spotlight Volume 56 Issue 2 In this issue November 2012 “The Man Who Came to Dinner” Serves a Treat for Comedy Lovers by Danielle Renner This fall, Southern Lehigh stage welcomed Kaufman and Hart’s “The Man Who Came To Dinner,” a three- act comedy about an injured radio host who spends his Christmas in the lovely home of the Stanleys. Due to his so- cial status, he is visited by numerous whacky characters and given a flock of exotic gifts, which make for an unusual holiday. Directed by Mr. Matthew Wehr, the play takes off in act one with the ar- rival of the injured radio host Sheridan Whiteside (senior Aidan McLaughlin). From the start, the audience was chuck- ling at Mr. Whiteside as he ranted and wheeled furiously around the stage in his wicker wheelchair. Alongside Mr. Whiteside is his faithful secretary, Maggie (junior Gabby Dalope) who causes quite a con- troversy when she falls in love with an aspiring journalist Bert Johnson (soph- omore Jason Renner). The play takes its peak when it reaches the third act. It’s Christmas Eve in the Stanleys’ house and Mr. White- side has done nothing but irritate Mr. Stanley (junior Alex Knapp). Mr. Stan- ley has reached his limit and begins to explode on Mr. Whiteside, demaning he leave the house. While packing up his belong- ings, all the feuds settle and issues are put aside on what seems to be the per- fect Christmas. Mr. Whiteside perks up and is about to leave on his merry way when he slips and falls on the ice out- side, injuring himself once again. The curtains close on everyone hustling to help the fallen radio host, and the house circles back to the beginning of the en- tire mess. “The Man Who Came To Din- ner” keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with laughs and emotion. The twist and turns of the play kept one intrigued and craving more. The cast skillfully mastered Kaufman and Hart’s work, a must see for any comedic the- ater lover. Senior Citizens Share School Memories by Casey Anthony and Anna Simoneau In the fall and spring of each school year, Southern Lehigh invites senior citizens from the community to eat dinner in the cafeteria, served by Key Club members, and watch a spe- cial preview of the fall play or spring musical. The Senior Citizen Dinner is of- ten filled with Southern Lehigh alumni. They enjoy the chance to see their high school and to share insight on their ex- periences as students. Karline Donecker (Class of ‘56) is a bit of a Southern Lehigh celebrity as the writer of the school’s alma mater. In 1956, Fountain Hill and the Coopers- burg School merged to form Southern Lehigh High School. Students from the two schools held preconceived no- tions of one another that they carried with them to Southern Lehigh. Donecker still recalls some of the animosity, although now more lightheartedly. “We were called the hicks from the sticks,” she said, smil- ing. Regardless of the hard feelings, however, Donecker and the other 63 members of her senior class began their senior year at Southern Lehigh and she wrote the alma mater to celebrate the union of the two groups. “I saw [the school] being built,” Donecker said, adding, “I thought [the song] fit the period and the topography of the land.” That year that she spent at Southern Lehigh proved to be much better than anyone had expected. Now, decades later, her class is still close, and they hold class reunions at least every five years. “I wish I could have done it all over again- it was wonderful,” Do- necker said. Jerry and Elaine Trexlor (Class of ‘60) met at Southern Lehigh High School and are still together today. Jerry participated in Cross Country and Elaine played piano - she even got to play the Warsaw Concerto for the band. One of Jerry’s fondest high school memories was “the junior prom with my wife.” Thelma Kiess, a graduate of The Coopersburg School Junior High (Class of ‘37) and Allentown High School (Class of ‘39), graduated in classes of 13 and 18 students, respec- tively. She was astonished to hear that the 2013 graduating class is about 250 students. It wasn’t only her class size that was different from the modern high school experience, though. “We went home for lunch,” Kiess said, “and when it rained or snowed, we took our lunch [to school] and that was a treat for us!” Want to see more? Photo credit: Casey Anthony Southern Lehigh High School 5800 Main Street Center Valley, PA 18034 The band front, a crucial part of the band’s halftime performance, is look- ing for new members for next year. See page 4 for more. The Presidential Election: Why your informed vote makes a difference See page 6 for details. Tired of listening to the same songs over and over again on the radio? Are you looking for some brand new music to listen to? Check out a review of Muse’s newest album on page 12. Left: Junior Phil Shaheen, junior Alex Knapp, and senior Aidan McLoughlin. Right: Junior Abby Muth and senior Miranda Rennie. Photo credit: Danielle Renner Congratulations to the Spartan Football team on their success- ful season. More on page 15.

November 2012 Issue

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November 2012 issue of the Spotlight from Southern Lehigh High School

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spotlightVolume 56

Issue 2

In this


November 2012

“The Man Who Came to Dinner” Serves a Treat for Comedy Loversby Danielle Renner

This fall, Southern Lehigh stage welcomed Kaufman and Hart’s “The Man Who Came To Dinner,” a three-act comedy about an injured radio host who spends his Christmas in the lovely home of the Stanleys. Due to his so-cial status, he is visited by numerous whacky characters and given a fl ock of exotic gifts, which make for an unusual holiday. Directed by Mr. Matthew Wehr, the play takes off in act one with the ar-rival of the injured radio host Sheridan Whiteside (senior Aidan McLaughlin). From the start, the audience was chuck-ling at Mr. Whiteside as he ranted and wheeled furiously around the stage in

his wicker wheelchair. Alongside Mr. Whiteside is his faithful secretary, Maggie (junior Gabby Dalope) who causes quite a con-troversy when she falls in love with an aspiring journalist Bert Johnson (soph-omore Jason Renner). The play takes its peak when it reaches the third act. It’s Christmas Eve in the Stanleys’ house and Mr. White-side has done nothing but irritate Mr. Stanley (junior Alex Knapp). Mr. Stan-ley has reached his limit and begins to explode on Mr. Whiteside, demaning he leave the house. While packing up his belong-ings, all the feuds settle and issues are

put aside on what seems to be the per-fect Christmas. Mr. Whiteside perks up and is about to leave on his merry way when he slips and falls on the ice out-side, injuring himself once again. The curtains close on everyone hustling to help the fallen radio host, and the house circles back to the beginning of the en-tire mess. “The Man Who Came To Din-ner” keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with laughs and emotion. The twist and turns of the play kept one intrigued and craving more. The cast skillfully mastered Kaufman and Hart’s work, a must see for any comedic the-ater lover.

Senior Citizens Share School Memoriesby Casey Anthony and Anna Simoneau

In the fall and spring of each school year, Southern Lehigh invites senior citizens from the community to eat dinner in the cafeteria, served by Key Club members, and watch a spe-cial preview of the fall play or spring musical. The Senior Citizen Dinner is of-ten fi lled with Southern Lehigh alumni. They enjoy the chance to see their high

school and to share insight on their ex-periences as students. Karline Donecker (Class of ‘56) is a bit of a Southern Lehigh celebrity as the writer of the school’s alma mater. In 1956, Fountain Hill and the Coopers-burg School merged to form Southern Lehigh High School. Students from the two schools held preconceived no-tions of one another that they carried with them to Southern Lehigh. Donecker still recalls some of the animosity, although now more lightheartedly. “We were called the hicks from the sticks,” she said, smil-ing. Regardless of the hard feelings, however, Donecker and the other 63 members of her senior class began their senior year at Southern Lehigh and she wrote the alma mater to celebrate the union of the two groups. “I saw [the school] being built,” Donecker said, adding, “I thought [the song] fi t the period and the topography of the land.” That year that she spent at Southern Lehigh proved to be much better than anyone had expected. Now,

decades later, her class is still close, and they hold class reunions at least every fi ve years. “I wish I could have done it all over again- it was wonderful,” Do-necker said. Jerry and Elaine Trexlor (Class of ‘60) met at Southern Lehigh High School and are still together today. Jerry participated in Cross Country and Elaine played piano - she even got to play the Warsaw Concerto for the band. One of Jerry’s fondest high school memories was “the junior prom with my wife.” Thelma Kiess, a graduate of The Coopersburg School Junior High (Class of ‘37) and Allentown High School (Class of ‘39), graduated in classes of 13 and 18 students, respec-tively. She was astonished to hear that the 2013 graduating class is about 250 students. It wasn’t only her class size that was different from the modern high school experience, though. “We went home for lunch,” Kiess said, “and when it rained or snowed, we took our lunch [to school] and that was a treat for us!”

Want to see more?

Photo credit: Casey Anthony

Southern Lehigh High School5800 Main StreetCenter Valley, PA 18034

The band front, a crucial part of the band’s halftime performance, is look-ing for new members for next year.See page 4 for more.

The band front, a crucial part of the

The Presidential Election: Why your informed vote makes a difference See page 6 for details.

Tired of listening to the same songs over and over again on the radio? Are you looking for some brand new music to listen to? Check out a review of Muse’s newest album on page 12.

Tired of listening to the same songs

Left: Junior Phil Shaheen, junior Alex Knapp, and senior Aidan McLoughlin. Right: Junior Abby Muth and senior Miranda Rennie. Photo credit: Danielle Renner

Congratulations to the Spartan Football team on their success-ful season. More on page 15.

