Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies nary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics: ‘3D Spectroscopy’ e, Nov-Dec 2005 James E.H. Turner Gemini Observatory

Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

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XVII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics: ‘3D Spectroscopy’ Tenerife, Nov-Dec 2005. Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies. James E.H. Turner Gemini Observatory. Introduction: James’s lectures. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Observational procedures and data reduction

Lecture 1: Introduction and

observing strategies

XVII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics: ‘3D Spectroscopy’

Tenerife, Nov-Dec 2005

James E.H. Turner

Gemini Observatory

Page 2: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Introduction: James’s lectures

● Four ~1-hr lectures on observing and basic data reduction for IFUs

– Lecture 1 discusses strategies for observing with IFUs

● Optical (visible) and infrared observing techniques

● IFU-specific issues

– Lecture 2 presents some background on image sampling

● How do we reconstruct the spatial information in raw IFU data?

● How do we best preserve the integrity of the data?

– Lectures 3 & 4 cover data reduction and data formats

● Calibrating and formatting data ready for scientific analysis (Pierre);

removing instrumental and atmospheric effects

● Optical vs. infrared and fibres vs. microlenses or image slicers

Page 3: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Introduction: background

● Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) techniques have been in development

for at least a couple of decades (Vanderriest, 1980)

… but it is only during the last few years (<5) that IFUs have become

widely available at major observatories, for everyone to use

(with a few exceptions—eg. the Lyon microlens IFUs at CFHT)

● IFS poses new data reduction and analysis issues

– It introduces 3D datasets to mainstream optical/IR astronomy

– Spatial information is scrambled (and often not on a square grid)

– The software has arguably lagged behind hardware, especially in terms of

general-purpose tools

● Hence the Euro3D effort, started ~2002 (and, eg., recent additions to IRAF)

Page 4: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Introduction: background

● Now we have new instrumentation and software, but not so much

experience with them in the community…

– Astronomers have been using ‘standard’ spectroscopy for centuries!

(and it is technically more straightforward than IFS)

● The current generation of students and postdocs growing up with IFS

will be the ones that spread the expertise within the community

Page 5: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Start with a quick tour of how IFS compares with

other observing modes…

Page 6: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing with IFUs vs. other instruments

● Current IFUs are used at optical (visible) or near-infrared wavelengths

– Optical: ~0.4-1m (CCD detectors); NIR: ~1-5m (HgCdTe/InSb arrays)

– In future also mid-IR (JWST MIRI) and far-IR (FIFI-LS on Sofia)

sketch based on

plot from NASA

Page 7: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing with IFUs vs. other instruments

● IFUs can be dedicated instruments

…or insertable modules inside multi-purpose spectrographs

GNIRS image slicing IFU in the slit slide(Gemini)

SAURON on the WHT(ING newsletter)

Page 8: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing with IFUs vs. other instruments

● We can also have multiple deployable IFU fields within the telescope

field of view (like MOS fibres)—more instruments like this in future

GIRAFFE multi-IFU design for VLT(Observatoire de Paris?)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing with IFUs vs. other instruments

● Fields of view are typically small

– A few arcseconds, compared with arcminutes for typical imagers

– Target acquisition is not quite point-and-shoot—but it’s easier than

aligning an object with a narrow slit

● IFUs have a wider aperture and can provide 2D images for alignment

● Some IFUs have larger fields but coarse spatial sampling

and/or short spectra

– eg. SAURON has a mode with a ~0.5’ field and ~1” spatial pixels

● Greater field of view for nearby targets

● Better sensitivity for regions of low surface brightness

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing with IFUs vs. other instruments

● Compared with a slit, IFUs introduce nonuniformities over the field

– Have to flat field both the detector and IFU

– Together with small field sizes, this makes dithering and mosaicing

important—to average over variations and cover a larger area

● High-res IFUs are a good way to use adaptive optics

– Capture more light with an IFU than a very narrow (AO-scale) slit

– Acquisition is easier with an IFU than a very narrow slit

– Projects that benefit from AO often benefit from 2D spatial coverage

Page 11: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

More details on optical/NIR

observing with IFUs…

Page 12: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—typical procedure: optical

Acquire target

onto the IFU



Observe science

target N



Offsets onsource?Nod to sky?

Science target

If flexure isimportant(usually is)

Page 13: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—typical procedure: near-IR

Acquire target

onto the IFUObserve flats

Observe science


Observe blank


Observe flats

Observe telluric

std at position A

Acquire telluric

std onto the IFU

Observe telluric

std at position B


N ~1-4

Observe flats?

Science target

(with flexure)

Standard – before or after

Offsets onsource?

