O IINECA H:E ALD III II II I II I II T i Vol. 19 NEW I~AZELTdN',"I}, ( j . , "A'PI~IL 22, Geo. McBean Big Year for " . . . . . . . . . " Mining Says : Usk W.S. Harris I Indust~ialCentre I ~.~ , . , ~'~"~','~'~'~-'~"~'*'~"~,"'~ - * ~ ' ~ ' ~ Miss Jacquot l~ spending her East- For the past number of years New er vacation nt Evelyn where she form- Hazelton has been looking forward to erly taught school, that mining revival which W, S. Har- ris sllys is about totake place this sea- Mrs. J, Fea and her son George Dur. son. The new mhflng has already got ham Fen, of Smithers are guests of o a good start although weather condi~ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Adams over the lions have been against the ope~'ators, holidays Besides the work atthe Silver Cup it is stated that the American Boy pro- Miss ¥iole Whitlow" returned fron~ perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently changed hands and the flnanc- , lug ia the east is being handled by Wm Miss Teddy Alien is' spending a holi- McAdam, who was formerly interested days with her sister, Mrs. Jack Smffh. in mining on Rocher de Boule moan Jack Allen was also up for a trip but lain. Then good progress is being returned to Rupert o nTuesday. made on the Sunrise anO it will pro- " bably have quite a staff employed be- A benefit basket social was held on fore the smmner is advanced very far. Saturday night last in.Bethurem hall i Thus at least three mines will work which resulted in a ~et profit of about ,,n Nine MUe mountain this ydar. ~65.00. Local road work has been stai'ted LADIES AID TEA AND SALE under foreman James Gall. The Ladies Aid tea and sale of Eas- Mrs. Whitlow entertained a number tar novelties held at the parsonage in of friends last Tuesday evening at a IIazelton on Saturday afternoon last little dance given in honor of her dan. week was a fine success, financially ghter Violet. nnd socially. The tea tables were = very prettily decorated and there was Rev. Hr. Robinson held Easter set- , good turnout of the citizens. Dur- vices a Riverside House on Easter ing tim afternoon home made candy Monday. was also sold. %'he ladies realized ~75. J. D. WELLS BODY FOUND CHURCH IIAD ~ FINE YEAR The bo.dy of the late James D. Well~- The last quarterly meeting of th~ who was drowned in the Skeena river board of the New Hazelton ehm'ch was l~st Chl'istm'as~"ivas found by- Jack hehl in the church on Wednesday Sparkes, the local ferryt~an, on the evening when relmrts were presented shore at Usk on Tuesday, April 19th. from all branches of the church activi- - The body was lmried at his old home ties. The finances of all the socitles site ' where his brohers Amos and An were found to be in geod shape and the operation costs have all been met. drew are now living. Cons, Service of Terrace was in town. in commotion l)uring the year considerable money with the finding. was spent by the trustees and by the Ladies AM on improvements .to the church ln'operty and also came to the assistance of the board ia meeting the ,,,o,o o=o,, Terrace Notes tionally high. The church and the pi'operty are 'in pretty good shape, al. .---T'-'. though in the near future repairs will Miss Elsie Brook of Hullat Is the guest~of L. IL and Mrs: Kemley be required on the foundations of the IHHnse. , .., FINE DANCE AT TELHWA bridge , Tlmse from New llnzelton who tool~ in the Easter Monday drawee ~t Talk, wa were Mrs, Thornton, ,~Iiss Richard. s,m. C. H. and Mrs. Sawle, Pete Spoon ~u'. l)nlL McKenzie Messrs. V~thle an( Woodall; from Hazelton, C. W. and Mrs. l)awson, Miss Porfitt; fl'om Kis ldox, Messrs Henderson a]~d Greemi. way. They all report having a fine time and enjoyed the outing. The af- fidr was in aid of the Nursing Home ~t Telkwa of which Miss Knock, one L.A. NEWMAN~ ' sp0ons Chief Dpmtnion Cerealist, who i~1~frs of the grgdtmtes of the local hospital orlginate~l the new Garnet wheat, graduate nui'ses is in charge. There has issued a final report on this was a hig crowd at tim dance and the new ~ariety in which he foreeasts'a frSor and the nmsic were excellent, saving of millions of dollars for the ................... , ........ Western, growers, because it makes Idosslble the extension of the,wheat Misses knmt Joimson and Jessie line "at least a hundred miles far~, • Smith were hostes,~es at a party ~ft the ther north . .... Jas: -rmer's homeoh;.Monday night. The "' titbit e, youngsters had an enjoyable thue. " ' " ~6~i. Rev, "Mr, Proctor' will conduct ser- da~, Is maldng ~t good recovery,' ..... Win. Grant was admitted to the hos- vices at K ltwangit On Sunday, The~e ' "' - ~ ' ~: : " , " ' , M~s 3~arbuck and dan hter of pital as a patient ~ednesda3 evening ~vll! be no ~ervices I,, "thh An~l|On'n " ,- .g • r% " " ' . . . . . . ° ..... 1 ...... I~ ' " ' " ': ' chhtch in II' .... , _ ." ' ,' P'Ince Rupert spe t' a fewdays the , ~ azeltonmacaay. ' " ~ . • ,'. r'; .... ~ ,, :- . - ,,, .B,b Willan is now: hiiortlng a nexy ~ "' :" , ' _ . , end of the ~ek on their .rhnch: ~ .... ('ill'. .' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' :' ' ' " , ' ' " " ~ ' ~ " " ,': ' - " . ' Rev. Father Leray arrived from the Px.ed 'Scott was ,in Rupert recently. Mr had Mrs T Hhll oe ~nvnnhv coast ou Saturday and eonducted spec- , ' : ', .took in the dunce at. Teik~va Monna,,. !lal' EaSter' sei~vlces'in', the":. Ca~01ie ' eapt, Colthurst" was host ..at a de= ¢ .... . ':~:~-~\,.~:= , . -, ]church "on,~unday., There was, a big lightful, dinner party at~h]~ .holae ~on ,' . . . . . ' .... ~.i ~ ~'k.'. ' '{ ,': :%' "- :', .-" :;*' ' ' ~,,,:' ~;" ',~, "~ ~, ' .,;. ~ .'" "- , ~ - ' ,'~ "," .- ": X~ m, Grant ~as a business vis|tox ~at" turnot~t to gree~: a former, pastel who Geod ~ riday. ~he guests say that, the .... .,Smithers over the week end.:. :., :~: ~:;liad" Just"retu~ne0 froma'trip abroad. Captal|n ~s-an ideal ho~t, , '~ ',,,( ,. ~• ' Ready to Farm At Tw .... , ' 0 Nlllel¢.ssair ranch to his own place on the . . " . ]hill He says that as soon as, he can dispose of his equipment he proposes to George BeBean has 160 acres ad- give up farming. The Cassiar ranch Joining A, Taylor's place at the Two is now in charge of Mr. McNeil for Hile corner. He acquired it some 4 or 5 years ago and since then has clear ed and put under cultivation some- thing over tWenty acres." ~He has erec- ted some three miles, of fencing and has gatl~ered together some equipment for farming. He is clearing up a few more acres:this spring. The fm'm is ideally~ located and is a perfect place for a large dairy farm. The s0il is good for the most part, it is slightly rolling, well watered and there is suf- ficient grazing land on it for quite a herd. Two Mile "creek runs thrbugh it snd would supply, not only water: to all possible buildings, but could be nmde to supply power to run all sta- ionary machinery and light all build- i~gs. The power development cost ~'ould be very sina;ll UP to the present McBean has only produced fodder crops. Like Mr. Tay- lor he is a bachelor and needs a' house- keeper to take charge of things. He has tried to keep cows, but having to leave home for one or more months at a time, found it was not the best pro- position Under present conditions. He has'hopes of a change ..some time. A great feature in favor of these places is {hat all transportation pro- blems have been solved ; the' water sup- ply is sure; all experimhntal' wprk ~ith. crops has been done anti'it ha§ been proven that c0rn~ alfalfa, clovers all kinds of grains will yield c~.ops that wili compete with any.section.of. the" cSntinent. Of course all kinds' .',1 vegetables do exeeptionaly lwell and fruit has been successfully grown in 'a !1 parts of the district. So. far as the climate is concerned, there is none better'and 'th~ man Who wants to farm can do no better :than I get into this section and fret busy,,. _ ,.- I ~rs Gee. Little entertained the B D. club on TuesdaY evening of this week. 5Iv. and ~Mrs. P. '~Ionckton enter- taiaed a .:few f~.iencls at a'delightful dinner l~arty on Eastbr Snnday. I A slight appreciation of ~service ' was shown by members of the La- dies Guld on Thursday last at the res- 1.927 ¢ I nalHospit 1 Day Along the Skee ........ a Mr, Medd the new owner. He is hav- ing the house put in shape before put- ting his family into it. ~Ir. McNeil is g~eatly taken with the Skeena river district and.hopes to make his perman- nt home at Woodcock. Afte having been. closed for several years the Cedarvale district sehoal i~ to be reopened after the Easter holt- lays. Miss Warr of ~r-ictoria has been engaged as teacher.. Plans and specifi- cations are being prepared fSr a new school building to be ready for the pening of the fall term. The build- ng will be 20 by 30 feet. In the in- terval the church hall will be used as a school. The boom has been put across the Skeena at Cedarvale and as soon as the water is high enough the big drive will start. There is more cedar this year than ever and the boom camp will bbe a busy place the rest of the year. W. C. Little of Woodcock, the turnip farmer, has recently received from Vie- oria 24 pheasants which he has let out nnd woe onto tl~e person he finds gu~,- ning for them. He hopes to control .he cut worm nuisance with the birds. Mrs. Dungate is visiting at'the home f l~Irs. Tordiff at Cedarvale. Mrs..(DrQ Ardaugh. of Kitwanga spent the week end ~vith" ller ~gra'fid: daughter. Miss R. Paten and Miss Marsh of Prince Rupert spentthe Easter holi- days with Rev. arid Mrs. Marsh ~Iiss Slbary of Copper City spent the week end with Miss Mallot~ aml on Tuesday went to Rupert. F. BeUway left Tuesday for Seattle on a business trip. Jas, Swann made a lmsiness trip to the east on Monday. Knute Olsoa and two children left for Prince Rupert on Tuesday for medfcal .treatment. Mrs, ~oonan and children of Telk- wa are guests at the home ofher me." ther, Mrs. F. Bohler. Mr. and Mrs Diggles and family of Fraser Lake am'lyed Sunday t ° look over the prospects of moving here. idenee of Mrs. T: Brooks; when :they' T.L. Thomas of' Pacific spent a few liresented their president, Mrs, Wm. days t~ town. Allen with'a 5eauti'ful set of tea p~ons Adams pattern ' ....... : comnmnity plate, i, ~fr,~ ~ G. Melcher Thehas been confined to Allen, ia replying expressed'her appt:e-]the hospital as the result of an injury cli~ti0n of the ~ood:feeling ex.i~t=lng i~eceived ~tn.. the woods, returned' I~I0n- and hol,ed ~he w,mhl~continue,t~O.:bp ~,,vee~,i,,~flt. ." worthy of it, " " i ! ~ ':: !"Th: P:~: : - - i ', :: : : i, e a'e~ t Teachers held their reg- The many'fri0nds'o~ Mr.: av IMrs, '~ " ' ~lar: monthly meeting iff the sehpbl McConnell "will be glad 'to iea'rn l~0flse on Thursday eveningihst'~when fiieir'!littie dau~hte~ ' Gertnide ~ver'iflfty: wet:e present. The feature W~o'und~r~en't ' ""' .... ~ ..... an operation: on ,~! ~fl the evening was Dr. Turpers talk . , p,, -,, . . , .. . on ,health:/Solos were .rendered .. by ......... ::/ .... ~,. !, );;'-. .{.;.. Revs. Robinson and ,Allen ,Rev' and Mrs, Allen entertainedthe Junior C:"G."I:T,0~ 'MondaY.}Whea ~0 thildrea'were preseat. They ~clintbed l~o t~e top of, ~hornhill mouutaiwa~d: ~here spent several happy hoh~. 'On '~ueSdny :thOj, I)~yl se~ts ';! "lindi: trail: On May 12th Getting Ready - Arrangements "are now under way [or the observance of Hospital Day at the Hazelton hospital on May 12th. The board of directors on Wednesday evening appointed a committee to co- operate with the W. A. to the H H, in preparing the program and in carrying off the various events connected with the day As'has been the custom for a number of years there, will be no call for money and none will be expected, exeep~ from the patrons of the special picture show and of the dance should the committee decide to put one on. It is expected that the program will be just as attraCtive this year as ever and that a lrage number of people will avail themselves of the opportunity to visit the institution. "O1~ ~O EDMONTON Messrs. F. G. Dawson, Supt W. H. Toby, Win. Fulton, M.. M. Stephens, M. P. McCaffery and Olof Hanson were delegates from the Prince Rupert Board of Trade who left Monday for Edmonton to visit the Board of Trade in the Alberta capital. There are a number of important matters which effect the two cities and these frlen~I- ly visits are going to help them both • in developing their trade. EASTER Af THE UNITED Easter services were held in the Un- ited church last Sunday both morning j church Was nicely dee0rated for. the oe~.~-,i~ ~the~ morning service there was also:a ;t; Ibaptismal service when Christena"Me- '"i /Leod Ardaugh was bapflsed, 'and tim communion service° In the even!,;g iL was largely a musical service and a large congregation was present, the. ehurck not being able to hold all who sought admissiop,~ Mrs. S. Kirk~.0.y presided at the ~rgan nad ,~ther~ ,,~.ho took part were:~Rev. Alien, "The P,esurreCtion" ;F. Hall, ;"Leave it with llim," Mrs. Allen "Open the Gates": Mrs. S. Kirkaidy, "I heard the voice of Jesus say"; Mrs. Allen and M(,ssrs. Hall and Allen, "What are thees;" Messrs. Hall •anc] Allen, "Wa~,.hmau, x~bat of the NigIW'. The'special Easter services, were held in St, Matthews church Sunday morning with a large congregation pre- sent. Owing to the sickness of .M,,s. Von Hess, Miss U. Marsh kindly offi- ciated'at the organ. Mrs. Robinhou and Mrs. Giggy sang a duet. An irf- terest'ing feature of the service was' the {hhnks' nioved for ~he curtain for 'the organ and the flowers for the. sei'. ¢ice given:by.the W. A., an elegant organ Stool made had given'by Ray. T. Y. Marsh, .. i On Good Friday last two servio.s : were held. in St Matthewq church, in- elhdla~ O~e'f0r children 2n the ~fl'er- h'o0n. Bath were~ well ,attended. Th 0dedfellows and Rebec,)as .wtii,: attend divlfie'~service.at. St.:Mattlm~s, ~: e~u~h :on' :Sund~y,.'~:~,prtl" 26th in the ::t eveuing,. Ther~ will l~e s ,'~-,iai. in,sic. ' .i;ij ,~he: iive" ladSteaehe;S" entertalne~ .:"i~(:ii thdir.fri~ds 'at brldg~'~ ~day !ast: :,~ in ithe G.':'W. '~V.~A. hall The~e, Were ~..I,,' MrS. Geo. Little nnd.L. H;J.Kenneyr"i~i i: :i:i@ t/t i: I.I : x~:"

