Notice inviting applications for prequalification of suppliers for Medicines, Surgical Supplies and Diagnostics for the Heartfile Health Financing program 2015

Noticeinviting!applications!for!pre1qualificationof!suppliers!for ...!Karachi!and!Hyderabad)!comprising!nine!registeredhospitals.Currently!support!is!providedin the! following!specialties:

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Notice  inviting  applications  for  pre-­‐qualification  of  suppliers  for  Medicines,  Surgical  Supplies  and  Diagnostics  for  the  

Heartfile  Health  Financing  program    





 Table  of  Contents      Pre-­‐Qualification  of  suppliers  for  provision  of  ..................................................................................................  3  

Heartfile  Overview  ............................................................................................................................................  3  

Heartfile  Contact  Information  ..........................................................................................................................  3  

Who  can  apply?  ................................................................................................................................................  4  

Terms  and  Conditions  .......................................................................................................................................  4  

Process  Timeline  ...............................................................................................................................................  4  

Instructions  to  Applicants  seeking  Pre-­‐qualification  ........................................................................................  5  

Required  Documents  ........................................................................................................................................  5  

Opening  and  Evaluation  ....................................................................................................................................  5  

Attachment-­‐I:        Specialty  w.r.t  Cities  and  Hospitals  .........................................................................................  6  

Attachment-­‐II:    Pre-­‐qualification  Application  Form  ..........................................................................................  7  

Supplier  Pre-­‐qualification  Questionnaire  .........................................................................................................  8  



Pre-­‐Qualification  of  suppliers  for  provision  of  Medicines,  Surgical  Supplies  and  Diagnostic    


Heartfile  Overview  Heartfile   is   a   non-­‐profit   NGO   think   tank   with   a   focus   on   policy   analysis   and   innovative   solutions   for  improving  health   systems   in   Pakistan.  Heartfile  Health   Financing   (HHF)   is   one  of   its   project   to   extend  financial  assistance   to   the  poor   for  health  protection.  The  HHF   is  a  mHealth-­‐enabled  social  protection  system  which  promotes   access   to  healthcare   for   the  poorest   of   the  poor   through   financial   access.  As  such  it  is  a  charity  and  protects  poor  people  from  medical  impoverishment,  indebtedness,  and  forgoing  health   care   altogether.   For   more   information   about   Heartfile,   please   visit   our   website:  http://www.heartfile.org.  

HHF  is  currently  providing  services  for  the  benefit  of  poor  patients  in  five  cities  (Islamabad,  Rawalpindi,  Peshawar,  Karachi  and  Hyderabad)  comprising  nine  registered  hospitals.  Currently  support  is  provided  in  the   following   specialties:   Orthopedics,   Cardiology,   Cardiac   Surgery,   Neurosurgery,   Gynecology,  Diagnostics  (BMT),  Pediatric  Surgery,  Pediatric  Oncology,  Cardiothoracic,  Gastroenterology  and  General  Surgery.  Details  of  hospital  units  enrolled  in  the  program  are  outlined  in  Attachment-­‐I.      Since  Heartfile   acts   as   a  major  purchaser  of   services   and  medical   items   from  wholesalers/retailers  on  behalf   of   patients,   procurement   is   a   salient   part   of   this   process.   Heartfile,   therefore   invites   sealed  applications  from  eligible  candidates  for  purposes  of  pre-­‐qualifying  suppliers  for  provision  of  medicines  and  other  medical  supplies.  These  applications  are  invited  for  specific  wards/units  in  which  Heartfile  is  currently  engaged  (details  of  wards  in  Attachment-­‐I).  The  complete  information  of  all  packages  appears  as  Annexure-­‐A.    Eligible   parties/entities/firms   are   invited   to   submit   a   pre-­‐qualification   application   as   per   the   terms  stated   herein.   Tender   documents/specification   or   any   other   information   can   be   obtained   from   the  following   address   or   downloaded   from   the   Heartfile   website:  www.heartfile.org/Tender.htm.   Please  follow  the  following  instructions  in  completing  the  bid.  


Heartfile  Contact  Information    

Dr.  Saba  Amjad   92-­‐51-­‐2616521-­‐2  |  92-­‐51-­‐8358968  

Senior  Manager  HR   Fax:  92-­‐51-­‐2616455  

Head  of  Procurement   HHF  Helpline  92-­‐51-­‐2614472    

[email protected]   Website:  :  http://www.heartfile.org  &  www.heartfilefinancing.org  

Address:   One  Park  Road,  Chak  Shahzad,  Islamabad.  



