Of Reading

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  • 7/28/2019 Of Reading


    Of Reading

    Indranil Sarkar

    Reading is a primitive human habit.

    Reading makes a Fullman. Reading infuses man-ness in man. Reading

    teaches mannerism and infuses decency and dignity to ones

    personality. Reading strengthens the mind and lengthens the life. It is a

    means of entertainment as well as of enlightenment. Reading makes a

    man upright, rationale and confident. Reading is a panacea to all

    postmodern diseases.

    The number of published books has increased in a geometric

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    progression parallel to the progress of Civilization. With the invention

    of easier scientific tools the number of books in this world has taken

    the shape of an infinite and mysterious galaxy; quite impossible to

    grasp and know completely. On the other hand Postmodernity has

    robbed of mans most valuable possession, his cherished leisure ly time.

    Man has to run instead of strolling for earning his bread and butter in

    present day world. The mad-race or the rat-race of postmodern culture

    has made man robotic. Time has become elusive and scarce. As such it

    has become indispensable to be selective in choosing the right book. A

    man must decide which book is to be read and which one is to be

    discarded before beginning to read.

    Francis Bacon, the wisest and brightest of personality in human history

    till date, felt the problem long ago and as such suggested: Somebooks

    are to be tasted; some are to be swallowed while some others are to be

    chewed and digested. But he cleverly avoided what he meant by

    Some. He dared not to suggest which books were to be read and

    which ones were to be avoided. Truly speaking, he did not clarify the

    term Somesimply because he knew not what to suggest and what to

    reject. The problem is somewhat inherent in human constitution. Every

    man is an individual species having his own likes and dislikes; tastes and

    temperaments. In such a case, any advice is bound to foster

    catastrophic consequences.

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    Just as the same medicine works differently to different persons

    suffering from the same disease, similarly any prescribe-reading is also

    bound to bounce back in certain cases. The matter is a reminder to an

    old proverb: Some mans food is some othermans poison.

    So, choosing the right book is more important than to chase it. Bacons

    statement also hinted the culinary quality of reading. Just as over-

    eating or eating of un-eatable food causes dyspepsia, similarly over-

    reading or reading of unworthy bookscauses deterioration as well as

    demoralization of ones instinctive virtues. So, one should follow what

    R.LStevenson said about Walking. Stevensonsaid that to derive proper

    pleasure of walking it must be taken in a moderate dose and should be

    undertaken alone. Any mis-match is ruinous. In case of Reading also

    the same suggestion works.

    The problem of choosing the right book appears something like

    acquiring the skill of cycling or swimming. Any man can learn cycling or

    a swimming but no one can be made a cyclist or a swimmer unless he

    tries to learn it himself. Following the basic techniques any man can

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    learn how to swim but it depends on his personto acquire it. Similarly,

    any well-read person may suggest which books are worth-reading and

    which are not, but no one can say it for granted that the suggested

    book will be beneficial.Tt depends solely on the reader to use his

    mental affinity while choosing the right one.

    In this connection the comment of a gentleman on Internet web blog

    appears relevant. He said, Internet is what you want it to be. It may

    be highly beneficial if used properly and vice versa. Similarly, it can be

    said that the reading of right books leads one to light and opens the

    door of prosperity while reading of bad books invites a wastage of

    valuable time on the one hand and a proclamation of darkness and

    doom on the other.

    Technically speaking Readingis a complex cognitive human activity. It

    teaches one how to decode symbols and thus derive meaning. Blessed

    is the man who knows the technique of reading. It is a life-long source

    of pleasure, instruction and inspiration because books are the life blood

    of their wise authors. So long a reader has his beloved books with him,

    he doesntfeel lonely. Books are the friends at adversity; philosopher in

    distress and guide at prosparity. And over and above, books never

    demand anything in return. They are just like one way traffic knowing

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    only to give but take nothing in return. Thus in this materialistic world

    of give and take books possess an angelic quality.

    Again, if there ever is a book to remind us why we read, this is Woolfs

    The Common Readers. It is a reading for the sheer enjoyment of

    reading, the pleasure of the act. As probably the finest (wo) man of

    letters in England of her time, Virginia Woolf's take on reading is

    intensely personal, not in the way of "this character/situation reminds

    me of so-and-so/what happened in my life)," but in the way of "this is

    how the author speaks to me, this is how I am reacting to this piece of

    art." Her take on is refreshing, free from politics, ideology, or literary

    theory. (Shelley in GoodReads)

    The quote on Virginia Woolf above is definitely a guide to a postmodern

    reader who is confused in the galaxy of books knowing not which one is

    to read and which one is to discard.

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    In conclusion we can remember what wolf said in her essay, How

    should One Read a Book? To carry out a reader's duty needs such

    imagination, insight, and learning that it is hard to conceive any one

    mind sufficiently endowed; impossible for the most self-confident to

    find more than the seeds of such powers in himself.

    I love Books; but, why?

    I love that moment when I open a book and sink into it. It helps me

    escape from the real world of cheats, liars and masked-criminalsinto a

    world of virtual reality and its always more interesting than that of

    ones own ever be.

    Secondly, like William Hazlitt and Charles Lamb I hate to read NEW

    books. It is better to show moreconfidence in the dead thanthe living

    because living animals can take a U-Turn at any moment.

    Thirdly, like R.L.Stevensions idea of Walking Tour, I prefer reading

    alone and in a small dose at a time. Reading in a library is mockery

    to learning. In a Library people do all sort of things except

    reading. Lengthy reading fosters monotony while over reading risks

    mental dyspepsia.Fourthly, Voracity for enlightenment through entertainment is the

    motto for my reading.

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    Fifthly, I believe Reading for just a time-pass is crime; it consumes

    workingtime and makes a man poor.

    Sixthly, Reading is the oldest sign of civility. One should carry on the

    tradition. Postmodern psychologists are suggesting Compulsory

    Reading as corrective-punishments to hardcore criminals.

    Seventhly, Reading develops self-confidence and infuses creativity.

    Shakespeare created at least 1200 words because he did not have

    those words in his language.

    Eighthly, I believe what Sir Richard Steele said on Reading: Reading is

    to the mind which exercise is to the body.

    Lastly, Reading enhances longevity and keeps mental youthfulness

    alive. More than Seventy percent Oxbridge Dons are octogenarian

    youths. They dont suffer from the disease of morbidity noticed all

    through the materialistic world.

    In conclusion, we cant help remembering what wolf said in her essay,

    How should One Read a Book? She said, Tocarry out a reader's duty

    needs such imagination, insight, and learning that it is hard to conceive

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    any one mind sufficiently endowed; impossible for the most self-

    confident to find more than the seedsof such powers in himself.


    Note: No Reference or Link because the ideas are collected from

    uncountable sources-i.s.