O IINECA H:E ALD - COnnecting REpositories · perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently

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Page 1: O IINECA H:E ALD - COnnecting REpositories · perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently


I I I I I I I I I I I I I T i

Vol. 19 NEW I~AZELTdN',"I}, (j . , "A'PI~IL 22,

Geo. McBean Big Year for " . . . . . . . . . "

• Mining Says : Usk • W.S. Harris I Indust~ialCentre I ~.~ , . , ~ ' ~ " ~ ' , ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ - ' ~ " ~ ' * ' ~ " ~ , " ' ~ - * ~ ' ~ ' ~

Miss Jacquot l~ spending her East- For the pa s t number of years New er vacat ion nt Evelyn where she form-

Hazelton has been looking forward to erly taught school,

tha t mining revival which W, S. Har-

r is sllys is about t o t a k e place th is sea- Mrs. J, Fea and her son George Dur. son. The new mhflng has a l ready got ham Fen, of Smithers a re guests of

o a good s ta r t a l though weather condi~ Mr. and M r s . W. R. Adams over the lions have been agains t the ope~'ators, holidays Besides the work a t t h e Silver Cup i t is s ta ted tha t the American Boy pro- Miss ¥ i o l e Whitlow" re turned fron~ perty will resume operat ions about Prince Ruper t las t Saturday to spend the middle of May. This p roper ty re- the holidays a t home , cently changed hands and the flnanc-

, lug ia the east is being handled by Wm Miss Teddy Alien is' spending a holi- McAdam, who was former ly interested days with her sister, Mrs. Jack Smffh. in mining on Rocher de Boule moan Jack Allen was also up for a t r ip but lain. Then good progress is being returned to Rupert o nTuesday. made on the Sunrise anO it will pro-

" bably have quite a staff employed be- A benefit basket social was held on

fore the smmner is advanced very far. Saturday night last in.Bethurem hall

i Thus at least three mines will work which resulted in a ~et profit of about

,,n Nine MUe mounta in this ydar. ~65.00.