Southern Lehigh High School

5800 Main StreetCenter Valley, PA 18034(610) 282-1421 x7122

[email protected]://slspotlight.com

The Spotlight is published in print and online by the student mem-bers of its staff. Its purpose is to present news concerning South-ern Lehigh High School and the Southern Lehigh School District, as well as to provide a forum for student opinion. Editorial content of The Spotlight expresses the view of the paper and not neces-sarily that of the Board of Edu-cation, administration, or faculty of the Southern Lehigh School District. Bylined editorial content and letters to the editor represent the opinion of the writer only. All contents are copyrighted by The Spotlight. Advertising and sub-scription rates are furnished upon request.

Faculty AdviserMrs. Marlo SpritzerEditor-in-Chief

Casey AnthonyManaging Editor

Lauren GrossNews EditorLauren Gross

Features EditorAshley Zamichieli

Entertainment Editor Mckenzie Browne

Editorial EditorMadeleine ColeSports EditorCody Heffelfi nger

Our World EditorDana DiGiovanni

In-Depth EditorKylie Schmitt

Fun Fact

Credit: www.dumblaws.com

Did you know in

Arkansas a law provides that teach-

ers who bob their hair will

not get a raise?


On Tuesday, October the 9th, the Southern Lehigh High School cafeteria upgraded to a new point-of-sale system called eTrition7. The district replaced six registers at the high school and middle school with new touch screen units to made all schools compatible with eTrition7. The new lunch system comes from Harris School Solu-tions, where the old system, Meal Tracker, was from. The school decided to make this upgrade due to glitches in the Meal Tracker system including internet connectivity, ringing up students, and changing account information. Meal Tracker was run on the school’s server, so when there was an issue with the Lead cafeteria worker’s computer, transactions couldn’t be completed with the old point-of-sale system. This caused each transaction to be handwritten and then entered into the system later. Student account information could only be updated in the cafeteria manager’s offi ce. Mr. Erik Malmberg, IT director, and Mr. Gregory Mar-tin, food service manager, took part in a conference call with a Harris support representative and his manager to discuss op-tions to fi x the system.

They found that upgrading to eTrition7 was the best op-tion. eTrition7 is an internet or Cloud based system which had more advantages over Meal Tracker:● Updates to accounts can be made within minutes, meal service can be provided even without internet connection and the information will automatically upload to the system when the connection returns. ● The system updates can be done wirelessly and eTri-tion7 can also connect with Sapphire which helps keep accurate student information. ● With the new system any administrator can check or up-date information from any computer and staff and students can even purchase items at other schools using their own account. “Once everyone fi gured out how to work it, the lines move faster than before,” sophomore Gabby Koehnlein said. “Please keep in mind these are most of the advantages, but not all,” Martin said. “There have been some glitches with this new system, which hopefully are worked out now, but over-all there are huge advantages that will be recognized the more we all use it.”

Cha-Ching Changesby Kylie Schmitt

A student buying a snack through eTrition 7 technology. Photo credit: Lauren Gross

“Are You My Type?”

by Lauren Gross

On November 13th, student council held their semi-annual Miller-Keystone blood drive. Students who met the requirements were able to donate their blood to the cause. While some students may view the blood drive as an excuse to skip class or an opportu-nity to get free snacks, donors saw it as a valuable experience. “[I was] scared,” senior Morgan Johnson, a student donor, said, “[It was] better [than expected]; it didn’t hurt as much a I thought it would.” The overall response from students was posi-tive. Donating blood and helping someone in need provided do-nors with a feeling of accomplishment. “Our blood drives have been very successful in the past,” student council blood drive representative Sophia Hoeke, said. “We are very lucky, here at Southern Lehigh to have so many stu-dents volunteer for the better of the community.” The SLHS blood drive had 49 students signed up to do-nate, which is considered to be a “good fl ow” for high schools. “The school does the blood drive to benefi t the commu-nity,” Hoeke said. In the U.S., someone needs a blood transfu-sion every two to three seconds, according to Miller-Keystone, and 95% of Americans will need one at some point in their lives. Southern Lehigh’s annual blood drive is an opportunity to give blood and possibly even help save a life.

Top: Sophia Hoeke and Zac Wilson have blood drive fun, while Jake Cummings photobombs!

Bottom: (from left) Leah Rubart, Abigail Clauser, and Morgan Johnson recover after donating blood.

Photo credit: Lauren Gross

Student Council Holds Annual Blood Drive

3NewsNovember 2012

Changes on the Horizon for SLHS Library by Emily Tkacik

Few people know what the library truly has to of-fer, from multiple resources, to copies and more. This year, however, the library has undergone a few changes. Starting this fall, the library has done away with its black and white printing fee and has added a duplex print-er, a screen, and a projector, according to librarian Mrs. Robbins. The library now also offers fl ip cameras, digi-tal cameras, and fl ash drives along with the pre-existing Kindles. They have also added a classroom work area and have completely rearranged all of the print material into a more orderly fashion. “Mrs Robbins did a really nice job re-organizing and changing things that needed to be changed, like add-ing a new shelf for backpacks and a section just for new books,” library secretary Mrs. Beck said. “We have also added little artifi cial plants, new lighting and a fresh coat of paint to brighten up the library and make it feel more inviting.” A new helpful change in the library is the ability for students to go to the library during lunches. This is a big hit with students; in one day, 52 people visited the library during lunch, according to the sign in sheets. The fi nes for late materials have also changed in order to keep up with the new technology. If a student is late in bringing back any of the technology, the fi ne is 25 cents per day. All in all the library is new and fresh and waiting to be used. “ Come on in!” Mrs. Robbins said.

Take a study break at the revamped SLHS Library!Photo credit: Emily Tkacik

Up for Debateby Kaitlin Cole

The Southern Lehigh speech and debate team competed in the Scranton H.S. Invitational on Saturday, November 10th and placed in several events. In Novice Congress, an event that mirrors the legislative branch of our democracy, Jake Stattel placed 4th and Joey Funk placed 2nd. “The most important thing is to think on your feet. Try to have fun and be motivated,” sophomore Joey Funk said. In novice duo, an event where participants in teams of two choose a hu-morous or dramatic selection, Angela Justin and Kaitlin Cole placed 3rd. “I was really scared at fi rst, but after I met some of the competitors, it wasn’t as stressful,” freshman Angela Justin said after competing for the fi rst time. In Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate, an event focusing not on what is, but on what ought to be, Sam Stewart placed 4th. Natalie Costa placed 4th in Varsity Dramatic Interpretation, an event in which a dramatic selection is performed. Through the fi rst few tournaments this year, much of the team has been focusing mainly on gaining more familiarity with competing. While some stu-dents are returning from the team last year, there are a number of students new to the team. “The team is pretty young...just getting themselves some experience,” Mr. Long, speech and debate advisor, said. Tournaments coming up for the team include the Villiger Tournament at St. Joseph’s University and the Princeton University Invitational.

Prom may be months away, but for the junior class the planning has already begun. At the beginning of the year, the class offi cers held a meeting concerning prom and all the fundraising that must be done. “We wanted to have prom in a different place than Southern Lehigh has ever had it at before. We wanted it to be memorable for everyone who goes,” Kayla McGuire, the junior class secretary, said. “ When we visited Steelstacks last year, we found it was exactly what we had in mind.” However, holding prom at Steelstacks means it will be quite a pricey ticket. “It’s important that we fundraise this year because being that the steel-stacks is a really cool place, it is expensive to pay for,” McGuire said. “Right now, tickets are about 80 dollars, but fundraising will help lower the cost of the tickets.” President Conor Lamb, vice president Zac Wilson, treasurer Rosie Mattiola, and secretary Kayla McGuire are in charge of planning the prom, and are also in charge of the prom committee. “Mr. Ruch is our class advisor and he oversees everything we do. However, we also have the prom committee for any senior or junior who wish to add their own ideas to the table. We meet every other Friday and discuss themes, food, and anything really related to prom,” McGuire said. “The other offi cers and I are more than happy to get ideas from students and listen to their suggestions. It’s everyone’s prom!” Many juniors and seniors who are going to prom have their own thoughts about fundraising. “I think the fundraising is a good idea because I feel bad that the guys would have to pay so much,” Anna Simoneau, a junior planning on attending prom, said. The fi rst fundraiser was held on October 23 at the Inside Scoop. “The Inside Scoop fundraiser was relatively successful,” class adviser Mr. Troy Ruch said. “We made about one hundred dollars.” More fundraisers are to come in the near future. “We are doing an individual fundraiser right now, selling coffee. There are about 15 students so far who are participating. This fundraiser will lower the cost of your own individual ticket,” Mr. Ruch said. Whether you are paying for a single ticket, or paying for two, going to the junior class fundraisers will help lower the cost of prom 2013 while still allowing students to enjoy the luxuries of the Steelstacks facilities.

