JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 12 0 NUMBER 6 0 DECEMBER 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD Henry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief ( 1984) Long Island Jewiish-hfillside Medical Center. Neew Hi-de Park. N. Y. Lorraine Friedman, Editor (1982) Tulane Universit Medical School. New Orleans. La. Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985) California Department of hlealth. Berkele'. Calif Peter B. Smith, Editor (1984) Centerfor Disease Control. A tlanta. Ga. Donald G. Ahearn (1981) Libero Ajello (1982) William L. Albritton (1981) James R. Allen (1982) Stephen D. Allen (1981) Daniel Amsterdam (1980) Arthur L. Barry (1981) Barry Beaty (1981) John F. Bennett (1982) Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982) Edward J. Bottone (1980) Don J. Brenner (1980) Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982) William B. Cherry (1981) Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982) B. H. Cooper (1980) Richard F. D'Amato (1980) Jules L. Dienstag (1980) Richard E. Dixon (1981) Steven D. Douglas (1981) Walter R. Dowdle (1982) V. R. Dowell, Jr. (1980) Bennett L. Elisberg (1982) Richard W. Emmons (1980) Richard Facklam (1982) John C. Feeley (1980) James D. Fenters (1982) Sydney M. Finegold (1982) Maxwell Finland (1980) Herman Friedman (1981) Thomas L. Gavan (1980) Robert C. Good (1982) Norman L. Goodman (1980) Morris A. Gordon (1981) Dieter Groschel (1980) Pekka Halonen (1981) James L. Hardy (1981) Maurice W. Harmon (1982) William J. Hausler, Jr. (1981) Kenneth L. Herrmann (1982) Harry R. Hill (1980) Lillian V. Holdeman (1982) Milton Huppert (1981) Russell C. Johnson (1982) S. S. Kalter (1981) Leo Kaufman (1981) Douglas S. Kellogg (1981 George E. Kenny (1982) Wesley E. Kloos (1982) George P. Kubica (1982) Walter J. Loesche (1982) Laurence R. McCarthy (1980) Joseph E. McDade (1982) Jerry R. McGhee (1982) James D. MacLowry (1980) Harold Markowitz (1980) William J. Martin (1980) Joseph L. Melnick (1982) William 1. Metzger (1980) Stephen A. Morse (1980) C. Wayne Moss (1980) Maurice A. Mufson (1980) Harold C. Neu (1982) Joseph V. Osterman (1982) Arvind A. Padhye (1981) Barbara G. Painter (1980) Demosthenes Pappagianis (1980) M. John Pickett (1982) Robert H. Purcell (1980) William E. Rawls (1980) L. Barth Reller (1980) Shirley J. Richmond (1982) Glenn D. Roberts (1980) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1980) Arthur F. Rosenthal (1982) Sally Jo Rubin (1980) Julius Schachter (1980) Alexis Shelokov (1982) Marcelino F. Sierra (1981) Margarita Silva-Hutner (1980) Robert M. Smibert 11 (19X8) James W. Smith (1980) Leslie Spence (1982) Vera L. Sutter (1982) Jason Tanzer (1982) Patricia E. Taylor (1982) Welton 1. Taylor (1980) John H. Thompson, Jr. (1980) Richard C. Tilton (1981) Alexander von Graevenitz (1980) 1. Kaye Wachsmuth (1981) Kenneth W. Walls (1980) Joseph L. Waner (1980) Lawrence G. Wayne (1980) Tracy D. Wilkins (1981) Hazel Wilkinson (1980) Robert P. Williams (1981) Marion E. Wilson (1980) Kwei-Hay Wong (1980) G. N. Woode (1982) Robert H. Yolken (1981) Gisella Pollock, Acting Managing Editor Paula R. Gerhardt, Production Editor 1913 1 St.. NW. Washington. DC 20006 Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretarv The Journal oJ Clinical Microhiologv (ISSN 0095-1137). a publication of the American Societv tor Microbiology. 1913 I St.. NW. Washington. DC 20006. is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations. particularly regarding their etiologic agents. diagnosis. and epidemiology. Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. with fundamental aspects of infection and im- munity. and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scope ot other ASM publications. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year. The Journal is published monthly. and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $60 per year. The member subscription price is $16 per year. Single copies are $6. Corre- spondence relating to subscriptions. reprints. defective copies. availability of back issues. lost or late proofs. disposition of submitted manuscripts. and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office. 1913 1 St.. NW. Wash- ington. DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). EX OFFICIO FrederiCk C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at additional mailing offices. Made in the United States of America. Copyright (D 1980. American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article mav be made for personal use. or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition. however. that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear- ance Center. Inc.. P.O. Box 765. Schenectady. New York 12301. for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying. such as copying for general distribution. for advertising or promotional purposes. for creating nes collective works. or for resale. a* idh t[XI 111 I'$ It Al, I i',- L 11-1 M fIf-, 11; \1 III kt.

OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGYjcm.asm.org/content/12/6/local/admin.pdfSulzer, AlexanderJ., 780 Swinkels, J., 805 T ... * clinical, medical, and public health microbiology * industrial microbiology

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EDITORIAL BOARDHenry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief ( 1984)Long Island Jewiish-hfillside Medical Center.

Neew Hi-de Park. N. Y.Lorraine Friedman, Editor (1982)Tulane Universit Medical School.

New Orleans. La.

Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985)California Department of hlealth.

Berkele'. CalifPeter B. Smith, Editor (1984)Centerfor Disease Control.

A tlanta. Ga.

Donald G. Ahearn (1981)Libero Ajello (1982)William L. Albritton (1981)James R. Allen (1982)Stephen D. Allen (1981)Daniel Amsterdam (1980)Arthur L. Barry (1981)Barry Beaty (1981)John F. Bennett (1982)Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982)Edward J. Bottone (1980)Don J. Brenner (1980)Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982)William B. Cherry (1981)Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982)B. H. Cooper (1980)Richard F. D'Amato (1980)Jules L. Dienstag (1980)Richard E. Dixon (1981)Steven D. Douglas (1981)Walter R. Dowdle (1982)V. R. Dowell, Jr. (1980)Bennett L. Elisberg (1982)Richard W. Emmons (1980)Richard Facklam (1982)John C. Feeley (1980)James D. Fenters (1982)Sydney M. Finegold (1982)Maxwell Finland (1980)Herman Friedman (1981)Thomas L. Gavan (1980)Robert C. Good (1982)Norman L. Goodman (1980)Morris A. Gordon (1981)

Dieter Groschel (1980)Pekka Halonen (1981)James L. Hardy (1981)Maurice W. Harmon (1982)William J. Hausler, Jr. (1981)Kenneth L. Herrmann (1982)Harry R. Hill (1980)Lillian V. Holdeman (1982)Milton Huppert (1981)Russell C. Johnson (1982)S. S. Kalter (1981)Leo Kaufman (1981)Douglas S. Kellogg (1981George E. Kenny (1982)Wesley E. Kloos (1982)George P. Kubica (1982)Walter J. Loesche (1982)Laurence R. McCarthy (1980)Joseph E. McDade (1982)Jerry R. McGhee (1982)James D. MacLowry (1980)Harold Markowitz (1980)William J. Martin (1980)Joseph L. Melnick (1982)William 1. Metzger (1980)Stephen A. Morse (1980)C. Wayne Moss (1980)Maurice A. Mufson (1980)Harold C. Neu (1982)Joseph V. Osterman (1982)Arvind A. Padhye (1981)Barbara G. Painter (1980)Demosthenes Pappagianis (1980)M. John Pickett (1982)

Robert H. Purcell (1980)William E. Rawls (1980)L. Barth Reller (1980)Shirley J. Richmond (1982)Glenn D. Roberts (1980)Jon E. Rosenblatt (1980)Arthur F. Rosenthal (1982)Sally Jo Rubin (1980)Julius Schachter (1980)Alexis Shelokov (1982)Marcelino F. Sierra (1981)Margarita Silva-Hutner (1980)Robert M. Smibert 11 (19X8)James W. Smith (1980)Leslie Spence (1982)Vera L. Sutter (1982)Jason Tanzer (1982)Patricia E. Taylor (1982)Welton 1. Taylor (1980)John H. Thompson, Jr. (1980)Richard C. Tilton (1981)Alexander von Graevenitz (1980)1. Kaye Wachsmuth (1981)Kenneth W. Walls (1980)Joseph L. Waner (1980)Lawrence G. Wayne (1980)Tracy D. Wilkins (1981)Hazel Wilkinson (1980)Robert P. Williams (1981)Marion E. Wilson (1980)Kwei-Hay Wong (1980)G. N. Woode (1982)Robert H. Yolken (1981)

Gisella Pollock, Acting Managing EditorPaula R. Gerhardt, Production Editor1913 1 St.. NW. Washington. DC 20006

Albert Balows, President (1980-1981)J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretarv

The Journal oJ Clinical Microhiologv (ISSN 0095-1137). apublication of the American Societv tor Microbiology. 1913 I St..NW. Washington. DC 20006. is devoted to the dissemination ofnew knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspectsof human and animal infections and infestations. particularlyregarding their etiologic agents. diagnosis. and epidemiology.Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents andchemotherapy. with fundamental aspects of infection and im-munity. and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scopeot other ASM publications. Instructions to Authors are publishedin the January issue each year. The Journal is published monthly.and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year.The nonmember subscription price is $60 per year. The membersubscription price is $16 per year. Single copies are $6. Corre-spondence relating to subscriptions. reprints. defective copies.availability of back issues. lost or late proofs. disposition ofsubmitted manuscripts. and general editorial matters should bedirected to the ASM Publications Office. 1913 1 St.. NW. Wash-ington. DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

EX OFFICIOFrederiCk C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981)

Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at

additional mailing offices.Made in the United States of America.Copyright (D 1980. American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.

The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journalindicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the articlemav be made for personal use. or for personal use of specificclients. This consent is given on the condition. however. that thecopier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clear-ance Center. Inc.. P.O. Box 765. Schenectady. New York 12301.for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 ofthe U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to otherkinds of copying. such as copying for general distribution. foradvertising or promotional purposes. for creating nes collectiveworks. or for resale.

a* idh t [XI 111 I'$ It Al, I i',- L 11-1 M fIf-, 11; \1 III kt.

Author IndexAlim, A. R. M. A., 744Atchison, R. Wayne, 761Ausman, R. K., 725

Barnhart, Louisa, 761Berman, David T., 753Blaser, Martin J., 744Booss, J., 785Bottone, Edward J., 790Butts, Jeff, 802

Canale-P'arola, E. 792Clegg, Steven, 738

Dees, Craig, 802Deyoe, B. L., 753Dondero, Marjorie E., 796Duermeyer, W., 805

Evans, Dolores G., 738Evans, Dovle J., Jr., 738

Franco, Eduardo L., 780

Gershon, A., 764Gilsdorf, Michael J., 753Glass, Roger I., 744Granato, Paul A., 748

Greenberg, S., 764

Harris, Patricia P'., 799Hebert, G. Ann, 807Hennessy, J. N., 732Higby, Richard W., 780Ho, Helen H., 796Holmes, C. J., 725Huber, Jan I)., 753Huq, M. Imdadul, 744

Jones, Lois M., 753

Kibriya, G. M., 744Kinoshita, Yoshio, 768Kundsin, H. B., 725Kwasnik, Irene, 77f6

Leschine, S. B., 792

Mattuscak, Rosemarie R., 7i61McKinnev, Roger M., 799Miwatani, Toshio, 768Moreno, Edgardo, 753

Nicoletti, IPaul, 753

Paasculle, A. William, 761l'enner, J. L., 7:321'eralta, Jose M., 780I'hee, Rolando E., 772

Rvan, Raymon(d W., 776

Schmidt, Nathalie J., 796Steinberg, S., 764Stoll, Barbara, 744Sulzer, Alexander J., 780Swinkels, J., 805

T'aber, L., 764Taga, Sekiko, 7i68T'akeda, Yoshifumi, 768Thomason, Berenice, 799lTilton, Richard C., 776T'rask, Linda M., 772Tsukamoto, Teizo, 768

van Gruijthuijsen, H., 805

Walter, C. W., 725Weiner, Leonard B., 748Wielaard, F., 805Winkler, S. R., 785Wu, T'eresa C., 772

Paepke, Janet L., 748 Yee, Robert B., ,(61


The editors express their thanks to the following individuals who so kindly referred the papers

submitted for publication during the past year.