Local road work has been stai ' ted LADIES A I D TEA AND SALE under foreman James Gall.

The Ladies Aid tea and sale of Eas- Mrs. Whit low entertained a number tar novelties held a t the parsonage in of fr iends last Tuesday evening a t a IIazelton on Sa turday afternoon last l i t t le dance given in honor of her dan. week was a fine success, f inancial ly ghter Violet. nnd socially. The tea tables were =

very pret t i ly decorated and there was Rev. Hr. Robinson held Eas ter set- , good turnout of the citizens. Dur- vices a Riverside House on Eas te r ing tim afternoon home made candy Monday. was also sold. %'he ladies realized ~75.


The bo.dy of the late James D. Well~- The last quar te r ly meeting of th~

who was drowned in the Skeena r iver board of the New Hazel ton ehm'ch was l~st Chl'istm'as~"ivas found b y - J ack hehl in the church on Wednesday Sparkes, the local ferryt~an, on the

evening when relmrts were presented shore a t Usk on Tuesday, April 19th. from all branches of the church activi-

- The body was lmried a t his old h o m e ties. The f inances o f all the socitles site '

where his brohers Amos and An were found to be in geod shape and the operation costs have al l been met. drew are now living. Cons, Service of

Terrace was in town. in commotion l)uring the y e a r considerable money with the finding. was spent by the trustees and by the Ladies AM on improvements . to the church ln'operty and also came to the assistance of the board ia meeting the

, , , o , o o = o , , Terrace Notes t ionally high. The church and the pi'operty a re ' in p re t ty good shape, al. .---T'- ' . though in the near future repairs will Miss Elsie Brook of Hul la t Is the

guest~of L. IL and Mrs: Kemley be required on the foundations of the I H H n s e . , . . ,


, Tlmse from New llnzelton who tool~ in the Easter Monday drawee ~t Talk, wa were Mrs, Thornton, ,~Iiss Richard. s,m. C. H. and Mrs. Sawle, Pete Spoon ~u'. l)nlL McKenzie Messrs. V~thle an( Woodall ; from Hazelton, C. W. and Mrs. l)awson, Miss Por f i t t ; fl'om Kis ldox, Messrs Henderson a]~d Greemi. way. They all repor t having a fine t ime and enjoyed the outing. The af- f idr was in a id of the Nursing Home ~t Telkwa of which Mis s Knock, one L . A . NEWMAN~ ' sp0ons

Chief Dpmtnion Cereal is t , who i~1~frs of the grgdtmtes of the local hospital orlginate~l t h e new Garne t wheat ,

graduate nui'ses is in charge. T h e r e has i ssued a final r e p o r t on th is was a hig crowd a t tim dance a n d the new ~ar ie ty in which he f o r e e a s t s ' a frSor and the nmsic were excellent, saving of mi l l ions of do l la rs for t h e ................... , ........ Western, growers, because it makes

Idosslble the extension of the,wheat Misses k n m t Joimson and Jessie line "at leas t a h u n d r e d miles far~,

• Smith were hostes,~es a t a par ty ~ft the ther n o r t h . .... J a s : - rmer ' s homeoh; .Monday n i g h t . The "' titbit e,

youngsters had an enjoyable thue . " ' " ~6~i.

Rev, "Mr, Proctor' will conduct ser- da~, Is maldng ~t good recovery,' .....

Win. Grant was admit ted to the hos- vices a t K ltwangit On Sunday, The~e ' "' - ~ ' ~: : " , " ' , M~s 3~arbuck and dan h ter of pital as a pat ient ~ednesda3 evening ~vll! be no ~ervices I,, "thh An~l|On'n " , - . g • r%

" " ' . . . . . . ° . . . . . 1 . . . . . . I~ ' " ' " ': ' chhtch in II' .... , _ ." ' ,' P'Ince Rupert spe t ' a fewdays the

, ~ • azeltonmacaay. ' " ~ . • ,'. r'; .... ~ ,, :- . - ,,, .B,b Willan is now: hiiortlng a nexy ~ "' :" , ' _ . , end of the ~ e k on the i r .rhnch: ~ . . . .

( ' i l l ' . . ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' :' ' ' " , ' ' " " ~ ' ~ " " , ' : ' -

" . ' Rev. F a t h e r Leray ar r ived from the Px.ed 'Sco t t was ,in Ruper t recently. Mr had Mrs T Hhll oe ~nvnnhv coast ou S a t u r d a y and eonducted spec- , ' : ' ,

.took in the dunce at. Teik~va Monna,,. !lal' EaSter ' sei~vlces'in' , the":. Ca~01ie ' e ap t , Colthurst" w a s host ..at a de= ¢ .... . ' :~:~-~\, .~:= , . - , ]church "on,~unday. , There was, a b i g l ightful, d i n n e r p a r t y at~h]~ .holae ~on

,' • . . . . . ' . . . . ~.i ~ ~ ' k . ' . ' • ' { , ' : : % ' "- : ' , . - " : ; * ' ' ' ~ , , , : ' ~ ; " ' ,~, " ~ ~ , ' . , ; . ~ . ' " " - , ~ - ' , ' ~ " , " . - " :

X~ m, Grant ~ a s a bus iness vis|tox ~at" turnot~t t o gree~: a former, pas te l who Geod ~ r i d a y . ~ h e gues t s say that , the .... .,Smithers over t h e w e e k end. : . :., :~: ~:;liad" Just"retu~ne0 f r o m a ' t r i p abroad. Captal|n ~s-an ideal ho~t, , '~ ' , , , ( ,. ~ • '

Ready to Farm At Tw . . . . , ' 0 Nlllel¢.ssair ranch to his own place on the

. . • " . ]hill He says tha t as soon as, he can dispose of his equipment he proposes to

George BeBean has 160 acres ad- give up farming. The Cassiar ranch • Joining A, Taylor ' s place at the Two is now i n charge of Mr. McNeil for H i l e c o r n e r . H e a c q u i r e d i t s o m e 4

or 5 years ago and since then has clear ed and put under cul t ivat ion some- thing over tWenty acres." ~He has erec- ted some three miles , of fencing and has gatl~ered together some equipment for farming. He is clearing up a few more ac re s : t h i s spring. The fm'm is ideally~ located and is a perfect place for a large da i ry farm. The s0il is good for the most part , i t is slightly rolling, well watered and there is suf- f icient grazing land on i t for quite a herd. Two Mile "creek runs thrbugh i t snd would supply, not only water: to a l l possible buildings, but could be nmde to supply power to run al l sta- ionary machinery and l ight a l l build- i~gs. The power development cost ~'ould be very sina;ll

UP to the present McBean has only produced fodder crops. Like Mr. Tay- lor he is a bachelor and needs a' house- keeper to take charge of things. He has t r ied to keep cows, but having to leave home for one or more months a t a time, found i t was not the best pro- posit ion Under present conditions. He has 'hopes of a change ..some time.

