NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Paric Service For HPS UM only received Mily :4 a National Register of Historic Piaces Inventory—Nomination Form ^emerea 2 T 1965 Continuation sheet Item number all Page 3 Site No. 3 Photo Nos. 6 and 7 Name: Z. T. (Tip) Hawkes House Location: 132 North Potter Street Cedar Hill, Texas Owner of Property: Clark and Pam Langhorst Address of Owner: 132 North Potter Street Cedar Hill, Texas BRIEF PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The Hawkes House i s a two-story, wood-framed, lap-sided two-room I house with full front porch and one-story "T" wing centered on the rear. Originally the house had full porches on the north and south of the T, but the north porch was enclosed to create a bathroom i n a 1982 renovation. The hall staircase is unenclosed and rises from the back of the hall. The main roof is gabled and the porch has a simple shed roof. Unlike the earlier houses, the Hawkes house has no fireplaces. Only three decorative elements are present on the exterior of the house: chamfered porch columns, a Victorian-era front door, and a simplified decorative bargeboard sub- stituted for returns on the gable ends of the main unit. The porch is finished with a wooden lattice apron. The small, frame, one-car garage to the south of the house is finished in shiplap with simple corner boards. Its gable roof has exposed eaves. Architectural Style: "I" house Date of Construction: 1899 STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This i s one of two remaining "I" houses in Dallas County that has retained its architectural integrity. As such, i t typifies middle-class housing in the Southern tra- dition. The house i s a classic example of this folk type, modeled after an English folk house and introduced in North America by English colonist. The "I" house was once common in Texas, since settlers from southern and midwestern states continued to build houses in the simple forms they were familiar with. Today, however, this house is one of only five "I" houses still standing in Dallas County, and the only one that possesses a T wing, the most common modular expansion of the basic I unit. Acreage: Less than one acre Verbal Boundary Description: Block 23, Lot 1 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle: Cedar Hill, Texas UTM Coordinates: 14 691540 3607620

NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31 …NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United State Departmens t of the Interior National Paric Service Fo HPS U onlM y r

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Page 1: NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31 …NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United State Departmens t of the Interior National Paric Service Fo HPS U onlM y r

NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84

United States Department of the Interior National Paric Service For HPS UM only



:4 a Nat ional Register of H is tor ic P iaces Inventory—Nominat ion Form emerea 2 T 1965

Continuation sheet Item number a l l Page 3

Site No. 3

Photo Nos. 6 and 7

Name: Z. T. (Tip) Hawkes House Location: 132 North Potter Street Cedar H i l l , Texas

Owner of Property: Clark and Pam Langhorst Address of Owner: 132 North Potter Street Cedar H i l l , Texas


The Hawkes House i s a two-story, wood-framed, lap-sided two-room I house with f u l l front porch and one-story "T" wing centered on the rear. O r i g i n a l l y the house had f u l l porches on the north and south of the T, but the north porch was enclosed to create a bathroom i n a 1982 renovation. The h a l l staircase i s unenclosed and rises from the back of the h a l l . The main roof i s gabled and the porch has a simple shed roof. Unlike the e a r l i e r houses, the Hawkes house has no fireplaces.

Only three decorative elements are present on the ext e r i o r of the house: chamfered porch columns, a Victorian-era front door, and a s i m p l i f i e d decorative bargeboard sub­s t i t u t e d for returns on the gable ends of the main u n i t . The porch i s finished with a wooden l a t t i c e apron. The small, frame, one-car garage to the south of the house i s finished i n shiplap with simple corner boards. I t s gable roof has exposed eaves.

Architectural Style: " I " house Date of Construction: 1899


This i s one of two remaining "I" houses i n Dallas County that has retained i t s architectural i n t e g r i t y . As such, i t t y p i f i e s middle-class housing i n the Southern t r a ­d i t i o n . The house i s a classic example of t h i s f o l k type, modeled a f t e r an English folk house and introduced i n North America by English colonist. The "I" house was once common in Texas, since s e t t l e r s from southern and midwestern states continued to b u i l d houses i n the simple forms they were fa m i l i a r w ith. Today, however, t h i s house i s one of only f i v e "I" houses s t i l l standing i n Dallas County, and the only one that possesses a T wing, the most common modular expansion of the basic I u n i t .

Acreage: Less than one acre Verbal Boundary Description: Block 23, Lot 1

U.S.G.S. Quadrangle: Cedar H i l l , Texas

UTM Coordinates: 14 691540 3607620

Page 2: NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31 …NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United State Departmens t of the Interior National Paric Service Fo HPS U onlM y r

NPS Form 10-900-i (M2)

OMB No 1024-0018 E»p. 10-31-84

United States Department of tlie interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic P laces Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item numtjer Page

Multiple Resource Area Thematic Group


Name Cedar H i l l Texas M u l t i p l e Resource Area State Dallas County, TEXAS

Nomination/Type of Review

Roberts, Dr. Rufus A . , House


/^Keeper r<h^^'--^-^f^l^ ^/l/S T

UatloBsl Bt,«ii5ter Attest

2, Bryant, J r . , Wi l l i am, House

3. Hawkes, Z. T. ( T i p ) , House ^ Hatloiml Eegiflter

eeper j TTiidT^-i-'^^^T'^^y^^ 3A 7A



4. Angle, D. M . , House

Straus House

Entorud i u t.ie National Register

SubfltantlTt HeVlew



















Page 3: NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31 …NPS Fonn lO-SOO^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United State Departmens t of the Interior National Paric Service Fo HPS U onlM y r

WASO Form -177 {"R" Juna 1984)



Hawkes, Z. T. (Tip), House (Cedar HiU Texas MRAy Dallas County TEXAS

CH resubmission • nomination by person or local government • owner objection CD appeal

CD sample CH request

FEB I 4 1985 Working No. / / Fed. Reg. D a t e 7 ( ^ 7 ^ 6 . _ , Date Due: 3 - / 7 ' ^ 7 / 2 , - ^ / - ^ ^ Action: L - TCCCEPT 3 7 - < f .LiT^^CCEPT


Federal Agency:

Substantive Review: CH appeal CH NR decision

Reviewer's comments:

Recom./Criteria. Reviewer Discipline Date

see continuation sheet

Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited tielow .substantive reasons discussed tielow

1. Name

2. Location

3, datsification

Category Ownerihip Public Acquisition

Statu* Accenible

Present Use

4. Owner of Property

5. Location of Legal Description

6. Representation in Existing Surveys

Has this property t>een determined eligible? • yes • no

7. Description



CD good

• fair

1 I dsteriorated

CH ruins

I I unexposed

Check on*


CH altered

Check one

original site

moved date _

Descritw the present and original (if known) physical appearance

CH summary paragraph CH completeness CH clarity CH alterations/integrity CH dates I I txxindary selection

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8. Significance

Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below

Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (In one paragraph)

CH summary paragraph CH completeness CH clarity CH applicable criteria CH justification of areas checked CH relating significance to the resource • context CH relationship of integrity to significance CH justification of exception • other

9. Major Bibliographical References

10. Geographical Data

Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name UTM References

Verbal boundary description and justification

11, Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is:

national state local

State Historic Preservation Officer signature

title date

13. Other

CH Maps CH Photographs • other

Questions concerning this nomination may tie directed to .

Signed Date Phone:

Comments for any Item may be continued on an attached sheet

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Please refer to the map in the

Multiple Property Cover Sheet

for this property

Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 64000832