VOL. XIII. NO. 2662 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. (Dcncrd Sltotrtiscmtntg. CORRESPONDENCE. gusta Harris. THE DAILY Australian Mail Service EAGLE HOUSE NEW GOODS ! Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS, -- 3ALV'D WATER PirE. ALSO, A FULL LIXE OF SHIP Of the most approved kiud . Just Heceived Ex Bark EDWARD MAY, And other Late Arrivals, a very heavy STOCK of GOODS, including : ROPE, ALL SIZES, ROPE, Galvanized WIRE ROPE, and Breakers 500 COILS MANILA .And Assorted SISAL ROPE, BALE from the smallest size up to 4 inch. bTUUK.tiUL.JVl and UUAL TAR in large quantity. 1ITCH, OAKUM, OARS of all sizes. A: FULL ASSORTMENT OF 1 all's Flows HALL'S CANE KNIVES, the best in the market, and Agricultural Tools of all kinds ; Lawn Mowers, RUBBER GARDEN HOSE. ELECTRICAL GOODS in great variety. ELECTRIC LIGHT and TELEPHONE GOODS. A Fine Assortment of Reed & Barton's Celebrated Silverplated Ware! And GORHAM SILVER WARE, suitable for Christmas and Wedding Presents. COARSE SALT, always on hand in quantities to suit. Also, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder and all other Lubricating Oils. PALE BOILED and Raw Paint Oil. !Lkind5o PAINTS. dry and ground in oil; Varnishes, Shellac, Alcohol; BRUSHES of all kinds, etc., etc. Dff",ALL FOR SALE BY E. O.HALL &d SON, FORT and KING STS. NUUANU AVENUE. FIRST-CLAS- S FAMIL mTHIS (situate in the most of the City) continues to offer the comforts of a home to transients and others. Adjoining the Main Building are several New Cottages j socially constructed for family use. Table unsurpassed. IW-Ter- ms 12.00 per day, $12.00 weeklv. Special arrangements for monthly boarders. T. KKOUSE, Prop.. 123 1350--y Honolulu, II. I. THE ARLINGTON, Hotel St., - - Honolulu, J. H. FISHER, Pbop. terms: Board and Lodging per week (accord- ing to location of room).. $10 00 to $12 00 Transient, per day 2 00 Table Board, per week 7 00 Single Meals 60 Visitors will find this most Comfort&hle Ami onnvpnient h.niaca in the city, the rooms beiug large, light, and airy. Hot and cold water baths, 86-l-y CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER, In lib., 21b., 31b. and 7ib. Tins Finest Article for "Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, 80LE AGENTS. S6 And 88 California St., San Francisco. P0-- v California FEED CO., ONG'S STABLES, - . LELEO, (Near O, R. & L. Co.'s Depot;, Have on Hand and For Sale. Ex Recent Arrivals: Wheat Hay, Oat Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Oats, Barley, Rolled Barley, Bran, Corn, Cracked Corn, Wheat, Middlings, O. C. Meal, Cut Hay in Bags, Rice Straw, AT REDUCED PRICES 1 Goods delivered to anv-nar- t of the city promptly. Warehouse Mutual Telephone No. 121. Office At C. T. Gulick'a. No. 38 Mer chant street. Office Telephones Mutual No. 139: Bell No. 348. 1345 95-- q 1STEW GOODS A Fine Assortment. We have just received perS. 8. China, a Dcicvuvu vi lien uuuvu, comprising, one elegant Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set. A few of Chose fine hand-embroider- ed SILK and SA.TIN SCREENS, EBONY FRAMES, Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe ouK&nawis. juegant Tete-- a te Cups and Saucers. A fine lot of Manila Cigars and CUeroots 100 in a Box. Scarf Pins in great variety, Lily Bulbs. A few of those handy Mosquito Urns. Also, an assortment of new styles of Rattan Chairs and Tables Also, a small selection of JAPANESE COSTUMES. Call early and examine this fin assortment of New Goods. WING W0 CHAN & CO. No. E2 Nuuanu Street. 79q Notice of Correction. Pacific Commercial Advertiser 13 PUBLISHED Every Horning Except Sundays, At No. 48 Merchant 8U rtUBSOMVTlONM I Dailt P. 0. Advebtmm, one yesr .. 00 x gix months. uu per month BO Wkelt Hawahak Oazti, one year ..... 8 00 eluding- - ostsae). J Dailt and Wmklt, one year In advance.... 10 00 Payable Invariably in Adrneo. f All Transient AdTertlsements must be Prepaid. ADDBX&a: HAWAIIAS GAZETTE CO., 40 Merchant si., Postofflce Bex O. Honolnln. H. I. guslar LEWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lev era & Plokson) uiMrter and Dealer In JLnmber And all Kinds of Building Materials. So. B2 FOBT 8TBEKT, Honolulu. TO JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25--31 Qneen Street, Honolnln. 79 WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Fnblle and Keal Estate Broker. OrricB 36 Merchant Street. 73 H. HACKFELD & CO-- , General Commission Agents Cor. Fort A Qneen Bts., Honolnln. 79 W. E. ROWELL, Engineer and Surveyor Room 5, SpreckeLs' Block. . 82-- y BEAVER SALOON, Fort street, Opposite Wilder A Co.', H. J. NOLTS, PBOPBIETOB. Hrst-clas-s Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. fcTSuiokers' Beqnlsltes a Specialty. 79 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Hollers. Kagar Mills, Cooler, Braaa a rttallnii'a. mit cn Aud machinery of every description made tc jraer. Particular attention paid to ships biack-jmithin- Job work executed on the "Ortesi " " notice. THE ROYAL SALOON, Cr. Nnnsno and Merchant Street. Under the Management of E. H. F. Wolter, of the belt Wl nee. Keep alwayr I n stock a variety Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers en draught at 10 cents per glass. xarcall and See 79 CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants fMPOBTIES AKD DiiiIRS IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine lnsnraice Agents. 3 343 HONOLULU, II. I. 79 q SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. JEstablislied 1710. Insurance effected, upon every description of property at current rates oi premium. ToUl Bum Insured in 1885 -.- .337.883,700 mima axransed by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The JurUdlc- - on ft I tne Aocai atiduiihb reootmseu. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. .79 Agents for Hawaiian Islands. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. W do not bold ooraelTM responsible for tb UtoxnenU mad, or opinions expressed by oar correspondents. V Flat Justtcla, mat Coelum. Mb. Editor: Allow me again to use a space in your columns to make some remarks in regard to 'those Crown lands. " in response - - - f r to the cbullutions of the inspiring spirit of the Bulletin of the 7th inst In regard to its futile attempt to defend the actions of the Crown commissioners, I can only say, that misrepresentations will not alter facts. The statement that no offer of $2,500 a year was made for the lease of AVaiobuli and Keokoa, is absolutely false. The present manager and part owner of the ranch on these lands, Mr. Henry Roberts, a gentleman equally res- ponsible as Noble Cornwell, made the offer bona fide. The Bulletin may think tho amount offered moro than the lands are worth, but tho people on Maui have not yet asked the Bulletin or its bosses to teach them the value of lands here. On the 12th of December, 1890, Mr. C. P. Iaukea, acting agent of the Crown lands, stated in writing - " that no action had been taken in regard to the lease of tho lands, that numerous applications had been received, and that any appli cation forwarded would be submit ted to the commissioners of Crown lands." On the 19th of December, 1890, the same gentleman writes, that ho has seen the commissioners, and that they state, that tho lands ' probably will be granted to Mr. Corn well." On that day tho lease was not granted to the Noble from Maui, and the day after the agent of Crown lands received Mr. liob- - ert's offer, which was ignored as stated in my last communication. Colonel Iaukea's letters in the mat ter are at the disposition of tho ' Bulletin and its bosses. . It will bo useless for tho family compact in tho basement of the palace to throw any blame on Colonel Iaukea. This gentleman is a disinterested party in tho matter, and would undoubt edly as soon have seen Mr. iioberts get the lands as Mr. Cornwell, but the Commissioners, who are Cabi- net Ministers, had to pay for poli tical services in having had their official necks saved. That the lands previously had been assigned to Mr. Cornwell for 225 a year is, indeed, interesting ' to learn. Will the .bulletin inform the public of the date when this assignment took place? Mr. Corn- - well must havo been rather ignor ant. of the fact himself, to judge from his expressions and actions in reference to tho lease. It is also news to learn that Crown lands can be assigned, but probably that is a new rule made by this Min- - . istiy. In regard to the Waimanalo : lease, I only stated what rumor said. It has been commonly re- ported in Honolulu that a. wealthy planter had offered ?5000 a year for a thirty years lease of Waimanalo at the expiration of tho present lease. If this is so, and Mr. Cum- mins nevertheless got a renewed lease for 81500 a year, a simple cal- culation will show the Crown as a loser of about $50,000. Why the Bulletin is strong in its eulogy of the "reform member," Mr. Corn-wel- l, is easily understood by all who know the drift of politics in the late session of the Legislature. Maui. Jan. 10, 1891. Kedward & Howell, Contractors & Builders Brick, stons and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to, 76 KINO STREET. Bell Telephone Ho. 9. P. O. Box 431' 115-3m- v NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS opened a retail store at No. 78 Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling GENERAL MERCHANDISE, combined with a Tailoring and Dressmaking Department WONG HOP CHANG. I J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. ny L0RRIN A. THURSTON, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Honolulu, 11. I. Office over Bishop's Bank. 49-l-y J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaabumann Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l-y Rogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Orric No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-G9--y lulu, H. I. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. Office with L. A. Thurston. 133-- q ,W. F. FREAR, Attorneyat-Law- . Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- q MISS D. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 103-- q Honolulu Carriage Co. IP YOU WANT A HACK ring up 335, both telephones All Hawaiian drivers. First class Horses and Carriages. Stand Fort and Merchant St. 79-- q lsea W Pioneer Steam .... . f CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Coniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. ' 1343 79q A.TL.A.S Assurance Company FOUNDED 1808. LONDON. Capital. $ 6,000,000 Assets, $ 9,000.000 Havine been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 1348 112-- q JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu, H. I. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261 residence, Mutual, 236. Estimates furnished on all classes Af Wlnmbinz and Tinsmithing work. First class workmanship and material guaran- teed in all the above branches of my busi- ness at reasonable rates. 79q C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE in i ASP . COMMISSION AGENT8. LIST 09 OFFICERS: p. o. Jones. Jr President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor DIRECTORS: Bon. O, B. Bishop. Hon. n. Waterhoa.t 5 2S FOR SAN FRANCISCO. the new and fine Al steel steamship , 55EALANDIA 99 Of tn Oceanic Steamship Company, wHl be due at Honelulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Jan. 10, 1890, And will leave for the abeve port with malls and passengers on or abont that date. Por freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION 8, apply to Win. (J. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. The new and fine Al steel steamship MAEIPOSA 99 Oa the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or abont Jan. 17, 1890. and will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., 79-- q AOKNTV. Clans Hpreckels Wm. Q. Irwin, CLAC8 SPKECKELS & CO., HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposit oh open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received In their Bav Ings Department subject to published rales and regulations. 7&q LOVE'S BAKERY No. 73 Nnasna Street. 1KB. BOUT. LOVE, - Proprietress Every Description of Plain and Fancy Bread and Crackers, -- FRESH Soda Crackers .AS JP Saloon Bread Alwaya on Band. MILK BEEAD A SPECIALTY. Uland Orders Promptly Attended to 79-- q CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents! AOKNTS FOR! New England Mutual Life Ins. Co? OF BOSTON, .Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1843 79-- q WM. G. IRWIN k COMPANY, (Limited.) w n TtjtTTW . President and Manager Clacs Speeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt Waltir M. Giffabd, - - - and Treasurer - - - - Secretary Thko. C. Pobteb. -- -- Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. agents or THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Wm. G. Irwin & Cc , (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late linn of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will continue . tne general . Dusiness lormsny ji i looe J4 too carried on oy mat iiuuse. ioo-- n, ioo-- q Daily Advertiser 50c per month. 139 1353-l- m Cor. JO HN DIMOND BLOCK, 95 Stoves llanges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper "N O XT, akd 97 KING STREET. JJ--m Honsekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron Work Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping and Commission Mercliants3 PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DBALKBS IN BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and Greneral Merchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?, Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, T BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that Mr. Wong Yung Ching is the gen-ma- n appointed, under power of attorney, as manager, by the partners and owners of the firm Kwong Hang Chan A Co., and not I as represented in the Advertiser of the 19th inst. CHONG PUT. Honolulu, Dec. 22, 1S00. HU-l- P. O. Box S97 Telephon 80. Aug.21,18U0. 45-- q TO- -q 79

O · Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS,--3ALV'D WATER PirE. SHIP ALSO,

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Page 1: O · Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS,--3ALV'D WATER PirE. SHIP ALSO,


(Dcncrd Sltotrtiscmtntg. CORRESPONDENCE.gusta Harris.THE DAILY

Australian Mail Service EAGLE HOUSENEW GOODS !

Sh.elf Hardware,VEecllaIlics', Tools



SHIPOf the most approved kiud .

Just HeceivedEx Bark EDWARD MAY,

And other Late Arrivals, a very heavySTOCK of GOODS, including :


and Breakers


from the smallest size up to 4 inch.bTUUK.tiUL.JVl and UUAL TAR in large quantity.1ITCH, OAKUM, OARS of all sizes.


1all's FlowsHALL'S CANE KNIVES, the best in the market, and Agricultural

Tools of all kinds ; Lawn Mowers, RUBBER GARDEN HOSE.


A Fine Assortment of

Reed & Barton's Celebrated Silverplated Ware!And GORHAM SILVER WARE, suitable for Christmas and

Wedding Presents.COARSE SALT, always on hand in quantities to suit. Also, Sperm

Oil, Lard Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder and all other Lubricating Oils.PALE BOILED and Raw Paint Oil.

!Lkind5o PAINTS. dry and ground in oil; Varnishes, Shellac, Alcohol;BRUSHES of all kinds, etc., etc.Dff",ALL FOR SALE BY



FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILmTHIS (situate in the most

of the City) continues tooffer the comforts of a home to

transients and others.Adjoining the Main Building are several

New Cottages j socially constructed forfamily use. Table unsurpassed.

IW-Ter- ms 12.00 per day, $12.00 weeklv.Special arrangements for monthly

boarders. T. KKOUSE, Prop..123 1350--y Honolulu, II. I.

THE ARLINGTON,Hotel St., - - Honolulu,

J. H. FISHER, Pbop.

terms:Board and Lodging per week (accord-

ing to location of room).. $10 00 to $12 00Transient, per day 2 00Table Board, per week 7 00Single Meals 60

Visitors will find thismost Comfort&hle Ami onnvpnient h.niacain the city, the rooms beiug large, light,and airy.

Hot and cold water baths,86-l-y


BUTTER,In lib., 21b., 31b. and 7ib. Tins

Finest Article for"Warm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


S6 And 88 California St., San Francisco.P0-- v


(Near O, R. & L. Co.'s Depot;,

Have on Hand and For Sale.

Ex Recent Arrivals:

Wheat Hay, Oat Hay,Alfalfa Hay, Oats,Barley, Rolled Barley,Bran, Corn,Cracked Corn, Wheat,Middlings, O. C. Meal,Cut Hay in Bags, Rice Straw,


Goods delivered to anv-nar- t of thecity promptly.

Warehouse Mutual Telephone No. 121.Office At C. T. Gulick'a. No. 38 Mer

chant street.Office Telephones Mutual No. 139: Bell

No. 348. 1345 95-- q

1STEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received perS. 8. China,a Dcicvuvu vi lien uuuvu,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of Chose fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeouK&nawis. juegant Tete-- a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of

Manila Cigars and CUeroots100 in a Box.

Scarf Pins in great variety,Lily Bulbs.

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE

COSTUMES.Call early and examine this fin

assortment of New Goods.

WING W0 CHAN & CO.No. E2 Nuuanu Street.79q

Notice of Correction.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Horning Except Sundays,

At No. 48 Merchant 8U


Dailt P. 0. Advebtmm, one yesr .. 00x gix months. uu

per month BO

Wkelt Hawahak Oazti, one year ..... 8 00

eluding- - ostsae). J

Dailt and Wmklt, one year In advance.... 10 00

Payable Invariably in Adrneo.

f All Transient AdTertlsements mustbe Prepaid.



40 Merchant si.,

Postofflce Bex O. Honolnln. H. I.



(Successors to Lev era & Plokson)

uiMrter and Dealer In JLnmber

And all Kinds of Building Materials.

So. B2 FOBT 8TBEKT, Honolulu. TO


Importer and Dealer In


No. 25--31 Qneen Street, Honolnln. 79

WILLIAM O. AOHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Fnblle and Keal EstateBroker.

OrricB 36 Merchant Street. 73


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort A Qneen Bts., Honolnln. 79


Engineer and SurveyorRoom 5, SpreckeLs' Block.

. 82-- y


Fort street, Opposite Wilder A Co.',H. J. NOLTS, PBOPBIETOB.

Hrst-clas-s Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.fcTSuiokers' Beqnlsltes a Specialty. 79


Hollers. Kagar Mills, Cooler, Braaaa rttallnii'a.mit cn

Aud machinery of every description made tcjraer. Particular attention paid to ships biack-jmithin-

Job work executed on the "Ortesi" "notice.


Cr. Nnnsno and Merchant Street.Under the Management of

E. H. F. Wolter,of the belt Wl nee.Keep alwayr I n stock a variety

Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers en draught at10 cents per glass.

xarcall and See 79


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

lnsnraice Agents.

3 343 HONOLULU, II. I. 79 q


JEstablislied 1710.

Insurance effected, upon every description ofproperty at current rates oi premium.

ToUl Bum Insured in 1885 -.- .337.883,700

mima axransed by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The JurUdlc- -

on ftI tne Aocai atiduiihb reootmseu.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

.79 Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


W do not bold ooraelTM responsible for tbUtoxnenU mad, or opinions expressed by oar


VFlat Justtcla, mat Coelum.

Mb. Editor: Allow me again touse a space in your columns tomake some remarks in regard to'those Crown lands. " in response- - -f rto the cbullutions of the inspiringspirit of the Bulletin of the 7thinst In regard to its futile attemptto defend the actions of the Crowncommissioners, I can only say, thatmisrepresentations will not alterfacts. The statement that no offerof $2,500 a year was made for thelease of AVaiobuli and Keokoa, isabsolutely false. The presentmanager and part owner of theranch on these lands, Mr. HenryRoberts, a gentleman equally res-ponsible as Noble Cornwell, madethe offer bona fide. The Bulletinmay think tho amount offered morothan the lands are worth, but thopeople on Maui have not yet askedthe Bulletin or its bosses to teachthem the value of lands here.

On the 12th of December, 1890,Mr. C. P. Iaukea, acting agent ofthe Crown lands, stated in writing -

" that no action had been taken inregard to the lease of tho lands,that numerous applications hadbeen received, and that any application forwarded would be submitted to the commissioners of Crownlands." On the 19th of December,1890, the same gentleman writes,that ho has seen the commissioners,and that they state, that tho lands' probably will be granted to Mr.Corn well." On that day tho leasewas not granted to the Noble fromMaui, and the day after the agentof Crown lands received Mr. liob--

ert's offer, which was ignored asstated in my last communication.Colonel Iaukea's letters in the matter are at the disposition of tho '

Bulletin and its bosses. . It will bouseless for tho family compact intho basement of the palace to throwany blame on Colonel Iaukea. Thisgentleman is a disinterested partyin tho matter, and would undoubtedly as soon have seen Mr. iiobertsget the lands as Mr. Cornwell, butthe Commissioners, who are Cabi-net Ministers, had to pay for political services in having had theirofficial necks saved.

That the lands previously hadbeen assigned to Mr. Cornwell for225 a year is, indeed, interesting '

to learn. Will the .bulletin informthe public of the date when thisassignment took place? Mr. Corn- -well must havo been rather ignorant. of the fact himself, to judgefrom his expressions and actions inreference to tho lease. It is alsonews to learn that Crown landscan be assigned, but probably thatis a new rule made by this Min- - .

istiy.In regard to the Waimanalo :

lease, I only stated what rumorsaid. It has been commonly re-

ported in Honolulu that a. wealthyplanter had offered ?5000 a year fora thirty years lease of Waimanaloat the expiration of tho presentlease. If this is so, and Mr. Cum-mins nevertheless got a renewedlease for 81500 a year, a simple cal-

culation will show the Crown as aloser of about $50,000. Why theBulletin is strong in its eulogy ofthe "reform member," Mr. Corn-wel- l,

is easily understood by allwho know the drift of politics inthe late session of the Legislature.

Maui.Jan. 10, 1891.

Kedward & Howell,

Contractors & BuildersBrick, stons and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to,76 KINO STREET.

Bell Telephone Ho. 9. P. O. Box 431'115-3m- v


THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THISopened a retail store at No. 78

Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling


Tailoring and Dressmaking Department



Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.ny


ATTORNEY - AT - LAWHonolulu, 11. I.

Office over Bishop's Bank. 49-l-y


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaabumann Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l-y Rogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Orric No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-G9--y

lulu, H. I.


Typewriter and Notary Public.

Office with L. A. Thurston. 133-- q


Attorneyat-Law- .

Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- q


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 103-- q

Honolulu Carriage Co.

IP YOU WANT A HACKring up 335, both telephonesAll Hawaiian drivers. Firstclass Horses and Carriages.

Stand Fort and Merchant St.79-- q


Pioneer Steam.... . f


F, HORN Practical Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.'

