BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Directory of Faculty and Students 1934-35 Notre Dame, Indiana At the University Press November, 1934

Notre Dame Directories FACULTY Carey, C.S.C., Rev. William Arthur Badin Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Casasanta, Joseph John 1309 East Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Rev

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D i r e c t o r yof

Faculty and Students1934-35

N otre Dame, Ind iana A t the U niversity Press

November, 1934


Rev. John F . O’H ara, C.S.C.,President

Rev. H ugh O’Donnell, C.S.C.,Vice-President

Rev. J . Leonard Carrico, C.S.C.,Director o f Studies

Rev. F rancis J . Boland, G.S.C.,P refect o f Discipline

Mr. Robert B. R iordan,Registrar

Mr. K enneth A. Oliver,Secretary

B rother Engelbert, 0 .8 .C.,Treasurer

Mr. F rancis W . Lloyd,Comptroller

B rother Chrysostom, C.S.C.,A uditor


Rev. John F . Farley, 0 .8 .0 ....................................................................................................... Sorin HallRev. Jam es J . Stack, 0 .8 .0 Corby HallRev. George J . M arr, C.S.C .W alsh H allRev. Joseph A. M uckenthaler, C.S.C...................................................................................... Badin H allRev. H enry G. Glueckert, 0 .8 .0 .......................................................................................H ow ard HallRev. Thomas T. McAvoy, C.S.C Alum ni HallRev. John J . Reynolds, C.S.C................................................................................ St. Edw ard’s H allRev. George L. Holderith, C.S.C.....................................................................................M orrissey HallRev. John M. Ryan, C.S.C...................................................................................................... Lyons HallRev. Jam es A. Fogarty , C.S.C........................................................................................F reshm an HallRev. F rederick M. Gassensmith, C.S.C............................................................................... .Dillon HallBi other Ju s tin , C.S.C..........................................................................................................Brownson HallB rother M aurelius, C.S.C. Carroll Hall


Rev. Jam es A. Burns, C.S.C., ProvincialRev. Thomas P . Irv ing , C.S.C................................................................................. Community HouseRev. Jam es W. Connerton, C.S.C.......................................................................... Moreau Sem inaryRev. R ichard J . Collentine, C.S.C..................................................................... Holy Cross Sem inaryB rother Agatho, C.S.C...............................................................................................D ujarie In stitu teRev. P a trick H . Dolan, C.S.C..........................................................................................Mission HouseRev. Joseph H . Burke, C.S.C..........................................................................Community Infirm ary

( 1 )


A ckerm ann, F rancis Xavier Mech. D raw ingMain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Apodaca, Joseph Louis Economics115 N orth Taylor Street, South Bend, Ind.

Baldinger, Lawrence H enry614 N orth St. P e te r S treet, South Bend, Ind.

B arry , Thomas JosephA pt. C, 618 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Bartholomew, Paul Charles230 E as t B a rtle tt Street, South Bend, Ind.

Bender, Wesley CharlesBerry Avenue, M ishawaka, Ind.

Benitz, W illiam Logan1341 E ast W ayne Street. N orth , South Bend, Ind.

Bocskey, Stephen Charles1130 E ast C halfant Street, South Bend, Ind.

Bolger, G.S.C., Rev. W illiam A ugustine M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Bott, H erb ert Joseph339 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Boyle, A ndrew Joseph628 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

B rennan, John StephenOliver Hotel, South Bend, Ind.

B rennan, t/.S.C., Rev. Thomas Jam es Sorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Broughal, C.S.C., Rev. Law rence V incent Main Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Brubaker, Gerald Clement360 Goshen Avenue, E lkhart, Ind.

Buckley, Louis F rancis718 E ast Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Eugene Paul Dillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph H enry Dillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Butler, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas F rancis How ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Pharm acy

J ournalism


M arketing

Mech. E ngineering



M arketing





A rchitecture




H istory

Cain, W illiam Morley Law826 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Campbell, David Law rence English1847 N orth Adams Street, South Bend, Ind.

Campbell, Thomas Bowyer H istoryMorrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Caparo, Jose Angel Blec. E ngineering1024 Deeper Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

( 2 )


Carey, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam A rth u r Badin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Casasanta, Joseph John1309 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Rev. F rancis P a trick Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Chapman, Emmanuel229 South W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Chizek, Cletus F rancis222 E ast B artle tt S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Collins, George Briggs214 Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Connerton, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es W illiam Moreau Seminary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Coomes, Edw ard A rthu rCorby H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Cooney, John Michael413 LaM onte Terrace, South Bend, Ind.

Cooper, George Arlo1102 N orth Blaine Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Corcoran, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Jam es Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Corona, Jose Crisanto3121 Belmont Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Coty, Gilbert Joseph835 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cox, Ronald Clarence545 N orth Sunnyside Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Coyne, W illiam Jam es310 South W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind .

Crepeau, E lton B enjam in805 N orth M ichigan Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cunningham , C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Francis W alsh Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


















Davis, Alden E. F inanceM arm ain A rm s Apts., South Bend, Ind.

de Lander©, Pedro A ntonio1031 N orth N iles Avenue, South Bend, Ind. P

Dick, W alter Joseph Relio-ionW alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Doremus, C.S.C., Rev. Charles Louis FrenchSorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

D0T l 5 ^ a k l S e 2 , e NHeS, Mich. EconomicsDoyle, A lbert Loring Sneeoh

1213 Prospect Drive, M ishawaka, Ind.DuBois, Benjam in George French

416 E ast Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.

E arl, Hom er Quincy Law2010 Beverly Place, South Bend, Ind.

E ells,»L e d a ir Herold F inance213 E ast A ltgeld Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Engels, N orbert A nthony English122 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.


Fagan, "Vincent F rancis440 N orth Sunnyside Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Farrell, W illiam Eugene618 E as t L aSalle Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Fenlon, P au l IgnatiusSorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Flatley, Lee Thomas1322 Longfellow Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Flynn, J r . , F ra n k ThomasLyons H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Fogarty , C.S.C., Rev. Jam es A nthony Freshm an H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Frederick, Jo h n Towner5529 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, III.

F ron ing , H enry B ernhard t415 E as t Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

A rchitecture

H istory


F inance





Gassensmith, C.S.C., Rev. F rederick Michael Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gierut, Rev. Joseph AloysiusLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Glueckert, C.S.C., Rev. H enry George H ow ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gorman, C.S.C., Rev. Leo W illiamM oreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Greene, R obert Lee710 A rch Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Groom, W illard Larkham922 Niles, Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

M athem atics




Pharm acy


H andy, Elvin Roy1020 N orth Eddy Street, South Bend, Ind.

Hasley, Louis Leonard628 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

H ebert, C.S.C., Rev. P e ter E dw ard A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Heffner, Edw ard941 South 20th S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Hennion, George Felix833 E ast M iner S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H ines, Jam es F rancis305 Peashw ay S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H inton , H enry David1104 W oodward Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hoever, O.Cist., Rev. H ugo H enry Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Hoff, Rev. N orbert CasperDillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H olderith, C.S.C., Rev. George Leo M orrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Holton, W illiam John1006 E ast St. V incent S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Hope, C.S.C., Rev. A rth u r Joseph M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

H oran , F ra n k W illiam914 Diamond Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Phy. Education



Mech. E ngineering


H istory




H istory



Civil E ngineering


Hoyer, Raymond Alonzo1001* Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Hull, Daniel128 N orth F rancis S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H uth, E dw ard A ndrew1014 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ill, C.S.C., Rev. B ernard JeffreyM ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Irv ing, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas P a trick Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Jacques, EmilSorin H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Johnson, C.S.C., Rev. N orm an John The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

Ju s t, Theodor K arlRushton A pts., 501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Kaczmarek, Regidius M arion317 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Keller, C.S.C., Rev. Edw ard A nthony Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kelley, C.S.C., Rev. John Charles Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kelley, F ra n k W illiam629 H arrison Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Keogan, George E dw ard1922 P ortage Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Kervick, F rancis W ynnLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

King, C.S.C., Rev. R obert W illiamCommunity House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kline, Clarence Joseph1340 E ast South S treet, South Bend, Ind.

'K line, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Edw ardSt. E dw ard 's H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Konop, Thomas F rancis1102 S tan fie ld ; South Bend, Ind.

K untz, Leo F rancis1210 C halfant S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Lahey, C.S.C., Rev. Thom as A quinas The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

Lane, C.S.C., Rev. John Joseph Community House, N otre Dame

Langford, W alter M cCarty1252 E ast Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Langwell, E arl F rederick501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Lyons, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam JosephSt. E dw ard’s H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Madden, Thomas P a trickDillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

M ahin, Edw ard Garfield206 W akewa Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


Boy Guidance





A rt







Phy. Education

A rchitecture


M athem atics




A dvertising




H istory


M etallurgy


Manion, Clarence E dw ard . T , 617 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


M arr, C.S.C., Rev. George Joseph W alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


M aurus, E dw ard Joseph _ _ _ , T 1328 E ast W ayne Street, South, South Bend, Ind.

M athem atics

McAvoy, C.S.G., Rev. Thomas Timothy A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H istory

M cCarthy, Jam es E dw ard730 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

For. Commerce

McDonald, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es H arold M orrissey Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


McGinn, C.S.C., Rev. John Conor M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.


McKeon, C.S.C., Rev. Frederick Thomas Main Building, N otre Dame, Ind.


McLellan, H a rry Jam es2605 E rskine Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Mech. E ngineering

McMahon, F rancis Elm er1103 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


M cNam ara, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Michael Corby H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H istory

Meagher, C.S.C., Rev. George Thomas Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.


Mehling. C.S.C., Rev. Theodore John Moreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.


Miller, John Edw ardLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

A rchitecture

M iltner, C.S.C., Rev. Charles Christopher A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


Moore, C.S.C., Rev. Philip Samuel M orrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


M oran, F ran c is Edw ard , _ , 709 N orth St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Ind.


M oran, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es E dw ardHoly Cross Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.


M uckenthaler, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Aloysius Badin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


M urray, C.S.C., Rev. Raym ond W illiam W alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


Myers, Frederic Irw in821 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


Napolitano, Dominick John1014 N orth Eddy S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Nicholson, John P a trick1401 E ast South St., South Bend, Ind.

Nieuwland, C.S.C., Rev. Julius A rthu r M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

N orthcott, J r . , John Andrew435 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Phy. Education

Phy. Education


Elec. E ngineering

° ^ 4 8 % I to h to n Apts-! 501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

O’Malley, F rancis JosephHow ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.




° ' S B a d in H a n , N o to e ^ m e , t l T ™ M i s 'ion

° ’T M S e ^ S£ m i n " y , “ ^ f n d . Philosophy

Paff, George Hugo1409 E ast Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

Payton, Eugene John408 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Pence, Raymond Vanover816 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

P e ttit, M aurice L om e425 W akewa Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Pirchio, Pasquale Mario125 E ast Gripe Street, South Bend, Ind.

P lunkett, Devere ThomasLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

P lunkett, Donald JosephLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Pollock, Robert Channon503 W est W ayne Street, South Bend, Ind.

Price, Stanley Raymond305 Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.


M arketing



Ita lian





Quinlan, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es J . Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind. Economics

Rauch, Rufus W illiam215 M arquette Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Reyniers, Jam es A rthu rLayden Street, R ural Route 5, South Bend, Ind.

Reynolds, C.S.C., Rev. John JosephSt. E dw ard’s H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Rich, Ronald Emil1246 E ast M iner Street, South Bend, Ind.

Richter, E lton E.218 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rigley, C.S.C., Rev. M aurice Stein Freshm an Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Riley, Philip H enry1310 Hill Crest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Riordan, Robert Boehm2015 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

R iter, C.S.C., Rev. Regis H enryCommunity House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Roemer, W illiam F rancis422 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rohrbach, George Edward410 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rollison, W illiam Dewey1209 Hill Crest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Ronay, Stephen H enry310 St. W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ryan, C.S.C., Rev. John Michael Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.



H istory

Chem. E ngineering







Mech. E ngineering



H istory


Scandlon, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Stephen Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Scannell, Jo h n Andrew544 M arquette Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Schubmehl, Raymond Jacob1622 McKinley Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Seidel, Richard. H erm ann1518 Glenlake Avenue, Chicago, 111.

Sessler, Stanley Sascha235 David Street, Roseland, South Bend, Ind.

Shilts, W alter Leonard714 E as t Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Sigm ar, Rev. Ju lian P a trickM ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Smith, Knowles Burdette1347 Leeper Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Sm ithberger, A ndrew Thomas1516 H ildreth Street, South Bend, Ind.

South, Benjam in Joseph1135 E ast M iner Street, South Bend, Ind.

Sowa, F rancis Joseph813 E as t Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Stack, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Joseph Corby H all, N o tre Dame, Ind.

Staunton, H enry Capen F .533 E as t A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Steiner, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas A nthony The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

S tritch , Thomas JohnAlumni Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Trahey, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Dennis Moreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Tunney, H ubert Jam es,620 W est Colfax Avenue, Apt. E, South Bend, Ind.

Turley, Jo h n P a trick709 W est Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Vogt, R ichard RockhillR ura l Route 3, South Bend, Ind.

W ack, George Joseph1025 St. V incent S treet, South Bend, Ind.

W ard, C.S.C., Rev. Leo Lewis Lyons H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

W atson, Jam es Donald501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

W eber, Rev. LawrenceSacred H eart Church, Lakeville, Ind.

W eigand, K arl Russell1308 Otsego S treet, South Bend, Ind.

W enninger, C.S.C., Rev. F rancis Joseph M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

W enzke, H erm an H enryLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


Phy. Education

Civil E ngineering


A rt



Min. E ngineering


M athem atics


H istory


Civil E ngineering




L atin




F inance


Elec. E ngineering




W hitm an, John H arris A. T _ _How ard Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

W ilkins, LaRoy W alter Fdn^tin-n315 E ast Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.

W ithey, Jam es Alexander Eno-KyiiHotel LaSalle Annex, South Bend, Ind, °

Alum ni H eadquarters, Main Floor A dm inistration BIdg\, N otre Dame, Ind.

M i. Jam es E . A rm strong, Secretary, The A lum ni Association of the U niversity of N otre D am e; 975 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Ind.

Mr. W illiam R. Dooley, A ssistan t S ec re ta ry ; 805 - 23rd Street, South Bend, Ind.


Thomas K. LaLonde .................................................................................................................... President

Robert W . Cavanaugh ................................................................................................................ Secretary

E. Frederick DeLia ......................................................................................................................... easul

W illiam J . Casazza Jam es F. Shanley

Stephen P . Banas Thomas J . M urphy

Philip J . Purcell E dw ard T. Sullivan

Thomas G. P roctor John J . DeGarmo

Charles M. Schill W illiam J . Schmuhl

John F . Morley Jam es R. Bacon

John F. H olahan H arold E. Miller

Robert M. Siegfried


S e n io r

Thomas G. P roctor ..................................................................................................................... President

H erbert W. H a r t ................................................................................................................. Vice-President

F rancis J . Shay .................. - ........................................................................................................ Secretary

Joseph H. A rgus ........................................................................................................................ Treasures'

J u n io r

Thomas J . M urphy .......................................................................................................................President

Paul E. Rubly .....................................................................................................................Vice-President

H arold R. S tine ............................................................................................................................Secretary

M artin E . Bayer ..........................................................................................................................Treasure,-

S o p h o m o r e

H arold E . Miller ...........................................................................................................................President

Charles B. Jo rdan ............................- .................................................................................. Vice-Pi esident

Jo h n C. W illiams ....................................................- ..................................................................T . TreasurerJoseph P . Quinn .............................................................................................

( 1 0 )


D e s i g n a t i o n s : A B = College o f A r ts and Letter’s ; CM = College o f Com­m erce; EG = College o f E ngineering; L W = College o f Laio; SC — College o f Science; GR — Graduate School; PG — Postgraduate; P E — Physical Education; SP = Special stu d en t, 1, 2, 3, and Jt- designate, respectively, the freshm an, the sophomore, the junior, and the senior year o f the college course; in other cases the num ber indicates the years in the course or a t the U niversity; H S — H igh School. The nam e o f the high school in which the student has done his preparatory work is g iven in parentheses a fte r the name o f the student.

Aberle, E arl Joseph, Bridgeville, Pa. (Duquesne U niversity H igh School) CM 1637 Elm S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

A braham , E li Myron, South Bend, Ind. (McKinley H igh School) LW o925 N orth F rancis S tree t; Home

Ackroyd, K enneth Edward, Scranton, Pa. (St. Thomas H igh School) CM 11331 Mousey A venue; Brownson Hall

Adamson, Thomas Edward, Geneva, 111. (Geneva H igh School) CM 3522 S tate S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Agamy, A lfred Anis, Gardner, III. (Gardner Township H igh School) AB 4H ow ard Hall

A gans, B enjam in Franklin , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

A hlering, Joseph Jerom e, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 21119 N orth F rancis S tre e t; Home

Alaman, Louis Gonzaga, New York City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te ) CM 1651 W est 171st S tre e t; Badin H all

Albert, Robert Carl, Racine, Wis. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) LW 11306 M arquette S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

A lderm an, J r . , Jenome Campbell, Lombard, 111. (York Community H igh School) CM 21106 W ashington B oulevard ; Badin Hall

Allen, Donald Lewis, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 320 N orth Lore! A v en u e ; Badin Hall

Allen, John Maxwell, B attle Creek, Mich. (St. P h ilip ’s Convent) AB 415 Cliff S tre e t; Corby Hall

Alten, Joseph Aloysius, Cleveland, Ohio (Holy Cross College) AB 39829 Lake A venue; Carroll Hall

Altfeld, A lbert Anchel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SC' 3527 South W illiam S tre e t; Home

Alworth, Samuel Ross, Tooele, U tah (Tooele H igh School) CM 2157 N orth Second Street, W est; Badin Hall

Ameling, Robert Gerald, Chesterton, Ind. (Chesterton H igh School) CM 1710 Calumet R o a d ; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Amorosa, Nicholas Arm en, Albany, N. Y. (Cathedral Academy) SC 329 Besch A venue; Corby Hall

Andersen, C.S.C., B rother Charles, N oire Dame, Ind. (Central Catholic H. S.) AB 4D ujarie Hall

* (a fte r nam e) w ithdrew since school opened.* (before college symbol) freshm an status because of unremoved deficiencies, f deceased.

( 1 1 )


Anderson, A rth u r Francis, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)751 Brom pton S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Anderson, J r . , H enry Rogers, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)1040 P a rk A venue; Carroll Hall

Anderson, C.S.C., Jam es Garfield, N otre Dame, Ind. (Columbia U . H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Anderson, Louis Logan, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)1040 P a rk A venue; Carroll H all

Anderson, Paul H erbert, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Duquesne U niversity H igh School)7032 Lem ington A venue; Brownson Hall

A ndorka, Bela Jessie, L orain, Ohio (L orain H igh School)1601 E as t 30th S tre e t; Carroll H all

Andreoni, A lbert John, St. M arys, Ohio (Memorial H igh School)229 E as t Spring S tre e t; W alsh Hall

A nnas, John Thomas, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School)18300 P a rk s id e ; Sorin H all

A nton, John Francis, Chicago, Illinois (Dc. L a Salle In stitu te )6513 H arv ard A venue; F reshm an Hall

Apichella, F rancis Paul, Hazleton, Pa . (H azleton H igh School)586 A lter S tree t; Brownson H all

Appal, W illiam Lewis, H annibal, Mo. (H annibal H igh School)1120 B roadw ay; Dillon H all

Arboit, Ennio Benjam in, Oglesby, 111. (St. Bede College Academy)403 E as t W alnut S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Arcadi, V ittorio G., W hittier, Calif. (W hittier U nion H igh School)511 N orth Newlin A venue ; Sorin H all

A rgus, Joseph H enry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)4232 Central A venue; Corby Hall

Armel, W illiam Butler, Chicago, 111. (Nicholas Senn H igh School)3235 Olive S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

A rm strong, John Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa . (Rom an Catholic H igh School)5110 N orth Broad S tree t; M orrissey H all

A rm strong, Robert Joseph, Philadelphia, P a . (Rom an Catholic H igh School)5110 N orth Broad S tr e e t ; Lyons H all

A rnade, E dw ard Berault, V ineland, N . J . (Sacred H e a rt H igh School)418 Elm er S tree t; M orrissey H all

A m heiter, Philip P a trick , H arrison , N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry )411 Cleveland A venue; Corby H all

Arnold, Paul A lbert, St. Louis, Mo. (S t. Louis U niversity H igh School)1916 McCausland A venue; Brownson H all

Ashamy, Roger Gerard, Coal City, 111. (.Coal City H igh School)Freshm an Hall

Ashenden, W illiam Dawson, E lm hurst. 111. (W estern M ilitary Academy)437 K enilw orth A venue; H ow ard Hall

Astone, V ictor Cornelius, Beacon, N . Y. (Beacon H igh School)14 D inan S tre e t ; Corby H all

A tkinson, Thomas H enry, W inchester, Mass. (S t. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry )9 Sheffield R o ad ; Freshm an Hall

A ustin, Jam es Raymond, W illiamsville, N . Y. (W illiamsville H igh School) A m herst Villa R oad; Brownson Hall

Bacon, Jam es Richard, Lock H aven, P a . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) 19 S ixth S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Baer, F red K arl, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)1902 South Catalpa S tre e t ; Home

Bailey, W illiam John, D etroit, Mich. (De L a Salle Collegiate School)4351 H averhill R o a d ; St. E dw ard 's Hall

CM 1

AB 2

AB 2

AB 1

AB 1

P E 1

LW 3

AB 4

CM 1

AB 1

CM 1

P E 1

SC 4

CM 4

CM 1

EG 2

EG 2

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

CM 1

*AB 1

GR 1

SC 1

SC 1

AB 2

LW 2

SC 1


Baker, John Aloysius, Lexington, Ky. (U niversity H igh School) AB 4226 E ast Maxwell S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Baker, John Francis, New York City (D w ight H igh School) *AB 1625 W est 156th S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Baker, N orm an Francis, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School) CM 130 Monticello P la c e ; F reshm an Hall

Baker, J r . , R ichard Joseph, New York City (H am ilton Institu te ) CM 3625 W est 156th S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Balanda, Edw ard Jam es, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) AB 116 Chipman S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Baldwin, H a rry Alfred, Oak P a rk , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) *CM 1613 W ashington B oulevard; Lyons Hall

Bales, Jam es Edward, Dixon, 111. (Dixon H igh School) *CM 1915 Second S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Ball, J r . , George W illiam, Caledonia, N . Y. (Caledonia H igh School) CM 333 E ast A venue; H ow ard Hall

Ball, Marcellus Francis, Plym outh, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School) CM 11023 N orth M ichigan S tre e t ; Home

Ballatin, N orm an Thomas, New Orleans, La. (St. Aloysius H igh School) P E 13101 Canal S tre e t; Dillon H all

Balliet, R ichard Stephen, Appleton, Wis. (A ppleton H igh School) AB 42 Brokaw P la c e ; W alsh Hall

Ballman, R ichard John, Milwaukee, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) AB 42024 N orth Hi-M ount B oulevard; W alsh Hall

Baltes, John W isda, Norwalk, Ohio (St. P au l’s School) EG 1181 Benedict A venue; F reshm an Hall

Bambenek, Raymond Richard, W inona, M inn. (W inona H igh School) AB 4508 E as t F if th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Banas, Stephen Peter, E as t Chicago, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) LW 3710—143rd S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Bandurich, Joseph Stephen, B ridgeport, Conn. (H ard ing H igh School) CM 3500 N orth Summerfield A venue; Badin Hall

Banfield, Robert Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Stanley H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

B arber, George W inchel, Lawton, Okla. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 4611 Bell A venue; W alsh H all

B arber, John Thomas, E as t Orange, N . J . (E ast O range H igh School) CM 310 Crawford S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Barber, Joseph Clarence, E rie , P a . (E ast H igh School) AB 3412 Newm an S tre e t; Badin Hall

Barbush, F ra n k Charles, H arrisburg , Pa. (John H a rr is H igh School) *AB 1123 South T hird S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

B arker, Paul F rancis, Rochester, N . Y. (W est H igh School) *EG 110 Arklow S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Barlas, George Christ, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM 2632 N orth L afayette S tree t; Home

Barlow, A dair Charles, Amarillo, Texas (Amarillo H igh School) EG 41716 Jackson S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

B arnett, Neil Charles, Saginaw, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3937 Genesee A venue; Alum ni Hall

B arnett, W illiam Howard, Dawson Springs, Ky. (Dawson Springs H igh School) *AB 1Ham by A venue; 502 N orth Logan Street, M ishawaka Indiana

Barolet, John Alfred, W ickford, R. I. (N orth Kingstown H igh School) SC 127 A nnaquatucket R o ad ; Dillon Hall

B arrack, Roger George, Trinidad, Colo. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) CM 1115 Elm S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

B arron, Roy Joseph, D etroit, Mich. (St. M ary of Redford H igh School) CM 114135 S tra th m o o r; Lyons Hall


B arry , Robert Edward. Johnstow n, Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School) 248 M ain S tre e t; W alsh Hall

*EG 1

Barstow,* Fred Adolph, Menominee, Mich. (Menominee H igh School) 441 Ludington A venue; Badin Hall

AB 3

B arth , W alter Michael, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 10414 Fidelity A venue; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Bartley, James Aloysius, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 547—59th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

AB 4

Bartley, Jam es Alphonsus, Morganfield, Ky. (Holy Cross Sem inary) St. M ary's College, N otre Dame, Ind.

GR 1

Bartley, John T rainer, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 576—68th S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

AB 2

B artnett, Edmond Joseph, New Rochelle, N. Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School) 179 L iberty Avenue ; Brownson H all

AB 1

Batchellor, Clyde Charles, Elba, N. Y. (Albion H igh School) Rural Route 1 ; W alsh Hall

EG 4

Bates, George N orbert, Morrisville, V t. (Peoples Academy) 51 Main S tree t; M orrissey H all

SG 2

Batrow , P eter Paul, B ranford, Conn. (B ranford H igh School) Short B each ; St. E dw ard 's Hall

EG 3

B attaglia, Joseph Alphonso, Buffalo, N. Y. (Canisius College Academy) 280 W est A venue; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Battle, Gerard Joseph, Scranton, P a . ( Central H igh School) 332 Maple S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

CM 2

Bauer, B urne tt Calix, Good Thunder, Minn. (Good Thunder H igh School) Brownson H all

CM 1

Bauer, C.S.C., Edw in Charles, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 2

Bauer, Louis H enry, Louisville, Ky. (dqPont M anual T ra in in g H igh School) 3931 F ran k fo rt A venue; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Baum, A rth u r Aloysius, B attle Creek, Mich. (St. P h ilip ’s H igh School) 129 Cherry S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

EG 3

Baum ann, R ichard Joseph, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) 1116 E rie S tre e t; W alsh Hall

*AB 1

Baur, J r ., Adelbert Chamisso, Chicago, 111. (De P aul U niversity Academy) 3104 Logan B oulevard ; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayer, M artin Edward, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te ) 616 E ast M ain S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayer, Philip John, E rie, Pa. (S trong V incent H igh School) 724 W est T enth S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Bayer, W illiam K irberger, E rie, Pa. ( Cathedral P repara to ry ) 724 W est T enth S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayot, A ntonio M aria, Manila, P . I. (Ateneo de M anila) 811 V erm ont S tre e t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Baysore, W illiam F rank ; Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (W ashington H igh School) 710 W est 12th S tree t; M orrissey Hall

CM 2

Beach, Joseph DePauI, New Orleans, La. (Holy Cross College) 1015 Nashville A venue; M orrissey Hall

CM 4

Beare, John Byron, Chester, 111. (W estern M ilitary Academy) 140 Op dyke S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

SC 8

Beaudoin,* Paul R ichard, Hoquiam, Wash. (Hoquiam H igh School) 110 Jefferson S tree t; A lum ni H all

EG 2

Beaudway, Jam es Edward, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 624 W est W ayne S tre e t; Home

CM 1

Becek, Joseph Francis, Ambridge, Pa. (Am bridge H igh School) 123 M erchant S tre e t ; Corby Hall

AB 4

Beck, Joseph Gill, Indianapolis, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) 1652 N orth Talbott Avenue ; W alsh Hall

AB 4


Becker, H arry Pelle, Louisville, ICy. (St. X avier H igh School) CM3332 W estern P a rk w a y ; Freshm an Hall

Becker, John Edward, Am sterdam , N. Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic In stitu te ) CM169 M arket S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Becker, W alter Joseph, O ttaw a, 111. (O ttaw a Township H igh School) AB716 Sanger S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Beckmann, Joseph Casper, P a rk Ridge, HI. (Maine Township H igh School) CM502 South Prospect A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Beer, John Joseph, Auburn, 3ST. Y. (A uburn H igh School) CM5 Pim m A venue; Carroll Hall

B ehrens,f Gilbert Charles, W hiting, Ind. (W hiting H igh School) SC1832 Pennsylvania A venue; Dillon Hall

Beichner, C.S.C., Paul Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Belanger, George Oliver, W hitehall, N . Y. (W hitehall H igh School) CM24 P o tter S tree t; Dillon Hall

Belden, W illiam HinchlifEe, Canton, Ohio (Phillips E xeter Academy) CM1414 N orth M arket A venue; H ow ard Hall

Belhumeur, George Joseph, Iron M ountain, Mich. (Iron M ountain H igh School) AB625 E ast “B” S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Belmont, Carmi A nthony, Fall River, Mass. (B.M.C. Durfee H igh School) AB601 A nthony S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Belmont, Roman Peter, Geneva, N . Y. (St. F rancis De Sales School) AB64 Maxwell A venue; H ow ard Hall

Beltemacchi, George A rthu r, Logansport, Ind. (Logansport H igh School) EG1701 M ichigan A venue; Corby Hall

Benavides, Roberto Manuel, Laredo, Texas (Laredo H igh School) *AB1519 M atamoros S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Benavides, W illiam, Laredo, Texas (Laredo H igh School) EG1519 M atamoros S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Benkert, Edw ard George, Piqua, Ohio ( Central H igh School) CM530 W est H igh S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

B ennett, Oliver Joseph, F a irfax , Okla. (M issouri M ilitary Academy) LW922 N orth Law rence Street, South Bend, Ind.

B ergm ann, C.S.C., F erd inand Frederick, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB M oreau Sem inary

B ernard, E dgar Burchard, Mayville, Wis, (Mayville H igh School) CM26 P a rk A venue ; Freshm an Hall

B ernard, E dw ard Lawrence, Springfield, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) SC815 South W alnut S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

B ernard, R alph Leo, B arberton, Ohio (Central H igh School) EG144 Sixth Street, N . W .; Lyons Hall

B ernard, Robert F rancis, Mayville, Wis. (Mayville H igh School) EG26 P a rk A venue; H ow ard H all

B ernard, W alter Emil, Springfield, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) EG815 South W alnut S tre e t ; Alumni Hall

B ernard, W ilbur V incent, G'oldwater, Ohio (Coldwater H igh School) ABBadin H all

Bernard, J r . , W illiam Paul, B arberton, Ohio (Central H igh School) EG144 Sixth Street, N. W .; W alsh H all

Bernard, W illiam Reisch, Springfield, 111. (St. M ary’s College H igh School) SC815 South W alnut S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Bernbrock, H enry W illiam, Quincy, 111. (Quincy College Academy) P E800 1-3 M aine S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Bernbrock, W illiam Frederick, A urora, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) EG541 South Fourth S tree t; Sorin H all

Berry, Jam es F an t, Greensboro, N . C. (Mt. St. M ary’s College P repara to ry ) EGPost Office Box 1111; Brownson H all































Berry, John Anthony, S treator, 111. (S treato r H igh School)106 E as t Lincoln A venue; W alsh H all

Bertagnolli,* Aldo Anthony, Superior, Wyo. (Superior H igh School)Freshm an H all

B erteling, John Burke, Ham ilton, Ont., Can. (E vanston Township H igh School) 91 Barnesdale B oulevard ; Dillon H all

Besanceney, J r . , G irard Edw ard, Newark, Ohio (N ew ark H igh School)418 Hudson A venue; Lyons Hall

Besinger, C.S.C., Jo h n Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary)M oreau Sem inary

Best, George Jaeger, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)404 B arker A venue; Dillon H all

Beyrer, John Benjamin, South Bend, Ind. (Howe M ilitary Academy)1020 E ast Colfax A venue; Home

Biagioni, Paul Adolph, Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)4746 W est Maypole A venue; Lyons H all

Biggins E dw ard Richard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)2816 H oagland A venue; W alsh H all

BiIse r, H ow ard David, St. Augustine, Fla. (St. Joseph’s Academy)24 Fullerwood D riv e ; Brownson H all

Binder, George A rthu r, W heaton, 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry )111 W est W illow A venue; How ard Hall

Biron, F rancis E rnest, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)126 S tate S t ; Home

Bishop, George Haynes, F reew ater, Ore. (M cLaughlin U nion H igh School)1 reshm an Hall

B ittner, Joseph Anthony, Jam aica, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )87-Z7 Chelsea R o a d ; Corby H all

Blai 0*1 £ a^ S ? ni! r ’ Belleville, Kans. (Belleville H igh School)2107 N S tree t; Freshm an H all

Blake, Cecil F rancis, Taberg, N . Y. (Camden High School)M orrissey H all

Blake, Glenn A rthu r, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)R ura l Route 7, Lesher R o a d ; Corby H all

Blunt, Jam es W illiam, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School)452 W arren A venue; Freshm an H all

Bock, M dton Joseph, M ishawaka, Ind. (St. Hedwige’s H igh School)419 E ast M ishawaka A venue; Home

B cbert Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry )2666 E ast 73rd S tre e t; Lyons H all

l r T ^ § a , i C ret!n HiBh Sch°0l)

(C M liC O th e H i s h S c h “ »

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H igh sch ° oi>


LW 3

CM 1

SC 1

AB 2

AB 4

SC 1

AB 4

AB 2

EG 4

CM 1

EG 3

EG 1

CM 1

AB 4

SC 1

*CM 1

LW 1

AB 1

AB 2

*CM 1

CM 1

EG 1

P E 1


LW 1

P E 4

AB 1

CM 2

AB 3


Bonfi904d’B & H igh Sch° ° »

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B°rdm 6 CEanSm I S S ^ ’w S S a S ^ High Sch°al>

In d - (CentraI H igh School)

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B°W6CTnFenrSw ayT w aisha H ^ ^ » ° " d' Mass- 'M edford H igh School)

(Cathedral H igh School)

(Loyo,a Ac"^ ^ C a r r o U ^ ^ e n h r ie r , Tenn. (F a ther Ryan H igh School)

B°yl! b l ^ t SAJv°eSnfeh - Sch°d )

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Bay' i 2 9 % n % r r ' a ± a N - Y - (caaan d a i»ua a » >

BOT i H iih ^ r ee t ;RDmond,H a!rh A^ ' N ' J' (Perth Hi®h School)

227 T y l^ s S e ^ k ^ ^ s t ' w S h ^ g t ^ S t ^ e t .^ k h f r ^ n d .

Bra°lS EadrmhAsgUelTcoBrHayiT Y" <St J°hn'S Hi* Sch°°»(G™ za«a H « h School,

B' adS e : % i 9 % e I : l % N- Y- (Cornwall-on-Hudson High School)

BraMoreauS£minaryClS N°tle Dame' Ind' <H°]y Cross Sem inary)

Brady5 £ S L “ t f H ^ r d H L f ’ N - Y ' (“ rSh * « Academy)

B ra l 6 I S c Y P ^ l y ! ° ^ M - Y' ,A9UinaS *“ >

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CM 2

AB 2

AB 4

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 2

AB 1

AB 1

P E 4

CM 1

AB 3

*80 1

AB 3

8 0 1

AB 2

LW 3

AB 4

AB 1

CM 1

CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

CM 1

AB 1

AB 1

*80 1

*8C 1

AB 1


B ranigan, W illiam Aloysius, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 1377 E lk S tree t; Brownson H all

B rannigan, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Michael, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1 St. Joseph F arm

Bransby, C.S.C., B rother Elmo, N o tre Dame, Ind. ( Catholic Central H igh School) AB 2D ujarie Hall

Brassell, John Edward, Taunton, Mass. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 12 Cooper S q u a re ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bray,* Jam es Farrell, Oskaloosa, Iow a (Oskaloosa H igh School) AB 31201 “ G” Avenue, E a s t; H ow ard H all

Bray, John Felix, Paducah, ICy. (St. M ary’s Academy) SC 31916 Kentucky A venue; A lum ni H all

Braym er, John Robert, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) CM 42621 Terwilleger B oulevard; Sorin H all

Breen, John Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 47244 Pax ton A venue; Sorin H all

B rennan, Edw ard Joseph, P aw Paw , Mich. (Paw Paw H igh School) CM 1806 E ast M ichigan A venue; Freshm an Hall

B rennan, John Edward, L ’Anse, Mich. (H oughton H igh School) AB 4St. Edw ard’s H all

B rennan, R obert Joseph, B ridgeport, Conn. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 1344 W est M organ A venue; Dillon H all

B rett, Raymond Charles, D etroit, M ichigan (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) AB 45652 Stanton A venue; How ard H all

Brezik, C.S.C., B rother H ilarion, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) AB 2D ujarie H all

Brick, J r . , A nthony W illiam, N orth Tonaw anda, N . Y. (No. T onaw anda H . S.) LW 1152 V andervoort S tre e t ; Corby H all

Bride, Allen Francis, H artfo rd , Conn. (Bulkeley H igh School) CM 256 Adelaide S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bried, Edw ard A drian, Beach H aven, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P re p a ra to ry ) EG 4Box 161; 1011% Sherm an Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Brieger, Louis Charles, Taylor, Texas (Taylor H igh School) EG 3311 Davis S tre e t ; Badin H all

Brien, Joseph Jam es, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P re p a ra to ry ) CM 28705 Colonial Road ; M orrissey H all

Briercheck, J r . , John Paul, Brownsville, Pa. (South Brownsville H igh School) AB 124—18th S tre e t; Freshm an H all

B right, F rancis Edw ard, F rank lin , N . J . (F ran k lin H igh School) CM 1150 M ain S tree t; F reshm an H all

Brislan, John B ernard, F ran k fo rt, Ky. (S p ring Hill H igh School) CM 1225 Cap A venue; Dillon H all

B ritton, John Francis, Paw ling, N . Y. (Paw ling H igh School) AB 3Dutcher A venue; A lum ni H all

Brockenbrough, Cornelius David Kenny, Richmond, Ya. (McGuires Univ. School) EG 1 Pum p House R o ad ; Dillon H all

Broderick, Jam es Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Broderick John Daniel, Boston, Mass. (English High School) *AB 1311 N orth H arvard S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Broderick, Raymond Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa. (W est Catholic H igh School) AB 45512 V ine S tree t; Badin H all

Brogan, E m m ett V incent, Em m ett, Mich. (St. S tephen’s H igh School). CM 1Brownson H all

Brogger, John Fred, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic C entral H igh School) CM 2149 Youell A venue; Badin H all

