The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to grow in their relationship with God and with one another through witness, worship and service. NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH (Corner of Water & Washington Street) Kerrville, TX. 78028 Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (Closed between 12N-1:00pm) Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771 Website: www.notredamechurch.cc Social Center:(830)257-1929 Faith Formation: (830)896-4233 School: (830)257-6707 MASS AND SERVICE SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Satur day – 3:30 - 4:45 pm MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233. PASTORAL TEAM CLERGY Reverend Monsignor Michael J. Boulette Pastor Reverend Scott Janysek Parochial Vicar Deacon Daniel Arriaga Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr. Hispanic Ministry Deacon Charles Domingues Deacon Raul Gutierrez Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold Deacon Juan Martinez PASTORAL CENTER Dwayne Mosser Business Manager Eva Bill Parish Secretary Tracy Gourley Financial Associate LITURGY AND MUSIC Dorothy Cass Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries Marta Mata Liturgy Secretary OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Coord. Families & Children Dianne Albrecht Coord. Adults Alma Cruz-Gonzales Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry Denise Jenschke Coord. Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep. Wyatt Wentrcek Coord. of Youth Ministry Nelda Bill Secretary/Baptism Coordinator CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE Marlin Marcum Principal Irene Alcorta Secretary Michelle Coldwell Registrar Debbie Mossman Bookkeeper MAINTENANCE Mark Ince Superintendent May 15, 2016

NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH · QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. ... especially here at Notre Dame Catholic Church and School in welcoming soon a

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The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to grow in their relationship with God and with one another through witness, worship and service.


CATHOLIC CHURCH (Corner of Water & Washington Street)

Kerrville, TX. 78028 Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (Closed between 12N-1:00pm)

Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771 Website: www.notredamechurch.cc

Social Center:(830)257-1929 Faith Formation: (830)896-4233

School: (830)257-6707


SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday – 3:30 - 4:45 pm MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.

PASTORAL TEAM CLERGY Reverend Monsignor Michael J. Boulette Pastor Reverend Scott Janysek Parochial Vicar Deacon Daniel Arriaga Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr. Hispanic Ministry Deacon Charles Domingues Deacon Raul Gutierrez Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold Deacon Juan Martinez PASTORAL CENTER Dwayne Mosser Business Manager Eva Bill Parish Secretary Tracy Gourley Financial Associate LITURGY AND MUSIC Dorothy Cass Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries Marta Mata Liturgy Secretary OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Coord. Families & Children Dianne Albrecht Coord. Adults Alma Cruz-Gonzales Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry Denise Jenschke Coord. Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep. Wyatt Wentrcek Coord. of Youth Ministry Nelda Bill Secretary/Baptism Coordinator CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE Marlin Marcum Principal Irene Alcorta Secretary Michelle Coldwell Registrar Debbie Mossman Bookkeeper MAINTENANCE Mark Ince Superintendent

May 15, 2016

Pentecost Sunday

May 15, 2016

Silver and Gold What I Have I Give to You (Acts 3:6)

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8- 10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7- 11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1- 3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15


First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11).

Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104).

Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17.

Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 14:15-16, 23b-26


Sunday: Pentecost Sunday

Monday: Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday: St. John I

Friday: St. Bernardine of Siena

Saturday: St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions; Blessed Virgin Mary; Armed Forces Day

Greetings in the Holy Spirit! Luke describes with wonder the first Christian Pentecost in today’s first reading from the book of Acts. According to some Church traditions, Luke was not only a physician but also an artist, using color, texture, and perspective to communicate his message. To describe the Spirit’s coming on the infant church Luke uses the image of tongues of fire coming to rest on each disciples – you can almost feel the story!

As a liturgical feast Pentecost is not easy to celebrate visually. Advent has a wreath, Christmas presents a manger, Lent features a desert, Easter bubbles with the waters of baptism, and until now, our Easter candle has faithfully lighted our liturgies. But Pentecost has no such visual expression – except for red vestments representing those first tongues of fire. This feast needs to be felt. It also needs to be obeyed, for today we remember that we are sent, called to be inflamed, passionate for the Good News by which we are saved and set free. And so we ask the Spirit, “Where would you have us go?” as we set goals for our life transitions, especially here at Notre Dame Catholic Church and School in welcoming soon a new pastor/administrator.

In addition to Luke’s vivid Pentecost story in Acts, today’s Gospel reading tells the Apostle John’s version of Pentecost, in which Jesus shows His disciples His hands and His side and then breathes on them so they could catch His Spirit. Again, we can picture the hands and the side, but a breath or gush of wind is not something you see; it is something you feel. Scripture has many stories of people feeling God’s breath: Adam, formed by God from the earth’s clay, only knew life when God blew breath into his nostrils. Ezekiel’s vision shows God’s people being like an old bone yard until “dem dry bones” were returned to life by God’s Spirit. When Elizabeth felt the Holy Spirit she cried out to Mary: “Rejoice, O highly favored daughter! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.” And even Jesus, baptized by John and filled with the Holy Spirit, felt the Spirit drive him into the desert, where He was tested. The Spirit blows wherever it wants – like the unseen wind. Thus Pentecost is not so much a feast to see but a feast to feel – not sentimentality but the felt presence of God in our minds and hearts leading us each day. In that Spirit we can follow Jesus, our Holy Father Francis, our Archbishop Gustavo, and our new pastor into our future, for they follow the same Spirit’s guidance.

