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Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions which follows.

Five athletes from different states participating in the National Games wish to communicate. Athlete A can speak Urdu and Punjabi. Athlete B can speak Bengali and Urdu. Athlete C can speak Tamil and Urdu. Athlete D can speak Punjabi and also Tamil. Athlete E can speak Tamil and Bengali.

01.Of the languages spoken by the athletes, which are the two most common languages?

(A) Urdu and Punjabi(B) Tamil and Urdu(C) Punjabi and Tamil(D) Tamil and Bengali

Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science.

02.Which of the following statements is definitely true?

(A) Y and Z are good in English as well as in Hindi(B) All four friends are good in Science

(C) W is good in Social Studies, Hindi and Science(D) Y is not good in Mathematics, Hindi and Social Studies

03.Who amongst the following friends is not good in Mathematics but good in Hindi?

(A) W(B)Y(C) X(C) Z

04.Yoga has become a very popular exercise, but it may not be for everyone. If you are interested in high energy and fast workouts, yoga may not be the best choice. Therefore, evaluate your fitness requirement before joining yoga classes. This paragraph best supports the statement that:

(A) Yoga is more popular than high energy exercise(B) Yoga is changing the concept of fitness in various ways

(C) Before opting for Yoga, assess your fitness requirements(D) Yoga is a holistic fitness regime

Directions: Six books are kept one on top of the othr. The History book is just above Accountancy book. The Maths book is between Punjabi and Urdu book. English is beween History and Punjabi.

05.Which books is at the bottom and at the top?

(A) History and Urdu(B) Maths and Urdu

(C) Accounting and Urdu(D) Punjabi and Urdu

Q.Nos. 6 & 7: Find the odd one out in the problem figures given below.

06. A B C D

07. A B C D

Q.No. 8 & 9:Which one of the answer figure will complete the sequence of the two prolem figures?

Problem Figures Answer Figures

08. A B C D

09. A B C D

10.Select the correct mirror image of the problem figure.


11. A B C D

12.In the Alphabet series which letter is the seventh to the right of the thirteenth letter from your left?

(A). S(B) T(C) U(D) V

13.Which letter will be the sixth to the right of the eleventh letter from the right end of the alphabet?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) V

14.If we make a meaningful word wih the 1st , 4th, 9th and 14th letters of the word ADMINISTRATION, which of the following will be the third letter of that word from the right end of that word?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) A

15.How many pair of letters is there in the word IDEAL which have as many as lettersbetween them in the word as in the alphabet?

(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

16.If 1st & 7th, 2nd & 8th, 3rd & 9th letters are interchanged in the word TRANSLATION. What will be the 5th letter to the right of 9th letter from the right?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) R

Study the following letter-number symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below: B D 5 F E 3 8 $ M 2 I K * P T @ U 9 A 7 1 H J 4 Q 6

17.Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the twentieth from the right end ?

(A) T(B) $(C) 2(D) P

18.How many such consonants are there in the above sequence which are immediately preceded by asymbol and immediately followed by a digit ?

(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

19.What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence : 5E$, MIP, ?, 1HQ

(A) TUA(B) TU7(C) T91(D) @91

20.How many such digits are there in the above sequence which are immediately preceded as well as followed by digits?

(A) None (B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

21.Mohan travelled from point A straight to B at a distance of 8 m. He turned right and walked 4m, again turned to his right and walked 8 m. Finally he turned to his right and walked 3 m. How far he was from his starting point?

(A) 3(B) 1(C) 2(D) 4

22.If LIBERALIZATION is coded as 3425613 4918470, then how the word AERATION can be coded?

(A) 15168470(B) 15186471(C) 15618470(D) 51618471

23.Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing East, C is between Wand E, B is just to the right of E but left of `D, F is not at the right end. Who is between B and C ?

(A) D(B) D(C) A(D) F

24.If REPUBLIC can be written as CRIELPBU, then how CULCUTTA can be written ?


25.Arrange the following words according to English Dictionary:(a) slunk (b) slung (c) slump (d) slum

(A) (d), (c) , (b), (a)(B) (c) , (b), (d), (a)(C) (c), (a), (d), (b)(D) (a), (b), (c), (d)

26.Count the number of paralleograms in the given figure:

(A) 20(B) 21(C) 22(D) 23

27.Count the number of triangles in the given figure:

(A) 16(B) 18(C) 20(D) 22

28.A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?