Brookmeyer, F rederick Rosseter, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatiu s H igh School) CM 416523 L ake A venue; W alsh H all


Brophy, Joseph John, Floral P ark , N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School) AB 484 Aspen S tre e t ; Corby H all

Brosius, III , Charles Thomas, Lime Kiln, Md. (St. John ’s L itera ry In stitu te ) CM 1Freshm an H all

Brovelli, Charles Carlo, F ram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School) P E 2526 W averly S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Brower, Floyd Edward, Sycamore, 111. (Sycamore Community H igh School) CM 1431 Somonank S tre e t; Dillon H all

Brown,* A lbert Edw ard, Monaca, Pa. (Monaca H igh School) CM 11316 V irg in ia A venue; Freshm an H all

Brown, A nthony William, New York City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy) CM 43014 Grand Concourse; W alsh H all

Brown, A rth u r John, New York City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy) CM 230l4 Grand Concourse; M orrissey H all

Brown, A rth u r W illiam, Toledo, Ohio (C entral Catholic H igh School) P E 41327 S ta rr A venue; Sorin H all

Brown, Charles M atthew, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) EG 13556 Salem S tree t; Carroll H all

Brown, Clifford Francis, Norwalk, Ohio (St. Pau l’s H igh School) AB 3R ural Route 3, Box 35 ; Badin H all

Brown, Ham ilton Paul, H ibbing, M inn. (H ibbing H igh School) AB 32601 Roosevelt A venue; 1107 N. N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Brown, W alter H ubert, Hazleton, Pa. (Hazleton H igh School) AB 4332 W est Broad S tre e t; Corby H all

Bruccoli, M atthew Joseph, Valhalla, N . Y. (Fordham P repara to ry ) *AB 1V alhalla P a r k ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Brucker, Charles Alphonse, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) *CM 11009 F erry S tre e t; Home

Brugger, Robert Leonard, Erie, Pa. (Cathedral P repara to ry ) *EG 1333 E ast E ighth S tre e t; Morrissey H all

B runeni, LeRoy Samuel, Rockford, III. (St. Thomas H igh School) SC 1502 Longwood S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Bruno, V incent Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) CM 34747 E ast W ashington S tree t; How ard H all

Bruno, W illiam Ben, Asbury P ark , N . J . (A sbury P a rk H igh School) AB 21116 Second A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bruzek, R obert Jam es, Minneapolis, Minn. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 15034 Gladstone A venue; Dillon H all

B ryan, Robert Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1315 Peashw ay S tre e t ; Home

B ryant, A lbert Eugene, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 15348 W ayne A venue; Dillon H all

Bucci, Joseph A nthony, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic Institu te) AB 412 L ark S tre e t; W alsh H all

Buchart, J r ., E dw ard Egid, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier’s H igh School) AB 42100 Napoleon B oulevard; W alsh H all

Buckley, E dgar Thomas, Roslindale, Mass. (Mechanic A rts H igh School) P E 1636 W est Roxbury P a rk w a y ; Brownson H all

Buckley, Tim othy Jam es, Cicero, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) AB 21839 South 51st A venue; Lyons H all

Buckley, W illiam Augustine, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) CM 374 Columbia B oulevard; How ard Hall

Bulkiewicz, Raymond M arion, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy) AB 41645 W abansia A venue; W alsh H all

Bullinger, C.S.C., B rother Remigius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) AB 3D ujarie H all

Burch, C.S.C., Raymond M artin, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2Moreau Sem inary


B urger, Glare B ertram , R ittm an , Ohio (R ittm an H igh School) EG54 South M ain S tre e t; Corby H all

B urkart, II, B ernard Andrew, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) *EG243 N orth Sum m it S tree t; M orrissey H all

Burke, F rancis W allrich, Portland , Ore. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *EG2346 N . W . N orth rup S tre e t; Lyons H all

Burke, Jacob Eli, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG2102 W estern A venue; Home

Burke, Jam es Byron, Lemoore, Calif. (Lemoore U nion H igh School) CM75 Bush S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

Burke, Jam es Robert, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM1004 Dobson S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Burke, C.S.C., John Charles, N otre Dame. Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Burke, John Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) AB2121 W est W isconsin A venue; W alsh H all

Burke, John Joseph, R iver Forest, HI. (Loyola Academy) *AB534 Monroe A venue; Badin H all

Burke, R obert Charles, C incinnati, Ohio (S t. X avier College Academy) CM1657 W estm oreland A venue; Lyons H all

Burke, Robert John , Dowagiac, Mich. (Dowagiac H igh School) *CM107 Jam es S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Burke, J r . , Robert Thomas, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School) AB2114 Douglass B oulevard; A lum ni H all

Burke, J r . , W illiam Adam, South Bend, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) LWOliver H o te l; Home

B urkhardt, W illiam Gustave, Akron, Ohio (S t. V incent H igh School) CM50 Mayfield A venue; W alsh H all

B urnett, Law rence Frederick, N ew ark, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) SC386 Roseville A venue; M orrissey H all

Burns, Joseph P a trick , W atertow n, N . Y. (Im m aculate H e a rt Academy) EG1135 Academy S tre e t ; Corby H all

B um s, M artin Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB1310 Thorndale A venue; Lyons H all

B urns, W illiam Carroll, W atertow n, N . Y. (Im m aculate H eart Academy) CM1135 Academy S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Bush, E dw ard M artin , F lin t, Mich. (C entral H igh School) AB719 Beach S tree t; Dillon H all

Bush, R obert Leo, Brownsville, P a . (Brownsville H igh School) SC400 Spring S treet, N orth S ide; Lyons H all

Busichio, Jo h n Joseph, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thom as Jefferson H igh School) *AB211 H igh S tre e t; Corby H all

Busqueta, J r . , Antonio, Mexico, D. F . (In s titu te Franco-Ingles) CMRepublica de Cuba 60 ; Lyons H all

Buta, A nthony Adam, N otre Dame, Ind. (Proviso Township H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

Butler, A lbert Augustus, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB16911 Edgew ater D rive; Brownson H all

Butz, Charles Aloysius, K earny, N . J . (K earny H igh School) CM499 Belgrove D rive; C arroll H all

Byrne, Conal Joseph, Ardm ore, P a . (W est Philadelphia Catholic H igh School) AB 631 W oodcrest A venue; H ow ard H all

Byrne, J r . , Jam es A lbert, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School) AB 2172 Maplewood R oad ; Sorin H all

Byrne, Jo h n M atthews, Phoenixville, P a . (L a Salle H igh School) ABW hite H orse R o ad ; Lyons H all

Byrne, Kevin Jam es, Seneca Falls, N . Y. (M ynderse Academy) P E14 Seneca S tree t; Lyons H all































Byrne, Thomas Charles, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) *CM2172 Maplewood R o ad ; Lyons H all

Byrne, W illiam Joseph, A uburn, N . Y. ( Christian B rothers Academy) CM140 South Hoopes A venue; Badin H all

Byrnes, P a trick Gregory, H am ilton, Ont., Can. (Cathedral H igh School) AB75 Leinster Avenue, S o u th ; Morrissey H all

Byrnes, R obert Charles, Cedar Rapids, la . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) AB 1300 Third A venue ; Sorin H all

Cackley, J r . , John Newton, Ronceverte, W. Va., (G reenbrier M ilitary Academy) *AB 906 Pocahontas A venue; Dillon H all

Cahill, Joseph Leo, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) CM48 Almy S tree t; How ard H all

Cain, John Aloysius, Cheboygan, Mich. ( Cheboygan H igh School) ABDuncan E s ta te ; Carroll H all

Cain, C.S.C., B rother Patrick , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. V incent’s College) ABCarroll H all

Caldwell, Edw in George, Hudson, Ohio (Hudson H igh School) AB150 Elm S tre e t; Sorin H all

Caldwell, M erlin John, Louisville, Ohio (Louisville H igh School) *GM321 South Silver S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Callahan. Charles M artin , Lexington, Mass. (Lexington H igh School) AB11% Sherm an S tree t; Freshm an H all

Callahan, C.S.C., Charles Robert, N otre Dame, Ind. (P aterson H igh School) ABM oreau Sem inary

Callahan, Jam es Russel, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) CM 2358 Ardleigh D riv e ; Dillon H all

Callahan, Joseph A nthony, Woodhaven, L. I., N . Y. (Richm ond Hill H igh School) AB 9143—79th S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Callahan, Robert Allen, Hastings-on-Hudson, N .Y. (George W ashington Eve. H . S.) EG 22 P leasan t A venue; Freshm an H all

Callahan, Thomas H enry, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) CM5510 Sheridan R oad; Freshm an H all

G'allan, F rancis John, Milwaukee, Wis. (Boys’ Technical H igh School) CM818 South 25th S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Calvert, Charles Francis, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB439 E lgew ater D rive; Home

Calvert, H am ilton Edwin, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) CM439 E lgew ater D rive; Home

Campbell, Charles* Richard, M inneapolis, M inn. (W ashburn H igh School) EG4800 Second Avenue, S o u th ; A lum ni H all

Campbell, John H ugh, Hazleton, P a . (S t. Gabriel’s H igh School) SC141 South W yoming S tre e t ; Lyons H all

Campbell, John Thomas, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) CM1458 W ilcox P a rk D riv e ; Badin H all

Campbell, Joseph Francis, Rockwell, Iow a (Rockwell H igh School) CM1847 N orth Adam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Camperlengo, A nthony John , Yonkers, N . Y. (Yonkers H igh School) *AB114 Oak S tre e t; Corby H all

Campers, C.S.C., Edm und V incent, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Canale, A nthony August, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H . S.) CM1433 P op lar A venue; Corby H all

Canale, F rancis S turla, Memphis, Tenn. (Catholic H igh School) AB620 South Belvedere; St. E dw ard 's H all

Canale, Joseph Andrew, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian Brothers College H . S.) CM1433 P op lar A venue; M orrissey H all






























Canavan, Jam es Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Cannon, J r ., George W illiam, Muskegon, Mich. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) In terlaken Road ; Alum ni H all

Cannon, John W ayne, F reeport H igh School)1274 W est Stephenson S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Canolesio, Aldo B ernard, W eedsport, N. Y. (W eedsport H igh School)South S tre e t; Dillon H all

Cap it ell, A lfred John, Belmont, Mass. (Boston College H igh School)193 W hite S tree t; H ow ard H all

Capitell, Robert W illiiam, Belmont, Mass. (Belm ont H igh School)193 W hite S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Capoun, Clement Jam es, Chicago, 111. (H arrison Technical H igh School)4139 W est Potom ac A venue; Dillon Hall

Carbine, John Dugan, Rutland, V t. (R utland H igh School)182 S ta te S tre e t; Sorin H all

Cardinal, Ralph M arion, Malone, N . Y. (F rank lin Academy)117 W ebster S tree t; H ow ard H all

Caresio, J r . , John Christopher, Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) 11911 Ind iana A venue; Corby Hall

Carey, A lbert Daniel, Endicott, N . Y. (U nion-Endieott H igh School)20 Roosevelt A venue; Badin H all

Carey, A rth u r Francis, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School)10500 Lake A venue; Sorin Hall

Carey, George Lawrence, Lake H opatcong, N . J . (Roxbury Township H S ) Badin H all

Carey, P a trick , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School)1131 N orth A rm strong S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Carideo, F red Joseph, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (Mt. V ernon H igh School)119 N orth F ifth A venue; Sorin H all

Carney, R ichard Aloysius, T ieonderaga, N . Y. (Ticonderoga H igh School)85 Lake George A venue; Carroll H all

Carney, Thomas Patrick , DuBois, Pa. (St. Catherine’s H igh School)220 H ubert S tre e t; Lyons H all

Carpenter, Lawrence Edmund, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te )135 H obart S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Carr, W alter Thomas, Ambridge, Pa. (Am bridge H igh School)1693 M erchant S tree t; Carroll H all

Carrico, Paul Eugene, Bremen, Ind. (C entral H igh School)Rural Route 2 ; 929 N orth F rancis Street, South Bend, Ind.

C arrigan, R ichard Maurice, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)2427 Morse A venue; Brownson H all

Amthony, New Rochelle, If. Y. (N ew Rochelle High School)2d9 Elm S tre e t; Lyons H all

CarroU Patrick Joseph, Highland Falls, If. Y. (Cornwall-on-Hudson H. S.)33 Lake S tre e t; Corby H all

Carroll, Paul W illiam, Sandusky, Ohio (Sandusky H igh School)E rie County Home, South Columbus A venue; Sorin H all

Can,oll, R ichard Joseph, Chicago, III. (Leo H igh School)7222 Luella A venue; Lyons H all

Carroll Robert Patrick , Seattle, W ash. (Seattle College)717-17 N orth S tre e t; Dillon H all

C a r ! H i g h S c h o o i)

C art?59 V * w s S t rC o X ° H a T - H igh Sch” 1)

C art8?S X S t t » 1 & S ° :“ H aIli0 <SaCred ^ H igh Sch° 0,)

AB 1

EG 3

*CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

SC 1

EG 1

AB 4

CM 2

EG 4

CM 3

CM 4

CM 2

CM 1

LW 1

P E 1

EG 2

EG 4

SC 1

AB 3

EG 1

♦CM 1

♦CM 1

CM 4

CM 2

SC 1

CM 1

P E 4

CM 4


Casazza, W illiam John, Albany, N . Y. ( Christian B rothers Academy)11 Rosemont S tre e t; Corby Hall

Casey, Eugene Francis, Chicago, 111. (Em il C. H irsch H igh School)1201 E ast 72nd S tree t; Freshm an H all

Cashin, John Jerem iah, Fayetteville, N . Y. (Fayetteville H igh School)108 South P a rk S tre e t; Badin H all

Casillo, Nicholas Salvatore; Brooklyn, N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School)1975 W est E ighth S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Casper, F rederick Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 3514 N orth Shepard A venue; Dillon H all

Casper, N orvin Lee, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)1722 W indsor P la c e ; Badin H all

Cass, F rancis Joseph, Buffalo, N . Y. (C entral H igh School)675 Richmond A venue; 1035 N orth St. P e te r S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Cassedy, C.S.C., Elwood Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

Cassidy. Thomas Edward, Kings P ark , N . Y. (K ings P a rk Central H igh School) B roadw ay; Lyons Hall

Cassone, P e ter George, P o rt Chester, N. Y. (P o rt Chester H igh School)202 South Regent S tree t; Morrissey H all

Castineira, Alberto Enrique, H avana, Cuba (El In stitu to de Segunda Ensenanza) C entral H ershey ; M orrissey H all

Castleman, W illiam Pryor, Louisville, Ky. ( Columbia U niversity H igh School) 2140 Bonny C astle ; Dillon H all

Catalane, Bartholomew W illiam, N ew ark, N . J . (St. Benedict's P repara to ry )42 Oakland T errace; A lum ni H all

Cattie, Eugene Ignatius, Philadelphia, Pa . (N ortheast Catholic H igh School)S. E. Corner Sixth & 64th A venues; M orrissey H all

G'avanagh, John Joseph, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )637 St. John 's P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Cavanaugh, Joseph H ubert, N otre Dame, Ind. (H arpers F erry H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Cavanaugh, Robert W illiam, Rouseville, P a . (Oil City H igh School)M ain S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Cavender, Savino W alter Lawrence, Wakefield, Mich. (Wakefield H igh School) Sorin H all

Caveny, Robert Thomas, Macoupin, 111. (Litchfield Community H igh School) R ural R oute; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Cecala, George Gregory, Salt Lake City, U tah (Judge Memorial H igh School)825 P a rk S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Chadwick, J r . , A rth u r John, Amityville, N . Y. (Amityville H igh School)43 Greene A venue; M orrissey H all

Chanowicz, Stanley Joseph, Philadelphia,, Pa. (W est Phila. Catholic H . S.)2246 W est Allegheny A venue; Brownson H all

Chapell, W illiam Francis, F lin t, Mich. (Central H igh School)910 E ast Second S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

Chill, J r ., Charles W illiam, Detroit, Mich. (Chadsey H igh School)7411 Wykes A venue; Dillon H all

Church, A ugust Joseph, N orth Plainfield, N . J . (N . Plainfield H igh School)20 M anning Avenue ; Badin H all

Cifrese, Liborio Francis, M orristown, N . J . (M orristown H igh School)139 Speedwell A venue; W alsh H all

Claeys, J r ., Jerom e Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)510 Leland A venue; Home

Clair, John Morgan, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)1245 A rth u r A venue; Lyons H all

Clancy, Thomas John, Schuylerville, N. Y. (Schuylerville H igh School)212 N orth Broad S tree t; Lyons H all

AB 4

AB 1

AB 3

SC 3

CM 1

*SC 1

EG 4

AB 1

*AB 1,

SC 2

EG 2

CM 1

SC 4

EG 2

AB 2

AB 1

CM 3

SC 4

AB 2

CM 1

CM 2

P E 1

AB 1

EG 1

AB 3

SC 4

CM 2

*AB 1

*AB 1


Clark, Charles H enry, P lattsburg , N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)6 L orra ine S tre e t; Badin Hall

Clark, Jo h n Francis, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)1355 N orth A ustin B oulevard; W alsh H all

Clark, Law rence V anZandt, Rensselaer, N . Y. (Rensselaer H igh School)1129 Third S tree t; How ard H all

Clarke, Philip Jam es, N ew burgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy)144 Ren wick S tre e t; How ard H all

Cleary, J r . , John Francis, Taunton, Mass. (M onsignor Coyle H igh School)19 W ebster S tree t; Freshm an H all

Clements, Evans Moore, Nashville, Tenn. (Peabody H igh School)H ard ing Road & Jackson B oulevard ; M orrissey H all

Clements, Jam es Roseman, Springfield, Ky. (Springfield H igh School)623 P a rk Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Clements, M errill E lton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)112 South N otre Dame A venue; Home

Clements, Sam Spaulding, U niontow n, Ky. (St. Agnes H igh School)Corby H all

Cliff, J r ., Edm und Vail, New Rochelle, N . Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School)46 Stonelea P la c e ; W alsh H all

Clifford, Jerem iah Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7244 M errill A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Clifford, John Francis, New Haven, Conn. (N ew H aven H igh School)147 W est Rock A venue; Brownson H all

Clifford, Joseph Campbell, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)147 W est Rock A venue; Dillon H ail

Clifford, W illiam V incent, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School)715 H arrison S tree t; Freshm an H all

Cloutier. C.S.C., B rother Alphonsus, N otre Dame, Ind . (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie H all

Clymer, F rancis Elroy, Granger, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School)Home

Cochran, Daniel W alter, W heeling, W. Va. (Linsly Institu te )14 Birch A venue; Dillon H all

Coen, W illiam M artin , A fton, Iowa (A fton H igh School)W alsh H all

Cohen, Herman H arris , Mishawaka. Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)901 W est M ishawaka A venue; Home

Cohen, H ym an Jacob, South Bend, Ind. (Yeshivah H igh School)625 South Clinton S tre e t; Home

Cohn, Elliot Irw in , South Bend, Ind. (Phoenix U nion H igh School)1115 Riverside D rive; Home

Cole, W illiam Noonan, Paola, Kans. (Paola H igh School)610 E as t P eoria S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Coles, J r ., Charles Edw ard, W innetka, 111. (New T rie r H igh School)1192 A sbury A venue; A lum ni H all

Coll, Jam es Joseph, Hazleton, Pa. (St. Gabriel’s H igh School)419 W est Oak S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Colleran, James Paul, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School)1239 Elm S tree t; Sorin Hall

Collins, F rancis Thomas, Auburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School)14 Gaylord S tree t; H ow ard H all

Collins, John Allen, Clinton, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School)530 Tenth Avenue, S o u th ; M orrissey H all

Collins, John Thomas Fairm ont, W. Va. (St. P e te r’s H igh School)Peacock P a rk ; Dillon H all

Comeau, J r . , Jam es H enry, Schenectady, N . Y. (Schenectady H igh School)1038 Phoenix A venue; Alum ni H all

AB 3

CM 4

AB 4

CM 3

CM 1


CM 1

CM 3

AB 4

CM 4

CM 1

AB 1

SC 1

CM 1

SC 8

CM 1

EG 1

CM 4

LW 3

GR 1

SC 2

CM 4

EG 2

SC 4

*CM 1

CM 4

*CM 1

PE 1

AB 3


Commisa, Salvatore Adolph, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer H igh School) 21 Mt. Prospect A venue; Badin H all

P E 3

Compa, Russell Edw ard, Bogota, N . J . (Bogota H igh ‘tichool) 168 Beechwood A venue; Corby H all

EG 4

Condon, Edw ard Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis Academy) 305 Linden Boulevard; Freshm an H all

P E 1

Condon, Joseph Eugene, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) 14 H am ilton S tre e t ; 306 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

LW 2

Condon, Stephen Decatur, Hancock, Mich. (Hancock H igh School) 1143 Quincy S tree t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Condon, W illiam Patrick , Greenville, Miss. (St. Rose of L im a H igh School) 718 W ashington A venue; Freshm an H all

AB 1

Conley, Charles Aloysius, Connersville, Ind. ( Connersville H igh School) 814 Lincoln A venue; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Conley, N orm an Benedict, Canton, Ohio (S t. John H igh School) 344 - 15th Street, N. W .; A lum ni H all

EG 3

Conlon, Joseph W illiam, Bingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton H igh School) 137 Hawley S tre e t ; W alsh H all

EG 4

Connell, Jam es Taylor, N ew port, R. I. (Rogers H igh School) 11 Bedlow P la c e ; Dillon H all

EG 1

Conner, Joseph George, W est Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) 43 Lowell S tre e t; Badin H all

P E 3

Connor, J r . , David John, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) 401 W est H am pton D riv e ; Carroll H all

CM 1

Connor, Jam es W illiam, M orris, 111. (M orris H igh School) 305 E ast N orth S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

P E 2

Connor, John Charles, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 256 S terling S tre e t; Dillon H all

CM 1

Connor, Thomas Reardon, M orris, III. (M orris H igh School)305 E ast N orth S tree t; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Connors, John Robert, Buffalo, N. Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institu te ) 44 A rkansas S tre e t ; Sorin H all

P E 4

Conrad, John Francis, Vincennes, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School) 313 South Sixth S tre e t ; Carroll H all

AB 1

Conry, W illiam Edw ard, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia H all H igh School) 2124 South St. Louis A venue; M orrissey H all

*AB 1

Conway, J r . , Stephen Joseph, Johnstow n, Pa . (Johnstow n H igh School) 211 M ain S tre e t; M orrissey H all

*GM 1

Coogan, John Gerald, Saranac Lake, N . Y. (Saranac Lake H igh School) 164 B roadw ay; Sorin H all

EG 4

Cook, M artin W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 709 Rex S tre e t; Home

SC 2

Cook, Robert Frederick, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) 913 Lincoln W ay E a s t ; Home

CM 3

Coon, Jam es John, Buffalo, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) 72 Middlesex R oad; Dillon H all

CM 1

Cooper, M orris Benjam in, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 827 P ortage A venue; Home

SC 3

Copeland, Thomas Francis, Troy, N. Y. (L ansingburgh H igh School) 60 Sixth A venue; Dillon H all

SC 1

Corcoran, Jam es Melvin, W ashington, D. C. (W estern H igh School) 2026 - 37th S treet, N. W .; Freshm an H all

SC 1

Corcoran. Joseph Michael, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) 138 Belmont S tree t; Dillon H all

AB 1

Cordaro, Joseph Thomas, Rochester, N . Y. (W est H igh School) 31 Ja y S tree t; Brownson H all

SC 4

Cormier, Leo Joseph, Rum ford, Me. (Stephen’s H igh School) 237 F rank lin S tre e t ; Lyons H all

AB 2


Correll, Hugh, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)901 Second Street, N. W .; Freshm an H all

Corrigan, James B ernard, W auwatosa, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 1829 N orth 69th S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Corrigan, John Th-omas, W auwatosa, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 1829 N orth 69th S tre e t ; W alsh H all

C orrigan Thomas Earle, Chicago, HI. (McKinley H igh School)1822 W est Monroe S tre e t; Lyons H all

Cosgrove F rancis Peter, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School)R ural Route 2 ; Brownson Hall

Costa Joseph Louis, Metuchen, N. J . (N ew Y ork M ilitary Academy)416 Mam S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Joseph, Metuchen, N . J . (New York M ilitary Academy)416 Mam S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Costello, A lbert Thomas, Akron, Ohio (N orth H igh School)340 East Tallmadge Avenue; Carroll Hall

Costello, John W illiam, Dover, N . J . (St. Benedict's P rep ara to ry )55 W es t B lackw ell S t r e e t ; D illon H a ll

Costigan, William James, Carbondale, 111. (Campion Preparatory)311 W est Cherry S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Gharies, C incinnati, Ohio (St. X avier H igh School)667 E ast M itchell Avenue; Brownson H all

^ ° ^ M m ^ u " s ^ h % r y ^ Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary)

Cover. Jix, Glenn Alfred, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)2709 M ishawaka A venue; Home

° ° WS t: E * ™ d ?sd l S r S’ Woodhu11’ IIL W oodhull Township H igh School)

c L ^ B la n t^ S tre e tT jU n m n ^ H a ll^ 611 * School)

M orrissey^Hall Sch» »

M - s t r 1 H ig h S c h o o l)

Frhr f f 's ? r ae T s ^ Bend, i S t ^ ^

^ % 2 % t h S ! ' D r % T l ^ n i ' H ! H H igh SchooI)

& “ d607H^ h JsTee!t ;EA t i aS ! h I,L ( ^ p io n Preparatory)

CradMoteau'leminY™ am N °tre Dame‘ Ind' <St" Thomas High School)

^ ai k ? r s a a % % e % ^ A J i (Newtown Hish schooi>

Cre^ u t £ Q2U2e3 ^ a » ” • F ' Nacionai)

^ % 2 % : d a % y % a ^ (A~ > Academy)

C™0nitL 2 a n te ttrS ? C ^ ? rH Oan ^ <MUby High -Schoo,)

C' « N o M k e 3^ H igh Sch°° l)

(R °m an “ C H igh ^ O O ,) .

^ % W n : V r : % m ,T S a H WiS- (MenaSha High School)

AB 1

AB 4

AB 4

AB 1

SC 1

CM 3

CM 3

P E 3

SC 1

EG 1

CM 1

AB 2

CM 1

EG 2

SC 3

CM 1

CM 2

LW 3

AB 3

*AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

EG 3

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 1

CM 1


Crollard, Frederick Michael, W enatchee, W ash. (W enatchee H igh School) AB 1112 South Em erson S tre e t; Dillon H all

Cronin, J r . , A rth u r Dennis, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) AB 319160 Woodston Road ; Howard Hall

Cronin, Edw ard Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 17823 E ast End A venue; Carroll H all

Cronin, Jam es Raymond, Chicago, HI. (Leo H igh School) AB 42063 E ast 72nd P la c e ; Howard H all

Cronin, Robert Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) CM 22063 E ast 72nd P la c e ; Lyons H all

Crooks, David Paul, Kansas City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) AB 15500 W yando tte ; Dillon Hall

Crosiar, F rancis Everett, U tica, 111. (La Salle-Peru Township H igh School) AB 1Church S tre e t; Dillon H all

C rotty, E dw ard Joseph, Danbury, Conn. (D anbury H igh School) P E 29 M ountainville A venue; St. E dw ard 's H all

Crotty, Irw in Patrick , Storm Lake, Iowa (Storm Lake H igh School) P E 3610 W est F ifth S tre e t ; How ard H all

Crotty, Joseph W illiam, W orcester, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) CM 2188 H ighland S tre e t; Lyons H all

Crowe, Andrew Michael, Lafayette, Ind. (Jefferson H igh School) AB 11313 T ippecanoe; Brownson Hall

Crowe, John Benedict, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) LW 31522 E ast Colfax A venue; 419 Lincoln W ay W est, South Bend, Ind.

Crowley, A nthony W illiam, Rockford, 111. (St. Thomas H igh School) LW 31112 W est Jefferson S tre e t; W alsh H all

Crowley, Cornelius Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. Michael’s H igh School) AB 4272 Lenox R o ad ; Corby H all

Crowley, F rancis Edw ard, Beach Haven, N. J . (B arnegat H igh School) SC 1Beach & Ocean ; Brownson H all

Crowley, Thomas John, Los Altos, Calif. (St. Joseph’s School) CM 1Cherry O ak s; Freshm an Hall

Croxall, W illard Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) , GR 2117 F rank lin P la c e ; Home

Crunican, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 44149 Jackson B oulevard ; Sorin H all

Crystal, Louis Francis, W est Brighton, S.I., N . Y. (Steven’s P repara to ry ) EG 337 Moody P la c e ; A lum ni H all

Cudmore, Jack Daniel, E aton, Colo. (E aton H igh School) CM 1308 P a rk A venue; Dillon H all

Cullen, J r . , B ernard W alter, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB 16144 N orth Talm an A venue; Dillon Hall

Cullen, Edw ard Paul, Dorchester, Mass. ( Commerce H igh School) P E 460 Radcliffe S tre e t ; Corby H all

Cullen, C.S.C., Joseph Francis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Mel H igh School) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

Cummings, Paul W illiam, W orcester, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) *CM 1842 P leasan t S tre e t ; Alumni H all

Cunha, Daniel Joseph, St. Petersburg, F la. (St. Petersburg H igh School) P E 4919 Baum A venue; Carroll H all

C urran, G.S.C., B rother Columba, N otre Dame, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) GR 1D ujarie H all

C urran, Michael P ria l, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 36435 South P a rk A venue; Badin Hall

Curran, C.S.C., Thomas B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

C urran, V incent Thomas, New ark, N . J . (Seton Hall H igh School) CM 340 N ether wood P la c e ; How ard Hall


C urran, W illiam H enry, H ibbing, M inn. (R ibbing H igh School)402 Lincoln S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Curry, Philip H enry, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Schenley H igh School)5410 Plainfield S tre e t; Dillon H all

Curtin, J r . , H enry Francis, Woonsocket, R. I. (W oonsocket H igh School) 360 Mason S tree t; Brown son H all

Cusack, H ow ard Clune, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis X avier H igh School)400 Clinton A venue; A lum ni H all

Cushing, Jerom e Jam es, Evanston, III. (Loyola Academy)900 Edgemere C o u rt; W alsh H all

Cushing, Leo Joseph, H astings, N ebr. (H astings H igh School)401 U niversity A venue; Alum ni H all

Cusick, J r . , M artin Patrick , Je rsey City, N . J . (St. P e ters H igh School) 255 A rm strong A venue; Freshm an H all

Cyrwus,* W alter John, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita H igh School)4329 South P au lina S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Czlapinski, Edw ard Joseph, P ittsburgh , Pa. (South H igh School)2105 Sarah S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Dahill, J r . , E dw ard Jam es, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School)179 H ighland S tree t; Lyons H all

Daley, J r . , E dw ard H enry, L a Porte , Ind. (L a P orte H igh School)1710 Ind iana A venue; Badin H all

Daley, F rancis V incent, Buffalo, N . Y. (South P a rk H igh School)200 W hitfield A venue; Carroll H all

Daley, Jo h n P a trick , L a Porte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School)1710 Ind iana A venue; Badin H all

Dalrymple, David Wendel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1612 M arie tta S tre e t; Home

Da3y; « S f e les F rancis, V entnor City, N. J . (Holy S p irit H igh School)5309 V entnor A venue; Carroll H all

Daly Jam es U rban, N orth Braddock, P a . (N orth Braddoek H igh School)426 H aw kins A venue; Carroll H all

D’Am ora, A lfred F rancis, Ardm ore, Pa. (Lower M erlon H igh School)30 Holland A venue; Corby H all

D anahy, R ichard Thomas, Buffalo, N . Y. (South P a rk High School)385 McKinley P a rk w a y ; Dillon H all

Danbom, Laurence Edwin, Calumet, Mich. (Calum et H igh School)507 Fourth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Dan<~hy, Jam es Philip , Chicago, III. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7321 South Shore D riv e ; 805 Leland Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Da*i?ls, W illiam Edward, Brooklyn, N . Y. (L a Salle Military Academy)666 St. M ark’s A venue; Brownson H all

Daniel sk i,. C. S. C B rother Sigismund, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e art College) D u jan e H all ’

Daoust, W illiam Edw ard, Defiance, Ohio, (Defiance H igh School)650 Jefferson A venue; A lum ni Hall

D aPra, Luinoi Louis, E ast Chicago, Ind . (W ashington H igh School)4121 Ivy S tre e t; Brownson H all

DaV41JCthFSt?elt; io^HiSr- ^ ° f Perpetual H<*> High School)

Darcy, W illiam Jam es, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School)1361 Cook A venue; Badin H all

Dasso John Comillo Oak Park, 111. (O ak P a rk H igh School)916 N orth E u c lid ; A lum ni H all

D a u g h to ^ J ’rancis^M aurice, Grand River, Iowa (G rand R iver H igh School)

LW 8

AB 1

CM 1

*AB 1

EG 4

CM 3

CM 1

EG 1

P E 1

CM 2

SC 8

AB 1

CM 8

GR 1

SC 1

*EG 1

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AB 1

P E 2

GR 2

EG 1

AB 2

CM 2

AB 1

LW 1

EG 3

CM 2

*AB 1


Dausm an, H urdis Dana, Bremen, Ind. (Brem en H igh School)218 W est Dewey S tre e t; Home

Davey, Jerom e Michael, Mason City, Iowa (Mason City H igh School)233 Seventh Street, N. W .; M orrissey Hall

Davidson, A rth u r Cleveland, Greenville, Miss. (St. Rose of Lim a H igh School) 1303 Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Davis, DeLancey Joseph, Schenectady, N . Y. (Hazleton H igh School)1131 Parkwood B oulevard; M orrissey H all

Davis, Irw in V incent, Ponchatoula, La. (Ponchatoula H igh School)Sorin Hall

Davis, Thomas Leo, Chase, Kansas (Lyons H igh School)R ural R oute; Dillon H all

Day, J r . , Winfield Scott, E lm hurst, III. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)St. Charles R o ad ; M orrissey H all

Deane, John Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 3728 W est Brown S tree t; Brownson H all

DeBartolo, Jam es Thomas, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School)27 W est Judson A venue; Dillon H all

DeBeek, Marcel Camille, N ew Carlisle, Ind. (New Carlisle H igh School)R ural Route 1 ; Home

DeBruyne, Philip Cornelius, St. Charles, 111. (Community H igh School)514 West M ain S tre e t; A lum ni H all

DeCarbo, Michael Anthony, New Castle, P a . (New Castle H igh School)310 E as t L utton S tree t; Brownson H all

Dee, W illiam Jerom e, Oak P ark , 111. (Oak P a rk & R iver Forest Twp. H . S.) 1025 Linden A venue; Dillon H all

Deely, Raymond Edward, N orth T arry town, N . Y. (N orth T arry tow n H. S.) 61 College S tre e t ; Badin H all

Deery, F rancis Xavier, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School)609 N orth Riley A venue; A lum ni H all

DeForest, Daniel Lawrence, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1135 P ortage A venue; Home

D eFuria, P atsy F rancis, Belleville, N . J . (Belleville H igh School)30 P a rk View A venue; Carroll H all

DeGarmo, John Joseph, Niles, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)35 Lincoln A venue; Badin H all

Deichm ann, F red Alfred, Kansas City, Mo. (Southw est H igh School)7909 Holmes S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

de Landero, Carlos Abel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1031 Niles A venue; Home

de Landero, Telmo, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1031 Niles A venue; Home

Delaney, J r . , F ra n k Joseph, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)5808 N orth Delaware S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Delaney, R ichard Heneberry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)5808 N orth Delaware S tree t; M orrissey H all

de la V ergne, P ie rre Renaud, New Orleans, La. (S pring Hill H igh School) 5931 St. Charles A venue; Dillon H all

Delavy, C.S.C., V incent B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy -Cross Seminary) M oreau Sem inary

Del Gaizo, Carmine Louis, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School)72 W ilkenda A venue; Badin H all

De Lia, Emilio Frederick, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer H igh School)25 Crane S tre e t; Corby H all

Delligan, F rancis W illiam, Stafford Springs, Conn. (Stafford H igh School)34 Prospect S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Delmore, John Robert, N otre Dame, Ind . (Pio Nono H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Demer, W alter Joseph, Honesdale, Pa. (Honesdale Catholic H igh School)404 Church S tree t; Lyons Hall


CM 4

*AB 1

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CM 1

EG 2

AB 1

AB 1

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SC 4

*SC 1

AB 1

SC 2


Demetrio, George Tynan, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School) AB 453 Blake S tre e t; Sorin H all

DeMots, John Edw ard, Minot, N . Dak. (M inot H igh School) AB 3424 F irs t Street, S. E . ; How ard Hall

Dempsey, John Joseph, Tacoma, W ash. (Bellaram ine H igh School) *SC 1724 N orth Y akim a A venue; A lum ni H all

Dempsey, Robert Jam es, Muskegon, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 290% E ast Grand A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Dendler, H enry Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. (H am m onton H igh School) AB 32351 N orth Cleveland A venue; Badin H all

Denten, John Marcel, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM 12047 Hum boldt B oulevard; Brownson H all

Derbin, Michael Edward, M ishawaka, Ind. (E dw ardsburg H igh School) AB 1507 E ast M ishawaka A venue; Home

Derengoski, Robert Andrew, Manistee, Mich. (M anistee H igh School) AB 1386 T hird S tre e t; Brownson H all

Derham , John A nthony, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) SC 15510 Sheridan R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Deschamps, F ra n k A rthu r, Alpena, Mich. (St. A nne H igh School) EG 4510 Tawas S tree t; Corby Hall

Desmond, John Joseph, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) CM 2387 Grove S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Devine, Robert Benedict, Norw alk, Conn. (N orw alk H igh School) LW 26 Melbourne R oad; W alsh Hall

DeVoe, LeRoy Edwin, South Bend, Ind . (Y.M.C.A. H igh School) CM 11141 Belmont A venue; Home

Devore, H ugh John, N ew ark, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) LW 152 N orth T enth S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

DiBrienza, Am erigo W illiam, Brooklyn, N . Y. (A braham Lincoln H igh School) SC 18831-20th A venue; Freshm an Hall

Dice, R ichard Wilson, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) AB 3823 E as t Donald S tre e t ; Home

Dick, W alte r Joseph, Galesburg, 111. (St. M cCarten’s College) AB 4Corpus Christ! H igh School; W alsh Hall

Diemert, C.S.C., B rother Oliver, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart Academy) SC 2D ujarie Hall

D ietrich, J r . , Stephen, P o rt Chester, N . Y. (Greenwich H igh School) AB 1345 K ing S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

DiGiovanni, Paul Marco, Kansas City, Mo. (W entw orth M ilitary Academy) AB 3823 E as t F if th S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

DiGiovanni, Salvatore Sam, Kansas City, Mo. (K em per M ilitary School) AB 3410 Gladstone B oulevard ; A lum ni Hall

DILeo, Senatro W illiam, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) SC 2658 Bleecker S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Dillon, J r . , Leo Marcellus, Grafton, P a . (G rafton H igh School) AB 4171 Steuben S tree t; W alsh Hall

Dillon, Thomas Edward, G irard, Ohio (G irard H igh School) *EG 128 Sm ithsonian S tre e t; Lyons H all

Dillon, W illiam Robbins, Grafton, Pa. (G rafton H igh School) AB 3171 Steuben S tree t; A lum ni Hall

DiMatteo John Ignatius, M iamisburg, Ohio (M iam isburg H igh School) AB 117 W est Central A venue; Dillon Hall

DiMatteo, Joseph Angelo, P ittsburgh , Pa. (P erry H igh School) P E 126 Bonvue S tree t; Carroll H all

Dinefn4 K # ew’n K ittan llin^ P a - (K ittan ing H igh School) SC 4404 N orth McKean S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Dmeen,^ JohnJD aniel, W hite Sulphur Springs. W. Va. (W hite Sulphur Springs H .S.) AB 2


Dineen, Joseph Daniel, H erkim er, N . Y. (H erkim er H igh School) 217 T hird A venue; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Dizenzo, P a trick Albert, Hackensack, N . J . (H ackensack H igh School) 35 Hudson S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 3

Doan, Joseph Edward, Lima, Ohio (C entral H igh School) 525 N orth Collett S tr e e t ; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Dohnalek, Charles W alter, Chelsea, Iowa (Chelsea H igh School) Alumni Hall

CM 3

Dolak, M artin Joseph, Youngstown, Ohio (Benedictine H igh School) 1625 Mayfield A venue; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Dolan, W illiam Jam es, Catlin, 111. (Gatlin Township H igh School) V erm ilion ; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Donahue, Jam es Terrence, Chicago, 111. (Bowen H igh School) 4539 Ellis A venue; Dillon H all

CM 1

Donahue, John Aldon, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 522 South Rush S tre e t; Home

EG 1

Donahue, J r ., Joseph Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Cam pion P repara to ry ) 904 E ast Jefferson S tre e t; Lyons Hall

CM 2

Donahue, Robert Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 5217 U niversity A venue; M orrissey Hall

AB 4

Donahue, J r . , W illiam Francis, H arvey, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 14843 Main S tree t; 733 N orth Hill Street, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Donigan, J r . , V incent Paul, Kansas City, Mo. (R ockhurst H igh School) 2941 E ast 29th S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

CM 2

Donlon, F rancis John, Endicott, N . Y. (U nion-Endicott H igh School) 1903 T racy S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 2

Donly, John Cummings, N ew port News, Va. (Benedictine H igh School) 4803 H unting ton Avenue ; H ow ard Hall

CM 2

Donnell, J r . , W illiam Kyle, Lindsay, Okla. (L indsay H igh School) 107 South Garvin S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Donnelly, B ernard Patrick , Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School) 284 Maple A venue; M orrissey Hall

SC 2

Donnelly, Gordon V incent, Chicago, 111. (H irsch H igh School) 8522 B ennett A venue; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Donnelly, C.S.C., John Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 1

Donnelly, John P atrick , M ichigan City, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 118 W est W illiam S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Donnelly, P a trick Ignatius, South Bend, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) 202 E ast Angella B oulevard ; Home

CM 1

Donnelly, Robert Edw ard, Willoughby, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 32001 Lake Shore B oulevard; Freshm an Hall

CM 1

Donnino, Joseph Dominick, Jam aica, N . Y. (Boys’ H igh School) 9017-168th S tre e t; Badin Hall

P E 3

Donoghue, F rancis Edmund, Merrill, Wis. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) Alum ni Hall

SC 3

Donohue, Eugene Jam es, Antigo, W is. (A ntigo H igh School) 411 Clermont S tre e t ; Dillon H all

SC 1

Donohue, J r . , John H enry, N orth River, N . Y. (N orth Creek High School) Brownson Hall

SC 1

Donohue, V incent John, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School) 300 Depew S tre e t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Donovan, Alan Eugene, W illim antic, Conn. (W indham H igh School) 63 Lewiston A venue ; H ow ard Hall

AB 3

Donovan,* F rancis Johnson, T upper Lake, N . Y. (T upper Lake School) 25 Cliff A venue; Alumni Hall

*CM 1

Donovan, Jam es Fredric, Joliet, 111. (Jo lie t Catholic H igh School) 121 South Center S tre e t; Dillon Hall


AB 1


Donovan, John Timothy, Jam aica, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy)87-32—168th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Donovan, P a trick Joseph, Chicago, 111. (S t. R ita College Academy)7516 Essex A venue; Alum ni Hall

Doody, Thomas Joseph, Gary, Ind. (Lew W allace H igh School)4395 Jackson S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Dooley, John Joseph, D etroit, Mich. (St. Leo H igh School)2208 Field A venue; Sorin Hall

Dooley, W illiam Francis, Detroit, Mich. (St. Leo H igh School)2208 Field A venue; M orrissey Hall

Doozan, Carl W illiam, Saginaw, Mich. (SS. P e te r & Paul H igh School)122 M alzahn S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Doran, Paul Thomas, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christi H igh School)509 South W est S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

Dore, C.S.C., Eugene Louis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Mel H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Dorgan, Joseph Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)3515 W est 64th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

D orris, Thomas Basil, South Bend, Ind . (A ssum ption Academy)St. Joseph H ospital, South Bend, Ind.

