j 1 I I -, I I I I -1 J I ! I I 1 j 1 N.S.W. DEPT. OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES LIBRARY VTF.l!S OF KF.V PF.RSOUNF.I, TUVOI.VF.D l!T'l'H 'l'HF. ADMTUTS'l'RA'l'Tot! OF 'l'HF. N.S.\1. PRTSON MF.'l'HADOUF. PROGRAMMF. aval11atinn nf N.S.W. DRpartmant of MP.tharlnnP. ProgrammP.: Stnrly 5. Sorah HumP. Ang;:la Gnrta Senior HUrl & of Cnrrer.tive Morr.h, 1 qgg LIBRARY CORRECTIVE SERVICES ACADEMY PLEASE RETURN TO THE LIBRARY

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VTF.l!S OF KF.V PF.RSOUNF.I, TUVOI.VF.D l!T'l'H 'l'HF. ADMTUTS'l'RA'l'Tot! OF 'l'HF. N.S.\1.


Prn~Ass aval11atinn nf N.S.W. DRpartmant of Cnrre~tivA Servi~As Pri~on MP.tharlnnP. ProgrammP.: Stnrly 5.

Sorah HumP. Ang;:la Gnrta MP-thadon~ Res~ar~h Offi~Ar Senior RBSRar~h Offi~Ar


Resa~r~h & Statisti~s·nivisinn N~S.W_ nep~rtment of Cnrrer.tive s~rvi~RS

Morr.h, 1 qgg




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Unilerst:lnding of thP. aim~ of thf;! nrnarammA Pr.rr.r.ived prohlP.ms a~snrd<'Jt.;;:d with t:hP. proqrammr. niv~rsinn of mr.thadnn~ P.::;rr.t=:i v&d :1d~qua~y of support. programm::!s PP.rr.eivP.d b&n&fits of thA programmea Pf:rr.~ived disad~antag~s of t.h& prngrammr.. Ts 11rinalysis falt to bA nAr.RRRary? Arr. paoplR on the methadone programma parr.eiv~d differant.ly? Ts thRra a dnplic:~tion of rnl~s by probation and parol&

offi f!Rrs a nil thA r.omr.mni t:y rli spansi ng nni t staff? 0\.'"&ra 11 eva lnati on of sut:ct=:ss Opinions about t=;Xprtnsion Suggestions for improvinrr the programme



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S!Imll\RV ---·------·--·

Thi~ Rt11dy ~nns:;;i~tAd of 51 int;;rviAWR with kAy pRr~nnn;;l invnlvad with t.hA ;~dministratinn of th;; pri~on mf:thadnnR pror;rammR. 'f'hRSP. p~r!'>onnt=:l

inC"!lndP.ci: gaol SHJH::::rint;;ndP.nts: l"!tH::tndia1 staff: prison nursing- staff: drug rtnd a 1 r:!Ohol staff: pr~sr!ri hi ng rloC"!tnrs: C"!ommuni ty di spP.nsi ng nni t. staff: probation and parolP. liaison nffii"!Rrs, mRthadnn~ ass2ssors, and th2 mAthadnnR C"!o-ordinatnr~

ThR n~snonilRntr;. w~rR quAsti on Ad ahnnt what th;;;y pRr~rd v;;d as h~i ng t.h;; m<lin aims of t.hr: programme: prohl~ms with th;: programmA: its ht:::nRfits anO fHsad';;antagAs: how SHI"!r.l?issfnl th;;y bP.lievA t.h;; programmA t.o h;;: attitnd;;s towrlrds programma ;;xpansi on: and Sl1~HJRSt:i ons for improving thR proarammR.

Th;; mr1jnr finrlings r1re outlinAd h-P-low:

* ThA most fn~qu~mtly rAportRd aims of thP. programmf: wr:r;; "to r;;duC!e drug addil"!tinn and/nr dr11g 11RA 11 and ''to rAd11CA (the priRoners') nRAd to C"!Ommit crimP. to ~mpport thAir habit". ThP.~f: ;dms arB t:onsistent with thn~A listed in thP. nffir:!irll policy document. TntP.:restingly, faw rAspnndt-mts m~ntinnP-n th~ aim of ~ontrnlling th~ spread of ~.T.D.S. & Hepatitis R, sin~e this is nne of the ~entral nhje~tiv~s of thP. ILS.1J. prison m~thanone prngramm<l (as "tat<ld in th" poli~y do<!nment).

* "PP.rr.Ai \tAd henefi ts of the meth<1dnne programma i nclndP.d:

I"!Ontrnl of an iniiividual 1 s dr11g habit; - not having to rP.ly on ill~gal drugs;

l?.ss risk of d<lath and niseas<l; - ko::eps some from returning to gaol; - providt=th r.nntar.t with r.aring sArvir!As;

inmates being AasiAr to look after; - redm:tinn in violAnl"!f: and drug traffiC"!king in gaols;· - lAss r.rimR in thA C"!Ommunity.

* A wide variety of perceived prnhlams and prngrr1mmR disadvantages Wf:rA conveyAd by thP. respondents: whir.h inr.ludAd:

inaneqnate ennr.atinn ahnnt. methadone for inmates and gac\1 staff; - inadAqtJate and/or inappropriate assRsSmAnts; -going on mAthadon~ to sP.r.urP. P.arly relea!!>B or· a~ a r.ondition of parolP.; - standnvP.rs within the gaols; - inability to prngrAs~< through clas,;ifi~ation to all institution,; while

on m"thadnn"; - inad~qnate dispensing far.ilities: partir.nlarly at Parramattrt Gaol;

p~ri"!Aption of a black markAt in m~thrldonA in t.hA gaols: espAr.ially at Parramatta;

- uri nP. gni dP.l i nf!R both not stri C!t fmongh tnppi ng up/nsi ng i 11 Agal drugs (both in

- lack of time fqr primary C"!arP. and dispAnsi~g 11nits.

and not Rnforr:!Ad propArly; ganl anrl th;; r.ommnnity);

r.ounsAll i ng at. the C!ommnni ty

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Of th~ r~spond~nts, only ?.5% f~lt that thA programmA 3C}% fP-lt it is unsn~r.t::ssf11l, /.5% wP-rP.: unsurt=:- 1 and balan~R bRtWRAn Sli~~ARR and fail!!TG.

is sur.r.Rssful: whilR 10% f~1t thP.r~ is a

* OvRr nnB-thirrl of t:hR intf;r~iRW~&s (.17.5%) fRlt pnsit.ivR rJho11t f!Xpanding thP. programmA t:o.ot.h~r gaols and dispP-nsing units: whilR 1?..5% WBrf:: pn:::.it.ivr. with rRs:;rvations: ?.<)% WRt'R nP.gat:ivR and ?.1% wRrR nRnt:ral ahont: ~xpnnsion.

* Various snggBstions Wf'irR off~rAil for improving thR programrr.A: inr.luding:

- that information rriv~n by inmat.Rs on assRsSmRnt hR v2rifir.d; - that Rchtr.ation r1hont mt=?t.h<ldnnR for inmat.Rs and gaol sttlff hR provirlRd;

nr:;;iJ for morA gaol strtff tn provirlo:: c:onnst:tlling anrl ilrug and tilr.ohol sftr~.;; r.Rs;

- that thr. pArr.Rivr.d prar.tir.R of e:arly r~lAa~~ of pri~onr.r~ on mAtharlon~ h~ stoppBd;

- nB~d for stric:t;;r guirlB1ine:s with rfH>PP.t:t to urinalysis ro:Hmlts: and ths Anfnrc:ing nf thAs~ gt1idelines;

-need for a lnc:al a~sessnr at Rath11rst Gaol~ - naf?d for a fnll timP. c:as;;wnrk~r at t:hh dispAnsing units;

nP.ed for finanr.ial and acr.nmmodatinn as~istanr.B on rRlAass; - nfif:d for i mprov;;d r.o:nmuni c:ati on :tnd i nfnrmati on tr;:1nsfat~ hr:twesn

diffP.r~nt s~ctors.

'T'ha 1 i mi tati ons of th~ rt::sF.ari'!h must he takAn i nt:n nc:c:ount wh::m i ntP.rpreti ng the findings. ThesA limitations inr.lt1de:

- thnt intBr~iAw data are StlhjRt:t:i~e and are not nAr.essarily a statement of far!t; hnt re:flAt:t pP.ople's opinions;

- that the nnmbBrs intAnriewed from p;:1rtir.ul;:1r groups WRrR small: hnwRVP.r t.hP.rA is no rRason t.n hAliR"'JR t.hR opinions P.xprf!!ssP.d by thR rer:;pondents were not represRntrltivP- of thP- groups from whir.h thAy wf:!rR r.hns:;:o:m;

- that thP. int(!;rvi~vr qnP.stions WP.Tf: for thi=! mot:;t part ·opAn-::md2rl or P.Xplnratory quP.stions: whir.h madfl prf:f!is;: Bstimation~ of pt:!rc:;;:ivP.d prob 1 P.ms or i ssnfH;: i mpossi h 1,;:::.

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This is th~ fifth in a sBriB!; of studiP.s ~v~luating thA N.S.lL Prison M~thadonP. Proqramm~. Th~ pro:;~Jimts four fOt.ndi t;S ha~Jf; for:usr.;r.-d on thB findings of thP. pilot prP.-rRlP.asB m~t.hadonP. programmB. How~VBr 1 in thA ti~P. sinr:P. th~s~ n~portJ'!> w:;r;; written; a nnr:1b~r of r.hangP.s to th~ pilot prt:::-rBlAasP. mP.thadon~ prngrammB havB oc:curro::il.

