ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ ВЕТЕРИНАРНОЇ МЕДИЦИНИ ТА БІОТЕХНОЛОГІЙ ІМЕНІ С.З.ҐЖИЦЬКОГО Березень-Квітень 2020 року, Число 1-2 ЯК ДАВНІ РИМЛЯНИ ВЕСНУ ЗУСТРІЧАЛИ (Continued on page 4) В бажанні людей зустрічати весну і перші теплі дні після затяжної зими залишається чимало від язичниць- ких традицій, як наших предків, так і в цілому населення Європи. З особливим підходом весну зустрічали давні римляни. Саме з настанням вес- ни в Римі відзначався початок нового року. З точки зору тогочасного суспіль- ства, що живе переважно сільським господарством, це ‒ цілком логічно. За зимовим неврожайним сезоном при- ходить весна ‒ пора оновлення і «ожи- вання» природи. Отже, Стародавній Рим ототожнював прихід нового року з початком робіт на полях. З 1 січня свято почало відзначатися лише в 46 році до нашої ери. Його переніс Гай Юлій Цезар. До цієї календарної ре- форми, з Новим роком у римлян збігав- ся початок Матроналій (лат. Matronālia, ium, n), свята матрон (лат. matrōna, ae, f) ‒ поважних законно заміжніх жінок. Свято для них починалося з того, що вони отримували подарунки від чоло- віків і дітей, давали рабам вихідний і відправлялися до храму богині Люци- ни (Юнони Люцини, лат. Lucina, ae, f) ‒ покровительки народження дітей, пологів та шлюбу, щоб вимолити щас- тя для сімейного життя, приносячи їй в жертву квіти та ладан. За масовіс- тю цей день можна порівняти з першо- травневої демон- страцією, тільки замість «трудящих» по Риму проходили жінки, одягнені у свій кращий одяг, та з вінками зі свіжих квітів на головах. Інше весняне свято, присвячене землеробству, на- зивалось Амбарвалії (лат. ambarvales, ambarvalies, чи ambarvalia, з латинської «орати по колу, орати поле»). У Старо- давньому Римі таке «свято поля» вла- штовували на честь бога Марса (лат. Mars, Martis, m ‒ першофункційно бог поля та стад), чи на честь богині поля, землеробства, сільського життя Це- рери (лат. Cerеs, ĕris, f). Під час свята гнали через поля бика, вівцю та свиню і потім їх приносили у жертву. Це, за уявленнями давніх римлян, служило для очищення поля від гріхів. Амбарвалії Матроналії Venice Have you heard about unusually strong storm that was centered over the Tyrrhenian Sea in recent weeks? If not then you should have heard that Venice was flooded. It was the worst flooding in Venice since 1966, when the city was hit by tides of up to 194 centimeters (76 inches), according to government statistics. To begin with, flood in Venice is not new emergency and almost all citizens have learned how to deal with it. However this time everything wasn’t so easy. More than 40 percent of city was hardly flooded also such architectural masterpieces as: 11th- century St. Mark’s Basilica, the Gritti Palace along Venice’s grand canal, and the Venetian-Gothic style Doge’s Palace. Futhermore, workers assessing the damage that the salty floodwater had on the ancient marble floors of St. Mark’s Basilica found chipped and missing parts of the marble. There’s also concern about the long-term damage to the pillars supporting the structure — and some of the floods damaged marble that was recently replaced after a round of intense flooding in 2018. Italian city of Venice is seeing its worst flooding in decades, prompting Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to declare a state of emergency. Moreover, such disasters are becoming more and more damaging over recent years as sea level increase rapidly because of human caused global warming. However Venice may be saved due to Italian project which is called Mose. Mose is an acronym for “Experimental Electromechanical Module”, and refers to the biblical figure Moses who parted the Red Sea to enable the Israelites to flee to safety from Egypt. Андрій Савула

Березень-Квітень 2020 року, ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ...lvet.edu.ua/images/sampledata/sidebar/gazeta/Gaudeamus.pdf · 2020-05-13 · вання» природи. Отже,

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Березень-Квітень 2020 року, Число 1-2


(Continued on page 4)