Dorsey, W illiam Joseph, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School)1030 Brow n S tre e t; Brownson H all

Dougher, Paul A drian, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School)2421 H artzell S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Dougherty, Jam es Joseph, Bristol, Tenn. (Bristol H igh School)920 Seventh A venue; Brownson Hall

Douthat, M orton Zahn, Joplin , Mo. (St. M ary’s College H igh School)531 Sergeant A venue ; W alsh Hall

Dowling, E dw ard John, Humboldt, S. Dak. (N otre Dame Academy)832 N orth St. Louis Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Downey, Jam es W adsw orth, Chickasha, Okla. (Chickasha H igh School)1227 K ansas A venue; M orrissey H all

Downing, Thomas W illiam, Baldwin, L .I., N . Y. (Chaminade H igh School) 36 Central A venue ; A lum ni H all

Doyle, B ernard Jam es, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin School)1525 E as t 106th S tre e t; F reshm an H all

Doyle, Gerald Purcell, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School)7204 Pax ton S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Doyle, Jo h n Joseph, P e rth Amhoy, N . J . (P e rth Amboy H igh School)155 Sm ith S tre e t; F reshm an Hall

Doyle, Jo h n M orrissey, Oak P ark , 111. (S t. Philips H igh School)102 LeMoyne P a rk w a y ; 310 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Doyle, Paul Jam es, Chicago, III. (Leo H igh School)7204 Pax ton A venue; A lum ni H all

Doyle, R obert F rancis, F lin t, Mich. (C entral H igh School)514 E as t F if th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Doyle, Thomas Joseph, Chicago, HI. (St. Mel H igh School)5439 Jackson B oulevard; St. Edw ard’s H all

Doyle, Thomas Michael, Teaneck, N . J . (Stevens P repara to ry )277 M errison S tree t; M orrissey H all

D raper, Donald Maxine, Gridley, Kans. (Gridley H igh School)A lum ni Hall

D rayer, Adam M atthew, New B rita in , Conn. (New B rita in H igh School)24 M iller S tre e t; Corby H all

Drescher, A lbert Robert, Oklahoma City, Okla. (Classen H igh School)1019 W est 34th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Drislane, Jam es Joseph, Albany, N . Y. (V incentian Institu te )756 Madison A venue; Carroll Hall

AB 4

*CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

CM 2

AB 2

*CM 1

AB 1

CM 2

GR 2

CM 1

EG 4

EG 1

CM 4

CM 1

SC 2

CM 3

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

LW 3

SC 3

CM 1

*AB 1

*AB 1

AB 3

AB 4

SC 1

CM 1


D ro M 2 f ra ^ J ^ ^ ^ o r r S s ^ H a n a‘ ^ Cl'°SS C°lleee) 0M 2

“ s T N o 'r th ^ a s f ^A ven^r’Alumni HaUm 0 Sch°0l) CM 2

DUb1200ia clstkwonod AvVe n S f ’ Lyons ifail Sch°ol) *CM 1

DUB886 M ttch d lA ^en u e f m U o T H a n ' <Y° rk Com,mmlt=' H i=h Sch°°» CM 1

i three t° N -. ^ nX * h g a , iMCKinl6y ^ Sch°0l>

DUCH o w ar^ HaU Tablas’ Repub- of Panam a (St. Stanislaus H igh School) EG 2

Ducey, Thomas Robert, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) EG 21113 Loyola A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Dudley, Joseph Clifford, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy) CM 4Cairo Road, Rural Route 2 ; Sorin Hall

Duffner,* Elm er Frederick, DeSoto, Mo. (DeSoto H igh School) AB 2419 South F ifth S tre e t; Morrissey Hall

Ro^ eiC Kendall, Chicago, III. (Spring Hill H igh School) *EG 16901 Oglesby A venue; Alum ni Hall

Duggan, Eugene Ryan, Roanoke, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) CM 1Dillon Hall

Duggan, V incent Joseph, Melrose, Mass. (Melrose H igh School) AB 12 Central T e rra c e ; Brownson Hall

Duke, Charles W illiam, L aPorte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School) CM 1304 Niles S tre e t ; 617 N orth St. P eter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Duke, N orm an Edward, LaPorte, Ind. (L aP orte High School) LW 3304 Niles S tree t; 617 N orth St. P eter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Duncan, W alter, La Salle, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) CM 11232 N orth M arquette S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Dunn, Edw ard Reardon, Chicago, 111. ( Campion P repara to ry ) AB 37717 Clyde A venue; Badin Hall

Dunn, J r . F rancis Anthony, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) LW 1107 Glenwood A venue; Sorin Hall

Dunn, J r . , K ieran Louis, Springfield, Mass. (Central H igh School) CM 4Round H ill; Sorin Hall

Dunn, Louis Jam es, A drian, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 1840 South M ain S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Dunn, Thom as Francis, Pittsfield, Mass. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) CM 2Elberon A venue; H ow ard Hall

Dunn, Thomas Joseph, Christopher, 111. (Com munity H igh School) P E 3Hill Crest Addition ; H ow ard Hall

D unning, A nthony F rank , Berwyn, 111. (M orton H igh School) CM 42102 Gunderson A venue; W alsh H all

D urkin, Thomas Francis, F o rt W orth, Texas (W ichita Falls H igh School) *CM 1424 South Ballinger S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Dutmers, Jam es Edward, Grand Rapids, Mich. (O ttaw a Hills H igh School) CM 11150 W ealthy S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Dutton, J r ., Jam es Joseph, Norwich, Conn. (Norwich Academy) CM 3221 Broad S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Dwyer, J r ., Jam es B ernard, E rie, Pa. (Academy H igh School) AB 24006 State S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Dwyer, Jam es Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis P repara to ry ) *SO 1312 P a rk P la c e ; Alumni Hall

Dwyer, Jam es Mullen, Hudson Falls, N . Y. (Hudson Falls H igh School) AB 414 Elm S tre e t; W alsh Hall


Eble, Pau l Felix, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 706 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

EG 1

Eby, Lawrence Thornton, South Bend, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School) R ural Route 5, Box 134 ; Home

SO 1

Eckrich, R ichard Peter, Jackson, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 1012 Carlton B oulevard; M orrissey H all

*CM 1

Edelkraut, George Richard, Clifton, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) 49 Hadley A venue; Carroll Hall


Edwards, John Richard, Yonkers, N . Y. (Charles E. Gorton H igh School) 46 P ine S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

CM 4

Edw ards, W illiam Howard, South Bend, Ind. (Kem per M ilitary School) 1217 E ast V ictoria S tre e t; Home


Egan, F rancis Forrest, P ittston , Pa. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) 89 W illiam S tre e t; Lyons Hall

AB 2

E gan, Robert H arry , D unkirk, N . Y. (St. M ary’s Academy) 524 P a rk A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

E isert, Milton Joseph, E rie, Pa . (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) 1134 E as t 28th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

SC 1

E l-A raj, Aziz Saliba, Ramallah, Palestine (Ram allah H igh School) St. E dw ard’s H all

LW 3

Elder, C.S.C., B rother Dominic, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie Hall

AB 3

Elder, Thomas Joseph, Coshocton, Ohio (Sacred H e a rt H igh School) 235 N orth E ig h th S tre e t; Carroll Hall

EG 1

Elliot, F rancis Joseph, New Rochelle, N . Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School) 1 H arrison S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Ellis, John Duke, Greens Fork, Ind. (Greens F ork H igh School) Pearl S tre e t; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Ellis, W illiam Joseph, Tacoma, W ash. (S t. M artin’s H igh School) R ural Route 1, Box 143 ; A lum ni H all

CM 4

Ellis, I I , W illiam V incent, Brookline, Mass. (St. A idan’s H igh School) 116 Thorndike S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

AB 2

Ellw anger, J r . , R alph Joseph, Dubuque, Iowa (St. V ia to r’s H igh School) 605 W est F ifth S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

CM 4

Elmore, George Milton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 2210 Lincoln way W e s t; Home

AB 1

Elser, Donald Lewis, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School) 764 Polk S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall

P E 3

Ely, Eugene Jam es, A uburn, N ebr. (A uburn H igh School) 1014-17th S tre e t; Lyons Hall

P E 2

Em anuel, Dennis George, Iowa City, Iowa (St. P a trick H igh School) 1004 N ew ton R o a d ; Carroll Hall

SC 1

Em rich, John Francis, Chicago, 111. (Lake View H igh School) 1706 Melrose S tre e t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

English, B ernard Leo, Toledo, Ohio (U niversity of Dayton P repara to ry ) . 154 P rinceton D riv e ; W alsh Hall

AB 4

English, Edw ard Jacob, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 1525 Douglas S tre e t; Lyons Hall

AB 2

English, Jam es P atrick , Jam estow n, N . Y. (Jam estow n H igh School) 12 W est S ixth S tre e t; F reshm an H all

EG 1

English, John P a trick , Seattle, W ash. (Garfield H igh School) 1619-35th A venue; W alsh Hall

AB 4

English, Joseph Robert, N ew burgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy) 794 B roadw ay; M orrissey H all

*GM 1

E pler, Edw ard Paul, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 730 E as t Corby B oulevard; Home

EG 3

Erdle, F rederick Joseph, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te ) 38 Alameda S tre e t; Sorin H all

CM 4


J °SePh'S C°1!egiate In " CM 1

B r 6 m e5 H i * h School>

BrVir 2 5 % t t t h nf t r = ^ m n ? L i JaCkSOn ™

*EG 1

SC 3

ESSl9 7 Cl l t h T a S - s t ^ e M b y m , ? ^ ' CM 4

S' P a 'm er H i8h Sch°ol) ™ 1

H i s h S c h o o l) s o 2

j S X n A tnn u e?C SX ° 'H AJ lk ' College Academy) *AB 1

r a iTsb & ? I L S S S M - y " (New Eochelle Hish “ AB 2

^ X ^ E a ^ l ^ ' A l ^ r H o m r * ^ ( S t Th™ " ! M ilitary Academy) *CM 1

Farll 4 'south B » d AVeSnue; Home ^ H=£h School) AS 1

F a ' ? M 7 % M A v ^ f # a l A aH a i r k^ " a a College) CM 4

F arr39i s : ^ z ? ' s : : : i ; % S ' H a u J - <st- B“ 's p ~ » y > a b 4

Fautsch, Louis Francis, Dubuque, Iowa ( Columbia College Academy) LW 3648 South Grand View A venue; Sorin H all

McKeon, Memphis, Tenn. (Catholic H igh School) CM 2692 South Belvedere A venue; How ard Hall

Feehery George Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita College Academy) *AB 17321 South Shore D riv e ; A lum ni Hall

Feele/ ’ George Robert, Scranton, P a . (Central H igh School) C M 2836 W heeler A venue; M orrissey H all

Fegan, W alter W illiam, South Bend, Ind . (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1116 South L afayette S tre e t ; Home

Fehlig, Louis Joseph, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) AB 25610 Chamberlain A venue ; Lyons Hall

Fehr, Charles R utherford, Spring Valley, 111. (St. Bede Academy) CM 4115 E ast M innesota S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Fell, Arnold Augustus, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Felts> H a rry Princeton , Ind. (Princeton H igh School) AB 4620 E ast S tate S tre e t ; H ow ard Hall

Fennelly, Thomas John, Brooklyn, N . Y. (E rasm us Evening H igh School) AB 31404 Avenue “ O” ; H ow ard Hall

Fergus, Paul Anthony, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 4833—31st S tre e t; Home

Ferland, D arius Joseph, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy) SC 1154 Robinson A venue; Brownson Hall

Fernbach, Robert Dennis, Cheektowaga, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) AB 1U nion R oad; Freshm an Hall

Fiedler, Raymond Edward, Thomasboro, III. (Rantoul Township H igh School) SC 1Brownson H all

Fiew eger W illiam H enry, M enashaa, Wis. (M enasha H igh School) CM 3304 F irs t S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Fillipitch,* Robert Anthony, P ana , 111. (P ana Township High School) *CM 16 E ast F ifth S tre e t; Badin H all


Finan, F rancis Steve, Crawfordsville, Ind. (Crawfordsville H igh School) *CM713 E as t Jefferson S tre e t; Lyons Hall

F inn , Daniel Roach, Brookings, S. Dak. (Brookings H igh School) CM1215 T h ird S tre e t; Lyons Hall

F inn , John Francis, Springfield Gardens, Hew Y ork City (Jam aica H igh School) *AB 18605 Higbie A venue; Corby H all

F innerty , C.S.C., B rother B ertram , N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) ABD ujarie Hall

F innerty , C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Finocchiaro, M ark A ntonio Joseph, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) SC287 Clifford A venue; F reshm an Hall

Fish, W illiam Joseph, Chicago, 111. (De L a Salle In stitu te ) CM7227 South May S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

F isher, Donald W illiam, U tica, N . Y. (St. F rancis De Sales H igh School) CM705 H um bert A venue; Brownson Hall

F isher, J r . , Lawrence Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SC1717 E ast Colfax A venue; Home

Fisher, P a trick Jam es, Indianapolis, Ind. (C athedral H igh School) LW206 N orth S tate S tre e t; Sorin H all

F ish wick, Edw ard H enry, St. Augustine, Fla. (St. Joseph’s Academy) AB90 Cedar S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Fitzgerald, Jam es H enry, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) AB21 K ensington P la c e ; A lum ni Hall

Fitzgerald, M artin Sylvester, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB8350 South May S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Fitzgerald, Ralph Aloysius, Gresco, Iow a (Assum ption H igh School) EG421 Second Avenue, W e s t; Dillon H all

Fitzgerald, Russell Edward, New London, Conn. (Bulkeley H igh School) AB158 W illiams S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Fitzgerald, Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School) EGR ural Route 17, Box 88 ; Brownson Hall

Fitzgerald, Thomas Allan, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) EG7726 South Shore D riv e ; Howard H all

F itzpatrick , George Francis, N orth Bellingham, Mass. (Dean Academy) AB28 M aple S tre e t; Dillon H all

F itzpatrick , J r . , John Joseph, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) CM441 Hudson A venue; M orrissey Hall

F itzpatrick , Jo h n Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) EG666 Lake Shore D riv e ; Corby Hall

F itzpatrick , J r . , W illiam Joseph, Troy, N . Y. (M anlius School) *CM109 Second S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Fitzsim m ons, Floyd E rin , Benton H arbor, Mich. (Benton H arbor H igh School) CM732 Colfax A venue; Dillon Hall

Fitzsim m ons, F rederick Aloysius, Taunton, Mass. (M onsignor Coyle H igh School) EG20 Randall S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Fitzsim ons, Charles Sprague, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School) AB221 W allace A venue; Badin Hall

F lanagan, J r . , E dw ard Jam es, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H . S.) EG 634 L ake D rive; Lyons Hall

Flanagan, George Christopher, Bridgeport, Conn. (Central High School) SC124 Lenox Avenue; Brownson Hall

Flanagan, J r . , Jam es Joseph, Newburgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh Free Academy) SC19 Leroy P la c e ; F reshm an Hall

Flanagan, John Ignatius, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central High School) AB634 Lake D r iv e ; W alsh Hall

Flanigan , Edw ard Thomas, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institu te) AB159 V irgil A venue; Brownson Hall































Pla1 l l ? ’ Wa!sh( Han “ ^ Sch°0l)

° ity <A" H a" 0WS In "

Il00 f c S S y M n' Hart’ MiCh' (Hart High School)

HallV a ' (Cath0,iC Central H ieh S fhod)

FIyT 62DK ftdh i t o e l T A I u Z T H a n - (<5™ CTa Comm™ ity H igh School)

<N=W Y°rk M ilitary Acad™ y >

Fly™47 East m nhLM7eet” eL “ ?nnH till0W a <N6W Ym'k MUitary Academy>

F n ni 5 f T o S h FS t w o CoS icl ? ^ “ ; H i s h S e h o o l)

Flyn4,9 J ' (Im m aculat= Conception H igh School)

F 'yaM U A ^ " !a% 2 h % I,L (ML Carmel H igh School)

FoSeo’Ko i°^ n N icv ’ Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)9527 Escanaba A venue; Freshm an Hall

FOleMo?e™C Sem toary°SeI,h' N °tre Dame' Ind ' <H °ly Cross Sem inary)

Pole? ' . / “hn Michael, Mohawk, Mich. (Calumet High School)H 6 Stanton A venue; Brownson Hall

J ^ e p h % n n o r, Dallas, Texas (Oak Clig H igh School)709 Haines S tre e t; Carroll H all

F °*e5Mno‘ r iaeJ1 R°me’ N . Y. (St. Aloysius Academy)1402 N orth George S tre e t; Dillon Hall

^ Em m ett, Grosse Polnte, Mich. (St. P au l's H igh School)44 H am pton R oad; Morrissey Hall

F °Iey2 2 i ? K h E a™ !h#k,sThen5 a ,1<FairhaVen ^ ™

^ M f E a T i l S MBor°rS eyyn 'H ;ilY - P repara to ry )

^ ° " % s h % f ^ F ^^ ic is, Monterey, Ind . (St. Joseph 's College)

Foltz, Jaxnes^ H enry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)1030 Blame Avenue ; M orrissey Hall

Fomenko, Leo Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)414 Easu Napoleon B oulevard ; Home

Milton, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)1614 Forest P a rk B oulevard; Alum ni Hall

F °^ e S ' J r . , Robert Lucas, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School)60 Soundview A venue; Corby H all

Ford, Jam es Kennedy, Cumberland, Md. (L a Salle Institu te)117 Columbia S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Ford, John Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)3540 N orth Capitol A venue; H ow ard Hall

For(L C-S*C-’ W illiam Beezer, N otre Dame, Ind. (Douglas H igh School)Moreau Seminary

Foretich, V incent DePauI, N ew port News, Va. (N ew port News High School) 310—42nd S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Fortune, Robert Thomas, Omaha, Nebr. (N orth H igh School)111 South 51st S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Foss« Georse Julius, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)6146 N orth Talm an A venue; Corby Hall

CM 4

*AB 1

CM 2

SC 2

AB 3

CM 3

CM 2

AB 4

CM 4

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 1

*AB 1

CM 1

*AB 1

CM 4

AB 2

SG 4

AB 2

AB 4

*AB 1

AB 4

*SG 1

AB 3

AB 4

*SC 1

SC 1

EG 4


Fosselman, David Harold, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)Holy Cross Sem inary

Foster, H arvey Goodson, South Bend, Ind. (H ighland P a rk H igh School)712 Lmcolnway E a s t; Home

Fox, Daniel W ilton, Kenton, Ohio (Kenton H igh School)732 N orth M ain S tre e t; W alsh H all

Fox> Edw ard Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (S t. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2609 W indsor A venue; Lyons Hall

Fox- J oseph, N ew ark, Ohio (St. F rancis de Sales High School)340 W est M am S tre e t; Lyons H all

F o x ,J r . , H arry , Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cleveland H eights H igh School)3101 Lincoln B oulevard; Dillon Hall

Fox, Jam es William, H ot Springs, A rk. (H ot Springs H igh School)1611 Central A venue; 1320 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Fox> J r ->. Jo h n Peter, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School)83 L ivingston S tre e t; Dillon H all

Fox, Joseph P a trick , Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te )315 Electric A venue; H ow ard H all

Fox, K enneth Jack , Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2640 Fargo A venue ; Dillon Hall

Fox Ixuns AHhim, Fort Wayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)Old Mill R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Fox, Robert Campbell, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)2029 Morse A venue; H ow ard Hall

Fox, W illiam Mason, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1405 E as t Madison S tre e t ; Home

Foy, John Francis, E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart High School)1135 South M ain S tree t; Home

F °y,L yo£?H aH aU1, Centra1, N * M’ M ' State Teachers College H igh School)

Francis, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)25 N orth A ustin Boulevard; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Francis, Robert, Merrill, Wis. (M errill H igh School)801 Cottage S tree t; Lyons H all

F ra r1eZ L E^ rI(l F rank , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1335 E as t South S tre e t; Home

Frascati, Frank Paul, North Bergen, N . J. (Emerson High School)724 Monroe S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Frawley John Raymond, Birmingham, Ala. (Phillips H igh School)1408 N orth 30th S tre e t; Badin Hall

Fredericks, N orm an John , D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) 19363 Lucerne D rive; Sorin H all

Freehill, Ambrose Joseph, Melvin, 111. (Melvin Community High School)731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Freem an, Charles Benjam in, E lm hurst, 111. (Y ork Community H igh School)611 Colfax A venue; Carroll H all

Friedman Sanford Sherm an, South Bend, Ind. (Lincoln High School)MarMam Arms A pts., M ain and M arion S tre e ts ; Home

Friesem, Gustave Daniel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)214 W est Madison S tre e t; Home

F rom hart W allace Leo, Moundsville, W. Va. (Moundsville High School)1207 Sixth Street; St. Edward’s Hall

Froning, Joseph Fendall, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)415 E ast Pokagon S tree t; Home

F ™ % s G le n d y , Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School)3540 Penn Street; Corby Hall

Fulnecky, K arl Dwyer, F ran k fo rt, Ind. (F ra n k fo rt H igh School)801 E as t South S tre e t; Sorin H all

AB 1

AB 2

SC 4

CM 2

AB 2

CM 1

*AB 1

CM 1

*CM 1

CM 1

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

P E 4

CM 2

CM 1

EG 2

EG 3

EG 2

*CM 1

AB 4

P E 4

P E 3

AB 2

SC 1

CM 2

EG 2

EG 4

LW 1


Puna76°8 (Sa,esian H igh School) 8 0 1

F m m T\ ^ s i f a ‘l t e i i r M t a ? H S t (St" M ary's High Scbool) ™ i

FUI1 Moreau ^ erS n S -y 1* H erm an’ N otre Dame’ Ind - (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2

FUr Moreau * Sem inaryStanislaus’ N otre Dame- Ind - (Holy T rin ity H igh School) AB 2

GabrieB Frederick Raphael, Eldred, Pa. (E ldred H igh School) SO 3Mam S tre e t; A lum ni H all

G abriel J r . Louis Thomas, Eldred, Pa . (E ldred H igh School) SC 3M am S tree t; A lum ni H all

Gafney, J r . , H a rry Dabol, W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) P E 443 Bank S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Gagnier, Jam es Leo, Churubusco, N . Y. ( Chateaugay H igh School) AB 2ot. ititlward. s Hall

Gain®r ’ John Jam es, Wood River, HI. (M arquette H igh School) AB 4217 N in th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Gainsback, V incent B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H igh School) AB 1 Holy Cross Sem m aiy

G ^ M o reau " Sem ina? ^ 0^s™s’ H ot re Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

Gallagher, Charles Mackey, Milton, Mass. (Law rence Academy) AB 1588 Adams S tree t; Dillon Hall

G allagher,.F rancis Joseph, Scranton, Pa. (St. John H igh School) AB 2314 P itts ton A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Gallagher, H ubert Shields. Easton, P a . (Easton H igh School) P E 2676 Lehigh Street, St. E dw ard’s Hall

Gallagher, John Hugh, Donegal, Ireland (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *CM 1Kilear C ounty ; Carroll Hall

Gallagher Joseph W alsh, D etroit, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School fo r Boys) *AB 1 1501 Burlingam e A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Gallagher^ Thomas Francis, Freeland, Pa. (St. A nn’s H igh School) CM 4143 i ern S tre e t; Sorin H all

Galletta, J r . , Philip Carl, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) P E 1210 A m ity S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Gallin, W illiam H enry, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona P re p a ra to ry ) EG 170 Arg-yle Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

Gallivan, Gilbert Giles, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) *AB 1739 Lincoln P la c e ; Morrissey. Hall

Gallivan, John W illiam, Salt Lake City, U tah (Bellarm ine Coll. School) *AB 1603 E. S. Temple S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Gammino Thomas Anthony, Edgewood, R. I. (Peekskill M ilitary Academy) *CM 1152 Columbia A venue; Alum ni Hall

Gangwere, John Francis, P ittsburgh , Pa. (W estinghouse High School) CM 17224 Jo n a th an S tre e t; Brownson H all

Gannon, Edw ard Jam es, Youngstown, Ohio (St. Ignatius High School) CM 2261 Gaither A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Gannon, J r . , Robert Lewis, Pelham, N. Y. (Pelham High School) CM 3251 L orm g Avenue ; H ow ard Hall

Gara, C.S.C., B rother M atthew, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) AB 3D ujarie Hall

Gardner, J r . , H erbert P arkhurst, Reading, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School) CM 1R ural Route 6, Box 442 ; Freshm an Hall

Garland, Laurence Raphael, Kewanee, 111. (Kewanee H igh School) CM 2342 South Cottage S tre e t; Carroll Hall


G arnitz, Irv ing , South Bend, Ind. (Boys H igh School) 624 W est Golf ax A venue; Home


Garry, Gerard Joseph, Forest Hills', L .I., N . Y. (La Salle M ilitary Academy) 101 Colonial A venue; Lyons H all


Gartland, Robert Edward, Boone, Iow a (Sacred H e a rt H igh School) 728 Benton S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

AB 2

Garvey, Edw ard John, Oak P ark , 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry ) 629 Gunderson A venue; Lyons H all

AB 1

Garvey, Jam es W illiam, P ra irie du Chien, W is. (P ra irie du Chien H igh School) 518 South M innesota S tre e t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Garvey, Thomas Michael, Sharon, P a . (Sharon H igh School) 1365 Hall A venue; Dillon H all

EG 1

Gast, Frederick Charles, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 412 Cambridge B oulevard; M orrissey Hall

EG 2

Gaul, F rancis Joseph, W aterville, Me. (W aterville H igh School) 41 Ticonic S tre e t; Corby H all

P E 2

Gaul, Michael Felix, Chicago, 111. ( Chaminade College H igh School) 1530 Hoyne A venue; W alsh Hall

EG 4

Gauthier, Ralph H enry, Boston, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) 1615 Commonwealth A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gay, Peter, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) 43 H a r t S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

AB 1

Geary, Robert Joseph, Chicago, HI. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 5006 Ellis A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Geddes, F rancis Michael, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7112 Luella A venue; Lyons Hall

AB 2

Gedmin, Teofel Raymond, Chicago, HI. (Bowen H igh School) 10001 Commercial A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gedmin, Zanny Richard, Chicago, 111. (Bowen H igh School) 10001 Commercial A venue; Freshm an Hall

EG 1

Geerts, Marcellus Joseph, D avenport, Iow a (St. Ambrose College Academy) 1925 M yrtle S tre e t ; Badin H all

EG 3

Gehres, Robert F rancis, Seattle, W ash. (St. M artin ’s College) 1109 Telephone B u ild ing ; M orrissey H all

SC 2

Geidemann, Kenneth LeRoy, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) 1209 Sycamore S tre e t ; Home

EG 3

Gels, A rth u r Jam es, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) 1454 N orth Mason A venue; Brownson H all

CM 1

Genegal, John Andrew, Middletown, N . Y. (Middletown H igh School) 43 W atkins A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

*GM 1

Genet, C.S.C., B rother L. Ju stin ian , N otre Dame, Ind. (C entral H igh School) Brownson Hall

GR 1

Gerl, R ichard M athias, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School) 1032 South T enth S tre e t ; Brownson H all

EG 1

Germann, R ichard John, Ripley, Ohio (Ripley H igh School) R ural Route 1 ; Carroll H all

CM 1

Gerrits, John Rudolph, Yonkers, N . Y. (All Hallows In stitu te ) 123 Sem inary A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gervasio, Emilio Joseph, M orristown, N . J . (M orristown H igh School) 2 L iberty S tre e t; Corby H all

AB 4

Geuss, C.S.C., H enry Aloysius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 4

Geyer, George Eugene, W oodhaven, L .I., N . Y. (Cham inade H igh School) 8638 80th S tre e t ; Dillon H all

EG 1

Ghesquiere,* George David, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 873 R ivard B oulevard; Carroll H all

CM 1

Gibbon, W illiam Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 913 E as t W ashington S tre e t; Home

CM 1


GibbDujar<ieS HallB r0ther Berchm ans’ N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) AB 3

G'bbM % e ^ S ^ m iS a r y ^ b^ Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Seminary) AB 2

Gibbs. J r . , Dan Sidney, Holyoke, Colo. (Phillips County H igh School) SC- 1Freshm an Hall ^ x

Gibbs, George Irv ing Manitowoc, Wis. (Lincoln High School) SC 11030 Lincoln B oulevard; Dillon Hall

GibHD ujarie°ilaH r0 ther N otre Dame, Ind. (Carhondale H igh School) SG 1

GH>son W illiam Edward, Grand Rapids, Mich. (E . Grand Rapids H igh School) CM 2607 Laurel Avenue ; Lyons Hall

Gierut Rev. Josephi Aloysius, O rchard Lake, Mich. (St. M ary 's H igh School) GR 2SS. Cyril and Methodius Sem inary ; Lyons Hall

Gilchrist, John Joseph, Taunton, Mass. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 138 G rant S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Gilger, W illiam Raymond, Ottumwa, Iowa (O ttum w a H igh School) CM 4N orth Court R o ad ; H ow ard Hall

Gillen R ichard Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 1717 N orth St. Louis B oulevard; Home

Gillespie Gerard Basil, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead High School) AB 2275 Jackson S tree t; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gillespie, John A ustin, Westfield, N . J . (Holy T rin ity High School) AB 2o46 Alden Avenue ; M orrissey Hall

Gillespie W illiam Francis, Long Beach, N . Y. (Long Beach H igh School) AB 340 W isconsin S tree t; Badin Hall

Gillis, Roderick Joseph, Camp Hill, Pa. (Catholic H igh School) CM 1364 N orth 24th S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Gillooly, John Francis, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) CM 499 Bedford S tre e t; Corby Hall

Gilston, W illiam Joseph, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Academy) SG 37 Mohawk P la c e ; Alum ni Hall

Gioe, Salvatore Samuel, Rahway, N . J . (Woodbridge H igh School) P E 4Rural Route 1 ; Corby Hall

Giruzzi, J r . , A nthony John, U tica, N . Y. (U tica Free Academy) CM 3405 Kossuth A venue; Badin Hall

Glanzner, John Lawrence, Trenton, 111. (T ren ton Community H igh School) AB 4Sorin Hall

Gleason, C.S.C., Daniel, N otre Dame, Ind. (K nights of Columbus H igh School) AB 3M oreau Sem inary

Gleason, J r . , John Simon, Chicago, 111. (Georgetown P rep a ra to ry ) CM 36235 Kenmore A venue; Alum ni Hall

Gleason, Joseph Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) PE 14623 Em erald A venue; Freshm an Hall

Gleassey, John Michael, Goshen, N . Y. (G arr Institu te) EG 113 M arket S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Gleichauf, Thomas Ju stin , N ew ark, Ohio ( Campion P repara to ry ) EG 3384 Mt. V ernon R o ad ; H ow ard Hall

Glenn, Jam es John, W hiting, Ind. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) CM 41337 119th S tree t; Sorin Hall

Gloudemans, Alvin George, Appleton, Wis. (A ppleton H igh School) CM 2603 South State S tre e t; Morrissey Hall

Godersky, George Edwin, P o rt W ashington, Wis. (P o rt W ashington H igh School) SC 2510 Main S tre e t; 1245 E ast Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

Goebel, H arold Louis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 41706 Anderson S tre e t; Home

Goedert, Edmund Nicholas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary


Goldberg, M ilton Paul, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) 449 Edgew ater D riv e ; Home

AB 3

Goldman, Irw in Leonard, Woodmere, L.I., N . Y. (Law rence H igh School) 76 Meadow D rive; H ow ard Hall

AB 3

Gomber, J r . , W illiam Joseph, Woodeliff, N . J . (X avier H igh School) 401 34th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Gomes, A nthony Michael, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) 190 Middleboro A venue; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Gomez, Jaim e, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Colegio de Cristo) Calle 14, C arreras 9 y 10, H um ber 117 ; Lyons H all

EG 1

Goncher, John Stephen, Chicago H eights, HI. (Bloom Township H igh School) 1535 F if th A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Gonring, Leroy John, W est Bend, Wis. (W est Bend H igh School) 302 N orth M ain S tree t; A lum ni H all

CM 3

Gooden, H arold W ayne, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) 2208 South N orfolk S tre e t ; Corby Hall

AB 4

Gooden, H ow ard Connelly, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) 2208 South Norfolk S tre e t; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Gorgen, W illiam Phillip, M ineral Point, W is. (M ineral P o in t H igh School) 332 Dodge S tre e t ; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gorman, John Edw ard, P aris , Tenn. (E . W . Grove H igh School) 800 South M arket S tre e t; Badin Hall

EG 3

Gorman, R ichard Edw ard, Peoria, 111. (Spalding In stitu te ) 518 Johnson S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Gorman, Thomas Anthony, Chicago, 111. (St. Philip H igh School) 5910 Fulton S tre e t ; W alsh H all

LW 2

Gorman, Thomas F rancis, P aris, Tenn. (E . W . Grove H igh School) 800 South M arket S tree t; Badin H all

EG 3

Gorman, J r . , V incent Augustine, K ingston, N . Y. (K ingston H igh School) 184 A lbany A venue; W alsh Hall

AB 4

Gormley, Eugene Edwin, Delavan, W is. (Delavan H igh School) R ural Route 2, Box 4 ; Carroll H all

AB 1

Gott, A rch F rancis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7246 M errill A venue; M orrissey H all

CM 2

Gottemoller, C.S.C., B rother Thaddeus, N otre Dame, Ind. (C athedral H . S.) D ujarie Hall

SC 4

Gottsacker, W illiam A nthony, Sheboygan, W is. (Sheboygan H igh School) 720 Geele A venue; Alumni Hall

CM 3

Grabarz, C.S.C., Casimir F rancis, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 4

Grady, Thomas Harold, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 6433 Lakewood A venue; Alum ni Hall

