October 2012 Pony Express

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  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Craig Collins,Craig Collins,Craig Collins,Craig Collins,THHS PrincipalTHHS PrincipalTHHS PrincipalTHHS Principal

    Andrea Padian ,Andrea Padian ,Andrea Padian ,Andrea Padian ,EditorEditorEditorEditor (Position Open)

    Rachel Ward,Rachel Ward,Rachel Ward,Rachel Ward,PTSA PresidentPTSA PresidentPTSA PresidentPTSA President

    Volume 3 Issue 2Volume 3 Issue 2Volume 3 Issue 2Volume 3 Issue 2October / November 2012October / November 2012October / November 2012October / November 2012

    continued on page Be thankful forwhat you have,youll land up

    having more. Ifyou concentrate

    on what you donthave, youll never,

    ever haveenough.

    Oprah Winfrey

    Trabuco Hills High School PTSA Pony Express27501 Mustang Run, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691(949)768-1934


    Trabuco Hills High PTSASaddleback Valley Council PTAFourth District PTACalifornia State PTA

    National PTA

    The Pony ExpressThe Pony ExpressThe Pony ExpressThe Pony Express

    Inside This IssueInside This IssueInside This IssueInside This IssueCollege Fair 2012 pg 2-3Message from Rachel pg 4Mustang Marvels pg 4Challenge Day Coming Up Soon pg 5Keiras Counseling Corner pg 6Advocacy Actions pg 7THHS Scholarship Opportunities pg 8Keeping Up w/Natasha-School News pg 9Paper Drive at Back to School Night pg 10Master Drive Program pg 10Membership Matters pg 11

    Adopt-a-Book Program Notes pg 11ASB in Action pg 12-13What Up? Campus Life pg 14SVEF Car Raffle pg 14THHS Girls Volleyball Program pg 15THHS Football Highlights pg 16Grad Night 2013 pg 17Help with No Cost Fundraisers pg 18Reflections/Restaurant Night Flyer pg 19Identity Protection/ DMV pg 20Food Truck Wednesdays pg 212012 Calendar/Volunteer Needs pg 22

    continued on page 2

    THHS PTSA College FairTHHS PTSA College FairTHHS PTSA College FairTHHS PTSA College FairHuge SuccessHuge SuccessHuge SuccessHuge SuccessBy Chris Burns, [email protected]

    Co-Chair, Liz Busch, [email protected] Co-Chair, Chiara Burns

    On October 8, 2012 Trabuco Hills High School hostedthe second annual College Fair. Colleges anduniversities from around the county (and Canada)journeyed to Mustang Run to participate in one of thelargest high school hosted college fairs in OrangeCounty. 135 colleges and universities were in atten-dance this year, up from 97 last year. 1,330 studentsfrom Trabuco Hills, El Toro, Mission Viejo and

    Laguna Hills navigated their way through the manytwo and four year options. Add a family member ortwo and the overall population of students, parents andsiblings in attendance was nearly 3,000 strong.

    Expanding the fair into the auxiliary gym this yearmade it possible to accommodate the increase in col-

    leges and alleviate the congestion experienced lastyear. Staggering the start also helped smooth theflow.

    Four seminars were featured this year, including thePrinceton Review Roadmap to College, Financial Aidpresented by Saddleback College, the Transfer Processpresented by Irvine Valley College, and NCAArecruiting presented by Jennifer Noonan.

    Father and daughter team, Chris and Chiara Burns

    celebrate a challenging, fun and rewarding day at the

    College Fair.

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High 2011-2012

    PTSA Board Members

    Rachel Ward,President

    Craig Collins

    Trabuco Hills High Principal

    Michelle Ramacher

    Executive Vice President & Convention Chair

    Christina Simon

    Vice President Membership & Silent Auction Chair

    Diane Williams

    Vice President Ways & Means

    Jessica Shipma,* Student Leader (President)

    Mike Padian, Treasurer

    Nicole Cassens, Financial Secretary

    Lisa Semon, Historian

    Linda Boud, Recording Secretary

    Louise Robertson, Auditor

    Suzann Gastreich, Parliamentarian

    Larry Hausner, Legislative/Advocacy Representative

    Joan Rosenberg, Foster Care Liaison

    Kim Saavedra, Volunteer Development

    Lisa Bauer & Andrea Padian, Grad Night Co-Chairs

    James Peredo, Webmaster

    Andrea Padian & Tonga Prather ,Reflections

    Chris Burns & Liz Busch, College Fair Co-Chairs

    Tish Witkin, Arts Advocacy Chair

    Sheryl Titchener, & Andrea Padian Challenge Day

    Mike Padian, Mini-grant Chair

    Yvonne Arnett, Special Education Chair

    Michelle Wincek, Welcome Committee Chair

    Gabriela Peredo, Outreach

    Brenda Hanrath, Discount Cards & Restaurant Nights

    Jill Azuma, Ralphs & E-Script Chair

    Andrea Padian & Lisa Bauer, Taste of the Hills Chairs

    Diane Depreta, Teacher/Staff Appreciation

    Andrea Padian, Newsletter Editor

    Jenny Morgenstern, Drugs & Alcohol Prevention

    Jennifer Brase , Senior Scholarships & Award Night

    Michelle Gerry, Adopt a Book Chair

    Gloria Briones, Campus Beautification Chair

    Sharon Neubauer,Paper Drive Chair

    Mike Briante & Lynette Berke, Grant Writers

    Health Advocate,Kim Knoble

    Parent Education ChairsOPEN

    Publicity LiaisonOPEN

    Teacher RepresentativeOPEN

    October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2 page

    Jessica Shipma,

    Student Leader/President

    Open, Freshman Representative

    Open, Sophomore Representative

    Josh Nuzzo , Junior Representative

    Andie Wong, Senior Representative

    Chiara Burns, College Fair Chair

    Brendan Busch,Special Ed Chair

    Alayna Zuckerman, Grant Writer &

    Challenge Day Leader

    Julia Mihaylov,Newsletter& Website

    Natasha Behnam, Publicity Chair

    Nicole Peredo, Outreach

    Hadar Albo, Volunteer Coordinator

    James Padian & Duncan Bauer

    Grad Night Co-Chairs

    Alexa Simonton, Advocacy

    Airon Hojas, Reflections Chair

    Michelle Briones & Niki Neely,

    Campus Beautification

    Open, Membership

    Open,Paper Drives Chair

    College FairCollege FairCollege FairCollege Fair (continued from page one)

    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Student Board

    Baja Fresh and Juice It Up provided dinner for the college repsand refreshment for all of the attendees donating a portion oftheir proceeds back to PTSA to support the event.

