國際專業管理學會(IIM) · 及員工的參與和企業社會責任(csr)等因素,詳加審視。 憑藉過去兩年舉辦這個me獎的經驗,管委會成員經初步甄選,一共提名了十多個機構爭取

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國際專業管理學會(IIM)2015 年度卓越管理大獎


我很高興地宣布,國際專業管理學會 (IIM) 的卓越管理大獎 (ME) 計劃今年邁進第三年,在成功路上,又前進一步。


不論是私人以營利為目的或公共服務 / 社會福利為導向的組織,若要成功,很大程度上取決於高層管理人員具遠見的領導,和高效率及有效的經營管理。作為香港唯一專注於推動國際專業管理的學會,由它來舉辦這個評選嘉許卓越管理的獎項,堪稱最為適切。

IIM 卓越管理大獎獎勵計劃採取一個全面的評審機制,不單只考慮到最終的業績表現,亦對影響這些最終成果的關鍵因素,如戰略制定、內部溝通、組織學習 / 知識管理、創新、客戶及員工的參與和企業社會責任 (CSR) 等因素,詳加審視。

憑藉過去兩年舉辦這個 ME 獎的經驗,管委會成員經初步甄選,一共提名了十多個機構爭取今年的獎項。經過學會內部工作委員會謹慎評核拜訪紀錄及提交的材料,最後推薦了九個候選機構予評審委員會作最後審議。經過嚴格的審核,除其中一名候選人公司因評審委員會認為具體資料未足以令委員作出明智的決定而建議稍後再次參選外,最終選定八個機構,獲得今年的獎項。


國際專業管理學會會長 藍鴻震博士教授 GBS, ISO, JP

1 IIM Management Excellence

The International Institute of Management (IIM)

Message from President

Management Excellence Award 2015

From success to success, I am very pleased to announce that we are marching into the third year of IIM’s Management Excellence Award (ME) Scheme.

First and foremost, our appreciation and CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s Award winners.

Organizational successes, be they private profit-oriented or public service/welfare-oriented, depend much on how well they are led by farsighted top management, and how effectively and efficiently their operations are managed. As Hong Kong’s only professional institute focusing on international management, IIM feel it most appropriate to host this award that recognizes management excellence.

Riding on the credit and commendations that IIM has earned in the last two years since launching the ME Award, Council members and past awardees managed to nominate over a dozen companies to compete for this year’s award. After painstaking scrutinization our internal working committee recommended nine candidates to our Judging Panel for final consideration. After rigorous deliberation, eight nominees were ultimately accepted to this year’s winning list. One candidate firm was advised to consider reapplying in subsequent years due to inadequate concrete information for enabling the Panel to make an informed decision.

The IIM ME Award Scheme adopts a holistic approach, taking into account not just the end results – the bottom-line results – but also key factors that contribute towards these ultimate achievements, such as strategy formulation, internal communication, organizational learning/knowledge management, innovation, customer & employee engagement, and CSR (corporate social responsibility).

I wish to seize this opportunity to convey my heartfelt appreciation to the Judging Panel for its hard work, and sincerely hope that this annual award scheme helps to remind local organizations, business, NGO, social enterprises alike, of the importance of good management practices. I look forward to seeing your names appearing on our Awardee lists some days.

Remember, management excellence and prosperity go together.

Prof. Dr. David Lan, GBS, ISO, JP President

The International Institute of Management

2IIM Management Excellence

國際專業管理學會於一九九五年二月成立。它是一個非牟利的組織。它的成立是為促進持續的專業發展、提升與及推動區域內的管理專業合作與交流,使更多的各級管理人才和創業人士從中獲益。英國皇家紋章學會(Royal College of Arms)於香港回歸前特別頒授專業勳章(Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings with Supporters and Badge)予本會,以表彰本會歷年來推動區內國際管理的努力與貢獻。





• 會議及展覽• 公開講座• 典範管理案例及心得分享交流• 專題管理興趣小組• 向大專院校成績優異的學生頒發獎學金及其他獎項• 與其他專業團體及商會合辦活動• 出版調查報告及會刊

地址 : 九龍紅磡民裕街 41 號凱旋工商中心第一期 11 字樓 D 座電話 : 852-2362 4433 傳真 : 852-2362 4499 電郵 : [email protected] 網址 : www.iim.org facebook 專頁 : www.facebook.com/iimorg

秘 書 處 :

3 IIM Management Excellence

3 IIM Management Excellence

目錄Table of Contents

Winly Trading Co., Ltd.

領先洋行有限公司 P33

Kingsview Bus Ltd.


New China Trading & Engineering Ltd.

新中華貿易及工程有限公司 P23

Sui Sang Holdings Ltd.

瑞生控股有限公司 P29

Architex Interiors Ltd.


Rise Tide Ltd.

順業有限公司 P25

Chi Man

智文 P09

Dai Sun Jewellery Co., Ltd.

大新珠寶有限公司 P13

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Architex Interiors Limited was found in 2001, it is a local professional interior design company with the purpose of excellence. In the past fifteen years, Architex provides one-stop services, construction and project management to different corporates in Hong Kong, including government departments, banking and finance sectors, investment and fund sectors, electronic industry, retail, etc.

The company’s founder, Mr. George Wong, has over 30 years’ experience in interior design and project management areas. With his innovative design ideas, practical use of space and unique mix & match of materials, over the years Architex has provided functional and comfortable work environment for over a hundred Hong Kong companies, and won their support and trust. Thus, Architex has established deep and long-term relationships with the clients.