Frederick AladjenPaul AlbrechtAaron D. AlexanderRonald AllenR. AndersonJohn T. AnhaltLawrence AshGeorge BaerDavid T. BermanJennifer M. BestE. L. BibersteinNeil R. BlacklowD. BlazevickCarl I). BrandtR. BrodersonJ. BrooksLeland E. CarmichaelG. R. CarterJordi CasalsMarion K. CooneyJ. CooperRobert B. CouchRobert A. CrandellNatalie E. CremerGeorge CukorJoel M. I)alrympleJudith D)omerR. Gordon DouglasS. E. EdbergFrancis A. EnnisJ. J. FarmerM. FaveroJ. FeeleyStephen FeinstonePatricia FerrieriW. R. FinnertyRoger FlovdMarianne ForsgrenI. FridovichToru FurukawaLvnn S. GarciaE. H. GerlachG. L. GilardiAlan Gray

Harrv B. GreenbergRobert GreenwaldPeter A. GrossIan D. GustDonald P. GustafsonKathleen HarperRovle HawkesGeorge R. HealyRobert J. HecklvGertrude HenleFrances W. HickmanA. K. HighsmithAlan W. HightowerGale HillMonto HoF. Blaine HollingerIan HolmesKing K. HolmesI. G. KaganAnthony KalicaFrederick KavanaghRichard T. KellyCarl KerelukVernon KnightRuth B. KundsinL. J. KunzK. J. Kwon-ChungGeoffry LandJames G. LecceG. LombardCarlos LopezRobert L. MarierL. K. McDougalM. McGinnisDorothy M. MelvinRichard D. MeyerChris H. MillerG. MorrisWavne C. MossBeverly J. NeffErling NorrbyLyndon S. OshiroMichael OxmanJ. Parisi

C. ParkerCarl E. Pedersen, Jr.Robert L. PetersP. PetersonStanley A. PlotkinErrol ReissJ. S. RemingtonPerry RileyJ. RistrophLeon RosenHarold RussellPhilip K. RussellS. Gerald SandlerJohn L. SeverMaurice C. ShepardP. ShipleyJ. Kelly SmithA. SonnenwirthRex SpendloveW. W. SpinkSergio StagnoM. TagerRobert B. TeshJohn Thompson. Jr.G. ThorneClvde ThornsberryDaniel D. ToddC. TuazonJoseph G. TullyMartin J. Van I)er MaatenRobert W. VeltriB. Faber VestergaardJan VilcekSan-pin WangJ. A. WashingtonH. Gail WathenR. E. WeaverJ. G. WellsHerbert A. WennerGeorge WilliamsA. J. WinterRichard G. WvattClaude E. ZoBell




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Abelseth, Melvin K., 590Absolom, Darryl R., 608Adams, Ernest D., Jr., 624Adeniyi-Jones, Colina C., 572Adler, B., 7Ahonkhai, Vincent I., 711Alim, A. R. M. A., 744Alley, C. C., 208Alture-Werber, Erna, 332Anacker, Robert L., 144Anand, Chandar M., 15Anhalt, John P., 375Appelbaum, Peter C., 271, 282,

533Artman, M., 614Arvin, A. M., 367Ashton, John K., 631Atang-Nomo, Sirri, 626Atchison, R. Wayne, 761Ausman, R. K., 725Azimi, Parvin H., 124

Baker, Carol J., 442Barbour, Alan G., 250Barnes, William G., 527Barnhart, Louisa, 761Beckwith, David G., 517Benjamin, William R., 558Bentz, Michael S., 271Berlin, 0. George W., 700Berman, David T., 753Bessman, Alice N., 413Biddle, J. W., 170Blaser, Martin J., 406, 479, 744Bohl, Edward H., 105Booss, J., 785Booth, Margaret T., 546Bottone, Edward J., 626, 790Branefors, P., 185Brautigam, Alan R., 226Brenner, Don J., 88, 718Britt, Michael R., 250Brooks, J. B., 208Brown, Robert S., Jr., 679Brown, Susan L., 22Brown, W. Jerry, 620Busolo, Franco, 69Butts, Jeff, 802

Calandra, Gary B., 84Came, P. E., 567Campbell, David B., 282Campbell, JoLynne, 576Canale-Parola, E., 792Canawati, Hanna N., 413Carlson, Barbara L., 301Carpentier, D. C., 567

Carter, T. B., 610Castro, A. F. Pestana de, 714Castro, Albert, 74Cate, Thomas R., 426Chappell, W. Adrian, 676Chaskes, Stuart J., 332Chesnut, Shelby, 329Chester, Brent, 509Cisani, Gabriella, 63Cleary, Timothy J., 509Clegg, Steven, 738Clemmons, Karl, 220Clevinger, Brian L., 506Coffee, E. E., 35Collins, Michael T., 10Conventi, Luciano, 69Cooper, B. H., 180, 684Coykendall, Alan L., 288Craven, R. B., 208Craythorn, Judy M., 250Cristofaro, Robert L., 711Cross, Robert F., 105Cryz, Stanley J., 131Cuero, Raul G., 455

Dahlberg, T., 185Dahrymple, Joel M., 361Dasch, Gregory A., 343Davie, Joseph M., 506Davies, Heather A., 462Davis, Betty R., 193, 264DeBoy, John M., II, 193, 264Dees, Craig, 802Dees, S. B., 127De Girolami, Paola C., 546de la Rosa Fraile, Manuel, 310Del Junco, Deborah J., 656Dennis, Juanita, 704DeSilva, M. I., 472Desmond, Edward P., 626Devaux, Bernard, 483Devlin, Veronica, 651Deyoe, B. L., 753Diaz, Ana Maria, 175Dittmar, David, 74Dondero, Marjorie E., 796Doran, Terence I., 421Drapeau, Gabriel R., 138Drumm, Kimberly, 220Duckenfield, Linda, 631Duermeyer, W., 805Dyckman, John D., 629

Edberg, Stephen C., 332Edman, D. C., 208Edwards, Earl A., 151Elin, Ronald J., 502


Ellinghausen, Herman C., Jr.,121

Elliott, Larry P., 617Elwing, Hans, 637Emmons, Richard W., 651Epstein, Joel B., 475Eriquez, L. A., 667Essers, Ludwig, 641Evans, Charles A., 355Evans, Dolores G., 235, 738Evans, Doyle J., Jr., 235, 738

Faine, S., 7Falsen, Enevold, 297Farmer, J. J., III, 88Feczko, Joseph, 477Feeley, James C., 718Feeley, John C., 22, 402Feldman, William E., 44Fenn, Joann, 656Fernandez Gutierrez, Clotilde,

310Fikes, Bonnie J., 395Filice, Gregory A., 336Fitzpatrick, John E., 60Flournoy, D. J., 79Forghani, Bagher, 704Franco, Eduardo L., 780Frank, Arthur L., 426Frank, G. H., 579Frankl, G., 614Frasch, Carl E., 498Friedman, Herman, 558Furtado, Gary L., 550

Gadberry, Joseph L., 220Galo, Dana, 651Gamble, William C., 676Gandelman, Arthur L., 284Gannon, Patrick J., 60Gardner, Becky B., 656Garibaldi, Richard A., 250Gatti, Maria S. V., 714Gentry, Mary K., 361George, Edwin H., 676Gershon, A., 764Gilsdorf, Michael J., 753Girgis, N. I., 208Glass, Roger I., 744Goldstein, Ellie J. C., 711Gomes, Joyce A., 714Gorzynski, Eugene A., 608Granato, Paul A., 748Grazi, Grazia, 63Green, Jon A., 433Green, Lance R., 527Greenberg, S., 764


Gross, R. J., 167Guerrant, G. O., 127

Hadley, W. Keith, 27Haines, Harold G., 74Hakes, Myr S., 286Haley, Mark S., 301Hall, Caroline B., 447Halle, Sidney, 343Hamada, Shigeyuki, 243Hambie, Edith A., 22Hampton, Cecil M., 554Hanna, Lavelle, 409Hansen, Michael V., 617Harding, Sally A., 679Harris, Patricia P., 799Hebert, G. Ann, 807Hechemy, Karim E., 144Heczko, Piotr B., 138Hedaya, Ellis, 44Helgeson, N. G. P., 180, 684Hehns, Charles M., 326Hengesbaugh, Jean H., 656Hennessy, Joan N., 304, 732Herman, Lloyd G., 112Hickman, F. W., 88Hickman, Robert K., 603Hierholzer, Walter J., Jr., 326Higby, Richard W., 780Hillyer, George V., 695Hitchings, Maryl, 558Ho, Helen H., 796Holland, James F., 594Holland, R. L., 180Hollis, Dannie G., 620Holmes, C. J., 725Holmes, I. H., 314, 320Hopfer, Roy L., 329Hoppes, William L., 205Hori, Masatake, 140House, James A., 105Hovanec, Debra L., 608Hruska, Jerome F., 690Huber, Jan D., 753Huber, Thomas W., 629Hughes, Bonnie J., 426Hunter, Elizabeth F., 402Huq, M. Imdadul, 744

Iglewski, Barbara H., 131Interval, Gail, 541Iwasa, Susumu, 140

Jacob, E., 610Jahre, Jeffrey A., 517Janda, J. Michael, 626Jaquess, Percy A., 32Jeljaszewicz, Janusz, 138Jimenez, Beatriz E., 279Johansson, M. E., 95Johnson, Roy B., Jr., 451Johnson, William, 326Johnston, K. H., 35

Jones, Lois M., 753Judson, Franklyn N., 216

Kaczmarek, Frank S., 288Kadis, Eileen M., 15Kaijser, Bertil, 297Kaplan, Raymond L., 477Karolus, John J., 284Kato, Ferenc, 483Kauffman, Carol A., 709Kayhty, Helena, 256Kellogg, James A., 533Kelly, Michael T., 659Kennedy, Christopher, 199Keshishyan, Hermine, 409Kibriya, G. M., 744Kidd, A. H., 95Kinoshita, Yoshio, 768Kleeman, Karl T., 144Klein, Thomas W., 558Knight, G. B., 667Kohler, Richard B., 39Kondo, Koichi, 140Konishi, Eiko, 140Koropchak, C. M., 367Koshi, Grace, 1

Kotani, Shozo, 243Kraaijeveld, Cornelis A., 493Kraus, S. J., 170Krech, Ulrich H., 46Krishna, Rangachar V., 46Kundsin, R. B., 725Kusek, John W., 112Kwasnik, Irene, 776

Labows, John N., 521Lam, Selena, 57Lambert, Mary Ann, 291Landau, William, 477Lange, Stefan, 637Lantz, Christian H., 583Larson, Elaine L., 355Larsson, Peter, 490, 637Latimer, Joan M., 659Lawrie, D. James, 583Lawson, John W., 603Layne, Joseph S., 32Lentsch, Ronald H., 351Le Pemp, Martine, 483Leschine, S. B., 792Lesmana, Murad, 151Leyden, James J., 521, 672Libby, Rosemary, 451Logan, Alfred L., 606Lowe, Robert N., 124Luechtefeld, Nancy A. W., 406,479

MacCormack, J. Newton, 144MacLowry, James D., 583Macnaughton, Malcolm R., 462,

493Madeley, C. R., 95


Magnussen, C. Richard, 690Maher, Louise A., 546Malecka-Griggs, Blanche, 199Martin, W. J., 684Martin, William T., 718Maruyama, M. Mitzi, 286Matsen, John M., 250Mattingly, Stephen J., 421, 633Matuscak, Rosemarie R., 761Maxwell, Sarz, 161McCarthy, Laurence R., 375, 684McCleskey, Ferne K., 624McCormack, William M., 301McCracken, A. W., 180, 684McCullough, Alan G., 469McGinley, Kenneth J., 521, 672McKinney, Roger M., 395, 799McLean, B., 314, 320McQuitty, John, 124Medeiros, Antone A., 550Meurman, Ohi H., 46Michaelson, Edith E., 144Miller, Marjorie J., 700Milligan, Thomas W., 421, 633Mills, Elaine L., 52Miner, Richard C., 562Minnich, Linda, 391Mintz, Lawrence, 562Miwatani, Toshio, 768Montgomerie, John Z., 413Moreno, Edgardo, 753Morris, George K., 718Moss, C. Wayne, 127, 291Mote, Patricia T., 402Murray, Patrick R., 506, 554Myers, Donald M., 175

