May 2004 NVF 34 Comparison of CEN and Nordic aggregate requirements Gunnar Bjarnason, Public Roads Administration and Petur Petursson, Icelandic Building Research Institute Public Roads Administration Icelandic Building Research Institute

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May 2004

NVF 34

CCoommppaarriissoonn ooff CCEENN aanndd NNoorrddiicc aaggggrreeggaattee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss

Gunnar Bjarnason, Public Roads Administration

and Petur Petursson,

Icelandic Building Research Institute

Public Roads Administration

Icelandic Building Research Institute

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CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 3 2. European standards for aggregates (CEN) 4 3. Questionnaire 10 4. Answers to questionnaire 11 4.1 General remarks 11 4.2 Type of road 12 4.3 Grain size distribution 17 4.4 Shape/general properties 23 4.5 Strength (resistance to fragmentation) 26 4.6 Resistance to abrasion (wear) 28 4.7 Weathering resistance 29 4.8 Other tests 30 5. Comparison of Nordic and CEN requirements 32

5.1 Examples of requirements stated in EN 13242 32 5.2 Nordic requirements compared to CEN

requirements 33 5.2.1 General 33 5.2.2 Fines content 33 5.2.3 Shape and crushed and broken particles 34 5.2.4 Resistance to fragmentation 34 5.2.5 Resistance to abrasion 35 5.2.6 Weathering resistance of base course material 36

6. Concluding remarks 37


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1. Introduction This report gives an overview of the NVF-34 work on comparing Nordic and CEN aggregate requirements. It was aggreed by the chairman and secretary group of NVF-34 in November 2000 that this work should be carried out by members of the Icelandic subcommittee under the supervision of the Working Group Alternative materials. The work started in February 2001 with the preparation of a questionnaire and gathering of information on the work of CEN TC 154. The questionnaire was sent to contact persons in the Nordic countries in September 2001, who were asked to fill in information regarding aggregate requirements for road building materials in their countries. The last of the filled in questionnaires was received by the authors of this draft report in early spring 2003. A prelimenary report was published in June 2003 and introduced with a lecture at the meeting of NVF 34 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Chapter 2 gives some information on the CEN standard work and on the implementation of the CEN standards. Chapter 3 gives information on the questionnaire regarding which information was asked for. Chapter 4 gives extracts of the answers received with the filled in questionnaires. There, information is gathered on the test methods each of the Nordic countries use to test for each property, grading, strength etc. and which requirements apply for each layer of the road. In many instances traffic volume and road class influence which requirements apply and therefore some information is also given regarding those variables in each country. One should keep in mind that the answers to the questionnaire were received at the latest in early 2003. As preparation of implementation of the European Standards has been taking place in all of the Nordic countries since the answers were received, some of the information may now be out of date. It was clear from the start of this work that it is not an easy task to publish an overview on both Nordic and CEN aggregate requirements in a single report. What makes this work escpecially challenging is the fact that there is quite a variety within the Nordic countries of test methods and requirements and also, to which extent road type and traffic volume affects the requirements that apply. Chapter 5 Tables the requirements for each property for all the Nordic countries in comparison with the CEN categories. The focus is on the base course layer, but some information about sub base and surface layers is also presented. The authors would like to thank all the contact persons for filling in the questionnaire. This report has been published on the web: http://www.vegagerdin.is/nvf34.nsf.


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2. European standards for aggregates (CEN) The questionnaire was designed mainly to receive information about test methods in the Nordic countries that are either in accordance with the new CEN standards of TC 154 “Aggregates” or will be superseded by the new aggregate standards. Therefore, most of the questions that are put forward concern testing of strength, abrasion, weathering and other physical tests on unbound aggregates, as well as grading requirements. The flow diagram below shows the functional structure of CEN/TC 154. The SC´s (Sub-Committees) 1 to 5 have the responsibility to write and present product standards for aggregates for different applications. On the other hand, SC 6 sets forward test method proposals, which then are referred to in the product standards, with requirement categories. The TG´s (Task Groups) can be regarded as assisting committees for the SC-groups. Some of the Task Groups assist SC 1 to 5 to propose requirement categories for aggregates and others are responsible for drafting the test methods for SC 6.

TC154 AggregatesSecretariat UK

SC1 (NL) Aggregate for Mortar

SC2 (UK) Agg. for Concrete

SC3 (D) Bituminous bound agg.

SC4 (F) Unbound & hydraulic bd.

SC5 (DK) Lightweightaggregates

SC6 (UK) Test Methods

Chairman’s Panel

TG2 (UK) Geometrical requirements TG3 (UK) Strength and other physical requirements TG4 (UK) Chemical properties TG10 (NL) Aggregates from secondary sources

TG5 (D) Sampling and precision TG11 (F) Test methods for physical properties TG12 (B) Test methods for chemical, thermal and weathering properties

TG1 Conformity

Armourstone Rly ballast

Figure 1 Functional structure of CEN/TC 154 The main committee of TC 154 is lead by the United Kingdom and the leading country of each SC and TG committee is given in brackets in figure 1. Besides the chairman and secretary of each committee, national delegates have been nominated to participate in the meetings of the committees. This is not always the case, but large countries, i.e. France, Germany and United Kingdom have delegates in all SC and TG committees. Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden participate in the TC 154 meetings. All the Nordic countries have delegate(s) in SC 6, and also in some of the other SC´s and TG´s.


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The common procedure in each country is to establish mirror groups, which hold meetings to discuss and decide on the national view concerning certain matters, such as draft standards, requirements etc. Most of the TC 154 standards have been issued as formal EN-standards. The transition period started in March 2003 and in June 2004 all the test standards as well as the product standards will replace all conflicting standards, which have been in use in European Economic Area. Following is a list of CEN/TC 154 methods for testing aggregates, as well as product standards. EN 932: TESTS FOR GENERAL PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES EN 932-1 Methods forsampling EN 932-2 Methods for reducing laboratory samples EN 932-3 Procedure and terminology for simplified petrographic description EN 932-5 Common equipment and calibration EN 932-6 Definitions of repeatability and reproducibility EN 933: TESTS FOR GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES EN 933-1 Particle size distribution-Sieving method EN 933-2 Particle size distribution-Test sieves, nominal size of apertures EN 933-3 Particle shape-Flakiness index EN 933-4 Particle shape- Shape index EN 933-5 Percentage of crushed and broken surfaces in coarse aggregate EN 933-6 Flow coefficient of aggregates EN 933-7 Determination of shell content, % of shells in coarse aggregate EN 933-8 Assessment of fines-Sand equivalent test EN 933-9 Assessment of fines-Methylene blue test EN 933-10 Assessment of fines-Grading of filler (air jet sieving) EN 1097: TESTS FOR MECH. AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES EN 1097-1 Resistance to wear (micro-Deval) EN 1097-2 Methods for the det. of res. to fragmentation EN 1097-3 Determination of loose bulk density and voids EN 1097-4 Determination of the voids of dry compacted filler EN 1097-5 Determination of water cont. by drying in a ventilated oven EN 1097-6 Determination of particle density and water absorption EN 1097-7 Determination of the particle density of filler-Pyknometer EN 1097-8 Determination of the polished stone value EN 1097-9 Resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres: Nordic test EN 1097-10 Water suction height EN 1367: TESTS FOR THERMAL AND WEATHER. PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES EN 1367-1 Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing EN 1367-2 Magnesium sulphate test EN 1367-3 Boiling test for “Sonnenbrand” basalt EN 1367-4 Determination of drying shrinkage EN 1367-5 Determination of resistance to thermal shock EN 1744: TESTS FOR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES EN 1744-1 Chemical analysis EN 1744-3 Preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates EN 13179: TESTS FOR FILLER AGGREGATES USED IN BITUMINOUS MIXTURES: EN 13179-1 Delta ring and ball test EN 13179-2 Bitumen number STANDARDS IN THE COURSE OF PREPARATION: prEN 1744-2 Determination of resistance to alkali reaction prEN 1744-4 Water susceptibility of fillers for bituminous mixtures prEN 933-11 Classification test for the constituents of coarse recycled aggregates