1343 79q

A.TL.A.SAssurance Company


Capital. $ 6,000,000

Assets, $ 9,000.000

Havine been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates of

premium.II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

1348 112-- q


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of King and Alakea Sts.,

Honolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.

Estimates furnished on all classesAf Wlnmbinz and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi-ness at reasonable rates. 79q




in i ASP



p. o. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Bon. O, B. Bishop. Hon. n. Waterhoa.t



the new and fine Al steel steamship ,


Of tn Oceanic Steamship Company, wHl be dueat Honelulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Jan. 10, 1890,And will leave for the abeve port with malls andpassengers on or abont that date.

Por freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATION 8, apply to

Win. (J. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel steamship


Oa the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or abont

Jan. 17, 1890.and will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,79-- q AOKNTV.

Clans Hpreckels Wm. Q. Irwin,



Draw Exchange en the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposit oh open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received In their BavIngs Department subject to published rales andregulations. 7&q

LOVE'S BAKERYNo. 73 Nnasna Street.

1KB. BOUT. LOVE, - Proprietress

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,-- FRESH

Soda Crackers.AS JP

Saloon BreadAlwaya on Band.


Uland Orders Promptly Attended to79-- q


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents!AOKNTS FOR!

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co?


.Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company





w n TtjtTTW . President and ManagerClacs Speeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Waltir M. Giffabd, - - -and Treasurer- - - - Secretary

Thko. C. Pobteb. -- -- Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.

agents or THE

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.

Wm. G. Irwin & Cc , (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate linn of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue. tne general. Dusiness lormsnyji i looe J4 toocarried on oy mat iiuuse. ioo-- n, ioo--q

Daily Advertiser 50c per month.

139 1353-l- m Cor.


Stoves llanges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper



Honsekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines


Shipping and Commission Mercliants3




PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

Greneral Merchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?,

Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

T BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLICthat Mr. Wong Yung Ching is the gen-ma- n

appointed, under power of attorney,as manager, by the partners and ownersof the firm Kwong Hang Chan A Co., andnot I as represented in the Advertiser ofthe 19th inst. CHONG PUT.

Honolulu, Dec. 22, 1S00. HU-l-P. O. Box S97Telephon 80. Aug.21,18U0. 45-- qTO- -q79

Page 2: O · Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS,--3ALV'D WATER PirE. SHIP ALSO,

DAILY RIO IF 10 03 vittEROLlL ADVEKtlSER, JA.NUA.Rg 14, 1891.

2ftnj SUtocrtiscincnta.Ncm tfjccrtisemmts.have not had the least touch of influLETTER FROM MICRONESIA.33s Slutlprttn. enza, a sign of a sound constitution.three consuls was held the next

day, but the result was not madepublic. An Interesting Letter from Miss Hop-- MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE!

nln. An Account of the KecentThe U. S. S. Iroquois arrived mPago Pago on Dec. 2nd, and Apia Troubles at Ponape. H0LL1STEB & CO.,


The following very interestinghas been received by Miss Hop- - inafter mentioned has been

And now 1 think 1 must close, i writethis in a great hurry and add to that anexcited feeling, you then have the worstresult in penmanship. You would feelmuch the same way I imagine if youwere so far from America and still had apiece of it so near and such a good piecetoo.

I wish I had time to tell you about twoyoung men who stopped here yesterday.They have chartered the ship and arearound trying to spend money, I think,of which they seem to have quite anabundance.

on the 6th, and returned to PagoPago on the 10th, intending toawait the mail steamer of the 29th,

fore dulv foreclosed by advertisement ofmorteaeees notice of foreclosure, nowtherefore, bv order of Samuel M. Damonaeentfor Hermann Kockeriuann, Bishop

pin from her sister:, Nov. 6th, 1890.

This has been an exciting day .indeed ;Drugs and Medicinesand brincr the Chief Justice to

nf Olha. mnrteacee of a certain indentureFOREIGN OFFICE NOTICE.of mortgage from Sin Chu to him, datedthe 9th dav of June, a d. 1887. and re--the work has been exciting. Two ships

Official notice has been received by this

Apia.A meeting convenod at the desire

of the general public for the pur-

pose of making arrangements for a

have touched at Leila, around the otherside of the island. One brought word hight of style

They were dreesed in the corded in the Registry of Deeds, inwith 6ilk sashes around iQia, in Book 104, pages 230 and 232.1 am

. Captain Turner duped directed to sell at Public Auctiontheir waistsCHEMICALS.

AMERICAN and HAVANA CIGARS,from Jaluit that the btar had reached them, telline them of an island and adthere Fridav. Oct. . and left Monday, On Saturday, 17th January, 1891,

at 12 o'clock soon,vising them to buy it, on ronape, leuingthem they would live on the fat ofthe land. The fat of the land will prove at mv Salesrooms. Queen street, in Hono LEADING BRANDS

Oct. , for Apaianjr, --and that Mrs.Smith had been ashore. From the otherwe learned that the Robert W. Loganhad been launched the first part of Sep-

tember. We also had the pleasure ofto be simply cocoanut trees.

lulu, the property included in said Mort-gage as foHows :

All that certain piece of land situate onthe mauka side of Hotel street between

welcome to the Chief Justice washeld at Apia on Monday, Dec. 15,

and was attended by fifty-thre- e

German and eight British subjects,and two naturalized American citi-

zens. The editor of the Times

November 8, 1890 On board U . b. . Cigarettes and Tobacco

Department from Taizo Masaki. Esquire,His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Diplo-

matic Agent and Consul, thatH. ITO,F. TANNO and8. HAYAKAWA

are Secretaries, andK. FURUKAWA andT. NI1KUNI,

Assistants to His Imperial Majesty's Consul-

ate-General at Honolulu.Foreign Office, Jan. 11, 1891.

2662-2-t 1358-- lt

Alliance.We started around here yesterday 10 Smith and Nuuanu streets, in said Hono-

lulu, and formerly known as the Buffunip. m. in the King's whaleboat, and ow- -Hall premises, and in deed of sameme to head wind and heavy seas ma

hearing that we came very near to hav-

ing some mail. It came as near as to beput into the captain's hand, and thenreserved for Captain Worth. Just thinkof it! There have been chances of receiv-ing mail a number of times if there hadonly been any to receive. Letters written

ises to A. Bunnni, aatea August o,described by metes and bounds as I The Most Complete Stock of Photographic Suppliescomments severely on the back-

wardness of the.British and Amer viz : Commencing at tne soutn cornernot reach here until 4:30 p m. MiesFletcher and Miss Palmer expected usto stay ashore, but after dinnering hereCaptain Taylor gave us so hearty an in

this lot on Hotel street 101 10-1- 2 feet.On the Islands.icans, and thinks that the Germans and sent to tj. P. J? lint would De apt to

flisnlfived considerable generosity be sent if there were a chance. Bat I vitation to stay all night that we accept-ed. We spent a very pleasant eveningwith the captain and officers. This

north-weslrl- y along said street from thewest corner of the Kuulumui award, theboundary runs along lot No. being thedry goods store lot of the said GeorgeClark now sold to Asher P. Bates, north-easterly tS4 feet, thence north-westerl- y

All delinquent tax payers are herebynotified that suits will bo commenced forthe collection of delinquent taxes on the morning after breakfasting here we will

ero ashore and see Miss Palmer and Miss 46Vi feet more or less, thence soutb-wes- t-

:f,nivfir.nf am news. This morningtheir ownm there aDbothr ..8ail ho jmaginepeople on the reception committee, our feelings when we looked out and saw

and selecting two Americans and three-maste-d steamship. Question?What is she? We have been expecting

three Englishmen to assist them. a spanjsh man-of-w- ar in these regionsrru na TTlorrahin T.pinzirr. Ad-- for some time, and our first thought was

10th of January, 1891, according to Section erlv along Kalua's award 62 feet, thence

AGENCY FOR THE KODAK.Dark Room at Disposal of Amateurs.

o .

Manufacturers of a Fall Line of

Fletcher. They are going to keep their58 of Chapter 37 o' the Session Laws of south-easterl- y 43 teet more or less, alongschool here for the present, and then

Hotel street to commencement, or nowso--will start back borne. You cannot1886. and of 8ection f8A Chapter C9 of theever otherwise the premises expressed andintended to be conveyed by said mortgageimagine what a fine experience it is to

spend the night on American soil so farAI w ,7" b ; A that she had come. How we longed formiral Valois, was at ago fago,ana ''Central " to rine up or at least how mav ue oounaea ana aescriDea.from home. JNever leit sucn an.... i i x i It t i c a :u cfnorii I awiiv Terms cash and deeds at the exnense oia grand Da.i was to oe given uv u ur Merest in the U. S. navy before.' It's a

Session Laws of 1888.

U. A. BROWN.Assessor 1st Division, Island of Oahu.Approved:

Godfrey Brows,2059-l- w Minister of FiDance.

Ph-..iSpiS.5- ppi, a --nyp a TTT.T) W A TTPRSiinRt.irnt.ifin.Captain Taylor is a gentleman analierman resiuencs ou net xckui u &bQt 6 p M when Uie new8 came We

Apia. The H. I. G. M. gunboat had given up hope almost that the ship. a A had stopped at Leila. We were out on Or to A. 8. Hartwell, Attorneyman of good sense. He talks quite en

lftSl-- M fnr fnrtrinacouragingly about Ponape. lie minusthat it is only a question of time when comprising an me ropuiar Laruonaiea Beverages oi tne way.Opector was at-- Apia auu wuuiv thj verVndaj and were ju9t remarking

sonn nroceed to Sydney. The Urxn the hardship of having a ship so

fttormnrA was at Niaufou and yet so far when glancing off the missionaries will be restored. . tiedoes all in his power to make one's visit

Notice is hereby given that from andafter this date all drafts on the Treasuryfor the payment of salaries of employees

Oceanic Steamship Company109 Foit" StreetHOLLISTER & CO..

v j toward the point we saw a beautnui ram- -

on the point of sailing for Fiji. D0W ani just a little inside the place pleasant, He had a canopy put up ondeck for the girls and rugs carried up for

II. I.The French flagship Dubourdieu, where it seemed to touch the water, a. . . white sail. We knew then that news HONOLULU,

70 qFOR SAN FRANCISCO.them to sleep upon, dui ii ram bu uy-il- y

that they were all brought down toAdmiral de Presnesnil, arrived at was coming. The wind was fair, and itnoble the cabin.and was not lone before she reached theAuckland from Melbourne, The A 1 steamshipThis triD will make a lone story in my

of the Government must be signed by thehead of the Department or Bureau underwhich they serve.

GODFREY BROWN,Minister of Finance.

Honoluln. H. I., Jan. 1. 1891. 2654-l- m


shore. Imagine mv delight an American man-of-wa- r! The news it brought AND DOLLS !TOYSnext, but as I am writing on the dining

room table, I'll bring my mail to a closeand let the steward set the table.

