July 10th 2016 29/16 Eparch Most Rev. Peter Stasiuk, C.Ss.R. mob.: 0419 397 857 Cathedral Administrator Fr. Olexander Kenez mob.: 0413 097 652 Priests in the Parish Fr. Peter Struk mob.: 0457 912 924 Fr. Brian Kelty mob.: 0468 348 204 Fr. Ivan Mysiv mob.: 0426 812 982 Fr. Justin McDonnell mob.: 0402 324 694 Parish Deacons d. Edward Kostraby (03) 9459 9564 d. Michael Zylan mob.: 0419 966 789 Noble Park Fr. Robert Stickland 97984968 or 0438884968 ____________________ Parish Council Mr. Vasyl Mykhaylyk mob.: 0421 892 396 Mr. Eugene Hawryszko mob.: 0412 475 470 ____________________ Monasteries: Basilian Sisters Phone: (03) 9329 0749 Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate Phone: (03) 8339 0156 Order of Services for the week 11/07-17/07/2016 Mon-Fri (11/07-15/07) - Divine Liturgy 9.00 am Sat (16/07) - Divine Liturgy 9.30 am Sun (17/07) - Divine Liturgy 8 am; 9.30 am; 11.30 am Ss Peter & Paul, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 35 Canning Street, North Melbourne, VIC 3051 Phone: (03) 9320 2566 Fax: (03) 9320 2544 Email: [email protected] The Parish Feast Парафіяльний празник Вітаємо всіх парафіян катедра- льної парафії та гостей із храмо- вим празником свв. апп. Петра і Павла. Нехай всемилостивий Господь дарує нашій духовній спільноті миру, любові та зросту в очікуванні зустрічі з Христом. We greet parishioners of the cathedral parish and guests on the occasion of the Parish Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. May the merciful God give peace, love and strength for the coming meeting with Jesus Christ to our spiritual community. We share with you the sad tidings, that on Monday, June 27th, Mrs Susan McDonnell, the mother of our newly or- dained priest Fr Justin McDonnell entered eternal life. The funeral was held on Thursday, July 7th, at St Anne's Catholic Church, Belmont, WA. At 10:00am there was a Solemn Requiem Mass sung in the Old Rite by Fr Mi- chael Rowe. This was followed by the blessing of her grave and the committal of her body to the grave at 1:00pm at Pinaroo Valley Cemetery. On Wednesday evening a Parastas was hold. We share with Fr Justin and his wife Lidia our condolences and may God place her in His Heavenly Kingdom.

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Page 1: Парафіяльний празник › wp-content › uploads › 2011 › 09 › Visti-10.07.16.pdf2016 29/16The Parish Feast Eparch Most Rev. Peter Stasiuk, C.Ss.R. mob.: 0419

July 10th 2016


Eparch Most Rev. Peter Stasiuk,


mob.: 0419 397 857

Cathedral Administrator

Fr. Olexander Kenez

mob.: 0413 097 652

Priests in the Parish Fr. Peter Struk

mob.: 0457 912 924 Fr. Brian Kelty

mob.: 0468 348 204 Fr. Ivan Mysiv

mob.: 0426 812 982

Fr. Justin McDonnell

mob.: 0402 324 694

Parish Deacons d. Edward Kostraby

(03) 9459 9564 d. Michael Zylan

mob.: 0419 966 789

Noble Park

Fr. Robert Stickland

97984968 or 0438884968 ____________________

Parish Council

Mr. Vasyl Mykhaylyk

mob.: 0421 892 396

Mr. Eugene Hawryszko

mob.: 0412 475 470

____________________ Monasteries:

Basilian Sisters

Phone: (03) 9329 0749

Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate

Phone: (03) 8339 0156

Order of Services for the week 11/07-17/07/2016 Mon-Fri (11/07-15/07) - Divine Liturgy 9.00 am Sat (16/07) - Divine Liturgy 9.30 am Sun (17/07) - Divine Liturgy 8 am; 9.30 am; 11.30 am

Ss Peter & Paul, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 35 Canning Street, North Melbourne, VIC 3051

Phone: (03) 9320 2566 Fax: (03) 9320 2544 Email: [email protected]

The Parish Feast Парафіяльний празник

Вітаємо всіх парафіян катедра-льної парафії та гостей із храмо-вим празником свв. апп. Петра і Павла. Нехай всемилостивий Господь дарує нашій духовній спільноті миру, любові та зросту в очікуванні зустрічі з Христом.