Ultimately, we know the only thanks we can offer God for the gift of His Spirit is our faith, lived out in our responsible service to the One Who saves and to the people He calls. Our service is not payment but acts of thanksgiving for God’s grace. And so we pray with ever greater fervor: Renew the face of the Church, of our Archdiocese, and of Notre Dame Catholic Church and School! In the Spirit of Jesus, In the Spirit of Jesus, In the Spirit of Jesus, In the Spirit of Jesus, Fr. MikeFr. MikeFr. MikeFr. Mike

Domingo de Pentecostés

15 de mayo de 2016

Oro y Plata Lo Que Tengo Te Lo Doy (Hechos 3:6)


Lunes: Stgo 3:13-18; Sal 19 (18):8- 10, 15; Mc 9:14-29 Martes: Stgo 4:1-10; Sal 55 (54):7- 11a, 23; Mc 9:30-37 Miércoles: Stgo 4:13-17; Sal 49 (48):2- 3, 6-11; Mc 9:38-40 Jueves: Stgo 5:1-6; Sal 49 (48):14- 20; Mc 9:41-50 Viernes: Stgo 5:9-12; Sal 103(102):1 -4, 8-9, 11-12; Mc 10:1-12 Sábado: Stgo 5:13-20; Sal 141 (140):1-3, 8; Mc 10:13-16 Domingo: Prov 8:22-31; Sal 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15


Primera lectura — Llenos del Espíritu Santo, los apóstoles empezaron a hablar en lenguas (Hch 2:1-11).

Salmo — Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, a renovar la tierra. Aleluya (Salmo 104 [103]).

Segunda lectura — Fuimos bautizados en el Espíritu para formar un sólo cuerpo (1 Corintios 12:3b-7, 12-13) o Romanos 8:8-17.

Evangelio — Jesús se aparece a los discípulos y los envía en su misión con el poder de perdonar o retener los pecados mediante el Espíritu Santo (Juan 20:19-23) o Juan 14:15-16, 23b-26


Domingo: Domingo de Pentecostés

Lunes: Séptima Semana del Tiempo Ordinario

Miércoles: San Juan I Viernes: San Bernardino de Siena

Sábado: San Cristóbal Magallanes y compañeros; Santa María Virgen; Día de la Fuerzas Armadas

¡Saludos en el Espíritu Santo! En la primera lectura de hoy, San Lucas describe con asombro el primer Pentecostés Cristiano, tomado del libro de los Hechos. De acuerdo con algunas tradiciones de la Iglesia, San Lucas no sólo era un médico, sino también un artista, utilizando el color, la textura y la perspectiva para comunicar su mensaje. Para describir la venida del espíritu a la Iglesia naciente, San Lucas usa la imagen de lenguas de fuego que se posan en cada discípulo - ¡casi se puede sentir la historia!

Como fiesta litúrgica de Pentecostés no es fácil celebrarla visualmente. El Adviento tiene una corona de flores, regalos de Navidad, un pesebre, características de la Cuaresma un desierto, de la Pascua con las aguas del bautismo, y hasta ahora, nuestro cirio Pascual ha iluminado fielmente nuestras Liturgias. Pero Pentecostés no tiene tal expresión visual - a excepción de los ornamentos rojos que representan las primeras lenguas de fuego. Esta fiesta tiene que ser sentida. También tiene que ser obedecida, porque hoy recordamos que hemos sido enviados, llamados a ser avivados, apasionados por la Buena Nueva por la cual hemos sido salvados y liberados. Y es por lo que pedimos al Espíritu Santo, "¿A dónde quieres que vayamos?", Como nos fijamos metas para nuestras transiciones de la vida, sobre todo aquí en la Parroquia y la Escuela Católica de Notre Dame, para pronto dar la bienvenida a un nuevo pastor / administrador.

Además de la historia de Pentecostés vívida por SAN Lucas en los Hechos, la lectura del Evangelio de hoy dice la versión del Apóstol San Juan de Pentecostés, en la que Jesús muestra Sus discípulos Sus manos y su costado y luego sopla en ellos para que pudieran atrapar su Espíritu. Una vez más, podemos imaginamos las manos y el rostro, pero un soplo o un corriente de viento no es algo que se ve; es algo que se siente. La Escritura tiene muchas historias de personas que sienten el aliento de Dios: Adán, formado por Dios de la arcilla de la tierra, sólo conocía la vida cuando Dios sopló en su nariz su aliento. La visión de Ezequiel muestra el pueblo de Dios, como un patio de hueso viejo hasta los huesos secos fueron devueltos a la vida por el Espíritu de Dios. Cuando Elizabeth sintió el Espíritu Santo exclamó a María: "Alégrate, hija predilecta! El Señor está contigo. Bendita tú entre las mujeres. "Y sí, Jesús, bautizado por Juan y lleno del Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu se sentía lo llevara al desierto, donde se puso a prueba. El Espíritu sopla donde quiere - como el viento no se ve. Así Pentecostés no es tanto una fiesta para ver, sino una fiesta para sentir - no el sentimentalismo, sino el sentír la presencia de Dios en nuestra mente y corazones que nos lleva cada día. En ese Espíritu que podemos seguir a Jesús, nuestro Santo Padre Francisco, nuestro Arzobispo Gustavo, y nuestro nuevo pastor en nuestro futuro, para los que siguen la guía del mismo Espíritu. En última instancia, sabemos que los únicos que podemos ofrecer gracias a Dios por el don de su Espíritu es nuestra fe, vivida en nuestro servicio responsable a la que salva y para las personas que Él llama. Nuestro servicio no es de pago, pero actúa de acción de gracias por la gracia de Dios. ¡Y por eso oramos cada vez con mayor fervor: renovando la faz de la Iglesia, de nuestra Arquidiócesis, y de la Iglesia y Escuela Católica de Notre Dame!