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prEN 1744-5 Determination of acid soluble salts prEN 1744-6 Determ. of the influence of recycled agg. extract on the initial setting time of cement PRODUCT STANDARDS: EN 13139 Aggregates for mortar EN 12620 Aggregates for concrete EN 13043 Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads and other trafficked

areas EN 13242 Aggregates for unbound and hydraulic bound materials for use in civil engineering work

and road construction EN 13383-1 Armourstone Part 1: Specifications EN 13383-2 Armourstone Part 2: Methods of test EN 13450 Aggregates for railway ballast EN 13055-1 Lightweight aggregates Part 1: LWA for concrete, mortar and grout EN 13055-2 Lightweight aggregates Part 2: LWA for bound and unbound applications excluding

concrete, mortar and grout All the product standards include a normative annex concerning factory production control (FPD). That means that aggregate producers who place their product on the market are obliged to establish factory production control if it does not already exist. Annex C of the product standard EN 13242 gives further specifications for FPD, but the main chapters are following: Annex C (normative): Factory production control: C.1 Introduction. C.2 Organization. C.3 Control procedures. C.4 Management of production. C.5 Inspection and test. C.6 Records. C.7 Control of non-conforming product. C.8 Handling, storage and conditioning in production areas. C.9: Transport and packing. C.10 Training of personnel: “The producer shall establish and maintain procedures for the training of all personnel involved in the factory production system. Appropriate records af training shall be maintained.” The Annex C also presents a Table with minimum test frequencies for general properties of aggregates. Furthermore, aggregate production has to comply with Annex ZA of the product standards to fulfil requirements for CE-marking. The Annex gives information about essential characteristics that have to be declared in Table ZA 1. The following text is written under that Table: “The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member states where there are no regulatory requirements on that characteristic for the intended use of the product. In this case, producers placing their products on the market of these Member states are not obliged to determine nor declare the performance of their products with


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regard to this characteristic and the option “No performance determined” in the information accompanying the CE marking may be used. The NPD option may not be used, however, where the characteristic is subject to a threshold level.” Annex ZA also presents procedures for attestation of conformity of aggregate production. It presents systems of attestation of conformity in Tables ZA 2a and ZA 2b and other tasks, which lead to the CE-marking of the product. There is an option between two attestation systems for aggregate production, 2+ and 4. The difference between the two systems is that when using 2+ a third party (Notified body) carries out an initial inspection of factory and FPC, as well as continuous surveillance and approval of FPC. System 4 on the other hand does not require a third party to be involved in any conformity tasks as the producer himself carries out all the necessary inspections. Although there are some uncertainties concerning the implementation of the package of European standards for aggregates, it seems clear that it is anticipated that National Guidance Documents (NGD) are to be produced by each participating country to help with the implementation of the new European standards. The National Guidance Document can give information on how the transition to CEN standards should take place. They can also give information on the CEN test methods that will be used and which national test methods will be withdrawn. The documents can state the relationship between the traditional methods and the new CEN methods in some cases. Additionally, the NGD documents can give recommendations for requirements for each end use selected from the relevant product standard categories to clarify the transition. Final requirements are given in Buyer Application Documents such as “Road guidelines”. In any case the NGD should be guidance only and it should not present any additional requirements to the CEN product standard. The requirements shall be chosen from the relevant Product standard categories. The BSI of the United Kingdom has already published national guidance documents that are thought to constitute a suitable model for providing such guidance. The formulation of a national guidance paper is each individual Member Bodies’ responsibility and not a matter for CEN/TC 154. The Commission Services recommend that the “guidance” for the use of harmonised standards should be developed as a “CEN-report”, or, if this is not possible in the short-term then it could be done as a “report” or “guidance for good practice” elaborated and published by a National Standardisation Body. Such documents cannot change or alter any provision included in the harmonised European standards. It is stated clearly in the minutes of a meeting between CEN/TC 154 representatives and CEN/MC and Commission Services from March 2003 that it is not permissible to submit a CE marked product to additional requirements defined as National regulations. Therefore the Commission Services must refuse the development/use of “national annexes” for product covered by CE marking. So, the general rule is that the CE marking of a product should be adequate to describe its properties.


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The Commission Services have tried to clarify their opinion on various attempts to introduce additional national assessments or requirements for certain characteristics, despite the products being CE marked. The Commissions Services’ Position Paper: “No additional national requirements for CE marked products”, since February 2003 makes attempts to clarify these matters. In that paper there are numerous clauses stating the responsibility of the manufacturer concerning CE-marking of their product. In items 1.(g) and (h) the following is stated: “(g) It could be possible to have additional requirements for CE marked products but on a voluntary basis only, following certain criteria:

i. Specific requirements or additional tests can be requested in contracts to adjust the specification to those specific aspects of the construction works on a case by case basis;

ii. Voluntary elements based upon specific criteria, which do not overlap with the CE marking, could lead to a “voluntary” mark. These marks could be referred to in public contracts, under the strict conditions that they respect the provisions of the Public Procurement Directive (PPD).

(h) All provisions that introduce additional requirements, or compulsory reference to voluntary marks, imposed on a general level by a public body or a private body acting as a public body on the basis of a monopoly position, are clearly in opposition with the Directive (Article 6.1).” Furthermore, in chapter 2 “Some practical consequences” of the same paper from the Commission Services the following points are drawn to attention:

National annexes developed by National Standardisation Bodies (NSB) and attached to the transposition of the harmonised European standards cannot be accepted. It can be necessary to publish documents explaining how the users will use a European standard in certain Member States but a national annex to the European standard is not an appropriate way to do it.

National standards developed by NSBs to supplement the transposition of the harmonised European standards should not be developed for products covered by harmonised European specifications.

Voluntary marks cannot be made compulsory. The package CEN TC 154 of standards will be implemented on 1st of June 2004 and all co-existing standards will be withdrawn. Although the package as a whole takes place in June 2004, many test standards have now been in standard practice for many years. Some of them have already been revised according to the 5-year rule of revision within TC 154. In the coming years individual test standards as well as product standards will be due for the 5-year revision.


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It is interesting to read the ideas of the chairman of TC 154, Mr. David Storrar, concerning the structure of the work for the future, which he presented in a letter at the CEN TC 154 Chairman’s panel in Maasticht in October 2001. There, he draws the attention to 7 aspects that are likely to be a part of the future activities of the committee (not in any order of importance):

1. The incorporation of requirements for recycled aggregates 2. The need to ensure that some of our test methods can be improved as a result

of research not yet started 3. The need to amend standards or test methods from feedback in use 4. The need to amend standards etc. as technology changes either within industry

or in the laboratory 5. The need to incorporate requirements and test methods for new materials for

use as aggregates, e.g. incinerator residues 6. The need to develop, as the Commission clarifies the position, requirements

which will include environmental effects and more specific controls on harmful substances and radioactivity

7. A re-examination of the Factory Production Control clauses A few questions and answers concerning the implementation of CEN standards: What is DOW, Date of Withdrawal? The date of withdrawal is the same as the date of the end of the co-existence period. After this date, presumption of conformity must be based upon harmonised European specifications and conflicting national technical specifications must be withdrawn. What does the CE-marking mean on a construction product? The CE marking means that the product satisfies the provisions of the CPD via the harmonised technical specifications, including the conformity assessment procedures laid down in the relevant Attestation of Conformity decision. With which clauses of the standard has the manufacturer to comply in order to be entitled to affix the CE marking on the product? The manufacturer must comply with Annex ZA in order to be able to put the CE marking on his products. Whether a product carries a voluntary mark or not is irrelevant from a regulators point of view. Must all construction products carry the CE marking? In general yes. All construction products covered by the CPD and put on the European market have to bear the CE marking. This applies to both products manufactured in the EEA countries and products imported into the EU. Who is responsible for affixing the CE marking? The manufacturer is always responsible for affixing the CE marking on his product, even if a notified body has been involved in the conformity assessment.


