Nucleoskeleton mechanics at a glance Kris Noel Dahl 1,2, * and Agnieszka Kalinowski 1 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering and 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA *Author for correspondence ([email protected] ) Journal of Cell Science 124, 675-678  © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd doi:10.1242/jcs.069096 The nucleus contains the genetic information of the cell and all of the regulatory factors that  process the genome eff ectively . The genome is encapsulated by a dense, filamentous meshwork called the nucleoskeleton, whic h is located at the inner nuclear membrane. The components of the nucleoskeleton are involved in cellular signaling (Wilson and Berk, 2010), but they are also necessary for maintaining nuclear structure,  preventin g rupture of the nucleus under force and possibly assisting in force transduction (Wang et al., 2009). Here, we present the integrated mechanical structures of the nucleoskeleton, including lamin filaments, multisubunit proteins, short actin filaments and the genome. We also discuss the integration of mechanical elements from the cytoskeleton into the nucleoskeleton. Based on the mechanical contributions of the individual elements, we demonstrate how mutations in nuclear structures might impact force-dependent etiologies of disease. The accompanying poster aims to  provide a translati onal overview between the cell biology of the nucleus and the biophysics of its underlying polymeric structures. Nucleoskeletal components The nucleoskeleton is primarily composed of intermediate type V filaments, which consist of lamin proteins. Human cells encode three genes for two types of lamins: the A-type lamins, primarily lamins A and C, which are  products of alternative splicing of the  LMNA gene; and the B-type lamins, lamin B1 and lamin B2, which are encoded by two separate genes (Gruenbaum et al., 2005). Lamin filaments assemble into homopolymers and mostly separate networks (Delbarre et al., 2006; Furukawa et al., 2009; Moir et al., 2000). B-type lamins are ubiquitously expressed in metazoan cells and are essential to cell survival (Harborth et al., 2001) because of the fundamental roles of lamin B proteins in transcription and other cellular signaling pathways. For example, lamin B1 is essential for RNA synthesis, and activity of RNA polymerases I and II (Tang et al., 2008). However, loss of lamin B1 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts does not result in any of the nuclear softening and cytoskeletal defects that are seen when lamin A is lost (Lammerding et al., 2006). Recently, lamin B2 has been shown to be (See poster insert) © Journal of Cell Science 2011 (124, pp. 675–678) Nucleoskeleton Mechanics at a Glance Kris Noel Dahl and Agnieszka Kalinowski Abbreviations: IF, intermediate filament; INM, inner nuclear membrane; MT, microtubule; NE, nuclear envelope; ONM, outer nuclear membrane. Mechanical description of nucleoskeletal components Nucleoskeletal components at the nuclear envelope The role of lamins in force propagation Physical links between the cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton Sun1Sun2 Nesprins Actin Intermediate filaments Microtubule Cytoplasm INM ONM View from above at the nuclear membrane INM NE Nucleoplasm Heterochromatin Short actin filament Lamin filaments Euchromatin Large repeat- domain proteins (spectrins, titin) Genome Lamin A or C Lamin B Integration of cellular mechanical elements LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton to cytoskeleton) complex Stiffer hetero- chromatin Softer euchromatin MT IF Actin Nucle oskel eton at t he n uclea r en velop e Primary force propag ation Applied force    N   o   r   m   a    l    l   a   m    i   n   s    D   e   c   r   e   a   s   e    d    l   a   m    i   n   s    I   n   c   r   e   a   s   e    d    l   a   m    i   n   s Viscoelastic cytoskeleton Elastic nuclear envelope Mostly elastic nucleoskeleton Complex viscoelastic genome (…) Emerin and LEM-domain proteins Integrated nucleoskeletal structures for stiffness and resilience Elastic stretch as a spring- force results in deformation Viscous flow as a dashpot- force results in velocity (deformation over time) Viscoelastic cytoskeleton network Elastic nucleoskeleton Complex viscoelastic genome Loss of cytoskeletonnucleoskeleton connections Stiffened nucleoskeleton Chromatin shielded from force Emerin and LEM-domain proteins Viscoelastic models as a combination of stretch and flow Cell Science at a Glance 675

