Nutrition and Wellness Unit 1 Nutrition, Wellness and You Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised frameworks 2008

Nutrition and Wellness Unit 1 Nutrition, Wellness and You Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised frameworks 2008

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Page 1: Nutrition and Wellness Unit 1 Nutrition, Wellness and You Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised frameworks 2008

Nutrition and Wellness

Unit 1Nutrition, Wellness and


Tonja BoldingLakeside High School

Revised frameworks 2008

Page 2: Nutrition and Wellness Unit 1 Nutrition, Wellness and You Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised frameworks 2008

1.1 Match terms related to wellness

1. culture – everything about the way a group of people lives

2. emotional health – the overall condition of a person’s emotions

3. health- combined state of physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being

4. lifestyle – everything about the way one person, a couple, or a family choose to live

5. nutrition - the study of nutrients and how they are used by the body

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6. organic food –a food produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or growth hormones

7. physical health – the overall condition of a person’s body

8. psychological health –the overall condition of a person’s attitude

9. social health – the overall condition of a person’s ability to relate to others around them

10. technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes such as reaching goals, meeting needs, and solving problems

11. wellness – the process of acquiring and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and social health

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1.2 Identify the aspects of wellness (the process of acquiring

and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and social health)

Signs of good physical health (the overall

condition of a person’s body) include:

Bright, clear eyes Firm skin Healthy teeth and gums Good muscle tone Good posture Energy for daily living Normal growth rate Resistance to illness Ability to relax and sleep

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Activity for Physical Health Describe particular behaviors that

lead to good physical health Chart on board…identify how many

you practice.

1.2.1 Analyze the importance of each aspect of wellness

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Psychological health (the overall condition of a

person’s attitudes) consists of:

Ability to cope with change The way a person faces their problems Ability to work toward goals Open-mindedness Self-confident

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The Mind is a Powerful Tool

Activity for Mental Health: Write a description of a person with

good mental health. Be prepared to read your description out loud.

Think of someone you know well who demonstrates most or all of these characteristics. Be prepared to tell about this person if called on to share.

1.2.1 Analyze the importance of each aspect of wellness

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Emotional health (the overall condition of a person’s

emotions) consists of:

How you deal with daily life How you feel about yourself Sensitivity to others The ability to handle anger, frustration and


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Activity for Emotional Health Brainstorm a list of techniques that

you would suggest to a friend to encourage positive emotional health.

Be prepared to share you list

1.2.1 Analyze the importance of each aspect of wellness

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Social health (the overall condition of a person’s ability to

relate to others around them) involves:

Your relationship with others Your ability to give and accept praise You ability to be helpful and considerate Accepting rules and responsibilities Dealing with conflict in a constructive

way Handling peer pressure without

compromising your values

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Outlooks on Life

Activity for Social Health Think of a familiar quotation that

presents an outlook on life…such as…”For success, attitude is as important as ability.”

Write down …if you can’t think of one, compose your own!!!

Share with class and agree or disagree with quotation

1.2.1 Analyze the importance of each aspect of wellness

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Physical health

Psychological healthSocial health

Emotional health


All the aspects of wellness

are interrelated

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1.3 Evaluate the effect of lifestyle (everything about the way

one person, a couple, or a family choose to live) choices on


Positive Lifestyle Choices healthy diet rich in vital nutrients 8-9 hours of sleep nightly maintaining a healthy weight regular doctors visits active lifestyle

exercise physical activity

educate yourself about nutrition (the study of nutrients and how they are used by the body)

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Negative Lifestyle Choices

smoking drugs lack of sleep poor nutrition excess weight inadequate health care poor time management


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Activity: Choices Can Make You or Break You

high blood pressure lung cancer osteoporosis anemia stress diabetes

AIDS/STDs liver cancer skin cancer depression paranoia heart attack

With the help of the people at your table:Identify the lifestyle choice that causes the following conditions.Some may have more than one answer. Be prepared to discuss.

1.3.3 Chart lifestyle choices that contribute to disease

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1.4 Examine wellness as a choice

Changing ones behavior can affect all aspects of your health (combined state of physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being)

Eating breakfast can help you concentrate in school.

physical health affects psychological health.