Fir~tly, os " rf!~nlt of inr.r""""'d l'ICADA funding for t.hP. 1qP.7/P.l! Ruclg<"t., thM programme has bMBn BXpandP.d su~h that thP. prB-r&lAasP. programmA has hB~OmB just one part of a largP.r prison mP.thadnnP. programmA. ThP. programme now Rnr:ompasses prisonP.rs on mP.thadonr. at t.hB timB of inr.arc:P.ration: long-tArm prisoners: and prisont=::rs who ar~ HTV or llepa:t:it.is R virus positive; as wAll as prA-relP.ase prisonP.rs.

Tht::: "tJ. S. W. Prison Methridonf'l Programm~: Stat.~m;.:nt on Pol i ~y and Pro~P.­

dllr"", writtfm hy Ri"hnrd 1\aldwin of t.h<; tl.S.ll. DP.p•rtmP.nt. of H;o;olt.h, "f!t·" o11t. a number of nhj~ctivas of thP. programm(!; (JL 1) ~ 'fhesA st::Jt:P.d nhjer.tivss inr.lnd;o;:

- ''to rAdltCR thP. incid~nr.e of intravsnROtls hArnin llSR by prisonars''; - "to raiJUr!t=< ths sprt=<ad of HTV and HMpatit.is R virus"; - "to 0.ontimtB mf':t:haiJonf.'! maint~nanc:P. trsatmsnt of prisonP.rs inC'!rirr:Rrat:Bci

whilst in trsatmsnt''; - "to commsnr.P. mst:hadona maintsnanr:R trP.att'lt=<nt with individnal prisonars who

satisfy tht::: ri!Jt'AAd asssssmP.nt c:ritsria''; - "to hrRak thR r.yclR of r.riminrll ar.t.ivity assnr.iat:sd with drurr usR 11

; and "to providR ar.r.Rss to a rangR of r.ounsR11ing sRrvic:Rs".

'I'hA programma in~.rolvP.s a widR \iariaty of psrsonnBl: inc:lniJing not only a r•ngr; of l':t.nff nt. the gaol", hllt nlsn "taff nt th,; "ommllnity m,;thndonP. maintananC'!P. units t:o whir.h prisonRrs arR allor!att:!d on rsleasR: rmd probation and pilrnl;: officArs who lirdsP. with thf:sf': r.ommnnity units.· Ohtdonsly thR co­opP.ration and c:ommitmP.nt of th~sP. VRrious p~oplP. is ~~sent.ial for tho:: snc:cA~sful opP.rat.ion anrl c;ont.inuation of snc:h a ilivArs::: programmA. ThAir impnrtanc;~ c;annnt h~ ov~rP.mnhasi7.Rd. and hP.nr:P. it wa~ fAlt that their attitud~s to t:hh programmA would ~onstitute a nBt:Assr~ry component of any researc;h into th~ programme~

'!'hi" r<"port. pr"""nt.s th<" rA,;nlts of with tha,;a kAy pP.r,onnP.l involvP.d with methadone programme.

a sAriAs of 51 intA~ViAWS c;ondtJc;ted t.ha ~dministrat.ion of tha pri,.on

ThArP. are fu:;~P.ntia11y four tlims of this study: namP.ly:

(1) to di ,;r.ovP.r how at.ti tudes to t.hP. prison mflthndona progr•mmie di ff<"r hetwARn pRrsonnRl;

(?.) to detArminR what major problems exist with the pro~rammB tlS perc;AiVRd by different personnRl; and to offBr possihlR sol11tions to t.hRs:o& prohlf'lms;

(.1) to draw on th<'! <il<pP.ri<'!n<"fl of t.hoM> who havP. haP.n involvf!d with t.hP. programme in order to assist in the proC'!Rss of Rxpansion into other gaols· and dispensi-ng 11nits;

(4) to rA!'!Ommemi t:htlngP.s and improvemRnts to the programmP..

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I i

MF.TI!OUOT .OGY: ~-----------

1\P.twef>n 1Oth ll<>cemher, 1 'lll7 and 4th FAhrnary, 1 'lllll, 51 i ntervi '""' w"r" 0-onrlnct~d with kRy pP.rsnnn~l involv~d with thP. ndmini~tration of the prison m.=:;t.hadon~ programmr;:. 'rhr::sP. pP.rr.;nnnP-1 inc:lndP.d:

gaol RllnRrintandents (4 of a pnssihla 4) - prBsr.ri hi ng ilor.tnrs (1 nf a possi h 1 A 1) -drug and alr.ohol staff (4 of a possihlA 4) - m~thadonA assP.ssors (?. of a possihlP. ?.) - prohatinn and parol" liaison officers (1 of a possihlA 1) -methadone r.o-ordinatnr (1 nf a possible 1) - r.nstodial nffir.P.rs (~0 of a por:;sihlA .l91) - prisnn n11rsing staff (5 nf a possible 21) - staff of r.ommnnity rlispP.nsing units (<J of rt possihl;; 14)

'rhA four rraols at which pBrsonnP.l wo:::re intP.rviawP.d WP.t'P. Parram:ltt.a Gaol: Mnlawa '!'raining and Uetention CentrP., llathnrst Ganl, and Norma ParkP.r CP.ntr<'­Thf;. community dispt::nsing units WP.t'P. Rlac:ktown: J.ivP.rpool: and Rankin Court (narlinghurst), and th<> three probation and parol" liaison officers warP. frnm thP. lllacktnwn, l.iverpool, and llnndi .Tunction Probatinn and Parole Offices. Two of the thrP-~ prP.s~rihing do~tors wAre from the Pri~on MP.dir.al Servi~e; the othAr wa,; a privilt.A prP.~<criher. Of thfl drnrr and illr.nhnl ,;taff intP-rviP.w.,d, two were from thP. gaols and the othP.r two wP.r~ r.n-ordinators in H~ad Offi~A-

ThP. nnmhP.rS i ntP.rvi ewP.d from somA of thP. rrronps WP.re small (fL g _ rmsto­dinl offir.;;rs: prison nursing staff: r.omm1mit.y dispensdng unit staff) due to both the limited intP.rviRwing time available and the nP.ed to sample from a range:!. of pP.rsonne1. llhP.rA thP.r~ was a sarnp1P: t.r:Jln=m from a partir.n1ar gronp, thosf! i ntP.rvi ewed WAre r.h(HHm snhjet:t to str1ffi ng avai 1 a hi 1 i t.y.. Yhi 1 e t.h~st; respondents wP.rP. not ~hos;::n on a random basis: there is rio reason to suspP.r.t that any of the interviewees were in any way atypical of th;: pnpn1at:ions t.hP.y rApresAnt.

Sep:JratP. strnr!tnred intP.rview sr.hedn1es WAre designerl for P.ar.h diffP.rP.nt: group nf pP.rr;onne:l. WhP.rP. :~ppropriat.e: r.ommon qnflstionr:.; we:rf': in~1ur1P.d in thB iliffP.rent interview sr.hP.dules. 'l'bf'! interview schAdules eal'!h r.onsisted nf qnP.:st.ions; rP.lating to thP. po::rr.;;ivP.d aims of the: prog-rammP.: prohlRms with t.hB programmA and its opP.ration 7 pP.rr.P.ivP.rl bP.nP.fitS and rlir:.;advantagP.s of the: programm~: pt::rr.e:ption!=i of thA progrrtmmB's 'snr!r.P.~s': attitudRs tnwarrls thM Axpan~ion of thP. programmP. 7 and ::;;urrgP.r:.;tinns for programmA improvP.me:nt..

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Tt: is imnnrtant whP.n opP.ratinq a programmP. involvinrr such a broad rangP. of personnP.-1 th::~t all gron!)s sharP. a similar nndP.rst.anding of thA aims of thP. !lrogrrtmm?. so t.h:1t. a r.onsist.f;nt. apprnaf!h is t.ak~n at. all lt:wAls. Th?. t.wo most. frAqnAnt.ly rApnrted aims of th& programmP. WBr:::: "to rAdncP.: drug arldir.tion and/or drug nSA11 and 11 tn rednr.;: (th~ prisonP.:rs•) naAd t.o r.ommit. r.rimA t.o support t:hAit· hnhit"_ r.ustodial staff: prison nursing staff: community disp~nsing nnit staff and th~ pr~s~ribing do~tnrs ea~h nnminat~d both of thes~ aims whil~ the methadnnP. assAssors only mP.ntinnAd thP. first of thP.s~. Roth of thAsA aims arA r.nnsistAnt. with thR aims of tha programmA as prAsant.ad in thA officdal polir.y docnmAnt_

AnothBr aim of thP. methadonA programmA: as stat.Ad in the poli~y rlor.nmP.nt:: is tn control thP. ~pread of A.T.n.s. nnd HApatitis R. This nim nppP-nrs less well understood than th~ othArl<. llhilP. a small numhP.r of ~nst.odial offi<"Ars, ~ommnnit:y dispP:nsing unit staff and nnA of th.; thre~ prr.sr.rihing doctors mAntionP.d it. nonA of the methr1done ASSt;Ssor~. prison nurr;ing staff; drug anrl alr.ohnl workers or probation and parole offi~ers rlid so.