(A) Son(B) Cousin(C) Grandson(D) Uncle

29.Choose the word which is least like the others word in a group?

(A) Sheet(B) Cot(C) Spain(D) Pillow

Directions : Words in capital letters in Column-I are written in English small letters according to a code language in Column-II. Decode the language and find out the correct alternative for the given word in each question.Column-I Column-IIONE cdyTWO sgdTHREE lsqyyFOUR dztgFIVE zmfySIX rmh


(A) dys(B) cys(C) tcs(D) csd


(A) ydh(B) dhs(C) zdh(D) zgl


(A) lgc(B) lyg(C) lgs(D) glc

33.If 14th September, 2013 is saturday, then what day will be 22nd December, 2014 ?

(A) Sunday(B) Monday(C) Tuesday(D) Wednesday

34.If the following numbers are written in ascending order. The sum of the digits of middle number will be :- 810, 912, 910, 809, 781, 673, 573

(A) 9(B) 12(C) 17(D) 21

Directions :Q.Nos.35 36: In each of the following questions a statement is given followed by two conclusions I and II.35. Statement : Adversity makes a man wiseConclusions (I) : The poor are wise Conclusions (II) : Man learns from bitter experience

(A) Only conclusion I is true(B) Only conclusion II is true(C) Both conclusions I and II are true(D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II are true

36.Statement : Fortune favours the braveConclusions (I) : Risk is necessary for success Conclusions (II) : Cowards die many times before their death

(A) Only conclusion I is true(B) Only conclusion II is true(C) Both conclusions I and II are true(D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II are true

37.If A denotes , C denotes , D denotes , E denotes +, then 14 C 3 A 12 E 4 D 2 is equal to

(A) 17(B) 32(C) 28(D) 6

38.Which of the following Venn diagrams correctly represents rectangle, quadrilateral and polygon ?

(A) (B)



Directions: Q.Nos.39 40: Answer the questions based on the diagram given below.

39.Doctors who are neither qualified nor experienced but working in villages are represented by:

(A) c(B) g(C) d(D) e

40.Qualified and experienced doctors working outside the villages are repreented by:-

(A) d(B) e(C) f(D) c

41. Directions: If P + Q means P is the husband of Q. (ii) If P Q means P is the sister of Q. (iii) If P x Q means P is the son of Q, then which one of the following shows, A is the daughter of B?

(A) A D x B(B) D x B + C A(C) B + C x A(D) C x B A

42.Thiry six vehicles are parked in a parking lot in a single row. After the first car, there is one scooter. After the second car, there are two scooters. After the third car, there are three scooters and so on. Then the number of scooters in the ssecond halft of the row is :

(A) 16(B) 14(C) 15(D) 13

43.Statements: I. All books are cakes II. All cakes are applesConclusions: I. Some cakes are Books. II. No cake is book. III. Some apples are books. IV. All apples are books.

(A) Only I follows(B) Either I or II follows(C) Only I and II follows(D) Either III or IV follows

44.Find from the given alterntives, a word which has the same relation with the third word in the sequence as the the first word has with the second word:BLOCKED : : YOLXPVW as OZFMXS:: ?


45.Malini is youonger than Leena, Rupali is elder than Leena, Rani is younger than Malini, then the correct order of age from youngest to eldest is:

(A) Rupali, Rani, Malini, Leena(B) Rani, Leena, Malini,Rupali

(C) Rupali, Malini, Leena, Rani(D) Rani, Malini, Leena, Rupali

46.Directions: A, B, C, D and E are in the single line. E is at left side of all. E and B have changed their seats. A and D have changed their seats. Then C and D have changed their seats. Then, (i) Who is right side of all and (ii) Who is at the centre of all?

(A) A & B(B) C & D(C) A & D(D) B & C

Directions: Understand the following four letter series carefully.(A) AYZ, BXY, CWX, DVW (B) BCS, FDR, JEQ, NFP (C) PAK,MDL, JGM, GJN (D) CHM, DIN, EJO, FKP. Three terms are given which belongs to one of the series. Find out the series it belongs.