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3. Questionnaire Questionnaires were sent to contact persons in the Nordic countries who were asked to fill them in. In the questionnaire, enquiries were made to which test methods are used in the Nordic countries and which requirements are made for a certain aggregate property (such as strength, resistance to abrasion, weathering resistance, etc.) for different layers of roads (upper and lower base course, upper and lower sub base, etc.). In some cases it was necessary to fill in more than one sheet for one property of a road layer, for example if the requirements for that property are dependent on grain size distribution, layer thickness, climate or other factors besides traffic density or road class. The term "no requirement" (NR) was appropriate in some cases. If there were special requirements for alternative materials, the contact persons were asked to fill in special sheets for those requirements for each road layer. The questionnaire was to be filled in one of the following languages: English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish. It was asked if the specifications are dependent on climate, petrography, geological formation, production technique, recycling or other relevant factors. To make it easier for the authors of this report to evaluate the information given in the questionnaire, information was sought on the types of roads and the names of different road layers. Information was given about typical construction names for each layer, the layer thickness and grading for a particular type of road (for example in connection with traffic density or road category). This information has enabled the comparison of requirements for road construction aggregates which are used in road layers with different names and definitions. The questionnaire has information about the following: General information Road type Grain size distribution Shape/General properties Strength (resistance to fragmentation) Resistance to abrasion Resistance to weathering Other requirements (plasticity, LS, humus, petrography)


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4. Answers to questionnaire In this report the answers are partly in the languages as they were received in the filled in questionnaires. In some cases the authors of this report have translated some of the answers into English. 4.1 General remarks

Norway: Kravene til vegbygningsmaterialer er ikke avhengig av klima. Vi reviderer i år retningslinjene for krav til materialer og det vil bli endringer. Dagens retningslinjer setter krav til andelen svake korn for materialer som skal brukes i vegsammenheng, men i de nye retningslinjene vil dette kravet falle bort da vi regner med at LA-metoden vil avsløre svake materialer. Vi har ikke krav som retter seg direkte mot produksjonsteknikk, men materialkravene setter krav til at f.eks. steinmaterialer produseres på en riktig måte.

Finland: The specifications base most on grading curve. In wearing and base courses also on strength, flakiness and crushing index. Aggregates for wearing course, base and sub-base will be examined petrographically to test their suitability: mineralogy, grain size and bonding of minerals, structure and weathering resistance. The test methods have been adjusted to follow the EN-standards. There are no special strength requirements for alternative materials. Only the environmental questions and long time durability must be solved. Climate, the freezing index (F10) has an effect on frost dimensioning. The thickness of the construction layers depends on the frost index and frost circumstances (easy, medium, difficult). Usually the dimensioning based on bearing capacity is thicker than needed frost dimensioning in road classes 1 to 4 in easy and medium difficult frost circumstances at least in Southern Finland. Different construction alternatives are: a) conventional, b) crushed rock, c) soil cement and d) conventional with base layer made of cement or bitumen soaked macadam. In the following information only case a) conventional AC-paved unbound constructions have been described.

Denmark: Kravene i danske specifikationer er generelle for alle aggregater og som sådan uafhængige af klima, bjergarter og produktionstekniker. Kravene til naturmaterialer udtrykkes i Vejreglernes udbuds- og anlægsforskrifter (U&A) og Danske Standarder (DS). Kravene til genbrugsmaterialer udtrykkes i rapporter fra Vejteknisk Institut. Disse er ikke specificeret i dette svarskema i første omgang.


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Iceland: Requirements for resistance to fragmentation and weathering are dependent on the outcome of the petrographic analysis. This has mainly to do with the amount of fresh, finely porous basalt on the one hand and very altered basalt on the other hand. Some geological formations, reflected by the petrographic analysis, can in some cases call for additional tests. Climatic conditions or zones are not considered in Iceland.

Sweden: The specifications are indirectly depending on different factors, but they are the same in the whole of Sweden. There is only unbound material described in this answer. There are mainly two types of unbound constructions in Sweden. The first one with crushed material and the second one with rock fill and crushed material. There is also special material for gravel roads. There are no road classes in Sweden, but the thickness of the pavement depends on SA (Nequiv.).

4.2 Type of road

Norway: Type of road: Traffic group A, N<0,5 mill (i hht. forslag til nye retningslinjer) Name of layer: 3 Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm Dekke, mykasfalt 40 0-16 mm Bærelag, knust fjell 200 0-32 mm Forsterkningslag, grus, stein 0-1000 (avh. av undergrunn) <2/3 of layer thickness Alternative bærelag Asfaltert grus 90 0-22 mm Asfaltert grus over knust fjell 50 + 100 "0-22 mm og 0-32 mm" Type of road: Traffic group C, N 1-2 mill. ÅDT>1500 Name of layer: 3 Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm Dekke, Asfaltgrusbetong 60 0-16 mm Asfaltert grus 110 0-22 mm Forsterkningslag, grus, stein 0-1000 (avh. av undergrunn) <2/3 of layer thickness Alternative bærelag Asfaltert grus over penetrert pukk 60 + 100 Ag: 0-22 mm Pp: 22-63 forkilt med 8-16 Asfaltert grus over knust fjell 70 + 100 0-22 mm og 0-32 mm Type of road: Traffic group F, N>10 mill. Name of layer: 4 Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm Slitelag, Skjellettasfalt 45 0-16 mm eller 0-22 Bindlag, Asfaltbetong 35 0-16 mm Bærelag, Asf. grus 140 0-32 mm Forsterkningslag, grus, stein 0-1000 (avh. av undergrunn)" <2/3 of layer thickness Alternative bærelag Asfaltert grus over asfaltert pukk 70 + 100 0-22 mm og 0-32 mm" Asfaltert grus over penetrert pukk 90 + 100 Ag: 0-22 mm, Ap: 11-32, 16-32, 16-40


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Trafic group A <0.5 mill. equivalent 10 ton axle-load in disign period (20 years) Trafic group B 0-5-1 mill. Trafic group C 1-2 mill. Trafic group D 2-3.5 mill. Trafic group E 3.5-10 mill Trafic group F >10 mill.

Finland: Classification of subsoil has an effect on the layer thickness in all construction classes Class of subsoil

Material of subsoil Modulus of the material (MPa)

A Rock, crushed rock, crushed aggregate 300 B Gravel 200 (150 - 280) C Gravel till, non frost susceptible 100 (70 - 150) D Sand, non frost susceptible 50 (35 - 70) E Till, frost susceptible; clay dry crust 20 (15 - 35) F Clay, silt, silty till 10 5 - 15) G Soft clay, dy, gyttja, peat 5

The subsoil will still be divided to three basic types regarding to frost properties: easy, medium difficult and difficult. Easy: The surface of ground water is more than S+1 m. (S= thickness of transition wedge) Medium difficult: Ground water depth is less than S+1 m, subground is even and there is no lateral ground water flow Difficult: a) Blocks existing in sub ground closer than S and ground water is closer than S+1 m, b) Varying subsoil with possible ground water flow, c) Surface of bedrock closer than S+1 (surface of bedrock is held equal to ground water surface), d) Lateral ground water flow from sides in a cross fall terrain, in a cut or close to a lake or a mire. Type of road: 1 AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 170 0/18 base 150 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 250 - 600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 700 0/8 Type of road: 2 AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 140 0/18 base 250 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 250 - 600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 700 0/8


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Type of road: 3 AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 100 0/16 base 150-200 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 200 - 600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 700 0/8 Type of road: 4 AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 90 0/16 base 150-200 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 200 - 600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 700 0/8 Type of road: 5-6 AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 50 0/16 base 150-200 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 200 - 600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 700 0/8 (alt. 0/0,5) Type of road: 4 soft AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 40 0/16 base 150 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 250 - 700 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 900 0/8 (alt. 0/0,5) Type of road: 6 soft AC Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer 20-40 0/16 base 100 0/50 (alt. 0/90) sub-base 300 - 700 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter 300 - 800 0/8 (alt. 0/0,5) Type of road: Gravel road Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm wearing layer - - base 150-450 0/16 (deeper. 0/32) sub-base 200-600 0/90 (alt. 0/150) filter - - The total thickness of constructions is depending on the road class and the quality of sub-ground. Additionally the total thickness (filter layer = frost protection layer thickness) is depending on the frost circumstances.