A TT C3 m T A T T A "the French cruiser Volta fromWellington on the 23d of Decem-

ber; both are homeward bound toCX. J JL JLV .TA.was not so good as might be . All the

Ponaoe missionaries were on boardThis trip will be a great re6t to us all.that is. Miss Fletcher. Miss Palmer, Mr

Rand, Mrs. Cole and seventeen girls from We are all well. Have not laughed somuch since leaving Honolulu as here. Ml BUT GIVEN AWAY!FOR SALE!NOT

of P. Oahu Lodge No. 1, and Mystic Merry Christmas and liappy HewChesbourg via Valparaiso.

Four men lost their lives by acave-i- n at the Tracy mines,

Miss Fletcher's school. In one way it wasa great relief to know that they hadcome, because we know that their livesat least are safe. Mr. Rand and Miss

Year. Kind regards to friends.Will leave Honolulu for the above port on

TOYS AND DOLLS GIVEN AWAY ATiXcu) Sitotrtiscmtuts.Palmer came around and are staying atDr. S . Miss Fletcher and the othersare' still on board the man-of-wa- r. Just

Huntly, N. Z.

Another extensive discovery of

silver is reported at Enghara inWednesday, Jan. 14th,

what they will do at present is uncertain.

Lodge No. 2 at 7:30 p. M.

Central Cnioh Chcbch Service in par-lors at 7:30 p.m.

St. Andrew's Cathedral --Service at 7:30P. JC.

Myrtle Boat Club Monthly meeting at7:30 p.m.

Healani Boat Club Monthly meetingat 7:30 p.m.


Queensland. It is said to approach, They have been invited, Misses Palmer N. S. SACHS', 104 Fort St.and Fletcher, to bring their girls here, atif not to exceed the amazing rich- - Mortgagee's

NOTICE OF SALE!least for the present, ihere is plenty orroom, as Sadie and the Gilbert girls are

Jt IS o'clock; noon,

tZTfOT Freight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,away, and when they return Alice andtho Atarshalls will no. Mis F. seemsinclined to stay around at Illa withthem, but we cannot tell anything about AGENTS.2659 4t

Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

ness oi xjroKennni. vaiuauiofind cf antimony has also beenmade in an abandoned claim atCharters Towers.

A correspondent in the FijiTimes calls attention to the reporton Indian immigration published

. ..9 1 1 (1.. n

it. So much, and now for my story Holiday Goods I

gj&'ll you are in search ot Holiday Goods, call upon us, and eee the

THE MORTGAGEWHEREAS, hath been hereto-fore duly forclosed by advertisement of morl-notic- e

of intention to foreclose, nowThe ship is the U.S. warship Alliance,commander Captain Taylor. It has four UP-TOW- N

engines, about seven guns and carriesonft hnndred and seventv-fiv- e men. It

therefore by order of Alexander J. Cartwrightmortgagee of a certian indenture of mortgagemade by Kela Marble and George Marble herhnahHTifl nf Honolulu. Island of Oahn, dated

IMMENSE VARIETY of NOVELTIES we are displaying, suitable forBo Just ad fear not :

Lot all the e idi thou aim'st at beThy Oounf.ry'. thy God'e, and Truth'e. started from Japan in September, in re- - Book, News and Stationery Store.

SDonse to acall from the American con- - CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS' PRESENTSApril 25, A. D. 189 and recorded in the office ofRegistrar of Conveyances in Liber 116 folios54-- 6. 1 am directed to sell at Public Auction. tt 11 ! i

in tne itoyai ijazeuj, ouva, uu-servi- ng

that the sum of 2,463 18s.

8d. appears as expenditure in Icdiacollecting 604 statute adults East

Immense Assortment ofJAN. 14, 1891.WEDNESDAY. On Wednesday, the 4th Dayof February, 1891, LADIES! GET YOUR

It is very gratifying to Hawaiian

sul at Manna lor neip, tne can in turnbeing caused by a letter written by MissPalmer to said consul at the beginningof the Ponape trouble. It reached Po-nape Oct. 15th, in time to be of goodservice to the missionaries . After theStar left Ponape, about the first of Oc-

tober, the Spanish governor who was"cream and peaches" to Captain G.,changed his tactics, and came out in histrue colors. He thought his field clearwith the Star cone. He had feigned sor

OutfitsStarnnNew:pride to hear' of the many cour- -

I fAaion fin honors shown to KlDST m v

At 12 o'clock no,n, at my Salesroom, on QueenStreet, in Honolulu, the property included anddescribed in eaid mortgage and situated atllauula, in said Island of Oahu, and more parti-cularly described as follows:

1st. All those two certain pieces or parcels ofland situate at said llauula, and containing anarea of 1 12-10-0 acres, and being the same pre-mises described in Koyal Patent No. 2913, LandCommission Award No. 109W-- 5 issued toWolnnla..

FANCY PLUSH GOODSI At Exceptionally Low Prices 1

Hand-painte-d Porcelain PlacquesIn a variety of shapes and sizes, illustrated with a variety of subjects, such as

uKalakaua, in his search for im-

proved health among the hills andvallies of tho Golden State. Indeed, Also, a full supply of the

Indian immigrants dispatched fromCalcutta to Fiji in 1889, and in

addition other items expenses in

connection with collection of

coolies in India including salary of

emigration agent, making in allsays the correspondent 4 perhead " charges in India," and hestates that in his opinion the saidcharges ought not to exceed 1

per head. He thinks that "some-body " charges the employers a

great deal too much.

Animals, Flowers, Landscapes, etc., etc. . .

" '


2nd. All those two certain pieces or parcelsof land situate at eaid Hauula, containing anarea of 1 0 acr. g and being apanas 1 and 3 ofRoyal Patent No. 2914, Land Commission AwardNo. 8313, issued to Kamooiliili.

3rd. All that certain piece or parcel of landsituate at said Hauula. containing an area of4(1-1- of an acre, and being the same premisesdescribed in Koyal Patent No. 529- -, Land Com-mission Award No. 8417 issued to Kaioe.

4th. All that cfcftain niece or parcel of landof all; suitable and acceptableAn immense variety and pricesTwMemtt tersWIT within reach


row to the captain, because of the burn-ing of the mission houses, he nowclaimed that it was right, on the groundthat Mrs. Palmer was a participant inthe trouble, inasmuch as she knew thatthere was going to be trouble withthe Ponapeans, and did not warn theSpanish. They sent troops to Kiti, whichencamped in front of their house at atime when the women were alone. MissPalmer laughs and nays that while theSpanish were encamped in front theymoved out at the back. The ship whichtouched here yesterday was to have beenchartered to bring the missionaries away,hut the irovernor did not wish to let Miss

if we may form any opinion fromthe popular enthusiasm created bythe royal progress through theState, it would not require much of

an effort on tho part of some experienccd political " boss," to electhim as Xing. Let's see how itwould sound Kalakatja, King: ofCalifornia I

V 1

Linen Emhroidered Uandkerchiefe, Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs,

GENTLEMEN'S SILK TIMBREILAS,Just to hand per Australia.

TH0S. G. TH HUM.1336 134-- y Pbopbiktob.

An Enjoyable Tea Party.About one hundred and fifty of

situate at said Hauula, containing an aiea of41 100 of an acre, and being the same premisesdescribed in Royal Patent No. 1435, Land Com-mission Award No. 107'i6, issued to Poopuu.

5ih. All that certain piece or parcel of landsituate in said Hauula, and containing an areaof 0 of an acre, and being the same pre-mises described in Royal Patent No. 1434, LandCommission Award No. 10201, issued to Maka-loh- t.

Ihe several above described parcels of landbeing the same that were conveyed to the saidKela Marble by Maluae Kamooiliili by deeddated April 25, 1889, and recorded in Liber 116,folios hi 4.

TERM 8 CA8H,Deeds at expense of purchaser&5For further particulars apply to


KII GLOVES, KID GLOVESPalmer and Mrs. Cole leave. A sight ofAmong the worthy institutions of

Honolulu is the Queen's Hospital,; bo respectable a thing as an American

our prominent society ladies weremost hospitably entertained by Mrs.

H. A. Varmelee at her residence,Beretania street, yesterday after

ed to do him good; atleast he did not seem to object to letting fruits op passion gilt shawls, Cashmere Shawls,them co. The commander of the Amance drew from the Spanish governor thefollowing conclusions: lirst, that u the

noon, when she gave a tea party in

honor of Miss S. I. Walker of NewJersey, and Mrs. Parmelee, motherof Mr. H. A. Parmelee, both of


TORCHON LACE SCARF TIDIES, LACE BED SETS.missionaries etaid, they were to moveto Kiti, Jamestown harbor, and to haveno communication whatever with the


Or to J.M. MONSARRAT,Attorney for Mortgagee;

Honolulu, January 10, 1891. 1357-4-t.Dedicated to Ellek Wheeler Wilcox,whom arrived here in November lor natives. To all practical purposes pns- -

th nnrnose of enioviDff the glorious nnp.rs That when the fresh men-of-w- ar

'We have all the above in great variety, and at Reasonable Prices !

wilu its tiuuis v iuu upeu iu Luooirvpf all nations among us. Few are-awar-

how many of other nationali-- 5

ties than Hawaiians seek refuge;under its roof. The steward of this'institution has furnished us the following figures on this point, whichshow how generally it is patron-ized. During the year 1890, of theindoor patients, 150 were nativemale Hawaiians, 63 female Ha-

waiians, 18 Chinese, 24 Japanese,40 Portuguese, 52 Americans, 55

Containingarrived from Ponape, they, the Spanish,climate of tne " raraaise ui m s. a--

Before making your purchases, come and examine our Stock.cine." Miss Walker returns to tne DR. K. KOBAYASHI,

Nevada Christmas Story of 1879.States on the Australia carryingwith her the warm alohas of num-erous friends. Mother Parmelee re-

mains in Honolulu a few moreNO. 32 EMMA STREET.

For sale at the Hawaiian Hotel. UNION IRON WORKS CO.months. Offick Hours 8 to 10 a. m. : 1 to 4and 7 to 9 p. m. iJJ55-2-niThe tea party was a most pleasant Annual Meeting.

affair, as the arrangements for it Manager,suteuinte?- - dent.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :English, aad 87 of other nationali NOTICE.were perfect and everybody was

prepared to make the afternoon oneof pleasure. The parlors and dining

ties. In the latter number were ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKTHE of the Hawaiian Aericnltoralnatives of Belgium, Australia, Ceyroom were very neatly aecoratea Com uany will be held on THURSDAY Engineers andAS WE ARE GOINO TO CLOSE OUR

business here before the end of thelon, Chili, Denmark, Demarara, the 15th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m., at the

were to hold a court martial and decideon Miss Palmer's, Mrs. Cole's and may-hap Mr. Hand's case. In fact, CaptainTaylor made the Spaniard governor ownthat the missionaries were driven fromPonape, as indeed they are.

