Install JDK (jrockit) Execute the .bin directly /apps/obiee/src/]$ jrckit-jdk1.6.0_24-R28.1.3-4.0.1-linux-x64.bin

Obiee Install Guide (Ldap)

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Page 1: Obiee Install Guide (Ldap)

Install JDK (jrockit)

Execute the .bin directly

/apps/obiee/src/]$ jrckit-jdk1.6.0_24-R28.1.3-4.0.1-linux-x64.bin

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Ensure JAVA_HOME and Path are correct in .profile


export PATH



export JAVA_HOME

Log out and log back in to pickup the java path changes

Install WLoraclebi[/apps/obiee/src/]$ java -jar WL10.3.5.zip

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Do not check “Run QuickChange”

Install OHShttp://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E21764_01/doc.1111/e14260/toc.htm

oraclebi[/apps/obiee/src/]$ runInstaller

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Install OHS (patch)oraclebi[/apps/obiee/src/]$ runInstaller

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Install OBIEE (software only)

Configure OBIEE/apps/obiee/orapps/Oracle_BI1/bin/config.sh

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Add boot.properties




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Configure OHS

Turn off web cache

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Setup OHS to connect to weblogicOpen mod_wl_ohs_Configuration

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Add a new location

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SSO IntegrationOpen WL Console

Add new OpenLDAP provider

Name it CDSN

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Make it sufficient

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Update the provider specific tab

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User Base DN:ou=users,dc=bankofamerica,dc=com

Credential = (hpsu password)

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All Users Filter: bofaUniqueID=hpsu

User From Name Filter: uid=%u

User Search Scope:subtree

User Name Attribute:uid

User Object Class: bofaAuthenticate

Use Retrieved User Name as Principal: Checked

Group Base DN:ou=oracle,ou=applications,dc=bankofamerica,dc=com

All Groups Filter:uid

Group From Name Filter:(&(uniquemember=%g)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames))

Group Search Scope:onelevel

Group Membership Searching:limited

Max Group Membership Search Level:0

Ignore Duplicate Membership=unchecked

Static Group Name Attribute:uniquemember

Static Group Object Class:groupofuniquenames

Static Member DN Attribute:uniquemember

Static Group DNs from Member DN Filter:(&(uniquemember=%M)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames))

Dynamic groups

all null



GUID Attribute:bofaUniqueID

Save then activate changes

Open EM

Update the application roles, remove bisystem user

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Select Application Stripe = obi

Then edit BISystem Role

Remove BISystem User

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Update the identity store attributes

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Update the credentials for the oracle.bi.system user

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Go back to Console

Reorder the providers so that CDSN is first

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Update Default Authentication provider to sufficient

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Save and activate changes

Stop both the BI server and Admin server via console

Start the admin server via script (/apps/obiee/orapps/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/ startWebLogic.sh&

Re-open console

Restart the managed server (bi_server1)

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Add our new system user (HPSU) to the global admin role

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Back to EM

Add the our new system user to the bisystem group (following screen shots have not been updated to reflect new domain name)

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Setup Siteminder Providerhttps://ssologon-stage.bankofamerica.com


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Install Skinscd /apps/obiee/orapps/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes

unzip /apps/obiee/src/skins/s_BOA.zip

unzip /apps/obiee/src/skins/sk_BOA.zip

unzip /apps/obiee/src/skins/customMessages.zip

(if needed update the compant name Enterprise BI & Analytics )

Deploy the analyticsRes directory as an application

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save and activate changes

Start the application

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Shut everything down


Managed server (bi_server1)

Admin server

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Update NQSCONFIGUdate Cache

To upgrade guids (if moving catalog from one evn to another) add the following and bounce BI service… be sure to set it back to “NO” and bounce again……


Update InstanceConfig Add the following to the <ServerInstance> section

<!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.04.21 Added Default skin and style setting  --><URL>   <CustomerResourcePhysicalPath>/apps/obiee/orapps/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes</CustomerResourcePhysicalPath>   <CustomerResourceVirtualPath>/analyticsRes</CustomerResourceVirtualPath></URL><UI>   <DefaultSkin>BOA</DefaultSkin>   <DefaultStyle>BOA</DefaultStyle></UI>

Add the following to the <Views><Pivot> section <!--EBIA/JGS Updated DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>2500--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>50000</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>

<!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.06.14 Begin Changes to pivot governors --><MaxVisibleColumns>1000</MaxVisibleColumns><MaxVisiblePages>1000</MaxVisiblePages><MaxVisibleRows>100000</MaxVisibleRows><MaxVisibleSections>1000</MaxVisibleSections><DefaultRowsDisplayed>30</DefaultRowsDisplayed><!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.06.14 End Changes to pivot governors -->

Add the following to the <Views><Table> section <!--EBIA/JGS Updated DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>2500 --> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>50000</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> <!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.06.14 Begin Changes to table governors -->

<MaxVisiblePages>1000</MaxVisiblePages><MaxVisibleRows>100000</MaxVisibleRows><MaxVisibleSections>1000</MaxVisibleSections><DefaultRowsDisplayed>30</DefaultRowsDisplayed><!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.06.14 End Changes to table governors -->*note: DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload is an existing setting, delete the existing line before adding these.Add a <Charts> section to <Views> <!-- EBIA/JGS 2011.04.01 - Added slider default and slider limit option --><Charts><SectionSliderDefault>15</SectionSliderDefault><SectionSliderLimit>30</SectionSliderLimit></Charts>

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Copy RPDCopy WebcatCopy ODBC.INICOPY tnsnames.oraAdd users / Update Security