En el Espíritu de Jesús, En el Espíritu de Jesús, En el Espíritu de Jesús, En el Espíritu de Jesús, Padre MikePadre MikePadre MikePadre Mike

Sunday, May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Vigil: Gn 11: 1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5, Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39(62), Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9, Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b, Ez 37:1-14/Jl 3:1-5, Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39(62), Day: Acts 2:1-11, 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17, Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26(63) 7:45am All Souls In Purgatory 9:15am Women of Notre Dame Mother’s Day Memorials 11:00am People of the Parish 5:00 pm †Joe Treviño By Estella Treviño Monday, May 16, 2016 Jas 3:13-18, Mk 9:14-29(341) 7:00 am †May C. Reichart By The Reichart & Hickey Families Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Jas 4:1-10, Mk 9:30-37(342) 12:00 pm †Bobby Jenschke By Michael Jenschke’s Children Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Jas 4:13-17, Mk 9:38-40(343) 12:00 pm †Lynn Andrews By Buddy Andrews Thursday, May 19, 2016 Jas 5:1-6, Mk 9:41-50(344) 7:00 am †Joanne Heck Friday, May 20, 2016 Jas 5:9-12, Mk 10:1-12(345) 8:05 am †George Sandefur By Dee Sandefur Saturday, May 21, 2016 BVM Prv 8:22-31, Rom 5:1-5, Jn 16:12-15(166) 5:00 pm †Kina Martinez By The Rendon Family Sunday, May 22, 2016 The Most Holy Trinity Prv 8:22-31, Rom 5:1-5, Jn 16:12-15(166) 7:45 am †Jose & Herlinda Villanueva By Family 9:15 am †Juana Gutierrez By Familia Gutierrez 11:00 am In honor of Fr. Mike By Staff 5:00 pm People of the Parish

Liturgy of the Hours:

Sunday: Proper Psalter; Week III

Monday, May 16, 2016 A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 Prayer & Worship Commission-6:00pm-Fireplace RM Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Social Center Cursillos-7:00pm-Gymnasium Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Lector Practice (Spanish)-5:30pm-Church Covenant of Love Meeting-6:30pm-Library Choir Practice-7:00pm-Church Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Fireplace RM Wednesday, May 18, 2016 OLH Graduation Practice-1:00pm-Church Ingles Tambíen-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 School Council-5:30pm-Rectory Thursday, May 19, 2016 Baptism Class (English)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 204 Baptism Class (Spanish)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205 La Danza Practice-6:00pm-Gymnasium School Sports Banquet-6:00pm-Social Center Bible Study (Fr. Mike)-7:00pm-Church Friday, May 20, 2016 Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church OLH Graduation-7:00pm-Church El Sembrador-7:00pm-Fireplace RM Saturday, May 21, 2016 Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church Farewell to Fr. Scott-after 5:00pm Mass/outside Church Sunday, May 22, 2016 Farewell to Fr. Scott-after all morning masses-Social Center Farewell to Fr. Scott-after 5:00pm Mass/outside Church

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In memory

of George Sandefur

By Dee Sandefur

The Second Collection on May 21 & 22, 2016

will be for Vacation Bible School

Thank you for your generosity!

Altar Servers

Saturday, May 21, 2016—5:00pm Gail Stauder Claudia Sullivan Sunday, May 22, 2016 —7:45am

Steve Black Jacqui Magenheimer Sunday, May 22, 2016—9:15am Roberto Zapata Alicia Campoy Sunday, May 22, 2016—11:00am Susie Dietzel Julio Garza Sunday, May 22, 2016—5:00pm

Lisa Tinley Juan Cruces


Saturday, May 21, 2016-5:00pm

Team B

DM: Susie Fenner Sunday, May 22, 2016-7:45am

Team B

DM: Jacqui Magenheimer

Sunday, May 22, 2016-9:15am

Team B

DM: John Martinez

Sunday, May 22, 2016-11:00am

Team C


Sunday, May 22, 2016-5:00pm

Team LC


DM-Designated Minister

Extraordinary Ministers

Saturday, May 21, 2016—5:00pm

Team B Sunday, May 22, 2016—7:45am

Team A

Sunday, May 22, 2016—9:15am

Team B Sunday, May 22, 2016—11:00am

Team C


Bread Bakers

Saturday, May 21, 2016—5:00pm

Marie Meador

Sunday, May 22, 2016-9:15am

Carmen Gutierrez

Sunday, May 22, 2016—11:00am

Anna Ford

Saturday, May 21, 2016 - 5:00pm Crucifer-Mason Sirianni Candle Bearer– Stefan Sirianni Candle Bearer– Sunday, May 22, 2016—7:45am Crucifer-Aaron Lehde Candle Bearer-Jordan Clayton Candle Bearer-Caleb Clayton Sunday, May 22, 2016—9:15am Crucifer–Jessica Zuniga Candle Bearer-Michelle Cruz Candle Bearer–Claudia Rodriguez Sunday, May 22, 2016—11:00am Crucifer– China Hale Candle Bearer– Michael Chapman Candle Bearer–Chandlin Hale Sunday, May 22, 2016—5:00pm Crucifer– Rebekah Stracke Candle Bearer- Candle Bearer-

Harry Winslow, Benita Garcia, Irene Peters, Maria Murphy, Irwin Schilhab, Edward Guz-man, Guadalupe Gonzales, Crystal Tompkins, Simona Garza, Carolyn Huerta, Juan Jimenez, Faye Ortiz, Reid Welles, Maria Hurtado, Damien Flores, Irene Vera, Manuel Bermu-dez, Kathryn Franco, William Murray, Donna

