「語言學門學術研習營」課程表 102 5 月增修版 領域 授課 交流 時數 時數 漢語語言 學:華語/ 國語 1 口語語流語料語音資料庫的建構與平台談跨學科研究的意義 鄭秋豫 2 小時 2 小時 2 口語語流韻律的架構與模擬兼談語音研究 課題的開發 2 小時 2 小時 3 無時制語言的時間解釋:從中文的角度來看 林若望 3 小時 2 小時 4 談句法語意介面 蔡維天 6 小時 2 小時 5 漢語認知功能語法 戴浩一 9 小時 3 小時 6 認知語意學 (本期不開課) 黃宣範 4 小時 2 小時 7 語用與認知 蘇以文 4 小時 2 小時 8 功能語法理論與應用 劉美君 3-6 小時 1 小時 9 詞彙語意學:理論架構與分析方法 3-6 小時 1 小時 10 漢語形式句法議題:量詞分析 張寧 3 小時 2 小時 11 隱喻概念與手勢 徐嘉慧 4 小時 2 小時 12 言談與互動:以漢語言談標誌為例 王萸芳 3 小時 2 小時 13 漢語中的時序關係 吳俊雄 3 小時 2 小時 14 從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 何萬順 3 小時 2 小時 15 台灣華語的在地化 3 小時 2 小時 16 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese 3 小時 2 小時 17 自然語音語料庫研究 曾淑娟 3 小時 2 小時

「語言學門學術研習營」課程表 - hss.ntu.edu.t · 32 社會語言學與跨文化教學 . 何德華 9 小時. 3 小時. 33 中英跨文化溝通:理論與實務. 陳淑嬌

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  • 「語言學門學術研習營」課程表

    102 年 5 月增修版

    領域 講 題 講 員授課 交流

    時數 時數




    1 口語語流語料語音資料庫的建構與平台—兼談跨學科研究的意義


    2 小時 2 小時

    2 口語語流韻律的架構與模擬—兼談語音研究課題的開發

    2 小時 2 小時

    3 無時制語言的時間解釋:從中文的角度來看 林若望 3 小時 2 小時

    4 談句法—語意介面 蔡維天 6 小時 2 小時

    5 漢語認知功能語法 戴浩一 9 小時 3 小時

    6 認知語意學 (本期不開課) 黃宣範 4 小時 2 小時

    7 語用與認知 蘇以文 4 小時 2 小時

    8 功能語法理論與應用劉美君

    3-6 小時 1 小時

    9 詞彙語意學:理論架構與分析方法 3-6 小時 1 小時

    10 漢語形式句法議題:量詞分析 張寧 3 小時 2 小時

    11 隱喻概念與手勢 徐嘉慧 4 小時 2 小時

    12 言談與互動:以漢語言談標誌為例 王萸芳 3 小時 2 小時

    13 漢語中的時序關係 吳俊雄 3 小時 2 小時

    14 從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題


    3 小時 2 小時

    15 台灣華語的在地化 3 小時 2 小時

    16 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese

    3 小時 2 小時

    17 自然語音語料庫研究 曾淑娟 3 小時 2 小時

  • 漢語語言



    18 A Three-layered Analysis of the Aspectual guo in Mandarin

    湯志真 3 小時 3 小時



    19 漢語實驗音韻學 王旭 3 小時 3 小時

    20 詞彙語意學最近研究動向 連金發 3 小時 3 小時

    21 台灣閩南語的 ka7 字 曹逢甫 2 小時 2 小時

    22 新方言學的研究與方法 洪惟仁 12 小時 4 小時

    23 台灣閩南語言談分析:以連接(副)詞為例 張妙霞 3 小時 3 小時



    24 從兩岸三地的比較看東勢大埔客家話的特殊

    35/55 調的性質與來源 曹逢甫 3 小時 3 小時

    25 現代音韻理論在客家話研究上的應用(or 精莊的分合及客家話的介音問題)

    鍾榮富 4-8 小時 2-3 小時

    26 客話「分」、「 」、「同」結構:語法與

    概念化互動的觀點 賴惠玲 3 小時 3 小時

    27 臺灣客家話動趨結構中與體貌有關的成分 江敏華 3 小時 2 小時


    28 音節與重音:以泰雅語及布農語為例 黃慧娟 2 小時 1 小時

    29 Issues on morphology of the Formosan languages

    齊莉莎 3 小時 3 小時

    30 The Guest Playing Host: Adverbial Modifiers as Matrix Verbs in Kavalan

    張永利 3 小時 3 小時

    31 Space, emotion and cognition in Formosan languages

    黃宣範 4 小時 1 小時


    32 社會語言學與跨文化教學 何德華 9 小時 3 小時

    33 中英跨文化溝通:理論與實務 陳淑嬌 3 小時 3 小時


    學 34 日語詞彙學 賴錦雀 3 小時 2 小時

  • 35 日語學習者語料庫的建構與應用 黃淑妙 1 小時 1 小時



    36 在台灣進行英語字母拼讀法教學:理論與實踐 曹逢甫 3 小時 3 小時

    37 英語母音運作機制之探討及在英語教學之應

    用:以緊母音和鬆母音之相互運作機制為例 劉慶剛 3 小時 3 小時

    38 語料及其工具在英語教學之應用研究 劉顯親 3 小時 3 小時

    39 研究計畫撰寫—以技職英語教學為例 周碩貴 3 小時 3 小時

    40 英語閱讀研究與教學 陳秋蘭 3 小時 3 小時

    41 第二語言焦慮研究之回顧與展望 程玉秀 2 小時 1 小時

    42 外語學習困難與教學 胡潔芳 3 小時 2 小時

    43 英語課室互動研究與應用 紀鳳鳴 2 小時 2 小時

    44 廣泛閱讀與語言習得之關聯、教學、與研究 李思穎 3 小時 3 小時

    45 學術發表:寫作剽竊與時間管理 孫于智 3 小時 1 小時

    46 英語寫作教學法 閔慧慈

    2 小時 2 小時

    47 同儕評論研究 2 小時 2 小時

    48 篇章語法於英文寫作教學之應用 尤雪瑛 3 小時 3 小時

    49 英語聽力教學、英語口試施測 鄧慧君 3 小時 3 小時

    50 MOODLE 融入語技整合英語教學實務與研究 韋金龍 2 小時 1 小時

    51 多媒體語言教材之設計與發展 葉修文 3 小時 2 小時

    52 網路語言教學研究:實例經驗分享 張美美 3 小時 1 小時

    53 電腦網路暨語料庫輔助語言教學 陳浩然 3 小時 3 小時

    華語教學 54 華語語法特性對外籍學生語法習得之影響 陳純音 3 小時 3 小時

  • 55 國際華語教學發展 信世昌

    2 小時 2 小時

    56 華語文電腦輔助教學 2 小時 2 小時

    57 漢語語言結構與華語教學 許長謨 6 小時 或

    3 小時 2 小時

    58 語言對比與華語教學


    3 小時 3 小時

    59 漢語篇章分析 3 小時 3 小時

    60 漢語語法 3 小時 3 小時


    61 日語教育與數位學習研究 葉淑華 3 小時 3 小時

    62 日語教學的課程設計 -理論與實踐- 林長河 3 小時 2 小時

    63 如何利用 CAN-DO 設計日語課程 陳淑娟 4-5 小時 1-2 小時


    64 口譯研究課題與案例分析


    3 小時 3 小時

    65 口筆譯語料庫研究:建置與應用 3 小時 2 小時

    66 翻譯與跨文化研究 4 小時 2 小時

    67 翻譯教學理論、實務與研究 廖柏森 3 小時 1 小時

  • 研習營-語言學- 01-口語語流語料語音資料庫的建構與平台—兼談跨學科研究的意義-鄭秋豫

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 口語語流語料語音資料庫的建構與平台─兼談跨學科研究的意




























  • 上層訊息的管轄,而構築了相互間的韻律關係,因此語段裡的短

















    止式模版(cadence templates),並以此作為建立模組式數學模型的基礎。此一由上到下(top-down)的研究取向深獲日本學者藤崎博也先生所讚揚,認為此一研究方式乃語音分析之先驅。

    在 2004 年、2005 年,我提出的「多短語語流韻律模組架構」,是現今解釋性最為全面的韻律組織理論,對於語篇中各短語的句









    律相關性,而且還可以此模型,對解決當今語音科技裡 TTS 在語流韻律的力有未逮之處,提出具體改進的建議。



  • 編輯成一套資料庫,定名為:中央研究院口語韻律語料庫(Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit),預計在 2005 年 12 月 1 日正式對外發行(見http://www.myet.com/COSPRO),希望藉此促進國內語音研究之蓬勃與全面性發展。


    1. Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit http://www.myet.com/COSPRO 語音資料庫與語料庫語言學

    2. 口語語流韻律的組織與架構3. 口語語流韻律的模擬

    預計上課時數 每講 2 小時 預計學人討論


    2 小時

  • 鄭秋豫

    學歷 美國 Brown University 語言學博士(1981) 現職 中央研究院語言學研究所研究員






    鄭秋豫 (2000). 〈漢語神經語言學的新方向:以巴金森症病患的語音現象為例〉,《漢學研究》第十八卷特刊(總號第 36 號),443-472 頁。

    Chou, Fu-chiang, Tseng, Chiu-yu and Lee, Lin-shan (2002). “A set of corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis technologies for Mandarin Chinese,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 1.10(7), 481-484.

