OCTOBER 2013 FOUR TIMES THE FUN! PAGE 6 The Haegele family of Arnold trusted St. Anthony’s to deliver all of their beautiful daughters.

October 2013 Your Health Today

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Your Health Today is a tri-annual publication of St. Anthony's Medical Center, St. Louis, with healthy information & tips for your family. This issue features our Family Birth Center.

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The Haegele family of arnold trusted St. anthony’s to deliver all of their beautiful daughters.

Page 2: October 2013 Your Health Today

Around St. Anthony’S

Back in the SwingRetired firefighter Charlie Granda is hitting the links again after successful robotic gallbladder surgery.

CoVEr Story

Four Times the Fun!The Haegele family has four lovely daughters, all of them delivered at St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center.

MoVE It!

Relax and RefreshYoga classes offer a great way to get invigorated and balance body, mind and spirit.

hEALthy hABItS

Veggie Power!Learn the best ways unlock the maximum amount of nutrition from your vegetables.


Extra SpecialThe Wagners discovered that the Special Care Nursery delivers care with compassion.

Peace of MindThe Perinatal Center serves women who have conditions that may be considered high-risk during pregnancy.









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Articles with this icon have more info on our website.


2013octoberYOUR HEAlTH

St. Anthony’s has a new and unique leadership approach. Instead of a traditional administrative structure, we have formed a physician-oriented Office of the President with three outstanding physician leaders: Dr. David Morton, Dr. Chris Bowe, and Dr. Jack Mitstifer.

Dr. David Morton, an interventional cardiologist, grew up in South County and has practiced at St. Anthony’s for three decades. He is serving as our Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Chris Bowe also grew up in South County and has spent his entire career here as a primary care internist. He is also serving as the President of SAPO (St. Anthony’s Physician Organization). Dr. Jack Mitstifer is an Emergency Medicine physician and is the former Chairman of an Emergency Medicine residency program and former president of a large community teaching hospital.

I am the fourth member of the Office of the President. I have previously served for thirty years as a hospital and health system CEO and an advisor to health system boards and leadership teams. We function as a collaborative team, and we intend to put patient care quality at the very top of St. Anthony’s priority list.

No other hospital in St. Louis has placed so many physicians in positions of senior leadership. At St. Anthony’s, physicians are not just valued as team members, they are the team. We look forward to advancing St. Anthony’s in every way with our unique vision of physician-oriented leadership.

Michael E. RindlerChief Executive Officer


Go to stanthonysmedcenter.com and click on Your Health Today.

Introducing the office of the President

David Morton, M.D.

Chris Bowe, M.D. Jack Mitstifer, M.D.

Michael E. Rindler

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The end of Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, Nov. 3, requires us to reset our biological clocks as well as our household clocks. In general, gaining an hour in the

fall is an easier task for our systems than losing an hour in the spring, but our personal health, sleep habits and lifestyles all influence our adjustment to time changes.

Scientists say light is the principal cue in our 24-our natural cycle, or circadian rhythm. To maintain regular sleep habits, in addition to avoiding alcohol or caffeine close to bedtime, we need to avoid nighttime light, which suppresses the secretion of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Is there a streetlight outside your window? Be sure to close the blinds. If you get up at night to go to the bathroom, avoid turning on the light. During the waking hours, reverse the process and try to expose yourself to as much light as possible.

Source: WebMD

Indoor bronzing, and cancer risk, on riseSkin cancer rates are on the rise, and dermatologists long have warned of the dangers of suntanned skin. However, one-third of female high school students and women ages 18 to 34 reported in a recent study that they used indoor tanning beds, and many used them frequently.

The practice was most common in the Midwest and South. The report, by the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, observed that indoor tanning before the age of 35 increases melanoma risk by up to 75 percent, and that the risk increases by roughly two percent with each additional tanning session per year.

Advances in sunless tanners now make it possible to obtain a realistic bronze glow that is much safer than ultraviolet rays. Many indoor tanning centers offer spray-on sunless tanning as an alternative.

The masked goblins soon will be lurking at your door: what to offer trick-or-treaters

that’s enjoyable and healthy? Sugary, high-calorie candy can lead to tooth decay and an array of health problems: in the past 30 years, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children, and tripled in adolescents, according to the Centers for Disease Control. But among the pint-sized set, word travels fast about those disappointing neighbors who hand

out healthy foods such as pretzels, raisins and the like.

