10/26/11 8:25 AM Occupy Wall Street Gets Graphic | Mother Jones Page 1 of 14 http://motherjones.com/media/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-graffiti Must Reads: Kansas Missing Crucial Files in Abortion Case | Rick Perry's Miraculous Tax Plan | Team Obama Hires TransCanada Lobbyist | The GOP Hat R-P-M (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rpmarks/6244 829680/sizes/m/in/photostream/) /Flickr DONATE (HTTPS://ONLINE.ICNFULL.COM/FNP/? ACTION=SUBSCRIPTION&LIST_SOURCE=7ZTIPJAR&EXTRA_DON=1) NEWSLETTER (/ABOUT/INTERACT-ENGAGE/FREE-EMAIL-NEWSLETTER) Explore MoJo's updated map of protests and arrests worldwide (http://motherjones. com/politics/2011/1 0/occupy-wall- street-protest-map) CULTURE (/MEDIA) Corporations (/category/primary-tags/corporations) , Culture (/category/primary-tags/culture) , Economy (/category/primary-tags/economy) , Top Stories (/category/primary-tags/top-stories) Occupy Wall Street Gets Graphic Graffiti artists worldwide have been occupying walls and shop windows with slogans promoting the movement. —By Tasneem Raja (/authors/tasneem-raja) 14 Comments (#disqus_thread) | Post Comment (#dsq-new-post) Tue Oct. 25, 2011 3:00 AM PDT In Boston over the weekend a wave of grafitti hit nearly two dozen downtown buildings, mostly banks. "End the Fed." "Tax the Rich." "Burn the Money." A Bank of America branch got a big blue anarchist circle-A on the sign above its doorway. #OccupyBoston says its hands are clean—group members say they're into carrying signs, not spray painting buildings. The mayor of Boston gave the group his continued blessing (http://www.necn.com/10/24/11/Occupy-Boston-protesters-deny- 263 Like

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Occupy Wall Street Gets GraphicGraffiti artists worldwide have been

occupying walls and shop windows with

slogans promoting the movement.

—By Tasneem Raja (/authors/tasneem-raja)

14 Comments (#disqus_thread) | Post

Comment (#dsq-new-post)

Tue Oct. 25, 2011 3:00 AM PDT

In Boston over the weekend a wave of grafitti hit nearly two dozen

downtown buildings, mostly banks. "End the Fed." "Tax the Rich."

"Burn the Money." A Bank of America branch got a big blue

anarchist circle-A on the sign above its doorway. #OccupyBoston

says its hands are clean—group members say they're into carrying

signs, not spray painting buildings. The mayor of Boston gave the

group his continued blessing



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, and check out all

the rest of our

#OWS coverage.





blockID=582136&feedID=4206) , saying, "99 percent of those

folks there don't want to cause trouble." But if a rogue 1 percent

believes that walls and shop windows should be occupied with

slogans, can the movement stop them? As hundreds of #occupy

gatherings wrestle with the tricky logistics of physical occupation

and crowd control (http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/10/homelessness-occupy-wall-

street) , graffiti artists and taggers around the world are leaving marks of protest in all sort

of ways. Here's a sampling.

On a bank in Boston:


Photo by Www1.whdh.com (http://www1.whdh.com)



"Love, the 99%"

(http://www.flickr.com/photos/ranaghana/6255877541/)Occupy Austin graffiti

Photo by Flickr.com




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Occupy Grand Rapids Stencil

Photo by Flickr.com





A less aesthetic example:


Occupying Graffiti

Photo by Flickr.com





Tag wars have flared up:

OWS Street Graffiti In The E Williamsburg Section Of NYC. : occupywallstreet(http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/comments/jnyr7/ows_street_graffiti_in_the_e_williamsburg_section/)


Local merchant's shops are being tagged with OWS prop.This is causing the local gangs to re-tag, and theneighborhood has asked that this please stop.