匯達設計有限公司成立於 2001 年 , 是一家本地的專業室內設計公司 , 本著精益求精的宗旨 , 十五年來為香港不同規模的客戶群 , 包括政府部門、銀行業、金融投資業、電子業、零售業等提供一站式設計、建造及項目工程管理服務。由初步選取合適地點、空間分佈以至遷往新址的協調工作,我們都會提供一應俱全的專業意見。

創辦人王燦文先生擁有超過三十年的室內設計及項目管理經驗, 憑著其創新的設計意念、實用的空間運用、獨到的物料配對, 多年來為過百個本地企業提供既實用又舒適的工作環境,並贏得客戶的支持及信賴。因而,匯達與客戶建立深厚及長遠的合作關係。

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One-stop service

In General, an office moves once in a few years to even more than a decade, so the responsible colleagues for the project may find it challenging. As they need to take care of all matters in the project, like site selection, office design, even the selection of wallpaper, and still have to attend to their daily busy work, therefore our service concept was born.

- Location: Based on customer requirements for future new offices, such as size, location, existing provision, landscape, provide test-fit information in terms of premises selection.

- Space P lann ing: Accord ing to the requirement of the number of employees, the number of rooms and etc, to make a preliminary estimate of the suitability of the site.

- Schedule Control: Provides working schedule, which shows every important milestones, the time (days) required for all trades.

- Cost control: List down all charges of every task exhaustively. After signing the contract, unless the customer has major additional requirements, otherwise we are committed to absolutely no extra cost.

- Design and engineering: Designer and project director will co-ordinate with all suppliers (such as air-conditioning, fire, furniture, carpet, IT, etc.) meeting to discuss the direction and detail of the project, and will closely monitor the fit out process according to the working schedule.



選址 : 依據客戶對將來新的辦公室要求,如大小、位置、固有設施、景觀等,提供合適的選擇。

空間規劃 : 依據客戶要求的員工、房間數量等作出初步估算選址是否適合。

進度控制 : 提供時間表,列明每一個重要日子、各項工程所需要的時間等。

成本控制 : 為客戶詳細列名所有項目的收費,除非客戶在簽訂合同後有額外增加的要求,否則我們承諾絕沒額外費用。

設計及工程 : 設計師與項目總監在方案確定之後,會與所有供應商 ( 如冷氣、消防、傢私、地毯、通訊服務等 ) 開會商討工程方向及細節,並會緊密聯系以求工程按既定時間表內完成。

專人跟進 : 我們的客戶經理及項目經理會負責監察整個項目的進行,確保所有流







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- Someone to follow up: Our account manager and project manager will oversee the ent i re pro ject to ensure that a l l processes are carried out smoothly. If the client has any doubts about the project, it is absolutely welcomed to have it raised out.

- Maintenance: We will provide six to twelve months of free maintenance, demonstrating our confidence in the quality of our work.


In recent years, China's rapid economic development, envy of the world. In view of this, Architex also has insight into this opportunity, in 2009 Architex set up a branch office in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Inexpensive labor advantages plus our professional design, management and experience, intends to make a lot of foreign companies to setup their offices in China which trust us to be their designer and construction supervision.

Other than Shenzhen, our projects also exist throughout China's big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Panyu, Guangzhou. Projects’ sizes are ranging from hundreds to thousands of square meters.

Mission and Vision

In the future, we will still be a Hong Kong-based company and is committed to providing the best quality services to Hong Kong enterprises, institutions, regardless of the future business environment in whatever situation, Architex will still be discharged their professional duties. At the same time, we are expanding our China’s market with a hop of consolidating our mission and vision in the new world.


保養 : 我們會提供六到十二個月的免費上門保養,令客戶更安心。



近年中國的經濟發展迅速,傲視全球。有見及此,匯達亦捉緊此機遇,於 2009 年成日於深圳特區成立分公司。以國內的人工優勢加上本港的設計、管理及經驗,令很多有意在國內設立辦事處的外資公司賴以信託我們為他們的設計及工程監督。




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Address : 10/F, Tung Sun Commercial Centre,196-198 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Web-site : www.architex.com.hkTel : (852) 2511 3382 Fax: (852) 2511 3638Email : [email protected]


Address : Room 1702, 17/F, Changping Comm. Building, 99 Honghua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, ChinaTel : (86) – 755 2878 3389 Fax : (86) – 755 8252 8384Email : [email protected]



地址:香港灣仔駱克道 196-198 號東新商業中心 10 樓 網頁:www.architex.com.hk 電話: (852) – 2511 3382 傳真:(852) – 2511 3638電郵:[email protected]


地址:中國深圳福田保稅區紅花路 99 號長平商務大廈 1702 房 電話:(86) – 755 2878 3389 傳真:(86) – 755 8252 8384電郵:[email protected]


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智文開業於 2002 年 7 月,現時分店遍佈屯門,元朗,荃灣,沙田及黃大仙,現共 13 間分店。我們的產品包羅萬有,包括奶粉、尿片、嬰兒用品、家居清潔用品、個人護理用品、護膚品、中成藥、藥膏、藥油、保健品、維他命及各類處方藥物,當然還有我們專業藥劑師主理的藥物諮詢服務,務求全面照顧到客人的需要。我們希望能為大眾提供更多元化更經濟的選擇,所以我們不斷引入歐、美、澳、日、韓等地的優質產品給顧客選購。為了提升服務質素,我們設立了一條客戶服務熱線 , 以收集客人對我們的意見。為配合公司未來的發展,各分店已全面電腦化,中央物流系統也在建立中。





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我們的 DNA




為我們的顧客提供廣泛的店鋪網絡為我們的顧客提供優質的商品選擇及超越期望的服務 發揮集團協同效益及夥伴關係的優勢 提供一個讓所有員工感到滿足並能盡展所長的環境 確保我們的業務在可持續和承擔企業社會責任的方式下不斷發展


我們免費為市民提供正確用藥知識,以減低濫用或誤用藥物的不良後果。我們並提供各類保健常識,及教導市民如何預防各種疾病。我們會一直致力實踐社會責任,對關懷社會作出貢獻 。

熱誠 : 在每一項工作中,投入我們的熱忱和幹勁;不斷學習,追求進步,欣然達致超越顧客的期望。團結 : 以開放、信任和尊重的態度工作,從不同的觀點中吸收有價值的元素,通過協同合作達致更好的成績。

科學 : 以理據作決策,制定簡易、聰穎而務實的營商方案,使策略得以付諸實行。 守信 : 時刻謹記我們的承諾,全力以赴,充滿幹勁地達到對顧客、員工及社會的承諾 , 從而幫助集團不斷發展。



11 IIM Management Excellence

Our Company.