This Halloween, consider ditching the foodstuffs entirely. Head to the discount or dollar store for inexpensive, holiday-themed stickers, pencils, fake fangs, sugar-free gum, sticky novelty eyeballs, play bubbles and/or spider and bat rings. Package several items together in a baggie for a ghoulishly gratifying presentation.

Shun sugary sweets, offer nifty novelties

in good health

Source: FamilyEducation.com

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oin the club!

The Cradle Club supports St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center, Special Care Nursery and the Perinatal Center.

St. Anthony’s Charitable Foundation has established the Cradle Club to help support the many programs for babies and moms offered by St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center. Donors who make a $50 or greater gift in honor of their new baby will receive a commemorative ornament imprinted with the infant’s personal footprint, along with the baby’s name and birth date. These ornaments may be imprinted with the infant footprints of any baby born at St. Anthony’s since 1974, so multi-generational ornaments can be arranged. All donations are tax-deductible, and gifts of any size are appreciated.




The Community Outreach team at St. Anthony’s Medical Center recently completed a year-long process to learn about the health needs of our community, through a Community

Health Needs Assessment, or CHNA.

As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in March 2010, every non-profit hospital is required to conduct a community-based needs assessment every three years. As a next step, staff will develop an implementation plan with evidence-based strategies to address the three prioritized needs identified in the assessment.

To listen to the voice of the community and learn more about those prioritized needs, visit

St. anthony’s examines community health needs





For details on joining the Cradle Club, call the Charitable Foundation at 314-525-7330 or e-mail [email protected].

Cradle Club supports healthy babies







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Retired firefighter Charlie Granda is back in the swing of his post-retirement activities of golfing,

boating and cycling, thanks to the single-incision, robotic-assisted gallbladder removal surgery he received this spring at St. Anthony’s.

Charlie found himself stricken with pain one morning, the severity of which he had never experienced before. Doctors in the Emergency Department determined he was in the process of passing a gallstone. Soon after, he underwent single-incision, robotic-assisted cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal surgery with surgeon Bradley Ross, D.O., of St. Louis Surgical Services. Dr. Ross is the first surgeon in the South County area, and one of only a few in the St. Louis area, to perform this surgery.

“I was very pleased with Dr. Ross,” Charlie said.

Recovery time and the healing process were fast, and Charlie was able to resume normal activity soon after surgery.

The potential benefits of single-incision surgery include minimal scarring and pain, low blood loss, fast recovery, short hospital stay and higher patient satisfaction.

“Robotically, I can see better,” Dr. Ross said. “Seeing is everything in surgery.”




After his successful surgery, Charlie Granda enjoys a round at his favorite course, the Sunset Hills Golf Course.

To make an appointment with Dr. Ross, call 314-ANTHONY (268-4669).

in the


Page 6: October 2013 Your Health Today

family birth center

ith four adorable daughters, a busy mom and dad, and numerous activities, the Haegele family of Arnold is constantly on the go. Dad, Cory Haegele, is a business financial analyst. Mom, Maria Maksimovich Haegele, works for a jewelry company.

“I was one of four children, and I always wanted to have four kids,” Maria said.

Each daughter -- Alexandria, 8; Emerson, 6; McKenna, 5; and baby Scarlett, 1 -- has her own engaging style and personality. And each can trace her first moments of life to the Family Birth Center at St. Anthony’s Medical Center.

Four Times the


FOUR OF a kIND MEaNS a FULL HOUSE FOR THE HaEgELES! At left, from top: Alexandria, Emerson, McKenna, and Scarlett


Take a guided tour of the Family Birth Center, complete with free gift bags, on the first Sunday and third Thursday of every month. For upcoming tour dates, call314-ANTHONY (268-4669).

No time to visit? Take a virtual tour of the Family Birth Center: stanthonysmedcenter.com/maternity


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Maria’s mom, the late Sherri Maksimovich, was a nurse and a 30-year employee of the medical center.