A range of other aims inr.lnding! "to der.r::::.ase drug traffi~king ~n

institutions"; •1 t.o rP.dnr.e rlrug-relatf:d violen~A in institutions"; "to stop the ttse of dirty nAArlles''; ''to qt1ieten down prisonArs''; ''to provide an altP.rnativA to heroin"; rtnci "to stop diseasA- sprMailing 11 was ear.h nominated by a small number of custodial offic:ers~

"To provide a means of 'so~ial cnntrol' 11 was seen to hA an aim of the programme hy people from all groups exr.ept th~ presc:rihing doctors: methadone ass~ssor~: nnd t.h~ m?.thadon~ ~o-ordinatnr~

AnothP.r aim m.:.mtionP.d by m~mhP.rr.; of all rrronp~ P.Xr.P.pting thP. prr.s~rihing do~tors and thP. mP.thadonP. ~o-ordinator was "to assist in a~hieving/stabilising a norm:tl lifP.u~

Tn total, twP.nty-thrP.~ diffP.rAnt aims wArP. statP.d bv thP. 51 rAspondP.nts indir.tlting somA variation in tht: way t.h:::; programme is nndP.rstOod by those who OpAr;:tf:A it~

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All !'"rsonn<'>l int..,rvi.,wail WArP. a,;k"il to st.at.<> what thay thought WArA thA m~in prohlAm~ with thP. mAtharlnnP. programmP..

PRrr.~ivP.O prohlP.ms wAr-A P.lir.it:P.d in two diff~r~nt way~. Op~n-Bnd~rl

quRsti ons WP.rP. ;",~Skrdl to gain qua 1 i t:ati v~ information on thP. rangA of probl ~ms r:xpP.riP.nr.t=;.d~ whilP.. ~losP.-P.ndP.d qHP.st.ion~ w~rf! ll~P.d to allow qnant.ifir.;.)t.ion of th~ spRr.ifir. pnt:Antial prnhlams of divarsion of mAthadnna in thR gaols and thR :1vailrlhility of support: programmas.

A cH?JArsity of rP.spnns~s was rP..cnrdf!rl whir.h r.an hA dividRd into fivt=~

hro:ul r.atAgori As. 'l'httsR i nt!lndR: prohl Rms wi t.hi n thA gnol syst.Am; !)OSt.­rRlAaSR prohlRms; prohlAms rAlating to assAssmRnt; philosophical prnhlAms; and prohlAr.'IR r.ommon to hoth thA gaol a:nd community t=mvironm~nt~. F.ar.h of tht;:s~

r.:Jtf;gori~s will hA di~r.nsseil s~parat~ly bP.low.

ThA most commonly reporteil prohl~m sp~r.ifir. to thR gaol ~nvironmBnt was thP. he;lid that inmat"s (ancl gaol staff) are not adAqnataly prAparP.d or P.dur.ated about methadon~ and itt-; effP.r.ts. Som~ r.nstodial officArs 1 prison n11rsing staff, prP.s~rihing do~tors, ilrug and al~ohnl staff, and ~ommunity dispensing nni t staff mAnti onP.d this probl ;::m. OnP. superi nt.fmdtmt dP.scri h;:d thi,; prohlem as tha nAAd "that P.varyona ~nn~ornad i!< fully eiln~atAil ... (thF.y) shonl II h<> to 1 d thara ara othP.r a lt"rnat i """'".

Standovers werR mfmt.ioned hy a number of r.ustndial offir.Ars: prison m1r"ing staff, anil ilrug ani! al~ohol staff as a prohlAm of thA programmA w.ithin thB gaol:;. J\s nne r.ustodial offir.er put. it: "thP.y (the inmatP.s) g;d: a flogging by others who want their methadnnR''.

'!'he; othP.r mo,;t frAquP.ntly mentionad prohl,;m within the institutions hy ~nstodial offi~Ar,;, prAs~rihing clo~tors, clrug and al~ohol staff, anil th" mr.t.hadonP.: cn-ordinat.or is that inmates r.annot progret;s through their classi­fir.ation to all institntions while they :lrR on m;:th:ldnnt:L Howev0.rr the rer.ent introdn~tion of thA m"thailone programm" at the Malahar '!'raining Cantr" (a minimum s~r.ur.it.y gaol) i!::: a stP.p towards nv~r~oming this ohstar.lt=:_

AnothAr prohlem was arP. not <!nongh pla~"s on those\ who want to h<! on was f<>lt. to h" a probl <>m

mf\ntionAil hy various gaol staff, namAly that th;;ra the programmfl:: partir!ular1y at Parramatt;} Gaol 1 for mP.tbaclona. Finally, inmates sharing thAir m"thadonP.

by a nnmh<>r of r.nstoilial ,;t.aff.

?.. Proble:;:ms in th~ communitvfnn relt=:asA

11. key issuP- raised by most of t.hR r.ommunity dispt=!nsing unit staff, all t.hP. prohation anil parole liai,;on offi~P.rs, ancl both the mathailon<> assP.s,;ors is the la~k of time tha prnhation anil parolA liaison offi~ers have at thA dispAnsing units for primary ~are and r.ounselling of prison~rs who h:1ve been ra1P.as~r1 from r.nstody_ The averagP. timtt allo(!at.ed for this &ss-ential fun~tion

is bf\tW<!P.n half a il~y to one day pAr w"ek. '!'he ilis,;atisfar.tion with this si tna t.i on was desr.ri b<'iil hy on a of t.h" proha t ion and paro 1" offi <OArs: " ( T)

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~an't AffAr.t.iv~ly hP. a primary r.arA work~r (when T'm ther~) for half a day per WP.P.k with (a casP.load of) mor" than ?.0 cliflnts".

'l'hP. prnhlP.m of !l"ographical limitations of t.h<> dispP.nsing units, th,; suhsP.qu.,nt travP.l prohlP.ms for cli<'lnts, and t.hfl inahilit.y to transfP.r t.o othP.r di ~ra:;n~;i ng nni t~ W:J~ menti onf!d by both thA staff of thP. r.ommnni t.y di spen~i ng units and probation and parolP. liaison offir.Ars_ lfowP.vAr: with the rP.r.ent m:ai 1 a hi 1 i t.y of addi t.i on a 1 di spansi ng units aronnd Sydn"y and parts of t.hfl country, t.hflsP. limitation,; shoulil h<l addrP.SSfld.

r.ommunity dispAnrdng unit staff: proht'ltinn anrl parol~ liaison nffif!P.r~ and prison nursing staff Bxpressed r.onr.ern at thA finanr.ial and ar.commodation problems prisoners far.e when relP-ased. YhilP. this problem is not spP.r.ifir. to the methadone programme: it is rel~vant her.anhP. of the lar.k of monAy availahlR for travel to th;; dispt=::nsing units: and thB t:;a:=;f! with whi~h thP.s~ peopl~

rr.:t.urn to f!rim~ just: to survivB. Onr.: probation and parola liaison offi~P.r st'lid t:h~y "gAt out of gaol and hav~ limit:P.d altP.rnativ2s. 'fhAy nP.P.d a lot for far.::::r; and it's th~rP.forA hariJ to stay within t.hR law11

'l'wo othP.r problems:. ment:ioneil by f!ommnnit:y dispP.nsing unit staff ar~ that t:h;; papP.rwnrk nP.t:P.ssary for th.;;m to ~onti nne mf:tharlonr.: trt::t'ltmP.nt: of prison AlAS

on re1P.ase (i~P.- trP.atment: shP.ets and photographs) is oft:r.:n ~low or lat:P. to arriv&: which ~ay prevP.nt cliP.nts from r?.r.Aiving th2ir dose whP.n thay are first: rP.lP.asP.rl~ anrl that thP. information whiC!h is rctC!&ivP.d on rP.leasA is not. dP.t.ailP.d flnnugh. 'l'hP. ~t~ff ~t. thfl di~p;,nsing units fflfll it. is import.~nt .to h;::ntr.: more information ahont thP. pP.nplP. they arP. taking in for tr~at.mP.nt:

in~luding: for Axamp1P.: drng hist:oriP.s and as!'\P.Ssmt:"mt dP.tails~

A final prohlP.m m~ntionP.d hy ~lients are 'instittltinnali~ed' and staff wi t.h authority.

varin11s dispensing 11nit: staff is that defensivA on rP.1AaSA: asso~iating ~linir.

A proh 1 P.m frP.quP.ntl y mAnti on ad hy a 11 ass~ssnrs and the mAthadonA ~n-ordinat:or is

gronps Axr.ept thA methadone that inmat.P.s ~pplying for th~

m~thadone programme are not adequately ass~ssed and there is a need to v&rify information ~uppliP.d by the inmat:P.s on assP.ssment:~ OnA c11stodial offit:ef- said th~t "anynnA who wants it. (mP.thadnnP.) g<>ts it.", whil<> anothflr· st~tfld t.h<> nAP.il for a 11 mOrA r.omprehP.nsive c:her.k of those going on the programme": and yet: another sain t:hey'r~ "gP.tting- mP.thadone wh~n thBy'r~ not evAn usinrr heroin anfl have no heroin history''.