(A) A, C, D(B) B, C, D(C) A, B, D(D) B, A, C

48.A cube has six different symbols drawn over its six faces. The symbols are dot, circle, triangle, square, cross and arrow. Three different positions of the cube are shown in figures X, Y, and Z. Which symbol is opposite the arrow?

(A) Circle(B) Triangle(C) Dot(D) Cross

Directions: The following question consists of a set of three figures X, Y and Z showing a sequence of folding of a piece of paper. Figure (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cut. These three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose a figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of figure (Z).


(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4


(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4

NTSE STAGE 2 English ASPIRATIONQ.No.1 5 :Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it.

Jupiter is a huge ball of gas and does not have a solid surface. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, which is liquidified in the interior due to the great pressure. Scientists now believe that the core of Jupiter is most probably made of rock as large as the earth. Jupitors visible surface consists of clouds of ammonia crystals. At the lower levels there are dark orange or brown clouds which may contain sulphur as well as simple organic compounds. Still further down the temperatures are warm, possibly the result of the heat left over from the formation of the planet.

01.Jupiter has not any solid surface because it is a large sphere of .......

(A) Water(B) Gas(C) Ice(D) Dust

02.According to the scientist. Jupiter is composed of .........

(A) hydrogen and oxygen (B) Nitrogen and helium(C) Hydrogen and helium(D)helium and oxygen

03.The scientists believe that the central part of the Jupiter is made of ......

(A) Gas(B) Water(C) Vapour(D) Rock

04.The brown clouds of sulphur are found at the ....................

(A) Upper level(B) Lower level(C) Central level(D) Surface

05.Find out a word from the passage which means structure

(A) Surface(B) Pressure(C) Formation(D) Clouds

Q.No.6 10 : In the following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options.

During the 1936 Olympic Final (6) _________________ Germany, after India had already established an unassailable 6-0 lead, the rival goalkeeper injured Dhyan Chand badly and he (7) ____________ leave the field to receive first aid (8) ______________ he had broken his teeth. (9) ___________ he returned to the field after receiving first aid, he asked (10) ______________ friends not to play aggressively and instead taught them a lesson in ball possession.

06.(A) before(B) infront(C) against(D) after

07.(A) had to(B) have to(C) has to(D) None of these

08.(A) until(B) as(C) if(C) otherwise

09.(A) how(B) what(C) where(D) when

10.(A) his (B) my(C) her(D) their

Q.No.11 12: The following five sentences come from a paragraph. The first and the last sentences are given. Choose the order in which the three sentences (ABCD) should appear to complete the paragraph.

(1) Making people laugh is tricky.(A) At times, the intended humour may simply not come off.(B) Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can fall flat on two grounds.(C) There are many advertisements that do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash tills ringing.(D) Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales benefit.(6) There are indications that in substituting the hard sell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have rather thrown out the baby with the bath water.


(1) According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the ages of three and five-and-a-half years.(A) The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure.(B) Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of doing well in all their subjects.(C) And the reason is actually quite simple.(D) This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school success.(6) Her comprehension of language is therefore very high.


Q.No.13 16 :Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it.

Once a king saw some young boys pelting stone on a snake. He prevented the boys from killing the snake. The snake, which was the king of the snake-world, thanked him and favoured him with a supernatural gift by which he could understand the language of any animal. But he warned him that the divulgence of the secret would ost him his life. One day, when the king was sitting in his garden and enjoying breakfast, a small portion of sweet fell on the ground. Soon he heart an ant shouting, :My God, what a big wagonful of sweet has fallen and there is none to consume it. Ah! I can enjoy all , now. Hearing this, the king smiled and chuckled. The queen, who was sitting next to him, was curious to note the changing countenance of the kind. She asked him to tell her the reason for the smile. But the king kept silent; as the divulgence of the secret would cost him his life. The queen felt offended and thought that there was something which the king did not want to tell her in public.

13.Whom did the king see one day?

(A) Snake-charmers catching snakes. (B) Young boys pelting stones on a snake.(C) Young boys running out of fear. (D) The queen

14.What gift did the king of the snake world give the king?

(A) Supernatural gift that would sense the movements of animals.(B) Supernatural gift that would make the animals speak to the king.(C) Supernatural gift that would make the king understand the language of any animal.(D) Supernatural gift that any animal after seeing the king will not attack him.

15.Why did the king chuckle?