Junior Class Fundraiser: Scooping for Promby Abigail Muth

A trophy from the Scranton H.S. Speech and Debate Invitational Photo credit: Angela Justin

New Members Needed for SL Bandfrontby Anna SimoneauNew Members Needed for SL Bandfront


The Southern Lehigh Band Front compliments the band’s performances during the fall season as they dance with props to visually express the band’s music. Although they are a key part of the halftime show, the band front’s mem-bership has dwindled due to graduating seniors. If new members don’t join, there won’t be enough people to have a band front in upcoming seasons. Band front is open to both boys and girls, and it is an extracurricular activity as well as a course. The class lasts the fi rst semester and ends with the football season. To take the course, you attend a band camp during August. At this camp, you learn the equipment and dances used in the shows that the Band Front does at the football games. This camp meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6-9:30 for the beginning of the month, and meets Monday-Friday the rest of the month. There are also early morning practices once the school year starts. “I love Band Front! Growing up I took baton and dance lessons and was a majorette at Atlantic City High School and Wilkes College,” band front instructor Mrs. Sheree France said. “This is my 14th year at Southern Lehigh and I love coming to work with the students here.” Along with being an interesting extra curricular activity, the band front is also a good social opportunity. “You should really join because it’s an opportunity to meet new people and be a part of something,” fi rst-year band front member Natalie Jones said. “[I think band front is important] because we show the colors of the music the band is playing. The band front is really fun to watch!” Like many sports and clubs, the friends you make in band front can last a lifetime. To those interested in joining, Vanessa Kovacs, a third-year band front member and fl ag captain, passionately expressed her feelings:

“Band Front is everything to me. I love it more than anything I’ve ever been involved in. You should join! We make bonds in band front. Band front is one chamber in my four chambered heart.” Although it is too late to join band front this year, if you are interested in joining, talk to the current members for more information, and take the course next year.

A Year to Rememberby Casey Anothony

Bandfront members intrigue the crowd as they take the fi eld during their halftime performance. Photo credit: Samantha Phillips

A closer look at past years’ yearbooks. Photo credit: Casey Anthony

I am going to tell you a story. A story of a house that I use to live in with my daughter, Heather. A house that gave off an odd aura, but seemed innocent. An old house that once held a family of fi ve, with three kids and two parents. But the happy family of fi ve that lived in that house in 1904 turned out to be a corrupted family of six. I used to live in this house, before things went wrong, and I had to leave for the sake of my daughter’s life. It was seven years ago when I fi rst heard about the history of this house. It was early one morning when I realized that Heather and I were out of milk and it was only our third day living in the house. Heather hated the house; she said it gave her weird dreams and she heard voices. I just thought it was her eight-year-old imagination. I got her up and told her that I was going to the corner store. She refused to stay in bed and insisted that she come with me. I got to the corner store, and that was when the secrets started to spill out. It was a damp morning and the car had not heated up yet. Heather was just being herself, quiet as usual, sitting in the back of the car and looking out the window. The corner store was open 24/7, because they had a few stations

to get gas. I left Heather in the car, because I knew I was only going to be a minute. “That’ll be one dollar please,” the store clerk said to me. “Here you go, sir,” I answered, handing him the money. “I have never seen you around here before,” he said while getting my change. “That’s because I just moved into the old farmhouse on the hill with my daughter.” He stopped what he was do-ing and looked up at me. “You are living in the old house on the hill?” he asked in shock. “Yes, is there a problem?” I answered, quite confused. “Don’t you know what hap-pened in that house?” “No...I do not.” He continued to tell me about how in the 1800’s a family lived in there. Things ended up going horribly wrong, so the house was abandoned. But a family moved in about 30 years ago. The store clerk said three moved in and only one came out alive.

To be continued....

Sales have begun for the 2012-2013 Solehian Yearbook, and the staff is working hard to create a quality product for the student body. The 13-member editorial staff works diligently to meet publishing deadlines. They submit sections of the yearbook to the publisher on a periodic basis. The publisher soon sends back a proof, which shows what that section of the yearbook will look like. The ed-itors review the proof and fi x mistakes so that the fi nal copy is perfect. The staff set their sights high for the yearbook and hope to gain some recognition for the book. The yearbook has been given awards for excellence in the past, but they have not received any awards in a few years. “[We want] to win some awards this year and to have a really good yearbook,” Haley Disbrow, head advertising editor, said. The yearbook staff is putting a new and exciting spin on the yearbook this year. Although they can’t reveal

much, they appear enthusiastic about the changes. “It’s going to be different from what we’ve had before,” Hannah Grif-fi n, assistant editor, said, adding, “it’s a totally new idea.” Junior Sarah Steirer seems es-pecially excited about the new book, and rightfully so. As editor-in-chief, she is the one who designs the themes and cover for the book. “I’ve never seen anything done like this before,” she said. Students who would like to or-der a yearbook can do so by going to yearbookordercenter.com. Yearbook sales end December 14th, 2012.

A closer look at past years’ yearbooks. Photo credit: Casey Anthony

by Robyn Somers

Crippled Part I: Only One Came Out Alive

Bandfront members intrigue the crowd as they take the fi eld during their halftime performance. Photo

Order your yearbook now!

Editor’s note: Did you know that you can read archived articles and past print issues of the Spotlight online? Just scan the QR code to the right. It’ll take you to our online news site slspotlight.com!

5FeaturesNovember 2012

Newest Additions to the SLHS Facultyby Ashley Zamichieli

This year the laptops have become a crucial com-ponent in classrooms, and one way it is being utilized is through the math program, Cognitive Tutor. But is this software really conducive to students and teachers? The Cognitive Tutor, published by Carnegie Learning, is a program that has two parts: a textbook part and a software part. It consists of application prob-lems on which no mistakes are allowed. If a problem is done incorrectly, the student may not move on to the next problem of a certain subject

until the problem is done correctly. Hints are given if help is needed, and there is a skill meter that evaluates performance. In the textbook part, there is math work which the students use in class. There are defi nitely pros to this program, and Mr. Ryan Haupt especially feels that the software is useful. “I love it. I’ve been using it for the past three years,” Haupt said. Senior Jessica Howard has used the program. “I hate it,” she said. Junior Brandon DeFiore agrees. “I don’t like it because I’d rather have a teacher teaching me instead of a software,” he said. Every student and teacher feels a different way towards the program, because everyone has a different style of learning. Therefore, the verdict is quite mixed. The software itself is of great use because stu-dents can utilize their personal laptop. However, since it is incorporated twice per week it can become tiresome and the students could get confused on the topics being taught. Cognitive Tutor is open to opinion, but the pro-gram is part of the curriculum, and love it or hate it, it’s going to stay.

Cognitive Tutor Gets Mixed Reviewsby Jenna Weigard

In addition to our new foreign language teachers, exchange teachers and exchange students, Southern Lehigh is also excited to add two more long-term substitutes to the teaching staff. Since they are able to get to know their students, we thought we should get to know a bit more about them too.

MIss OsWaldQ: Where did you go to college?

A: “I went to West Chester Universi-ty of Pennsylvania. I played collegiate soccer there for 4 years.”

Q: What is your favorite thing about teaching?

A: “Impacting the students not only on an academic level but also in life.”

Q: Fun fact?

A: “I have a pug named Oliver.”

Did you know three teachers

welcomed home babies in the past

few weeks?Congratulations to

Mr. Breisch, Mrs. Kocsis, and

Mrs. Gordon!


Q: Where did you go to college?

A: “I went to DeSales Univer-sity.”

Q: What is your favorite thing about teaching?

A: “My favorite thing about teaching is the daily interactions with students, and learning with them as we go through the days les-sons.”

Q: Fun fact?

A: “I have a golden retriever, and her name is Hannah.”

MRs. Lynn Q: A: sity.”

Q: about teaching?

A: teaching is the daily interactions with students, and learning with them as we go through the days les-sons.”


Black Friday Shopping: Hit or Miss?by Elizabeth Ruth

Mrs. Lynn is an English teacher fi lling in for Mrs. Gordon. Photo credit: Ashley Zamichieli

Miss Oswald is a Health and PE teacher fi lling in for Ms. Yaiser. Photo credit: Ashley Zamichieli

Mrs. Peralta and her family enjoy the atmosphere of Black Friday and they go ev-ery year. She loves spending time with her family during her Thanksgiving break, and Black Friday is a fantastic way she can do that. She also loves looking for a bargain. “I go shopping the night before at ten at night after clean-ing up Thanksgiving dinner dishes,” Mrs. Peralta said. She likes getting out and about the night before to beat the crowds of the next day.

“Black Friday is just cha-otic and crowded. That’s why I don’t go,” Mrs. Howsare said. She doesn’t like to rush and she likes to sleep in and be comfortable during her Thanks-giving break, but there could be exceptions. “I do think the sales and prices are good even though I do not go,” Mrs. Howsare said. “Also if I did go, I would want to go with some other peo-ple because it’s good company,” said Mrs. Howsare.