    The fair would not have been possible without the numerousstudent and parent volunteers from Trabuco Hills, LagunaHills and the Saddleback Valley Educational Foundation.Thank you for your efforts!

    (This is Chriss last year at Trabuco as his daughter is gradu-ating in 2013, so we want to send him a special thanks for allthe work he has done to bring the College Fair to Trabuco and

    the Saddleback Valley School District. Liz Busch will be tak-

    ing on this role next year, and she will need a lot of new com-mittee members and helpers. Please talk to Liz if you would

    like to help with the planning and event or to serve as a Co-Chair for the College Fair 2013 at [email protected].

    The core College Fair committee (Chiara Burns not in photo) Front roleft to right: Chris Mackey (LHHS & SVEF,) Rachel Ward, Liz Busc

    Pam Klister (SVEF president), Back Row: Craig Collins, Jay Ward,Mike Padian, Andrea Padian & Chris Burns

    Go to Team Go!

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 3C







  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    A Message from RachelTrabuco Hills High PTSA President

    [email protected]

    Mustang MarvelsMustang MarvelsMustang MarvelsMustang MarvelsOur Mustang Marvels were in top form this month.Our thanks to an amazing College Fair committee, ledby Co-Chairs, Chris Burns & Liz Busch,and Student Chair, Chiara Burns. They dida splendid job of getting this event on thecalendar and rounding up 135 schools to beon hand for our students. If you saw them atall that night, they were on the move.Thanks also to our other committee mem-bers, Rachel Ward, Mike & AndreaPadian, and LHHS & SVEF representative,Chris Mackey. Both Trabuco and LHHShad theirKey Club members on hand to help, too,and we want to thank them. As well we must thank oursponsors, THHS PTSA & Saddleback Valley Educa-tion Foundational (SVEF) for their continued supportof this event and LHHS for their help printing all ourflyers. Juice It UP! was also on hand supplying ourcollege reps with free smoothies. And they, along withBaja Fresh, generously donated a percentage of theirsales back to the PTSA to help offset expenses associ-ated with the event. We thank them for their participa-tion. Despite a rough start earlier in the day when we

    found out we were given 8 foot tables instead of 6 footables and all that ensued after that, the event came offvery successfully. We were honored to have so many

    student and parent helpers; aiding with surveys,college rep and volunteer check in and park-ing. And special thanks to our principal, Mr.Collins for his support and hard work in making this event even happen. What a greatnight! Thank you all!

    Our thanks to our paper drive chairperson,Sharon Neubauer, & student board mem-bers, Josh Nuzzo & Jessica Shipman, whohelped collect paper & move it into the

    school. And, we would like to thankCalifornia Pizza

    Kitchen, Ralphs, Outback, Rubinos, & Peppinosfor the gift cards they donated to our raffle winners.We always appreciate our community supporters.

    And lastly, we would like to thank our Reflections CoChairs, Andrea Padian & Tonga Prather. Theyvebeen working hard and we look forward to seeing whawonderful art pieces will be honored with awards atour school during the February 2013 meeting.

    Go Mustangs! Thanks for all your help!

    I hope everyone is settling into their classes eventhough some of the students, including my son, wereswitched around. It all seems to work out.

    I want to thank the dozens of people that came to helpwith the College Fair. Everyone seemed to be veryhappy with the changes we made from last year and

    there was a big turnout including a mention in theOrange County Register and other local newspapers. ABIG THANK YOU to Chris Burns, Liz Busch, andChiara Burns for the many hours that they put in to thisgreat event. Also, a big thanks to Chris Mackey fromLaguna Hills High School who was a big part of theevent planning. Thank you to all the parents and the

    many, many students who came to help this was ateam effort and we couldnt have done it without all oyou.

    Thank you to all the families who donated paper durinour paper drive at the Back to School Night. We col-lected over 250 reams of paper for our school. Thankyou to our Student PTSA Junior Representative, JoshNuzzo, who carried a lot of paper back and forth to thoffice. This is less paper that the school has to buy andthe money saved can be used for other classroom need

    Please be sure to check the Daily Bulletin for additionvolunteer opportunities including Challenge Day whicwill be held on December 10th, 11th, and 12th. We willalso have a cookie exchange for the teachers and staffand well need all the cookies you can bake to make itsuccessful event for everyone - coming up in early December...watch for more news coming soon.


    October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2 Page

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    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 5

    Challenge Day ComingChallenge Day ComingChallenge Day ComingChallenge Day ComingAgain Soon!Again Soon!Again Soon!Again Soon!

    By Sherl Titchener, PTSA Challenge Day [email protected]

    Challenge Days are returning to THHS for the second year, December 10, 11, & 12. Challenge Days are pow-erful, high energy programs in which youth and adult participants are guided through a series of experientiallearning processes. The overall goals of the program are to increase personal power and self esteem, to shiftdangerous peer pressure to positive peer support, and to eliminate the acceptability of teasing, violence and allforms of oppression. The Challenge Day Program is designed to unite the members of the school or commu-nity and to empower them to carry the themes of the program back to the school population. Challenge Daysalso successfully addresses issues of violence, teasing, social oppression, racism, harassment, conflict manage-ment, suicide, peer pressure, alcohol and drugs.

    Since 1987, the Challenge Day Program has touched the lives of over half-a-million teens and adults nation-wide. The Challenge Day Program has received numerous awards from the juvenile justice system, govern-ment officials and many school districts and cities throughout the nation. The program was featured in thebookChicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and the Emmy Award-winning documentary Teen Files: Surviv-

    ing High School.

    We encourage adults to volunteer as positive role models for the benefit of the youth. The program welcomesparents/guardians, teachers, administrators, police officers, elected officials, community members and anyother interested adults. This allows youth to see another side of these adults in addition to their assigned com-munity roles. Please notify us as quickly as possibleif you know of any adults who would like to be a part ofthe Challenge Day Program.

    Adult Participants are crucial for the success of the day. We will meet with all adults for at least 30 minutesprior to the start of the program to let you know what is needed from you and to answer your questions. In or-der for the pre-program meeting to begin on time, please arrive at least 40 minutes prior to the scheduled startof the program. no later than 7:15 AM. No prior training is necessary other than the morning check-in meet-ing. Our Challenge Day staff closely monitors the program and our leaders will give all instructions throughoutthe day. You must be able to remain on site and participate fully for the entire program, including 30 minutesafter the program at the end of the day for a post-Challenge Day debriefing. Lunch will be provided.

    We also need adult volunteers to help facilitate Adult Participant and Student Check-in each morning from7am - 8:15am, as well as a couple people each day to help with delivering & setting up lunch during eachChallenge Day.