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Road classification bases on calculated average daily traffic during the design life of the road (varies from 10 to 20 years). The annual daily traffic will be calculated as the amount of heavy (10 Mg) axles. Road class Total traffic amount during the design period Corresponding ADT to day x 1000 1 AC 5...10 x 106 / 20 years 70 ...130 2 AC 2...5 x 106 / 20 y 30...70 3 AC 8...20 x 105 / 20 y 15...40 4 AC 3...8 x 105 / 20 y < 15 5 - 6 AC 104...3 x 105 / 20 y < 10 4 soft AC 1...10 x 104 / 10 y 6 soft AC 1...10 x 104 / 10 y 6 Gravel road 1...10 x 104 / 10 y AC = asphalt concrete, other layers are unbound

Denmark: Type of road: 90% af de danske veje er opbygget med lag som beskrevet i skemaet herunder. Vi har angivet typiske lagtykkelser, der selvfølgelig varierer afhængig af hvilken last vejen dimensioneres for, samt underbundens bæreevne. Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading (min./max.), mm Asfaltslidlag 20-45 0-16 Asfaltbærelag 40-130 0-31,5 ubundet bærelag 120-250 0-31,5; 0-63 bundsikringslag 0-800* 0-90 underbund variable no requirements * tykkelsen af bundsikringslag afhænger af underbundens frostfølsomhed. Materialekravene er generelle og ikke hægtet op på vejklasser. Bæreevne sikres ved dimensioneringen af den samlede befæstelse (lagtykkelser) på grundlag af trafikbelastning og underbundsforhold.

Iceland: Below are examples of two Icelandic road types: Type of road: A (see key for classification below) Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading, mm Asphalt concrete 105 0-16 Upper base course 80 0-31,5 Lower base course 120 0-63 Upper sub-base 150 0-100 Lower sub-base 250+ 0-150+ Sub grade variable NR (no requirement)


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Type of road: B2 (see key for classification below) Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading, mm Surface dressing 25-30 0-19 Upper base course 80 0-31,5 Lower base course 120 0-63 Upper sub-base 150 0-100 Lower sub-base 250+ 0-150+ Sub grade variable NR (no requirement) A: At least two lanes in each direction. Traffic density > 6000 AADT. B: Major rural roads, carrying traffic between urban areas. Traffic density is 600-10000 AADT. C: Traffic density is 150-2500 AADT D: Traffic density is <150 AADT. Sweden: Type of road: GBÖ Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading, mm Wearing course (bound) 40 Upper base course (bound) 0-200 Lower base (unbound), bärlager B-lag 80 0-64 Upper sub-base, forsterkning-slager F-lag >420 0-125 Lower sub-base, skyddslager 0-2000 0,063 <11 % Rock fill Type of road: Gravel road Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading, mm Wearing course (unbound) , grusslitlager gS-lag 50-90 0,063-22,4 Upper base course (bound) Lower base course (unbound), gB-lag 80 0-45 Upper sub-base, gF-lag 0-90 Lower sub-base 0-2000 0,063<11 % Type of road: Rock fill Name of layer: Thickness (min./max.), mm: Grading, mm Wearing course (bound) 40 Upper base course (bound) 0-200 Lower base course (unbound), B-lag 80 0-64 Upper sub-base, F-lag 200 0-125 Lower sub-base, skyddslager Rock fill, crushed, krossad sprängsten >800 Rock fill, sorted, sorterad sprängsten >800 Rock fill, unsorted, sprängsten >800


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4.3 Grain size distribution Norway: ROAD LAYER: Base course (selected material types)

AADT <300 <1500 >300 300-5000 0-3000 0-3000 Base course type (name) Knust grus

Gk Knust fjell

Fk Asf. grus

Ag Asf. sand

As Skumgrus

Sg Emulsjons

grus Eg Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 8/2 8/0 / / 12/6 4/1 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 11/3 11/0 / / 7/2 ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 15/4 15/0 / / 20/12 9/2 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 20/8 20/2 / / / 13/4 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 28/12 28/4 / / / 19/7 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 38/17 38/7 max. 35 % min. 35 % 50/32 27/11 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 52/25 52/11 / / 70/40 39/20 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 68/37 68/20 / / 85/58 54/33 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 90/50 90/32 / / 100/85 80/55 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. 100/74 100/59 / / / 100/90 ≤ 63 mm, max./min. 100 100/83 / / / / ≤ 125 mm, max./min. / 100 / / / / Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) 11,2 mm / / / / 100/70 78/54 Her er det svært mange forskjellige krav avhengig av massetypen. For forsterkningslag er det kun krav til finstoffinnhold, graderingstall og maksimal steinstørrelse. For bærelag er kravene til kornkurve avh. av materialtype og ikke av ÅDT direkte. Hver materialtype kan benyttes opp til fastgitte ÅDT-grenser. I tabellen er det gitt krav til kornkurve for de mest vanlige bærelagstypene. For Ag og As settes det krav til Marshallverdi og kornkurven vil da fremkomme ved proporsjonering. Det finnes flere kurnkurver for Eg. Her er angitt kurven for Eg22; dvs. største nominelle steinstørrelse er 22 mm.

Finland: ROAD LAYER: Other Base IN Base OUT Sub-base IN Sub-base OUT Filter 1. Filter 2. Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 5/0 8/0 5/0 8/0 18/0 33/18 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 6/0 10/0 7/0 10/0 32/0 70/32 ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 10/0 14/0 12/2 14/0 67/0 100/67 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 14/5 18/2 17/4 20/0 93/0 100/93 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 21/10 25/6 22/7 28/2 100/20 100/100 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 29/16 34/16 30/12 38/6 100/50 100/100 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 40/24 46/20 40/20 50/12 85/12 / ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 53/35 58/30 53/30 65/20 100/85 / ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 68/50 76/45 68/42 100/31 100/95 / ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. 86/70 95/65 86/58 100/45 100/100 / ≤ 63 mm, max./min. 100/100 100/93 100/76 100/60 / /


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≤ 125 mm, max./min. / 100/100 100/100 100/95 / / Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) Under- and over sizes follow the restrictions of EN-standards. The values have been presented in a separate paper. In base and sub-base materials there is an inner and outer grading area (here IN and OUT). Maximum 35 % of tested curves are allowed to differ from the inner area. Maximum 10 % of tested curves are allowed to differ from the outer area. In filter layer area 1 is preferred/normal. Area 2 is possible if there is no better material available. In case of sub-base made of gravel the values of sieves are: 8/0; 12/0; 21/0; 35/0; 52/2; 70/6; 85/12; 95/20;83/31; 100/45; 100/60 and 100/95. Demands for grain size distribution The first requirement for a material is the right grain size distribution. All construction layers have their grain size distribution areas. There is an inner are and an outer area. - Maximum 35 % of tested curves are allowed to differ from the marked inner area - Maximum 10 % of tested curves are allowed to differ from the marked outer area Bases on value changes In case of inner area every per cent more than 35 % means a price reduction of 0,3 %: (a-35) x 0,3 (%) (a = amount of differing curves). In case of outer area every per cent more than 10 % means a price reduction of 0,5 %: (b-10) x 0,5 (%) (b = amount of differing curves). If less than 15 % of (more than 12) samples differ from the inner area the constructor gets a bonus (higher price) of 0,2 % per every % unit: (15 - a) x 0,2 (%) The grain size distribution curve will be followed by using the so called specification sieves. With materials D = 11,2 or D = 16 mm these sieves are 0,063 mm; 0,5 mm; 2 mm and 8 mm. If the D = 22,4 mm or 31,5 mm, the specification sieves are 0,063 mm; 0,5 mm; 4 mm and 11,2 mm. If the average standard deviation differs from the allowed standard deviations, a price reduction will be calculated on each specification sieve using the following formula: PR = k x (STDfound - STD alloved). Value of k is calculated from the following values: Material D = 11,2 or 16 mm Spec. sieve (mm) 0,063 0,5 2 8 K 5 2,2 1,3 1,3 STDalloved 0,8 2,5 4,5 4,5 In materials D = 22,4 or 31,5 mm the sieves are 0,063 mm; 0,5 mm; 4 mm and 11,2 mm, but the k-values are the same as above. Under- and over sizes There are specifications for so called "cut fractions", where under and over sizes are known (d is not 0)

Specified sieve Name of fraction

Grain sizes (mm) *) 0,063 d/2 d D 1,4D 2D

Coarse aggregate

d ≥ 2 0-2 0-5 0-15 90-99 98-100 100

Fine aggregate

D ≤ 2 0-10 85-99 98-100 100

*) Maximum grain size of fine aggregate and minimum size of coarse aggregate is 2 mm in crushed aggregate for pavements. The value is 4 mm in case of other aggregates.


