NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School Play, Learn, Laugh & Shine Events this Month Tuesday 24 th of November AGM meeting Thursday 26 th of November ; NO CLASSES Orientation Day for all 2016 Sunday 29 th of November DHPS Families Christmas Party @ Greenhills Primary School Monday 7th December Platypus Christmas Concert Tuesday 8 th of December Penguin Family Christmas Evening Monday 7 th of December Possum & Wombats Concert Tuesday 8th December Wombats Christmas Party Wednesday 9th December Possums Christmas Party Tuesday 15 th of December: Last Day for Penguin group Wednesday 16 th of December Last Day for Platypus Thursday 17 th December: Clean up Day at kinder. President Report So Long, Farewell, It's Time to Say Goodbye I would like to take a moment to say Thank You for having me as your President over the past 2 years. It has been a challenging, yet rewarding experience. 2015 is our family’s last year at Diamond Hills - we have been part of the Diamond Hills family on and off since 2008. We have made so many memories & had few laughs along the way and we’re going to miss this place – but we will be back to visit! To my fellow committee members I thank you one and all for your time, effort and assistance throughout the year. You are a very special group of parents, who dedicate your personal time to the kinder and do so much behind-the-scenes work to enable our kinder to run in a smooth but fun way. The amount of hours that have been put into meetings, email discussions, fundraising, planning, enrolments, cleaning (I could keep going) is phenomenal – and to this group I say thank you. And also thank you to all other parents who have donated their time, sharing their skills and talents in lots of ways this year. We have had taekwondo sessions, music and ballet classes, face painting, cooking, or arranged to bring a police car to kinder!! Our class group reps, who have organized coffees, catch-ups and dinners out. Our parents and families are what makes this a fun and loving place to come every day!! As always - thank you to our staff who create such a wonderful experience for all here at Diamond Hills. Their dedication to our children and to our much-loved wild life, make this preschool magical. Annmaree, Kim, Tanya, Bronwyn, Kyla and Nicole, I say thank you. Without your love, care, nurturing, guidance and laughter Diamond Hills Preschool would not be the place it is. On behalf of all of the parents and Committee– thank you . I know we are all so thankful you have become part of our families’ life. Moving into 2016 I would encourage all new and returning parents to consider joining the committee of management next year. Any support is accepted (and don’t be shy), there is plenty of people to show you the ropes and help you along. We don’t ask you to do anything outside of your comfort level but I am sure anything outside of your comfort level but I am sure that many of you have skills that the our preschool would love to have access to, any help you can provide would be wonderful. The AGM is on 24 November @ 7pm. In closing, thank you all for your support in 2015, good luck in 2016, I (and the rest of my family) will miss Diamond Hills immensely.

NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School€¦ · The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding

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Page 1: NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School€¦ · The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding


Diamond Hills Pre-School

Play, Learn, Laugh & Shine Events this Month

Tuesday 24th of November AGM meeting

Thursday 26th of November ; NO CLASSES Orientation Day for all 2016

Sunday 29th of November DHPS Families Christmas Party

@ Greenhills Primary School Monday 7th December

Platypus Christmas Concert Tuesday 8th of December

Penguin Family Christmas Evening Monday 7th of December

Possum & Wombats Concert Tuesday 8th December

Wombats Christmas Party Wednesday 9th December Possums Christmas Party Tuesday 15th of December:

Last Day for Penguin group Wednesday 16th of December

Last Day for Platypus Thursday 17th December: Clean up

Day at kinder.

President Report So Long, Farewell, It's Time to Say

Goodbye I would like to take a moment to say Thank You for having me as your President over the past 2 years. It has been a challenging, yet rewarding experience. 2015 is our family’s last year at Diamond Hills - we have been part of the Diamond Hills family on and off since 2008. We have made so many memories & had few laughs along the way and we’re going to miss this place – but we will be back to visit!

To my fellow committee members I thank you one and all for your time, effort and assistance throughout the year. You are a very special group of parents, who dedicate your personal time to the kinder and do so much behind-the-scenes work to enable our kinder to run in a smooth but fun way. The amount of hours that have been put into meetings, email discussions, fundraising, planning, enrolments, cleaning (I could keep going) is phenomenal – and to this group I say thank you.