A great fea ture in favor of these places is {hat all t ranspor ta t ion pro- blems have been solved ; the' water sup- p ly is sure; al l experimhntal ' wprk ~ith. crops h a s been done a n t i ' i t ha§ been proven tha t c0rn~ alfalfa, clovers al l kinds of gra ins will yield c~.ops tha t wili compete w i t h any.sect ion.of . the" cSntinent. Of course a l l kinds' .',1 vegetables do exeeptionaly lwell and f ru i t has been successfully grown in 'a !1 par t s of the distr ict .

So. f a r as the climate is concerned, there is none be t t e r ' and 'th~ man Who wants to farm can d o no better : than I get into this section and fret busy,,. _ ,.- I

~ r s Gee. Li t t le enter tained the B D. club on TuesdaY evening of this


5Iv. and ~Mrs. P. '~Ionckton enter- ta iaed a .:few f~.iencls a t a ' d e l i g h t f u l dinner l~arty on Eastbr Snnday. I

A slight appreciat ion of ~service ' was shown by members of t h e La- dies Guld on Thursday last at the res-

1.927 ¢


nalHospit 1 Day Along the Skee . . . . . . . . a

Mr, Medd the new owner. He is hav- ing the house pu t in shape before put- ting his family into it. ~Ir. McNeil is g~eatly taken with the Skeena r iver distr ict and.hopes to make his perman- n t home a t Woodcock.

Afte having been. closed for several years the Cedarvale dis t r ic t sehoal i~ to be reopened a f t e r the Eas te r holt- lays. Miss W a r r of ~r-ictoria has been engaged as t e ache r . . Plans and specifi- cations a re being prepared fSr a new school building to be ready for the pening of the fa l l term. The build- ng will be 20 by 30 feet. In the in-

terval the church hall will be used as a school.

The boom has been put across the Skeena at Cedarvale and as soon as the water is high enough the big d r i v e will s tar t . There is more cedar th is year than ever and the boom camp will bbe a busy place the rest of the year.

W. C. Little of Woodcock, the turnip farmer, has recently received from Vie- oria 24 pheasants which he has let out

nnd woe onto tl~e person he f inds gu~,- ning for them. He hopes to control .he cut worm nuisance with the birds.

Mrs. Dungate is visi t ing a t ' t h e home f l~Irs. Tordiff a t Cedarvale.

M r s . . ( D r Q Ardaugh . of Kitwanga spent the week end ~vith" l ler ~gra'fid: daughter.

Miss R. P a t e n and Miss Marsh of Prince Rupert s p e n t t h e Easter holi- days with Rev. arid Mrs. Marsh

~ I i s s Slbary of Copper City spent the week end with Miss Mallot~ aml on Tuesday went to Ruper t .

F. BeUway left Tuesday for Seatt le on a business tr ip.

Jas, Swann made a lmsiness t r ip to the eas t on Monday.

Knute Olsoa and two children left for Prince Rupert on Tuesday for medfcal .treatment.

Mrs, ~oonan and children of Telk- wa are guests a t the home o f h e r me." ther, Mrs. F. Bohler.

Mr. and M r s Diggles and family of F rase r Lake am'lyed Sunday t ° l o o k over the prospects of moving here.

idenee of Mrs . T: Brooks; when : they' T . L . Thomas o f ' Pacific spent a few liresented their president, Mrs , Wm. days t~ town. Allen wi th ' a 5eauti'ful set of t ea p~ons Adams pattern ' ....... : comnmnity plate, i, ~fr,~ ~ G. Melcher Thehas been confined to

Allen, i a replying expressed 'her appt:e-]the hospital as the resul t of an in jury cli~ti0n of t h e ~ood: fee l ing ex.i~t=lng i~eceived ~tn.. the woods, re turned ' I~I0n- a n d hol,ed ~he w,mhl~continue,t~O.:bp ~ , , vee~ , i , ,~ f l t . ."

worthy of it, " " i ! ~ ':: !"Th: P :~ : : - - i ', :: : : i , e a'e~ t Teachers held their reg-

The m a n y ' f r i 0 n d s ' o ~ Mr.: av IMrs, '~ " ' ~lar: monthly meeting iff t h e sehpbl McConnell "will be glad ' to iea'rn l~0flse o n Thursday eveningihs t '~when f i ieir ' ! l i t t ie dau~hte~ ' Gertnide ~ver ' i f l f ty: wet:e present. The fea ture

W~o'und~r~en' t ' " " ' . . . . ~ . . . . . a n operat ion: on ,~! ~fl the evening w a s Dr . Turpe r s t a l k . , p , , - , , . . , . . .

on , h e a l t h : / S o l o s were .rendered .. by . . . . . . . . . ::/ . . . . ~,. !, );;'-. .{.;.. Revs. Robinson and ,Allen

,Rev' a n d Mrs, A l l e n e n t e r t a i n e d t h e Junior C : "G . " I :T ,0~ 'MondaY.}Whea ~0 t h i l d r e a ' w e r e preseat. T h e y ~clintbed l~o t~e top of , ~hornhi l l m o u u t a i w a ~ d : ~here spent s eve ra l h a p p y hoh~ . 'On '~ueSdny :thOj, I)~yl s e ~ t s ';! "lindi: t r a i l :

On May 12th Getting Ready

- Arrangements "are now under way [or the observance of Hospi ta l Day a t the Hazel ton hospi tal on May 12th. The board of directors on Wednesday evening appointed a committee to c o -

o p e r a t e with the W . A. to the H H , in p r e p a r i n g t h e p r o g r a m a n d i n c a r r y i n g

off the various events connected with the day As ' ha s been the custom for a number of years there, will be no call for money and none will be expected, exeep~ from the patrons of the special picture show and of the dance should the committee decide t o put one on. I t is expected tha t the program will be jus t a s a t t raCtive this year as ever and t ha t a lrage number of people will avail themselves of the opportunity to visi t the insti tution.


Messrs. F. G. Dawson, Supt W. H. Toby, Win. Fulton, M.. M. Stephens, M. P. McCaffery and Olof Hanson were delegates from the Prince Rupert Board of Trade who lef t Monday for Edmonton to vis i t the Board of Trade in the Alberta capital. There a re a number of important mat ters which effect the two cit ies and these frlen~I- l y visi ts a re going to help them both • in developing their trade.


Eas te r services were held in the Un- ited church last Sunday both morning

j church Was nicely dee0rated fo r . the oe~.~-,i~

~the ~ morning service there w a s a l s o : a ;t; Ibaptismal service when Christena"Me- '"i /Leod Ardaugh was bapflsed, ' a n d tim communion service° In the even!,;g iL was largely a musical service and a large congregation was present, the. ehurck not being able to hold al l who sought admissiop,~ Mrs. S. Kirk~.0.y

presided at the ~rgan nad ,~ther~ ,,~.ho

took part were:~Rev. Alien, "The

P, esurreCtion" ;F. Hall, ;"Leave it with

llim," Mrs. Allen "Open the Gates": •

Mrs. S. Kirkaidy, " I heard the voice of Jesus say" ; Mrs. Allen and M(,ssrs. Hal l and Allen, " W h a t are thees ;" Messrs. Hall •anc] Allen, "Wa~, .hmau, x~bat of the NigIW'.

The ' spec i a l Eas te r s e rv i ces , were held in St, Matthews church Sunday morning with a large congregation pre- sent. Owing to the sickness of .M,,s. Von Hess, Miss U. Marsh kindly offi- c i a t e d ' a t the organ . M r s . Robinhou and Mrs. Giggy sang a duet. An irf- terest'ing fea ture o f the service was' t h e {hhnks' nioved for ~he cur ta in for 'the organ and the flowers for the. sei'. ¢ice g i v e n : b y . t h e W . A., an elegant organ Stool made had g i v e n ' b y Ray. T. Y. Marsh , .. i

On Good F r i d a y las t two s e r v i o . s : were held. in St Matthewq chu rch , in- elhdla~ O~e'f0r children 2n the ~fl 'er- h'o0n. Bath were~ well ,attended.