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—separate calibrations

Twilight flats




Flux standard

(mainly optical)Daytime


Day time or twilight

(dark dome)Twilight Night time



Page 15: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—acquisition (single IFU)

● Want to centre the science target at a suitable place in the IFU field

– Usually the middle!

– Blind telescope pointing rarely gets the target right in the centre of a

small IFU field without tweaking

– Take a short exposure, measure the target position and move the

telescope (or IFU) to adjust it

● Two approaches:

● Use a normal imaging camera that is fixed with respect to the IFU

(maybe another mode of the same instrument)

● Centre the target at co-ordinates known to correspond to the IFU centre

● Assumes the position of the IFU centre on the camera is repeatable (not too

much flexure etc.) if this is the only acquisition step

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—acquisition

Direct imaging acquisition onto known ‘hot spot’

Page 17: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—acquisition

● Reconstruct a 2D image of what the IFU is looking at

● Where possible, taking undispersed images through the IFU (or using a

single emission line) gives the best sensitivity

– Rearrange a 1D slit or set of micropupil spots to a 2D image

● Otherwise (maybe to avoid saturation), sum in wavelength or take a spatial

cross-section and then rearrange to 2D

Reconstructed acquisition image

through the IFU

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—acquisition

● Alternatively, create a 3D datacube and collapse it in wavelength to make an

acquisition image (if it doesn’t take too long!)

● …or use a direct image to get the target onto the field and then fine-

tune the pointing using the IFU

● For large-pixel IFUs, it may be important that repeated acquisitions

(eg. on different nights) are done identically, to allow combining the

data optimally

● Otherwise, there is less of a need for periodic re-acquisition than for a

long slit, where the target can drift slowly out of the aperture

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—object and sky spectra

● Once the object is in the right place, we want to keep taking spectra

until we get enough signal-to-noise

● Normally need to observe blank sky as a reference for subtracting out

telluric (sky) emission lines and any other background counts

– For IFUs it is more likely that we have to nod away from the target

● Optical wavelengths

– Can sample the sky at the same time as the target using several methods

● Use blank sky from the edges of the IFU field, if the target is small enough

● Use an IFU with a separate sky field or sky fibres, placed far enough away

from the science field (eg. a few arcminutes)

● Nod up and down the field (and later subtract pairs of frames), if the target

is compact enough—or dither around to remove objects with rejection

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—object and sky spectra





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Introduction & observing strategies

– Otherwise, if the target is too extended, we have to nod off to blank sky

from time to time and spend <100% of the time observing the target

● Infrared wavelengths

– Standard practice is to nod to sky, usually every other exposure, so we

can remove both telluric/thermal emission and detector dark current by

subtracting pairs of raw exposures

– Have to nod more frequently than in the optical, since sky lines are

stronger and vary on timescales of a few minutes

– For point-like targets, nod within the IFU field to get 2 the flux

– At non-thermal wavelengths (~1m) and high enough spectral resolution,

an alternative for some projects is to spend 100% of the time on source

and interpolate over sky lines after dark subtraction

Observing process—object and sky spectra

Page 22: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—object and sky spectra

Page 23: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—object and sky spectra

Page 24: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—integration times

● Exposure times are mainly determined by the same factors as for other

spectroscopic modes

● Minimum exposure

– For faint targets, need to integrate long enough for the background noise

to overcome the detector read-out noise

– It often takes longer to get the same counts per pixel as with a slit:

● High spatial/spectral resolution IFUs have smaller apertures than a typical

slit (since they can have without losing light overall)

● IFUs introduce extra optics (=losses) in the telescope beam

● Sometimes there is extra magnification (=more pixels) involved

– Frequently the main constraint

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—integration times

● Maximum exposure

– In the infrared, we have to start a new exposure often enough to sample

variations in sky lines, for accurate subtraction

● For bright targets, take short exposures (eg. 0.5-2 minutes) to sample fast

emission-line variations

● For faint targets, take longer exposures (10-30 minutes) to average over the

fast sky variations

– Must avoid saturating the detector capacity with too many photons, for

bright targets (or perhaps bright sky lines)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—integration times

– We may want to divide a fixed observing time into multiple exposures

for various reasons, such as:

● To allow for changes in flexure between the slit and detector or the

telescope image and the IFU

● Using repeated samples to help remove cosmic rays

● Dithering on the sky

● Avoiding too much time loss if something goes wrong with an integration

● Typical exposures are from a few minutes up to 1 hour (optical) or

~20 minutes (infrared)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dithering & mosaicing

● Three reasons for moving where an IFU is pointing on the sky

between exposures (other than sky subtraction):