Stewart, Richard Ball, Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John Ragsdale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez Uriegas, Emilio Roman, Carol Stapleton, Lila Neuman, Gary Fourney, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne Guidry, Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall, Mike Hozman, Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon Lemos, Ricardo Villagomez, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis Sanchez, Valerie Manns, Raymond Nunez, Joan Perez, Marisa Benavides, Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan Grant, Dolores Garza, Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal, Maria de Jesus Garcia, Herminia Villanueva, Annie Stone, David Klose, Maria Garza, Antonio Pruneda, Carol Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita Segura, Stephen Pflum, Bernice Gross, William Etchison, Fay Stafford, Maria Splaine, Mary Ann Sanchez, Aldemira Rendon, Eloida Garcia, Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas, Hector Garza, Minnie Waddell, Carol Ann Rubright, Linda Nunez, Olan Mahlmann, Anna Borkowski, Rudy Garcia, Janet Jillson, Rosie Garcia, Mary Yago, Anthony Garcia, Ofelia Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert Gauna Sr., Larry Fagarason, Larry Shaw, Clint Boulette, D.J. Sho-lund., Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Maria Real, Michael J. LaFleur, Carmela Chefalo, Ciro Ayala, Maria Galvan, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai, Sylvia Leyva, Charlie & Judi Kunz, Michael Boudreaux, Mildred Gallagher, Linda Vollmar, Virgil Woods, Bill Williams, Tony Perez, Edwina Walker & Bill Cafferty.

JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY – December 8, 2015- November 20, 2016

~~~The Face of Mercy Misericordiae Vultus)~~~

from Francis, Bishop of Rome

(Article 13) “During the Jubilee we want the words of Luke (6:35) to echo in our own hearts, ‘Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.’ In order to do this, we must reclaim the Word of God, quiet prayer in which God speaks to us, and silence. Let us adopt mercy as our lifestyle.” Misericordes sicut Pater! (Be merciful, just as

your Father is merciful – Luke 6:36)


Adult: What gi�s of service have you

received from the Holy Spirit and how well

are you using them right now?

Youth: Ponder the seven gi�s of the Holy

Spirit, wisdom, understanding, right

judgment, courage, knowledge, reverence,

wonder and awe. Which of these do you

already prac!ce or do you need to start



Pregunta de la Semana...

Adulto: ¿Qué dones ha recibido del Espíritu

Santo y cómo lo está usando en este


Jóvenes: Medita en los siete dones del

Espíritu Santo, sabiduría, inteligencia,

consejo, fortaleza, ciencia, piedad, y temor

de Dios. ¿Cuál de estos dones ya prac!cas o

necesitas empezar a prac!car?


Del 8 de diciembre 2015- al 20 de noviembre 2016

~~~ El Rostro de la Misericordia (Misericordiae Vultus) ~~~ Francisco, Obispo de Roma

(Artículo 13) "Durante el Jubileo queremos que las palabras de San Lucas (6:35) resuenen en nuestros propios corazones, 'Sed misericordiosos como vuestro Padre es compasivo." Con el fin de hacer esto, hay que recuperar la palabra de Dios, la oración en silencio en la que Dios nos habla, y el silencio. Adoptemos la misericordia como nuestro estilo de vida".

Misericordes sicut Pater! (Sed, pues, misericordiosos, como también vuestro Padre es

misericordioso – San Lucas 6:36)

St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries although she never left her convent. She died at the early age of 24, yet accomplished great things through the power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacra-ment. The church made her the patroness of mission-aries to emphasize this most important truth: One soul coming before the Blessed Sacrament can change the world! St. Therese said, “My mission is to make God loved.” May she intercede for us in spreading Eucharis-tic Adoration throughout the world!

An adorer is needed for:

Tuesday 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.

If you are able to help with this time, please call Estela Solis at (830)896-4217 or Veronica Fabro at (830)377-9117.

Santa Teresita de Lisieux es la Patrona de los Misioneros, aunque nunca abandonó su convento. Ella murió a la temprana edad de 24 años, sin embar-go, logró grandes cosas a través del poder de la oración ante Jesús Sacramentado. La Iglesia la nombró Patrona de los Misioneros, para enfatizar esta importantisima verdad: ¡Un alma que viene ante el Santisimo Sacramento puede cambiar el mundo! San-ta Teresita dijo, “Mi misión es que Dios sea amado”. ¡Que ella interceda por nosotros en la difusión de la Adoración Eucaristica en todo el mundo!

Tambíen es necesario un adorador los:

martes 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.

Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento, por favor llame a Estela Solis al (830)896-4217 o Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.

Please join Fr. Mike in his Bible Study:

May 19, 2016.

IN THE CHURCH—7:00 p.m.


Please pray for those who have died, and have gone to their eternal rest with the Lord, especially for Kenneth Overley & John Podhaisky. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.


Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Eucharistic Procession led by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller

May 29th Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Archdiocesan-wide Eucharistic Procession following the Noon Mass at

San Fernando Cathedral

Bring flower petals to decorate the path for Jesus along the procession route as we sing songs of praise to Our King!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus requests your presence!

The Women of Notre Dame are currently accepting Father’s Day Memorials. A special Memorial Mass will be said on Sunday, June 26, 2016 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass; names will be published in the weekly bulletin. Envelopes for donations are located in the back of the church in the narthex. Donations may be placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the Pastoral Center. Deadline for intentions is Sunday, June 19, 2016.