(A) Because he was enjoying his breakfast. (B) Because he was proud of his newly acquired power.(C) Because he knew that the queen could not hear the animal talk.(D) Because he had heard an ant talking about the sweet fallen on the ground.

16.What did the queen feel?

(A) The queen felt offended and thought that the kind did not want to tell her in public.(B) The queen felt offended and thought that the king did not want to share his feelings.(C) The queen felt offended and thought that the kind was proud.(D) The queen felt that the king was out fear and did not want to tell her.

Q.No.17 23 :Choose the word which best fills the blank from the four options given.

17.Inspite of her other ................. Kamal still managed to find time for her hobbies.

(A) preoccupations(B) occupations(C) predilections(D) business

18.The committees appeal to the people for money ............... little response.

(A) evoked(B) provoked(C) gained(D) provided

19.Myneighbour Mr. Kesav comes home at the ............... of themonth.

(A) close(B) conclusion(C) completion(D) expiry

20.Rabindranath Tagore was a ..................... writer of his times.

(A) true(B) fantastic(C) profound(D) prolific

21.The manager tried hard to ............ his men to return to work before declaring a lockout.

(A) motivate(B) perusade(C) encourage(D) permit

22.If I knew his address ...............

(A) I would have given it to you(C) I will give it to you(B) I would give it to you (D) I will be give it to you

23.I would not go there ...............

(A) If I was you(C) If had been you(B) If I were you (D) If I would be you

Q.No.24 28 : Select the word which is nearest in meaning of the given word.


(A) consume(B) satisfy(C) insruct(D) amuse


(A) Moral fable(B) after thought(C) ancient legend(D) explanation


(A) sincere(B) polite(C) plain spoken(D) rude


(A) inspired(B) encouraged(C) incited(D) affected


(A) Resist(B) Refrain(C) Assist(D) Attain

Q.No.29 33 :Select the word which means the opposite of the given word.


(A) sorrow(B) indigence(C) exuberance(D) opulence


(A) depression(B) pain(C) disappoinment(D) trance


(A) minor(B) unrelated(C) mixed(D) classified


(A) depressed(B) discouraged(C) distressed(D) frustrated


(A) state(B) declare(C) reveal(D) announce

Q.No.34 35: Select the meaning of the given phrases/idioms.

34.Make up for

(A) compensate(B) make someone quiet(C) decorate(D) fill up

35.Set out

(A) put something out(B) start a journey(C) execute(D) continue

Q.No.36 40: In each of the following sentences, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

36.We discussed bout the problems so thoroughly (A)/ on the eve of the examination (B)/ that I found it very eay to work it out (C)/ No error (D).

37.He is going everyday (A)/ for a morning walk (B) / with his friends and neighbours (C) / No error (D)

38.It is time (A) / we should accept all our people equals (B) / and as partners in the task of building a strong and united nation (C)/ No error (D)

39.She reluctantly said that (A) /if nobody else was doiong it (B) / she will do it (C) /No error (D)

40.Having read a number of stories (A)/ about space travel (B)/ his dream now is about to visit the moon (C) / No error (D)

Q.No.41 50: In the following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options

In 1893, Lomkanya Tilak convrted the Ganapati festival into a public ceremony. He campaiagned ........(41) the ...........(42) circulation of this public celebration throughout Maharashtra. It was ......(43) this festival that he could ..........(44) public .........(45) to the nationalist movemet. The desired .......(46) of this festival was further .........(47) by Shivaji festival. It was inaugurated in honour of Chhatrapati Shivaji, the greatest Maratha King in the ..........(48) of several thousand people. In the .......(49) the Marathas were ........(50) and this helped a lot in mounting an attack on the British rule.

41.(A) towards(B) for(C) with(D) withstanding

42.(A) early(B) slow(C) wide(D) sudden

43.(A) through(B) from(C) before(D) indeed

44.(A) advise(B) control(C) mobilise(D) demand

45.(A) places(B) support(C) festivals(D) grievnces

46.(A) strategy(B) impact(C) publicity(D) importance

47.(A) decided(B) displayed(C) generated(D) reinforced

48.(A) protest(B) honour(C) service(D) presence

49.(A) fight(B) activity(C) process(D) beginning

50.(A) absent(B) defeated(C) forbidden(D) glorified


Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions which follows.

