| 1 Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets Jos N van Ommeren and Arno J van der Vlist Department of Economics Department of Economic Geography VU University University of Groningen [email protected] [email protected] ERES – July 4, 2013

Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

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Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets. Jos N van Ommeren and Arno J van der Vlist Department of Economics Department of Economic Geography VU University University of Groningen [email protected] [email protected]. ERES – July 4, 2013. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

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Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Jos N van Ommeren and Arno J van der Vlist

Department of Economics Department of Economic Geography VU University University of [email protected] [email protected]

ERES – July 4, 2013

Page 2: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Regulated housing in Global cities

Households cannot reveal

their true willingness to pay

Page 3: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Literature on regulated housing markets

› Random housing allocation -> misallocation (Glaeser and Luttmer, 2003)

› Rent control in private regulated housing -> limited housing supply (Olsen and Barton, 1983; Gyourko and Linneman, 1989)

Page 4: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

This paper

› Methodology that exploit the queueing time to estimate the households’ marginal willingness to pay (MWP)

› Present and compare results for households’ MWP for regulated housing vis-a-vis private housing in Amsterdam Metropolitan Housing Market

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Page 5: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Model outline

Housing market

•Number of households N0

•Private market vs. regulated market

•Regulated housing is preferred over private

•Households in queue stay in private market

•v= v (X,r) with market value X and rent r

•Number of regulated housing N1 < N0

v > v0



Page 6: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Model - households


tt dtevevV



Households’ lifetime utility V

Private market Regulated market

Page 7: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Model – households’ optimal queueing time


tt dtevevV



Maximizing lifetime utility V with respect to queueing time










Page 8: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Model – housing market

Steady state Housing market

• nv/τ(v) households receive a house offer

• Nv/[T-τ(v)] households leave the housing market

• Excess demand equals queue:

• In steady state: nv/τ(v) = Nv/[T-τ(v)]

∂nv/∂v = ∂nv/∂τ(v) * ∂τ(v)/ ∂v > 0

( )

( )v


N vn

T v


v NNn 10

Page 9: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

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∂nv/∂v = ∂nv/∂τ(v) * ∂τ(v)/ ∂v > 0

Model –towards an empirical model

/ log /.

/ log /

v X X

v r r

From households’ maximization we have

From the steady state housing market condition we have

It follows that

Page 10: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Empirical model

rX logloglog

log / log.

log / logx


r X

τ(v) Queuing time

X property tax appraisal value

r regulated rent


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Page 13: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets


Page 14: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Estimation results

Page 15: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Robustness analysis

› Eligible vs noneligible households (low- high income)

› Tobit analysis for Censoring duration

Page 16: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets

Estimation results

Page 17: Nonmarket allocation and the willingness to pay in regulated housing markets


› Queueing time can be exploited to estimate the MWP for housing in regulated markets

› Queuing time varies with market value + and rent –

› MWP for regulated housing is close to the annual capitalization rate for private housing [4.7-6.2]

› Households pay about (2/3) of MWP so that inefficient housing consumption is most likely