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Denmark: ROAD LAYER: Base course examples GAB 0,I og II

Other GAB 0 type 11 GAB 0 type 16 GAB I GAB II Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. ≤ 1 mm, max./min. ≤ 2 mm, max./min. < 50 < 50 < 55 < 70 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 5,6 mm < 90 < 90 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. < 90 11,2 mm > 94 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. > 94 22,4 mm > 94 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. > 93 ≤ 63 mm, max./min. ≤ 125 mm, max./min. Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) 0,075 mm 9/4 or 9/2 9/6 or 9/4 or 8/2 The aggregate should not include organic matter which alters the stability of the layer (soil, clay, silt, plants or other organic substances). ROAD LAYER: Surfacing examples AB t i DK

Other AB 8 t AB 11t AB 16t Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 6 til 12 5 til 12 / 4 til 12 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. / ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. / ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 20 til 35 15 til 30 / 10 til 25 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. / ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 40 til 55 30 til 45 / 25 til 38 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. / 5,6 mm < 85 / ≤ 8 mm, max./min. > 94 < 85 / 11,2 mm > 94 / < 85 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. / > 94 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. / ≤ 63 mm, max./min. / ≤ 125 mm, max./min. / The aggregate should not include organic matter which alters the stability of the layer (soil, clay, silt, plants or other organic substances).


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ROAD LAYER: Unbound base course, DS 401 Other Type IIa Type IIb Type Ia Type Ib Type Ic Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. / / / / / ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 12,5/5 11,5/2,5 12,5/7,5 11,5/5 10/2,5 ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 18,5/7 16/4 18,5/10 16/7 15,5/4 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 26/10 22/6 26/14 22/10 18/6 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 34/15 29/9 34/20 29/15 25/9 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 44/21 39/13 44/27 39/21 33/13 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 58/29 51/20 58/37 51/29 44/20 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 76/41 67/30 76/50 67/41 59/30 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 100/58 89/45 100/68 89/58 80/45 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. 100/82 100/66 100/100 100/82 100/66 ≤ 63 mm, max./min. 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 ≤ 125 mm, max./min. Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) 0,075 mm 9/4 9/2 9/6 9/4 8/2 The aggregate (both type I og II) should not include organic matter which alters the stability of the layer (soil, clay, silt, plants or other organic substances). Test sieve requirements are according to DS 405-9 ROAD LAYER: Bundsikringslag, DS 401 Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. ≤ 1 mm, max./min. ≤ 2 mm, max./min. ≤ 4 mm, max./min. ≤ 8 mm, max./min. ≤ 16 mm, max./min. ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. ≤ 63 mm, max./min. ≤ 125 mm, max./min. Other sieves/requirements 0,075 mm 9/0 90 mm -/100 (max 10% over 90 mm) Test sieves/requirements according to DS 405-9. The aggregate should not include organic matter which alters the stability of the layer (soil, clay, silt, plants or other organic substances). Supplementary requirement: Although not a specification requirement, the grading ratio (d60/d10) is often required, for example 2,5 or 3.


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Iceland: The specifications in Alverk, since 1995, are still officially valid, but new grain size distribution limits have been proposed. In the Tables below the new proposals are presented as well as the older values of 1995. ROAD LAYER: Base course (unbound) Road category (undefined) Aggregate type Gravel, 1995 Crushed

gravel, proposed*

Crushed rock,


Coarse graded 63, proposed*

Coarse graded 100, proposed*

Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 7/1 8/2 7/2 8/2 8/2 ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 11/3 12/3 11/3 11/2 11/2 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 16/5 17/5 16/5 15/2 15/2 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 23/9 25/10 23/9 20/2 20/2 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 33/16 35/16 33/16 25,5/2 25,5/2 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 44/25 51/25 44/25 32,5/9 32,5/6 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 59/35 68/37 59/35 42,5/18,5 42,5/12 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 81/50 90/50 81/50 60/27,5 60/18,5 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. x/71 x/73 x/71 100/60 100/44 ≤ 63 mm, max./min. / x/100 / 100/100 100/77 Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) 0,02 mm / 3/0 3/0 / / 22,4 mm / 100/60 / 70/35 70/22 100 mm / / / 100/100 100/100 The upper and lower fines values are chosen from the end-use standard EN 13285. ROAD LAYER: Upper sub base Road class proposed Road class 1995 A-B1 B2-B3 C D Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 8/1 7/- 7/- 7/- 7/- ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 11/1 / / / / ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 17/3 / / / / ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 24/5 / / / / ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 34/9 / / / / ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 45/16 / / / / ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 61/25 / / / / ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 79/35 / / / / ≤ 16 mm, max./min. x/50 / / / / ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. x/71 / / / / ≤ 63 mm, max./min. / / / / / Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) Cu (D60/D10) (min.) / 15 15 10 10


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ROAD LAYER: Wearing course (most common) Road category (traffic volume/road class) Layer type (most common)

Y11, 1995

Y12, proposed

Y16, 1995

Y16, proposed

SMA12, proposed

SMA16, proposed

Surf. dressing*

Unbound surface

Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 9/6 12/4 9/6 12/4 12/7 12/7 5/0 15/10 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. 13/8 15/6 13/7 16/6 15/9 16/9 9/1 19/12 ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 20/12 22/8 18/10 21/9 20/10 20/10 12/2 26/16 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. 27/17 31/13 25/14 28/13 24/12 24/12 19/4 34/22 ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 36/23 42/18 33/18 37/18 27/15 27/14 27/5 42/28 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. 47/31 52/25 43/26 47/24 30/19 29/16 36/9 55/36 ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 62/42 66/38 56/35 57/32 35/24 32/20 51/16 70/48 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. 84/60 88/60 75/51 74/45 60/35 50/27 74/35 94/63 ≤ 16 mm, max./min. / x/100 100/89 100/85 x/100 100/85 x/75 x/90 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. / / / / / / / ≤ 63 mm, max./min. / / / / / / / ≤ 125 mm, max./min. / / / / / / / Other sieves/requirements, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. value) 5,6 mm / 75/48 / 65/38 40/27 35/23 / 11,2 mm 100/82 100/85 92/63 92/57 100/85 70/34 / 22,4 mm / / / x/100 / x/100 / *Surface dressing with single sized aggregates are more common where traffic density is >1000 AADT. In that case, over- and undersize requirements apply.


ROAD LAYER: B-lag F-lag Skydd gS-lag gB-lag gFlag CEN test sieves/specifications (minimum value ≤ X % or as appropriate) Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 2/7 0/7 < 11 10/15 6/11 6/11 ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. 4/14 0/14 / 13/23 8/17 8/17 ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 13/25 0/22 / 20/34 14/29 14/29 ≤ 2 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 20/50 2/40 / 35/57 24/49 24/49 ≤ 8 mm, max./min. / / / 55/77 / / ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 46/90 14/64 / 85/98 46/82 46/82 ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. 64/100 28/90 / 100 68/100 60/99 ≤ 63 mm, max./min. 98/100 43/100 / / / / ≤ 125 mm, max./min. / 98/100 / / / / Other sieves/specifications, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. ≤ X % as appropriate) ≤ 45 mm, max./min. 35/98 98/100 ≤ 90 mm, max./min. 90/100 98/100


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ROAD LAYER: RF-crushed RF-sorted RF

CEN test sieves/specifications (minimum value ≤ X % or as appropriate) Test sieves, EN 933-2 Percentage passing each sieve ≤ 0,063 mm, max./min. 0/6 0-5 / / / / ≤ 0,125 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 0,250 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 0,500 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 1 mm, max./min. 0-17 0-15 / / / / ≤ 2 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 4 mm, max./min. 2/28 / / / / / ≤ 8 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 16 mm, max./min. 5/40 2/37 / / / / ≤ 31,5 mm, max./min. 10/50 6/43 / / / / ≤ 63 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 125 mm, max./min. 40/98 26/98 / / / / Other sieves/specifications, f.ex. 0,074, 4,75, 5,6, 9,5, 11,2, 12,5 mm (max./min. ≤ X % as appropriate) ≤ 45 mm, max./min. / / / / / / ≤ 90 mm, max./min. 30/90 20/70 / / / / ≤180 mm, max./min. 50/100 35/100 / / / / ≤ 320 mm, max./min. 98/100 58/80 / / / / ≤ 90 mm, max./min. / / / / / / D always has to be < half the thickness of the layer for rock fills

4.4 Shape/general properties

Norway ROAD LAYER: Upper/lower base course (knust grus, knust fjell og forkilt pukk)

AADT <5000 Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 >50 % Shape (flisighed), Nordic 1,5 Vi bruker flisighet for å angi krav til kornform, men skal gå over til å bruke Flakiness Indeks fra om kort tid. Kravene er foreløpig ikke fastsatt, men vil være i området 30 til 40 avhengig av trafikmengde og materialtype. Vi har krav til kust andel materialer (> 4mm) for enkelte bærelag og dekkematerialer. For knust grus skal denne være > 50 %. Krav til knust andel for ulike dekketyper er vist i figuren.










