St. Mary Catholic Church www.stmary-wc.org 925-891-8900 OCTOBER 25, 2020 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

OCTOBER 25, 2020 St. Mary Catholic Church...“Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente”. Este es el gran man-damiento, el primero. Pero

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  • St. Mary Catholic Church www.stmary-wc.org 925-891-8900


  • Dear Friends, Love God and love your neighbor! So simple, yet so profound and complex. Yet that is what Jesus calls us to do in our lives. These are the most important commands, and they sum up the totality of the Gospel message. Jesus gave His life for us, calls us to love each other as we love ourselves, and to treat each other the way we want to be treated.

    The Opening Prayer of the Liturgy this weekend is equally as powerful:

    Almighty and ever-living God, increase our faith, hope and charity,

    and make us love what you command, so that we may merit what you promise.

    May we receive the grace we need to bear good fruit in our lives. Father Fred

    Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a

    Congratulations to nine children of our 2020 First Sacraments Group who made their First Communion on Saturday October 24. Please pray that they con-tinue to grow in faith and become closer to Jesus each day. Special Prayers for: ♦ Carmella Blake ♦ Alina Castro ♦ Melany Castro ♦ Brandon Gallardo ♦ Nathan Montes ♦ Brian Parra ♦ Sophia Spears ♦ Sidney Topping ♦ Toni Ventolieri

    Please pray for our Confirmation candidates who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation next Saturday, October 31, at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide them through their lives.


    Saint Jude, apostle and . . . Hollywood suc-cess story? In-deed! Beyond Simon’s being a “ Zealot” for Israel’s libera-tion and Jude’s question about Jesus revealing himself (John 14:22), no historic facts are known about either saint. But Saint Jude’s well-known patronage of lost causes and hopeless cases is largely due to a desperate vow made just before World War II by a struggling enter-tainer, the son of Arab-American immigrants, Danny Thomas. Unemployed, his wife about to give birth, Danny, attending Mass, impulsively donated his last seven dollars to the collection, promising: “Saint Jude, if you help me find my way in life, I will build a shrine in your honor!” Older Americans remember well Danny’s long, successful movie and television career. Grateful parents worldwide know the miracles that have taken place for fifty years at his Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where needy children are cared for regardless of race, religion, or financial resources, and monumental advances continue in heal-ing and preventing pediatric cancers and catastrophic childhood diseases. A living, life-giving partnership is this “Communion of Saints”: Simon, Jude, Danny Thomas—us! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    This Week’s Readings


    10/25 7:00 am Karin Lisboa

    9:00 am Darío Isea & Thomas Kuo

    11:00 am The People of St. Mary

    1:00 pm Xavier Joseph

    10/26 12:05 pm Annie Ten

    10/27 12:05 pm Oscar & Rosario Orpiano

    10/28 12:05 pm Alice McNally

    10/29 12:05 pm Tammy Brandt

    10/30 12:05 pm Chris Escano (L) B’D’

    10/31 8:30 am Allison Flamez

    4:30 pm The People of St. Mary

    LOVE OF GOD It’s easy to tell when two people love each other. They like to be near each other and spend time together. They share intimate thoughts and feelings. They enjoy making each other happy. And knowing that they are loved allows them to reach out to other people and treat them with love and respect. In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus tells us that the greatest law is to love God with our whole heart and soul and mind. What does it mean to love God? Certainly it means spending time together by reading and reflect-ing on God’s holy word. It also means sharing our thoughts and feelings with God in prayer and listening for God’s voice. Where do we go to be close to God? We join God’s people in worship in the church, rest in God’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament, discover God in the wonder of creation and the miraculous moments of daily life. What can we do to make God happy? How do we, like the Thessalonians, “serve the living and true God” (1 Thessalonians 1:9)?