T h 0dedfellows and Rebec,)as . w t i i , : a t tend divlfie '~service.at . St . :Mattlm~s, ~: e ~ u ~ h : on ' :Sund~y,.'~:~,prtl" 26 th in t h e ::t eveuing,. Ther~ will l~e s ,'~-,iai. in ,s ic . ' .i; ij

, ~ h e : i ive" l a d S t e a e h e ; S " entertalne~ .:"i~(:ii t h d i r . f r i ~ d s 'a t b r l d g ~ ' ~ ~ d a y !ast: :,~

in ithe G.':'W. '~V.~A. hall The~e, Were ~..I,,'

MrS. Geo. Li t t le nnd .L . H;J.Kenneyr"i~i

i: :i:i@ t/ t i: I.I :


Page 2: O IINECA H:E ALD - COnnecting REpositories · perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently





! l

Hanson Lumber & Timber Co.

Manufacturers of



FLOORING - WINDOWS Hemlock Complete,

and S p r u c e different sizes

Mill at • H A N A L L , B . C . Get our prices before ordering e lsewhere



P l a c e r Gold, $77,663,045; Lode Gold, $122:808,190; Silver, $74,111,392; Lead, $89.218,907; Copper, $197.642,647; Zinc, $39,925,947; Coal and Coke, $273,048,953; Building Stone, Brick;

Cement, $44,905,886; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,594,387; Making mineral production to the end of 1925 show

AN AGGP~GATE VALUE OF $920,919,628 The substantial progress of .the mining industry in th i s prov- ince is s tr ikingly illustrated in the following figures, whieh show the value of production for successive 5-year periods:

For all years to !895, i n c l u s i v e . , " . .$ 94,547,241 For five years. 1896-1900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,605,967 For five years, 1901-1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,507,968 For five years, 1906-1910 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,534,474 For five years, 1911-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142,072,603 For five years. 1916-1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189,922,725 For the year 1921 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,066.641 For the year 1922... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,158,843 For the year 1923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,304,320 For the year 1924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,704,604 For the Year 1925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,492,242

PRODUCTION DURING LAST TEN YEARS, $404,o~9,.~:" Lode min ing h a s only been in p r o g r e s s a b o u t 25 years , a n d only a b o u t one-

ha l f o f t he Province has been ~rospeeted; 200,000 s q u a r e miles of unexplored mlneral bearing l ands a re open f o r p rospec t ing .

The mining laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than any other Province in the Dominion or any Colony in th~ British Empire.

Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute titles are obtained by developing such properties, security of which is guaranteed by c r o w n g r a n t s .

, N . B . - - P r a c t i c a l l y all Br i t i sh Columbia minera l p rope r t i e s upon which w o r k h a s been done a re descr ibed in some one of t h e A n n u a l Repo r t s of t h e Minis te r of Mines. Those cons ide r ing m i n i n g inves tmen t s should r e f e r to such repor t s . They a r e ava i lab le w i t h o u t c h a r g e on app l ica t ion to t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Mines, Victoria , B.C. Repor t s cove r ing each o f t h e six Mineral Su rvey Dis t r ic ts a r e publ ished sepa ra t e ly , and a r e avai lable o n appl ica t ion . Repo r t s of t he Geologi- cal Survey o f Canada , Winch Bui lding, Vancouver , B,C., a r e recommended a s va luab le sources of in format ion .

The Honourable •The Minister of Mines VICTORI.A, BRITISH COLUMBIA


Heintzman & Co. pianos Orthophonie V i e t r o l a s

Singer Sewing Machines Underwood Typewriters

Each the standard in its line. Prices standard. Freight paid to your station.

. . . . • - : : Ommeca, Herald IS the Agent - , : [ : , , t . ;

rriz 0m=c . . . . . . I .= . , ,o . . , . ~ Hos_]tal. Printed,every Friday at ¢ "[I i'~'~ ~!' .ii~(. 2 : i.•i), . ,~:./,~~, , ,~ . . . . . . ~ I Y UA71~! T 0 . , ~ B.C. ~ ,,.|[ The, I:Iazelton-Hospital . issues ' t ic-

: - " - - " - ' I l kets f o r any period a t $1.~0 :.per . . . . ~ | l : " .' '

C t H . 8 A W L E - - - - P U B L I S H E R month ]n advance. This rate in- cludes office consultations, medt-

A d v e r t i s i n g rate~--$1.50 p e r inch pe r m o o t h ; r e a d i n g not ices 15e per l ine f i rs t inser t ion, lee i~ar l ine e~eh subeeqden t lndertibn, II


I~on't be selfish. " L i v e and let live," is a pretty fair slogan for us all to adopt in this game of life. The fello~v who plays a lone hand, never thinks or interests himself in his neigh- bdrs, m a y for a while profit by his sefllshness but sooner or later hb will fall bE, the wayside jus t ns sure as we live. A~l, 'besides hash' it been prov- en time and time again that team work ia any venture, whether i t be in business, sports o r pleasure,• is bound t6 win the day? Certainly •it has, and it nerer wi l l 'be otherwise, because no individual or no one industry can upset the basic principals upon which the world was founded.

Co-operation is the key note today, }norse than ever before. Then why not piny the game f a i r with your lo- cal merchants? They are entit led to a living tlie same as anyone else, and just so long as they play the game with you, give y o u r fa i r price, dervice and quali ty goods it's an obligation you "owe them to trade with them.

Make your slogan this year, ."My Community F i r s t " and you will be re- warded far greater in the end than y o u will he by the continued patronage of outside firms. A l l year home towr mershmits want .is an opportunity to serve you. Will you give them the chance?


~The best medical uuth0rities in the • land state that such disease as measle:~ hooping caugh and even tuberculosis are preventable diseases, as much so as diphtheria and scarlet fever, they all being in the communicable class. I f that is correct, and we know no rea- son to believe otherwise, then there i~ sEmethlng radically wrong with the healtl} department in t h i s \ l a n d . In the sonthern cities of this province there is, and has been for months, an 6pidemlc of measles, etc. In our own section' for ~'eeks beeping cough has bee,~e~joying, almost a free hand, and apparently- considered one of those things which children must have and that q t must go through the ' family. Btit, according to the highest medical auth01"itieS'thi~'is n o t at all necessary.

In that case the medical authorit ies of British Colun~bia are not doing for the people of British Columbia any : thing like as much as the health auth- orities are doing for tl~e cows, pigs arid chickens.of Bri t ish Columbia. I t looR:~ to us that the tiling of first, import- ance in British Columbia is the i~ealth of our people. I f all the above dis. eases a r e pl'eventable then they should be prevented. That seems like a .bet- ter and a more economical policy than the exl~Enditure of millions on inst i tu- tions to care•such diseases.

,tines, as well as~all costs while in the hospital. Tickets are ob ' tatnable i n Hazlton at "the drug store or by mail from the meal. l- cul superintendant a t the hospital

X . . . . - . - I ~


P.O. Box 948 ' A wire P R I N C E RUPERT. B.C. will b r in~ us

g ~ . . m - - . . . . . . ~

_ - - _ _ .



New, clean and comfortable.

Fi r s t - c l a s s Din ing Room in connect ion



_ _ ~ - _ . . . . "



Vacant. unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects :over 18 y e a r s , o f age, and " b y a l iens on d e c l a r i n g " i n t e n t i o n to b e t e l , " B r i t i sh subjec ts , conditional upon res idence, occu- pa t ion , and improvemen t fo r a g r i c u l t u r a l purpoees;

Ful l in fo rmat ion concern ing r egu la t ions r e g a r d i n g pro-erupt ions is g ives in Bul le t in No. 1. L a n d Series, " H o w to P r e - e m p t L a n d , " copies of w h i c h can be obta ined f r e e of c h a r g e b y a d d r e s s i n g t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f . L a n d s , Victor ia , B.C.;" or to a n y Gove rnmen t A g e n t .

Records ", will be g r a n t e d cover ing only land s u i t a b l e f o r a g r i c u l t u r a l pu rposes , a n d which is no t t imber land , i.e., c a r r y i n g over 5,000. board f ee t P e r a c r e w e s t of ~he Coas t R a n g e a n d 8,000 f ee t per a c r e ea s t o f t h a t R a n g e .

App l i ca t i ons £er p re . empt iona a r e t o he addressed to the L a n d Commiss ioner o f t h e L a n d Reco rd ing Division in wh ich t h e l and appl ied f o r is s i tua ted , a n d are' m~de" on p r i n t e d fo rms , copies Of wh ich e, a n be obta ined f rom t h e L a n d Covnmbsioner.