    If you are interested in being an Adult Participant or Volun-teer, please email Sheryl [email protected] to re-ceive the link to sign up through volunteerspot.com

    December 10December 10December 10December 10----12th12th12th12th100 Students per Day100 Students per Day100 Students per Day100 Students per Day

    25 Adults / 525 Adults / 525 Adults / 525 Adults / 5 6 Teachers per Day6 Teachers per Day6 Teachers per Day6 Teachers per DayBeing Part of the ChangeBeing Part of the ChangeBeing Part of the ChangeBeing Part of the Change

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    KeirasKeirasKeirasKeirasCounselingCounselingCounselingCounselingCornerCornerCornerCornerKeira Merkovsky, [email protected]

    Teenagers Are Like Toddlers,Teenagers Are Like Toddlers,Teenagers Are Like Toddlers,Teenagers Are Like Toddlers,Only BiggerOnly BiggerOnly BiggerOnly Bigger

    Do you find yourself experiencing dj vu in those mo-ments when your teenager screams at you and slamsthe door only to come out of their room thirty minutes

    later asking you for a favor? How about when they in-sist they dont need you and can take care of them-selves, but then turn around and ask you if they canhave twenty dollars? Interestingly, these behaviors arestrikingly similar to those of a toddler, probably thetoddleryou had about thirteen years ago.

    Developmentally, toddlers and teenagers both experi-ence intense brain reconstruction and have very similartasks they need to accomplish such as, increasing inde-pendence and forming their own ideas of how thingswork. This helps to explain the recurrence of behaviors

    they displayed in their younger years: risk-taking, in-sisting on doing things themselves, pulling away fromyou, but frequently returning for reassurance, impul-siveness, testing limits, and emotional outbursts. Whenchildren are small, its easier to tolerate these behaviorsbecause we believe thats how a small child issup-posedto behave. But when they are adult-sized wetend to expect them to act adult-like. Its easy to forgetthat they are still just a child, still learning about life,and still experiencing many, many things for the firsttime. So the next time your over-sized toddler pitches

    an all-out fit, pull out those skills you used with them afew years back. Empathize with them, set clear, firmlimits, call for a time-out until they are calm, and doyour best to incorporate physical touch (hugs, back rub,or simply putting your hand on their arm). And, whenthey are done with their rant or fit, remind them thatyou love them and challenge them to think of a betterway they could have handled the situation.

    Giving your teenager the opportunity to problem-solvesituations that are meaningful to them is a great way to

    help with their brain development and potentially re-duce the occurrence of risky behaviors such as gettinginto a car with someone who is under the influence orgoing to a party with people they dont know very welThe part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex is re-

    sponsible for things such as reasoning, planning, im-pulse-control, understanding the perspective of others,and foreseeing possible consequences of ones behav-ior. The fact that this part of the brain is not fully de-veloped until around the age of twenty-five helps ex-plain why teenagers do many of the things that createfear, frustration, and bewilderment for many parents.By regularly engaging them in conversation aboutsituations they will likely experience, you are givingthem the opportunity to exercise that part of the brainand come up with ways to handle those situations be-

    fore they encounter them. Use stories that you see onthe news, in TV shows, or about their peers, and askthem questions about how they would handle the situation in question. Allowing a child to brainstorm theirown solutions, while asking for your input when theyneed or want it, is much more valuable to them thanhearing you state that they should do this orshouldnt do that. Dateline NBC recently aired a TVshow entitled My Child WouldNeverDo That! inwhich teenagers were put in a situation where they hadto decide whether or not to get into a car with a teen

    driver whom they knew had been drinking. The teensin the only group that refused to get in the car all hadtwo things in common: their parents nurtured strongrelationships with their teen, and they made it a point thave frequent discussions about ways to handle real-life situations.

    So, while your teenager may do their very best to makyou think they dont need you, remember that you arevitally important at this stage of their life. Providethem with opportunities for healthy risk-taking behav-ior (surfing, snowboarding) and do your best to seethose outbursts and impulsive behaviors as opportuni-ties for teachable moments. And then, when they turntwenty-five and the prefrontal cortex is fully devel-oped, you can take a deep breath and look back at a jobwell done!

    When I was a boy of fourteen, my father wasso ignorant I could barely stand to have the

    old man around., but when I was twenty-one,I was astonished by how much hed learn in

    seven years. ~ Mark Twain

    page 6October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2

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    SVUSD Board of EducationSVUSD Board of EducationSVUSD Board of EducationSVUSD Board of Education

    MeetingMeetingMeetingMeetingNovember 13, 2012 @ 6:30PMNovember 13, 2012 @ 6:30PMNovember 13, 2012 @ 6:30PMNovember 13, 2012 @ 6:30PM

    SVUSD Board RoomSVUSD Board RoomSVUSD Board RoomSVUSD Board Room

    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 7

    CAPTA Positions on November statewide ballot


    PROPOSITION 30, Temporary Taxes toFund Education.Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding.

    Initiative Constitutional Amendment. NEU-TRAL

    PROPOSITION 35, Human Trafficking,Penalties. Sex Offender Registration. Initia-

    tive Statute. SUPPORT

    Previous positions:

    PROPOSITION 38, Tax for Education andEarly Childhood Programs. Initiative Stat-

    ute. SUPPORT

    With regard to Propositions 30 and 38: California StatePTA previously endorsed and continues to supportProposition 38, the Our Children, Our Future educationinitiative. PTA helped to write this measure, whichguarantees additional funding for every local school andauthorizes greater parent and community input in thedecision-making process.Based on conflicting authorities in PTA resolutions andposition statements, a "neutral" position was taken onProposition 30, sponsored by the Governor. This initia-tive proposes to help address the state's budget deficit,which impacts overall school funding, but it does notguarantee new, additional funding for schools, since thelegislature may supplant existing funding for schoolswith monies raised by Proposition 30.

    According to the PTA Toolkit, a neutral position means,"The initiative may be relevant to the welfare of chil-dren and youth, but after careful analysis, the CaliforniaState PTA has chosen to neither support nor oppose thisparticular initiative due to either lack of existing specificauthority or conflicting authorities." PTA will not sup-

    port or oppose passage of the initiative.




    AB1705 (Silva) Pupil assessment: high school exit

    examination: eligible pupils with disabilities

    Status: 08/27/2012Chaptered by Secretary of StateChapter 192, Statues of 2012

    Current Location: 08/27/2012-A CHARTERED

    Position: Support

    Summary: The bill would authorize an eligible pupilwith a disability, commencing July 1, 2015, to partici

    pate in the alternative means of demonstrating the levof academic achievement in the content standards re-quired for passage of the high school exit examinatioin the manner prescribed by the regulations adopted bthe state board.

