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  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    Table of Contents.

    Serial No.Contents Page No.

    1. Executive summary 1

    2. Introduction to Stress management 2

    3. Categories of Stress 4a

    4. Personal Stress 13

    5. rgani!ational Stress 2"

    #. $odre% com&any &rofile 2#

    '. Pre ( stress and modern stress management tec)ni*ues2+

    +. Conclusion 33

    ,. -iliogra&)y 34


    N/0 recently )as stress een seen as a contriutory factor to t)e &roductivity and )ealt) costs of

    com&anies and countries. s studies of stressrelated illnesses and deat)s s)o stress im&oses a )ig)

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    cost on individual )ealt) and elleing as ell as organi!ational &roductivity. )ere are oo6s no

    )ic) revie t)e sources and outcomes of %orelated stress t)e met)ods used to assess levels and

    conse*uences of occu&ational stress and strategies to confront stress and its associated &rolems.

    visit to $odre% Consumer Products /td. 78i6)roli9 as of great )el& in my &ro%ect. $odre% is one

    of t)e com&anies t)at are using various :Stress ;anagement< met)ods in t)eir organi!ation. =ere I

    met ;r. Sameer -)aroi6 )e /eaders)i& and rgani!ation Effectiveness Staff Consultant =>

    ?e&artment $odre% )o is one of t)e committee memers of t)eir very effective stress management

    system. =e told me aout t)e stress management system t)ey ere using in $odre%.

    I as also told aout t)eir need to ado&t t)e modern day :Stress ;anagement< met)ods rat)er

    t)an t)e old one )at are t)e advantages t)e disadvantages etc. very friendly and )el&ful man y

    nature ;r. Sameer )el&ed me a lot to understand )o t)e :Stress ;anagement< met)ods are meant to

    or6 )at are t)e &ractical difficulties in t)e im&lementation and )o t)ey )ave managed to

    overcome t)ese difficulties successfully.

    What is Stress?

    Stress is a comple phenomenon.It )as een defined in many ays ut sim&ly &ut@ it is t)e ear and

    tear of everyday life.


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    In everydayAs life &eo&le are su%ected to a ide range of &ressures. Similarly t)ere are also a ide

    range of resources and strategies for co&ing it) &ressure. Sometimes &eo&le co&e ell and ill not

    feel t)at t)e &ressure is )aving any adverse effect u&on t)em. t ot)er times t)ey ill )ave difficulty in

    dealing it) t)e situation and t)at is )en e may use t)e term BstressB.

    In reality any situation t)at &uts &ressure is tec)nically BstressfulB. Stress is not necessarily

    un&leasant or )armful. )en &eo&le are ale to co&e satisfactorily it) t)e stress and find it to e

    &ositive in its effect t)ey tend to use ot)er ords suc) as BstimulationB or Bc)allengeB.

    In t)is regard a sim&le ut accurate definition of stress isD

    !Stress occ"rs #hen the press"res "pon "s ecee$ o"r reso"rces to cope #ith those press"res.!

    It follos t)erefore t)at e can attem&t to tac6le stress eit)er y reducing t)e &ressures or y

    increasing our co&ing resources or indeed a comination of ot) strategies.

    )e &rolem is t)at different &eo&le find *uite different situations and circumstances to e stressful.

    t t)e extremes a situation )ic) one &erson ex&eriences as &ositive and stimulating ill cause

    anot)er &erson acute distress.

    :)e C)anging imes model< is one of t)e fe to recogni!e t)is fact. It is also one of t)e fe and

    idely 6non and successfully im&lemented &rograms )ic) )as een s&ecifically designed to avoid

    ot) &syc)ological %argon and an un)el&ful em&)asis on medical models of stress.

    Some &eo&le )o suffer from mental disorders may e more susce&tile to stress. E*ually

    &rolonged or acute ex&osure to excessive stress can lead to illnesses. or t)e great ma%ority of &eo&le

    )oever stress is a &erfectly normal and natural state t)at may e un&leasant or disaling ut )ic)


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    can e reduced it)out recourse to medicines or t)era&y. ll &eo&le need to do is develo& a etter

    understanding of t)e causes and effects of our stress. )e C)anging imes model is designed to )el&

    &eo&le do %ust t)at.

    it) t)at understanding everyody ill e muc) etter e*ui&&ed to reduce t)e &ressures )ic) cause

    stress andFor increase our resources for co&ing it) t)ose &ressures.