“Originally, I chose the medical center because my mom had worked there,” explained Maria, 35. “After my first birthing experience, though, I never would have gone anywhere else. Between the doctors and nurses and staff, I received one-on-one care. I really loved it: I had great experiences with the deliveries. And the nurses always helped my husband at night, in addition to taking care of me and the baby.”

“If you asked them questions, they had all the answers,” added Cory, 37, recalling the eight or so family members in the delivery room on the night Alexandria was born. “They were accommodating with our guests, too: we had lots of them.”

Cory adds with a smile that he has become used to being outnumbered by the women in his life. Alexandria is a third-grader, and Emerson a first-grader at Sherwood Elementary School in the Fox school district. McKenna is in kindergarten, and baby Scarlett is at home.

Maria’s obstetrician and gynecologist, A. Louis Ojascastro, M.D. himself is an alumnus of the Nursery at the old St. Anthony’s Hospital at Grand Boulevard and Chippewa Street, where he made his debut in 1961.

“The personal care you can get from our nurses at St. Anthony’s sets us apart,” Dr. Ojascastro said. “Once we hook them with the first delivery, our patients will come back again and again.”

Maria agreed. “I would visit my friends who had babies at other hospitals, and I had the feeling they weren’t cared for as well I was at St. Anthony’s all four times,” she said. “Everything, from start to finish, was absolutely wonderful. I would highly recommend St. Anthony’s to anyone having a baby.”

“I think moms-to-be will find it’s not only patient-friendly, but that they’ll receive good care when they come to St. Anthony’s,” said obstetrician/gynecologist James Brennan, M.D., who took office July 1 as Chairman of the OB/GYN department. “Our

caregivers don’t treat our patients as numbers. That’s one of the reasons I send my patients to St. Anthony’s.”

A few of the amenities new moms will find at St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center:

Fourteen newly renovated labor, delivery and recovery suites, with flat-screen televisions, DVD players, recliners and ceiling fans.

Birthing balls or rocking chairs to assist with labor. Or, moms may opt for a telemetry monitor, which allows them the freedom to walk around the unit during their labor.

Sixteen private, post-partum rooms, where babies are welcome to room in with their mothers and fathers, and family members are welcome to visit. Complimentary snacks, drinks and movies are available.

A free celebratory dinner for mom and her spouse/birth partner after the baby is born.

A complimentary sleep sack for baby, as part of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Safe Sleep Initiative.

A free follow-up visit to the Family Birth Center after discharge, to assess the physical and emotional well-being of both mom and baby. St. Anthony’s is the only medical center in the area to offer this this important service for free.

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special care nursery

Count your blessings,” reads the stencil on a wall of the Wagner family home in Fenton. April and Ed Wagner consider daughter Eulalie’s arrival on May 18 to be a double blessing.

April, 32, experienced a normal, healthy pregnancy, but complications required the newborn to be admitted to St. Anthony’s Special Care Nursery.

“She had a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy,” said April’s obstetrician, Julia Lagow, D.O., Medical Director of Women’s Services at St. Anthony’s. “Eulalie weighed more than 10 pounds at birth, and sometimes those babies end up needing help with their blood sugar. Sometimes, even full-term, healthy babies can require some extra help. That’s why we have the Special Care Nursery.”

A team effort of St. Anthony’s and Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, the Special Care Nursery is staffed by a neonatal nurse practitioner 24 hours a day, and by neonatologists. The nursery provides specialized care for premature babies and babies with respiratory problems, complete



nutritional support, and consultations with pediatric cardiologists and other specialists.

Caregivers in the nursery helped to ease the family’s worries during the first few days of Eulalie’s life.

“It was difficult to watch that little bassinet wheel out of the room,” April recalled, “but we soon discovered this experience would introduce us to St. Anthony’s best-kept secret: the Special Care Nursery.”

The nurses in Special Care were warm, steady and supportive, April and Ed recalled. As April’s discharge drew near, she was encouraged to stay on as a guest for two nights and continue her regular visits. Eulalie came home on May 22.

“We are grateful to know that our daughter was in such good hands in the Special Care Nursery as a small, new person,” April said. “We were deeply appreciative of those little things, the way nurses always called her by name and spoke gently to her, ready with a tip or trick up the sleeve to soothe her – or encouraging words to reassure us. Whether it was the middle of the day or the middle of the night, we encountered a special kind of personal warmth in that room.”