We greet parishioners of the cathedral parish and guests on the occasion of the Parish Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. May the merciful God give peace, love and strength for the coming meeting with Jesus Christ to our spiritual community.

We share with you the sad tidings, that on Monday, June 27th, Mrs Susan McDonnell, the mother of our newly or-dained priest Fr Justin McDonnell entered eternal life. The funeral was held on Thursday, July 7th, at St Anne's Catholic Church, Belmont, WA. At 10:00am there was a Solemn Requiem Mass sung in the Old Rite by Fr Mi-chael Rowe. This was followed by the blessing of her grave and the committal of her body to the grave at 1:00pm at Pinaroo Valley Cemetery. On Wednesday evening a Parastas was hold. We share with Fr Justin and his wife Lidia our condolences and may God place her in His Heavenly Kingdom.

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ARDEERARDEER 2 Holmes St, Ardeer, VIC 3022

10.7.16 НЕДІЛЯ

3-тя Неділя по Зісланні

9.00 ранку

Свята Літургія За всіх вірних

Рм. 5, 1-10 Матея 6, 22-


17.7.16 НЕДІЛЯ

Всіх свв. укр. народу

9.00 ранку

Свята Літургія За всіх вірних

Рм. 6, 18-23 Матея 8, 5-13

Kalyna Care—Delehay

Thursday, July 14th - 11.00 am - Divine Liturgy Четвер, 14 липня - 11.00 am - Свята Літургія

A dialogue about struggling to believe in a time of disillusionment

MONDAY 11 JULY, 5PM-6.30PM NEWMAN COLLEGE (887 Swanston St, Parkville) Msgr Prof. Tomas Halik, Is a celebrated author, academic and winner of the 2014 Templeton Prize. Ordained a priest in 1978, he worked in the “underground Church” and as a psychotherapist for drug addicts. After the fall of Communism, he served as General Secretary to the Czech Conference of Bishops. He now teaches sociology at Charles University (Prague). Free event but RSVP essential. Contact the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation on 9926 5761 or [email protected]

УВАГА! PLEASE NOTE! Якщо хтось хоче добавити оголошення до парафіяльних вістей, просимо надсилати його на електронну пошту до о. Браяна Келті та парафіяльну ел. пошту не пізніше четверга вечора щотижня. [email protected] [email protected] If you want to add some advertisement to the parish newsletter, please send it to Fr. Brian’s email & parish email no later than 5 pm on the Thursday of each week.

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Jesus said to his apostles: “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain they are retained” (John 20:19-23). Therefore, the apostles and all their succes-sors—the bishops and their collegues the priests—become instruments of the mercy of God. They act in perso-na Christi. This is very beautiful. It has deep significance because we are social beings. If you are not capable of talking to your brother about your mistakes, you can be sure that you can’t talk about them with God, either, and therefore you end up confessing into the mirror, to yourself. We are social beings, and forgiveness has a social implication; my sin wounds mankind, my brothers and sisters, and society as a whole. Con-fessing to a priest is a way of putting my life into the hands and heart of someone else, someone who in that moment acts in the name of Jesus. It’s way to be real and authentic: we face the facts by looking at another person and not in the mirror. Saint Ig-natius, before changing his life and understanding that he had to become a soldier of Christ, fought in the bat-tle of Pamplona. He was a soldier in the army of the king of Spain, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and he confronted the French army. He

was seriously wounded and thought he was going to die. There was no priest on the battlefield. So he called a comrade in arms and confessed to him; he told him his sins. Being a lay person, the soldier could not absolve him, nut the need to face another per-son and confess was so strong that he decided to do it like that. It is a beau-tiful lesson. It is true that I can talk to the Lord and ask him for forgiveness, implore him. And the Lord will for-give me immediately. But it is im-portant that I go to confession, that I sit in front of a priest who embodies Jesus, that I kneel before Mother