    Cate%ories of Stress

    Ac"te stress is )at most &eo&le identify as stress. It ma6es itself felt t)roug) tension

    )eadac)es emotional u&sets gastrointestinal disturances feelings of agitation and &ressure. ItGs easily

    treatale and can e roug)t under control in six to eig)t ee6s.

    Episo$ic ac"te stressis more serious and can lead to migraines )y&ertension stro6e )eart

    attac6 anxiety de&ression serious gastrointestinal distress. ItGs *uite treatale ut it ta6es general life

    style read%ustments four to six mont)s and often re*uires &rofessional )el&.

    Chronic stressis t)e most serious of all. ItGs t)e stress t)at never ends. It grinds us don until

    our resistance is gone. Serious systemic illness suc) as diaetes decreased immunocom&etence

    &er)a&s cancer is its )allmar6. It can e treated even reversed ut it ta6es time sometimes to to

    t)ree yearsand often re*uires &rofessional )el&.

    Tra"matic stress is t)e result of massive acute stress t)e effects of )ic) can revererate

    t)roug) our systems for years. Post traumatic stress disorder is treatale and reversile and usually

    re*uires &rofessional aid.


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    )ere are many different definitions ut stress can e roadly defined as an individuals perceived

    inability to cope with the demands placed on them.

    )e common ex&ression for stress is HtensionA ne is said to e tense )en t)ere is some anxiety

    some fear of )et)er t)e desirale t)ings may )a&&en )et)er somet)ing may go rong etc. It is a

    state of discomfort felt in t)e mind and ex&erienced y t)e ody. )en t)ere is tension t)e ody may

    ecome ea6.

    In management literature HStressA is defined as a res&onse of t)e )uman ody to a felt need. )en one

    is )ungry and t)ere is an urge to eat food t)e ody is in a state of stress )ic) disa&&ears )en t)e

    need is fulfilled. )is definition suggests t)at stress is a desirale condition ma6ing one move toards

    fulfillment of needs. )is is &artly true. Stress occurs also )en t)e need arises out of fear and t)e urge

    is to run and esca&e. )is may sometimes e not &ossile. In t)at case t)ere is no movement t)e need

    remains unfulfilled and t)e stress condition does not disa&&ear.

    Stress is identified as of to 6inds. ne is called EuStress )ic) is t)e condition in )ic) t)ere is

    drive and effort to fulfill t)e needs. ;otivation is )ig). c)ievement is seen as &ossile. )e situation

    is c)allenging. Stress disa&&ears )en t)e need is fulfilled. )ere is success. )e ot)er is ?iStress

    )ic) is t)e condition )en t)ere is a sense of )el&lessness in eing ale to ac)ieve. )e feeling is of

    frustration. )ere is no success. ;ay e t)ere is no attem&t even ecause success is seen as

    im&ossile. )e stress condition remains.

    If one ere to c)art t)e level of stress and t)e level of effort &ut in to or6 it ould e an inverted

    &araola. EuStress ould e in t)e ascending left side of t)e &araola. )e c)allenge ould e


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    maximum at t)e )um&. )e latter )alf on t)e rig)t side re&resents ?istress. )e &rolems of stress are

    caused y ?istress not y EuStress.

    EuStress is necessary for t)e &erson to e fully alert for all )is faculties to come into &lay to face t)e

    situation. or exam&le a goal6ee&er in footall or )oc6ey ill e totally relaxed )en t)e all is at t)e

    ot)er end of t)e ground ut ecomes extremely alert as t)e all moved toards )im. =is ody stiffens

    t)e eyes egin to ulge focusing on t)e all and t)e movement of t)e &layers &ic6ing u& t)e slig)test

    of movements and every nerve and muscle ready to res&ond to t)ose movements. )at is EuStress

    it)out )ic) t)e goal6ee&er cannot e at )is est. So also t)e atsman in cric6et ex&eriences

    EuStress )en t)e oler is on t)e run and y t)e tennis &layer )en t)e all is aout to e served at

    t)e ot)er end.

