180Borella, Col. 177-178Borlassa, Col. 180Burulapitiya, Col. 180

CChundically, Jaff. 185Colombo 178Chilaw, Col. 180Chunnagam, Jaff. 185

DDalugama, Col. 178Dehiwala, Col. 178Delft, Jaff. 184Dimbula, Kandy 190Dumbara, Kandy 190Duwa, Col. 180

£E lpitiya, Galle 192

GGalle 192Gampola, Kandy 190Ganegama, Galle 192Grand Pass, Col. 178

HHaldanduw ana, Col. 180Halpe, Col. 180

PAGEHambantota, Galle 192H anw ella, Col. 178H atton, Kan. 190Hewadiwala, Galle 193Higgasena, Galle 193Hiniduma, Galle 192

1Ilavalai, Jaff. 189

JJaffna 189

KKadane, Col. 178Kadugannawa, Kandy 190Kalegana, Galle 192K alm unai, Trin. 303K alpentyn, Col. 181K alu tara , Col. 179Kandaw ala, Col. 180Kandy 190Karukupone, Col, 180K attakadu , Col. 181K atunayaka, Col. 180Katuneriga, Col. 180Kayts, Jaff. 185Kegalle, Galle 193K irim etiagara, Col. 178Kotte, Col. 178K uliyapitiya, Col. 181Kurunegala, Col. 181

MMadampe, Col. 181M adhu, Jaff. 186Maggona, Col. 179M andaitivu, Jaff. 185M annar, Jaff. 185M arawila, Col. 181M atale, Kandy. 190

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PAGEM atara, Galle 192M attacottuwa, Col. 181M atugam a, Col. 179M idellew itta, Col. 178M oratuwa, Col. . . 178M ullaitivu, Jaff. 186Murungan, Jaff. 186M urusuvil. Jaff. 185M uttur, Trine. 303M utw al, Col. 178M yletti, Jaff. 185

NNagoda, Col". 178Nainamadama, Col. 181N aiaw alana, Col. 181N anattan, Jaff. 186N aranthanai Jaff. 185Nattandiya, Col. 181Navanturai, Jaff. 185Naw alapitiya, Kandy 100I^egombo, Col. 180Nellore, Jaff. 185New Bazaar, Col. 179N ew ara Eliya, Kandy 190

PPaiyagala, Col. 179Palagaturai, Col. 180Pallansena, Col. 180Pam unugam a, Col. 179Passaiyoor, Jaff. 185Passalai, Jaff. 186Patchilopalli, Jaff. 185Peria-Pullum alai, Trine. 303P ettah , Col. 179Point Pedro, Jaff. 185Puttalam , Col. 181


Ragama, Col. 179R akw ana, Galle 193Ratnapura, Galle 193

SSillalai, Jaff. 185Slave Island, Col. 179

TTalaim annar, Jaff. 186Talankudah, Trine. 303Talavillu, Col. 181Tannamunai, Trine. 303Tarala, Col. 179Tettapalai, Col. 181Tolegaty, Jaff. 185Toppu, Col. 180Trincomalee 303Tudella, Col. 179

VVadiri, Jaff. 185Valimissam, Jaff. 185Vangalai, Jaff. 186Vavunyai, Jaff. 186Veyangoda, Col. 179

WW adduwa, Col. 179W ahacotte, Kandy 190W aikkal, Col. 181W attala , Col. 179W eigam pitiya, Col. 179W eliveriya, Col. 179W eliw itta, Col. 179W ennapuwa, Col. 181

YY atiyantota, Galle 193

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Alor, Star. 249 Machang Buboh 249Assam, Jaw a. 248 Malacca 247Ayer, Salak, 247 Man tin 247

B Matang Tinggi 249Bagan-Serai 248 Muar 247Baljk Pw lau 49 NBatu Gajah 248 Nibong Tebal 249Brago 247 PBukit, M ertajam Bukit Timah

249246 Penang

Port Dickson.249247

6 P ula Jerajah 249Gopeng 248 Pulo Tikus 249,


SIpoh Sarangong 246

J Seremban 247Johore Bahru 247 Singapore 236

K Sitiawan 248'Xa>KajangKampar


Sungei Patani Sungei Siput



Klang 248 TKrian Road 248, Taiping 248Kula-K angsar 248 Tanjong-Kling. 247Kulini 249 Tapah 248Kuala Lumpur 247' Teluk Anson 248Kula>Pillah ■ 247 Titi 247