    Tseng, Chiu-yu, Shao-huang Pin and Yeh-lin Lee. (2004). “Speech prosody: issues, approaches and implications” in From Traditional Phonology to Modern Speech Processing (語音學與言語處理前沿), Fant, G., Fujisaki, H., Cao, J. and Xu, Y., Eds Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外語教學與研究出版社), 417-437, Beijing, China.

    Peng, Shu-hui, Chan, Marjorie K. M., Tseng, Chiu-yu, Huang, Tsan, Lee, Ok-joo and Beckman, Mary (2005). “Towards a Pan-Mandarin system for prosodic transcription,” in Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing, edited by Jun, Sun-ah. Oxford University Press, 230-270.

    Tseng, Chiu-yu, Shao-huang Pin, Yeh-lin Lee, Hsin-min Wang and Yong-cheng Chen. “Fluent speech prosody: framework and modeling” Speech Communication, Vol. 46:3-4 pp. 284-309


    Tseng, Chiu-yu et al, Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit http://reg.myet.com/COSPRO


  • 研習營-語言學- 02-口語語流韻律的架構與模擬—兼談語音研究課題的開發-鄭秋豫

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 口語語流語料語音資料庫的建構與平台─兼談跨學科研究的意



























  • 我提出了階層式的多短語韻律模架構,強調各短語間,因受來自









    以這個韻律結構提出跨句模組式的聲學模型。 這一系列研究的取向,從語音學的基礎研究出發,加入語料庫語








    止式模版(cadence templates),並以此作為建立模組式數學模型的基礎。此一由上到下(top-down)的研究取向深獲日本學者藤崎博也先生所讚揚,認為此一研究方式乃語音分析之先驅。 在 2004 年、2005 年,我提出的「多短語語流韻律模組架構」,是現今解釋性最為全面的韻律組織理論,對於語篇中各短語的句




    律結構中「節奏性」與「曲調性」缺一不可的韻律特性。 「多短語語流韻律模組架構」共包括四個聲學模組:基頻框架、




    律相關性,而且還可以此模型,對解決當今語音科技裡 TTS 在語流韻律的力有未逮之處,提出具體改進的建議。 此外,基於學術資源共享之理念,此段期間所收集的語流韻律語

  • 音資料庫,以及所開發的語音感知為基礎的語料分析平台,也已

    編輯成一套資料庫,定名為:中央研究院口語韻律語料庫(Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit),預計在 2005 年 12 月 1 日正式對外發行(見http://www.myet.com/COSPRO),希望藉此促進國內語音研究之蓬勃與全面性發展。


    1. Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit http://www.myet.com/COSPRO 語音資料庫與語料庫語言學

    2. 口語語流韻律的組織與架構 3. 口語語流韻律的模擬

    預計上課時數 每講 2 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 鄭秋豫

    學歷 美國 Brown University 語言學博士(1981) 現職 中央研究院語言學研究所研究員 經歷


    期刊 近五年著作 論文: 鄭秋豫 (2000). 〈漢語神經語言學的新方向:以巴金森症病患的

    語音現象為例〉,《漢學研究》第十八卷特刊(總號第 36 號),443-472 頁。

    Chou, Fu-chiang, Tseng, Chiu-yu and Lee, Lin-shan (2002). “A set of corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis technologies for Mandarin Chinese,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 1.10(7), 481-484.

    Tseng, Chiu-yu, Shao-huang Pin and Yeh-lin Lee. (2004). “Speech prosody: issues, approaches and implications” in From Traditional Phonology to Modern Speech Processing (語音學與言語處理前沿), Fant, G., Fujisaki, H., Cao, J. and Xu, Y., Eds Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外語教學與研究出版社), 417-437, Beijing, China.

    Peng, Shu-hui, Chan, Marjorie K. M., Tseng, Chiu-yu, Huang, Tsan, Lee, Ok-joo and Beckman, Mary (2005). “Towards a Pan-Mandarin system for prosodic transcription,” in Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing, edited by Jun, Sun-ah. Oxford University Press, 230-270.

    Tseng, Chiu-yu, Shao-huang Pin, Yeh-lin Lee, Hsin-min Wang and Yong-cheng Chen. “Fluent speech prosody: framework and modeling” Speech Communication, Vol. 46:3-4 pp. 284-309

    資料庫: Tseng, Chiu-yu et al, Sinica COSPRO and Toolkit



  • 研習營-語言學-03-無時制語言的時間解釋:從中文的角度來看-林若望

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 無時制語言的時間解釋:從中文的角度來看



















    這樣一個沒有時制的語言究竟是如何決定句子的時間解釋的。 在這個講座裡,我們會建構一個漢語時間解釋的理論架構,





    文的詞組結構只有 AspP 詞組但沒有 TP 詞組的存在。


    1. Introduction 2. The Basics of the Temporal Interpretation in Chinese 3. 1 Temporal adverbs

  • 4. 2 Default viewpoint aspect 5. 3 Aspectual markers 6. 4 The futural modal hui 'will' 7. 5 Summary of section 2 8. The Temporal Interpretation of Embedded Clauses 9. 1 The case of English 10. 2 Chinese embedded clauses 11. Previous Analysis of Sequence of Tense 12. An Analysis of the Temporal Interpretation of Complement Clauses 13. An Analysis of the Temporal Interpretation of Relative Clauses 14. Concluding Remarks


    Jo-wang Lin (2006) "Temporal Interpretation in a Language Without Tense: The Case of Chinese", Journal of Semantics 23.

    預計上課時數 3 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 林若望 學歷 麻州大學語言學博士 現職 國立交通大學教授 經歷 國立中正大學副教授



    Lin, Jo-wang (2006) “Temporal Interpretation in a Language without Tense: the Case of Chinese”, Journal of Semantics 23: xx-xx, A&HCI.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2005) “Event Decompostion and the Syntax and Semantics of Chinese Durative Phrases”, in Johannes D lling & Tatjana Heyde-Zybatow (eds.) Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation Series: Language, Context and Cognition, Mouton de Gruyter.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2004) “Choice Functions and Scope of Existential Polarity WH-phrases”, Linguistics and Philosophy 27: 451-491, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A&HCI.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2003) “On Restrictive and Non-restrictive Relative Clauses in Mandarin Chinese”, Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies 33(1): 199-240.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2003) “Temporal Reference in Mandarin Chinese”, Journal of East Asian Linguistics 12: 259-311, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A&HCI.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2003) “Aspectual Selection and Negation in Chinese”, Linguistics 41(3): 425-459, SSCI, A&HCI.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2002) “Aspectual Selection and Temporal Reference of –Zhe in Mandarin Chinese”, Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies 32(2): 257-297.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2002) “Selectional Restrictions of Tenses and Temporal Reference of Chinese Bare Sentences”, Lingua 113:271-302, SSCI, A&HCI.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2002) “論現代漢語的時制意義”, Language and Linguistics 3.1.

    Lin, Jo-wang (2000) “On the Temporal Meaning of the Verbal –le in Mandarin Chinese”, Language and Linguistics 1(2):109-133.


    1. 2004 年國科會傑出研究獎 2. 2003 年中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎 3. 1996 年教育部閩南方言研究著作獎 4. 1996 年中國語言學會年輕學者獎

  • 研習營-語言學-04-談句法─語意介面(syntax-semantics interface)-蔡維天

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 談句法─語意介面(syntax-semantics interface)









    第一講 漢語疑問狀語的句法和語意 第二講 漢語反身狀語的句法和語意 第三講 從狀語的分佈看句法─語意介面的問題


    Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan and Melody Yayin Chang (2003) "Two Types of Wh-Adverbials: A Typological Study of How and Why in Tsou," in The Linguistic Variation Yearbook 3, 213-236. John Benjamins.