And also thank you to all other parents who have donated their time, sharing their skills and talents in lots of ways this year. We have had taekwondo sessions, music and ballet classes, face painting, cooking, or arranged to bring a police car to kinder!! Our class group reps, who have organized coffees, catch-ups and dinners out. Our parents and families are what makes this a fun and loving place to come every day!!

As always - thank you to our staff who create such a wonderful experience for all here at Diamond Hills. Their dedication to our children and to our much-loved wild life, make this preschool magical. Annmaree, Kim, Tanya, Bronwyn, Kyla and Nicole, I say thank you. Without your love, care, nurturing, guidance and laughter Diamond Hills Preschool would not be the place it is. On behalf of all of the parents and Committee– thank you


I know we are all so thankful you have become part of our families’ life. Moving into 2016 I would encourage all new and returning parents to consider joining the committee of management next year. Any support is accepted (and don’t be shy), there is plenty of people to show you the ropes and help you along. We don’t ask you to do anything outside of your comfort level but I am sure anything outside of your comfort level but I am sure that many of you have skills that the our preschool would love to have access to, any help you can provide would be wonderful. The AGM is on 24 November @ 7pm. In closing, thank you all for your support in 2015, good luck in 2016, I (and the rest of my family) will miss Diamond Hills immensely.

Page 2: NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School€¦ · The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding

Where has the year gone? I can't believe that this is the last newsletter for the year.

Nicole and I would like to start by saying a huge thank you to all the families for entrusting your

beautiful children with us all year. They have grown up so much and it is only as we are looking back

at some of the first photos taken, that we realise just how much they have grown. We have certainly

had some laughs with their antics and sometimes they have challenged us, but they each hold a

special place in our hearts and minds.

Its only when we stop for a moment and observe the

changes in children that we realise just how far they have

come. Over the year the children have gained confidence,

they have made new friends, they are learning to negotiate

with their peers and say what they like and don't like. They

now engage in collaborative and co- constructive play with

their peers, and they show sympathy and care when their

friend is sad or hurt. They also engage and contribute to

conversations during mat time. All this comes when a

sense of belonging is established and with it comes children with confident self identities and a strong

sense of wellbeing. This has allowed your children to become confident and involved learners, which

has allowed them to explore their environment,

experiment, persist with challenges, problem solve,

investigate, create, imagine and inquire. (EYLF-

Identity, Community, Wellbeing, Learning,


Sandra from Dinosaur Diggers came to Diamond

Hills with all her fossils, petrified skeletons in rocks

and life size skeletons. She brought along 'Lucy',

the only full replica skeleton found of a

Tyrannosaurus Rex. The children found her

presentation rather funny and engaging. Sandra

spoke about the different types of foods that the dinosaurs ate, and she told us that scientists know this

through analysing the fossilised 'poos' that have been found. She showed the children how big the

horns of a triceratops were and explained that they were used for protection. Sandra even showed us



Page 3: NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School€¦ · The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding

how a dinosaur would hold his prey, so that he could eat it all up and she

showed us how a Sabre Tooth tiger would eat his prey. Eeeekkkk!!!

Katherine had to keep very still so that she wouldn't accidently get hurt

by the very sharp teeth. (EYLF - Community, Learning,


To end the session, Sandra took the children outside so that they could

gain a sense of the actual size of a dinosaur by laying out different size

lengths of rope across the yard. She then asked the children to lay along

the rope whilst she counted them all . Sandra showed us the lengths from

head to tail of a Stegosaurus (9mt), a Tyrannosaurus (12mt) and a

Brachiosaurus (26mt). I'm so glad there are no dinosaurs around today.

They were huge.

(EYLF - Learning,


Chelsea was very proud of her achievement to throw a

ball into the hoop. She persevered over and over again

until she managed to sink a basket and experienced the

satisfaction of achievement. (EYLF - Learning).

