Odeja Medical For a truly good night and a healthy sleep

Odeja Medical (ENG)

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High quallity product for healty and comfortable sleep of people suffering from asthma and allergies

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Odeja MedicalF o r a t r u l y g o o d n i g h t a n d a h e a l t h y s l e e p

Page 2: Odeja Medical (ENG)

O d e j a M e d i c a l F o r a t r u l y g o o d n i g h t a n d a h e a l t h y s l e e p

A relAxing sleep is the FOundAtiOn OF hAppy liFe energy And the bAsis OF

physicAl heAlth.

We all wish to sleep well and that is why we say good night to each other. For many of the

more sensitive of us, especially people suffering from allergies and asthma, the nights

are not necessarily good, as the bed is a haven for allergy-inducing organisms such as

dust mites, fungi and mould. The majority of the microorganisms in our environment

are not harmful to our health, but sensitive individuals experience their presence as

unpleasant irritation of their skin and eyes, difficulties breathing and a general feeling of


sleeping in An envirOnMent ridden with Allergy-inducing OrgAnisMs And

where cleAnliness cAnnOt be MAintAined eAsily dOes nOt ensure rest,

wOrsens Allergies And dOes nOt AllOw ApprOpriAte AsthMA cOntrOl.

It is thus important for more sensitive individuals to use quilts, pillows, mattresses and

linen in their sleeping environment:

• that have been made from materials that dust mites, fungi and mould dislike,

• that have been made so as to actively prevent the penetration of microorganisms and

• that are simple to maintain,

• thus maintaining a high level of hygiene in their sleeping environment.

OdeJA Medical is a programme of products that enable comprehensive protection of

your bed and provide substantial improvement to the quality of sleep.

cAll us! we will glAdly Advise yOu in yOur chOice!

[email protected] | t +386 4 51 30 100 | F +386 4 51 30 161 | www.odeja.si

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01 quilts

02 pillows

03 mattress covers

04 special protections

05 kids programme

06 bed linen

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ApprOpriAte FOr All whO like tO sleep in A cleAn And heAlthy sleeping


For all who value easy washing, easy maintenance and durability of their quilt, pillow,

mattress cover, mattress and bed linen. For all suffering from allergies and asthma.

For all who value top quality materials from established suppliers. For all who value the

careful manufacturing of an established european manufacturer.

excellence thAt wOrks And lAsts

The selected materials as well as special processing and implementation ensure

protection from dust mites and other microorganisms. Maintaining a high level of

hygiene is very easy due to the products being washable and durable. A broad range

of products enables you to fully protect your sleeping environment from allergy-inducing

microorganisms. the products differ in their special characteristics, so you can choose

those that meet your expectations as regards softness, warmth and feel.

stAndArd And speciAl sizes

Products from the Medical programme are available in all standard sizes. If you have any

special requirements regarding sizes, please contact us for manufacturing possibilities.

c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f O d e j a M e d i c a l p r o d u c t s

crOss sectiOn OF A typicAl prOduct (quilt, pillOw):

Outer fabric48% cotton / 52% polyester, processed using double Allergo-Protection

FillingFilling: 100% polyester, special Sensi-Care fibres


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01O d e j a M e d i c a l q u i l t s

cAreFully selected MAteriAls FOr A cAreFree nightThe material of the fabric and the filling are chosen so as to not attract dust mites. Special processing additionally protects the quilts from microorganisms.• Fabric: 48% cotton / 52% polyester,

processed using double Allergo-Protection• Filling: 100% polyester, Sensi-Care

siMple MAintenAnce And durAbilityMedical quilts are washable, enabling you to maintain their freshness. Top-quality manufacturing ensures lasting softness, volume and warmth efficiency.

MedicAl light quilt

MedicAl dOuble quilt

warmth characteristicsproduct

Summer light

For all seasons

special characteristic

Filling weight: 100g/m2

The quilt comprises two separate quilts of different weights: 100g/m2 + 300g/m2

MedicAl MediuM quilt Medium warm Filling weight: 300g/m2

lightness, breAthAbility And exceptiOnAl sOFtness

The fabric is specially processed using Allergo protection, which provides an active

double protection that prevents the growth of dust mites and harmful bacteria. The

filling is made of light and soft Sensi-Carefibres that have been designed especially for

people suffering from allergies and asthma. washable at 60°c, they provide optimum

protection from microorganisms.