В бажанні людей зустрічати весну і перші теплі дні після затяжної зими залишається чимало від язичниць-ких традицій, як наших предків, так і в цілому населення Європи. З особливим підходом весну зустрічали давні римляни. Саме з настанням вес-ни в Римі відзначався початок нового року. З точки зору тогочасного суспіль-ства, що живе переважно сільським господарством, це ‒ цілком логічно. За зимовим неврожайним сезоном при-ходить весна ‒ пора оновлення і «ожи-вання» природи. Отже, Стародавній Рим ототожнював прихід нового року з початком робіт на полях. З 1 січня свято почало відзначатися лише в 46 році до нашої ери. Його переніс Гай Юлій Цезар. До цієї календарної ре-форми, з Новим роком у римлян збігав-ся початок Матроналій (лат. Matronālia, ium, n), свята матрон (лат. matrōna, ae, f) ‒ поважних законно заміжніх жінок. Свято для них починалося з того, що вони отримували подарунки від чоло-віків і дітей, давали рабам вихідний і відправлялися до храму богині Люци-ни (Юнони Люцини, лат. Lucina, ae, f) ‒ покровительки народження дітей, пологів та шлюбу, щоб вимолити щас-

тя для сімейного життя, приносячи їй в жертву квіти та ладан. За масовіс-тю цей день можна порівняти з першо-травневої демон-страцією, тільки замість «трудящих» по Риму проходили жінки, одягнені у свій кращий одяг, та з вінками зі свіжих квітів на головах.

Інше весняне

свято, присвячене землеробству, на-зивалось Амбарвалії (лат. ambarvales, ambarvalies, чи ambarvalia, з латинської «орати по колу, орати поле»). У Старо-давньому Римі таке «свято поля» вла-штовували на честь бога Марса (лат. Mars, Martis, m ‒ першофункційно бог поля та стад), чи на честь богині поля, землеробства, сільського життя Це-рери (лат. Cerеs, ĕris, f). Під час свята гнали через поля бика, вівцю та свиню і потім їх приносили у жертву. Це, за уявленнями давніх римлян, служило для очищення поля від гріхів.

Амбарвалії Матроналії

Ve n i c eHave you heard about

unusually strong storm that was centered over the Tyrrhenian Sea in recent weeks? If not then you should have heard that Venice was fl ooded. It was the worst fl ooding in Venice since 1966, when the city was hit by tides of up to 194 centimeters (76 inches), according to government statistics.

To begin with, fl ood in Venice is not new emergency and almost all citizens have learned how to deal with it. However this time everything wasn’t so easy. More than 40 percent of city was hardly fl ooded also such architectural masterpieces as: 11th-century St. Mark’s Basilica, the Gritti Palace along Venice’s grand canal, and the Venetian-Gothic style Doge’s Palace.

Futhermore, workers assessing the damage that the salty fl oodwater had on the ancient marble fl oors of St. Mark’s Basilica found chipped and missing parts of the marble. There’s also concern about the long-term damage to the pillars supporting the structure — and some of

the fl oods damaged marble that was recently replaced after a round of intense fl ooding in 2018. Italian city of Venice is seeing its worst fl ooding in decades, prompting Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to declare a state of emergency. Moreover, such disasters are becoming more and more damaging over recent years as sea level increase rapidly because of human caused global warming. However Venice may be saved due to Italian project which is called Mose. Mose is an acronym

for “Experimental Electromechanical Module”, and refers to the biblical fi gure Moses who parted the Red Sea to enable the Israelites to fl ee to safety from Egypt.

Андрій Савула

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2 Березень-Квітень 2020 року, Число 1-2



On the fourth Thursday of November the United States have the national holiday –Thanksgiving Day, or just Thanksgiving.

It was fi rst celebrated in 1621 by English colonists, after winter hunger in New World. This holiday marks the fi rst harvest that was collected by pilgrims from the Plymouth col-ony. Governor of pilgrims William Bratford proclaimed this day to be Thanksgiving to God because He helped them to live through the harsh winter. The colonists who survived with the help of the Indians arranged for themselves and for them a three-day cele-bration with prayers and a feast. Thanksgiv-ing became a national holiday after the cor-responding decree of the fi rst President of the country, George Washington, in 1789. In 1941, Congress voted for making Thanksgiv-ing a nationwide holiday on the last Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the family circle. Relatives and friends get together for a meal and for communication. Holidays have three key symbols: pumpkin as a symbol of harvest, a pointed hat of a colonist-pilgrim and most importantly a turkey. To this day a large number of turkeys are being fed throughout the country to provide each American family.