    Advocacy ActionsAdvocacy ActionsAdvocacy ActionsAdvocacy ActionsBy Larry HausnerLegislative/Advocacy Rep

    [email protected]

    THHS PTSA MeetingTHHS PTSA MeetingTHHS PTSA MeetingTHHS PTSA MeetingMonday, November 26, 2012Monday, November 26, 2012Monday, November 26, 2012Monday, November 26, 2012

    7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR Get informedGet informedGet informedGet informed Join PTSA

    Principal & PTSA President Reports Buy discount Cards

    Adopt a Book for our library Student Leader & ASB Reports

    Committee Reports Grad Night Information

    Sign up to help & learn about Challenge Da

    Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard!

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

    Campus NewsCampus NewsCampus NewsCampus News ----Keeping UpKeeping UpKeeping UpKeeping Upwith Natashawith Natashawith Natashawith NatashaBy Natasha [email protected]

    Hi there Mustangs! Were almost two months into theschool year and yet it already feels like were on schooloverload. Whether its drama, band, football, morningannouncements, ASB, or just classes, theres no doubtthat Trabuco is bustling with activity.

    Its hard to believe, but the Homecoming dance was just

    last weekend.. The theme this year was Star WarsClonecoming and the assembly on the 18th and thehalf-time show on the 19th, were great!

    The next big event we had at Trabuco was club rush fornon curricular clubs and curricular clubs. From Acous-tics Anonymous, to Mountain biking, to SHINE, to Sci-ence Olympiad, we have a wide range of creative clubscoming our way. Looking for community service? Do-ing it through these clubs is a great way to get started!

    Speaking of getting started right away, Off the Wall

    drama is showcasing their first production of MirrorsXXII on October 24-27. This year the show is going tobe a musical, and Jessica Cowles, the production assis-tant of Off the Wall, says its going to be really funwith this new twist of doing it! Trabucos film pro-gram, Magic Box productions is also preparing forthe year by learning the ins and outs of what it takes tomake a movie. Within the next two months the filmstudents will begin directing, producing, and acting intheir own movies which will premiere at Cinema Nightin June.

    Along with the arts, band is preparing for their firstcompetition on the 27th and three moreafter that, with a tournament and finalsfollowing. Bands theme for this yearsshow is music selections fromA CircusSlightly Left of Center.

    Trabuco students are filled with talentwhen it comes to the arts, but the greatthing is that it extends beyond that tosports and academics as well! College

    night was held at Trabuco on October 8th and over 13colleges attended with representatives that students anparents could speak to, and seminars they could attendSchools such as USC, UCLA, and many ivy league

    schools were present. College night always has a hugeturn out with eager students and parents!

    Our Mustang football players have also had a success-ful start to the year with a total of 4 wins and only 3loses, while still playing in the first division, SouthCoast League, which is the fifth hardest league in thenation! Keep it up mustang boys!

    There is so much going on at Trabuco and all it takes ia step or two to get involved in it all! With 8 monthsleft to go, who knows what will come our way this

    year! And dont forget, if you have any exciting cam-pus news you want to get out, feel free to email me anlet me know at [email protected]. As al-ways, Go Blue Mustangs!

    Halftime performances at

    Homecoming Game

    Page 9

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express



    2011, Volume 1, Is

    By Sharon Neubauer, Paper Drive [email protected]

    Despite the rain, vice presidential debate and a baseball game, wemanaged to collect over 200 reams of paper. Thank you to all ourwonderful families who donated paper to our school. We have ourfive lucky winners of our raffle. Allison Kirk won the Peppinos giftcard. Barbie Bohan won the Outback gift card. Ric Barber won theCalifornia Pizza Kitchen gift card and Larry Sunyich won theRalphs gift card. Amy Julian won the Rubinos gift certificate. Con-gratulations all! And a big thank you to all of the wonderful compa-nies who donated to our school.

    We are hoping to do a classroom paper drive early next year. De-tails will be worked out with our student board members to deter-mine how it will happen, but we are thinking of offering prizes orbreakfast burritos to the class or classes who led this effort. To helpor work on this project, please contact me. We are always lookingfor ideas.

    RESULTS OF PTSAPTSAPTSAPTSA Back to School NightBack to School NightBack to School NightBack to School NightPaper DrivePaper DrivePaper DrivePaper Drive

    Sharon Neubauer and Josh Nuzzoended the evening with paper hauls to

    the office.

    STATISTIC OR SURVIVORWhat will your Child be?

    The reality is that teens are injured and killed every day driving cars. Morethan 6,000 teens die in car crashes in this country every year, and over300,000 are seriously injured, Every parent should be rightfully concernedabout their child becoming a safe driver in this dangerous driving environment! THHS PTSA is teaming upwith the LHHS PTSA to bring you a seminar that addresses this important subject.

    On Thursday, January 31, 2013 (6:30-8:30 PM in the Trabuco Hills High School Theater)

    MasterDrive of Orange County will provide a seminar for new drivers and their parentswith very specific survivor strategies.

    This two-hour program is designed to equip parents with strategies for teaching their teen to become a compe-tent driver. Come and learn about todays driving dangers, the licensing process, essential car control skillsand response maneuvers, financial liabilities, cars for new drivers and much more.

    Each family at the seminar receives a complete packet with information and strategies for teaching teen driv-ing. Also, MasterDrive is offering free Drivers Education Classes (a $200 value) for all teens that attend witha parent! Spaces are limited at this free seminar so reserve your spot now by emailing Linda Boud [email protected].

    page 10October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1

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    Hello Mustangs! I am happy to say that we have 734new PTSA members so far this year. That includes abit under half our teachers and staff who have joinedPTSA as well. Remember, PTSA stands for parents,teachers and students, so we are hoping to have

    everyone join this year to support our school.Why join PTSA? There are many reasons, but if youdidnt know, PTSA organizes many events that helpour schoollike the paper drives and Adopt a Bookprograms. They also support our teachers with lunch-eons, breakfasts, our mini-grant program, soft sup-plies for the classroom, a table for ten at the Teacherof the Year Dinner in May and more. The PTSA pro-vides in-credible programs for parents and studentslike the College Fair last month and three Challenge

    Days coming up in December...A free Master Drivepresentation in January to name a few..

    Our goal this year is to increase our membership by5% which shouldnt be hard considering we have3100 students at our school. Please support this im-portant group with your membership. Membershipsare only $15 per person and go towards helping manyvital programs along with local and state advocacyefforts.