    Certain Statistics that s"pport common belief abo"t stress&

    Statistics from a recent gloal stress researc) study s)o t)at increased stress is felt orldide and

    stress affects omen differently t)an menD

    recent >o&er Starc) orldide survey of 3"""" &eo&le eteen t)e ages of 13 and #5 in 3"

    countries s)oedD

    omen )o or6 fulltime and )ave c)ildren under t)e age of 13 re&ort t)e greatest stress


    Nearly one in four mot)ers )o or6 fulltime and )ave c)ildren under 13 feel stress almost

    every day

    $loally 23 of omen executives and &rofessionals and 1, of t)eir male &eers say t)ey

    feel Bsu&erstressedB


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    Stress ' its Characteristics

    Stress is ph(sical

    )en t)e goal6ee&er or t)e atsman or t)e tennis &layer ex&eriences Eustress t)ere are c)anges in

    t)e &)ysical system. )e muscles ecome tense. )e eyes ecome s)ar&er. )en one is under severe

    distress as in t)e case of r%una in Juru6s)etra t)e &erson seats t)e ody ecomes ea6 and loses


    Study of stress s)os t)at t)e res&onse is t)e same )et)er it is Eustress or ?istress exce&t t)at

    t)e degree varies. )e res&onse is called t)e ig)t or lig)t res&onse. )en one senses danger one is

    tem&ted to eit)er stand or fig)t to ard off t)e danger or run aay ( lig)t. )e ody conditions itself

    for eit)er event automatically causing c)anges in t)e normal secretions of )ormones and ot)er

    c)emicals it)draing from activities t)at are less im&ortant and diverting to activities t)at s)ould

    )ave )ig)er &riority in t)at situation.. ood is less im&ortant. )e muscles need more energy and

    t)erefore t)e lood carries sustances to t)e muscles diverting t)em from t)e stomac). ;ore oxygen

    t)an normal is re*uired. )erefore t)e reat)ing ecomes faster t)e )earteat rate increases and t)e

    lood vessels dilate to carry more oxygen. )e liver releases more stored energy. )e eyes and ears

    ecome more acutely sensitive to t)e sensations from outside.

    )e ody is &rogrammed to reverse t)ese c)anges and revert to normal )en t)e t)reat disa&&ears. If

    )oever one remains in a continuous state of stress it)out ecoming normal t)e c)anged conditions

    tend to remain &ermanent li6e a ruer and loses its elasticity )en )eld extended for a long time.

    )ese anormal conditions manifest as diseases and one suffers from )ig) lood &ressure cardiac

    disorders &e&tic ulcers insomnia consti&ation fatigue colitis 6idney &rolems etc. -e)aviorally


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    t)ey lead to asenteeism alco)olism use of drugs marital dis)armony and so on )ic) are ot)

    organi!ationally and socially undesirale.

    )"mero"s common health problems are lin*e$ to stress&

    )e leading six causes of deat) in orldideD )eart disease cancer lung ailments accidents

    cirr)osis of t)e liver and suicide originate from stress.

    Immune res&onse and deficiency

    ;emory loss


    Stress is ps(cholo%ical

    Stress is ex&erienced )en one &erceives a t)reat and t)e fig)t or flig)t res&onse is called for. )is

    &erce&tion is an inter&retation t)at one ma6es it)in oneself of t)e external factors. )en one sees a

    dog on t)e street aring its teet) one may eit)er get frig)tened or remain calm. -ot) frig)t and

    calmness are &syc)ological reactions. )e c)oice is oneAs on and is not dictated y t)e dog. )is

    c)oice is made largely unconsciously on t)e asis of oneAs eliefs aout dogs in general )at one )as

    )eard aout raies eing caused y dog ites )at one sees aout t)e c)aracteristics of t)e dog in

    *uestion at t)at time oneAs &redilections toards animals and so on.

    )en one ecomes anxious in a situation t)e situation does not create any anxiety. )at one t)in6s

    aout t)e situation creates t)e anxiety. If one is confident of tac6ling t)e situation t)ere is no anxiety.

    )erefore t)e level of stress is caused y oneAs on &erce&tion of oneAs ca&aility to co&e it) t)e

    situation. )us stress is a &syc)ological res&onse de&ending u&on oneAs level of fear confidence


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    anxiety anger )urt etc. )e &)ysical res&onse is an automatic se*uel to oneAs &syc)ological

    condition. )e &)ysical c)anges de&end on t)e extent of fear or confidence etc. )erefore t)e

    management of stress essentially is in t)e control one )as on oneAs emotions.


    Stress is not caused y any external factor. neself creates it y t)e ay one t)in6s aout t)e external

    factors. 0et t)ere are situations in )ic) most &eo&le tend to get stressed. )ese are called stressors.

    In &ersonal life deat) of a close relative is a stressor. n im&ortant test in life li6e a final examination@

    a transfer of residence@ se&aration due to marriage divorce or c)ange of %o@ difficult financial

    demands@ serious illness@ li6eli)ood of un&leasant secrets ecoming revealed@ are common stressors.