The warm weather saw the children spending some

time outdoors playing with water. Maree, Paige and

Marina were sitting on the rock in our riverbed, letting

the cool water trickle through their toes. Olivia W

began to brush their feet with cool water. The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment

together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding positively to each

other and showing a sense of comfort in their environment. (EYLF - Community, Identity)

We have started our Christmas preparations and over the next few weeks, you may notice a change

happening in our kinder room. Be sure to collect all notices and take note of the special days for the

Possum and Wombat Combined Christmas Concert. I love this time of the year.

A huge thank you to all the members of the

committee for all of their hard work, time and

dedication to making Diamond Hills such a

wonderful place to be. In addition, Nicole and I

would like to say a huge thank you to all the mums

and dads, grandparents and aunties and uncles that

have participated in kinder duty throughout the

year. The children love having you at kinder and

we can't run our program without your help

And lastly but not least, an especially huge

THANKYOU goes out to Nicole for sharing the

role of educator with me for the past two years. I have really enjoyed working alongside her. Nicole

will be moving on at the end of the year, but she won't be going far. Nicole will take up the position

of additional diploma assistant with Annmaree in Platypus Group next year. I would like Nicole to

know just how much I have appreciated how she has carried the fort and stepped into my shoes during

my placements, so that the children had continuity and a familiar educator whilst I was gone. I will

miss Nicole's bubbly and caring nature with the children and her lightening speed as she rushes

around the preschool preparing environments and scaffolding the children. Thanks again Nicole.

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We now welcome Brenda into the co educator's role as from 2016.

We would like to wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas and a wonderful start to the new year.

Merry Christmas

Tania and Nicole

Dates for your


AGM for

Diamond Hills

Tuesday 24th

November -


approx 7:00pm.

Orientation Day

for all children

attending in 2016

Thursday 26th

November - No



Orientation Day for

both the 3yr and

4yr old groups who



Diamond Hills in


Diamond Hills Christmas Party

Sunday 29th November - At Greenhills Preschool

- 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Christmas Concert - Possums and Wombats

Monday 7th December - - during normal sessions

- see notices in pockets for details

Due to the way the groups have been formed this year, where some children attend both groups, and

after careful consideration, we have decided that the best way to showcase the talented groups would

be to combine the Christmas Concerts. This will now be held on one day.

End of year parties

Tuesday 8th December - Wombats

Wednesday 9th December - Possums

This is the last session for the year for each group. Children will be having an end of a year break up

party during normal sessions. See notices in pockets for details.

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This term is certainly flying by and the end of the year is coming up way too quickly. The

children have been enjoying their transition visits to their various schools and are full of

excitement when they return to kinder to tell us what they did. It seems only yesterday that

we were beginning our year of kinder. Where has it gone?

The children have been busy as always learning, discovering and extending their

knowledge and skills in their areas of interest. A major part of this term has involved having

people from our local community visit to

discuss what they do as part of their job.

As a continuation of this we organised the

local Plenty CFA to visit. The Firefighters

discussed with the children some very

important information that we should all

be aware of which is Fire safety, fire

awareness and fire readiness. This

involved telling the children about -­­ Get

down Low and Go, Go, Go.

Stop, Drop and Roll, having a fire plan at home and the very important emergency number

to ring. The highlight of this visit was the children being allowed to use the big hose and

climb all over the truck. It’s great to be able to involve our local community in our program.

We were also pleased to have the Dentist visit to examine the children’s teeth and to discuss

with the children food that is good to eat and the sometimes food explaining to the children

the difference. She also explained to them about how to clean their teeth

properly. This was a great experience for the children as it was done in

a very relaxed, informal and non-­­ threatening manner.

Another informative visitor to kinder was Susan and Bingle from the

Responsible Pet Program. Their visit involved lots of discussion and

role play in regards to the importance of being careful in approaching

all dogs whether they are known or not. The children learnt some very

valuable tips on how to do this and how to cope with an angry dog and

most importantly they got to practice these new skills.

After having these visitors it prompted the children to begin to discuss

what jobs they would like to do when they were older. Some of the answers were delightful.

A copy of this list is in their learning journal.