Chi Man, started business in Jul 2002, is a brand of living chain stores with 13 branches scattered over the New Territories (Shatin, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long) and Kowloon (Wong Tai Sin). Chi Man merchandises extensive ranges of healthcare and living necessities, from milk formulas, diapers and other baby products to household cleansing, body care, supplements, Chinese medicinal products, and provides prescriptions dispensing service. Our pharmacists are ready to provide professional counseling service to customers. We constantly look for worldwide novel and better price options to optimize customers’ shopping experience. We have set up a service hotline to collect precious opinions from our customers. To support Chi Man’s future development, our branch shops are now equipped with Point of Sales system, and our centralized logistic system is nearing completion. All these are empowering Chi Man to extend 360°-caring to every customer.

Our Goal.

To elevate our customers’ quality of living beyond expectation by providing varieties of merchandise and services through innovative B(usiness) to C(ustomers) concepts.

Our Slogan.

To serve our communities with caring heart and manner.

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Our Promise.

We have participated in the “No Fakes Pledge” scheme o f the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department. And as a member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Pharmacy, we do not deal in counterfeit and pirated goods.

Our DNA.

All Chi Man staff members possess the following 4 performance traits:

Passion: Motivation and enthusiasm are fuelled into every job. We keep learning for progression beyond our patrons’ expectations.

Unity: Open, trusting and respectful attitudes in daily operations. Absorb valuable elements through different points of view and achieve synergistic results through co-operation.

Rationality: By means of rational decisions, to formulate simple, smart and pragmatic operational protocols for subsequent implementations.

Trustworthy: Remember to exert full effort to fulfill every single commitment to our customers, colleagues and the community. To make Chi Man thrive.

Our Vision.

To become the leading label for healthcare, beauty and fashionable living by means of the following:

Broad network of branches for customer convenience.

Good quality merchandise and services beyond expectations.

Exert our synergistic and companionship advantages.

Provide our colleagues an environment for fulfillment and to unleash their potential.

Ensure our business development is based on undertaking sustainable corporate social responsibility.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility.

We are glad to offer, with no charge and no appointment required, proper pharmaceutical, prophylactic and healthcare information to Hong Kong cit izens to minimize adverse consequences due to inappropriate use of medicinal products. We keep working hard to assume social respons ib i l i ty and cont r ibute to our communities, championing everyone’s well-being.

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大新珠寶有限公司 ( 簡稱 DSJ) 成立於 1993 年,業務範圍包括 OEM 原設備製造、ODM 原設計製造及 OBM 原品牌製造。公司經過二十多年的發展,一直秉承宗旨以「信譽」為核心價值,細心聆聽客戶需求,致力將產品和服務的價值提昇至最高層次。同時,在產品研發上不斷創新以突顯獨特的設計風格,並以精湛細膩之工藝融合現代化尖端科技,為客戶鑄造出獨一無二的優質產品,致力成為「高級珠寶訂製專家」。現時,主要市場覆蓋香港、中國、東南亞、中東、澳洲、美國及歐洲。




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大新珠寶致力為珠寶業界注入新元素。在2010 年創立了「神話珠寶」系列,採用「中國傳統」、「大自然」及「生活品味」為主要元素,將中國傳統的雕刻工藝配合獨特材料,突破珠寶首飾的規範,為每件作品賦予生命,讓設計的神髓能夠完美地呈現眼前,展現出豐富的色彩,開創珠寶設計的先河。

在 2012 至 2014 年間,公司先後以「海洋、陸地、天空」為設計原素,製作出設計作品「幻想」、「傳承」及「彩鳳來儀」,連續三屆蟬聯「JMA 國際珠寶設計比賽」冠軍,同時亦榮獲頒發「專業大獎」及「最佳工藝獎」,而美國有線電視頻道 CNN 更在 2014年 3 月刊登大新珠寶集團的設計作品「傳承」及「幻想」於香港國際珠寶展的報導中,足證公司的專業設計被受香港及海外買家所肯定。

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大新珠寶積極履行社會企業責任,在 2014 年與基督教靈實協會合作,共同設計及推出「18K白色黃金鑽石及藍寶石慈善吊咀」,有關慈善義賣活動的所有收益在扣除產品成本後全數撥捐靈實未來發展包括智障人士服務、職業復康及訓練、長者照顧及善終服務等,務求以專業技能回饋社會。

在企業發展方面,公司近年更先後榮獲「ISO 9001:2008 國際認可證書」、「最佳中小企業獎 2011」、「香港名牌.金獎品牌」、「香港 100 最具影響力品牌」、「鏡報.傑出企業社會責任獎」、「商界展關懷」、「開心企業」及「友商有良企業嘉許獎」等,實踐公司務實進取及履行社會企業責任的理念。

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Dai Sun Jewellery Co., Ltd.