    =aving to elcome and entertain im&ortant visitors or )aving to deliver a s&eec) for t)e first time also

    cause considerale stress. t or6 t)e folloing may e stressors.

    Needs not met. )ese could e needs for &oer for fulfillment for use of 6noledge

    Not eing included y ot)ers as &art of a grou& you ant to elong to

    Not eing recogni!ed or valued for oneAs com&etence

    eeling t)at one is not ade*uate for t)e tas6 &articularly )en com&ared to some one else

    -eing denied )at is due 7reards or69

    ;onotony or oredom

    Not )aving enoug) freedom at or6 eing closely su&ervised

    Ine*uity in reards assignments


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    8ery little o&&ortunity for grot)

    oo muc) of or6 overload

    oo little or6 oredom

    Inade*uate resources to do t)e assigned or6 creating &ossiilities of failures

    Conflict in values at or6 eing re*uired to do )at one does not li6e to do

    oo many and conflicting demands at or6 from t)e role set

    >es&onsiilities not clear amiguity on )at is ex&ected

    Knderstanding un&redictale tem&eramental oss

    Ne unfamiliar or6

    -eing lamed

    n close analysis it ill e found t)at all of t)e aove situations are in some ay or ot)er causing

    &erce&tions of &ossile failure at or6 or nonrecognition and conse*uent loss of selfesteem.

    )e olloing are to ty&es of stress &atterns t)at exist in daily lifeD


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    igure 1 )e Stress Patterns

    )e =ealt)y Pattern recogni!es t)at e can )el& our odies to co&e it) t)e stress ad%ustment &rocess

    y a&&lying a &ositive strategy suc) as leisure relaxation a vacationFtri& exercise and ot)ers. )is

    restores a )ealt)y stress level.

    )e Crisis Pattern develo&s )en e fail to recogni!e t)e signals t)at t)e ody sends and t)erefore e

    continue to stress ourselves until eventually e dro& and enter a dee& negative state 7crisis9 and t)en

    &)ysical andFor &syc)ological rea6don.

    +e,el of stress

    )ere are four asic levels of stress sym&toms. )e first is t)e normal initial res&onse and is

    c)aracteri!ed y increased )eart eat rates increased lood &ressure dilation of &u&ils seat in &alms

    and reduced activity in t)e stomac).


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    t t)e second level t)ere is more irritaility stuttering and stammering difficulty in concentrating

    restlessness lac6 of a&&etite and tendency to increased smo6ing or drin6ing for t)ose so )aituated.

    t t)e t)ird level t)ere ould e more )eadac)es stomac) ac)es diarr)oea seating insomnia

    de&ression etc. )e fourt) level ould e c)aracterised y ulcers stro6e alco)olism drug addiction

    &syc)osis etc.

    rgani!ation stress is a state or condition indicated y t)e degree of discre&ancy eteen

    organi!ational demands and organi!ational ca&acityB 7=aas L ?rae6 1,'39. disaster can act as a

    catalyst for organi!ation stress and suse*uent or6er stress. )e oo6 ritten y t)e aove

    mentioned &eo&le revies t)e literature relating to t)e sociological conce&t of organi!ation stress

    outlining t)e nature of t)e condition and its t)eoretical causes it)in t)e disaster setting. olloing a

    discussion of t)e conce&t of organi!ation stress t)e oo6 discusses organi!ational &erce&tion of stress

    organi!ation co&ing mec)anisms for disaster im&act and organi!ational ada&tation to disasterinduced



    Ca"ses of personal stress&

    $roing &syc)ological demands &roductivity demands increase and or6 longer )ours.

    )e need to gat)er and a&&ly groing amounts of information.

    Mo insecurity


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    ?emogra&)ic c)anges suc) as aging or6ers female &artici&ation in t)e or6force and t)e

    integration of a groing &o&ulation of et)nic and racial minorities into t)e or6&lace

    )e need for ot) men and omen to alance oligations eteen or6 and family as omen

    enter t)e or6force orldide.

    How Can stress be eliminated from an individuals life?

    s it is seen &ositive stress adds antici&ation and excitement to life and everyody t)riveAs under a

    certain amount of stress. ?eadlines com&etitions confrontations and even frustrations and sorros

    add de&t) and enric)ment to &eo&leAs lives. neAs goal s)ould not e to eliminate stress ut to learn

    )o to manage it and )o to use it to )el& us. Insufficient stress acts as a de&ressant and may leave a

    &erson feeling ored or de%ected@ on t)e ot)er )and excessive stress may leave us feeling Btied u& in

    6nots.B )at needs to e done is to find t)e o&timal level of stress )ic) ill individually motivate ut

    not over)elm everyone.