Getting onto the mP.thadonP. programme in ordt=:r to ser.nre early rAleasP. or as a r.ondition of parole was often reported as a problem of the programmA by r.11storlial offir.ers: prison nttrsing staff: ~nmm11nitv dispensing 11nit staff: prohation and parolP. officP.rs, drug and alr.nhol ,;t~ff and thfl mP.th~donP. co­ordinator. This problem is r.1ear1y assor.iat.ed with inappropriate pla~P.mP.nt ont.o thF: programmt=::; and one s;;taff mP.mber of t.h~ t'!Ommnnity dihpP.nsdng units hAliev8rl that somP. inm~t~s arP. "for~P.d into going on mAtharlonP. as a parnlA ~ondition"~ Tt appears:: that this situation is pP.rpr:t.nat:;:rl by p::~role nffi(;Ars advis::ing inmatAs that hP.ing on mP.thadonP. wo11lrl improvP.: their r.han.~e·s of pa1~o1P..

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This practica i~ clRarly inconsistent with thA ''Stat&:mRnt on Policy and Pror.Rdnrt~ 11 whiC'!h states t.hat "no prir;onRr should hB forcfH~ to accRpt a mat:hadonA programmA or hR reC!ommAnded for a mP-thadone programmA for custodial TR:.lSOn!';" (p . .1).

A final prohlRm spRcific to Rathnrst Gaol i::; thR timR inmates hav~ to w:dt to hP. assP.SSfHir and a numbP.r of staff at this institution spP.t:ified thR nRRd for a local rt!'H'~Assor to pr:nrRnt d::;lay::; fnr inraat.Rh.

4. Philosonhical nrohl8ms --·---"'-- ------- L ----·~·•··-

This catP.gory of prohlRras is broadly grnupP.d 11ndRr thR hRading of philosophical prohlRms and rRfRrs to gRneral objRct.ions to thR HSR of mRthadnnR. Tt inclndRs SlH~h C!omm;mts as mRthndonR "is ju!'-lt anot.hAr dr11g": "a lAgal addi~t.inn'', and it ''dnAsn't address t.hA drllg problem''-

Anot.hRr p~rC!ei'"J~d prnhlt::m of thP. programmA whit!h ~nmes nndflr this broad hf':arling is that the mAthadonR programme is only a mr.ans; of "appAaring to b& doing s:;omething" about thP. drng prohlP.m: with thA implit!ation that. it. is not at!t11ally doing anything.

5. Problems r.ommon tn hnth thFi aaol and r.ommunitv environmr.nts ~ . . ---- - ------ ···-~~- ------- ---------"'~------------- - ----------------~ -""'----- -----~ -·~---·- ... ----. ~

M;:::mhArs of eal""!h group: ~xr.~pt. for th;, probation anrl parolA liaison offir.Ars: fAlt: that. thf:rA is a gAnP.ral la~lc of staffing and sllpArvi:don ovailohlR for the programmP. in hoth thP. gaols ond the community dil<pensing units_ Mor~ spt:::r.ificallyr this rangAd from thP. R~prAssP.d net=:rl for a methadon;; nnrsft at thA prison clinil""!s to th-.:: nARd for morA cnstndial offir.ers to P.sr.ort and snpArvis~ inmatAs on th~ prngra:nmfi: pr1rtir.nlarly t"1t Parramat.ta and llathnrst gaol,_

Gaol ~taff :non~ so than ~om:nnnity dispfmsing unit staff frrtqnentl.y rA:portHd t.h,;:: problem of peopl~ on th;: programme 11 toppiniT up with" (n~ing) illegal rlrng,. '!'hi,; problem was :non> oft8n mP.ntionP.d by -staff at Mnlawa anrl Parramatt.a gaol~~ Ont:: r.ustodial offir.t;r df::sr.rihed how inmatf:s arfi "using m~t.hrtdon& as wf:ll a~. and not i nstf':ad of* nthAl~ drutrs" ~ However: thP. res11l ts of Study 4: RRSUlts of Gaol llrinaly!lP.l< do not support thi' claim_ On th" contrary, thP. rP.port conclnrl8d that "whilP. prP.sr.rihP.d drugs hy inmatP.l< ... , thA 8XtP.nt major problem" (p.fi)_

therA has h~·H:m som;: use of non­of liSA dnAs not ~Aem tn sig~ify a

Tnt.ArviewP.P-S from ea~h of the groups with thA exception of drug and alcohol 'taff, mP.thadonP. as,es,ors, and thP. mP.thadonP. co-ordinotor rAported that thArA are inadequate fa~ilitiP.s to run thA programmA Affil""!iAntly. This includas a lack of aileqnat8 ilispP.nsing far<ilit.i"' at thP. gaols (in partir.nlar Pnrrrtmatta and Rat.hnrst X-wing); thA lack of prnpAr f:Jr.ilitiP.s for urine tasting at the in,titntion,;; and tha lank of room ot thP. dispan,ing units to r.ilt.Ar for inr.rAaSf':d numbers on tht=: programmtL

Als-oo mEmtionell as a prohlAm by a nut.'lbF.:r of r.ustodial offir.ers; prison nursing staf.f: prescrihiJ1g 'dor.tors; and dr11g ann :Jlr.ohol staff wP.rA thf! ar.tual phyl<ical ond behavioural 'iile-effer.t~ of methadone. The~e 'ide affer.t~ were r~port.Arl ~!=; hP-ing a prohlP-m. nr:::nally in thP. initial ~tilgP..s of st.ahilisat.jon on the drug.

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J\nothf;r prnhlAm which war-; mP-ntionerl by ;:~11 groups F:Xr.~pt. for the pr<=:sr.rihing rlor:t.or!=; and thA metharlon~ co-ordinator is the- fP.P-ling that th~ gnidBlines for pot:;itive nrinalys;.it; rP.~Hlt~ arA both not stric.t enongh and not prop~rly P.nforr.erl. nartir.ularlv in th;:; gaol~. The guidelines havt=: r0.r.P.ntly bP.en relaxed to allow no morf:! th:Jn three 'dirty' nrines in a thrP.B month p~riod. Pr~vionslyr only two 'dirty' nrines were allowed hefore inl':'latP.s wP.r~

ta kf:m off the pl~ogrrtmmP.. Tn :andy 4: Rt::su1 ts of Gao 1 IJri n:1l vs;:;s. it. was found that 5% nf inmat~s (1 of 61) had morA than two tdirty' 11rinRs in thR six month period: b11t that mo.st. of these results werR for h:;sts t.rtb=:n following n:;lease and r;:;tnrn to g::tol.

Otht=:r prnblf:m~ :r.;;ntinn;:rl by '17:'1rinu~ r~r;ponil<;nt:-:o includ;;rl: a gF:nBral lack of r.onnhBlling and ~upport for tho~;; on thf?: proqraf.imf: {in both tho:; gaol~ and thrt di~pensing 11nits); thA la~k of alternative trRatmRnts availahlR to inmatA~ anrl t.h~ lo"k of fnnds for ilrng and al,ohol programm1'!s; t.h2 f<><>ling that the prorrramii\A is poorly organi7.;;rl witho11t a uniform administration; that thR ar!t:ual dosr:s of m-;:thadonA arf': too high ca11sing p;;;opl;; on thR programmR- to hR­uhomhed ont"; and that it is difficult to run a prngramm~ which involvr.r;; two di ffArf':nt govf':rnmrtnt. rlRpartmv:mt.s (Corrf!cti Vf:: SArvi cP.s and Hrtal t.h) which have diffArRnt aims and prncAdltras (for axamplAr assessmAnt prn~AdltrAs).

DTVF.RSTON OF MF.THADONF. ---------- . ·~---------~--------

A ~ariAty of rraol pArsonnRl inclnrlinrr supArintanrl:mts. r.nr;todi:Jl offi­r.P.rs: pri~on nnr~ing staff: and ilrng and al~nhol !;taff: wr:rf! arikAd wh~t.hAr

they thourrht inmates wArP. P.ith~r sr:llinrr or iliv;:rting the mAt:hadone t.hP.y r;::cP.iV8d at t.h;: pris;;nn clinic~.

Around "i" in 10 (61%) nf thos<> inten:i~w;,d agr2<>d thF.r'> wa" a prohl<>m with di v2rsi on of m;;thadonA from its i nt.P.nilAd purpnsfL

WhP.n thRse rP.:sults arA pag<>) it is appar.,nt that. thP. at Parramatt.a Gaol. Tn fa,t., rmr->w:::r;,rJ 'yP-s 1 to the rp1esti on.

broken down hy institution, (SAF. Tah1A 1 ovP.r proh1Am war; most. fn~qn;;ntly m:;ntionr:rl by staff

AVery pArson int.erviAWP.d ilt this instit.ntion

ThP. high frequ'>n"y with whi"h this problF.m was r,;portfld at Parramatta Gaol is possibly a result. of thA inadP.quatA dispP.n"ing far.iliti<>s at this institution. TnmatF.s h<>r<> ar'> not. h<>lil aft.Ar being do""d with methanon·., but flrr. releasAd h:..r.k into tha gt:~ol: in r.ontra~t with ot.hBr {!f'lnlsr (fLff. Mnlawa): wh<>rfl t.h" i nmatF.s arF. dF.tai n<>il for at 1 F.a!<t. 1 0-?.0 mi nut.fls aft."r hfli ng dn""d t.o AnsnrB thorough digestion of th~ drug.