Dai Sun Jewellery Co., Ltd. (DSJ) was founded in 1993; its business scope includes Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Original Design & Manufacturer (ODM) and Original Branding & Manufacturer (OBM). Over the past 20 years, DSJ prioritizes "Creditability" as its core value; customers’ need is most valued and the Company aims to provide goods and services at its highest value. Forging ahead with innovation in product design and the integration of exquisite craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology, DSJ provides quality and unique designed products, aiming to be the “Custom Fine Jewellery Expert”. Hong Kong, China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Australia, USA and Europe are the main markets.


DSJ constantly strive to build corporate culture base on four aspects: “Brand image”, “Customer service”, “Staff training” and “Social responsibility”, to make sure every staff fully understand the philosophy and objectives of the company, which facilitate the development of a professional and reliable team.

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DSJ sales team always upholds the core values of “Quality means Value“ and “long-term relationship with clients”. In the past years, it insists to build up “credibility” as its brand image and to build up in depth friendship and trust with every client, which fosters the sales activities all over the world. In order to further strengthen its service quality, it develops a professional follow up model to ensure the whole process (from product design, manufacture, quality control, price setting and after sales services) can satisfy the needs of customers. This model strongly supports the sales team by reducing probability of defaults and mistakes. And at the same time, the model smoothen the communication process between salespersons and clients, which can ensure the delivery of perfect products and services quality.

DSJ sales teams spread all over the world, with the aim to provide sales service in a better level. It salespersons are sensitive to the changes in market and trends, and to give suggestions to product development department, so as to suit the tastes of different clients. Long-term quality assurance, professional after sales services and innovation product designs, all these are our key to maintain the good relationship with customers.


DSJ keep improving or products and service quality and implement the re-manufacturing project with the aim to improve its competitiveness in the industry. DSJ review on i ts exist ing problems pragmatically, make suitable adjustment and inject innovative ideas to ensure all projects are forward-looking and capable of long term market development.

To bring success to company, pragmatic and innovative spirit is a must for all staff, together with well planned strategies and implementations to achieve the goals. Therefore DSJ strengthen its execution ability and responsibility of the team, motivate its staff, improve the morale and increase the work efficiency, to turn its strategies into achievable reality. The strategies developed are fully integrated into the dai ly operat ion, so that the company keeps growing every day.


DSJ puts a number of new elements in jewellery design. In 2010, inspired by the Chinese mythology and symbols, together with the concepts of “Chinese Traditional Culture", "Nature" and "Quality Life”, the collection of “J Myths” was launched. The integration of the Chinese artistic carving skills in jewellery design is groundbreaking in the jewellery industry. With this pioneer integration, each pieces of jewellery is endowed with life and is presented at its perfect state.

Between the year of 2012 and 2014, with the integration of the essence of “Ocean, Earth, and Sky’ in the designs of “Phantasma”, “The Inheritance” and “Graceful Phoenix’, the three pieces have won the “JMA International Jewelry Design

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competition” Championships for three consecutive years. It has also gained “The Best of the Best Award” and “Best Craftsmanship Award’; In March 2014, an international media CNN (Cable News Network) has published DSJ’s winning piece “The Inheritance” and “Phantasma” in the report. These serve as a recognition to the professionalism of DSJ kindly given by Hong Kong and overseas buyers.


DSJ has actively implemented its Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2014, a cooperation project has been started with Haven of Hope Christian Service. It jointly designed and launched the “18K White Gold Diamond and Sapphire Pendants” for the charity purpose. All the proceeds after deducting the production cost, the remainder is all for Haven of Hope’s future development for the operation of rehabilitation service, elderly day care service and hospice service. DSJ will share how it makes use of its expert knowledge to pay back to society.

In recognition to the Company’s quality development and its corporate social responsibility commitment, DSJ has received the “ISO 9001:2008 Certificate”, “2011 Best SME’s Award”, “Consumer’s Most Favorable Hong Kong Brand”, “100 Hong Kong’s Most Influential Brands", "The Mirror.Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award", "Caring Company", "Happy Company" and "Partner Employer Award” in recent years.

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簡介前言 :

駿景巴士有限公司成立於 2003 年 , 早期為一家小型合夥公司 , 通過十多年的努力 , 發展成為現今擁有四十多名員工 , 擁有車隊三十多輛巴士的學童巴士服務公司 , 所涉及的學童人數 , 年達千多名 , 當中不少學童來自港九不同的有名幼稚園與中小學 . 與此同時 , 也有少部份旅運營業。與大型的巴士服務公司相比 , 駿景乃處於起步階段 , 在服務的質量上及管理之制度上仍有很大的改善、改進空間 .

經過 :

回憶駿景公司在成立之初 , 面對來自不同領域的競爭與打擊,高油價 , 也曾經棄餒過或懷疑公司的方向是否正確 .

與此同時 , 當時的學童車 ( 褓母車 ) 這行業 , 仍屬於萌芽階段 , 大部份多以個人或家庭式手法來經營 , 在服務質量上參差不齊 , 而給消費者 , 學校帶來的印象不是專業的 , 以至在車資 , 車費的收入水平上 , 屬於偏低行業 , 惟在家長的眼中卻是偏高的 , 所以使駿景處於被動的位置 , 在學校或家長面前也沒有對等的話語權 .

堅持信念 :

駿景本著成立初衷的信念 , 即以人為本 , 以客為先的宗旨 , 並懷著不放棄的精神 , 在深思細

究之下 , 覺得仍需為這行業作出一些改變與變革 , 為的是要贏得家長與學校的尊重 , 而這尊重不是白來的而是來自服務的變革與專業化 .

在 2010 年開始 , 公司管理層著手為第一司機與褓母訂立員工指引與守則 , 將家長與學校們對行車時安全及車內衛生的關注列為首要 .

加強與家長與學校的溝通 , 主動參加學校舉行的家長會議 , 用心聽取各方的意見及建議 .