    How Can the optimal level of stress be identified by an individual?

    )ere is no single level of stress t)at is o&timal for all &eo&le. Every individual )as uni*ue

    re*uirements. s suc) )at is distressing to one may e a %oy to anot)er. nd even )en it is agreed

    t)at a &articular event is distressing different individuals are li6ely to differ in t)eir &)ysiological and

    &syc)ological res&onses to it.

    )e &erson )o loves to aritrate dis&utes and moves from %o site to %o site ould e stressed in a

    %o )ic) as stale and routine )ereas t)e &erson )o t)rives under stale conditions ould very

    li6ely e stressed on a %o )ere duties ere )ig)ly varied. lso &ersonal stress re*uirements and t)e

    amount )ic) a &erson can tolerate efore )eFs)e ecomes distressed c)anges it) )isF)er ages.


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    It )as een found t)at most illness is related to unrelieved stress. If someody is ex&eriencing stress

    sym&toms t)at &erson )as gone eyond t)e o&timal stress level@ t)at &erson needs to reduce t)e stress

    in )isF)er life andFor im&rove )isF)er aility to manage it.

    How Can an individual manage Stress Better?

    Identifying unrelieved stress and eing aare of its effect on our lives is not sufficient for reducing its

    )armful effects. Must as t)ere are many sources of stress t)ere are many &ossiilities for its

    management. =oever all re*uire or6 toard c)angeD c)anging t)e source of stress andFor c)anging

    our reaction to it. =o does one &roceed

    /. 0ecome a#are of (o"r stressors an$ (o"r emotional an$ ph(sical reactions.

    Notice your distress. ?onGt ignore it. ?onGt gloss over t)e &rolems.

    ?etermine )at events distress you. )at are you telling yourself aout meaning of t)ese events

    ?etermine )o your ody res&onds to t)e stress. ?o you ecome nervous or &)ysically u&set If so in

    )at s&ecific ays

    1. Reco%ni2e #hat (o" can chan%e.

    Can you c)ange your stressors y avoiding or eliminating t)em com&letely

    Can you reduce t)eir intensity 7manage t)em over a &eriod of time instead of on a daily or ee6ly



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    Can you s)orten your ex&osure to stress 7ta6e a rea6 leave t)e &)ysical &remises9

    Can you devote t)e time and energy necessary to ma6ing a c)ange 7goal setting time management

    tec)ni*ues and delayed gratification strategies may e )el&ful )ere9

    3. Re$"ce the intensit( of (o"r emotional reactions to stress.

    )e stress reaction is triggered y your &erce&tion of danger...&)ysical danger andFor emotional

    danger. re you vieing your stressors in exaggerated terms andFor ta6ing a difficult situation and

    ma6ing it a disaster

    re you ex&ecting to &lease everyone

    re you overreacting and vieing t)ings as asolutely critical and urgent ?o you feel you must

    alays &revail in every situation

    or6 at ado&ting more moderate vies@ try to see t)e stress as somet)ing you can co&e it) rat)er

    t)an somet)ing t)at over&oers you. ry to tem&er your excess emotions. Put t)e situation in

    &ers&ective. ?o not laor on t)e negative as&ects and t)e B)at ifGs.B

    4. +earn to mo$erate (o"r ph(sical reactions to stress.

    Slo dee& reat)ing ill ring your )eart rate and res&iration ac6 to normal.

    >elaxation tec)ni*ues can reduce muscle tension. Electronic iofeedac6 can )el& you gain voluntary

    control over suc) t)ings as muscle tension )eart rate and lood &ressure.


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    ;edications )en &rescried y a &)ysician can )el& in t)e s)ort term in moderating your &)ysical

    reactions. =oever t)ey alone are not t)e anser. /earning to moderate t)ese reactions on your on

    is a &referale longterm solution.

    5. 0"il$ (o"r ph(sical reser,es.

    Exercise for cardiovascular fitness t)ree to four times a ee6 7moderate &rolonged r)yt)mic exercise

    is est suc) as al6ing simming cycling or %ogging9.

    Eat ellalanced nutritious meals.

    ;aintain your ideal eig)t.

    void nicotine excessive caffeine and ot)er stimulants.

    ;ix leisure it) or6. a6e rea6s and get aay )en you can. $et enoug) slee&. -e as consistent

    it) your slee& sc)edule as &ossile.

    6. Maintain (o"r emotional reser,es.

    ?evelo& some mutually su&&ortive friends)i&sFrelations)i&s.

