OEM OEM Preinstallation Preinstallation Kit(OPK) Overview Kit(OPK) Overview Speaker : David Hsu Email [email protected] Microsoft OEM Embedded Distributor

OEM OEM Preinstallation Preinstallation Kit(OPK ...download.microsoft.com/download/F/0/F/F0F626CC-F1C6-4DD5-A0E… · Create an WinPE image Boot the computer to WinPE from a CD, USB

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OEM OEM PreinstallationPreinstallation Kit(OPK) OverviewKit(OPK) Overview

Speaker : David Hsu

Email :::: [email protected]

Microsoft OEM Embedded Distributor


� What is OPK ?

� OEM Preinstallation Kit Benefits

� Installing the OPK Tools

� The Preinstallation ProcessThe Preinstallation Process

� Demo

What is OPK Kit?

� The OPK • For OEMs and System Builders

• To make it easier to preinstall and configure Windows on multiple computers .

� OPK Kit Basic Tools� OPK Kit Basic Tools• Setup Manager

• Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)

• Sysprep

OPK Tool - Setup Manager

OPK Tool - Windows PE

OPK Tool - Sysprep

What is OPK Kit?

Answer file::::





What is OPK Kit?

� XP Series• Windows XP Home Edition

• Windows XP Professional

• Windows XP Professional For Embedded

� Windows Server 2003 Family

OEM Preinstallation support

� Windows Server 2003 Family• Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

• Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

OEM Preinstallation Kit Benefits



Enables you to choose compact disc-based, network-basedpreinstallation methods

CustomizationEnables you to add shortcuts and branding information to the operating system

Hardware flexibilityEnables you to preinstall drivers for devices that do not have built-in support in the operating system


Allows you to preinstall software programs during the installation of Windows XP.

Audit capabilityEnables you to test preinstalled computers without interrupting the preinstallation process

Easy to use and saves build time

Wizard-like interface makes the OPK easy to setup and use and will save time compared to manual installations and adding apps/drivers.


Comparison of Preinstallation Methods

Build-to-PlanImage of master installation is deployed without customization to destination computers..


MethodMethod VolumeVolume CustomizationCustomization

HighestHighestHighestHighest NoneNoneNoneNone

Build-to-OrderImage of master installation is deployed to destination computers, which are run in FastFastFastFast HighHighHighHigh HighHighHighHighdestination computers, which are run in Factory mode and customized to order.


Network SetupDestination computers are booted with Windows PE and Windows is preinstalled from a network distribution share.

SlowestSlowestSlowestSlowest MiddleMiddleMiddleMiddle HighHighHighHigh

CD BootSetup is run on the destination computer using the Windows product CD. Manually customize, audit, and reseal the installation.

SlowSlowSlowSlow LowestLowestLowestLowest LowestLowestLowestLowest

HighHighHighHigh HighHighHighHigh

Installing the OPK ToolsInstalling the OPK ToolsInstalling the OPK ToolsInstalling the OPK Tools

Installing the OPK Tools

Contents of the Windows OPK

Contents of the Windows OPK

Subdirectory Contents

Setupmgr.exe; Readme.txt; default location of the

distribution share

Configuration sets created by Setup Manager


C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\Cfgsets Cfgsets

\DocsWindows OPK User's Guide, Windows Preinstallation

Environment User's Guide, Preinstallation Reference,

and white papers

\LangDefault location of the Windows product files that

you preinstall onto destination computers

\Samples Sample files

\WizfilesFiles required by Setup Manager. Do not change or

remove these files.

C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\Docs Docs


C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\Samples Samples

C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\Wizfiles Wizfiles

The The PreinstallationPreinstallation ProcessProcessThe The PreinstallationPreinstallation ProcessProcess

The Preinstallation Process


Computer� Install OPK Tools � Create the config files� Add Drivers to $OEM$ and Unattend.txt� Create an WinPE image

� Boot the computer to WinPE from a CD, USB flash disk or the network

� Start the setup

Reseal the computer, or run Audit and/or Factory mode of Sysprep and then run reseal



Build an image of the installation and store it on the technician computer, if desired

Deploy image from the technician computer onto the destination computers



1. Create the configure files(for example ::::Answer file) by Setup manager.

Saving the configure by Setup manager

2. Create Create \\i386i386\\$OEM$$OEM$\\$1$1\\sysprepsysprep and extractand extract\\supportsupport\\deploy.cabdeploy.cab form product CD to it.form product CD to it.

3. Create the WinPE Image CD and Boot the computer to WinPE from a WinPE Image CD

4. Start the setup to master computer - copy C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\cfgsetscfgsets\\configure_Set_Name all configure_Set_Name all folder to a storagefolder to a storage

5. Start the setup to master computer - copy C:C:\\OPKToolsOPKTools\\LangLang\\ENGENG\\skusku\\pro.sp2pro.sp2\\x86x86\\I386I386 all all folder to a storagefolder to a storage

The Script as following((((D is the directory copied configure files):):):):

� set AnswerFile=D:\OPKConfigSet\unattend.txt

� set InstallSource=D:\pro.sp2\x86\I386

6. Start the setup to master computer - Create Create Create Create Create Create Create Create the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file the following scripts file ((((((((PreinstallScript.batPreinstallScript.bat

))))))))to run in to run in to run in to run in to run in to run in to run in to run in WinPEWinPEWinPEWinPEWinPEWinPEWinPEWinPE

� set InstallSource=D:\pro.sp2\x86\I386

� D:\pro.sp2\x86\I386\winnt32 /s:%InstallSource% /Unattend:%AnswerFile% /syspart:c:

� wpeutil reboot

Enter the Command from command windows

7. Reseal the master computer after setup master computer

SysprepSysprep --resealreseal

8. Build an image of the installation and store it on the technician computer, if desired

9.Deploy image from the technician computer onto the destination computers

The Option The Option PreinstallationPreinstallationProcessProcess

1.Create a bitmap file, Oemlogo.bmp, that contains your company logo. The bitmap must be 172 x 100 pixels in size. Place the file in the \i386\$OEM$\$$\System32 folder.

2. Add Drivers – OEMPnPDriversPath

Add the OEMPnPDriversPath parameter into the

[Unattended] section of the Unattend.txt File to preinstall 3rd party drivers during the Preinstallation



Unattendmode = FullUnattendedUnattendmode = FullUnattended

OemPreinstall = Yes

OemPnPDriversPath = Drivers\LAN ; Drivers\CHIPSET






On Line Support

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� OEM Partner Center


� MSDN網站網站網站網站(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-� MSDN網站網站網站網站(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms853101.aspx)