"What are the Spanish doing? Nothingvery aggressive. No fighting has taken1lace since that spoken of in the journal

already sent. They seem to blamethe missionaries more and more. Beforethey burnt the missionary houses, theytook from them what they choKe, amongother things all the papers and booksthej' could lay hold of, which theythought might help them in getting holdof something against the missionaries.It is said that they have a number ofMr, Doan's, among them his HebrewTes'taments and 6ome of the volumes ofthe Friend. They might have worsereading. As yet only one tribe seems tohave become involved in the trouble,and they are very careful not to bring inthe others. As, for example, two hun-dred or more of this hostile tribe, armedwith rifles, had a chance to attackthe Spaniards, surprising them at a

with flowers and verdant foliagewh?"ch combined prettily with the

Iron Founders,Esplanade, Honolulu,

Finland, France. Germany, Guam,Heligoland, Hungary, India, Ire

ficeof U. Brewer & Co., Ld., on yueenstreet. J. O. CARTER,

Secretary H. A. Co.Honoluln. Jan. 3, 1S01. 2G5M0t

Offics and Works,furnishings. The invited guestswere warmly welcomed by the host-...- .

i 1.3

t'hinese Isw xear, all our customers in-

debted to us are hereby requested to paythe respective amounts owing by theui assoon as possible.

KWONG HANG CHAN & CO.,per Wong Yang Ching.

Honolulu, Jan. 10. 1S91. 2659-l- w

land, Italy,.Tamaica, Malta, Nether ess, ana tne time was wniiea tiway MANUFACTUREUS OF- -

Card ot Thanks,lands, New Hebrides, Norway,Panama, Peru, Russia, Scotland,Sierra Leone. Sweden, Switzerland

Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engine,in pleasant social conversation. iefreshments consisting of cake, sand-wiches, tea and coffee, ice cream,etc., were served. The party lastedfrom 2 to 5 o'clock. M R. AND MRS. A. ROSA AND THE

" Missts Ladd take this method of exNOT1CJ5.

FROM AND AFTERand Tahiti. The institution is supported in part by funds (85,000 an

Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers. .Violates Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Care, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for llouao Builders, 'Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.

pressing their gratitude to the HonoluluFire Department, the Fire Police, theirthis date we will not befriends and all others who so kindly asnually) from the public treasury

gggjsISP freight after same hasand in part by the tax imposed on sisted in saving their house, lurniiure andpersonal effects during the fireon Saturdaylast. So far. thev have not missed any DIFFUSION MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.all passengers arriving from foreigrthing of any special value, and the damage

very good advantage, but they, theSpaniards, were just over the line onKiti territory and so the attack was notmade. The chief of whom I told youwhose head was boiled and sent to Ma

beea ianded. Panics to whom freight, isconsigned must be at ihe landing to receivetheir Ireiglii

VVl LDEK'ti SrKAM.SHIP CO.Honolulu. Sept. 5. 112 q

done to the furniture is but slight, consid- -ports. Some object to the paymentof this tax, but no intelligent trav SOLE AGKNTS HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOR TltK

Felton "Water "Wlieel.ering what it underwent. 2G01-- 3t

NOTLOeler will do so. when he knowsLKASK1that it is devoted to the relief o

The 'Gale" Clnb.

The choral club under the condnctorship of Prof. J. W. Yarndleymet for rehearsal at the residence ofMiss Dora Dowsett last evening.There was a large attendance ofladies and gentlemen. During theevening discussion arose as to thename by which this club should beknown.and after considerable debateit was unanimously agreed tochristen the club the " Gade." Theclub adjourned after a very satis-factory rehearsal, to meet again onTuesday evening, the 20th inst., atthe residence of Rev. Alex.

his own destitute countrymen, who MACHINERY done at-- REPAIRS of all kinds of REASONABLE1354 14-3- mReek its aid while in the Kingdom Office Oahu Railway & Lakd Co.,)

Honolulu. Jan. 10, 1891. f RATKS and at SHORT NOTICE.Sealed bids will be received at this office

ON A LONG TKRM. FORbuilding purposes, small Lots onAlapai street. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOON,Attornev-at-La-

until Jan. 17th at noon for building an exFROM THE SOUTH. tension to the Pearl City Water Works.152 lw ror further information apply to

B. H. KLUEGEL,2650-l- w Chief Engineer.


(rrrflFOR LEASE!From the Samoa Times we learn

that on December 10th the KingMalietoa printed a proclamation

nila still lives, strange to say, and ismore successful than ever. Question,whose head did the Spanish boil? ThePonapeans seems to knov which men tostrike as among those of the Spanishkilled a large proportion have beenofficers.

A Ponapean woman tells that she sawthe Spanish put all the Ponapean biblesin a heap and burn them. Howeverthat may be, it is certain that burn themthey did, that is the entire stock, exceptthose already purchased by natives.

The Alliance sails forJapan, hence this fine chance of sendingmail. It may reach you before Christ-mas. The commander haa sent aroundan invitation for any of the Americancitizens to come off to the ship.

As far as 1 know the missionaries areall well, that is reasonably. Miss Palmerplans to go up by the return Star. Itseems now much as if that were to bethe lot of all the Ponape missionaries. Idon't know about Miss Fletcher, I think

NOTIOK.addressed to all Samouns, announ TWO COTTAGES ON PUNCH- - r Pi 1 AVestermavcrwestermave Grand2IIcing the expected arrival of the bowl street between "King and

Beretania streets. Apply to R. 11. LOSE HAS AT HIS RE- -V

iU- - nuest withdrawn from the firm ofChief Justice for Samoa, and calling J. ALFRED MAGOON,. Attorney-at-Law- . H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.152-- 1 wupon all chiels and representatives 2659-- 3tHonolulu, Jan. 9, 1891.

Supreme Court.In the case of Kalieana vs.Nalimu,

the jury returned a verdict for plain-

tiff, Tuesday.The two cases of alleged unlawful

possession of opium, of the King vs.Chong Hin and Fook Chong werotried yesterday. Verdict acquittal inboth cases.


TO LET. Pianos For Kent.dm on ine receipt, oi a message For Salo bvfrom the German Consul-Gener- apr Axrna tv norm ART1T5Hsuggesting that the proclamation ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co.n from $4.00 to $7.00 per month.


be not sent out, it was withheld byLARGE AND PLEASANTLY

located rooms, furnished, unfur-nisbe- d,

singly or en suite. Applvto MRS. HALEAKALA HART,

Nuuanu street.

she will hold o-- i till the very last, ifthere is nv rhaiice of keeping herschool. has almost run itsday and u- - . :;il health is good. I

HE ADVERTISER IS THEthe king, and a meeting of th eatii.it' daily paper of the Kingdom 152-l- w COMPANY. 79-- q 79 1313--q King and Bethel Btreeta.

Page 3: O · Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS,--3ALV'D WATER PirE. SHIP ALSO,





Practical House andOffice and Mill on Alakea near Queen Street.v

PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY.Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc., Etc.

M OULDINGS-Turn- ed and Sawed Work.No. 130 Fort St.,

151 q

$5000 Worth





Given Away!

SILVER IOur Grand Silver Teachhlow.

Having secured the services .f Mir. C. B. Kn u:v. Architect and BuildingSuperintendent, 1 am now preparrd to lurnish Designs for every description ofpuildmg, and will Suifrintend the Construction of the eaiiie.

CrPlease call and examine designs before placing your orders elsewhere.

5fiFPrompt attention to all orders. 153--q

During this Sale, EVERY Customer Purchasing $2.50 worth willa Handsome Peachblow, Satinware, Glassware, Dolls, Toys or Silver Present.

New Goods ! New Goods !



Haviland China,Silver IPlatedware,

Lamps, Chandeliers"WM. Q--. FISCHER'S

liwik i&t uui if iuuuw auu ee


UlliArJi lit 1 lrJHLiUt (.7


Water iousc s Fort-stre-et

Famous Grand Active and Gol-

den Anvil WroughtSteel

OF ALL SIZES,With Boiler and Hot Water

Attachment if desired.

Consuming one-thir-d less fuel,either wood or coal, than anyother Stove in existence.

No Brick work about it !

Just a Clean Cut Stove !

Whose Baking qualities areunsurpassed. Inansjular



Unrelenting Wrath of King Malietoa. of Samoa.

There returned to this city by thesteamship Zealandia on Saturdayfrom King Malietoa's realms the following Hawaiians: Jim Kukona and

Vwife, Kawelu and wife, Kaolola, Ka-lun- a,

Moanulua and Kahinu. Theirleturn passage was paid by the Ha

waiian Government out of the appropriation for the return of Hawaiians abroad. They stated, tnat tnemode of living at Samoa was easy,and therefore very agreeable; butthe decree of banishment of KingMalietoa could not be averted, andthey had to come home. There areseveral cases of leprosy at Samoagoing at large, and the natives thereas well as their neighbors here areindifferent to segregation.

Hiram Kaumialii and Mose, thelatter an escaped seaman from theKaimiloa, have been married to Sa-moa- n

women, but they could not,however, escape Malietoa's wrath!Kauaua, another runaway seaman,has adopted the Samoan custom andtatooed himself. According to theKo Hawaii Pae Aina the fol-

lowing Hawaiians are yet at Sa-moa and will return to Honolulu atan early date: Mose, Kaliko, Kauaua, Keoni, A. B. Kaaukuu, Mrs.Maria; Lui, Mrs. Akahi, Luna, MissKalua, Mrs. Kaulahao, Kanaauao.Kamaka, Kauahi, Meekue, and Hi-ram Kaumialii. Mr. James Keau, aformer member of the HawaiianLegislature, and who left theKingdom in 1886, is doing profitable business on one of the Tongaislands, and King Malietoa's pro-clamation does not affect him.

The Hose Sparks Again In Harbor.The schooner Rose Sparks, Cap

tain A. Brandt,and flying the Ameri-can flag, entered this port yesterdayfrom Jaluit, Marshall Islands. Thelittle schooner is now Jying out inthe stream near, the Oahu Railwayand Land Company's wharf. Shebrings 25 cords firewood, 2,000pounds pearl shells and 200 poundsbeach la mar. The Rose Sparks washere last year from San Francisco enroute to the South Sea Islands, andshe comes this time to have somenecessary repairs effected, afterwhich she will return and carry onher trading engagements among theSouth Sea Islands.


Fresh Naval oranges, Oregonmm apples, celery, cauliflower and

oysters. Also fresh roastedpeanuts any day at the ban FranciscoFbcit Depot. C. J. Lyccbgus.

2G59-3- t

3Tci& Sttincrtiscuitnis.


