Nontoxic Ant Control

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  • 7/30/2019 Nontoxic Ant Control


    Tips for Humane, Nontoxic Ant Control

    Just in time fo r summer, PETA is of f ering tips on ho w to keep

    ants outside the house without using toxic chemicals. So bef ore

    they reach f or the ant t raps or bug spray or call the exterminato r,homeowners should know that the toxic chemicals that kill ants

    are also harmf ul to humans and that scientif ic studies show that

    ants are intelligent animals who likely feel pain.

    Did you know that similar to human gardeners, so me ants use

    bacteria to produce higher-yielding, nitrogen-rich gardens? Or that

    leaf -cutter ants will overcome roadblocks between their colony

    and a fo od source by cutt ing smaller pieces o f leaves and adding

    more workers to the line? And one s tudy f ound that ants and other insects have the same chemical in their

    bodies that's known to transmit pain in humans.

    Follow the t ips below f or humane and safe ant cont rol in your home:

    Remove sources of attraction. Keep your kitchen clean. Wash counterto ps, f loo rs, and cabinets

    with equal parts vinegar and water. Do no t leave crumbs o r garbage around, and keep all f oo d,

    including companion-animal food, and t rash in tight ly sealed containers. Don't leave uneaten

    companion-animal f ood in bowls, don't f eed animal companions o utdoors, and never feed wildlif e.

    Remove objects in the yard that might at tract moist ure (e.g., children's poo ls, f lowerpot s, barbecue

    grills, sheet metal, boards, large pieces o f debris, bricks, logs, etc.), trim back vegetation, and remove

    f urniture and debris near the house.

    Locate t he source of t he ants. When you see ants in your home, try to f ollow them back to the

    point where they entered. Use caulk to seal all poss ible entrances into the house, remembering that

    ants are tiny and can fit thro ugh almos t any small opening. Apply weather stripping under doors.

    Use natural ant re pellents. If ants are coming in through the cracks o f doors and windows, pour

    a line of cream of tartar where they enter the house, and they will not cross over it. A cinnamon s tick,

    cof f ee grinds, chili pepper, paprika, cloves, o r dried peppermint leaves near t he openings will repel

    ants . You can also squeeze t he juice of a lemon at the entry spo t and leave the peel there. Planting

    mint around the foundat ion of the house will also keep ants away. Place cloves o f garlic around

    indoo r and outdoor ant pathways.

    Use only nontoxic commercial repellents. A product called "Orange Guard" is a nonto xic organic

    ant repellent that is harmless to humans and o ther animals and will drive ants away f rom areas where

    they are no t wanted. However, when applied directly to ants , the act ive ingredient d-Limonene (orange

    peel extract) dest roys the waxy coating of the insects' respiratory systems, causing the ants to

    suf f ocate, so please do not spray ants with the repellent. Simply spray the repellent around your home

    the citrus f ragrance of d-Limonene will repel the ants without killing them.

    Recent Comments

    Cinnamon Vogue commented:

    Mar 30, 2013 2:59 PM

    The all- time best method to get rid of ants is Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil. It smells great f or humans

    (non toxic, child saf e, pet f riendly) but is prett y awf ul for ants. All you need is just 1% Cinnamon Oil

    with 99% water. Its the Eugenol content in Cinnamon Oil that works because it is an ant i-microbial
  • 7/30/2019 Nontoxic Ant Control


    and powerful disinf ectant. Its safe to spray on your ant covered chocolate cake. The ants will run

    leaving your cake intact to eat . And its cost ef f ective since a litt le bott le of Ceylon Cinnamon leaf oil

    will last a very long time. Also usef ul for keeping all kinds o f other insects at bay as well as

    disinfecting your whole including the inside your ref rigerator.

    Christine commented:

    Sep 24, 2012 8:27 PM

    I have to disagree with the planting mint tip...I have a huge ant colony living in my mint plant at the

    moment. :) I actually came here to f ind out ho w to safely get them out!

    Haley commented:

    Aug 22, 2012 9:23 PM

    @ Dazzle59, baby powder for ants is like walking on broken glass f or peo ple and other animals and

    the chemicals that make it smell might be harmful, so I wouldn't recommend using it f or ants .

    Patricia commented:

    Jul 22, 2012 11:00 PM

    wow thanks I live in a very old home almos t 75yrs o ld now and ants can be a problem as well as

    spiders now that I know how to repel ants can anyone tell me how to repel spiders, f lies and moths

    lol great site keep up the great work

    Pratap commented:

    Jun 22, 2012 11:37 AM

    hi, turmeric will help to keep them out saf ely.

    Olivia commented:

    May 28, 2012 9:38 AM

    Great article! But f or t hose of you who read it, be careful! I know f rom experience that one litt le mint

    plant will grow supernaturally fas t, invading your entire garden. The plants get very woo dy, and are

    imposs ible to get rid of because of their root s. The mint will f lush out every other plant in you garden

    within a month, guaranteed. Just FYI

    Rdigs commented:

    May 21, 2012 7:22 AM

    this is very much a helpful article about how to get rid of ants least I know some very ef f ective tips

    to contro l the ants in our home or better yet get rid of them

    Stacey Norris commented:

    May 17, 2012 9:46 PM

    I love you PETA!

    Cindy commented:

    May 17, 2012 4:28 PM

    Thank you, f or educating me. I have a new found respect f or ants.

  • 7/30/2019 Nontoxic Ant Control


    Missy Kelsey commented:

    May 17, 2012 2:53 PM

    Ditto to comment above f rom Jo!:) I use the cream of tarter but have a hard time winning the batt le

    with 3 kids all under the age of 6 - it is very hard to keep the f loo r clear of crumbs 24/7 but I always

    do my best ! Thank you I am going to share on f boo k:)





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