Observation Assignment Site Location: Yoga Studio Calix 1 Observation One Monday, January 27, 2014 Time: 7:30PM-8:30PM Description of the Location: This observation took place at the UNCC’s Group Fitness Studio and it is approximately a 40-60 minute span of time. One important thing that can be noticed as soon as someone steps in the door is the empty area that gives the students the space needed to conduct the expected movements. Also, when you walk in the studio you see a full wall of mirrors with a balance beam attached, at the middle of this wall is where the instructor stands facing the mirrors. To the left of the mirrored wall there is a cart full of purple and black yoga mats and a black stereo that seats next to it. The back wall has two storage rooms-one is opened and the other is shut and locked. The open storage room holds a sound system, which is used to play the instrumental music that then flows into meditative and finally to relaxation; it also contains more mats and different equipment for yoga as well as other classes. Finally, the right hand wall holds racks that holds a various amount of yoga balls. As students arrive, the mats are lined up mainly in rows all across the floor. Figured World: figured world can be define as a cultural interpretation on which certain people are recognized based on their abilities to succeed and accomplish bigger things in life. Each figured world is composed of different and specific ways of actions and responses based on the social environment. Summary: There are many figured worlds that happen to exist now a days, the figured world I am planning on observing is Yoga. For most people, Yoga is just a method of relaxation but what many do not know is that it can go beyond that. For example, apart from just relaxation people can do Yoga to better their health and that can happen just by doing some simple meditation. While performing this meditation people are required to control their breathing and to adopt specific bodily functions. Yoga sessions are mostly done at a studio, preferably it needs to be kind of

Observation One

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Observation Assignment                           Site Location: Yoga Studio

Calix 1Observation One

Monday, January 27, 2014Time: 7:30PM-8:30PM

Description of the Location: This observation took place at the UNCC’s Group Fitness Studio and it is approximately a 40-60 minute span of time. One important thing that can be noticed as soon as someone steps in the door is the empty area that gives the students the space needed to conduct the expected movements. Also, when you walk in the studio you see a full wall of mirrors with a balance beam attached, at the middle of this wall is where the instructor stands facing the mirrors. To the left of the mirrored wall there is a cart full of purple and black yoga mats and a black stereo that seats next to it. The back wall has two storage rooms-one is opened and the other is shut and locked. The open storage room holds a sound system, which is used to play the instrumental music that then flows into meditative and finally to relaxation; it also contains more mats and different equipment for yoga as well as other classes. Finally, the right hand wall holds racks that holds a various amount of yoga balls. As students arrive, the mats are lined up mainly in rows all across the floor.

Figured World: figured world can be define as a cultural interpretation on which certain people are recognized based on their abilities to succeed and accomplish bigger things in life. Each figured world is composed of different and specific ways of actions and responses based on the social environment.  

Summary: There are many figured worlds that happen to exist now a days, the figured world I am planning on observing is Yoga. For most people, Yoga is just a method of relaxation but what many do not know is that it can go beyond that. For example, apart from just relaxation people can do Yoga to better their health and that can happen just by doing some simple meditation. While performing this meditation people are required to control their breathing and to adopt specific bodily functions. Yoga sessions are mostly done at a studio, preferably it needs to be kind of big, and so each individual can have their own space. Everyone is welcome to Yoga sessions especially those that are looking for a quiet environment that will help them relax and forget all the stress they are going through. The mains rules applied to Yoga are those that do not distract other people. In other words, do not be late to a class because that can be really distracting to the ones that have already started the class/meditation. Electronics, like iPods and cell phones, are not allowed in the studio and most importantly listen to the instructor. Another important things are that talking and laughing are not accepted behaviors during the class. Of course not every single person takes things seriously, some individuals just go to Yoga classes to have fun and because they do not have something better to do; for that reason the different discourse communities I expect to find during my observation are those that do not take things seriously and are just goofing around. Also, another discourse community more logical to be found in a Yoga class are those that want to dedicate some time to themselves without worrying about what goes on on their surroundings.

Actors: Actors are known as individuals that are part of a figured world and try to act a particular way to fit within that certain world. There are not that many examples of actors to provide but there is one main actor in this specific figured world that has the most important role.

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Observation Assignment                           Site Location: Yoga Studio

Calix 2 Brian Capron/Oksana Kyper: Yoga Instructors at UNCC. Brian and Oksana conduct

yoga classes Mondays and Tuesdays at different times for students to attend at the time that better fits their schedule. Brian instructs power yoga while Oksana takes care of the basic yoga and even though some students have never attended to the class they still have to listen and pay attention to what Brian and Oksana say, the reason for that is because they are the leaders of this figured world.

The Students: This group of people is an important part of the figured world because in part, without them this particular world would not exist. There are some students that take very seriously the significance of yoga but there are others that do not follow the appropriate behaviors and standards.

Artifacts: Artifacts are items that over time become important to society. These artifacts not necessarily need to be in the form of an object they can also be thoughts or beliefs in relation to recognize activities.

Yoga Mat: This object is significance to everyone that participates in the class because its necessary for overall traction depending on the balancing positions taught at that moment. Not having the adequate mat can end up in slipping and causing injuries.

No talking: No talking is vital to yoga so that it may not disturb the peace and concentration among the actors

Music: This artifact acts as an essential element to unify the inner and outer universe systems. It can also help people relax and concentrate on the movements provided.

Class Opening: The belief that the beginning of the class is sacred is significant for the instructor as well as the students. Therefore, the students are not allowed to arrive late to any of the yoga classes because if they do they interrupt the unity that has been formated.

Discourse Communities: Groups that are part of a figured world on which they behave and act the same; also they tend to share same beliefs.