Mrs. Peralta shows her enthusiasm for Black Friday. Photo credit: Elizabeth Ruth

“Black Friday is just cha-otic and crowded. That’s why I don’t go,” Mrs. Howsare said. She doesn’t like to rush

comfortable during her Thanks-giving break, but there could be exceptions. “I do think the sales and prices are good even though I do not go,” Mrs. Howsare said. “Also if I did go, I would want to go with some other peo-ple because it’s good company,”

Mrs. Howsare doesn’t quite feel the same. Photo credit: Elizabeth Ruth

Photo credit: Jenna Weigard

Election Day has come and gone. After roughly six billion dollars spent campaigning and approximately 126 million votes, America made its decision: Barack Obama will remain president for the next four years. For some, the news brought joy, but others were reduced to despair at the result of the election. As always, both sides didn’t hesitate to voice their opinions to others. The economy will be ruined. America is about to fall off the fi scal cliff. Social-ism will prevail. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Gay marriage! Women’s rights! Welfare! E x t r e m e opinions such as these are often mis-informed and fail to convey the big picture. Unfortu-nately, many po-litical opinions are formed around mis-conceptions and ru-mors. M a n y times, voters are too easily infl uenced by biased sources, such as social media (like Twitter and Facebook) or their neigh-bors’ opinions. As almost every SLHS student will be eligible to vote in the next election, it is of ut-most importance for us to take politics into our own hands. No, this does not mean that you must decide by tomorrow if you are a Republican or a Democrat. You don’t even have to decide by next week. You can still be an informed voter without declaring a party affi liation. Just remember: today’s high school students are tomorrow’s decision makers. According to a re-cent article in the Huffi ngton Post, 22% of all eli-gible voters are 18-29 year olds. In close elections such as this, the youth vote is crucial in determining the winner.

As such, take the time to educate yourself. Forget everything you have ever heard about this party or that party, this candidate or that candidate. Well-informed parents can be a good source of guidance, but keep in mind that your political deci-sions are yours and yours alone. Too many people make the same mistakes when it comes to politics: they refer to one news outlet for information, or they make their decision solely based on what others are saying around them.

A well-informed voter takes the time to research (even if it’s just for ten minutes) each can-didate’s views, and does so by search-ing for reliable and unbiased informa-tion. This way, when the next elec-tion rolls around, you won’t be the silly kid who walks around school spewing political

nonsense because it’s supposedly what his parents believe. You’ll be the mature adult who knows his own mind, and feels confi dent vot-ing for the best candidate, not just the candidate that everybody else is telling you to vote for. One last thing: after you’ve done some re-search, watched the debates, and fi nally picked your man (or woman), do not feel the need to tell every-one. Keep in mind that many voters remain unde-cided for long periods of time, and that their ideals and values don’t necessarily coincide with yours. There is no such thing as a correct opinion; there is truth only in facts. One of the greatest as-pects about this country is the freedom to choose. By all means, choose wisely, but allow others the same freedom.

Election Day has come and gone. After roughly six billion dollars spent campaigning and approximately 126 million votes, America made its decision: Barack Obama will remain president for the next four years. For some, the news brought joy, but others were reduced to despair at the result of the election. As always, both sides didn’t hesitate to voice their opinions to others. America is about to fall off the fi scal cliff. Social-ism will prevail. the opposite end of the spectrum: marriage! Women’s rights! Welfare! E x t r e m e opinions such as these are often mis-informed and fail to convey the big picture. Unfortu-nately, many po-litical opinions are formed around mis-conceptions and ru-mors. M a n y times, voters are too easily infl uenced by biased sources, such as social media (like Twitter and Facebook) or their neigh-bors’ opinions. As almost every SLHS student will be eligible to vote in the next election, it is of ut-most importance for us to take politics into our own hands. No, this does not mean that you must decide by tomorrow if you are a Republican or a Democrat. You don’t even have to decide by next week. You can still be an informed voter without declaring a party affi liation. Just remember: today’s high school students are tomorrow’s decision makers. According to a re-cent article in the Huffi ngton Post, 22% of all eli-gible voters are 18-29 year olds. In close elections such as this, the youth vote is crucial in determining the winner.

Keep it Clean, Kids

by Danielle Renner

Let’s be honest: you think you’re hilarious when you deface the bathroom stall or chuck yogurt on the fl oor. Guess what? You’re far from being a co-medic genius. In fact, you share the same maturity level as a fi fth grader. Congrats! Seriously though, a majority of students taking part in these shenanigans are trying to hassle the establishment. News fl ash - the principal and teachers don’t clean the school; janitors do. We’re honored to have such a pristine school, but it takes more than sweeping and some febreeze to make it look the way it does. Janitors are on the clock from 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, but they cannot fully begin their duties until most of the students have left the building. Their job becomes tiresome when students leave unnecessary messes in the school. Every day all the classrooms are diligently cleansed. The chalkboards and whiteboards are wiped down while the fl oors are vacuumed. Each hallway gets swept and every bathroom is sanitized. The hall-way out by the gym gets a machine to detail the fl oor when needed, and every inch of the auditorium is vacuumed. Then, there’s the cafeteria.For some unknown reason, students at this school are very fond of throwing food. I don’t see the amuse-ment in it. In all honesty, I threw a carrot across the room once. Not that thrilling! Why does fl inging a grape at the soccer table give you a rush? I would love for someone to please enlighten me on that sub-ject. On top of the thrown food, there are bottles left and sometimes spilled on the fl oor, paper crumbled, and scuff marks from chairs remaining on the fl oor. Once lunch nine has left, the tables are folded and 120 chairs are stacked, so the fl oor can be swept and mopped if necessary. Unfortunately, they do not get to place the tables and chairs back until 7 p. m. when after-school activities leave the cafeteria. Numerous times students have forgotten their materials and needed to return to the school after hours hoping to retrieve it. Other schools lock down their building come six o’clock but, because our jani-tors are on the clock until 11 and are very kind-heart-ed, we luck out. I have had numerous conversations with the janitors in this school. I even know some of their fi rst names. Our janitors are some stellar people! They’re always willing to toss you a joke or compliment, and students repay them by defacing the school? Let’s be honest: they did nothing to you, so calm down and quit it.

Let’s Be Honest.Your issues. Your concerns. Spelled out in black and white.

The White House in the spring. Photo credit: David Lienemann


Keep it Clean,

by Jenna Weigard

Students and teachers come across the ob-stacle in school of YouTube being banned because it is believed to be a distraction for students. But many students and teachers need to access You-Tube in school for legitimate educational purposes. Teachers use it for visual enhancements in their les-sons, and often a requirement in projects for stu-dents is a video. “YouTube shouldn’t be banned because it could help us with schoolwork and homework,” se-nior Leah Rubart said. Even though the teachers have a password to get onto YouTube, they are still not allowed to give it to students. It also makes it more inconve-nient for teachers to access YouTube in the middle of a lesson. Students have the time to quickly get distracted, making the segway back to the lesson much harder to accomplish.

“I don’t think that it should blocked, but I do have my concerns,” social studies teacher Mrs. Jennifer Wlodek said. “YouTube shouldn’t be blocked,” senior Laura Coleman said. “There are educational videos on there and we need them for projects sometimes.” In my opinion, YouTube should not be banned in school. As a student, I fi nd it diffi cult to work on a project when videos are required. I can never get a video for my project, because almost all videos on the internet are from YouTube. We are all about the use of technology here. YouTube is a huge infl uence in the internet and technology, and that should be recognized. YouTube is a necessary tool for learning in school. Having it available to our disposal in school would make everyone’s lives easier. It is not a total distraction; it is an important tool for learning.

YouTube: Academic Distraction or Legitimate Learning Tool?

A well-informed voter takes the time to research (even if it’s just for ten minutes) each can-didate’s views, and does so by search-ing for reliable and unbiased informa-tion. This way, when the next elec-tion rolls around, you won’t be the silly kid who walks around school spewing political The White House in the spring. Photo credit: David Lienemann

The Presidential Election: Why Your Informed Vote Makes a Difference


Ah, Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year... right? Not necessarily. When people think of Christmas, they automatically associate the holiday with December, the classicly Christ-mas-oriented month. However, it seems that radio stations eagerly anticipate Christmas up to two weeks before Thanksgiving is over. As wonderful as Christmas music can be, a survey found that many SLHS students do not appreciate the early arrival of their fa-vorite holiday jingles. Via an online survey, students were asked how soon they begin to hear Christmas music on the radio. According to the survey, 23 percent of people have heard Christmas music up to two weeks before Thanksgiving, and 61 percent have heard it one week before. This means that a total of 84 percent of stu-dents hear holiday music on the radio before Thanksgiving has even started. This seems a little bit ridiculous, but fellow Solehians don’t necessarily agree. Only 23 percent of students who heard Christmas music on the radio before Thanksgiving were annoyed by it, while 46 percent of people don’t really mind it.

When students were asked when they choose to begin listening to Christmas music, 61 percent stated that they only turned up the holiday tunes two weeks after Thanksgiving. This makes more sense. After all, the holiday season is one of the most memorable times of the year, and stretching it out for as long as possible makes it less exciting when Christ-mas actually arrives. Still, to those who disagree, I under-stand. Clearly, you all just know how to con-tinue the holiday magic for as long as possible!

Few may know it, but there is plenty of mystery surrounding what some consider to be our normal High School. There are some strange myths and urban legends surround-ing stories you may or may not have heard of. The stories you are about to hear may shock you, and may or may not be true... Everyone knows about the basement under the school, and about the rifl e range that’s down there, but some may not know there’s a sec-ond basement in the school. “There is a spiral staircase [that leads to the second basement].” says Junior Tarin Bosh. “It has a dirt fl oor and concrete, and there’s also a fallout bunker [built during the Cold War], but now this basement is just used as stor-age. There’s been cases of students go-ing down there [like when Riley Geis made his fi lm ‘Per-fect Circles’]. It’s underneath the audi-torium.” What could be even stranger is what Senior Couper Godleski had to say about this basement. “It’s true there’s a second basement,” he tells the Spotlight, “But some people may not know that there are zombies down in the fallout shelter they built during the Cold War. Riley was lucky he didn’t get eaten when he was down there.” One of the fi rst things the students hear

about when they arrive as Freshmen is that the High School has a pool. After much investi-gation, a pair of Juniors may have answered this age-old question. Ian McMurchie tells us, “There isn’t a pool, but there is a Jacuzzi on top of the chim-ney over the Cafeteria. You’d need a big lad-der, but you could probably fi t about four or fi ve people up there.”