    Pursue realistic goals )ic) are meaningful to you rat)er t)an goals ot)ers )ave for you t)at you do

    not s)are.

    Ex&ect some frustrations failures and sorros.

    lays e 6ind and gentle it) yourself e a friend to yourself.


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    o manage t)e stress in your life ex&erts offer several strategiesD

    our ty&es of regular exercise are recommended.

    ;editation imagery or reat)ing exercises allo an individual to relax mentally and


    8arious massage tec)ni*ues can &romote relaxation im&rove circulation and relieve tension.

    ;assages enefit ot) emotional and &)ysical )ealt).

    Commit to ma6ing &)ysical exercise a &art of your daily routine find a noncom&etitive &artner

    )ave fun and c)ange your routine to 6ee& it interesting.

    Stress management consultant /oretta /a>ouc)e recommends ta6ing time to find )umor in

    every day life. ne of )er suggestions is to start a )umor ox. ill it it) silly guises cartoons funny

    stories andFor favorite )umorous videos. $o to t)is ox )en you are feeling stressed.

    Practicing )ealt)y eating )aits can reduce stress. Plan meals ased on KS?As ood Pyramid.

    ;aintain alanceD find time for or6 and &lay.

    Stress is a fact of life. )e est ay to confront t)is fact is t)roug) management.


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    )ere is a considerale cost to &eo&le in ot) )uman and financial terms in or6ing in an un)ealt)y

    stressful environment. It is t)erefore in t)e interest of all leaders and managers to create )ealt)y


    )at is commonly referred to as Gorgani!ational stressG may e said to e caused y a dysfunctional

    culture. )ere memers of an organi!ation s)are a negative vie of t)at organi!ation t)ey are not

    li6ely to e motivated to &erform ell. n t)e contrary t)ey may feel t)at or6 is not ort))ile and

    t)at t)ere is little &oint in &ursuing &ersonal or organi!ational o%ectives or desires. )e result may e a

    serious loss of selfesteem and )en t)is condition &revails t)is ill e ex&erienced as stress.

    Some of t)e conse*uences of stress )ave een identified asD

    >educed &roductivity

    /ac6 of creativity

    Mo dissatisfaction


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    Increased sic6 leave

    Premature retirement



    rgani!ational rea6don

    )ere are many ays in )ic) organi!ational culture ill manifest itself in a dysfunctional ay. or

    exam&le t)e un)el&ful and dysfunctional division eteen GusG and Ht)emA )ic) may e &er&etuated

    y ot) senior managers and t)ose at ot)er levels of an organi!ation in a collusive manner. division

    )ic) results in a lac6 of &ro&er communication and a sort of GlamingG culture.

    ddressing t)ese matters is difficult or6 or6 t)at cannot e ade*uately dealt it) y managers or

    internal consultants ecause t)ey are &art of t)e culture@ &art of t)e )ierarc)y and su%ect to t)e

    aut)ority structure of t)e organi!ation.

    =oever t)is is not t)e total extent of t)e needs regarding organi!ational stress. )ere is also a need

    for a Stress ;anagement Strategy t)at t)roug) various a&&roac)es ill in its entirety &rovide for t)e

    needs of t)e organi!ation.


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    The Stress responsibilit( Table


    +e,el Aims Responsibilit(

    1 reat casualties ccu&ational =ealt) Professionals

    2 ?etect ot)er cases ;anagersFccu&ational =ealt) Professionals

    3 Increase aareness ;anagers raining ccu&ational =ealt)

    4 eac) S6ills raining ccu&ational =ealt)

    5 Im&rove Culture Senior ;anagement eam

  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    Suc) a strategy ould address t)e folloing sort of issuesD

    )e first four actions are as essential as t)e last. Internal staff t)at )as t)e 6noledge s6ills can

    develo& all t)ese and aility to ensure t)at )at is &rovided is as good as any)ere else. )ere may e

    enefit from em&loying outside assistance to consult to t)e &rocess ut asically t)e ex&erts in t)e field

    are in t)e organi!ation.

    )e real &oint is t)at t)is sort of strategy s)ould e seen as a total &ac6age. it)out addressing t)e

    issue of culture t)e organi!ation ill not ac)ieve t)e desired effective activities in t)e areas identified

    at 1 4 aove. E*ually it could e ensured t)at t)e organi!ation )ad a onderful culture ut it)out

    t)e ot)er activities t)ere ould e no service availale to memers of t)e organi!ation.