CM 2

Graham, A rchibald G., South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 808 W est Colfax A venue; Home

LW 1

Graham , Charles Joseph, Clarion, Pa. (C larion H igh School) 650 M ain S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

CM 2

Graham , W illiam H enry, Clarion, Pa. (C larion H igh School) 650 M ain S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

CM 2

G rant, III , Frederick, T erre H aute, Ind. (S pring H ill H igh School) 127 Adams S tre e t; Lyons Hall

CM 2

Grasse, John W inston, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 7633 Bosworth A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 1

Gravel, Camille F rancis, A lexandria, La. (M enard Memorial H igh School) 1755 M arye S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

AB 4

Graves, Thomas Jam es, Tell City, Ind. (Tell City H igh School) 747 Eleventh S tre e t; F reshm an H all

CM 1

Graves, Thomas V enard, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) 573 N orth P ra irie S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 4


Green, H erm an W illiam, New Castle, P a . (New Castle H igh School) AB9 W est Wallace A venue; Alum ni Hall

Greene, Leo V incent, W apella, 111. (W apella Community H igh School) CMAlumni Hall

Greene, Thomas Em m ett, W apella, 111. (W apella Community H igh School) CMLyons Hall

Grega, George Rudolph, Shaker Heights, Ohio (Campion P repara to ry ) CM17410 Scottsdale B oulevard; Dillon H all

Gregory, A rth u r Clarence, Canon City, Colo. (Canon City H igh School) LW406 Griffin A venue; Sorin Hall

Griffin, H erm an Thomas, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) EG916 South Denver Avenue ; Morrissey Hall

Griggs, George Benton, T renton, 111. (T renton Community H igh School) ABFreshm an H all

Grimes, George Joseph, N orth Providence, R. I. (St. Raphael’s Academy) AB5 W atauga A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Grimm, A lbert Edwin, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te ) CM2223 Seventh A venue; Dillon Hall

Grogan, Robert Lawrence, T erre H aute, Ind. (Garfield H igh School) AB2124 N orth Seventh S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Groos, John Jacob, South Bend, Ind. (F erris In stitu te ) CM813 E ast Angella B oulevard; Home

Gross, Charles H enry, T arrytow n, N . Y. (W ashington Irv ing H igh School) AB15 E ast F rank lin S tree t; Freshm an H all

Gross, O.S.G.. E lm er George, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary) ABMoreau -Sem inary

Grosso, Louis John, New York City (Regis H igh School) AB219 E as t 82nd S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Grubb, H enry Wendell, M ichigan City, Ind. (M ichigan City H igh School) EG3035 F rank lin S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Grube, H a rry Thomson, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SP421 Leland A venue ; Home

Gruenenfelder, M arcus A rthu r, H ighland, 111. (St. Paul H igh School) AB1522 Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Grummell, C.S.C., Raymond Maurice, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB M oreau Sem inary

Grundeman, Reuben Elm er, M errill, W is. (M errill H igh School) CM1212 Seventh S tre e t; Sorin H all

G uarnieri, Paul A rthu r, W arren , Ohio (W arren G. H ard ing H igh School) LW418 E ast M arket S tre e t; W alsh H all

Guchereau,* Charles Miller, Vicksburg, Miss. (St. Aloysius College) CM23,00 Drummond S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Guggisberg, John Brown, F o rt Dodge, Iow a (F o rt Dodge H igh School) AB1710 Second Avenue, N orth ; Freshm an H all

Guimont, W illiam Marcell, M inneapolis, Minn. ( Central H igh School) CM4048 H arrie t A venue; Corby Hall

Gustafson, F rancis Otto, Escanaba, Mich. (Escanaba H igh School) CM922 Ludington S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Gutierrez, Nestor, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Colegio de Cristo) EGH ow ard Hall

H aas, George W illard, Youngstown, Ohio (F itch H igh School) SCRural Route 5 ; St. Edward’s Hall

H abig, Leonard Paul, Maplewood, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) EG72 Boy den A venue; Carroll Hall

H ack, Jam es Gorman, Chicago, HI. (Culver M ilitary Academy) CM442 W ellington A venue; Lyons Hall





























Hackenbruch, Arnold Charles, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U. H igh School) EG 43917 W est Galena S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

H ackett, Edw ard Jam es, Milwaukee, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) *GM 13615 N orth Lake D riv e ; Lyons Hall

H ackett, John Lynch, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy) CM 15301 Quincy S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

H ackm an, Robert H enry, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) CM 12975 Scarborough R oad; Carroll H all

H ackner, J r . , John W illiam, LaCrosse, W is. (St. Thomas Aquinas’ H. S.) EG 2521 F e rry S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

H ager, E dw ard Clair, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB 11112 E ast Madison S tre e t; Home

H ager, C.S.C., George Carlos, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4M oreau Sem inary

H aggar, Edmond Ralph, Dallas, Texas (St. Joseph’s Academy) CM 16712 Lakewood Boulevard; Dillon Hall

H aines, F rancis Xavier, B ingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton Central H igh School) SC 237 Stuyvesant S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Hakes, Jam es Raleigh, Laurens, Iow a (L aurens H igh School)St. E dw ard’s Hall

H albert, P au l David, W eedsport, N . Y. (W eedsport H igh School)3 Green S tre e t ; Corby H all

H albert, Robert Thomas, W eedsport, N . Y. (W eedsport H igh School)3 Green S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Haley, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sewickley H igh School)M oreau Sem inary

Haley, Robert Joseph, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School)1610 N orth A nthony Boulevard; Freshm an Hall

Hallberg, John Marcus, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School)1091 South Chambers S tree t; Corby H all

H aller, C.S.C., Eugene Jam es, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)M oreau Sem inary

Hailey, Thomas A lbert, Seottsbluff, N ebr. (Scottsbluff H igh School)25 W est 20th S tre e t ; Badin Hall

H am ilton, Jam es M atthew, Racine, W is. (W ashington P a rk H igh School)2915 W ashington A venue; Corby H all

Ham m , A aron John , W averly, N . Y. (W averly H igh School)456 Pennsylvania A venue; Sorin Hall

H am m er, Edmond Francis, Bronx, New Y ork City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy)2961 D ecatur A venue; A lum ni Hall

Hanifin, J r . , Thomas Edw ard, H inton, W. V a. (H in ton H igh School)407 Jam es S tre e t; Dillon H all

Hanley, Daniel F rancis, Butte, Mont. (C hristian B rothers Academy)333 W est Boardm an S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hanlon,* Kyron W illiam, P ittsbu rgh , P a . (C entral Catholic H igh School)606 South L ang Avenue ; Lyons Hall

H anlon, Leo Edw ard, Billings, Mont. (Billings H igh School)330 Clarke A venue; M orrissey Hall

H anna, C.S.C., Joseph Francis, N otre Dame, Ind . (S t. R aphael’s H igh School)M oreau Sem inary

H anning, Donald Gerard, W atertow n, Conn. (W atertow n H igh School)56 H ighland A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Hanousek, Raymond A nthony, Chicago, 111. ( St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)40 E as t Oak S tree t; M orrissey H ail

H anrahan , Daniel Joseph, St. Albans, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )114-19 198th S tre e t; H ow ard H all

H ansm an, Louis H enry, Carroll, Iow a (Carroll H igh School)102 N o rth Main S tre e t; B adin Hall

AB 3

AB 4

EG 1

AB 3

LW 1

*CM 1

AB 2

SO 3

CM 4

EG 4

AB 3

SC 1

AB 4

*AB 1

EG 4

AB 4

CM 2

*CM 1

*AB 1

CM 3


H appel, Leo Theodore, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) P E 2820 N orth F irs t A venue; Lyons Hall

H a rd a r t , J r . , F ra n c is Jo sep h , F o re s t H ills , L .I ., N . Y . (N ew m an School) A B 264 D artm outh S tree t; M orrissey Hall

H ardart, Thomas Roche, Forest Hills, L .I., N . Y. (Newm an School) AB 164 D artm outh S tre e t; Dillon H all

Hargrove, Jordan Thomas, Bay Shore, L.I., N . Y. (Mt. St Mary's College Prep.) CM 4149 F ifth A venue; St. M ary's College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Harley, John Edward, Milwaukee, W is. (N orthw . M ilitary and N aval Academy) EG 14906 W est W ashington B oulevard; Dillon Hall

H arrell, C.S.C., B rother Elias, N otre Dame, Ind. (Dorchester H igh School) AB 2D ujarie Hall

H arris , Falm ore Bath, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)1506 South V irg in ia S tree t; Home

H arris , W alter Jam es, Jersey City, N . J . (Lincoln H igh School)273 Fulton A venue; Brownson Hall

H arrison,* George Wood, Ashland, W is. (Ashland H igh School)121 E ast F ro n t S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

H a r t H a rry B arre tt, D unkirk, Ind. (U niversity of Dayton H igh School)401 E ast W ashington S tre e t; Corby Hall

H art, John Albert, N orth Branford, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)Carroll Hall

H art, N orbert Wallace, Dunkirk, Ind. (D unkirk H igh School)503 Broad S tre e t; Corby Hall

H art, Paul M cGrath, W aupaca, W is. (W aupaca H igh School)605 Shearer S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

H art, Robert Emm et, Farm ington, Mich. (Sacred H e a rt Sem inary)V ista V illa F a rm ; Lyons Hall

H artn e tt, Vincent W illiam, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona School)21 Laurel P lace ; M orrissey Hall

Hartz, Bernard Francis, Chrisney, Ind. (Chrisney H igh School)St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hauck, John Booth, Donora, P a (Donora H igh School)965 M cLean A venue; Carroll H all

H auser, H arold Joseph, W indham, N . Y. (W indham H igh School)M ain S tre e t; Badin H all

H averick, Donald Regis, Coshocton, Ohio (Sacred H e a rt H igh School)850 M ain S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hawblitzel, H enry Gale, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2221 South H igh S tree t; Home

Hawley, Jr., Jess Bradford, Boise, Idaho (St. Joseph’s High School)203 M ain S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Hawley, John Nicholas, N orth P latte , N ebr. (N orth P la tte H igh School)903 W est F if th Street; Badin Hall

Hayes, Jam es Francis, Gary, Ind. (Horace M ann H igh School)568 Jackson S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

Hayes, Thomas Joseph, Bellefontaine Ohio (Bellefontaine H igh School)321 W illiams R o ad ; M orrissey H all

Hazen, Leo Joseph, Pendleton Ore. (St. Joseph’s Academy)304 Lilleth S tree t; Badin H all

Head, John Irv ing , W aterville, N . Y. (Cook Academy)424 W hite S tree t; Brownson Hall

Healy, Thomas Peter, Scranton, P a . (Central H igh School)1418 Fordham P la c e ; Brownson H all


HeCl1016 » K u & f i i S a , f 46 ™ Sh SCl,°0l)

CM 4

CM 1

GR 1

SC 3

EG 2

CM 4

AB 4

CM 2

*AB 1

EG 2

P E 1

P E 3

CM 4

CM 3

*AB 1

P E 2

EG 2

AB 3

P E 1

AB 1

CM 3


H egarty , O.S.O., B rother Quintan, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) ABD ujarie H all

Hegeman, R ichard E rvin , Racine, Wis. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) CM1810 P a rk A venue; Brownson Hall

Heideman, J r . , George H erbert, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM533 E ast Ind iana A venue; Home

H einem ann, H arold Edward, St. Albans, L .I., N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School) EG187-47 Sullivan R oad; St. Edw ard’s H all

Heinle, Philip Jacob, Maplewood, N . J . (E ast O range H igh School) CM76 Oakview A venue; W alsh Hall

Heintskill, C.S.C., H enry Andrew, N otre Dame, Ind. (M arquette U. H igh School) AB M oreau Sem inary

Heinzer, A lbert John, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Fidelis Sem inary) ABHoly Gross Sem inary

Hellenthal, Jo h n Simon, Valdez, A laska (Ju n eau H igh School) ABW alsh H all

Hellmuth, A ndrew Link, Springfield, Ohio (Catholic Central H igh School) AB1231 N orth Limestone S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Hendele, M artin Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (St. Philip H igh School) AB1100 N orth M assasoit A venue; W alsh H all

Henebry, Joseph Aloysius, Plainfield, 111. (Cam pion P rep ara to ry ) ABCommercial S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Henkel, Carlos Alberto, Toluca, Mex. (St. E dw ard’s U niversity P rep ara to ry ) EGAvenue Lerdo 67 ; H ow ard Hall

H enneberger, Robert Lawrence, Mt. Carmel, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB126 E ast F ourth S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hennessy, Donald Andrew, Youngstown, Ohio (F itch H igh School) P E1930 Logan R o ad ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hennessy, R ichard Joseph, Springfield, Mo. (Springfield H igh School) EG725 St. Louis S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Hennion, George Felix, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) GR833 E ast M iner S tre e t; Home

Hennion, Joseph Basil, South Bend, Ind. ( C entral H igh School) AB1115 W est Oak S tre e t; Home

H enry, John Robert, Eggertsville, N . Y. (A m herst Central H igh School) CM174 Le B run R o a d ; Dillon H all

Herb, F rancis Jacob, B ridgeport, Conn. ( Central H igh School) . CM1484 N orth A venue; Lyons Hall

Herold, Edw ard Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School) CMR ural Route 16, Box 186 D ; Sorin Hall

H errick, J r . , John Sherburne, Albany, N . Y. (V incentian In stitu te ) AB48 Euclid A venue; H ow ard H all

H errly, Raymond A nton, M inneapolis, M inn. (De L a Salle H igh School) EG109 W est M innehaha P a rk w a y ; A lum ni H all

H ertel, M orris Chester, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG423 A rth u r S tre e t; Home

Hesburgh, Theodore M artin , N o tre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

Hess, Philip Charles, M ishawaka, Ind . (M ishawaka H igh School) AB210 South B aker S tre e t; Home

Hetland, Gene C lark Louis, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (W ashington H igh School) CM103 E ast 26th S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

H ew itt, C.S.C., Thomas Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Heywood, John Donald, N ew Richmond, W is. (New Richmond H igh School) CMCorby Hall

Hickey, H I, Dennis John, D avenport, Iowa (St. Ambrose College Academy) CM501 Kirkwood B oulevard; Alum ni Hall































Hickey. Donald Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1004 E ast St. V incent S tre e t; Home

Hickey, Edw ard Thomas, Glen Ellyn, 111. (Glehbard Township H igh School)400 Ridgewood A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hickey, H enry Thomas, A uburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School)46 Maple S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Hickey, Joseph V incent, ICeokulc, Iow a (St. P e te r’s H igh School)825 B ank S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Hickey, Louis Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1004 E as t St. V incent S tree t; Home

Hiegel, A lfred Joseph, Conway, A rk. (St. Joseph H igh School)519 Ash S tre e t; Corby H all

H iggins, F rancis Michael, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatius H igh School)2313 South Oakley A venue; Brownson H all

H iggins, John W illiam, Pottsville, Pa . (Pottsville Catholic H igh School)1805 M ahantonga S tre e t; W alsh Hall

H iggins, W ilbert Joseph, R iver Forest, 111. (St. Mel’s- H igh School)904 W illiams S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

H ilbert, Joseph M ark, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Jam es Madison H igh School)1411 Avenue “ P ” ; Dillon H all

Hill, Charles Frederick, New Y ork City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te)F ra te rn ity Clubs Building, 22 E ast 38th S tre e t; Corby H all

Hill, George E dgar, New York City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te)F ra te rn ity Clubs Building, 22 E as t 38th S tre e t; Corby H all

Hill, Jam es Allen, Jefferson City, Mo. (Jefferson City H igh School)916 M oreau D riv e ; W alsh H all

Hillers, C.S.C., S ister M. A nn V irg in ia , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s Academy) St. M ary’s C onvent; 721 W estern Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hines, Thomas V incent, Phillipsburg, N . J . (St. Philip and St. Jam es School)37 Railroad A venue; H ow ard Hall

Hines, W illiam Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)305 Peashw ay S tree t; Home

H m urcik, Joseph Peter, B ridgeport, Conn. (W arren H ard ing H igh School)258 Bond S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Hoban, John Jam es, E ast St. Louis, 111. (E ast Side H igh School)5800 Collinsville Road, W alsh H all

Robert, Cecil Joseph, Shaker H eights, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)14412 Larchm ere B oulevard; Sorin Hall

H ochreiter, F rank lyn Clarence, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In st.)11 Brunsw ick Boulevard; Sorin H all

Hockwalt, Paul H erbert, Canton, Ohio (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)1647 W oodland Avenue, N . W . ; Sorin H all

Hoctor, Joseph Francis, New York City (Iona School)2407 E ast T rem ont A venue; Carroll Hall

Hodierne, Charles M organ, Monroe, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School)Box 423 l, Dillon H all

Hoenninger, C.S.C., John Charles, N otre Dame, Ind. (All Hallows Institu te) M oreau Sem inary

Hoffert, W illiam George, Downers Grove, 111. (Downers Grove Community H . S.) 1104 Grove S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

Hoffman, A rth u r Frederick, Monroeville, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) R ural Route 4 ; M orrissey H all

Hofschneider, Leo John , Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te)109 Thorndale T e rra c e ; A lum ni Hall

Hogan, Charles Carroll, New Y ork City (Brooklyn P repara to ry )54 77th S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Hogan,* Donald Jam es, Byron, 111. (Byron Community H igh School)Brownson Hall

AB 1

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AB 1


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SC 2

EG 2

SC 1


Hogan, Edw ard Paul, Bingham ton, N. Y. (B ingham ton Central H igh School)62 M ary S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Hogan, J r . , F rederick Jerem iah, Milton, Mass. (Milton H igh School)19 Brookside P a r k ; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hogan, Jam es William, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School)7819 South P a rk A venue; M orrissey Hall

Hogan, V incent Joseph, Jackson Heights', N . Y. (L a Salle Academy)3346 90th S tre e t ; Corby H all

H olahan, John Francis, Galesburg, 111. ( Corpus Christ! H igh School)1092 P ra irie S tre e t ; Presbytery

Hollenbach, J r . , Louis Jacob, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)1805 W indsor P la c e ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Holman, Edw in Johnston, Leavenworth, Kans. (Im m aculata H igh School)231 T hird A venue; 937 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Holm an, Lewis Grant, Sergeant Bluff, Iowa (Sergeant Bluff H igh School) Dillon Hall

Holtz, Robert Francis, E lkhart, Ind. (E lk h art H igh School)422 W est Craw ford S tre e t ; Home

Honse, Edw ard Joseph, Uniontown, Pa. (South U nion Township H igh School) 9 Dixon B oulevard; Dillon Hall

H opkins, Jo h n Andrew, Elizabeth, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry )865 Livingston R o ad ; Badin Hall

Hopkins, John W arner, N ew Orleans, La. (Jesu it H igh School)609 Royal S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hoppe, Leonard Thomas, Sheboygan, Wisr. (Sheboygan H igh School)627 St. Clair Avenue ; St. E dw ard’s H all

H oran, Raymond Augustine, B ridgeport, Conn. (C entral H igh School)48 P orte r S tree t; Brownson Hall

H oran, W illiam Cornelius, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)2325 South M arshall B oulevard ; Dillon H all

Hosinska, C.S.C., Sister M. Severina, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s Academy) St. M ary’s C onvent; 721 W estern Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

H osterm an, Philippe Taylor, Seattle, W ash. (O’Dea H igh School)5151 O rchard S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Hostetler, Robert Louis, South Bend, Ind . ( Central H igh School)R ural Route 7, Box 12, Ireland R oad; Home

Houghton, Thomas Edward, Plym outh, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School)501 Lake Avenue ; Home

How ard, George Clifford, W ashington, D. C. (St. Jo h n ’s College H igh School) 3103 19th Street, N . W. ; F reshm an Hall

Howard, Jam es R ichard, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School)7948 Vernon A venue; Corby Hall

Hoyos, E lias A rango, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Salesian H igh School). H ow ard H all

Hoyt, E dw ard Jam es, New Y ork City (E vander Childs H igh School)2523 U niversity A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

H ruby, Louis H enry, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (C athedral L a tin H igh School) 2596 Shaker R o ad ; W alsh Hall

H ruska, Ralph Edward, Canton, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School)2756 Cleveland Avenue, N . W. ; Lyons Hall

H uber, A rthu r F rank , Fork A tkinson, Iow a (F o rt A tkinson H igh School) A lum ni Hall

H uber, R ay Burns, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)221 E ast Dayton S tre e t; Home

H uening, Jo h n W illiam, W aterford, Wis. (W aterford H igh School)A lum ni H all

H ufnagel, Andrew David, Ridgewood, L .I., N . Y. (A lexander H am ilton H. S.) 1930 M enahan S tre e t ; A lum ni Hall

AB 1

EG 1

♦EG 1

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♦AB 1

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♦SO 1

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AB; 1

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AB; 3


Hufnagel, Charles Anthony, Richmond, Ind. (Morton H igh School) SC436 South 12th S tre e t; Lyons Hall

H ufnagel, Leon Clement, Clarion, Pa. (Clarion H igh School) EG720 Wood S tree t; Badin Hall

Hughen, Thomas Alfred, Beaumont, Texas (Rayen H igh School) LWBox 2442 ; Corby H all

Hughes, Charles Bradley, W est Englewood, N . J . (Teaneck H igh School) P E156 E as t Forest A venue; Badin Hall

Hughes, John Michael, Chicago, III. (St. George H igh School) AB6654 N orth W ashtenaw A venue; Freshm an Hall

Hughes, Joseph Michael, Menomonie, Wis. (Dunn County A gricultural School) EG 1317 Main S tree t; Carroll Hall

Hughes, Paul Cornelius, F lin t, Mich. (St. Michael’s H igh School) CM306 W est Fourth A venue; Brownson Hall

Hughes-, Thomas John, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM33 M uir P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

Hughes, Thomas Michael, Frem ont, Ohio (Ross H igh School) SC1014 B irchard Avenue ; Dillon Hall

H ugler, Robert Joseph, F lin t, Mich. (St. Michael’s H igh School) AB2615 Westwood P a rk w a y ; Dillon Hall

Huisking, Edw ard Paul, H untington, L.I., N. Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) *ABBox 3, V ineyard R oad; Lyons Hall

Huisking, F rancis Robert, H untington , L.I., N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) ABBox 3, V ineyard R oad; Lyons Hall

Hum m er, Edw ard Joseph, Defiance, Ohio (C entral H igh School) CM603 P a rk Avenue ; Alum ni Hall

Hum phrey, H enry Richard, El Paso, Texas (Cathedral H igh School) CM3705 Bisbee S tree t; Freshm an Hall

H unt, C.S.C., B rother Edmund, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) ABD ujarie Hall

H unt, Russell Leonard, Woonsocket, R. I. (L a Salle Academy) AB45 Olo S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Hurley, F ra n k Joseph, Bennington, V t. (Bennington H igh School) EG323 South S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Hurley, John Farrell, Rushville, N . Y. (Rushville H igh School) ABGilbert S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

H usung, M artin John, Alamosa, Colo. (E ast Denver H igh School) AB512 S tate S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Hutchinson, Tom Eugene, Goshen, Ind. (Goshen H igh School) AB723 Em erson S tre e t ; Home

H uter, A lbert H enry, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM3820 N orth H am ilton A venue; Lyons Hall

H utter, K arl George, Beaver Dam, W is. (Beaver Dam H igh School) CM600 Madison S tre e t; M orrissey Hail

Hyde, R ichard Dean, Des Moines, Iowa (Roosevelt H igh School) CM678 26th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Hyland, John Thomas, New Haven, Conn. (New Haven H igh School) AB50 Cold Spring S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Hyland, W illiam Francis, New H aven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School) AB50 Cold Spring S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Hynes, John Clayton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB414 Peashw ay S tre e t; Home

Infan te , F rancis Joseph, Astoria, L .I., N. Y. (Salesian H igh School) SO8-09 A storia Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

Inglis, Jam es Francis, Woodhaven, New York City (St. John ’s H igh School) *AB8717 95th S tree t; Morrissey Hall






























Ireland, George M artin , Madison, W is. (Campion P repara to ry )402 South P a rk S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Irv in , J r ., H a rry Clay, Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School)572 P ine A venue; Brownson H all

Irw in , B ernard Ray, Houston, Texas (Tulsa Central H igh School) 1615 Blodgett S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Isselm ann, George Lenz, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School) 1402 South Eleventh S tree t; H ow ard Hall

Itzin , F rancis H enry, Burlington, W is. (B urlington H igh School) 901 Geneva S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Ivory, Thomas Hafey, Norwich, N . Y. (N orw ich H igh School)25 Division S tree t; Lyons Hall

Jackow ski, Ralph George, Chicago, 111. (S t. R ita College Academy)5648 South Maplewood A venue; Brownson H all

Jacobs, Philip Aloysius, A lexandria, La. (St. S tanislaus H igh School)2111 A lbert S tre e t; Corby H all

Jacobs, W illiam Leo, Lakewood, Ohio (S t. Ignatiu s H ig h School)1295 Chase A venue; A lum ni Hall

Jagoda, Joseph Michael, Cleveland, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School) 7007 A etna R oad; F reshm an Hall

Jakop , Jo h n W illiam, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 405 N orth 35th S tre e t; Brownson H all

Jansky, Carl Joseph, Two Rivers, W is. (W ashington H igh School)1601 E m m ett S tre e t; Dillon Hall

J a r re t, A ram Pothier, Woonsocket, R. I. (L a Salle Academy)121 W oodland R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Jasinsk i, Edwin Lee, N orth L iberty, Ind . (New Carlisle H igh School)R ural Route 1, Box 128; 1304% W estern Avenue, South Bend Ind.

Jassoy, Robert W illiam, M inneapolis, M inn. (De La Salle H igh School) 1815 Lyndale Avenue, N o r th ; Corby H all

Jeffers, H ow ard F rancis, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)6140 South Sacram ento A venue; Sorin H all

Jehle, Jo h n Louis, Alton, 111. (A lton H igh School)636 E ast 16th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Jenney, Clairville R ichard, Lakewood, Ohio (Georgetown P repara to ry )1611 Lewis D riv e ; Dillon Hall

Jenn ings, Jam es T raynor, El Paso, Texas (Cathedral H igh School)1017 R iver S tre e t ; Corby H all

Je rry , F rancis Joseph, E lgin, 111. (E lg in H igh School)621 Douglas A venue; M orrissey H all

Jodon, Clayton Edw ard, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)426 Cottage Grove A venue ; Home

Johannes, Jo h n H ubert, P o r t W ashington, W is. (P io N ono H igh School) R ural Route 1 ; 1245 E as t Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

John, Joseph Andrew, E as t Chicago, Ind. (W ashington H igh School)3618 Ivy S tr e e t ; Sorin Hall

Johnen, P e te r Joseph, Chicago, HI. (St. R ita H igh School)5658 South T roy S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Johnson, George W att, Taylorville, 111. (Taylorville H igh School)107 W est V ine S tre e t; Dillon H all

Johnson, H ow ard W alter, Green Bay, W is. (W est H igh School)120 Cleveland S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Johnson, N orm an Lyle, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)133 Keasey S tre e t; Home

Johnston, B enjam in DuBal, F o rt Sm ith, A rk. (S t. A nne’s Academy)925 G arrison A venue; M orrissey H all

AB 2

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Jones, Jam es Maurice, Iron wood, Mich. (St. Ambrose H igh School) 515 N orth Lowell S tre e t; H ow ard Hall SC 3

Jones, Robert Gordon, Gary, Ind. (Horace M ann H igh School) 544 Monroe S tree t; Dillon Hall CM 1

Jones, W illiam Lawrence, Paducah, Ky. (Jackson H igh School) 2107 B roadw ay; A lum ni Hall *80 1

Jordan, Charles Butler, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) 804 N orth Oak P a rk A venue ; M orrissey H all AB 2

Jordan , John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Quigley P repara to ry ) 943 W est 54th S tre e t; Lyons Hall AB 4

Jordan , Roger Timmins, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) 90 M ontclair A venue; Dillon Hall AB 1

Jordan , Thom as George, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School) 943 W est 54th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall AB 1

Jorgensen, H arry , South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 620 N orth Scott S tre e t; Home CM 1

Joyce, J r ., Edm und Patrick , Spartanburg. S. C. (S partanburg H igh School) 645 Maple S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

CM 2

Joyce, F rancis Myles, E rie, Pa. (Cathedral P repara to ry School) 918 C hestnut S tre e t; A lum ni Hall EG 3

Joyce, John B aptista , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School) 1117 N o rth W abash A venue; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Judae, Adolph Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 6324 Kenmore A venue; Lyons Hal] *OM 1

Judge, Joseph A drian, Troy, N . Y. (Troy H igh School) 3330 Sixth A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Jurjevich,* Tony John, Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) 10502 Ew ing A venue; M orrissey Hall

CM 1

Juszczak, C.S.C., B rother Reginald, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) D ujarie Hall

SC 1

Kaczmarek, Jerom e John, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 317 Napoleon B oulevard; Home

SC 2

Kaemmerlen, Leo John , Tyler, Texas (Tyler H igh School) 119 South Fleishel A venue; Brownson Hall

*EG 1

K afka, Joseph Michael, Buffalo, N . Y. (Riverside H igh School) 9 Deer S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

CM 1

Kaiser, John W illiam, E au Claire, Wis. (S t. P a trick ’s H igh School) 318 M arston A venue ; M orrissey Hall

CM 2

Kaiser, R alph Raymond, Lakewood, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 1437 Robinwood A venue; H ow ard Hall

EG 3

Kalczynski, Daniel Ferdinand, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 212 South Scott S tre e t; Home

AB 3

Kaley, Joseph John, Milton, N . Y. (N ew burgh Free Academy) Main S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

CM 4

Kalm an, Caesar Joseph, Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School) 64 Madison P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

LW 1

Kane, John Francis, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (Sacred H eart Academy) 109 Locust S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Kane, J r . , Owen Normile, W isner, Nebr. (W isner H igh School) Freshm an H all

AB 1

Kane, Paul H enry, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School) 2117 Elm S tre e t; Carroll Hall

EG 1

Kane, Raymond Aloysius, Clifton, N . J . (Xavier H igh School) 89 Clinton A venue; H ow ard H all

CM 3

Kane, R ichard Jerom e, Topeka, Kans. (Topeka Catholic H igh School) 824 W est S tre e t; Alum ni H all

*AB 1


Kane, W illiam Jerom e, Seattle, W ash. (Roosevelt H igh School) 5407 21st Avenue, N . B . ; Brownson Hall


K app, Louis H enry, Aviston, 111. (Aviston Community H igh School) F reshm an Hall


K arl, F ra n k John, Chicago, 111. (St. Michael’s H igh School) 1852 Sheffield A venue; Badin H all


Katz, Milton A aron, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1332 Lincoln W ay W e s t; Home


Kaufm ann, Jam es Anthony, Newton, 111. (N ew ton Community H igh School) 522 W est J o u rd a n ; Corby Hall


Kavanagh, John Carroll, Bay City, Mich. (St. Jam es H igh School) 2012 S ixth S tre e t ; Corby Hall


Kaveny, C.S.G., B rother Lellis, N otre Dame, Ind. (C anandaigua Academy) D ujarie Hall


Keating, Raymond Benedict, Platteville, W is. (Platteville H igh School) 430 W est M ineral S tre e t; W alsh Hall


Keefe, Daniel Edward, Ashton, R. I. (Cumberland H igh School) Mendon R o a d ; Freshm an H all


Keefe, W illiam Carroll, Bronxville, N . Y. (C linton H igh School) 5 Lee P la c e ; Sorin Hall


Keegan, Jam es Joseph, P ittsburg , Kans. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) 202 W est E ighth S tre e t; Corby H all


Keenan, Thomas Edmund, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Mt. A ssum ption Institu te ) 3823 Bedford A venue; Alum ni Hall


Keenen, J r . , George Edward, Bayonne, N . J . (The N ew m an School) 796 Avenue “A ” ; Dillon Hall


Keffler, B ernard John, M alvern, Ohio (M alvern H igh School) E as t P o rte r S tre e t; M orrissey Hall


Kehoe, George Edward, St. Louis P ark , M inn. (De L a Salle H igh School) 2706 Glenhurst A venue; Dillon H all


Kehoe, Kevin O’Neill Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Lake View H igh School) 4849 N orth P au lina S tree t; Carroll Hall


Kelleher, W ade Patrick , St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) 7255 P rinceton S tre e t ; Corby Hall


Keller, George Samuel, Niles, Mich. (Oil City H igh School) 9 South St. Joseph A venue; Home


Kelley, A ugustine Regis, Greensburg, Pa. (G reensburg H igh School) 231 W estm oreland A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all


Kelley, John B ernard, Gary, Ind . (Lew W allace H igh School) 123 W est 43rd A venue; Lyons Hall


Kelley, John Raymond, Portland, Me. (P ortland H igh School) 46 Congress S tre e t; F reshm an H all


Kelley, Thomas Joseph, Los Angeles, Calif. (S t. A gnes’ H igh School) 1428 W est Adams B oulevard; M orrissey Hall


Kellner, F rancis George, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School) 31 Groveland A venue; Badin Hall


Kellogg, A rm and Wesley, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) 714 “B” S tree t; Sorin H all


Kelly, Donald Maurice, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) 4300 Lake Shore D riv e ; H ow ard Hall


Kelly, Edm und Joseph, Norwood, Mass. (Norwood H igh School) 395 N ahatan S tre e t; Badin Hall


Kelly, Fergus Ford, Jam aica, N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School) 85-38 168th P la c e ; M orrissey H all


Kelly, F rancis P a trick , Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) 401 South B riggs S tre e t ; Badin Hall


Kelly, John Gregory, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) 7440 B arton A venue; Carroll H all
































Kelly, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 14300 Lake Shore D riv e ; Dillon Hall

Kelly, Joseph W illiam, Algona, Iow a (St. Cecilia Academy) AB 1202 South W ooster S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Kelly, Lewis B ertrand, Madison, Wis. ( Culver M ilitary Academy) *AB 11918 Regent S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Kelly, Luke Francis, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 48 K ent S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Kelly, Omer Anthony, Algona, Iowa (St. Cecilia Academy) EG 1202 South W ooster S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Kelly, Robert John, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Central Catholic H igh School) *AB 14150 Bigelow B oulevard; M orrissey Hall

Kelly, Russell John, Louisville, Ky. (duPont M anual T ra in ing H igh School) AB 1229 South Galt Avenue; St. Edward’s Hall

Kelly, Thomas A rthur, Anaconda, Mont. (Anaconda H igh School) EG 1617 W est T hird S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Kenefake, Edwin W illiam, Robinson, 111. (Robinson Township H igh School) GR 1R ural Route 1 ; 813 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Kenline, Robert H enry, Dubuque, Iow a ( Columbia College Academy) LW 3315 W est Locust S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Kennedy. Edw ard Jam es, Saranac Lake, N , Y. (Saranac Lake H igh School) -CM 189 M ain S tre e t; Badin Hall

Kennedy, John Edward, Alton, 111. (M arquette H igh School) AB 3738 Spring S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Kennedy, M aurice Jam es, Ogden, IJtah (Ogden H igh School) CM 12151 G rant A venue; Freshm an H all

Kennedy, Thomas Leo, Hazleton, Pa. (St. Gabriel’s H igh School) SC 1134 South Poplar S tree t; Dillon H all

Kennedy, W illiam Aloysius, Brooklyn, N. Y. (St. John ’s College H igh School) AB 4393 McDonough S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Kennedy, W illiam Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) CM 29225 South Bishop S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Kennedy, W illiam Joseph, New H am pton, Iow a (New H am pton H igh School) LW 3156 South L inn A venue; W alsh Hall

Kenny, Raymond Joseph, Yonkers, N . Y. (New York M ilitary Academy) CM 21050 W arburton Avenue ; Alum ni Hall

Kent, Robert Charles, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) EG 1R ural Route 2 , Box 103 ; Home

K enyon , H e rb e r t Jam e s , F a ll R iv er, M ass. (B . M. G. D u rfe e H ig h School) A B 2722 Locust S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Keough, Jam es Patrick , St. Paul, Minn. ( Cretin H igh School) AB 41186 Lincoln A venue; Corby Hall

K erin, M arcus Pierce, Denver, Colo. (W est Side H igh School) AB 21443 L ipan S tre e t ; Lyons H all

K ern, P eter W illiam, F o rt Madison, Iowa (F o rt Madison H igh School) *CM 11013 Avenue “F ” ; Alumni Hall

Kerns, A rth u r V incent, Saginaw, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3225 N orth T hird S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Kerwin, George Delker, Oelwein, Iowa (Oelwein H igh School) EG 1114 Second Street, N . E . ; Brownson H all

Kesicke, F rancis Edward, Yonkers, N . Y. (Gorton H igh School) EG 189 Greenvale A venue; Freshm an Hall

Kiely, W illiam Francis, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) SC 16531 Greenview A venue; Brownson H all

Killian, Donald B ernard, South Bend, Ind. (McKinley H igh School) GR 2601 N orth Cottage G rove; Home

K ilm urry. Edw ard Jam es, A tkinson, Nebr. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) CM 4W alsh Hall


K ilrain, Edw in Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind. (St. M einrad M inor Sem inary) 5270 Boulevard P la c e ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

King, George Moerdyke, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 515 W est L a Salle A venue; Home

CM 1

King, John Edward, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) 164 W est Knox S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

*AB 1

King, J r . , K arl G rant, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 515 W est LaSalle S tre e t; Home

CM 2

King, C.S.C., Rev. Robert W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind . (Regis H igh School) Community House

GR 1

King, T im othy Raphael, Niles, Ohio (McKinley H igh School) 1117 Robbins A venue; Lyons Hall

*AB 1

K inm an, Lindell Merle, Jonesboro, A rk. (Jonesboro H igh School) 622 W est M atthews A venue; H ow ard Hall

SO 3

Kinnealey, Thomas Francis, Milton, Mass. (Milton H igh School) 349 Canton A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

AB 2

ICinville, Paul Joseph, M arquette, Mich. (B araga Parochial H igh School) 14 W est H ew itt A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

Kirby, E dw ard Stephen, N ew ark, N . J . (Seton H all College P repara to ry ) 578 Ridge S tre e t; Sorin H all

AB 4

Kirincich, Joseph V incent, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) 500 Ruby S tre e t; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

K irk, W ilfred B ernard, N arrow sburg, N . Y. (N arrow sburg H igh School) Lyons Hall

P E 2

Kirley, Philip H arrison , Kewanee, 111. (V isitation H igh School) 116 McKinley A venue; W alsh Hall

CM 4

Kirseh, Jo h n W illiam, Indianapolis, Ind. (C athedral H igh School) 5246 N orth New Jersey S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

CM 3

Kiszeli, Paul Joseph, Jenkintow n, Pa. (Rom an Catholic H igh School) Carroll H all

P E 2

Klaiber, Robert John, South Bend, Ind. (S t. Joseph H igh School) 834 E ast M iner S tree t; Home

CM 4

Klaiber, Velm ar Keith, Snyder, N . Y. (M anlius School) 1 Smallwood D riv e ; Corby H all

*CM 1

Klecka, Roy Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 2321 Miami S tree t; Home

CM 1

Kleinfelder, F rederick Adam, Muncie, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1207 South W alnut S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Klima, J r . , W illiam John, New York City (Textile H igh School) 349 E ast 73rd S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

LW 2

Kling, E rnest Frederick, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) 546 E as t Indianola A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Kling, W erner H erbert, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) 546 E ast Indianola A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Klise, John Joseph, W ooster, Ohio (Valley Forge M ilitary Academy) 207 H en rie tta S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Klosinski, Theodore A nthony, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1121 W est Jefferson B oulevard ; Home

LW 2

K napp, Joseph John, Sidney, N . Y. (S t. P a trick ’s Academy) 50 R iver S tre e t; Corby Hall

AB 4

Koehler, H a rry Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 315 N orth F ranc is S tre e t ; Home

*AB 1

Kohlhaas, V ernon Connie, Algona, Iow a (St. Cecilia’s Academy) N orth Colby S tre e t; F reshm an Hall

AB 1

Kohlman, H arold Louis, E lm hurst, 111. (Y ork Community H igh School) 240 Berkley A venue; Corby H all

EG 3

Kolka, A lfred Jerom e, Irm a; Wis. (M errill H igh School) R ural R oute; Alumni H all

*SC 1


Kollar, J r . , Charles Stephen, Cliffside P ark , N . J . ( Cliffside P a rk H igh School) 234 Cliff S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Kolp, J r . , Charles Augustus, Canton, Ohio (St. John 's H igh School)N orth Canton R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Konsek, A lfred Anthony, Depew, N . Y. (Depew H igh School)74 Litchfield A venue; Dillon Hall

Kopczak, F rancis Gregory, Chicago, 111. (H arrison Technical H igh School)2426 South Sacram ento A venue; Badin H all

Koppelberger, F rancis Lawrence, LaCrosse, W is. (Central H igh School)1601 Madison S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Korzeneski, A rth u r Lucius, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2711 Logan B oulevard; W alsh H all

Kovacevich, John Francis, McKeesport, Pa. (Allentown P repara to ry School)500 A rcher A venue; Freshm an H all

Kovach, Joseph Edw ard, Uniontown, P a . (Uniontow n H igh School)269 N orth Gallatin A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Kovaleik, George John, Donora, Pa . (Donora H igh School)1137 Meldon A venue; Brownson Hall

ICovzelove, Alexander Semion, New York City (George W ashington H . S.)1711 Davidson A venue; Brownson H all

Kowaczek, R ichard Peter, Chicago, 111. (Illinois M ilitary School)3630 W est George S tre e t; Alumni Hall

Kowalski, C.S.C., Edm und Stanislaus, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

K rafthefer, Jam es H enry, W ilmette, 111. (St. John ’s M ilitary Academy)901 Oakwood A venue; W alsh Hall

K rajci, P e ter George, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School)722 Emmons S tre e t; Home

K rajenski, Leonard Benedict, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) 560 South Broad S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

K ram er, Tobias, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School)340 O range R o a d ; H ow ard H all

ICranzfelder, A rth u r Leonard, Bloomer, Wis. (Bloomer H igh School)Box 375 ; W alsh H all

Krause, Paul E rnest, Valley Stream , N . Y. (C entral H igh School)9 W est Valley Stream B oulevard; Alum ni H all

Krauss, Gordon Lewis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)108 South N otre Dame A v n u e ; Home

ICrebser, John P a trick , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School)820 W est B roadw ay; Sorin Hall

Kreuz, Charles John, Menominee, Mich. (Menominee H igh School)806 Dunlap A v en u e ; H ow ard H all

Kristel, George A nton, Schenectady, N . Y. (Mt. P leasan t H igh School)1114 Congress S tree t; Carroll Hall

Kroeger, F rancis Alexis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)417 N orth W illiam S tre e t; Home

Kroeger, John W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)417 N orth W illiam S tree t; Home

Krug, George Philip, Mineola, L .I., N . Y. (L a Salle M ilitary Academy)182 Lincoln A venue; W alsh H all

K rupa, Joseph W alter, Lyndhurst, N, J . (L yndhurst H igh School)509 T hird S tre e t; Brownson H all

W to T e& r°A v 2 u e |^ s " s L h Bend, Ind.K ryder, Donald Edwin, South Bend, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School)

119 N orth Dixie W a y ; HomeKubialc, H enry Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)

2205 W est B ertrand S tree t; Home

SC 2

CM 1

P E 1

P E 3

*AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

AB 2

P E 1

AB 1

*CM 1

AB 2

CM 4


*SC 1

*AB 1

SC 4

P E 3

SC 4

EG 4

CM 3

AB 2

AB 1

GR 1

AB 4

AB 1

LW 1

CM 1

AB 1


Kubik, F ra n k Joseph, M ichigan City, Ind. (Isaac C. Elston H igh School) 212 W ashington S tree t; 2213 W est Roger Street, South Bend, Ind.


