THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD November 18, 1926 OBSERVATIONS (Ovutlnuntl 'from I «pf encraurairlng legitimate oB flevdlopm* and government Inter/erenoe (*ir 'control. The puWIc, the (ndlisliy uia the hot Mint no cxll-eme nrni>r»<nl» were pnnHo rd ngrntulntetl The h ged co-operation within the Industry ana between Hie Industry and the ,*OT"- r»mcnt. It recognized the, ability of ** oil tiuhntry to find ««a «dlluw :a , proper rconr-np In locating. producing nnrt refining oil. Hit snlrt: "The major pnrt of the measures that must he taken to proteet upfglpR must re W ration 'the normal oommerctal Initiative ntei-prlse. An tettwitry >t1ke petroleum "that has been h »» Itself to new conditions, arising Of stantly f multiplying- IBV bjecteci to nny oldabli t iaoreashig demands, ought noMttflctlonfi and inhibitions.' ot to Hundreds Attend Legion Opening Oi New Building Post Gratified at Response -of Public in Clubhouse "Thomas Jefferson's Old Gig Welcome house wn Thursday TORRANCE IN SECOND PLAC« IPorrance Elementa eand place In the el held Tuemiuv i Bead Our Want Ads! Carving Sets —FOR— Thanksgiving Some mighty good values await you at Paxman's. You've always wanted a good carving set now's your chance to get one RIGHT. They'll stand "heavy duty," too, and will make the toughest old bird slice as easily .as a spring chicken. PAXMAN'S Hardware Two Stores: Torrance and Lomita That the juiHk appreciate* mid proud of the new Legion <ilul>- eloquejatly shoWB llaHt nliiht. Armistice Day. I lie nert «. frossland T!ont rt I he new tntMmg with a :io- ceptlon and dancing party. The clulihonne was inspartnl daring alie altcrnoon and nlgfc.1 l.y tiuntfnofls of pon»on«. llasktKtu of ftoworp wore Rent by the snune. and rainy nther fiiriji from Drganlzathmn. HrmK and nldivldoate w«» m-- celved. The members of the post were ithUBlastlc «ver the .sppreclattaD. lown by| tKe public. On l>ehalf of the Lesion. Post! jmmander Nate Ufoenke <iald: j The members of the Bert. K, j island Port. American Legion, > worked diligently for year* nake the fine new clubhouce Ible. Their Kratlfication at be- able to Imlld such a. splendid « doubled Thursd; Saturday Dances Open November 27 In Torrance Hall Ted riowci dvictor of th I.OB Angeles. well known oon- Rdlnbow Hnllroojn, tnnounces thnt he a series of dances In lieglnnltis: with Saturday, 27. Tin This to ithertMutiftiln -which rFhom»n.0eTr?r»on :rode :to PWtadclphta tr»m <hl« tnaat *n IHantlMllo. Va., -carrying -the Declaration -of 4ndependen«» » was ta-ken «o 'Washington where :lt -was viewed hy T>nMld«nt Ooolttn Ifatfore beuvc tahen ito ithe :8esnultCenteiinlnl ni Phlladelplfl*. I: building when the people .10 eloquently tes- tified to the fact that they are proud of the post's new home. The lieglon stands for all that is good iin the community, and will en- dflavor by Its future works to merit ttie. support which. It has received to -the past and to match the bounty of Its clubhotue with the washiness of Its activities." Mi*ny bomlta resident* Inspected the toiiflding Thursday. Piggly WigglyWas Best OpeningH«re In So. Cal. Hfcfogy "The greafest reception a Pigel Wiggly store- *ias ever received ti luthern California." This war the verdict of Jim Hostom, manager «f the new Plggly Wlsgly store whlew opened in th ne«v Levy building <*> Sartori ave Just Saturday. MRS. PERK INS IS HOSTESS Mary Perktn* «f 1 venue entertnioed a.t lu ,<3« che onday in honor of best- M»1lhday, Pisces were indicatied ifoj Mni. . B. Chaw and Mrs. /, J* l>uck, f I.omlta. and Mrs. John Totscn nd Mrs. CroKsmeyer, of Torraj welc e received from atly tie -pe/jple volume of business done g-i ixceeded our expectation*," fr. Postern. In addition to Mr. Postom oth< nen on the Piggly Wiggly nfaff .ere aro Wlllis Hoffman, checker nd L. Clark, assistant checker .'wo of the staff now live In Tor ance. The third will move here hwrtly. 