Hnwf!ver, again t.h'> r<>!<ults of St.uily 4: RF.sult" of Gaol Urina1y"""' ilo nnt. Only J.l% of 11rine spA~imans

tested did not r.ontain mAthadone: and of thes~: most. WArA the first spAr.imens taken (and h,;n"" may nnt b!l <>XpF.ctF.tl to contain mAthadonF.). Th,; conr.1usion of Study 4 wa5 that 11 t.hBrA i5 no A'tiirJ~nr.A nf a blar.k market ::.upplying mP.thadnn~ ... within the gaol"" (p.fi).


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Parr:1mat.ta ~1=11


1 ?.

Rnthnrst N=g




Uorma ParkBr N=J


'l'nt.nl ~1=]1


Pri~on nursing staff: probation ;md p<'lrnle liai~on nffit:fH"S: and r.ommuni t.y di sp:msinq nni t staff WF.rr: askt=:d whethe:r or not they thought th~ snpport proqrammP.s availahl~ for thos~ on th~ programmt; wArt=? adt=tquatP.. l\pproximat.P.ly thr;:;B-qnart.P.rs (7fi%) of th:; rF.!-;pondt;nt.s fFilt that s11pport was inad;.:qllat.Fi.

Within th<> gaols, it was f;;lt that th;;r<> ar;o not e;nonqh of both staff 11nd f11nding to rttn thFi rAqltirAd prngrammAs.

Community dispAnsinrr 11nit staff and proh:Jtion and p::1rol~ liaison offir!Ars both reitarated tha naAd for a fttll-tima ~011nsallnr at tha dispansing ttnit:s hacall!H=! onF. rlay per wao:;k is not annngh. Also frBqnAntly mRntionerl in rA1atinn to $;1lpport prngrammr..s w.=::rfl thB finanr.ia1 anrl ar.:c:ommndati"on prohlP.m$; whie'!h prisnnP.rs fF~f!P. wh;:::;n r~1P.asf;:d 1 and thf': sHhs;:;quP.nt nAP.d for snmP.: form of finanf!ial assistan~P. for thasA prisonArs.

'l'h<> majority of thn><fl int<'lrvim;e;d (&n%) statP.d th11t th<>y thonqht that thfl programmP. do~s prnuidP. hP.nP.fits. RAnP-fits for t:hA individual: for gnol managAmAnt and for thA community wArP. mP.ntinnt;rl. F.xamp1As of thP.sA rP.port:P.t1 hAnP.fits arA pnrtrayAd in TablA ~~

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I i l


Fnr thR Tndivid11Rl

C:nntrnl~ drnq hohit

non't. havP. to rP.ly on i 11 <=:gal drngM ~~~~ risk nf dAnth/ hAolt.hi Ar K~np~ ~o:n.-; fl~nm rf':tnrn­

i nq to gr!ol PrnvidRR ~nnta~t with cArina s;:rvit:As GivRs them a hrRathing sp;H~~/ti;nt-: Ollt Re>tnrn tn Amplnym<;nt/ BdtJ~atinn/t-:motional

stohil ity GP.t support wh~n rA 1 ""'"'d Rehohilitntinn Giv~s thRm anothRr trt-:atmP.nt option

Tnmat.~s RasiRr for nffi~Ars to lnnk nft.Ar StahilisRs inmates

l,P.SS ;riolRtlr.'R in thP. inst.itntinn RAd11ctinn in dr11g tra ffi ding Rt-:dllCRS worry of find­ing dirty nRRdlRs

I'F.RC:I':TVF.D DTSADVAN'I'AGF.S OF 'I'HF. I'ROGRA!1to!F. - ~--~---~----~--- -~---· -----------

For thR Community

ChAapRr to main­tain on mRthadnnR

F.vAry nne of the respondents mention~d at 1Rnst nnR disadvantagR or poor fRAtun:; of thr; prison mBthadonR programmE=!~

'T'hR dir:;arlvant.agP.~ r~porb~d ~an h~ broadly grollpP.d into four r.atP.rrori~s:

i nr.lnili nq~ di sadvrlntagc;s for i nmr:JtP.:s; 1 ar.k of r~sonrr.P.:s; · phil osophi r.al ohjA~tions to mAthadonP. itsAlf: and gP.nP.ral disarlv~ntarr~s- F.xamp1Bs from ~ar.h

of thP.sP. r.ab;goriAs ar;.; prAsP.nh':{d in 'l'ablP. 1 hrtlow ·in ordP.r of thB frP.qn;mr.y wit.h whir.h thP.y wBrP. m;.;ntionBrL

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I .l


'r;;hl ~ 1: P<;l"t:fdvfl:d di sailvant:Hrn5/wnrht fP-at.ur:::s; -~~----------------- - "'- ---'-----~------------------ ------

Di~adv~ntag~s for inmat~s

SidA AffA~ts/effA~ts on he>alt.h

Stir.king to routinA of pir.king np

Standnv~rs and thrAats

Ge>ographir.al limitations of disp~nsing tlnits

Tn2ligihl" for all i nsti t.nt.i ems

l.ar.k of rP.sonr~es

l.ack of r.onnsr;lling

r.ar.k of staff I far.ilitiAS

flint Anonqh placAs on proqrammf:

l.ar.k of ...-:cinr.ation ahout mAth;u)onA

Phil osophi r.a 1 nhjActions

GfmAral disadvant.agAs

RAinforr.~s dApAn- Tnappropriat.A rlAnr.y prnhlAms assP.ssmBnt.s

~Tnst. a legrtl arlrli"t.ion


drug prnhlBms

Harrl,;r to g"t off methadnnA than h<"roin

Topping up/ using ot.hAr drugs Going on mAthadonP. for parolP./P-arly rAlAaSf;

High dosf>s

Kr.Ap r.nming har.k to gaol

PrAsr.rihing doctors: pri~on nnrsing staff; proh:ltion ·and parol& liaison offi~f'::rs: ~ommnnity dispt=;nsing unit staff: and th?. mf:thadon;; ~n-ordinatnr w~rA ?.rtc.h askP.d wht=~thP.r or not th&y thought urinaly~is is a n&~P.ssary part of thP. m;:;t:harlone programmA- anrl rP.asons for t:ht=i:i r r.onr.l us:d on_

'rh&r-P. was almost univP.rsal agr&P.mP.nt {q5%} that urinalysis is ner.esSary, th;: mnr;t r:ommon reason gi vrm ht=;i ng "to SBP. whrlt ilrngr; they' r~ · 1Hd ng" _ Other P.Xplan:Jtions for thP. nP.r.es~ity of 11rinalysis inr.lnd&d: "to find out. how th;;::y'rf: goinf! 11 r "as a sianal for ~nnnselling int?.rvc;"ntinn," anrl "as:; a merlir.al tool" or warning of mAdir.::Jl probl&ms~

Only one person: nn.-.; of the prison nnrsing staff; was uns11re aho11t thP. val11R of 11rinalysis; saying that it is a 11 VRry AXpRnsive'' prncAss.

On" of t.h" prnhation anrl parole liai"on offir.f>r~ f"lt that whil<l urinrtlysis is a nt=::r.P.ssrlry p::Jrt of thP. mP.t:h;H=Jon"" proaramme. its Val1lP. is limit.F.-d i.n som~ arP.;'Js (partir.ularly Rlar.ktown) whP-rP. mP.thadonA is "higgP.r 11

t.han hr:roin .on t.ht:: st:rf!:et.s: Tn this ~asP.:: it would ht=:: t=::xtrP.mP.ly diffi~nlt. to ahct::rtrlin (from nrinrtlysis) wh~thP.r or not pP.oplP. wBrP. 11~dng additional mP.th;'Jdonr. to t:h2ir prP.sr.ribP.d dos~.

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Roth probation and parol~ li;dsnn officers and community dispensing nnit staff w~rP. askad wh~ther or not th~r~ was any diff~r~nc~ hRtweP.n cliBnts who ar.::; on th& mBtharlonf! programmP. aftflr rf':l~asP. from gaol and: in t.h:; casr. of probation and parolP.r nth&r parol~ cliBnts t.hP-Y supP.rvisA: and in th.::; casr. of thA commtlnity dispAnsing 11nit staff nthAr clients on their prngrarnm~-

Two of th~ thr?.& probation and pnro1A mP.thadonA programmA to b.::; diffr.rP.nt from that th~y arA morA rAstrir.tP.d and ha~A more

offir.P.rs did p.::;rcAi~~ thosP. on th2 other parol~P.s and prohation2rs in so~ial and mAdir.al prnhlAms.

Fonr of tht=: ninR r.ommnnity ilispAn!=dnrr unit. staff fp,lt. th:Jt thos.::; who WP.Tt=<

relr.ased from thP. prison mP.thadnnA programmB OiffP.rBrl from th~ir othP.r ~li~nt~ on thFo i:l~t:hailonP. prngr;lmmt:; hA!:rlllf;fl thAy are morP- rJf!{jrt:::St:; i ~.:P.: a nO m;my of thAm :JrA se~n ;)!'; involuntary t:li~nts who do not want: to hA on mf<t:hadona hut applied sn th~y r.nnld bP. rP.lf>asf>rl f>arly.