Nucleoskeleton Mechanics at a Glance

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  • Nucleoskeletonmechanics at a glanceKris Noel Dahl1,2,* and AgnieszkaKalinowski11Department of Biomedical Engineering and2Department of Chemical Engineering, CarnegieMellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh,PA 15213, USA*Author for correspondence ([email protected])Journal of Cell Science 124, 675-678 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltddoi:10.1242/jcs.069096

    The nucleus contains the genetic information ofthe cell and all of the regulatory factors thatprocess the genome effectively. The genome isencapsulated by a dense, filamentous meshworkcalled the nucleoskeleton, which is located at theinner nuclear membrane. The components ofthe nucleoskeleton are involved in cellularsignaling (Wilson and Berk, 2010), but they are

    also necessary for maintaining nuclear structure,preventing rupture of the nucleus under forceand possibly assisting in force transduction(Wang et al., 2009). Here, we presentthe integrated mechanical structures of thenucleoskeleton, including lamin filaments,multisubunit proteins, short actin filaments andthe genome. We also discuss the integration ofmechanical elements from the cytoskeleton intothe nucleoskeleton. Based on the mechanicalcontributions of the individual elements, wedemonstrate how mutations in nuclear structuresmight impact force-dependent etiologies ofdisease. The accompanying poster aims toprovide a translational overview between thecell biology of the nucleus and the biophysics ofits underlying polymeric structures.

    Nucleoskeletal componentsThe nucleoskeleton is primarily composed ofintermediate type V filaments, which consistof lamin proteins. Human cells encode three

    genes for two types of lamins: the A-typelamins, primarily lamins A and C, which areproducts of alternative splicing of the LMNAgene; and the B-type lamins, lamin B1 and laminB2, which are encoded by two separate genes(Gruenbaum et al., 2005). Lamin filamentsassemble into homopolymers and mostlyseparate networks (Delbarre et al., 2006;Furukawa et al., 2009; Moir et al., 2000). B-typelamins are ubiquitously expressed in metazoancells and are essential to cell survival (Harborthet al., 2001) because of the fundamental roles oflamin B proteins in transcription and othercellular signaling pathways. For example, laminB1 is essential for RNA synthesis, and activityof RNA polymerases I and II (Tang et al., 2008).However, loss of lamin B1 in mouse embryonicfibroblasts does not result in any of the nuclearsoftening and cytoskeletal defects that are seenwhen lamin A is lost (Lammerding et al., 2006).Recently, lamin B2 has been shown to be

    (See poster insert)

    Journal of Cell Science 2011 (124, pp. 675678)

    Nucleoskeleton Mechanics at a Glance Kris Noel Dahl and Agnieszka Kalinowski

    Abbreviations: IF, intermediate filament; INM, inner nuclear membrane; MT, microtubule; NE, nuclear envelope; ONM, outer nuclear membrane.

    Mechanical description of nucleoskeletal components Nucleoskeletal components at the nuclear envelope

    The role of lamins in force propagationPhysical links between the cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton









    View from above at the nuclear membrane





    Short actinfilament



    Large repeat-domain proteins(spectrins, titin)


    Lamin A or CLamin B

    Integration of cellular mechanical elementsLINC (linker of nucleoskeleton to cytoskeleton) complex



    MT IF Actin

    Nucleoskeleton at the nuclear envelope Primary force propagationApplied force







    ed la








    Elastic nuclearenvelope

    Mostly elasticnucleoskeleton


    Emerin andLEM-domain proteins

    Integrated nucleoskeletal structures for stiffness and resilience

    Elastic stretch as a spring-force results in deformation

    Viscous flow as a dashpot-force results in velocity(deformation over time)




    Loss ofcytoskeletonnucleoskeletonconnections


    Chromatinshieldedfrom force

    Emerin andLEM-domainproteins

    Viscoelastic modelsas a combination ofstretch and flow

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    required for nuclear migration in neurons(Coffinier et al., 2010).

    Lamin A is thought to contribute moresignificantly to nuclear mechanical functionsthan B-type lamins (Lammerding et al., 2006;Schape et al., 2009). Nevertheless, cells are ableto survive and proliferate without A-type laminsand lmna-knockout mice are viable, but afflictedwith muscular dystrophy (Raharjo et al., 2001).In humans, a large number of mutations inLMNA have been described that give rise to atleast 13 different diseases, including dominantEmery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (and otherstriated muscle disorders), lipodystrophies andpremature aging syndromes (Capell and Collins,2006; Prokocimer et al., 2009).