    蔡維天 (2002)〈自己、自性與自然─談漢語中的反身狀語〉,《中國語文》,第 289 期,357-362 頁。

    蔡維天 (2000)〈為甚麼問怎麼樣,怎麼樣問為甚麼〉,《漢學研究》,第 18 卷特刊,41-59 頁。

    預計上課時數 6 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 蔡維天 學歷 美國麻省理工語言學博士 現職 國立清華大學語言學研究所教授 經歷 1. 國立清華大學語言學研究所副教授

    2. 國立清華大學中文系助理教授 3. 國立清華大學中文系講師


    期刊 Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan (2003) "Three Types of Existential

    Quantification in Chinese," in Li, Audrey and Andrew Simpson (eds.) Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation: Perspectives from Asian Languages, 161-179, RoutledgeCurzon, London.

    Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan (2003) "Lexical Courtesy Revisited: Evidence from Tsou and Seediq Wh-Constructions," Gengo Kenkyu 123, 331-361.

    Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan and Melody Yayin Chang (2003) "Two Types of Wh-Adverbials: A Typological Study of How and Why in Tsou," in The Linguistic Variation Yearbook 3, 213-236. John Benjamins.

    Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan (2001) "On Subject Specificity and Theory of Syntax-Semantics Interface," Journal of East Asian Linguistics 10, 129-168.

    蔡維天 (2004)〈談「有人」、「有的人」和「有些人」〉,《漢語學報》,第二期,16-25 頁。

    蔡維天 (2004)〈談「只」與「連」的形式語義〉,《中國語文》,第 299 期,99-111 頁。

    蔡維天 (2002)〈一、二、三〉,《語言學論叢》,第二十六輯,301-312頁,商務印書錧,北京。

    蔡維天 (2002)〈台灣國語和方言中的「有」─談語法學中的社會因緣與歷史意識〉,《清華學報》,新三十二卷第二期,495-528頁。

    蔡維天 (2002)〈自己、自性與自然─談漢語中的反身狀語〉,《中國語文》,第 289 期,357-362 頁。

    蔡維天 (2000)〈為甚麼問怎麼樣,怎麼樣問為甚麼〉,《漢學研究》,第 18 卷特刊,41-59 頁。

    榮譽獎項 1. 2003 年教育部原住民族語言教育文化著作獎甲等 2. 2000 年中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎 3. 84~89 學年度甲種國科會研究獎助

  • 研習營-語言學-05-漢語認知功能語法-戴浩一

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 漢語認知功能語法


    一、內容簡介 在漢語語法的基礎上,探討如何用認知語法的角度來瞭解漢語語


    提示。 二、大綱 漢語名詞的認知基礎 漢語動詞的認知基礎 漢語量詞的認知基礎 漢語空間及時間概念的表達 漢語類象性(iconicity) 漢語詞序的認知與信息原則 三、參考文獻 Li, Charles N. and Sandra A. Thompson. 1981. Mandarin Chinese: A

    Functional Reference Grammar. Berkeley: University of California Press.

    湯廷池,1988。《漢語詞法句法論集》。台北:學生書局。 戴浩一,薛鳳生主編。1994。《功能主義與漢語語法》。北京語言

    學院出版社。 曹逢甫,1990。《國語的句子與子句結構》。台北:學生書局。

    預計上課時數 三堂課、每堂 3 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 3 小時

  • 戴浩一

    學歷 美國印地安那大學語言學博士

    現職 國立中正大學語言學研究所教授


    1964 年畢業於國立台灣大學外文系。1965 年赴美國印地安那大學 (Indiana University) 攻讀語言學,於 1967 年獲碩士學位,並於 1970 年獲博士學位。自 1970 年起至 1987 年任教於美國南伊利諾大學(Southern Illinois University) 外國語文學系,並創立東方語文學程。期間曾於 1978-1979 年在美國麻省理工學院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 擔任訪問學者,與杭士基 (Noam Chomsky)研究語法理論。自 1987 年至 1995 年任教於美國俄亥俄州立大學 (Ohio State University) 東方語文學系,先後指導十二篇有關中國語言學博士論文。1995 年回台灣,創立國立中正大學語言學研究所,並擔任第一任及第二任所長。1998年至 2002 年 1 月擔任國立中正大學文學院院長。2002 年 2 月至2004 年 12 月借調至國科會擔任人文暨社會科學處處長。



    To appear〈台灣四縣客語量詞 "尾 (mi24)" 的範疇結構〉《語言暨語言學─客語研究專號》(已接受)

    2005 "Conceptual Structure and Conceptualizations in Chinese Grammar" Language and Linguistics 6.4. (to appear)

    2005 "Modality Effects: Iconicity in Taiwan Sign Language" Festschrift in Celebration of Professor William S-Y. Wang's Seventieth Birthday. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. Taipei. 19-36.

    2005 "Classifier Predicates Reanalyzed, with Special Reference to Taiwan Sign Language" (with Jung-hsing Chang & Shiou-fen Su) Language and inguistics, 6.2: 247-278. (Special Issue: Taiwan Sign Language).

    2003 〈認知功能語法與漢語教學〉《語言理論與語言教學》34-45. 香港教育學院。

    2003 "Cognitive Relativism: Resultative Construction in Chinese" Language and Linguistics, 4.2: 301-316.

    2002 "Temporal Sequence in Chinese: A Rejoinder" In Form and Function: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Shuanfan Huang 331-351. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.

    2002 〈概念結構與非自主性語法:漢語語法概念系統初探〉《當代語言學》4.1: 1-

    2000 〈新世紀臺灣語言學研究之展望〉,《漢學研究》第 18 卷特

  • 刊,511-519 頁。

    榮譽獎項 兩次國科會傑出研究獎勵(1998-99;2000-2001)

  • 研習營-語言學-06-認知語意學-黃宣範

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 認知語意學



    This course is an introduction to main issues in cognitive semantics and the tools needed to do semantic analysis. We will discuss how semantic properties are discovered, defined and realized in language and how these tools and assumptions are put to use in the following areas: language and space, motion, emotion, tense, aspect and modality. We will also examine in some detail the mechanisms of semantic change.

    Research in cognitive semantic has been motivated by the idea that complex high level cognitive structures lie behind our everyday use of language, and such structures can be uncovered by using the evidence provided by grammar. The mainstream approach in linguistics seeks to use a priori theoretical assumptions about formal nature of grammar to uncover the structure of mind, showing little interest in how language functions in actual discourse. As a result, its power to reveal the working of the human mind is sharply curtailed.

    Researchers who identify themselves as taking a cognitive approach and those who take various discourse perspectives have sounded the theme that a deeper understanding of the properties of language requires an understanding of how language is used to create meaning. On this view, the mind is not a formal system, but is an embodied system, and language is not independent of the rest of cognition Thought is not transcendent, but depends on the body and the brain. Symbolic structures are meaningful to begin with. This is so because categories are determined by bodily structures and by adaptive use as a result of evolution and behavior. Thus this course will approach meaning from the perspective of embodied cognition.

    預計上課時數 4 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 黃宣範

    學歷 美國俄亥俄州立大學語言學博士

    現職 1. 台大語言學研究所教授兼所長 2. 國科會人文學研究中心主任


    1. 加州大學柏克萊研究員(1969-1971) 2. 台大外文系客座副教授(1971-1973) 3. 台大外文系教授(1975-1995) 4. 哈佛大學訪問學人(1979-1980) 5. 夏威夷大學東亞語文系客座教授(1980-1981; 1985.1-1985.6) 6. 台大語言學研究所教授兼所長(1994-2000) 7. 台大文學院語文中心主任(2000.8-) 8. 台灣語言學學會理事長(1999.11-2001.11) 9. 中央研究院語言學研究所籌備處諮議委員(1997 迄今) 10. 國科會人文社會科學處語言學門諮詢委員(1998.8-2003.7) 11. 教育部國語推行委員會常務委員(2000.7 迄今) 12. 僑委會僑務委員(2000.7-2002.7) 13. 台大文學院優良教師(2002 年)



    期刊論文: Huang, Shuan-Fan. 2000. “The story of heads and tails – on a

    sequentially sensitive lexicon”. Language and Linguistics 1.2: 79-107.

    -----. 2002a. “Tsou is different: a cognitive perspective on language, emotion, and body”. Cognitive Linguistics 13.2: 167-186.

    -----. 2002b. “The pragmatics of focus in Tsou and Seediq”. Language and Linguistics 3.4: 665-694.

    ----. 2003a. “Doubts about Complementation”. Language and Linguistics 4.2: 429-455.