Mr j. Mcdonald (city shoeinghaving publicly stated that he

waa anxious to shoot a rifle match withme at 200 yards offhand, 10 shot scores,best 2 in 3, lor the sum of $50, and as bothmy iriends and myself after using ourstrongest efforts, have failed to fasten himdown to his challenge, I now hereby chal-lenge the said Mr. J. V. McDonald to shoota match with me at any time during thenext thirty days, 3 scores or more, 10 shotseach at 200 yards, off hand, Military rifle,and in accordance with the rules of the H.R. A., for anv sum agreeable to him from$50 to $500, stakes to be deposited with theTreasurer 11. R. A or some other responsible person, upon acceptance of this chal- -

-- Will the gentleman kindly put upor phut up, and return that vase. Play orpay. jutirn kiuvv muij.


pie- ed Salt Salmon

In Barrels, ex Bark Electra,

In Lots to Suit -:- - At Low Prices!

G. BREWER & CO.2062-l- m

Estate of Gust iv Turley.

Roy al Danish Consttlath,llouoixuj, Dec. 10, 1890

4 LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMSA. against the above estate are hereby re--ouested to present same to the undersignedtor payment within six months from thisdate or they will be forever barred ; andpersons indebted to said estate are herebyrequested to make immediate payment tothe undersignea.

II. R. MACFARLANE,26G2-5- t Consul

Boat Lost!

mHE PARTIES WHO TOOK MYX Rnftt. oars and pins, tarpaulin, etc., be--

twppn 12 o'clock Saturday night ando'clock Sunday morning, are known andhH hetter make restitution without delayto Geo. Caveuaeh at the shore boat landing. 20-i- l

Annual Meeting.

milE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE--L Stockholders of the Mutual Telephonefn will h held on JlONUAi, Jan.1891. at 10 o'clock a. m , at the Company'sUiiil.liru Every Stockholder is requestedto attend, as a proposition to consolidatewith the Bell Telephone Co. will be laidbefore them for consideration.

C. O. BERGER.151-t- d Secretary


xi- - Clerk bv a steady, industrious youngman. jAaaress c, mis oiuie. -w- jx-iw-

Red salt salmon for sale at C.Brewer & Co.'s.

u S. " will please call at the Advertiseh office for a letter.

Mr. Theo. H. Davies sails fromEngland February 7tb,for Honolulu.

The two boat clubs meet this even-ing to transact some important busi-ness.

Maui'a reply to the Bulletin edi-torial on Crown lands is on the firstpage.

The O. S. S. Australia, CaptainHoudlette, sails at noon to-da- y forSan Francisco.

Mr. John Kidwell challenges Mr.W. McDonald to a shooting

match. See notice elsewhere.

Court Diary Thursday, January15th Hilo Sugar Co. vs. Hilo Col-

lector of Taxes, extended return day.

Funeral services of Mrs. A.Young, Jr., will be held at the resi-dence of Mr. A. Young, Sr., at 9:30a. m. to day.

Sir. and Mrs. Jas. H. Pratt, whotor some time past have been visit-ju- g

with Chief Justice Judd, returnto the States by the Australia.

The New Year's number of theParadise of the Pacific is out. Itcontains many items and articles ofinterest, and is a good number tosend away.

Copies of the Hawaiian Gazette,P. C. Advertiser . and Tourists'Guide Through Hawaii may be hadin wrappers for mailing to-da- y atthe office, 46 Merchant street.

Another entertainment, followedby a social, will be given by themembers of the Y. W. C. T. XL, onThursday evening, at the Y. M. C. A.Hall. All are cordially invited.

Frank L. Hoogs, who broughtdown the California Baseball Team,returns by the Australia. Mr. Hoogswill be missed by the many friendsmade during his short stay here.

An official notice from the ForeignOffice relative to the appointment ofsecretaries and assistant secretariesto the Japanese Consulate-Genera- l

appears in the " By Authority "columns.

Ir. Frank Godfrey, editor of theParadise of the Pacific, leaves in theAustralia to-da- on business connected with that journal, which under his management, has shown amuch improved appearance. Wewish him a pleasant voyage.

The Rev. H. H. Gowen was heardprom by several of his friends by thelast mail. F.e is enjoying good healthand on December 12th had deliveredhis fifty-sixt- h sermon since his ar-rival in England. Mr. Gowen isevidently as popular in England ashe is in Honolulu.

At the sale of stocks at Morgan'ssalesrooms yesterday, the shares ofthe Hawaiian Agricultural and theIce and Refrigerating stock werewithdrawn. Of the Inter Islandstock, five shares were sold to O.Scholz at $147, five to M. Richter at

147, also five more at $141.

Monday evening's unique socialevent was An Island Party at KoaHall," the fine mansion on Jacksonstreet of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey.The affair was a re-unio- n of formerresidents of the Hawaiian Islands,and included folks who had visitedKalakaua's realm. The menu wascomposed chiefly of kanaka dishes.Une hundred people were invited.Oakland correspondent to S. F. Alta.

t Purser A. C. Simmerson of the W.G. Hall reported that the weather onthe windward ports had moderated.Smooth seas were had all the wayfrom Kau to Lahaina. J The news ofgood weather has been awaited byplantation agents with great inter-est, and now that fine weather hasagain set in, coasting steamers andschooners, sugar laden, may be expected to arrive in quick succession.

Mr. D. H. Davis and Miss LydiaCummins, eldest daughter of Mr.Thos. Cummins, were married yes-terday by His Lordship the Bishopof Oiba at the Catholic Cathedralvestry. They left on the Claudinein the evening for Maui. Both Mr.Davis, who is a partner in the Pan-theon stables, and his bride are veryDODularly known and their manyfriends wish them a long, happymarried life.

?V f Installation of Officers.

t The Geo. W. de Long Post, No.45, G. A. R., installed the followingnamed officers yesterday evening:

P. C J. Ross, ex-- S. N.S. V. C. J. N. Wright.J. V. 0. W. II. Wagner.Adjutant. J. Shuonson.Q. M. R. J. Green.

iburceon. N. B. Emerson.Chap. F. Sliernan.O. D. S. McKeague.O. U.-- -J. D. Conn.Sergt.-Majo- r. L. Adler.Q. M. Sergt. DuncanAfipr the installation, addresses

were made by different members othe Post.

Much Coal.

Tli a ndvifps. received from theA U V

Colonies by the Zealandia and Mono

wai, as published in our paperJanuary 12th, state that ten vesselswith aggregate tonnage of ,iy tonsvcara inHfHnt? coal at .Newcastle orhad sailed for the Hawaiian IslaudsIt is estimated that these ten vesselswill brinsr upwards of 12,000 tons ocoal, all due within 40 to GO days.



TRAINSLeave Honolulu. ..6:15 8:45 1:45 4:30tArrive IIonouliuli.7:20 9:49 2:49 5:35tLeave Honoullull.7:30 10:51 3:51 5:45tArrive Honolulu. .8:35 11:55 4:55 6:50t

t Satnrdays only. 53-t-fSundays excepted.


AKKIVALS.Tcesdat, Jan. 13.

Stmr Lehua, Clark, from Kipahulu.Schr Rose Sparks, Brandt, from Jajuit,

8 8 1.Stmr Kaimiloa, from Hanamaulu.

DEPAKTl'KES.Tcesdat, Jan. 13.

Schr Kaulilua for Hanapepe.Stmr Kaala, Hagland. for Kilauea.Stmr Claudine, Davies.for Kahului ports.Stmr Mikahala. Campbell, for Kauai.Schr Kawailani for Koolau.


8 3 Australia, Houdlette, for San Fran-cisco.

Schr Kulamanu for Kohala.Stmr Lehua, Clarke, for Kipahulu,5 p m.Bk Wm Le Lacheur.Auld.for Hongkong.



From Maui and Hawaii per stmr W OfHall, Jan 13 P Lee, wife and child, Missjit Kalanipoo, G McDougall, Masters Hay-- fseiden(2), Miss Hayselden, E V Dunn, F

J W Feary, wife and child, J D Dulcan, JJ McKinlcy, J H Coney, M Gouveia. Sami Chock, A C Dowsett, Miss Sunter, MrsKaili.Mrs Kawaauhau and 91 deck passen-gers.


For Kauai, per stmr Mikahala. Jan 13Mrs F W Macfarlane,2 children and nurse,Miss Needham, A E II Swift, Mr Myhreand wife, Hiel Kapu and wife. l)r Herbert,Mr Garstins, Mr Richter, H Lose, Ahuna,Ah Sung, Conchee and 60 deck passengers.

For Maui, per stmr Claudine, Jan 13

J W Kalua. Hon V II Kanealii, G PWilder and wife, Mrs McMillan, Miss Fergusen, J K Naone and wife, Tom Dow.D IIDavis and bride, W V Lockwood, Capt A ESmith and 40 deck passengers.

VESSELS IN POKT.(This list docs not include coasters.)

U S S Mohican, Shepard, from Hilo.H M S Nymphe, Turner, Hilo.BkWm Le Lacheur.Wm Auld, Hongkong.So.hr Olga, Rodin, San Francisco.Bknte S G Wilder, Griffiths.San Francisco.Am bk Will W Case. Whalman, S F.Am bk Albert, Winding.St.Rosalia, L. Cal.Bk C D Bryant, Jacobson,San Francisco.Am hlc Cevlon. Calhoun. Departure Bav.Am bkt G C Perkins, Krebs, Port T'd. jAm ik Electra, Andersen, San FranciscoAm bk Coryphene, David, Nanaimo.S 8 Australia, Houdlette, San Francisco. I

Am schr Rose Sparks, Brandt, Jaluit.S S 1


The steamer W. G. Hall brought yester-day 6,515 bags sugar, 217 sacks awa, 103sacks coffee, 69 pkgs. hides, 195 pkgs. sun-drie- d,

2" head cattle, 1 horse.The British sloop-of-w- ar Daphne, ac- -,

cording to authoritative informations received, was to proceed direct from SatFrancisco for Panama, and not for thilnrxrt

Tim TtrHish hark Wm. Le Lacheur. CaD- -

taiu Wm. Auld, will sail for Hongkong to-

day with a number of returning Chinese.The bark Albert is at the Likelike wharf.The schooner Ulera nnisnes tating in

sugar this afternoon, and will most likelyenter out for San r rancisco j

The steamer Lehua arrived Tuesdaymorning from Kii ihulu, Maui, with 2,500bags sugar for the bark C D. Bryant.News oi favorable weather at some ports ofMaui was received by her. She will likelybe dispatched again to Kipahulu and neigh-boring ports this evening.

The steamers J. A. Cummins, C. R.Bishop and Mokolii are due to-da- y.

Dr. Johnson's steamerEvolution made a trial trip in New Yorkbay on December 20th. The engine workedwell and at one time the log showed thatshe was running at the rate of seventeenknots an hour. The Evolution carries a40-to- n pump. This pumps in an eight inchstream and forces our --inch of waterthat, when ejected from a pipe in the stern-po- st

about three feet below the surface ofthe water, forces the boat ahead. N. Y.Maritime Register.

Athletic Association.