Another highlight over the past month has been our camping area. The children have had

great fun pretending to be camping in the bush. With this in mind we made damper with

the children and Kyla brought in her camping stove so that the children could cook

marshmallows. They absolutely loved this experience. The children responded by showing

very appropriate behaviour when presented with the responsibility of being allowed to cook

their own marshmallows. (With supervision of course)

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We also recently celebrated ‘Children’s Week’. Thank you

to everyone who wrote on our ‘message board’ their wish

for their child. We really appreciate and acknowledge the

thought that went into these. They are displayed at kinder

so when you have a minute please read.

The program as always has still included supporting the

children’s emerging interest in numeracy and literacy

especially in the area of story writing. Some of the children

have enjoyed doing a picture and then telling a story to

support their work. Some of the children are managing to write quite a few familiar words


The children have also been involved in experiences that are aimed at them helping each

other. Doing activities that require 2 to complete and then choosing who goes first between

themselves is a great process for encouraging working and cooperating together.

On Thursday 12th November we had a Pyjamas & Brunch Day. We stayed in our pyjamas

and had Brunch. Brunch consisted of pancakes, and/or waffles with jam, honey or maple

syrup, fresh fruit and yoghurt for dipping and either milo milk, plain milk or water. The

children had great fun playing outdoors in their PJ’s. We did this to promote our ongoing

discussions on healthy eating, nutrition and to classify foods into always food, sometimes

food and occasional treats. The children also had the opportunity to practice those teeth

cleaning skills that we had learnt from the dentist.

Another exciting event was the opportunity for the Platypus children to be involved in a

photo shoot due to our centre being a winner in Enviroweek sponsored by Cool Australia. I

would like to express a HUGE Thank you to Monique our wonderful newsletter editor and

Sustainability Officer who put so much time and effort not only into the project but the

photo shoot day. Thank you for being a great ambassador for Diamond Hills.

The children have also been showing and displaying a great interest and skill in their gross

motor development and some have been developing and creating their own obstacle course.

Many of the children have enjoyed the challenges that this has provided and some of our

children who aren’t very confident in this area have been having a go. By allowing the

children the opportunity to do this is great for encouraging problem solving, planning,

strength, working together and even discussion on safety.

Another area of interest has been the development of our silk worms. The children have

been checking them each day to monitor their growth and development. They are eagerly

awaiting their next phase which is the spinning of their cocoon. (We did have to adopt some

as ours for some reason didn’t thrive this year.) This project is a fascinating one to witness as

the whole life cycle process can be observed over approx. 6 -­­ 8 weeks.

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We have also just began to incorporate some more

learning around recycling and gardening. The children

have begun to re-­­develop our Music Tree. This came

about after sharing a delightful book with the children

called ‘The Music Tree”. If you don’t know where our

Music Tree is at Kinder, please ask your child to show

you. A lot of the children love this area.

Also over the next few weeks we are continuing to

practice fine motor control and we are encouraging the

children to voice an opinion and be open to discussion. We are also still concentrating on

developing the children’s independence, asking the children to make choices and to

continue to take responsibility of their belongings and their locker area. Thank you for

supporting this.

Everyone in Platypus group should have received a copy of their Transition Report. This is

in 2 parts the part that you completed and the part that I completed. The report is yours to

keep. I have and will pass on the original document to your child’s school in the next few

weeks. If you would like to discuss any part of this report please come and see me. We work

very hard at successfully continuing our liaison between our local primary schools and

ourselves. We want to make the transition for your child and yourselves as productive as

possible. School is a big step so please don’t hesitate to

discuss any concerns with us.

We will soon be beginning that very exciting time of

getting ready for Christmas. Our Celebration of Christmas

evening where we invite our families to come and share

this exciting time with us is planned for Monday 7th

December. This evening will begin at 6.30pm (more details

to follow) The Platypus’ last day is Wednesday 16th

December with the year finishing

For staff on Friday 18th December. (Thursday and Friday

are cleaning days as everything must be cleaned. This is a

part of our funding agreement and is quite overwhelming as you can imagine.)

Kyla and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful Platypus

families for their support and belief in Diamond Hills. Each family has played a very special

part in our kinder community. We have loved every minute of getting to know your family.