Eulalie enjoys a happy moment with her proud parents, April and Ed Wagner of Fenton.


– April Wagner

“We are grateful to know that our daughter was in such good hands.”

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Expectant moms have plenty of preparation ahead of them, and St. Anthony’s new Labor and Delivery Nurse Navigator

program helps them keep tabs on it.

“I know St. Anthony’s OBs very well and have a great working relationship with them,” Schramm said. “I’ll acquaint patients with educational options, help schedule any procedures they need done, ensure lab tests are completed in a timely manner, and acquaint them with the programs of the Family Birth Center. Communication with the doctors’ offices and any inquiries from the patient now come through one person, for consistency.

“When patients come in to deliver, we already know a lot about them,” she added. “Their health history is complete and in the computer, which is very nice. Moms like it because they know where to go and what to expect. The nurses like it because it allows them to concentrate on the new family in a relaxed and supportive way.”

OB Nurse Navigator Joann Schramm, r.n. helps moms-to-be schedule appointments, set up lab tests, access childbirth education and prepare for their stay at St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center. She brings to the position 13 years of experience as a Labor and Delivery nurse, eight of those years at St. Anthony’s.


“The Special Care Nursery truly lives up to its name, stepping beyond specialized medicine to special people who make an invaluable difference in parents’ and babies’ lives during such a critical and emotional time,” April Wagner

said. “We felt truly blessed by the care we received, and hope to pass that blessing to other families by donating to the Special Care Nursery. We plan to donate every year for Christmas, as well as Eulalie’s birthday.”

Special Care Nursery is there when you need it.

When patients come in to

deliver, we already know a lot about them.


Nurse Navigator guides new moms



View a video about our Nurse Navigator at: stanthonysmedcenter.com and click on “Your Health Today.”

gifts @samcstl.org

An ornament bearing Eulalie Wagner’s petite footprints

hangs on the wall of the Nursery, because her family belongs to St. Anthony’s Cradle Club program (see page 4 for


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perinatal center


achael Beaulieu was worried. She had progressed during her pregnancy from feeling her baby move all day long, to noticing his movements only a couple times a day. Her obstetrician/gynecologist, James Brennan, M.D., referred her to St. Anthony’s Perinatal Center.

“On my way over, I was so scared that I was going to get bad news, because I had lost two pregnancies before,” recalled Rachael, 25, of Red Bud, Ill. “Jill Castleberry, R.N., was the first nurse I met at the Perinatal Center. She was so pleasant and friendly: she made me feel a lot better.”

The Perinatal Center offers advanced care and the latest technology to women who have

conditions that may be considered high-risk during pregnancy, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypertension, blood clotting disorders, multiple births or history of pregnancy loss. The center also offers genetic counseling.

“We’ve had a good experience with the Perinatal Center – they’ve always given us good service, and most times will call back the same day with their diagnosis on the patient,” Dr. Brennan said. “The

The Perinatal Center

offers advanced

care and the latest

technology to women

who have conditions

that may be considered

high-risk during



We areAt right, Rachael Beaulieu holds baby Jakoby during a happy reunion with some of the Perinatal Center staff that treated her.

From left:Jill Castleberry, RNMelissa Letner, Secretary Sandy Rundell, RNChris Valentine, SonographerAngela Hicks, SonographerMimi Richardson, RN

“It definitely gave us peace of mind that Jakoby was okay.”

– Rachael Beaulieu

Learn more about the capabilities and services offered through

St. Anthony’s Perinatal Center:stanthonysmedcenter.


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Going home with baby: here’s helpComing home from the hospital with a new baby can be an overwhelming time for new parents. That’s why St. Anthony’s offers a free follow-up visit to the Family Birth Center, to ensure that babies are thriving and to provide one-on-one lactation counseling to nursing mothers. St. Anthony’s is the only hospital in the metropolitan area to offer this service for free.

“The Post-Partum Care Center is where mothers can come when breastfeeding is difficult or problematic,” said 25-year veteran nurse Nancy Watson, R.N., who shares duties with lactation nurses Lisa Schumacher, R.N., and Martha Brennan, R.N. “We try to head off those problems and work with the mother and baby to solve them and give mother the confidence that she can breastfeed her baby.”