    LOVE OF NEIGHBOR The reading from Exodus makes it very clear that we serve God by serving those who are oppressed or in need. Jesus makes it more personal—we are to love our neighbors. That means those with whom we work and play and live. When we spend time with God we can’t help but experience God’s great love for us. And knowing that we are loved by God should make it easy to reach out in charity and justice to our neighbors both near and far away.

    Thus, love of neighbor flows naturally from those who love God. We cannot truly say that we love God unless it shows in loving relationships and compassion to those in need. At the same time, we cannot maintain our love of neighbor unless we take time to drink from the well-spring of God’s refreshing love. Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

    Staff and Administration Website: www.stmary-wc.org

    Parish Office 891-8900 Fax 934-1358 Fr. Fred Riccio, [email protected] Pastor 891-8900 Fr. John Blaker, 891-8900 In residence Deacon Paul Turek [email protected] Ana Lau, [email protected] Office Manager 891-8908 Aileen Baker, [email protected] Bookkeeper 891-8911

    Faith Formation

    Maureen Tiffany [email protected] Director of Faith Formation 962-5808 Mary Kerfs, [email protected] Administrative Assistant 891-8939 Austin Pisciotto [email protected] Coordinator K-Grade 6 891-8944 Jethro Castillo [email protected] Youth Minister Grades 7-12 891-8920 Heather Abraham, [email protected] Coordinator Confirmation 891-8934 & Community Service Tim Mannix [email protected] RCIA & Liturgy Coordinator 891-8921


    Office 935-5054 [email protected] Website: www.st-mary.net Alumni: [email protected] Garrett Padia, Principal 935-5054


    Anthony De Cristoforo Allison Flamez Monica Jara Ana Alvarez Isabel Castillo Susana Jaime Rosalinda Reyes Jeanine Gordon Christine Pollnow Jake Johnstone Diane Hewson Clarissa Gutierrez Julia Rodriguez Fred & Emilia Sohn Raul Gonzalez Raquel Zittel Quinn Gurnett David Toy Ana Lopez Dominador Hontucan

    Oralee Floria Mary McLoughlin

    Angela Regan Beverly Regan Josefina Zabat

    Audry Robinson Loretta Holmes

    Nancie Campi Betty Baker

    Victor Miguel Barrios Carol Erikson

    Nydia Pajarillo Danyel Sheets

    Beth Wainwright Robin Wood

    Billy Silva Mary Kennedy Marcella Hatch

    Cheryl LaMarre

  • Mary, mother of Christ, teach us to pray your rosary as it should be prayed. For these ordinary beads strung on threads, hold within themselves all the mysteries of our holy faith and all the main ways of prayer. Mary, Queen of the Ro-sary, open to us its holy secrets. Let it be our door to the heart of your Son, his Father, and the Holy Spirit. —Servant of God Catherine Doherty

    WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Virtual Weekend Experience

    November 20-22, 2020

    Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a weekend for married Christian couples who value their relationship, desire a richer, fuller life together, and want to learn the tools needed to keep their marriage strong. The emphasis of WWME is on communication between husband and wife. For more information, visit www.oaklandwwme.org

    On our bulletin


    When carving your pumpkin, cut eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and a circle around the stem. Remove the seeds and insides of the pumpkin, place in a baggie and put back inside the pumpkin. Put the cut-out pieces back in the holes and replace the lid. Have a candle and long-stemmed lighter ready. Have your family recite this prayer:

    Happy All Hallows Eve!

    Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you. (Remove lid). Remove the things in my life that don’t please you. Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive oth-ers. (Pull out the bag of seeds). Open my eyes to see the beauty you’ve made in the world around me. (Remove eyes). Open my ears when I hear your word, so I may learn how you want me to live. (Remove ears). I’m sorry for the times I’ve turned up my nose at people who are different from me, but who are your children, too. (Remove nose). Let everything I say please you. (Remove mouth). Lord, help me show your light to others through the things I do. (Place candle inside and light it). Amen.