Thank you for allowing us to do this, as this is our last committee meeting before the AGM I

would like to thank all of our volunteer committee of management for their support and

commitment this year. As always it is very important to the staff, not only as we undergo

the continuing changes that are occurring within our industry but in the day to day running

of the Kinder. Thank you for all of the unpaid hours you have committed. Without you, the

Preschool would not exist as it currently does, as part of a community. Each and everyone of

you has played an integral part in this Preschool and words are not enough to let you know

how much you are ALL very much appreciated as we do realise ALL the time and effort

you give so freely. THANK YOU.

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Happy Birthday

November & December

I would also like to express a very special thank you to Kerrie (our

administration officer) who works hard behind the scenes to ensure

that the Kinder’s financial affairs are well maintained and that the

kinder remains sustainable. Kerrie’s dedication and the continuity

that she provides to the Kinder and staff is amazing and highly

valued. Again words are not enough to say Thank you. Again we do

all recognise your commitment to the staff and the Preschool and it is


I would also like to take this opportunity to express a very big thank

you to the wonderful team that are Tania, Kim, Nicole, Kyla, and

Bronwen. You provide so much commitment, support and belief in

Diamond Hills, this centre would not be the place that it is. These 5 exceptional ladies are

dedicated to making our kinder the best it can be. They value the kinder families that make

up our community and this shows in all that they do. I look forward to next year.



Grace 3rd

Milian G 10th

Eden 27th

Aiden 7th

Indy 14th

Charli 15th

Natalie 17th


Angus 26th

Balin 4th



Evelyn 13th

Jacob 18th


Chloe 7th

Adele 9th

Marina 29th



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2015 Teachers

Annmaree Watkins (4yo Platypus) Kim Walker (4yo Penguin)

Tania Mantovani (3yo Possum & Wombat Groups) Co Educators/Teaching Assistants

Bronwen Gear (4yo Penguin Group) Kyla Ridgeway (4yo Platypus Group) Nicole De Cata (3yo Possum & Wombat Groups)

2015 Committee Members Administration Officer: Kerrie Haynes

President: Linda Wein (Penguin) Vice President: Carolyn Tsioulos (Platypus)

Secretary: Karina Papadakis (Possums) Assistant Secretary: Monique Jutson (Penguin)

Treasurer: Shannon Fitzpatrick (Possum) Fees Officer: Cassy Coffey (Possum) Enrolment Officer 3&4 Year olds: Chantelle Alvaro (Platypus)

Fundraising Co-Ordinator: Lisa Henry (Platypus) Events Co-Ordinator: Katrina Naish (Penguin)

Maintenance Officer: Paul King (Platypus) Staff Liaison: Bev Ashley(Wombat) Sub-Committee Members

Purchasing Officer: Carly Veale (Platypus) Duty Roster: Regan Sailah (Platypus) Fundraising Sub Committee: Wendy Sansome (Platypus) Bianca Vecchio(Penguins) &

Rebecca Fostineo (Possum) Events Sub Committee: Lisa Bovezza(Platypus) & Amanda Low(Wombat)

Centre contact Information: Hours- Monday- Friday 8am – 5pm

Phone: 9435 8694 Email: [email protected]

Web: www.diamondhillspreschool.com.au Postal: PO Box 56, Greensborough, Victoria 3088

Newsletter Contact: Monique Jutson email: [email protected] (photo’s, stories or things you would like to share with the kinder community.)

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It’s that time of year, when we all get very busy. Even though it seems

ridiculously early, we have started creating for Christmas and learning Christmas

songs. We will try and keep the excitement levels and the counting of how many

sleeps until Santa comes reasonably low; but realistically, that’s IMPOSSIBLE!

We love Christmas! Check out your child’s impressions of Santa when they go up

on the walls in coming weeks – absolutely gorgeous!

4th term has been the community visitor term with

lots of special guests to add to our program. These

visits have evoked fantastic language, extended

vocabulary, increased the children’s awareness of

their broader community, developed new and exciting

scripts and ideas in their pretend play and

consolidated skills in

listening and

questioning. The Plenty

CFA visited us in

October, and the children were encouraged to talk with their families

about safety emergency plans in case of fire, get down low and go, go,

go, calling 000 in emergencies and what to do if their clothes caught on

fire. The children were able to explore all sections of the fire truck

and complete with a fire fighters uniform, were able to hose the

carpark with the fire hose. The children absolutely loved it and the fire

officers were very generous with their knowledge and assistance for

the children.