    ----. (with Huang, Huei-ju) 2003b. “On the status of reality marking in Tsou”. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 1.2: 1-32.

    ----. (with Michael Tananhkingsing) Reference to Motion events in Western Austronesian languages. Submitted to Oceanic Linguistics.

    研討會論文: ----. 2000a. “The pragmatics of focus in Tsou and Seediq”. Paper

    presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 11-13, 2000.

    ----. 2000b. Language in the wild: Grammar and distributed

  • cognition. Panel paper presented at IsCLL-7, Chung-Cheng University, Dec. 22-24, 2000.

    ----. 2001. Two different ways to travel. Paper presented at the Association of Linguistic Typology IV Conference, July 18-21, Santa Barbara, California

    ----. 2002. The structure of motion events in Chinese, Tsou and Saisiyat. IACL 11, August 19-22, Aichi, Japan.

    ----. 2004a (with Fu-hui Hsieh). The pragmatics of the case marking system of Saisityat. Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2004), May 1-4. Portland, Oregon.

    ----. 2004b. Emotion and affect in Formosan languages. Paper presented at Syntax of the World’s languages, August 5-9. Leipzig, Germany.

    ---- 2004c. Split O in Formosan languages---- A localist interpretation. Paper presented at IsCLL-9. Nov. 19-21. NTU.

    ----.2004d. (with Fu-hui Hsieh) Grrammar, construction and social action in Mandarin conversation. Paper presented at IsCLL-9. Nov. 19-21. NTU.

    技術報告: 黃宣範,蘇以文,宋麗梅。2001。鄒語詞法與句法整合計劃度報

    告(III) (NSC89-2411-H-002-007-M7)。 黃宣範,蘇以文,宋麗梅。2002。賽夏語語法與認知整合型計畫

    報告(I)(NSC-90-2411-H-002-050) 黃宣範,蘇以文,宋麗梅。2003。賽夏語與法與認知整合型計畫

    報告(II)(NSC-91-2411-H-002-088) 黃宣範。2002。語言與認知特約研究計劃報告(III)

    (NSC90-2411-H-002-061) 黃宣範,蘇以文,宋麗梅。2004。賽夏語與法與認知整合型計畫



    1. 國科會傑出獎三次(1986-88, 1990-92, 1992-94) 2. 國科會特約研究獎(1994-2000) 3. 教育部原住民教育及語言研究著作優良獎(1998) 4. 行政院新聞局重要專門學術著作獎(1993) 5. 巫永福文化評論獎(1995) 6. 國科會傑出特約研究員獎(2003) 7. 台大胡適講座(2002-2003)

  • 研習營-語言學-07-語用與認知-蘇以文

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 語用與認知


    (一) 內容簡介: This lecture aims to introduce the linguistic aspects of language

    use within the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive science, presenting pragmatics within an overall program so to study language as a communication system. Pragmatics is, on one hand, the study we rely on in order to elucidate the relevant assumptions and the logic of the inferences. On the other hand, we will study pragmatics in order to understand the communicative functions of language, so as to unveil human cognitive processes in discourse understanding. (二) 大綱:

    We will touch upon topics on cognition and grammar, discourse analysis and semantics/pragmatics interface, as aspects of an overall functional framework for explaining language in use. For a better understanding of how humans communicate and how human mind works, we will discuss issues related to the negotiation of interpretation and roles that characterize pragmatics, the way people actually use language in context, and what people are trying to do with their language. (三) 參考文獻: Clark, Herbert H. 1996. Using language. Cambridge; New York:

    CUP. Coulson, Seana and Todd Oakley. 2005. Blending and coded

    meaning: Literal and figurative meaning in cognitive semantics. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 1510-1536.

    Croft, William. 2009. Connecting frames and constructions. Constructions and Frames 1 (1): 7-28.

    Evans, Vyvyan. 2006. Lexical concepts, cognitive models and meaning construction. Cognitive Linguistics 17 (4): 491-534.

    Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner 1996. Blending as central process of grammar. In Goldberg, Adele(ed.), Conceptual structure, discourse and language. Stanford, CA:CSLI

  • Publication,113-130. Gibbs, Raymond W. 2002. A new look at literal meaning in

    understanding what is said and implicated. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 457–486.

    Kay, Paul. 2004. Pragmatic aspects of grammatical constructions. In L. Horn & G. Ward (eds.), The handbook of pragmatics (pp. 675-700). Oxford: Blackwell.

    Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge; New York: CUP.

    Levinson, Stephen C. 2006. Cognition at the heart of human interaction. Special issue of Discourse Studies: Discourse, interaction and cognition, 8/1, 85-93.

    Su, Lily I-wen. 2005. Conditionals as a Reflection of Mind. Language and Linguistics 6.4: 655-80.

    預計上課時數 4 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 蘇以文

    學歷 夏威夷大學語言學博士

    現職 國立台灣大學語言學研究所教授


    2009- 臺灣大學神經生物與認知科學研究中心 合聘教授 2006- 台灣國際研究生學程-計算語言學與中文語言處理 合聘教授 2005 中央研究院 訪問教授 1998- 台大語言所教授 1994-1998 台大語言所副教授



    Hsiao, Chi-hua and Lily I-wen Su*. 2010. Metaphor and Hyperbolic Expressions of Emotion in Mandarin Chinese Conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 42(5): 1380-1396. (SSCI, AHCI)

    Su, Lily I-wen. 2009. Book Review of Marcelo Dascal and Han-liang Chang. Traditions of Controversy. Pragmatics and Cognition 17(2): 458-463.

    Lu, Louis Wei-lun and Lily I-wen Su*. 2009. Speech in Interaction: Mandarin Particle Le as a Marker of Intersubjectivity. Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 14(1). http://zif.spz.tu-darmstadt.de/

    Su, Lily I-wen and Louis Wei-lun Lu. 2008. A New Look at Analogous Words: A Corpus-based Approach. Studies in Cognitive Corpus Linguistics, ed. by Dziwirek, Katarzyna and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

    Su, Lily I-wen, Li-May Sung, Shuping Huang, Fuhui Hsieh, Zhemin Lin. 2008. NTU Corpus of Formosan Languages: A State-of-the-art Report. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 4(2): 291-294. (SSCI, AHCI)

    Sung, Li-May, Lily I-wen Su, Fuhui Hsieh and Zhemin Lin. 2008. Developing an On-line Corpus of Formosan Languages. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6(2): 79-118.

    Su, Lily I-wen. 2007. Conversation and Narration in Pride and Prejudice. Tapestries 1: 24-30

    Su, Lily I-wen and Shuping Huang. 2006. Polysemy and

  • Categorization: Implications to Corpus Documentation. In Streams Converging into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul Jen-Kuei Li on His 70th Birthday, 415-438. Taipei: Academia Sinica.

    Su, Lily I-wen. 2006. A Linguistic Perspective of the Impact of Chinese and the Japanese Cultures on Taiwan Aboriginal Tribes. In Interaction and Blending of Chinese and non-Chinese Cultures, Vol. 2, 3-22. Taipei: Himalaya Foundations.

    Huang, Shuping and Lily I-wen Su*. 2005. Iconicity as Evidenced in Saisiyat Linguistic Coding of Causative Events. Oceanic Linguistics 44 (2): 341-356. (AHCI)

    Su, Lily I-wen. 2005. Conditionals as a Reflection of Mind. Language and Linguistics 6 (4): 655-680. (SSCI, AHCI)


    2010 台大通識績優課程 2009 台大傑出期刊論文獎 2007 台大傑出專書獎 2006 台大傑出期刊論文獎 2001-2002 台大傑出教學獎 1996-2001 國科會傑出研究獎 1999 台大傑出教學獎 1998 教育部傑出研究獎

  • 研習營-語言學-08-功能語法理論與應用-劉美君

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 功能語法理論與應用


    (一) 內容簡介: This course is designed to give a general survey of current

    syntactic theories, with a special emphasis on functional approaches to grammar. It aims to explore the differences between ‘formal’ and ‘functional’ paradigms for syntactic analysis, with a thorough discussion of their 1) theoretical premises, 2) research concerns, 3) data collection 4) analytical methodology, and 5) explanatory principles.

    The first half of the class will focus on form-function

    associations as manifested in the English grammar. The second half will then introduce a variety of functional explanatory mechanisms with illustrations from a wide range of languages. The ultimate goal of this class is to familiarize students with contemporary syntactic theories that take grammar as coding devices for coherent communication.

