Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q 4804 Phone (07) 4785 8111 Fax (07) 4785 8100 Email addresses: [email protected] OR [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Website: collinsvilleshs.eq.edu.au Facebook: Collinsville State High School Principals Perspective Report Cards At the end of Term 3, only Year 7 to 10 report cards will be issued to parents as Year 11 and 12 reports for Semester 1 were issued in Week 5. The Junior School reports will cover all their subjects studied this term. Year 11 reports will be issued at the end of Semester 2 and will cover their Unit 2 achievement. No further reports will be issued by the school for Year 12. QCAA will issue Year 12 students their certificates at the end of the year including QCE or QCIA, Senior Statement or Statement of Results. Attendance Despite organising parent meetings and phone calls, the attendance of some senior students continues to be a serious concern. Students who are not attending above 80% of the time are at risk of having their enrolment cancelled. Not only are they missing days but this is impacting their ability to gain a QCE by the successful completion of subjects. The school will continue to liaise with parents/carers to aim to have all senior students, particularly the Year 12 students finish the year successfully. Fatal Five Presentation Sergeant Nigel Dalton will be visiting our school on Tuesday 8 th September. In period 4, he will deliver a presentation to senior students about the five behaviours that contribute to deaths and serious injury on our roads. The five are: Speeding Driving under the influence of a substance – drug or alcohol Not wearing a seatbelt Driving whilst fatigued Driving whilst distracted – including mobile devices. In the past, students have found this information invaluable and this is a timely presentation as our Year 12 students will soon be leaving us. Cyber Safety Presentations On Tuesday 8 th September, Sergeant Dalton will also deliver a presentation for parents from 5 - 6.30pm called Think U Know covering areas of cyber safety and how parents and carers can be more informed to protect their child. A flyer will be sent out to our school community and to our cluster primary schools inviting parents to the presentation. P&C Meeting - Wednesday 2nd September at 3pm in the Library

Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

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Page 1: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

Number 13 21 August 2020

Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q 4804 Phone (07) 4785 8111 Fax (07) 4785 8100

Email addresses: [email protected] OR [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Website: collinsvilleshs.eq.edu.au Facebook: Collinsville State High School

Principal’s Perspective Report Cards

At the end of Term 3, only Year 7 to 10 report cards will be issued to parents as Year 11 and 12 reports for Semester 1 were issued in Week 5. The Junior School reports will cover all their subjects studied this term. Year 11 reports will be issued at the end of Semester 2 and will cover their Unit 2 achievement. No further reports will be issued by the school for Year 12. QCAA will issue Year 12 students their certificates at the end of the year including QCE or QCIA, Senior Statement or Statement of Results. Attendance

Despite organising parent meetings and phone calls, the attendance of some senior students continues to be a serious concern. Students who are not attending above 80% of the time are at risk of having their enrolment cancelled. Not only are they missing days but this is impacting their ability to gain a QCE by the successful completion of subjects. The school will continue to liaise with parents/carers to aim to have all senior students, particularly the Year 12 students finish the year successfully. Fatal Five Presentation

Sergeant Nigel Dalton will be visiting our school on Tuesday 8th September. In period 4, he will deliver a presentation to senior students about the five behaviours that contribute to deaths and serious injury on our roads. The five are:


Driving under the influence of a substance – drug or alcohol

Not wearing a seatbelt

Driving whilst fatigued

Driving whilst distracted – including mobile devices.

In the past, students have found this information invaluable and this is a timely presentation as our Year 12 students will soon be leaving us. Cyber Safety Presentations

On Tuesday 8th September, Sergeant Dalton will also deliver a presentation for parents from 5 - 6.30pm called Think U Know covering areas of cyber safety and how parents and carers can be more informed to protect their child. A flyer will be sent out to our school community and to our cluster primary schools inviting parents to the presentation.

P&C Meeting - Wednesday 2nd September at 3pm in the Library

Page 2: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q



27 Year 8 Red Carpet



2 Footy Free Dress Day and Red Food Day

4 Student Free Day

8 Think U Know presentation 5.00-6.30pm

18 Term 3 Report Cards

for Year 7 - 10 only

19 School Holidays Start


5 Public Holiday

6 Term 4 Commences

7 Year 7 Vaccinations

19 Awards Night


2 Year 8 into 9 Subject


Principal’s Perspective continued…..

Our Year 7 – 9 students will then participate in a cyber-safety presentation on Wednesday 9th September in Period 1 by Eyes Open, social media safety presenters. Sergeant Dalton will also be present to reinforce the importance of this topic with students. Both presentations will cover the following topics:

Identifying the risks and dangers associated with social media – digital footprint, identity theft, bullying and predators.

Identifying behaviours that make children vulnerable when using social media and the impact of poor choices.

Recommending protective behaviours to allow children to enjoy the benefits of social media.

Providing security solutions appropriate to the apps under discussion.

In addition to this support, the school has also been successful in gaining a grant of $5000 for e-Smart from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation to put towards students completing e-safety courses. In Term 4, Year 7 and 8 students will complete this course during LOL – Living our Lives Wellbeing Program. This is an important component of the LOL course as we provide our students with the strategies to stay safe online. Principal Absence

I will be away for two weeks taking some long service leave. In my absence, Ms Melinda Daly will be the acting Principal and I am sure the school will run smoothly in her capable hands.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Reeves Principal

Apply to become a QCAA Invigilator

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority is seeking applications from Queensland community members for QCAA invigilator positions. The role of the invigilator is to observe and report on the administration of external assessment sessions at secondary schools and approved assessment venues throughout Queensland.