At 7:30 yesterday evening theHonolulu Athletic Association en-

tered on its first class night underthe instruction of Prof. Loheide,about fifty members being present in

the hall, twenty of whom formed thefirst class, and received instructionon he horizontal bar, parallel barsand in jumping, in which last therewere some phenomenally high rec-

ords made. The average runninghigh jump of athletes, being 4 feet 8inches, was made by the entire classas an average,three members.CharlesCrane. A. W. Carter and James

makiner 5 feet 2 inches, 5

feet 1 inch and 5 feet respectively.Saturday afternoon at the ballgrounds there will be practising invarious outdoor exercises, amongwhich will be iumpinsr,running, poloirnnltinfT. weisrht throwing, etc., forthe coursing field day, which willwobablv be held on the 21st of February, some of the events to be opento all comers.

Friday night will be next classnight and thereafter Monday, Wed-nesday and Friday nights, thoughProfessor Loheide will be in attend-ance every night.

A class will be formed shortly ofjuveniles from the age of sevenyears upwards; parents wishingtheir children to attend may notifythe secretary Mr. C.J. McCarthywho will notify them when arrange-ar- e

complete for the same.

A pack of wolves attacked a manand his dog in Northern Michigan.The man fell down and prayed tobe spared, and the wolves turnedtail on him. His poor dog, not be-

ing able to pray, started off on arun, but was overhauled and de-

voured in a fashion peculiarly char-acteristic of the Michigan wolves.Jtroit Free Press.



:- Bargains!

extensive repairs to their building,j .o tn a a. 11.

save expense of handling,

Offered at Reduced Rates!

JSTew Goodsfresh invoices are on the way.



replenished in Every Department with

& GO. Nuuanu Street.

Decorative Painter.


- Silverware

&2.5G For the Next30 Days I

Satin "Ware. Tovs. Dolls und GlasHwar

vue one display oi i reseniai

The Leading Millinery House

Cor. Fort and Hotel btreeta.13H 1352-l- m




79-- q

For Hongkong Direct!

The Al Steamship

AMIGOBrchs, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for the above portaon or about

December 31s1 .x9"For particulars regarding Freight

and Passenger accommodations, apply. to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,152-t- d AGENTS.


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Capt. W. L. Josskltk,Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavtor this vrt on March 15, 1891, if suffi-cient inducement oilers.

For further particulars apply o

9 1343-- q C. BREWER & CO.


aneed prices in feed andlitoor, we the undersigned, from and after this

date, shall charge on all general merchan-dise, carted from any steamer arrivingfrom San Francisco, the rate of fiftv cents(50 cents) per ton, as per bills of lading.All carting from sailing vessels at the raleof forty (4u) cents per ton.

Signed: llustace, Robertson & Hitch-cock; E. Peck te Co.; Marcus It. Colburn ;City Draying Co., V. F. Sharratt; M. N.Sanders; J. W. McGnire.

Houolulu, Jan. 1, 1891. 054-- 1 m







Ladies' Purses, Hand Satchels, BagsRIBBONS, Plain and Fancy, in endless variety,

Best Stock of KID GLOVES in the City.



Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - Fort Street, Honolulu,79 q

Bargains! ---:o:-

THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'D.,ded over bythe " LADY

Beg to announce that in consequence ofa i xi t

WATEKHOUSE'S FORT-STEEE- T STORE.tney are removing tneir otocit oi uooaa w mo

McijsnmisrY block.During removal, in order to

Their Entire Stock is


Persons requiring anything in their line will find this a specially favor

able opportunity.

New Goods,Have lately been received and




All Aboard for Waialua andWay Stations !

TRAINS LEAVING HONOLULUStation at 8:45 a. m. on

MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRI-DAYS will carry Passengers, Mail andSmall Packages for Waialua.

Transfer will be made at Pearl City toWhite's Pi ncer Express, which will com-mence to run Monday morning, Dec. 29th.

ttf Single tickets from Honolulu toWaialua can be bought at Honolulu Rail-way Station for 3; round trip tickets $5.

The Pioneer Express will leave Waialuain time to connect with the passenger trainleaving Pearl Citv for Honolulu at 4:15p.m., on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS andSATURDAYS, arriving at Honolulu Sta-tion at 4 :55 p. m.

This new line will start for the first timefrom Waialua on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1890.

B. F. DILLINGHAM,153-l- ni General-Manag- er O. L. & It. Co.

Insurance Notice.

JOHN M. DOWSETT HAS THISMR.day been duly appointed the localagent for this city.with authority to acceplrisks against Fire in this District for tinundernamed Insurance Companies, thsame to be covered by their regular poli-cic- s

FIREMAN'S FUND INS. CO.,By Bishop & Co., Gen'l Agents.


By Bishop & Co., Gen'l Agents.Honolulu, Jan. 9, 1891. dlw 2059-l-


HO.LIDY GOODS!Dolls, Toys, Smokers' Sets, Brushes, Velvet Cases, Toilet Sets, Albums,

and a large and varied assortment of

Chinese Goods Suitable for Xraas and New Years'

PRESENTS.Gents' and


gjgjrOur Stock has just beenNEW GOODS 1

i 140-- 1 in GOO KIMif yod want the latest news.

Page 4: O · Sh.elf Hardware, VEecllaIlics', Tools CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, "a fine assortment; NORWAY IRON, a tine assmt; CARD MATCHES, CHARCOAL IRONS,--3ALV'D WATER PirE. SHIP ALSO,


THE EA5A5A PLA5T. 3Cra mrcrtisrmrnis. &6rtrii$ratnts.

A new factor is entering theW. E. SALTER, City. Meat Market Wdl G. kin i Company, B. B EHLEES & Co. TBI. H. MISFOE THE HOLIDAYS:

Toys, Dolls, Musical Boxes, Dressing SetsFULL LINE OF



HOLIDAY GOODS!My line of fine eoo&s is mniv thun

new and desirable in the line of

JEWELRY andEsneciallv handsome this jb&ndsomeJy mounted as pamnes. daisies,u" xcxMua oic nviju u wucii B3 uieyA large lot of all sixes on hand, aud toHair ornaments in cold n,l silver

pins. Rm. Ear-ring- s, Lockets.jji&xuona3 ana precious stones in every conceivable style.


In this line I have an especially fine lot of desirable goods.Have also added a line of FINE LEATHER GOODS.As they are entirely new and of the inest lather onlv I tV rtleatire in

offering them on their merits alone.Tbey comprise Pocket Books, Purses, Pocket Books and Card Cases Combined,

Note Books. Bill Books, Calendar Tablets, Card Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases,etc., etc.. etc

In Watches I carrv a verv lar tnrtand diamond inlaid, of tbe well-kno-

uampdon. standard and Swim. All sold on a guarantee.1 also call your attention to my

HAWAHAN SPOONS,Pronounced by all to be the best article of Hawaiian manufacture to send abroad.

Likewise the Boar's Tusk Scent Bottle. Not only handsome, but useful as well.Call and see them. You will like them.In all other lines Clocks, Silverware, etc. my stock U very complete.





papermaker's market-- It has benproved that the banana plant con-

tains a greater quantity of purefibre than any other of the numer-ous vegetable products used for themanufacture of paper. During thefirst twelve months of its vegeta-tion the plant only produces asingle bunch of fruit, after which itdies; but from its roots four to tenyoung plants spring up. The adaptation of the plant to commercialpurposes will, it is anticipated, re-volutionise the paper-materi- al market, and largely affect the industry.The plant is easy of cultivation,and has Ions since been recognisedbv the wandering tribes in CentralAmerica as yielding many usefuladjuncts to every day domestic requirements. Ex.

Xaval Jottings.After having been repaired, the

Swat&ra will be ordered to CentralAmerica, Commander J- - J. Readhaving received orders to commandher.

The impression seems to be in.naval circles that the ban 1 rancisco,which is beini? prepared for sea atthe navy-yar- d, will be assigned asflag-shi-p of the Asiatic squadron.

The Nipsic, having been orderedont of commission on the 11th ofOctober, has been surveyed, andcondemnation will be her probablefate.

The Alert, Commander R. D.Hitchcock, now at Mare Island, willprobably be assigned to the Asiaticsquadron. b. t . UalL

South Faelfie Ocean.Lieutenant G. TV Tyler of the

U. S. steamship Mohican reportsthat information was obtained fromCaptain B. F. Chapman; at Papeete, Society Islands, that theGerman bark Erato lately passedover a shoal in latitute 22 deg. 44min. south, longitude 133 deg. 35min. west. Whether any soundingswere taken could not- - be learned,but the statement was made thatthe master of the bark was muchalarmed lest the vessel shouldstrike. As the Erato made landwithin twenty-fou- r hours afterwardthe position given ought not to bemuch in error. hx.

TftD rcrttscnunts.




ast JEWELER,Hotel St., - - - Under the Arlington.

'Special attention paid to fine WatchKei airing, Jewelry, Ulocka, etc.

Moderate Peices I 120-- q

New Model Lunch Rooms

BETHEL STREET,(Kezt door to the Pos tofSce),

Open A.U NightGive it a trial. 85-3i-u


fllHE KAPIOLANI MATERNITY--a- Home has two rooms to accommodatepaj-m-

g patients. Ladies of moderatemeans who wish to secore a home on reasonable terms, before or during the timeof confinement, where the best of foodattendance, nursing and medical skill willbe provided, will please apply at tbe Hometo Jiirs. Miller tne Matron, who will attendto admittance, grve terras or any other iniormation required.

Honolulu. Oct. 4, IKK). 84-- 3 ra


at the annual meeting of the UnitedChinese Society, held on the 1st inst.. thefollowing were elected as olficers of theCorporation for the ensuing year, viz:

President Wong Wa FoyVice-Preside- nt Chu GemSecretary Li CheungAsst. Secretary Cheng Chun SingTreasurer Cheng Yick LeongAsst. Treasurer Wong Chow

LI CHEUNG, Secretary U. C. S.Honolulu, Jan. 5, 1891. 2G55-l-



If you are thinking of joining a Club,do not delay, but j in now and secure aplace in Ihe Jth Club!

The following drew their Watches onMonday, Jan. 12th :

Clcb 1 Member No. 41.Clcb 2 Member No. H5.Clcb 3 Member No. 31.Clcb 4 Member No. 14.Clcb 5 Member No. 4.Clcb 6 Member No. 31.

We Have a Few More Places Open!

Parties living nntsidp nf ITnnrklnir,v - - - ' Awaa Ji 144 ladesiring to join one of the Clubs can maketheir payments by mail.

aCsThese watches are cased in solid 14Karat Gold, with fine full jeweled WaltharaMovements, and are warranted to be ac-curate Time Pieces.

gMt H. F. WICHMAN, Prop.




WATC HMAKERKing Street, next Geo. Lincoln'.

Cheapest and host p!ace to get your Watchor Ciocfc Repaired in a crsi-cLas- s

manner.Repairs to Musical Instrument.;

Fine Mechanical Work; ;

Electroplating 'and Gilding.

AH work warranted for tweWemonths. l4-l- m

Rp Vapor MmE3Frt adapted for Pumpinz. Electric

Lighting. running Elevators. Har-vesting and Thrashing Machines. PrintingPresses. Boot and Shoe Machinery, Circu-eula- r.