Nahm, Moon H., 506Nauman, R. K., 610Nealon, Timothy J., 421Nehls, Lars, 297Neter, Erwin, 60Ngui-Yen, John H., 18Nicolaieff, A., 101Nicoletti, Paul, 753Nolan, Beth A., 284Nolan, Charles M., 22Nygren, Borje, 297Nygren, Hakan, 637

Oberhofer, Thomas R., 156Obert, G., 101O'Brien, Mark, 44Orengo, Antonio, 329Ourth, Donald D., 439Overall, James C., Jr., 433Oxman, Michael N., 226

Paepke, Janet L., 748Pancic, F., 567Pasculle, A. William, 761Patterson, Steven, 462Patton, Charlotte M., 718Pearsall, Nancy N., 475

VOL. 12, 1980

Penner, John L., 304, 732Peralta, Jose M., 780Perlnan, Sidney, 121Perryman, Fred A., 79Phee, Rolando E., 772Philip, Robert N., 144Phillips, Edna A., 135Pierpont, Alice A., 633Pitt, Jane, 235Porschen, Richard K., 27Precausta, Pierre M., 483Price, James, Jr., 606Pringle, George F., 711Prowant, S., 684Puck, Jennifer, 426Pulliam, Lynn, 27Pulverer, Gerhard, 138

Qadri, S. M. Hussain, 472Quie, Paul G., 52

Radebold, Klaus, 641Rasquinha, Esther S., 572Ray, C. George, 391Reed, Sylvia E., 493Reinhardt, Donald J., 199Reller, L. Barth, 406, 479Remington, Jack S., 336Renner, Edward D., 326Restrepo, Angela, 279Rholl, Kenneth S., 52Richman, Douglas D., 226Ringertz, Olof, 538Ringertz, Signe, 538Rissing, J. Peter, 205Roboz, John, 594Robson, J., 684Rochford, Judith C., 722Rockhill, Robert C., 538Rowe, B., 167Rubin, Sally Jo, 121Rudd, Robert J., 590Ruggieri, M. R., 672Ryan, Raymond W., 776

Saif, Linda J., 105Sanborn, Warren R., 151Sande, Merle A., 679Sapico, Francisco L., 413Sasowski, Sandra J., 144Sasseville, Karen R., 395Satta, Giuseppe, 63Schaus, Susan M., 161Scheld, W. Michael, 679Schick, Suzanne F., 533Schmidt, Nathalie J., 651, 704,

796Schnabel, Kenneth C., 447Schoenknecht, Fritz D., 375


Schubert, Charles M., 402Schwab, D. A., 684Serafim, Marlene B., 714Severance, Perry J., 709Shanley, John D., 663Sheagren, John N., 709Sherris, John C., 375Shockley, R. K., 35Sierra, Marcelino F., 711Simatos, Denise, 483Singer, Jacques M., 332Slifldn, Malcolm, 541Sliva, Holly S., 445Smalley, David L., 32, 439Smith, Douglas D., 135Smith, James W., 205Smith, John A., 18Sommers, Herbert M., 395Sonza, S., 314Soro, Ornella, 63Sottnek, Frances O., 170, 620Specter, Steven C., 558Spencer, H. J., 375Stavitz, Judy, 271Steigerwalt, Arnold, 88, 718Steinberg, S., 764Steinhoff, Mark C., 447Stevens, Donald L., 572Stewart, J. A., 170St. George, Debra M., 546Stoll, Barbara, 744Storms, Sally, 629Straus, David C., 421, 633Strom, Mark S., 355Sulzer, Alexander J., 780Surgalla, Michael J., 60Sutomo, Arini, 538Suzuki, Robert, 594Svedhem, Ake, 297Swanson, Evryll C., 10Swinkels, J., 805

Taber, L., 764Taga, Sekiko, 768Takeda, Yoshifumi, 768Talley, Richard L., 527Tapsall, John W., 135Thangavelu, C. P., 1Theil, Kenneth W., 105Thomas, Brenda J., 462Thomas, Linda V., 167Thomason, Berenice, 799Thornsberry, Clyde, 375Tilton, Richard C., 776Tisei, Nancy A., 301Tonin, Enrico, 69Torii, Mitsuo, 243Trask, Linda M., 772Trimarchi, Charles V., 590Truelove, Edmond L., 475

Tsuchitani, Yasuhiko, 243Tsukamoto, Teizo, 768Turner, Wallace E., 606

Uhnoo, Ingrid, 95Utter, Anna E., 502Uyeda, Charles T., 286

van Gruijthuijsen, H., 805van Oss, Carel J., 608van Regenmortel, M. H. V., 101Varaldo, Pietro E., 63Vega Aleman, Dolores, 310Viner, John P., 326von Kuster, Larry C., 271

Wachsmuth, I. Kaye, 193, 264Wadell, G., 95Wadke, Manohar, 631Wagner, F. William, Jr., 413Wagner, Joseph E., 351Walter, C. W., 725Wang, Wen-Lan L., 406, 479Washington, John A., II, 375,

445, 576Weaver, Robert E., 170, 620Webb, Bette J., 442Webster, Christopher J., 644Webster, Guy F., 521, 672Wegrzynowicz, Zenon, 138Weiner, Leonard B., 748Weiner, M., 614Wenglar, Mark, 329Werness, Bruce A., 216Wheat, L. Joseph, 39White, Arthur C., 39, 205White, Paul C., Jr., 22Whitt, Richard S., 84Wielaard, F., 805Wilkinson, Brian J., 161Wilkinson, Hazel W., 395Winkler, S. R., 785Wintermeyer, Laverne A., 326Witebsky, Frank G., 583Witte, Joyce L., 413Wolf, James S., 395Wong, Edward S., 718Wong, Kwei-Hay, 22Woodie, James D., 651Wu, Teresa C., 772

Yanagawa, R., 7Yeager, Anne S., 336, 562Yee, Robert B., 761Yeh, Tze-Jou, 433Yeo, Mavis, 57Young, Lowell S., 235Yungbluth, Margaret M., 395

Ziegler, Thedi, 46Zubairi, Sabiha, 472



AbscesspancreasAchromobacter group Vd biovar 1, 282

skinC. albicans, 44

Achromobacter group Vd biovar 1pancreatic abscess, 282

Actinobacillus equuliisolation from laboratory rodents, 351

Actinobacillus lignieresiiisolation from laboratory rodents, 351

Actinomyces israeliiacid-fast, 124

Actinomycosis, pulmonaryacid-fast actinomycetes, 124

Adenovirus, entericenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 95

Aerosol entrapmentmicrobial surveillance of nebulizers, 199

Agar, F-G cysteine ironL. pneumophila, 32

Agar diffusion bioassayserum gentamicin concentration, 583

Alpha-toxin disk test, clostridialgroup B streptococci, 18

Amikacinresistant bacteria in sink drains, 79

Aminoglycosidesprevalence of resistant bacteria, 79

Aminopeptidases, glutamylM. urethralis, 667N. meningitidis, 667

Antibiotic disk susceptibility testingE. coli, 264

Antibiotic susceptibility testing, automatedMS-2 system, 527


transfer from mothers to infants, 320class-specific

S. typhi 0 antigen, 637H. influenzae capsular and 0 antigens, 185human coronavirus, 493monoclonalcompared with commercial, 506dengue virus type 3, 74

T. gondii immunoglobulin M, 805Antibodyimmunoglobulin G

encephalomyocarditis virus, 663Anticomplement immunofluorescence testhuman cytomegalovirus antibodies, 562


C. albicans endocarditis, 6790

S. typhi, 637

polysaccharide Bradial immunodiffusion test for bovine brucellosis,753

Antigenemia, P. aeruginosaradioimmunoassay, 39

AntigensE. coli colonization factor I, 738heat-stable

C. fetus subsp. jejuni serotyping, 732respiratory virus

direct immunofluorescent staining, 391tegument

F. hepatica, 695Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, automatedMS-2 system, 375

API 20E systemcompared with diagnostic laboratory methods, 10Enterobacteriaceae, 659Enterobacteriaceae, veterinary, 10gram-negative nonfermenting rod identification, 271

AprotininB. pertussis, 799

Arabinitolquantification in serum, 594

Autobac 1 systemcefamandole susceptibility testing of Enterobacte-

riaceae, 546colistin-related false sensitivity, 631

AutoMicrobic systemEnterobacteriaceae, 659

BACTEC radiometric systemM. chelonei subsp. abscessus, 477yeasts, 329

Bacteremiaantibody responses to 0 antigens, 60cefoxitin-inducible beta-lactamase, 517Proteus 0 antigens, 490


carbohydrate reactions, 620sampling solutions for assaying, 355

BacteriocinP. mirabilis typing, 113

Bacteroides asaccharolyticusphenylacetic acid production, 288

Bacteroides fragilisradioimmunoassay for antibodies, 205

Bacteroides gingivalis (sp. nov.)phenylacetic acid production, 288

Beta-lactamasecefoxitin-disk test, 517cefoxitin-inducible, 517

Bio-Bag type C systemN. gonorrhoeae isolation, 301

BiogroupsM. morganii, 88


VOL. 12, 1980

Blood cultureselectronic monitoring, 180necessity for routine terminal subcultures, 576

Bordetella pertussisfluorescent antibody staining, 799

Bovine isolates, untypableP. haemolytica, 579

Broths, selective enrichmentSalmonella, 151

Brucella mediumC. fetus subsp. jejuni storage and transport, 479

Brucellosis, bovineradial immunodiffusion test, 753

Calcivirussimilar particles, 105

CAMP testrapid tube

S. agalactiae (Lancefield group B), 135reverse

C. perfringens, 617Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuniBangladeshi children, 744brucelia medium for storage and transport, 479gastroenteritis, 538migratory waterfowl, 406passive hemagglutination technique for serotyping,

732Candida albicansenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for circulating

antigen, 679quantitative cultures of saliva, 475skin abscess, 44

Candidiasisdiagnosis, 475quantification of arabinitol by selected ion monitor-

ing, 594Candle extinction jarN. gonorrhoeae isolation, 301

Carbohydrate reactionsfastidious bacteria, 620

Carbon dioxidestreptococcal dependence, 27

CefamandoleEnterobacteriaceae susceptibility, 546

Cellular potential hemolysinactivation, 84

Cerebrospinal fluidpathogenic bacteria, 554varicella-zoster virus antibody, 764

Cervical-anal culturinggonorrhea, 216

Chemiluminescencegranulomatous disease carrier state, 52mumps virus antibodies, 140

Chlamydiaeantigen stabilization for microimmunofluorescence,409

ChloramphenicolP. mirabilis susceptibility, 550

Clostridium difficilecytotoxic effect from toxin, 796related to enteric bacterial pathogens, 297toxin in human feces, 776


Clostridium perfringensalpha-toxin disks, 18reverse CAMP test, 617

Coagglutinationimmunoglobulin class dissociated from E. coli-anti-body complexes, 608

Coagglutination testsalmonellosis diagnosis, 151

Coagulasestaphylococcal negativity, 161

ColistinAutobac 1 system false sensitivity, 631pseudomonad resistance, 156

Colonization factor antigen Ienterotoxigenic E. coli, 738

ContaminationL. biflexa in deionized water, 121microbial

in-line filters, 725paraffins, 802surface

detection techniques, 250Coronavirus group 229E, humanenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 493

Coronavirus strain 229Einfectivity, 462

CounterimmunoelectrophoresisH. influenzae type b, 614rabies virus serum neutralizing antibodies, 175S. pneumoniae, 614

Cryptococcus neoformansesculin-based medium, 332Gram-stained smears of purulent exudates, 790

Cultures, bloodtime of subcultures, 445

Cytomegalovirushumananticomplement immunofluorescence test for an-tibodies, 562enzyme immunofluorescence assays for antibod-ies, 704

murinerecovery from macrophage-enriched mice, 785

solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for antibodies, 46solid-phase immunofluorescence for antibody quan-

titation, 558Cytotoxicity

C. difficile toxin, 796

Dengue virus type 3monoclonal antibodies, 74

Dental plaqueS. sanguis, 243

Deoxyribonucleic acid:deoxyribonucleic acid hybridi-zation

herpes simplex virus typing, 226Diabetes

bacteriology of feet, 413Diagnostics Products Corporation Radioimmunoassayserum gentamicin concentration, 583