P r e e m p t i o n s m u s t h e occupied f o r five y e a r s add improvemen t s made t o ' =the va lue o f $10 p e r acre,, i nc lud ing c l ea r ing a n d c u l t i v a t - i n g a t leas t five ac~ces, b e f o r d : a Crown G r a n t dan be re t s , vea l .

F o r more deta i led i n f o r m a t i o n see t h s Bullet in, H o w P r e - e m p t L a n d . ' . . . .

PU R(~HASE Appl ica t ions a re re~eived for" ' p u r a h a ~ e

o f v a c a n t and un re se rved C r o w n lands , • no t b e i n g t imber land , fol" a g r i c u l t u r a l pu rposes ; ~ in in ih in p r i e e of f l : s t - e l ~ s i(ar~ble) l a n d ~$':'; $~' , P e r ' acre , a n d "aecofid.~iasf' (g l az ing ) hind ' $2,50 p e r ac re . Fux;th'er;~" i n fo rma t ion . x ~ m ~ d l n k p u r o h a s e o r l e ~ e Of C r o w n l s n d s .is' g i v e n . In ]Bulletin' No. . . 10, L a n d Series, " P u r e h e s e and, Lease o f C r o w n L a n d s . "

Mill, f ac to ry , or Indust r ia l s i tes on t i m b e r land, no1; exceed ing 40 acres , m a y be p u r e h a b e d o r

,leased, t h e condi t ions inc lud ing p a y m e n t a f s t u m p a g e . . • ~:,


U n s u r v e y e d a reas , n o t exceed ing 20 acres , m a y be leased . as homeeltes, condi t ional upon ,-'a' d w e l l l n g . , b e l n g e r e c t e d : i n t h e f i ne year . t i t l e , be ing o b t a i n a b l e ' , a f t e r

Had not the girls ,defied the weath- er man last Sunday." and appeared, in their straw hats and spring : clothes, it was a safe bet tha t most people would have thought i t was Christmas Sunday rather than Easter. Looked a s i f the ealander people had made a

res idence , a n d i m p r o v e m e n t condi t ions a r e ' " mistake, ..: : . . . . ful f i l led d ~: rife ' l a n d has been sur. .

• ' ' : veyed.

After spending some weeks 'in: Van. LEASES eom, er taking' his pharmaey ' exams. - Cooper W r l n e h re turned~home: :Wed. For, grazing i and i n d u s t r i a l purpose nesday last, : , : " : a ~ n o t i~xeedi lng 640 acres may bb leased

~' '" b y a n y one person, or c o m p a n y .

• ' e H "' ' " " ' . . . . ' 'GRAZINd .. A eoupl o f azelton car drivers a~- ,. peare~ l/f:l~ollee" e o ~ this'week,:"o/~e " ' . . . . . . " ~' " '

,., '. • ' ,r~ . . . . . . ' ' . " . : ' . . ' . ' U n d e r t h e Gra~l~g ' A c t , : t h e , Province, :" for d r iv ing wi thou t a :license and the Is d iv ided Into g r a z i n g d b t r l c t a , , , a n d t he qthe~ ~for. drt.vl~g to the 'common 'dan- 'ra~ze. a~minktered (under.:" ' " the Gra~lng g e r . , I t seems t]~ey d i sag reed a s t ~ Comm~-. l°ne~' : A~n, ~=d, ~ ' g r ~ l n g p e r m l M a r e

who w~s entitled .to most of : the ~o~d!. ~ U ~ , ' : b a ~ d . ~ :aura*bin':: m n g e d ; : ' P H e r i t ~ v : . . . . . . . . " . : " , , ~'..: ::" .t .',' :'._,. ': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~:.~ . . . . . " l m l ~ ! idvlm* t o "i~t.~blhhed .:':Ownar~2.::. tcttoek. :~, ,,.

.,- - ~='- - , . 7 . . . . . . . .

R, Wil l ims' P r i c e lists s en t on r eques t

Credi t F e n d e r Bldg., VANCO!I,VER. B.C.

. • ,


" ~ AT


City Transfer Stables


Hotel i Prince Rupert I A ~ E A L G O O D H O T E L

I Prince Rupert B.C.

H , B. R O C H E S T E R , Manager l

Rates $1,50 per day up.

Importer~ and' Dealers in

Wallpapers We carry the Burlaps l a r g e s t and

Paints most varied

0il$ stock in

nishes Var ; Northern

Glass British

Brushes, Etc.~ [~Columbia~

Write us for information when

. renoyating or building your home I

' Make Your Home Attract ive L . "


A. W. EDGE Co. 'P.o. BOx ~59.. Prince Rupert, B.C.

Eby's Hardware

--Dealers in- -

John Deere Plow Qo.'s Machinery

Dodge Cars

Graham Trucks ~. ,

Shelf and Heawy Hardwere


Get our prices before yOU: order" elsewhere I


, ' , , ' ~ ' ' ~ • - ~ : ' , ' , ' J 7 , . : : , ' , • ~ ~ " , ' : ' ' , ' . r • " ' t ~ '~ ' ~ ; , ' ~ '

• • -'. ,:,, ;~. ,,/1.'~;7;,'2, " . • / '"'i,'". " . L ".''~" ' :: " '



4 : / • / • ~ !

Page 3: O IINECA H:E ALD - COnnecting REpositories · perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently

! %


• THE ,OM!NEC A H E R A L D , . FRIDAI ~PSzL 2~, 1927

Dr, R,C,B o d- ' : + ' " : " •

DENTIST My office will be closed from

March 1st to the 9.th. Y : ' ~ i :

. ' • . .

Pr0v c l saycr. 'J. D. Boulding

Price Lis t Sent on Appl ica t ion

P r o m p t Service is Given to You Send in Your Samples

, Smithers, B.C. i New Hazelton

J. Allan Rutherford Auto [ttncy S.crvicc| Al l descriptions of sur-

veys promptly executed

Between Hazelton and New [ SMITHERS, B .G. ' l-Iazelton and* the Railway, | -

t r i c t - - and a t any hour. " 1

Phohe Hazelton • ] 1 short, 1 long, 1 shor t 1 long l

Omineca Hotel, 2. long 2 s h o r t | !

Dr. Agnew . New Spring Hats Dr. Coghlan

i l % l r i l ~ l l ~ l P - - - - - - ~ - - " "

We lake Pllclfie Milk has made friends be- cause it gave what they wanted. i t is the best in the Dominion. Our par t is to receive with care a n d to preserve with scruplous a t t en t ion" its r ichness and lmr i ty undimin- t.~ed. I h e larvae and growing Im- Ironago indicates how well this l i;is been doiie,.

~ ........

Paci f i c M i l k Head Otfice: Vancouver

Factor ies a t Abbotsford and Ladner

fl " /i Wm. Grant's il ~ " ,

ii •Agency 1 ,~ r E A l . E ST A'l" I~ t

{; D is t r i c t A g e n t f o r the lea.ding ~" Insurance C o m p a n i e s - ~ Life ~i Fire ; , .~5 Heal th $' Accident

I B A ~ E L ' r b N [i. C.

I ', !