    (Andrew Santos, Salt & Light Media)

  • SANTOS SIMÓN Y JUDAS (Siglo I) Fiesta: 28 de octubre

    Simón fue uno de los Doce y para distinguirlo de Simón Pedro, lo llamaban el “zelote”, porque pertenecía a un grupo de judíos que esperaban la venida del Mesías como una liberación de Roma y sus impuestos. Además de los Doce nombres, Judas es menciona-do en el Evangelio de san Juan; es él quien le pregunta a Jesús la razón por la cual sólo se les ma-nifiesta a ellos y no al mundo entero. Judas Tadeo, para distinguirlo del Iscariote, también fue de los Doce Apóstoles. Se cree que Judas se fue a predicar a Mesopotamia (actual Iraq), mientras que Simón se fue a predicar a Egipto. De alguna manera se unieron para evangelizar a Persia (actual Irán) y ahí fueron martirizados. A Judas se le considera el autor de la carta de Judas que aparece en el Nuevo Testa-mento. En sólo 25 versos, el apóstol distingue a los líderes de los falsos maestros. Aunque ocupa el último lugar en la lista de los Doce, Judas Tadeo es el santo patrono de las causas difíciles y desesperadas. Goza de un gran afecto entre los cristianos. —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    Lunes: Ef 4:32 — 5:8; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 13:10-17 Martes: Ef 5:21-33; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Lc 13:18-21 Miércoles: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16 Jueves: Ef 6:10-20; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Lc 13:31-35 Viernes: Fil 1:1-11; Sal 111 (110):1-6; Lc 14:1-6 Sábado: Fil 1:18b-26; Sal 42 (41):2, 3, 5cdef; Lc 14:1, 7-11 Domingo: Ap 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1- 3; Mt 5:1-12a

    Desde niños hemos escuchado este pasaje del Evangelio (Mt 22:34–40) y hasta lo hemos cantado infinidad de veces en nuestras Misas. Hoy la liturgia nos presenta de nuevo la esce-na donde le preguntan a Jesús sobre la resurrección de los muertos y sobre cuál es el mandamiento más importante de la ley. Jesús contestó: “Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu

    alma y con toda tu mente”. Este es el gran man-damiento, el primero. Pero hay otro muy parecido: “Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”. El man-damiento nuevo es el mandamiento del amor: El amor espiritual vertical hacia el Señor, hacia arriba, y el amor horizontal hacia el hermano/hermana, y hacia el interior de la persona, como a ti mismo.

    ¡Qué hermosa enseñanza nos dejó Jesús! Sólo un desentendido no la comprende. Tres pasos a seguir: 1. Ama al Señor con el corazón, con el alma, con todo tu ser 2. Ama a tu prójimo, en el servicio a los demás, a los necesitados. 3. Como a ti mismo: vida de oración, de meditación, caminando siempre hacia el interior del corazón para imitar a Jesús.

    Todo, absolutamente todo, se fundamenta en estos dos mandamientos. Vivimos en una sociedad que ha olvidado a Dios, lo ha hecho a un lado; la tecnología y el dinero, los negocios, son primero. Ahora, a casi un año de haber llegado la pandemia, es el tiempo de re-evaluar estos tres pasos: ¿Cómo va mi relación con Dios? ¿Cómo va mi amor al prójimo? ¿Cómo va el cambio en mi corazón?; ¿sigue de piedra? Seamos honestos con nosotros mismos, pongamos en práctica lo aprendido en este tiempo de prueba. ©LPi

    Sé fiel al Rosario. Es el escudo y la espada del com-bate espritual y además asegura tu victoria sobre los poderes de la oscu-ridad. ¿Por qué? Porque es una hu-milde oración, una oración que une el alma de quien lo reza a la Victo-ria de mi Madre sobre la serpiente antigua. (Gen 3:15; Apoc 12:9, 20:2) (Tomado de In Sinu Jesu)

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