    The majority of lamins are bound to thenuclear envelope through an extensive array ofinner nuclear membrane proteins (Schirmer andFoisner, 2007). For example, the LEM-domainproteins emerin, MAN-1 and lamina-associatedpolypeptide 2 (LAP2), and the newlydiscovered LEM-domain proteins (Lee andWilson, 2004) all bind lamins and many areanchored in the inner nuclear membrane(Wagner and Krohne, 2007). These proteinshelp to stabilize the proteinmembraneinteractions that lead to a stable nucleoskeletonshell. They also have a number of other bindingpartners, suggesting that they play possibleroles in mechanically sensitive signaling(Wilson and Berk, 2010).

    Lamin filaments are primarily responsible forthe stiffness of the nucleoskeleton, but otheraccessory structural proteins found in thenucleoskeleton influence the localized spatiallamin organization and other mechanicalproperties, such as resilience after stretch.Recently, large repeat-domain proteins, such astitin and II-spectrin, were shown to havefunctional roles in organizing lamins and thusare involved in the overall nuclear structure(Zhong et al., 2010b). Loss of titin results insignificant nuclear abnormalities, includinglarge blebs and dilations, and heterogeneouslabeling of lamins at the nuclear envelope(Zastrow et al., 2006). Loss of II-spectrin leadsto changes in nucleoskeleton organization and areduced ability to mechanically recover fromdistension and dilation (Z. Zhong, A. J. Ribeiro,D. Simon et al., unpublished) (Zhong et al.,2010b). These large repeat-domain proteinshave multiple or recurring binding sites forLEM-domain proteins, lamins and chromatin-binding proteins. With many binding sites, highconcentrations of binding partners can belocalized to smaller areas in one dimension,which enhances the stability of large proteincomplexes.

    At the nuclear envelope, small actinstructures are also found and can bind emerin

    (Holaska et al., 2004; Lattanzi et al., 2003). Theshortness of these actin structures suggests thatthey do not provide similar mechanical strengthcompared with filaments present in thecytoskeleton; their mechanical function inthe nuclear envelope, if any, is currentlyunknown (Pederson and Aebi, 2002). It ispossible that these short actin filaments supportthe overall nucleoskeletal structure by providingmechanical struts or binding sites for thestabilization of larger complexes, such as laminfilaments, in the nucleoskeleton.

    Connections between thenucleoskeleton and the cytoskeletonThere is a functional connection betweenstructural elements of the cell, the cytoskeletonand the nucleoskeleton. The cytoskeleton iscomposed of actin microfilaments,microtubules and variable amounts ofintermediate filaments. These three elementsof the cytoskeleton are interconnected andlinked to the nucleoskeleton through proteins ofthe LINC (linkers of the nucleoskeleton to thecytoskeleton) complex (Crisp et al., 2006;Razafsky and Hodzic, 2009). Only a subset ofcytoskeletal filaments are directly attached tothe nucleus (Khatau et al., 2009), but the loss ofthis connectivity through the LINC complex canalter the mechanical function of the cytoskeletonperipheral to the nucleus (Hale et al., 2008; Leeet al., 2007).

    LINC complexes consist of a number ofproteins, which connect the cytoskeleton withthe nuclear interior. Multiple isoforms of thelarge transmembrane nesprins (also calledSYNEs and MYNEs) extend from the outernuclear membrane and attach to cytoskeletalfilaments. There are four known mammaliannesprin proteins, all of which contain spectrin-like repeat subunits and KASH domains (Zhonget al., 2010a). These different nesprin types alsohave multiple isoforms based on the number ofsubunits, denoted , , , and so on (Warren etal., 2005). The largest isoforms of nesprin-1,nesprin-2 and nesprin-3 are located in the outernuclear membrane and bind to either actin (i.e.nesprin-1, nesprin-2) (Zhang et al., 2002) orplectin (i.e. nesprin-3 and nesprin-3)(Wilhelmsen et al., 2005), whereas nesprin 4interacts with microtubules in secretoryepithelia (Roux et al., 2009). In the perinuclearspace, nesprins bind through their KASHdomain to the SUN-domain protein dimerSun1Sun2, which extends through the innernuclear membrane where it binds lamin A andlamin-associated proteins, including emerin(Haque et al., 2010). The smaller nesprinisoforms, such as nesprin-1 and nesprin-2,are localized to the inner nuclear membrane anddirectly bind to lamins, emerin and SUN-

    domain proteins (Haque et al., 2010; Mislow etal., 2002).