Who  can  apply?      

Mandatory  criteria:    • Status  of  certification:    o Manufacturers/Retailers,    Wholesalers,  Distributors,  Medical  Service  Providers  and  

Laboratories  with  evidence  of  at  least  one  of  the  following:      § Status  of  registration  with  Drug  Regulatory  Authority    § Central  Board  of  Revenue  certification  of  registration  as  wholesaler  or  distributor  §  Wholesaler  or  distributor  license  by  provincial  Directorate  of  Health  Services  § Clearance  certificate  from  provincial  Excise  and  Taxation  § Registration  with  Sales  Tax  Department,  along  with  a  Sales  Tax  Registration  Certificate  and  

or    Sales  Tax  documentation  labeling  entity  as  Wholesaler    • Tax  paying  status:    o Only  those  having  National  Tax    paying  status,  and/or  relevant  Tax  Clearance  for  the  year  2012,  

2013  can  apply      

Terms  and  Conditions   • Applicants  must  have  to  provide  financial  reports  duly  audited  for  financial  year  2012/2013    • Applicants  shall  furnish  information  as  described  in  the  Pre-­‐qualification  Application  Form  

Attachment-­‐II  • It  is  Heartfile's  policy  to    observe  the  highest  standard  of  ethics  so  applicant  should  not  be  black  

listed  for  fraudulent  practices  • Heartfile  reserves  the  right  at  its  sole  and  absolute  discretion  to  accept  or  reject  the  tender  

without  assigning  any  reason  or  cause    thereof  • Participants  are  free  to  submit  tender  for  any  one/more  specialty  or  for  any  one/more  cities  or  

for  all  items  • Offers  will  be  effective  for  at  least  60-­‐days  from  the  date  of  opening  of  tenders  • All  responses  should  be  submitted  in  hard-­‐copy,    (later  a  soft  copy  will  be  required)  • For  further  details  please  visit  Heartfile  website:  www.heartfile.org    

Or  contact:  Mr.  Zeeshan  Zahoor,  Deputy  Manager,  92-­‐51-­‐2614472  |  0345-­‐5934311.    

 Process  Timeline  Pre-­‐Qualification  Notice  published   21st        December,  2014  Submission  Date     Up  till  31st  January  ,  2015  Tender  Opening  Date   2nd  February,  2015    





Instructions  to  Applicants  seeking  Pre-­‐qualification    • Duly  filled  and  completed    Supplier  Pre-­‐qualification  Application/Questionnaire  (Attachment-­‐II)  • The  Pre-­‐qualification  documents  should  be  signed  by  authorized  official  of  the  applicant  and  

must  be  submitted  in  a  sealed  envelope    • Attach  a  copy  of  pre-­‐qualification  /  registration  documents,  with  any  public  or  private  sector  

entity    • Biding  shall  be  done  on  “item  rate”  system,  bidders  should    fill  the  rate  /amount  in  the  blank  

columns:    “Price  &  total”    against  each  item  • The  items  lists  (Excel  sheets)  are  compatible  to  Microsoft  Office  2003  and  above      • It  is  appreciable  to  mention  price  for  each  and  every  item  in  a  package    • Kindly  use  highlighted  columns  of  Excel  sheets,  in  case  the  specified  brands  are  not  available  

then  it  is  appreciable  to  mention  other  equivalent  brands  in  the  said  columns.  However,  consideration  of  other  than  specified  brands  will  depend  upon  the  HHF  policy  

• Supplier  Application  Form  is  meant  for  Heartfile  Office  use  only  • Suppliers  already  registered  with  Heartfile  may  please  resubmit  Tender  document  • Please  attach  the  documents  in  following  order;  


Required  Documents    • N

O  Documents   Attached  

Yes/No  Remarks/Reason  

1   Copy  of  CNIC      2   Copy  of  NTN  certificate      3   Latest  Tax  status  report      4   A  copy  of  Drug  Regulatory  Registration  Certificate  **      5   Any  previous  prequalification  from  any  department  with  