' O m i n e c a ! Hotel I

C. W. Dawson, Prop. 1


Dining roem in. , ,eonnecti0n

Hazelton, April• 29 to May 1

Terrace, May 3 to 5

n I Don't squeeze blackheads---dis- solve them. Get two ounces of peroxine powder f rom any drug

store and rub with hot, wet cloth' briskly over the blackheads. They misply dissoh'e and d isappear by this asfe and sure method.

| ~ ~ One .tall can I ~ (wit_ h a n | i ~qual quant.- I ~ I I it) of water) ! \~F - ~-yes ~ou..~ | ~ c u p s o f pure , f t~1- ! -- ' c r e a m m i l k . A l - l ways u s e it in ! . b~ing. ' . [ " f ~ i l WrRe The Bo,'d'~rt

| ~ couver, for Free | ~ R e c ( p e Bool¢. aOZZ


Roy. Fa the r Enfile Leray who has been on a six lnollthS tour of European centres, was given a warm weleom~ by him former paHshoners on Sailer- day evening when be stepped off the west liound train. I t was the intern tion of the popuhtr cleric to continue on to Prince Rupert, t o w h i c h po in t lie hiis been t ransferred, but his wel- Come back was' so w u r m and his old friends w e r e ,~o insistent that he con. se , ted t o m.~ke a.s.~op over. He con. ih~eted the services in the ehm, ch o~ Sund,y, a n d h e gave a very interest ing uccpunt ~of his travels. Oil Monday ereni~g, ~ 'he resumed .his Journey to Prince Ruper t earrylng~ w i t h him an tU-gex~t,i!i'eqdeSt th l l t an e f fo r t be inade to provide for.: h i s resuming eh_,arge:.pf

.close o f • t he ,<,.pr.e~,,e.nf~L..ye..ar,~Pri~ee George Citizen. --. ...... ... .i',17~",. ". .'..':.:.' '.?.;;i.::'~..".,,,(.;!,'f,;:i!,,i! ';.,,..i'. ~ ' ,.:i .'. -.' "~i

John ing. A lug up, market .

c ~ u i ~ :, N;t~iONAL m~6P~)XN. ,, ,:: . . . . ~OUBS

• ..A ma~Ltn~ ' (> f t rave l through par- t icular ly interest ing countries a t a ~intntmum Of expense is pm@ideil~ in the Canadian National Educational Tours t h i s s t t m m e r ~h:.~t'Zh S : u ~ l a n d ,

Engll ind, Franceo .l$~lgluiq,. lw i t z~ r - land and l fa ly . T~{'o l:~l"r.~ have, been arr l inged .and sai l ings w i l ! be ma~e f rom Montrea l , Ju ly Sth, on the s. 's "Andan ta " d t rect to Glasgow. Very careful a t tent ion h a s been given to tt- Ineries Involved. ' . '

Tour No..I is a thirty-seven day trip on sea and land, visiting important cities In Scotland,. England, France, Belgium, Switzerland. All expenses, $372.~0,..Molltreal to Great Britain, ~the, continent and return to ,Montreal.

Tour No. 2 is a 51-day t r ip on :sea and land, visi t ing Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Swtizer land and I t a - ly. All .expenses $~01.00,' Montreal to Grea t Br i ta in and the Continent and re turn to Montreal . . . . "

There will be low excursion fares to the sea board f rom points i u Bri t ish Colubmia. * . •

These tours will be personally con; dueted from Western Canada, 'and while overseas wil l be under the direct care and supervision of thoroughly re- sponsible and • rel iable organization, ful ly qualif ied in every pa r t i ca l a r to successfully look af ter the interests oi our patrons. '

The sight-seeing program is very complete and .generous. Motor coach- ear.and automobiles a re f reely used. All sight-seeing is well planned to save unnecessary fa t igue and to see the worth while places within the t ime a t our disposal. Competent lecturers Will reveal to our patrons the outstan- ding features, l i terary, historic, ar t is- t ic or scenic of the Old World cen'tres visited.

Any local agent for the Canadian National RailwaY,s, wil l be glad to dis- cuss these tours and ar range details.

QUICK NEWS Kerr Bros. have cut up a big pi le of

wood for 'D. T. Greene. Well, J r 'wi l l t ake a lot to thaw things out this sum- mer . . . . :

~Ir. Stussi is slowly adding to his da i ry herd, five head this week. I '

Jas. Beat t ie was in Smithers last week and disposed of some fox fur as well as some breeding stock. , ,

~ack Palmer has added another cow to his herd. . .

Pearson is doing some slash- lo o f good pulp t imber is go- in smo~e because thcre,~ is' no

Carl and Mrs. LWakefield were .on the w a y to- town la. t ~eek when flu. buggy pole came.loose on one skle and the resul t was a lot of •,ilill'~l~g(: and ex- citement, but nothh~g that ca:mot, be reL,qb ed. - -. .

Angels Kerr had a nice :heff(,r wlfleh fell off John Pearson's farm '~ wh'D~ back. Wheu fo,fld ti:,V :,wl to ldek i t up in a b,:~ket.


An honoraiT vice-presidency, of the ~'anconver Exhlbltlon'Assoeiation has been wished, on C,. H. Sawle. HiS dn- ties will be to :represent the iVancou. per Exhibition Association in thin im- mediate dis t r ic t and to supp ly I n f o f motion to int~eiiding e~hib}tors a t the blg.'.:fair. Exliibtt~ 'fr0nt"ti~i~ dis t r ic t

"should lie sent t o %ancouy~.r for .thi~ Qdre~tlslng benefits . de r lved~" 'Th i s


Q >U • . *. , I G ; K

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• . ,~, ' . ,~ ;~ ........ c h a i r , a t a b l e - - o r : ~ii • e v e n a n e n t l ~ e f l oor .

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W H I T E - B L A C V , - C L F _ . A R A N D P O P U L A R COLOI~S t

• , . , , . . . . : . . . , . o ' , . , , " , •

Complete Drug Store Supl~lies ' " : : i ~

Kodaks~ FilmsandPhotoSupplies.:i • iii!i

Developing and Printing f0r Amateurs

Mail orders Promptly Attended tO ~

ORME'S LIMITED The Pioneer Druggiets The Rexal Store

Prince Rupert, C,

STEAIlISHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE S. S. Prince George and Prince Ruper t will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for .VANCOUVER, VICTORIA SEATTLE and intermediate points each ~lhursday and S u n d a y a t 11.00 p.m. . ? - For ANYOX, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m.

F o r STEWART, Saturdi{y. ]0.0i) p.m. , S.S. Prince Johpf lo r ~ a n c o u v e r via Queen Charlot te Islands, fortniglitly~ ........

Passenge<r Trains Leave Nbw Hazelton: EASTBOUND--Monday, Wednesday,~Satd~y, 7.20 p.m. WI~STBOUND'Tuesday, Thursday, Sunda~,7.51 a.m. :

See Canada in Canada ' s D iamond Jubi lee Year, 1867-1927: ' ~

C A N A D I A N N A T I O N A L . E X P R E S S for Money Orders, ' F o r d 6 m :.~..i: : : ,Cheques, ete;~' als0:for;Y.our ~iiext shipnient. ~! ~: ~~ " •

~ r Atlantic stlmmship sailinse or further Information apply to anyCilnadian National Agent ~0 F , McNaughton. Dis t r i c t P a s s e n g e r Ageut , P r i n c e Ruper t , i l , ~ i~,

:(,~i t

Page 4: O IINECA H:E ALD - COnnecting REpositories · perty will resume operations about Prince Rupert last Saturday to spend the middle of May. This property re- the holidays at home , cently


Flour, Feed, Hay and Oats Groceries, Dry Goods

Boots and Shoes Men's Clothes

S. H. SENKPIEL [ General lerekant New Hazelton, B.C.

m I

@ • T,

II Canadian Pacific Railway Company [] B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A C O A S T S T E A M S H I P S E R V I C E

To Ketchikan, Wrangell , Juneau, Skagway, Apri l 8, 18, 29. May 9, 20. [ 30. l

To Vancouver, Victoria, Seatt le, Apri l 1, 12, 22; May 3, 13, 24. | The S. S . Princess Bea t r i c e - -Fo r Butedale, Eas t Belle Belle, Ocean Fal ls

i Namu, Aler t Bay, Campbell River and Vancouver every Saturday a t l l a . m.

A G E N C Y F O R A L L O C E A N S T E A M S H I P L I N E S F ~ l l l i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m

W . C. Orchard, co rner Third Avenue and Four th S t r ee t , P r ince Rupert . .~/


S E R V I C E Prompt efficient repairs to all makes of cars; speedy and careful taxi service to all par ts of the distr ict , and regu la r service to trains, with prompt at tention to t r anfe r and d r a y a g e - T h i s is the service of

The Falconer Transfer 0IL HAZELTON, B . C . GAS


~ Ford Cars Trucks Tractors Accessories

I Palls Repairs Gas Oil I

Thrsshing Machines t

H A Z E L T O N T H E A T R E Tuesday, April 26

_ _ I

"PALS" l

First, Last and Always


Lloyd :Hughes and Mary Astor • . " . : . • , , .