Daniel Gavin has a dif-ferent opinion, though. “There IS a pool on the third fl oor.” he says. “It’s hard to get to because you need to climb above the sec-ond fl oor. It’s not that big. It’s not like a lap pool.” Daniel also told a story I had never be-lieved possible about the school. According to him, the paranor-mal entity and internet personality ‘Slender Man’ lives in the High School. “He doesn’t show himself often,” says Daniel, “But on rare occasions, he shows himself.” We couldn’t

fi nd anyone else who agrees with Daniel’s theory, but he still stands by his story. So, do we have the undead roaming beneath our school? Is there a pool or a Ja-cuzzi atop the school? Do we have paranor-mal entities stalking the student body? Some of these questions may never be solved, but at least they have been brought to light. Stay wary, my friends, stay wary.

Editor’s Note:

See your writing in print! If you have an opinion to share or want to respond to one of our articles, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

by Jacob Boyer

Surviving the Academic Gauntlet: Junior Yearby Lauren Gross

7OP-EDNovember 2012

The spooky stairwell that leads to the school basement. Photo credit: Madeleine Cole

Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net

It may seem that we seniors are heartless creatures whose sole purpose is to make fun of underclassmen; however, we did not become so cynical by accident. Our sardonic com-ments and malicious mockery can be blamed on none other than junior year. The end of sophomore year is a bittersweet time for high school students. Of course there is a long summer to look forward to, but on the other side lies the most academi-cally crucial (a.k.a stressful) year in high school. Once students have braved Honors English 11, dried the tears of the 2 a.m. panic attack, and sacrifi ced many a Saturday to the SAT tutor, they leave junior year as changed people. I know fi rst-hand how painful the eleventh grade can be, so on behalf of the class of 2013, I am leaving you with four tips to surviving junior year:1. Visit colleges during your junior year. Walk on real cam-puses. Hopefully, falling in love with one will give you the push to work hard during your junior year. When school is getting tough, or when you think about skipping studying for a test, picture yourself at your dream school. I promise it will give you the extra push you need to keep going.2. Start taking your SAT/ACTs early. Most people wait until the March SAT date to board the emotional rollercoaster that is standardized testing. Of course, studying helps, but sometimes the biggest boost to your grade can come from simply taking the test more than once and becoming comfortable with it. By getting a head start you can get that fi rst bad score out of the way and then rub it in your friends’ faces when you score higher than them in March.3. Apply to colleges early. By the time mid-August before your senior year rolls around, you should have a list of your top-choice schools you will defi nitely be applying to. If you apply before the early action deadline (or early decision if you are 100 percent sure that is your school), your fate will be mailed to you in December. Then there are rolling admissions, God’s gift to high school seniors. If a college has a rolling admissions pro-cess apply within the fi rst few weeks of school, and you could have an answer from them by mid-September! Yes, bragging rights are fair game when your friends are still stressing over college essays and you have already been accepted.4. To freshman and sophomore readers: Don’t slack. Even though college seems far off, one thing I can promise you is that FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORE YEARS MATTER! Colleges look at your overall high school GPA, so if you slack off in ninth and tenth grade, your GPA will take a huge hit (your Honors Bio grade will come back to haunt you). By trying your best during your fi rst two years of high school, you will save yourself a lot of self-hate when it comes time to apply to col-leges. There are many other junior year survival tips I could give you, but they may ruffl e the feathers of a few teachers. If all else fails, just remember: junior year may have left the class of 2013 with bumps, bruises, and a few scars, but we lived to tell about it, or should I say, tease you youngins about it.

Zombies in the Basement

ferent opinion, though. “There IS a pool on the third fl oor.” he says. “It’s hard to get to because you need to climb above the sec-ond fl oor. It’s not that big. It’s not like a lap pool.” Daniel also told a story I had never be-lieved possible about the school. According to him, the paranor-mal entity and internet personality ‘Slender Man’ lives in the High School. “He doesn’t show himself often,” says Daniel, “But on rare occasions, he The spooky stairwell that leads to the school basement. Photo

Christmastime Already?by Emily Tkacik

Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net

Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net


Mrs. Mack had her own Zumba station, where she held sessions and taught people how Zumba can keep you healthy.“It’s a fantastic cardiovascular workout, and depending on your metabolism you can burn 500 to 1,000 calories each time.”

Healthy Living Expo

Hope Golden and Jaini-sha Patel, both Allen students, were on a roll when a bunch of stu-dents were tasting their healthy snacks which included apples with peanut butter and granola, and trail mix. Students really seemed to enjoy the tasty treats.

Healthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living Expo

Catasauqua’s Samantha Schnobel and Jordan Dardas’s stand showed healthy alternatives to normal movie snack options. When asked how, Jordan Dardas said, “The popcorn has no butter and there is apple juice.”

Seniors Danielle Weston and Bryanna Formanek sit on the bleachers in the gymnasium behind the Southern Lehigh SADD stand. Southern Lehigh’s SADD stand featured grapes for students to munch on as a healthy snack.

Students from Catasauqua High School got together to make a Hawaiian themed booth. Featuring fruits and smoothies, they encouraged students and staff to eat and stay healthy by incorporating fruit into their dishes.

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9In-DepthNovember 2012

Healthy Living ExpoPhoto credit: Spotlight Staff

One of Southern Lehigh’s stands, The Healthy World of Harry Potter, showed how books can infl uence people to live a healthy lifestyle. “It brings to life our favorite book and incorporates good living habits,” junior Julia Lee said.

One of Southern Lehigh’s stands, The Lehigh’s stands, The Lehigh’s stands, The Lehigh’s stands, The Lehigh’s stands, The Healthy World of Harry Healthy World of Harry Healthy World of Harry Healthy World of Harry Potter, showed how books can infl uence people to live a healthy people to live a healthy people to live a healthy people to live a healthy lifestyle. “It brings to life lifestyle. “It brings to life lifestyle. “It brings to life our favorite book and incorporates good living incorporates good living habits,” junior Julia Lee habits,” junior Julia Lee habits,” junior Julia Lee habits,” junior Julia Lee habits,” junior Julia Lee

Irene Rodgers, a senior at Southern Lehigh smiles as she sits at her club “Asian Culture Club”, of which she is the president. Irene’s co-president Candace Ly shared with staff reporters that the club “does activities that center around Asian culture and lifestyle.”

Ms. Joann Eminhizer had a stand that was winter wonderland themed. She made soup for it because her theory is rather than having kids out on the street and doing drugs they can be inside with a warm bowl of soup and not causing any trouble.

Emely Luna, a student from William Allen participates in the mock DUI screening pro-cess conducted by Offi cer Brian McLaughlin. Students put on goggles that altered their vision, making the experience similiar to what it would be like if you had chosen to drive under the infl uence.

Emely Luna, a student from Emely Luna, a student from Emely Luna, a student from Emely Luna, a student from William Allen participates in William Allen participates in William Allen participates in the mock DUI screening pro-the mock DUI screening pro-the mock DUI screening pro-the mock DUI screening pro-cess conducted by Offi cer Brian McLaughlin. Students put on goggles that altered their vision, making the experience similiar to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you to what it would be like if you had chosen to drive under the had chosen to drive under the infl uence.

10th grade SADD members, Megan Hoffman, Rachel Focht, and Alexis Kolecki worked together to present their take on Healthy Living. Their booth consisted of winter trail mix, both with and without nuts. “We made a nutritious trail mix to encourage healthy eating during the holiday season,” Hoffman said.

Healthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living Expo

GSA’s table consisted of a ball toss game, where people threw balls at cans. The group in charge of it hoped to have an interesting and exciting station. “Its a fun activity that will get people’s attention,” stated senior Brooke Metzker.

Salisbury High School had a booth that showed examples of healthy break-fast ideas.

Healthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living ExpoHealthy Living Expo

Our World10Spotlight

Liberty High School sociology students and their teacher visited South-ern Lehigh on Wednesday, November 14, for an exchange with Mr. Zeisloft’s sociology class. The students from Liberty were partnered with students from Southern Lehigh, whom they shadowed throughout the day. “[The purpose of this exchange] was to see what different schools and cultures are like,” Prakruti Patel, a student from the Liberty sociology class, said. During Mr. Zeisloft’s period 7 sociology class, the students and both teachers discussed the similarities and differences between Southern Lehigh and Liberty. “Liberty is larger, and more diverse. Southern Lehigh is smaller. It’s a different way of schooling,” Matt Hodges, a Liberty student, said. “Here at Southern Lehigh, you turn a corner and you see someone you know. It’s not like that at Liberty.” The students from Liberty had a lot of fun and learned something, too. “The people were really friendly and I learned that our schools aren’t very far from each other but they are very different,” Liberty student Laura Lumbayi said. Two days prior to this visit, Southern Lehigh’s sociology class visited Liberty High School. “A major difference is that Liberty has block scheduling, and the teach-ers seem much more relaxed when it comes to lessons,” senior Jeff Tankred said. Both Liberty and Southern Lehigh students had a great experience visit-ing another school and seeing how it compares to their own.