Church, called to dispense the mercy of Christ. There is

objectivity in this gesture of genuflection before the priest; it becomes the vehicle through which grace reaches and heals me. I have al-

ways been moved by the gesture in the tradition of

Eastern churches, where the confessor welcomes the penitent

by putting his stole over the peni-temt’s head and an arm around his shoulders, as if embracing him. It is the physical representation of ac-ceptance and mercy. We are remind-ed that we are not there to be judged. It’s true that there is always a certain amount of judgment in confession, but there is something greater than judgement that comes into play. It is being face-to-face with someone who acts in persona Christi to welcome and forgive you. It is an encounter with mercy.

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Папа Франциск ДАР СПОВІДІ

Ісус сказав апостолам: “Кому від-пустите гріхи - відпустяться їм, кому ж затримаєте - затримають-ся” (Йо. 20, 19-23). Згодом апосто-ли та їхні наступники - єпископита їхні співпрацівники, священики, - стали інструментами Божого ми-лосердя. Вони діють від особи Христа. Це дуже чкдово. Це має глибоке значення, тому що ми со-ціальні створіння. Якщо не можеш говорити з твоїм братом про твої помилки, мож-на впевнено сказати, що ти не зможеш говорити про це з Богом, ти спо-відатимешся до дзер-кала, сам собі. Ми со-ціальні створіння, а прощення має соціаль-ну причетність; мої гріхи ранять людство, моїх братів та сестер, та суспільтво взагалі. Сповідь свяще-нику - це шлях покладення мого життя в руки та серце когось іншо-го, когось, хто в цей момент діє від імені Ісуса. Це щлях бути справж-нім та автентичним: ми зустрічає-мося віч-на-віч з фактами, дивля-чись на іншу особу, але не у дзе-ркало. Святий Ігнатій, перед тим як змінив своє життя та розуміння, що він має стати солдатом Христа, боровся у бою у Папломі. Він був воїном у війську короля Іспанії, святого римського імператора Чарльза V, він протистояв фран-цузькому війську. Він був серйо-зно поранений і думав, що помре.

Там не було священика. Він пок-ликав товариша та сповідався йо-му, він розказав йому свої гріхи. Будучи мирянином, солдат не міг розрішити йому, проте потреба зу-стріти в лице іншу людину та спо-відатися була настільки сильною, що він вирішив вчинити це в такий спосіб. Це прекрасний урок. Це правда, що я можу говорити з Бо-гом та просити його прощення, чи благати про це. І Господь простить мені негайно. Проте важливо, щоб

я ішов до сповіді, щоб я сів навпроти священика, який уприсутнює реаль-ного Ісуса Христа, щоб я став навколішки перед Матір’ю Церквою, прося-чи подати милосердя Христове. Об’єктивність такого жесту як коліно-

приклонення перед священиком стає засобом, через який благосло-вення досягає мене та зціляє мене. Я завжди був вражений жестом в традиції Східних Церков, де спові-дник вітав пенітента (того, хто сповідається) та клав йому на го-лову епітрахиль та плечі, охоплю-ючи його. Це фізична присутність прийняття та милосердя. Нам це пригадує, що ми тут не щоб бути осуджені. Це правда, що є завжди трохи судження у спо-віді, проте тут є щось трохи більшого ніж суд-ження. Це бути віч-на-віч з кимось, хто діє в особі Христа, щоб вітати нас та простити нам. Це зустріч із милосердям.