~.. . . : ',~•:-: ,:•,..•:..,.:.*.,~•:~ ..', • . : . / . - . ~ ,.:.'..:,,:.:,. ~:•..,,,i,~',,.'.,•.',: ' : . . . . . .; ~' . . . . . : ,_ : :~ i ;.~..•~ , . , • :LI.,

. . . . : - - - : - - - - - - - - - i _ a A ~ - - . ~ _ _ ~ _ ~ ~._~ A A . . . . . . . . •

I lo eto ome I F o r insurance and other impor tant NOW iS t h e t i m e to b u y y o u r s u i t . P r i c e s to m e e t

mat ters see win. Grant ' s Agency. e v e r y man's pocket,

Fit and Quality of Goods Guaranteed The Fe l ix Club enter tained Iheir

o r y o u r m o n e v r e f u n d e d husbands again last F r iday uigh~ at

the home of Mrs. Anderson. PriKes C R O W N a n d T I P ' T O P C L O T H E S were won by Mrs. Win. G.)~, - :rod Mrs.

Chal~pell, and by O. EI. Sawle and R.S. ~ e e o r write Sargent. The evening was a very HATJ~J ,T(}N pleasant one. MYROS - - . . . _ ._ . ._ . . . . •

~ugh m r r i s can,e do,v,, f , ' ,~ Top- Smith's General Store Icy on Sunday morning tb spe~,d tile Eas te r holidays. A . . . . --~ ~ ~ ,~ - m ~ , - ~ . ~ , ~ , ~.:'v: . . . . . . . . . - -

Mrs. Mathteson was not feeling ip the b~st of health over the week end. AGENTS. MEN and WOMEN, see , ,

WASHO and PALCO CLEANERS. • Every Home, Office, Garage, Autois ' AN OUTSTANDING /

I ' Mrs. E .it. Cox retm'm,d home h~i your prospects. Good commission 0PPORTUNITY week af te r her t r ip to Vancouver and Exclusive te r r i to ry . P. A. Lefebvre & V~ctoria. Co., Dept. C. Alexandria. Ont. n admirab le proposition is open

I to honest and ambitious men and Clyde Hunt re turne 1 :am ~a,ek from women with a will to achieve and

F O R S A L l ~ W h i t e Leghorn Hatch- desire to make more money...Dar- Decker Lake. ing Eggs, *LS0 pe r setting, postage win's Ltd., Home Service Depart .

pa id ; also Cypher Incubator , brboder mcuii will furnish the reputat ion ' .Mrs. Sid. Benett of Corse Lake dr- and beehives. A p p l y S. Kinsley, [,:it- and c a p i t a l for you to build a suc-

rived Sunday morning to visit .her wanga, B . C . 423 eessful husiness and permanent in- come selling Darwin 's Dresses and

aunt, Mrs. S. H. SeakpieI. Coats a t modera te prices; a new FOR SALE- -One hundred acres, novel and complete., sales., outfi t

Mitchell ~ . Newman of Queen Char- more o~ less, adjoining New tIazelton, will be furnished to those whose lotte Islands, a r r ived home Sa tu rday near ly a l l under cul t ivat ion or slashe(" appl icat ions to represent us are night to spend the Eas te r holidays. Good land and good water supply; el. accepted; wr i t e a t once and tel l us

so f i f teen head of stock, team of horse~ about yourse l f ; you will hear from Mich. came over on a launch and he implements, e t e :~ App ly to Tony Greet us p rompt ly ; Darwin ' s mcrchan. prefers a ear to a gas boat as a m~ans ~ e w Hazelton, B. C. of t ranspor ta t ion in rough weather , dis ing and sales expert wil l t ra in

• those who have, not had former ex- - - " perience selling ladles dresses and

F O R S A L E - - H o r s e power hay presv coats; Darwin ' s onerate a.. large On Eas te r Sunday morning the citi- in good working order, $300.00, f.o.b., and successful chain of stores and

zeus awoke to f ind th~ ground cover- Cedarvale. this is your chance to become per- ed wi th snow and a nas ty winter wind WANTED---Three sacks of Wee Mac. manenty l connected with this vast blowing. But the girls donned their gregor potatoes ( seed) . - -T . It. TOM. organizat ion which was founded

LINSON, Cedarvale, B. C. Eas te r wear jus t the same. more than 20 years ago, Address,

D A R W I N ' S LIMITED, Dept . 524 Charl ie Benson got in the way.when HATCHFNG E G G S - - B a r r e d P.ly- Box 612, Montreal, Que.

one of the t i res on the big trucl~ blew mouth Rocks, heavy layers, •well bred up. His nose suffered the most. b i rds ; eggs $1.50 per .13.--Mrs. Sawle,

Near Hazelton, B. C. Miss Fronie Spooner spent ~ a s t e r in

Smithers and took in the dance Men- Pete Spooner and Dan McKenzie

day a t Telkwa. spent a day in Smithers a f te r taking Spring Tonic! Very successful Eas te r services iv in the dance at Telkwa on Monday.

the United church in Hazelton were held on S u n d a y evening. There was

large congregation and Rev. Young D_A._9_ hi_ _ _ You known that musty gave them a good address . There was Jl. ~ : ~ s m a c e l a n g u i d , s t r e t c h y f e e l i n g " : a vocal quar te t te by Misses Miller and Duffle and l~Iessrs. Warlock and l ien- T h a t ' s w i n t e r ' s a f t e r -

Ladies and Men 's $ derson, and a solo by Mr. Warlock. ' • m a t h . W h a t y o u n e e d

- - - TONSORIAL P A R L O R n o w is o n e o f o u r S p r i n g ~ I tev. J. H : Young went down tO the . , • T o n i c s t o t

Crossing to a t tend a social evening in Ogars - Ogarettes . n

connection with the chin.oh and on T o b a c c o s ,PEP YOU v r

Tuesday went on down to Woodcock NEW-- "HAZELToNSpOOHerB. C Up-t~Date__ DrugB. c.St°re ! and Cedarvale to clear up ehul"ch busi- P . I The ness before the close of the year, , * *

On Wednesday afternoon of last ~ HAZEL's:N, week the W. A. to the H. H. made. a i]] iu'esentation to Mrs. Clyde Hunt e r a a B a g

blue ja rd in ie re in recognition of her II[ A Boat 'A Bed A Bah In valuable services as con~;enor of the sewing committee. Mrs. Hun t pre- t Sented her resignat ion tha t afternoon • as she may be going away shortly,

Weighs 12 Pounds

In connection with the Eas te r ser- Place your orders early for the vices in New Hazel ton last Sunday .-

the children sang a couple o£ times, B a t ' ~ r ~ O ""

New 1927 part. Rev, J. II . Young' gave a good Easter Sermon, Af te r the regu la r service there was a communion service

Dick Cusick is spending a few weeks. With Take-down Oars and Brass Pump. Can be pump- holidays around his old ~stamping ed up in fiveto eight minutes, This amazing 'n~w :~ kind of groundw~ile the mill is being ins ta l led boat is just what at theDuth ie mine. Dick has been on' t h e job now p re t ty s teady for a long Fishermen Prospectors Campers • Trappers t ime and he says he can stand a holt D u c k S h o o t e r s ~ - ' o f al l Ages have day anti not feel hurt . oportsmen

wanted for years. • The Indians of Hazel ton a re enlarg-

ing t h e i r athlet ic grounds on the big Rolls Ul~likb a blanket. A small boy can "carry i t any bench out o f Hazelton, i They a r e d o - v l a c e . • , tug a lot of pract icing this spring and O - - O " " " " reently gave the whi te players qui te a ~ 6 5 ' trimming. ~he whi tes a r e . g o i n g ~o ' . ~ . do some p r a c t i c i n g now too. "

A. McDonald o f ~e lkwa was a vis i t . ~ : : : : For Further parti(

• There was a good': representat ion of

Ill New HazeRon: people a t the p ic tures ~ ] , ~ , '_ on Tuesday evening. - " .... ::'_ . . . . . .

, • . . . . , . ~ , , . : ~ : . . . ". . . , , . . . . .