Charity, turkey and tips are the main pillars of Thanksgiving in the United States.

On the eve of Thanksgiving, charity is thriv-ing: Americans are trying to feed and some-how gladden their loved ones who have been unlucky in life. Charities give out gifts to the needy and organize dinners for the homeless.

The second most important attribute of Thanksgiving is the turkey. On the fi rst holi-day, the colonists and Indians roasted and ate four turkeys in the nearby forest. Stuffed tur-key is served with cranberry sauce. It is also accepted to eat mashed potatoes. Pumpkin pie is likewise prepared. The table is decorated with American fl ags and pumpkins. But there is still one tradition in the White House to commemorate Thanksgiving ˗ the “mercy on a turkey” on the eve of the holiday. Turkey for this ceremony is supplied by the National Turkey Federation.

The third attribute of the holiday is tips. New York City hosts a parade organized by Macy’s largest department store. Huge infl at-able toys are carried from Central Park to the entrance of the department store – opposite Herald Square. Infl atable toys look like car-toon characters, fairy tales. This tradition has been held since 1924.

The puritans brought a deep religious mean-ing to this holiday – they saw in it a way of thanking to God for all mercy.

Dana Shevchyk,a fi rst-year student of the faculty ofveterinary hygiene, ecology and law


When we went to class for the fi rst time on September 2, we were so worried (I did not sleep all night) because we did not know our classmates, teachers, how the classes would be held, whether it would be diffi cult.

When people hear that we are freshmen, they say, «Ai...» and wave their hand, but in reality, it’s not so easy (I say this as an eye-witness) – the higher mathematics is what everyone’s moaning about, ohoho, and compilation of a family tree and a chronicle of the discipline of the history of Ukrainian culture.

So the classmates turned out to be good, they all make friends with each other, fi nd their company; students are friendly, even in physical education we interact with peo-ple from other specialties. I remember how we met:at the fi rst lesson that was took place in 3 classrooms. Both myself, the author of this article, and my current girl-friends Christina Voitovich and Valentina Helichak came fi rst half an hour before the start. That’s how we started to commu-nicate, and then others approached.. We we’re getting to know each other, asking «What region came from?», Where and how studied? The teachers turned out to be good, sociable, fun and teaching well, and can explain something in detals, if someone ddidn’t understand.

At pharmaceutical botany, we look at the microscope for plant sections, and some-times we go to the lab and do experiments (what you can see in the photos). We sing the haywires and draw up the above men-tioned genealogy and chronicles, talk about traditional dishes and customs in our own families at the lessons of the history of Ukrainian culture.In national education we go for a walk around Lviv.

Our group has al-ready been to the High Castle, Svo-body Avenue, Ha-

lytska Square, the old streets in the center,and of course in the pharmacy-mu-seum. In ad-dition to these tours, we are

culturally develop at lectures on the history of Ukrain-ian culture, when we went to an exhibition in the gal-lery of the famous Ukrainian artist Maria Pryimachenko and to sight historical mon-uments of Lviv. With our Latin teacher we had an interesting walk on Lysia Mountain and Kazervald (Znesinnya Park) and it was amazing.

We often have interesting events at the university and it is great with the eyes of freshmen. For example, the talent compe-tition impressed with the variety of perfor-mances that talented students prepared.

On Pharmacist’s Day, undergraduates prepared a funny scene about teachers, an interesting quiz with prizes, a humorous video. And on the page of the university and the faculty on the social network «In-stagram» post some news, funny videos, jokes. This is how our university studies go.

At our university there is also a chapel «Vatra» and «Trinity of Music».

They have talented students participating in various university activities.

We can attend different circles and sections (tennis, weightlifting, badminton, track and fi eld and others)

So welcome to our university. It’s edu-cating, exciting and interesting!