'Feeling FIT Ed Schwapti? h<£ a lot of new accessories to TONE UP your appearance?; BRIGHT-HUED TIES SMART NEW SHIRTS COLORFUL NEW HOSE . Bought Especially for Thanksgiving OPEN THANKSGIVING Eve till 8:30 ED SCHWARTZ 1505 Cabrillo T O R E (Successor K O R M E N to Ed Kelly) CARD PARTY FRIDAY AFTERNOON Ira. L,. B. Kelsey and Mm. Hay- it Young will be hostriuaex HI the Women's Cluh card pnrty t<> be held Friday afternoon, Nov. 19, at the clubhouse on Rngracia avenue. FIREMAN'S BALL TOMORROW NIGHT Friday *)ight the Torrance Vol- unteer Fire Department will stage *<»s fourteenth annual ball, The fes- tivities will t*ke place at Recre- atjo/i hall on Carson street, with the Oriole Orcbenfra furnishing- the usic. There wHJ be refreshments. he firemen always have them. And some neat atunl* and novelties ill be Introduced. Dec. CluHhoiUs* -on Thursday numb ROTARY-KIWANIS PLAN DINNER DANCE DEC. Z ombining, for an evening of en- tertainment and fun, the Rotary nd Kiwa.nl* Clubs of Torrance ill stage a dinner dance at the tfe.frtlice.'* wTJtl tic introduced ,di ithe dinner itnd several wovolty dances are on -tibe pi'Qgra« :SUrlne Orcluvtra wHJ furuSU* .the music. A1D SOCIETY HAS AIX.-DAY MEETING s' Aid Hoclrty of UIK 'hureh bet& an Jill-day vwik met-tinK Tupmliiy at the home pf Mra, J-'orreHt Yoimff. 1007 C«ta w»»o. The 4a;> commenced at 9:SO a, m. p-lth a very good attendance of earnest. tpsj>py women, IHIHV in their service to church and com- munity. f> Ixtunieinix covered tllnli lunch WILM enjoyed ut noon. The next regular meeting will be leld the second Tuesday 'in Janu- ary. 1»27. ELKS MASQUE BALL MONDAY NIGHT, NOV. 22 The sixth niinuul grand rn.-is- (lueradc ball of the It. P. O. E. Redondo Beacli will be held Mi day night, Nov. 22 and it pro ises to be an event of rollicking entertainment. Two hundred dol- lars In prizes will be awarded. Pro- ceed* will go into the Elk«' charity fund. The Elks make Christmas merry for many unfortunate fam- ilies every year. dances will >>e Riven at the ?nn Recreation hall, Carson and Mflt Gardners Mrilody » will furnish the music. Mr. H will offer a fit) raurti prize opening night for the best it couple. 7'"lowcrs comCB to Torrance L reputation for eonanctlng lass entertainments, and ns- Bin-es local patrons that he will xlve Torrance patrons a type of dances that even the most flls- erlnitnntlng will be Rind to attend. Moke high How Many Rabbits Make a Coat? ,mes of clerks on <l«rty will be d henceforth over 'the win- i In the Torrance -postofflce. practice IB common In 'larger Th«se are valuable bunnies. mud lln. titfrln Ooolldge and (H, mob. BMU- Lo* Angles The «t«M for th«ro oaf kind. Their names are Mr. ned by J R Thorps of th» Stem nchllla.. nnd Thorp* has refund Committee Takes Over Scouting Here The Seoul movement has been rganized In Torrance by the ap- 'Olntment of the following com- ilttee: Fay L. Parks, chairman; diaries V. Jones, William M. Bell 5 James H. Scott, and J. W. Post. Two troops are meeting euch week pe Scout building: Troop No. 3 0 Friday evenings, under the lead- rshlp pf Robert Lewellen, and iop No. 4 on Thursday evenings, \ nder the leadership of Edgar A. Beeves. The test-passing* record for the onth of November, up to and In- luding Saturday, Nov. 6, is as ollows: Troop No. i, four tests; 'roop No. 4, 26 tests. Tests ar<5 iven on Thursday afternoon after Dhool, and on Saturday morning, t the Scout building. The Harbor District, of which 311 ance is a part, is conducting nstructlon classes in swimming for eglnners and advanced lads in the raon Memorial plunge in San 'edro, now being operated by the 'laygrounds Commission of the ity of Los Angeles. There Is no Guy Company Is Organized Here P. O. (iny today formation of the P. ng Company, an o local buslnetw men. Mr. Guy the comp nnounced the O. Ouy Builil- rganization of According to ny is in a jio- contractlng business. Houses wi be built for sale, and assistanc ill be given in flntinulng dwellin and business blocks, PIGCLY WIGGLY 1315 SARTOR I AVE. TORRANCE, CALIF. 10 Bars, P & G SoapL........................-......-....-.....................-...-.--..---33c White King Washing Machine Soap, large.. .......... 38c Cocoa Almond Soap ........................................... ....-.-.,..-- - - -5c a bar Old Dutch Cleanser ...........................................................................we Country Gentleman Corn, No. 2 Can......._..............................12%c Diner Selected Peas, No. 2 can .................. .....:................._....._..........14c Campbell's Beans, 2 cans...........................................................................15c Libby Tall Milk, 3 cans ... .25c No. 2 Sliced Pineapple............................