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02 O d e j a M e d i c a l p i l l o w s

sOFt heAd suppOrt FOr sensitive And deMAnding custOMers

The active double Allergo-protection prevents the growth of dust mites and harmful

bacteria. The filling is made of Sensi-Carefibres, which have been designed especially

for people suffering from allergies and asthma. The insert in the core of the pillow is filled

with exceptionally soft Feel-Well balls, giving the pillow its breathable and voluminous


pleAsAnt MAteriAls FOr A sleep withOut MicrO-intrudersThe best materials, which are appropriate for sensitive individuals, have been selected for Medical pillows.

wAsh the pillOw when yOu wish tO Freshen itMedical pillows are washable at 60°C, thus additionally ensuring a healthy sleep. The pillows will maintain their shape and softness.

MedicAl sOFt pillOw


Soft pillow

special characteristic

Feel-Well fibres comprise the core of the pillow. The pillow can be washed as one.

MedicAl speciAlpillOw

Soft pillow The pillow is comprised of two parts: a quilted pillowcase with a zipper and an insert. The insert is filled with special Feel-Well balls, giving the pillow its long-lasting voluminous character. The pillow can be washed as one, or you can wash only the pillowcase. The insert also has a zipper that allows you to regulate the quantity of the filling and thus the pillow height.

Fabric 48% cotton / 52% polyester, processed using double Allergo-Protection

Pillowcasefilling100% polyester, Sensi-Care, 100 g/m2

inner pillow100% polyester, Feel-Well


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03O d e j a M e d i c a l M a t t r e s s c o v e r s

prOtect yOurselF FrOM dust Mites thAt hide in yOur Old MAttress

The mattress cover prevents the body from coming in contact with the mattress and

the allergy-inducing microorganisms within. Its softness and protective function enhance

the quality of sleep. elastic straps enable you to easily place the cover on the mattress

and keep it in position. The mattress cover substantially increases the cleanliness and

prolongs the lifespan of the mattress.

MAteriAls thAt prOtect And Are eAsy tO MAintAinMedical mattress covers are made from materials that protect you from microorganisms in your old mattress or a mattress that does not have anti-allergy characteristics.

MedicAl prOtect MAttress cOver

Maintenancespecial characteristicproduct

CThe active double Allergo Protection prevents the growth of dust mites and harmful bacteria in the mattress cover.


Fabric: 48% cotton / 52% polyesterFilling: 100% polyester, Sensi-Care (filling weight: 200g/m²)

MedicAl priMAr MAttress cOver A

Mechanical protection from dust mites and wetting (also appropriate for hospitals and similar institutions)

Terry 80% cotton / 20% polyester, laminated with a 100% waterproof polyurethane membrane


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O d e j a M e d i c a l M i c r o p r o t e c t s p e c i a l p r o t e c t i o n s

versAtile And elAbOrAte MechAnicAl prOtectiOn

special covers enable you to protect your quilt, pillow, mattress or top mattress. use

them for your bed or for your sensitive guests. The covers prevent the body from coming in

contact with a sleeping environment that is not protected against dust mites, that you do

not feel is clean enough or that requires the highest level of hygiene. The covers are small

in volume and thus easily folded and taken on trips to ensure a clean bed. The covers are

available in all standard sizes and enable you to protect the bed of an adult or a child.

FAbric with exceptiOnAl chArActeristicsThe main element of these innovative covers is the Micro- protect fabric, 100% polyester.• The exceptionally thick knitting ensures

mechanical protection from dust mites.• The fabric has been processed without the

use of chemicals.• Its light and soft texture makes it

exceptionally pleasant to the touch. • Due to its breathability and moisture

permeability, it dries fast, provides a feeling of freshness and does not cause sweating.