Author Alisa Davyduka Redaktor Christina Voitovich

a � rst year students faculty of

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33 0 J a h r e M a u e r f a l l

2019 feiert Berlin und Deutschland das Jubiläum des Falls der Berliner Mauer im Jahr 1989. Anlässlich des historischen Ereignisses fi ndet in der Hauptstadt eine Vielzahl an Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungen statt, die sich mit dem Bau der Berliner Mauer, der Teilung Berlins, dem Kalten Krieg und der Friedlichen Revolution von 1989 beschäftigen.

2019 widmet sich dem 30-jährigen Jubiläum des Mauerfalls. Am 9. November 1989 kündigt die DDR-Führung Reisefreiheit für alle Bürger an. Tausende Menschen strömen zu den Grenzübergängen in Ost-Berlin. Gegen Mitternacht geben die DDR-Grenzpolizisten dem Druck der Massen nach. Die Mauer zwischen Ost und West wird geöffnet. Berlin wurde wieder eins. Die Mauer, die Berlin 28 Jahre lang in Ost und West teilte und Familien, Freunde und Nachbarn auseinander riss, fi el. Die innerdeutsche Grenze und der Eiserne Vorhang, der Europa spaltete, öffnete sich endgültig.

Heute gilt Berlin als Ort der Freiheit, Individualität und Toleranz. Dies war nicht immer so. Am 13. August 1961 begann der Bau der Berliner Mauer. Ein Symbol der Teilung einer Stadt und eines Staates, des Schreckens und des Kalten Krieges. Der Mauerbau veränderte eine ganze Nation.

Die Berliner Mauer trennte Westberlin vom ostdeutschen Staat der DDR, der in den Einfl ussbereich der UdSSR fi el. Die Betonkonstruktion wurde 1961 erbaut. Versuche, es zu überwinden, haben Hunderte von Menschen getötet. Am 9. November 1989 wurde die Berliner Mauer, die die Deutsche Demokratische Republik und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland fast 30 Jahre lang trennte, gebrochen. Dieses Ereignis war ein Symbol für den Fall der kommunistischen Regime in Mittel- und Osteuropa und die Wiedervereinigung von nicht nur Deutschland, sondern auch Europa.

Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg teilten die vier (Haupt)Siegermächte – UdSSR, USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien – Deutschland in vier Zonen auf. Die drei Westzonen, die von USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien verwaltet und marktwirtschaftlich organisiert wurden, schlossen sich bald zusammen und das führte im September 1949 zur Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Am 7. Oktober gründete sich in der so genannten „Sowjetische

Besatzungszone” (SBZ) die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR), die sich als sozialistischer Staat verstand. Somit entwickelten sich die beiden deutschen Staaten sehr unterschiedlich. Das „Wirtschaftswunder” machte die B u n d e s r e p u b l i k zu einer der e r f o l g r e i c h s t e n und reichsten I n d u s t r i e n a t i o n e n der Welt, zudem wurden in der DDR die Bürger- und Menschenrechte (zum Beispiel die Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit) beschnitten. Das hatte zur Folge, dass Hunderttausende jedes Jahr aus der DDR fl üchteten. Darum trennte ab August 1961 eine Mauer in Berlin die Menschen für viele Jahre voneinander.

In den 28 Jahren wurde das Gebäude mehrmals umgebaut und erweitert. Die Mauer trennte Westberlin vom Osten und den umliegenden Gebieten der DDR. Viele Menschen kamen beim Versuch, die Grenze in Westberlin zu überqueren, ums Leben.

Nach der Umstrukturierung der UdSSR im Mai 1989 zerstörte Ungarn die Befestigungsanlagen an der Grenze zu Österreich und am 11. September 1989 kündigte die ungarische Regierung die Öffnung der Grenzen an. Zu dieser Zeit machte die Existenz der Berliner Mauer keinen Sinn mehr. Ab September 1989 gab es in vielen Städten der DDR Demonstrationen für mehr Freiheit (vor allem für Rede-, Reise- und Wahlfreiheit), gegen die Mangelwirtschaft und die staatliche Kontrolle.

Der Druck der Straße, die

Demonstrationen, die wirtschaftliche Lage und die Massen-Flucht der DDR-Bürger seit Sommer 1989 führten zu Mauerfall und dem Ende der DDR. In der Nacht vom 9. auf den 10. November wurde beschlossen, Checkpoints zwischen Stadtteilen zu eröffnen.