The nurses also do a weight check on the baby, document the information and send it to the pediatrician’s office.

Frequently, the nurses host a return visit from moms and their babies– at five, eight or nine months— to show how well they’re doing and express their thanks.

nursing staff is very friendly as well, and that makes for excellent rapport with our patients.”

Rachael received an ultrasound, with normal results. During the last three weeks of her pregnancy, she was monitored twice a week with a non-stress test, “which reassures us of the fetal well-being,”said Castleberry, a staff nurse. “Healthy babies will increase their heart rates with movement. They must have adequate oxygen via their placenta and umbilical cord for fetal activity. Rachael was a wonderful patient.”

The visits were worth the hour-long drive twice a week, Rachael said: “It definitely gave us peace of mind that Jakoby was okay.”

FAMILYSince 1999, Castleberry has divided her work hours between the Perinatal Center and the Family Birth Center. She notes that it’s the best of both worlds, because she gets to know the moms first, and later the babies. The nurses in Labor and Delivery often make a special visit to the new arrivals and their parents, if they are not on the floor when the delivery occurs.

“That’s our goal from both the Perinatal Center and Labor and Delivery: healthy, happy babies and moms,” Castleberry said.

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Cathy Feldmeier, a registered, licensed dietitian on staff at St. Anthony’s, offers these tips to help preserve the nutrients in your veggies, while adding interest and flavor:

Did you know?St. Anthony’s offers nutrition counseling, through one-on-one appointments and group classes. Instructors are registered, licensed dietitians. The cost may be covered by insurance.

Call (314) ANTHONY (268-4669) for more information, or to schedule an appointment.

Clean ‘em up To help prevent foodborne illness, always wash vegetables before cooking them, even those in “ready to eat” packages.

Keep ‘em colorfulStrive to include a variety of colors of veggies in your mealtime repertoire: different colors provide different nutrients.

Packing the Power of Fruits and VegetablesRIGHT

• Microwaving is an easy way to prepare vegetables while protecting their nutrients. Studies show that microwaving broccoli can preserve up to 80 percent of its vitamin C content.

• Use a minimum of liquid. Many of the nutrients in veggies are water-soluble and will leach into the water. Try using a steamer or put a small amount of liquid in the pot. After it

boils, add your vegetables and cook until they are just tender. Reuse the nutrient-rich liquid in a soup or sauce.

• Roast or grill your veggies, which brings out their sweetness. Vegetables that work well for roasting include Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, peppers, squash, and root vegetables like potatoes, carrots and onions.

• Saute your veggies using a teaspoon or two of canola oil. Add fresh herbs for extra flavor.

• When possible, leave on the skin, which is a great source of fiber.


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Don’t have a charcoal or gas grill available? Don’t sweat it.We tested this recipe using a cast-iron grill pan, coated lightly with non-stick cooking spray and heated on a kitchen range. It worked wonderfully!




Calories: 386 Fat: 16.2g Saturated fat: 5.9g

Monounsaturated fat: 7.1g Polyunsaturated fat: 1.1g Protein: 15.8g

Carbohydrate: 45.5g Fiber: 6.4g Cholesterol: 20mg

nutrItIonAL InForMAtIon PEr SErVInG:

1 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar4 (2 1/2-ounce) ciabatta bread portions, cut in half horizontallyCooking spray4 (1-ounce) slices provolone cheese, halved8 (1/4-inch-thick) slices tomato 8 basil leaves

Grilled Farmer’s Market Sandwiches

InGrEdIEntS: 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided 8 (1/2-inch-thick) slices eggplant2 (1/2-inch-thick) slices red onion 1 large zucchini, cut lengthwise into 4 pieces 2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary1/4 teaspoon black pepper1/8 teaspoon salt

