Nucleus Study Con Arreglos (1)

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  • 7/30/2019 Nucleus Study Con Arreglos (1)


    University of Puerto Rico at Humacao

    English Department

    Course: EDPE 4018/4005 Practice Teaching

    Nucleus Study ProjectPractice Center: CDPRE

    Cooperative Teacher: Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez

    Wilnelia Montaez Rosario


    Professor: Dr. Anbal Muoz ClaudioDate: August 24, 2012

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    Table of ContentBackground Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3

    Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . p. 4

    Areas of Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5-8

    Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 10 -11

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    Background Information

    An efficient teacher is the one who knows his/ her students and is concerned of where

    their learning is heading. Teachers need to spend time and dedication in order to

    familiarize themselves with the center where they are working for, the personnel

    (both educational and non-educational), and most importantly, the students. This will

    not only help teachers to not get lost when they need something. It also helps them to

    interact with their society, community, students, and colleague. Knowing our school,

    society and community can also help teachers to understand any situations that could


    The CDPRE is an educational program that was established in UPR at Humacao in

    1979. The school was built to provide educational services to Pre-school and

    Kindergarten students with special needs and integrate them to the regular classroom.

    This Center offers Pre-k and Kindergarten, all the students in pre-k have a speech

    problem among other conditions. Then students are promoted to Kindergarten where

    they are integrated with the regular class. The CDPRE is part of the Educational

    Region of Humacao; the Regional Supervisor is Jos Luis Cruz Arroyo. The School

    Superintendent is Mr. Luis Eugenio Matta Donati. The CDPRE belongs to the

    school district of Las Piedras. The Coordinator of the CDPRE is Dr. Aida Rodrguez

    Roig. My cooperative teacher is Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez and she teaches


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    In this nucleus study, you will find what an efficient teacher should know when going

    to start a new school year at any center. The CDPRE is the school presented within

    this nucleus. Among the things included are: the hierarchy of command, educational

    and non-educational personnel, the schools diagram and organization, curriculum

    programs, facilities, teachers by grades, students enrollment by gender and grade.

    My source of information was the secretary of the CDPRE Mrs. Blanca I. Daz Bez.

    The purpose of this study is to get to know the school's background. As a teacher, I

    have to get to know where I stand so I can know where I am heading [Quote in the

    nucleus study outline]. This study has huge implications in the way teachers will

    prepare their classes and the performance of their students. They need to know the

    personnel, facilities, locations of the school so they can work better. This allows

    teachers in any situation to make decisions quickly and not wonder what they should


    The first thing that I did was to go to the center I was assigned to do my practice

    teaching and introduce myself. The Director of the CDPRE Dr. Aida Ayala and the

    Secretary of the Center Mrs. Blanca I. Daz show me around the center. They take me

    to my Cooperative Teacher Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez. Also I met the Social Worker

    Dra. Falero. Is real important to knows all the professionals that work in your school

    and their duties in the school knowing this the teachers have an idea who can help

    them in any situation where we need to intervene for the benefit of our students.

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    Areas of Observation

    School Organization Chart

    The CDPRE has two groups; the pre-kinder and the kindergarten. The pre-

    kinder teacher is Mrs. Migdalia Cortes, the schedule of this group is as follow:

    7:15-8:00 Students arrive and have breakfast

    8:00-8:30 Routines Activities

    8:30-9:00 Language and Communication Skills

    9:00-9:30 Snacks & Restrooms


    Perceptual Motor

    10:00-11:00 Center Supervised Interest

    11:00-11:30 Students Lunch

    11:30-12:00 Outdoors Games

    12:00-1:00 Teacher Lunch

    1:00-1:30 Story Telling

    1:30-2:00 Snack and Closing Activities

    2:00-3:00 Preparation Period

    *students end at 2:00 p.m. Table #1

    The implications of this schedule that I mentioned in table #1 on my practice teaching are the

    following. Even though I only do my practice teaching with the kindergarten I do interact with

    the pre-kinder students during the breakfast, lunchtime, and in field trips or other activities. Also

    knowing this schedule help me to know what time I can talk to the teacher if I need it. I have to

    have this in mind when planning any activities that involve the whole school.

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    The Kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez the schedule of this group is as follow:

    7:15-8:00 Students arrive and have breakfast

    8:00-8:30 Beginning and Routines Activities

    8:30-9:00 Language Arts

    9:00-9:20 Snack



    9:30-10:00 Mathematics

    10:00-10:30 English

    10:30-11:00 Transition Activities

    11:00-11:30 Lunch

    11:30-12:00 Physical Education

    12:00-12:15 Transition

    12:15-1:00 Recreational Reading and Writing

    1:00-1:30 Center of Interest

    1:30-1:45 Snack

    1:45-2:00 Exit Transition


    Professional Preparation

    Table # 2

    The important of know this schedule is to plan effective your class considering the time you

    have. As a teacher when you know the whole schedule of your students you possess the whole

    knowledge and be able to help your student. An example knowing the schedule help me to

    decide when I can work with my case study or if a student was absent and need to do a pending

    work when is a good time to work it.