DiarrheaC. fetus subsp. jejuni, 744virus-like particles, 105

Direct immunofluorescent staining


respiratory virus antigens, 391Direct sampling analyses

microbial surveillance of nebulizers, 199Direct wet mount staining

fecal Entamoeba spp. trophozoites, 656Dispenser, semiautomated aseptic

anaerobic media, 469Dysentery

C. fetus subsp. jejuni, 744

Electrodes, stainless steelmicrobial growth detection, 180

Electronic detection system, automatedmicrobial growth detection, 180

Electron microscopeantibody-coated grids for serological trapping of ro-

taviruses, 101Encephalitis

varicella-zoster virus, 764Encephalomyocarditis virus

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for immuno-globulin G antibody, 663

human interferon assay, 433Endocarditis

C. albicans, 679Endotoxin

positive Limulus amoebocyte lysate reaction, 502Endotoxins

quantitative assay, 644Entamoeba coli

phagocytosis of G. lamblia cyst, 606Entamoeba moshkovskii

trophozoites in stools, 656Enterobacteriaceae

Biochemical Card, 659cefamandole susceptibility testing, 546methods for identification, 659veterinaryAPI 20E system, 10

EnterococcusLancefield group D

inhibition, 802Enterotoxin, heat-labile

enterotoxigenic E. coli, 768passive immune hemolysis test, 714

EnterotubeEnterobacteriaceae, 659

EnterovirusC. difficile toxin, 796

Enzymatic Radiochemical Assayserum gentamicin concentration, 583

Enzyme immunoassay, solid-phasecytomegalovirus antibodies, 46

Enzyme immunofluorescence assayslight box for visual reading, 704

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayC. albicans endocarditis circulating antigen, 679diffusion-in-gelcompared with conventional serological methods,637

E. coli colonization factor antigen I, 738encephalomyocarditis virus immunoglobulin G an-

tibody, 663enteric adenovirus, 95

H. influenzae capsular and 0 antigen antibodies,185

human coronavirus antibodies, 493M. pneumoniae antibodies, 69respiratory syncytial virus serology, 447rotavirus-specific immunoglobulins, 320T. gondii immunoglobulin M antibodies, 805typhus rickettsiae, 343

Enzyme-linked immunospecific assayrotavirus antibodies, 314

Escherichia coliaberrant forms in blood cultures, 690enterotoxigenic

antibiotic resistance, 264enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for coloni-zation factor antigen I, 738hemolytic activity, 193passive immune hemolysis for heat-labile entero-toxin, 768passive immune hemolysis test, 714

hemagglutination typing, 235immunoglobulin class, 608non-enterotoxigenic

antibiotic resistance, 264hemolytic activity, 193

Esculinhydrolysis test, 472

Esculin mediumC. neoformans, 332

Eubacterium brachy sp. nov.pleuropulmonary infection, 722

Euparalpermanent mounting medium for parasite eggs, 700

False sensitivityAutobac 1 system, 631

Fasciola hepaticategument antigens, 695

Fatty acids, bacterialgas-liquid chromatography, 127

Fecal samplesC. difficile frequency, 297

Feces, humanC. difficile toxin, 776

Feet, diabeticbacteriology, 413

Fermentative bacteria, nonentericMinitek system, 509

FIAX systemviral antibody quantitation, 558

Fibroblast nuclei, isolatedantigen for anticomplement immunofluorescence

test, 562Filters, in-line

microbial contamination, 725F4 leptospiral antigen

different from TM antigen, 7Flow N/F system

gram-negative nonfermenting rod identification, 271Fluorescent antibody staining

B. pertussis, 799Fluorescent antibody test

rabies diagnosis, 590Fluorescent focus assay


VOL. 12, 1980

human coronavirus strain 229E, 462Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test

double-staining procedure, 402treponemal antigen, 629

FormalinB. pertussis, 799chlamydial antigens stabilized, 409

Freeze dryingviral vaccines, 483

Fusarium solaniecological distribution, 455human mycotic keratitis, 455

Gamma radiationrabies diagnostic reagents, 676

Gangrene, diabeticbacteriology, 413

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometryheadspace analysis of Pseudomonas spp. metabo-

lites, 521Gas-liquid chromatography

bacterial fatty acids, 127frequency-pulsed electron capture, 208fused-silica capillary column, 127lymphocytic meningitis, 208

GastroenteritisC. fetus subsp. jejuni, 538infantile

enteric adenovirus, 95Gentamicin

resistant bacteria in sink drains, 79serum concentration, 583

Giardia lamblia cystphagocytized by E. coli trophozoite, 606

Glass beadscellular potential hemolysin activation, 84

Glutamyl aminopeptidasesM. urethralis, 667N. meningitidis, 667

Gono-Pak systemN. gonorrhoeae isolation, 301

Gonorrhoeacervical-anal culturing, 216

Gram-negative nonfermenting rodsfour methods for identification, 271

Gram-stainC. neoformans, 790

Granulomatous diseaseluminol-amplified chemiluminescence, 52

Group B streptococci, type IIIprotease production, 421

Haemophilus ducreyiisolation and identification, 171

Haemophilus influenzaeenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for capsularand 0 antigen antibodies, 185

type bcounterimmunoelectrophoresis, 614

HeelsP. aeruginosa osteomyelitis, 711

Helminth eggseuparal mounting medium, 700



E. coli typing, 235indirect

P. haemolytica serotyping, 579passive

C. fetus subsp. jejuni serotyping, 732N. meningitidis antibody response, 256

Hemagglutination testmicro-indirectgroup B streptococcal Ibc protein antibodies, 1

Hemolysin, cellular potentialactivation, 84

Hemolysis test, passive immuneenterotoxigenic E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin, 768

Hemolytic activityenterotoxigenic E. coli, 193non-enterotoxigenic E. coli, 193

Herpes simplex virusdirect immunofluorescence staining for antigens, 651solid-phase immunofluorescence for antibody quan-

titation, 558typing by deoxyribonucleic acid:deoxyribonucleic

acid hybridization, 226Hybridoma antibody

clinical evaluation, 506Hydrolysis test

esculin, 472p-Hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid

production from tyrosine by P. anaerobius, 291

Ibc protein antibodymicro-indirect hemagglutination test, 1

Immunoassaymumps virus antibodies, 140

Immunodiffusion test, radialbovine brucellosis, 753

Immunofluorescence, solid-phasecompared with complement fixation, 558herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus antibod-

ies, 558Immunofluorescence assays, enzyme

light box for visual reading, 704Immunofluorescence staining, direct

herpes simplex and varicella-zoster virus antigens,651

Immunofluorescence test, anticomplementhuman cytomegalovirus antibodies, 562

Immunofluorescent slide methodantibody-coated bacteria, 761

Immunoglobulinshuman rotavirus, 3140 antigens, 60polar staining of T. gondii, 780presence in E. coli antisera causing coagglutination,

608separation, 451T. gondii, 336transfer from mothers to infants, 320varicella-zoster virus, 367

Indirect immunofluorescencehuman coronavirus strain 229E, 462L. pneumophila, 326polar staining of T. gondii, 780

Indirect immunofluorescence assayL. pneumophila serogroup 6, 395


Infantsgroup B streptococcal infection, 442

Influenza virusmicroneutralization test, 427

In-line filtersmicrobial contamination, 725

Interferon, humansemiautomated assay, 433

Intravenous therapymicrobial contamination of in-line filters, 725

In-use hospital nebulizersmicrobial surveillance, 199

Ion exchangeimmunoglobulin separation, 451

JEMBEC systemN. gonorrhoeae isolation, 301

Keratitis, mycoticF. solani, 455

Latex agglutination testRocky Mountain spotted fever antibodies, 144S. aureus, 641Streptococcus, group B, 442

Legionellaroom temperature storage, 807

Legionella gormanil sp. nov., 718Legionella pneumophila

indirect immunofluorescence antibodies, 326new serogroup, 395selenium for growth enhancement, 32

Legionellosisindirect immunofluorescence, 326L. pneumophila serogroup 6, 395

Legionnaires disease, 718L. pneumophila serogroup 6, 395

Leptospira antigensF4 different from TM, 7

Leptospira biflexacontamination of deionized water, 121

Leptospirosiscaused by contaminated deionized water, 121

Limulus amoebocyte lysatereactivity with polyriboinosinic acid-polyribocyti-

dylic acid, 502Limulus coagulogen

polyriboinosinic acid- polyribocytidylic acid, 502Limulus lysate

quantitative assay for bacterial endotoxins, 644Lipopolysaccharide

Neisseria spp. agglutination, 498Luminol

chemiluminescence, 52Lyogroup systemcompared with other methods for identification of

staphylococci, 63Staphylococcus, 63

Lysostaphin sensitivityS. aureus, 709

Macrophagesmurine cytomegalovirus, 785

MalignanciesO antigens, 60

Martin-Thayer mediumN. gonorrhoeae recovery, 748

Mediaanaerobicsemiautomated aseptic dispenser, 469

blood cultureeffect on staphylococcal lysostaphin sensitivity,709

Mediumchemically defined

P. brasiliensis yeast phase growth, 279mounting

euparal, 700Medium, SJ-GC

N. gonorrhoeae high-density growth, 35Membrane filter contact technique

surface contamination detection, 250Meningitis

lymphocyticfrequency-pulsed electron capture gas-liquidchromatography, 208

N. meningitidis group B aberrant strain, 286Metabolitesheadspace analysis, 521

Metalloproteaseprothrombin activation in S. aureus, 138

Methicillinstaphylococcal resistance, 161

Micecytomegalovirus, 785dengue virus type 3 antibodies, 74


oral anaerobic spirochetes, 610treponemal antigen. 629

Micro-ID systemcompared with API 20E system, 533Enterobacteriaceae, 659four-hour direct, 533oxidase-negative, gram-negative rods, 533

Micro-immunofluorescence testformalinized chlamydial antigens, 409

Micro-Media SystemsEnterobacteriaceae, 659

Microneutralization testinfluenza virus, 427

Minitek systemcompared with conventional bacterial identification

methods, 509gram-negative bacteria, 509gram-negative nonfermenting rod identification, 271

Moist surface sampling techniquesurface contamination detection, 250

Moraxella urethralisglutamyl aminopeptidases, 667

Morganella morganiibiogroups, 88

Mouse inoculation testrabies diagnosis, 590

MS-2 systemcompared with conventional agar disk diffusion, 527compared with Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion, 375


VOL. 12, 1980

Enterobacteriaceae, 684evaluation, 375

Mumps viruschemiluminescence-linked immunoassay for anti-

bodies, 140Mycobacterium chelonei subsp. abscessus

radiometric detection, 477Mycoplasma pneumoniae

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 69

Nasopharyngeal smearsB. pertussis, 799

Nebulizers, in-use hospitalmicrobial surveillance, 199

Neisseria gonorrhoeaeagglutination, 498cell-wall detective form, 603isolation by four methods, 301media for recovery, 748Phadebact Gonococcus Test, 15SJ-GC medium, 35

Neisseria meningitidisagglutination, 498glutamyl aminopeptidases, 667group A capsular polysaccharide vaccine, 256group B aberrant strain, 286urethritis, 284

Neonatesgroup B streptococcal extracellular neuraminidase

production, 633Neuraminidase

Streptococcus, group B, 633New England Nuclear Corporation Radioimmunoas-

sayserum gentamicin concentration, 583

New York City mediumN. gonorrhoeae recovery, 748

Nitrous acid extractionserogrouping beta-hemolytic streptococci, 541

Nonenteric fermentative bacteriaMinitek system, 509

Nonfermentative bacteriaMinitek system, 509

Nonfermenting rods, gram-negativefour methods for identification, 271

O antigensantibody responses in malignancies, 60distribution in Proteus strains, 490

0-groupingP. mirabilis, 304P. vulgaris, 304

OsteomyelitisP. aeruginosa, 711

Oxidase activityPasteurella, 220

Oxi/Ferm systemgram-negative nonfermenting rod identification, 271

Paracoccidioides brasiliensisyeast phase growth, 279

Paraffinsmedium contamination, 802


Parainfluenza virusmicroneutralization test, 427

Passive hemagglutinationN. meningitidis antibody response, 256

Passive immune hemolysis testenterotoxigenic E. coli, 714enterotoxigenic E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin, 768

Pasteurellaoxidase activity, 220

Pasteurella haemolyticaserological groups among untypable bovine isolates,

579Peptostreptococcus anaerobiusp-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid production, 291