    “Syntax codes what people do the most” – T. Givon. Topics to be covered include:

    Formal vs. Functional approaches to syntax Theoretical framework: Grammar as form-function association Definitions of ‘function’ Explanatory Principles Discourse basis for syntactic categories Discourse and cognition Argument structure and information status Language universal: Transitivity Construction grammar Emergent Grammar Corpus and grammaticalization

    (二) 大綱:

  • 1. Overview of Functional Paradigm 2. Comparison of Formal and Functional Paradigms 3. Lexical Categories 4. Simple Verbal Clauses 5. Tense/aspect/modality 6. Reference and Definiteness 7. Verbal Complements 8. Voice: Passive Construction 9. Transitivity 10. Information Flow 11. Discourse Basis for Ergativity: Preferred Argument Structure 12. Construction Grammar 13. Emergent Grammar 14. Grammaticalization 15. Corpus and Quantitative approach (三) 參考文獻: English Grammar: a function-based introduction (EG). Vol. I and II,

    by T. Givon. 1993. John Benjamins. Syntax, vol. I & II, by T. T. Givon. 1984. John Benjamins Li,

    Charles and Sandra Thompson. 1976. Subject and topic: a new typology of language, in Subject and Topic, ed. by Charles Li.

    Hopper, Paul and Sandra Thompson. 1984. The discourse basis for lexical categories in

    universal grammar. Language (60): 703-753. Hopper, Paul and Sandra Thompson. 1980. Transitivity in grammar

    and discourse. Language (56): 251-299. Chafe, Wallace. 1987. Cognitive constraints on information flow, in

    Coherence and Grounding in Discourse, ed. By Russell Tomlin. Du Bois, John. 1987. The discourse basis for ergativity. Language

    (63): 805-855. Goldberg, Adele. 1999. Constructions. A Construction Grammar Approach toArgument Structure.

    Thompson, Sandra, and Paul Hopper. 1997. Emergent grammar and argument structure: evidence from conversation. Paper

  • presented at the Symposium on Discourse and grammar. Traugott, Elizabeth and Berd Heine. Introduction. In Approaches to

    Grammaticalization, vol. 2, eds. by E. Trauggot and B. Heine, 1-14. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Co.

    Thompson, Sandra, and Anthony Mulac. 1991. A quantitative perspective on grammaticalization of epistemic parentheticals in English.

    In Approaches to Grammaticalization, vol. 2, eds. by E. Trauggot and B. Heine, 313-329. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Co.

    Heine, Bernd, Ulrike Claudi and F. Hunnemeyer. 1991. From cognition to grammar –evidence from African Languages. In Approaches to grammaticalization, eds by E. Traugott and B. Heine, 150-187. Amsterdam: John Benjamines.

    Liu, Meichun. 1997. From motion verb to linking element: discourse explanations for the grammaticalization of JIU in Mandarin Chinese. Journal ofChinese Linguistics (25): 259-289.

    預計上課時數 每講 3-6 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 1 小時

  • 劉美君

    學歷 科羅拉多大學語言學博士

    現職 國立交通大學外文系暨外文所 教授

    經歷 國立交通大學外文系暨外文所 系主任及所長



    A. Journal Papers (期刊論文) Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. in preparation. Emotion in grammar:

    lexical-constructional interaction in Mandarin verbs of emotion. Cognitive Linguistics.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. Under revision. Perception for Cognition: Why ‘I feel’ is used for ‘I think’? Journal of Pragmatics. (SSCI Journal)

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ting-yi Chiang. 2008. The Construction of Mandarin VerbNet: A frame-based approach to the classification of statement verbs. Language and Linguistics 9(2): 239-270. (SSCI and AHCI Journal)

    Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2008. Conceptual Schema as Semantic Link: A Frame-based Study of Mandarin Cognition Verbs. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL).

    Liu, Mei-chun, Ting-yi Chiang and Ming-Hui Chou. 2006. A frame-based approach to polysemous near-synonymy: the case with Mandarin verbs of expression. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 15 (3): 137-148.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Chun Edison Chang. 2005. From frame to subframe: collocational asymmetry in Mandarin verbs of conversation. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 10 (4): 431-444.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2005. Lexical information and beyond: meaning coercion and constructional inference of the Mandarin verb GAN. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 33 (2): 310-332 (AHCI Journal).

    B. Books and Book Articles (專書及專書論文) Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. Emergence of the indefinite article: discourse

    evidence for the grammaticalization of YIGE in spoken Mandarin. In From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives

  • from Grammaticalization. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Liu, Mei-chun and Chun Edison Chang. 2010. The

    degree-evaluative construction: Grammaticalization in constructionalization. To appear in Mandarin Chinese Typology: New Trends in Semantic Change, Lexicalization and Grammaticalization, to be published by Mouton de Gruyter.

    Liu, Meichun, Chia-yin Hu, Pei-yu Liao. 2009. Bridging different predicational frames: the semantic shift of Mandarin emotion Verbs ‘ke+V”. Recent Adadvances of Chinese Lexical Semantics.

    C. Conference Proceedings 研討會論文 Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2010. The V-si Alternation: A Case

    of Thematic Conversion. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-12), Taipei, Taiwan, June 19-21.

    Liu, Meichun, Tzu-I Chiang and I-Fan Lai. 2010. Force Dynamics and Social Interaction Verbs in Mandarin. Paper presented at the IACL-18 & NACCL-22, Harvard University, May 20-22.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion verbs in Mandarin: A lexical-constructional interface in Mandarin. Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Wen-ching Chang and Man-ting Chien. 2009. The interaction between transitivity and causality: Evidence from emotion VR compounds. Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Chia-yin Hu and Pei-yu Liao. 2009. Bridging different predicational frames: The semantic shift of Mandarin emotion Verbs “ke+V.” Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion in grammar: Lexical-constructional interface of Mandarin emotion verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17), Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ruo-Mei Chang. 2009. Lexicalization vs.

  • constructionalization: Multiple interactions in Mandarin stimulus-oriented emotion verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17), Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion in Grammar: Lexical and Constructional Analyses of Mandarin Emotion Verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Shouyi Jeng and Ai-yu Hsieh. 2008.中文詞彙語意標記系統之建構. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Bo-Hong Lu and Wen-Ching Chang. 2008. A frame-based account of non-prototypical verb class members: Insight from Mandarin cognition verbs. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Fang-yin Su & Yi-shun Eason Chen. 2008. Emotion in Grammar: Constructional Contrast in English and Mandarin. Paper to be presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Shihmei Hong, Shunchia Huang and Mei-chun Liu. 2008. Mandarin emotion verbs: A frame-based analysis. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Chia-yin Hu and Shunchia Huang. 2008. A study on construction. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-16). Beijing, May 31-June 2.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Tzu-Ling Chiu. 2008. A frame-based analysis of Mandarin judgment verbs. Paper presented at the Second Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC-2), Taipei, Taiwan, May 17-18.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ai-yu Hsieh. 2008. A frame-based account of modal combination: Insight from Mandarin modality verbs xiang and yao. Paper presented at the 20th Annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20), Columbus, Ohio, USA, May 25-27.

    榮譽獎項 2010 NCTU Outstanding Teaching Award 交大傑出教學獎

  • 2009 Invited speaker, International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris, France 2009 Keynote speaker, Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop, Yantai, Shandong, China 2008 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎入選獎/指導碩士生 邱子玲 2007 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎佳作獎/指導碩士生 張群 2006 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎佳作獎/指導碩士生 胡佳音 2006-08 NCTU Research Award 交大傑出研究獎勵

  • 研習營-語言學-09-詞彙語意學:理論架構與分析方法-劉美君

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 詞彙語意學:理論架構與分析方法


    (一) 內容簡介: This course is designed to introduce students to the fascinating

    world of lexical semantics, the study of the interaction of syntactic behavior and semantic properties. Lectures and class discussions will focus on the major theoretical frameworks and their applications. In the first part, 7 major approaches will be introduced:

    1) Syntax-lexical semantic interface: Argument structure (B.

    Levin) 2) Construction Grammar (A. Goldberg) 3) Conceptual semantics (R. Jackendoff) 4) Frame Semantics (C. Fillmore) 5) Cognitive Semantics (L. Talmy) 6) Generative Lexicon (J. Pustejovsky) 7) Emergent Grammar (P. Hopper) Each theoretical framework will be illustrated with a case study that

    shows how the approach can be applied to the analysis of a linguistic issue. The Second part is meant to introduce recent works on Mandarin lexical semantics and emotional predicates will be used as a focal topic for discussion. The ultimate goal of this class is to provide students a broad range of background knowledge and enable students to carry out research in lexical semantics.

