Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

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Page 1: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change

International Fellowship of ReconciliationGerman branch

Page 2: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Project experience: Constructive Conflict managment in

Communes and Boroughs (CCC)2001 - 2005


Trainings CounsellingProject


supported by the Ministry of Integration and Family

Page 3: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Nonviolent Communiation

„What I want in life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on mutual giving from the heart.

And on this ground acting for peace and social change“

Marshall Rosenberg

Words can be

walls – or windows

Page 4: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

NVC is ...

a language of compassion a tool for social change and peace work a way to connect with oneself and others transforming conflicts acting out of authonomy and free will understanding on level of needs and


Page 5: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Wolf and Giraffe Words can be walls or windows

Page 6: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Communication Disconnecting Connecting

Evaluation, Interpretation




Conflict = Danger


Feeling=sign of failing

Win-loose – strategy

Judge, Guilt, blame


World of boundries



Needs, Interestes

Request, Free will

Conflict = Chance

Tradition of comprehension

Feeling=signpost for understanding Win-Win – strategy, synergy


Compassionate listening

World of rich variety

Page 7: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Diconnecting Communication

Impact on personal and interpersonal development

Regarding oneself (self worth) and otheres:

Punish, demand, compare, analyze, criticize, praise, blame, evaluate

Reactivity, Defensiveness, Dependence, Fixation on outcome

Page 8: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Connecting Communication

Impact on personal and interpersonal development

Regarding oneself (inherent self worth) and others:

Request, connect, understand, compassion, needs, feelings, protect, appreciate, listen

Concious responses, Autonomy, Focus on connection, Interdependence

Page 9: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

The four components of NVC

1. Observation2. Feelings3. Needs4. Request

Distinguishing them from judegments, interpretations and demands

Fostering of understanding, connection and authonomy

Page 10: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

1. Observation:Description of what is seen/heard.

2. Feelings:Our inner experience rather than reaction to what other people are doing.

3. Needs:The cause of our feelings. That what we need (universal).

4. Request:Doable, immediate and positive action.

Empathy:Listening to what is going on in me and the other person.

Page 11: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Feelings show weather needs

are met or not met

Feelings we have when needs are not met:

Afraid, concerned, nervous, over-

whelmed, shocked frustrated, irritated bored, depressed,

exhausted, hurt hopeless, sad, tired

Feelings we have when needs are met:

Amazed, alive, calm confident, encouraged,

glad, grateful hopeful, loving,

peaceful, relaxed touched, stimulated joyful, eager

Page 12: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Needs Subsistence

Food / Rest / Shelter / Clear Air and Water / Intimity

Freedom Autonomy / Choice / To speak one`s mind

Celebrating / mourningCreativity / learning / inspiration

SecurityOpenness / Order / Safety / Honesty / Trust

ParticipationBelonging / Community / Harmony / Recognition / Support / Respect / To enrich life / Learning

UnderstandingConsideration / Empathy / Peace of mind / Love / Peace / Beauty / Meaning

Page 13: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Four Steps (expression)


When I see/hear ... Feeling

I feel ... Need

Because I need ... Request

Would you be willing ...?

Page 14: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Four Steps (empathy)


When I you see/hear ... Feeling

Do you feel ...? Need

Because you need ... ? Request

Would you like ...?

Page 15: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

„The class is out of control. The teaching seems to be a mass...“

Observation: When I see, how unhappy my daughter is, when she comes home and tells what has happened at school...

Feeling: I´m feeling alarmed and concerned...

Need: ...because I need clarity about what`s going on for my daughter. I need to know that she is safe and supported.

Request: Would you be willing to share with me what you see happening and the steps you`re taking to foster harmony among the children?

Page 16: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Fields of applicating NVC Intercultural

dialogue Administration NGO`s Local authority University Team, Networks

School, Kinder garden

Neighbourhood, Family

Company Government,


Page 17: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Preperation and planing

Teacher training

Project weekStart


Supervision and Ongoing practice




School conference

Parents training



Page 18: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch
Page 19: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Think of a non-NVC reaction/response you made: __________________________

Now transform into NVC:1. What was your observation?____2. How did you feel?_____________3. What did you need?___________4. What could be a request?______


Page 20: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Optionen im Konflikt

Quelle: Schule für Mediation und Verständigung, Steyerberg

Page 21: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Gefühle bei unerfüllten Bedürfnissen angespannt, ängstlich, aggressiv,

aufgeregt, bedrückt, beschämt, besorgt, betroffen, deprimiert, einsam, elend,

entsetzt, erschöpft, erschrocken, frustriert, gehemmt, geladen,

gelangweilt, gleichgültig, hilflos, müde, nervös, sauer, skeptisch, traurig,

ungeduldig, unzufrieden, unter Druck, verspannt, verschlossen,wütend,

verzweifelt, zornig

Page 22: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Gefühle bei erfüllten Bedürfnissen angeregt, ausgeglichen, beflügelt, befreit,

begeistert, berührt, dankbar, energetisch, engagiert, entschlossen, entspannt,

erfüllt, ermutigt, frei, froh, geborgen, gelassen, heiter, interessiert, kraftvoll,

lebendig, liebevoll, offen, selbstsicher, still, unternehmungslustig, verliebt,

wachsam, zufrieden, zärtlich, zuversichtlich

Page 23: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Der Wolf

Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist, mich ärgern

Wenn ich angegriffen werde, muß ich zurückbeißen

Ich mache oft Schuldzuweisungen Ich stelle Forderungen statt Bittend Ich denke „Mit Dir ist etwas nicht in

Ordnung“ Ich sehe besonders, was jemand nicht kann Man kann anderen nicht trauen

Page 24: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Die Giraffe

Ich habe das größte Herz aller Landtiere Ich stehe für Austausch und Klarheit Ich sage, was ich brauche Ich kann Gefühle und Bedürfnisse anderer

rausfinden Ich bin fähig, um Hilfe zu bitten Weil ich mich selbst wertschätze, kann ich

auch andere wertschätzen Mein Blick richtig sich auf Möglichkeiten,

statt auf Defizite

Page 25: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a method for conflict resolution and social change International Fellowship of Reconciliation German branch

Giraffen-Detektiv werden

1. Was hat die Person gesagt oder getan?

2. Worauf hat die Person reagiert?3. Was hat die Person gedacht?4. Was hat die Person gefühlt?5. Was hat die Person gewollt oder
