The share of regional trade in ECOWAS has remained constant at a rather low level between 10% and 15%. This is dominated by Nigeria’s heavy weight in the regions total exports consisting mainly of oil.

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The share of regional trade in ECOWAS has remained constant at a rather low level between 10% and 15%. This is dominated by Nigeria’s heavy weight in the regions total exports consisting mainly of oil.

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Export shares by destination for all ECOWAS countries.

Source: COMTRADE 2004-2008, Regional Trade and Empolyment in ECOWAS E. Uexkull, ILO 2011.

Average value of exports by destination region

Source: COMTRADE 2004-2008, Regional Trade and Empolyment in ECOWAS E. Uexkull, ILO 2011.

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Road governance initiative data map

Road governance initiative data map Source: USAID WATH 22ND IRTG Report, May 2013.

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From the last quarter of 2012, delays and number of controls at borders reduced by 26% and 11% respectively. Bribes across the region have also reduced by 3%.

Togo is the best performer in the region in terms of the number of controls per 100 km

Niger has one of the highest number of controls for the last quarter of 201 and then comes Ghana with numerous s checkpoints in the northern part of the country.

In Benin the Gendarmerie is the agency conducting the most controls

Fig: Density of bribery by country and by service

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Table: Delays per trip by corridor and sub corridor. (Nothing for Nigeria here).

Table 3: Bribery per trip by corridor and sub corridor.

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Time and cost comparisons

Source: LAKAJI Corridor Presentation USAID NEXTT August 2013.

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Nigeria-Cameroun cross border trade.

Corridor Distnace


No. of Control Points

Average Cost per Truck (USD)

Size of Truck

Ekok - Mamfe - Bamenda 250 12 633 20 MTAbonshie - Kombo - Bamenda 220 11 581 20 MTMaga - Limani 150 13 521 40 MTBoukoula -Guider 80 7 290 40 MTDemsa - Garoua 45 4 676 40 MTOnitsha - Mfum 320 25 461 20 MT

Frequency of Road Controls and Costs Associated

Source: Removing barriers to cross-border trade between Nigeria and Cameroun. WB Presentation, Feb 2013.