PrEPArAtIon:Preheat grill or grill pan to medium-high. Brush 1 tablespoon olive oil evenly over both sides of eggplant, onion, and zucchini. Sprinkle with rosemary, pepper, and salt. Combine 1 tablespoon oil and vinegar in a bowl. Brush vinegar mixture over cut sides of bread. Place onion on grill rack coated with cooking spray, and grill for 6 minutes on each side or until tender. Remove from grill, and separate into rings. Grill eggplant and zucchini 4 minutes on each side or until tender. Cut zucchini pieces in half crosswise. Place bread, cut sides down, on grill rack; grill 2 minutes. Remove from grill. Place 1 piece of cheese on bottom halves bread portions; top each serving with 1 eggplant slice, 1 tomato slice, 1 basil leaf, 2 pieces zucchini, one-fourth of onion rings, 1 eggplant slice, 1 tomato slice, 1 basil leaf, 1 piece of cheese, and top half of bread. Place sandwiches on grill rack; grill 2 minutes, covered, or until cheese melts.

Source: Cooking Light

4 servings

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move it!

Originally used as a means to meditate and connect

with the divine, yoga is now used by millions

worldwide to reduce stress and promote fitness.


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Getting with the program “You have to be an educated consumer and look around,” said yoga instructor Kym Huie. He offers these tips for finding a class that works for you:

There are many types of yoga. Take time to go in and observe the class before joining (a good teacher will let you observe a class or two for free or a nominal fee). Even then, don’t pay for more than a couple of classes up-front until you’re sure it’s a good fit.

Once you join, round out your class work by practicing the poses at home. Even 15 minutes a day, in a three-foot by five-foot space, can work wonders in creating a lifelong fitness regimen.

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St. Anthony’s offers a variety of yoga classes, including Basic Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga

and PiYoga, with convenient daytime and evening hours. For a schedule of classes, call 314-ANTHONY (268-4669) or visit stanthonysmedcenter.The next session starts Monday, Nov. 11.


DO try this at homeLie on the floor or on a couch, with your hands on your stomach. Inhale, and observe the movement as your belly expands.

Hold your breath to a count of five, then exhale. Observe the movement as your belly recedes.

At all times, in all things that you do, learn to be aware of your breathing, and use your breath to help with relaxation. Anytime you are stressed, take and release a couple of deep breaths to relax.

Source: Kym Huie

From its roots in ancient India, the practice of yoga lends itself to versatile exercise techniques that can be tailored to fit those young or old, physically fit or with mobility issues.

“With 40 to 50 million people doing yoga in America, it’s huge,” observed Kym Huie, who teaches yoga classes in St. Anthony’s Body, Mind, Spirit Center. “Most people come to yoga for exercise: I always try to tell people, yoga is like a suit of clothes. A good instructor can tailor the poses to everyone’s needs, whether for relaxation, for stretching and flexibility, or for balance and strength.”

In addition to exercise, the physical poses of yoga can help with breathing. Each yoga pose is connected intimately with the breath, which can help the body release toxins and stress.

And people with various physical challenges can enjoy the restorative benefits of yoga.

“I have an older clientele, and some of them have physical issues,” Huie, who himself is in his fifties. “We’re nowhere near as flexible as we were as young kids. Certain people aren’t going to be able to get on the floor, so they can do the poses from a chair; and props such as straps and blocks can make the postures more accessible.”

and Refresh

Yoga instructor Kym Huie practices a pose during one of his classes at the Body, Mind, Spirit Center.

Yoga balances body, mind, spirit

A simple relaxation pose:


can do this!


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MISSIONSt. Anthony’s, a Catholic medical center, has the duty and the privilege to provide the best care to every patient, every day.


Michael E. Rindler


Mary Sherfy

10010 Kennerly RoadSt. Louis, Mo. 63128



Having a baby or thinking about having a baby?

Come see what St. Anthony’s Family Birth Center has to offer!



9 a.m. to noon


1 to 4 p.m.

• Take tours of the Family Birth Center

(by appointment only)

• Visit booths from local vendors offering the

latest in baby products and services

• Learn about St. Anthony’s services including

perinatal care, nutrition, lactation, classes,

car seat safety and more

• Register for attendance prizes

• Attendees will receive a FREE

Family Birth Center “Swag Bag!”


Space is limited, and advance registration is required.

To register, call 314-ANTHONY (268-4669) or 800-554-9550.


FREELOCATION St. Anthony’s Medical Center Family Birth Center, Cafeteria

10010 Kennerly Road

St. Louis, MO 63128