Переклав з англійської о. Іван Мисів

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Praying the Gospel Lectio Divina

Here is a new set of instructions for praying the Scriptures using the Lectio Divina method. They have been collated by Jesuit Fr James

Martin Read, Think, Pray, Act "Lectio Divina" in Four Easy Steps

By: James Martin, SJ A Simple Approach. Lectio divina is a way of

encountering God through Scripture—normally, by taking a specific passage from the Bible as the basis for this prayer. 1. Reading: What does the text say? First, you read the text. At the most basic level, you ask:

What is going on in this Bible passage? Some-times a Bible commentary is helpful to enable you to better understand the context. 2. Meditation: What is God saying to me

through the text? At this point, you ask whether there is something that God might want to re-veal to you through this passage. Often, it might

connect with something in your life. 3. Prayer: What do I want to say to God about the text? After meditating on this passage, you might find yourself fearful of what you feel called to do. If it means standing up for some-

one who has been mistreated, or even standing up for yourself, this might frighten you. You might worry about being rejected as Jesus was. You might even fear being rejected by those close to you, as Jesus was in his hometown.

4. Action: What do I want to do, based on my prayer? Finally, you act. Prayer should move us to action, even if it simply makes us want to be more compassionate and faithful.

You might care to view Fr Martin’s utube at James Martin, S.J. on 'Lectio Divina' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i27FqIyk2qY)

Sunday 10th

July (Matthew 6:22-33) Reflection

Hearers could protest that human beings have a lot more to be anxious about than birds or lilies. Jesus, however, is not making a moral point but an imaginative appeal. He employs poetic exaggeration to inculcate an attitude toward God. The “Gentiles”—those who do not know God—worry about such things. Those who do truly know God as the heavenly father revealed by Jesus cannot be concerned about them in the same way. While they have, of course, to take reasonable care of themselves—and of those for whom they are responsible—such concerns take second place to dedication to the rule of God and the righteousness for which he calls.

Monday 11th

July (Matthew 11:2-15) Reflection

The messengers gone, Jesus speaks about God to the crowds. His praise overall, is somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand John is held up as a true prophet: ascetic, fearless, wholly dedicated to his message. On the other hand he is respectfully but firmly put in the place assigned for him in the scheme of salvation. He may have proclaimed the onset of the kingdom, but he is not strictly part of it. His “greatness” becomes a foil for asserting the surpassing “greatness” of those who belong to the kingdom. His role is that sketched out for returning Elijah the “messenger” the prophet Malachi spoke of as destined to be sent ahead of the “Lord” (understood as the Mes-siah) to prepare the way before him.

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Tuesday 12th

July (Matthew 11:16-20) Reflection Jesus goes on to reflect upon the failure of “this generation” in this regard, using an image wonderfully illustrative of his capacity to seize a picture from life around him. We have to think of two separate groups of children sitting in the marketplace. One group, looking for diversion, tries to engage the other group in their games, but without success. So the first group com-plains: “We tried playing weddings (flute) and you wouldn’t dance; we tried playing funerals (wailing) and you wouldn’t mourn. You’re not much use!” Just so, “this generation” has responded negatively both to the “mournful” (= funereal) ministry of John and the festive (“nuptial”) minis-try of Jesus. They rejected John as too severe, Jesus as too lax.

Wednesday 13th

July (Matthew 11:20-26) Reflection

The severity of the “woes” upon the unrepentant cities of Galilee comes like a shock of cold water thrown upon the narrative. Here the Messiah does seem to speak in the tones the Baptist announced! We are being prepared for a rejection that will be more widespread yet. The response of the Galile-an cities—Chorazain, Bethsaida, Capernaum—foreshadows the “No” of the bulk of Israel to the message of its Messiah and explains the need for a re-constituted Israel inclusive of believers from the nations. Besides the threat of Judgement, we should hear the anguish that rings through the prophetic tones of Jesus. It is the anguish of love frustrated, effort wasted on these cit-ies and this people closest to his heart—the knowledge that “many will come from east and west and will.

Thursday 14th

July (Matthew 11:27-30) Reflection The speech is directed to disciple missioners who experience such rejection and persecution, and who may be afraid to speak out boldly for their new faith. Thus this section continues with a twice-repeated command not to be afraid, concluding with a promise and a threat about publicly confessing Je-sus. These sayings are not concerned with the initial confession of faith in conversion: all is addressed to disciples who already profess Christian faith, but are fearful of bearing public witness to it in the church’s mission. The disciples’ message is in continuity with that of Jesus (and John) in proclaim-ing the kingdom of God.