Five athletes from different states participating in the National Games wish to communicate. Athlete A can speak Urdu and Punjabi. Athlete B can speak Bengali and Urdu. Athlete C can speak Tamil and Urdu. Athlete D can speak Punjabi and also Tamil. Athlete E can speak Tamil and Bengali.

01.Of the languages spoken by the athletes, which are the two most common languages?

(A) Urdu and Punjabi(B) Tamil and Urdu(C) Punjabi and Tamil(D) Tamil and Bengali

Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science.

02.Which of the following statements is definitely true?

(A) Y and Z are good in English as well as in Hindi(B) All four friends are good in Science

(C) W is good in Social Studies, Hindi and Science(D) Y is not good in Mathematics, Hindi and Social Studies

03.Who amongst the following friends is not good in Mathematics but good in Hindi?

(A) W(B)Y(C) X(C) Z

04.Yoga has become a very popular exercise, but it may not be for everyone. If you are interested in high energy and fast workouts, yoga may not be the best choice. Therefore, evaluate your fitness requirement before joining yoga classes. This paragraph best supports the statement that:

(A) Yoga is more popular than high energy exercise(B) Yoga is changing the concept of fitness in various ways

(C) Before opting for Yoga, assess your fitness requirements(D) Yoga is a holistic fitness regime

Directions: Six books are kept one on top of the othr. The History book is just above Accountancy book. The Maths book is between Punjabi and Urdu book. English is beween History and Punjabi.

05.Which books is at the bottom and at the top?

(A) History and Urdu(B) Maths and Urdu

(C) Accounting and Urdu(D) Punjabi and Urdu

Find the odd one out in the problem figures given below.

06. A B C D

07. A B C D

Which one of the answer figure will complete the sequence of the two prolem figures?

Problem Figures Answer Figures

08. A B C D

09. A B C D

10.Select the correct mirror image of the problem figure.


11. A B C D

12.In the Alphabet series which letter is the seventh to the right of the thirteenth letter from your left?

(A). S(B) T(C) U(D) V

13.Which letter will be the sixth to the right of the eleventh letter from the right end of the alphabet?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) V

14.If we make a meaningful word wih the 1st , 4th, 9th and 14th letters of the word ADMINISTRATION, which of the following will be the third letter of that word from the right end of that word?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) A

15.How many pair of letters is there in the word IDEAL which have as many as lettersbetween them in the word as in the alphabet?

(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

16.If 1st & 7th, 2nd & 8th, 3rd & 9th letters are interchanged in the word TRANSLATION. What will be the 5th letter to the right of 9th letter from the right?

(A) S(B) T(C) U(D) R

Study the following letter-number symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below: B D 5 F E 3 8 $ M 2 I K * P T @ U 9 A 7 1 H J 4 Q 6

17.Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the twentieth from the right end ?

(A) T(B) $(C) 2(D) P

18.How many such consonants are there in the above sequence which are immediately preceded by asymbol and immediately followed by a digit ?

(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

19.What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence : 5E$, MIP, ?, 1HQ

(A) TUA(B) TU7(C) T91(D) @91

20.How many such digits are there in the above sequence which are immediately preceded as well as followed by digits?

(A) None (B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

21.Mohan travelled from point A straight to B at a distance of 8 m. He turned right and walked 4m, again turned to his right and walked 8 m. Finally he turned to his right and walked 3 m. How far he was from his starting point?

(A) 3(B) 1(C) 2(D) 4

22.If LIBERALIZATION is coded as 3425613 4918470, then how the word AERATION can be coded?

(A) 15168470(B) 15186471(C) 15618470(D) 51618471

23.Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing East, C is between Wand E, B is just to the right of E but left of `D, F is not at the right end. Who is between B and C ?

(A) D(B) D(C) A(D) F

24.If REPUBLIC can be written as CRIELPBU, then how CULCUTTA can be written ?


25.Arrange the following words according to English Dictionary:(a) slunk (b) slung (c) slump (d) slum

(A) (d), (c) , (b), (a)(B) (c) , (b), (d), (a)(C) (c), (a), (d), (b)(D) (a), (b), (c), (d)

26.Count the number of paralleograms in the given figure:

(A) 20(B) 21(C) 22(D) 23

27.Count the number of triangles in the given figure:

(A) 16(B) 18(C) 20(D) 22

28.A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?