    To get a membership form and join PTSA, pleasesend me an email. Rememberwe need you nowmore than ever!

    page 11


    Matters!Matters!Matters!Matters!Christina A. SimonPTSA VP [email protected]

    Support our LibrarySupport our LibrarySupport our LibrarySupport our LibraryCollectionCollectionCollectionCollection Adopt a BookAdopt a BookAdopt a BookAdopt a BookMichelle GerryAdopt a Book [email protected]

    Thank you to the many families who have made contributions to our Adopt-A-Book Program. To date, nearly40 families have donated $900 toward our efforts. These funds will be used to replace obsolete or damaged

    books, upgrade outdated media, and purchase new titles based upon student and teacher requests. Once thenew items have been labeled with the donor's name, participants will then be notified that their sponsored itemis available for check-out from our library. If you'd like to donate to this year's program, please contactMichelle Gerry at [email protected] more information. Thank you!

    The time to read is anytime; no apparatus, no appointment of time and place is necessary. Itis the only art that can be practiced at any hour of the day or night whenever the time and

    inclination comes, that is your time for reading; in joy or sorrow, health or illness..~ Holbrook Jackson

    A house without books, is like a room without windows. ~ Heinrich Mann

    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    ASB In Action!ASB In Action!ASB In Action!ASB In Action! Cont from page 7By Mezu UkahJunior President

    Red Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekLast week, Monday Oct. 22 to Friday Oct. 26 was RedRibbon Week. The 24th annual Walk Against Drugswas held in Mission Viejo on the previous SaturdayOct. 20th. Prior to the start of the week, PAL decoratedthe school with red. There were many activitiesplanned for this week, including a rally where studentsgot to wear beer goggles. Wednesday October 24thwas also Wear Red Day.

    Canned Food DriveCanned Food DriveCanned Food DriveCanned Food DriveThis year's Canned Food Drive will be held in the be-ginning of November. Last year around 2000 canswere collected, so we look forward to beating that re-cord! More to come from the announcements later.

    Stangs for ChangeStangs for ChangeStangs for ChangeStangs for ChangeThe coin drive will be held Decemeber 4th to Decem-ber 7th. More information will be given on themorning announcements.

    TailgateTailgateTailgateTailgateBy Stephen MontgomeryBy Stephen MontgomeryBy Stephen MontgomeryBy Stephen MontgomerySenior PresidentSenior PresidentSenior PresidentSenior President

    The tailgate on October 5, 2012 was a huge success.Over 15 clubs participated selling anything from facepaint for the football game to pizza. There was evenice cream and cookies. Everyone showed up to the tail-gate in pink showing off their mustang spirit and sup-porting the fight against breast cancer. The tailgate wasa fun school activity that rallied our Mustangs for thefootball game that was right around the corner. Thetailgate was not just clubs trying to sell you foodthere was also music, dancing, and the Spanish clubheld a jalapeo eating contest. A special thanks goesout to ASBs Natasha Behnam who was in charge ororganizing the entire event.

    Fall Sports RallyFall Sports RallyFall Sports RallyFall Sports RallyThe fall sports rally this year was one to rememberwith multiple dances going above and beyond. The fallsports rally held on Wednesday October 3, 2012 was atestament of how much spirit our Mustangs have. Thefall sports rally is when each team sport that occurs in

    the fall season choreographs a dance and than shows itoff during an extended snack to a panel of judges whodecides who has the most creative and best all arounddance. The dances this year all had unique characteris-

    tics about them, but in the end the girls cross countyteam took first place.

    ClubsClubsClubsClubsClubs have never been better at Trabuco hills highschool. This year over 100 clubs curricular and non-curricular where created. Naturally this meant a rushon October 9, 2012 as eager Mustangs hurried to signup with their favorite clubs. This year saw a goodnumber of new clubs created, such as the Classy KidsClub and the Record Club. All these new clubs gave

    our Mustangs an even grater variety of extra curricularactivities to choose from. Then on October 10, 2012,the Curricular Club Day was held. This was equally assuccessful and organized as the day before. The greatturn out and support for Club Day shows that our Mus-tangs are eager for another great year.

    Homecoming Court

    presented at halftime show

    Makayla Wells, 2012

    Homecoming Queen

    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 13

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2 page 14

    What Up?What Up?What Up?What Up?2 Homecoming...2 Homecoming...2 Homecoming...2 Homecoming...By Julia Mihaylov,

    [email protected] Newsletter Associate

    One month of school down and everyone is already set-tled into their daily routines. However, the fun is justbeginning. Teachers have given their first tests, stu-dents getting back their grades, hard work and studyinghave been put forth, but now, its time for some fun. ItsOctober and homecoming is right around the corner.Fellow classmates are getting asked to homecoming inclever ways, or wishing they were getting asked at all.

    However, whether going with a date or simply stag,everyone knows this homecoming is going to be amaz-ing.

    Homecoming spirit week will be fantastic, everyonegetting into the school spirit as well as getting pumpedfor Fridays football game against El Toro. The gamewill no doubt be one of the good ones, and the energythere will be better than ever with everyones excite-ment steered toward the thrill of homecoming.

    Trabucos energyaround campus willcertainly feelenlightened and

    electrifying follow-ing up to the up-coming weekendfull of excitement...girls searching forlast minute dressesand ordering fancyboutonnieres, guysordering beautifulcorsages, friendsplanning out picture locations, bright pink permission

    slips being passed around: this is when we know home-coming is near.

    Smiles will be worn, oohs and ahhs will be ex-changed, dancing will be done, but most of all, fun willbe had. Trabuco Hills High Schools 2012 Homecom-ing will undoubtedly be a blast, Star Wars style.

    Fun is good. ~ Dr. Suess

    Keys to Technology

    Wina Car!Buy raffle tickets for $50 each or $125 for 3

    When: Nov. 5th Dec. 7th (drawing Dec. 7th)District wide event to support technology in YOUR school.

    $15,000 for a new or used Tuttle Click vehicle of your choiceWhen you buy your ticket, designate THHS as the school youwant your ticket proceeds to benefit! For more information

    go to www.sveffoundation.orgor email our PTSA THHS rafflespecialist, Michelle [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 15

    Check out our Amazing THHS Girls Volleyball TeamCheck out our Amazing THHS Girls Volleyball TeamCheck out our Amazing THHS Girls Volleyball TeamCheck out our Amazing THHS Girls Volleyball TeamHave you noticed what an awesome Girls VolleyballTeam we have this year? The photo to the right is agreat shot of their post win against San Clemente

    earlier this year. With the best fans ever, there was agreat crowd turnout to cheer the girls on to victory,with all the kids rushing the floor for this win...fivegames with a game 5 score of 16-14. Way to goMustangs!