    (二) 大綱: Introduction: Overview 1. Introduction of the course Lexicon in language WordNet/FrameNet/Chinese Bow 2. Culture as reflected in the lexicon: 醒、覺

  • The nature of lexical knowledge 3. Overview: Verbal semantics and argument realization Previous solutions 4. Semantics of Proto-roles Part 1: Theoretical Background: major approaches 1. Approach (1): Conceptual semantics 2. Approach (2): Lexical semantics and syntax 3. Approach (3): Cognitive semantics 4. Approach (4): Frame semantics 5. Approach (5): Construction Grammar: 6. Lexical rules vs. Constructional approach 7. Approach (6): Generative Lexicon 8. Approach (7): Emergent Lexical Semantics Part 2: Case studies 1. Contrastive analysis of near-synonyms The difference between 建蓋造/擦拭塗抹/投擲丟扔 2. A Trilogy: verbs of emotion 3. Domain of verbs: -verbs of body

    motion/communication/cognition/perception (三) 參考文獻: Fillmore, Charles J. and Atkins Beryl T. 1992. Toward a

    Frame-Based Lexicon: The Semantics of RISK and its Neighbors. In Frames, Fields, and Contrasts, ed. by A. Lehrer and A. F. Kittay. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence.

    Fillmore, Charles J. 1977. Topics in Lexical Semantics. In R. Cole (ed.) Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. 76-138. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

    Goldberg, Adele E. to appear. Verbs, Constructions and Semantic Frames. In Hovav, M. R., Doron, E. and Sichel I (ed). Syntax, Lexical Semantics and Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Goldberg, Adele E. and Jackendoff, Ray. 2004. The English Resultative as a Family of Constructions. Language 80 (3): 532-568.

    Goldberg, Adele E. 1996. Jackendoff and Construction-Based Grammar. Cognitive Linguistics 7(1): 3-19.

  • Goldberg, Adele E. 1995. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    Jackendoff, Ray. 1997. Twistin’ the Night Away. Language 73 (3): 534-557.

    Liu, Meichun. 2005. Lexical Information and Beyond: Meaning Coercion and Constructional Inference of the Mandarin Verb Gan. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 33(2): 310-332

    Nemoto, Noriko. 1998. On the Polysemy of Ditransitive Save: The Role of Frame Semantics in Construction Grammar. English Linguistics 15: 219-242.

    Pustejovsky, James. 1991. The Generative Lexicon. Computational Linguistics 17 (4): 409-441.

    Tao, Hongyin. 2003. Toward an Emergent View of Lexical Semantics. Language and Linguistics 4(4): 837-856.

    Talmy, Leonard. 1991. Path to Realization: A Typology of Event Conflation. BLS 17:480-519.

    預計上課時數 每講 3-6 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 1 小時

  • 劉美君

    學歷 科羅拉多大學語言學博士

    現職 國立交通大學外文系暨外文所 教授

    經歷 國立交通大學外文系暨外文所 系主任及所長



    A. Journal Papers (期刊論文) Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. in preparation. Emotion in grammar:

    lexical-constructional interaction in Mandarin verbs of emotion. Cognitive Linguistics.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. Under revision. Perception for Cognition: Why ‘I feel’ is used for ‘I think’? Journal of Pragmatics. (SSCI Journal)

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ting-yi Chiang. 2008. The Construction of Mandarin VerbNet: A frame-based approach to the classification of statement verbs. Language and Linguistics 9(2): 239-270. (SSCI and AHCI Journal)

    Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2008. Conceptual Schema as Semantic Link: A Frame-based Study of Mandarin Cognition Verbs. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL).

    Liu, Mei-chun, Ting-yi Chiang and Ming-Hui Chou. 2006. A frame-based approach to polysemous near-synonymy: the case with Mandarin verbs of expression. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 15 (3): 137-148.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Chun Edison Chang. 2005. From frame to subframe: collocational asymmetry in Mandarin verbs of conversation. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 10 (4): 431-444.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2005. Lexical information and beyond: meaning coercion and constructional inference of the Mandarin verb GAN. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 33 (2): 310-332 (AHCI Journal).

    B. Books and Book Articles (專書及專書論文) Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. Emergence of the indefinite article: discourse

    evidence for the grammaticalization of YIGE in spoken Mandarin. In From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives

  • from Grammaticalization. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Liu, Mei-chun and Chun Edison Chang. 2010. The

    degree-evaluative construction: Grammaticalization in constructionalization. To appear in Mandarin Chinese Typology: New Trends in Semantic Change, Lexicalization and Grammaticalization, to be published by Mouton de Gruyter.

    Liu, Meichun, Chia-yin Hu, Pei-yu Liao. 2009. Bridging different predicational frames: the semantic shift of Mandarin emotion Verbs ‘ke+V”. Recent Adadvances of Chinese Lexical Semantics.

    C. Conference Proceedings 研討會論文 Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2010. The V-si Alternation: A Case

    of Thematic Conversion. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-12), Taipei, Taiwan, June 19-21.

    Liu, Meichun, Tzu-I Chiang and I-Fan Lai. 2010. Force Dynamics and Social Interaction Verbs in Mandarin. Paper presented at the IACL-18 & NACCL-22, Harvard University, May 20-22.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion verbs in Mandarin: A lexical-constructional interface in Mandarin. Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Wen-ching Chang and Man-ting Chien. 2009. The interaction between transitivity and causality: Evidence from emotion VR compounds. Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Chia-yin Hu and Pei-yu Liao. 2009. Bridging different predicational frames: The semantic shift of Mandarin emotion Verbs “ke+V.” Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 28-29.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion in grammar: Lexical-constructional interface of Mandarin emotion verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17), Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ruo-Mei Chang. 2009. Lexicalization vs.

  • constructionalization: Multiple interactions in Mandarin stimulus-oriented emotion verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17), Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion in Grammar: Lexical and Constructional Analyses of Mandarin Emotion Verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Shouyi Jeng and Ai-yu Hsieh. 2008.中文詞彙語意標記系統之建構. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Bo-Hong Lu and Wen-Ching Chang. 2008. A frame-based account of non-prototypical verb class members: Insight from Mandarin cognition verbs. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Fang-yin Su & Yi-shun Eason Chen. 2008. Emotion in Grammar: Constructional Contrast in English and Mandarin. Paper to be presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Shihmei Hong, Shunchia Huang and Mei-chun Liu. 2008. Mandarin emotion verbs: A frame-based analysis. Paper presented at 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2008 CLSW), Singapore, July 14-15.

    Liu, Mei-chun, Chia-yin Hu and Shunchia Huang. 2008. A study on construction. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-16). Beijing, May 31-June 2.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Tzu-Ling Chiu. 2008. A frame-based analysis of Mandarin judgment verbs. Paper presented at the Second Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC-2), Taipei, Taiwan, May 17-18.

    Liu, Mei-chun and Ai-yu Hsieh. 2008. A frame-based account of modal combination: Insight from Mandarin modality verbs xiang and yao. Paper presented at the 20th Annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20), Columbus, Ohio, USA, May 25-27.

    榮譽獎項 2010 NCTU Outstanding Teaching Award 交大傑出教學獎

  • 2009 Invited speaker, International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris, France 2009 Keynote speaker, Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop, Yantai, Shandong, China 2008 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎入選獎/指導碩士生 邱子玲 2007 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎佳作獎/指導碩士生 張群 2006 LST Thesis of the Year Award, Linguistics Society of Taiwan 台灣語言學會論文獎佳作獎/指導碩士生 胡佳音 2006-08 NCTU Research Award 交大傑出研究獎勵

  • 研習營-語言學-10-漢語形式句法議題:量詞分析-張寧

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 漢語形式句法議題:量詞分析


    (一) 內容簡介:







    課堂討論中挑戰並訓練科學思辨能力。 (二) 大綱: 1. Introduction 2. Various types of classifiers and measure words 3. The constituency of unit word constructions 4. Syntax-semantics mappings of unit word constructions 5. Syntactic representations of countability (三) 參考文獻: Borer, Hagit. 2005. In Name Only. Oxford University Press. Chao, Yuen-Ren. 1968. A grammar of spoken Chinese. University of

    California Press, Berkeley. Cheng, Lisa L-S. & Rint Sybesma. 1998. Yi-wan tang, yi-ge tang:

    classifiers and massifiers. Tsing-Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 28 (3): 385-412.

    Cheng, Lisa L-S. & Rint Sybesma. 1999. Bare and not so bare nouns and the structure of NP. Linguistic Inquiry 30 (4): 509-542.

    Chierchia, Gennaro. 1998. Plurality of mass nouns and the notion of semantic parameter, in S. Rothstein (ed.) Events and Grammar, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 53-103.