(A) Son(B) Cousin(C) Grandson(D) Uncle

29.Choose the word which is least like the others word in a group?

(A) Sheet(B) Cot(C) Spain(D) Pillow

Directions : Words in capital letters in Column-I are written in English small letters according to a code language in Column-II. Decode the language and find out the correct alternative for the given word in each question.Column-I Column-IIONE cdyTWO sgdTHREE lsqyyFOUR dztgFIVE zmfySIX rmh


(A) dys(B) cys(C) tcs(D) csd


(A) ydh(B) dhs(C) zdh(D) zgl


(A) lgc(B) lyg(C) lgs(D) glc

33.If 14th September, 2013 is saturday, then what day will be 22nd December, 2014 ?

(A) Sunday(B) Monday(C) Tuesday(D) Wednesday

34.If the following numbers are written in ascending order. The sum of the digits of middle number will be :- 810, 912, 910, 809, 781, 673, 573

(A) 9(B) 12(C) 17(D) 21

Directions :Q.Nos.35 36: In each of the following questions a statement is given followed by two conclusions I and II.35. Statement : Adversity makes a man wiseConclusions (I) : The poor are wise Conclusions (II) : Man learns from bitter experience

(A) Only conclusion I is true(B) Only conclusion II is true(C) Both conclusions I and II are true(D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II are true

36.Statement : Fortune favours the braveConclusions (I) : Risk is necessary for success Conclusions (II) : Cowards die many times before their death

(A) Only conclusion I is true(B) Only conclusion II is true(C) Both conclusions I and II are true(D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II are true

37.If A denotes , C denotes , D denotes , E denotes +, then 14 C 3 A 12 E 4 D 2 is equal to

(A) 17(B) 32(C) 28(D) 6

38.Which of the following Venn diagrams correctly represents rectangle, quadrilateral and polygon ?

(A) (B)



Directions: Q.Nos.39 40: Answer the questions based on the diagram given below.

39.Doctors who are neither qualified nor experienced but working in villages are represented by:

(A) c(B) g(C) d(D) e

40.Qualified and experienced doctors working outside the villages are repreented by:-

(A) d(B) e(C) f(D) c

41. Directions: If P + Q means P is the husband of Q. (ii) If P Q means P is the sister of Q. (iii) If P x Q means P is the son of Q, then which one of the following shows, A is the daughter of B?

(A) A D x B(B) D x B + C A(C) B + C x A(D) C x B A

42.Thiry six vehicles are parked in a parking lot in a single row. After the first car, there is one scooter. After the second car, there are two scooters. After the third car, there are three scooters and so on. Then the number of scooters in the ssecond halft of the row is :

(A) 16(B) 14(C) 15(D) 13

43.Statements: I. All books are cakes II. All cakes are applesConclusions: I. Some cakes are Books. II. No cake is book. III. Some apples are books. IV. All apples are books.

(A) Only I follows(B) Either I or II follows(C) Only I and II follows(D) Either III or IV follows

44.Find from the given alterntives, a word which has the same relation with the third word in the sequence as the the first word has with the second word:BLOCKED : : YOLXPVW as OZFMXS:: ?


45.Malini is youonger than Leena, Rupali is elder than Leena, Rani is younger than Malini, then the correct order of age from youngest to eldest is:

(A) Rupali, Rani, Malini, Leena(B) Rani, Leena, Malini,Rupali

(C) Rupali, Malini, Leena, Rani(D) Rani, Malini, Leena, Rupali

46.Directions: A, B, C, D and E are in the single line. E is at left side of all. E and B have changed their seats. A and D have changed their seats. Then C and D have changed their seats. Then, (i) Who is right side of all and (ii) Who is at the centre of all?

(A) A & B(B) C & D(C) A & D(D) B & C

Directions: Understand the following four letter series carefully.(A) AYZ, BXY, CWX, DVW (B) BCS, FDR, JEQ, NFP (C) PAK,MDL, JGM, GJN (D) CHM, DIN, EJO, FKP. Three terms are given which belongs to one of the series. Find out the series it belongs.