Kuboske, Paul Clifford, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 714 N orth Cleveland A venue; Home


K uharich, A nthony Stephen, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1912 South Taylor S tre e t ; Home


K uharich, Joseph Lawrence, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 1912 South Taylor S tre e t ; Home


Kull, Guy Jam es, Monroe, Mich. (Monroe H igh School) 704 W ashington S tree t; Alum ni Hall


Kumler, Joseph Edward, Kewanna, Ind. (Grass Greek H igh School) R ural Route 2 ; H ow ard H all


Kumrow, E dw ard Franics, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School) 296 H ym an B oulevard ; H ow ard Hall


Kunsch, W illiam Charles, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 3115 N orth H alsted S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall


Kunz, Jo h n Jacob, Oconomowoc, W is. (Oconomowoc H igh School) 505 L a Belle A venue; W alsh H all


K urth , Thomas Peter, Madison, Wis. (E ast Side H igh School) 16 N orth Seventh S tre e t ; Carroll H all


K urz, Herschel LaRue, Peru , Ind. (P eru H igh School) 383 N orth Duke S tre e t; F reshm an Hall


Kurzweg, F ra n k T urner, Plaquem ine, La. (Plaquem ine H igh School) 701 Labauve A venue; Dillon Hall


Kurzweg, J r . , V ictor Jerom e, Plaquem ine, La. (Plaquem ine H igh School) 701 Labauve A v en u e ; W alsh H all


K uth, E dw ard Joseph, Duluth, M inn. (Cathedral H igh School) 107 W averly Place ; M orrissey Hall


Lacey, Thomas Lee, Canton, 111 (Canton H igh School) 163 M artin A venue ; F reshm an Hall 4


Ladewski, C.S.C., Rom an Sebastian, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


LaDuca, John Frederick, Buffalo, N . Y. (H utchinson Central H igh School) 3211 M ain S tree t; H ow ard H all


Lafferty, John Lawrence, Chicago, III. (U niversity H igh School) 6748 Ridgeland A venue; W alsh Hall


Lafferty, W illiam How ard, Oaklyn, N . J . ( Collingswood H igh School) 27 E as t Collingswood A venue; M orrissey H all


Lagoni, John Otto, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) 424 St. Joseph A venue; Home


Lahey, Jam es H enry, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 127 P aris S tre e t ; Home


LaLonde, Thomas King, Cleveland, Ohio (Aquinas In stitu te ) 1212 H athaw ay A venue; W alsh Hall


Lam bert, Robert Charles, W averly, N . Y. (W averly H igh School) 491 W averly S tre e t ; Dillon H all


Lam berto, Rom an Nicholas, Remsen, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) Brownson Hall


Lam biente, J e r ry Anthony, Brooklyn, N.Y. (New Y ork M ilitary Academy) 1754- 60th S tree t; Alum ni H all


Lam brecht, Melvin E dgar, Merrill, W is. (M errill H igh School) 1701 R iver S tree t; Dillon H all


L a Monica, Samuel B ernard, Oneonta, N . Y. (O neonta H igh School) 21 W atkins A venue; H ow ard Hall


L am pert, Nelson N orm an, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 4707 Beacon S tre e t; Lyons Hall































Lancaster, J r . , Leon Lange, O rchard P ark , N . Y. (O rchard P a rk H igh School) AB 1127 Freem an R oad; F reshm an Hall

Landers, C.S.C., B rother E ric, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) SC 1D ujarie Hall

Landmesser, Charles A ustin, E ast Orange, N . J . (Seton H all College P re p a ra to ry ) AB 4 14 Dodd T e rra c e ; H ow ard Hall

Landry, Christopher Lee, L ittleton, Mass. (L ittleton H igh School) SC 1W hitcomb A venue; Brownson Hall

Lane, George Powell, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB 2244 E ast 31st S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Lane, C.S.C., Rev. John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Community House

Lang, John Benedict, Chicago, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) EG 45140 South U nion A venue; H ow ard Hall

Lange, Louis A lbert, Fond du Lac, Wis. (Fond du Lac H igh School) CM 336 Cottage A venue; Badin Hall

Langer, Robert John, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) CM 11 E ast 36th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Langston, Carl Eugene, H artm an , A rk. (Goal H ill H igh School) LW 1Y. M. C. A., South Bend, Ind.

Langton, H arold Francis, Locust Gap, Pa . (Mt. Carmel Township H igh School) P E 1 M ain S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Lanka, B ernard Cyril, Berwyn. 111. (J . S terling M orton H igh School) EG 11337 South E ast A venue; Freshm an H all

Lanois, E rnest Louis, LaPorte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School) *CM 1705 Maple A venue; Badin Hall

Lanzafam e, Sare Anthony, Rochester, N . Y. (Benjam in F rank lin H igh School) SC 236 Oakman S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

Lardie, H ow ard Leslie, N iag ara Falls, N . Y. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 1756 Fourth S tree t; Brownson Hall

Larkin , Lawrence Justin , Cranford, N . J . (C ranford H igh School) AB 17 F razer P la c e ; Freshm an Hall

Larm er, Paul Joseph, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) AB 3136 South Taylor A venue; A lum ni H all

L attim er, K enneth Curtis, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) AB 31127 E ast Fox S tree t; Home

Lauer, R obert Marion, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School) *CM 11132 H ugh S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Laughlin, Robert Neil, M attoon, 111. (M attoon H igh School) CM 1204 N orth 22nd S tre e t; Dillon Hall

L au tar, John Paul, Moundsville, W. Ya. (Moundsville H igh School) EG 21921 Second S tree t; Carroll Hall

Lavin, Ju s tin Paul, Haverhill, Mass. (H averhill H igh School) EG 128 South Kimball S tre e t; F reshm an H all

Lawler, J r ., Samuel Sturgis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG 1814 E ast Jefferson B oulevard; Home

Lawrence, John W illis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) GM 41611 South M arietta S tree t; Home

Laws, Kenneth F rancis Lafayette, Ind. (Jefferson H igh School) SC 3633 Owen S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Lawton, George A lbert, Lakewood, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School) AB 417403 Edgew ater D riv e ; Sorin H all

Lawyer, C.S.C., Jerom e Regis, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4M oreau Sem inary

Layden, F rancis Louis, Davenport, Iowa (D avenport H igh School) CM 31125 Brady Street; Badin Hall

Layden, W alter George, McAlester, Okla. (City H igh School) VAB 1510 E as t Seminole S tree t; W alsh Hall


Leadbetter, John W illiam, Barnesboro, Pa. (Barnesboro H igh School)408 Bigler A venue ; Brownson H all

Leader, H enry George, New Y ork City (St. A nn’s Academy)1227 Madison A venue; Brownson Hall

Leahey, R ichard Francis, Albany, N. Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy)446 Second A venue; Sorin H all

Leahy, Paul Jam es, Tiffin, Ohio (Calvert H igh School)55 E as t P e rry S tree t; F reshm an Hall

Lebherz, John W illiam, Frederick, Md. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)315 W est Second S tre e t; F reshm an H all

LeBlanc, J r . , Aleide Joseph, San Antonio, Texas (C entral Catholic H igh School) 418 Peach Street, South ; Brownson H all

Lechner, John Jacob, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)918 Niles A venue; Home

Lee, John Michael, Salamanca, N . Y. (Salam anca H igh School )46 M urray A venue; Alum ni H all

Lee, M aurice W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)8313 M errill Avenue ; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Lee, J r . , Robert Edw ard, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)1985 Chapel S tree t; Sorin Hall

Lee, W alter Aloysius, New Haven, Conn." (Hillhouse H igh School)1985 Chapel S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Lee, W illiam John, N orth E ast, Pa. (C athedral P rep ara to ry )96 South Lake S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Lefere, M aurice Joseph, Jackson, Mich. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)400 Ellery A venue; W alsh Hall

Lehan, John Putnam , Dunlap, Iowa (St. Joseph’s H igh School)910 E aton S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Leibin, Charles Gardner, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School)1501 Ohio A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

LeJeune, E dw ard George, Oak P ark , 111. (Oak P a rk H igh School)319 N orth Taylor A venue; W alsh Hall

LeMire, Donald Francis, Escanaba, Mich. (E scanaba H igh School)600 Lake Shore D riv e ; Dillon H all

LeMire, Robert Eugene, Escanaba, Mich. (E scanaba H igh School)600 Lake Shore Drive; Alumni Hall

Lemons, Charles Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)328 Parkovash P la c e ; Home

Leonard, Edward Thomas, Cleveland Heights, Ohio (Cathedral Latin H. S.)2992 Meadowbrook B oulevard ; 1127 N orth St. P e ter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Leonard, F ranc is Neville, LaGrange, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)7 N orth Edgewood S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Leonard, Joseph Lawrence, C incinnati, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School)1213 S tra tfo rd P la c e ; Lyons H all

Leonard, Robert Patrick , Cleveland Heights, Ohio (H eights H igh School)2992 Meadowbrook A venue; Dillon H all

Leonard, W illiam John, Seattle, W ash. (Columbia U niversity H igh School)3428 W est L aure lhurst D riv e ; M orrissey H all

LeRoy, B ernard F rank lin , Oshkosh, W is. (Oshkosh H igh School)70 Evans S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Lesko, John George, W indber, Pa. (W indber H igh School)909 G raham A venue; 1136 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Lesselyong, F ra n k Edw ard, Ironwood, Mich. (L uther L. W righ t H igh School)108 Pew abic S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Letsen, Carl W illiam, Yonkers, N . Y. (M ercersburg Academy)16 Quincy P lace ; H ow ard H all

Levi, Jam es H enry, Stevens Point, W is. (Em erson H igh School)116 Brawley S tree t; Sorin H all

EG 1

AB 1

CM 4

EG 1

SC 1

EG 1

AB 3

EG 2

LW 3

AB 4

AB 1

*CM 1

CM 4

EG 4

AB 2

EG 4

SC 1

*AB 1

CM 2

CM 4

AB 4

AB 1

CM 1

*EG 1

P E 1

LW 3

*CM 1

AB 3

LW 1



Levicki, J r . , John Joseph, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. (Perkiom en P rep .) P E4125 T errace S tre e t; St. Edw ard 's H all

Lewiecki, W alter Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG317 W est Stull S tre e t ; Home

Lewis, Robert Paul, F rank fo rt, Ind. (W estern M ilitary Academy) LW758 N orth Columbia A venue; H ow ard H all

Ley, Jack Phillip, Grand Rapids, Mich. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) AB66 A uburn Avenue, S. E . ; 221 W est N orth Shore Drive, South Bend, Ind.

Leyes, George Philip , M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB112 W est E ighth S tre e t; Home

Liddy, Robert Allan, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB961 E ast 49th S tre e t ; Morrissey H all

Lieser, W illiam Adam, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School) EG600 Fulton Road, N. W .; M orrissey H all

Lill, Joseph Charles, F o rt W ayne, Ind . ( Campion P repara to ry ) EG3204 South H anna S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Linder,* Raymond Jam es, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College) CM1115 Eastm oreland S tre e t; Brownson H all

Ling, Eugene Frederick, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB1261 Bunts R oad; Lyons H all

Link, H ow ard Carl, P ittsburgh, Pa . (Sacred H eart H igh School) AB5902 Elgin A venue; Sorin H all

L inn, H arry , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) CM1601 Longley A venue; Home

Lipsie, H enry Isaac, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) SC1908 Butterfield A venue; Freshm an H all

Lipsio, V incent John, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM39 F rank lin A venue; Freshm an H all

Liscinsky, Andrew George, W hiting, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) EG1711 Atchison A venue; Carroll H all

Lively, John Jam es, Leonia, N . J . (Bishop Laughlin Memorial H igh School) AB45 Linden T e rra c e ; Carroll H all

Locher, J r . , John Joseph, Monticello, Iowa (Sacred H eart H igh School) LWSorin H all

Lochner, Robert Jam es, Cleveland, Ohio (W est H igh School) AB11095 Lake A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Loftus, Joseph Edward, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB516 - 61st S tree t; .uyons H all

Logan, J r . , John H enry, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) LW2902 H oagland A venue; Sorin H all

Lonegan, Edw ard Joseph, Jackson H eights, L .I., N . Y. (Loyola H igh School) SC34-26 92nd S tre e t; Sorin H all

Lonergan, M ark Aloysius, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) AB36 N orth W illow S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Longon, Jam es Russell, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College) CM308 E ast Parkw ay, N o r th ; Dillon H all

L ongstreth, Raymond Edward, Zanesville, Ohio (St. Thomas A quinas H . S.) CM117 A dair A venue; Freshm an H all

Lord, W illiam Kelly, P ittsburgh , Pa. ( Central Catholic H igh School) AB6824 Thomas B oulevard; Sorin H all

Loritsch, J r . , A lfred Frederick, W arwood, W heeling, W. Va. (Cen. Catholic H .S.) CM 110 N orth 17th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Loritsch, John A nton, W arwood, W heeling, W. Va. (Central Catholic H . S.) EG110 N orth 17th S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Lougee, F rancis Edward, Nashua, N . H . (Thayer H igh School) CM8 Gray S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Lounsberry, Eugene Peter, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. Jam es H igh School) EG63 H ausm an S tree t; How ard H all































Love, Charles Kinsella, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School)265 H untington A venue; Dillon Hall

Love, Donald Wiley, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School)265 H u n tin g to n A v e n u e ; D illon H a ll

Lovell, Dale Edward, W illiam sport, Pa. (W illiam sport H igh School)812 Poplar S tre e t; 840 - 32nd Street, South Bend, Ind.

Low ell, J o h n W esley, C hicago, 111. (E n g lew o o d E v e n in g H ig h School)7300 South Shore D riv e ; H ow ard Hall

Lowery, Jam es Vernon, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Fidelis Sem inary)Holy Cross Sem inary

Lueitt, C.S.C., Philip V incent, Notre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

Luckey, J r . , Thomas H annan , South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2522 Erskine B oulevard; Home

Lungren, John Charles, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) c-o C. D. Follett, 409 N ebraska S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Lusson, W illiam Michael, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatius H igh School)<135 Woodlawn A venue; Carroll H all

Lux>, -% bert A rthur, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatiu s H igh School)17827 Lake A venue; Sorin H all

L y n on fn% ?d^ a r£ Patrick , Philadelphia, P a . (C hestnut Hill Academy)3200 M arket S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Lynch, Edw ard Jam es, S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd H igh School)296 Bruce A venue; Corby H all

P ^ n c is Joseph, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (Sacred H eart Academy)304 E as t W isconsin S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Lynch, George Joseph, Benton H arbor, Mich. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)472 Pavone S tre e t; Sorin H all

J ^ f t f o r d , Conn. (Thom as IS. W eaver H igh School)137 Ridgefield S tree t; W alsh H all

Lynch, J r . , P a tric k Joseph, New Castle, Ind. (New Castle H igh School) Corby H all

Lynchj Robert Joseph, Lakewood, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School)1490 Clarence A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Lynch, W illiam _ Irv ing , Rome, N . Y. (Rome F ree Academy)306 W est Linden S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Lynck> WiHiam Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7667 S ou th S h o re D r iv e ; L y o n s H a ll

^ °% n % tr ic k Emmett, Butte, Mont. (Boys Catholic Central High School)330 V irg in ia S tre e t; Brownson H all

Ly0n/n’o ? eTdm,0nd Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)4020 Jackson B oulevard ; Sorin Hall

Lyons Robert John, South Bend, Ind. (C entral High School)715 W est Forest A venue; Home

Macaluso, Charles Joseph, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cleveland H eights H . S.) 3374 Meadowbrook B oulevard; Freshm an H all

H a T <Bt A m a t o r y )

“ “ t c S S tS e t , BMinnH a U ' V erm °n t (Bellows Free Academy)

< s t - M a t t W ’ s S c h - >

M°- <St- ^ U niversity H igh School)

AB 1

EG 4

SC 8

EG 3

AB 1

AB 1

CM 2

SC 1

AB 1

EG 3

AB 2

P E 4

EG 1

LW 2

*AB 1

EG 4

♦EG 1

CM 2

EG 2

AB 1

LW 2

SC 1

P E 1

♦AB 1

AB 3

AB 3

SC 8

AB 1


M aclsaac, John Claude, Sydney, N . S. (Sydney Academy) 98 George S tree t; Sorin H all

CM 4

Mack, George Francis, Bay Shore, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 245 E ast Main S tre e t; Corby H all

AB 4

M adaras, Joseph W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1324 W est Colfax A venue; Home

EG 1

Madden, Daniel Lawrence, Chicago, 111. (St. V iator H igh School) 111 W est W ashington A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 3

Madden, V incent Lawrence, N otre Dame, Ind. (Rayen H igh School) Holy Cross Sem inary

AB 1

Haddock, John Nicholas, W hite Plains, N . Y. (W hite P la ins H igh School) 76 N orth Kensico A venue; Carroll H all

*CM 1

Maffei, Andrew Robert, Yonkers, N . Y. (Yonkers H igh School) 29 Poplar S tre e t ; W alsh H all

AB 4

Magee, Jerom e B arry , Buffalo, N . Y. (Nichols School) 358 S tarin A venue; Dillon H all

EG 1

M ahar, Joseph Augustus, K ingston, N. Y. (K ingston H igh School) 345 B roadw ay; Howard H all

AB 2

M aher, Charles Edward, Herndon, Kansas (H erndon R ural H igh School) Corby H all

EG 4

Maher, J r ., Robert Campbell, Leechburg, Pa. (Leechburg H igh School) 224 Main S tree t; W alsh H all

SC 4

M aher, Thomas Francis, W atertow n, Mass. (W atertow n H igh School) 13 P au l S tre e t; Brown son H all

CM 1

Mahoney, C.S.C., Charles Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

AB 8

Mahoney, Daniel Patrick , Troy, N. Y. (LaSalle Institu te) 1614 H utton S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

SC 2

Mahoney, John Daniel, Sioux City, Iow a (South W est H igh School) 821 E ighth S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 2

Mahoney, J r . , John Patrick , Ashtabula, Ohio (H arbor H igh School) 1652 W est F ifth S tree t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Mahoney, W illiam Patrick , W inslow, Ariz. (W inslow H igh School) Brownson H all

AB 1

Mahoney, W illiam Thomas, Chattanooga, Tenn. (N otre Dame H igh School) 1709 Ashton S tree t; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Mailhes, Albin Roland, Shreveport, La. (St. John ’s H igh School) 911 D elaw are S tree t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Malarney, Robert Daniel, Brooklyn, N . Y. ( Crosby H igh School) 568 Pacific S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

LW 1

Mallett, George Miller, C incinnati, Ohio (W estern Hills’ H igh School) 2 Green H ills P la c e ; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Malloy, Daniel Joseph, Coaldale, Pa. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 57 E ast Ridge S tree t; Alum ni H all

CM 3

Malloy, Eugene Francis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 6719 M errill A venue; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Malloy, John Gwynne, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 1521 E ast 67th P la c e ; W alsh H all

AB 4

Malloy, J r . , P a trick H arring ton , Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) 1131 E ast 19th S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

*AB 1

Malone, Joseph Patrick , Locust Point, N . J . (St. Jam es Catholic H igh School) Lyons H all

*CM 1

Maloney, Jam es Malachy, Cincinnati, Ohio (St. Xavier H igh School) 3161 Hillside A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

Maloney, Jo h n Edward, Chicago, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) 1107 P ra t t B oulevard; Lyons H all

-CM 1

Maloney, John M artin , Buffalo, N . Y. ( Catholic H igh School) 276 W oodward A venue; Alum ni H all

AB 3


Mangelli, Joseph Edw ard, Bayonne, N . J . (Bayonne H igh School) 73 W est 22nd S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

AB 2

Manion, 0 .8 .0 ’., Jam es Joseph, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 2

M anix, Joseph David, Greenville, Ohio (Greenville H igh School) R ural Route 3 ; F reshm an H all

EG 1

M ann, Jam es Edw ard, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) 7745 Clyde A venue; Carroll H all

CM 1

M annehach, Joseph Peter, Kenilworth, 111. (Loyola Academy) 140 R obsart R o a d ; Dillon H all

CM 1

M anning, John Joseph, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 604 - 28th S tre e t; Morrissey H all

SC 2

M anning, Robert Andres, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 604 - 28th S tre e t; A lum ni H all

AB 3

M annion, John Jam es, P o rt Lyon, Colo. (B ent County H igh School) Corby H all

AB 4

Mansfield, Joseph Francis, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. D urfee H igh School) 407 Grove S tre e t; A lum ni H all

AB 3

M anuszak, W alter Thomas, South Bend, Ind . (C entral H igh School) 1309 Otsego S tre e t; Home

EG 1

M arbach, John Charles, W hite Plains, N . Y. (Regis H igh School) 21 Oxford R o a d ; Lyons H all

*AB 1

M arcy, A nthony Charles, Chicago, 111. (Roosevelt H igh School) 5030 N orth C entral P a rk A venue; Lyons H all

*CM 1

M arek, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

AB 3

Marek, M aximillian Anthony, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School) 1721 W rightwood A venue; Lyons H all

AB 1

M argrett, Raymond Francis, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te ) 109 Belmont S tre e t; Corby H all

♦CM 1

M arguet, J r . , W illiam Gabriel, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P rep ara to ry ) 147 Berkeley P la c e ; Dillon H all

AB 1

M arino, F rancis A nthony, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) 901 Mohawk S tre e t; Carroll Hall

SC 2

M ark, R obert Davies, Salt Lake City, U tah (E as t H igh School) 1145 Gilmer D rive; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

SC 1

Marley, H arold V incent, Fostoria, Ohio (S t. W endelin H igh School) 624 W est Center S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

SC 2

M arohn, Jam es Arnold, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 311 South Dixie W a y ; Home

CM 4

M arr, John Harold, W altham , Mass. (Boston College H igh School) 212 Charles S tree t; Lyons H all

AB 2

M arre, Raymond Anthony, F o rt Sm ith, A rk. (F o rt Sm ith H igh School) 300 N orth 14th S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

♦EG 1

M arrion, Thomas A lbert, B arre, V t. (Spaulding H igh School) 15 Maple Grove; Dillon H all

EG 1

M arshall, John F rancis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1320 E as t Ind iana A venue; Home

LW 1

M arshall, W alter Michael, Philadelphia, Pa . (Simon Gratz H igh School) 1911 Bristol S tre e t; Brownson H all

P E 1

M artin , J r . , A rth u r Raymond, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatiu s H igh School) 119 N orth C entral A venue; H ow ard H all

LW 1

M artin , F rancis Joseph, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School) 26 Totten S tree t; Badin H all

EG 3

M artin , C.S.C., B rother Giles, N otre Dame, Ind. (South H igh School) D ujarie H all

SC 4

M artin , Jam es Richard, Concord, N . H . (Concord H igh School) 88 W ashington S tree t; Badin H all

P E 3


M arty, B ernard Adolph, Decatur, HI. (S t. Teresa H igh School)1035 N orth M ain S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

Mason, Joseph Carroll, South Bend, Ind . (Central H igh School)1116 E ast Madison S tree t; Home

M asterson, Thomas Hugh, Gladstone, Mich. (Gladstone H igh School)1212 Dakota A venue; Corby H all

M astrangelo, J r ., J e r ry Joseph, New H aven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)69 P a rk S tre e t; Dillon H all

Matavovsky, F rancis George, Chicago, 111. (Lisle Academy)5367 A rcher A venue; 733 N orth H ill Street, South Bend, Ind.

Mathews, F rancis Joseph, H ighland Falls, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy)22 Kleitz A venue; Carroll H all

Mathey, J r . , W illiam Joseph, Clifton, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry )77 W ashington A venue; Freshm an H all

M atricia, Joseph John, Crawfordsville, Ind. ( Crawfordsville H igh School)808 South W ashington S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

M atthews, John Joseph, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. (Mt. St. M ary’s P rep .) 548 E ast W ashington L a n e ; Sorin H all

M atthys, F rancis W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7003 Em erald A venue; W alsh H all

M attingly, Edw ard Joseph, Cumberland, Md. (L a Salle Institu te)515 Shriver Avenue ; Brownson Hall

M auren, Leo Edward, Minneapolis, M inn. (De La Salle H igh School)824 F ifth Street, N. E . ; Badin H all

M aurin, J r . , E rnest Paul, Kansas City, Kansas (W yandotte H igh School)1322 N orth 20th S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Maxwell, F rancis Ries, Rochester, N . Y. (John M arshall H igh School)377 E lectric A venue; Corby H all

May, J r . , F rancis H a rt, D unkirk, Ind. (D unkirk H igh School)621 South Main S tre e t; Dillon H all

Mayer, Lawrence B ernard, Ipswich, S. Dak. (Ipsw ich H igh School)Carroll H all

Mazanec, Robert John, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School)17127 Greenwood Avenue, N . W .; Brownson Hall

Mazziotti, A nthony Joseph, Elmsford, N . Y. (W hite P la ins H igh School) Central A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

McAllister, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Robert, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Holy Cross Sem inary

McAloon, Albert Jeremiah, Pawtucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy)252 Paw tucket A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

McAloon, V incent Gerard, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy)252 Paw tucket A venue; M orrissey H all

McAlpine, John Francis, Downers Grove, 111. (Downers Grove H igh School)4705 Forest Avenue ; St. Edw ard’s Hall

McArdle, R ichard B ernard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) 2205 South Calhoun S tree t; M orrissey H all

McAuliffe, J r . , John H erbert, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)620 South Wesley A venue; Lyons Hall

McAuliffe, Robert Allen, Ashland, W is. (Ashland H igh School)817 Second Avenue, W e s t; Corby H all

McAuliffe, C.S.C., W illiam Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

McAveney; Jam es Victor, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis P repara to ry )134 Second P la c e ; Corby H all

McCabe, E dw ard Schuyler, Lock Haven, P a . (Lock H aven H igh School)69 E ast Church S tre e t; Dillon Hall

McCabe, Joseph Anthony, N orth Attleboro, Mass. (N orth Attleboro H igh School) 6 F orrest P la c e ; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.


SC 2

EG 2

AB 4

AB 1

LW 3

CM 3

SC 1

*AB 1

AB 4

LW 2

EG 1

CM 1

CM 1

P E 4

AB 1

AB 1

CM 1

CM 3

GR 1

AB 2

GR 1

*CM 1

CM 2

EG 2

EG 4

AB 2

AB 4

SC 1

LW 3


McCabe, C.S.C., Robert F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB SMoreau Sem inary

McCaffery, C.S.G., B ernard Aloysius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

McCanles, W arren Leslie, Kansas City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) CM 1606 W est 52nd S tre e t ; Dillon H all

McCann, John Joseph, Portland, Me. (D eering H igh School) SC 199 Mabel S tree t; Brownson H all

McCann. Ju s tin Carmody, Yonkers, N . Y. (Georgetown P rep ara to ry ) AB: 266 H illcrest A venue; Lyons H all

McCarron, John Francis, Pottsville, P a . (Pottsville Catholic H igh School) AB 11819 M ahantongo S tre e t; Dillon H all

M cCarthy, A lbert Daniel, Crosse Pointe, Mich. (A nnunciation H igh School) CM 4

946 N ottingham R o ad ; Corby H allMcCarthy, Cornelius Andrew, Saranac Lake, N . Y. (S aranac Lake H igh School) EG 3

31 Lake S tree t; A lum ni H allMcCarthy, Jam es Edward, New H aven, Conn. (St. Anselm’s College H. S.) AB 1

618 W halley A venue; Dillon H allM cCarthy, John Gregory, Glencoe, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 1

975 Eastwood R oad; Dillon H allMcCarthy, Thomas Lawrence, Madison, Wis. (E as t Side H igh School) *CM 1

2134 Atwood S tre e t; Lyons H allM cCarthy, W illiam P atrick , Glen Cove, N . Y. (Glen Cove H igh School) AB 2

9 Fairm ont P la c e ; St. E dw ard’s HallM cCarthy, W illiam Redmond, Butte, Mont. (C hristian B rothers Academy) GR 1

1045 M aryland A venue; M orrissey HallM cCartney, Thomas Owen, Punxsutaw ney, P a . (8 8 . Cosmas and D am ian’s School) *CM 1

117 R ail Road S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H allMcCarty, F rancis K innear, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) *SC 1

9801 Ram ona B oulevard; Lyons H allMcCarty, John W illiam, Denver, Colo. (Sacred H e art H igh School) AB 2

1545 E as t 31st A venue; Lyons H allMcCarty, P a trick F rancis, Toledo, Ohio (C entral Catholic H igh School) P E 1

2621 Chase S tre e t; Brownson H all

McClain, Charles Robert, Peru , Ind. (P e ru H igh School) AB 2324 E as t Main S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

McCombie, F rancis A lbert, Spangler, P a . (Spangler H igh School) EG 1Brownson H all

McCormack, Donnell Jam es, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H. S.) CM 2196 E as t P a rk w a y ; A lum ni H all

McCormick, B ernard Patrick , W est Brownsville, Pa . (South Brownsville H . S.) AB 3Railroad S tree t; Badin H all

McCormick, John Robert, Deer Grove, 111. (Com m unity H igh School) P E 1Dillon H all

McCormick, N evin F rancis, Livermore, Calif. (L iverm ore U nion H igh School) AB 1Brownson H all

MeCraley, W illiam Jam es, Carnegie, Pa. (Duquesne U niversity H igh School) SC 32 Christy A venue; W alsh H all

^ C onCr,e°n ’ R ichard H enry, K ingston, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 127 P r in c e ; Freshm an H all

McDermott, George John, Rochester, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School) AB 1168 R utgers S tre e t ; Carroll H all

Christopher Jackson H eights, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) CM 434-44 88th S tre e t; Corby H all

McDonagh Thomas Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) AB 1H o ly C ross S em in a ry

< S t - T h ° m a S H i g h S c h 0 0 l ) *A B 1


MCD2 r< )ak L a n e ; S ^ ”n H a U aVenPOrt' ^ ^ Ambrose H iSh School) CM 4

MCDm r w ' a s h S n Avenue1; M llm H a n 8, ^ H ish Schrol> SC 1

V a- ( P ^ e r e h u i . , H igh School) *AB 1

I1L <Le° H igh Sch°0,) CM 4

MCFAlum ni Halliam Edw ard’ CanaI Fulton- Ohio (Canal Fulton H igh School) CM 2

0 1rme-n t Edward, Lansing, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 1

412 West Ionia S tree t; Freshm an H all

M cF! * W e s X i a a S t r e ^ r i” 5m “ iCH if f n ^ H ish Scbool) A B »

^ M s T s t h N- Y ' ( S t J °h n ’S P re Bara to ry> GR 1

O.S.C., John Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

McGettrick Jam es John, Lorain, Ohio (Brookside H igh School) S C IRural Route 1, Box 27 ; Dillon H all V

McGettrick, Thomas Aloysius, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) CM 3

16200 Lucille A venue; Alum ni H all

McGinley, Cecil Randolph, Lynn, Mass. (Lynn Classical H igh School) P E 3

64 N ahan t S tre e t; Carroll H allMcGinley John Edward, Montclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) *AB 1

431 Orange R oad; Lyons Hall

McGlynn John B ernard, Gladstone, Mich. (Gladstone H igh School) AB 3

219 South N inth S tre e t; Howard H allMcGorey, John Luke, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School) CM 1

2123 South Homan A venue; M orrissey H all

McGory, C.S.C., B rother Romuald, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sandusky H igh School) AB 3D ujarie H all

McGovern, B ernard Joseph, W ilm ington. Del. (Salesianum H igh School) CM 3

1705 M aryland A venue; Alum ni H all

McGovern, J r ., George W ashington, Lynbrook, N . Y. (F ishburne M ilitary School) CM 1 199 Union A venue; Brownson H all

McGovern, H enry Charles, W ilm ington, Del. (Salesianum H igh School) CM 21705 M aryland A venue; M orrissey H all

McGowan, J r . , Clement Leo, A tlan ta, Ga. (M arist College) AB 2670 Spring Street, N . W. ; Lyons Hall

M cGrath, George Edward, W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) P E 4

9 Church S tree t; Corby H allMcGrath, John Joseph, Sedalia, Mo. (Sm ith-Cotton H igh School) AB 4

700 W est F ifth S tree t; W alsh H allMcGrath, John Joseph, W aban, Mass. (Newton H igh School) P E 1

1325 Beacon S tre e t; Brownson H allMcGrath, J r . , John M artin, New Y ork City (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 4

The W arwick Hotel, 65 W est 54th S tre e t ; Sorin HallM cGrath, Joseph Jam es, Drexel Hill, Pa. (U pper D arby H igh School) *AB 1

3220 Brunswicke A venue; Badin H allM cGrath, Robert A rthur, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) AB 1

725 South E ast A venue; Carroll H all

McGuinness, John Jam es, Ashland, Wis. (E au Claire H igh School) CM 2815% W est Second S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

McGuire, F rancis Edward, Chicago, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) CM 4

c-o Mr. D. L. Madden, 1608 Conway Building; Sorin HallMcGuire, Jam es Francis, Anaconda, Mont. (Anaconda H igh School) *AB 1

711 W est Third S tre e t; Lyons H all


McGuire, Jam es H artn e tt, Geneseo, N . Y. (Geneseo H igh School) AB 342 Oak S tre e t; H ow ard H all

McGurl, J r . , John Breslin, Minersville, Pa. (M inersville H igh School) AB 2452 Sunbury S tree t; M orrissey Hall

M cHugh, E dw ard Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) SC 15407 Haddon A venue; Dillon H all

McHugh, Jam es W illiam, Fitchburg, Mass. (St. B ernard’s H igh School) AB 2129 H arvard S tre e t; Lyons H all

McHugh, J r ., W illiam Felix, Rockford, 111. (St. Thomas H igh School) EG 1309 E lm S tre e t; Dillon H all

M clnerny, M atthew Robbins, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG 21343 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M clntee, Jerom e Stand, Rochester, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School) AB 2347 Culver R o ad ; Lyons H all

McIntosh, Joseph Kerwin, P o rt H uron, Mich. (St. S tephen H igh School) EG 2820 E rie S tree t; M orrissey H all