_.....»....................~..........-...-......16c 6 cans Campbell's Tomato Soup. ................ ................................ .. 50c Shredded Wheat, 3 for.......:.................,.................................... .................25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for ......................................... .........................25c 1 lb. Hershey Cocoa .25c Crisco, 1 lb., 23c; 3 lb., 67c, 6 lb, $1.31 FRUlT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT BUNCH VEGETABLES Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Spinach, 2 for 5c YAMS, 8 Ibs. ................ ............... ................................................................. 25c CABBAGE, per lb. .........................................................................^. ...-••• 2c NEWTOWN PIPPIN APPLES, 11 lb«. .................................................. 25c CRANBERRIES, 2 Ibs. ..................................:..........-...,........... 25c MALAGA GRAPES, 4 Ibs. .......................................................................... 1Sc harge for the Instruction, the only rge being 10 cents for ad' mission. Including A towe), if the scout Is between 12 and 15, and 5 cents for a bathing suit It the scout does not bring his own. The instruction is given by the plunge structor, assisted by his two life lards. Interested scouts are re- quested to see the district com- issioner for days and hours of ailable classes. Instruction In advanced swimming covers knowl- edge of the requirements for life- saving, and scouts who complete course are entitled to the ROYAL NEIGHBORS A large class will be initiated tomorrow night, Nov. « 19, by the Royal Neighbors of Turranoe. Re- dondo BeacU Camp will be guests of the evening-, A pot-luck supper will precede the assembly, and all Royal Neigh- bors are urged to attend and bring a covered dish. Stockholders' Meeting he annual meeting of the stock- ders of the Torrance Audi- ium Company will be held at office of the Nelll Realty Com- y, 1261 Cabrillo avenue, Tor- ce, California, on Thursday, De- ber 2, 1926, at t p. m. badge of the Junior Red Cross Life Saver. For the benefit of first class scouts a merit badge library of pamphlets covering almost all the merit badge subjects has been or- dered, and when received will be placed In the public libn ry, avail- able for reference and reading hile in the library but not for irculation, First class scouts in- restcd in merit badges arc urged > see the district commissioner. American Fruit Market Corner Gramercy and Carson J - ** Torrance ; " REOPENS Under New Management Affiliations with the largest wholesalers of fruits and vegetables in Los Angeles County enables" us to offer VERY LOW PRICES and a WIDE VARIETY OF PRODUCTS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND THANKSGIVING Joe Galdarisi, Proprietor ______ I Poultry for Thanksgiving v As usual, we contracted for our THANKSGIVING POUL- TRY early and, of course, we got the pick of the flocks. In order that you may not be disappointed, we would ap- preciate receiving your orders NOW for Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens, and Rabbits, so that no one will be disappoint- ed the day before Thanksgiving Day. We refuse to sell any- thing BUT THE VERY BEST and it may be difficult to obtain FIRST QUALITY POULTRY on last day orders. PLEASE ORDJER NOW SO WE CAN GIVE YOU THE BEST ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Of Course TWO CONVENIENT MARKETS No. 1 At Daley's, 1639 Cabrillo No. 2 At Piggly Wiggly, 1315 Sartor i SAME PRICES and QUALITY AT BOTH MARKETS Rock Bottom Meat Markets L. OTT, Proprietor TIRE PRICES Drop 15 Per Cent In accordance with the announcement of Harvey S. Firestone, president of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, we have reduced our prices on Firestone & Oldfield Tires & Tubes From 12 to 18 Per Cent, According to Size, or An Average of 15% Throughout the Line Again Firestone Leads in Value Giving Stapelfeld Tire & Rubber Co. 1610 Cabrillo Ave. C. J. STAPELFELD, Prop. Torrance