Periodontal diseaseoral anaerobic spirochetes, 610

Phadebact Gonococcus TestN. gonorrhoeae, 15

Phadebact Streptococcus Testserogrouping beta-hemolytic streptococci, 541

Phagocytosisingestion of G. lamblia cyst by E. coli trophozoite,

606Phenylacetic acidBacteroides spp., 288

Pigsnew viruses, 105

Pleuropulmonary infectionE. brachy, 722

PneumoniaA. israelii, 124false no-growth blood cultures, 572

Polyriboinosinic acid polyribocytidylic acidpositive Limulus amoebocyte lysate reaction, 502

Polysaccharide B antigenradial immunodiffusion test for bovine brucellosis,


euparal mounting medium, 700Propionibacteria

regional variations in density, 672Propionibacterium acnes

sebaceous secretion, 672Protease

alkalineP. aeruginosa, 131

P. aeruginosa, 626Streptococcus, group B, serotype III, 421

Proteus mirabilisbacteriocin typing, 1130 antigens, 4900-grouping, 304susceptibility to chloramphenicol, 550

Proteus vulgaris0 antigens, 4900-grouping, 304

Prothrombinactivation by S. aureus metalloprotease, 138

Pseudomonadscolistin-resistant, characteristics, 156

Pseudomonascolistin-resistant, characteristics, 156headspace analysis of volatile metabolites, 521

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


alkaline protease, 131headspace analysis of volatile metabolites, 521immunological comparison with P. paucimobilis,

439osteomyelitis of heels, 711oxidase-negative isolate from urine culture, 624proteolytic activity, 626radioimmunoassay for antigenemia, 39

Pseudomonas cepaciaimmunological comparison with P. paucimobilis,

439Pseudomonas paucimobilis

immunological nonidentity, 439

Rabbits, granulocytopenicradioimmunoassay for P. aeruginosa antigenemia,

39Rabies virusgamma radiation of reagents, 676modified counterimmunoelectrophoresis for serum

neutralizing antibodies, 175street strain

tissue culture technique, 590Radial immunodiffusion test

bovine brucellosis, 753Radiation, gamma

rabies diagnostic reagents, 676Radioimmunoassay

B. fragilis infections, 205N. meningitidis antibody response, 256P. aeruginosa alkaline protease, 131P. aeruginosa antigenemia, 39varicella-zoster virus antibodies, 367

Radiometric systemM. chelonei subsp. abscessus, 477yeasts, 329

Rapid fermentation testcarbohydrate reactions of fastidious bacteria, 620

Rapid plate agglutinationP. haemolytica serotyping, 579

Respiratory syncytial virusenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 447

Respiratory virus antigensdirect immunofluorescent staining, 391

Reverse CAMP testC. perfringens, 617

Rheumatoid factorenzyme immunoassay, 46immunoglobulin separation, 451

Rhinovirustransmission by infectious secretions, 567

Rickettsiaenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 343

Rickettsia rickettsiilatex agglutination test for antibodies, 144

Rifampinselective agent for oral spirochetes, 792

Rocky Mountain spotted feverlatex agglutination test for antibodies, 144

Rodents, laboratoryActinobacillus spp., 351

Rotavirusenzyme-linked immunospecific assay for antibodies,


serological trapping technique, 101similar particles, 105

SalivaC. albicans, 475

Salmonellaenrichment culture coagglutination test, 151

Salmonella spp.urea-motility-indole medium, 310

Salmonella typhiclass-specific antibodies to 0 antigen, 637Vi antibody assay, 22

Salmonellosisdiagnosis by enrichment culture coagglutination,

151Sampling solutions

assaying hand bacteria, 355variables in assaying hand bacteria, 355

SebumP. acnes populations, 672


rhinovirus transmission, 567respiratory

S. pneumoniae, 772sebaceous

P. acnes populations, 672Selected ion monitoring

quantification of arabinitol, 594Selenium

L. pneumophila growth enhancement, 32Serological trapping technique

rotaviruses, 101Shigella boydiinew provisional serovar, 167strain E10163, 167

Shigella dysenteriae 1microtiter cytotoxicity assay, 361

Shigella spp.urea-motility-indole medium, 310

Shigella toxinmicrotiter cytotoxicity assay, 361

Single culture platecervical-anal culturing for gonorrhoea, 216

Single-disk diffusion testP. mirabilis chloramphenicol susceptibility, 550

Sink drainsaminoglycoside-resistant bacteria, 79

Spirochetes, oralrifampin as selective agent, 792

Spirochetes, oral anaerobicindirect hemagglutination, 610

Staphylococcuscoagulase-negative, characteristics, 161lyogroups, 63lysostaphin sensitivity, 709methicillin-resistant, characteristics, 161

Staphylococcus aureuslatex agglutination test, 641lysostaphin sensitivity, 709prothrombin activation by metalloprotease, 138

Street strain rabies virustissue culture technique, 590




beta-hemolytic, 541carbon dioxide dependence, 27group Amonoclonal antibody to carbohydrate, 506

group BCAMP test, modified, 135clostridial alpha-toxin disk test, 18extracellular neuraminidase production, 633hemagglutination test for Ibc protein anti-bodies, 1latex agglutination test, 442protease production, 421

serogrouping, 541Streptococcus agalactiae

Lancefield group BCAMP test, rapid tube, 135

Streptococcus pneumoniaecounterimmunoelectrophoresis, 614false no-growth blood cultures, 572methods for detection, 772respiratory secretions, 772

Streptococcus sanguis, oralisolation and immunobiological identification, 243

Streptolysin Scellular potential hemolysin, 84

Subculturesisolate recovery, 445optimal time, 445routine terminal, 576

Substrate, chromogenicquantitative assay for bacterial endotoxins, 644

Syphilistreponemal antigen tests, 629

Teeth, humanS. sanguis, 243

TegumentF. hepatica antigens, 695

Thayer-Martin mediumPhadebact Gonococcus Test, 15

TM leptospiral antigendifferent from F4 antigen, 7

ToxinC. difficile, 776

Toxoplasma gondiienzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies,

805immunoglobulin M antibodies, 336immunoglobulin polar staining, 780

Toxoplasmosisdiagnosis, 336

Treponema pallidumtreponemal antigen tests, 629

Trichrome staining

fecal Entamoeba spp. trophozoites, 656Trophozoites

E. moshkovskii, 656Tryptophan color test

lymphocytic meningitis, 208TyphoidVi antibody assay, 22

Typhus group rickettsiaeenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 343

TyrosineP. anaerobius production of p-hydroxyhydrocin-namic acid, 291

Urea-motility-indole mediumSalmonella and Shigella species, 310

UreaseV. parahaemolyticus positive reaction, 57


stable cell wall-defective form of N. gonorrhoeae,603

N. meningitidis, 284Urine

oxidase-negative P. aeruginosa isolate, 624slide method for detecting bacteria, 761

Vaccinecanine distemper virus

viability during storage, 483N. meningitidis group A capsular polysaccharidemethods for measuring antibody responses, 256

poultry infectious bronchitis virusviability during storage, 483

Varicella-zoster viruscerebrospinal fluid, 764direct immunofluorescence staining for antigens, 651encephalitis, 764radioimmunoassay for antibodies, 367

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory testtreponemal antigen, 629

Vi antibody assayS. typhi, 22

Vibrio parahaemolyticusurease-positive strain, 57

Waterfowl, migratoryC. fetus subsp. jejuni, 406

Wheat germ agglutininNeisseria spp. agglutination, 498

WISH cellshuman interferon assay, 433

Yeastsradiometric system, 329

VOL. 12, 1980


Month Date of Issue Pages

July 11 July 1980 1-134August 11 August 1980 135-295September 17 September 1980 297-481October 13 October 1980 483-635November 4 November 1980 637-723December 17 December 1980 725-809









EDITORIAL BOARDHenry D. Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief (1984)Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center,

New Hyde Park, N. Y.Lorraine Friedman, Editor (1982)Tulane University Medical School,

New Orleans, La.

Nathalie J. Schmidt, Editor (1985)California Department of Health,

Berkeley, CalifPeter B. Smith, Editor (1984)Centerfor Disease Control,

Atlanta, Ga.

Donald G. Ahearn (1981)Libero Ajello (1982)William L. Albritton (1981)James R. Allen (1982)Stephen D. Allen (1981)Daniel Amsterdam (1980)Arthur L. Barry (1981)Barry Beaty (1981)John F. Bennett (1982)Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1982)Edward J. Bottone (1980)Don J. Brenner (1980)Sotiros D. Chaparas (1982)William B. Cherry (1981)Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1982)B. H. Cooper (1980)Richard F. D'Amato (1980)Jules L. Dienstag (1980)Richard E. Dixon (1981)Steven D. Douglas (1981)Walter R. Dowdle (1982)V. R. Dowell, Jr. (1980)Bennett L. Elisberg (1982)Richard W. Emmons (1980)Richard Facklam (1982)John C. Feeley (1980)James D. Fenters (1982)Sydney M. Finegold (1982)Maxwell Finland (1980)Herman Friedman (1981)Thomas L. Gavan (1980)Robert C. Good (1982)Norman L. Goodman (1980)Morris A. Gordon (1981)

Dieter Groschel (1980)Pekka Halonen (1981)James L. Hardy (1981)Maurice W. Harmon (1982)William J. Hausler, Jr. (1981)Kenneth L. Herrmann (1982)Harry R. Hill (1980)Lillian V. Holdeman (1982)Milton Huppert (1981)Russell C. Johnson (1982)S. S. Kalter (1981)Leo Kaufman (1981)Douglas S. Kellogg (1981)George E. Kenny (1982)Wesley E. Kloos (1982)George P. Kubica (1982)Walter J. Loesche (1982)Laurence R. McCarthy (1980)Joseph E. McDade (1982)Jerry R. McGhee (1982)James D. MacLowry (1980)Harold Markowitz (1980)William J. Martin (1980)Joseph L. Melnick (1982)William I. Metzger (1980)Stephen A. Morse (1980)C. Wayne Moss (1980)Maurice A. Mufson (1980)Harold C. Neu (1982)Joseph V. Osterman (1982)Arvind A. Padhye (1981)Barbara G. Painter (1980)Demosthenes Pappagianis (1980)M. John Pickett (1982)

Robert H. Purcell (1980)William E. Rawls (1980)L. Barth Reller (1980)Shirley J. Richmond (1982)Glenn D. Roberts (1980)Jon E. Rosenblatt (1980)Arthur F. Rosenthal (1982)Sally Jo Rubin (1980)Julius Schachter (1980)Alexis Shelokov (1982)Marcelino F. Sierra (1981)Margarita Silva-Hutner (1980)Robert M. Smibert If (1981)James W. Smith (1980)Leslie Spence (1982)Vera L. Sutter (1982)Jason Tanzer (1982)Patricia E. Taylor (1982)Welton 1. Taylor (1980)John H. Thompson, Jr. (1980)Richard C. Tilton (1981)Alexander von Graevenitz (1980)[. Kaye Wachsmuth (1981)Kenneth W. Walls (1980)Joseph L. Waner (1980)Lawrence G. Wayne (1980)Tracy D. Wilkins (1981)Hazel Wilkinson (1980)Robert P. Williams (1981)Marion E. Wilson (1980)Kwei-Hay Wong (1980)G. N. Woode (1982)Robert H. Yolken (1981)

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Volume 12 Contents for July 1980 Number i

BacteriologyEvaluation of the Phadebact Gonococcus Test for Confirmation of

Neisseria gonorrhoeae. CHANDAR M. ANAND * AND EILEENM. KADIS ........ .. .. ......... 15-17

Evaluation of a Clostridial Alpha-Toxin Disk Test for Rapid Pre-sumptive Identification of Group B Streptococci. JOHN A.SMITH* AND JOHN H. NGUI-YEN ........................ .. 18-21

Biochemical Properties of CO2-Dependent Streptococci. LYNNPULLIAM,* RICHARD K. PORSCHEN, AND W. KEITH HADLEY 27-31

Selenium-Enriched Medium for Legionella pneumophila. DAVIDL. SMALLEY, PERCY A. JAQUESS, AND JOSEPH S. LAYNE* ... 32-34

SJ-GC, a Modified Complete Medium for Growth of Neisseria gon-orrhoeae. R. K. SHOCKLEY, E. E. COFFEE, AND K. H.JOHNSTON*... ................ 35-38

Urease-Positive Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strain. SELENA LAM*AND MAVIS YEO .......................................... 57-59