Die Grenzöffnung wurde im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt und versammelte Hundert-tausende Deutsche in der Nähe der Berliner Mauer.Der Schutz der Mauer und der Visumpfl icht dauerte jedoch bis zum 1. Juli 1990.

Nur wenige Fragmente der Mauer wurden als Denkmal erhalten, und Fragmente von Wandgemälden wurden auf Auktionen verkauft.

Der Mauerfall hatte zahlreiche positive Folgen: Reisefreiheit für die Bürger

der DDR; Meinungs-, Presse- und Versammlungsfreiheit in der DDR; Einkaufsmöglichkeiten für alle Waren für die DDR-Bürger; freie Wahlen zur Volkskammer (Parlament der DDR) am 18. März 1990; die Währungs-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialunion zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der DDR am 1. Juli 1990; deutsche Wiedervereinigung am 3. Oktober 1990; Umstellung in der DDR von sozialistischer Planwirtschaft auf die „Soziale Marktwirtschaft”.

Der Fall der Mauer am 9. November 1989 war für viele Berlinerinnen und Berliner der schönste Tag ihres Lebens: Der Tag, an dem sie ihre Stadt und ihre Freiheit nach einer friedlichen Revolution wiedererlangten.

Olexandra Petrovska, Fakultät für Veterinärmedizin

Viktoriya Muratova, Fakultät für Veterinärmedizin

Березень-Квітень 2020 року, Число 1-2

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Додаток до газети "Світ Університету"Редактор: Марія Голик

Редколегія:Михайло Подоляк – зав. каф. укр. та іноз. мов імені Якима

Яреми, к. п. н.;Магдалина Драч – к. в. н., доцент каф. внутр. хв. тварин та

клін. діагностики;Олександра Трофимук – доцент каф. укр. та іноз. мов, к. ф. н.;

Іванна Карбовнік – ст. викладач каф. укр. та іноз. мов;Тарас Дмитрик – ст. вкладач каф. укр. та іноз. мов.

The modern-day Mose consists of 78 bright yellow mobile barriers buried in the water that, when activated, will rise above the surface and prevent surging tides from the Adriatic Sea fl ooding the delicate Venetian lagoon.“If Mose had been working, then we would have avoided this exceptional high tide, says Guiseppe Conte. All 78 gates are now in place and engineers are working on the mechanics of raising them simultaneously once tides of more than 110 cm are forecast, with fi rst testing expected next year.But there is no guarantee it will go smoothly.Part of the submerged infrastructure has already started to rust and a source close to the consortium building the mobile dam told Reuters on Wednesday it would cost some 100 million euros a year to maintain — much higher than original estimates.

The source, who declined to be named, was confi dent that once operational, it could defend Venice from tides of up to 3 meters high, well beyond the current record.But some experts worry that the system was not designed to deal with the sort of rising sea waters that recent climate-change models have predicted.

Yurij Zamogylnyi a fi rst-year student faculty

of veterinary medicine

(� e ending. Getting started on page 1)Ve n i c e

Autumn pleases us with many interesting events and holidays but in this article I want to tell you sev-eral cognitive things about the In-ternational Student’s day.

Students are one of the most pro-gressive versions available at all times. Their courage to the lifelong implementation of new ideas, inspir-ing others and setting an example for future generations.

The International Student Solidarity Day, which is celebrated worldwide annu-ally on November 17, is a clear confi rma-tion. This day is dated to an event that took place in the once occupied by the Nazis of Czechoslovakia. On October 28, 1939, students and teachers of Prague’s univer-sities gave a peaceful demonstration to mark the anniversary of the formation of their historic state. The fascists, having seen the rebellion on the part of the people occupied by their territory, cynically dis-persed this peaceful demonstration, using their cruelty, which resulted in the killing of Jan Oppletal, one of the students of the medical faculty. His funeral turned into an open and mass protest. The Nazis round-ed up the students, murdered nine student leaders and sent over 1,200 students to concentration camps, mainly Sachsenhau-sen. They subsequently closed all Czech universities and colleges.

Ukrainian youth have been waiting for this holiday for a very long time because it is a great opportunity to have fun, spend a good time with friends and of course to miss lessons in the university. They or-ganize loud parties and discos. Some of them celebrate this day with family or hang out with close friends and just order some food home. An interesting fact is that students believe in fulfi lling all their most cherished dreams on this holiday.

