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Page 1: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

November 20, 2014


Page 2: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

Conquering the West and Rise to

Industrialism REVIEW GAME

Page 3: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL


Page 4: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• The most direct effect of poll taxes and literacy tests on African Americans was to prevent them from doing what?

Page 5: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• The following excerpt shows an example of what ideas?

"The man in the planning room, whose specialty is planning ahead, [consistently] finds that the work can be done more economically by subdivision of the labour; each act of each mechanic, for example, should be preceded (come first) by various preparatory acts done by other men before him."

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Not 6th or 3rd

Who said the following quote “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor (and farmers) this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold?”

Page 7: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• What was a (Law) federal agency created To prevent railroads from charging farmers discriminatory or unjustly high shipping rates?

Page 8: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• Improved farming equipment and global competition markets created what problem for farmers?

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• What was a major pull factor for African Americans to the North after the Civil war?

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•What was a system that kept African Americans or ex-slaves laboring in a system with plantation owners that kept them in a state of debt and was nearly the same as slavery?

Page 11: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• What significant incident in Native American history does the following diagram show?

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Not 7th

• Who is responsible for stating the following quote?

“The duty of the man of wealth… is to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds…to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most benefit result for the community.”

Page 13: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• What ideas about society does the following quote show?

“The duty of the man of wealth… is to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds…to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most benefit result for the community.”

Page 14: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• What was the decision of the Plessey v. Ferguson Case?

Page 15: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• Who were the illegal terrorist group that was formed after the Civil War in order to intimidate blacks from voting, securing rights, competing with whites for jobs, or holding political office?

Page 16: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• What is the name of the process used to cheaply and mass-produce steel?

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• What are Groups of workers that collectively demand rights from their employers?

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• Individuals like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie shifted the trend in the U.S. business from a single business owner to creating ______________, which could raise large sums of money through selling stocks.

Page 19: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• Lobbying, Litigation, and Endorsing Political Parties and Candidates are ways that in which _____________ can influence gov’t.

Page 20: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• In the Wabash v. Illinois case, SCTOUS stroke down the Granger (or farmer) laws that help farmers get a reasonable price for railroad rates and grain storage b/c it was _______________ (TRADE) commerce that could only be regulated by ________________, according to the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Page 21: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• “Survival of the Fittest” was coined by who?

Page 22: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

The following statement is an example of someone who believes in what ideas or philosophy?

"The best way to strong economy is allow buyers and sellers to set their own prices without government intervention“

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•Providing education, medical and legal aid to emancipated (freed) slaves was the main accomplishments of?

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• To destroy tribal bonds, weaken Native traditional cultural values, grant Natives Full citizenship if they accept agricultural lifestyle was the goal of what piece of legislation?

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• What was a tool that Southern States used to try to limit the freedom and social equality of newly freed slaves by segregating them from the white population?

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• Which method allowed millionaires in the late 19th century increase production, and in turn increase profits?

Page 27: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• The “Ghost Dance” done by the Lakota was the prophecy of _________________. He claim that if they did the dance, the buffalo would return and the white would disappear.

Page 28: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• Free coinage of Silver or bimetallism was a goal of what Political Party?

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• The following quote is from what piece of legislation?

“…it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Interior to negotiation with such Indian tribe for the purchase and release by said tribe… of such portion of its reservation not allotted as such tribe shall, from time to time, consent to sell…”

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• During what incident did the Management of Andrew Carnegie’s Steel Plant refuse to negotiation w/ labor unions, lock them out, get into “war-like” situations over wage decreases?

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• What group of people is this picture depicting?

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"I am tired of fighting.... Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more forever!"

• In the statement above , Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce expressed his unwilling acceptance of a government policy of placing Indians in:

Page 33: November 20, 2014 IWBAT FINISH STUDY GUIDE!!! AND BE BOMB AT THIS GAME!!! What? What? Warm-up Q: skip Agenda: FINISH STUDY GUIDE for a GRADE TODAY! GRUDGEBALL

• WHY is the following incident significant?

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• What philosophy/idea does this statement show?

"According to human nature, the most talented people will always come out on top."

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• What philosophy or idea does this person subscribe to?

"If jobs are not available, the government must create jobs for those who are unemployed and take from the rich and distribute even to the poor."

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• What is this picture depicting about industries in the early 19th Century?

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• What was an educational and social outlet for Farmers during the late 1800’s?

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• The National Granger Movement allied farmers into a group that lobbied for legislation to protect farmers, sued companies that violated those legislations/statues and then endorsed the Populist Party. What did the National Granger Movement create (or become) to able to influence gov’t in this way?

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• Who perfected the Bessemer Process?

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