Liberty and Solehi Swapby Abigail Muth

Junior, Isa Ramos poses with her new Liberty friendsPhoto credit: Abigail Muth

In the recent general election, Southern Lehigh graduate Justin Simmons was re-elected to his position as a state representative. We caught up with Sim-mons regarding his advice for students looking into a career in politics.

SL Spotlight: What made you want to get into politics?Simmons: I’ve always had a passion for public service and serving the state of Pennsylvania and I’ve been frustrated with Pennsylvania for being behind the times. I felt that it would be incumbent upon me to try to make a difference for Pennsylvania and my district in general.SL Spotlight: What did you study in college?Simmons: Political science.SL Spotlight: What is your favorite part of being the state representative?Simmons: Good question, I think just the idea that the majority of the people have placed their confi dence in me to represent them at the state level is very humbling and I take the responsibility very seriously.SLSpotlight: What are some tips you’d give to other students aspiring to a ca-reer in politics?Simmons: One of the fi rst tips at Southern Lehigh specifi cally is to join the speech and debate team. I joined the debate team with Mr. Long, and I’ve gained a lot of skills that have helped me. Also, getting involved in political campaigns at grassroots and making connections. SL Spotlight: What do you enjoy about working in politics?Simmons: I enjoy knowing that I go to work and have the intention to make our state a better place for everyone. I really do have good intentions and try to make the best decisions I can based on the facts that have been given to me.

Simmons will resume his position as state representative for the 131st district.

So You Want to Be a Politician? by Grace Reichard

Justin Simmons actively participates in our local community visiting the Coopersburg Senior Center.

Photo credit: http://www.repsimmons.com/gallery.aspx

Election Recapby Grace Reichard On November 6th 2012 citizens of all backgrounds gathered at their local polling place for what is one of the most important days in United States politics. The Presidential Election unites the citizens of our country with the goals of pursuing a better and stronger future and as poll results rolled in later that night, it was determined the President Obama would be re-elected. Both President Obama and former governor Mitt Romney ended the last day of their campaign in battleground states. Romney spent his last days traveling Pennsylvania and Virginia while Obama chose to focus his efforts on Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio. Ohio and Florida sparked controversy regarding whether or not they would go blue or red. Mitt Romney took an early lead both in popularity and through the electoral college but as results from states with a signifi cant infl u-ence through electoral votes came in, like California, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio, Obama took the lead. The popular vote ended with a 50.6% win for Obama and a 47.8% win for Romney. Obama received 332 electoral votes while Romney received 206. The race was tight until the very end and Florida took days to announce their results. Now the country will begin the next four years with Barack Obama as president of the United States. President Obama will offi cially begin his next term on Inauguration Day, Janu-ary 20th 2013.

Photo credit: Casey Anthony

Two seniors from the Spotlight staff blogged about their experiences as fi rst-time voters. Just scan this QR code with your smartphone to read their blogs!

Junior, Isa Ramos poses with her new Liberty friends

Justin Simmons actively participates in our local

Online video exclusive! Check out Grace Reichard’s video interview of

SLHS and Liberty students about the sociology exchange. The QR code will take you there.

11Our WOrldNOVEMBER 2012

Solving a Quiet Cry for Help by Grace Reichard

According to teendepression.org, by the end of their teenage years, 20 percent of teens will have suffered from some form of depression and 30 per-cent of teens have been involved in bullying either as a victim or bully. It is important to know where Southern Lehigh students can go if they are in need of a helping hand. A great resource for anyone who is struggling or just needs some men-toring and support is the Student Assistance Program (SAP). You can be con-sidered for SAP by fi lling out a form that is located in many of the school classrooms. If you are concerned about a friend, you can fi ll out a SAP form for them. After the form is submitted, teachers will observe the student in every class to see if anything appears out of the ordinary. SAP is considered negative among some students, but teachers like Mrs. Dellegrotti would like to stress that it is “not a consequence.” If you would like to contact a SAP team member, look for the signs outside many team members doors.

If you do not feel comfortable submitting yourself or a friend for the SAP program, there are many trusted adults you can always turn to. Mrs. Psy-cher and Mrs. Lamb always are welcoming in the nurse’s offi ce. The school psychologist, Mr. Strong, and the guidance counselors, Mr. Crouse, Mrs. Westbrooks, and Mrs. Kelly, are generally available to chat at most times. If a guidance counselor is not available, students always have the right to make an appointment. Outside of the school, look to see if counselors could help you with the problems you face. If you are experiencing bullying and it gets out of hand, don’t be afraid to talk to local law enforcement for help. Bullying, even when online, can have serious effects, even if they aren’t always visible, and should be addressed. Although experiencing depression or bullying can be a tough issue, it is important to remember you are never alone.

Amanda Todd from Vancouver, Canada, committed suicide due to bullying on October 10, 2012. Amanda made one mistake, and suddenly her life was turned upside down. She posted a video on Youtube about her story using notecards; Amanda’s story went viral and saddened the hearts of many people. Soon after the video was posted, Amanda committed suicide. No one should ever be forced to take his or her own life because of bullying or cyberbullying.

They are serious issues that should be handled im-mediately. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Beforehand, many signs show themselves including bullying, self-harm, and at-tempting suicide. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) statistics, over 4,400 teenagers commit suicide a year, and bully-ing victims are mostly likely to consider suicide. Bullying can cause a teenager great emo-

tional and/or physical damage. Teenagers are more likely to keep to themselves instead of talking about their problems to their parents. Self-harm,considered abuse towards oneself, is a non-suicidal form of getting release from pain. Ten per-cent of girls between the ages of 15 and 16 have self-harmed. Girls are more likely to self-harm, but studies show that the percentage of boys who self-harm has slightly increased. Bullying is no simple matter; teens should not be afraid to come out and explain what is hap-pening. In the community of Southern Lehigh High School, there is a strict policy against bullying. The “No Bullying” policy is always enforced to keep the students in a safe, friendly environment. When bullying takes place, assistant principal Mr. Mark Covelle and principal Mrs. Christine Siegfried are the fi rst to take action. “Whenever we have a report of bullying, we take it very seriously. We look into the issue, speak to those involved and follow our policies and procedures to try and resolve the matter in an ef-fi cient manner,” Mr. Covelle said. Not only do Mr. Covelle and Mrs. Siegfried handle the situation, but students also take part, too. Everyone wants a friend and even lending a hand can really put a smile on a person’s face.The fi rst thing anyone would want to do is stopping a bullying situation from happening. Junior Han-nah Reader said she would stand up for others and let them know about rumors. “[I’d] tell a teacher, see if the teacher can break it up or tell them what they’re doing is wrong and comfort the one who is being bullied,” Reader said about her fi rst instinct if anyone was being bullied. Never be afraid and always try to help out others. Everyone could use a hand every once in a while.

Don’t Let badgrl2 Get to Youby Emily Stackhouse

Photo credit: J_O_I_DPhoto credit: J_O_I_D

Photo credit: Emily Stackhouse


“Black Pearls” is a novel of a different color. As the name suggests, ”Black Pearls” is much darker than your average set of fairy tales. Inside you will fi nd all of your favorite childhood stories, but beware! Within these pages are murderous brothers, kind-hearted witches, and vain, scheming girls. This novel brings so much more depth to the classic characters, allowing the reader to see into their hearts. Who knew Rampions (Repunzel’s) captor was really her loving adoptive mother who would do anything for the long haired beauty, or that Gretal returned home without Hensel? These are just two of the seven short stories that twist the very founda-tion of the fairy tale world, and Louise Hawes does it beautifully. For those not of the faint of heart, this is the book for you. Those wishing to fi nd it can check it out at the school library in a hard copy form.

Emily will be writing a book review for each issue. She is open to suggestions for books to review!

The 2nd Law is Madnessby Anna Simoneau


The cold weather is coming, and the fashions are changing. As students begin to get prepared for what may be a harsh winter, they share their favorite seasonal fashion trends. “Changing from summer to fall clothes is somewhat a big adjustment for me,” freshmen An-gela Justin said. “I go from shorts and sandals to jeans and boots. I wear many of the same tops but layer a cardigan to go with it.” Some students, like junior Samantha Phillips, dress according to the temperatures outside, and fi nd that the change of season does not affect fashion. The colors of the leaves are changing, and so are the colors of the students’ clothes. Dur-ing the summer, most kids wear warm, bright colors. However, in fall and winter, they wear darker colored clothing. “I like the colors brown and red for fall,” Phil-lips said, “and boots, scarves, and sweatshirts are my styles for fall.” Converse and jeans are a common trend for many students, but since fall has arrived, students are getting into different fashions. “I prefer boots with jeans and a top,” senior Kelsey Fulmer said. “It’s both stylish and comfortable!” Senior student Gregory Thompson Jr. has an eye on the latest in guys’ fashions. “The styles don’t change from year to year. If the stores have something that the public will wear, I’ll buy it,” he said. The stores come out with new styles of cloth-ing every season, and students can’t wait to be in the lines of Old Navy, Aeropostale, or American Eagle to purchase their new items.