加強員工培訓與監管 : 多不定時的巡視工作 , 跟進不同的流程及發現紕漏並加以改進 .

建立投訴熱線電話 : 讓家長們有及時的投訴 , 把不滿的情緒可降至最低 , 並加以疏導解決 .

爭取以最合理的車資讓家長們受惠 , 與同業聯合發起與油公司爭取最優惠的汽油價格 , 保証在學年期間不會半途加車資 .






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略有成績 :

經此一役 , 通過管理層與員工的上下一心 , 公司在 2011 年開始 , 業績開始有大幅的提升 , 並同時獲得家長、學校、學童及同業們的認同與贊賞 . 駿景公司頓感鬆了一口氣 , 並感當時的堅持 , 改革的心血是沒有白費 .

展望將來 :

時至今日 , 在駿景的服務學校名單當中 , 雖然有不少是赫赫有名的學校 , ( 英文學校有 King George V School, Kowloon Junior School, Mary Knoll Convert School, Diocesan Boy School & Girl, Think International Kindergarten; 中文學校有浸信會呂明才小學及佛教慈敬小學等等 , 恕不盡錄 .) 但仍不能以此自居、 自滿、 自傲 .駿景相信 , 管理層仍要保持十分的警惕和謙厚的心去面對這行業 . 如何去解決以下問題為己任 , 出謀策劃去改進自己 .

如何加強員工對公司的歸屬感 , 減少員工的流動性; 如何更新車隊質量; 如何與香港政府之環保政策作去配合為香港淨化空氣作一份貢獻;如何穩車資收費 , 惠及普羅家長 .

駿景會以以上目標為己任 , 並同時盼望同業能認同以人為本 , 以客為先的經營理念 , 讓學童運輸業成為受尊重而認可的專業行業 . 我們一起共勉 .

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K ingsv iew Bus Company L td . was established in 2003, and in earlier days as a small joint venture company. Through the tremendous efforts in the last 10 years, she has now developed into a company with more than 40 employees, having a fleet of more than 30 buses, providing school bus services to thousands of pupils. Many of them are school children from different famous kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Kowloon and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, she has just started a comparatively small-scale tourist bus services against those large companies. Kingsview is stil l at an early stage of tourist bus service in the industry. In terms of service quality and management systems, there are still a lot of rooms for improvement.


Recalling from memory, in her early stage of establishment, Kingsview Bus Company Limited had faced strong competition from different spheres and major challenges such as high oil prices. Management had been wondering if they were running the business in the right direction, and at one time had the thought of giving up.

During this period, the school children bus service industry was still at its infant stage. Most of the school bus service providers were either run by owner-operators or family businesses. Their service quality level varied much, and to the consumers and school masters, the general impression was not professional. This impacted on the fare level. As a result, the gross income in school bus service industry tended to be low. However, in the eyes of parents,

it was regarded to be high. Under these conditions, like other operators, Kingsview was rather passive, and had little say, in front of school masters and parents.

Our Belief:

Kingsview nevertheless stuck to their believes and follow ed the tenets of people-orientation, customer first, and not giving up. After careful deliberation, Kingsview decided that it needed to make some changes and reforms in the bus service industry to earn the respects from parents and school masters. This respect was earned through reforms and professionalism in the bus services.

The Processes:

In 2010, the management o f the c o m p a n y e s t a b l i s h e d e m p l o y e e guidelines and defined best practices for the drivers and escorts, assigning top priority to road safety and hygiene requirements in the school bus, the greatest concern of parents and schools.

Strengthening communication with the parents and schools, act ively part ic ipated in parents' meetings, attentively listening to their opinions and suggestions.

S t reng thened s ta f f t r a i n i ng and supervision: random inspections from time to time, close examination of the service delivery processes, actively identifying performance gaps and taking measures for continuous improvement.

Set up the complaints and service hotline: handling parents' complaints i n a t i m e l y m a n n e r, m i n i m i z i n g

Kingsview Bus Company Limited





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dissatisfaction, resolving conflicts and solving the problems.

Setting the most reasonable fares benef i t t ing parents, col laborat ing withcounterparts to obtain the most favorable fuel prices, ensuring no fare increase during the school year.

The Results:

After this series of reform, management and employees operated in tandem. From 2011 onward, the company began to see substantial business growth, and earned appreciat ions and recognit ions from parents, schools, children and counterparts. Kingsview felt relieved and ecouraged, knowing that the perseverance and efforts on reform were not wasted.

Looking Ahead:

Even though the list of schools using Kingsview bus services today is well impressive, including well-known English schools such as King George v School, Kowloon Junior School, Mary Knoll Convert School, Diocesan Boy School, Think International Kindergarten, and Chinese schools like Baptist Lui Ming Choi primary school and Buddhist Tzu Chi King primary school and so on, Kingsview won’t be complacent and arrogant. Kingsview believes that management should remain

vigilant and modest to run this business.

The following issues have been identified by management as the main agenda for continuous self-improvement:

How to s t reng then the sense o f belonging among employees to reduce employee mobility.

How to upgrade fleet quality.

How to complement the environmental protection policies of the Hong Kong Government to contribute towards providing clean air for Hong Kong.

How to stabilize the service charges for the benefit of parents in general.

Kingsview will assume responsibility in pursuing the above, and hopes that the industry will identify with the company’s beliefs of people-oriented, customer first business philosophy, promoting the children school bus transportation service to become a respected and recognized professional service industry. We shall strive for this goal together.