TS THF.RF. A l\UPT.TC.ATTotJ OF ROT.F.S l\V PRORA'1'TOII 111m PARO!.F. OFFTC.F.RS AND THF. -·----~---~ --- - - ------------------·----- - ---·- _______ ,__, ----·- . -- --·---·~~-~-------------------·---· .. ------------~--------~---

C.OMM!IIITTV l\TSPF.IJSHJG tnH'1' STAFF? --- . -~-- -----~----------- ---.. -~·-· -------~-----~--

Roth probation anil parnlA li;dson offit:Ars and t:ommunity dispensing nnit staff werP. askP.d whethP.r or not t:ht:::y ff<1t tht;rP. Wils any "jnh o\i'erlnp11 betweP.n thAir roles~ n11 thrae probation and parolP. offir.ers and sev&n of thB ninA £:orr.mtmity dispensing nnit staff b-P.-lievP.d therfl is some job ovl-'!rlap: primarily het:ansr.: thfi probation and pr1role liaison offir.P.:rs are not around at. thA nnits f>nongh nf thfl timP. and thP. dispf>nsinc; unit st"ff oftP.n hav<; tn fill th,dr {probation and parolB's) rol~ as f!ntms-H;llor.

SomF: community dispensing unit staff felt t:hat whila th~rA was ov;.:orlap in that both groups ~"'" the ~ama penplfl, th"Y Wf\rP. hnth addressing the cli1'!nt~·

problems from a different point of ~iew~ with th~ir ~riminal problems r1nd the dispensinrr prohl ems from a he;; 1 th point of vi fHL

probation and parolA addressing 11nit staff 'looking at their

Thes~ two groups of n~spondent:s were alsn <1skeil whether thc;y f~lt this sitttation of dtJpli~ation of roles was satisfa~tory. Only two dispensing 11nit staff rapliarl th"t tha situation was s"tisf""tnry, bP.liaving that thP.rR is :lrl;:quate C!ommunir.atinn betwef::n the. two gronps~

All nthAr respondents WArR not happy with thP.: job overlap and overwhel­mingly statf!d th<'> nRRd fnr snmRnne with morf> availahlP. tim" to spP.nd at thf> C!ommnnity dit=->pensing nnits.

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OVF.RA!.T. F.VAT.UATTON OF SUCCF.SS --~- . -·- ~-- --~-- --·------·~-----··· ----

Aft"r di "'"'""; ng both th" hfln<>fi ts ~nd prohl "m" assor.i at"d with th;; pro~ramm~: rP-~pond~nt~ wer~ a~kP.d whethAr th~y f~lt that overall the rr.Bt.hadon~

programme w:u; S11CC!P.ssfnl ~ As r.an h~ SP.P.n in Tahl;::: 4 1 on;:;-quartt=::r thought the programmB wa:::; snr.:r.ess:fn1: ont:t in t~m thought thBrf'< was a balanr.e bf;twe~n su(!r:P.ss and failnro;r ;:lmos:ot four ont of ten thought it had not been a sHC!C:P.Ks

and annthRr q11artRr wRrR 1JndRcidAd.

F.valua- Cns:tn- Prison Commn-ti on dial/ Nursing nity

SllpRr- Staff nis-int;m- pAnsing rlfm ts Unit


Snr.r.r.:s.s- 7 0 ?.

fill 50/SO 0


tJnsnc;cP.ss- 11 .1 5 ful non't know 4 1

--~- ~--·-~------~---------~----~---------

Total ?.4 5 q

Pro bat- PrF:sr.ri-inn bing and nne tors Parol;; Offi ""rs


0 0 0



.1 1

Drug & Mtetha­Al..,o- don" hol Asses-Work- sors t=::rs


0 0 0

?. 0 /,


M"tha- Tot. a 1 done Co-ordi-nator

n %

1.1 ?.'i

0 5 10 0 ?.0 'q 0 11 ?.5


Snm~ r.-xamplt=ts gi".tP.n for snt"!c~sr; inclndP.d: im:pro·.u~mt=tnt in thf: quality of lifP- for som~ of thosr.- on thP. prngrammP.: a high rlRmand for thP. programmP. 1 a rP.dnr!tion in. violP.nCt; and drug trafficking in th?.- institution; a rAdncti.on in numh<>rs of dirty ne.,dl<>s found in th" institution, and h,;ing off othP.r drugs.

Thosr.- who fr.-1 t. th:Jt. th~ progr:Jmm~ u:Js nnt siJr.r.P.ssfnl g:JVA rAasons for this l"!Onr!lnsion 1 inr.luding: 11 t.hey (the pris:onP.:rs) kP-P.:p l"!oming bar.k to g:Jol" and still c:ommit crim;;s: thAy h:n;<en't stoppRrl using othar drugs; that pRoplf:; are being inappropriatF.ly assP.ssed for thP. prngrammA- 1 and that thR programmA "just ~mbsti tntt~-s ont=1 drug for anot.hP.r" ~

ThA gen.-::ral opinion of thosA who thnnght thR programmP. was both .snl"!r.r:ssf11l and tmsnl"!l"!ctssfnl was that snm& pP.opl P. on t.hR programmA are gt:::nuin;::ly. :naldng an· Affort to do WAll, and havP. thB pottmti::~l to snr.c.P.P.rl, hnt. that. a lot of pt=:npl<=< arf;; jn!:;t ahnsinq tht=< progrrtm:r.;:: and hhonld not bf;: on it.

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i :J

I ' ,, ' i ' _j

I 1 j t j


s.ai d A nnmht::r of thn~P. who wf:rP. undiH'!idP.d ahout thP. ~llr!~~s~ of thP. prngrr:tmmt::; thnt it wn~ ~ithf'ir too r.:<1rly t.o say: or that tht=:y won1rl: like. to ~P.P. thf<

nlJtr.omP. of thosr:: who hail hP.t=:m on t.h~ programm~ ~ OthP.r~ who W'!?!rA undP.r.i dAd 1'1bn11t thP. !;ll~r.c::~~ of thB programme:: m~ntion;;d that. so:nR pP.op.lA on the:;. proarammR ~.;r.:r~ doing WP.ll: hnt th<lt nthArs w;;n:; "still ~ommitting ~rimP. anrl (;Oming har.k to gaol".

'T'hA ~r.:c:ond p<Irt. of this qnAstinn <Ilso r0q11irAd rAsponrlt=!nt.s to stat.r. how t-.hP..y won1rl dc:::fin;:, t.hG t::ur.:~~s~ of t.hP. -:nF..t.h;uionP. proqramm~: i 3L: what. intJir.a­t:ors thF.y wonlrl usr.: to mP.Rstlrt=;. snr.r.F.ss. The:: t.wo most frAqnt:mtly rBport.Arl in(lir!at.or~ of sn~r.Ass wt=::rP.: a ur:;(Jur.tion in rr.:r.idivism ratG~/lB~r-::: crim;;ru and hf:ing 11 off otho:tr rlrHg~/hBing heroin-fr~F.~~~ Other commonly m;:;ntionr.d inrlir.a­tor~ in~lurl;:;d: r~tnrn to <'l 'normal lif;:st.y1>2 1

: h~inq F.mployBif: and :J

"n:;rlnr:t.ion in numhBr~ of dirty ne~dlt::s fmmrl in t.ht:: gaols 11 ~

TntRrRRtingly: rR.spnndRnt.s who thn1tght thn programme was st1~cessf111 wAre l.?.:S!;: likr;ly than tho~;; t'lho thought the progrHmmF. wah nnsnc;c:P..ssful or wern und~~idt:!rlr to dAfine sur.r.es;s in t.Arms of both a rt=?dnf!tion in rerddivism ratf:~: and bP.ing off other drugs. Tn light of thA ~t.ah'!d aim~ of t.h<e progrommP., n:Jr:i,ely "to hreak the c;ycle of r!riminal ac;t.ivity ;;n:u:;o~iatad with drug use" and u to rRdllt'!f.! th;.; i ned rlRnt'!e of in tr;nren;;ons h<=troi n nsf: by pri sono;rs 11

: it seP.ms that those who r.nnsidRrRd th;; programma not sllCC!Rs!ifnl or Wfl:rP. undo::r.iderl w;;re more likely to hR in agreement with th~ forma1i7.P.d ~ims of th2 prngr~mm~. 'l'hi~ sn{JgA~t:!{ that t:hofte who thought thP. progr:tmmP. was sHr.r.fHo~fnl were basing thP.ir ~onr.lusion on rliffP.r.;:;nt. r.rit:P.ria to thosA sAt ont in t.h;:. polir.y papt=:r ..

OPTNTO!!S AflOU'l' F.XPANSTOIJ ·-·-·---·- -~--·~----··-

Ov~r nnP.-t:hiriJ of thnsP. int.arviAwAd (37.5%) rBpnrtarl bAing in favour of P.xpan~ion of thP. programmf"! into ot.ht=:r grtols: whilr:: onF:: in r:ight (1:;:.5%) WP.rM positivP. with rer:;arvations. Oth.;:;r rP-spondo;nts WP.rP. ~it.hAr negati~P. (?.9%} or nP.utr;;l ('1%).