OBSERVATIONS Hundreds Attend Thomas Jefferson's Old Gig · Some mighty good values await you at Paxman's. You've always wanted a good carving set now's your chance to get one RIGHT

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Page 1: OBSERVATIONS Hundreds Attend Thomas Jefferson's Old Gig · Some mighty good values await you at Paxman's. You've always wanted a good carving set now's your chance to get one RIGHT


OBSERVATIONS(Ovutlnuntl 'from I

«pf encraurairlng legitimate oB flevdlopm* and government Inter/erenoe (*ir 'control.

The puWIc, the (ndlisliy uia the hot Mint no cxll-eme nrni>r»<nl» were pnnHo

rd ngrntulntetl

The h ged co-operation within the Industry ana between Hie Industry and the ,*OT"- r»mcnt. It recognized the, ability of ** oil tiuhntry to find ««a «dlluw :a , proper rconr-np In locating. producing nnrt refining oil. Hit snlrt:

"The major pnrt of the measures that must he taken to proteet upfglpR must re W ration 'the normal oommerctal Initiative ntei-prlse. An tettwitry >t1ke petroleum "that has been

h »» Itself to new conditions, arisingOf

stantlyf multiplying- IBV bjecteci to nny oldabli

t iaoreashig demands, ought noMttflctlonfi and inhibitions.'

ot to

Hundreds Attend Legion Opening Oi New Building

Post Gratified at Response -of Public in Clubhouse

"Thomas Jefferson's Old Gig


house wn Thursday


IPorrance Elementa eand place In the el held Tuemiuv i Bead Our Want Ads!

Carving Sets—FOR—


Some mighty good values await you at Paxman's. You've always wanted a good carving set now's your chance to get one RIGHT.

They'll stand "heavy duty," too, and will make the toughest old bird slice as easily

.as a spring chicken.


Two Stores: Torrance and Lomita

That the juiHk appreciate* mid proud of the new Legion <ilul>-

eloquejatly shoWB llaHt nliiht. Armistice Day.

I lie nert «. frossland T!ont rt I he new tntMmg with a :io-

ceptlon and dancing party. The clulihonne was inspartnl daring alie altcrnoon and nlgfc.1 l.y tiuntfnofls of pon»on«. llasktKtu of ftoworp wore Rent by the snune. and rainy nther fiiriji from Drganlzathmn. HrmK and nldivldoate w«» m-- celved.

The members of the post were ithUBlastlc «ver the .sppreclattaD. lown by| tKe public. On l>ehalf of the Lesion. Post! jmmander Nate Ufoenke <iald: j

The members of the Bert. K, j island Port. American Legion, > worked diligently for year* nake the fine new clubhouce Ible. Their Kratlfication at be- able to Imlld such a. splendid

« doubled Thursd;

Saturday Dances Open November 27

In Torrance HallTed riowci

dvictor of th I.OB Angeles.

well known oon- Rdlnbow Hnllroojn, tnnounces thnt he

a series of dances In lieglnnltis: with Saturday,


This to ithertMutiftiln -which rFhom»n.0eTr?r»on :rode :to PWtadclphta tr»m <hl« tnaat *n IHantlMllo. Va., -carrying -the Declaration -of 4ndependen«» » was ta-ken «o 'Washington where :lt -was viewed hy T>nMld«nt Ooolttn Ifatfore beuvc tahen ito ithe :8esnultCenteiinlnl ni Phlladelplfl*.

I:buildingwhen the people .10 eloquently tes­ tified to the fact that they are proud of the post's new home. The lieglon stands for all that is good iin the community, and will en- dflavor by Its future works to merit ttie. support which. It has received to -the past and to match the bounty of Its clubhotue with the washiness of Its activities."

Mi*ny bomlta resident* Inspected the toiiflding Thursday.

Piggly WigglyWas Best OpeningH«re

In So. Cal. Hfcfogy"The greafest reception a Pigel

Wiggly store- *ias ever received tiluthern California."This war the verdict of Jim

Hostom, manager «f the new Plggly Wlsgly store whlew opened in th ne«v Levy building <*> Sartori ave

Just Saturday.


Mary Perktn* «f 1 venue entertnioed a.t lu


onday in honor of best- M»1lhday, Pisces were indicatied ifoj Mni.