Ab 16 Da 16 Agb16

Ma 16 Mda16








del %


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ROAD LAYER: Base course (Asfaltert grus Ag, Asfaltert sand As, Asfaltert pukk Ap, Emulsjonsgrus Eg, Emulsjonpukk Ep, Skumgrus Sg)

AADT <5000 >5000 <1500 1500-5000 5000-15000 Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 – Ag ≥35 >=35 Crushed/broken, EN 933-5- Ap ≥85 >=85

Shape (flisighed), Nordic Ag, As og Ap

1,6 1,5

Shape (flisighed), Nordic, Eg, Ep og Sg

1,6 1,5 1.5 (Ep)

ROAD LAYER: Base course (Penetrert pukk Pp)

AADT <15000 >15000 <1500 1500-5000 5000-15000 Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 100 100

Shape (flisighed), Nordic 1,6 1,6

ROAD LAYER: Forsterkningslag

AADT >0 Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 1) Shape (flisighed), Nordic1) 1,6 1) “Flisighet” is used to measure shape of aggregates, but Flakiness Index will soon take over. The requirements have not yet been decided, but evidently there will be no requirements concerning shape for sub base material. The LA-test is thought to screen away material with poor shape properties.

Finland ROAD LAYER: Base in all road classes

Other Base Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 < 50

Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 Yes Flakiness specification principle for base in all road classes is < 50 if no other requirements have been given. In unbound base (and in wearing course) totally rounded < 10 % and amount of crushed > 50 % (pc + tc). Materials of sub-base and filter layers do not have requirements.

Denmark ROAD LAYER: Unbound base course

Other Type II Type I Knusningsgrad DS 405-5

DS 405-10- At least 50% crushed in grain size >2 mm

ROAD LAYER: Lower base course

GAB 0 Stenmaterilet > 2 mm skal være knust, jf. DS 404, definition b (handelsbetegnelse), dvs. Maksimalt 30 % af materilaet > 2 mm må være uknust. ABB Til veje med en trafikbelastning Æ10 > 500 pr. spor, med langsomtkørende, tung trafik eller tung, kanaliseret trafik skal anvendes knust tilslag 90/2, jf. DS 405.5. Til veje med en trafikbelastning Æ10 < 500 pr. spor, skal anvendes knust tilslag. For det ekstraherede


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stenmaterile skal kontrolforsøg på fraktionen > 2 mm vise en knusningsgrad på min. 80/10 jf. DS 405.5 Til finfraktionen (< 2 mm) skal udelukkende anvendes stenmel. ROAD LAYER: Wearing course

Til grovfraktion ( > 2 mm) skal bortset fra lyst tilslag anvendes klippeskærver eller knuste bakke- eller sømaterialer. Anvendes klippeskærver til grovfraktionen, skal det totale stenmateriale inkl. genbrug have en minimum knusningsgrad 90/2, jf. DS 405.5 Anvendes bakke- eller sømaterialer til grovfraktionen, skal knusningsgraden være minimum 80/10 jf. DS 405.5. Til finfraktion (< 2 mm) kan uknust stenmateriale anvendes. For PA t og AB t skal andelen af stenmel udgøre mindst 50 %. Åbengraderede slidlag samt SMA Grovfarktionen skal, bortset fra lyst tilslag være klippeskærver. Den samlede grovfraktion skal have flisethedstal mindre end 1,45. Iceland The requirements below are new proposals. No existing requirements were present in the Icelandic specifications since 1995. ROAD LAYER: Upper base course layer Road category (traffic volume/road class) (please fill in one or more lines as appropriate) Road class A-B1 B2-B3 C D Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 ≤ 20 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 35 % ≤ 50 % Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 C 50/10 C 50/10 C 50/30 C NR/ 50 The numerical values given for crushed and broken surfaces of aggregates are the percentage of totally crushed and broken surfaces/totally rounded surfaces, according to EN 13242, Table 7. ROAD LAYER: Unbound wearing course Road category (traffic volume/road class) (please fill in one or more lines as appropriate) AADT >100 <100 Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 ≤ 35 % No req. Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 ≥50 No req. The numerical values given for crushed and broken surfaces of aggregates are the percentage of totally crushed and broken surfaces. ROAD LAYER: Surface dressing Road category (traffic volume/road class) (please fill in one or more lines as appropriate) AADT >2000 1000-2000 200-1000 <200 Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 ≤ 15 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 25 % ≤ 30 % Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 90-100 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % The numerical values given for crushed and broken surfaces of aggregates are the percentage of totally crushed and broken surfaces. ROAD LAYER: Asphaltic concrete Road category (traffic volume/road class) (please fill in one or more lines as appropriate) AADT >15000 8000-15000 2000-8000 <2000 Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 ≤ 15 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 25 % ≤ 30 % Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 90-100 % 90-100 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % The numerical values given for crushed and broken surfaces of aggregates are the percentage of totally crushed and broken surfaces.


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Sweden: ROAD LAYER: B-lag F-lag Skydd gS -lag gB-lag gF-la g Flakiness Index, EN 933-3 Crushed/broken, EN 933-5 < 30 % < 30 % - < 50 % < 50 % - The numerical values given for crushed and broken surfaces of aggregates are the percentage of totally uncrushed and broken surfaces. There is F-lag (upper sub base) which does not have a requirement of <30 % totally unbroken but then the B-lag (lower base course) has to be 150 mm thick.

4.5 Strength (resistance to fragmentation)

Norway: ROAD LAYER: Upper/lower base course ( knust grus, knust fjell og forkilt pukk)

AADT 0-5000 LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤35 (Proposal in new road specifications) Nordic impact (Spröhet) ≤55 (Existing requirements) Crushed gravel can be used for AADT <300 for base course. For crushed rock the limit is AADT 1500 and for “forkilt pukk” the limit is AADT 3000. Crushed gravel can be used for lower base course up to AADT < 1500 and crushed rock and “forkilt pukk” up to AADT < 5000. ROAD LAYER: Base course (Asfaltert grus Ag, Asfaltert sand As, Asfaltert pukk

Ap, Emulsjonsgrus Eg, Emulsjonpukk Ep, Skumgrus Sg) AADT <5000 >5000 LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤35 ≤30 (Proposal in new road specifications) Nordic impact (Spröhet) ≤55 ≤55 (Existing requirements) ROAD LAYER: Base course (Penetrert pukk)

AADT <15000 ≥15000 LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤40 ≤35 (Proposal in new road specifications) Nordic impact (Spröhet) ≤60 ≤55 (Existing requirements) ROAD LAYER: Upper sub base (sand/grus, pukk/kult, sprengstein pg

gjenbruksbetong) AADT All AADT-classes LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤35 (Proposal in new road specifications) Nordic impact (Spröhet) ≤55 (Existing requirements) Sand/gravel and crushed rock shall not be used as upper base course material when the AADT >10000. ROAD LAYER: Lower sub base (sand/grus, pukk/kult, sprengstein pg

gjenbruksbetong) AADT All AADT-classes LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤40 (Proposal in new road specifications) Nordic impact (Spröhet) ≤60 (Existing requirements)


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Finland ROAD LAYER: Base material

Road class all LA-test, EN 1097-2 < 30 Strength test (LA) will be required only of base material. Of course material for wearing course will be tested (EN 1097-9 and prEN 12697-16, B). Not with EN 1097-2

Denmark ROAD LAYER: Lower base course

I tilslag til ABB og GAB 0 må materialet > 4 mm indeholde maksimalt 8 % lette korn, med en densitet under 2, 40 g/cm3 bestemt efter prøvningsmetode DS 405.4. ROAD LAYER: Wearing course