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Friday 15th

July (Matthew 12:1-8) Reflection By contrast, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is strictly “domestic.” In the parallel accounts the disciples call Jesus attention to her condition. Mat-thew tells us that Jesus “saw” her lying in bed with fever. She and her con-dition are part of the vision of afflicted humanity that in this gospel continu-ally calls forth his ministry of healing. Her strength restored, she prefigures all those within the community who will “rise up” at his touch and begin to serve him. Saturday 16

th July (Matthew 8:14-23)

Reflection The criticisms levelled at Jesus and his disciples stem from people who have failed to grasp that with his appearance and ministry a new era has dawned, rendering current categories of judgement outdated and indeed de-structive. This is what two appended sayings—the one about the cloth and the one about the wineskins—seek to establish. In every age believers have to live out a similar tension between the claims of tradition and those of a Gospel ever new.

Венедикт (Алексійчук), 6 липня 2015 р.Б. Здається, ми живемо в демократичному і вільному суспільстві, гуманному, але бачимо, як християн переслідують у різних кінцях світу. Представників жодних релігій так не переслідують, як тих, хто вірить в Ісуса Христа! Християни не лише проповідують як треба жити, вони

більше своїм життям засвідчують правдиві цінності, показують своїм життям, що жити за Божими законами – реально! Християнин уже самим своїм життям дорікає іншим, саме тому часто переслідують і не сприймають саме християн. Християни – Божий знак тут, на землі. Тому, коли ми відважно йдемо за Ісусом Христом, не біймося, коли нас будуть прозивати, дорікати, критикувати. Не біймося свідчити про Господа, що б нам не говорили і що б з нами не чинили, бо саме нашим свідченням спасаємо не лише власні душі, а й показуємо приклад для інших! 7 липня 2016 р.Б. Господь – Альфа і Омега, це означає Початок і Кінець. Він вміщає у собі все, що було, що є і що буде. Святі люди, пророки, які були близько біля Бога, ці божественні тайни, якщо можна так сказати, пізнавали, бо самі вже ставали причасниками Божественної природи....

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Порядок Богослужінь 10/07/2016 - Sunday – 10 am – Divine Liturgy 12/07/2016 - Tuesday – 10 am – Divine Liturgy 13/07/2016 - Wednesday – 12 pm – Moleben 17/07/2016 - Sunday – 10 am – Divine Liturgy

Черговий: п. Я. Бабійчук 10.07.2016 – Род. Орися і Євген Стефин 17.07.2016 – Род. Селемба 24.07.2016 – Род. Кіндрат 31.07.2016 – Род. Пирчак і Осип Ціхотський Черговий: п. Іванка Щепна 07.08.2016 – Род. Бабійчук

At Noble Park there will be a Liturgy this Sunday, 10/7 at 10.00 am. Also on 12/7 (Tuesday) a Liturgy in honour for Ss Peter and Paul at 10.00 am (with a Panakhyda). A Moleben will be prayed on Wednesday, 13/7, at 12 noon. 17/7 Sunday Liturgy in honour of all saints of Ukraine (10.00 am)

Fr. Robert Stickland Tel.: 0438 884 968; 9798 4968

Читання тижня / Readings

10/07/2016 - Rom 5, 1-10 / Mt. 6, 22-33 11/07/2016 - Rom 9, 18-33 / Mt. 11, 2-15 12/07/2016 - Rom 10, 11-11, 2 / Mt. 11, 16-20 13/07/2016 - Rom 11, 2-12 / Mt. 11, 20-26 14/07/2016 - Rom 11, 13-24 / Mt. 11, 27-30 15/07/2016 - Rom 11, 25-36 / Mt. 12, 1-8 16/07/2016 - Rom 6, 11-17 / Mt. 8, 14-23 17/07/2016 - Rom 6, 18-23 / Mt. 8, 5-13


Якщо хтось потребує священика негайно, просимо дзвонити на мобільний телефон до будь-якого священика.

When a priest is required, in the case of the emergen-cy, please call any priest of the parish on his mobile number as listed on the front page of the Parish Bulle-tin.