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許志忠先生為新中華之創辦人,同是獨立股東。許先生引領著的高層管理人員已於公司服務超過 35 年。管理層常會因為整體情況及宏觀經濟發展趨勢對未來規劃作出倡議以領導機構持續向前邁進。



新中華求真務實,不斷進取,不斷創新。從 2002 年開始業務也擴展至巴士車身零件及配件銷售及維修,與此同時還開發了新系列的座椅 NC3000,此座椅是特別為香港新渡輪公司生產及安裝在新渡輪公司之輪船上。新中華自成立以來已接納新世界巴士公司及城巴安裝了NC1000 巴士座椅。同時設計及供應新世界巴士之扶手及車身內部配件與相關之巴士翻身工程。九巴關愛座,新巴 / 城巴、大嶼山巴士 / 愉景灣巴士優先座均採用本公司生產的座椅。

新 中 華 貿 易 及 工 程 有 限 公 司

New China Trading& Engineering Limited

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New China Trading & Engineering Limited

New China Trading & Engineering Ltd. was established for many years. The company is a professional in production of luxury passenger car seats and product to be sold to worldwide companies.

Mr. Hui chi chung is the founder of the New China Trading & Engineering Ltd., and as an independent shareholder. Mr. Hui lead the company and some of the top management staffs have been worked at the company for more than 35 years. Management team is always looking forward the overall situation and macroeconomic trends in the future planning to take the initiative to continue schedule to move forward.

The Company is the first to produce the traditional public bus seat and carry on its business in Hong Kong and extends to mainland China. At the same time, the company also provides quality after-sales service to capture market opportunities and meet customer requirements.

The Company as a famous production and maintenance of the traditional public bus seats supplier, it always adhering to the mutual benefit and sincere service to make customer’s happy and satisfied. His long term customers are including City Bus, New World Bus and the Bus Division of MTR.

The Company always keeps on pragmatic, enterprising, continuous innovation. Since 2002, business has expanded to the bus body parts, accessories sales and maintenance services, at the same time also developed a new series of NC3000 seat, it is especially for the production and installation on the ferries of New Ferry Company in Hong Kong. Since the founding of new China has accepted New World Bus Company and City Bus Company to install the NC1000 bus seat for their fleet. At the same time, the company also provides design and supply of handrail and body parts to New World Bus Company on their bus body works renew project. Recently, the company also provides the priority seat to Kowloon Motor Bus Company, New World Bus Company, City Bus Company, Lantau Island Motor Bus Company and Discovery Bay Bus Company.

新 中 華 貿 易 及 工 程 有 限 公 司

New China Trading& Engineering Limited

25 IIM Management Excellence


Panasonic 產品專賣店簡介

『 順 業 有 限 公 司』 自 1986 年 起 成 立 品 牌『PanaShop』-Panasonic 產 品 專 賣 店,是信興集團以特許形式經營的零售業務,現已 增 加 至 9 間 分 店。PanaShop 銷 售 品 牌包 括 Panasonic、Rasonic、KDK、JVC、Transtherm、Vintec、Karcher、Breville、Cuckoo 及其他信興集團代理之家庭電器及影音產品。於 2014 年 10 月更成立另一品牌『ONLY U』Rasonic 電器專賣店。


除產品銷售外,我們秉承一貫“用心服務”的宗旨,為客戶提供優質完善的服務,無論售前及售後的服務都能滿足顧客的需求。除了為顧客提供產品的維修收發及零件訂購外,PanaShop 亦向顧客提供 7 天有壞包換購物保障,如產品經檢查証實不合生產標準,我們保證更換貨品。


本公司是在香港首間舉辦展銷活動的電器零售商,曾在某展銷會 ( 一連四天 ) 中創下相當於單一間分店 6 個月總和的營業額,創下歷史新高。因此由 90 年代初至今仍致力參與舉辦不同展銷活動。


在銷售方面:會不斷開闢新銷售渠道,如:電器項目推廣、網上銷售。在宣傳方面:為加強公司形象及知名度,除定期舉辦展銷活動外,還透過網上平台如 Facebook 等進行推廣,藉以提升公司品牌知名度及擴大品牌價值。在管理方面:定期檢視每個部門的流程,避免重覆工作,簡化工作程序,提升效能達致一體化。不斷透過開發新系統 ( 如

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員工訊息系統、人力資源管理系統、銷售系統等 ),以減低人手出錯機會,使資訊更透明化、更清晰化,以提高各部門工作效能及有利配合公司持續長遠發展。




本公司致力推廣回饋社會活動,曾參與『香港聖公會香港島教區西南聯區慈善換物嘉年華 2014』及『慧妍雅集 30 周年慈善晚會』,並捐贈了一批電器產品,當中所籌得的款項能幫助到社會有需要人士,確實令本公司深感榮幸及感恩能為社會出一分力,秉承良好企業精神。






27 IIM Management Excellence

Rise Tide Limited

Introduction of “PanaShop”

"PanaShop" was established by “Rise Tide Limited” in 1986. It was appointed by the “Shun Hing Group” as its franchised retail store in Hong Kong. It has now grown to 9 branches in Hong Kong. Its major product brands include Panasonic, Rasonic, KDK, JVC, Transtherm, Vintec, Karcher, Breville, Cuckoo as well as otherbrands of home appliances and audio-visual productsdistributed by the Shun Hing Group. In October 2014, "ONLY U" -a new Rasonic ProductStore was opened.

Performance Pledge

Besidesproduct sales,“Delivering service straight from the heart” is one of our company goals. Westrive to provide high quality and professional service to our customers. We are committedto offering comprehensive pre-sales support as well as after-sales support, which include product parts ordering service and collectionfor repair service.We guarantee the exchange within 7 days of purchase if the product fails to meet manufacturer's standards. Customer may choose to return the product to the manufacturer or PanaShopfor repair

within the manufacturer's warranty period.