  • Croft, William. 1994. Semantic universals in classifier systems. Word 45: 145-171.

    Doetjes, Jenny. 1997. Quantifiers and Selection. PhD dissertation, Leiden University.

    Hsieh, Miao-Ling. 2008. The internal structure of noun phrases in Chinese. Crane Publishing Co., LTD.

    Li, Xu-Ping. 2010. On the semantics of classifiers in Chinese. PhD thesis, Bar-Ilan University.

    Saito, Mamoru, T.-H. Jonah Lin, Keiko Murasugi. 2008. N’-ellipsis and the structure of noun phrase in Chinese and Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 17: 247-271.

    Tang, Chih-chen Jane. 1990. Chinese phrase structure and extended X’-theory. PhD thesis, Cornell University.

    Tang, Chih-chen Jane. 2005. Nouns or classifiers: a non-movement analysis of classifiers in Chinese. Language and Linguistics 6: 431-472.

    Tang, Chih-chen Jane. 2007. Modifier licensing and Chinese DP: a feature analysis. Language and Linguistics 8: 967-1024.

    Wu, Yicheng & Adams Bodomo. 2009. Classifiers Linguistic Inquiry 40: 487-503.

    Zhang, Niina. 2009. Syntactic Properties of Numeral Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese.

    Invited talk at the Workshop on Plurality in Classifier Languages, Seoul, June 13, 2009.

    Zhang, Niina. 2010a. The relation between classifiers and measure words. Paper presented at the 7th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics, Taipei, April 23-25, 2010.

    Zhang, Niina. 2010b. Two defining properties of countability. Paper presented at the Conference on Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Countability in Natural Language, Bochum, Sept. 22-24, 2010.

    預計上課時數 每講 3 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 張寧

    學歷 加拿大多倫多大學語言學博士

    現職 國立中正大學語言學研究所副教授

    經歷 德國柏林普通語言學研究中心研究員



    2010. Explaining the immobility of conjuncts. Studia Linguistica 64 (2): 190-238. [A&HCI]

    2009. Coordination in Syntax. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics Series 123. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    2009. The Syntax of Relational-Nominal Second Constructions in Chinese. Yuyanxue Luncong 39. Peking University Press. 257-301.

    2009. The Syntax of Same and ATB Constructions. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 54 (2): 367-399. [SSCI] [A&HCI]

    2008. Gapless relative clauses as clausal licensers of relational nouns, Language and Linguistics 9 (4): 1005-1028. [SSCI] [A&HCI]

    2008. Existential Coda Constructions as Internally Headed Relative Clause Constructions. The Linguistics Journal 3 (3): 8-54.

    2008. Repetitive and Correlative Coordinators as Focus Particles Parasitic on Coordinators. SKY Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 21: 295-342.

    2008. Relativized Parallelism in Mandarin Chinese Natural Coordination. Language Research 44 (1): 121-163.

    2008. Universal 20 and Intra-Linguistic Variation. In Jong Yurl Yoon & Kyoung Ae Kim (eds.) The Perspectives of Linguistics in the 21st Century. Seoul: Hankook Munhwasa. 557-569.

    2007. Universal 20 and Taiwan Sign Language. Sign Language and Linguistics 10 (1): 55-81.

    2007. The Syntactic Derivations of Two Paired Dependency Constructions. Lingua 117 (12): 2134-2158. [SSCI] [A&HCI]

    2007. On the Categorial Issue of Coordination. Lingua et Linguistica 1 (1): 7-45.

    2007. The Syntactic Derivations of Split Antecedent Relative Clause Constructions. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 5 (1): 19-47.

    2007. Root merger in Chinese compounds. Studia Linguistica 61 (2): 170-184. [A&HCI]

  • 2007. A syntactic account of the Direct Object Restriction in Chinese. Language Research 43 (1): 53-75.

    2007. The Syntax of English Comitative Constructions. Folia Linguistica 41: 135-169. [A&HCI]

    2006. The Syntax of the Non-Referential TA ‘it’ in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 7 (4): 991-1016 (with Jo-wang Lin).

    2006. On the Configuration Issue of Coordination. Language and Linguistics 7 (1): 175-223.

    2006. Representing Specificity by the Internal Order of Indefinites. Linguistics 44 (1): 1-21. [SSCI] [A&HCI]

    榮譽獎項 1. 2010 年國科會傑出研究獎 2. 2009 年中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎

  • 研習營-語言學-11-隱喻概念與手勢-徐嘉慧

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 隱喻概念與手勢


    (一) 內容簡介:








    關係。隱喻手勢的使用證明隱喻理論的 cross-domain cognitive mappings 以及 embodiment 論點;隱喻手勢的呈現方式也證明隱喻概念的某個面向是說話者的焦點。 (二) 大綱: 1. Language and nonverbal communication 2. Language and gesture 3. Metaphoric gestures with metaphoric speech 4. Metaphoric gestures with literal speech 5. Language, metaphoric gestures, and cognition (三) 參考文獻: 1. Chui, Kawai. 2009. Language and gesture. In Lily I-wen Su and

    Yung-O Biq (eds.), Language and Cognition, 84-124. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.

    2. Gibbs, Jr. Raymond W. 2006. Embodied simulation in metaphor interpretation. Mind and Language 21, 434–458.

    3. Goldin-Meadow, S. 1999. The role of gesture in communication and thinking. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3(11), 419-429.

    4. Knapp, Mark L., and Judith A. Hall. 1997. Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

    5. Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By.

  • Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 6. Lakoff, George. 2008. The neuroscience of metaphoric gestures:

    Why they exist. In Cienki, Alan and Cornelia Müller (eds.), Metaphor and Gesture, 283–289. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

    7. Langacker, Ronald W. 2008. Metaphoric gesture and cognitive linguistics. In Cienki, Alan and Cornelia Müller (eds.), Metaphor and Gesture, 249–251. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

    8. Melinger, Alissa, and Willem Levelt. 2004. Gesture and the communicative intention of the speaker. Gesture 4:2, 119–141.

    預計上課時數 每講 4 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 徐嘉慧

    學歷 國立台灣師範大學語言學博士

    現職 國立政治大學特聘教授


    Visiting Scholar, Nijmegen Gesture Centre at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (the Netherlands); the Department of Linguistics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany) 2009 Visiting Scholar, Linguistics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara 1992 – 1993



    1. Chui, Kawai. 2009. Linguistic and imagistic representations of

    motion events. Journal of Pragmatics 41(9): 1767-1777. (SSCI; AHCI)

    2. Chui, Kawai. 2009. Conversational coherence and gesture. Discourse Studies 11(6): 661-680 (SSCI)

    3. Chui, Kawai. 2009. Language and gesture. In Lily I-wen Su and Yung-O Biq (eds.), Language and Cognition, 84-124. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.

    4. Chui, Kawai, and Huei-ling Lai. 2009. The NCCU corpus of spoken Chinese: Mandarin, Hakka, and Southern Min. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6(2):119-144. (THCI)

    5. Chui, Kawai. 2008. Complementary gestures and information types. Language and Linguistics 9. (SSCI; AHCI)

    6. Chui, Kawai. 2005. Topicality and gesture in Chinese conversational discourse. Language and Linguistics 6.4:635-654. (SSCI; AHCI)

    7. Chui, Kawai. 2005. Temporal patterning of speech and iconic gestures in conversational discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 37.6: 871-887. (SSCI; AHCI)

    8. Chui, Kawai. 2005. Structuring of information flow in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 33 (1):34-67. (SSCI, AHCI)

    9. Chui, Kawai. 2004. Overlapping speech in Chinese conversation. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 14 (2) 139-156.

  • 10. Chui, Kawai. 2003. Is the correlation between grounding and transitivity universal? Studies in Language 27:2:221-244. (SSCI, AHCI)

    榮譽獎項 2009-2012 NCCU Award of Distinguished Professor

  • 研習營-語言學-12-言談與互動:以漢語言談標誌為例-王萸芳

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 言談與互動:以漢語言談標誌為例


    (一) 內容簡介: 在過去的數十年中,言談分析學家分析的面向愈來愈多元,



    調的重點(Jordan, 1998)。當我們將目標擴展至話語中上下文所呈現的脈絡時,以往學者的自我舉例則變得較不適切,對這種句子

    的接受度也產生質疑。 為了瞭解說話者如何使用語言,許多語言學家將焦點從句子

    擴展至論題(text)、篇章成分等上頭。過去被忽視的言談成分(elements of discourse),現在卻成為研究的重點之一。而言談標記(discourse markers),如英文中的 well, so, then, 及 I mean 等就是最好的例證(Schiffrin, 1987)。以生詞或片語出現的言談標記,常常作為談話主題間的分隔標誌。就好比英文的 right, okay, I see, I mean 一樣,幫助說者表現出中止話題或話題繼續的意願。











    通常越偏離詞類的用法越可理解為「更語法化」(Biq, 1994; Huang, 1994)。 (二) 大綱: 1. 何謂「言談標記」? 2. 言談標記的特徵 3. 言談標記與語法化

  • 4. 言談標記與互動 (三) 參考文獻: Huang, Shunfan. 2000. The Story of Heads and Tails—On a

    Sequentially Sensitive Lexicon. Language and Linguistics 1. 2. 79-107.