Next we were visited by the government dental program where the

children learnt about dental hygiene and played a game about what makes their teeth happy and what

makes them sad. The Penguin children did very well during this game and have a fantastic awareness

of healthy foods and drinks. The children’s teeth were checked and they were presented with their

own dental mirror, toothbrush and colouring. It is important for children to be taken regularly to the

dentist, to build their confidence and trust in this experience.

Another Government initiative is the Dog Responsibility Program

which is designed to help children and parents to become more

aware of safety procedures around strange dogs they come

across and responsible pet safety in their own homes. This was

initiated due to the frightening number of dog injuries that

medical facilities are treating each year. Bingle the Pug cross and

her owner came to visit us and the children responded really well

to the educational program that provided information on reading

the body language of dogs, how to approach and pat a dog

appropriately and safely and what to do if a dog rushes up to them in a park or is angry. Check out

the children’s learning journals for more information. Thank you to the parents who stayed and


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danced with us We saw lots of connections made by the children after this visit in their pretend

play and language.

You may have noticed our very ‘attractive’ scarecrow

who is guarding the hen house. The Penguin children

observed a very naughty crow stealing the hen eggs and

they were not happy! Lots of standing guard and shooing

him away was happening in the playground; but the

children were worried about what we could do when we

were inside. We called an extra special meeting on the

lawn and sat down together to discuss the problem. The

children’s ideas came pouring out and Kim took notes. It

was decided that the children would try making shiny

things to hang around the hen house and if that didn’t

keep Claude the crow away, they would make a scarecrow. A plan was in place and the children

created, observed and created again. The children worked very hard stuffing straw into the Op shop

clothes and boots and while we stuffed, did up buttons, glued, tied and styled, we talked about re-

purposing items and recycling. The children showed us scary faces to style the scarecrows mouth and

they argued over whether it should be a girl or a boy. And last but not least, Nicole re-purposed her

kinder sun hat to finish the creation as she felt it was too floppy! Is Claude the crow still stealing

eggs? Did the children’s ideas work?......ask the children (problem solving, child-initiated learning,

expressing ideas and opinions, evaluating and reflecting, hypothesising, collaborative team project –

belonging, being, becoming)

Outdoor play has seen some new skills this week with lots of hanging around, hoola hooping and muddy

fun. Fantastic to see the children persisting at new challenges, teaching their friends newly learned

skills and celebrating their achievements.

4th term sees the program encouraging greater

levels of independence from the children -

taking increased responsibility for their

belongings, making independent choices and

feeling confident to try new challenges.

(identity and wellbeing) To develop this 4th

term focus, the children came for breakfast in

their pyjamas. Toast, juice, fruit and yummy

pancakes were on the

menu and after an

early breakfast, we

sang, danced and played Twister with the mums The children were

responsible for choosing the colour and left or right foot or hand and the

mums were very competitive. The children then showed us how independent

they are by brushing their teeth and getting dressed for outside play. Kim

really liked being in her pj’s at kinder and stayed in them for a long time

The twister game continued all session, with the children organising their

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own games, supervising the rules, discussing which was right and which was left, and negotiating

roles .

Transition reports will be handed out this week. Please make sure your parent section is returned

ASAP. A copy of this, with the parent section attached, will be forwarded to your child’s school. Please

come and see me or give me a ring if you have any questions in regard to the report.