By Paul Turner What is it about kissing at Mass? The priest kisses the altar. Twice. The deacon or priest kisses the Gospel book. We kiss each other at the Sign of Peace. The newly married may show their love ‘in an appropriate way.” What’s going on? The custom of Christians kissing goes clear back to the New Testament. Paul, by no stretch a romantic, urged Christians to greet one another with a holy kiss (Rom 16:16), and Peter suggested a kiss of love (1 Pet 5:14). Kissing the altar first appeared in the fourth century. People used to kiss the threshold of the building they entered in respect. At Mass the kiss switched to the altar, which symbolized Christ, the cornerstone of the church. By the middle ages most altars contained relics of martyrs so the kiss honored them as well. Today the priest greets the people with “The Lord be with you,” but he also greets the altar—the presence of Christ, and the holy place where Mass will follow. Kissing the Gospel book carries a similar meaning. We recognize the presence of Christ in the book which speaks good news. The kiss of the altar at the end of the Mass is the farewell counterpart of the entrance kiss. From the third century, a kiss of peace was given to new Christians after baptism. Today, when the bishop offers peace to the newly confirmed, he imitates that baptismal ritual. A priest who confirms the newly baptized at Easter offers the same greeting. Strangely, the rite of marriage doesn’t always invite the couple to kiss. If the wedding takes place at Mass, they’ll get a chance at the Sign of Peace along with the rest of the assembly. If there is no Mass, the rite never alludes to the kiss. But since the introduction encourages local adaptations, a little improvisation might help. The kiss we know best is the Sign of Peace. When the Roman rite was first formulated, it called for a real smack. Society must have been a lot smoochier than it is today. Still, some moderns restrain too much. When a married couple chooses a handshake instead of a kiss, it makes one wonder what sign they’re really giving. When at Mass, prepare to pucker. Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408)286-8505. Paul Turner, pastor of St. John Regis Parish in Kansas City, Mo., holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo University in Rome. His email is [email protected].


Por Paul Turner ¿Qué hay en besar en la Santa Misa? El Sacerdote besa el altar. Dos veces. El diácono o el Sacerdote besan el libro del Evangelio. Nos damos un beso en la señal de la paz. Los recién casados pueden mostrar su amor “de una forma apropiada." ¿Qué está pasando? La costumbre Cristiana de besar vuelve claramente al Nuevo Testamento. San Pablo, de ninguna manera romántico, instó a los Cristianos a saludarse unos a otros con un beso santo (Romanos 16:16), y San Pedro sugirió un beso de amor (1 Pedro 5:14). Besar el altar apareció por primera vez en el siglo IV. La gente solía besar el umbral del edificio al que entraban con respeto. En la Santa Misa el beso se cambió al altar, que simboliza a Cristo, la piedra angular de la Iglesia. En la Edad Media la mayoría de los altares contenían las reliquias de los mártires, así que el beso los honraba a ellos también. Hoy en día el Sacerdote saluda a las personas con "El Señor esté con ustedes", pero él también saluda el altar – la presencia de Cristo, y el lugar sagrado en el que va a celebrarse la Santa Misa. Besar el libro del Evangelio tiene un significado similar. Somos conscientes de la presencia de Cristo en el libro que habla de la buena nueva. El beso del altar al final de la Santa Misa es la contraparte de despedida del beso de la entrada. Desde el siglo III, un beso de paz se daba a los nuevos Cristianos después de su bautismo. Hoy en día, cuando el Obispo ofrece la paz a los recién confirmados, imita el ritual del bautismo. Un Sacerdote que confirma a los nuevos bautizados en Pascua ofrece el mismo saludo. Extrañamente, el rito del matrimonio no siempre invita a la pareja a darse un beso. Si la boda se lleva a cabo en la Santa Misa, tendrán la oportunidad durante en Saludo de la Paz junto con el resto de la asamblea. Si no hay Santa Misa, el rito nunca alude al beso. Sin embargo, desde la introducción anima a adaptaciones locales, un poco de improvisación puede ayudar. El beso que mejor conocemos es la Señal de la Paz. Cuando el Rito Romano se formuló por primera vez, se le llamó un golpe real. La sociedad debe haber sido muy smoochierthan de lo que es hoy. Aún así, algunos modernos restringen demasiado. Cuando una pareja casada elige un apretón de manos en lugar de un beso, nos hacen preguntarnos qué signo se están dando realmente. Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408)286-8505. Paul Turner, pastor of St. John Regis Parish in Kansas City, Mo., holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo University in Rome. His email is [email protected]. [email protected]


We are so grateful that you answered God’s call to the priesthood; we thank you for your service to us and to all God’s people. We rejoice with you on your anniversary this Tuesday, May 17th. May you be blessed with perseverance, health, and enthusiasm in your calling. And, wherever you are called to serve, know that you are in our hearts and prayers.

FAREWELL RECEPTIONS FOR FATHER SCOTTKPlease join us in saying goodbye to Fr. Scott. There will be a simple reception after each of the Masses next weekend, May 21st and 22nd.


Estamos muy agradecidos por su respuesta al llamado de Dios al Sacerdocio; le damos las gracias por su servicio a nosotros y a todo el pueblo de Dios. Nos regocijamos con usted en su aniversario este martes 17 de Mayo. Que sea bendecido con perseverancia, salud, y entusiasmo en su vocación. Y que a donde quiera que sea llamado a servir, sepa que usted está en nuestros corazones y oraciones.

RECEPCIONES DE DESPEDIDA PARA EL PADRE SCOTT... Por favor, únanse a nosotros para decirle adiós al Padre Scott. Habrá una recepción sencilla después de cada una de las misas el próximo fin de semana, 21 y 22 de mayo.

BooksToBorrow from the Notre Dame Parish Library are available in the narthex of the church, near the bell tower door. There is something for everybody on the BooksToBorrow shelves for your Easter season reading. Introduction to the Devout Life, by St.