    Mana%in% Stress

    Stress cannot e avoided. It s)ould not e avoided. it)out stress t)ere ill e no attem&t to try t)e

    difficult. ne ill give u& muc) too easily. ne ill not succeed in doing even )at one is easily


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    ca&ale of ecause even t)e normal faculties ill not come into &lay li6e t)e goal6ee&er if )e

    remained relaxed even at t)e last minute.

    )ere are to as&ects to ta6e care of in managing stress. ne is t)at one s)ould not develo& stress to

    t)e &oint t)at one ecomes nonfunctional li6e r%una laying don )is arms. )e second is to try to get

    ac6 to normal as *uic6ly as one can and not continue to e in a state of stress for too long.

    )e former is ac)ieved essentially y an attitude t)at is develo&ed y rational t)oug)ts. )e first is to

    reali!e t)at oneAs &erce&tions often distort t)e reality. )e situation may not e as ad as it may seem

    to e. )e second is to understand t)at a failure is not an unmitigated disaster. It is not &ossile to

    succeed all t)e time. It is not even necessary to succeed all t)e time. ne failed effort does not mean

    t)at t)e &erson is no good. Noody )as succeeded it)out many losses. Even orld c)am&ions

    sometimes lose a first round matc) to an unseeded &layer. ;arconi and )omas lva Edison

    succeeded in t)eir inventions after many attem&ts t)at failed. )ey sa failures as o&&ortunities to


    )e t)ird is to recogni!e t)at orry and anxiety ill not modify t)e situation ut ill only distur

    oneAs &eace of mind and )ealt). If one atc)es &assengers at air&orts and railay stations one ill

    find )o some of t)em remain *uite relaxed and even slee&ing )ile ot)ers are continuously ma6ing

    en*uiries from officials aout extent and causes of delays. Suc) constant en*uiries only irritate ut do

    not ex&edite solutions. )ey add to stress of self and of ot)ers.

    not)er very valid conce&t is )at is &ostulate in t)e $ita. 0ou can only do. )e results are not in

    your )ands. )e results called failures or successes are in t)e future. ne does not )ave control on t)e

    future. ne can ac*uire some control on t)e &resent and t)at is )at one does. lso t)e success or


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    failure does not de&end only on )at one does. ;any ot)er factors im&inge. )erefore t)e $ita

    &ro&oses do your duty and do not orry aout )at t)e conse*uences or fruits may e. nly t)oug)ts

    aout t)e &ossile desiraility of t)e fruits cause anxieties. ;ot)er eresa )ad ex&ressed t)e same

    t)oug)t )en s)e is re&orted to )ave said to t)e industrialist ;r. M.>.?.ata :)y are you orrying

    aout &overty 0our or6 is to o&en more industries give more em&loyment to &eo&le and leave t)e

    rest to $od.$/ and $?>EM N 1. )eir I>$/ rand IndiaGs first

    airness soa& )as created mar6eting )istory as one of t)e most successful innovations.


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    )ey are t)e leader in t)e )air color category in India and )ave a vast &roduct range from

    C/K>S /IOKI? =I> C/K>S@ $?>EM /IOKI? L P?E> =I> ?0ES to

    $?>EM JES= J/ I/ased =air ?yes.

    )eir /i*uid ?etergent rand EEEis t)e mar6et leader in its category. )ey are also t)e &referred

    su&&lier for contract manufacturing of toilet soa&s y some of t)e most ell 6non rands in t)e


    )ey are su&&orted in t)eir endeavor y a stateoft)eart>esearc) Centreased in ;umai.

    )eir *uality &roducts )ave een received very ell in t)e international mar6et and t)ey are &resent in

    many countries across t)e orld.

    The 9-re :Stress Mana%e$; 7o$re8D

    Morelated stress is &articularly li6ely to ecome c)ronic ecause it is suc) a large &art of daily

    life. nd t)us stress in turn as reducing or6er effectiveness y im&airing concentration causing

    slee&lessness and increasing t)e ris6 for illness ac6 &rolems accidents and lost time. It as leading

    to )arassment or even violence )ile on t)e %o in some cases. t its most extreme stress t)at &laces

    suc) a urden on t)e )eart and circulation may e fatal.

    )e stress &rolems ere affecting t)e overall or6ing of t)e organi!ation. Stressed em&loyees ere

    not ale to give t)eir 1"" to t)e organi!ation and t)eir interest in office or6 as also de&leting.

    )e com&any could not afford t)is since its toug)est com&etitor =//

    7=industan /ever /td.9 as catc)ing u& it) it. )e management as also getting nes aout

    em&loyee dissatisfaction t)an6s mainly to t)e internal gra&evine.