Rr:asons givAn for expanding thA programmA inr.l11dP.d:

- f:.Xprmsi on to othAr g:1ol s would all ow prisoners on thA progr:1mmP. to progrf!ss to gaols more s11itahlP. to thPir sP.~urit:y r.lassifi~ation;

- t.n sprP.ad thP. workload to oth<er C'!P.ntrf>s; - Aqnity: "if in onA gr1ol: ~honld bP. in all";

it stop,; illi'lgal drng abnsP.; - it would bP. doing ~nmAt:hing about ATDS/dirt:y n~AdlP.!L

RAsArvations ~xpressad inr.l11dAd thA fnnrling, st;;ffing nnd far>ilit.iP.s, and th;; will jnst r.ost morP. mon;.::y.

nP-ad for: propAr assessmants: viP.w that Axpanding t.hA programma

ThosA who disagrAAd with the axpansion gavA a variAty of reasons for doing so inr.lnding:

- ".mt!!thadonA d·oP.sn 't work"; "too many are ah11sfng it";

- "it is vAry expA-nsiv,;:;fwaste of mon;;y"; "ther.;:; ~rR ~P.r.nri ty -probl P.m~/dang;;rou.s for ~taffu;

- ''inad~qtJat.R SRT~iCR!<O aftRr relAriSA 11;

- u; n:-irlAqu;:Jt.f:: ri~f::P..ssmP..nt.s" ~

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! I !


ll l J


Snrrcr~st.ions for improving th~ programmB f";1;mf:O hnth rl~ no~.j::ihl~ :::olt1tion--:.::. to hpP.cifir. prohlP-ms raisP.d by th~ r?.spond~nts anrl more gRnP.ral rer.omm~ndations;. for impro~.:ing t.hA progrrtmmf; ::~s a whol~. Th?. SU~HTt=:st.inns marle r.nnlif h.=;: di~.;ided into fiv;; diffen:mt topit: an~as: staffing; in~l"RilSP.d control; pn:=;t.-r~least:::; ~ommunication; and a variety of oth?.r iss11P.s. F:ach of thesP. is disclJssad sRparat.Rly hRlnw.

1 _ St.affi ng

Vari ons snqqf;s t ions WP.rR off Rn;d a hont i m-pr:v:i nq th..-:t st::~ f f i ng si tn;:J ti on in both t:hfi gaols and t:hP.. community rlispF..nsing nnits. 'rhR most common of thR~t::: Rxpresserl by various qr1ol staff Wf'H:: thP. neArl for morA st:Jff to provirlt:: r.onnsRlling, groups; and dr11g anrl alt!ohol servir.As in t.hr. gaols. Ot.h~r n?.t=;:ds t:!Xprr.sserl by a nnmhr.r of gaol staff wP.r~ for spo;~i:ll l'=>taff for r.:P.thadonP.: sn~h

a~ a mr.thadnnr. n11rsA or sist.ar for both dispansing and ~ntlnsalling, and thA nAad for a ln~al assasRnr at Rath11rst Gaol to prRVAnt rlAlays.

'T'hft nE:Ad for a fnll-timA ~asP. workf!r was t.ha most frr.quf:ntly offr.rP.d rAcnmmandatinn for staffing imprnvArnAnts within thR dispAnsinq 11nits. Tt was also SllfHfRSt.Ad hy a fAw ~ommunity rlispP.nrdng nn1t: staff that tht=: primary r.arF. wnrkAr hA r.mployad by tha nP.partmAnt of HRalth rathar than r.orractivA SArt."'i ~;;:;;s _

ThA nAAd for grr.atAr ~ontrnl in a v~rit=:ty of araas was axprRssr.d. r.nstodi t'll staff: prison nursing staff, :md t!ommuni ty di s;pomsi ng nni t. staff fri:;quantly snggA!=:t:P.d that the informat.ion whir.h is givAn by inmat~s at ass<=:~srt.<=mt: hA vr.rifierl b~r.anRA inannrnpriate pP.opl;: may h.::: g;::;tting onto t.ht::: programmA. One spa~ifi~ sttggastion was to ask for a r.t1stndial r~port on the inmatr. bAing ass~ss~d.

TntArviP.WRAR frn:r. :1ll groups axr.P.pt th~ prAsr!ribing do~tors: drug and alr.nhnl staff, and thA mathadnnA ~o-nrdinatnr vnir.ad thA naad for stricter gnidalinAs with r~spc;:r.t to Hrinalysis :1nd that. thasA gnidAlines hA Anforr.Ad sinr.A panplP. on the progrrtmmA WArR s;till using illagal drugs and getting o::Jway with iL

Custodial "taff, parti"n1arly at ParramriH.a Gaol, ff!lt thf!rP. ;,. a n""d for a ~Ar.nra arAa to holrl inmat.Rt; aftP.r dosing. Tl.s has h~Em nntad pra~Jiously, thara is no sm~h frtr.i 1 i ty at Parramatta Gaol.

A.nntho::r s:.nacrRstion for proqramme: improv;;:;;;nr.nt from r!nst.odi<-11 offir!ers and prison nttrsing staff was to monitor ntlmhRrs on the programmA r.araf11lly her!a11se havinq too many on thP. programmA r.rmses adminis:.t:rativ?. diffi~nlties and rloes not all ow <H1RqHatP. supervision of i nmatP.s on m~thadonP..

A numh8r of "respondents felt that th~ pP.r~td VP.d prar!ti (!P. of making mP.tharlon2 a r.ond it ion of ,p:fro 1 f:! for somo:; pri sonRrs shonl d hR stoppAd.

The n'eed for follow· up and suppOrt: on rRlBt'JSA in the form of

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n0~om~onation or finan~ial nnit staff, ~nstndial staff,


as~i~tanc~ wah Bxpra~s?.rl

rtnd prison nursing staff. by r:ommunity dispen~dng

Vari ons othP.:r sn~grasti nns. m~nti oned by a small numbAr of rt=:spondents w~ro; to allor.at~ mor.::: funiJing to thf: dispAns:ing units so that th~y r.:an run P.ffP:t:tiv?.ly rmrl prn·,;iiJfl: adequat;: r.mmsc:;llincr; to rl~finP.: thf; rolR of thr: probation anrl parol?. liaison nffic:P.rs: i .fL arP. t.hF.y s11pposad to ha primary ~;,r;e wnrk<lrs, and if sn how "an th;ey do this with sn lit.tl;e tim" a11ailahle at thP.: di spAnsi na units; and to havP. both mora di spAn~d ng nni ts and more appro­priatA locations nf thA dispAnsing 11nits: i.A. not in 11 j11nkia tArritnry''-

4. Commtlnir.ation

Tt was ff:1t by a small nnmbAr of pAoplA intArviewail that thA r.ommnnica­tinn and information trAn~fer at rlifferant l~vr;ls wa~ tlnsatisfa~tnry. Tn partir.Hlar: thP. staff at. th~ ~ommunity OisrHmsing units snggf'!:st:ed t.hat thRy should ro:::r:&ivr. mnn:; information about inmato::~ hAing rt::larl~Rd t.o thnir unit: R.g. information ahout: ass&ssm&nt and drug histories. Additionally; dispRnsing nnit staff f;elt thRy sho11ld hA nntifiRd if ~ "li"nt nn thRir nrorrramm& is rearrctsh:;d or rasP.nh;:mr.t=td sn tht=:y ~ould know wh&th&r or not t:n k""P him/hAr nn th;eir honks.

Other sHrrNe:stions for imprn\dng r:ommunir.at.ion warf'!: for thP. two il&flArt.ments: f.nrrct<:tivA S;;ndr:P.:s and Hat:Jlth: t.n liais;; mort:: r:losc:ly t.ogethar at tha r.asA manag&mant laval.

5. OthRr SuggAstinns

M&mhBrs offir.ar~: the that "du..,otion

of all groups int:&rvievu~d exr.ept probation and parole lit1ison m;::thadonP. ;u:::;.sassors anrl thct mAth adona r.n-ordi nator suggested

for both inmate~ and gaol ~tHff aho11t mAt:hailonf: and its P.ffP.C'!t.s

A nnmhP-r of rAspondent.s .;;;xprP-ssad tha nP-fid to.dissP.ininat:e rP.sults from rF.snarr.h projBr.t.s to gi~~ p~opl~ an iriea of how thP. programme is going.

'l"herP. was also a variBty of fairly gP.neral snggctstions for programmA improvP.ment: whir.h inr.lnded the nt=a~d for morP. and ht:::ttP.r far.ilitiP.R (e~rr~ for snp<;rlli ~ion ~nd uri na tf\sti ng), and thA n,;Ad for morA fnndi ng. Snm;e rm~todi al nffiNlr" sugg.,st"d g;;tting rid of the programm" and not ha11i·ng mAthadonA at all in thf! gaol~-

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RR~ans~ th~ prison m~thadnn~ prnqr::ammf: is ~urrBntly und2rgoing a pP-riod of ~xpan~inn: it wah f~lt that th~ ~xp~ri~n~BS and opinion~ of thosP. who h~vP. hBP-n invol·· . .-:;(J with thP. prngramrr.A wonlil hP: b;m~fi~ial to ~BSR <Jny prohlBms with ~')tpansion.