Mission and Vision

PanaShop is the first electronic retail store to hold Road Show Promotion Events in Hong Kong. In its firstfour-day Road Show Promotion Event, the turnover was equivalent of six months of total turnover ofa store, a record high. So from early 1990s until now, PanaShop has been fully committed to organizing Road Shows and promotional activities.

Toensuresustained growth and profitability in the coming years, westrive to: -

In Sales:Discover new sales channels, e.g. project promotions and online sales

In Promotion: Enhance company’s image and reputation.Besidesregular promotional activities, we promote and advertise through internet and social network such as Facebook in order to optimize distribution opportunity, enhance our brand awareness and expand the brand value in market.

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In Management:Regular ly review each depar tment 's work f low, to avoid duplication of work, to simplify procedures, and to enhance the effectiveness of achieving integration.We continue to develop new systems (i.e. Staff Notice System, HR System, POS Sys tem e tc . ) and to make information more transparent and clear, in order to reduce error and improve the work performance and outputof various departments, and thus to benefit the company’s favorable long-term development.

Maintaining long-term loyalty relationship with our customers

PanaShophas always considered customer feedback as an indicator of business success. We believe thatcustomers’ opinions enable us to improve and strengthen themanagement in customer relationship.

Corporate social responsibility

At PanaShop, giving back to the community has always been a key mission.We are committed to joining activities whichserve the Hong Kong community. We participated, for example, in the "Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Diocese of Hong Kong Island in Southwest Allied District Charity Barter Carnival”in 2014 and the "30th Anniversary

Charity Gala Wai Yin" through donating home appliances and electrical products for charity auction. We are proud tobe able to help raise the funds for people in need.

Promoting efficacious internal communication

We value staff internal communication and messaging. Throughregular staff meetings, we provide opportunities for employees to exchange and share their experiences, opinions and problems encountered at work. It enables the management team to understand better the staffs’ needs and offer help.

To maintain effect ive communicat ion between staff, we have developed an online notice system to ensure all staff will receive the latest updates from the company at the earliest possible time. This helps to enhance their work proficiency and to provide quality services to customers.

Encouragement of Self-upgrade

We emphasize on human resources and staff training. We arrange both external and internal trainings for employees. Upon completion of training, we encourage employees to share their learning and exchange ideas with other colleagues.In addition, to maintain the employees’ loyalty to the company, the management team will conduct regular interview with them and give respect to all employees.Employees with good performance will be appreciated and rewarded, while underperforming employees will receive further training.

At PanaShop we care both the physical and mental health of our employees. Thusstaff recreational activities,includinggala dinner, team-building activit ies and overseas travel,are held regularly. We strive to promote and maintain good relationship withemployees and good team spirit.

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「瑞生控股有限公司」於 2010 年成立,早期業務以貿易為主。其後公司持續發展,業務變得更趨多元化,涉足不同類別的貿易買賣、食品生產加工、各種物流支援服務及參與不同範疇投資項目等。近年憑藉企業團隊對食品及餐飲業的多方研究,了解到物流配送及中央生產對食品供應鏈非常重要,因此除了自設倉庫及冷凍冷藏設備外,亦提供中港及本地冷凍貨運服務。另一方面,更興建自有食品加工廠房,為打造全面的食品供應鏈業務種下基石,同時加快企業對餐飲業發展迅速。

「瑞生控股有限公司」附屬公司主要業務範圍如下 :「瑞生貿易有限公司」– 主要提供貿易買賣服務「瑞生食品有限公司」– 主要提供食品生產加工服務「瑞生物流有限公司」– 主要提供香港、中港及國內配送 / 冷凍及冷藏倉儲服務「瑞生投資有限公司」– 主要參與不同範疇的投資項目

謝瑞麟先生為公司創辦人,現任「瑞生控股有限公司」及「瑞生投資有限公司」旗下餐飲品牌「糖百府」 的董事總經理。謝先生於2012 年為配合「糖百府」長遠發展目標,已計劃籌備第四代店舖設計。藍圖以地中海風格為基礎,以大自然和風車作主要元素,令顧客體驗悠閒寫意感覺,開創甜品界的新概念。在產品方面,秉承不斷創新,不斷進步的精神,除了著名經典產品「秋香」( 即雪花冰 ) 外,更不停研發出多款結合傳統智慧及創新思維的產品,集中西甜品文化精髓,與顧客共同成長。「糖百府」除了在香港持續發展外,亦致力開拓國內、澳門及其他市場,務求令更多顧客可以品嚐到「糖百府」用心的出品。此外,「糖百府」在 2013 年開始參與由「香港旅遊發展局」

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另一方面,積極參與由「香港社會服務聯會」主辦的《商界展關懷》社區伙伴合作,實踐良好企業公民精神,盡心盡力推動企業社會責任。對待員工方面,為增強整體公司士氣,亦參加由「香港生產力促進局」主辦的《開心企業》及由「九龍樂善堂」主辦的《愛.無煙 – 前線企業員工戒煙計劃》,鼓勵員工及帶動全公司向無煙進發。


瑞生控股有限公司電話 : (852) 2659 2220 / (852) 2659 2669傳真 : (852) 3016 9939 / (852) 3016 9397電郵 : [email protected]

糖百府電話 : (852) 2659 2529傳真 : (852) 3011 5613電郵 : [email protected]

31 IIM Management Excellence

Sui Sang Holdings Limited

Mr. Tse Sui Lun, the founder of the company, also holds the position as Managing Director of "Sui Sang Holdings Limited" and "Tong Pak Fu", which is one of the catering brands under "Sui Sang Investment Limited". To support longer term development of Tong Pak Fu's catering business, Mr. Tseis planning to rebrand the shop chain through its 4th generation design. The design concept is innovative in the dessert industry, which is based on the theme of "Mediterranean Breeze", with windmill and natural landscape as the core elements of the design. This aims to give customers a feeling of relaxing and carefree. For products, Tong Pak Fu fosters the ideas of innovative designs of dessert, never content withresting on its laurels. On top of the signature dessert "Snow Ice", the company has