● ‘Dithering’: because IFUs use reflective or transmissive optics, rather

than just a clear slit, they tend to introduce artificial spatial structure

● Flat-field variations, including dead elements such as broken optical fibres

● Possible variations in spectral line profiles between IFU elements

● Although flat-fielding removes systematic throughput differences, the

resulting noise variations and ‘holes’ due to dead elements remain

– Dithering the IFU position with respect to the target object helps to

produce a homogeneous dataset and ‘fill in’ any missing spectra

– Use small offsets, eg. 1-2 IFU elements (fibres, slices or lenslets)

– For short exposures, using integer-element offsets may make the data a

bit easier to combine (just co-add corresponding fibres/slices/lenses)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dithering & mosaicing

● ‘Mosaicing’: since IFU fields are often just a few arcseconds in size,

sometimes we need to observe multiple pointings in order to cover a

large enough area of the target

● Use offsets comparable to the size of the IFU field, for small overlaps

● ‘Subsampling’: IFUs with larger fields tend to have coarse spatial pixels

that can’t capture all the detail in telescope images

● Try offseting by a fraction of a spatial pixel (fibre, lens, pixel) between

frames to get better sampling (like for HST WFPC+Drizzle)

– eg. steps of 1/2 or 1/3 (smaller increments don’t necessarily gain much)

● Unlike HST, ground-based observatories have variable seeing and cloud

– This may limit the ability to combine data accurately enough

– Subsampling is not yet well tested for IFUs, but I’m told it has been

used successfully for ground-based imaging

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dithering & mosaicing

● Observing strategy

– Change the telescope pointing slightly between frames, or offset the IFU

within the telescope field (if it is movable)

– In all 3 cases, we need a way to register the relative positions accurately,

so we can combine the data with the right shifts

● For dithering and small mosaics, keeping the centre of the target (eg. galaxy

nucleus) inside the field of view at every pointing gives a reliable reference

– Allows up to 4x the field of view

● Without at least one reference peak in the field at every position, we need to

have well-known pointing offsets, ie. accurate guider (etc.) movements

● For subsampling, telescope offsets must be accurate to a small fraction of a

spatial pixel …unless there are enough peaks in the field to measure a

statistically accurate offset from several approximate centroids

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dithering & mosaicing

– In the infrared, dithering & mosaicing may allow spending a larger

fraction of time on source than for a single object pointing

● Typical single-pointing sequence: sky-object-object-sky … (N)

– For faint targets, we achieve best S/N by spending equal time on sky

and object so that the background noise is equal in both cases

● ‘Short cut’ for dithering: sky-object-object … (N)

– Because we have to shift and add the pointings, we can subtract the

same sky from 2 object frames but still have 2 independent sky

measurements at any given position

– In practice, the most conservative schemes give the most accurate sky

subtraction (sky-object-object-sky … or sky-object…)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flat fielding

● Need to measure instrumental efficiency (flat-field) variations, so we

can separate them out from real features in the data

– Across the detector: pixel-to-pixel variations & other features

– Across the IFU field: differences in transmission between different

fibres, lenslets or image slices (and possibly along image slices)

● Eg. due to fibre stresses/FRD, alignment variations, optical bonding, slicer

reflectivity differences, diffraction losses etc.

● Detector flat exposures

– Need a dispersed illumination source that is spectrally smooth

● Dispersed to allow for variations in detector response with wavelength etc.

● Smooth so we can fit and remove the spectral profile of the lamp, leaving

just the intrinsic pixel variations

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flat fielding

– Detector flat may also include fringing

● IFU flat exposures

– Need an illumination source that is spatially flat

● The flattest reference is the twilight sky—but there are only a few minutes

twice a day to observe this at the right brightness level

– For IFUs with small spatial pixels and/or high spectral dispersion, it is

sometimes necessary to take sky flats when the sun is up!

● ‘Dome flats’, taken by illuminating a blank spot inside the dome with

appropriate lamps, can be relatively flat

● Given the small sizes of many IFU fields, the calibration source used for

detector flats may be flat enough

– Matching the spatial slit-detector flexure of science exposures is more

important than for a long slit, since the apertures are much shorter

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flat fielding

● Observing strategy

– In the absence of flexure, or if flats are taken frequently enough, we may

choose to use a combined detector+IFU flat

● Can be taken before or after night-time observations if there is no flexure

– Where there is flexure (more common), we probably want to take flats at

the same telescope pointing as the science data in order to:

● illuminate the same detector pixels in the same way

● help determine the locations of IFU elements on the detector

– If some optical element (eg. the disperser tilt) moves non-repeatably. we

may need to take flats/arcs before changing instrument configuration

(eg. to a different wavelength setting)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flat fielding