I tilslag til slidlag må materialet > 4 mm indeholde maksimalt 6 % lette korn, med en densitet under 2, 40 g/cm3 bestemt efter prøvningsmetode DS 405.4. Kalcineret flint skal ikke opfylde kravene for indhold af lette korn. Tætgraderede slidlag: sprødhedstal mindre end 50. Beregnes somvægtet gennemsnit af de enkelte fraktioner. Til finfraktion (< 2 mm), bortset fra fremmedfiller, skal udelukkende anvendes stenmel. ROAD LAYER: Unbound base: No requirements

ROAD LAYER: Unbound sub base: No requirements

Iceland The Icelandic values below are new proposals, which will replace the values from 1995. ROAD LAYER: BASECOURSE LAYER Road class A-B1 B2-B3 C D LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤ 20 % (25)** ≤ 20 % (30) ≤ 25 % (35) ≤ 30 % (40) Bg-Index* ≤ 8 (10) ≤ 8 (11) ≤ 10 (14) ≤ 12 (16) * See below ** See below ROAD LAYER: UPPER SUBBASE LAYER Road class A-B1 B2-B3 C D LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤ 20 % (35)** ≤ 25 % (40) ≤ 30 % (40) ≤ 35 % (50) Bg-Index* ≤ 8 (14) ≤ 10 (16) ≤ 12 (16) ≤ 14 (20) * The Bg-Index test is optional to the LA test when testing base course material. Modified Bg-index using a 4,54 kg rammer and 457 mm drop, according to the standard ASTM 1557. The Bg-index test is performed on a known prepared dense grading curve (Füller curve).The equipment used to perform this test is that used for the modified proctor compaction test. The aggregate sample (with a known grading curve) is placed in the specified mould and compacted in five layers, applying 25 blows on each layer. After compacting, the grading curve of the sample is analysed again, to determine the degradation, which occurred under compacting. The sum of the difference in percentage remaining on each sieve is calculated (all plus or minus values). The more degradation occurs, the higher Bg-index value is obtained. ** The numbers in brackets are permitted values in the case of unaltered (young) lava material.


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ROAD LAYER: SURFACE DRESSING AADT >2000 1000-2000 200-1000 <200 LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤ 15 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 25 % ≤ 30 % ROAD LAYER: ASPHALTIC CONCRETE AADT >15000 8000-15000 2000-8000 <2000 LA-test, EN 1097-2 ≤ 15 % ≤ 15 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 20 %

Sweden: ROAD LAYER: B-lag F-lag Skydd gS -lag gB-lag gF-la g Nordic test, EN 1097-9 X X X X X Nordic Abrasion Value EN 1097-9 is used both for strength and wear resistance. ROAD LAYER: RF-

crushed RF-

sorted RF

Nordic test, EN 1097-9 X X X The Nordic Abrasion Value is used for classification of the rock material.

4.6 Resistance to abrasion (wear)

Norway: ROAD LAYER: Only for surfacing aggregates

AADT* 1500-3000 3000-5000 5000-15000 >15000 Mølleverdi ≤14 ≤10 ≤10 ≤7

Finland: ROAD LAYER: THESE VALUES ARE SPECIFICATIONS OF WEARING LAYER AADT 500-1500 1500-2500 2500-5000 500-2500 2500-5000 5000-10000AADT, CV av 12 % of AADT Other > 60 km/h > 60 km/h > 60 km/h < 60 km/h < 60 km/h < 60 km/h Nordic abrasion test, EN 1097-9 < 19 < 14 < 10 < 19 < 14 < 10 The wear resistance will be tested only of aggregate for wearing course. Wearing resistance of unbound materials for other layers will not be tested . In case of bigger traffic volumes the wearing resistance will be tested from test samples using the SRK-method (pavement wear resistance PWR) prEN 12697-16, B (made by CEN/TC 227) In case of wearing courses of highly trafficked roads or in chippings the demanded value is lower AADT, CV is in average 12 % of AADT, on bigger roads/traffic values the percentage is smaller (< 10, even about 7)

Denmark: ROAD LAYER: All layers: No requirements


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Iceland: ROAD LAYER: SURFACE DRESSING AADT > 2000 1000-2000 200-1000 < 200 Nordic abrasion test, EN 1097-9 ≤ 10% ≤ 14% ≤ 19% No requirement Dorry abrasion* ≤ 450 mm3 ≤ 550 mm3 ≤ 600 mm3 No requirement * The Dorry abrasion test was in use prior to the Nordic abrasion method (until 1997) ROAD LAYER: UNBOUND WEARING COURSE AADT > 100 >100 Nordic abrasion test, EN 1097-9 ≤ 30% No requirement ROAD LAYER: ASPHALTIC CONCRETE AADT > 15000 8000-15000 2000-8000 < 2000 Nordic test, EN 1097-9, <70 km/h ≤ 7% ≤ 10% ≤ 14% ≤ 19% Nordic test, EN 1097-9, >70 km/h ≤ 7% ≤ 7% ≤ 10% ≤ 14% Dorry abrasion, < 70 km/h ≤ 400 mm3 ≤ 450 mm3 ≤ 550 mm3 ≤ 700 mm3

Dorry abrasion, > 70 km/h ≤ 400 mm3 ≤ 400 mm3 ≤ 450 mm3 ≤ 550 mm3

Sweden: ROAD LAYER: B-lag F-lag Skydd gS -lag gB-lag gF-la g micro Deval, EN 1097-1 < 17 < 30 11-37 < 30 < 30 Nordic test, EN 1097-9 < 23 < 37 7-30 < 37 < 37 ROAD LAYER: RF-crushed RF-sorted RF micro Deval, EN 1097-1 Nordic test, EN 1097-9 < 30 < 30 < 30

4.7 Weathering resistance

Norway: ROAD LAYER: No requirements

Finland: ROAD LAYER: No requirements Weathering resistance will not be tested. Estimation of wearing, base (and sub-base) course materials is based on petrographic analysis. This will be done with naked eye or using a loupe (magnifying glass).

Denmark: ROAD LAYER: No requirements


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Iceland: ROAD LAYER: SURFACE DRESSING LAYER Road category (traffic volume/road class) (please fill in one or more lines as appropriate) AADT > 2000 1000-2000 200-1000 < 200 Nordtest, NT BUILD 485* ≤ 4 % ≤ 9 % ≤ 14 % ≤ 14 % Icelandic freeze/thaw test* ≤ 5 % ≤ 10 % ≤ 20 % ≤ 25 % * The Nordtest, NT BUILD 485 test is based on the EN 1367-1 test in all major aspects, with the fundamental exception that the test liquid is 1 % NaCl instead of fresh water. The Icelandic freeze/thaw test was in use prior to the Nordtest method (until 1997), also using á 1 % NaCl solution as the test liquid. ROAD LAYER: UNBOUND WEARING COURSE AADT > 100 >100 Nordtest, NT BUILD 485 ≤ 14% No requirement ROAD LAYER : ASPHALTIC CONCRETE AADT >15000 8000-15000 2000-8000 <2000 Nordtest, NT BUILD 485 ≤ 2 % ≤ 4 % ≤ 9 % ≤ 14 % Icelandic freeze/thaw test ≤ 3 % ≤ 5 % ≤ 10 % ≤ 15 % ROAD LAYER: BASECOURSE LAYER Road class A-B1 B2-B3 C1-C2 C3-D Nordtest, NT BUILD 485 ≤ 9 % ≤ 12 % ≤ 15 % ≤ 19 %

Sweden: ROAD LAYER: No requirements

4.8 Other tests Norway: ROAD LAYER: Gravel for unbound gravel roads AADT < 300 Linear shrinkage (BS 1377)

3-5 % if precipitation is < 1000 mm/year < 3% if precipitation is > 1000 mm/year

Finland: A simple petrographic analysis has been made to test the quality of aggregates. The test has been made for aggregate in wearing course and in base and sub-base courses. For a sub-base material there exist no strength requirements, but there exist quality estimations.


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Denmark: ROAD LAYER: Unbound base course

Other Type II Type I Sand equivalent, EN 933-8

DS 405-10-/30 -/34

ROAD LAYER: Sub base

Sand equivalent, EN 933-8 DS 405-10 -/30 Iceland: ROAD LAYER: A-B1 B2-B3 C1-C2 C3-D

CBR >80 >75 >70 >65 Humus and plasticity are inspected visually and should not exist. Sweden: Organic matter is tested according to SS 13 21 20 (aggregate size < 8 mm). If the test indicates that organic matter is present (NaOH test), the organic content should be determined according to SS 02 71 07 (aggregate size < 2 mm). Organic matter should be less than or equal to 2 % by weight.