M clsaac, B ernard Eugene, M annington, W. Va. (M annington H igh School) AB 1116 M arshall S tre e t; Brownson H all

McKay, Donald Richard, Fargo, N . Dak. (F argo H igh School) *SC 1523 13th S tre e t, S o u th ; A lu m n i H a ll

M cKeating, Robert Jerom e, Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) CM 25246 W ashington B oulevard ; Lyons H all

M cK ee, C.S.C., R o b e r t F re d e ric k , N o tre D am e, In d . (H o ly C ross S e m in a ry ) A B 3M oreau S em in a ry

McKendry, John Charles, Buffalo, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) CM 134 Monticello P la c e ; Dillon H all

McKenna, Jam es A rthu r, St. Paul, M inn. (C retin H igh School) CM. 11888 Princeton A venue; Dillon H all

McKenna, Jam es Francis, Portland , Ore. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *EG 13004 N . W. Quimby S tre e t; A lum ni H all

McKenna, John Francis, W est Orange, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry ) • P E 2 154 H igh S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

M cKernan, B a rt Paul, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) P E 313200 Carondolet A venue; Badin H all

M cLaughlin, Daniel Thornton, M inneapolis, M inn. (W est H igh School) AB 32405 Russell Avenue, S o u th ; P resbytery

M cLaughlin, Jam es Donald, Dorchester, Mass. (B ridgton Academy) *AB 119 Thornley S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

McMahon, Andrew Joseph, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy) CM 412 Johnson S tree t; 1122 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

McMahon, C.S.C., Gerald F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. P a tric k ’s Academy) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

McMahon, Joseph P atrick , Chicago, 111. (S t. Philip H igh Schoool) AB 35702 South Racine A venue; Badin H all

McMahon, Oliver F rancis Kriel, Rockville Centre, N . Y. (Boro H all Academy) AL 111 Lakeside D riv e ; Dillon H all

McManus, H enry H ugh, W enatchee, W ash. (W enatchee H igh School) GR 1P . O. Box 1158; Corby H all

McMichael, J r ., Guy H enry, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 1301 South Sunny side A venue; Home

McMullen, Jam es Mahlon, South Bend, Ind. (A urora H igh School) AB 3415 W est M arion S tre e t; Badin H all

McNally, E dw ard Thomas, P ittsburg , K ansas (Missouri M ilitary Academy) CM 3411 W est Jefferson S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

McNally, Joseph Clifford X avier, Jackson Heights, L .I., N . Y. (S t. X avier H . S.) AB 2 40-23 73rd S tree t; Lyons H all

McNally, W illiam M artin , Jackson H eights, L. I., N . Y. (St. F rancis X avier H . S.) AB 2 40-23 73rd S tre e t ; Lyons Hall


M d t2 0 D S a ^ S f B ^ S HaU N ' H ' (W est Leba" ° n H i=h School) CM 1

McNm apekshway S tre t i ; Hole Ind' <St Bede Colle Academy) GR 1A venge’; F i l h l a n ^ u (Cam» im P repara to ry ) AB 1

^ % ’p o : K : : f B S a » ' ^ ™ - (Mound c ity com m unity H feb s =h” » e g 3

^ C Badin^He l lin Scillafly’ Carlyle, (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 3

McNeill, John Francis, Ridgewood, N. J . (Ridgewood H igh School) AB 2

242 N orth P leasan t A venue; Carroll H allMcNelis, Jam es Thomas, Hazleton, P a . (St. Gabriel H igh School) SC 1

182 South Laurel S tre e t; Dillon H all

McNicholas, Lavin Joseph, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian Brothers College H. S.) CM 4

591 N orth Trezevant S tre e t; Corby H allMcNichols, J r ., Charles Grover, Chicago, 111. (DePaul U niversity Academy) LW 2

182 N orth Leam ington A venue; Sorin Hall

McNS S ’ J ° spuH ALarbin, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) SC 21653 E ast 12th S tre e t ; Alumni Hall

McQuade, John Jam es, Jackson Heights, L .I., N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) SG 3

82-16 34th A venue; Corby H allMe Shane, M atthew Thomas, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 3

1901 South Crawford A venue; Carroll Hall

Mead, W illiam Jam es, H astings, Nebr. (H astings H igh School) CM 4318 W est Fourth S tree t; Corby Hall

Meagher, George Beyer, DePue, 111. (Community H igh School) SC 3Howard H all

M eagher, C.S.C., Rev. George Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Community House

Meagher, Thomas Jam es, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) AB 3321 E lectric A venue; Badin H all

Measer, W illiam Adams, Williamsville, N . Y. (N eum ann School) AB 425 Milton S tree t; Sorin H all

Mee, Fenton Jam es, Logansport, Ind. (Logansport H igh School) AB 1516 12th S tre e t; Brownson H all

Megin, B ernard Edward, W est Concord, Mass. ( Concord H igh School) P E 22 Lawsbrook R o ad ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Mehling, C.S.C., Rev. Theodore John, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H . S.) GR 1Moreau Sem inary

M ehring, Joseph W illiam, H untington, Ind. (H untington H igh School) EG 11631 Cherry S tree t; Freshm an H all

Meier, R ichard H enry, Faulkton, S. Dak. (Faulkton H igh School) AB 2Carroll H all

Meister, George Frederick, N ew port, Ky. (St. Stephen H igh School) LW 2714 Linden A venue; W alsh Hall

Melchione, H ugo W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 2

5510 Sheridan R o ad ; Lyons HallMelinkovich, George Joseph, Tooele, U tah (Tooele H igh School) P E 3

51 N orth F ourth S tre e t ; W alsh H allMellett, C.S.C., B rother Silvan, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) *AB 1

D ujarie H all

Mercado, V ictor Ramon San Juan , Woodhaven, L.I., N . Y. (Chaminade H . S.) AB 1

8711 - 95th S tre e t; Dillon H allM erchant, Law rence A rthur, St. Joseph, Mich. (St. Joseph H igh School) AB

944 Lewis A venue; Home

M ergardt, Gerard Maurice, Brewster, N. Y. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 337 Center S tre e t ; Corby Hall


M errill, W illiam K enneth, E lm ira, N . Y. (E lm ira Free Academy)521 W est F irs t S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Messick, I I I , Joseph, Chester, Pa . (St. R obert’s H igh School)20th & Chestnut S tre e ts ; Dillon H all

M etcalf, J r . , John Coughlin, Duluth, M inn. (C entral H igh School)21 N orth 21st Avenue, E a s t ; Lyons H all

M ettler, V ictor H erbert, Ham mond, Ind. (H am m ond H igh School)251 Douglas S tre e t ; W alsh H all

M etzger, J r . , Charles John, Rockville Centre, N . Y. (South Side H igh School) 355 De M ott A venue; Dillon H all

Meyer, F rancis Joseph, Danville, 111. (Danville H igh School)430 N orth Verm ilion S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Meyer, Raymond Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)4620 W est Jackson B oulevard ; Brownson Hall

Meyers, Charles Frederick, E lgin, 111. (E lgin H igh School)439 South S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Michels, Carol) A rthu r, South Bend, Ind . (Central H igh School)901 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M ichuta, John Francis, Detroit, Mich. (Holy N am e Institu te )9844 Russell S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

M ilauekas, A nthony Lawrence, Cicero, 111. (Campion P repara to ry )1837 South 49th C o u rt; Dillon H all

Miles, Charles F rancis, Oak P ark , 111. (St. P h ilip ’s H igh School)1516 N orth A ustin B oulevard; M orrissey H all

Miles,* W illiam Allen, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatiu s H igh School)4057 N orth M arm ora A venue; Dillon H all

Miley, B enjam in Rhodes A nthony, Houston, Texas (S t. Thomas College)615 W est Gray Avenue, A pt. 3 ; H ow ard H all

Miller, Floyd Francis, Mitchell, S. Dak. (N otre Dame Academy)805 E ast Fourth A venue; Badin H all

Miller, George A ndre, W alhalla, N . Dak. (W alhalla H igh School)H ow ard H all

Miller, H arold Edwin, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)3005 E ast Tenth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Miller, C.S.C., Joseph Shirley, N otre Dame, Ind. (C hristian B rothers College H. Moreau Sem inary

Miller, S tephen Christian, Rock Island, 111. (St. Joseph H igh School)1839 Tenth S tre e t; Badin H all

Miller, Stephen R ichard, E lm hurst, L .I., N . Y. (Newtown H igh School)74-35 43rd A venue; Brownson H all

Miller, W illiam Edw ard, Lockport, N . Y. (Lockport H igh School)36 South S tree t; W alsh H all

M illner, W ayne V ernal, Salem, Mass. (Salem H igh School)196 N orth S tree t; Badin H all

Milton, George Edw ard, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )7815 Colonial R oad; Alum ni H all

M inarick, J r . , Joseph W illiam, M idland P a rk , N . J . (Ridgewood H igh School) 21 Cross A venue; Lyons H all

Minella, Samuel Jam es, Plainville, Conn. (Plainville H igh School)51 W hiting S tree t; A lum ni H all

Mitchell, A nthony Miceli, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 729 Jefferson Avenue, S. E . ; Carroll H all

Mix, Melville Byerley, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)602 W est Colfax A venue; Home

Mladinich, A nthony John, Puyallup, W ash. (Bellarm ine "High School)1519 T hird Street, S. E . ; Carroll H all

Mohan, Charles John, P ittsburgh , P a . (C entral Catholic H igh School)5464 N orthum berland S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

CM 1

AB 1

*CM 1

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AB 1

AB 3

AB 1

AB 2

SC 1

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AB 1

CM 2

EG 1

EG 2

CM 1

AB 3

CM 2

) AB 3

AB 3

EG 1

AB 4

CM 3

CM 3

EG 2

AB 3

P E 3

*EG 1

EG 1

CM 2



J^ifsara Falls N . Y. (Niagara Falls H igh School)2707 LaSalle A venue; Broxvnson H all

M olinarb Gerald Rocco, Oneonta, N. Y. (O neonta High School)17 Brookside A venue; W alsh H all

Molinari, Russell John Oneonta, N. Y. (Oneonta High School)32 Maple Street; Howard Hall

Anglin, Logansport, Ind. (Lincoln High School)162.6 H igh S tree t; Sorm H all

M0llf/Q^Ri f iai 'dT5 BeT o rd ’ S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd H igh School)1434 West Broad Street; Freshman HallMonacelli, W alter Joseph, Albion, N . Y. (Albion H igh School)

10 H errick S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Monaghan^ Charles Patrick, Ashtabula, Ohio (Ashtabula Harbor High School)1479 M orton D riv e ; Brownson H all

M onaghan, J i \ , Daniel George, Denver, Colo. (Regis H igh School)5o5 E ast E ighth A venue; Dillon H all

M onaghan, John Edward, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)1367 E ast 112th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Monahan, John Edward, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)114 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Monahan, John Richard, Butte, Mont. (Boys Central High School)1051 W est M ercury S tre e t; W alsh Hall

M onahan Joseph Paul, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)114 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Monckton John William, Springfield, 111. (Springfield H igh School)610 W est Monroe S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Montedonico, Edw ard LeM aster, _ Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers Coll. H . S.) 327 Kenilw orth P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Montedonico John Scott, Memphis, Tenn. (Christian Brothers College H. S.)44 N orth Second S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Monteverde, John Paul, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Schenley H igh School)7000 Edgerton A venue; Dillon Hall

Montgomery, Charles Robert, Mercer, Pa. (M ercer H igh School)N orth Diamond S tree t; Sorin Hall

Mooney, V erner Claire, Forrest, 111. (F orrest Township H igh School)Lyons Hall

Moore, Edw ard Joseph, B irm ingham , Mich. (Royal Oak H igh School)363 Big Beaver R o ad ; Brownson H all

Moore, George Louis, Chicago, 111. (A ustin H igh School)1331 Lorel A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Moore, John William, New Haven, Conn. (Hillhouse High School)36 Young S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Moore, Joseph Stephen, Bloomfield, N . J . (Bloomfield H igh School)64 N ew ark A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Moore, Richard Thomas, W hitesboro, N . Y. (W hitesboro High School)34 Mohawk S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Moore,- W est Miller, South Bend, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School)1010 Diamond A venue; Home

Moorman, Achilles Herndon, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) 282 E ast Euclid S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Moorman, Louis W illiam, Cincinnati, Ohio (E lder H igh School)790 Weils S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

Moran, John Joseph, New York City (Salesian H igh School)1565 Lexington Avenue ; Badin H all

Moran, M artin Charles, Nekoma, Kans. (St. M ary’s H igh School)733 N orth H ill Street, South Bend, Ind.

Moreau, Louis Steve, P o rt A rthur, Texas (Allen Academy)622 14th S tre e t; Carroll Hall

CM 1

AB 4

*AB 1

LW 2

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SC 1

AB 1

AB 1

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CM 1

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CM 2

AB 1

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SO 1

AB 1

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AB b

LW 3

CM 2


M oriarty, George Joseph, Lynn, Mass. (English H igh School)6 H uron S tree t; Badin H all

M oriarty, K enneth Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )1588 E as t 17th S tree t; M orrissey H all

Morine, K enneth Hal, South Bend, Ind. (Fow ler H igh School)718 N orth S lst S tre e t ; Home

Moritz, Christopher Dueward, Seymour, Ind. (Seymour H igh School)726 W est L aurel S tree t; Carroll H all

Moritz, W illiam Bates, Newark, N . J . (Seton Hall College P repara to ry )141 Richelieu T e rra c e ; 729 N orth St. Louis Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Morley, Jo h n Francis, Chicago, III. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)6141 South M ozart S tre e t; W alsh Hall

M orra, P a trick Nicholas, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2017 South F rank lin S tre e t; Home

Morris, Charles Samson, Cortland, N . Y. (C entral H igh School)11 Brown A venue; 147 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Morris, F red Locke, Mexico, Mo. (M issouri M ilitary Academy)218 South Cole S tre e t; Sorin H all

M orrison, Arnold B ernard, Rochester, N . Y. (E as t H igh School)373 Grand A venue; W alsh H all

M orrison, Carlos A lbert, Barboursville, W. Va. (H unting ton H igh School)R ural Route 2, Box 42 ; Corby H all

M orrison, Charles M arvin, Lynchburg, Va. (Holy Cross Academy)401 H arrison S tre e t; Carroll H all

M orrison, R eginald Alexander, Rochester, N . Y. (E ast H igh School)373 Grand A venue; Lyons H all

M orrison, C.S.C., W illiam Terence, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

Morrow, Charles Gilmer, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)2452 Bardstow n R o a d ; Dillon H all

Mosele, M ario Paul, Chicago, 111. (A ustin H igh School)4858 W ashington B oulevard; H ow ard Hall

Mosher, Robert Joseph, Minneapolis, M inn. (John M arshall H igh School)1042 14th Avenue, S. E. ; Corby H all

Moskowitz, M orris, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Stuyvesant H igh School)922 42nd S tree t; Lyons Hall

Moss, W illiam Thomas, New York City (M anhattan College P repara to ry )71 V erm ilyea A venue; Carroll H all

Moty, Gilbert Robert, Medford, Ore. (Medford H igh School)704 W est T enth S tree t; Badin Hall

Moulder, John Shillington, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)418 Pokagon S tree t; Home

Mouros, John Stephen, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)812 N orth Elm S tre e t; Home

M oynahan, Robert Brow ning, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)710 U nion T itle B u ild ing ; W alsh Hall

Mrowca, C.S.C., B rother Adalbert, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) D ujarie H all

Mueller, A rth u r Casey, South Bend, Ind. (Lowell H igh School)617 N orth St. P e te r S tre e t; Home

Mueller, P au l Frederick, Law renceburg, Ind. (Law reneeburg H igh School)547 Ridge A venue; Lyons H all

Mueller, C.S.C., P e ter F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. E dw ard’s P rep . School) M oreau Sem inary

Muellman, John Joseph, Chicago, III. (St. R ita College Academy)1845 W est Garfield B oulevard; A lum ni H all

Muessel, Charles Andrew, N o tre Dame, Ind. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) Holy Cross Sem inary

AB 3

AB 1

CM 1

AB 1

EG 4

AB 4

CM 1

CM 4

*AB 1

EG 4

*SC 1

CM 1

EG 2

AB 2

AB 1

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AB 4

SC 2

CM 4

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CM 1

AB 4

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CM 4

EG 2

AB 2

*CM 1

AB 1


Muleahey, Jam es Lane, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) AB 1

32 P ine S tre e t; Brownson H all

^ L y o n s " % ^ r ^ O h ^ e s , Weslaco, Texas (Weslaco H igh School) AB 2

^ % o Z ' % a d ^ % l o n % H ^ ^ ' H aN ford H igh School) CM 1

Mulhoe/ f \ x F ran c isAA rth u r> Palisade, N . J . (Regis H igh School) AB 1254 W arren A venue; Freshm an H allM ulhern, Jam es Woodrow, Palisade, N . J . (Regis H igh School) SC 1

254 W arren A venue; Freshm an H all

^ % M o n r o e G ^ y ^ " ^ ^ i n e H igh School) LW 1

M ull^ ly ,e^ .S X ^iJoseph Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

MU,14SM M il to y 6 A vm ue T lM to H a l f ' <Creishton U niversity P repara to ry ) EG 3

Mull^> J r ., A rth u r Daniel, New Haven, Conn. (Hillhouse H igh School) AB 1444 Ellsw orth A venue; Dillon Hall

Mullen, B ernard Behrends Juneau, Alaska (Bellarmine College P repara to ry ) AB 2Box 2344; Morrissey H all ,

Mullen Eugene Patrick , South Bend, Ind. (Ja sp e r Academy) EG 2

715 E ast Cedar S tre e t; Home

Mullen, Robert Jam es, Milwaukee, Wis. (Palla ttine Sem inary) AB 1

1936 N orth 33rd S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Mulligan, John Franklin, Lake Village, Ark. (Lake Side High School) CM 2M orrissey H all

Mulligan, Thomas Patrick , Cleveland Heights, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School) SC 1

2183 Dem mgton D riv e ; Freshm an Hall

M ulrenan, W illiam Francis, S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd High School) *AB 155 Holmes S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Mulvaney, A nthony Joseph, Jackson, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 4808 F irs t S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Mulvey, Raymond Francis, Westbrook, Conn. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) AB 4214 M am S t r e e t ; H o w ard H all

Mundee, F red William, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) CM 1

1141 F ranklin A venue; Lyons HallMurdock, B ernard Valentine, E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart H igh School) *SC 1

230 P a rk A venue; Home

Murdock, H ow ard Daniel, Kingston, N . Y. (K ingston H igh School) SC 1

102 Hone S tree t; Lyons Hall

M urphy A ustin Thomas, Chicago, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School) AB 1

308 South Lockwood S tree t; Carroll H allM urphy. Donald V incent, Ida Grove, Iowa (Ida Grove H igh School) AB 1

508 Court S tre e t ; Morrissey HallM urphy, III, F rancis Joseph, Baltimore, Md. ( Calvert Hall H igh School) AB 3

1805 South R o a d ; H ow ard H allM urphy, F ran k John, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 4

18 Dell T e rra c e ; 306 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.M urphy, George Eugene, Paterson, N. J . ( Central H igh School) SC- 3

498 E ast 21st Avenue ; Badin Hall

M urphy, George V incent, Iron River, Mich. (Iron River H igh School) SC 1134 Cayuga S tree t; Dillon Hall

M urphy, Jam es Daniel, Pontiac, 111. (Pontiac H igh School) EG 2

119 R eform atory A venue; M orrissey Hall

M urphy, Jam es Gordon, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) CM 2

108 Third S tree t; Morrissey HallM urphy, Jam es M artin, Tucson, Ariz. (Tucson H igh School) CM 1

505 South Fourth A venue; Freshm an Hall


M urphy, John Condron, Adams, Mass. (Adams H igh School) SC23 Summer S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

M urphy, John Delbert, Libertyville, 111. (Libertyvilie H igh School) P E342 N orth Milwaukee Avenue ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

M urphy, John Edw ard, Clinton, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB326 Tenth Avenue, S o u th ; Howard H all

M urphy, John Francis, Memphis, Tenn, ( C hristian B rothers College H igh School) EG 1859 Mignon S tre e t ; Badin H all

M urphy, John Leo, Bingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton H igh School) CM43 Kneeland A venue; Corby H all

M urphy, John Patrick , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) P E1247 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M urphy, Joseph Em m ett, Ida Grove, Iowa (Ida Grove H igh School) CM508 Court S tre e t ; Badin H all

M urphy, Joseph George, N otre Dame, Ind . (Petoskey H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

M urphy Thomas Joseph, N ew port, R. I. (Rogers H igh School) CM15 Mill S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

M urphy, V incent Benedict, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) EG9332 Miles A venue; Corby H all

M urphy, V incent Ignatius, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB714 Seward S tre e t; Lyons H all

M urphy, W illiam Francis, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM80 Hilltop A venue; Brownson H all

M urray, Donald Edw ard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) CM438 W est Rudisill B oulevard; Carroll H all

M urray, F rancis Jam es, Elizabeth, N . J . (X avier H igh School) SC36 Raymond T errace; A lum ni H all

M urray, Joseph Eugene, Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School) AB3144 Sum m it S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

M urray, W illiam Philm ore, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (St. V incent’s Academy) CM1940 South Sixth S tre e t ; W alsh H all

M urrin , IV , John, Butler, P a . (Butler H igh School) AB611 E ast B rady S tre e t; Dillon H all

M urtagh, Jam es Joseph, Chicago, 111. (C entral H igh School) *AB1433 Farw ell A venue; M orrissey H all

M urtha, J r . , W illiam Francis, W est Hem pstead, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB35 South Bedelle Terrace ; Sorin H all

Myers, W illiam George, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB113 W est E ighth S tre e t ; Home

Myron, Joseph Berchm an, Jam aica, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) CM8813 175th S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Mysliwiec, Thaddeus Sigmund, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

N abicht, Ferd inand Charles, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM820 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Nadeau, H erbert Louis, F lin t, Mich. (St. M atthew ’s School) AB123 E ast E ighth S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

N agler, Robert Dore, Los Angeles, Calif. (Belmont H igh School) CM4657 W est 62nd P la c e ; Carroll H all

N ano vie, Joseph Paul, Palm er ton, Pa. (Stephen S. Palm er H igh School) CM31 L afayette A venue; Corby Hall

N ardone, Julius Louis, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Stuyvesant H igh School) AB143 19th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

N ardone, W illiam Frederick, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Boys H igh School) SC143 19th S tree t; M orrissey H all






























Nau, Charles John, Hammond, Ind . (Hamm ond H igh School) *EG 1

23 Elizabeth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H allN ail> T£oma;s Edward, Hammond, Ind. (Ham m ond H igh School) EG 1

23 Elizabeth S tre e t; Freshm an H all

N ear, A rth u r Edwin, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Gregory H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Nee, Maurice Lyden, W ashington, D. C. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) AB 1

2855 Woodland D riv e ; Freshm an HallNeedham, Thomas H enry, Houston, Texas (St. Thomas College) SP

1040 H arvard S tre e t; Morrissey H allNeeson, John H enry, Philadelphia, Pa. (St. Joseph’s College H igh School) AB 4

5116 N orth Broad S tre e t; Sorin H all

Neff, C.S.C., AIfred Jam es, N otre Dame, Ind. (Parnell H igh School) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

Neilson, Clifford Christian, Geneva, N . Y. (DeSales H igh School) CM 3

64 Maxwell A venue; How ard H allNem eth, J r . , P e te r F rancis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) *AB 1

744 W est W ashington S tre e t; HomeN erad, Edw ard Joseph, Berwyn, 111. (J . S terling Morton H igh School) AB 4

6550 W est 26th S tre e t; Corby H allNerney, Jam es Keron, Attleboro, Mass. (LaSalle Academy) SC 1

43 Dennis S tre e t; Dillon HallN eum ann, A rthu r Frederic, Plainfield, N . J . (N orth Plainfield H igh School) AB 2

117 F a ir m ount A venue; Alum ni Hall

Neuwirth,* Joseph George, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis University High School) AB 33524 K ingsland C o u rt; How ard H all

Nevils, Charles Edward, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier’s H igh School) AB 3

2346 Em erson A venue; Cadillac H allNewberry, W illiam Leo, Alliance, N ebr. (St. Agnes Academy) GR 1

608 L aram ie A venue; W alsh HallNewburg,* W illiam Ott, LaCrosse, Wis. (Central H igh School) CM 2

1634 K ing S tree t; Alum ni H allNewcomb, R ichard Maher, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School) AB 2

100 Rumsey R o a d ; M orrissey H allNewell, F rank lin Denison, Minneapolis, M inn. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1

2501 G irard Avenue, S o u th ; Dillon HallNewm an, Joseph Jack , South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM 3

2106 South Leer S tre e t; HomeNickol, Robert W illiam, Batesville, Ind. (Ja sp e r Academy) CM 2

201 N orth W a ln u t; Morrissey H allNied, Joseph August, Swissvale, P a . (W estinghouse H igh School) CM 1

7335 Schoyer A venue; Dillon H allN iem ier, C.S.C., B ernard M artin , N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

Moreau Sem inaryN ienaber, W alter Joseph, C incinnati, Ohio (Xavier H igh School) CM 2

1658 Elizabeth P la c e ; Lyons H allNiezer, B ernard Maurice, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) AB 2

1241 W est W ashington B oulevard; Lyons H allN igro, Joseph Augustine, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School) AB 3

166 Willow S tree t; Howard HallN igro, Joseph Francis, T rinidad, Colo. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) AB 1

1111 A rizona A venue; Freshm an HallN ix, Elmo Francis, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) SG 1

151 W est M arion S tre e t; HomeNolan, George Andrew, Ironwood, Mich. (Wright High School) AB 1

302 Arch S tre e t; Freshm an H allNolan, J r . , Jam es Joseph, Hem pstead, N . Y. (Hem pstead H igh School) AB 2

16 Garfield P lace ; Carroll H all


Nolan, W illiam Howard, Chillicothe, Ohio (Chillicothe H igh School) 236 B ast Second S tre e t ; Brownson Hall


Nolen, J r . , Jam es Aloysius, Philadelphia, Pa. (St. Joseph’s P repara to ry ) 529 E as t Mt. P leasan t A venue; How ard H all


N orris, H a rry Leo, Bridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) 88 B artram A venue; Brownson H all


N orris, R ichard Owen, Trinidad, Colo. (T rin idad H igh School) P ost Office Box 414 ; H ow ard Hall


N orthrop, V incent Jaim e, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. A ugustine H igh School) Holy Cross Sem inary


N orton, John W illiam, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) 80 Beckwith T e rra c e ; Alum ni H all


N orton, Joseph Glen, W ashington, D. C. (C hristian B rothers H igh School) 1023 Connecticut Avenue, Apt. 828 ; W alsh Hall


N ott, Paul Bradley, Richmond, Va. (McGuires U niversity School) 2808 B arton A venue; Freshm an Hall


Novak, Charles John, Lackaw anna, N . Y. (L ackaw anna H igh School) 64 Gates Avenue ; Corby Hall

* s c

Novak, J r . , John Francis, Lackaw anna, N . Y. (L ackaw anna H igh School) 64 Gates A venue; Corby Hall


Novak, Stephen B ernard, Claremont, N . H. (Stevens H igh School) 19 W est Terrace S tre e t ; M orrissey H all


Nowak, Joseph Stanislaw, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1301 W est Ford S tre e t ; Home


Nowak, Paul Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 414 N orth Allen S tre e t; Home


Nuchereno, Louis Thomas, Buffalo, N. Y. (Riverside H igh School) 1021 Tonaw anda S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall


N ugent, Thomas Andrew, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7111 P ax ton A venue; Dillon H all


Nyikos, Joseph Maurice, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 1905 South G rant S tre e t ; Home


Oakes, W illiam Raymond, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) 7724 South M arshfield Avenue ; W alsh H all


O’Boyle, A nthony Francis, Philadelphia, P a . (Salesian Institu te ) 1212 W alnut S tre e t; M orrissey H all


O’Boyle, Joseph John, Sayre, Pa. (Sayre H igh School) 402 South W ilbur A venue; Brownson Hall


O’Brien, B ernard Michael, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 8633 U nion A venue; W alsh H all


O’Brien, Daniel Thomas, Cleveland, Ohio (Holy N am e H igh School) 4257 E ast 128th S tre e t ; A lum ni H all


O’Brien, Eugene Louis, South Bend, Ind. (Lake Forest Academy) 903 E ast Jefferson Boulevard ; Sorin H all


O’Brien, F ran c is Fennell, E lm ira, N . Y. (E lm ira F ree Academy) 373 W est Second S tre e t; St. E dw ard 's Hall


O’Brien, George Francis, Danbury, Conn. (D anbury H igh School) 354 M ain S tre e t; Corby H all


O'Brien, Joseph Donald, Jackson Heights, N . Y. (Newton H igh School) 33-42 72nd S tree t; Carroll H all


O’Brien, C.S.C., Joseph Phillip, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


O’Brien, C.S.C., Michael Graham, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


O'Brien, Thomas W illiam, Midland, Mich. (M idland H igh School) 115 Jerom e S tree t; Lyons H all































AB 1

AB 1

AB 3

CM 1


° ' BlS L a a ? V A ^ L f w L h ° H 5 i I1L <St- Th°m as M i,itary Ae»1emy) CM 4

0 ,Bril? 3 & E S al t i U? : I r e S S M l P a - <” — = U ' S e p a ra to ry ,

° ’BS K r a y V™DCZ n g g * ^ A* (Cath°,ic Hi*h School)

° ’Byi4n37 No]^tli^Tifip^^venueTBadin*'Hafl^* *“ ™ gh School)

0 Chai l r k a n 1 ^ n “ S & n Haa7l’a ’ P ' 1 (S t' Bede College Academy)

° ^ # " w ^ s t aG3P^ 8 t r e e t ? B % n ^ n HaU * '* a C°Ile8e Academy) CM 1

N ' J ' <R°m an Catholic H igh School) EG 1

° ' % q Z " t % t ; % i Z ^ l , Baa' W i=' <F°nd d“ Lac School) CM 1

<Marietta H ish Sl* ° ° » CM 4

° ' C0H M ? h n t S ? n e- S e T f V o 'L (H ^ r la A"

° ' ° % T M r ^ s t « ^ : b y % ; ' ° re - (S t' F rancis Academy) *EG 1


0 ,C Mo?eku°SSem taaw hn J °SePh' Dame' Ind ' <HoIy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

° '° T o rT h frd 's S e 1S ; A l u ^ i HaU“ U L* N ' Y’ (Bl'°oklyn S e p a ra to ry ) *SC 1

i o L ^ S ^ Hish Sch°oI)

s s l i t School) cM 4

° '^ ^ ^ O ^ N M th ^ ^ ^ i^ a iM .A ven im ^S o 'rin^H an^^8116 U n i r a 'sity H igh School) AB 4

<WebSter GrOTeS S=hoo.) CM 3

° d% h f a e : n % t % T ' A S : n i H : i ^ - Y- (AqUinaS In stitu te ) BO 3

(St- " High S=hoo.)

° ' " 7 6S I ' s i a e t a M S aseVBHandyn’ Y ' <Br° ° Hy11 S e p a ra to ry )

O P^ ^ 3 0 BM argareBta ^ r e e t^ F r e s h m a 'n 'H a l /C entra l Catholic H igh School, CM 1

0 'D m f 1koJ^ nFrCaan S ; V £ i o S ' L i ^ 1 ^ & h °0l)

^ Ba z s : ^ : f a % i i Pa- <Centrai catM ic s=ho0„

° ' D in2 ' H ^ d & S w a ^ s ^ l n 0 8 ™ 21 H i8h School)

° ’Hanrna - Edw ard Leo, Rochester, N. Y. (Aquinas Institu te) P F a20 Cameron S tre e t ; Corby H all 4

O’H ara. Jam es Francis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) *FG i6682 Kenwood A venue; Lyons H all

O’H ara, Jam es Patrick , N otre Dame, Ind. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary x

^ ^ Du jarie^H s’l 1 ®ro^ er J ames> N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) SC 2

SC 1

AB 2

SC 2

AB 2

*SC 1


O’Kane, Joseph Cornelius, W ashington, Ind. (W ashington Catholic H igh School) 506 Grove S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’Kane, Thomas Jerom e, Syracuse, N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s Catholic Academy)210 Melrose Avenue ; Corby H all

O’Keefe, Jam es Charles, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)4841 W est Adams S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Oksanish, Nicholas John, Grafton, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)Logan R o a d ; Freshm an H all

O’Laughlin, F rancis Jam es, Chicago, III. (St. George H igh School)6326 N orth Francisco A venue; Freshm an Hall

Olczak, Edw ard Anthony, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)719 W est C olfax ; Home

0 ,H ai Z ; ^ ? dward, Joseph’ Philadelphia, Pa . (W est Phila. Catholic H igh School) 5238 Chester A venue; Brownson H all

O’Leary, John A rthur, Oak P ark , III. (Fenw ick H igh School)439 Lenox S tre e t; Lyons H all

O’Leary, John Edwin, Crosse Pointe, Mich. (St. Paul High School)615 Lincoln R o a d ; Brownson H all

O 'M alley, J r . , J o h n G erald , P h o en ix , A riz . (B ro p h y H ig h School)2222 N orth Alvarado R o ad ; A lum ni H all

O'Malley, Ralph Thornton, Kankakee, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)444 E ast Chestnut S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’M eara. Jam es Patrick , W est Bend, Wis. (W est Bend H igh School)902 W alnut S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’Neil, A rth u r Francis, Evanston, 111. (Loyola Academy)1435 Ridge A venue; Sorin H all

O’Neil, Paul F ranics, Rochelle, 111. (Rochelle Township H igh School)205 Seventh A venue; 601 Cottage Grove Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

O'Neill, J r . , Joseph Ignatius, Phoenixville, Pa. (LaSalle H igh School)400 South Main S tre e t; H ow ard H all

O’Neill, Joseph W illiam, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School)25 M assasoit P la c e ; M orrissey H all

O’Reilly, Charles W illiam, St. M arys, Ohio (Memorial H igh School)128 South V ine S tre e t; Brownson H all

O'Reilly, Eugene John, Norwalk, Conn. (N orw alk H igh School)Sasqua Hills ; Corby H all

Orkiszewski, C.S.C., E rw in W alter, N otre Dame, Ind. (W eber H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Orvis, H anford Roberts, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)901 Sancome Avenue ; Home

Orzechowski, A lbert Victor, Chicago, 111. (St. Stanislaus H igh School)2900 N orth Central P a rk A venue; Corby H all

Osep, F ra n k Joseph, Milwaukee, Wis. (Pio Nono H igh School)354 E as t N ational A venue; Carroll H all

Osgood, Jam es Rollin, Chicago, 111. (Lyons Township H igh School)5610 Fulton S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

O’Sullivan, J r . , W illiam John, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)2134 Emerson A venue; Morrissey H all

Osweiler, V incent Pious, Marshall, M inn. (M arshall H igh School)508 W est Lyon S tre e t; W alsh H all

O'Toole, C.S.C., B rother Barnabas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie H all

O’Toole, Ju s tin Richard, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7137 Luella A venue; A lum ni H all

O'Toole, Law rence Joseph, P ittsburgh, Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School)425 South Aiken A venue; H ow ard Hall

O'Toole, Robert Joseph, P ittsburgh , Pa . (C entral Catholic H igh School)425 South Aiken Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

P E 3

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 1

AB 1

LW 1

CM 1

AB 2

CM 1

CM 3

CM 4

EG 3

+AB 1

LW 3

CM 3

P E 3

AB 1

CM 4

AB 2

CM 1

CM 4

*CM 1

LW 1

EG 2

SC 3

AB 2

AB 3

AB 3

AB 1


ott- i L i t e CoIlege Ac"° % 2 R ™ u t o l T L ? n H j ! aW' ° hi° <MinSter Hieh School)

OW™69T|r s L a y UiT reet” S , S na- Hi* School)

OWe964 MadSon 8 t % i ' A ? = k a H ° ' ^ School>

° We?0i EaaS t h S t e e e t ; ^ S„as m n ' M° ' <Rockhurst School)

EG 2

CM 4

CM 4

AB 3

*SC 1

AB 1

P a 8 t e e a u S e m in 3 y VirSi1, N ° tr6 Dame' In 4 <°ur Ladr °f Lourdes High School) AB 2

Page4 3 4 T ^ s Gl ° t S ;CB“ 3 M <AuStin H ish Sch°°»

PaglBaa d in H tn aerig° B ap tist’ Rol)erts’ M,ont- (Roberts H igh School) P E 3

Pa,k2°?7<!N o 5 h :S l k r t f S S ; H o w f r d H k l f ^ <Set°“ HaU CoU^ P repara to ry ) P E 3

M m 6eird O M s l y l n n t i f H ^ m e 3' ^ <Mii“ a School) EG 3

P ahi r p ^ ' gi v L T e " ^ t 7 s i i M - & „ N - Y - (M“ e Sch” ‘)PaJumbo^^Leo^ Josejph, Payette, Idaho (Payette H igh School) CM 3

Panzino, Louis Joseph, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) a r i33 A uburn A venue; Brownson H all

Papachristos, George Leo, N ashua, N . H . (N ashua H igh School) AB 1

52 Palm S tre e t; Brownson H all 1

P arish John Anthony, Momence, 111, (Momence H igh School) a rAlum ni H all d

^Alumni H alinUm J /u^’us^ ne’ Momence, 111. (Momence H igh School) AB 4

ParSm ’N o?SeWatauCt01 StrePitT sT hEdwfrd's( H 3 lOTth S=h°0l) 30 *P artyka, Stanley John, Plainfield, N . J . (Plainfield H igh School) AB 1

419 Spooner A venue; Carroll Hall

PaG^ 5 8 YSoutdilIRichnrorHie s tre e t ;a M orrisse3^Hall10maS Academy) AB 1

S 0,as High Sch00l) 0M 2Payto^o’ ^ a^ ST ^ ™ er’ South Bend, Ind. (M arion H igh School) CM 3823 N orth Hill S tre e t; Home

Pence, John Gowin, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1

1219 N orth L afayette B oulevard; HomePendergast, J o h n Francis, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) CM 4

163 W est Tompkins S tre e t; Sorin H all

Pendergast, Robert Patrick , Kansas- City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) CM 4

4138 Campbell S tre e t; M orrissey HallPendergast, Thomas Michael, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christi H igh School) AB 2

163 W est Tompkins S tree t; M orrissey H allPenrose, John Heald, Cohoes, N . Y. (Cohoes H igh School) EG 1

37 Lincoln A venue; Freshm an H allPenrose, Laurence Delaney, Keokuk, Iow a (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 1

511 Palean S tree t; Carroll H all


AB 3

EG 1

CM 1

CM 1

^ 0W ° <H* N a™= H i*h S=h=d) AB 2

P eP 4 i l Cent^e’ Street'i^Dil'lo^HaJl^' ^ Philadelphia Catholic H igh School) SC 1

PerkS i k h a i T 5 t f " end- In d - <CaStle H eishtS ^ h o o l) AB 1

^ e l , Ore. (Mt. Angel H igh School) g

• High Sch00l) SC 2

S M S ; PS r & w ™ 'd 4 SS 5 ? inS “ *>

(Herington High School)

P e t m b f p S ^ T v ' S e f S , . P&al.(" High Sch00l) SC 2

Petrill^^Augujt^Pasquale_kJV[oant^Vernon, N . Y. ( » . V ernon H igh School) LW 2

^ k l ^ u T o ^ ' s g ^ T & r o ^ s M ™ 61 ™

P e“ no fl5 e c a 1 S I S ? S ^ H a l ? * Y ' (WatMnS G1“ H igh School) P E 4

Petti425Mm t e w a LA v e S u e " e end' ^ (S to tt H igh School> PG

P ^ o r e a f S e m fn S y k N °b 'e Dame‘ In d - (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2

P e y M o re a f '& m ? n a ^ aS N ° tre Dame' In d - <H oly Cross- Sem inary)

P r e p a r e ,

P feif r b w t ! e t D riv e - 'A ta m n f ia ' l f ^ d' <Cathedral Hteh School) CM 3

Phil4g601 4 r c L p r i ^ e e ™ H o m e nd- ™ gh School> LW 1

PhUl ? I ' l i 04 netB| S ee?'; U k r r i ^ ^ a B ' Y' (Amsterdam H igh School) SC 2

PW1S l ’ B a ^ M n c o t niv e m e ? V o v ™ so b H alf' (A 'B' Da™ H teh School) CM 1

Ph0f o T ’w“ M nSon S?reet': B % n 3 (La Salle Insti« = >

PiCk80J6i™eC h 2 r s J A l K l l l i ? „ (WeSt B™ d H igh Sohoo.)