Lamp flat

Twilight flat

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flat fielding

Fibre flat field variations

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—wavelength calibration

● Want to know the wavelength accurately at each detector pixel

– Measure (and interpolate between) the positions of well-known spectral

lines in a reference spectrum

● Wavelength references

– Arc lamp spectrum (eg. CuAr, ThAr, Ar, Xe, Kr)

– Sky emission lines, in the redinfrared

– Sky absorption lines, primarily in the infrared

● Observing strategy

– Normally get detailed wavelength variation (including nonlinear terms)

from an arc lamp exposure

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—wavelength calibration

– Can correct small zero-point shifts due to flexure using sky lines

● Observe an arc during the day (or twilight) and shift the zero-point to match

each science exposure

– If there is flexure and no sky lines are available (eg. at high dispersion in

the blue), we have to observe arc spectra in between science exposures

● Frequently enough that the telescope pointing doesn’t change much

● Before changing the instrument configuration (eg. grating tilt)

– Need to calibrate wavelength as a function of pixel index separately for

each 1D fibre or point in a 2D spectrum

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—wavelength calibration

Optical fibre arc

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—telluric calibration

● In the infrared (and far red), telluric absorption lines are important

– The I/z/J/H/K/L/M bandpasses are defined in spectral regions with

reasonable atmospheric transmission, but there are still many minor

absorption features within the bands, eg. due to water vapour

● Occasionally we may even want to work in between clean bands, eg. to

measure a strong emission line that is redshifted from the visible

– The amount of absorption scales with airmass and varies with time

– For most purposes, telluric absorption in the science data is bad news

● Confuse telluric lines with stellar features—especially when using an

automatic algorithm to measure velocities, for example

● Telluric lines can overlap real spectral features, changing their profiles so

we measure spurious line widths, centres, strengths etc.

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—telluric calibration

G star, with telluric features

Page 41: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—telluric calibration

● Observing strategy

– To calibrate telluric features, observe a star of known spectral type, with

little or no intrinsic absorption at wavelengths of interest (eg. A type)

● Immediately before or after the corresponding science observation

● At an RA & Dec chosen to match the airmass (ie. elevation / zenith

distance) of the science target

– Match the average airmass during the science observation, where the

range of variation is relatively small (eg. <0.3 airmasses).

– For longer observations, bracket the range of airmass of the science

observation with telluric standards before and after

– If the instrument’s spectral profile varies over the IFU field, we might

dither the star around the IFU to get light through different elements

● For slices, profiles could also vary between point-like and diffuse sources

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flux calibration

● In order to compare fluxes meaningfully, we have to account for:

● Instrumental efficiency variation as a function of wavelength

● Spectral equivalent of flat-fielding the IFU spatially

● Eg. if we want to measure the true continuum slope of the target or take line

ratios from different ends of the spectrum

● The total throughput / sensitivity of the instrument + telescope + sky

● If we want to determine the absolute brightness of the source or a particular

spectral feature (and the observing conditions permit this)

● Observing strategy

– Derive an instrumental sensitivity spectrum by observing a standard star

with well-known intrinsic brightness as a function of wavelength

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flux calibration

Page 44: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flux calibration

– In the visible, there are numerous spectrophotometric standards with

brightness already tabulated as a function of wavelength (eg. Oke, 1990)

– In the IR, we often observe a star with just a well-known broad-band

magnitude and spectral type

● Model the intrinsic continuum using a black-body curve for the appropriate

temperature and magnitude and compare with the real data

– Standards can be observed occasionally during a given observing run

– If we’re only interested in correcting the relative throughput variation

with wavelength then it’s OK to observe through cloud (which is grey)

– Line strengths (equivalent widths) can still be measured relative to the

continuum without performing absolute calibration

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—flux calibration

● IFU vs. long slit

– For slit spectroscopy, if we need absolute flux calibration we have to use

a special wide slit in order to capture all the light from the standard star

● Wider slit = lower spectral resolution than for the science data

● IFUs can capture all the light without affecting the spectral resolution

– Can possibly use a single standard observation for both telluric

calibration and absolute flux calibration

– For narrow slits, atmospheric dispersion causes colour-dependent

throughput losses unless observing at the parallactic angle

● Relative flux calibration is also easier and more accurate with an IFU

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—detector bias

● Need to determine the zero-point readout level of each detector pixel,

so we can measure the accumulated counts above that level

– For CCD detectors, take a few very short exposures in the dark

● Gives the value in each pixel when no electrons are stored

● Average together several such exposures to overcome read-out noise

– Infrared arrays are normally read out by subtracting the difference in

counts between the start and end of each exposure

● The bias level is removed automatically, so there is no need to measure it


– Why the difference?