• It is appropriate for all seasons.

bAnish dust Mites with wAshing At 95°cMedical Micro Protect special protections are washable at a very high temperature, thus maintaining the highest possible level of hygiene. As the fabric dries very fast, it provides daily cleanliness and freshness of your sleeping environment.

* If you have any special requirements, please contact us for manufacturing possibilities.

MedicAl tOtAl prOtect quilt cOver

product special characteristic

The cover is available in all standard quilt sizes for children and adults.*

The cover is available in all standard pillow sizes for children and adults.*

The cover is available in all standard mattress sizes for children and adults.*

MedicAl tOtAl prOtect pillOwcAse

MedicAl tOtAl prOtect FOr MAttresses And MAttress cOvers



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S e e t o t h e h e a l t h y a n d c a r e f r e e s l e e p o f y o u r c h i l d r e n

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O d e j a M e d i c a l k i d s p r o g r a m m e

see tO the heAlthy And cAreFree sleep OF yOur children

All materials in Odeja Medical products have been carefully selected and are thus

appropriate even for the youngest children, especially those suffering from allergies and

asthma. The active double Allergo protection in the fabric prevents the development of

allergy-inducing microorganisms in a child’s bed. The products are filled with sensi-care

fibres that protect from dust mites and are appropriately light for a child’s comfort.

cOMpletely prOtect yOur child’s bed

Products of the Odeja Medical Kids Programme enable you to fully protect your child’s

bed from dust mites and other allergy-inducing microorganisms. This is the only way to

correctly prevent the negative effect dust mites have on your child’s development and

his/her allergies or asthma.

sOFtness thAt prOtects And lAsts

All products of the Odeja Medical Kids Programme are pleasant to the touch and health

friendly. They are washable at 60°c, which enables you to keep your child’s bed clean

and protected.

MedicAl First Mini children’s pillOw

product special characteristic

Appropriate for the youngest

Added insert from Feel-Well fibres

Appropriate for children who tend to be warm

Appropriate for children who like a warm quilt

It protects the child from dust mites and the mattress from wetting.

MedicAl sOFt Mini children’s pillOw

MedicAl light Mini children’s quilt

MedicAl MediuM Mini children’s quilt

MedicAl priMAr Mini children’s MAttress cOver



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F o r a p l e a s a n t g o o d n i g h t a n d c o l o u r f u l M o r n i n g s

Colours will bring a positive atmosphere to your bedroom. Your favourite

colours will ease you into a relaxing sleep and greet you with their energy

in the morning. A healthy sleep is thus made up of all colours.


dress yOur OdeJA MedicAl quilts, pillOws And MAttresses in wOnderFul OdeJA sAtin bed linen.• Exceptionally pleasant 100% cotton satin is

a breathable, gentle and soft fabric.• The fabric has been made without the use

of harmful colorants and is healthy and environmentally friendly.

• Due to the special easy-care processing of the fabric, the bed linen does not have to be ironed but you can iron it if you wish to achieve the highest possible level of hygiene.

• The bed linen simply closes with a zipper.• The colours are exceptionally fade-resistant.• The bed linen is washable at 60°c, which

prevents the development of dust mites and other allergy-inducing microorganisms.

chOOse cOlOurs thAt will bring new energy tO yOur bedrOOMAll Odeja bed linen collections are the product of Slovenian designers. Attractive patterns are available in diverse colour combinations and can be completed with sheets of various colours. Once you dress your bed in Odeja’s wonderful satins, you will improve your mood and experience that the feeling of freshness and health does not only come from white.


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“dust mites are one of the most common causes of allergies. They cause hay fever or allergic rhinitis, difficulty breathing and wheezing (allergic asthma) and itchy skin inflammation (eczema or atopic dermatitis). Patients suffering from dust mite allergies often exhibit cold symptoms throughout the year, having a runny nose and sneezing, have difficulty or are even unable to breathe through their nose, their eyes are irritated and itchy and they often suffer from inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and loss of smell and taste. The allergic inflammation spreads from the airways to the lungs and patients suffer from dry cough, difficulty breathing and wheezing. Asthma attacks, which can be life threatening, are common. The skin is itchy with small red rashes or even blisters, most commonly on the face, neck and scalp and on joints.