Francis de Sales, Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by John K. Ryan. In his preface to his 17th century book, St. Francis, the pioneer of spiritual direction for laypersons, says, “Almost all those who have hitherto written about devotion have been concerned with instructing persons wholly withdrawn from the world ... My purpose is to instruct those who live in town, within families, or at court, and by their state of life are obliged to live an ordinary life as to outward appearances.” This is a perfect example of why our library does not have a two-week check-out period, with hurdles for those who would like to give a book some serious attention. Most of the 100-plus chapters are only a couple of pages long, and some readers might enjoy using the detailed table of contents to pursue a particular interest. But the book is also available to those who want to go through the complete course, reading a few chapters each week, and for them, and for this kind of book, we are happy that our regular policy is that you may keep the book as long as you are using it. Sign your name and phone number on the circulation card in the back of the book, leave the card in the circulation box in the narthex, and read to your heart’s content. If somebody else is in dire need of the book, we will phone you and let you know about it.

VINNIE ON BROADWAY NOTE’S FROM THE HEART The volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul on Broadway would like to share with you our work that your donations and thrift shop support make possible while keeping confidential the identities of our brothers and sisters in need.

We have a new roof! The swimming pool that caught the worst of the leaks was going to be sold, but it sprung a leak and was pitched. We had numerous customers saying they were experiencing withdrawal symptoms the week we were closed. The other repairs should not require full store shut down. We want a safe environment for those we serve and our volunteers.

The Case of Someone Passing Through

A resident of the Salvation Army came into the store looking for a clothing voucher. Clean hands, freshly shaved head, newish work boots and plaid shirt and Dockers. The homeless person was trying to get to Kansas to reconcile with son and see grandbabies for the first time. Turns out SHE wanted female clothing for the big event. She successfully disguised herself as a male for safety's sake. The next day, she came back. We were not opened, but she noticed the unlocked door that the stocking crew was using. She now wanted a bus ticket to the Lubbock area. She knew a family that would give her work. But the only bus arrived at midnight. She didn't want to disturb the couple. So we tried looking online for a phone number to give them warning, with no success. We called the church he use to pastor. The secretary never heard of him. But it was years ago that he was there. She left for her third and last night at the shelter. We offered to see her the next day, even though we were not open. We called a locksmith to replace an iffy doorknob on the door of entrance. Next day she came with a clearer mind set. Go north, wait at bus station until daylight, and contact several people she knew. She decided that 8 months sober wasn't long enough to attempt to see her son. The aid we gave her was snacks, a bus ticket, 5 hours of volunteer time mainly surfing the web, long distance calls, and 2 trips to the bus station. We also suggested that, since she was turning 62 in August, that she start applying for social security. She planned to spend the summer gardening and picking cotton, probably for room and board.

Wish List: Our snowbirds have left. We need seasonal volunteers to replace them and to handle increased donations during garage sale season. And as always we need muscle to pick up donations.


May 7-8, 2016

CHURCH Envelopes/Checks $ 18,902.50 Currency/Coin 2,238.94 Capital Improvement 303.00 Adoration Chapel (Donation) 378.00

TOTAL $ 21,822.44 Notre Dame School (Second Collection) $ 2,764.59 Rice Bowl 39.00 TOTAL $ 2,803.59 SCHOOL School Support Envelopes $ 82.00 TOTAL $ 82.00



Please plan to join us for our 2nd annual Shrimp fest on June 25, 2016 at

Monsignor Walsh Hall 115 Doris Drive

5:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.

Fried Shrimp, Coleslaw, French Fries & Dessert Dine In or Carry Out

$10.00 per plate for adults $6.00 for children 12 & under.

All proceeds will help benefit local charities & our scholarships for area students. For tickets or more information contact Steve Erickson at (830)329-5587 or Fernando Gutierrez at (830)285-9200.

Covenant of Love Marriage Ministry Bring your family to the

June 4, 2016 FAMILY PICNIC 11 am to 4 pm

Notre Dame Playground Registration cards and brochures

are in the narthex or sign up at the notredamechurch.cc web site. Questions? Contact Red and Mark

Anderson @ 830-895-3295 Deadline for reservations is

May 30, 2016

GARDEN OF MEMORY CEMETERY PLOTS; two adjoining spaces in the old Catholic section are available for sale by Mr. Ed Beasley. Anyone interested may contact Mr. Beasley at (830)285-2295.

Pastoral Note

Notre Dame Catholic School Council

Mr. Marlin Marcum and I would like to thank Mrs. Donna Blackburn and Mr. Sam White who have served on Notre Dame Catholic School Council for a number of years and who will be leaving the council at the end of this academic year. The progress that our Catholic School continues to make is a true blessing for our parish and the Kerrville community. Additionally we would like to welcome to the Notre Dame Catholic School Council Mrs. Deborah Bloom and Mr. Paul Gonzales. They have accepted my request that they be appointed to the Council beginning with the end of this academic year. Both Mrs. Bloom and Mr. Gonzales are active parishioners of Notre Dame Catholic Church and parents of children in Notre Dame Catholic School. We will be praying for all concerned who will be assisting Mr. Marcum, our principal; Mr. Mark Hoffman, our School president; and all of their staff and teachers and parents as we continue to create a prayerful, safe and solid academic environment for education and spiritual formation. In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus, Fr. MikeFr. MikeFr. MikeFr. Mike

