NTS and Transparency NTS in recent years has emerged as sole non-governmental organization that conducts various recruitments tests for universities as well as job sector. It claims of employing high standards of testing and transparency but the reality is different. There are number of ambiguities in its testing procedures that create suspicions, apprehensions and mistrust in the minds of students. For instance, with the exception of university admission tests, NTS does not provide the carbon copy of OMR answer sheets after completion of various job recruitment tests. Nor it publishes answer keys of the test on website or hand over them to students at the end of test. Therefore students have no any other option but to rely entirely on NTS official results. They are forced to accept the official results without questioning the transparency. Secondly, it happened number of times that a student performed very well in the text but the result was vice versa. There are number of cases to mention, for example one of my friends appeared in PPL test recently. After completion of test, he gathered his friends and reproduced the test questions. After discussion he was sure to get 75 marks but the official result declared him fail at 49 marks. Likewise, my brother appeared in PPL test he was awarded 7 marks out of 100. When enquired he said it is impossible that I had been awarded such low marks despite there were no negative marks. When he asked NTS authorities for re-evaluation they showed cold response. Again this is not happened to few students. Majority of brilliant students have been victim of NTS testing mechanism Therefore, we students strongly urge NTS authority to reform its testing mechanism and provide carbon copy of OMR answer sheet after test completion. Moreover, answer key should be uploaded on its website immediately after the test. This shall make testing mechanism more transparent and students less suspicious

NTS and Transparency

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NTS and TransparencyNTS in recent years has emerged as sole non-governmental organization that conducts various recruitments tests for universities as well as job sector. It claims of employing high standards of testing and transparency but the reality is different. There are number of ambiguities in its testing procedures that create suspicions, apprehensions and mistrust in the minds of students. For instance, with the exception of university admission tests, NTS does not provide the carbon copy of OMR answer sheets after completion of various job recruitment tests. Nor it publishes answer keys of the test on website or hand over them to students at the end of test. Therefore students have no any other option but to rely entirely on NTS official results. They are forced to accept the official results without questioning the transparency. Secondly, it happened number of times that a student performed very well in the text but the result was vice versa. There are number of cases to mention, for example one of my friends appeared in PPL test recently. After completion of test, he gathered his friends and reproduced the test questions. After discussion he was sure to get 75 marks but the official result declared him fail at 49 marks. Likewise, my brother appeared in PPL test he was awarded 7 marks out of 100. When enquired he said it is impossible that I had been awarded such low marks despite there were no negative marks.When he asked NTS authorities for re-evaluation they showed cold response. Again this is not happened to few students. Majority of brilliant students have been victim of NTS testing mechanismTherefore, we students strongly urge NTS authority to reform its testing mechanism and provide carbon copy of OMR answer sheet after test completion. Moreover, answer key should be uploaded on its website immediately after the test. This shall make testing mechanism more transparent and students less suspicious