(A) A, C, D(B) B, C, D(C) A, B, D(D) B, A, C

48.A cube has six different symbols drawn over its six faces. The symbols are dot, circle, triangle, square, cross and arrow. Three different positions of the cube are shown in figures X, Y, and Z. Which symbol is opposite the arrow?

(A) Circle(B) Triangle(C) Dot(D) Cross

Directions: The following questions consists of a set of three figures X, Y and Z showing a sequence of folding of a piece of paper. Figure (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cut. These three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose a figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of figure (Z).


(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4


(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4


Q.No.1 5 :Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it.

Jupiter is a huge ball of gas and does not have a solid surface. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, which is liquidified in the interior due to the great pressure. Scientists now believe that the core of Jupiter is most probably made of rock as large as the earth. Jupitors visible surface consists of clouds of ammonia crystals. At the lower levels there are dark orange or brown clouds which may contain sulphur as well as simple organic compounds. Still further down the temperatures are warm, possibly the result of the heat left over from the formation of the planet.

01.Jupiter has not any solid serface because it is a large sphere of .......

(A) Water(B) Gas(C) Ice(D) Dust

02.According to the scientist. Jupiter is composed of .........

(A) hydrogen and oxygen (B) Nitrogen and helium(C) Hydrogen and helium(D)helium and oxygen

03.The scientists believe that the central part of the Jupiter is made of ......

(A) Gas(B) Water(C) Vapour(D) Rock

04.The brown clouds of sulphur are found at the ....................

(A) Upper level(B) Lower level(C) Central level(D) Surface

05.Find out a word from the passage which means structure

(A) Surface(B) Pressure(C) Formation(D) Clouds

Q.No.6 10 : In the following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options.

During the 1936 Olympic Final (6) _________________ Germany, after India had already establishedan unassailable 6-0 lead, the rival goalkeeper injured Dhyan Chand badly and he (7) ____________leave the field to receive first aid (8) ______________ he had broken his teeth. (9) ___________ he returned to the field after receiving first aid, he asked (10) ______________ friends not to play aggressively and instead taught them a lesson in ball possession.

06.(A) before(B) infront(C) against(D) after

07.(A) had to(B) have to(C) has to(D) None of these

08.(A) until(B) as(C) if(C) otherwise

09.(A) how(B) what(C) where(D) when

10.(A) his (B) my(C) her(D) their

Q.No.11 12: The following five sentences come from a paragraph. The first and the last sentences are given. Choose the order in which the three sentences (ABCD) should appear to complete the paragraph.

(1) Making people laugh is tricky.(A) At times, the intended humour may simply not come off.(B) Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can fall flat on two grounds.(C) There are many advertisements that do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash tills ringing.(D) Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales benefit.(6) There are indications that in substituting the hard sell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have rather thrown out the baby with the bath water.


(1) According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the ages of three and five-and-a-half years.(A) The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure.(B) Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of doing well in all their subjects.(C) And the reason is actually quite simple.(D) This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school success.(6) Her comprehension of language is therefore very high.


Q.No.13 16 :Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it.

Once a king saw some young boys pelting stone on a snake. He prevented the boys from killing the snake. The snake, which was the king of the snake-world, thanked him and favoured him with a supernatural gift by which he could understand the language of any animal. But he warned him that the divulgence of the secret would ost him his life. One day, when the king was sitting in his garden and enjoying breakfast, a small portion of sweet fell on the ground. Soon he heart an ant shouting, :My God, what a big wagonful of sweet has fallen and there is none to consume it. Ah! I can enjoy all , now. Hearing this, the king smiled and chuckled. The queen, who was sitting next to him, was curious to note the changing countenance of the kind. She asked him to tell her the reason for the smile. But the king kept silent; as the divulgence of the secret would cost him his life. The queen felt offended and thought that there was something which the king did not want to tell her in public.

13.Whom did the king see one day?

(A) Snake-charmers catching snakes. (B) Young boys pelting stones on a snake.(C) Young boys running out of fear. (D) The queen

14.What gift did the king of the snake world give the king?

(A) Supernatural gift that would sense the movements of animals.(B) Supernatural gift that would make the animals speak to the king.(C) Supernatural gift that would make the king understand the language of any animal.(D) Supernatural gift that any animal after seeing the king will not attack him.

15.Why did the king chuckle?