    The curriculum in kindergarten is integrated the center doesnt have any sport program. The

    CDPRE facilities consist of two classrooms (Pre-kinder & Kindergarten), each classroom has

    two sets of bathrooms (one for the boys and another for the girls), the administrative office, the

    coordinator office, the lunchroom, the kitchen, two sets of bathroom for the personnel, the social

    worker office, the psychology office, and the playground. ` The supervisor of the CDPRE is Dr.

    Aida Rodrguez Roig.

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    The main reason and most important element of any school it is the students. For the students be

    able to achieve their goals and became the future leaders of our Puerto Rico they need go to the

    school. In order for the school to work we need in our schools professional engage with their job

    and the students. The CDPRE personnel consist of the following:

    Dr. Ramn Garca Barrios Physical Education

    Professor Gelitza Falero Rijos Social Worker

    Mrs. Kritzia Maldonado Rodrguez Speech Therapist

    Mrs. Lishounette Rodrguez Vega Occupational Therapist Assistance

    Mrs. Blanca I. Daz B1az Baz Secretary

    Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez Rodrguez Kindergarten Teacher

    Mrs. Migdalia Corts Jaime Pre-kinder Teacher

    Mrs. Rosaura Jimnez Ayala Student Service Assistance

    Mrs. Gisela Cruz Ortiz

    ChefMrs. Carmen Vzquez Negrn Chef

    Mr. Edgar L. Daz Vega Custodian

    Table #3

    The important of knowing all the names and position of the CDPRE personnel is that I will know

    beforehand to whom I can go for help according the situation. This will save me time which is

    essential when solving a situation that implies the students. Knowing the personnel and the

    position they occupy in the school will assure that an action plan can be design for possible

    scenarios for quick implementation when need it. I know that I count with a Social Worker, a

    Psychologist to help me with the behavioral problems that I have in my kindergarten. Knowing

    that I have an Occupational Therapist also helps me to design my special project and all of this

    because I gather the information at the beginning.

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    The student the reason why teachers exist, that the true and we should always remember this.

    Everything that we teachers do have to be in benefits of our students. Every time we plan a

    lesson, an activities or other the reason for this have to be our students benefits. The CDPRE

    have a total enrollment of 37 students between the two groups (Pre-K and Kindergarten). In the

    Pre-kinder the students are divided as follow: five females and seven males for a total of 12

    students. The Kindergarten students are divided as follow: eight females ans seventeen males for

    a total of 25 students. The implication of this in my practice teaching is that the number of male

    in my classroom will have a huge impact in my lesson plan. I have to target in my classes

    activities that boys like to catch they attention. This not means that I will not use activities that

    girls enjoy or like but this will be less than the boys. The reason is that the majority in my

    classroom are boys and if I start using most of the time stuff that girls like the boys will get bored

    and the behavior will be a problem.

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    Some of the CDPRE strenghs are the services which are individualized, the students receive the

    treatments (speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy) at the center, and they

    also integrate the students from special education with the regular students (inclusion). When the

    students leave kindergarten for other institutions, they are well prepared.

    The students finish kindergarten knowing to work in groups, students learn to accepts diversity

    and live it. The student learn to share with others, care for others and transform their surround.

    This students will impact other schools and hopefully create more changes in our society.

    Some areas that can improve in the CDPRE are the physical facilities; children need a roof over

    the playground. The roof in kindergarten needs to be fixed because it leaks every time it rains.

    Another area that needs improvement is the envolvement and action of the parents regarding

    students absencies. In addition they can improve having consistency with the personnel that

    provides the therapies to the students. The CDPRE is part of the UPRH and in this University

    we have programs in Ocupational Therapy, Physical Therapy we should have those professional

    that we know are competent working in our CDPRE. Avoiding having one company today and

    antoher different tomorrow this dont help the students. Students need to feel secure, and know

    the person so they are in confidence this will not happen if they change constantly of personnel.

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    Since my first day at this school, I have learned skills that will facilitate the way I teach so I

    became more effective and learning takes place. Something that I have learned at my practice

    center is a creative way to take attendance. The teacher have a big apple with pockets where its

    located the flash cards with the students name on it. As soon the student step in to the classroom

    after breakfast, they have to seek for their flash cards and flip it over their name. I consider that

    my acquaintance with my surroundings, will help me learn a lot, this includes students, teachers

    and personnel. When it comes to how this experience will affect my development, I just see

    things in positives ways.

    In my practice center, I also had the opportunity of seein in action the four core values: diversity,

    creativity, leadership, and social transformation. Diversity is embraced for all the personnel and

    students. They learn about how people are different and that there is nothing wrong with that,

    that you have to respect that diversity so other also accepts the way you are. These also teach

    tolerance a value that our society lacks and we hope and count with our students to change that in

    the future. This center also promotes creativity every time the students go to the art center. They

    promote that the student provide their own ideas. The leadership skills are promoted when

    working as a group they have to decide and take decisions in how to work by themselves and, as

    a result, they go to their homes and change, which is our last core social transformation.

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    The CDPRE is where I finally will be able to put in practice what I have learned during the past

    four years at the university. In here is where I will face reality and with the help of my

    cooperative teacher and other personnel learn how to deal with situation in the real scenario. In

    theory is so easy to judge situations, but it is not until you hit reality that you start to comprehend

    why things happen the way the do. It is our responsibility to seek ways to make the changes that

    are possible to happen.

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