November 2015 Newsletter

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Give Thanks

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The Vision of the “Voice of Manifestations” News-

letter is to communicate the various events to our

partners and the community. Thus, it helps to build

and enhance relationships between the two. The

newsletter is also a mechanism to evangelize, en-

courage, build and lift up. The Voice focuses on the

four aspect of Manifestations Worldwide, which are

Spiritual Trainings, Education, Job and Housing. Our

prayer is that God is touching someone’s life through

the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter (VOM). Ulti-

mately, our desire is to be obedient to the commis-

sion God has given us; to go and spread the gospel.

All we need is an audience; someone that is inter-

ested, ready to listen, with a heart to receive. Many

go door to door; but VOM newsletter travel email to

email; across the country and around the world,

seeking the heart in need of a word.

And teaching them to obey everything I have com-

manded you. And surely I am with you always, to

G reetings believers, the month of No-

vember is characterized traditionally

by the celebration of the "Thanksgiving"

holiday. All across the nation, families will

gather together to spend time together on this

day, and this is a good thing. Many will give

thanks for all kinds of things and for many

different reasons. However, believers, let's

not forget the one reason we all should give

thanks. That reason is the finished work of

the cross by our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ. We realize that it's only in Him that

we live, move, and have our being. Our

lives are no longer our own, for we've been

bought with a price. And, it's through our

lives that He now lives, expressing His holi-

ness through yielded vessels known in the

world as Christians.

Consider this passage from Psalm 106:47:

Save us O Lord our God, and gather us

from among the heathen, to "give thanks"

unto thy holy name, and to triumph in thy


Believers, should this not be our cry today,

as we witness a world that's become more

and more hostile toward God, His Word,

and His children? Now, more than ever, it's

time for all believers to rediscover that

place in God where we cry out, give thanks,

and triumph in the praise of our Lord Jesus

Christ. Brothers and sisters, there's no

other place for us to go other than deeper in

Him (Jesus), for He's calling us to places

we've never been in Him before. So, as we

prepare to fellowship with our loved ones

this "Thanksgiving" holiday, let's remember

where the real "thanks" should be aimed.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says:

In everything give thanks for this is the

will of God in Christ Jesus concerning


Keys to Thanksgiving:

We should always remember to give thanks:

Morning & Night (Psalm 92: 1-2)

At midnight (Acts 16 & Psalms 119:62)

For meals (Romans 14:6)

When we pray (Colossians 4:2)

In every word and deed (Colossians 3:17)

In time and eternity (Ephesians 5)


Pastor Eddie Boles

This month, we’re going to talk about what

thanksgiving looks like, the benefits of it

and the consequence of not giving it. As the

holiday of Thanksgiving approaches, most

people think about the big Thanksgiving

dinner, the family get togethers and of

course the football games. While these

things are enjoyable and should not be ne-

gated, the food, fellowship and fun should

not begin or end with just one day.

Each day we wake up, can get up or go

about our daily activities, there is a reason

to give thanks. This action reflects an atti-

tude of appreciation and demonstrates an

understanding of the fact that what you are

able to do is a gift. A gift given and not ap-

preciated makes the recipient a candidate for

loss. They disqualify themselves for future

gifts and demonstrates a person’s mindset

that they are entitled to it. Gifts are given as

an expression of love, a token of one’s ap-

preciation for an individual or as an ac-

knowledgement of what someone has done.

A giver has taken time to make, purchase or

bestow a gift solely for the purpose of bene-

fitting the recipient. It is an expression of

love. Love always gives of self for the bene-

fit of others.

The beneficiary of the gift has a responsibil-

ity. They are to express gratitude in the form

of thanks. “Thanks” provides the “balance”,

if you will, for the gift that was given. If we

see it from this perspective, then we can

plainly see that being ungrateful, thinking

we are entitled to something or not express-

ing it causes an imbalance. Everyone knows

that whenever anything is imbalanced the

end result is a fall, lopsidedness or some

other negative consequence because of dis-

proportion. An attitude of gratitude will al-

ways increase your latitude. In other words,

you will always go further; people will be

more inclined to assist you, thereby expand-

ing your capacity, and you maintain

“balance” in the giving and receiving proc-

ess when you are thankful.

As we wake up each morning, go about our

activities throughout the day and lie down

for the night, let’s be deliberate and inten-

tional to ensure we are always…Giving


I Thess: 5:18

A Man’s Perspective by Elder Vance

Giving Thanks

Elder Calvin Vance

Continued on page 14

This is my testimony of when I was a young girl. I was on the plump side,

chubby I would call it. When I got older, I met my husband; he was 26 and I

was 19. I had my first child. Following giving birth at the age of 20, I weighed

200 lbs. and I was not exercising. They didn't have places where you could go

back then. My first husband, with whom I had 4 children from, passed away. We

would have been married 62 years this past March. I remarried at 62 years old

and it was a beautiful marriage. He was a minister and he passed away in 2009,

which is why I came here. Since I came here, I found a wonderful place where I

take exercise classes. I go to the YMCA on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Fridays. Along with me going to my exercise classes, I eat fruit, vegetables and

only turkey, chicken, and fish. I’ve been putting olive oil on my face for years.

That’s my secret. (smile) I hope this encourages others to exercise and eat


So, this is my testimony and thank you for taking time out to read my fitness


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Ministry Spotlight

Mother Gwendolyn Peters

This is a play about the many masks we wear through-

out our lives. Whether we are hiding secrets, or past

hurts, masks not only keep others from seeing our

problems, but can also keep us from being ourselves.

Throughout our production, all of our characters are

wearing various masks. They all have their various rea-

sons for hiding from friends and loved ones.

It is our sincere hope

that you will find our

characters relatable in

one way or another.

Ultimately, our goal is

to reveal some of the

masks we may be

wearing and not even

know in the hopes

that one day we can

take them off, and

face ourselves once




14th, 2015

@ 7:00pm