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5. Comparison of Nordic and CEN requirements When comparing aggregate requirements in the Nordic countries with the forthcoming European requirements for aggregates, the product standards of CEN/TC 154 are most appropriate. For unbound base and sub base materials the product standard EN 13242 “Aggregates for unbound and hydraulic bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction” is most relevant, but for asphaltic surfacings EN 13043 “Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads and other trafficked areas” should be used. Concerning the grain size requirements, including fines content, the end-use standard EN 13585 written by CEN/TC 227 is used for the comparison. The reason is that the standard specifies both upper and lower fines, which EN 13242 does not (only upper fines). 5.1 Examples of requirements stated in EN 13242 In the Tables below, some typical CEN requirement categories for the most common properties are listed. TABLE 5.1 Requirements for resistance to fragmentation (LA) from product

standard EN 13242 Los Angeles coefficient (%) ≤ 20 ≤25 ≤30 ≤35 ≤40 ≤50 ≤60 >60 No requirement

Category LA LA20LA25LA30 LA35LA40LA50LA60LaDeclaredLANR

TABLE 5.2 Requirements for shape of aggregates (FI) from product standard EN

13242 FI ≤ 20 ≤35 ≤50 >50 NR

Category FI FI20FI35FI50FIDeclaredFINR


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TABLE 5.3 Requirements for crushed and broken particles from Product Standard EN 13242

% of crushed or broken particles by mass 90-100 50-100 50-100 - - Declared value No Requirement

% of totally rounded particles by mass 0-3 0-10 0-30 0-50 0-70 Declared value No Requirement

Category, C


5.2 Nordic requirements compared to CEN requirements 5.2.1 General When the European package of standards for aggregates will replace national standards in June 2004, the requirements in the Nordic countries (as elsewhere in Europe) will be expected to comply with the relevant European product standards. According to the answers in the questionnaires, some Nordic requirements will have to be amended 5.2.2 Fines content (base course) The product standard EN 13242 does not specify the minimum fines content, i.e. the lower fines, which apparently are used in most of the Nordic countries. On the other hand it is possible to refer to an end-use standard written by CEN/TC 227 for minimum fines content as well as other grading requirements, EN 13285, Unbound mixtures – Specifications. Therefore the fines categories in Table 5.4 are taken from EN 13585 instead of EN 13242. TABLE 5.4 Nordic requirements for base course material - Fines Content Selected Nordic values EN 13285, fines categories Fines, max/min, % Iceland: Finland: Denmark: Norway: Sweden:

Crushed gravel 5/2 (5/1)* 5/0 (8/0)** 9/4*** 8/2 7/2

Crushed rock 5/2 5/0 (8/0)** 8/0 6/0

Max. fines UF 3UF 5UF7UF9UF12UF15UFN

Min. fines LF2LF4LF8LFN

* Proposed (existing guidelines) ** Inner and outer grading area *** Sieved on the 0,075 mm sieve


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It is evident from Table 5.4 that the requirements in individual Nordic countries do not always comply with the new European requirement categories. The Finnish inner curve complies with the product standard, but the outer curve does not. Apparently Denmark uses the 0,075 mm sieve to measure fines content, but should use 0,063 mm sieve according to European standards. Norway requires maximum 8 % fines, but that would fall under category f9 in the CEN product standard. Sweden complies with the CEN requirements for maximum fines for crushed gravel, but not for crushed rock. 5.2.3 Shape and crushed and broken particles (base course) Shape of coarse aggregates has been measured with the Nordic “Flisighet” method in most of the Nordic countries, but the European aggregate standards give two options to measure shape, i.e. Flakiness Index (FI) and Shape Index (SI). Iceland and Finland have chosen the FI-method already, but Norway still uses “Flisighet”, according to their answers in the questionnaire, see Table 5.5. TABLE 5.5 Shape/crushed and broken particles Country Shape, upper base course Crushed particles, upper base course Iceland*: Finland: Denmark: Norway**: Sweden:

FI: 20 - 50 % FI: < 50 % Flisighed: 1,5

> 50 % totally crushed > 50% crushed, <10%totally rounded > 50% in the fraction over 2 mm Crushed/broken particles >50 % Uncrushed/unbroken particles <30 %

* Category dependent on road type ** Will take up FI shortly Norway will change the shape measurement before the package of aggregate standards replaces the traditional test method. Information on shape measurements was not included in the Danish and Swedish answers to the questionnaire. 5.2.4 Resistance to fragmentation (base course) The Los Angeles test is used in the Nordic countries to measure resistance to fragmentation and the categories chosen comply with the product standard for unbound aggregates, EN 13242. The Nordic impact-test (Spröhet) was in use in most of the Nordic countries in connection with the shape test “Flisighet”, but apparently it has now been withdrawn.


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TABLE 5.6 Los Angeles - Fragmentation test Country: Iceland*: Finland: Denmark: Norway: Sweden**:

Upper basecourse ≤ 20 - ≤ 40 % ≤ 30 % NR ≤ 35 %

EN 13242-categories LA20LA25LA30 LA35LA40LA50LA60LADeclared LANR

* LA value is dependant on road class and petrography ** The Nordic Abrasion test is used instead of a fragmentation test The Table shows that there are no requirements for resistance to fragmentation in Denmark and that Sweden measures the abrasion value of base course material as an evaluation of strength. 5.2.5 Resistance to abrasion (wearing course) Resistance to abrasion is generally not tested for base course material. The following values apply to wearing courses. The CEN requirement categories are taken from EN 13043. TABLE 5.7 Resistance to Abrasion- Nordic Abrasion Value Country: Iceland*: Finland*: Denmark: Norway**: Sweden**:

Asphalt concrete ≤ 7 - ≤ 19 % ≤ 10 - ≤ 19 % NR ≤ 7 - ≤ 14 % ≤ 6 - ≤ 14 %

Surface dressing ≤ 10 - ≤ 30 % ≤ 10 - ≤ 19 % NR ≤ 7 - ≤ 14 % ≤ 6 - ≤ 16 %

EN 13043-categories AN7AN10AN14AN19AN30AN>30 DeclaredANNR

* Depends on traffic density and speed **Depends on traffic density Iceland, Finland and Norway comply with the requirement categories in EN 13043, but Sweden has different values


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5.2.6 Weathering resistance (base course) It is proposed in Iceland that a freeze/thaw test shall be performed on base course material if the sample does not fulfil the petrographic analysis guiding requirements. A Nordtest freeze/thaw test with 1% NaCl (NT BUILD 485) is used in Iceland on a general basis for road construction materials. The test method is considered essential for surfacing aggregates, such as for surface dressing and asphaltic concrete, but the following requirements apply to base course material, see Table 5.8: TABLE 5.8 Resistance to freezing and thawing Country Base course material Iceland Frost resistance: ≤ 9 - ≤ 19 %, depending on road class Finland No requirement Denmark No requirement Norway No requirement Sweden No requirement Although the test is primarily used for surfacing material in Iceland, it is also used for base course aggregate in certain cases.


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6. Concluding remarks The information concerning national requirements in the Nordic countries and expected European requirements was gathered from September 2001 to early 2003. A draft report was then introduced at the NVF 34 Annual meeting, which was held in Reykjavik in June 2003. Since then some alterations have been made to the draft report, especially regarding the implementation of the European Standards. The answers to the questionnaires are, however, the original answers and some of them may therefore be up to two years old. With respect to the timetable of CEN/TC 154 regarding the implementation of the package of standards, which takes place in June 2004, it is likely that the status reflected in the answers to the questionnaire may have changed considerably in some of the Nordic countries. Regretfully, it would have been too time consuming to update all the answers with a new questionnaire and therefore it was decided to publish the report with the given answers as received. Therefore, it can only be stated that the report reflects the situation in each Nordic country at the time that the questionnaire was filled in. Finally, the authors of this report wish to express their gratitude to those who filled in the questionnaires for each Nordic country, but they are: Martti Eerola, Finland Susanne Baltzer, Denmark Geir Berntsen, Norway Klas Hermelin, Sweden