P i% 1 'E a l ! T a v l n o " h StreS5 ” m l ? ” a l ? ^ ( S t Academ y> EG 4

Pierm t i h rt ? L Jr Z hEdGw ^ s g § [ ' N ' Y- (He“ H iSh School)

P ie l« 0 ' K L S % t r ^ t ” t r i n H a i r ” " a ^ Sch°ol) LW 2

P " '% 4 8 E % d S % a « e t ” m a i , B'' (Pinckneyyille Community H . S.) P E 4

M n !065AS™5T L ^ a t o A vem e ™ St/E dw m d” m T ”31 H igh Sehool) P E 8

Pina82 B t n i n S l : % r % % : % ± T h ^ ' ” " H!gh S d ” °» EC .1

P " a% % % dg t « : t T ' M ^ i % a n ' Y' <AOTinaS Institute> ‘ SC 2

AB 2

AB 3

AB 3

SC 4


Piseck, A ndrew H enry, N ew port, N . Y. (H erkim er H igh School) *AB ib u n n y h ill; Badm H all 1

P la sC .S .C ., B rother E dgar, N otre Dame, Ind . (Sacred H e a rt College) SC 1

D ujarie H all x J o v

^ rDUS “ 1 H teh Sch” '> CM 4

POimi « i i S o S h C rlw io rd A veni° '; B a d i % l ^ H igh School) AB 3

P °n 675 - 3Mhglv® n™ r N o r th f ty o n sUHklIF la ' ^ C°lleSe P re Ia r ‘ t " ' l ) CM 2

Pontarelli, E rnest Dominic, Chicago, 111. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) CM 14848 Dakin S tre e t; Lyons H all

Pontarelli, John Edward, Chicago, 111. (M organ P a rk M ilitary Academy) SC 15134 Cullom Avenue ; Dillon H all

P °n t>aorfo iLrMic^ aeJ . A nS"elo> Chicago, Bl. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) CM 14848 W est Dakin S tre e t ; Dillon H all

PontareHi,* Raymond Harold, Chicago, HI. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) EG 14848 W est Dakin S tree t; Dillon H all

Ponzevic, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (Englewood H igh School) " CM ?2018 South P eoria S tre e t ; Badin H all

Poore, John Nelis, Alton, 111. (M arquette H igh School) EG 1

124 E ast Sixth S tre e t; Freshm an H allPope, Ralph Lester, Chicago, 111. (M organ P a rk M ilitary Academy) CM 1

9414 South Bishop S tre e t; Brownson H allPorcoro, John Eugene, Garfield, N. J . (N ew ark P repara to ry ) AB 4

133 Monroe S tree t; Corby H allP orter, Glen Joseph, W innetka, 111. (New T rie r Township H igh School) AB 3

146 B ertling L a n e ; Alumni H allPoulin, H a rry Edmund, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) *CM 1

225 N orth St. Louis B oulevard; HomePoulin, John George, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 1

229 South F rancis S tre e t ; HomePower, P e ter Donald, New Y ork City (M anhattan College H igh School) *AB 1

302 W est 87th S tree t; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Powers, John Carroll, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

Holy Cross Sem inaryPowers, John Michael, Houston, Texas (San Jacin to H igh School) SC 2

2202 A rbor S tree t; M orrissey H allPowers, C.S.C., Joseph Leo, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) AB 2

M oreau Sem inaryPowers, J r . , W alter Thomas, Jam aica, L .I., N . Y. (St. F rancis Xavier Coll. H .S.) AB 4

8320—169th S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Prekowitz, Theodore Edward, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 3

810 W estern A venue; HomePrendergast, Joseph P atrick , W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) AB 3

48 P leasan t S tree t; Alum ni H allP rendergast, William Richard, B ridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) *AB 1

966 Lindley S tre e t ; A lum ni H allP rentice, John Dell, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) *AB 1

526 N orth 33rd S tre e t; A lum ni H allPrice, John Francis, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) AB 1

9106 Kempton A venue; Carroll H allProbst, V incent George, New Athens, 111. (New A thens Community H igh School) CM 2

200 M arket S tre e t ; M orrissey H allProctor, Thomas G rattan , E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart H igh School) , AB 4

417 Prospect S tre e t ; W alsh H allP ropp , E arl Brooks, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1

1201 Diamond A venue; Home


State N orm al H ieh School)

PrUf 5 o w “ t“ i S t de ^ T F ’J L i n ei t l Sa" e H igh Sch°0l)

PSik22! a e s t a& hd SC5 a ! ° b 2 n (S i r n Academy)

TeChniCal H ish ^ h o . l )

Purcg47 ( j u d s e m — = « * * * > 01,

PUrC9l'7 l hrT ^?e% itetrwea M tah Mem°riaI H i=* School)

PUrS st°u1h M a in S t r e ^ f f e ^ Ha<l l ° neSb0r° A‘ & M‘ College P rep .)

P ° * M £ S l aI/ Christia” Academy,

Py% 2 T & 2 ? r s t u S f H a V , S t XOTi“ College Academ y,

N - Y ' (K r is t ia n B rothers Academy,

^ % ' A h m l f T % e T 8S a U ^ ' ™ gh Sch°°»

Sopertcm, Wis. (S t. N orbert's Academy)

I k , f ' <St Benedict'S P re p a ra to ry ,

QUin^ W n I k e P a r k T s i SrinNH ljlham ’ MaSS' (Ifeedha™ H igh School,

^ t e i S s f t a s w (st- pauvs H!gh sch“ »

Bend I„d

QU” n62JSao ^ S hS ^ e t t ^ a M ° ,Umbia ^ ”QUiT 9 J " <St' Benedict'= P rep ara to ry )

QUiT 9 a t r : : % r : % , f J - (NeWt°n H igh S ^ o o l,

P a tr i=k '= H igh School,

9 Ui* i s f eK L a y ? H k w « d H ! , , City' M° ' <E °d d ™ s t =W > School)

QUit s lo t t”h ™ - ^ a? ° ^ “ ish<l ali I d H igh School,

QU!rik8 S ^ a i K e S ^ - H i f ,* - Md High SA0d)QUit k ^ “ f c o Fo ? R S d f 0A l L n i H l l i N ' J ‘ <St‘ Benedict' s P re p a ra to ry ,

9UitpiokpIiUi?eei?HowkMHTll’ (S t‘ M ary's H i*h School)

s i r n °m s c h * , ,

Pa" V # L W % S tr:% & a ^ Central H igh School)

AB 1

CM 1

P E 1

P E 2

*EG 1

AB 4

CM 2

AB 2

EG 2

CM 1

CM 4

AB 1

EG 2

AB 4

CM 1

*CM 1

SC 3

EG 2

CM 2

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 4

*CM 1

AB 3

*GM 1

CM 1

CM 1


W estern Av'emm;' Home Ind" (Central School) EG 1

^ s l Hoho S c P l S ; T s h NHaT.' Day School, *AB 1

E an | f - M S s MH a T y' Blue Biver- W is- <B1™ River H igh School) SC 2

W aTh Ha?!8*' I,L (De Paul ^ v a r s i t y Academy) EG 4

R a n 35io G 4 n t l S " v ea0r T ’MNo S s £ ^ na1i ( IM y Co»eKe, CM 1

R % f a S ^ N - J ‘ <B-d e n to w n H igh School, AB 3

Ra% ^ e % a S ^ a w ^ s % ^ a" " - H!gh “ CM 2

Ra% ^ K b e Z : ; ^ a l % % , ' , M0' (S t' L °UiS d i v e r s i t y H igh School) CM 4

EdZOM o rfau S em to a r? N °tre Dame' In d ' <Ho!v t r in i ty H igh School) AB 4

Rea? W ifeuth^ Eleventh A w n ™ ’ ^ Schoo!) AB 3

“ j ' N ^ M f A v e ^ T ; 2 ^ % H igh School) CM 1

R e a 4d3 fw e sdtW6a9rtdh S°tSeth ; g S M f * ^ <B° Ckh" St School) CM 2

(W ashington H igh School, CM 3

R e d 209 WakewaSA vinue '; Home Be" d' ^ ( C e n b ' a l H ish School) CM 1

ReedoniP A^ ,^U-Pvene’ Kn °x> Ind. (Loyola Academy) TW i201 N orth H eaton S tree t; 314 South W illiam Street, South Bend, Ind.

Reed232“ f f l X ' s S r H o w f k I>Hall<WayneS,>UrS ™ Sh School) ’ EG 3

R " % 4 % e t RS T H ^ e d° " ^ ' (SL " » = * School) AB 4

S e p a ra to ry ) CM 1

E eS aMo?em?'&mtana w 1VeSter' Dame' In d. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

ReB m V aLm h sr e t ’; M l t n S / ' Y ' (M°M °e H igh S°h° ° " CM 1

“ T M S S S N - ^ <Chaminade H!gh School) CM 1

Reit E ^ l i Sr e 5 t T M e y Ci^ n I,a - ( S t ^ H i=h School)

Rei"70S*" S t h f a t t ™ s“ Dhlon yngham U n s h i p H igh School) EG 1

E a" ' : 5 3 8 % % l . F % : % e f Z r ^ g ‘f, <Rh°d6S P repara to ry )

Reil\y46Bseo T h V g W h ^ S t^ e tT c a i- rS i Hall®*' B en ed ic t’8 P repara to ry ) CM 1

Ead% 9 % & % J % t u e T S s % y L l ^ ^ Sch°d ) AB 2

E a" 8 3 0 % n d % S T ^ s C i i f m U F ia ' <St' P a trick ’S H ish School) EG 1

W - V a- <SaCred H eart H ish Sohoo» CM 4

E etthM OTem's?m™ ary R° ^ ' N ° tre Dame' IncL ( H * Cross Sem inary) AB 1


Rennekamp, J r ., W illiam Joseph, McKees Rocks, Pa. (Duquesne U. P rep ara to ry ) P E 4 114 Sarah S tre e t; W alsh H all

Reville, Jam es Francis, New York City (Fordham P repara to ry ) EG 3185 Beach S treet, City Is la n d ; Corby H all

Reynolds, J r ., Clark Leonard, M illburn, N . J . (X avier H igh School) AB 1

17 South M ountain R o a d ; Dillon H allRhodes, H arold Houghton, Rensselaer, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 3

• 2 P a tten A venue; A lum ni H allRice, J r ., Ambrose Ignatius, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM' 1

1029 N orth Niles A venue; HomeRice, Joseph M ark, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. P au l’s H igh School) AB. 1

Holy Cross Sem inaryRice, R ichard Irw in, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) EC 1

109 N orth 13th S tre e t; HomeRich, H a rry William, McKeesport, Pa. (M cKeesport H igh School) CM 3

1503 Grandview A venue; Howard H allRich, Melville Charles, W hittier, Calif. (W hittier U nion H igh School) AB 4

529 H aviland A venue; Sorin H allRich, Paul John, McKeesport, Pa. (M cKeesport H igh School) SC 1

1503 Grandview A venue; F reshm an H allRich, W illiam Angelo, Deadwood, S. Dak. (Deadwood H igh School) CM 1

391 Main S tre e t; Freshm an H allRichards, Robert William, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) CM 1

533 H ickory S tre e t ; HomeRichardson, Glenn W., South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) *AB 1

1012 Lindsey S tre e t ; Home

Richardson, Ralph A rthur, South Bend, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1226 Parkovash P lace ; Home

Rickert, Jo h n George, Honesdale, P a . (Honesdale Catholic H igh School) AB 1219 T errace S tree t; Dillon H all

Rieder, John Joseph, South Bend', Ind. ( Central H igh School) SC 1808 E ast Madison S tre e t; Home

Rigley, C.S.C., Rev. M aurice Stein, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Freshm an H all

Riley, John Aleide, New Orleans, La. (Jesu its H igh School) EG 2323 South Solomon S tree t; Carroll H all

Riley, Joseph Francis, W eston, W. Va. (St. P a tric k ’s H igh School) *AB 1Cox A ddition ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Riley, R ichard Anthony, W estport, N . Y. (W estport H igh School) AB 2304 St. Edw ard’s Hall

Riley, W alter Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) CM 28191 Champlain A venue; Lyons H all

Riley, W illiam John, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 18101 Champlain A venue; Dillon H all

Ringwelski, C.S.C., B ro ther Romanus, N otre Dame, Ind . (L ittle Falls H igh School) AB 4 D ujarie H all

R ini J r . Thomas M artin , Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) AB 1819 E as t B oulevard; Freshm an H all

Ritchel ,* Kenneth Ralph, B ridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) CM 1257 Wood A venue; Freshm an H all

R it<*cy, Raymond Charles, Gallon, Ohio (Gallon H igh School) SO 1638 H ard ing W ay W e s t; Dillon H all

R iter, C.S.C., Rev. Regis H enry, N otre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H . S.) GR 1

Community HouseRoac11l> J r ., John W illiam, M uscatine, Iow a (St. Mathias- H igh School) CM 1

1510 M ulberry ; Dillon H all

Robertshaw Charies Fyshure, P o rt A rthu r, Texas (St. Michael’s Academy) SC 2617 F ifth S tre e t ; M orrissey H all


R r a a & j % a £ r High schoo,)“ « « ' <Loyoia

RObiC o™ 'B ead fS o rin H lnh- Huntinfi;t™ ' L I - N - Y. (Georgetown P repara to ry )

E °b lT ? S fa S ’t S . M f <UniVerSity °£ " Scboo,,

R ° CC6a85Jm M A v e S e f B ^ H a U - ' ' H ish Sch<»»

ROCei652e§ ? o S a ° ; H o w L ? H l„ M ani,a' P ' L (A t™m de “ >

1052 O roauietoT 1021 ’ E ^ a“ t,a ’y & < ilit<S ^ S > South e n d Ind

ROdf80S6 & = a K t t % = . ^ a - (U l,i°n H igh Sch~ 1>

ROeS60r8 N o “ h % ^ ’ SRS i l o n H a U ^ ”

Rogers, g ^ e r t F g « s , R o .k w a y ^ e h , L.L, N.Y. (St. F rancis X avier Coll. H.S

Rag% ? D & e s t : t L d T & f H a H " a' N ' Y ' <St A ^ s A=ademy)

R°bt o f F o t % A v 5 % r A % a ,f ' ' ' <NeW Triel' T°m sM » Hi=* School)

^ u ^ f o u t e ^ S t ' l & d f H a i l 0 8 *11641'31 Hi8H SCh°0,)

^ 7 ^ C a ^ 5 ^ H a l l ^ ° ^ (Sour Lake S ig h School)

Ron^ ’ Michael , Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)3601 N orth L una A venue; Lyons H all

R^ k S r s S a^ % / " d- <Elkhart H ish Schooi)

R 0 0 2 ^ s T S S f FS l ^ ° n t - Can' <C“ * Institu te)

Rosenstein, Stanley Arnold, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)721 Lincoln W ay E a s t ; Home

R othert, W illiam Tohrnas, Hollidaysburg, Pa. (Altoona H igh School) oylvan Hills ; Alum ni Hall

Rothlein, Gerard John, Jersey City, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry )194A Lexington A venue; Dillon H all

Rouleau Roland Alfred, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)603 Kansas A venue; W alsh H all

R °Wf ? ’w d^ r d £ OS<??h) W ilkes-Barre, Pa. (Coughlin H igh School)34 W est N orth S tree t; How ard HallRowe, Milton W illiam, Brandon, V t. (V erm ont Academy)

63 P a rk S tre e t; Brownson H allRubly, A lfred George, Rockford, 111. (Rockford H igh School)

1153 N orth Main S tre e t; W alsh H all

Rubly, Paul Ellsworth, H ighland P ark , 111. (Deerfield-Shields H igh School)532 Glencoe A venue; Badin Hall

Ruby, H arry Ludwig, Hoquiam, W ash. (Hoaquim H igh School)624 M” S tre e t; W alsh H all

Rueger, John Carl, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )1815 Avenue “R” ; Freshm an H all

RueIh £ t Vi d f ^ r e w , Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School)18465 Parkside A venue; Morrissey H all

Ruen, John H enry, D etroit, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School)18465 Parkside A venue; Lyons H all

8 8

P E 1

CM 1

AB 3

AB 1

*SC 1

CM 4

GR 1

EG 1

AB 1

.) AB 4

*AB 1

CM 3

P E 2

AB 3

CM 2

P E 4

EG 1

LW 3

CM 3

SC 1

EG 4

SO 3

AB 1

CM 4

CM 3

AB 4

CM 1

*CM 1

AB 2


Ruetz, Joseph H ubert, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1121 N orth St. P e te r S tree t; Home

Buffer, W alter Edward, R utherford, N. J . (R utherford H igh School)17 W est Passaic A venue; Badin H all

Ruge, Emil Vernon, Lowell, Ind. (Lowell H igh School)Box 149; 414 E ast Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Rum pf, Robert John, A uburn, N. Y. (A uburn H igh School)114 Chapman A venue; Brownson H all

Russell, F rancis Swain, Tiskilwa, 111. (St. Bede College Academy)Dillon H all

Russell, Robert Riley, Marengo, 111. (M arengo Community H igh School) St. Edw ard 's H all

Ryan, Charles Michael, Emery, S. Dak. (E m ery H igh School)424 N orth M ichigan Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ryan, Daniel Francis, Rushville, Ind. (Eushville H igh School)421 N orth M organ S tre e t; Carroll H all

Ryan, F rancis Jam es, H ibbing, M inn. (H ibbing H igh School)2113 Third A venue; A lum ni H all

Ryan, John Francis, Oak P ark , III. (St. Mel H igh School)601 Gunderson A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Ryan, John Joseph, Fram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School)327 Union A venue; Corby H all

Ryan, III , John Joseph, Chester, P a . (St. R obert’s H igh School)236 E ast 21st S tree t; H ow ard H all

Ryan, J r . , John Vincent, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7316 Constance Avenue; Sorin Hall

Ryan, Joseph B ernard, Zanesville, Ohio (St. Nicholas H igh School) dOO Fountain S q u a re ; M orrissey H all

Ryan, W alter Anthony, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas Institu te)50 H obart S tre e t; Corby H all

Ryan, W illiam Francis, Fram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School) 327 Union A venue; Corby H all

Rybicki. Eugene John, Chicago, III. (Holy T rin ity H igh School)1732 W est 18th S tree t; Alum ni H all

By dell, Oscar Ferdinand, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7400 M errill Avenue ; M orrissey H all

Saffa, W illiam Paul, D rum right, Okla. (D rum righ t H igh School)301% E ast B roadw ay; H ow ard H all

Sagartz, John Peter, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)6355 Raven S tree t; A lum ni H all

Sagartz, M athias Peter, Chicago, 111. (De P au l U niversity Academy)6355 Raven S tree t; Corby H all

Saggau, John Lally, Denison, Iowa (Denison High School)233 W est B roadw ay; Dillon H all

Saleh, Mitchell Joseph, Tyler, Texas (Tyler H igh School)322 W est F irs t S tree t; Corby H all

Salerno. Nicholas Jam es, P o rt W ashington, N. Y. (P o rt W ashington H . S.) 15 H erbert A venue; Lyons H all

Samowski, R ichard John, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s H igh School)221 E ast M ain S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Sampson, C.S.C., F rancis Leon, N otre Dame, Ind. (F rank lin H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

Sander, Thomas O’Dell, Salamanca, N . Y. (St. B onaventure’s H igh School) 117 Broad S tree t; W alsh H all

Sandusky, Arthur Ambrose, Sheridan, Wyo. (Sheridan H igh School)205 Coffeen A venue; W alsh H all

SC 1

CM 3

AB 1

EG 1

CM 1

*CM 1

LW 3

AB 1

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 4

AB 3

AB 4

*AB 1

CM 4

CM 4

AB 3

CM 2

P E 3

CM 3

EG 4

CM. 1

EG 4

P E 2

SC 3

AB 1

*AB 1

LW 2


W ashington ' N - Y - <p° r t w a =h - H . s . , C M ,

SanX e a u l e n 5 i a t y dreW F r ™ CiS> N otre Dame’ Ind- <H °ly Cross Sem inary) AB S

“ ' S L I S S W w I . s h H a I l 0 ity ^ * n “ c b X a™ r H - &) AB 4

Said? r R h S e i ^ L y o n s iCH a ? - ^ (Am erican ™ Sh School) EG 1

School) GE 2

" a" % 3 % E % . e S f a : n % i ™ gh S c M > SC 1

SaXT379Mp e lo d y VAvCeen ^ e f l Z Z S H a T ' M ffltary Aaade“ y > »CM 1

SCaft & MaSS' (Dedha™ H igh School) CM 3

SCantom m unftyH ?usVe Stephen, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1

S C am i % $ £ 2 f r 2» t h ° hsi?

S“ f l e n l e r v . I S f n ' ; C a r t u T a l l ^ (° ™ Sby VillaSe H igh School) AB 1

SChas1 l1> e m S ? L X a ° I T 1D m o ° M inte ' <Gr°SSe P °™te H * h School) AB 1

^ ^ r s ^ ± ' & e - T , n m % % l f ' (C hristian B rothers Coll. H . S.) "CM 1

SChaf f i C h S tm t AvenSe ; % ^ H a ™ ' (L °y°la Academy> EG 4

^ b % i bC , 5 L f % e ! t ™ : m r ba ' In d - (MiShaWaka H igh School) AB 1

Schanh^Panl Joseph, W heeling, W. Va. (Central Catholic H igh School) CM 1

Scheoeo ^ ETd>Var? ^ ver’„ ? outhTBend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB 12324 Lincoln W ay W e s t; HomeSchemmer, John Karl, Colby, Wis. (Colby H igh School) AR

Dillon H all x

Schenk, J r ., W illiam Gilbert, Chicago, 111, (De Paul U niversity Academy) *AB 1

2406 Greenview A venue; Alum ni HallScherer, Benjam in Michael, M amaroneck, N. Y. (Rye Neck H igh School) AB 2

742 Halstead A venue; M orrissey HallScherer, Otto E rnest, Palm yra, Wis. (Palm yra H igh School) CM 1

Brownson HallSchiavone, F ra n k Alfred, Buffalo, N . Y. (H utchinson Central H igh School) P E 2

201 P rospect A venue; Badin H all

Schidel, C.S.C. George Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (G irard H igh School) AB 4

M oreau Sem inarySchiefer, Thomas Joseph, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) CM 2

2223 South Calhoun S tre e t; M orrissey H allSchill, Charles Michael, H avana, 111. (H avana H igh School) EG 4

126 E ast F rank lin S tree t; W alsh H allSchilling Joseph Valentine, Pleasantville, N . Y. (Dw ight P repara to ry ) CM 2

Bedford R o a d ; St. Edw ard’s HallSchiralli, Rocco Victor, Gary, Ind. (Em erson H igh School) CM 4

1713 Delaware S tre e t; Sorin H allSchirm er, Deno Eugene, F reeport, 111. (F reeport H igh School) CM 2

1043 W est Stephenson S tree t; Lyons H all

Schirm er, George H enry, F reeport, 111. (F reeport H igh School) CM 1

1043 W est Stephenson S tree t; Dillon H all


S°hl! « ' 'S a l t M n S l t S l f l S h ^ ' H S l t (CathedraI P re» a r a t e y School) EG 1

Ohio ( s t Xa™ r coi)^ ™ i

^ e^ a 6^5:’SouthlCL a ^ o n aBouI^aTdLt^ rtla l^*H aIl^ar<311e e H i«h Sch” » SO 4Sehmelzle, Robert John, F reeport, 111. (F reepo rt H igh School) AR o

1243 W est Lincoln B oulevard ; A lum ni H allSchmidt, H enry Jolm , Belleville, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry ) iP.m i

46 Malone A venue; Brownson H all

S°h” 069 B ain?rid™ n^ n ™ 7 c W b y k S h <Ma” ha« a n P repara to ry ) CM 3

L'L> N - Y’ (Eichm °nd ™ School) EG 3

™ t g S £ S u e ;H o m e Bend' iC ^ H teh Schoo» EG 2

^ ^ M ^ o a d r W a l Z H i S ’ L J - N ‘ Y" <Richm ™ d Hill H igh School, EG 4

SCh™ i y K r r t S t L t K W d'; Z Z T m l i S‘ D ak' <W atert0™ ™ gh School) P E 1

SChlD uJarieSH a llB r°th er ^heophane, N otre Dame, Ind. (D ecatur Catholic H . S.) SO 2

Ind- (S t- Ma^ ' s m sh School) CM 3

s c h n boe,E i f f i e N h a o S ' w is - <Linc°in H igh ^ . o , ) s o i

B°b ' s t d M a % 'S e % B7 H o 7 a r d H ^ ' ^ d P ” k’ Baltim ore Md- (C rafton H . S.) GR 1

^ T M r d ’ | 0H L o r r s ht r ® s ; S m M i <M t " H igh School> AB 1

^ h ^ X h ^ e e t r M ^ V y ^ t 8- (VerSaiUeS School, AB 1

SCht? 7 £eM : dS i bT S T A HaV,1rSide’ (RiVerside “ dd School) CM 1

f t e7 i t a rW a°sh 0H iu athedral X a tln H igh School) SC 4

SCh0lT o T fin itn w l7 w e Ss7 L m e nd’ ^ d' (Central HigB Sch” » *CM 1

% 1 % ^ School, P E 1

<E1W°°d H igh School) LW 2

SChri96S' p i a c h t r e 'e R r o d ^ s S n 'H a n * ’*’ <Georgetown P repara to ry ) AB 4

S o u M n w o o d ' D ^ e ; ^ (C entral H i*h School)

(M e r i 'ffl H iS h School)

SChUHoWJr°dHan°ndit' Beardstown- HI. (Beardstown High School) A B 3

SChUBox'JU S ; S f E d w ' a r f f S <Gladwin H ish School) PB 2

S c h u m a c ^ O a r ^ c e ^ e t e r . Mishawaka, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) EG 3

^ % a % u S n % , T <SaCted H eart “ * School,

( S t S tank laus C C cge)

SC 1

SC 4

AB 2

SC 1


^ a v ie , H igh School, CM 1

SChW27U D ou.rial’s b e t ' ; A ium ni H al” 0' (C hristian B rothers H i*h School) EG 3

HallY ' <NW R0Chdk ®=hoo„

™all<Whee,mg Township H igh School) LW 1

"“ L t e T w f ^ n S i 1- N - Y ' (Aguinas Institu te) CM 2

Scottoo1Joar? eS1 Robe^ ’ Sioux City, Iowa (Central H igh School) CM %3212 Jackson S tree t; W alsh H all

Scott, John Alden, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) AB 1

808 L aw ndale; Home l

SCri^uj^arS‘ Hall B r°ther Simon’ N o trs Dame, Ind. (Sacred Heart-College) AB 3

Scull0y’ y ^ h a e l Richard Bridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) g n l3265 Main S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Seco, Robert Alan, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer High School) AB 2777 Lake S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

See’™ lvin ^ OSep^ ' Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) on 47320 Ind iana A venue; W alsh Hall

Selig, William Lawrence, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) g n 94447 Greenwood; M orrissey H all

Selna, A rth u r John, Jerome, A riz. (Jerom e H igh School) r'M iP . 0 . Box 134; Freshm an H all um 1

Senger, Carl Joseph, W ichita, K ansas (Cathedral H igh School) CM 3

257 New York A venue; Carroll Hall

Sepe, Thomas Anthony, Cranston, R. I. (C ranston H igh School) -pp a79 P leasan t A venue; 1122 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Serge, A nthony Paul, Elizabeth, N. J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) P E 21009 A ugusta S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Servaas, R ichard Niessink, Kalamazoo, Mich. (Kalamazoo Central H igh School) CM 1

447 Grandview A venue; Dillon H allSettles, J r . , Merle Leroy South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) EG 4

1502 N orth O B nen S tre e t; Home

Setzer, ^WiHiain Francis, F o rt Lee, N . J . (St. Cecilia’s High School) *AB 1

490 Main S tree t; Alum ni H allSexton, John Peter, Chicago, 111. (S pring Hill H igh School) CM 1

2336 Commonwealth A venue; Dillon H all

Shal<fl?Aaw ’ ? in!am Valentine, New York City (P o rt Richmond H igh School) AB 34810 W ashington B oulevard ; W alsh H all

Seymour, Jam es Edward, Honeoye Falls, N . Y. (Honeoye Falls H igh School) SC 469 E ast S tre e t ; Corby H all

Shaffer John Francis Regis, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School) SC 3

5216 Gertrude S tre e t; How ard HallShakespeare, William Valentine, L. I., N . Y. (P o rt Richmond H igh School) AB 3

202 Liverm ore A venue; Alum ni H all

Shambleau, N orm an David, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 2

1736 E ast Jefferson A venue; HomeShamla, R ichard Joseph, Glencoe, M inn. (Glencoe H igh School) CM 4

Walsh Hall

Shanahan, Robert Em m ett, Mt. Clemens, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 4

98 New S tre e t; Sorin HallShaner, John Frederick, Bucyrus, Ohio (Bucyrus H igh School) SC 4

1023 Roger S tree t; Sorin H allShanley, F red Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 4

541 N orth Sunnyside A venue; Home


Shapero Joseph Brooks, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM s1217 Blame A venue; Home 6

Shapiro, Isador, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) at*150 W est B roadw ay; Home ^

D i l to T k n - J - <The ° ra t0 ry Sch00,) SO 1

^ ^ J ^ ^ M tr ifo p e k B o u ^ v a rc f^ h fo r r is ^ e y h fa l? ^ 3011’ ^ (H asti^ - H u d s o „ H .S.) AB 2

(Ne,SO™ lle H i» School) *CM 4

Shea25?K bpS A venuf: S h o n H=» N " (S t' M ary'= School) AB 1

Sh6as L t S S S i ^ r <St J °h n ’S P re» » a tory) , CM ,

Shea3l ^ ™ i v i ^ C o A y S& f l linefield ' MaSS' <WeSt H . S.) P E 4

H o ^ a ^ H a n ^ HigH Sch°0l) ™ 3

Sheaih2To 2 S 2 S . B ? S i S t i S T (Ke:th Academy) *AB 1

Shee5d5y40HBe,Tan? S t a e t ; ^ P >— ory) CM 1

Sh<! m D ™ D r iv e f ly o n s Stall* ' (A m herst CentraI H « h School) CM 2

“"Hi fewhi'3" l rSn'Hanyder' *' <Bennett High School> EG 3Sheei a” ’i a m te r ^ A ? e n x ^ t 's tHEdwlardY 1H a/lCOmmerCial H tah Sch°0,) = 0 3

(E °CkhUrSt HiKh Sch00l) CM 3Sheehan, ^ ^ % ^ t m r o r e , Md. (Georgetown P rep a ra to ry , 8 0 2

She' ^ 1 4 PB1 ^ aA ” n ™ ? ' S h ^ iH ^ t,ledral L atin H igh Sch° 0l) CM 1

^ 1 r a % S t ; % a N ' H ' <St" J °SeDh H igh ™ CM 4Sheehy, W a r ™ B ^ o t a , N J . (St. Ceei.ia H igh School) SC 1

Shei^ 3 B t S M r M e ; S e M H teh Scho°» EG 1

Shei,220J ° S h M u r l y ™ ^ ? ; ^ ^

^ % 3 dS o ^ S % a % ' , " ' N ' Y‘ ( I°na Sch” l)

V t' (Cathedral School) CM 4

^ m - B ^ L r A ^ u ^ m o ™ H i n 80' ™" <St' Ge° rBe H teh School) AB 1

m & a % 5 e ' I1L <Hob™son Township H igh School) AB 3

Sher& l VEoCn ™ \ f 'l ? i „ ® * n H til ™" (Robinson Township H igh School) SC 1

^ ^ I ’K e n d fllT v e n n e T B a S n r g J a rr^ ° ™ . »■ Y. (N orth T arry tow n H . S.) CM 3

“ ■ U S M S S2S-- <St- MiChad’= H igh School) CM 1

SMel2f4 M r 7 s ™ M o ; r S e y ^ a- * * * • ™ Bh Sah°“» EG 2

P E 3

AB 4


BeeS i ? T v ye n „ t aSd l ? f e f & haU(C a th 0 li0 “ H =gh Schoo»

ShieM4 f c t S g S h m f n H ail Communit* School)

Shleid2Si 3 PGhS & :K& 0a0n S f - ( 8 t H ish ™

Shlelm 3 RG0rand A venue; C ^ h T i I ^ ^ A^ stine H i®h S<*°°»

Shie1/ - J ° s ePh Leo St. Paul, M inn. (C retin H igh School) lb65 Ashland A venue; M orrissey H all

Shinier, H erbert Joseph, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)410 E ast 43rd S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

Shini6^™e£6miaS i J 0Sl ? h ’ Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)1406 E ast Ohio S tree t; Sorin H all

Sh° C o ’ o ? ePileiA F isher- Dallas, Texas (Sunset H igh School)6942 Shook A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

F o rt A tkinson, W is. (St. F rancis Academy)419 E ast Milwaukee A venue; Sorin H all

Shore, ^Byron Burdell, Rochester, Ind. (Rochester H igh School)525 Pontiac S tree t; Alum ni H all

Sh°T6ani W ^ t ^ X ? S ? r « t :Clo r in dS l i IU' Com” ™ ^ H tth School)

Sibr,r i ^ Worenc;e Francis, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School)5659 South Maplewood A venue; H ow ard Hall

Siddall, Jam es Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School)7724 Yates A venue; Badin H all

Sidler, August William, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )124(—ootri S tree t; Dillon Hall

Siegfried, Robert McBride, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School)2240 South Troost A venue; Lyons H all

Siekemeyer, Leonard W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Muskegon H eights H igh School) 902 E ast Woodside A venue; Home

Sienko, F rancis Paul, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School)Remsen Avenue ; Dillon H all

Siepietowski, F rederick John, W hitinsville, Mass. (N orthbridge H igh School)32 Brook S tree t; Dillon H all

Sierra, John Ferronez, Silvis, 111. (U nited Township H igh School)801 F irs t A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Simmons, Robert F rancis, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te)211 H ighland P a rk w a y ; W alsh Hall

Simon John Daniel, Kalamazoo, Mich. (St. A ugustine H igh School)1420 Academy S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Simon, K urt Godfrey, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)M ornmgside Hotel, 413 W est C o lfax ; Home

Simonds, Robert Jasper, South Bend, Ind. ( Riley H igh School)1338 Belmont A venue; Home

Simonitsch, C.S.C., Roland Gerard, N otre Dame, Ind. (W estport H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

Simpson, E dw ard Leslie, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)5928 N orth Campbell A venue; W alsh H all

Singson, Vicente Conde, Manila, P . I. (San Beda College)573 L eg a rd a ; Alum ni H all

Sini F ra n k Peter, Shoreham, N. Y. (P o rt Jefferson H igh School)Brownson Hall

Sinnott F rancis Reed, N orth Tarrytow n, N . Y. (St. John ’s P repara to ry )47 Hudson T errac e ; W alsh H all

Siscanaw, John Joseph, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic Institu te)5 Dean S tree t; Sorin Hall

EG 4

P E 1

CM 1

EG 3

EG 2

AB 3

LW 1

CM 1

EG 4

CM 3

AB 4

CM 3

CM 3

AB 1

CM 2

CM 4

SC 1

P E 1

AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

CM 4

CM 1

AB 3

CM 4

*OM 1


AB 4

LW 2


( P e a b o d y H i s h S c h 0 0 l >

(ScwicHey H igh School,

S k d K n f aS e P L yo“ H all (WeSt Philadelphia Catholic H igh School)

Ske,2yd Y ' H em p stead H igh School,

^ % . « % % t T c : : r o H % n da' N ‘ Y ' (G°Wanda H i®h School)

Senn H igh School,

W a l S f ' In d ' (Cathedral H igh School)

S1” Moi.ris?eyMH S i eW' ™' ( ° “™ n i t y H igh School)

" a>

S,USt r aeenSK duedt ? : J o t r K ^ d H ‘Sh

Sma& l 5 ? a/2nJdOSpTahce ^ c S , ^ * * > S=hoo„

Sm ar n 8 S rT o n 6 S % o r % : y % j - d' ° M° <Shaw H igh School,

i ' a , / 8*- Ge° rSe H igh School,

Smithy g S ^ ^ B f a n p . t a j g , N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School)

Sm' l h5 2 5 ° ^ s f 2 7 ^ rs tSrehe t % % y m u (Central H igh ‘ School)

" « a t s J K S S W M s i L 5 i ~ t t i r , s - a

^ ^ ^ 'g /^ o H h ^ ^ S e c o n d 1 s tre e t f^Howard^kaT^' (H a™ b u r g Academy,

Smif424EdETg?neJ t ^ ,e v a r d h; g o m e ^ d ' (Bi,6y H i*h School)

S m in i t e 2 a e g ° D ° f f i - H Na ,lY- ' B^ , y n P re p a ra to ry ,

Sm‘f d 6M e t e e E G , § £ i <LaP° * H igh School,

Sm* f 46 E ra T h V a r io n S t? e e t ; B^adin m i l Fenwick H igh School)

S m i4d07Jrp a g ° I % „ t ” ^ i „ 5 ldI i T I,OliS- In d ‘ <Ca“ H ^ School)

( Central Catholic H igh School)

^ S O b 2 S . W 8 ? £ S 5 H all <D°n0 ra H % h School)

Smitm JM n ^ n IA vm uT d C ^ b y EH S lLiVerP001’ ° hio (B ast Liverpool H igh School)

" " % % h i a % a r i ^ H l 7 a" " a ' ^ g h School)

^ K M r 7 A d e n Bi ta 1? .' E d w I ^ M * * ™ gh School)

^ % 4 % S a % t , ^ o 5 : : y % T f <Ca“ H igh School,

AB 1

EG 4

*EG 1

CM 3

AB 1

CM 1

GE 1

*CM 1

*CM 1

CM 2

AB 4

EG 1

CM 1

*GM 1

AB 1

CM 4

P E 4

EG 3

AB 4

8 0 1

CM 1

AB 3

CM 1

EG 1

AB 2

AB 4

CM 2

P E 2

CM 2

*AB 1

CM 2

EG 4

P E 3

P E 1

6 CM 1

EG 1

AB 3


(M ishawaka m e h school)

S ch 0 0 l)

S m if i2 1 ^ & » n u Ce^Cl f f ^ H a 0y0la CM

^ l u r ^ ^ u t e ^ f S d i ? " * 0™ ' N ’ J - (H aekettstow n H igh School)

Smt S k l w 7 r C Y ^ S ^ l a l l 0"*- (0 l'°Si Union High School)

S“ l 5 nS a l r s S e e ® r s r ® & , H all^ (S t E d i c t ' s High School) CM 4

™ s f t o S S : H S t ^ u& h MB ^ 5 iaL f igh Sch00,)

mgh “

DeL (SalesianHm H igh School)

Sn°?18 N « r s C t f A , u % f ^ ' <ChriStian Brothers High School, CM 3

^ % ' B r : k d ^ % ' e s h S ' & a H ' J ' <PaSSaic H i» S ^ o o l) CM 1

MaSS- H iSh School,

SOleM oreauCS ^ n Y 5 r A nthony’ N * a Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

S°U U S ? E irM in ers& e? ™ H o m eend' ^ (Central High S ^ ool) GR 2

^ 4 7 2 1 W a i C % o n S k y a r d % % w % d HaR Ig n a« aa H igh School) CM 2

S P a 3 0 l ! s i v e S t l S k t f S j ^ H a l l ™ 8h Schoo,)

SPa1 on L S r M i i ? S ” -Sorind H illOU° (L °nd0n HiBh Schoo,)

“ College I S a y Me m°rial H igh CM 2

^ T % a % : \ ^ : % k ^ a' E % d % T ' HiSH Scht,0l) SC 2SPie^ g e r . ^ C iS.C„ B rother Rudolph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Catholic Central H. S.) AB 2

2 K r t % t r % % ^ H a l / ^ C°aSt MiMtary Academy> CM 1

Ste1 i o T s ? i S nl i Sr-ee tUHome“ ^ ^ (B lkhart H igh ” EG 2

StaC|i o EE S M to e yr f t e e ! ? f H o m e d' ^ <E'k h a rt H igh Sch°°» EG 2

StadD ujarie HalIBrCther Bede' N otre Dame' In d - (Sacred H eart College) AB 1

S ta iMmeai; S ^ & k r y ^ " ' J °hn ' N °tre Dame’ In d ' <Holr Cross Sem inary) AB 4

Stan2d908 W ch T a A v e lm '; c X ^ H a n ^ ( S t Thomas Coll<® >

Stan2f?fA ™ k'di°eh:nm ; I aH k l f 0USt0n' TeXaS (S t' M a r y ' 8 H igh Sch»ol>

EG 2

GR 1

LW 1

EG 4

*AB 1


i S A o w a r d I T ” ' MaSS- <BOSt°n C0Uege H igh Schoo,)Stapp, Robert Richard, Longmont, Colo. (Longm ont H igh School)

339 P r a t t S tre e t; 713 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.Stau£ u P£ uI W dliam, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)

332 E ast W ashington B oulevard; Corby H allStaunton H enry A rm itage, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)

o33 E as t Angella B oulevard; HomeStaunton, John Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)

533 E as t A ngella B oulevard; HomeSteigmeyer, Gregory Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)

Holy Cross Sem inaryStein, R obert W illiam, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)

606 Fulton Road, N. W .; M orrissey H allS te in b erg ,S id n ey Lester, Chicago, 111. (St. John M ilitary Academy)

1325 Chase A venue; H ow ard H allSteiner, H enry John, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School)

1126 South E ighth S tree t; How ard H allSteinkem per, W illiam Jacob, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)

5510 Sheridan R o a d ; Lyons H allSteis, W illiam Burton, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)

5239 Wmthrop A venue; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.Stephenson, Don King, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)

937 Riverside D riv e ; Home

Stewart, Laurence Casey, Chicago, 111. (St. George High School)6844 Osceola A venue; Freshm an H all

S tew art P e ter Driscoll, Detroit, Mich. (Catholic Central High School)1995 Colhngwood S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

S tew art, W illiani A lbert, Cortland, N . Y. (Cortland H igh School)10 W illiam S tree t; 1308 Otsego Street, South Bend, Ind.