Tired of listening to the same songs over and over again on the radio? Are you looking for some brand new music to listen to? Then the new Muse album, The 2nd Law, is the perfect solution to your musical conundrum! Founded in 1994 in Teignmouth, England, by Matt Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme, and Dominic Howard, Muse is not a newcomer to the music scene. Despite previously releasing the albums Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, and Black Holes and Revelations, Muse didn’t gain the U.S. listener’s full attention until the release of their album The Re-sistance, containing their popular single “Uprising,” which reached #1 on the Billboard Alternative Rock Chart. Muse followed this success with their sixth stu-dio album, The 2nd Law. Style wise, this album is a far cry from their previous heavy-rock/alternative style, but they pulled off this change with ease. The 2nd Law varies from slower, dreamy songs like “Save Me” and “Explorers” to intense, energetic songs such as “Liquid State” and “Supremacy.” Muse also makes a drastic style change by incorporating a more electronic infl u-ence into songs like “Unsustainable” and “Follow Me.” But did The 2nd Law live up to expectations? The al-bum reached #1 on the UK Charts and #2 on The Billboard Top 200, the Rock Chart, and the Alter-native Chart. It is also one of Muse’s highest charting albums. What do Southern Lehigh’s students think of “The 2nd Law”? “One thing I’ve noticed about music today is that it’s techno-y,” junior Tessa Brennan said. “I’ve noticed Muse has brought that into their music, but they keep their alternative rock style instead of turning to pop.” Although Brennan liked the new album, some people missed Muse’s previous style. “I think that this was the most important album in their career and it lived up to most of the hype that people had,” junior Eric Scott said. “Personally, I prefer some of the earlier albums such as Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations because those albums were heavier rock music than Muse is now.” Overall, The 2nd Law is a successful and an interesting change in Muse’s career. Although it’s not perfect, and some may miss the older Muse, the album lived up to expectations. By incorporating popular music aspects into hard rock music, Muse has changed the standard for alternative bands in the future.

Photo credit: UNC TV

Photo credit: Muse Website

Bundle Up for the Wild Winter Weather on its Way!by Elizabeth Ruth

Black Pearlsby Emily Tkacik

Photo credit: Elizabeth Ruth

On the West Coast of the US, Dungeness crab is common as an alternate main dish instead of tur-key, as crab season starts in early November.

Thanksgiving Fun Fact

Photo Credit: Dan Dickinson

The wait is fi nally over Twilight Fans: “Breaking Dawn Part II” is here. Released Friday November 16th, his is the fi fth and fi nal movie in the Twilight Saga after “Twilight,” “New Moon,” “Eclipse,” and “Breaking Dawn Part I.” The movie picks up where Part 1 leaves off. Bella has just been turned into a vampire after having her and Edward’s baby, Renesmee. Since this is no nor-mal relationship, Renesmee is no normal baby. She is part vampire and part human, which means she

grows at a much faster rate than a normal child, but is also immor-tal. According to the vampire “law,” one cannot have a new-born baby vampire because they are unable to control their thirst, and they are extremely danger-ous. When a very powerful group of vampires known as the Volturi fi nd out about Renesmee, they believe she is a vampire. When the Cullen family hears that the Volturi are com-ing to destroy Renesmee, Edward and Bella decide to seek out their

other vampire friends to come see their daughter. This way, when the Volturi come, the Cullens will have witnesses to prove that she is still part human. Breaking Dawn part II lived up to the expectations of the past movies. This movie was action packed, yet still had emo-tional tear-jerking moments.


COMING SOONNOW PLAYINGBreaking Dawn: Part 2SkyfallLincolnAnna KareninaWreck-It-RalphFlightThe Man With the Iron FistsCloud Atlas

Silent Hill Revelati onChasing MavericksFun SizeParanormal Acti vity 4Alex CrossArgoSinisterThe Perks of Being a Wallfl ower

Silver Linings Playbook (November 21)Life of Pi (November 21)Hitchcock (November 21)Rise of the Guardians (November 21)Killing Them Soft ly (November 30)Playing for Keeps (December 7)Guilt Trip (December 19)

What to See on Fall TVby Jenna Weigard

13EntertainmentNovember 2012

Fall is a time where many TV shows start back up again and people have a new episode to look forward to every week. But some people are looking for new shows or don’t know what to watch, so here’s a list of shows to watch each day of the week.

Sunday: Married To JonasE!’s newest reality show, Married To Jonas, follows the lives of married couple Kevin Jonas and Danielle Deleasa and their life in New Jersey. The show goes through their daily lives and interactions with family and friends and how they deal with the everyday struggles of marriage.

Monday: How I Met Your MotherHow I Met Your Mother is a comedy sitcom on CBS. Josh Radnor takes the role of the main character, Ted Mosby, trying to tell the story of how he met his wife to his kids. He is telling the story in the future, and every episode is a different fl ashback of little pieces of the story. Other notable actors in the show are Neil Patrick and Bob Saget.

Tuesday: The VoiceThe Voice is a singing competition show on NBC where there are blind audi-tions. That means that the hopeful contestants sing and the judges, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, and Adam Levine, have their chairs turned around facing away from the contestant. If they like how the given contestant sounds, they press their button and their chair turns back to face them. They fi ght the other judges who also pressed their button for the ability to mentor that contestant in the competition. They then move on to live shows where the contestants sing for America’s votes.

Wednesday: X FactorX Factor is one of the newer singing competition shows. Created by Simon Cowell, this show got its start over in the United Kingdom, but came over to the USA in 2011. The four judges this season are music producer L.A. Reid, singer Britney Spears, singer Demi Lovato, and of course, the one and only Simon Cowell. The judges each mentor a group of contestants and bring them to the live shows, where America votes for their fate.

Thursday: GleeGlee is comedy/drama shot on Fox that follows the lives of a high school Glee club. They are now on Season 4, and some of the main characters have recently graduated and are now all over the country pursuing their dreams. The rest of the cast is still in high school and we see their glee club activities and high school lives. The Glee cast covers about six songs an episode, all available on iTunes. Glee is also famous for having notable guest stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kris-ten Chenoweth, Matt Bomer, and Kate Hudson. Notable cast members of Glee include Lea Michele, Darren Criss, and Cory Monteith.

Friday: Fashion PoliceFashion Police is a show on the E! network where Giuliana Rancic, Kelly Os-bourne, Joan Rivers, and George Kotsiopoulos discuss the celebrity fashion of the week. There have been celebrity guest stars such as Scott Disick, Snooki, and Nicki Minaj. Fashion Police has special episodes after every big award show, and they have different segments of the show such as, “Gotta Have It! or “Make It Stop!”

Saturday: Doctor WhoDoctor Who is a sci-fi /drama on BBC America that follows the life of the Doc-tor. No one knows what the doctor’s name is, which is where the name of the show originates from. The Doctor is a time lord from the planet Gallifrey who must regenerate himself, meaning he has to host into other human bodies on Earth. Doctor Who has been on television for 26 seasons and counting, totalling over 750 episodes. The current doctor is played by Matt Smith.

Catch Kevin Jonas on his new show, Married to Jonas. Photo credit: Amanda Lewis

Photo credit: Litte, Brown and Company

Movie Review: Breaking Dawn Part IIby Kylie Schmitt

Have a movie you think we should review? Let us know at slsdspotlight.com!

Catch Kevin Jonas on his new show, Married to Jonas. Photo credit: Amanda Lewis

Sports Spotlight


Last year Southern Lehigh’s rifl e team placed fourth in the state champion-ship series and hopes to continue their winning streak in the upcoming winter season. The rifl e team has only lost one match since the beginning of the 2010 sea-son. Last year, the team had a winning record of 9-0 which lead them to winning the Colonial League Championship. They placed fourth in the tournament championship, and went on to be placed fourth overall in the state championship series. Kevin Anthony, a senior on the team, won the league individual scoring title and all-star match. The individual scoring title is given to the person with the highest shooting average throughout the season. Coaches Carl Crouse and Robert Gaugler are beginning to prepare the team by teaching candidates the basic shooting information and techniques. They want to be prepared to face some of their tougher competition such as Emmaus and Berwick who are both highly competitive teams. “I believe that we are looking at having a very competitive team this year,” Coach Gaugler said. “We have the majority of our varsity team returning, and quite a few of our younger team members gained competition experience last year.”

Rifl e Team Shoots for Another Winning Winterby Kylie Schmitt

Southern Lehigh’s Field hockey team had a 22-2 record this sea-son, losing in post season to Moravian Academy in Colonial League semi-fi nals, but avenging their loss to Moravian with a win in the fi nals for the District 11 championship. As the fi eld hockey season came to close, the fi eld hockey team gave it their all and came out with the necessary success to move on to states. The team has beaten Moravian seven out of eight games through-out the last two seasons. In states, they played a tough game against Wyoming Semi-nary, and although it was a loss, Head Coach Adrienne Searfoss said it was their best game all season. Despite their losses in Colonial League Championships and States, the team was pleased with their overall per-formance this season. “The loss to Wyoming Seminary was the best game the girls played. It was a total team effort, and I couldn’t have been more proud of the effort given during that game,” Searfoss said. Searfoss explained that team worked their hardest throughout the season and was very proud of the effort they put into their games. “I think the loss to Moravian during the semis of Colonial League playoffs helped the girls refocus on their goals, and they really started to evaluate what they wanted to accomplish during the season,” Searfoss said. Coach Searfoss hopes next year the girls focus on their goals and winning back their Colonial League title. She holds high expectations for next year’s team and expects the same dedication as the players showed this year.