. B. Chaw and Mrs. /, J* l>uck, f I.omlta. and Mrs. John Totscn nd Mrs. CroKsmeyer, of Torraj

welc e received from

atlytie -pe/jplevolume of business done g-i ixceeded our expectation*," fr. Postern.

In addition to Mr. Postom oth< nen on the Piggly Wiggly nfaff .ere aro Wlllis Hoffman, checker nd L. Clark, assistant checker .'wo of the staff now live In Tor ance. The third will move here hwrtly.

'Feeling FIT

Ed Schwapti? h<£ a lot of new accessories to TONE UP your appearance?;



. Bought Especially for Thanksgiving


ED SCHWARTZ1505 Cabrillo

T O R E (Successor

K O R M E N to Ed Kelly)


Ira. L,. B. Kelsey and Mm. Hay- it Young will be hostriuaex HI

the Women's Cluh card pnrty t<> be held Friday afternoon, Nov. 19, at the clubhouse on Rngracia avenue.


Friday *)ight the Torrance Vol­ unteer Fire Department will stage *<»s fourteenth annual ball, The fes­ tivities will t*ke place at Recre- atjo/i hall on Carson street, with the Oriole Orcbenfra furnishing- the

usic. There wHJ be refreshments.he firemen always have them.

And some neat atunl* and noveltiesill be Introduced.

Dec.CluHhoiUs* -on Thursday



ombining, for an evening of en­ tertainment and fun, the Rotary

nd Kiwa.nl* Clubs of Torrance ill stage a dinner dance at the

tfe.frtlice.'* wTJtl tic introduced ,di ithe dinner itnd several wovolty dances are on -tibe pi'Qgra« :SUrlne Orcluvtra wHJ furuSU* .the music.


s' Aid Hoclrty of UIK 'hureh bet& an Jill-day

vwik met-tinK Tupmliiy at the home pf Mra, J-'orreHt Yoimff. 1007 C«ta w»»o.The 4a;> commenced at 9:SO a, m.

p-lth a very good attendance of earnest. tpsj>py women, IHIHV in their service to church and com­ munity. f> Ixtunieinix covered tllnli lunch WILM enjoyed ut noon.

The next regular meeting will be leld the second Tuesday 'in Janu­

ary. 1»27.


The sixth niinuul grand rn.-is- (lueradc ball of the It. P. O. E. Redondo Beacli will be held Mi day night, Nov. 22 and it pro ises to be an event of rollicking entertainment. Two hundred dol­ lars In prizes will be awarded. Pro­ ceed* will go into the Elk«' charity fund. The Elks make Christmas merry for many unfortunate fam­ ilies every year.

dances will >>e Riven at the ?nn Recreation hall, Carson and Mflt Gardners Mrilody

» will furnish the music. Mr. H will offer a fit) raurti prize

opening night for the best it couple.7'"lowcrs comCB to Torrance

L reputation for eonanctlng lass entertainments, and ns-

Bin-es local patrons that he will xlve Torrance patrons a type of dances that even the most flls- erlnitnntlng will be Rind to attend.



How Many Rabbits Make a Coat?

,mes of clerks on <l«rty will be d henceforth over 'the win-i In the Torrance -postofflce.

practice IB common In 'larger

Th«se are valuable bunnies. mud lln. titfrln Ooolldge and (H, mob. BMU- Lo* Angles The «t«M for th«ro

oaf kind. Their names are Mr. ned by J R Thorps of th» Stem nchllla.. nnd Thorp* has refund

Committee Takes Over Scouting Here

The Seoul movement has been rganized In Torrance by the ap- 'Olntment of the following com- ilttee: Fay L. Parks, chairman; diaries V. Jones, William M. Bell 5 James H. Scott, and J. W. Post.

Two troops are meeting euch week pe Scout building: Troop No. 3

0 Friday evenings, under the lead- rshlp pf Robert Lewellen, and

iop No. 4 on Thursday evenings, \ nder the leadership of Edgar A.