Simplified Lyogroup System, a New Method for Routine Identifica-tion of Staphylococci: Description and Comparison with ThreeOther Methods. PIETRO E. VARALDO,* GRAZIA GRAZI, OR-NELLA SORO, GABRIELLA CISANI, AND GIUSEPPE SATTA ...... 63-68

Activation of Streptolysin S-Related Cellular Potential Homolysinby Grinding with Glass Beads. GARY B. CALANDRA* AND RICH-ARD S. WHITT............................................ 84-87

Unusual Groups of Morganella ("Proteus") morganii Isolated fromClinical Specimens: Lysine-Positive and Ornithine-NegativeBiogroups. F. W. HICKMAN,* J. J. FARMER III, A. G. STEIG-ERWALT, AND DON J. BRENNER..... 88-94

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyMonoclonal Antibodies Specific for Dengue Virus Type 3. DAVID

DITTMAR, HAROLD G. HAINES, AND ALBERT CASTRO* .... 74-78Direct Identification of Enteric Adenovirus, a Candidate New Sero-

type, Associated with Infantile Gastroenteritis. M. E. JOHANS-SON, INGRID UHNOO, A. H. KIDD, C. R. MADELEY, AND G.WADELL*..... 95-100

Detection of Rotavirus by Serological Trapping on Antibody-CoatedElectron Microscope Grids. A. NICOLAIEFF, G. OBERT, AND M.H. V. VAN REGENMORTEL*.. 101-104

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesSkin Abscess Caused by Candida albicans: Unusual Presentation of

C. albicans Disease. WILLIAM E. FELDMAN,* ELLIS HEDAYA,AND MARK O'BRIEN...... 44-45

Acid-Fast Actinomyces in a Child with Pulmonary Actinomycosis.ROBERT N. LOWE, PARVIN H. AZIMI,* AND JOHN MCQUITTY 124-126

MycoplasmatologyEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection ofMycoplasma

pneumoniae Antibodies. FRANCO BUSOLO,* ENRICO TONIN,AND LUCIANO CONVENTI .................................. 69-73

* Asterisk refers to person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed.


EpidemiologyEvaluation of a New Assay for Vi Antibody in Chronic Carriers of


Prevalence of Gentamicin- and Amikacin-Resistant Bacteria in SinkDrains. FRED A. PERRYMAN AND D. J. FLOURNOY* ... 79-83

Typing of Proteus mirabilis by Bacteriocin Production and Sensitiv-ity as a Possible Epidemiological Marker. JOHN W. KUSEK*AND LLOYD G. HERMAN ... 112-120

ImmunologyMicro-Indirect Hemagglutination Test for Detection of Antibodies

to the Ibc Protein of Group B Streptococcus. C. P. THANGA-VELU AND GRACE KoSHI*.. 1-6

Comparative Studies on Two Antigens (F4 and TM) Extracted fromLeptospires. B. ADLER,* S. FAINE, AND R. YANAGAWA .... 7-9

Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Antigenemia in Granulocy-topenic Rabbits by Radioimmunoassay. RICHARD B. KOH-LER,* L. JOSEPH WHEAT, AND ARTHUR WHITE ..... 39-43

Solid-Phase Enzyme Immunoassay for Determination of Antibodiesto Cytomegalovirus. RANGACHAR V. KRISHNA, * OLLI H.MEURMAN, THEDI ZIEGLER, AND ULRICH H. KRECH . 46-51

Immunoglobulin G and Immunoglobulin M Antibody Responses ofPatients with Malignancies to the 0 Antigens of Bacteria Caus-ing Bacteremia. PATRICK J. GANNON, MICHAEL J. SURGALLA,JOHN E. FITZPATRICK, AND ERWIN NETER* ..... 60-62

General Clinical MicrobiologyLummol-Amplified Chemiluminescence: a Sensitive Method for De-

tecting the Carrier State in Chronic Granulomatous Disease.ELAINE L. MILLS, KENNETH S. RHOLL, AND PAUL G. QUIE* 52-56

Isolation of Leptospira biflexa from Commercially Prepared Deion-ized Water Labeled "Sterile for Tissue Culture." SALLY JORUBIN,* SIDNEY PERLMAN, AND HERMAN C. ELLINGHAUSEN,JR . ...................................................... 121-123

Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Bacterial Fatty Acids with a Fused-Silica Capillary Column. C. WAYNE MOSS,* S. B. DEES, ANDG. 0. GUERRANT.. 127-130

Production of Alkaline Protease by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.STANLEY J. CRYZ AND BARBARA H. IGLEWSKI* .............. 131-133

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyUse of the API 20E System to Identify Veterinary Enterobacteria-

ceae. EVRYLL C. SWANSON AND MICHAEL T. COLLINS*. 10-14Rotavirus-Like, Calicivirus-Like, and 23-nm Virus-Like Particles As-

sociated with Diarrhea in Young Pigs. LINDA J. SAIF,* ED-WARD H. BOHL, KENNETH W. THEIL, ROBERT F. CROSS, ANDJAMES A. HOUSE..... 105-111

ErratumPreparation and Use of Erythrocyte-Globulin Conjugates to Lassa

Virus in Reversed Passive Hemagglutination and Inhibition.ROBERT A. GOLDWASSER, LUANNE H. ELLIOTT, AND KARL M.JOHNSON.134


Volume 12 Contents for August 1980 Number 2

BacteriologyRapid Tube CAMP Test for Identification of Streptococcus agalac-

tiae (Lancefield Group B). EDNA A. PHILLIPS,* JOHN W. TAP-SALL, AND DOUGLAS D. SMITH ............................. 135-137

Prothrombin Activation by a Metalloprotease from Staphylococcusaureus. ZENON WEGRZYNOWICZ, PIOTR B. HECZKO, GABRIELR. DRAPEAU, JANUSZ JELJASZEWICZ,* AND GERHARDPULVERER .. .. .......... 138-139

Cultural and Biochemical Characteristics of Clinical Isolates ofUnusual Colistin-Resistant Pseudomonads. THOMAS R.OBERHOFER .............................................. 156-160

Classification and Characteristics of Coagulase-Negative, Methicil-in-Resistant Staphylococci. BRIAN J. WILKINSON,* SARZMAXWELL, AND SUSAN M. SCHAUS ..... .................... 161-166

New Provisional Serovar (E10163) of Shigella boydii. R. J. GROSS,LINDA V. THOMAS, AND B. RoWE* ............. 167-169

Isolation and Identification of Haemophilus ducreyi in a ClinicalStudy. F. 0. SOTTNEK, * J. W. BIDDLE, S. J. KRAUS, R. E.WEAVER, AND J. A. STEWART .............................. 170-174

Automated Detection of Microbial Growth in Blood Cultures byUsing Stainless-Steel Electrodes. R. L. HOLLAND, B. H.COOPER,* N. G. P. HELGESON, AND A. W. MCCRACKEN ...... 180-184

Hemolytic Activity in Enterotoxigenic and Non-EnterotoxigenicStrains of Escherichia coli. JOHN M. DEBoY II, I. KAYEWACHSMUTH,* AND BETTY R. DAVIS ..... .................. 193-198

Radioimmunoassay for Bacteroides fragilis Infections. WILLIAML. HOPPES, J. PETER RISSING, JAMES W. SMITH, AND ARTHURC. WHITE* ............................................... 205-207

Combining Cervical and Anal-Canal Specimens for Gonorrhea on aSingle Culture Plate. FRANKLYN N. JUDSON* AND BRUCE A.WERNESS ................................................ 216-219

Evaluation of Methods to Detect Oxidase Activity in the GenusPasteurella. JOSEPH L. GADBERRY,* KARL CLEMMONS, ANDKIMBERLY DRUMM ....................................... 220-225

Hemagglutination Typing of Escherichia coli: Definition of SevenHemagglutination Types. DOYLE J. EVANS, JR.,* DOLORES G.EVANS, LOWELL S. YOUNG, AND JANE PITT.... 235-242

Membrane Filter Contact Technique for Bacteriological Sampling ofMoist Surfaces. JUDY M. CRAYTHORN, ALAN G. BARBOUR,JOHN M. MATSEN, MICHAEL R. BRITT, AND RICHARD A.GARIBALDI * .............................................. 250-255

Comparison of Passive Hemagglutination, Bactericidal Activity, andRadioimmunological Methods in Measuring Antibody Re-sponses to Neisseria meningitidis Group A Capsular Polysac-charide Vaccine. HELENA KAYHTY ..... ................... 256-263

Antibiotic Resistance in Enterotoxigenic and Non-EnterotoxigenicEscherichia coli. JOHN DEBoY II, I. KAYE WACHSMUTH,* ANDBETTY R. DAVIS .......................................... 264-270


Four Methods for Identification of Gram-Negative NonfermentingRods: Organisms More Commonly Encountered in Clinical Spec-imens. PETER C. APPELBAUM,* JUDY STAVITZ, MICHAEL S.BENTZ, AND LARRY C. VON KUSTER .. ...... 271-278

Pancreatic Abscess Associated with Achromobacter Group VdBiovar 1. PETER C. APPELBAUM* AND DAVID B. CAMPBELL 282-283

Urethritis Caused by Neisseria meningitidis. JOHN J. KAROLUS,*ARTHUR L. GANDELMAN, AND BETH A. NOLAN ... 284-285

Aberrant Strain of Group B Neisseria meningitidis. CHARLES T.UYEDA,* M. MITZI MARUYAMA, AND MYR S. HAKES.286-287

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyChemiluminescence-Linked Immunoassay for Detection of Mumps

Virus Antibodies. EIKo KONISHI,* SUSUMU IWASA, KoICHIKONDO, AND MASATAKE HORI ... ... ........... 140-143

Detection of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Antibodies by a LatexAgglutination Test. KARIM E. HECHEMY,* ROBERT L. AN-ACKER, ROBERT N. PHILIP, KARL T. KLEEMAN, J. NEWTONMACCORMACK, SANDRA J. SASOWSKI, AND EDITH E.MICHAELSON .. ... 144-150

Determination of Serum Neutralization Antibodies to Rabies Virusby a Modified Counterimmunoelectrophoresis Test. ANAMARiA DiAZ* AND DONALD M. MYERS ... .. 175-179

Rapid Typing of Herpes Simplex Virus Isolates by DeoxyribonucleicAcid:Deoxyribonucleic Acid Hybridization. ALAN R. BRAUTI-GAM, DOUGLAS D. RICHMAN, AND MICHAEL N. OXMAN* 226-234

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesGrowth of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Yeast Phase in a Chemi-

cally Defined Culture Medium. ANGELA RESTREPO* AND BEA-TRIZ E. JIMENEZ .......................................... 279-281

EpidemiologySelective Nonroutine Microbial Surveillance of In-Use Hospital

Nebulizers by Aerosol Entrapment and Direct Sampling Analy-ses of Solutions in Reservoirs. DONALD J. REINHARDT,* CHRIS-TOPHER KENNEDY, AND BLANCHE MALECKA-GRIGGS.199-204

InmmunologyEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Titration of Haemophilus

influenzae Capsular and 0 Antigen Antibodies. T. DAHLBERG*AND P. BRANEFORS ......... ... 185-192

General Clinical MicrobiologyEnrichment Culture Coagglutination Test for Rapid, Low-Cost Di-

agnosis of Salmonellosis. WARREN R. SANBORN,* MURAD LES-MANA, AND EARL A. EDWARDS....... .. 151-155

Frequency-Pulsed Electron Capture Gas-Liquid Chromatographyand the Tryptophan Color Test for Rapid Diagnosis of Tuber-culous and Other Forms of Lymphocytic Meningitis. J. B.BROOKS,* D. C. EDMAN, C. C. ALLEY, R. B. CRAVEN, AND N. I.GIRGIS .......................... ................. .. 208-215

Production ofp-Hydroxyhydrocinnamic Acid from Tyrosine by Pep-tostreptococcus anaerobius. MARY ANN LAMBERT AND C.WAYNE Moss*.291-293


Oral MicrobiologyIsolation and Immunobiological Classification of Streptococcus san-

guis from Human Tooth Surfaces. SHIGEYUKI HAMADA, * MIT-suo TORII, YASUHIKO TSUCHITANI, AND SHozo KOTANI.243-249

Production of Phenylacetic Acid by Strains of Bacteroides asaccha-rolyticus and Bacteroides gingivalis (sp. nov.). FRANK S.KACZMAREK AND ALAN L. COYKENDALL*.288-290