Role summary Invigilators are required to: • attend allocated assessment sessions at assessment venues • observe and report on the administration of assessments and the collection, counting and packing of materials at the end of assessments.

Eligibility To be eligible to apply for a QCAA invigilator role, community members must: • hold a blue card or an exemption card • be at least 18 years of age • be eligible to work in Australia • have photographic identification • have a personal email address • have a mobile phone • have access to a computer, the internet and a printer • supply names and contact details of two referees. Note: Before applying, community members should read the Position description: Invigilators and Invigilator frequently asked questions available at www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/assessment/external-assessment/qcaa-invigilators

Page 3: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

What’s Coming up at CSHS….


After considering the QLD Government’s COVID-19 restrictions

prohibiting students from dancing, a student vote was conducted. Based

on the results of the vote and feedback from the P&C, the regrettable

decision had been made to cancel the school ball.

Page 4: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

On Friday 14th August the Interschool Primary Athletics Carnival was held at Collinsville State School. Congratulations to Clay Colls and Regan O’Loughlin taking out the 12 Year Old Age Champions.

Primary Interschool Athletics

This fortnight’s Recipe …


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 12 hole muffin tin

and set aside.

2. Sift the self raising flour into a large bowl.

3. Add remaining ingredients and gently fold through with a

metal spoon until just combined.

4. Divide the mixture between the muffin holes and bake for

15-20 minutes or until golden.

5. Allow to cool in the baking tin for 10 minutes before

transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Savoury Muffins—Ham, Corn & Cheese Ingredients:

2 Cups Self Raising Flour (300g)

1/2 Cup grated Cheese (40g)

1 Tbl Chives (chopped)

125g melted Butter

1 Cup Milk (250g full fat)

1 Egg lightly beaten

3/4 cup Ham (chopped)

125g Corn Kernels

Salt & Pepper to season

Optional Additions:

Sundried tomatoes, chopped baby spinach and feta

Zucchini and ham

Cheese and bacon

Page 5: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q


IN: Library

TIME: 2:45pm - 4:00pm.

SIGN UP on the notice board outside the

staffroom by 2:30pm Tuesday


IN: Cafe TIME: 8:00am - 8:20am

Thanks to QCOAL for

your Support!

STUDENT AWARDS!! Courtney McGregor - For an excellent effort in Humanities.

JR Dancel - For working well in Digital Technology.

Suneth Liyanage - For excellent behaviour and submitting his

draft on time.

Year 9 JR Dancel

Year 9 Suneth Liyanage

Term 3: Week 5

Term 3: Week 6

Jack Groocock - For his determination completing FSK.

Aaliyah Harvey - For persevering to complete her Essential

English assessment.

Sharni Wallace - For consistently completing Business

Administration Modules.

Year 11 Aaliyah Harvey

Year 12 Sharni Wallace

Mackenzie Skipper - For improved effort and behaviour in History.

Cooper Groocock - For fantastic design and innovation in Design and Technology.

Elly-Marie Colls - For achieving excellent results in Civics and application to work in SOSE. Year 7

Mackenzie Skipper

Year 10 Jack Groocock

Year 9 Elly-Marie Colls

Kiara Ford - For always displaying a positive attitude to


Whitlam Moses - For always producing work of a high

standard in Industrial Design & Technology.

Alfred Moses - For displaying excellent team spirit at the

Athletics Carnival.

Year 10 Kiara Ford

Year 10 Whitlam Moses

Year 8 Courtney McGregor

Year 12 Alfred Moses

THAT’S TOPS Congratulations to the recipients of the

That’s Tops Awards:

Lexie Georgia Simpson Jack Groocock

Year 8 Cooper Groocock


Page 6: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

Community Notices

2020 Early School Leavers Survey

The Queensland Government is seeking the support of the school community for the annual survey of Year 10, 11 and 12 students who left school in 2019, before completing Year 12. This short, confidential survey collects information about what young people are doing the year after leaving school. The results of the survey help provide valuable information to improve services available to school leavers in the future. Between August and September, these school leavers can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Thank you for your support of Next Step post-school destination surveys in 2020. For more information, visit www.qld.gov.au/nextstep/ or telephone toll free on 1800 068 587

Page 7: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

Community Notices

Page 8: Number 13 21 August 2020...Number 13 21 August 2020 Principal: Mrs A Reeves HOD Curriculum: Mrs S Lawn, Mrs S Bennett, Ms M Daly Address: Walker Street , PO Box 161, Collinsville Q

Community Notices

Our Drama Academy has been creating confident, articulate and happy students for 40 years. During Term 2 we were unable to conduct our face-to-face classes due to the lockdown. We were motivated to develop an online programme in order to keep students creative and connected. We received so much positive feedback from our parents that we decided to keep online classes going for those students who could not attend our studio locations due to health concerns. Students who live in rural areas don’t have easy access to programmes such as ours and we thought that this could be of real value to them. Our online Inter-ACT programme consists of weekly lesson plans, videos for the students to watch and Zoom sessions each week.