Most dust mites can be found in our living environment: in bedrooms, bed linen, (dust attracting) fabric, mattresses, duvets, carpets, rugs, curtains, upholstery, decorative skin rugs, cloth toys, moist and warm rooms where mould and fungi can also be found.

dust mite allergies (the same as other allergies) are treated and prevented with a combination of three main principles:1. preventing and avoiding contact with the allergen (precautionary measures),2. systemic and local treatment with drugs,3. immunotherapy or vaccination against an allergen – causal treatment of allergies if

required conditions are met.

For dust mite allergies, precautionary measures are exceptionally important, as we spend one third of our lives in our bedrooms: • The majority of dust mites can be found in bed linen, quilts and mattresses. In my

experience, the use of fabric that has been designed especially for people suffering from allergies and asthma (appropriately tested and certified) is an important element in the treatment and prevention of problems caused by dust mite allergies and substantially improves the quality of life, including sleeping.

• Regular airing out of bedrooms and living rooms is equally important as well as the removal of known sources of dust mites, the washing of bed linen, covers and fabrics at 60°C and regular maintenance and changing of filters in ventilation devices.

• Precautionary measures against dust mites are also important for children whose parents suffer from allergies, as the risk of developing allergies is higher for them, and the course of allergic diseases is much more difficult if precautionary measures are not implemented.”

get rid of dust Mites and improve the quality of your sleep

More information about preventing and treating allergies and asthmaSpecialist clinic for the treatment of allergiesChief Physician Brane Mežnar, MDGregorčičeva ulica 5, 3000 CeljePhone: +386 3 543 44 42Email: [email protected]

For more information about Odeja Medical products that prevent the development of allergy-inducing microorganisms in the sleeping environmentWrite to us: [email protected] us: +386 4 51 30 100Send a fax: +386 4 51 30 161Visit us: Odeja d.o.o., Development Department, Kidričeva 80, 4220 Škofja Loka

Chief Physician Brane MEŽNAR, MD, allergist:

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h e a l t h y s l e e p a n d t h e a e s t h e t i c s o f l i v i n g o f o u r c u s t o m e r s a r e o u r m i s s i o n .

Odeja d.o.o. is the leading Slovenian manufacturer of top-quality quilted textile products.

Our extensive programme encompasses products for your bed and a more beautiful

home. Our products can be used to furnish bedrooms and children’s beds as well as

bathrooms, bring diversity to any kitchen and living room or furnish the beds and rooms

of catering, hotel and health facilities.

Own development and manufacturing, controlled choice of the best materials and top-

quality production are the main characteristics of Odeja. They enable us to adapt to each

buyer in the choice of materials, method of manufacture and the quantity of products.

We help our business partners realise their ideas and develop highly specific products for

a niche or broader market.

We are present in numerous countries across the globe, and the tested quality and origin

of our products allow us to expand our market every year.

We are reputed for our tangibly excellent offer and for buyers being able to feel the care

with which each Odeja product has been made. Since 1932.

call us! we will gladly advise you in your choice!Odeja d.o.o. | Kidričeva 80 | 4220 Škofja Loka EU - Slovenija

t: +386 4 51 30 100 | F +386 4 51 30 161 e: [email protected] | www.odeja.si

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Appropriate for people suffering from allergies and asthma

Dust mite, fungi and mould repellent

Appropriate for the whole family

Appropriate for babies and children

Very soft

Washable at 60°C

Washable at 95°C

Do not bleach

Gentle spin drying

Do not iron

Dry cleaning is possible

Extra soft pillow

Soft pillow

Firm pillow

Very firm pillow

Light summer quilt

Medium warm season quilt

Very warm quilt

Double quilt for all seasons

Slovenia’s Choice


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Odeja, d.o.o.

Kidričeva 80 | 4220 Škofja Loka

EU - Slovenija

t +386 4 51 30 100 | F +386 4 51 30 161

e [email protected] | www.odeja.si



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