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    Tra$itional Stress Mana%ement Techni

  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    are ale to or6 )arder for longer stretc)es of time and t)e muscles ligaments ones and %oints

    ecome stronger and more flexile. Cognitivee)avioral met)ods are t)e most

    effective ays to reduce stress. )ey include identifying sources of stress restructuring &riorities

    c)anging oneGs res&onse to stress and finding met)ods for managing and reducing stress. )is

    a&&roac) may e &articularly )el&ful )en t)e source of stress is

    C)ronic &ain or ot)er c)ronic diseases.

    S"%%estions to emplo(ees& =

    Estalis) or reinforce a netor6 of friends at or6 and at )ome.

    >estructure &riorities and eliminate unnecessary tas6s.

    /earn to focus on &ositive outcomes.

    If t)e %o is unendurale &lan and execute a career c)ange. Send out resumes or or6 on

    transfers it)in t)e com&any.

    Mo$ern r%ani2ational Stress mana%ement Techni

  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    )e stress management com&any t)oug)t it as est to conduct a course and t)e folloing are some of

    its fine &ointsD

    Partici&ants meet ee6ly for eig)t ,"minute classes.

    )e com&anyGs )uman resources de&artment and t)e availaility of t)e PPS; staff ill

    determine course sc)edule.

    Preliminary meetings it) t)e com&anyGs )uman resource de&artment managers and

    em&loyees to &rovide information to tailor t)e &rogram to est meet t)e cor&orate needs.

    K& to four #"minute introductory lectures or as re*uested to descrie t)e &rogram to &otential

    &artici&ants are conducted.

    ll class materials are &rovided including to textoo6s additional reading materials

    customi!ed study manuals and tailored audio cassettes develo&ed to meet t)e com&anyGs identified


    )e o%ective outcomes of significance to em&loyee satisfaction and &erformance are measured

    y develo&ing &re L &ost training assessments in &artners)i& it) t)e com&anyAs =uman >esources



    =a&&ier and )ealt)ier staff means etter &erformance and increased efficiency and &roductivity.

    ?rastically reduced stressrelated staff &rolems

    -etter communication it) customers coor6ers managers family memers and friends


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    ?ecreased staff asenteeism and sic6ness

    =ig)er morale amongst staff

    Kni*ue and excellent team uilding environment

    >educe stress caused y re&etitive tas6s and s)ift or6

    >educed staff turnover and im&roved motivation

    Increased %o satisfaction creativity and ca&acity.


    )e uture of :Stress ;anagement< is very rig)t. ;ore and more com&anies today are o&ting

    for stress management to o&timi!e em&loyee &erformance.

    Com&anies today )ave reali!ed t)at 6ee&ing t)eir em&loyees )a&&y and free of stress motivates

    t)e em&loyee to give more t)an a 1"" to t)e organi!ation. ll ma%or com&anies in t)e country as

    ell as aroad are im&lementing stress management measures to get t)e est out of t)eir em&loyees

    and t)e organi!ation.

    s aareness among different com&anies for managing stress )as increased consideraly so )ave

    different stress management tec)ni*ues. )ile some com&anies &refer to im&lement t)e traditional

    stress management tec)ni*ues some ot)ers )ave o&ted for t)e modern tec)ni*ues to suit t)eir needs.


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc


    )us it can e safely stated t)at :Stress Mana%ement< )as ecome one of t)e most critical

    factors in an organi!ationAs or6ing today and it ill gain more im&ortant as t)e mar6et ecomes more

    and more com&etitive.




    /. ?onAt seat t)e small stuff.

    >ic)ard Carlson.

    1. Strategic Stress ;anagement.

    8alerie M. Sut)erland L

    - Cary /. Coo&er.

    3. ;anaging Stress.

    ?onald =. eiss.


  • 8/13/2019 ob project doc



    /. =o to co&e it) fear L stress.

    >eaderAs ?igest.

    1. Stress -usters.


    3. )y omen are more stressed t)an ;en.


    4. $oofy no.

    =ealt) L Nutrition

    5. ;anaging Stress.

    imes of India 7Education imes9


    /. .mindtools.com

    1. .ivf.comFstress.)tml

    3. )tt&DFF.stressti&s.comFstressQarticle.)tm

    4. )tt&DFF.css%u.eduFacademicadvisingF)el&Fstresmgt.)tml

    5. )tt&DFF.&sy.comFmtsiteFsmsymstr.)tml