    Within the nucleus, lamins can bind to DNAeither directly (Stierle et al., 2003) or indirectlythrough lamin-binding proteins that are able tointeract with DNA and chromatin throughhistones (Prokocimer et al., 2009). Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF), LEM-domainproteins and other lamin-binding proteins,including lamin B receptor, also bind to DNAand to chromatin proteins (Mekhail andMoazed, 2010), thereby generating redundantconnections between the nucleoskeleton and theDNA. The functional redundancies of theseconnections are observed in Caenorhabditiselegans, in which emerin loss is lethal onlywhen MAN1 (also known as LEM-domain-containing protein 3, LEMD3) is also lost (Liu etal., 2003). Lamins are also present in the nuclearinterior, where they serve as scaffolds forfunctional complexes required for genetranscription (Neri et al., 1999). However, theselamin filaments are discontinuous and do notform rigid, percolated (continuous) three-dimensional networks throughout thenucleoplasm. The mechanical consequence ofthis is that the nuclear interior is primarilygoverned by the flow of the viscoelasticchromatin, and the functional mechanicalnetworks of lamins, which stretch elastically, arefound primarily in the nucleoskeleton(Pajerowski et al., 2007).

    Nucleoskeleton mechanics and forcetransmissionThe dense lamin meshwork in thenucleoskeleton acts as an elastic shell thatstretches under force; elastic stretch is typicallymodeled by a spring (Dahl et al., 2004;Pajerowski et al., 2007; Rowat et al., 2005). Thenuclear interior deforms as a viscoelastic solid(Pajerowski et al., 2007). Viscoelastic materialsdeform both by stretching, such as elastic stretchthat can be modeled by a spring, and by fluid-like flow, termed viscous flow and is modeledby a dashpot. Viscoelastic deformation iscommon for most entangled semi-flexiblepolymer systems, of both biological andsynthetic origin, suggesting that the mechanicalcharacteristics of the nuclear interior aredominated by entangled DNA structures.Furthermore, the time dependence of thedeformation viscoelasticity that is observed innuclei suggests that there are several time andlength scales of deformation (Fabry et al., 2001;Stamenovic, 2008), possibly reflecting thehigher-order organization of DNA within thenucleus into chromatin and chromosomes, andinto chromosome territories. Chromatin can bestructurally and functionally divided into hete-rochromatin and euchromatin (Delcuve et al.,

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    2009; Kanger et al., 2008). Functionally, hete-rochromatin is considered poor in gene contentand is replicated last (Joffe et al., 2010).Heterochromatin itself is a load-bearingmechanical structure within the nucleus.Ablation of heterochromatin-dense regions inthe nucleus using lasers results in rapid nuclearshrinkage, which leads to reorganization of thenucleus and the cytoskeleton (Mazumder andShivashankar, 2010). By contrast, euchromatinhas a more open structure with greater fluidity.Many of the heterochromatic regions arelocalized to the nucleoskeleton at the nuclearenvelope. However, pockets of euchromatinexist at the nuclear envelope and throughout thenucleus, and create regions of heterogeneousfluidity within an otherwise stiff nucleus(Fedorova and Zink, 2008). The existing linkbetween viscoelastic cytoskeletal elements(Janmey, 1991) and the nucleus through theLINC complex therefore suggests that forcesthat are applied to cells can be transmitted to thegenome, both globally by the integrated networkand locally through individual interconnections(Hale et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2007). This linkmight be responsible for changes in theconformation of nuclear structures and alteredgene expression patterns with applied force.

    Lamin alterations and forcetransmissionWhen structures in the nucleus are lost or alteredby mutation or dysfunction, they result insignificant changes in nuclear mechanicalproperties, including force transmission throughthe nucleus. The most severe examples includechanges in A-type lamins. Mechanically,lmna/ fibroblasts show an increased degree ofnuclear deformation with mechanical stretchingof the cell (Lammerding et al., 2004). Mousefibroblasts lacking lmna show frequent nuclearrupture under high force (Lammerding et al.,2004). Interestingly, the cytoskeletal response toforce is altered in cells lacking lmna, possiblydue to the lack of cytoskeletal structuresstabilizing the nucleus and an altered cellresponse caused by the loss of the LINCconnection between the cytoskeleton and thenucleus (Hale et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2007).Changes in cytoskeletal mechanics have alsobeen observed in cells lacking LINC complexproteins (Chancellor et al., 2010). Conversely,mutations in LMNA, which cause Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), result inincreased accumulation of lamin A at the nuclearenvelope (Goldman et al., 2004), which leads tostiffened nuclei in patients suffering from HGPS(Dahl et al., 2006). These nuclei are moreresistant to high force (Dahl et al., 2006), butshow blebbing (Goldman et al., 2004;Verstraeten et al., 2008) and unique failures such