"Sui Sang Holdings Limited" (or ‘Sui Sang’) was founded in 2010, firstfocusing on trading business. Since then, the company has been continuously developingand diversifyinginto various areas,including trading, food processing service, logistics and distribution, as well as different investment projects. Based on the intensive research conducted and the extensive experience of its corporate team in the food and catering business, Sui Sang recognized that logistical distribution and centralized food processing are both integral parts of the food supply chain. Hence ithas established its own chilled or frozen storage facilities, as well as a fleet to support local and cross-border distribution services. Further, Sui Sang has built its own food processing factory which enables the company to develop itself as a food supplier, hence facilitating its holistic business development in the food and catering industry.

Below arethe key subsidiaries of the food group:

- "Sui Sang Trading Limited" - mainly providing merchandising services

- "Sui Sang Food Limited" - mainly providing food manufacturing and processing services

- "Sui Sang Logistics Limited" - mainly providing distribution service within Hong Kong and China, as well as storage service atchilled or frozen temperature

- "Sui Sang Investment Limited" - mainly participating in various categories of investment projects

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Sui Sang Holdings LimitedTel.: (852) 2659 2220 / (852) 2659 2669Fax: (852) 3016 9939 / (852) 3016 9397Email: [email protected]

Tong Pak FuTel: (852) 2659 2529Fax: (852) 3011 5613Email: [email protected]

been enhancing the varieties of dessert menus by blending traditional and innovative concepts, East and West styles, in order to hit customers' expectations. While Tong Pak Fu has been sustainably developing its business in Hong Kong, it has also extendedits business intoMainland China, Macau and other markets in order to give more customers the chance of tasting the quality dessert made "from the heart". Tong Pak Fu joined the "Quality Tourism Services" administered by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in 2013 in order to ensure the achievement of superb customer service.

In order to maintainthe original taste and consistent food quality, Mr. Tse has invested a great deal to introduce high performance facilities to ensure high quality of food to every single customer. This can also enhance the operational efficiency and cost effectiveness of the business. To encounter market competition, Sui Sang is planning to launch a few new catering brands focusing on different cuisines with an aim to embrace the ever-changing demands of respective market segments.

While Mr. Tse continues developing his business, he always supports corporate social responsibility through donations to ORBIS and Lok Sin Tong, and food donations to Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power and "People's Food Bank" of St James Settlement in order to offer helping hands to people in need. Sui Sang also participatesin the Silver Emblem Recognition Scheme administrated by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service to show care to the elderly in the society.

In addition, Sui Sang has been actively participating in the Caring Company program of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service in order to showcase and promote corporate social responsibility. To further encouragestaff engagement, Sui Sang has joined the Happy Company program of the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Smoke-Free Company campaign of Lok Sin Tong for encouraging employees to support a smoke-free working environment.

"Keep changing and improving" is the corporate vision, which has been driving the company makingvarious achievements. Recently the company has been awarded "Best Supplier of Quality Food" and "Most Reputable Catering Brand" honoured by Hong Kong Catering Year Book. These all demonstrate the recognition that the group has gained from the market and within the industry.

33 IIM Management Excellence

Winly Trading Co., Ltd.領 先 洋 行 有 限 公 司

Flat D 4/F Camelpaint Bldg., Phase II 62 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong., Kln. Hong Kong.九 龍 官 塘 開 源 道 62 號 , 駱 駝 漆 大 廈 第 二 期 四 字 樓 D 座Tel: 852-2797-3336 Fax: 852-2389-1978 E-mail: [email protected]

Winly Trading Company Limited was established in the year 1978 and has been mainlyengaging in Import and Re-export business that deals with the trading of famous

global products involving the Building and Construction Metal Hardwares, all kind of Brass, Bronze and Stainless Steel water valves, Plumbing and Sanitary wares, Hand and Pneumatic tools etc… and has proudlybecome the Sole Agent for the following famous

brand name products in Hong Kong, Macau and China Markets:

美國 "IRWIN" 握手牌 及 歐文 工具

英國 "Tectite" 推插銅配件

英國”YORKSHIRE”無鉛焊膏 , “FRY”無鉛焊膏 / 無鉛鍚卷

"LENOX" 美國工具 - " 狼牌 " BI-METAL 手鋸片

瑞典 "BAHCO" 魚嘜 手鋸片

34IIM Management Excellence

Winly Trading Co., Ltd.領 先 洋 行 有 限 公 司

Winly Trading Company Limited was established and has always been aiming to serve the customers with Sincerity. However, with the willing supports from the manufacturers, customers and staffs for all these years, it is a great pleasure and honor for Winly Trading

Company Limited to be awarded the IIM Management Excellence Award 2015

We therefore taking this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all those concerned.

Company contact person: Mr. Hung Hon Shing or Miss Chung Shing Loi

日本角田皇牌 "KING TTC"及 "TSUNODA" 高級專業鉗類

日本 "RYOBI" 牌門頭掣 , 自動門及各種五金建材系列

台灣 "TYT" 牌 鉋金銅 , 銅及不銹鋼各種掣類及龍頭系列

台灣 " 地球 " 及 "SRC" 牌 各類拉釘 , 拉帽 , 專業手動 , 風動拉釘鉗及拉帽鉗

星加坡 “Sunshine” 及 “Nation” 牌銅喉配件

意大利 "R”嘜 ,“TOMBO”及“Jumbo” 名廠 PTFE 士點膠布

35 IIM Management Excellence

Winly Trading Co., Ltd.領 先 洋 行 有 限 公 司

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