ErrataJune Issue Author Index.294Nosocomial Multiply Resistant Providencia stuartii: a Long-Term

Outbreak with Multiple Biotypes and Serotypes at One Hospi-tal. F. E. KOCHA,* S. SRINIVASAN, M. MOWJOOD, AND H. S.KANTOR.295

Volume 12 Contents for September 1980 Number3Bacteriology

Clostridium difficile in Relation to Enteric Bacterial Path-ogens. ENEVOLD FALSEN, BERTIL KAIJSER,* LARS NEHLS,BORJE NYGREN, AND AKE SVEDHEM.297-300

Evaluation of Four Methods for Isolation of Neisseria gonor-rhoeae. BARBARA L. CARLSON,* MARK S. HALEY, NANCY A.TISEI, AND WILLIAM M. MCCORMACK.301-303

Evaluation of Urea-Motility-Indole Medium for Recognition andDifferentiation of Salmonella and Shigella Species in StoolCultures. MANUEL DE LA ROSA FRAILE,* DOLORES VEGA ALE-MAN, AND CLOTILDE FERNANDEZ GUTIERREZ.310-313

Quantitative Microtiter Cytotoxicity Assay for Shigella Toxin.MARY K. GENTRY* AND JOEL M. DALRYMPLE.361-366

Legionella pneumophila Serogroup Six: Isolation from Cases ofLegionellosis, Identification by Immunofluorescence Staining,and Immunological Response to Infection. ROGER M. Mc-KINNEY,* HAZEL W. WILKINSON, HERBERT M. SOMMERS, BON-NIE J. FIKES, KAREN R. SASSEVILLE, MARGARET M. YUNG-BLUTH, AND JAMES S. WOLF.395-401

Quantitative Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteriology of Infected Dia-betic Feet. FRANCISCO L. SAPICO,* HANNA N. CANAWATI,JOYCE L. WITTE, JOHN Z. MONTGOMERIE, F. WILLIAM WAGNER,JR., AND ALICE N. BESSMAN.413-420

Protease Production by Clinical Isolates of Type III Group B Strep-tococci. DAVID C. STRAUS,* STEPHEN J. MATTINGLY, THOMASW. MILLIGAN, TERENCE I. DORAN, AND TIMOTHY J. NEALON. 421-425

Rapid Test for Determination of Esculin Hydrolysis. S. M. Hus-SAIN QADRI,* M. I. DESILVA, AND SABIHA ZUBAIRI.472-474

Radiometric Detection of Mycobacteria in Routine Blood Cul-tures. WILLIAM LANDAU,* JOSEPH FECZKO, AND RAYMOND L.KAPLAN.477-478

Enriched Brucella Medium for Storage and Transport of Cultures ofCampylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. WEN-LAN L. WANG,*NANCY W. LUECHTEFELD, L. BARTH RELLER, AND MARTIN J.BLASER.479-480


Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyMeasurement of Immunoglobulin A, G, and M Class Rotavirus

Antibodies in Serum and Mucosal Secretions. B. McLEAN,* S.SONZA,AND I. H. HOLMES.314-319

Transfer of Antirotaviral Antibodies from Mothers to Their In-fants. B. MCLEAN* AND I. H. HOLMES.. 320-325

Use of a Sensitive Microplate Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assayin a Retrospective Serological Analysis of a Laboratory Popu-lation at Risk to Infection with Typhus Group Rickett-siae. SIDNEY HALLE* AND GREGORY A. DASCH.343-350

Immunoglobulins M and G to Varicella-Zoster Virus Measured bySolid-Phase Radioimmunoassay: Antibody Responses to Vari-cella and Herpes Zoster Infections. A. M. ARVIN* AND C. M.KOROPCHAK.367-374

Comparison of Direct Immunofluorescent Staining of Clinical Spec-imens for Respiratory Virus Antigens with Conventional Isola-tion Techniques. LINDA MINNICH AND C. GEORGE RAY* 391-394

Chlamydial Antigens Stabilized with Formalin for Use in the Micro-Immunofluorescence Test. LAVELLE HANNA* AND HERMINEKESHISHYAN.409-412

Microneutralization Test for Influenza A and B and Parainfluenza 1and 2 Viruses That Uses Continuous Cell Lines and Fresh SerumEnhancement. ARTHUR L. FRANK,* JENNIFER PUCK, BONNIEJ. HUGHES, AND THOMAS R. CATE.426-432

Rapid, Quantitative, Semiautomated Assay for Virus-Induced andImmune Human Interferons. JON A. GREEN,* TZE-JOU YEH,AND JAMES C. OVERALL,JR.. 433-438

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Serology by a Simplified Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent Assay. MARK C. STEINHOFF, CAROLINE B.HALL,* AND KENNETH C. SCHNABEL.447-450


Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesRadiometric Detection of Yeasts in Blood Cultures of Cancer Pa-


Esculin-Based Medium for Isolation and Identification of Cryptococ-cus neoformans. STEPHEN C. EDBERG,* STUART J. CHASKES,ERNA ALTURE-WERBER, AND JACQUES M. SINGER.332-335

Ecological Distribution of Fusarium solani and Its OpportunisticAction Related to Mycotic Keratitis in Cali, Colombia. RAULG. CUERO.455-461

Quantitative Relationships Between Candida albicans in Saliva andthe Clinical Status of Human Subjects. JOEL B. EPSTEIN,*NANCY N. PEARSALL, AND EDMOND L. TRUELOVE.475-476

ParasitologyDiagnostic Significance of Immunoglobulin M Antibodies to Toxo-

plasma gondii Detected After Separation of Immunoglobulin Mfrom Immunoglobulin G Antibodies. GREGORY A. FILICE,ANNE S. YEAGER, AND JACK S. REMINGTON* .. 336-342


EpidemiologyIndirect Immunofluorescence Antibodies to Legionella pneumo-


Isolation of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from Migratory Wa-terfowl. NANCY A. W. LUECHTEFELD,* MARTIN J. BLASER, L.BARTH RELLER, AND WEN-LAN L. WANG.406-408

ImmunologySeparate O-Grouping Schemes for Serotyping Clinical Isolates of

Proteus vulgaris and Proteus mirabilis. JOHN L. PENNER*AND JOAN N. HENNESSY ... ... 304-309

Further Studies with the Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorp-tion Double-Staining Procedure. PATRICIA T. MOTE, ELIZA-BETH F. HUNTER,* CHARLES M. SCHUBERT, AND JOHN C.FEELEY...... 402-405

Immunological Nonidentity of Pseudomonas paucimobilis withPseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas cepacia. DAVIDL. SMALLEY AND DONALD D. OURTH*..... 439-441

Separation of Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Essentially Free of IgG fromSerum for Use in Systems Requiring Assay of IgM-Type Anti-bodies Without Interference from Rheumatoid Factor. RoY B.JOHNSON, JR.* AND ROSEMARY LIBBY ...................... 451-454

General Clinical MicrobiologyAnalysis of Three Variables in Sampling Solutions Used to Assay

Bacteria of Hands: Type of Solution, Use of Antiseptic Neutral-izers, and Solution Temperature. ELAINE L. LARSON,* MARKS. STROM, AND CHARLES A. EVANS.355-360

Clinical Laboratory Evaluation of the Abbott MS-2 Automated Anti-microbial Susceptibility Testing System: Report of a Collabo-rative Study. CLYDE THORNSBERRY,* JOHN P. ANHALT, JOHNA. WASHINGTON II, LAURENCE R. MCCARTHY, FRITZ D.SCHOENKNECHT, JOHN C. SHERRIS, AND H. J. SPENCER.375-390

Commercial Latex Agglutination Test for Rapid Diagnosis of GroupB Streptococcal Infection in Infants. BETTE J. WEBB ANDCAROL J. BAKER*... 442-444

Optimal Time for Routine Early Subculture of Blood Cultures.HOLLY S. SLIVA AND JOHN A. WASHINGTON II*.. 445-446

Semiautomatic Aseptic Dispenser for Anaerobic Media. ALAN G.MCCULLOUGH .. ... 469-471

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyIsolation of Actinobacillus lignieresii and Actinobacillus equuli

from Laboratory Rodents. RONALD H. LENTSCH* AND JOSEPHE. WAGNER.351-354

ErratumTable of Contents for May1980..481481


Volume 12 Contents for October 1980Bacteriology

Role of Lipopolysaccharide in Wheat Germ Agglutinin-MediatedAgglutination of Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonor-rhoeae. CARL E. FRASCH.

Positive Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate Reactions with Polyriboino-sinic Acid. Polyribocytidylic Acid. RONALD J. ELIN * ANDANNA E. UTTER.......

Improved Diagnostic Accuracy Using Monoclonal Antibody to GroupA Streptococcal Carbohydrate. MOON H. NAHM,* PATRICK R.MURRAY, BRIAN L. CLEVINGER, AND JOSEPH M. DAVIE.

Evaluation of the Minitek System for Identification of Nonfer-mentative and Nonenteric Fermentative Gram- NegativeBacteria. BRENT CHESTER* AND TIMOTHY J. CLEARY.

Serogrouping Single Colonies of Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci fromPrimary Throat Culture Plates with Nitrous Acid Extractionand Phadebact Streptococcal Reagents. MALCOLM SLIFKIN*AND GAIL INTERVAL.

Evaluation of Cefamandole Susceptibility Testing of Enterobacteri-aceae by the Autobac 1 System. PAOLA C. DE GIROLAMI, *LOUISE A. MAHER, MARGARET T. BOOTH, AND DEBRA M. ST.GEORGE.

Single-Disk Diffusion Testing (Kirby-Bauer) of Susceptibility ofProteus mirabilis to Chloramphenicol: Significance of the Inter-mediate Category. GARY L. FURTADO AND ANTONE A.MEDEIROS*.

Recovery of Pathogenic Bacteria from Cerebrospinal Fluid.PATRICK R. MURRAY* AND CECIL M. HAMPTON.

False No-Growth Blood Cultures in Pneumococcal Pneumonia.COLINA C. ADENIYI-JONES,* DONALD L. STEVENS, AND ESTHERS. RASQUINHA.

Isolation of a Stable Cell Wall-Defective Form of Neisseria gonor-rhoeae from a Case of Untreated Gonococcal Urethritis.ROBERT K. HICKMAN* AND JOHN W. LAWSON.

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis for Early Detection and Rapid Iden-tification of Haemophilus influenzae Type b and Streptococcuspneumoniae in Blood Cultures. M. ARTMAN,* M. WEINER,AND G.FRANKL.

New Presumptive Identification Test for Clostridium perfringens:Reverse CAMP Test. MICHAEL V. HANSEN* AND LARRY P.ELLIOTT.

Use of the Rapid Fermentation Test in Determining CarbohydrateReactions of Fastidious Bacteria in Clinical Laboratories.DANNIE G. HOLLIS,* FRANCES 0. SOTTNEK, W. JERRY BROWN,AND ROBERT E.WEAVER.

Isolation of Oxidase-Negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa from UrineCulture. FERNE K. MCCLESKEY AND ERNEST D. ADAMS, JR.*

Correlation of Proteolytic Activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa withSite of Isolation. J. MICHAEL JANDA,* SIRRI ATANG-NOMO,EDWARD J. BOTTONE, AND EDWARD P. DESMOND.