● IR arrays can be read out quickly without affecting the stored charge,

whereas reading out a CCD involves shuffling the charge off the detector

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—detector bias

● Observing strategy (CCDs)

– The bias level is typically stable enough to take occasional reference

exposures during the daytime

– Sometimes an overscan region is created for each exposure by continuing

to read out the detector after shuffling out all the accumulated charge

● Allows an overall zero-point correction to be made if necessary, on top of

the pixel-to-pixel differences from the bias exposures

Biases are the dullest thing

you will get to observe!

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dark current

● During an exposure, detector pixels accumulate some electrons due to

thermal excitation & array defects, as well as from incident photons

– The detector is cooled to minimize thermal current, but too much cooling

would cause the quantum efficiency to drop

● For modern CCDs, the dark current may be low enough not to matter

(eg. 1e- / hr)

● For infrared arrays, the dark current is higher and tends to vary

strongly between pixels

– Hot pixels obscure features in the raw images

– Need a reference to separate dark current from counts due to photons

from the target source

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dark current

High dark-current pixels

in a raw NIR spectrum

Page 50: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dark current

● Observing strategy: for science data

– For a given exposure time, the dark current can be determined by

exposing the detector in complete darkness for the same length of time

● Average several dark exposures to account for read noise and cosmic rays

– When taking separate sky exposures, the same dark current is present in

both object and sky frames (assuming the exposures are equal)

● In the infrared, subtracting object-sky pairs removes dark current

automatically, without the need for special calibrations

● Usually many of the hot pixels subtract out well, leaving just a statistical

increase in noise (the remainder have to be masked out during reduction)

– Separate darks are needed if simple pixel-for-pixel sky subtraction is not

used (eg. if scaling sky frames or not nodding to sky)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—dark current

● Observing strategy: for calibrations

– For flat-field observations, equal dark (or ‘lamps off’) exposures must be

taken if the flats are long enough to have significant dark current

– For arc lamp exposures, darks are needed if uncorrected hot pixels appear

as spikes that could be confused with real emission lines

● In short:

– In the IR, one typically takes darks for flat fields; for on-sky exposures

they are optional, depending on the reduction method

● It’s time-consuming to take darks for science exposures of ≥10 min!

– In the optical darks aren’t always needed with modern detectors

● …but for a CCD with high dark current, it is essential to take darks

matching the science exposures (unless nodding off to blank sky)

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Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—disclaimer

● Small details vary a lot between different instruments

– Especially when it comes to configuring the instrument, repeatibility etc.

– Get advice from your observatory contact scientist!!

– If your projects are queue scheduled, visit the telescope for a month

anyway and help out… you’ll understand your data better!

Page 53: Observational procedures and data reduction Lecture 1: Introduction and observing strategies

Introduction & observing strategies

Observing process—disclaimer

● Small details vary a lot between different instruments

– Especially when it comes to configuring the instrument, repeatibility etc.

– Get advice from your observatory contact scientist!!

– If your projects are queue scheduled, visit the telescope for a month

anyway and help out… you’ll understand your data better!

● (Observatories like cheap labour)

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Introduction & observing strategies


● On the whole, observing with a single IFU isn’t too different from

standard slit spectroscopy

– As usual, we have different techniques in the optical and near-IR

● A number of details are different from other spectroscopic modes

(some are more like imaging, since IFUs do that too):

– Target acquisition

● 2D image reconstruction through the IFU

– Data inspection

● Have to learn how to read the scrambled images and/or use special software

– Flat fielding requirements

● Spatial structure due to the IFU as well as the detector

● More important to match the flexure of science data

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Introduction & observing strategies


– Sky subtraction strategies

● Optical: eg. use separate sky fibres instead of the ends of a slit

● NIR: eg. nod off to sky instead of up and down a slit

– Spatial dithering and mosaicing

● Large and small offsets in both dimensions

– Sensitivity

● Difficult to go faint with a high-res IFU (want a 30m/100m telescope!)

● Can do better with large-pixel IFUs

● Next lecture: Sampling images

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Introduction & observing strategies


– Sky subtraction strategies

● Optical: eg. use separate sky fibres instead of the ends of a slit

● NIR: eg. nod off to sky instead of up and down a slit

– Spatial dithering and mosaicing

● Large and small offsets in both dimensions

– Sensitivity

● Difficult to go faint with a high-res IFU (want a 30m/100m telescope!)

● Can do better with large-pixel IFUs

● Next lecture: Sampling images

Complete with Dirac

delta functions!