Serious: Instructor (Brian Capron) , and some students: This specific group of people are engaged in the class and are there because they want to. Also, seriousness and wanting to relax and leave the stress behind are some of the beliefs shared.

Talkative: These are the type of people that try to do all the right positions and movements but at the same time they cannot keep their balance; therefore, they think it’s funny and start laughing and talking to the neighbors, breaking the most important rules of this particular figured world.

Un-involve: Coming across to this particular group of individuals, a negative energy can be felt. They do not try to engage with the class and at the same time they do not care about the rules of the figured world. It can be assumed that some of these individuals were convinced by others to attend to the class for an unknown reason.

Literacy Practices: Practices that can include verbal and nonverbal communications. Instructor sense of calmness: The way the instructor shows control helps the rest of the

class become more at ease and comfortable with doing the exercises. For example, if the instructor was scattered and hyper the class would most likely become confused and in turn give up on the exercise.

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Observation Assignment                           Site Location: Yoga Studio

Calix 3 “Namaste”: To perform this people bring together the hands close to the heart, closing

the eyes and bowing the head; this actions means respect and gratitude between students and instructors. Most of the time this is perform at the end of each class.  

Observation 1: Basic Yoga

7:30PM- The students start to arrive at the Group Fitness Studio. While waiting for everyone to get to the studio everyone talks and grabs their mats and necessary objects. Meanwhile, the instructor greets the students and introduces herself.

7:40PM- All the mats are placed in the floor mainly in a linear and organized way, trying to give enough space to others. The instructor, Oksana, makes her way to the middle of the mirror wall after turning on the sound system. The beginning of the class is supposed to be sacred, so they start by doing some stretches and at the same time breathing control.

7:56PM- Oksana goes to the next step that is the first yoga pose. She starts telling everyone to put their hands up and to breathe slowly while keeping the neck aligned with the spine. They repeat the same pose for several minutes and the instructor keeps addressing the same steps.

8:00PM- While doing different types of movements and positions some students start to lose their balance; here is when they think it’s funny and they start laughing and talking in a soft voice to people around them. The ones that take things seriously start to look around and start to get upset by the unacceptable behavior of the rest.

8:15PM- Once the class has regained their composure, the instructor introduces one of the more challenging poses and goes around helping others with their balance and form. To begin they have to lie on their backs with their arms parallel on the sides and lift their hips towards the ceiling, all while clasping their hands under their backs for support, and this particular pose is called “the bridge” based on what the instructor keeps saying.

8:25PM- As the class finishes the challenging pose, they shift into a cool down. They stretch again to loosen their muscles. When everything is done and finished the class shows their respect and gratitude to the instructor by performing the Namaste salutation.

Observation TwoTuesday, January 28, 2014Time: 12:30PM-1:30PM

Observation 2: Power Yoga

12:30PM- A smaller group of students are getting ready to start an intense yoga class. Most of them are sitting very separately from others, they are waiting quickly while the instructor is organizing everything for the class, for example controlling the music in the storage room.

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Observation Assignment                           Site Location: Yoga Studio

Calix 412:42PM- The warm up comes to an end and the most difficult parts are occurring. The instructor, Brian, tells the students to perform the “bow” pose, the students are getting on the floor facing down, bending their knees and reaching back with their hands and holding their legs. Keeping that position for a while does not seem to be a problem for any of the participants of the class.

12:55PM- Brian is going around helping some people with the different positions; he is making sure people are doing it right so they will not do harm to their body.

1:05PM- Most people are looking really tired and they decide to seat for a minute and drink some water. The instructor is saying is not type to drink water and just stop doing the poses so everyone is starting to get up again.

1:18PM- The instructor keeps addressing the students what positions and stretches they need to be doing. At this time, the cool down session is happening, the students are doing different types of stretches. For example, they are doing the “backbend” which consist of the student’s stomach arching up towards the ceiling.

1:25PM- At this time people are bringing together the hands close to the heart, closing the eyes and bowing the head to the instructor and others to implement respect and in a way saying thank you.

Observation ThreeMonday, February 4, 2014

Time: 7:30PM-8:30PM

Observation 3: Basic Yoga

7:30PM- Students have to wait outside the studio, while the previous class, “Cardio Sculpt”, finishes up. After that class leaves, everyone interesting in doing yoga starts to get in the studio and the first thing they do is run to the back, where the storage room is located, to get their mats and a “block”.

7:35PM- While waiting on the instructor, Oksana, to get her stuff ready, the rest of the teenagers accommodate themselves in their desired space. Some of them decide to clean the mat with wipes and at the same time some decide to take their shoes and socks off.  

7:39PM- The instructor finally makes her way to the front of the studio; during this time she introduces herself and starts by asking the students how they feel and if the rainy day was

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Calix 5making them feel sleepy, she also took the time to ask how many students were beginners, which the majority of them were.

8:01PM- The first directions of the instructor were for the students to laid on their backs and put the souls of their feet together; also she tells them to put one hand on their hearts and the other one on their stomach. The students follow her directions without saying a word, instead they listen to what Oksana is saying which is helping them accomplish a relaxing and peaceful state.  

8:15PM- The most challenging positions are starting to happen. First the students have to cross the left foot around the right, touch the ground  and trail their fingers around on the floor to the left and the right, and then switch the feet from right to left and repeat. After that the students had to bend in forward as if sitting in a chair and stretch towards the ceiling and then it progresses as they have to alternate lifting each leg while holding their balance. Balance during this process is not seen at all, for the simple fact that many are just now attempting the positions for the first time.

8:25PM- The class finishes by laying back down on the floor again and doing the “bridge pose” by lifting their hips towards the ceiling, all while clasping their hands under their backs for support. This particular pose is repeated multiple times as well as other movements to cool the body down. The class comes to a complete and by saying “Namaste” to the teachers and others around.