A nnmhP.r of i ssnRs rai sr.rl throughout t:hi s rBport n;qni r,::; fnrthP-r rlir;~Hssion. 'I'hP. first of thr;s;;- rf?latP.s to pAopl;; b~ing pBr~td·~;P.d as inappro­priat.fi:ly assr:;ss;;d as snit.ahlf:i: for th~ prison m:;th;.u1on~ proqrammf;_ This in;rol".;t::.s both p.;:;op1P. without. a siqnific:ant history of ht:n·oin (or opit'ltR} addir.t.ionr anrl pt::.oplR applying for mr.tharlonR in ntAdF.r t.o so:::r.ur~ r.arly rMlP.ast=:

or as a r.onditinn of parol~, often on thA advic:R of probation and parolP. offir..::;rs. Roth of th~~P. pra~ti~Bs (as ~er~eiv~d by rBspondBnts) ~rP. r.ontr~ry

t.o gnidf:linBs ~~t ont in th~ offir.ial poli~y docur:~fmt: whir!h ~t.ipnl;;tt=: that: ~~~-·a hi~tory of r1rnq nsP. mnst hB vBrifi~d" (p.5), and 11 no prisnnP.r should hf: forr.P.d to ar.r.ept. a mRthadnnA prog-ramm~ or bA rP.r.nmmP.nrlP.rl for a mat.harlonf: programm2 for r.nstodial rr.asons" (JL.1) _

Th~r~for~, while it is rer.ognis0.d that the final rlF.~ision as to wheth~r an inmat:P. is plar.P.d on thA meth~rlone prngramm~ rP.sts with t.hP. prP.sr.rihing dor.tor (who may r.hoose to pr~sr.ribe methadonA to an inmat.P. r.onsiderAd ttnsttit~hlA hy the assAssors), it is essential that thA information rAr.aived via assessmAnts bP. vArifiAd. Tt is also imperat.ivA that the r~pnrtad prar.tir.~

of making mflthadone a ~ondit.ion of parole h" st.oppP.d, and that any advir.F. about. obtaining parol0. if on mP.thadon~ from probation and parol~ nffi~ers also J::tnp.

ThP. sF.r.ond i ~~liP. r.on<'P.rn~ the hF.l i ef by gaol ~taff (in parti <'nl ar thos<' at Parramatt.a Gaol) that in';'l'lat.P.s. are di\tP.rting their mt;t.hadnne or art; btdng stnod o""r for thP. drng. Thi,; ~onc0.rn i~ probably dnP. to thP. lar.k of ad.,qnatP. dispen~ing fa~i1iti~~ at thi~ in~tit11tion, whRrR inmatAR arA do~Ad and imme:diatAly r..-;1-o:;;l~f;rl to mix with othr:r pri~onBr~. Tn thA initial gnidAliner; sP-t: nut for thA pilot prA-rAlAasR ;;H~thadone programmAr it' ¥HlR stat.?.:d that "a pf!riod of 11p to 10 minlltAs will hA required to fmsure the m!?:thadonP. rer.ipit=:nt dnAR not hrlVR thA opportunity to rt=:gnrgitat.R thf! iio~agA: either voluntarily or by fnr~e'', and 11 a strir.tly segregated facility iR ARRAntia1 tn prevent a hnilrl-np of a methadon<' hla..,kr:larkF.t and t.hP. pn,;sihility of standovflr t.a~ti"s" (Rill, 19R6, p.9). Tt is tharF.forP. nAr.aasary that ~<n<'h a fa..,ilit.y h~ madP. a•.railahlP. at. Par1·amatta Gaol ani! that, h~forA F."Jlansinn to nthP.r gaols, it is ensured that proper dispensing facilities exist~

Thirdly, a numhP.r of pe;r,;onnfll, parH~uhrly within thP. gaol!<, !<tate;d that they heliP.V~ th8 q'HirlAlinP.~ for urinalysir; arP. both not Stri~t t=:nough anc1 nnt prop~rly adh~rArl tn~ Tt is f:Rsantial that t.hP. prngram;nt"; is not. abusP.d by thB inm~t.P.~: part.i~ularly when g;:;nninP. r.asr:s r.annnt gAt onto the programme wht=:n all the plaC!t=<S are t.aktm up. A restrir.tion ha:::. ht=<P.n plar.ed th:Jt no morrt than threP. 'dirty' nrinrts arP. allowP.d in a thrf'!P. month pP.riod: and m~r.hanisms should bP. in pl;u;a to ;:nsnrf: that. this rP.strir.tion is adhr:orrtrl to.

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Fourthly; it was rt=!portBd tha:t in many casP-s when prisone-rs are r~l;;:as.-=:d

to th~ c;ommuni ty di sp~:mr-;i nrr nni ts t:hP.y an~ not rf;r.~i vi nq ;u1eqnatB r.onnsAll i ng and support. Probation and parol~ liaison nffic;;;rs arB rtvailahl~ rtt th~ rli~n~nsina units for onlv :Jround ona day pp,r Wf;Bk: rlnring whiC!h ti:nB it is obviously not: possihlr: to propArly r.o11nsP.l or advisB ovP.r ?.0 r.lients. A fn11-timB C!CHSA wnrko::r: from t=!ithP.:r Correr.t.i· .. "e Sf:rvir.As (as a probation ;mrl parolP. li~i~on offi~~r) or th~ H~alth n~partm~nt, should h~ ~onsid~r~d as a possihlP­solution to this prohlt::n-:_

Tt must h~ ,;r.1phasi ""d th~t this study rP.:spond;mt:s p~rcP.i v;;d WRrB nr.c:nrri na _ 'f'hP.rt: vArify or stthstantiat~ any of these r.laims.

sought to ,;li~it prohl:>ms whi~h was no follow up to at.tr:mpt to

'rhr:r~ ;'Jrr. rl nnmh?.:r of important: limi taHons to this stnrly whir.h r~qnir;;


Firstly: thP. r~s~arr.h is hast=:d on thr. p~rr.~pt:inns of staff invnlv~d with thA programmP... H;;nr.f< thB probl~m issn2s rais~O throughout this rr=:port art:: not nt::r.~!!;sarily far.tnal. Tnd~::?:d: as has hr=:r::n shown a nnmb~r of timt::s in thh rRsults s8r.tion of this rP.port: th2 opinions of rRspondP.nts havr=: not hAMn snpport.P.d hy prior ro:;s<=:arr.h (namP.ly St11dy 4: RP.sults of Gaol Hrinalys;;s). Ry its ~~t:;;lAY n('}t.llr-t::: inh:;r"J'i;:u data tJrf1 snhjP.r.tiv;;: and r.onseqn.?.ntly r.onsirlBration n0.;:ds to hB qivAn to this whRn intRrpratinq thA rAStllts nf this st11dy.

S-o::r.ondly: this sturly is sor;;.;:;uhat. rRstrir.tP.d dur=: to tht::: small nmnht=:rs int;:rviRvmiJ from particular groups: R.g. r.ustodi<ll offir.~rs: prison nursing staff: and r.n~munity dir-;prmsing unit staff. Additionally, in thP.- r.asf; of s11perint~nrlRntst probation and parol~ liaison nffic~rs: methadnnA assP:ssnrs 1

;:;t:~: th&rf': wP.'rP. onlv limitt=::d nnmhr:rs in th&sP. qronps tJnd so t.hP.r-;P: small numhP.rs wer;: nnavoidabl~L HoWRVP.r~ all groups of pP-rsonn~l dirr:C!tly involv;;cl with thP. proarnmma w;,rr. in0.ludP.d: with no susp1c1nn that t.hns~ int:&rviawB-rl w;;rP. in <1ny way <l typi C!a 1 of t.h~ popul at. ions t.ht;:y rApr~s&nt..

'l'hirclly, th;; quP.stions us;;d in the intP.rvi~w s~h.,dnfe ""re for th;, most part npen-P.ndAd {i.f:. nnpromptP:d) quP.stions: f!JCCApt in thR casAs rth<=:r?. spP.r!"ifiC:: prohlAm issuRs wt=::rP. rtnt:ir.ipatf'!d and r.onld thP.rr.forP. hf'! qnantifiRcL 'l'he r;,sult of asking su~h npen-P.ndAd qu:>stions is that it is impossiblP. to asr.;:;rtain a prP.r.isP. P.st.imatP. of particular probl;:ms. Had p:trt.icnlar prohlP.m i~sne:=; b&en.asked about s:pP.r.ifically: a wid~r rBr.ognition of thP.sP. prObl,.:;mr.:o m::iy h:nrP. bP.Bn rf:f 1 P.ct.P.('L

~lt.hnugh thi~ rP.port id~ntifi~s a number of prohl""'" with th" N.S.W. prison mf'!thadonf< nroar::lmmA: thP.s~ prohlP.ms arr:< by no mAans 1mso1·•.tablP.~ Tt is hop:>d that som~ of thA rf>r.or.lmP.ndations mad,; in th,; rP.port will h" of us:> in hnth t.hA imprnv~m;;nt of thh progra~mP. and also in it.s Axpansion.

Rnldwin: .R. {1qS7) ·tLfLlL Prison M;;t:harlonP. Proqrr~mm;;: StatP.mGnt. on Pnlir.y and Pror..,dur,;. ~!. S .I/. ·n.,partr.lfmt of HP.a lth.

Gorta, A. (1qP,7) Rf!snlts of Gaol Hrin~lyses, ,Januory-,Jnne, 1qg7_ Pro"""" BValuatint:~ of tJ.~L'W~ nr;part.mP.nt of CorrP.~ti-.. Jf:': SP.rvir.P.s PrP.-rBlf::a!.:oP. MP.thadoriP. Programtr.t;: St.ndy 4.

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1 I t t i ~ ~ t

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Hill. F. (1nn) O,;p~rtm;,nt of


h d n,... Proarrimm~-Pilnt MRt a n ". .. t,• ~·,... t:!Rr\71 ~ct:S • r.orr;u: . "'""' · ·

nr~ft Pnli~y Pilpflr.