Maybe the whole world is watching:

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Photo by Msnbcmedia.msn.com




PhotoBlog - 'Today Libya, tomorrow Wall Street': Graffiti in Sirte(http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/10/17/8361211-today-libya-tomorrow-wall-street-graffiti-in-sirte#sUP)


National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters rest outside ashuttered shop along a street in the town of Sirte, Libya, onOctober 16.

Rome, October 15, the "Global Day of Action":

(http://www.demotix.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/large_610x456_scaled/photos/879734.jpg)Photo by Demotix.com (http://demotix.com)



Rome Occupy Protest turns Violent | Demotix.com(http://www.demotix.com/news/879789/rome-occupy-protest-turns-

Hundreds of hooded, masked demonstrators rampaged insome of the worst violence seen in the Italian capital inyears, setting cars ablaze, breaking bank and shop windowsand destroying traffic lights and signposts.

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violent#ppf)demotix.com (http://www.demotix.com/news/879789/rome-

occupy-protest-turns-violent#ppf) , October 24, 2011 at 21:13

And in Madrid:


Photo by Financialpostbusiness.files.wordpress.com



Europe’s coming credit austerity | Investing | Financial Post(http://business.financialpost.com/2011/10/18/europe’s-coming-credit-austerity/)


A protester carrying a banner that reads "No home, no job,no pension, no fear" withdraws money from an ATMmachine of a bank next to graffiti sprayed by otherprotesters during a demonstration in Madrid. The graffitireads "Responsible for the crisis".

Foiled in Portland, Oregon:

Two arrested for Occupy Portland graffiti - Koinlocal6.com(http://www.koinlocal6.com/news/local/story/Two-arrested-for-Occupy-Portland-graffiti/CkMYruT5w0OItVDkomJbEQ.cspx)

koinlocal6.com (http://www.koinlocal6.com/news/local/story/Two-arrested-for-Occupy-Portland-

The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reports that twosuspected taggers, an man and a juvenile, were taken intocustody at approximately 1 a.m. The two suspects werereportedly painting graffiti saying "Occupy Portland" and"Wall Street loves no one", authorities say. They were seenmarking a PPB patrol car and some local businesses,including the Starbucks in Pioneer Courthouse Square.

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Photo by Koinlocal6.com (http://koinlocal6.com)


They gotta start somewhere:


Photo by 25.media.tumblr.com


Not sure how this works, but it's captivating.

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2.jpg)Photo by Lightgraffiti.com (http://lightgraffiti.com)



Cleaning up someone else's mess, in this case (look closely):

(http://www.flickr.com/photos/nrbelex/6224368903/)Anarchist Removing Graffiti

Photo by Flickr.com



Tools of the trade:


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Photo by Thebasispoint.com (http://thebasispoint.com)


Street murals are still banned in LA, but well-known street artist, Saber, contributed his spray-paint chops for #occupyLA:


eyeone | seeking heaven - Cache x Eyeone x

Occupy L.A. in Echo Park. More...

For a different kind of tagging, OccupyGeorge.com (http://occupygeorge.com/) providesdownloadable templates for stamping dollar bills with stats on income inequality. Theunnamed activists behind the site note that they aren't out to ruin any currency--instead, theyhope the tagged bills will travel far and wide, spreading knowledge one transaction at a time:


Photo by Farm7.static.flickr.com

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More Occupy Crackdowns, FromOakland to Melbourne (Map)(/politics/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-protest-map)

Our updated roundup of arrests, a

timeline of key events, who to follow on

social media, and more.

Octopi Wall Street! (/mixed-media/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-octopus-vampire-squid)

From vampire squids to monster

octopuses, a visual history of comparing

corporate America to cephalopods.

Why Homelessness Is Becoming anOccupy Wall Street Issue(/politics/2011/10/homelessness-occupy-wall-street)

What the Occupy Wall Streeters are

beginning to discover, and homeless

people have known all along, is that

most ordinary activities are illegal when

performed in American streets.

