Objectifs ALL: Know the French for ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST: Know 3 or 4 different verbs in the past tense SOME: Give and justify your opinion in the past tense Lundi 8 octobre C’était bon le filme?

Objectifs ALL: Know the French for ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST: Know 3 or 4 different

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Objectifs ALL: Know the French for ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST: Know 3 or 4 different verbs in the past tense SOME: G ive and justify your opinion in the past tense. Lundi 8 octobre. C’était bon le filme?. Monstres et Cie. La guerr e des étoiles. Retour vers le futur. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different


ALL: Know the French for ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’

MOST: Know 3 or 4 different verbs in the past tense

SOME: Give and justify your opinion in the past tense

Lundi 8 octobre

C’était bon le filme?

Page 2: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Monstres et Cie

Page 3: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

La guerre des étoiles

Page 4: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Retour vers le futur

Page 5: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Le Roi Léon

Page 6: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

La planète des singes

Page 7: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Il faut sauverle soldat Ryan

Page 8: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire?

Page 9: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

The near future

je vaistu vasil/elle vanous allonsvous allezils vont



= I am going to…

Page 10: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

FCSE Level 5

Write a paragraph of at least six sentences in French that asks for and/or gives

information and opinions relating to leisure, referring to recent experiences or

future plans as well as to everyday activities.

FCSE Level 4

Write a paragraph of at least four sentences in French relating to leisure,

including personal responses e.g. likes, dislikes and feelings.

FCSE Level 6

Write a paragraph of at least eight sentences in the target language that seeks

and/or conveys information relating to leisure, including descriptions and opinions

where appropriate and referring to past, present and future actions and events.




Page 11: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

What level would you give this?

GREEN = Opinion RED = Present tense BLUE = Past or Future

Dans mon temps libre je joue au foot et aussi je fais du

vélo. Les weekends j’aime le foot parce-que c’est amusant.

Je n’aime pas aller a la discothèque parce-que je déteste

danser. Vendredi je dois faire mes devoirs mais samedi je

vais sortir avec mes amis. Nous allons aller au cinéma,

j’adore regarder les filmes parce-que ils sont très

intéressante. Tu veux aller au cinéma samedi?

Page 12: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

The Past Tense

You will slowly build up your knowledge of this as we go through the topics. All you need to know at this stage is what these phrases mean.

Je suis allé I went…Nous sommes allés we went…

J’aimais I liked…Je n’aimais pas I didn’t likeétait (it) was…

Page 13: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Je suis allé au cinéma

à la plage

au restaurant

au théâtre

au stade

au centre commercial

à la discothèque

au centre sportif

Je aimais

parce que



le match de foot

la musique


le crêpe

le filme

le parking










Nous somm

es allés

Je n’aimais


Use the writing frame to create extended sentences

I went to the shopping centre

I didn’t like it

because the parking was expensive

Page 14: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Extension Past tense phrases

Some of you might try to stretch and challenge yourselves by using one or more of the following past tense phrases in your work.

Il y avait = there was/were

Il n’y avait pas = there wasn’t/weren’t

Ils étaient = they were

J’adorais = I loved…

Je détestais = I hated…

Are you up for the Distinction Challenge?



Think about what other details you could add to your sentence…

E.g. Times, places etc.

Page 15: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Conversation Practice

Tu es allé où?

C’était bon?


Je suis allé a la plage

Non je n’aimais pas

Parce que l’eau était froid


Page 16: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Je suis allé à la plage. Je n’aimais pas parce que l’eau était froid.

Page 17: Objectifs ALL:  Know the  French  for  ‘I went to…’ and ‘it was…’ MOST:  Know 3 or 4 different

Je suis allé a la discothèque. J’aimais parce que la musique était moderne