    Traugott, Elizabeth Closs and Richard B. Dasher. 2002. Regularity in Semantic Change. Cambridge University Press.

    預計上課時數 每講 3 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 王萸芳

    學歷 臺灣師範大學英語系語言學博士

    現職 高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所教授


    於 1996 年六月獲國立臺灣師範大學英語研究所博士學位後,並於是年七月進入私立靜宜大學英文系所,擔任語言學教職。2004年八月起進入國立高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所任教。2007年八月起迄今擔任高師華語文教學研究所所長一職。曾擔任台灣




    本人近五年之研究計畫乃以口語語料庫為本(corpus-based),並以言談/篇章分析(Discourse Analysis)的理論來著手,探究言談標記(discourse markers)的言談語用功能,如表同意的言談詞「好」和「對」,表顯性/直接不同意(explicit/direct disagreement)的「沒有」和「不是」,以及隱性/間接不同意(implicit/indirect disagreement)的「只是」、「可是」、「但是」和「不過」,「其實」和「事實上」。

    以上的言談詞之探究,本人以 Halliday (1995)為分析架構,即從語言的表意層面(ideational level)、謀篇層面(textual level)及互動層面(interpersonal level)來看它們的語用言談功能,並用 Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson (1974)會話分析學派(Conversation Analysis),Sperber and Wilson (1986/1995)關聯理論(Relevance Theory)和 Brown and Levinson (1987)禮貌理論(Politeness Theory)作理論架構,從互動與認知觀點解釋之;除此,本人亦以 Traugott and Dasher (2002)語法化(Grammaticalization)的主觀性(subjectivity)與交互主觀性(intersubjectivity)討論這些詞的語法化和語意擴散現象。主要著作如下: Wang, Yu-Fang. 2005. From lexical to pragmatic meaning: Contrastive markers in spoken Chinese discourse. Text 25(4):469-518. Wang, Yu-Fang. 2006. The information structure of adverbial clauses in Chinese discourse. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 4.1:49-88. Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai and Meng-Ying Lin. 2007. From Informational to Emotive Use: Meiyou (‘No’) as a discourse marker in Taiwan Mandarin Conversation. Discourse Studies 9(5):677-701. Wang, Yu-Fang* and Pi-Hua Tsai. 2007. Textual and contextual

  • contrast connection: A study of Chinese contrastive markers across different text types. Journal of Pragmatics 39:1775-1815. Wang, Yu-Fang. 2008. Beyond negation—The discourse-pragmatic functions of meiyou and bushi. Language Sciences 30: 679-713. Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai and Ya-Ting Yang. 2010. Objectivity, Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity: Evidence from Qishi (‘actually’) and Shishishang (‘in fact’) in Spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 42:705-727. Wang, Yu-Fang*, Pi-Hua Tsai, David Goodman and Meng-Ying Lin. 2010. Agreement, acknowledgement, and alignment: The discourse-pragmatic functions of hao and dui in Taiwan Mandarin conversation. Discourse Studies 12(2):241-267.

    榮譽獎項 2008-2010 年研究計畫獲國科會人文處遴選為優秀年輕學者之獎勵與補助。

  • 研習營-語言學-13-漢語中的時序關係-吳俊雄

    講題領域 漢語語言學:華語/國語 講題 漢語中的時序關係


    (一) 內容簡介:



    記句、無時貌標記句、具法相詞句(暫限於評價法相詞「竟然、果然」)等情形,討論其如何影響時序關係。本人採用「片段篇章表述理論」(Segmented Discourse Representation Theory, SDRT) (Asher and Lascarides 2003)做為分析的形式理論架構。 (二) 大綱: 1. SDRT 簡介 2. 漢語時貌標記語意及其對時序關係的影響 3. 漢語無時貌標記句之時序關係 4. 評價法相詞「竟然、果然」對時序關係的影響 5. 結語 (三) 參考文獻: Asher, Nicholas and Alex Lascarides. 2003. Logics of Conversation.

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2010. “Interactions Between Aspect and Temporal

    Relations: A Case Study of the Perfective le.” Language and Linguistics 11(1): 65-98.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2009a. “Aspectual Influence on Temporal Relations: A Case Study of the Experiential Guo in Mandarin.” Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 7 (2): 1-24.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2009b. “Tense as a Discourse Feature – Rethinking Temporal Location in Mandarin Chinese.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 18: 145-165.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2008a. “Antonyms? Presuppositions? On the Semantics of Two Evaluative Modals Jingran and Guoran in

  • Mandarin.” Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6 (1): 97-118. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2008b. “Terminability, Wholeness and the

    Semantics of the Experiential Guo.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 17 (1): 1-31.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2007a. “Semantic Difference between the Two Imperfective Markers in Mandarin and Its Implications on Temporal Relations.” Journal of Chinese Linguistics 35 (2): 372-398.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2007b. Temporal and Atemporal Relations in Mandarin. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics Monograph Series No. 2. Taipei: Crane.

    Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2005. “The Semantics of the Perfective LE and Its Context-Dependency: an SDRT Approach.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 14(4): 299-336.

    預計上課時數 每講 3 小時 預計學人討論

    時數 2 小時

  • 吳俊雄

    學歷 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校語言學博士

    現職 中正大學語言學研究所副教授

    經歷 嘉義大學外語系專任助理教授 嘉義大學外語系專任副教授兼系主任



    (A) Journal Papers 1. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2010. “Interactions Between Aspect and

    Temporal Relations: A Case Study of the Perfective le.” Language and Linguistics 11(1): 65-98.

    2. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2009a. “Aspectual Influence on Temporal Relations: A Case Study of the Experiential Guo in Mandarin.” Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 7 (2): 1-24.

    3. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2009b. “Tense as a Discourse Feature – Rethinking Temporal Location in Mandarin Chinese.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 18: 145-165.

    4. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2008a. “Antonyms? Presuppositions? On the Semantics of Two Evaluative Modals Jingran and Guoran in Mandarin.” Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6 (1): 97-118.

    5. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2008b. “Terminability, Wholeness and the Semantics of the Experiential Guo.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 17 (1): 1-31.

    6. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2007. “Semantic Difference between the Two Imperfective Markers in Mandarin and Its Implications on Temporal Relations.” Journal of Chinese Linguistics 35 (2): 372-398.

    7. Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2005. “The Semantics of the Perfective LE and Its Context-Dependency: an SDRT Approach.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 14(4): 299-336.

    (B) Book/Book chapters (1) Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2010. “Telicity and Temporal Relations: the

    Case of Mandarin Chinese.” 2010 Lectures on Universal Grammar and Particular Languages. Eds. Young-Se Kang, Jong-Yuri Yoon, Jongseon Hong, Jiun-Shiung Wu, Seongha Rhee, Kyoung-Ae Kim, Dong-Ho Choi, Kee-Ho Kim, and Hye-Kyung Kang. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa.

    (2) Kuo, Jenny Yi-Chun and Jiun-Shiung Wu. 2010. “Countability in

  • English and Mandarin.” In Contrasting Meaning in Languages of the East and West. Eds. Dingfang Shu and Ken Turner. Pp. 493-515. Oxford: Peter Lang.

    (3) Wu, Jiun-Shiung and Wen-Hsin Tseng. 2008. “Locating Antecedents to Zero Anaphora in Mandarin: An SDRT Approach.” Chinese Linguistics in Europe Volume 2: Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig, Pp. 131-146. Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asice Orientale.

    (4) Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2007. Temporal and Atemporal Relations in Mandarin. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics Monograph Series No. 2. Taipei: Crane.

    (5) Wu, Jiun-Shiung. 2005b. “Aspectual Influence on Temporal Relations: Evidence from the Perfective le in Mandarin.” LACUS Forum XXXI: Interconnections. Eds. Adam Makkai, William J. Sullivan, and Arle R. Lommel. Houston: LACUS.

    (C) Conference papers (1) Wu, Jiun-Shiung and Jenny Yi-Chun Kuo. 2010. “More than a

    Simple Aspect Mark