Notas Pastorales

Consejo Escolar de la Escuela

Católica Notre Dame El Sr. Marlin Marcum y yo queremos agradecer a la Sra. Donna Blackburn y el Sr. Sam White que han servido en el consejo Escolar de la Escuela Católica Notre Dame durante algunas años, y que dejarán el Consejo al final de este año académico. El progreso que nuestra Escuela Católica continua haciendo ha sido una verdadera bendición para nuestra parroquia y la comunidad de Kerrville. También nos gustaría dar la beinvenida al consejo escolar de la Escuela de Notre Dame a la Sra. Deborah Bloom y al Sr. Paul González. Han accedido a mi petición de ser nombrados al consejo empezando al final de este año escolar. Tanto la Sra. Bloom como el Sr. González son parroquianos activos en la Iglesia Católica de Notre Dame, y padres de niños que son alumnos de la Escuela Católica de Notre Dame. Estaremos en oración por todos quienes ayudarán al Sr. Marcum, nuestro director; el Sr. Mark Hoffman, presidente de la Escuela, el personal, maestros y padres al ocasionar el crecimiento de un ambiente académico recogido, sano y solido para la educación y formación spiritual. En Jesús,En Jesús,En Jesús,En Jesús, Padre MikePadre MikePadre MikePadre Mike

The Women of Notre Dame gratefully acknowledge the Mother’s Day Memorial’s and Honorariums. A Special Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated Sunday, May 15, 2016 at the 9:15 a.m. Mass.

IN MEMORY OF: Betty Blackwell By Daughter, Minnie (Blackwell) Waddell Emanuello Miciotto and Connie Gillio By Andrew & Barbara Miciotto Eleanor Murray By Barney Murray Mary T. McCabe, my mother By Anne Skeels Lilia Perez Rodriguez By Sylvia Perez Paula Mendietta & Francisca Moreno By Mr. & Mrs. Elias Moreno, Sr. Elsie Saip (Mother) By George Saip Mary Netek By Dorothy Cass Lois Bailey By The Lozano Family & Dennis Bailey Alice Leibold By Marlene Grothues

IN MEMORY OF: Nell Klepac By Jackie & Eric Ashley Ann Novak By Marge Johnson Rose Sheppard & Wanda Misch By Marion Sheppard Isabel Bermudes Rios By Clifton & Linda Leda & Family Flora, Theresa, Carmen & Petra By Helen & Kristel Mireles Janie Galvan Hasso & Guadalupe Esquivel By The Galvan Family Concepcion Alvarado & Vicke Ramirez By Eloisa Garcia Antonia Lopez & Sista Ramos By Sista Davila Sylvia Gnuechtel By The Gnuechtel Family Ruth Rodriguez By The Gnuechtel Family

IN MEMORY OF: All Mothers, Mine & Yours By Sue Graham Imelda Solomon By Mary & Fran Solomon Georgina Lopez, Margie Obiedo & Della Obiedo By Ramon Lopez Isabel B. Rios By Daughter, Rose R. Fuselier My Mother, Antonia Ramos Lopez My Wife, Antonia Reyna Lopez My Aunt, Victoria Lopez My Aunt, Santos Ramos By Ignacio Lopez Emily Vece By John Vece Lidwina Rau & Letha Christenson By Mervin Nelson & Ray Shrader Maria Borges, Maria Leonor Borges, Lois Brummer & Kati Brummer By Walt & Joan Borges Grandmother, Antonia Ramos Lopez By Lisa, Tina & Toni

IN MEMORY OF: Adela Mueller By Gerald Wolff Rose Wolff By Gerald Wolff Mary Vargas By Family Celeste Farr, Marge Kunkel, Iris Hogan & Lorraine Tugas By Lisa Grandmother, Petra Davila Aunt, Sesaria Flores By Granddaughter & niece Janet Barber & Helen Paiz By Pat Boulette Irene Whelan & Cora Petsch By Alton & Patricia Petsch Celia Canales, Esperanza Barron—We Love You By MaryLue Canales Garcia & Esiquio R. Garcia Consuelo Rodriguez By Soledad Brondo Francisca Pruneda Bill By Eva Bill Francisca Pruneda Bill & Margaret Real Gonzales By Deacon Jimmy & Dora Bill

IN HONOR OF: Virginia Saip (Wife) By George Saip Barbara Lakin & Vicki Duncan By Walt & Joan Borges Mom—Sista Davila By Lisa, Tina & Toni Stephanie Popeck By Alton & Patricia Petsch


NOTRE DAME A.C.T.S. GOLF TOURNAMENT Dear Notre Dame Catholic Church ACTS Supporter:

Mark Saturday, June 11, 2016 on your calendar! We will host our 11th Annual Phil Grothues Memorial Golf Tournament at Scott Schreiner Golf Club in Kerrville, Texas. The proceeds of this tournament provide scholarships to men and women who are in financial need to attend our ACTS Retreats. Over the past few years we have sponsored many ACTS retreats and granted over $20,000.00 in scholarships.

We will have Live Auction as well as fabulous door prizes! We invite you to participate in this fun charitable event as a player, sponsor, donor, or all!


_____ Gold Sponsor $1000. 2 teams (8 players) hole sponsorship, name displayed at pro shop, large

banner with name and logo

_____ Silver Sponsor $600 1 team (4 players) hole sponsorship and name displayed at pro shop

______ Hole Sponsor $100 entitles sponsor to one hole-sign

______ I would like to make a donation



RON SMITH 281-455-4377

REGISTRATION FORM Saturday, June 11, 2016


Field Limited to first 96 golfers, players are accepted first come, first serve.


Longest Drive – Men & Women

Closest to Pin – Men & Women

1st Place Team Low Gross - $500.00**

1st Place Team Low Net - $500.00**

2nd Place Team Low Net - $400.00**

3rd Place Team Low Net - $300.00**

$110.00 Individual Entry Fee Includes: Green Fees, Cart, On-course drinks & snacks and Lunch. 4 Person Scramble Individual $10.00 discount only if registration submitted before June 1, 2016


Corporate Sponsor__________________________________________________________________


Cell Phone:____________________________________E-mail:______________________________

Golfer’s Name & Address Cell Phone Handicap

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ $5.00 Mulligans / 2 per side (limit 4) per person

**Prizes include Golf Certificates at the Pro Shop



Congratulations to the following students who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Eucharist and to those who received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to

follow Jesus. ~~~~~~~~

Felicidades a los siguientes niños y jóvenes que recibieron a Jesús por primera vez en la Sagrada Eucaristía y a los que recibieron El Espirito Santo en el Sacramento de Confirmación. Por favor, mantenga a estos niños, jóvenes y adultos en sus oraciones para que continúen su camino con Jesús.