    as nuclear lamina cracking under high force(Dahl et al., 2006). In these nuclei, thereorganization of the nuclear interior underforce is also reduced, suggesting that an optimaldegree of connectivity between cytoskeletal andnucleoskeletal elements exists within a normalcell (Philip and Dahl, 2008). Thus, lamin A inthe nucleoskeleton seems to have a direct impacton nuclear stiffness and its mechanical integrity.

    The link between nucleoskeleton andgene expression or DNA processingForces exerted on the cell alter gene expressionthrough the activation of chemical cues, such asphosphorylation of cellular signaling pathways(Chen, 2008). However, as nucleoskeletalelements are both load-bearing structures andinfluence gene expression, there might be amore direct role for force in regulating geneexpression. Genes in the proximity of thenuclear envelope are mostly repressed by hete-rochromatization and the presence of largenumbers of transcriptional repressors that areassociated with lamins and lamin-bindingproteins (Ahmed and Brickner, 2007; Towbin etal., 2009). Within the nuclear interior, lamins actin repressing transcription (Lee et al., 2009).Here, lamins A and C participate in cell-cycleregulation of gene expression by forminga scaffold for hyperphosphorylatedretinoblastoma (Rb), which represses genes thatare required for the G1 to S phase transition ofthe cell cycle (Boban et al., 2010). Someevidence suggests that lamins A and C canorganize into a nucleoplasmic scaffold that isnecessary for the elongation phase of replication(Dechat et al., 2008). Lamins A and C alsocolocalize with proliferation-related proteins,including the activator protein AP-1 (Boban etal., 2010). Short nuclear actins are also involvedin many aspects of nuclear function, includingtranscription and replication (Castano et al.,2010), whereas spectrins located inside thenuclear interior are involved in DNA repairprocesses (Young and Kothary, 2005). Thus,every important aspect of nuclear function, suchas transcription, replication, DNA repair and thecontrol of these processes, is influenced bynucleoskeletal proteins, which possibly serve asscaffolds or regions of localized stiffness. Asthese proteins are involved in both nuclearmechanics and DNA processing, it is highlylikely that these roles are integrated within thenucleus, as manifested by force-inducedchanges in nuclear function.

    PerspectivesRecently, experiments with cells lackingproteins of the LINC complex have shown areduction in force transmission from thecytoskeleton from one side of the nucleus to

    other side (Brosig et al., 2010; Chancelloret al., 2010) (Jan Lammerding, personalcommunication). This trans-nuclearcytoskeletal deformation demonstrates the roleof the stiff nucleus in propagating forces fromthe actin cytoskeleton. It seems that all of themechanical structures of the cell are connected.The cell might use these mechanical intercon-nections to maintain its overall mechanicalintegrity, which is required to preserve tissuemechanics and prevent rupture under highstrain. These mechanical interconnections couldalso allow the exertion of force-induced changesin gene expression through an integratedmechanical network into the nuclear interior.Carefully controlled biophysical and biologicalexperiments must be conducted to determinewhether these mechanical interactions arerelevant to gene expression. However,decoupling nuclearcytoskeletal mechanicalinteractions from mechanically inducedchemical signaling within the cell continues tobe a major challenge in the field.

    The project was supported by award numberF30AG030905 from the National Institute On Aging.The content is solely the responsibility of the authorsand does not necessarily represent the official views ofthe National Institute On Aging or the NationalInstitutes of Health. This project was also supportedby National Science Foundation CAREER award0954421. Deposited in PMC for release after 12months.

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    Nucleoskeletal componentsConnections between the nucleoskeleton and the cytoskeletonNucleoskeleton mechanics and force transmissionLamin alterations and force transmissionThe link between nucleoskeleton and gene expression or DNA processingPerspectivesReferences