Jig and Band aw3T Hoisting. Mill,and Mining Machinery. Coffee Mills andRoasters. Poli'hmg ano FannbjfcMachine.Ventilating Apparatus, Emery Whfl,Etc., in fact, everywhere oowrr in needed.

No Boiler, No Fire. No Steam.No Coal, No Ashes.

No Engineer, No Explosion.NO DANGEn

Started Instantly Without Even aMatch

Always Reidy to give oat its Fall Power.

Cost to Run :Abo an One Cent per Home-pow-er per


aCaVThe above Engine cn be seen inoperation at any time at the Meat Marketof ios. Tinier, Xuoami street

aOTInformation in regard to the cost,running, etc. will be furnished on applica-tion to

JOS. TINKER, Nutans St,102-- q So!e Agent Hawaiian Islands.


FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE,Freight Train, will

leave Honolulu for Honouliali and wayStations, Evkst Day (excepting Sun-day) at 10 o'clock A. U.

'Hereafter no Freight will be received for shipment, by Passenger Trains,except by Ejeciai arrangement.

Oihu Railway & Land Co.,

W. G. Ashley. Srir. lS8-l- m



from one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, allum- -inum and rubber bases.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.131-- q


109 Nuuanu Street, - - Honolulu.

Employment Agent,First-clas- s Cooks and family help a

Specialty. llS-3m- v


Is prepared to receive pupils inClassics, Mathematics and English

Literature.Special preparation for University and

Competitive Examinations.EJtf" For terms, etc.. please" apply No. 4

Garden Lane, behind British Club. 107-I- m

RUPTU REIn adter--,

tilling DPIERCE

PatentU 1 l: cripnr.unt i iv.ELASTIC STRUSS. S

Ma-uc- t is vgiTin tbmt we are VJoffering the Ret no

Trnuln llictlferld.V,.This Celebrated A Mill- - Mince haa been "nsivelvV

JESS Slid fn, mpnr THr. Anst h4Radically Cured I boa a-- X

nu i caKi ui Hapiurr. i Gi5 is an" iKleeirie Trnu (the only .uceeasful ooir.v.r invented ; baa no Iron Hoops or Stelpnnjn) acjOui i ana o?ing can iw worn

with ease and comfort Ml(r.htnd liar. It'saperffre relaiaer X yor farther particular ofraaa. wnd 4c. in stamps for PampblrtSa.l an:QFMPMQED thatDT.Pierce'iennlBe Elect rtII L 111 LlllD L II Trusses contain oar Private MrMature exactly like that zhown at lop of ibrpul .ri tiM-naeu- a. Beware of inferior imitationAddra;





Compounds and Hoofing

sezd's pates t

Felt Stem Kpe CoTcrlrg, ill sizes.


Wool Iut,Bone ileal,

!Fiah Guano,ALSO


Hkh Grade Chemical Cane Manure.


Cocksfoot, Eye Grass and Clovers.


Falrbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Bee 1 and 2 lb. tins.


BalMii Locomotives!

35The undersigned having bet n appointed

bole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

Barakm, Parry, Williams & Co,

I"tiilaielphia, Penn.,Are now prepared to Rive estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

' The Eaidwdt Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave . pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere bat is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. GL. IRWIN & Co.,Sole Agehts for Hawaiian Islands.


THEEISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Baat aad Howard Streets.

Ssn Fraoclsco ..CaliforniaW. H. TATLOB PresidentB. 3. MOOSE Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all lta branefcea.i

Steamboat, Steamablp. Land Engines Boilers,! : High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,, with bulla ot wood, iron or composite.

OBDISABT ENGINES compounded wbea ad-- ;visible.

8TEAM LAUNCHES. Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed wttb reference to tbe trade in wblcbthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage enddraft of water guaranteed.

SVG AB BOLLS end Sugar Making Machinerymade after tbe most approved plans. AUo.all

i Boiler Iron Work counectod therewith..WATER PIPE, of Boiler 01 Sheet Iron, of aty

size, made In suitable Iergtbs for con uectlrgtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted cn tbeground.

HYDRAULIC BIVETTOG, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwon oei ng xar supenor to nana won.

SHIP WORX.. Ship and Steam Capstans. SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madealter tne most approvea piaos.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PCMPS Direct Acting Primps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve iiotlon, superior to any othexpump.

JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Boom So. S.npstalrB.SpreckMs' Block

SUN NAM SING,No. 109 N"uuanu Street.

Begs to call the attention of the public totheir lari;e and well selected gtock of

Japanese Goods,Suitable for this market, which will twgold at lowest prices. 4fMv

Big G has given univer-sal satisfaction in the

f to a DaTS.X cure cf Gonorrhcpa andBsaraoM at K Woasa Suimn. Gleet. 1 prescribe It and

feel safe In recouameod-in- g

It to all sufferers.

V Ofcio. NJ PRICE, SI. 00jiv.t Sold br Druftfiata.

Hollibt- - Co,, Wholesale Agents.Bis sow, 8 i th a Wholesale Agents


Practical IButclier,15D XaXLK Or THE

Celebrated Cambridge Fork Sausage

Made by the very best Machinery andcannot be equalled. His

Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Pork

is of the finest quality.

All orders entrusted to his care are de-livered with cleanness and dupatch withina radius of three miles of the city. My


Are a Specialty and need no comment.,My Celebrated


Are the BEST in the Islands.

XfUpwards of half a ton a week sold.

Don't forget the address:


(Opposite Queen Emma Hall.)

jff N. B. So connection with anyoilier jiarxer. iiq




fir3 6 fir3Six (Stv Style) FI3CHIS ul SCECSBEEI

(Xew Yorli Mkf)

PIANOS!Just received direct from the Factory.

We will sell them at Prices that defy com'petition, on

Easy Monthly Installments!

g 'Call early and get first choice. Alsoa new line ox

Plash Piano Scarfs and Piano Stools.


Wilier & Co,

SO. 92 FORT ST.,

Are now showing a Large NewStock of Goods" suitable for theHolidays, coaprising DiamondJewelry of all kinds ; Broaches,Earrings, Bracelets, Bangles,Lace and Scarf Pin3, Rings,Ladies' and Gent's Gold andSilver Watches and WatchChains, Native Jewelry, Clocks,Silverware, Gold Headed Canes,Etc., Etc., Etc.,

CT"PT;ces within the reachof all. Give us a call. 135--1 m



Hawaii. March 9, 1888. 1

aiidon Iron and Locou.oti Werka. San Fraa-elac- o.

Gentlemen We have vtei 110 of toutFilter I'reateetLlsaoMon. Thej

are coDTcniunt, eaally bandied and ere workingentirely to our aatisfact'on. I ran reeomznendno Improvement on theiu.

Very reipectfollTyouxt.(slgcea) A. MOOBB,

Manager Vaaub&u Plantation- -

Exkia. Sept. 38, 1889.Ha. Joes Dtxs, Agent Blsdon Iron Worka

Honolulu.Dear Sib: Fleue ebip ns one of yoar 30

Compartinent Filter Freneee. 240 aquare feetinrface.rame m the one supplied us laat season,ffnich I aiu pleased to ay has given us entiresatisfaction. Xoore tmly,

GEO. K. EWAT.T,M&nsger Seels Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy foriRh pressures, occupies a floor opaee of tlx

t ft., an.l presents a filtering surface of 240square feet. A limited number in stock InHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Klsdon Iron A I.x-o-. Works.San Francisco.

For particulars enquire cfJOHN' DYER Honolulu

Boom No. 3 Sprockets' Block:79 1343-- W.Q.1RW1K tCn.. Attttt.


Carpenter and Painter

Contractor, Builder and Jobber,

Farniture aid Cabinet Maker, etc.

Chinese Employment Office.

:So. 39 Kins Street.

CTMutual Telephone f,70; lkllTel.9ri-3- y

& CO.

Arrival o leitfe0

Ul Bays from IiTerpoolI


New Goods

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Fry Tans,Bedsteads,

Fence Wire,Sheathing Metal,

Roofing Iron,Cane Kniree,


Sole Leather Tronks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Red Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,Rope Brushes,

Croquet Sets,Dressing Case-- ,

Mirrors,Saddle- -

Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, Handkerchief a,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets,Velvets, Embroidered Dresses,

Flannel,Basket Trunks,'

Picnic Hampers,Rogs, Mats, Carpets,

Clothing, Tweeds,Ginghams,


Suit in s in latest styles,Underwear, Braces,Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtiiro?,Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-pro- of Coats,Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,Fine Hosiery Silk, Lisle, Cotton,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets,Fancy Crockery,

Common Crockery,Wedgewood War.


Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands,Decanters,Salad Bowls,Mnsh Sets,Flower Pots,Filters,Etc., Etc, Etc.

Theo. F. Daries & Co

Sarsaparilla, Lemon,



rnmnlta m,.

SILYEEWAREawauvruva u.vav4avlt ' AAA OV11UUI C Jiforget -me nots, chrysanthemums, etc., etc

were last season.arrive on the 12th inst.

from a r15n rav to an flahorate raised eoldmakes of Howard. Walthara, Elgin, Dueber,

Fort Street,1 54-I- ra


Cream and Plain Soda,

Cider, Etc., Etc.

Horses Keot.


FOR SALE:zjtallions of "Various Breeds.

Blares with, or without FoalHorses for any Purpose


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.


public for past favors,remain respectfully yours,


attended to. and Oooda delivmrf tn .n ..t .k.Hatlafactlon ritaraDteed. Poatoffice Bo 1 a

Mutual 330 TELEPHONES Ml 298.CaT-ISLA-



IPedipxees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor berTice at the Ranch, Waialae:

WeU-bre- d Stallion. "1AJRUX."Norman Stallion

GROWL."Thoroughbred 8 tl. ".MIDINriG-IIT.- "

Two Native Stallions'PILIAOAO" ana "FRANK."

A. "Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

PAUL R.1314-l- v


and is now better prepared to do any and' all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the bnildinz trade that may be entrusted to my care. I am enabled to dothe same at verv low rates, to suit the extremely doll times, and at the same timeTearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Thanking theI


El. K. Mclntyre & JBro.


Groceries, Provisions and Feedbast corn's r fort and king streets.

3Tw fjeoda recetred br erery packet from the Eastern Stateaand F.nmoa fM.i.n.m.i.

The Enterprise Hack Co.rjXJt, HAS BEENt5i and has removed to Carriage

Stand No. 13, opposite the Po-lice Station. Telephone orders wiil receiveprompt attention and the public guaran-teed satisfaction. Wagonetts furnished ata few minute's notice.

IW-Be- ll Tel. 113; Mutual Tel. 30.WALLACE JACKSON,

150-l- m Manager.proloce by every ateamer. U orders faithfullycity free of charge. Itland order solicited.Telephone Wo. z ffala 1343 79 q