November 24th Annual General Meeting: if you are back next year, think about a

committee position

November 26th NO SESSION Orientation for 2016 families

December 8th Evening Christmas Penguin concert and supper for families:

December 15th Tuesday. Last Day of kinder: Penguins – PARTY Day: (parents come at end

a little early to share some last moments, lunch and a gift)

Clean up day: Thursday 17th December (many hands make light work)

Our Penguin concert will be held on Tuesday 8th of December for all of our families. This will

be a night event and will begin at 6.15pm. The children will be presenting a little concert of their

favourite songs and a Christmas play. The children will be giving their families a gift on this evening

and we will all share a supper together afterwards. A small plate of supper to share is required on

the evening – many thanks. It is important that everyone tries to be on time on the evening to make

sure the children are not sitting waiting for too long. It is important to note, that experiences like

these can be daunting for some children, and others are ‘show offs’ and absolutely love it! Either

way, it will be unique and special!! (fingers crossed!)

The last day for the Penguins will be on Tuesday 15th December. This will be a party day filled

with games, party food and fun. Each child is required to bring along party fare to share. A list of

suggestions will go out the week prior. The parents are then invited back for a last farewell, and gift-

giving at approximately 11.30am. We generally all bring a

plate of lunch to share with everyone.

Clean up day will be held on Thursday 17th

December. We will be putting a list out for helpers.

Hopefully, if we get lots of volunteers, it will be all done in

record time! We actually have lots of fun and laughs on

these days believe it or not.


As this is our last newsletter for the year, I would like to sincerely thank our wonderful editor,

Monique. She has done a fantastic job and we really appreciate your time and efforts. The

newsletter has never looked better!!

To Linda, Carolyn, Shannon, Karina, Cassy, Chantelle, Margaret, Monique, Lisa, Katrina, Bev, Paul,

Wendy, Bianca, Lisa, Amanda, Carly and Regan….

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We would like to sincerely thank all of the committee so,oooooo much for all your voluntary time,

dedication and undying commitment to our kinder. It has been a big year this year with our

Department Assessment and hiring new staff for 2016 and so much more and you have all been

absolutely incredible. As much as we would like to mention everyone’s achievements this year and

their incredible individual contributions in a variety of areas, it would take too long and I may commit

the injustice of leaving something out! Among the many things you do, the funds you raise, the

environmental awareness you bring, the community spirit you evoke and the administration you supply,

you are what makes a kinder program of this nature viable. Big thanks to Kerrie our financial

administrator for her continuing role in the running of our centre.

To Bronwen, Kyla, Nicole, Tania and Annmaree, I thank you sincerely for all your friendship,

support, laughs and dedication to Diamond Hills. We are lucky to have these people in our lives and

especially in the lives of your children.

And last but definitely not least, to our beautiful

Diamond Hills families. We thank you for lending us your

precious children. They have achieved and experienced

some incredible learning and fun together and

individually. It seems like only yesterday, that your

wide-eyed children came through the door with their

Penguin name tags on. Bronwen, Kyla, Nicole and I have

thoroughly enjoyed your gorgeous children and getting

to know you all.

2015 has been a busy and challenging year in lots of

ways and I would like to thank you all very much for

your understanding, respect and support of the children and staff this

year. We hope it has been a positive experience for all of you and that

you will look back at your preschool year with fond memories.

Thank you so much for all your support for our program – the kinder

roster, donations, fundraising, working bees, garden roster, caring for the

animals, worm farm and so on. We really appreciate your efforts, time and

friendship. Special thanks to those mums and dads who regularly came in

to help us for special occasions, at the end of sessions and on the roster –

life is busy and the roster has been light on this year.

Thank you to Dee for being our Penguin group representative and Linda

for her extra support this year.

Another special mention to those families who are leaving Diamond Hills

for the last time. We have been blessed to be a part of this incredible period of your family’s lives

and we wish you all the very best that life has to offer in the future. We will miss you. Please don’t

be strangers.

Bronwen, Kyla, Nicole and I would like to wish all of our Diamond Hills community the very best for

Christmas and the holiday season. Have a well-deserved rest if you can, ready for school. Please

come back and visit us soon before these Penguins turn 21 in the blink of an eye!! We hope that

Santa smiles upon you all and that you have a peace-filled and magical family Christmas. We look

forward to catching up next year. Take care throughout the coming busy times,

Kim, Bronwen, Kyla, Nicole

Page 15: NOVEMBER 2015 Diamond Hills Pre-School€¦ · The four girls chatted, giggled and shared a moment together of enjoying being in each other's company. They are playful , responding