Extracellular Neuraminidase Production by Clinical Isolates ofGroup B Streptococci from Infected Neonates. STEPHEN J.MATTINGLY,* THOMAS W. MILLIGAN, ALICE A. PIERPONT, ANDDAVID C. STRAUS

Number 4


















Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyInfluence of Residual Moisture and Sealing Atmosphere on Viability

of Two Freeze-Dried Viral Vaccines. PIERRE M. PRECAUSTA,*DENISE SIMATOS, MARTINE LE PEMP, BERNARD DEVAUX, ANDFERENC KATO ....................................... 483-489

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Antibody inVolunteers Experimentally Infected with Human CoronavirusStrain 229E. CORNELIS A. KRAAIJEVELD, SYLVIA E. REED,AND MALCOLM R. MACNAUGHTON* ....... ................... 493-497

Evaluation of Solid-Phase Immunofluorescence for Quantitationof Antibodies to Herpes Simplex Virus and Cytomegalo-virus. WILLIAM R. BENJAMIN, STEVEN C. SPECTER,* THOMASW. KLEIN, MARYL HITCHINGS, AND HERMAN FRIEDMAN .... 558-561

Anticomplement Immunofluorescence Test That Uses Isolated Fi-broblast Nuclei for Detection of Antibodies to Human Cytomeg-alovirus. LAWRENCE MINTZ,* RICHARD C. MINER, AND ANNES. YEAGER ............................................... 562-566

-Role of Infectious Secretions in the Transmission of Rhinovirus. F.PANCIC,* D. C. CARPENTIER, AND P. E. CAME ............. .. 567-571

Tissue Culture Technique for Routine Isolation of Street StrainRabies Virus. ROBERT J. RUDD,* CHARLES V. TRIMARCHI, ANDMELVIN K. ABELSETH .... ................... 590-593

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesQuantification of Arabinitol in Serum by Selected Ion Monitoring as

a Diagnostic Technique in Invasive Candidiasis. JOHN ROBOZ,*ROBERT SUZUKI, AND JAMES F. HOLLAND ..... ............. 594-602

ParasitologyAn Unusual Phagocytosis: Ingestion of a Giardia lamblia Cyst by

an Entamoeba coli Trophozoite. ALFRED L. LOGAN,* WAL-LACE E. TURNER, AND JAMES PRICE, JR..................... 606-607

EpidemiologyCampylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni as a Cause of Gastroenteritis in

Jakarta, Indonesia. SIGNE RINGERTZ, ROBERT C. ROCKHILL,*OLOF RINGERTZ, AND ARINI SUTOMO ...... ................. 538-540

Immunology0 Antigens of Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris Strains Iso-

lated from Patients with Bacteremia. PETER LARSSON ... 490-492Relationship to Coagglutination of Immunoglobulin Class Disso-

ciated from Escherichia coli-Antibody Complexes. DEBRA L.HOVANEC, DARRYL R. ABSOLOM, CAREL J. VAN Oss, AND Eu-GENE A. GORZYNSKI* ............... ...................... 608-609

Reactivity of Microhemagglutination, Fluorescent Treponemal An-tibody Absorption, and Venereal Disease Research LaboratoryTests in Primary Syphilis. JOHN D. DYCKMAN, SALLY STORMS,AND THOMAS W. HUBER* ..................

\ 629-630

General Clinical MicrobiologyRole of a Cefoxitin-Inducible Beta-Lactamase in a Case of Break-

through Bacteremia. DAVID G. BECKWITH* AND JEFFREY A.JAHRE ................................................... 517-520


Headspace Analysis of Volatile Metabolites of Pseudomonas aerugi-nosa and Related Species by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spec-trometry. JOHN N. LABOWS,* KENNETH J. McGINLEY, GuY F.WEBSTER, AND JAMES J. LEYDEN .......................... 521-526

Clinical Evaluation of Automated Antibiotic Susceptibility Testingwith the MS-2 System. WILLIAM G. BARNES,* LANCE R.GREEN, AND RICHARD L. TALLEY ........................... 527-532

Evaluation of the Four-Hour Micro-ID Technique for Direct Iden-tification of Oxidase-Negative, Gram-Negative Rods from BloodCultures. PETER C. APPELBAUM, * SUZANNE F. SCHICK, ANDJAMES A. KELLOGG.533-537

Evaluation of the Necessity for Routine Terminal Subcultures ofPreviously Negative Blood Cultures. JOLYNNE CAMPBELLAND JOHN A. WASHINGTON II*... 576-578

Evaluation of Serum Gentamicin Assay Procedures for a ClinicalMicrobiology Laboratory. CHRISTIAN H. LANTZ, D. JAMESLAWRIE, FRANK G. WITEBSKY, AND JAMES D. MACLOWRY* 583-589

Apparent Colistin-Related False Sensitivity with the Autobac I Sys-tem. LINDA DUCKENFIELD,* MANOHAR WADKE, AND JOHN K.ASHTON..... 631-632

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologySerological Groups Among Untypable Bovine Isolates of Pasteurella

haemolytica. G. H. FRANK.. 579-582

Oral MicrobiologyImmunological Relationship Among Oral Anaerobic Spirochetes as

Detected by Indirect Microhemagglutination. E. JACOB, T. B.CARTER, AND R. K. NAUMAN* ............................ 610-613

Volume 12 Contents for November 1980 Number 5Bacteriology

Aminopeptidases Highly Specific for Glutamyl Residues from Neis-seria meningitidis and Moraxella urethralis. L. A. ERIQUEZ*AND G. B. KNIGHT ................... 667-671

Evaluation of the MS-2'System for Rapid Identification of Entero-bacteriaceae. A. W. MCCRACKEN,* W. J. MARTIN, L. R.MCCARTHY, D. A. SCHWAB, B. H. COOPER, N. G. P. HELGESON,S. PROWANT, AND J. ROBSON.684-689

Aberrant Forms of Escherichia coli in Blood Cultures: In VitroReproduction of an In Vivo Observation. C. RICHARD MAG-NUSSEN* AND JEROME F. HRUSKA ... .... 690-694

Effect of Various Blood Culture Media on Lysostaphin Sensitivity ofStaphylococci. PERRY J. SEVERANCE, CAROL A. KAUFFMAN,*AND JOHN N. SHEAGREN.. 709-710




Pleuropulmonary Infection Associated with Eubacterium brachy, aNew Species of Eubacterium. JUDITH C. ROCHFORD .. 722-723

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyDirect Immunofluorescence Staining for Detection of Herpes Sim-

plex and Varicella-Zoster Virus Antigens in Vesicular Lesionsand Certain Tissue Specimens. NATHALIE J. SCHMIDT,* DANAGALLO, VERONICA DEVLIN, JAMES D. WOODIE, AND RICHARDW. EMMONS.651-655

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Immunoglobulin G Anti-body to Encephalomyocarditis Virus. JOHN D. SHANLEY 663-666

Inactivation of Rabies Diagnostic Reagents by Gamma Radiation.WILLIAM C. GAMBLE, W. ADRIAN CHAPPELL, * AND EDWIN H.GEORGE ................................... 676-678

Visual Reading of Enzyme Immunofluorescence Assays for HumanCytomegalovirus Antibodies. BAGHER FORGHANI, JAUNITADENNIS, AND NATHALIE J. SCHMIDT*.. 704-708

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesDetection of Circulating Antigen in Experimental Candida albicans

Endocarditis by an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. W.MICHAEL SCHELD,* ROBERT S. BROWN, JR., SALLY A. HARDING,AND MERLE A. SANDE ... ....... 679-683

ParasitologyComparison of Direct Wet Mount and Trichrome Staining Tech-

niques for Detecting Entamoeba Species Trophozoites inStools. BECKY B. GARDNER,* DEBORAH J. DEL JUNCO, JOANNFENN, AND JEAN H. HENGESBAUGH... 656-658

Isolation of Fasciola hepatica Tegument Antigens. GEORGE V.HILLYER ......... 695-699

Euparal as a Permanent Mounting Medium for Helminth Eggs andProglottids. 0. GEORGE W. BERLIN* AND MARJORIE J.MILLER.700-703

EpidemiologyRegional Variations in Density of Cutaneous Propionibacteria: Cor-

relation of Propionibacterium acnes Populations with Seba-ceous Secretion. K. J. MCGINLEY,* G. F. WEBSTER, M. R.RUGGIERI, AND J. J. LEYDEN ...... .. 672-675

ImmunologyComparison of Diffusion-in-Gel Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent As-

say with Conventional Serological Methods for Detection ofClass-Specific Antibodies to Salmonella typhi 0 Antigen.STEFAN LANGE,* HANS ELWING, PETER LARSSON, AND HAKANNYGREN ......... 637-640

Improvements in the Passive Immune Hemolysis Test for AssayingEnterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. A. F. PESTANA DE CASTRO,*MARLENE B. SERAFIM, JOYCE A. GOMES, AND MARIA S. V.GATTI...... .... ......... 714-717

General Clinical MicrobiologyRapid and Reliable Identification of Staphylococcus aureus by a

Latex Agglutination Test. LUDWIG ESSERS* AND KLAUSRADEBOLD.641-643


Principles of a Quantitative Assay for Bacterial Endotoxins in BloodThat Uses Limulus Lysate and a Chromogenic Substrate.CHRISTOPHER J. WEBSTER ................................ 644-650

Comparison of the AutoMicrobic System with API, Enterotube,Micro-ID, Micro-Media Systems, and Conventional Methods forIdentification of Enterobacteriaceae. MICHAEL T. KELLY*AND JOAN M. LATIMER.659-662

Volume 12 Contents for December 1980 Number 6

BacteriologyPassive Hemagglutination Technique for Serotyping Campylobacter

fetus subsp. jejuni on the Basis of Soluble Heat-Stable Anti-gens. J. L. PENNER* AND J. N. HENNESSY ................. 732-737

Comparison of Modified New York City Medium with Martin-LewisMedium for Recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from ClinicalSpecimens. PAUL A. GRANATO,* JANET L. PAEPKE, AND LEON-ARD B. WEINER .. ................ ... .. ....... 748-752

Comparison of Media and Culture Techniques for Detection ofStreptococcus pneumoniae in Respiratory Secretions. TERESAC. Wu,* LINDA M. TRASK, AND ROLANDO E. PHEE .. 772-775

Inhibition of Lancefield Group D Enterococci by Contamination ofa Commercial Identification Medium with Paraffins. JEFFBUTTS AND CRAIG DEES*.. 802-804

Room Temperature Storage of Legionella Cultures. G. ANNHEBERT.807-809

Virology, Rickettsiology, and ChlamydiologyVaricella-Zoster-Associated Encephalitis: Detection of Specific An-

tibody in Cerebrospinal Fluid. A. GERSHON,* S. STEINBERG, S.GREENBERG, AND L. TABER ........................ ... 764-767

Comparison of Techniques for Recovering Murine Cytomegalovirusfrom a Macrophage-Enriched Subpopulation of Mice. S. R.WINKLER AND J. BooSS* .................................. 785-789

Clostridium difficile Toxin as a Confounding Factor in EnterovirusIsolation. NATHALIE J. SCHMIDT,* HELEN H. Ho, AND MAR-JORIE E. DONDERO ...................... 796-798

Mycology and Aerobic ActinomycetesCryptococcus neoformans: Pitfalls in Diagnosis Through Evaluation

of Gram-Stained Smears of Purulent Exudates. EDWARD J.BOTTONE ....................... 790-791

ParasitologyImmunoglobulin G and Immunoglobulin M Polar Staining of Toxo-

plasma gondii in the Indirect Immunofluorescence Test.EDUARDO L. FRANCO,* ALEXANDER J. SULZER, RICHARD W.HIGBY, AND JOSE M. PERALTA.. 780-784

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Immuno-globulin M Antibodies Against Toxoplasma gondii. W. DUER-MEYER,* F. WIELAARD, H. VAN GRUIJTHUIJSEN, AND J.SWINKELS.805-806


EpidemiologyIsolation of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from Bangladeshi


Hospital EpiderniologyPotential Hazards Associated with Microbial Contamination of In-

Line Filters During Intravenous Therapy. C. J. HOLMES, R. B.KUNDSIN,* R. K. AUSMAN, AND C. W. WALTER .... 725-731

ImmunologyDetection of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Colonization Factor

Antigen I in Stool Specimens by an Enzyme-Linked Immuno-sorbent Assay. DOLORES G. EVANS,* DOYLE J. EVANS, JR.,AND STEVEN CLEGG ............ .......................... 738-743

Value of Passive Immune Hemolysis for Detection of Heat-LabileEnterotoxin Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.TEIZO TSUKAMOTO,* YOSHIo KINOSHITA, SEKIKo TAGA, YOSH-IFUMI TAKEDA, AND TOSHIO MIWATANI .................... 768-771

Preservation of Nasopharyngeal Smears for Fluorescent AntibodyDetection of Bordetella pertussis. PATRICIA P. HARRIS,* BER-ENICE THOMASON, AND ROGER M. MCKINNEY ... 799-801

General Clinical MicrobiologySlide Method for Detection of Antibody-Coated Bacteria in Urine


Rapid Detection of Clostridium difficile Toxin in HumanFeces. RAYMOND W. RYAN, IRENE KWASNIK, AND RICHARD C.TILTON * ................................................. 776-779

Clinical Veterinary MicrobiologyEvaluation of a Radial Immunodiffusion Test with Polysaccharide B


Oral MicrobiologyRifampin as a Selective Agent for Isolation of Oral Spirochetes. S.

B. LESCHINE AND E. CANALE-PAROLA* ..... ................ 792-795