    The next photo is the varsity team starring, Backrow: Coach Moothart, Hannah Wheeler,Naomi Gonzalez, Hannah Smith, Kendal Luttinen,Rachel Flynn, Karina Mickelson, Emily Gentry,Macy Forteza, Samantha Martinez, & Coach Dave

    Hollaway. First Row: Erika Sanchez,Nathalie Berardino, Caelan Smith, Shawn Franks,Karissa Gomez and Morgan Henry

    And our last photo, shown below, is the entire GirlsVolleyball program49 amazing and talented girlsthat make every Mustang proud.

    This is a great program with awesome coaching andleadership under Coach Craig Moothart. Congratu-lations girls on another great year of competitionand fun. And thanks to Lynda Flynn for providingthis information and these photos to share with ourschool.

    Girls Varsity Volleyball Team

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills Football October HighlightsTrabuco Hills Football October HighlightsTrabuco Hills Football October HighlightsTrabuco Hills Football October HighlightsGo BlueGo BlueGo BlueGo Blue

    Breast Cancer Awareness Night at Tesoro...all fans aredressed in pink to show their support.

    Alex Staff- Gets 1 of





    JT Land & Team celebrate after he blocks a punt and

    returns it for a TD - that after the 2 point conversion

    ties the game 21 to 21

    Nathan Perry, THHS quarterback, 75 yard run

    touchdown against Huntington Beach. (Made

    OC Varsity Hot Shot font page)

    Best Buddy Honorary Captain of the game,Leiland Curry! The Best Buddies programpairs students with special needs in one on

    one friendships with other students. The team

    has a best buddy captain at every game.

    Cole Breeland & Spencer Herson

    celebrate a touchdown during the

    Tesoro game

    Our specialthanks to JodiPerry whokeeps us up-

    dated on foot-ball news andprovides (andshoots) awe-some photosfor our news-letter.

    Page 16October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 17

    Raise $$$$ for yourRaise $$$$ for yourRaise $$$$ for yourRaise $$$$ for yourGrad Night TicketGrad Night TicketGrad Night TicketGrad Night Ticket

    Car Wash Opportunities!Car Wash Opportunities!Car Wash Opportunities!Car Wash Opportunities!Parent Help Needed!!!Parent Help Needed!!!Parent Help Needed!!!Parent Help Needed!!!

    Need help paying for Grad Night? How aboutspending a day or two helping at a car wash? All

    money raised by students who participate will bedivided, including tips, and credited to their GradNight accounts. You can also sell car wash ticketsto Santa Margarita Ford as mentioned above withall proceeds going directly to your account. If you

    dont make some effort to earn some money to

    pay for your Grad Night ticket, we will not be

    able to help you financially with scholarshipfundsunless you are in foster care, living onyour own, in dire need of help & already working.If that is the case, please contact us right away.

    All students requesting assistance will be assured

    of privacy regarding any arrangements made toaccommodate them. Email one of the Grad NightChairs to sign up and participate.

    We also need additional helpers (14 and older) whowill receive community service hours for helping atone of our car washes. We are also currentlylooking for a parent to organize these carwashes. We are hoping to do at least two this yearin order to help our students out. [email protected] if you can help. Doing so willmean a lot to students needing help. Thank YOU!

    Grad Night 2012 UpdateGrad Night 2012 UpdateGrad Night 2012 UpdateGrad Night 2012 UpdateGrad Night Co-chairsAndrea Padian @ [email protected] Bauer @ [email protected] Grad Night Co-chairsJames Padian @ [email protected] Buaer @ [email protected]

    Plans are underway to make this years Grad Night one ofthe best ever. Led by a Student Board of eight, the themeis being considered, along with location and other eventdetails.

    As always, the location will not be revealed for numerousreasons...preventing students from attending without pay-

    ing, inviting students from other schools or classes, andmost importantly, preventing students from being able togo to the site ahead of time to plant drugs and or alcohol,which is not allowed at this safe Grad Night alternative.

    As plans emerge, we will let you know more and moreabout things that will go on during the evening. All foodand drinks are includedfrom multiple meals to multiplesnacks and drinks. As in previous years, a big highlightfor the evening will be the Hypnotist Show. It is one ofthe funniest events of the night. Dancing, music & fun

    will be provided with buses returning to school at 6 AMthe following day.

    Students are not allowed to park their cars at the schoolovernight and must be picked up the next day. If some stu-dents need special accommodation (such as special needstudents, students with dietary restrictions, etc.), theyshould contact Andrea or Lisa (Co-chairs) by email.

    All students will leave the campus shortly after thegraduation ceremony is over. They must have an ID.

    Purchase tickets before the winter break to save money as

    prices go up January 1st. We do have payment plansavailable to help and participation in a plan locks in theRound Up price of $160, though accounts must be paid infull by the end of March 2013. If you wait until the end ofthe school year to purchase a ticket, space may not beavailable and prices increase to $200, so plan early for thisevent. Turn in all paperwork with your payment.There are no refunds after December 31, 2012.

    Current price is $160Make check payable to THHS PTSA

    Purchase Coupons for aSanta Margarita FordCar Washto help Raise Money for our Grad

    Night Scholarship Fund

    Only $5Only $5Only $5Only $5MonMonMonMon----Sat. 9 AMSat. 9 AMSat. 9 AMSat. 9 AM----4 PM4 PM4 PM4 PM

    Email [email protected] to purchase

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    DONATION BIN: We have a donation bin in con-junction with Community of Change. Please donate

    your old clothing, towels, blankets, sheets, rags,purses and shoes! All textiles will be accepted. ThePTSA will receive a dollar back for every 50 poundsof donations collected. The bin is located on theSanta Margarita Pkwy side of the school near the ten-nis courts, on the road that leads to the front of theschool. You can just pull up to the bin and drop off

    your goods. Do it throughout the year!

    SPREEBIRD(formerly Screamin Daily Deals):

    Want to get a great deal on food, entertainment, mas-sages, hair care and more? Check out Spreebird! Youwill get about 3 deals per day from local busi-nesses. Purchase your deal, print the coupon and en-joy savings up to 70%! Sign up on the PTSA web-site, or www.spreebird.com, choose THHS PTSA asyour school to support! Its free and our school is

    entered in a 100K giveaway based on new sign ups.

    KEY TO SAFE DRIVING: Protect your teen fromtexting & talking on their cell phones while driv-ing! It does allow your teen access to 911 and parentsin case of an emergency. The device is $95.00 and

    can be purchased from the PTSA website.

