Nutrition Nutrition Still Chapter 14

Nutrition Still Chapter 14. Calorie Energy contained in food and drinks Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1C Recommended

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Still Chapter 14


• Energy contained in food and drinks

• Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1C

• Recommended intake for most people

1500 – 2000


Estimate Your Caloric Need

• Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula: Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = the amount the energy required to maintain the body while at rest

• Women:655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

• Men:66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Estimate Your Caloric Need

• Result:

Number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weight.

• If you want to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result.

Serving size

• information that you learn from the rest of the Nutrition Facts label depends on the serving size.

The Facts

• shows the amounts in grams (g) or milligrams (mg)

• provides the % of daily value needed for each of these nutrients based on a 2,000 calorie/day diet

• won't be exactly right for everybody

• Iron and calcium are often deficient in our diets,

• 1 serving of condensed chicken noodle soup has 37% of our daily need for sodium.

Suggested Daily Requirements

• The bottom portion of the Nutrition Facts food label may not be present on smaller items

Try this!

P. 860

Keeping a Balance

• More calories than needed = gain weight

• Less calories than needed = lose weight

• Maintain weight when– intake of calories = calories needed

Why eat?

1. Food gives body energy.

2. Food supplies basic building materials for repair, maintenance, growth and development.

6 Major Classes of Nutrients

1. Carbohydrates

2. Fats

3. Proteins

4. Vitamins

5. Minerals

6. Water

1. Carbohydrates (Carbs)

• Body’s fuel

• Glucose - quick energy– Energy created through respiration

• Complex Carbs Starch and fiber: bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, fruits, and vegetables.

• Simple Carbs High Glycemic Index:soft drinks, fruits, milk, white bread

2. Fats

• It’s healthy to eat fat!!! (in moderate amounts)

• Part of the cell membrane (phospholipids)

• Protects organs and joints

• Keeps skin from drying out

• Insulate body heat

Good fat: Omega-3

• Helps with heart disease

(#1 cause of death)

• Corn, salmon, trout, flaxseed oil, almonds, soy, green leafy veggies are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acid


• Carried around by 2 lipoproteins:– LDL (low-density lipoproteins)

• Bad because it carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells plaque

• Saturated (animal fat) tend to raise LDL levels

– HDL (high-density lipoproteins)• Good because it carries cholesterol from cells to

the liver for breakdown• Unsaturated (plants) tend to raise HDL levels

3. Proteins

• Made of AAs

• Necessary for growth and repair and other cellular processes

• Body makes 12, other 8 must come from food

• If used for energy, proteins must be converted to carbs (glucose) in the liver through a process called deamination

4. Vitamins

• Needed in small amounts

• Coenzymes for enzymes which catalyze important reactions

• Vitamin-deficiency diseases: – Lack of VitC = Scurvy: bleeding gums, loss of

teeth, aching muscles– VitA: prevents night blindness

5. Minerals

• Inorganic substances (Ca, Na, Fe…)

• Constituents of cells and body fluids

• Structural components of tissues

• Ingredients for hemoglobin, DNA

• What is a good source

for calcium?

6. Water

• Die from lack of water before starving

• Human body = 60-80% water

• Blood plasma (liquid part of blood) has ~90% water

• Water dissolves food and enzymes in the digestive system


• Water dissolves waste materials in urine

• You are constantly losing water. – Lose ~2.5L/day through respiration,

perspiration, excretion– Blood thickens

with lack of water