(A) Because he was enjoying his breakfast. (B) Because he was proud of his newly acquired power.(C) Because he knew that the queen could not hear the animal talk.(D) Because he had heard an ant talking about the sweet fallen on the ground.

16.What did the queen feel?

(A) The queen felt offended and thought that the kind did not want to tell her in public.(B) The queen felt offended and thought that the king did not want to share his feelings.(C) The queen felt offended and thought that the kind was proud.(D) The queen felt that the king was out fear and did not want to tell her.

Q.No.17 23 :Choose the word which best fills the blank from the four options given.

17.Inspite of her other ................. Kamal still managed to find time for her hobbies.

(A) preoccupations(B) occupations(C) predilections(D) business

18.The committees appeal to the people for money ............... little response.

(A) evoked(B) provoked(C) gained(D) provided

19.Myneighbour Mr. Kesav comes home at the ............... of themonth.

(A) close(B) conclusion(C) completion(D) expiry

20.Rabindranath Tagore was a ..................... writer of his times.

(A) true(B) fantastic(C) profound(D) prolific

21.The manager tried hard to ............ his men to return to work before declaring a lockout.

(A) motivate(B) perusade(C) encourage(D) permit

22.If I knew his address ...............

(A) I would have given it to you(C) I will give it to you(B) I would give it to you (D) I will be give it to you

23.I would not go there ...............

(A) If I was you(C) If had been you(B) If I were you (D) If I would be you

Q.No.24 28 : Select the word which is nearest in meaning of the given word.


(A) consume(B) satisfy(C) insruct(D) amuse


(A) Moral fable(B) after thought(C) ancient legend(D) explanation


(A) sincere(B) polite(C) plain spoken(D) rude


(A) inspired(B) encouraged(C) incited(D) affected


(A) Resist(B) Refrain(C) Assist(D) Attain

Q.No.29 33 :Select the word which means the opposite of the given word.


(A) sorrow(B) indigence(C) exuberance(D) opulence


(A) depression(B) pain(C) disappoinment(D) trance


(A) minor(B) unrelated(C) mixed(D) classified


(A) depressed(B) discouraged(C) distressed(D) frustrated


(A) state(B) declare(C) reveal(D) announce

Q.No.34 35: Select the meaning of the given phrases/idioms.

34.Make up for

(A) compensate(B) make someone quiet(C) decorate(D) fill up

35.Set out

(A) put something out(B) start a journey(C) execute(D) continue

Q.No.36 40: In each of the following sentences, find out which part of the sentence has an error.

36.We discussed bout the problems so thoroughly (A)/ on the eve of the examination (B)/ that I found it very eay to work it out (C)/ No error (D).

37.He is going everyday (A)/ for a morning walk (B) / with his friends and neighbours (C) / No error (D)

38.It is time (A) / we should accept all our people equals (B) / and as partners in the task of building a strong and united nation (C)/ No error (D)

39.She reluctantly said that (A) /if nobody else was doiong it (B) / she will do it (C) /No error (D)

40.Having read a number of stories (A)/ about space travel (B)/ his dream now is about to visit the moon (C) / No error (D)

Q.No.41 50: In the following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options

In 1893, Lomkanya Tilak convrted the Ganapati festival into a public ceremony. He campaiagned ........(41) the ...........(42) circulation of this public celebration throughout Maharashtra. It was ......(43) this festival that he could ..........(44) public .........(45) to the nationalist movemet. The desired .......(46) of this festival was further .........(47) by Shivaji festival. It was inaugurated in honour of Chhatrapati Shivaji, the greatest Maratha King in the ..........(48) of several thousand people. In the .......(49) the Marathas were ........(50) and this helped a lot in mounting an attack on the British rule.

41.(A) towards(B) for(C) with(D) withstanding

42.(A) early(B) slow(C) wide(D) sudden

43.(A) through(B) from(C) before(D) indeed

44.(A) advise(B) control(C) mobilise(D) demand

45.(A) places(B) support(C) festivals(D) grievnces

46.(A) strategy(B) impact(C) publicity(D) importance

47.(A) decided(B) displayed(C) generated(D) reinforced

48.(A) protest(B) honour(C) service(D) presence

49.(A) fight(B) activity(C) process(D) beginning

50.(A) absent(B) defeated(C) forbidden(D) glorified