    ITALIAN ICE: Sold every Thursday from 2pm to4pm in front of the school. Cost is $3.00 per cup and

    supports PTSA. Yummy, too!

    RECYCLING: Drop off your used printercartridges, laptops, digital cameras, andcell phonebroken or otherwise in the of-fice recycle box. If you know a businessthat would donate their old recycles, we can pickthem up. Email Brenda at [email protected]

    for info.

    RALPHS & E-SCRIP: Go to the PTSA website atwww.thhsptsa.organd sign up your Ralphs Club Card

    or Vons/Pavilions card with the Ralphs CommunityContribution Program and/or EScript program. Itseasy and a percentage of all your purchases will goback to the school/PTSA. It costs no money anddoesnt take away from your own rewards. Don twait! Do it today. Families can raise thousands of

    dollars this way, but not if you dont sign up.

    SIMONS AUTO BODY, INC: When you go tohave your car fixed at Simons and mention the Tra-buco Hills PTSA, he will donate 10% of the total billback to our PTSA! The shop is at 23551 Commerce

    Center Dr., Laguna Hills, 949-951-5265.

    Eat Out and Help our SchoolEat Out and Help our SchoolEat Out and Help our SchoolEat Out and Help our School

    Join students, families and faculty to make our restaurantfundraisers successful. Be sure to print and bring a flyerbefore you go (available on the previous page). You can

    find flyers before the event on the Daily Announcements inPDF form, pick one up at the office or download and printthe flyer from the PTSA website at www.thhsptsa.org/be-fore you leave to eat. Fifteen percentage of your purchasewill go towards purchasing paper and soft supplies for

    teachers and classrooms. Our November restaurant is All

    Star Pizza in Mission Viejo.

    Tuesday, November 13th, All Day & Night

    All Star Pizza 22902 Los Alisos, Mission Viejo


    How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?

    October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2 page 18

    Purchase Our NewPurchase Our NewPurchase Our NewPurchase Our New THHS PTSATHHS PTSATHHS PTSATHHS PTSACommunity Discount CardCommunity Discount CardCommunity Discount CardCommunity Discount Card &&&& SAVESAVESAVESAVE

    every day on Food, Car Services,every day on Food, Car Services,every day on Food, Car Services,every day on Food, Car Services,

    Activities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much more!!!!

    31313131 Vendor discounts to use every day until theend of August 2013. Earn your money back

    after just one purchase in many cases!!! EmailDiane at [email protected]

    Brenda [email protected] info &/or to buy a card. today. Help PTSA

    help our students, teacher & school and SAVE!

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Reflections 2012Reflections 2012Reflections 2012Reflections 2012----2013 2013 2013 2013 The Magic of a MomentThe Magic of a MomentThe Magic of a MomentThe Magic of a Moment

    Reflections Co- Chairs,Andrea Padian , [email protected],

    Tonga Prather, [email protected] Hojas, Student Co-Chair

    Trabuco Hills High PTSA page 19


    Reflections entries have been turned in and are currentlybeing judged. All judging is done by professionals in theirfield, be it visual arts, music, literature, video production,photography or dance. We had a record number of entriesthis year, almost 45, although we did not receive any fordance choreography or from our special ed students. But,next year will be here before you know it, so we are hopingto have entries in every art category then. We continueeach year to increase our student participation and that is

    the main goal...Recognitions of the arts and our artists!!!

    Winning entries move on for judging at the SaddlebackValley PTA. Because ETHS and MVHS are NOT PTSAs,they arent able to compete in this wonderful program. Butas always, it will be exciting to see which of our talentedTHHS students come out on top. Top winners in our dis-trict move on for judging at the 4th District and will be

    known in December. The 1st place winners at 4th Districtwill be announced in January and move on to the StatePTA for judging1st place winners at State are high-lighted at the State PTA convention in May in San Jose.Look for school winners in the next issue of Pony Express.Winners at our school will be honored at an award cere-mony during our February PTSA meeting and district win-ners will have a reception at the district where they receive

    their awards from Superintendent, Dr. Clint Harwick.Thanks to all of you that submitted entries this year. Andthanks to all our teachers who encouraged their students toparticipate.

    Great job again Mustangs!.

    Please join us in support of thePlease join us in support of thePlease join us in support of thePlease join us in support of the

    Trabuco Hills High School PTSA

    Tuesday November 13Tuesday November 13Tuesday November 13Tuesday November 13thththth

    Family fund raiser night!Family fund raiser night!Family fund raiser night!Family fund raiser night!

    All Star Pizza will donate 15% ol purchases accompanied with this flyer.

    22902 Los Alisos Blvd.22902 Los Alisos Blvd.22902 Los Alisos Blvd.22902 Los Alisos Blvd.

    Mission Viejo, CAMission Viejo, CAMission Viejo, CAMission Viejo, CA 949949949949----586586586586----4007400740074007(Corner of Trabuco & Los Alisos in center with AutoZone & Taco Mesa))))

    Not Valid with any other offer. Dine in and Take out only. Good for date printed on flyer

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    October / November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 20

    The Importance of IdentityThe Importance of IdentityThe Importance of IdentityThe Importance of IdentityProtection & the DMVsProtection & the DMVsProtection & the DMVsProtection & the DMVs

    RoleRoleRoleRoleIdentity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in theUnited States. Identity thieves can gain access to a wide va-riety of personal information by hacking computers, stealingmail and wallets, and resorting to other scams to trick peo-ple. Once these thieves get hold of your personal informa-tion, accessing your banking and credit card information willbe a breeze. Some thieves may go as far as applying for adriver license (DL) and identification card (ID) under yourname. Be sure to follow the steps below to keep your infor-mation private and to prevent thieves from being issued a

    fraudulent DL or ID. Store your personal information in a secure place Shred mail that may contain personal information before

    throwing it away.

    Make sure passwords are strong passwords that cannotbe easily guessed and keep them in a secure location

    Do not carry your social security card in your wallet Only carry one credit card at a time in case your wallet is


    Limit the number of pre-approved credit offers you re-ceive by calling 888-567-8688 toll free to opt out of pre-screened credit and insurance offers.

    Notifying the DMVNotifying the DMVNotifying the DMVNotifying the DMVTo help keep your identity secure, the DMV is doing its partto ensure your personal infor4mation remains private. Infield offices throughout California, DMV employees arecontinuously being trained to detect the possible use of anyfraudulent documents to ensure the safe keeping of peoplesidentities. If you are a victim of identity theft, notify theDMV immediately by calling 1-866-658-5758, or [email protected], so the DMS is aware that your DL orID has been stolen. If your DL or ID is stolen, you mustschedule your appointment online for faster service. The

    process will be different from renewing your DL or ID andwill involve additional steps to confirm your identity.