What the NYPD Really Thinks of OccupyWall Street (/politics/2011/10/nypd-occupy-wall-street)

Some rank-and-file cops say they're


The Best of #OccupySesameStreet(/mixed-media/2011/10/best-occupysesamestreet)

What happened when a Wall Street

spoof went viral.

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The world needs more artful ways for people to express themselves.

2 people liked this. Like


The occupy Austin one was pretty good.

1 person liked this. Like


Pokey, I haven't stopped laughing at the "boxing glove" scenerio you set up

yesterday. Had to show it to my wife, she though it was a hoot also.

1 person liked this. Like


yesss...It perhaps can assist the majority of male species in this world that are

emotionally retarded in communicating...hence war.

1 person liked this. Like


Schratboy Yesterday 05:19 AM (#comment-343629799)


Pokey Yesterday06:08 AM(#comment-343668425) inreply to Schratboy(#comment-343629799)


Rudy2shoes Yesterday 06:20 AM (#comment-343678184) in reply to Pokey (#comment-343668425)


micheleYesterday 06:35

AM (#comment-343690430) inreply to Schratboy(#comment-343629799)


Robyn Blanpied (http://www.facebook.com/people/Robyn-Blanpied/100000740374376) Yesterday 05:04 PM(#comment-344429550) in reply to Schratboy(#comment-343629799)

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The only problem is that graffiti, especially on old buildings, is equivalent to tattooing

someone against their will.

The building will never be the same. Its integrity is destroyed. No one else ever gets to

look at the building as it was built. A casualty is a casualty. A destroyed environment is

a destroyed environment, whether done by corporate pollution or well-meant spray


The first rule is :Do no harm.

The second rule is: Leave it better than you found it.

Tagging and graffiti do neither.

(http://disqus.com/landshark123) landshark123 and 1 more liked this (#)



Graffiti is little kid vandalism crap. Grow up and stop making the movement look like it is run

by a bunch of spoiled brat children with no sense of community or responsibility.

(http://disqus.com/landshark123) landshark123 and 2 more liked this (#) Like


"We will take"

Don't be surprised when people start objecting to that line of action.



I've never been to Boston, but that photo looks like it was taken in England, judging by

the architecture. Maybe you should alert the Royal Family.




Devo LeDude (http://twitter.com/DevoLeDude) Yesterday 08:29AM (#comment-343759267)


landshark123 Yesterday 08:57 AM (#comment-343775402)


Pokey Yesterday01:28 PM(#comment-344104446) inreplyto landshark123(#comment-343775402)


Mystery Pill Yesterday10:32 AM (#comment-343972641)

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From the Boston area http://www.flickr.com/photos/6...




How cute - delinquents being coddled by the MSM and morally bankrupt progressives 'think'


1 person liked this. Like


How cute - a boot-licking right-wing troll taking his cues from propogandist trash like

Andrew Breitbart.

3 people liked this. Like


the MSM (main stream media) owned by 4 of the largest corporations-working hand-in-

glove w/gov't



OF all the things I don't like to see it's graffiti. Paint a thousand signs but leave the

buildings, the walls and fences out of the conflict.



So I'm supposed to be aghast when human beings express themselves in public spaces, but

corporate logos covering every square foot of public space is a normal, wholly acceptable




slave2liberty Yesterday 11:59 AM (#comment-344019565)


Pokey Yesterday01:24 PM(#comment-344098839) inreplyto slave2liberty(#comment-344019565)


phraser_X Yesterday 06:55 PM (#comment-344509731) in reply to slave2liberty (#comment-344019565)


sracey Yesterday 10:53 PM (#comment-344605936)


emill 51 minutes ago(#comment-345261331)


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Intimate snapshots from theIowa Straw Poll.

Can You Love a Child of Rape?

Post-genocide, Rwandan womenraise the children of theirattackers.

Hidden Half: Women inAfghanistan

Behind the veils.

Right: Portraits from theEvangelical Ivy League

Home schooled evangelicals.



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