StiHey, K enneth Leonard, Clairton, Pa. (C lairton H igh School)538 P a rk A venue; Badin H all

Stillisano, P a trick Joseph, Willoughby, Ohio (U nion H igh School)90 Second S tree t; F reshm an H all

OMO <St- V!n°ent D« P “ ‘ H - S.)

(D e L a S a i ie H i £ h s c h o d )

S tinD ujarie^H all B rother Christian, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College)

Stolarski, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (W eber H igh School)4929 W est 31st P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

Stolich L l o y d Richard, Watsonville, Calif. (Watsonville High School)123 Jefferson S tree t; M orrissey Hall

StOl?029P i ? L o T f l t r ? e t T w t l l UeH aU - <Bd™ 1'dsvllle School)

S tra 307r3 N S a i i t m l B S i ; H ish Sch“ »

T enn ' (C hristlan Brotilers College H. S.)

S t r iH 8V ? r Y e r n „ n “ SeeSt " r d' H igh School)

Strini ? S S S ? A v a noe'; C o ^ / S X ( S t Ste» h m ’s School)

T enn- (UniVersity o f Dayton H - S.)

S trnad, J ° s® h j :o le ,ASoUnthe B end^Ind . (H arrison Technical H igh School)

AB 3

AB 3

CM 4

SC 3

GR 2

AB 1

SC 1

AB 4

SC 3

CM 2

AB 4

*AB 1

CM 1

*CM 1

LW 2

P E 3

CM 1

AB 3

EG 3

SC 3

EG 1

AB 2

CM 4

CM 2

EG 4

*AB 1

*AB 1

GR 1

P E 1


Stroker, Cyril Francis, W aterbary, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) CM 155 P laza A venue; Carroll H all

Struck, W illiam Leary, Dayton, Ohio (Steele H igh School) LW 1617 Kenilworth A venue; Sorin H all

Sulewski, A nthony Chester, New Y ork City (Don Bosco P repara to ry ) EG 1

1054 V irginia A venue; Brownson H allSullivan, Daniel Charles, Ulysses, Kans. (G rant County H igh School) -CM 1

Box 116; M orrissey HallSullivan. Daniel F rancis, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB 1

657 N orth Springfield A venue; Carroll H allSullivan, Daniel Jam es, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 3

33 H aw thorne S tre e t ; 713 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.Sullivan, Daniel Jerom e, Amboy, 111. ( Amboy Township H igh School) CM 2

35 N orth Mason A venue; St. Edw ard’s H allSullivan, Daniel Leo, N ew port, R. I. (De La Salle H igh School) *GM 1

50 Morton A venue; Badin HallSullivan, C.S.C., Dennis Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) AB 3

Moreau Sem inarySullivan, Edw ard Thomas, Meehanicville, N . Y. (Mechanicville H igh School) AB 3

136 South T hird S tre e t; Alum ni H allSullivan, Jam es Francis, B ingham ton, N. Y. (Dimock H igh School) AB 1

52 M ain S tre e t; Brownson H allSullivan, Jam es Leo, T erre H aute, Ind. (Garfield H igh School) EG 3

2040 N orth T enth S tre e t; Howard H allSullivan, Jam es N orbert, Calumet, Mich. (Sacred H eart H igh School) AB 1

420 Seventh S tre e t; Carroll H allSullivan, J r . , Jerem iah Joseph, A tlan ta , Ga. (F a ther Ryan H igh School) *CM 1

2489 Dellwood Drive, N. W .; H ow ard HallSullivan, John Dennis, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. G. D urfee H igh School) EG 1

583 Fourth S tre e t; Dillon H allSullivan, John Michael, Indianapolis, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) EG 1

2816 Ruckle S tre e t ; Freshm an HallSullivan, John Mitchell, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) *CM 1

1831 Bedford S tre e t ; Morrissey H allSullivan, Joseph Daly, Norwichtown, Conn. (Norwich Free Academy) CM 2

Pecks C o rn e r; Badin H allSullivan, Joseph George, New York City (St. John’s College Academy) AB 3

230 Beach 131st Street, Belle H a rb o r ; St. Edw ard’s H allSullivan, C.S.C., B rother Noel, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 2

D ujarie HallSullivan, R ichard Francis, Toledo, Ohio (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) CM 3

807 Oak S tre e t; Alum ni H allSullivan, R ichard John, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Poughkeepsie H igh School) AB 1

58 College A venue; St. Edw ard’s HallSullivan, R ichard P arker, Lexington, Ky. (H enry Clay H igh School) AB 2

460 W alnut S tre e t; Lyons H allSullivan, Robert, Monticello, Ind. (Montieello H igh School) P E 1

R ural Route 3; Freshm an H allSullivan, Robert Jam es, Ironwood, Mich. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 2

223 E ast Gogebic S tre e t; Lyons H allSullivan, Robert Joseph, Chicago, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) AB 3

7215 Y ates A venue; Alum ni H allSullivan, Robert Roger, A tlan ta , Ga. (N orth Fulton H igh School) EG 1

2489 Dellwood Drive, N. W .; Dillon HallSuth, C.S.C., Em ery W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

Moreau Sem inarySweeney, Charles Alexander, Bloomington, 111. (T rin ity H igh School) AB 1

814 N orth Oak S tre e t; Carroll H all


Sweeney, John Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral High. School) AB1512 N orth M eridian S tre e t; Howard H all

Swisher, R ichard Fredrick, Anderson, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM306 W est 12th S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Swords, Jam es Dennis, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School) *EG7817 South P a rk A venue; M orrissey H all

Swoyer, H a rry Samuel, D unkirk, N . Y. (D unkirk H igh School) EG60 W est Fourth S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Szumachowski, Steven Anthony, Schenectady, N. Y. (M ount P leasan t H igh School) AB 701 O rchard S tree t; Brownson H all

Szymanski, C.S.C., E dgar Stanislaus, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB Moreau Sem inary

Tackley, Mitchell Charles, Malone, N . Y. (F rank lin Academy) LW96 W est M ain S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Tancredi, Nicholas Joseph, Meehanicville, N . Y. (Mechanicville High School) P E812 Third Street; Badin Hall

Tangney, John Francis, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. A nn 's Academy) AB480 Rugby R o a d ; M orrissey Hall

Taurone, Dominic Anthony, B ronx, N . Y. (Salesian In stitu te ) SC27-42 E astchester R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Taylor, J r . , H a rry W illiam, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H . S.) CMBrady L a n e ; Dillon Hall

Tem plin, R ichard Elliot, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School) CM636 Lincoln S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

T erry , Charles P ra tt, Kewanee, 111. (Kewanee H igh School) CM522 South T rem ont S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Teske, C.S.C., Lloyd W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind. (M errill H igh School) GRM oreau Sem inary

T etrault, V ernon A rthu r, Springfield, Mass. (Central H igh School) AB78 Alexander S tre e t ; Badin H all

T haringer, Robert N ewton, W auwatosa, Wis. (W auw atosa H igh School) AB1806 M ountain A venue; Dillon Hall

Thatcher, John Shephard, Jerseyville, 111. ( Jerseyville Township H igh School) AB8 B a rr P la c e ; Dillon Hall

Theis, Edw ard Frederick, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) *CM516 R unneym eade; A lum ni Hall

Theis, H enry Raymond, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) CM516 R unnym eade; Brownson H all

Them es, M atthew John, C incinnati, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School) CM1014 York S tree t; Badin Hall

Thilm an, C.S.C., V incent Charles, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Thoen, R ichard George, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) EG64 A rm ine P la c e ; Freshm an H all

Thomas, George Edw ard, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB6534 N orth Fairfield A venue; A lum ni H all

Thomas, John David, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM6534 N orth Fairfield A venue; Dillon Hall

Thompson, R ichard Joseph, Toledo, Ohio ( Central H igh School) CM422% Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Thomspon, J r . , Thomas W illiam, Detroit, Mich. (N orthw estern H igh School) AB5468 S tanton Avenue ; Sorin Hall

T hornburg, J r . , Joseph Ralph, U nion City, Ind. (Union City H igh School) SC628 W est Division S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Thro, Jo h n Linder, M ankato, M inn. (M ankato H igh School) SC320 L iberty S tre e t; H ow ard Hall






























Thulis, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)8243 South M organ S tree t; F reshm an Hall

Thurm , W ayne Em ett, M anchester, Iow a (Oneida H igh School)R ural Route 2 ; Badin Hall

T iernan Luke Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)6536 M inerva A venue; Alum ni H all

' Tim m erm an, Joseph Francis, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)1006 E ast N ebraska A venue; Brownson Hall

Timney, F rancis Lawrence, Ambridge, Pa. (Ambridge H igh School)801 Maplewood Avenue ; Corby Hall

Tingley, John Kinney, Norwich, Conn. (Norwich Free Academy)7 Broad S tre e t; Corby Hall

TinnoeoSAnNxTr b e r tT? eter’ Chicago, 111. (St. George High School)3802 N orth Hoyne A venue; H ow ard Hall

Tobin, Edw ard M atthew, Freeport, 111. (Aquin School)24 W est P leasant S tree t; Carroll Hall

Tobin, Eugene Edward, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School)530 South W est S tree t; Badin Hall

Tobin, John Leonard, Taftville, Conn. (Fairhaven High School)1 N orth “ C” S tree t; Dillon Hall

Tobin, J r ., John Robert, E lgin, 111. (E lgin H igh School)540 South S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Tobin, John W indsor, Coshocton, Ohio (Purcell H igh Schol)329 South N in th S tre e t; Badin Hall

Tobin, J r . , Thomas Jam es, Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School)3623 Central S tre e t; H ow ard H all

Tobin, W illiam Joseph, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) 18315 M uirland ; Dillon H all

Tofuri, Paschal Anthony, W inchester, Mass. (W inchester H igh School)44 Holland S tre e t; Badin Hall

Tomasehko, H arold Joseph, W eston, W. Va. (W eston H igh School)Cox Addition, R ural Route 1 ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Tombragel, M aurice Frederick, New York City (Loyola Academy)P a rk Central Hotel, Seventh Avenue & F if th S tree t; Corby Hall

Tomkowid, John Frank, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School)157 Stanley A venue; H ow ard Hall

Toothaker, Jam es Curtis, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)1046 N orth Johnson S tree t; Home

Toppin, V incent H enry, Brookfield, Mass. (Brookfield H igh School) Fiskdale R oad ; Brownson Hall

Torrey, W illiam Laurence, Chaumont, N . Y. (Chaum ont H igh School) M ain S tree t; Corby Hall

T-orribio, John A lbert, T rinidad, Colo. (T rin idad H igh School)409 W est Topeka A venue; Carroll Hall

Tose, Leonard Hym an, K ing M anor, Pa. (Randolph Macon Academv) Crooked L a n e ; M orrissey Hall

Tourney, W illiam H ubert. New Y ork City (Berkely School)3252 D ecatur A venue; Sorin Hall

Tourek, Claude W illiam, Berwyn, HI. (J . S terling M orton H igh School) 2710 South E uclid ; W alsh Hall

Toussaint, Joseph Anthony, U tica, N . Y. (Assum ption Academy)907 Lenox A venue; Chemistry Hall

Toussaint, N orbert Francis, U tica, N. Y. (Assum ption Academy)907 Lenox A venue; Sorin Hall

Towne, John Lockwood, South Bend, Ind. (Los Angeles H igh School)126 South Taylor S tre e t; Home

Trahey, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Dennis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) Moreau Sem inary


CM 1

AB 3

CM 2

CM 1

*AB 1

EG 4

EG 3

EG 1

CM 3

P E 1

SC 1

CM 3


AB 1

AB 3

*AB 1

AB 4


SC 1

P E 1

EG 4

AB 3

CM 2

AB 4

AB 4

GR 3

EG 4

LW 3

GR 1


T raynor, F rancis Willoughby, Cumberland, Md. (Allegany H igh School) SC 1812 Fayette S tree t; Lyons Hall

Treacy, Thomas Joseph, M ontclair, N . J . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) CM 321 M ontague P la c e ; Alum ni Hall

T refzer, Theodore W illiam, Grosse Pointe, Mich. (Grosse Poin te H igh School) SC 1862 B arring ton R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Trentacoste, Salvatore Peter, Brooklyn, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) EG 1104 U nion S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Trexler, Philip Charles, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) GR 1

R ural Route 5 ; H ow ard HallTros'kosky, John Edward, W illard, N . Y. (Ovid H igh School) AB 1

Box 124 ; Freshm an Hall

Trousdale, J r ., Robert V incent, Mott, N. Dak. (Lincoln H igh School) CM 2Lyons Hall

Troy, W alter Charles, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Edgewood H igh School) EG 2308 H utchinson A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

T ry, A ndrew Clarence, Oak Park , III. (Fenw ick H igh School) *AB 1512 Clarence A venue; M orrissey Hall

Tsiolis, Nicholas Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) LW 2511 E ast W ash in g to n ; Home

Tuck, John Morgan, Hayden, Ariz. (Hayden H igh School) *CM 1Carroll H all

Tulchinsky, M aurice M ortimer, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 11530 Kemble A venue; Home

Tunney, Tim othy W illiam, Corning, N. Y. (C orning Free Academy) SC 171 W est E rie A venue; M orrissey Hall

A drian Richard, M anteno, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1Dillon H all

T urner, George Francis, Oswego, N . Y. (Oswego H igh School) SC 1149 E ast Seneca S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Tylutki, W alter R ichard, Cicero, III. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 45065 W est 29th S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Ullm™ > John Charles, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) *AB 14250 Fullerton A venue; Lyons Hall

Underkofler Joseph M urray, B ritt, Iow a (B ritt H igh School) P E 4Corby Hall

Uniacke, Edw ard Aloysius, Poughkeepsie, N . Y. (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 1228 M ansion S tre e t; Dillon H all

Va^ ’ o ? 0i ^ i c Calumet, Mich. (Calum et H igh School) CM 4428 Sixth S tre e t; Sorin H allValdes, Gonzalo Ricardo, M anila, P . I. (De La Salle College) *CM 1

709 San M arcelino; A lum ni HallValetieh, F ran k , Farrell, Pa . (F arre ll H igh School) AB 2

1044 Spearm an A venue; M orrissey H allValvo, A nthony Samuel, Rome, N . Y. (Rome F ree Academy) SC 2

R ural Route 1 ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

V an5onoe??e^ ’ ™ y^ ,ond M artin , Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 42202 E as t 70th P lace ; W alsh H all

VanderhofE,* Frederick Thomas, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) CM 1195 L ark S tre e t; Dillon Hall

V an E tten , John Maher, Seneca Falls, N . Y. (Mynderse Academy) AB 47 Prospect S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

V an Hollebeke, H illaire A lbert, D etroit, Mich. (St. A nthony H igh School) CM 12556 Bellevue A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 2

AB 1

LW 1

AB 1

CM 1


(York Community High School) AB 4

V an379?rE r fe lT en “ r i n H l r a^ ° M° (Pm'Ce11 H ish School) CM 4

VanR m S e|o r t e l l £ e nd’ BriSt°'' Ind' <Elkhart High School) EG 1

V a% lT = ?arf i= M „ S T t H w a S r S l f ° ity (C"rt!s Hi8h Sch°°»

Y m 8S aS?afleM A venue; I f E d w l J s ' L u * <McKeMie H igh Sch°°«

VaT 410’ B e S s t a e r S ^ f A f Z L f ’H“ Ch' <CatMiC C e n M School) *CM 1

Var M7f w S ' s „ i i £ f c o ? ^ ta m <Austin H:gh sch"°»

l / e t t (E “ ^ 1 1 High School)

Veen6e8? 6and r 1 ^ ' A ^ t f b i l L £ 2 ^ & h o d >

^ ' “c S ro l^ H a f l15 A nthony- T horp- W is- (T horp H igh School) P E 3

V enm o 6 & £ £ 5AvoJn°u^1i S T n f I f i , ° h i° <Holy N « ™ ™ gh School) «EG 1

V en2202eyLynnUlA rom e ; M m rE e™ H aj'ild ' (Cenilal Catho,i” H igh School) CM 2

V e r iO n s iS h A v e n ? e ; w I V i m ” 1- ^ (NeW B righton H igh School) SC 4

VOrM m 4 ^ T e n u e ° iaS T O flkHald' N ‘ J ' (Compton Lakes H igh School) »CM 1

VeS m 4 J L in m l? W ™ W e T t; Home B m d ' ^ <Central H i«h School) SO X

^ % j : " R a i , i t a ' N - J - (Stevens P repara to ry )

H igh sch °oi)

V i°a613 E a T ^ a S n S l T°WnEhip “ gh School) CM 3

V ittl600J NapAole™ W aM , m T ’ ^ (H ° 'y ° « “ EG 4

!% r^f : x ^ e % S as % a a L . ^ & 8w : r a a t r a ^ (Central High Schoo,)VOge9 i l ? f x T h B ’; NeW Y°rk City “ ca High School, CM 1

^ io % % ia e ^ % u 2 n i ^?,naCa Hlgh “ CM 3^ % i & a 8 t r : e % ^ % ^ ' Mich- <A - D. Johnston High School) OM 4

TeChnical ® s h School)

EG 1

AB 2

LW 1

AB 3

LW 3

LW 1^ % 4 pa H « h «

W af l 5T c h e w S to e e tfw lls h S k{ladell,hia- P a - ( ^ S a l le H igh School) EG 4

N - Y ' (S t- P a tric k ’3 H igh School) AB 4


Wade, F ran k Chase, Howe, Ind. (L im a H igh School) P E 3A lum ni H all

Wade, Jam es E dgar, Tulsa, Okla. (Holy Fam ily H igh School) GR 1423 South Elwood S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Wade, J r . , Joseph Jam es, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) AB 3836 Pennington S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

W agner, W illard Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Greenfield H igh School) PG625 W est W ashington S tre e t; Home

W aite, J r . , H a rry Timothy, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) CM 11134 Belm ont A venue; Home

Waldeck, Robert Lee, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School) *AB 11280 Ram ona A venue; Carroll H all

W aldron, A rth u r Joseph, Spokane, W ash. (Lewis & Clark H igh School) SC 1South 17 Fiske S tre e t; Dillon H all

W aldron, Jam es Albert, T renton, N . J . (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 2938 Berkeley A venue; Lyons H all

W aldron, Joseph John, T renton, _N. J . (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3938 Berkeley A venue; A lum ni H all

W alker, Jo h n W illiam, Keokuk, Iowa (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 3903 N orth 12th S tre e t ; Badin Hall

W alker, Philip Aloysius, Brookfield, Mass. (Brookfield H igh School) P E 34 P leasan t S tre e t; Badin H all

Wall, J r ., H ugh Edward, Dayton, Ohio ( Chaminade H igh School) LW 2523 G rafton A venue; A lum ni H all

W allach, John Michael, Newburgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy) *CM 177 Le Roy P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

W allensach, Maurice Francis, W ayne, 111. (St. R ita College Academy) *GM 1A lum ni H all

W aller, Joseph Em m ett, K ansas City, Mo. (Paseo H igh School) *AB 12700 E ast 73rd S tree t; H ow ard H all

W alsh, C.S.G., B rother Cormac, N otre Dame, Ind. (N otre Dame P repara to ry ) CM 4D ujarie H all

W alsh, Daniel Maurice, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1406 Peashw ay S tree t; Home

W alsh, J r ., Jam es W illiam, Beatrice, N ebr. (Beatrice H igh School) AB 1H otel P addock ; Freshm an H all

W alsh, John Judge, Lynbrook, L .I., N . Y. (Lynbrook H igh School) *CM 144 Roosevelt A venue; M orrissey H all

W alsh, M ark John, Beatrice, N ebr. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) *CM 1Hotel P addock ; H ow ard Hall

W alsh, Thomas Jerom e, E lm hurst, N . Y. (Brooklyn P rep ara to ry ) AB 455-03 90th S tre e t; Sorin H all

W alsh, Thomas Joseph, D avenport, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) *AB 1833 College A venue; Corby H all

W alsh, J r . , W illiam Aloysius, Yonkers, N . Y. (All Hallows In stitu te ) AB 351 P a rk A venue; Alumni Hall

W alter, John Frederick, Mansfield, Ohio (St. P e te r’s H igh School) EG 4401 W est Third S tre e t; W alsh H all

W alters, R ichard Leonard, Chicago, 111. (Mt, Carmel H igh School) AB 47356 Paxton A venue; Sorin H all

W alton, E a rl Spencer, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) LW 21015 Lincoln W ay E a s t; Home

W alton, John Clark, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) *EG 12193 Chatfield D rive; Lyons Hall

W ard, John Sherm an, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Erasmus- H all H igh School) EG 13120 Glenwood R oad; Freshm an H all

W ardell, H arold Joseph, M ount Vernon, N . Y. (A. B. Davis H igh School) AB 1240 N orth Fulton A venue; Dillon H all



“ oo s S hj A “ S e f w a t Sh H a n (W tadb“ H ‘Sh Sch°0,)

P a - <Perkiomen Pl— =ry )

W“ S S W i f c S ; m S n H a f ’ IU- (FenWick H ish school)

W atm e M a r y ’ s H i» s c o o , ,

W at 5 e N » a ° B a Bst StoeelT St.' M w a rS 'H a U ™6 Sch°0l>

WeaM ? £ rL ^ r^ fn eoi l ! i I1L (Spalding Institate>Wea|ie5r B a S P ^ T s t e ^ ’^ a ^ a l l (M iam iS,,U 1'8 HiSh School>

Heart Hish ™

Webie 88 E:L%%,A%%fwlKfay Catholic Hish Scho°”Web5846dW aterm ai^ ^o u lev a rd ;^ A h im n ^ H a li^ ' U niversity H igh School)

Web8ei'i, K & ss° S b tBl L ? d- (™ Hieh Sd'“ »

WebIuraJ , t no u ? e T yP r I ^ £ ' i “ i, (C°1TUS ° h™ U H * h School)

<SS- C°SmaS & Damia” School)

^ e f i w : : ^ K e e ! f ^ n s ^ % ! VinCmt HiSh Sch°0,)

We^ f G S l i t t T & H La f ° rte ‘ In d - (L aP “ 'te H * h School,

^ l M % i « L r ^ BaD a a T ° <C™tral ™Bh Sch°0l)

^ ' % f s i I i : % j : r 3 d' ^ T ' c : Z H a H " (CentraI H ish Sch°oi>

^ ^ ^ (^ M O T ris^ A ven u ^ 7Bbwaid^Hal/ ^ 160**01'6 R° ° SC™U H ish School)

P"’ Chanute, Kansas ( Chanute H igh School)904 South Evergreen A venue; M orrissey H all

W ei4 l ™ X f n - k ! e ™ k C orb7H aU °CheSte^ N ' Y ' (A<luinas Instilu te)

WeT e 85J S i S f A S i S . h - ( s t M" s School,

W eiS B a 7 i'eSntCreeetTnsnt. S S S M J - & h °0,)

W ^ M l t o n H arry , South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)2121 W est Ind iana A venue; Home

WeICih/ Q m 86? ? 0Jam es» W eedsport, N. Y. (W eedsport H igh School)149 North Seneca Street; Lyons Hall

WeIcA i / o ’ Lei° Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)4310 B roadw ay; Freshm an H all

Fort Dodge, Iowa (Fort Dodge High School)902 Sixth Avenue, N o r th ; Corby H all

Weldon, F rancis Joseph, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona School)175 H am ilton A venue; Corby Hall

^ '% 8 E : ^ l l S d A ^ ^ & I a ' n T ' ' a™ y City High School)


CM 4

AB 1

CM 1

LW 1

CM 2

AB 3

AB 3

AB 2

CM 4

EG 3

CM 1

EG 1

CM 1

P E 1

CM 1

CM 4

EG 1

EG 4

CM 4

AB 2

EG 4

AB 3

CM 2

EG 1

*AB 1

CM 1

AB 4

AB 4

SC 1


Welsh, Clifford H ilary , W hippany, N . J . (M orristown H igh School) ABThomas S tre e t; Sorin H all

Welsh, Philip Flahavin , Anderson, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB1421 Central A venue; Lyons H all

W entw orth, George Roland, Bucksport, M aine (E as t Maine Conference Sem inary) P E 44 Second S tre e t; Badin H all

W eppner, Jo h n Joseph, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) AB606 “A ” S tre e t; Freshm an H all

W ertz, H ilary Edm und, P ittsburgh , P a . (South Hills H igh School) CMI Beltzhoover A venue; M orrissey H all

W halen, W illiam Egan, N orfolk, Conn. (R utgers P repara to ry ) ABEm erson P la ce ; Lyons H all

W halen, W illiam P atrick , Dorchester, Mass. (Boston College H igh School) AB71 Savin Hill A venue; Freshm an Hall

W helan, J r . , A ndrew F rancis, W eston, W . Va. (S t. P a trick ’s H igh School) *CM225 F ir s t S tre e t; Corby H all

W hipps, K enneth Robert, A uburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School) AB30 L ansing S tre e t ; Corby H all

W hitaker, Ja ck Friel, K ansas City, Mo. (R ockhurst H igh School) EG1025 W est 62nd S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

W hite, A lfred Butler, Buchanan, Mich. (Buchanan H igh School) GR116 South D etroit S tre e t; Home

W hite,* Jam es, N o tre Dame, Ind. ABHoly Cross Sem inary

W hite, R ichard A rth u r, South Bend, Ind. (B attle Creek H igh School) *CM1161 E as t Ew ing A venue; Home

W hite, Robert Joel, Beardsfown, 111. (Beardstown H igh School) AB615 W ashington S tre e t; Lyons H all

W hite, Thomas Joseph, St. Louis, Mo. (C hristian B rothers H igh School) CM2010 Alam eda A venue; Lyons H all

W hite, W illiam H enry, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) SC4911 M offitt P la c e ; H ow ard H all

W hitecotton, Robert Gerald, New Ross, Ind. (New Ross H igh School) CMFreshm an H all

W hitehead, Robert, Kokomo, Ind . (Kokomo H igh School) AB614 South Purdum S tree t; Brownson H all

W hiteleather, John W illiam, Niles, Mich. (W ittenberg Academy) SP116 N orth Second S tree t; Home

W hitlock, Paul, South Bend, Ind. (Pleasantville H igh School) AB1434% M ishawaka A venue; Home

W hitm an, J r . , W illiam George, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H . S.) AB 274 N orth M cL ean ; Lyons H all

W ietig, N orm an Edw ard, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In stitu te ) GR39 Meriden S tree t; Corby H all

W iggins, Cyril Angelo, Portsm outh, Ohio (Holy Redeemer H igh School) SCR ural Route 1, Box 194; Lyons H all

Wilke, Robert Edw ard, H am ilton, Ohio (Catholic H igh School) CM1020 H arm on A venue; Lyons H all

W illiams, George Joseph, M inneapolis, M inn. (S t. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM2621 W est 28th S tre e t; Dillon H all

W illiams, J r . , H arold A nthony, Baltimore, Md. (C alvert H all H igh School) AB216 E as t Lake A venue; Freshm an H all

W illiams, Jo h n Clayborne, W ashington, Ind . (St. Simon’s H igh School) SC302 F lo ra S tre e t; M orrissey H all

W illiamsen, Charles Thomas, P o rt W ashington, L .I., N . Y. (P o rt W ash. H . S.) *EGI I Second A venue; Badin H all

W illiamson, J r . , Frederick W arren , LaG range, 111. (Lyons Township H igh School) CM 119 N orth S to n e ; Dillon H all






























Willick, Leo Maurice, F o rt E rie N orth , Ont., Can. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In st.) EG 2

106 Ja rv is S tre e t ; Carroll H allW ilson, Carroll John, Buchanan, Mich. (Buchanan H igh School) GR 3

111 M ain S tre e t; HomeWilson, Edw ard Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) SC 2

2651 E ast 74th S tree t; Lyons H allWilson, George Philip, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB 2

423 Clerm ont A venue; Lyons H allW ilson, J r . , H arold Forney, E rie, Pa. ( Cathedral P repara to ry ) CM 1

614 R ankin R o a d ; Freshm an H allW ilson, H arold Jam es, Minong, W is. (Chetek H igh School) *AB 1

St. Edw ard’s H allWilson, John Hicks, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School) CM 1

17467 Shaw A venue; Freshm an H allW iniarski, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

M oreau Sem inaryW inkel, M atthew John, Lakewood, Ohio (V isalia H igh School) CM 4

12930 Clifton B oulevard; Corby H allW innlnger, F ra n k Allan, Schofield, W is. (W ausau H igh School) AB 1

Dillon H allW insouer, Paul V incent, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te ) AB 2

520 Brotherson S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H allW interrow d, E arll Hugo, South Bend, Ind. (South Side H igh School) CM 1

532 South Carroll S tre e t ; HomeW ipf, W illiam H enry, F lushing, L .I., N . Y. (Rhodes P repara to ry ) P E 1

36-40 Bowne S tre e t; Dillon H allW irchak, Jo h n Joseph, D ecatur, 111. (D ecatur H igh School) P E 1

2009 N orth W oodford S tre e t ; Brownson H allW irry , George John, Racine, W is. (St. C atherine’s H igh School) CM 3

1653 N orth Chatham S tre e t; Badin H allW irry , H enry John, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) *EG 1

1653 Chatham S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H allW ischnia, Joseph Nicholas, R iver Grove, 111. (S t. Philips H igh School) AB 4

8539 Center A venue; Corby H allWise, Donald F rancis, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) LW 3

110 P leasan t S tre e t; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.W itchger, Eugene Schantz, Saginaw, Mich. (Holy Fam ily H igh School) EG 4

1021 Holland A venue; Sorin H allW oehler, C.S.G., B rother F ranc is Borgia, N otre Dame, Ind. (Reitz Mem. H . S.) AB 4

D ujarie H allWoerner, William Joseph, Louisville, Ky. (St. Xavier High School) AB 1

208 M ayfair; F reshm an H allWojciechowski, C.S.C., Leo Casimir, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

M oreau Sem inaryW ojcihovski, V ictor Joseph, W eston, W. Va. (W eston H igh School) P E 2

128 Cottage A venue; Badin H allWolf, George Maxwell, P o r t Clinton, Ohio (P o rt Clinton H igh School) EG 3

231 W est Third S tre e t; Alum ni H allW olter, E arl Frederick, H untington , Ind. (H unting ton H igh School) CM 2

1350 Cherry S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H allW olter, W illiam Leonard, Peoria, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) LW 3

410 Frye A venue; How ard H allWoods, Jam es Robert, Lyndhursi, N . J . (Seton H all College P repara to ry ) SC 1

315 Stuyvesant A venue; Dillon HallW ukovits, F rancis John, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1

1605 South F rank lin S tre e t; HomeW ukovits, Thomas W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1

1605 South F rank lin S tree t; Home


W underly, H a rry Leo, P ittsburgh , P a . (Duquesne U niversity P repara to ry )718 Pressley S tre e t; 520 Allen Street, South Bend, Ind.

W urzer, Lincoln Edward, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) 758 A tkinson ; Sorin H all

Wykoff, Edw in Robert, New Carlisle, Ind. (New Carlisle H igh School)Home

Yaeger, J r . , Louis John, Edgewood, W heeling, W. Ya. (C entral Catholic H . S.) 156 South P a rk S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Yates, O rland W illiam, H annibal, Mo. (Quincy College Academy)422 N orth F ifth S tree t; Sorin H all

Yoch, Casper Francis, Belleville, 111. (Cathedral H igh School)3414 W est M ain S tree t; Lyons H all

Young, Charles Albert, H untertow n, Ind . (H untertow n, H igh School)R ural Route 1 ; 813 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Young, Leighton Felker, Houston, Texas (St. Thomas H igh School)4504 Caroline S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Young, Thomas Jefferson, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)235 Hayes A venue; Sorin H all

Youngerm an, Daniel John, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)817 E ast Cedar S tre e t ; Home

Zaborosky, F rederick John, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School)67 Lounsbury A venue; 1021 Lincoln W ay W est, M ishawaka, Ind.

Zaczek, Felix Bruno, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita College Academy)2057 W est 50th S tree t; A lum ni H all

Zaller, H erbert John, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)16006 W aterloo R oad; Lyons H all

Zanoni, Joseph Leon, Superior, Wyo. (Superior H igh School)Freshm an H all

Zarantonello, Reno Bartolo, Thornton, 111. (T hornton Township H igh School) M argerette S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Zdanowicz, John Joseph, P ine Island, N . Y. (Don Bosco P repara to ry ) A lum ni H all

Zdon, John Aloysis, Chicago, 111. (Holy T rin ity H igh School)2634 South Eedzie A venue; Carroll H all

Zeiller, Gerard John, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )915 Lincoln P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Zeller, Stanislaus Garland, W est Union, W . Ya. (W est U nion H igh School) Grey G ables; Brownson H all

Zellers, R obert Wesley, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School)1011 Topinabee R o ad ; Home

Zenner, E lm er John, Racine, W is. (St. C atherine’s H igh School)1100 M arquette S tree t; Carroll H all

Zerbst, Jo h n Richard, Kansas City Mo. (N ortheast H igh School)3216 E as t E ighth S tree t; F reshm an H all

Zimmer, J r . , Benedict F rancis, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)1232 Chase A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

AB 4

AB 4

CM 4

LW 1


GR 2

EG 2

CM 4

AB 3

AB 1

AB 2

EG 1

EG 1

CM 3

SC 3

SC 1

AB 1

AB 1

AB 2

CM 2

CM 1

*SC 1


Zimmers, Edw ard Joseph, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School)1419 V illa S tre e t; W alsh H all

Zinn, Eugene Richard, Iron wood, Mich. (St. Ambrose H igh School)701 E ast Ayer S tree t; Sorin H all

Z intak, F rancis V incent, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)3134 W est 44th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Zoss, Abraham , South Bend, Ind . ( Central H igh School)1003 N otre Dame A venue; Home

Zoss, A braham Oscar, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)413 South F rank lin S tre e t; Home

Zwers, Joseph B ernard, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 1362 Leonard Street, W e s t; St. Edw ard’s H all