    At the appointment you may be asked to provide a statementdescribing the details of the identity theft. If you filed a po-lice report, make sure to bring a copy with you. If a reportwas not filed, you maybe asked to explain why. You shouldalso bring copies of canceled checks and bills, to confirmyour identity, as well as letters from companies or banks in-dicating the fraud. Confirming your identity is necessary toprove that you have in face been a victim of identity theftand these documents will help you do so. To prevent

    thieves for applying for a DL or ID under you name, theDMV needs to take extensive steps to confirm your identitto ensure that a DL or ID is being issued to the correct per-son.

    In addition, you will need to prove and validate your identiwith additional, official documentation. With the exceptioof an expired California DL or ID card, only valid, unexpirdocuments are accepted. Here is a partial list of acceptableoriginal documents that ca be used to prove your identity:

    California DL or ID card

    U.S. Birth Certificate U.S. Passport

    Permanent Resident Card U.S. Military Identification Cards

    U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad or Report of BirthAbroad

    Certificate of Citzenship Certificate of Naturalization Unexpired foreign passport with a valid I-94 form

    Other forms of identification may be acceptable, but is detmined on a case by case basis. Contact your local DMS foother acceptable documents.

    Additional StepsAdditional StepsAdditional StepsAdditional StepsAlong with notifying the DMV of the fraud, you should alfile a police report and contact all creditors and the three mjor credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion).

    Keep a copy of the police report and a log of all conversa-tions related to your identity fraud case so that you have arecord to fefer to. The more details ou have, the better, datnames of people you talked to, telephone numbers of theagencies you called, the time you spent on each conversatiand expenses incurred, are all thing that should be noted.

    Follow up on important conversations in writing and sendthem by certified mai and request a return receipt. Youwant to documenteverything so thatyou can prove that

    you are a victim offraud.

    Identity theft is ascary thing and canhappen to anyoneat any time, so pro-tect yourselfagainst fraud byfollowing thesetips.

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 21

    Baseball FundraiserBaseball FundraiserBaseball FundraiserBaseball FundraiserFood Truck WednesdaysFood Truck WednesdaysFood Truck WednesdaysFood Truck Wednesdays

    Hey Mustang Families, "Food TruckWednesdays" is now happening at 27501Mustang Run! Every Wednesday night from5:30 to 8:30 p.m., gourmet food trucks set upshop in the upper parking lot. Curbside Bites,the trucks' organizer, has added Trabuco HillsHigh School to the list each week starting Oc-tober 17th.

    Six (trucks) participated our first night and weplan on having more as the program develops. We want "Food Truck Wednesdays" tobe a part of the community where people can come out and enjoy a great meal andcatch up on high school happenings.We want the people who come out to be satisfiedand happy, ultimately making sure everyone has a great experience.

    The food mix may vary from week to week and an average meal including a drink canbe had for $8 to $15 and the quality is first-rate.

    Food trucks tend to build a following and they commonly tweet and put on their Face-book page where they are going to be each day. Check out -facebook.com/trabucohillsbaseballand trabucobaseball.com for weekly truck lineups and holiday


    With school funding dwindling in recent years, money that our school district used tocontribute to different groups has really dried up. A shortage of school funds to pay fora new score board, increasing costs for uniforms and overall operating costs is why weare working closely with Curbside Bites to help us fund-raise on a regular basis.Trabuco Hills Baseball will continue to do other fundraisers such as holiday baseballtournaments, a Monte Carlo night, etc.

    We are looking to the food trucks to notonly help us financially, but to build asense of community as well. We are hop-

    ing people will mark Wednesdays on theircalendar for a weekly fix and that otherswill just be driving by and notice signsannouncing the food trucks. Word ofmouth does the rest. So spread the wordeveryone!

  • 7/29/2019 October 2012 Pony Express


    Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar... November 5 Collaboration Day

    SVEF Car Raffle Begins Go to www.sveffoundation.org

    November 6 Election DayVOTE

    November 12 Veterans DayNO SCHOOL

    November 13 Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 PM, SVUSD Board Room

    All Star Pizza Restaurant Fundraiser Day * Bring Flyer

    $4 for 2 large slices any topping pizza, plus drink special for THHS Students

    November 19-23 No SchoolThanksgiving Vacation

    November 26 PTSA Meeting, 7 PM , THHS MPR

    December ? Teacher & Staff Cookie Exchange

    December 10-12 Challenge Day(s)

    December 11 Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 PM, SVUSD Board Room

    December 7 SVEF Car Raffle Celebration at District

    December 21 Last day to purchase Grad Night Tickets for $160 Round Up Rate ($180 after)

    Dec 24Jan 4 Holiday Break! Enjoy and Happy New Year!

    Trabuco Hills High

    October 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2 page 22

    Volunteer Helpers NeededVolunteer Helpers NeededVolunteer Helpers NeededVolunteer Helpers Needed

    Parent & Student Education Chair for thePTSA Board: Help coordinate education nightsfor parents and/or students throughout the year.Contact Rachel [email protected].

    December 10th, 11th, & 12thChallenge Days:We need adults to help pick up and serve lunches(between 10:00-11 AM), to help check in volun-teers & student participants in the morning(between 7-8:15 AM) and to help as adult facilita-tors/leaders during the entire day (between 7:30AM3:30PM). To find out more or to volunteer,please email Andrea [email protected] orSheryl [email protected]. Its anamazing program. It will change your life.

    2013-2014 PTSA BoardNew board membersare nominated during January to fill the slate ofelected board members for next years board. Ifyou are interested in serving in any of the follow-ing positions, advise Suzann, our parliamentarian,at [email protected]. POSITIONSAVAILABLE: president executive vice presi

    Means, 3rd VP Student Leader, Treasurer, Finan-cial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Auditor, His-torian, & Advocacy/Legislative Representative.Other appointed positions will become availableafter the election in March. Look for more infor-mation then.

    Grad Night Car Wash ChairOne or two peo-ple to organize car washes for seniors that needhelp paying for Grad night. We are hoping to doat least 2 car washes before May on a weekend.Email Andrea at [email protected] or Lisa [email protected]

    Nominating CommitteeIf youd like to helpfill the slate of officers for the 2013-14 PTSAboard election, let someone know or be at the No-vember PTSA meeting when the next nominatingcommittee is elected. You will meet in January.The slate will then be presented at the FebruaryPTSA Meeting and your work is done.

    Homemade Holiday Cookies & Treats forTeacher/Staff Cookie exchange Email Diane at