Gabriel Ray Aguirre Nicolas Luis Agulto Alexis Jazlyn Alba Xochtil Alcaraz Josephine Arredondo Isael Arreola Melisa Balderas Jonathon Barkley Eric Bocanegra Kylie Bocanegra Andres Boites Juan Carlos Caballero Briana Camacho Cody Resendiz Camacho Anna Catherine Canty Adrian Carranza Jose Manuel Carranza Jocelin Casillas Maria Guadalupe Casillas Refugio Castaneda Jr Jacqueline Castillo Isaac Cervantes Christian Compean Emylee Contreras Juliana Contreras Diego Dominic Dry Tania Isabel Duran Escandra de Jesus Esparza Anthony Miguel Falcon Christoval Heliodoro Falcon Marisol Falcon Ella Marie Farrow Alejandro Isaac Flores Isabella Ann Flores Ramses Clemente Flores Angela Soledad Gallardo Mario Ernesto Gamez Audicelle Jayleen Garcia Cecilia Garcia Jayden Garcia Melany Daniela Garcia Rowen Dannyella Garcia Karina Garza Daniela Yvette Gonzalez Sebastian Gonzalez Ada Mari Gutierrez David Armando Gutierrez Ruben Guzman Jr

Christian Donovan Hauser Michael Heinen Yazmin Esmeralda Hernandez Hailey Anne Hoffman Ethan Tanner Holmes Ariana Ibarra Carlos Ibarra Lucy Kathryn Ince Frances Lockwood Alaena Sara Lopez Garcia Elizabeth Marie Lopez Karley Lutz Maya Mein Aaron Anthony Melendez Hugo Melendez Mario Rafael Mendez Enrique Vicente Navarro Altair Lopez Oliveros Khaleb Anthony Ortiz Danica Padilla Adriana Allyce Perez Maricza Perez Leslie Renteria Giuly Rios Hilarie Rios Julian Joel Rios Christopher Roberto Robles Francisco Bernabe Robles Jesse Rodriguez Angelita Isabel Romero Christopher Romero Victor Rosales Jared David Ruiz Marisol Ruiz Samuel Rodrigo Salazar Jaydin Matthew Segura Jesse Miguel Segura Jr Cody T Vlasek Zair Zapata

YOUTH/JOVENES Sebastian Arzola Rubi Luis Alejandro Barrientos Martinez Roberto Carlos Barrientos Christopher Nicholas Bowser Courtney Amber Broyles Quinten Thomas Broyles Yolanda Marie Calderon Edgar Camacho Perez Ramanda Jayelynn Villarreal Cano Claire Marie Canty Jose Francisco Chaires Mendez Jessica Ivette Cruces Adriadna Michelle Cruz Bailey Marie Dulas Noah Ryan Garcia Nick Hagigholam Raul Hernandez Rylan Cade Johnson Esther Roseanne Ledder Flor Lizbeth Lopez Nicole Katrine Lorange Jeremy Marcos Martinez Raul Martinez Joseph Jesus Alberto Mata Jose Antonio Mendez Jr Aleksandra Maria Michniewicz Tyler Wayne Montemayor Samuel Louis Pankratz Diana Guadalupe Quinones Alvarado Brittany Angelita Nicole Ramos Selest Irene Rodriguez Andrew Ryan Stracke Curtis Joseph Tally-Foos Lisa Michelle Tinley Juana Silvia Vazquez Catherine Leone Wolberg Aurora Guadalupe Zapata Cynthia Maria Zuniga

ADULTS/ADULTOS James Carl Koch Bradley Manning Jose Nieto Tawanah Nieto Karen Michelle Yanez Laura Yvette Sandoval Taylor Ann Talamantez



Senior Recognition Mass

Our Senior Recognition Mass will be on

May 15, 2016 at the 11:00 a.m. mass. We invite all Seniors to make plans to attend.

Call Wyatt or Nelda at 896-4233 or come

by the YFM office to fill out the application

form so that we have a list of who will be


Jóvenes de la clase de Graduación 2016

La Misa de Reconocimiento para jóvenes que se van a graduar será el 15 de mayo en la misa de 11:00 am. Pedimos que le llamen a Wyatt o a Nelda al numero 896-4233 para saber cuantos jóvenes van asistir.

This summer, join thousands of young Catholics at the first-ever Steuben-

ville Youth Conference in Texas! Have your faith awakened and your heart

set on fire by an encounter with Christ! This weekend conference includes

inspirational talks by some of the top Catholic speakers, powerful music,

lots of fun and laughs, and of course Jesus Christ in the sacraments!


Approximate cost is $300. Space is still available! For more information: www.lifeteen.com/events/steubenville-lone-star

Calling all Parishioner’s

This year’s VBS theme is Parade Around the Our Father

It’s time to start planning for Catholic Kidzs Camp and we need your Help!!! Camp will be held on

June 6-10. We are in need of many Adult volunteers, please, if you feel you are being called in any way and have the time to share with a group of young kids help us to make this years camp even

better than last years.

Please consider being a part of this fun and exciting ministry.

Call Denise at 896-4233 x 294 to volunteer . We thank you in advance for answering this call.

The YFM Camp team