6   Clients  list,  and  evidence  of  supply  to  clients      7   Latest  audit  report      8   Pre-­‐qualification  questionnaire      9   List  of  packages      **          Please  attach  whichever  is  applicable:    Wholesale  license/CBR  Certificate/  Excise  &  Taxation  Department  Clearance  Certificate/  Chamber  of  commerce  letter/  Letter  from  Foreign  Principals  


       Opening  and  Evaluation  •  A  five  members    committee  of  officials  shall  open  the  Pre-­‐qualification  documents  after  the  

closing  date  and  will  keep  the  record  of  tender  opening  proceedings  • Only  successful  applicants  shall  be  informed  




                                                   Attachment-­‐I:        Specialty  w.r.t  Cities  and  Hospitals    










Specialty   City   Hospital  Cardiology   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.  Cardiac  Surgery   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.     Hyderabad   Liaquat  University  Hospital,  Hyderabad.  Cardiothoracic   Peshawar   Lady  Reading  Hospital,  Peshawar.  Diagnostics  (BMT)   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.  Gastroenterology   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.     Peshawar   Lady  Reading  Hospital,  Peshawar.    General  Surgery   Peshawar   Khyber  Teaching  Hospital  Peshawar.       Peshawar   Hayatabad  Medical  Complex,  Peshawar.  Gynecology   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.     Peshawar   Lady  Reading  Hospital,  Peshawar.     Hyderabad   Liaquat  University  Hospital,  Hyderabad.  Neurosurgery   Hyderabad   Liaquat  University  Hospital,  Hyderabad.  Orthopedic  Surgery   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.     Rawalpindi   Rawalpindi  General  Hospital,  Rawalpindi.     Peshawar   Khyber  Teaching  Hospital,  Peshawar.     Karachi   Jinnah  Post  Medical  College,    Karachi  Oncology   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.  Pediatric  Surgery   Islamabad   Pakistan  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (PIMS),  

Islamabad.     Karachi   National  Institute  of  Child  Health,  Karachi.  


Attachment-­‐II:    Pre-­‐qualification  Application  Form    


Senior  Manager,    

Organization  Management  and  Head  Procurement  Department  Heartfile,  

One  Park  Road,  Chak  Shahzad,  

Islamabad,  Pakistan.  

HHF  Helpline:  92-­‐51-­‐2614472,  Fax:  92-­‐51-­‐2616455  


Dear  Madam/Sir,  

Subject:     Notice  dated  [21-­‐12-­‐2014],  inviting  sealed  applications  from  eligible  applicants  for  purposes  of  pre-­‐qualifying  suppliers  for  provision  of  medicines,  surgical  supplies  and  diagnostic.      

In  response  to  your  subject  Notice,  we,  the  undersigned,  submit  our  application  for  Pre-­‐qualification  as  per  the  terms  and  conditions  and  instructions  stipulated  by  Heartfile.  

Our  application  and  its  contents  shall  remain  valid  and  binding  on  us  for  60  days  from  the  date  hereof.  We  shall  be  pleased  to  be  included  in  the  list  of  pre-­‐qualified  firms.  


Yours  sincerely,  


Authorized  Signature:  (Rubber  Stamp)……………………………………  

Name  and  Title  of  Signatory  ………………………………………………  

Name  of  Tenderer  ………………………………………………………….  

Address:  ……………………………………………………………………  





Supplier Pre-qualification Questionnaire

(A)     Business  Name                            ………………………………………………………….  

(B)     P.O.  BOX  (if  applicable)   ………………………………………….………………  

(C)     Physical  Address     ………………………………………………………….  

(D)     Telephone  Numbers     ………………………………………………………….  

(F)     FAX  Numbers       ………………………………………………………….  

(G)     E-­‐mail         ………………………………………………………….  

(H)                  Nature  of  business      

    Sole  Proprietor     Partnership        Limited  Company  

    Trader         Manufacturer        Agent  

   Registration  Details:    Number   ……………………………………………………………………………………………  

Date     ……………………………………………………………………………………………  

Authority   ……………………………………………………………………………………………  

Period  in  business  ……………………………………...……………………………………………….  

 Other  organizations/companies  where  you  supply  

A)     ……………………………………………………………...……………………………………….  

B)     ……………………………………………………………...……………………………………….  

C)     ……………………………………………………………...……………………………………….  


Any  other  Pre-­‐qualification  awarded…………………………………………………………..    

 Have  you  previously  been  supplying  goods  to  HEARTFILE?  

If  yes,  which  materials:  ……………………………………………………………………………….