Field Hockey Team Ends Season in District Finalsby Emily Stackhouse and Kaitlin Cole

On October 17th, the Southern Lehigh Lady Spartans sported pink jerseys in a face off against Saucon Valley in the much anticipated “Dig Pink” volleyball game. Each year, the two schools come together to battle it out on the volleyball court and raise money for breast cancer. The annual “Dig Pink” game was started by the Side-Out Foundation, an organization that raises money for breast cancer research, and this year marked the fi fth consecutive year that the Spartans have hosted this event. As of 2012, they have been able to raise over $40,000 for the charity, and the number keeps growing. The volleyball team makes t-shirts to sell at school and collaborates to put to-gether elaborate baskets that are raffl ed off at the game. They decorate the stands with pink ribbons and balloons adorn the walls of both the gym and hallways with inspiring, informative signs to spark students’ interest in the cause. St. Luke’s Hospital also helps out by distributing information about breast cancer, but also by donating rally towels for spectators watching the game. This year, the “Dig Pink” charity event was able to raise over $10,000 for the Side-Out Foundation. The spectators witnessed the Lady Spartans bring home a win, defeating Saucon Valley easily in three sets. Most importantly, the players were able to be part of such an important cause, while also playing the sport they love. Head coach Mr. Don West sums up his thoughts about the night. “My favorite part,” he said, “is seeing everyone together to support a great cause.”

Volleyball Girls Think Pinkby Ashley Zamichieli

Sophomore Jenna Forrester goes up for a spike. Photo Credit: Elizabeth BurringtonSophomore Jenna Forrester goes up for a spike. Photo Credit: Elizabeth Burrington

The Southern Lehigh 2012 boys’ soccer team had a successful year, winning the Colonial League title to rival Salisbury. They fi nished with an overall 15-4-3 record, and an 11-2 record in the Colonial League. “Our goal was to make the playoffs and to do well in the season,” junior forward TJ Marzola said. “We wanted to make it as far into the playoffs as we could.” The soccer team head coach is Mark Evans. This is his fi rst year as the head coach after former coach Terry Nevill suffered a severe heart attack. Nevill is recovering and could come back to coaching soon. “We had a rough start,” senior defender Connor Zellner said, “but we quickly forgot about the losses and moved forward as a team.” Southern Lehigh won the league championship with a 3-2 win over Salisbury. They fell one point to Salisbury with a 1-2 score. With fi ve seconds left, Matt Scharf scored a goal which put the two teams into overtime. “It felt amazing to go down to win within the last fi ve minutes,” senior midfi elder Matt Kim said. Southern Lehigh qualifi ed for District 11 3A playoffs. They shut out Bangor 2-0 in the fi rst round of the playoffs. The following round, the team shut out William Allen as well 2-0. In the district semifi nals, the team fell to Emmaus 1-0. “I thought we played well this season,” senior defender Jake Cummings said. “Even though we lost, I thought playing Emmaus was a good way to end the season.”

Boys’ Soccer Team Wins Colonial League Title by Alex Baca

Volleyball players celebrate after they score a point. Photo credit: Carol Forrester

What was the Twitter feud between soc-cer and base-ball teams all about? Find out here!

SportsNovember 2012


Girls’ Tennis Season Wrap-Upby Kaitlin Cole

Southern Lehigh’s girls’ tennis season has come to a close, ending the season with districts in October. This young team, with four starting freshmen, ended the regular season with a record of nine wins and four losses. Despite a very promising season, they lost their fi rst postseason match to Bangor in Colonial League semi-fi nals. Coach Andraea Drabenstott wants the team to improve, “staying motivated every match and playing their best no matter who the opponent is.” Districts began on October 5th with the team’s top two singles play-ers, Naomi Li and Kaitlin Cole, play-ing in district singles. Li lost the fi rst round to Jenna Peng, number one seed. Cole won her fi rst round match against Angela Nguyen and lost second round to Brittany Poje, number two seed. District doubles were held on October 12th and the team held high hopes for the tournament. “Our doubles team has a strong lineup, so that will enable us to per-form well,” Lucy Zhang, freshman

starter on the team, said before dis-tricts. Kaitlin Cole and Isabela Uribe won their fi rst round match, and lost in the second round to the sixth seeded team. Team districts were held on Tuesday, October 16, against Park-land, who Southern Lehigh had lost to earlier in the season. “We are going up against a re-ally strong team, so we’ll just try our best,” Li said prior to the tournament. Southern Lehigh lost to Park-land, but Lucy Zhang and Miranda Rennie won the number one doubles match. The team has set their sights high for next year, with many starters returning. They will also regain their number one player, Robyn Ferraro, who was out due to an injury for the duration of this year’s season. “If everything falls into place, then we will be one of the top teams, not just in the league but in the dis-trict,” Coach Drabenstott said.

Tennis Players (from left to right) Miranda Renne, Mackenzie Stevenson, Mackenzie Delp, Kaitlin Cole, Naomi Li, Lucy Zhang, and Mary Baddoo. (behind) Matt Mylinski. Photo credit: Andraea Drabenstott

Tennis Players (from left to right) Miranda Renne, Mackenzie Stevenson, Mackenzie Delp,

On Friday, November 16th, Southern Lehigh’s football season came to an end. The Spartans lost to Central Catholic 0-23, after battling through a long and rough game, and took home silver as the District XI runner-up. The win for the Central Catholic Vikings is the fourth consecutive District XI Class AAA title. Southern Lehigh’s record ended up as 8-4, which seemed impossible considering their 0-3 start of the season. Despite the loss of the district championship, the Spartans have had a very successful season. A recent update on the Southern Lehigh Spartan Football Facebook page recapped the team’s numerous season highlights:

* August 24th: won game in Disney World against a Florida private school* September 28th: knocked off Pen Argyl, the number seven team in the state* October 26th: became a big ticket game of the week after 21-20 win over Palisades* October-November: won two televised games against Pen Argyl and Bangor* November 10th: won Southern Lehigh’s fi rst ever home district playoff game against Bangor* September-November: won eight straight games after starting 0-3* November 16: held a player (Central Catholic running back Collin McDermott) with 37 touchdowns for the year to only one in the district championship game

As the seniors say their goodbyes, the underclassmen are ready to step up and hopefully make more history for the team, and for Southern Lehigh next year.

Spartan Football Ends Impressive Season at District Championshipby Dana DiGiovanni

Above: Spartans take home silver from the district playoff game. Photo credit: Dana DiGiovanni.

Left: Spartans ready to rumble. Photo credit: Casey Anthony

Want to see more pictures?

Odds and Ends16 SpotlightNovember 2012

Ms. Viola

Veterans Day is a nationally celebrated and respected holiday. Veterans Day occurs annually on November 11th, and it is a time in which citizens and veterans alike come

together to honor and commemorate those who have risked their lives while serving in the armed forces. Originally intended to honor the end of World War I, over the past decades this holiday has hit a lot closer to home due to recent wars and countless deployments. Here at Southern Lehigh, Mr. Langsdorf and Ms. Viola are not only dedicated teachers, but also brave service personnel. In honor of Veterans Day, we wanted to get to know

what inspired them to protect our country.

Mr. Langsdorf

What branch of service are you in?Army National GuardWhy did you join? PatriotismHow long have you served? I am still currently serving, but I have been serving for 16 years.Have any of your family members served before you? My grandfather was in the Navy, and my Uncle was in the Marine Corps.Where have you served? I am part of the Army National Guard meaning that I help out in natural disasters, such as hurricanes, snow storms, and fl ooding.Were you awarded any medals or citations during your service? I have earned a lot, but top three are my MSM (Meritorious Service Medal), which I got in Iraq. I received the Knowlton Award, which means I was top in my fi eld, and the Pennsylvania Meritory.Did you miss your friends and family?Yes, it was the hardest thing about being deployed. But the people you’re with become your family, and that’s what made it a lot easier.What do you do to celebrate Veterans Day?I usually wear red white and blue, and go out to eat to celebrate.

What branch of service were you in? Air forceWhy did you join? Education mostly, because my father had died and I needed money for college.How long have you served? I served in active duty for 5 years.Have any of your family members served before you? I had three uncles who were in the Army, and fought in WWII.Where have you served? Texas, North Dakota, and Germany.What was your responsibility? My core job was to deal with offi cial communication correspondence, and also base security.Were you awarded any medals or citations during your service? I was awarded the European Service Award and also the Special Forces Training Ribbon.Did you miss your friends and family? Yes, especially because my mother was alone after my father died, and so it was defi nitely the hardest part.Why did you go into teaching after your service? I taught while in the Air Force and I was so involved in it, and so my advisor

I am part of the Army National Guard meaning that I help out in natural

Photo credit: Mr. Wayne Langsdorf and Ms. Justina Viola