Beeves.The test-passing* record for the onth of November, up to and In-

luding Saturday, Nov. 6, is as ollows: Troop No. i, four tests; 'roop No. 4, 26 tests. Tests ar<5 iven on Thursday afternoon after Dhool, and on Saturday morning, t the Scout building. The Harbor District, of which 311 ance is a part, is conducting

nstructlon classes in swimming for eglnners and advanced lads in the

raon Memorial plunge in San 'edro, now being operated by the 'laygrounds Commission of the ity of Los Angeles. There Is no

Guy Company IsOrganized Here

P. O. (iny today formation of the P. ng Company, an o

local buslnetw men. Mr. Guy the comp

nnounced the O. Ouy Builil- rganization of

According to ny is in a jio-

contractlng business. Houses wi be built for sale, and assistanc

ill be given in flntinulng dwellin and business blocks,


10 Bars, P & G SoapL........................-......-....-.....................-...-.--..---33cWhite King Washing Machine Soap, large.. .......... 38cCocoa Almond Soap ........................................... ....-.-.,..-- - - -5c a barOld Dutch Cleanser ...........................................................................weCountry Gentleman Corn, No. 2 Can......._..............................12%cDiner Selected Peas, No. 2 can.................. .....:................._....._..........14cCampbell's Beans, 2 cans...........................................................................15cLibby Tall Milk, 3 cans ... .25cNo. 2 Sliced Pineapple............................_.....»....................~..........-...-......16c6 cans Campbell's Tomato Soup................. ................................ .. 50cShredded Wheat, 3 for.......:.................,.................................... .................25cKellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for......................................... .........................25c1 lb. Hershey Cocoa .25c Crisco, 1 lb., 23c; 3 lb., 67c, 6 lb, $1.31

FRUlT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENTBUNCH VEGETABLES Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Spinach, 2 for 5c YAMS, 8 Ibs. ................ ............... ................................................................. 25cCABBAGE, per lb. .........................................................................^. ...-••• 2cNEWTOWN PIPPIN APPLES, 11 lb«. .................................................. 25cCRANBERRIES, 2 Ibs. ..................................:..........-...,........... 25cMALAGA GRAPES, 4 Ibs. .......................................................................... 1Sc

harge for the Instruction, the only rge being 10 cents for ad'

mission. Including A towe), if the scout Is between 12 and 15, and 5 cents for a bathing suit It the scout does not bring his own. The instruction is given by the plunge

structor, assisted by his two life lards. Interested scouts are re­

quested to see the district com- issioner for days and hours of ailable classes. Instruction In

advanced swimming covers knowl­ edge of the requirements for life- saving, and scouts who complete

course are entitled to the


A large class will be initiated tomorrow night, Nov. « 19, by the Royal Neighbors of Turranoe. Re­ dondo BeacU Camp will be guests of the evening-,

A pot-luck supper will precede the assembly, and all Royal Neigh­ bors are urged to attend and bring a covered dish.

Stockholders' Meetinghe annual meeting of the stock-

ders of the Torrance Audi­ ium Company will be held atoffice of the Nelll Realty Com­

y, 1261 Cabrillo avenue, Tor­ ce, California, on Thursday, De­ber 2, 1926, at t p. m.

badge of the Junior Red Cross Life Saver.

For the benefit of first class scouts a merit badge library of pamphlets covering almost all the merit badge subjects has been or­ dered, and when received will beplaced In the public libn ry, avail­ able for reference and reading

hile in the library but not for irculation, First class scouts in- restcd in merit badges arc urged > see the district commissioner.

American Fruit Market

Corner Gramercy and Carson J - ** Torrance ; "

REOPENSUnder New Management

Affiliations with the largest wholesalers of fruits and vegetables in Los Angeles County enables" us to offer




Joe Galdarisi, Proprietor

______I Poultry for Thanksgiving v

As usual, we contracted for our THANKSGIVING POUL­ TRY early and, of course, we got the pick of the flocks.

In order that you may not be disappointed, we would ap­ preciate receiving your orders NOW for Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens, and Rabbits, so that no one will be disappoint­ ed the day before Thanksgiving Day. We refuse to sell any­ thing BUT THE VERY BEST and it may be difficult to obtain FIRST QUALITY POULTRY on last day orders.PLEASE ORDJER NOW SO WE CAN GIVE YOU THE BEST


No. 1 At Daley's, 1639 Cabrillo

No. 2 At Piggly Wiggly, 1315 Sartor i


Rock Bottom Meat MarketsL. OTT, Proprietor


Drop 15 Per CentIn accordance with the announcement of Harvey S.

Firestone, president of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, we have reduced our priceson

Firestone & Oldfield Tires & TubesFrom 12 to 18 Per Cent,

According to Size, or

An Average of 15% Throughout the Line Again Firestone Leads in Value Giving

Stapelfeld Tire & Rubber Co.1610 Cabrillo Ave. C. J. STAPELFELD, Prop. Torrance