This holiday has gained internation-al recognition and is celeb rated in many countries around the world. For example, many years ago at St Andrews Universi-

I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t ’s d a y

ty of Scotland, freshmen gave the raisins to the undergraduates on this holiday so that they would not make fun of them and would protect them from foes.

English Oxford from the fi rst minute makes its students feel special. On Stu-dent’s Day, they put on a black master’s vest, give them white butterfl ies and tell them about the prospects that await them after graduation.

Finns celebrate Student Day in a very special way. They arrange unusual fairs that cannot be paid for with money, and only the barter operates here. There are also many entertaining games for students on campus, such as racing, tug of war, and many others. At the end of the evening, stu-dents organize a carnival and competitions.

USA is a multinational country, there are many university traditions. Student’s day is celebrated by every college in differ-ent ways. The most striking of them are creative students from Harvard. They like to hold various parties and competitions. The most colorful moment of celebrating Harvard University Student’s day is the costume parade in which men’s and wom-en’s roles are played by men.

In Portugal, the holiday begins at mid-night. Students sing an ode to the mon-ument to the King of Portugal. Also, the walking is accompanied by singing of dif-ferent bands in the city parks. It is inter-esting that each university has its unique form, which is traditionally displayed by young people during their course of study

Solomia Petryshak a fi rst-year student faculty of veterinary medicine

In today's world, scientists and physicians are using new methods for diagnosing, treating, and using drugs. But it all depends on the dose, and for children the pill still needs to be cut. � e fact is that they are not designed to perform such manipulations - they are too fragile. In this case, the dose always turns out to be inaccurate. � e director of the research department at Alder Hey, Mat-thew Peak, explains that this can be a serious problem: children receive an insu� cient dose of the drug, barely half of the nutrient that the pill should contain. As a con-sequence, it can cause serious health problems.So, a few years ago, Peak wondered if it was possible

to create custom pills for children and adults alike. Such that they correspond to the person both in size and dos-age, and that they do not have to be cut into particles, losing the content of the active drug. Today, such a pros-pect has come true with 3D printing technology.Alder Hey became the � rst hospital in the world to give

children the opportunity to participate in clinical trials in July 2018. Employees believe that the hospital should focus on the overall development of children, so they should be involved even in the technology design pro-cess. In this way, the children were allowed to use 3D printing tablets as part of the research. To begin with, specialists o� er 50 healthy children aged 4 to 12 years to swallow regular tablets (placebo) of three di� erent sizes: 6, 8, 10 mm. � is helped determine the perfect size and shape for each age group. In fact, it is quite strange that pharmaceutical companies have not yet paid enough at-tention to this issue: di� erent size of pills for people of all ages. A team of scientists had to determine how children would respond to such medicines. It turned out to be easy for children to swallow, and they could take them at least daily if needed."Working in the � eld of pediatrics for 15 years, I have

constantly watched children get distracted not to drink medicine. � at is why I believe that if patients can print pills the size, shape and even taste they want, it will be a breakthrough in medicine." , admitted one of the doctors.In order to make life easier for both infants and older

children, it is necessary to develop good-tasting medica-tion formulas for them and to have convenient medical procedures that they are not afraid of. Pills with appropri-ate doses of the drug are a prerequisite for e� ective treat-ment that will relieve parents and doctors of the constant obligation to dilute the medicine in water or mix it with something to "mu� e" the unpleasant taste.For the next two years, the team plans to dedicate 3D

printing of tablets with active drugs to the youngest pa-tients. In addition to containing the active substance, children will also be able to choose the size, shape, color and aroma of the medication.Currently available 3D drugs are Spritam (from epilep-

sy) developed by Aprecia Pharmaceuticals. Many com-panies are trying to adopt 3D printing technology, but it is unlikely that the industry will ever be able to compete with traditional drugs. For comparison, current technol-ogies allow GlaxoSmithKline (a British pharmaceutical company) to produce up to 1.6 million tablets per hour. At the same time, Aprecia 3D printers can only print a few thousand tablets a day. Although there is hope that the pace of production will increase over time.

Kateryna SolianikStudent of Pharmacy

The next challenge for pharmaceutical companies

Березень-Квітень 2020 року, Число 1-2