Stages of Childbirth First: Longest, typically 12-14 hours for first child, cervix dilates Second: 1-2 hours, contractions stronger and closer together, baby’s head moves through birth canal. Stage 2 ends with baby emerging from mother’s body Third: 10-60 minutes, placenta and umbilical cord expelled from mother Cesarean Delivery-Surgically removing baby from uterus through abdomen 30% Common with: First and/or large babies ,Older moms, Mothers with previous C-sections Unmediated delivery Mother receives training in fitness, breathing and relaxation Apgar Scale- appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration Brazelton NBAS assessment-Tests responses to physical and social environment Motor organization,Reflexes, Attention and interactive capacity, CNS instability Low Birthweight > 5 ½ lbs. -Very low birth weight - less than 3 ½ lbs. – Prematurity and low birth weight are the 2nd leading cause of infant death, after birth defects

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Stages of Childbirth First: Longest, typically 12-14 hours for first child, cervix dilates Second: 1-2 hours, contractions stronger and closer together, babys head moves through birth canal. Stage 2 ends with baby emerging from mothers body Third: 10-60 minutes, placenta and umbilical cord expelled from mother Cesarean Delivery-Surgically removing baby from uterus through abdomen 30% Common with: First and/or large babies ,Older moms, Mothers with previous C-sectionsUnmediated delivery Mother receives training in fitness, breathing and relaxationApgar Scale- appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirationBrazelton NBAS assessment-Tests responses to physical and social environment Motor organization,Reflexes, Attention and interactive capacity, CNS instabilityLow Birthweight > 5 lbs. -Very low birth weight - less than 3 lbs. Prematurity and low birth weight are the 2nd leading cause of infant death, after birth defectsMaternal causes of lbw Underage or over-age,Uneducated and poor,Poor nutrition,Smoking and drinking,Stress,Infections and high blood pressureLong term outcomes of lbw Neurological and cognitive impairment, Lower academic achievement, Social, behavioral, and attention problemsSIDS- happens before age of 1.Breast feeding pros- More digestible, Reduces allergic reactions, Minimizes numerous infections, May reduce risk of SIDS, Better cognitive performanceBottle feeding-Necessary for women with infectious illnesses. Does NOT reduce emotional bonding between mother and baby. Early Human Reflexes Moro Darwinian Tonic Rooting Babkin Babinski

Touch is the first sense to develop (pain). Taste and smell being to develop in the womb. Hearing develops before birth. Sight is last sense to develop.Behaviorist Approach-Babies are born with the ability to learn Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning(moblies) (Reinforcement and punishment )Piagets Sensori-motor Development- Reflexes Gain control over reflexes Primary Circular Repeat pleasurable,chance behaviors (thumb sucking) Secondary Circular Repeat interesting actions because the result is pleasurable Coordinate Secondary Circular Purposeful & deliberate behavior. Action is done on purpose to achieve a goal. Tertiary Curiosity and experimentations events are done for novelty. trial and error, action rather than mental varied and repetitive"precise, detailed"Beginning of Thought-Deferred Imitation --enacting after the event, symbolic play.Habituation- after something is learn and becomes familiar- a child response to it is reduced.Dishabituation- increase responsiveness to new stimulus Prespeech- crying cooing babblingTemperament: biologically based ways of responding to people and situations stable thru out lifeNine temperament characteristics determined by Thomas, Chess, and Birch in the New York Longitudinal Study(1968)1. Happiness 6. Threshold Response"2. Intensity 7. Persistence"3. Adaptability 8. Focus"4. Approaching 9. Activity Level"5. RhythmicityEmotions -Subjective responses to experience Associated with Physiological changes Behavioral changes Expressions depend upon culture and personalityBasic Trust vs. Basic MistrustErikson Stage 1: Trust Providing sensitive, responsive, and consistent care results in sense of, I count on you to feed me when Im hungry!