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Choices that Promote Wellness Ask yourself the following questions: Do I: avoid the use of tobacco? avoid the use of alcohol and illegal drugs? eat a nutritious daily diet including breakfast? manage my weight? get daily physical activity to maintain fitness? manage stress effectively? get enough sleep? avoid unnecessary risks? avoid unsafe sexual practices? take precautions when using equipment and

machinery? enthusiastically participate in school and community


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Activity: Healthy Choices Bracelet

Use a clear bead for every colored bead you are unable toplace as a reminder that YOU can choose to improve your

health. Add a dark blue bead if you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Add a purple bead if you exercise at least 5 times a week. Add a aqua blue bead if you drink 64 oz of water a day. Add an orange bead if you eat at least 2 cups of fruit a day. Add a green bead if you eat at least 2 ½ cups of vegetables a day. Add a white bead if you brush your teeth twice a day. Add a gray bead if you eat breakfast every day. Add a yellow bead if you eat lunch every day. Add a red bead if you shower every day. Add a black bead if you are a non smoker. Add a tan bead if you do not tan.

1.4.1 Demonstrate wellness as a personal choice

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Activity:Using continuum, line up where you think your present lifestyle places you. Move to where you would like to be.Evaluate what changes would need to make.

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1.5 List the steps in the decision making process

Practicing wellness can affect you positively today and into the future.

Using the decision making process can help you make choices for your overall wellness and other aspects of your life.

1. Identify the decision to be made.2. Identify available resources and possible

options.3. Weigh pros and cons of each option.4. Select the best option5. Act on the decision6. Evaluate the results of the decision

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Activity: FCCLA Power of One A Better You Module

1.5.2 Develop an FCCLA Power of One project: A Better You Module

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Cultural The food people serve for meals are influenced by their culture (everything about the way

a group of people lives) which includes the beliefs, values and behaviors shared by the group.

Culture changes over time as new ideas are introduced. People in the U.S. are now more health

conscience and tend to spend more money on low fat foods for example.

1.6 Compare the impact of cultural, emotional, psychological, and social influences on food choices

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Emotional Emotions can cause under eating and

over eating. Food can satisfy emotional needs

Babies learn to connect food with warmth and security

Children associate foods with pleasurable experiences

Adults associate food with times of happiness and security

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Food appeals to the senses of sight, taste, and smell

Preparing food can be as satisfying as eating it.

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Social Food brings people together. Preparing and eating food are social

activities. Family has a great impact on the

foods people eat and how they eat them.

Friends have an affect on the foods you choose.

The media can affect your food choices.

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1.7 Examine the development of regional foods from available global and local food supplies

Each region of the US features some distinctive types of foods. These regions reflect different ethnic heritages and

each heritage has different foods. The Southwest has a large Mexican-American

population which provides foods like tacos, tortillas and tamales.

Many Asian people settled along the Pacific Coast and contributed rice dishes and stir-fry cooking methods.

Foods supplies are influenced by the demands of the area.

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See “What the World Eats”- PowerPoint

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1.8 Identify ways global food choices are interrelated by supply, production, and distribution worldwide

The local food supply is affected by what can be grown locally which is affected by the climate.

Foods produced in one place can become part of the cuisine elsewhere. Bananas which originated in Malaysia are

grown in Central America and imported to the U.S.

Cost of fuel, natural disasters, political conflicts, etc. can affect the distribution of food items

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1.9 Research government guidelines for health claims concerning wellness issues

The Food and Drug Administration ensures the safety of all foods sold except meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs.

They: set regulations on issues such as food

additives and pesticides used in the growing of the food

sets standards for consumer information such as food labels

regulates nutrient claims such as “low fat” or “more calcium”

regulates health claims such as “reduces the risk of cancer

health claims must be based on scientific evidence

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Add these!!!


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1.10 Summarize the roles of the food industry, technology (the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes such as reaching goals, meeting needs, and solving problems) and government influences in food choices

Food Industry Economics has a lot to do with the availability of food.

supply and demand affects the cost of the food

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Technology affects food production. Organic foods (a food produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers,

pesticides, or growth hormones) are readily available no scientific evidence they are more nutritious or safer consumers pay more

Hydroponics is a method of growing vegetables indoors in nutrient-rich solution rather than soil. Fish farming allows for areas of the ocean to be sections off for easy harvest and greater yields of

seafood. The ability to grow crops that are pest resistant.

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Government agencies monitor the

safety of foods. FDA USDA